IJSER Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2011 Edition
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Translation of Software Requirements[Full-Text] [References]Hanan Elazhary Stakeholders typically speak and express software requirements in their native languages. On the other hand, software engineers typically express software requirements in English to programmers who program using English-like programming languages. Translation of software requirements between the native languages of the stakeholders and English introduces further ambiguities. This calls for a system that simplifies translation of software requirements while minimizing ambiguities. Unfortunately, this problem has been overlooked in the literature. This paper introduces a system designed to facilitate translation of requirements between English and Arabic. The system can also facilitate the analysis of software requirements written in Arabic. This is achieved through enforcing writing software requirements statements using templates. Templates are selected such that they enforce following best practices in writing requirements documents.
Tuning of FOPID Controller Using Taylor Series Expansion[Full-Text] [References]Ali Akbar Jalali, Shabnam khosravi In this paper, a direct synthesis approach to fractional order controller design Is investigated. The proposed algorithm makes use of Taylor series of both desired closed-loop and actual closed-loop transfer function which is truncated to the first five terms. FOPID Controller parameters are synthesized in order to match the closed-loop response of the plant to the desired closed-loop response. The standard and stable second-order model is considered for both plant and the desired closed-loop transfer functions. Therefore for a given plant with damping ratio and natural frequency . The tuned FOPID controller results in the desired closed-loop response with damping ratio and natural frequency . An example is presented that indicates the designed FOPID results in actual closed-loop response very close to desired response rather than PID controller. It is shown that the proposed method performs better than Genetic Algorithm in obtaining the desired response.
Adaptive Classification of Web Mining Methods and Challenges of Customer Relationship Management Domain [Full-Text] [References]Siavash Emtiyaz, MohammadReza Keyvanpour In recent years, World Wide Web has been extended from research society to the most dominant and general way for communication and broadcasting of information. Web mining is responsible to discover the hidden knowledge, rules and patterns from web. Customers always play a key role for the establishment or mean of crisis for any organization. Web mining is going to be involved in every organization for extracting extra information which is not visible for everyone. The most important application of web mining is in the domain of the e-commerce and economy that leads to the detection of most facts and effective factors in the customer relationship management and efficient services to the customers through the behavior and communicating with system. CRM uses data mining (one of the elements of CRM) techniques to interact with customers. It is also used for web mining in web domain.Our Analysis provides a roadmap to guide creation concerning the adaptive classification based on web/data mining methods to solve challenges of CRM. For this, we comparison and analyze the application of web mining process to solution challenges of CRM dimensions.
A Study of Carcinogenic Components Removal in Chemical Industry[Full-Text] [References]R.Uma Mythili,K.Kanthavel,R.Krishna Raj The chemical industries are involving with various surfaces coating process which develops pollutions like Carcinogenic components.In industry and environment inhalation of high doses have the potential to induce lung tumors in human and animals.The process of Carcinogenic components removal is a major real time problem in environmental toxicology in chemical processing industry.The standard analysis method determines and calculates the constituent of hexavalent chromium and trivalent chromium compounds in carcinogenic fumes.The research identifies that the presence of Carcinogenic components leads to the low generations of gastric juice,epithelial lining fluids to the human beings and animals.The segregation and analysis of Carcinogenic components was attracted several researcher for the past three decades.This paper discusses with Biological,Chemical and Mechanical analysismethods of identifying Carcinogenic components present in the effluent of the chemical industry in the form of sludge.
Effects of Socio-Demographic Covariates on Blood Glucose Level of the Diabetic Patients: A Multiple Classification Analysis (MCA)[Full-Text] [References]Md. Behzad Noor, Dr. Mir Mohammad Azad, Dr. J.A.M. Shoquilur Rahman This study has been undertaken to determine the socio-demographic related covariates affecting blood glucose level of the diabetic patients as well as to identify the extent of influences of the variables by the implied factors on blood glucose level. Data have been collected from two diabetic diagnostic centers in Rajshahi City. The result implies that insulin intake, blood pressure, tablet intake and mental suppression of the diabetic patients have the intense influence on blood glucose level. The proportion of variance explained (adjusted) by the respective variables are = 0.422, 0.122 and 0.120 respectively. So, the diabetic patients are supposed to maintain their medication, control their blood pressure, become free from mental suppression, overall, giving up the sedentary life style. They should maintain a regulatory life to keep themselves away from having high blood glucose level.
Optimization of Power Consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text] [References]Surendra bilouhan, Prof.Roopam Gupta In this paper, we consider the problem of discovery of information in a densely deployed Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), where the initiator of search is unaware of the location of target information. We propose a protocol: Increasing Ray Search (IRS), an energy efficient and scalable search protocol. The priority of IRS is energy efficiency and sacrifices latency. The basic principle of this protocol is to route the search packet along a set of trajectories called rays that maximizes the likelihood of discovering the target information by consuming least amount of energy. The rays are organized such that if the search packet travels along all these rays, then the entire terrain area will be covered by its transmissions while minimizing the overlap of these transmissions. In this way, only a subset of total sensor nodes transmits the search packet to cover the entire terrain area while others listen. We believe that query resolution based on the principles of area coverage provides a new dimension for conquering the scale of WSN. We compare IRS with existing query resolution techniques for unknown target location such as Round Robin Search. We show by simulation that, performance improvement in total number of transmitted bytes, energy consumption, and latency with terrain size.
