Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2013 Edition
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Interpretive approach to hydrogeological and geophysical prospection data for the choice of the best boreholes sites in area of fractured rocks in Ivory Coast[Full-Text ] Konan Emmanuel Kouadio, Arthur Brice Konan-Waidhet , Kouadio Koffi , Théophile Lasm, Issiaka Savane, Nagnin SoroGroundwater research in fractured rocks requires both a hydrogeological study and a geophysical investigation to make the best choice of boreholes favorable location. However, as the electrical resistivities measured don’t absolutely reveal the presence of water, the interpretation of geophysical data often leads to failures. So a new strategy is necessary. In the framework of a water supply program, a specific study was conducted to highlight the interpretation of both hydrogeological informations and geophysical investigations data in order to find the best sites for drilling. An analysis is made for each parameter on every site and a score is given in the form of stars. The number of stars varies between 1 and 3 depending on the quality of the parameter studied. A classification of the sites is made regarding the sum of stars obtained. The site with the highest number of stars is recognized as the best. So the second or the third better site is determined. The boreholes campaign took place and the success rate was 75% in general. But, among the sites identified as priorities, 93% were satisfactory. Finally, the results show that this strategy is interesting but don’t allow quantifying the reserve of groundwater.
A Heuristic Method of Cell to Switch Assignment in Mobile Communication Networks Using Firefly Algorithm[Full-Text ] Anil Goyal, Shiv Krishan Joshi ,Surbhi GuptaThis paper deals with a design problem for a network of Mobile Communication Services (MCN). The goal is to assign cells to switches in a MCS Network in an efficient manner .It is a NP-Hard problem. We consider three types of costs. One is the cost of handoff between cells. The other is the cost of cabling or trunking between a cell and its associated switch. The third cost is switching cost which includes the cost for transferring a call to other switch. The problem is constrained by the capacity of switch and assignment of a cell to a unique switch. Firefly algorithm is implemented in this paper along with heuristics method to solve the problem of assignment of cells to switches and results are compared with that of Particle Swarm Optimization and Firefly Algorithm.
Iridium(III) Catalysed Oxidation of Threonine by Hexacyanoferrate(III) in aqueous alkaline medium[Full-Text ] Anjali Goel, Ruchi Sharma, Rajni LasyalThe kinetics of the oxidation of threonine by hexacyanoferrate (abbreviated as HCF) (III) ions catalyzed by Iridium trichloride has been studied spectrophotometrically in aqueous alkaline medium at constant ionic strength of 0.5 mol dm-3 & temperature 35? ± 1?.The stoichiometry of the reaction corresponds to a reaction in which one mole of the amino acid reacts with two moles of hexacyanoferrate(III) ion. The reaction rate shows first order kinetics with respect to [HCF(III)], [OH-] and [IrCl3]. The order of reaction is also one with respect to [substrate] at its lower concentration tending towards zero at higher concentrations. A plausible reaction mechanism through a transient complex formation between IrCl3 and amino acid has been suggested. Activation parameters have also been evaluated using Arrhenius equation. A keto acid, ?-keto hydroxy butyric acid, has been identified as the final product of oxidation by chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques.
Ensuring Accountability in Cloud for Portable Devices[Full-Text ] Reshma Sadasivan, Sangeetha, Dr S.KarthikCloud computing is about moving computing from the single desktop pc/data centres to internet. In cloud computing, user’s data can be put it in the cloud storage and it can be access from the cloud, by the users whenever and wherever they needed. The major feature of the cloud is that user’s data are processed in remote machines, which are unknown to the data owners. Here the security problems are raised. Users fear about their data control, so that they needed to account their data, which are stored in cloud. Accountability is the obligation to act as a responsible steward of the personal information of others, to take responsibility for the protection and appropriate use of that information beyond mere legal requirements, and to be accountable for any misuse of that information.
Light dependent resistor and logic gate based wheelchair control[Full-Text ] C.VidhyaWhen an unexpected accident or event occurs which affects the locomotion of a person, it is necessary to seek the help of wheelchairs which acts as a means of locomotion. Wheelchairs are not only used by physically challenged persons, but also by very aged persons and persons who are affected by quadriplegics i.e. paralyzed over a significant percentage of their bodies. These people will find very difficult task to perform any task that requires even a small amount of force. Here we propose a simple control for wheelchair movement with Light Dependent resistor and logic gates. This system consists of just three LDRs and basic logic gates (EXOR and AND gates). Since this system does not use microcontroller and any complex circuits, it is very simple to implement and very low cost.
Open Source System Implementation of Electronic Data Search over a Local Area Network[Full-Text ] Ara Murad VartanianDespite the availability of commercial search software or library management systems, cost, setup or maintenance make them less viable for rapid deployment. The World Wide Web is not the only way to search for digital information. Local area network can be a viable alternative - and a necessary one in many operating environments. This paper describes an open source system for searching electronic content over a local area network. The system is easy enough to deploy quickly to handle the growing number of electronic resources. It is able to provide a convenient and simple search method based on Google’s well known search engine technology. The system was implemented at the College of Pharmacy - University of Mustansiriyah and provides access to more than 42,000 electronic resources.
Performance Evaluation of New Energy Detection Based Spectrum Sensing Methods in Cognitive Radio[Full-Text ] Sumit Lohan, Rita MahajanFor Cognitive Radio, energy detection is the most popular spectrum sensing method since other spectrum sensing methods like matched filter detection, cyclostationary feature detection etc. need to know the prior information i.e. frequency, phase, modulation scheme etc. about the primary signal whereas energy detection does not and it is also simpler to implement. In this paper, we compare the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristics) curves and probability of detection ( ) versus SNR (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) curves for AWGN channel using squaring, cubing and double-squaring operations. The cubic operation shows an improvement of up to 1.3 times and double-squaring operation shows an improvement of up to 2 times as compared to the squaring operation for AWGN channel.
