IJSER, Volume 2, Issue 8, August 2011
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Advancements in Robotics and its Future Uses[Full-Text] [References]Tennyson Samuel John The future is not written yet and who knows whether robots are dangerous or not. What is for sure is that humans, being the curious beings, will develop new advanced generations of robots. Robots and other high-performance inventions have always been of a vast interest for humanity. A great number of scientists have spent the whole life in their laboratories with one aim "to work out innovative schemes, develop them and create some highest qualitative ranking robot". This engrossing process has reached its peak with the technical push that took place due to the endeavors of a number of brilliant and clear intellects of scientists all over the world. The most striking fantasies in this sphere are brought successfully into reality and a great number of robots are in service of people in order to make the process of work or manufacturing automatic. It happens so that people and robots go together in this life side by side, in some spheres of life they are even interchangeable and who knows into what this opposition "Human and Robots" will translate. The future of robots is mere speculation, but judging from developments in recent years, the continued advancements in technology are a foregone conclusion. Robots will likely continue to impact various aspects of our lives, and scientists and philosophers continue to debate the possibilities for the human race. As artificial intelligence continues to develop, there may be a point in which robots become superior to mankind. No matter the future holds, robots will have a place in it.
Applications of Robotics in Medicine[Full-Text] [References]Paduri Veerabhadram, Sr.Lecturer Robots in medicine deserve enhanced attention, being a field where their instrumental ids enable exacting options. The availability of oriented effectors, capable to get into the human body with no or negligible impact, is challenge, evolving while micro-mechanics aims at nanotechnology. The survey addresses sets of known achievements, singling out noteworthy autonomous in body devices, either co-robotic surgical aids, in view of recognizing shared benefits or hindrances, to explore how to conceive effective tools, tailored to answer given demands, while remaining within established technologies.
An Adaptive Framework for the Selection of Embedded Operating Systems[Full-Text] [References]Sachin R. Sakhare, Dr. M.S. Ali The embedded system area today is faced with the challenge of implementing the applications that can execute efficiently on limited resources and that meet nonfunctional requirements such as timeliness, robustness, dependability and performance. At the core, these requirements need to be managed by the operating system. Thus, an embedded operating system has to address not only the aforementioned issues but also the issues arising out of the requirements of newer embedded applications. Such types of constraints are difficult to meet in an embedded operating system and this is the reason that the contemporary embedded operating systems are designed for specific application areas. This research work aims at identifying a common and adaptive framework for embedded operating systems so that a customized embedded operating system can be generated according to the requirements of an application.
Computer Aided Modeling and Optimization of Crankshaft[Full-Text] [References]C.M.Balamurugan, R.Krishnaraj, Dr.M.Sakthivel, K.Kanthavel, Deepan Marudachalam M.G, R.Palani The Computer aided modeling and optimization analysis of crankshaft is to study was to evaluate and compare the fatigue performance of two competing manufacturing technologies for automotive crankshafts, namely forged steel and ductile cast iron. In this study a dynamic simulation was conducted on two crankshafts, cast iron and forged steel, from similar single cylinder four stroke engines.Finite element analyses was performed to obtain the variation of stress magnitude at critical locations. The dynamic analysis was done analytically and was verified by simulations in ANSYS.Results achived from aforementioned analysis were used in optimization of the forged steel crankshaft.Geometry,material and manufacturing processes were optimized considering different constraints,manufacturing feasibility and cost.The optimization process included geometry changes compatible with the current engine,fillet rolling and result in increased fatigue strength and reduced cost of the crankshaft, without changing connecting rod and engine block.
Overall resource effectiveness, cycle time reduction & capacity improvements[Full-Text] [References]E.K.Subramaniam, Dr.M.Sakthivel, K.Kanthavel, R.Krishnaraj, Deepan Marudachalam M.G, R.Palani The survival and growth of an organization depends on the utilization level of the available resources. All the resources like Ma n, Machine, Material are to be utilized to the level of industry standard. The tools available for effective utilization of resources are to be analyzed, understood and implemented based on the local conditions. All the tools may not be common for all the place. Understanding the constraint resources, their behavior and interrelations will give the power to improve them.
Design and Analysis of single disc machine top and bottom cover[Full-Text] [References]S.Varatharajan, R.Krishnaraj, Dr.M.Sakthivel, K.Kanthavel, Deepan Marudachalam M.G, R.Palani The use of structural calculation software based on finite element analysis is nowadays a common practice when designing new industrial products processed from thermoplastic materials like polyamides or ABS. in order to make an adequate Prediction of the service behavior of the plastics component, it is Essential to carry out appropriate analysis when working with the software. This requires both the correct mechanical characterization of the materials used for inputting the required properties in the calculation code, and the specification of the different solution characteristics. In this work, two materials (polyamide and ABS) have been studied for the analysis of single disc machine. The single disc machine includes top cover and bottom cover. Where the top cover consist of motor, pulley and the provision provided for inserting the handle of the machine. The analysis of the top cover is to increase the contact force between the brush and surface. for that a mass of 12kg is Placed on the space provide for the top cover and The structural analysis should be carried out in the top cover in order to reduce the maximum stress and deformation level within the safe limit. Whereas The linear impact analysis is carried out on the bottom cover in order to find a good stiffness level and the minimum hand force at an angle of 60 degree is required for the machine avoid to hitting the wall. for that to make a slot on the bottom cover and place a rubber bush in the slot to reduce the deformation level as well as life time of the machine will also increased. This simulation tests are conducted in the finite element code ANSYS and stress deformation is calculated to achieve the efficient material.