A Robust H∞ Speed Tracking Controller for Underwater Vehicles via Particle Swarm Optimization[Full-Text] [References]MohammadPourmahmood Aghababa, Mohammd Esmaeel Akbari This paper presents an H∞ controller designing method for robust speed tracking of underwater vehicles, using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Nonlinearity mapping of the underwater vehicles model to a nominal linear model, by employing a linear controller for a nonlinear model, is one of the main contributions of this paper. For reaching the linear H∞ controller, the nonlinear models linearized around an operating point. Both nonlinear and linearized models are discussed. A brief explanation of H∞ synthesis is given. Also frequency dependent weighting functions are used for penalizing tracking errors, setpoint commands and measured outputs noises using PSO. Obtained controller is reduced order to achieve a lower order controller. After simulating the reduced order H∞ controller it is embedded into the nonlinear model. By nonlinear simulations, robustness and efficient performance of the H∞ controller is shown. Control efforts of actuators revealed no saturation, therefore it is feasible to implement.
Crank-Nicolson scheme for numerical solutions of two-dimensional coupled Burgers’ equations[Full-Text] [References]Vineet Kumar Srivastava, Mohammad Tamsir, Utkarsh Bhardwaj, YVSS Sanyasiraju The two-dimensional Burgers’ equation is a mathematical model to describe various kinds of phenomena such as turbulence and viscous fluid. In this paper, Crank-Nicolson finite-difference method is used to handle such problem. The proposed scheme forms a system of nonlinear algebraic difference equations to be solved at each time step. To linearize the non-linear system of equations, Newton’s method is used. The obtained linear system is then solved by Gauss elimination with partial pivoting. The proposed scheme is unconditionally stable and second order accurate in both space and time. Numerical results are compared with those of exact solutions and other available results for different values of Reynolds number. The proposed method can be easily implemented for solving nonlinear problems evolving in several branches of engineering and science.
Implementation of Adaptive Modulation and Coding Technique using Matlab Part I: Physical Layer Design[Full-Text] [References]Sami H. O. SALIH, Mamoun M. A. SULIMAN Different order modulations combined with different coding schemes, allow sending more bits per symbol, thus achieving higher throughputs and better spectral efficiencies. However, it must also be noted that when using a modulation technique such as 64-QAM with less overhead bits, better signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) are needed to overcome any Intersymbol Interference (ISI) and maintain a certain bit error ratio (BER). The use of adaptive modulation allows a wireless system to choose the highest order modulation depending on the channel conditions. The use of adaptive modulation allows wireless technologies to yielding higher throughputs while also covering long distances.
A QoS Based Web Service Selection through Delegation[Full-Text] [References]G. Vadivelou, E. IIavarasan, R. Manoharan, P. Praveen Service selection is essential for fulfilling the requirements of service requestors. In the service oriented environment, Quality of Services (QoS) is one of the utmost concerns for consumers during service selection. Existing web service standards do not undertake the QoS issue efficiently and the load balancing is not performed to the maximum degree. In this paper we propose a new architecture called the Delegation Web Service (DWS) for selecting the web service more efficiently and with maximum load balancing. The load balancing is achieved by grouping the web services of similar type from the registry by the DWS for each consumer’s request and it is predestinated to each monitored web service. The monitoring of QoS parameters such as response time, efficiency, round trip time are done using the Web Service Distributed Management (WSDM) standard, since it has the better method and specifications.
Iatrogenic effects of Orthodontic treatment - Review on white spot lesions[Full-Text] [References]Sangamesh B., Amitabh Kallury Demineralization is an inevitable side effect associated with fixed appliance orthodontic treatment, especially associated with poor oral hygiene. Fixed orthodontic appliances create several retentive areas for the accumulation of bacterial plaque. The acidic byproducts of these bacteria are responsible for the subsequent enamel demineralization and formation of white spot lesions (WSL), causing caries therefore leading to poor esthetics, patient dissatisfaction and legal complications. This highlights the need for assessing the saliva, oral hygiene status and caries rate before beginning of treatment and initiating preventive measures. Orthodontists must take up active responsibility to educate the patients about the importance of maintaining good dietary compliance and excellent oral hygiene regime. Depending on the oral environment, WSL can develop into cavities, stay stable for a long time, or heal to a certain extent. Thus, the prevention of WSL is crucial to prevent tooth decay as well as minimize tooth discoloration that could compromise the treatment results
A Study Of Effects Of Disease Caused Death In A Simple Epidemic Model[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh, Dr. Shekh Aqeel This paper is concerned with various effects of disease caused death on the host population in an epidemic model of SIR type. Various effects of disease caused death on the host population are studied in this epidemic model. The basic problem discussed in this paper is to be describing the spread of an infection caused death within a population. It is further assumed that there is no substantial development of immunity and that removed infectious are in effect cured of disease. The rate of natural birth and death is assumed to be balanced.