Role of Open Source Software and ICT in Disaster Management[Full-Text ] Sachi Pandey, Vibhore Tyagi, Kriti PathakA disaster is a situation in which the community is incapable of coping. It is a natural or human-caused event which causes intense negative impacts on people, goods, services and/or the environment, exceeding the affected community’s capability to respond; therefore the community seeks the assistance of government and international agencies. In this chaotic environment, new alliances, groupings, collaboration, and trust need to be quickly formed between government organizations, civil society, foreign aid groups, and volunteers to effectively muster their energies into a holistic response effort. Information technology can play a valuable coordination role for situation awareness and enable responders to act effectively. In particular, open source software has been found to be a good fit for the dynamic “bazaar”- like environment of a disaster and a good match to the humanitarian codes of conduct. "Free and open source software is increasingly being used in many spheres of development including disaster management. The paper illustrates Disaster management and empowerment of communities in developing nations through appropriate open source applications and also describes the functioning of the “Sahana” disaster management system deployed during the 2004, Indian Ocean Tsunami. Sahana used free and open source software to create number of functionalities.
RXTE/PCA Observations: Spectral Variability in Black Hole Candidate Cygnus X-1[Full-Text ] O. P. Sharma, R. Shahid Khan, Moti R. Dugair and S. N. A. JaaffreyRXTE observations of more than 500 have been analyzed for Cygnus X-1. In spectrum, the relative strength, width of iron line and the reflec-tion parameter are in general correlated into the high energy photon spectral index for hard state geometry of hot inner comptonizing region surrounded by a truncated cold disk. Further reflection parameter shows non monotonic behavior suggesting a complex state of the reflector. In the soft state, the flux of the comptonized component is always similar to the disk which rules out ultra soft state in Cygnus X-1. Present study provides more detailed and sophisticated broadband understanding for physical state of black hole Cygnus X-1
A Review on Applications of Nanotechnology[Full-Text ] Arunkumar A.N. S. MudliarNanotechnology can be defined as the manufacture and manipulation of extremely minute machines or systems derived from the study of functional systems. These devices are too small to the point of manipulating the atoms themselves to form materials. Nanotechnology applications to the agriculture medical and food sector are relatively recent compared with their use in drug delivery and pharmaceuticals. Better delivery of nutrients, bioseparation of proteins, rapid sampling of chemical contaminants and nanoencapsulation of nutraceuticals are some of the emerging topics of nanotechnology for food and agriculture. The MEMS technology allows the construction of items such as sensor chips with built-in electronics that are a fraction of the size that was previously not possible. Nanotechnology can enable sensors to detect very small amounts of chemical vapors. Various types of detecting substance, such as carbon nanotubes, zinc oxide nanowires or palladium nanoparticles can be used in nanotechnology-based sensors
Reducing the level shift and three phase ac current rise at the movement of turning on[Full-Text ] S.DEVI LAVANYA, Dr. KIRUBAKARAN.DThis paper presents a multilevel inverter that consists of a standard 3-leg two level inverter cascaded with two new neutral point clamped H-bridge inverter. The paper is concentrated to reduce the initial current and voltage rise at the movement of turning on and to reduce the level shit this is achieved by using a new PWM technique. The control signals for this multilevel inverter is obtained by using carrier based PWM technique. The proposed paper is used to obtain a three phase ac power generation making it suitable for industries which is verified using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The results of the simulated output waveform of three phase voltage and phase current is obtained using MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The new NPC flying capacitor H-Bridge inverter and a new PWM technique is used in this paper.
Automatic Credit Approval using Classification Method[Full-Text ] Dr. K. Chitra, Mrs. B. SubashiniThis research paper aims to evaluate the performance and accuracy of classification models based on decision trees(C5.0 & CART), Support Vector Machine(SVM) and Logistic Regression with a dataset. Three methods to detect fraud are presented. Automatic credit approval is the most significant process in the banking sector and financial institutions. It prevents the fraud which is going to happen. So this paper proposes a good solution to the credit approval using the above methods.
Performance Study of Microstrip patch Antenna for GPS Communication System[Full-Text ] Imtiaz Ahmed, Md. Sifat Arefin, Md. Sajjad Hussain, Mir Zayed ShamesGPS communication system is a satellite based system requiring high accuracy for its best use in the field of vehicle tracking, aircraft control etc. In order to ensure the desired accuracy, GPS antennas should have the capability of rejecting errors caused by multipath phenomena. Narrow bandwidth is one of the major disadvantages of microstrip antenna; therefore most of the research work has been focused on this factor. On the other hand, dual band antennas are widely used to minimize interference between receive and transmit modes. It may be mentioned that, in order to design miniaturized antennas with minimal increase in antenna dimension is a challenge to antenna researchers. In this paper, we had investigated the performance of microstrip patch antenna using specially HFSS software for some specific design parameters such as patch width, substrate height under specific polarization condition. Our measured results include radiation pattern, S and Y parameter, effective dielectric constant etc
PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF 8X8 MIMO OFDM SYSTEM FOR VARIOUS MODULATION TEHNIQUES USING DIFFERENT FADING CHANNELS AND PAPR REDUCTION USING SLM TECHNIQUE[Full-Text ] Anurag Sharma, Ankush KansalOne of the promising technology for 4th generation wireless communication systems is MIMO OFDM systems. The combined advantages of MIMO and OFDM make very high data rate possible. In this paper a general 8x8 MIMO-OFDM system is proposed. Analysis of various modulations(ie. BPSK, QPSK) for different fading channels is portrayed. The signal detection technology used for MIMO-OFDM system is Zero-Forcing Equalization. The fading channels used are Rayleigh and Rician and there affect on BER is shown. The PAPR of the proposed system is further reduced using SLM technique. The BER v/s SNR is better for the proposed system than other systems.
An efficient method to avoid deadlock complexity for mutual exclusion[Full-Text ] Siddaraju K., Dr. Sanjay PandeIn a distributed system, the multiple processes want to share a common resource. All processes cannot access the resource at a time. The resource should be accessed by at most one process at a time. For example, in a system with multiple processes, some or all of the processes may wish to write to a common file. However, no two processes should be allowed to write to that file at the same time in order to ensure the integrity and consistency of the file. This problem is solved in this paper.