Transient Thermal and Structural Analysis of the Rotor Disc of Disc Brake[Full-Text] [References]V.M.M.Thilak , R.Krishnaraj, Dr.M.Sakthivel, K.Kanthavel, Deepan Marudachalam M.G, R.Palani Transient Thermal and Structural Analysis of the Rotor Disc of Disk Brake is aimed at evaluating the performance of disc brake rotor of a car under severe braking conditions and there by assist in disc rotor design and analysis. An investigation into usage of new materials is required which improve braking efficiency and provide greater stability to vehicle. This investigation can be done using ANSYS software. ANSYS 11.0 is a dedicated finite element package used for determining the temperature distribution, variation of the stresses and deformation across the disc brake profile. In the present work, an attempt has been made to investigate the suitable hybrid composite material which is lighter than cast iron and has good Young's modulus, Yield strength and density properties. Aluminum base metal matrix composite and High Strength Glass Fiber composites have a promising friction and wear behavior as a Disk brake rotor. The transient thermo elastic analysis of Disc brakes in repeated brake applications has been performed and the results were compared. The suitable material for the braking operation is S2 glass fiber and all the values obtained from the analysis are less than their allowable values. Hence the brake Disc design is safe based on the strength and rigidity criteria. By identifying the true design features, the extended service life and long term stability is assured.
Effect of turbulence on the performance of an inverted three- lobe Pressure dam bearing[Full-Text] [References]N. K. Batra, Gian Bhushan and N. P. Mehta This paper analyzes the effect of turbulence on the performance of an inverted three- lobe pressure dam bearing which is produced by incorporating a pressure dam in the upper lobe and two relief tracks in the lower two lobes of an ordinary inverted three- lobe bearing. For analysis purpose different values (0, 1500, 3000, and 6000) of Reynolds number are considered to study the effect of turbulence. The results shows that for an inverted three lobe bearing supporting rigid or flexible rotors, the zone of infinite stability as well as minimum threshold speed increases with increase in turbulence, thus indicating better stability at higher turbulence level.
Routing Protocols for Wireless Mesh Networks[Full-Text] [References]Venkat Mohan Sarabu Routing is a fundamental characteristic of Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). The strengths and weakness of routing protocols are reflected directly in WMN's characteristics. Several advantages of WMNs over competing technologies are directly enabled by the routing protocols. WMNs require routing protocols that provide flexibility to work with different topologies, low latency for route discovery and re-discovery; low control traffic overhead, scalability with respect to mobilityand network dimension, mobile user support, efficient handover, QoS support, multicast which is important for emergency response cases and more desirable one- multipaths. In this paper, for the beginners who are interested in WMNs, a survey on some of the relevant routing protocols for WMNs, their behavior, and comparison is presented.
Review of Significant Research on EEG based Automated Detection of Epilepsy Seizures & Brain Tumor[Full-Text] [References]Sharanreddy.M and Dr.P.K.Kulkarni Electroencephalography (EEG) measures the electrical activity of the brain and represents a summation of post-synaptic potentials from a large number of neurons. Over a past few decades many researches all over the world, focusing and working to automate the analysis of EEG signals to identify and categorized the diseases. In this paper, we present a review of the significant researches associated with the automated detection of epileptic seizures and brain tumor using EEG signals
Psychological explanation of the importance of Customer Relationship Management (CRM), applications and challenges facing to it[Full-Text] [References]Dr.Javad Khalatbari, Dr.Ahmad Reza Keikhayfarzaneh, Mohammad Sourizaei, Mohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh Customer relationship management is one of the important matters today, and much of the organizations' foundations underpinned by this method. In addition, in order to be developed and involved in economic competence, organizations should pay a special attention to customers and maintain their relationships with good's purchasers more than ever. Therefore, it is required to design a system for attracting and maintain the customers in organizations, a system that significantly manage the relationship between organization and customers. These systems have been known as customer relationship management today. In this article, this issue is going to be considered and its dimensions will be explored.
On the Development of a Cluster-Based Co-operative Network with Directional Antennas at Trans-Receivers Using Connected Dominating Set in WANET[Full-Text] [References]Sitanshu kar The sensors can be grouped into clusters and the mini sensors use a high energy to communicate with each other. Every cluster is equipped with a source node which acts as the central gateway for that cluster. In this paper we treat the communication among the smart nodes in the ad hoc mode where we propose to minimize the energy conservation of the nodes by increasing the cooperativeness. Directional antenna doesn't overhear the nodes outside its own arc of coverage and allows simultaneous communication without interference. This additionally helps to reduce power depletion of nodes. First layer of the sensor networks is the infrastructure layer and there is no back-bone for these networks. In this paper, we propose a frame-work model for cluster based cooperative networks and we measure the network lifetime and survivability as the performance evaluation metrics of the proposed model.