Autonomous Room Air Cooler Using Fuzzy Logic Control System[Full-Text] [References]M. Abbas, M. Saleem Khan, Fareeha Zafar This research paper describes the design and implementation of an autonomous room air cooler using fuzzy rule based control system. The rule base receives two crisp input values from temperature and humidity sensors, divides the universe of discourse into regions with each region containing two fuzzy variables, fires the rules, and gives the output singleton values corresponding to each output variable. Three defuzzifiers are used to control the actuators; cooler fan, water pump and room exhaust fan. The results obtained from the simulation were found correct according to the design model. This research work will increase the capability of fuzzy logic control systems in process automation with potential benefits. MATLAB-simulation is used to achieve the designed goal.
Handwritten Character Recognition using Neural Network[Full-Text] [References]Chirag I Patel, Ripal Patel, Palak Patel Objective is this paper is recognize the characters in a given scanned documents and study the effects of changing the Models of ANN. Today Neural Networks are mostly used for Pattern Recognition task. The paper describes the behaviors of different Models of Neural Network used in OCR. OCR is widespread use of Neural Network. We have considered parameters like number of Hidden Layer, size of Hidden Layer and epochs. We have used Multilayer Feed Forward network with Back propagation. In Preprocessing we have applied some basic algorithms for segmentation of characters, normalizing of characters and De-skewing. We have used different Models of Neural Network and applied the test set on each to find the accuracy of the respective Neural Network.
A New Approach For Data Encryption Using Genetic Algorithms And Brain Mu Waves[Full-Text] [References]Gove Nitinkumar Rajendra, Bedi Rajneeshkaur In today’s computer world security, integrity, confidentiality of the organization’s data is the most important issue. This paper deals with the confidentiality of the data that organization manages and works with. This paper proposes a new approach to data security using the concept of genetic algorithm and brain mu waves with pseudorandom binary sequence to encrypt and decrypt the data. The feature of such an approach includes high data security and high feasibility for practical implementation.
Use of Natural Compounds from Plant Sources as AchE Inhibitors for the Treatment of Early Stage Alzheimer’s disease-An Insilico Approach[Full-Text] [References]Amrendar Kumar, Abhilasha Singh, Biplab Bhattacharjee Traditionally, drugs were discovered by testing compounds manufactured in time consuming multi-step processes against a battery of in vivo biological screens. Promising compounds were then further studied in development, where their pharmacokinetic properties, metabolism and potential toxicity were investigated. Here we present a study on herbal lead compounds and their potential binding affinity to the effectors molecules of major disease like Alzheimer’s disease. Clinical studies demonstrate a positive correlation between the extent of Acetyl cholinesterase enzyme and Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore, identification of effective, well-tolerated acetyl cholinesterase represents a rational chemo preventive strategy. This study has investigated the effects of naturally occurring nonprotein compounds polygala and Jatrorrhizine that inhibits acetylcholinesterase enzyme. The results reveal that these compounds use less energy to bind to acetylcholinesterase enzyme and inhibit its activity. Their high ligand binding affinity to acetylcholinesterase enzyme introduce the prospect for their use in chemopreventive applications in addition they are freely available natural compounds that can be safely used to prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.
Hybrid Mechanical Charger[Full-Text] [References]Ayush R Jain, Chinmay V Harmalkar Mobile phone is our means to remain connected. While the phones have progressively got more powerful processors (clocking 1GHz), huge amounts of memory and large touch screen interfaces, their power requirement has increased correspondingly. Unfortunately, battery technology has not been growing at a comparable pace. Hence, there is a need to frequently charge the batteries. While travelling people face a common problem of charging electronic appliances like mobile, mp3 player, camera, etc. Solution to this problem is Hybrid Mechanical Charger, extracts energy from some reliable renewable source. Hence in order to achieve this, Hybrid Mechanical Charger uses mechanical energy from both windmill and hand crank. To compensate the difference in rpm a gear shifting mechanism is used.