Integrating AES, DES, and 3-DES Encryption Algorithms for Enhanced Data Security[Full-Text ] Gurpreet Singh, Supriya KingerWith the progression of digital data exchange in electronic way, information security is becoming more essential in data storage and transmission. Encryption algorithms play a major role in the information security systems. The main objective of the use of encryption algorithms is to protect data and information in order to achieve privacy. This paper provides the evaluation of encryption algorithms like AES, DES and 3DES. A comparison has been conducted for these encryption algorithms and AES is found to be the best encryption algorithm in terms of speed and security. This paper also proposes a new method to technique to encrypt files. AES, DES, 3DES algorithms have been used in parallel and results obtained are places together in a common file. Reverse process has been done to decrypt the encrypted file to obtain original text file.
HYBRID APPROACH USING ENCRYPTION ALGORITHMS FOR DATA STORAGE[Full-Text ] Kashish Goyal, Supriya KingerCryptography is an art and science of converting original message into non readable form. Fast progression of digital data exchange in electronic way, information security is becoming much more important in data storage and transmission. Cryptography has come up as a solution which plays a vital role in information security system against malicious attacks. In this paper author presents HYBRID encryption system for security. Author used Three algorithms in this paper. Caesar cipher is a monoalphabetic cipher which substitute with another character. Rijndael Algorithm uses block length at 128 bits and key sizes of 128, 192 or 256 bits. Vernam cipher (or one-time pad) has played an important rule in cryptography. The key is at least as long as the message. The key is truly random. Each key is used only once, and both sender and receiver must destroy their key after use
A Comparative study of Palmprint Feature Extraction[Full-Text ] Mrs. Kasturika B. RayThe different kind of characteristics of human beings such as fingerprints, palm print , facial features , iris pattern , retina and hand geometry are the personal identification and verification computing by Biometric. Such type of Biometric verification and authentication approach using the biological features inherent in each individual. This kind of Biometric identification is a technology which describes the general procedure for verification using feature extraction. The palm print features are introduced some interesting points and textural features by Biometrics. It is very suitable in many network based applications. Now it is a widespread method of identification and authentication uses several image processing techniques. In this paper we present a comparative study and analysis of some palm print feature extraction and identification methods.
Handmade paper from banana stem[Full-Text ] Lakhan Singh, Dr. Tarun Kanti BandyopadhyayBanana stem is easily collected from banana trees after collection of banana fruits. The stem is used as a waste product and used in domestic cooking purpose. Mainly chemical process is used to collect the cellulose from the lignin. Lignin is separated from the lignocelluloses. It is removed after cutting of banana stem in small pieces and then stem is blowing inside the digester at a high pressure and successive use of sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide and sodium hypochlorite. The fiber is molten and making pulp. Kappa number is used to know the lignin percentage in the pulp. This pulp is used to prepare the tissue, bloating and tracing paper. This process of pulp and paper making is economically viable and it is energy saving as sun ray is used for drying purpose.
A NEW YAGI-UDA MICROSTRIP ANTENNA WITH GOOD F/B RATIO[Full-Text ] O P Thakur, Santanu Dwari, Alok K KushwahaThe Mobility of a common man has increased drastically in last decade requiring communication system to be highly directive and most efficient. This paper has proposed a design of Yagi-Uda Ultra Wide Band Micro strip antenna with very good performance at operating frequencies 7 GHz. This antenna is very much similar to conventional Yagi antenna with good front to back ratio and good return loss. Simulation results of our design reasonable good return loss at the frequency of 7 GHz and VSWR less than 1.7 at these frequencies. The antenna design is proposed to have two sections of reflector element and one driven element and one director. The antenna has been fed with micro strip line. The simulation of this antenna has been done with ANSOFT HFSS-13 design software. The antenna design is suitable for various wireless applications.
Role of Effective Communication in Total Quality Management [Full-Text ] Mr. Mahesh Kumar Choudhary, Ms. Nirmala Singh RathoreTotal quality management (TQM) is a management philosophy which focuses on the work process and people, with the major concern for satisfying customers and improving the organizational performance. It involves the proper coordination of work processes which allows for continuous improvement in all business units with the aim of meeting or surpassing customer’s expectations. It emphasizes on totality of quality in all facets of an organization with the aim of reducing waste and rework to reduce cost and increase efficiency in production. TQM is applicable to any organization irrespective of size motives, even the public sector organization are fast adopting the ideology in order to make them effective in meeting public demands. It adopts the participative approach which is aim that improving the competitiveness, effectiveness and flexibility of the entire organization. The central concept of TQM has to do with the achievement of quality standard in products and services. This achievement is possible through effective communication anchored on modern communication technology otherwise known as information technology. It is designed to improve the general functioning and process of an organization.
PS2 and USB Data Transmission Protocols[Full-Text ] Shivang Ghetia, Suvigya Tripathi, Ankit GuptaAs world go for new technologies; it needs different data transmission protocols which can transfer data more efficiently and effectively. In this review paper two most widely data transferring protocols which are used in computer named PS2 and USB Protocols are explained. Working, connections, different terms regarding protocols and the application of these protocols are explained in this review paper.
CUSTOMERS’ PERCEPTION AND INFLUENCING FACTORS DURING FOOTWEAR BUYING AND EFFECTIVNESS OF SALES PROMOTION[Full-Text ] ABHILASHA SINGH, RICHA KHANDELWAL, Dr ANIRUDDH RAGHAVSales promotion is an important component of any organization’s overall marketing strategies alongside advertising, public relations, and personal selling. The success of modern business largely depends on the functions of sales promotion . Sales promotion consists of a diverse collection of incentive tools, mostly short term, designed to stimulate quicker and /or greater purchase of particular products/services by consumers or the trade.