A Novel Real-time Intelligent Tele Cardiology System Using Wireless Technology To Detect Cardiac Abnormalities [Full-Text] [References]S.Kohila, K.Gowri This study presents a novel wireless, ambulatory, real-time, and auto alarm intelligent telecardiology system to improve healthcare for cardiovascular disease, which is one of the most prevalent and costly health problems in the world. This system consists of a lightweight and power-saving wireless ECG device equipped with a built-in automatic warning expert system. A temperature sensor is fixed to the user’s body, which senses temperature in the body, and delivers it to the ECG device. This device is connected to a microcontroller and ubiquitous real-time display platform. The acquired ECG signals which are transmitted to the microcontroller is then, processed by the expert system in order to detect the abnormality. An alert signal is sent to the remote database server, which can be accessed by an Internet browser, once an abnormal ECG is detected. The current version of the expert system can identify five types of abnormal cardiac rhythms in real-time, including sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia, wide QRS complex, atrial fibrillation (AF), and cardiac asystole, which is very important for both the subjects who are being monitored and the healthcare personnel tracking cardiac-rhythm disorders. The proposed system also activates an emergency medical alarm system when problems occur. We believe that in the future a business-card-like ECG device, accompanied with a Personal Computer, can make universal cardiac protection service possible.
A Novel Dynamic Key Management Scheme Based On Hamming Distance for Wireless Sensor Networks [Full-Text] [References]R.Divya, T.Thirumurugan - Numerous key management schemes have been proposed for sensor networks. The objective of key management is to dynamically establish and maintain secure channels among communicating nodes. Many schemes, referred to as static schemes, have adopted the principle of key predistribution with the underlying assumption of a relatively static short-lived network (node replenishments are rare, and keys outlive the network). An emerging class of schemes, dynamic key management schemes, assumes long-lived networks with more frequent addition of new nodes, thus requiring network rekeying for sustained security and survivability. This paper proposes a dynamic key management scheme by combining the advantages of simple cryptography and random key distribution schemes. When the hamming distance between the two nodes is found high, the unique key is changed instead of changing the set of keys and the communication takes place by using any one of the set of key x-oring with the new unique key. The security and performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with the existing dynamic key management scheme based on Exclusion Basis System and prove that the proposed scheme performs better when compared to existing scheme by considering the number of nodes colluded with time. The result obtained by simulation also shows that the proposed scheme provides security solution and performs better than the existing scheme.
Speedy Deconvolution using Vedic Mathematics[Full-Text] [References]Rashmi K. Lomte, Prof.Bhaskar P.C Deconvolution is a computationally intensive digital signal processing (DSP) function widely used in applications such as imaging, wireless communication, seismology. In this paper deconvolution of two finite length sequences (NXM), is implemented using direct method to reduce deconvolution processing time. Vedic multiplier is used to achieve high speed. Urdhava Triyakbhyam algorithm of ancient Indian Vedic Mathematics is utilized to improve its efficiency. For division operation non-restoring algorithm is modified and used. The efficiency of the proposed convolution circuit is tested by embedding it on Spartan 3E FPGA. Simulation shows that ,the circuit has a delay of 79.595 ns from input to output using 90nm process library. It also provides the necessary modularity, expandability, and regularity to form different deconvolutions for any number of bits.
Different Approaches of Spectral Subtraction method for Enhancing the Speech Signal in Noisy Environments [Full-Text] [References]Anuradha R. Fukane, Shashikant L. Sahare Enhancement of speech signal degraded by additive background noise has received more attention over the past decade, due to wide range of applications and limitations of the available methods. Main objective of speech enhancement is to improve the perceptual aspects of speech such as overall quality, intelligibility and degree of listener fatigue. Among the all available methods the spectral subtraction algorithm is the historically one of the first algorithm, proposed for background noise reduction. The greatest asset of Spectral Subtraction Algorithm lies in its simplicity. The simple subtraction process comes at a price. More papers have been written describing variations of this algorithm that minimizes the shortcomings of the basic method than other algorithms. In this paper we present the basic spectral subtraction Algorithm, a short coming of basic spectral subtraction Algorithm, different modified approaches of Spectral Subtraction Algorithms such as Spectral Subtraction with over subtraction factor, Non linear Spectral Subtraction, Multiband Spectral Subtraction, Minimum mean square Error Spectral Subtraction, Selective Spectral Subtraction, Spectral Subtraction based on perceptual properties that minimizes the shortcomings of the basic method, then performance evaluation of various modified spectral subtraction Algorithms, and conclusion.
Economic Power Dispatch using Artificial Immune System[Full-Text] [References]R.Behera, B.B.Pati, B.P.Panigrahi This paper presents the genetic algorithm approach to adaptive optimal economic dispatch of Electrical Power Systems. Artificial Immune System Algorithms, also termed as the machine learning approach to Artificial Intelligence, are powerful stochastic optimization techniques with potential features of random search, hill climbing, statistical sampling and competition. Artificial immune system algorithmic approach to power system optimization, as reported here for a case of economic power dispatch, consists essentially of minimizing the objective function while gradually satisfying the constraint relations. The unique problem solving strategy of the genetic algorithm and their suitability for power system optimization is described. The advantages of the artificial immune system algorithm approach in terms of problem reduction, flexibility and solution methodology are also discussed. The suitability of the proposed approach is described for the case of a six generator thirty bus IEEE system.
Mining Knowledge Using Decision Tree Algorithm[Full-Text] [References]S.V. Kulkarni Industry is experiencing more and more competitions in recent years. The battle is over their most valuable customers. With massive industry deregulation across the world, each customer is facing an ever-growing number of choices in telecommunications and financial services. As a result, an increasing number of customers are switching from one service provider to another. This phenomenon is called customer “churning” or “attrition” which is a major problem for these companies and makes it hard for them to stay profitable. The data sets are often cost sensitive and unbalanced. If we predict a valuable customer who will be an attritor as loyal, the cost is usually higher than the case when we classify a loyal customer as an attritor. Similarly, in direct marketing, it costs more to classify a willing customer as a reluctant one. Such information is usually given by a cost matrix, where the objective is to minimize the total cost [1]. In addition, a CRM data set is often unbalanced; the most valuable customers who actually churn can be only a small fraction of the customers who stay. The main focus is on the output of decision tree algorithms as the input to post processing algorithms.
Decreasing Inventory Levels Fluctuations by Moving Horizon Control Method and Move Suppression in the Demand Network[Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Miranbeigi, Aliakbar Jalali The significance of the basic idea implicit in the moving horizon control (MHC) has been recognized a long time ago in the operations management literature as a tractable scheme for solving stochastic multi period optimization problems, such as production planning and supply chain management, under the term moving horizon. In this paper, a moving horizon controller with move suppression term used for inventory management of the demand network (supply chain).
Receding Horizon Control on Large Scale Supply Chain[Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Miranbeigi, Aliakbar Jalali Supply chain management system is a network of facilities and distribution entities: suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers. The control system aims at operating the supply chain at the optimal point despite the influence of demand changes. In this paper, a centralized constrained receding horizon controller applying to a supply chain management system consist of two product, one plant, two distribution centers and three retailers.
Load Forecasting Using New Error Measures In Neural Networks[Full-Text] [References]Devesh Pratap Singh, Mohd. Shiblee, Deepak Kumar Singh Load forecasting plays a key role in helping an electric utility to make important decisions on power, load switching, voltage control, network reconfiguration, and infrastructure development. It enhances the energy-efficient and reliable operation of a power system. This paper presents a study of short-term load forecasting using new error metrices for Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and applied it on the England ISO.
Effect of Temperature on Deformation Characteristics of Gold Ball Bond in Au-Al Thermosonic Wire Bonding [Full-Text] [References]Gurbinder Singh, Othman Mamat Wire bonding is a process that is used to form solid-state bonds to interconnect metals such as gold wires to metalized pads deposited on silicon integrated circuits. Typically, there are 3 main wire bonding techniques; Thermo-compression, Ultrasonic and Thermosonic. This experiment utilizes thermosonic bonding which applies heat, ultrasonic energy and force on an Au-Al system. Sixteen groups of bonding conditions at various temperature settings were compared to establish the relationship between ball deformation and temperature. The results of this study will clearly indicate the effects of applied bonding temperature towards bond strength and deformation characteristics of gold ball bonding.
Sorption Of Cr (Vi) & As(V) On Hdtma - Modified Zeolites[Full-Text] [References]Vandana Swarnkar, Nishi Agrawal, Radha Tomar Sorption of Cr(VI) & As(V) on HDTMA modified zeolites were investigated by batch technique, X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared analysis, Energy dispersive spectroscopy and Scanning electron microscopy. HDTMA was exchanged with extra structural cations of zeolite up to the external cation exhange capacity. The HDTMA modified surface was stable when exposed to extremes in pH, ionic strength and to oxoanions. The HDTMA modified zeolites showed significant sorption for chromate and arsenate ions in aqueous solution. Sorption data for each anion was well described by Freundlich isotherm equation. Increase in Cr(VI) & As(V) sorption on to modified surface occurred in neutral solution (pH7) and the amount of sorbed Cr(VI) & As(V) described rapidly with increasing pH since (OH-) concentration competes against Cr(VI) & As(V) for the sorption sites, thus, inhibiting formation of Cr(VI)-SMZ & As(V)-SMZ complex. FTIR analysis showed that sorbed SMZ forms an ad-micelle surfactant surface coverage, which is responsible for Cr (VI) and As (V) sorption.
Analysis Of A Population Of Diabetic Patients Databases In Weka Tool[Full-Text] [References]P.Yasodha, M.Kannan Data mining is an important tool in many areas of research and industry. Companies and organizations are increasingly interested in applying data mining tools to increase the value added by their data collections systems. Nowhere is this potential more important than in the healthcare industry. As medical records systems become more standardized and commonplace, data quantity increases with much of it going unanalyzed. Taking into account the prevalence of diabetes among men and women the study is aimed at finding out the characteristics that determine the presence of diabetes and to track the maximum number of men and women suffering from diabetes with 249 population using weka tool. In this paper the data classification is diabetic patients data set is developed by collecting data from hospital repository consists of 249 instances with 7 different attributes. The instances in the Dataset are pertaining to the two categories of blood tests, urine tests. WEKA tool is used to classify the data and the data is evaluated using 10-fold cross validation and the results are compared.