Phenotypic Investigation for Virulence factors of Pyocine producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burn Wounds, Iraq.[Full-Text ] Huda H. Al-Hassnawi A total of 72 Transport swabs were collected from burned victims, who admitted to Burn unite in Al-Hilla General Teaching Hospital through 3/2013 to 5/2013. All Transport swabs were cultured on cetrimide agar and subjected for standard bacteriological procedures for bacteriological diagnosis.The results of P. aeruginosa isolation from burn victims revealed that 16/72 (22.22 %) were positive for pyocine producing P. aeruginosa culture. All pyocine producing P. aeruginosawere investigated for phenotypic detection of biofilm formation and virulence factors. The result show that (68.75%) of isolates were biofilm former (when investigated by TCP assay), also (68.75%) of isolates were positive for alkaline protease while all isolates had lipase and (87.5%) of isolates had phospholipase C, (81.25%) were positive for gelatinase.
Characteristics Strength and Durability of Groundnut Shell Ash (GSA) Blended Cement Concrete in Sulphate Environments[Full-Text ] DR. F. A. Olutoge, Buari T.A, Adeleke J.SThe study investigates the characteristics strength performance and durability of Groundnut Shell Ash (GSA) blended cement concrete exposed to sulphate environments. The principal characteristic measured was the compressive strength of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) concrete and OPC/GSA concrete at varying substitution levels of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% after curing in water and three chemical solutions (MgSO4, NaSO4 and Ca2SO4) of varying concentrations of 0.5%, 1.5% and 2.5% each at 56 day hydration period. The results showed that the OPC/GSA concrete performed best in these chemical solutions, especially at 10% GSA replacement which exhibited a convincing increase in compressive strengths above that obtain with the use of Ordinary Portland cement. The study concluded that OPC/GSA concrete having showed resistant to calcium sulphate, magnesium sulphate and Sodium Sulphate media would perform better in environments or soils containing these sulphates. (MgSO4, NaSO4 and Ca2SO4).
CONSTRUCTION OF STRAIGHT LINE WALKING BEAM EIGHT BAR TRANSPORT MECHANISM[Full-Text ] Mr. Ashish Kumar, Ashish KumarThis paper aims for the utilization of kinematic synthesis (type, dimensional and number) to fabricate a working physical model of an eight link transport mechanism. The mechanism to be developed in its simplest form would perform the function of transporting boxes/articles which are being fed onto two rails and are moved ahead one by one. The eight bar mechanism allows moving more than one article as compared to its four bar counterpart. Transport mechanisms generally move material and their application lies in various industriesmanufacturing, assembly, packaging etc.
ETHNOPHYTOTHERAPEUTIC INFORMATION FOR THE TREATMENT OF HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE AMONG THE PEOPLE OF NORTH BASTAR AREA OF CHHATTISGARH STATE, INDIA[Full-Text ] RAJENDRA MEHTA AND ANUPAM KUMAR TIWARIEthnophytotherapeutic information includes the contribution of indigenous knowledge using plants to provide native remedies for varieties of ailment. Kanker area of Chhattisgarh is very rich in medicinal plants. Various species of plants are used in the traditional medicine for the cure of cardio-vascular diseases; high blood pressure is one among them. A questionnaire was used to obtain ethnomedicinal information for the treatment of high blood pressure by the Baiga / Vadhya of this area who are traditionally the ethno healers. Five species - Cassia tora (Chakoda), Catheranthus roeus (Sadabahur), Rauwolfia serpentine (Sarpagandha), Moringa olifera (Munga), Trigonella Foenum greacum (Methi), Zingiber officinal (Adarak) used for curing high blood pressure were identified from different families. Plants are documented for further research on the basis of chemical composition and active ingredients contained in these plant parts.
Automatic Color Form Dropout to Achieve Faster Document Processing[Full-Text ] Shital A. Dhanfule, Prashant N. Pusdekar, Vinaya V. GohokarColor Dropout converts documents such as color forms to black and white images by deleting the specific color which is intended for the background or the structure of the form. After successful dropout, only the relevant information by means of Black/Blue ink or Pencil is retained. The color dropout filter parameters include the color values of the non-dropout colors, color space conversion, distance calculation, dropout threshold detection. Color dropout is accomplished by converting pixels that have color within the tolerance sphere of the non-dropout colors to black and all others to white. This is done using VHDL coding. Processing may be performed in RGB or a Luminance-Chrominance space, such as YCbCr. The color space transformation from RGB to YCbCr involves a matrix multiplication and the dropout filter implementation is similar in both cases. Result for color dropout processing in YCbCr space is presented.
Exchange Bias, Mössbauer and Magnetic Studies of Mixed Oxide System (1-x) MgO+(x)TiO2+ (2-2x)Fe2O3+(0.05) Gd2O3 (0.1= x =0.9)[Full-Text ] E. H. El-khawas, S.I.El-DekThe mixed quaternary oxide system was prepared by the conventional ceramic technique. The X-ray diffraction indicated mixed oxide phases which obtained for all investigated samples. Magnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature and magnetic field strength MFS was performed to estimate the magnetic behavior of the most preferable concentration in the investigated system The quadruple splitting and the isomer shift were calculated from Mossbauer spectroscopy. In addition, the effective magnetic moment at different Ti,Mg concentration and MFS were calculated and reported. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM ) was carried out to study the morphology of the samples.
PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF HESPERDIN ON TYPE I DIABETES MILLITUS INDUCED INFERTILITY IN MALE RATS[Full-Text ] Pasupuleti Kishore Kumar, Yerraguntla Venu Gopal, Dr. Akondi Butchi RajuEnhanced oxidative stress and changes in antioxidant capacity are considered to play an important pathogenic role in chronic Type I diabetes mellitus and known to cause infertility in diabetic patients. Plant derived flavonoids like hesperidin are proved to have free radical scavenging capacity. So we studied the effect of hesperidin in type 1 diabetes mellitus induced infertility in male rats. The present study was conducted on 5 groups of male wistar rats (n=6). Treatment group received Hesperidin (HES) 25 and 50 mg/kg (Oral), standard treatment group received insulin 3 IU/kg (Subcutaneous) and diabetic group received streptozotocin (STZ) 40mg/kg (IP), while the normal control group did not receive any drug and were left free with food and water. Animals were kept in standard housing conditions. On the 40th day the testicular tissue was isolated and the semen samples were collected and analyzed. Histopathological studies were also conducted. Hesperdin treated groups have shown significant protection and restoration of sperm count, motility, viability. Biochemical parameters like SOD and CAT levels were significantly increased and LPO levels were significantly reduced in treated groups when compared to diabetic group. Histopathological studies showed significant restoration and supported the above claim.