A Study and Application on Cross-Disciplinary Proficiency Learning of Artificial Intelligence[Full-Text] [References]Prof.Pavan .G.P, Dr.G.Lavanya Devi, Dr.P.Srinivasa Rao This paper broadly elaborated the concept, significance and main strategy of cross disciplinary proficiency learning as well as the basic structure of cross disciplinary proficiency learning system. By combining several basic ideas of main strategies, great effort are laid on introducing several cross disciplinary proficiency learning methods, such as Memorizing a type of learning, Reason-based learning, Learning from instruction, Learning by deduction, Learning by analogy and Inductive learning, Learning by Experts etc. Meanwhile, comparison and analysis are made upon their respective advantages and limitations. At the end of the article, it proposes the research objective of cross-disciplinary proficiency learning and points out its development trend. Cross-disciplinary proficiency learning is a fundamental way that enable the computer to have the intelligence ; Its application which had been used mainly the method of induction and the synthesis rather than the deduction has already reached many fields of Artificial Intelligence area.
A Navel Approach for Evaluating Completeness of Business Rules using First Order Logic[Full-Text] [References]M.Thirumaran, E. IIavarasan, R. Manoharan, Thanigaivel.K Organizations are under increasing scrutiny to develop the rules to regulate their business requirements and it is important to standardize the business rules to automate the complex process into simple logic. So several process modeling languages and rule modeling languages are evolved to modulate the organizational policies and procedures. Business rules are the constraints which influence the behaviors and also specify the derivation of conditions that affect the execution flow. These rules are form of conditional operations attached to the process to give data result. These systems implement business rules that are restructured when organizations change the data to the varying business needs. When these rules are changed, it must be efficient to provide a decision based on the given constraints or based on business requirements. The correct decision logic are verified by evaluating or validating the completeness of the business rule. More often the rules can associate with another rule to derive business logic, but these rules are not complete enough to determine the computability of business logic. So it is necessary to check whether the rule is complete, this can be proved when the rules are interpreted with first order logic. This paper provides standard approach to evaluate the completeness of business rules by formulating the rules using first order logic. Applying these strategies introduces a structured approach and management aspects within rules by focusing on rule sources which are important for the process goal and providing a meaningful rule structure. It points out the necessity and also the real possibilities to establish new facilities for manipulation of business rules into the software development process. This can give rise increase in the performance of the legacy system.
Implementation of RSA Cryptosystem Using Verilog[Full-Text] [References]Chiranth E, Chakravarthy H.V.A, Nagamohanareddy P, Umesh T.H, Chethan Kumar M The RSA system is widely employed and achieves good performance and high security. In this paper, we use Verilog to implement a 16-bit RSA block cipher system. The whole implementation includes three parts: key generation, encryption and decryption process. The key generation stage aims to generate a pair of public key and private key, and then the private key will be distributed to receiver according to certain key distribution schemes. Data security is achieved after the 64-bit input data are block encrypted by RSA public key. The cipher text can be decrypted at receiver side by RSA secret key. These are simulated in NC LAUNCH and hardware is synthesized using RTL Compiler of CADENCE. Netlist generated from RTL Compiler will be used to generate IC.
Metrics For Component Based Measurement Tools[Full-Text] [References]P. Edith Linda, V. Manju Bashini, S. Gomathi The main aim of this paper is to integrate the different object oriented metric tools and make them available as a single add-on. The first part of this paper analyzed five different tools and they are migrated into one to make use of those tools in efficient manner.
Reactive Power Management For Wind Electric Generator[Full-Text] [References]Er. V. Karunakaran, Er. R. Karthikeyan The solution to the Global Warming lies in the development of the Green cover or Forest cover to absorb the excess Carbondioxide (CO2,), together with the harnessing Renewable Sources of Energy in lieu of Fossil fuel so as to arrest the Pollution level from further increasing. Wind Energy is a promising source of the Renewable Energy, due to nonpolluting and economically viable. Energy in the wind is converted into rotary Mechanical Energy by the wind turbine. Most of the WEGs are with Induction Motor, (Asynchronous Motor) with constant speed and drawing more Reactive Power from the Grid, during starting / low wind period.
Security Challenges & Preventions in Wireless Communications[Full-Text] [References]Kashif Laeeq Without the need of an infrastructure, low-cost, auto-managed, flexible and low power consumer, wireless communication is becoming emerging technology. It shows great binder for present as well as future hi-tech applications. Increasing reliance on wireless communication also brings great challenges to the security measures and other correlated issues. Although the newly introduced corrected security standard, IEEE 802.11i, offers extensive security for the wireless environment but it is still premature and does not provide effective measures to protect the wireless networks from confidentiality and integrity threats. The main issues for deployment of wireless networks are security attacks, vulnerabilities, battery power and improper security models. This paper provides a study on these problems especially in ad-hoc wireless networks. The study is based on numerous proposed schemes in the endeavor to secure such networks. The goal of this paper is to probe the principal security issues, challenges and fundamental security require-ments of wireless communications on the bases of their proposed solutions.