Effect of Localization on the prediction of the action of the robot[Full-Text ] Mr.Sameer Shastri, Ritesh DandotiaLearning paradigms offer a great deal of insightful work that may lead the robots closure to human. Reinforcement learning is a learning paradigm to explore tactics that are feasible and to acquire a policy that is near - optimal, it exploits reward experiences that are already known. This work would explore the affect of localization value in input to the Self organinzing Map based Q learning for the prediction of the action of the robot. The error difference of the two cases will be compared to see effect of localization value of the robot.
Compact and Efficient Micro-Strip Fed Monopole Antenna for WLAN Application[Full-Text ] S.Mathiyalagan, G.Jabert, M.Udhayakumar, C.Rajaraja ChozhanA single band compact micro-strip fed monopole antenna for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) application is presented. The proposed antenna design consists of a Y-Shaped monopole antenna with the ring slot and a designed rectangular slot which surrounds the monopole antenna. The experimental result shows that the proposed single band antenna has a return loss of -22.147 dB and band width is 1.2 GHz which lies at a frequency range of about 5.0 GHz to 6.2 GHz tuned at a centre frequency of 5.8 GHz, which can cover the WLAN-5.8 GHz frequency band. Then, the related radiation patterns have been observed at 5.8 GHz. The gain and efficiency of a proposed antenna is 4.43167 dBi and 80.698%.
APACHE WEB SERVER MONITORING[Full-Text ] Saurabh Phaltane, Omkar Nimbalkar, Piyush SonavleApache Web Server Monitoring’ offers webserver performance monitoring that allows administrator to track the overall functioning/performance of their server. The server monitoring software monitors the performance, health of the servers and the information can be obtained about its health from present and historic performance. It also simulates information about the visitors across multiple geographies, user agents used, top referrals to their websites/servers over Internet connections. It provides information about the number of visitors to a website and the number of page views. The uptime, Downtime, number of active processes, CPU utilization etc. are critical things in deciding the health of the server. The Error Log Information analysis and response time calculation help in predicting the probable cause of downtimes and debugging and tracking the cause of errors.
Seismic Response of Concentrically Barced Reinforced Concrete Frames[Full-Text ] Patil S.S., Aland S.S., Kore P.NDue to minor eccentricities in the joints of the frame, a concentrically braced frame has accounted for in the design (which is tried with combinations of V and A-braces, generally called K braces, for twelve storey building with 5-bay structures). An analytical investigation is performed on such frames. The paper aims to find the proper locations of braces. Finally, the results obtained from analytical investigation are utilized to verify the validity of the proposed locations of braces in terms of economy. Every attempt has been made to describe the things in dimensionless form. Results are concluded from tables and discussed comprehensively.
Synthesis, characterization, reactivity ratio of the copolymer of linoleic acid with methyl methacrylate using ferric chloride-potassium metabisulphite redox pair as initiator[Full-Text ] Annapurna Mehta, Reena Dwivedi, Rajendra PrasadAqueous co-polymerization of Linoleic acid (a renewable monomer source) and methyl methacrylate initiated by the redox system Ferric (III)-K2S2O5 has been studied under nitrogen atmosphere. The formation of the polymer has been confirmed using techniques of IR, UV, XRD, 1HNMR and 13CNMR spectroscopy. The Co-polymer has been characterized by DSC; the glass transition temperature of copolymer shows a single Tg indicating the formation of random copolymer for all the monomer feed composition. On the basis of experimental results a suitable mechanism has been proposed. Monomer reactivity ratio was determined to know the composition of copolymer and its properties.
Image as a watermark In Digital Audio Using Arnold Transform & DWT[Full-Text ] Mrs. Seema Idhate, Mr. V. B. RaskarThe aim is to get large Capacity embedding watermark in Audio & to improve strength of audio watermarking technique to intelligent attacks and simple signal exploitation attacks in existing digital Audio watermarking, this paper presented a large capacity digital audio watermarking using 24 bit true colour image used as watermark. The image is decomposed into R, G, B Components & Arnold transform is applied to Scramble the Watermark image & DCT for image compression. The compressed scrambled watermark image is prepared, and then a Audio signal is to be selected & sampled with M sample. An audio signal is segmented in small segments. In our proposed work the watermark is embedded in each segment. Three level DWT is applied for each audio segments for calculating embedding strength. The watermark signal is going to be tested for various tests such as similarity, imperceptibility, Robustness, Security. Thus the aim is to get large Capacity embedding watermark in Audio.
Rheological and Filtration Properties of Kaolinite Based Drilling Mud[Full-Text ] Aminu Abdulkadir, Lilian Amen Osawemwenze , Gideon Majiyebo AdogboThe demand for drilling mud is on a high increase due to drilling operations ranging from oil wells to ground water bore holes that are being carried out. This necessitates the testing of clays that are abundant and less expensive to make drilling mud. Beneficiated Kaolin clay, barite, bentonite, starch and pipe-borne water were used in the preparation of drilling mud mixtures at various percentage compositions for 12 samples to ascertain the right formulation for the drilling mud; the rheological behavior and filtration property of each of the drilling fluid were measured. Kaolinite clay had a poor permeability as compared to bentonite, the sample with the highest bentonite ratio had the best filtration property; the analysis also showed that high water and barite content has a negative effect on the filtration property of drilling mud. Viscosity measurement were taken within 8.574s-1 and 170.3s-1 shear rates, the sample which contained 8w% of bentonite recorded the highest value of viscosity due to its high bentonite content which led to a significant increase in shear stress at a constant increase in shear rate. When the quantity of bentonite and starch were varied with kaolin there was a decrease in the permeability of the drilling mud, the lower the permeability the better the drilling mud. The addition of local bentonite improved the rheological and filtration property of the fluid which was pseudo plastic, the kaolinite clay only served as a weighting agent.