Compost Adsorption Desdorption of Picloram in the Presence of Surfactant on Six Agricultural Soils[Full-Text] [References]Rounak M. Shariff To investigate the effect of different types of surfactants on adsorption behavior of pesticide, picloram [4-amino-3, 5, 6-trichloropicolinic acid] which is an ionic herbicide on six agricultural soil samples, picloram soil -water system-surfactant. The Freundlich adsorption coefficients Ks values for picloram adsorption in the presences of surfactant in three concentration of critical micelles concentration (cmc), batch equilibrium experiments performed of cationic surfactant Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMA). The Ks values of picloram range between 0.940-1.344, 0.943-1.407, and 0.952-1.434 ml/g, for cmc/10, cmc and cmc*20 respectively. Freundlich adsorption coefficients of picloram in the presence of anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) was determined, the values of Ks obtained were in the range 0.761-1.151, 0.654-1.141, and 0.631-1.099ml/g, for cmc/10, cmc, and cmc*20 respectively. The Ks values for polyoxyethylene sorbitanmonooleate ( tween-80) were in the range 0.971 -1.229, 1.104-1.303, and 1.189-1.404 ml/g, for cmc/10, cmc, and cmc*20 respectively. The values of Freundlich desorption coefficients (Ksdes), linearity factor for desorption (nsdes) and regression factor for desorption (R2) ranged from 0.839-1.286, 0.267-0.619, and 0.889-0.993 respectively with HDTMA. The values of Ksdes, nsdes and R2 values ranged from 0.895-1.289, 0.494-0.818, and 0.889-0.999 for desorption process respectively by anionic surfactant SDS, the values of Ksdes, nsdes and R2 ranged from 0.953-1.270, 0.429-0.650, and 0.888-0.995 respectively for non-ionic surfactant Tween-80.
A Few Aspects of Power Quality Improvement Using Shunt Active Power Filter[Full-Text] [References]Subhransu Sekhar Dash, C.Nalini Kiran, S.Prema Latha Power quality standards (IEEE-519) compel to limit the total harmonic distortion within the acceptable range .This paper mainly deals with shunt active power filter which has been widely used for harmonic elimination. Active power filter which has been used here monitors the load current constantly and continuously adapt to the changes in load harmonics. The performance of three phase shunt active power filter using instantaneous power theory is explained in this paper.
Tidal Power: An Effective Method of Generating Power[Full-Text] [References]Shaikh Md. Rubayiat Tousif, Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim This article is about tidal power. It describes tidal power and the various methods of utilizing tidal power to generate electricity. It briefly discusses each method and provides details of calculating tidal power generation and energy most effectively. The paper also focuses on the potential this method of generating electricity has and why this could be a common way of producing electricity in the near future.
Design and Development of Fault Tolerent Control system for an Infant Incubator[Full-Text] [References]Suswetha Parisineti, Eswaran.P This paper proposes the design and implementation of real time monitoring of an infant incubator, based on sensor fault tolerant control system, using a PIC microcontroller. Temperature and humidity are two parameters considered for the design infant incubator. The purpose of a Fault tolerant control systems (FTCS) scheme is to ensure that faults do not result in malfunctioning and system failure and to achieve the of best performance even with minimum number of sensors working. Fault tolerant control systems (FTCS) have ability to detect sensor fault automatically and to isolate faulty sensor which leads to system failure. The fault detection and the isolation (FDI) problem is an inherently complex one and for this reason the immediate goals are to preserve the stability of the process and, if is possible, to control and continue the process in a slightly degraded manner. The role of the FDI algorithms is that the control equipment must automatically isolate the faulted area, to adopt the correct attitude, to generate, to choose and to validate the correct decision. Prototype of infant incubator using FTCS was implemented by using redundant sensor with Build in self test (BIST) facility.
Behavior of Eight Bus System with TC-IPC[Full-Text] [References]V.V.Satyanarayana Rao.R, S.Rama Reddy Environmental, regulatory and economic constraints have restricted the growth of electric power transmission facilities, and the topologies to enlarge the levels of power transmission and enhance stability through existing transmission lines have become greatly needed. Many approaches have been proposed for solving the stability problems found in power system operations. Considering the diversity of both, the solutions and the problems, it is often difficult to identify the most suitable solution. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the capability of Inter Phase Power Flow (IPC) Controller as a mean for stability improvement in power systems. In this paper 8 bus system is used as a test bed, the results are shown with and without TC-IPC. The results indicate the robustness of this Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) controller to the variation of system operating conditions.