Fast and Area Efficient RSA Cryptosystem Design Using Modified Montgomery Multiplication for FPGA Applications[Full-Text ] Desiree Juby VincentRSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) cryptosystem is one of the most widely used public key cryptosystem.The importance of high security and faster implementations paved the way for RSA crypto-accelerators, hardware implementations of the RSA algorithm.The whole RSA includes three parts: key generation, encryption and decryption process. The RSA operation is a modular exponentiation, and its security lies in its inability to efficiently factorize large integers. Basically, the modular exponentiation with a large modulus is usually accomplished by performing repeated modular multiplications, which is considerably time-consuming. As a result, the throughput rate of RSA cryptosystem will entirely dependent on the speed of modular multiplication and the number of performed modular multiplications. To speed up the process of modular multiplication, Montgomery’s algorithm is recognized as a very efficient solution, in which it replaces the trial division with a series of additions and division by a power of two. Therefore, it is well suited to hardware implementation and consumes less power and uses smaller amount of space in the FPGA compared to other multiply and reduce methods. This work describes the design of an efficient RSA cryptosystem that uses a modified Montgomery algorithm to increase the speed of modular multiplication and a very fast parallel prefix adder ( Kogge- Stone Adder) is employed to reduce the critical path .The design architecture is coded in VHDL, synthesized using Xilinx ISE 12.1 and simulated using Modelsim. Experimental results shows that the modified design obtain the best delay performance compared with the standard design.
Robust Technique for Change Detection in Multitemporal Synthetic Aperture Radar Images[Full-Text ] Meghana Prasad M.K, Ravikumar A.VThis paper presents an unsupervised distribution free change detection for Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images based on an image fusion strategy and novel fuzzy clustering algorithm. Here we first perfom the mean ratio and log ratio on two original images and then apply DWT based fusion rules for performing image fusion and apply RFLICM and FLICM techniques for DWT based fused image. The image fusion technique is introduced to generate a difference image by using complementary information by performing log ratio and mean ratio on two original images and by applying DWT based fusion rules. Since the SAR images suffer from the speckle noise, so thatht’s why we proposed an unsupervised distribution-free change detection approach for Synthetic Aperture Radar images based on an image fusion strategy and novel fuzzy clustering algorithm. A reformulated fuzzy local instruction C- means (RFLICM) clustering algorithm is proposed for classifying changed and unchanged regions in the fused difference image. Experiments on real SAR images show that the image fusion strategy integrates the advantages of the log ratio operator and the mean ratio operator and gains better performance. The change detection results obtained by the improved fuzzy clustering algorithm exhibited lower error than its preexistences.
Fast RC Circuit Simulation Using Artificial Neural Networks[Full-Text ] Mohamed G. Kamal, Mohamed S. El-Mahallawy , Mohamed W. Fakhr , Yasser Y. HanafyThis paper presents a new technique for modeling an RC circuit using Artificial Neural Networks. In the proposed technique, the Artificial Neural Network is trained to predict the dominant characteristics of the full order model representing an RC Tree circuit and removing the non dominant characteristics that doesn't have much influence on the system. The prediction is based on minimizing the mean square error (cost function) between the desired parameters and the actual parameters. Different RC tree circuits of orders 8,10,12 and 20 are used and the reduced model of order 2 is tested. The results are compared to the SPICE simulation program output of the full order model.
Using Multi-Cloud Approach to Enhance the Protection of Patient Privacy in Electronic Health Records[Full-Text ] Naiem Yousefifard, Mitra Abbasi, Rasoul JourmandToday, most hospitals and medical centers have a database to manage patients medical records. It is necessary to collect and access this information everywhere, to increase productivity and improve quality of health cares. Need to access electronic health information across the world and improve the quality of healthcare to patients will highlight importance of using cloud computing architecture in this area. However, despite the benefits of cloud computing applications for health care, the security challenges of cloud should be addressed.In this paper, we introduce and describe a new proposed model called EHR-MCDB (Electronic Health Record with Multi-Clouds Databases). This model will ensure the privacy of persons in a network and multi-cloud environment using cryptographic algorithm and distributed storage. This model is able to store any type of data such as number, string, image, etc. in a cloud environment. the EHR-MCDB prevent from illegal intrusion and access to data in cloud environment and provide services such as data integrity, confidentiality and permanent availability of data in a safe and secure way. The evaluation results of proposed EHR-MCDB show that despite increasing time of information storage and retrieval, System overhead is so that it can be ignored ,against the benefits that it provides, and it does not damage to Normal system activity. Also comparing the proposed model with data distribution method on different servers shows that it is improved almost "about 10% compared to the same multi-cloud model.
Project Managers’ Conflict Management Styles and Its Impact on Project Team Motivation in Nigeria Construction Industry[Full-Text ] Olalekan Mumuni OgunbayoUnresolved conflict can thwart project progress and consequently project abandonment as in the case of Nigeria before the emergence of project management. The nascent project management practice in the country has an unequivocal advantage of positioning the construction industry into resolving conflicts that arise within the project. Hence the applications of conflict management styles are exceptionally significant in resolving contending issues in the project, if its adoption by the Project manager motivates project team members. Therefore, this study seeks to identify the consequences of project manager’s conflict management styles on the project team’s motivation, which was achieved by identifying conflict management styles; by confirming the impact of conflict management styles on the project team’s motivation and ascertaining of the most successful project conflict management styles through ranking. Previous researches were looked into for further clarification on the issue, and two sets of questionnaires were given to the Project managers and their team who are professionals in the construction industry in the likes of architects, quantity surveyors, structural engineers, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, estate surveyors and builders to get their candid opinion on the research. Statistical analysis carried out from the questionnaire suggests that conflict management styles adopted by Project managers have a significant impact as a motivating factor of the project team, and the adoption of confrontation conflict management style is the most effective in solving contending issues in construction project management. The study recommends that conflict management style adopted should be based on the nature of contending issues; the project stakeholder’s demand and the urgency to deliver the project as earlier planned. In addition switch conflict management approach is recommended for the Project managers that intend to finish their projects successfully.
Analysis of FSO Communication Links For Mid And Far Infrared Wavelengths[Full-Text ] Rajan MiglaniAtmospheric attenuations pose biggest challenge in implementing Free Space Optical Communication (FSO) links. Studying atmospheric attenuation as function of cumulative aerosol particle size distribution gives more reliable results rather than taking meteorological visibility as lone factor. Theoretically speaking, wavelengths of Mid IR and Far IR region may exhibit higher immunity against atmospheric attenuation against lower spectral regions but however in practical terms, the effect of totality of system and link parameters negates any such inherit advantage which means that considering the dynamic microenvironment, FSO link does not exhibit any attenuation immunity using higher spectral bands. Increase in transmitted optical power and higher receiver sensitivity along with appropriate selection of photo detector not only improves BER of system but also increases the range of communication.
Partial Mantel Analysis on Estimating the Resembance of Students Performance[Full-Text ] Aronu, C. O, Ebuh, G. U., Ogbogbo G. O., Bilesanmi, A. OThe partial Mantel analysis is a test statistic that is used to measure the resemblance between two distance matrices after controlling for the effect of the third distance matrix measured over the same objects. The method used in this study is; permute the objects in one of the vectors (or matrices). Association on student’s performance of three faculties (Physical Sciences, Biosciences and Engineering) in Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka-Nigeria, was used to illustrate the method, where interest is on estimating the resemblance between two faculties students’ performance while controlling for the effect of the third faculty student performance. From the result obtained in this study, we conclude that there exists a strong negative resemblance between the performance of students in faculty of Physical sciences and faculty of Biosciences while controlling for the effect of student performance of faculty of Engineering for 100,000 permutations and using the Canonical distance which is “method three” in the “dist.quant (distance quantity)” function. R 2.13.0 programming package was used to run the analysis for 100,000 permutations.
Porting of Automotive Application on to Embedded Multicore Platform[Full-Text ] Jijinraj P, Pramit Mehta, Aditi AthavaleIn modern computer hardware, increase in processing capacity is gained by introducing more processor cores but not with increased clock speed. This may imply reduction in processing capabilities as far as the individual cores are concerned. So it is necessary to partially restructure the applications that are not designed to benefit from multiple cores for maintaining the existing performance. To improve the quality of experience for drivers as well as passengers, multi-core embedded systems are getting adopted on a very large scale in automotive industry. But measures and methodologies for porting applications are yet to be standardized. Solving the issues related to it will open up interesting avenues for utilization of multi-core systems in automotive industry. This work emphasizes on porting legacy automotive application onto embedded multicore platform for better performance.
Motion Artifact Reduction in fNIRS Signals by ARMA Modeling Based Kalman Filtering[Full-Text ] Mehdi Amian, S. Kamaledin SetarehdanFunctional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a technique that is used for noninvasive measurement of the oxyhemoglobin (HbO2) and deoxyhemoglobin (Hb) concentrations in the brain tissue. Since the ratio of the concentration of these two agents is correlated with the neuronal activity, fNIRS can be used for the monitoring and quantifying the cortical activity. The portability of fNIRS makes it a good candidate for studies involving subject’s movement. The fNIRS measurements, however, are sensitive to artifacts generated by subject’s head motion. This makes fNIRS signals less effective in such applications. In this paper, the autoregressive moving average (ARMA) modeling of the fNIRS signal is used for state-space representation of the signal which is then fed to the Kalman filter for estimating the motionless signal. Results were compared to the autoregressive model (AR) based approach and showed that the ARMA models outperform AR models because of better modeling of the fNIRS signals. We showed that the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is about 3 dB higher for ARMA based method.
The Role of Data Structures in Multiple Disciplines of Computer Science- A Review[Full-Text ] N. Shobha Rani, Suman S.P.This paper revises the applications of data structures associated with field of computer science and also with great relevance in accomplishing the functions of Operating system and improving the throughput by resource utilization. There is an amount of essential complexity in organizing/processing the data and files present in system. No brute force approaches can minimize and manifest it so easily by adopting to the non-synchronized methodology of storage and management, but it can be placed so that it doesn't get in the way and it's also easy to understand. The best such place is a data structure. Data structures have many applications in the area of system development, data base design, software coding and computer networks. The efficiency of using data structures in performing various operating system jobs are explored in detail with examples.
Comparison in Neural Network Method to Find Comparing Logistic Regression and Neural Network Model for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus among Obesity[Full-Text ] Sabri Ahmad, Tengku Nurhanis Tengku Adli, Aniza Abd Aziz, Jusoh YacobDiabetes is a group of diseases marked by high levels of blood glucose, also called blood sugar, resulting from defects in insulin production, insulin action or both. Obesity are defined as a abnormal or excessive fat accumulation which may impair health. Obesity is the sixth most important risk factor that contributes to the burden of disease worldwide. Three objectives of building and find the best predictive model between Logistic Regression (LR) model and Neural Network (NN) model based on the value of predictive accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and the lowest error rate and to determine the factors that most contribute to risk among obesity. The primary data were obtained from diabetic clinic at Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM). Data were analyzed by using SPSS Clementine version 2.0 to constructed Logistic Regression (LR) and Neural Network (NN) model. At the end of the study, Prune method in NN is the best predictive model was strengthening by the result of lowest error rate and have quiet high sensitivity and specificity.