Implementing Anti Collision Algorithm for Multiple Tag Identification[Full-Text] [References]Sindhura kodali, Eswaran.P RFID is core technology in the area of ubiquitous computing. To identify the objects begins with the reader query to the tag attached to the subject. When multiple tags exist in the reader's interrogation zone, these tags simultaneously respond to the reader's query, resulting in collision. This kind collision makes the reader to take long time to identify tags within the reader's identification range and impossible to identify even one tag.In RFID system, the reader needa the anti-collision algorithm which can quickly identify all the tags in interrogation zone. This paper proposes a design methodology with two different RF modules, 433.92MHz and 315 MHz are interfaced into microcontroller, encoder, decoder IC's are used.According to query technique, the reader sends the query signal to all tags with one frequency and the tag corresponding to the query will respond to reader with another frequency, likewise anti-collision algorithm is implemented to avoid collision and number of query reponses can be reduced.
Face Recognition using Neural Network and Eigenvalues with Distinct Block Processing[Full-Text] [References]Amit Kumar, Prashant Sharma, Shishir Kumar Human face recognition has been employed in different commercial and law enforcement applications. It has also been employed for mug shots matching, bank-store security, crowd surveillance, expert identification, witness face reconstruction, electronics mug shots book, and electronic lineup. A face recognition system based on principal component analysis and neural networks has been developed. The system consists of three stages; preprocessing, principal component analysis, and recognition. In preprocessing stage, normalization illumination, and head orientation were performed. Principal component analysis is applied to obtained the aspects of face which are important for identification. Eigenvectors and eigenfaces are calculated from the initial face image set with the help of distinct block processing. New faces are projected onto the space expanded by eigenfaces and represented by weighted sum of the eigenfaces. These weights are used to identify the faces. Neural network is used to create the face database and recognize and authenticate the face by using these weights. In this paper, a separate network was developed for each person. The input face has been projected onto the eigenface space first and new descriptor is obtained. The new descriptor is used as input to each person's network, trained earlier. The one with maximum output is selected and reported as the equivalent image.
Molecular Biocoding of Insulin - Amino Acid Gly[Full-Text] [References]Lutvo Kurić The modern science mainly treats the biochemical basis of sequencing in bio-macromolecules and processes in medicine and biochemistry. One can ask weather the language of biochemistry is the adequate scientific language to explain the phenomenon in that science. Is there maybe some other language, out of biochemistry, that determines how the biochemical processes will function and what the structure and organization of life systems will be? The research results provide some answers to these questions. They reveal to us that the process of sequencing in bio-macromolecules is conditioned and determined not only through biochemical, but also through cybernetic and information principles. Many studies have indicated that analysis of protein sequence codes and various sequence-based prediction approaches, such as predicting drug-target interaction networks (He et al., 2010), predicting functions of proteins (Hu et al., 2011; Kannan et al., 2008), analysis and prediction of the metabolic stability of proteins (Huang et al., 2010), predicting the network of substrate-enzyme-product triads (Chen et al., 2010), membrane protein type prediction (Cai and Chou, 2006; Cai et al., 2003; Cai et al., 2004), protein structural class prediction (Cai et al., 2006; Ding et al., 2007), protein secondary structure prediction (Chen et al., 2009; Ding et al., 2009b), enzyme family class prediction (Cai et al., 2005; Ding et al., 2009a; Wang et al., 2010), identifying cyclin proteins (Mohabatkar, 2010), protein subcellular location prediction (Chou and Shen, 2010a; Chou and Shen, 2010b; Kandaswamy et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2010), among many others as summarized in a recent review (Chou, 2011), can timely provide very useful information and insights for both basic research and drug design and hence are widely welcome by science community. The present study is attempted to develop a novel sequence-based method for studying insulin in hopes that it may become a useful tool in the relevant areas.
Electrical Power Generation Using Piezoelectric Crystal[Full-Text] [References]Anil Kumar The usefulness of most high technology devices such as cell phones, computers, and sensors is limited by the storage capacity of batteries. In the future, these limitations will become more pronounced as the demand for wireless power outpaces battery development which is already nearly optimized. Thus, new power generation techniques are required for the next generation of wearable computers, wireless sensors, and autonomous systems to be feasible. Piezoelectric materials are excellent power generation devices because of their ability to couple mechanical and electrical properties. For example, when an electric field is applied to piezoelectric a strain is generated and the material is deformed. Consequently, when a piezoelectric is strained it produces an electric field; therefore, piezoelectric materials can convert ambient vibration into electrical power. Piezoelectric materials have long been used as sensors and actuators; however their use as electrical generators is less established. A piezoelectric power generator has great potential for some remote applications such as in vivo sensors, embedded MEMS devices, and distributed networking. Developing piezoelectric generators is challenging because of their poor source characteristics (high voltage, low current, high impedance) and relatively low power output. This paper presents a theoretical analysis to increase the piezoelectric power generation that is verified with experimental results.