Design of Triple Effect Evaporator Developed By a Program in C++[Full-Text ] Faizan Ahmad & Naseem Ahmad khanThe aim of this work is to develop a program in C++ software for the design of triple effect evaporator in forward feed mode with mechanical design. In this mechanical design a short tube vertical evaporator (STV), Calandria type has been used .The developed programme is then used for solving the non-linear equations for the evaporation system and the results obtained are finally compared with the problem given in Kern [1], Foust [2], and Dutta [3]. Evaporation ordinarily means vaporization of a liquid or that of a solvent from a solution. But in chemical engineering terminology, evaporation means removal of a part of the solvent from a solution of a non- volatile solute by vaporization. Where the objective of vaporization is to concentrate the solution. It is one of the most important operations in the process industries. Typical examples are concentration of sugar-cane juice in a sugar plant, concentration of an aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate in a fertilizer plant, concentration of dilute recycled sodium hydroxide in an alumina plant and many others. Evaporation differs from drying and distillation. In distillation the components of a solution are separated depending upon their distribution between vapour and liquid phases based on the difference of relative volatility of the substances. Whereas the removal of moisture from a substance in presence of a hot-gas stream to carry away the moisture leaving a solid residue as the product is generally called drying. Evaporation is normally stopped before the solute starts to precipitate in the operation of an evaporator.
Mathematical Modelling: A study of Corruption in the society[Full-Text ] SAYAJI RASTUM WAYKARIn this paper, we have studied on the topic of ‘Corruption’. Also, I will try to find or study the effect of corruption on the Development of the society or country of the world. Therefore, how find the solution of the problem of corruption will be destroyed completely from the society. We have observed that the Development of the country depends upon Corruption. That is, when the Corruption increases, Development decreases automatically of any country of the world. Therefore, I will try to find the formula on the problem of ‘Relation between the Corruption and Development of any field of any country of the world’.
MAHUA (MADHUCA INDICA) AS A SOURCE OF BIODIESEL IN INDIA[Full-Text ] Pratap S Kulkarni, Dr Sharanappa G, Dr Ramesh M RThe Mahua trees are indigenous to India, grow even in draught prone areas and are found abundantly over several parts of India. If the seeds fallen are collected, and oil is extracted at village level expellers, few million tons of oil will be available for lighting lamps in rural area. In some countries, Mahua oil is considered edible as it is used only for preparing ghee, but in our country it has been considered as non-edible oil. Growing Mahua trees would also help in protecting the environment and benefit the farmers as well. It is the best substitute for kerosene. Since these are spread over a large area, collection of seeds for Biodiesel manufacture is not viable. A compact plantation can support a Biodiesel plant. The oil has not yet found any significant commercial application. But due to increase in awareness and growth in research in this area the Mahua can be developed as the alternative source of fuel by replacing diesel. In the present study attempt has been made to study the scope of Mahua in India.
Preliminary Copper Ore Deposit Investigation in Sabon Birni Area, Kebbe Local Government Area of Sokoto State[Full-Text ] Kasim Sani, Bilal Sabiu, Nura A. YelwaThis paper presents a summary and outcome of the field survey and field mapping carried out by the authors in and around Sabon Birni area of Kebbe Local Government area of Sokoto State Nigeria, with a view to finding out copper ore deposit concentration. The aim of the field study is to find out whether the copper ore deposit in Sokoto State is of commercial quantity and can scale through to exploitation stage. The work involves traversing the area, carrying out Chips sampling of the mineralized zone and alteration zone and also carrying out a field survey to gather initial geologic information. The result was accompanied with a simple mineral potential map and site plan of the area of interest. An attempt was made to express the probability of the presence of mineralization in each location, which is a very important step. The copper was seen in the original sample and verified and significant visible gold, related to this same mineralization, was also located at Sabon Birni. The samples obtained from the field were subjected to XRF analysis and the result show that copper ores has 64.30% copper oxide using standardless method.
Tele- Vehicle Insurance[Full-Text ] V.V.DivyaTelematics is a branch of Information technology that deals with long distance transmission of data. The word telematics technically refers to any system by which a mechanical or electronic device communicates with other devices or with human users over a network. In case of vehicle telematics information about the vehicle such as its location, fuel level , speed , driving scenario etc will be transmitted over a distance. Here a major area of research is discussed where vehicle insurance is integrated with telematics. Vehicle insurance will be based on the way the driver drives. Driving behavior is monitored and communicated to the insurance provider. Based on this data insurance premium will be tabulated. Tele-vehicle insurance invokes safe driving habits, which in return reduces the number of accidents, reduces insurance premium etc. Insurance industry will soon be able to reap the benefits of Telematics.
CLASSIFICATION OF BRAIN ENCEPHALIC TISSUES FROM MRI IMAGES USING SPHERE SHAPED SUPPORT VECTOR MACHINE (SSSVM)[Full-Text ] Ruta Sahasrabudhe, Prof. Megha BorseThe boundary of each encephalic tissue, which makes up the brain, is highly irregular. So, traditional 3-D reconstruction algorithms, using brain MRI images do not give accurate reconstruction. Two class Support vector machines have been very successful in pattern recognition problems. Sphere-shaped support vector machines (SSSVMs) is applied in the 3-D reconstruction because of its powerful ability to solve nonlinearity problems. Image fusion technique is used to minimize information loss and then Region growing method is used for segmentation of MRI images as it gives accurate results and used to segment more than one type of brain tissue at a time. These segmented images are then classified using SSSVM. The selection of optimized parameters to make SSSVM more flexible is done using Immune Algorithm
DECISION MAKING TO SPEND AVAILABLE RESOURCES ON CONSUMPTION RELATED ITEMS[Full-Text ] ABHILASHA SINGH, RICHA KHANDELWAL, MANOJ MISHRAEvery customer shows inclination towards particular products and services. Consumer interest is nothing but willingness of consumers to purchase products and services as per their taste, need and of course pocket. Marketing starts with the needs of the customer and ends with his satisfaction. It starts with the buying of goods. Management is the youngest of sciences and oldest of arts and consumer behavior in management is a very young discipline. Various scholars and academicians concentrated on it at a much later stage. It was during the 1950s, that marketing concept developed. The study is about how customers make decisions to spend their available resources time, money, effort on consumption related items and specially during buying footwear. It includes the study of why they buy, when they buy it, how often they buy it, and how often they use it.