Stable Path Routing Protocol based on Power Awareness[Full-Text] [References]Dr. P. K. Suri, Dr. M.K. Soni, Parul Tomar Mobile Adhoc Network consists of a large number of mobile nodes that communicate with each other in the absence of any fixed infrastructure. In such an environment each node must work as router to forward the data packets in the network. The principle characteristics of ad hoc network are the dynamic topology and the limited energy of mobile nodes. Nodes in the network are dependent on limited battery power for their operations. One of the major issue in providing QoS in these network. QoS service cannot be guarentted without managing the link failures. One of the reasons for link failure is discharge of battery. Link failure causes packet drop and reinitailization of route finding process which leads to lot of bandwidth consumption, decrese in throughput and increase in delay. Here, in this paper we are proposing a new approach for minimizing the link failure. The basic idea behind the proposed work is to find more stable path from source to destination in terms of remainig life time of battery.
Performance Evaluation of AODV & DSR with Reference to Varying Terrain Range[Full-Text] [References]Rajesh Deshmukh,Asha Ambhaikar,Dr. H.R.Sharma,Dr. V.K.Mohabey This paper studies impact of varying Terrain Range on the performance of two reactive routing protocols AODV and DSR. For experimental purposes, initially we observed the performance of AODV with increasing Network Area from 1020m x 1020m to 2040m x 2040m. In another scenario we observed the performance of DSR with increasing Network Area from 1020m x 1020m to 2040m x 2040m. The performance of AODV and DSR are observed across Packet Delivery Ratio, Loss Packet Ratio and Routing overhead parameters. Our simulation results show that AODV and DSR perform equally for lower network size, while DSR is a better selection when network area is 2040m x 2040m.
The Role of E-Commerce in Electronic Customer Relationship Management (ECRM) and the Factors Affecting It[Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh, Dr.Ahmad Reza Keikhayfarzaneh, Dr.Javad Khalatbari, Mohammad Sourizaei The emerging of new technologies have been primary and tremendous effects on different facets of commercial organizations in today's world. One of the facets of this matter is customer satisfaction and trust through this way.The senior organization and company's managers evidently know that the success and also their survival depended upon their customer's satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is also a key for them which are also so sensitive. ECRM or customer relationship management electronically has managed to help organizations in this field. In article, the contents, aims and the benefits of CRM and ECRM have been considered. Their considerations as recognizing the behavioral types of customers to customize and increase customer's loyalties to organizations have also been emphasized.
Children's behavioral disorders, symptoms, prevalence and its problems with a brief overview of family-based therapeutic intervention[Full-Text] [References]Saeedeh Motamed, Dr.Shohreh Ghorbanshiroudi, Dr.Javad Khalatbari, Mohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh No society can claim that it is a healthy one, while it does not have healthy families. Undoubtedly, none of the social damages are free from family influences. Today, behavioral disorders in children and the factors underlying in family and society has attracted the attention of many educational and psychological experts. Hence, in this article, it is tried to initially review the various definitions mentioned in this context and then have an overview of the prevalence and complications of these disorders, and in the end family-based treatment interventions, which can be helpful in reducing child behavioral disorders will be discussed.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Its Risk Factors[Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Sourizaei, Dr.Ahmad Reza Keikhayfarzaneh, Dr.Javad Khalatbari, Mohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh Today, the relationship with clients is highly regarded, and many of the organization's or company's strategies are established based on them. But as much as this issue is important, considering the risk factors and the challenges is very important and vital as well. Because the lack of importance may cause the project to be failed. In this article, CRM is firstly taken account, and after expressing the problems, a few of the important risk factors for customer relationship management projects has been reviewed.
Psychological explanation of the importance of life skills training programs, applications and challenges facing to it[Full-Text] [References]Dr.Javad Khalatbari, Mohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh, Dr. Shohreh Ghorbanshiroudi, Dr.Shahnam Abolghasemi, Saeedeh Motamed Today, despite the deep cultural changes and the changes in the way of life, many people have not the basic and required skills in dealing with life' problems, and that's why, they have been vulnerable in the face of their problems and requirements of life. Meanwhile, some programs has been designed for preventing and avoiding these problems, which one of the most effective kind of them is the life skills education program that has been designed by World Health Organization (WHO). In this study, it is tried to determine the importance of implementation and training of these skills through psychological orientation, and paid a brief overview on the applications and the challenges facing it.
Native Language Website using Interlingua Technique[Full-Text] [References]Vineet Kumar Srivastava, Mohammad Tamsir Now a days translation is present as a software in the web, but the language which is presented in the websites is in English which are mostly used by people who know English but creates problems for those people who don't know English but know their respective native languages. Our task is to provide effective communication with the all type of customers which increases the understandability of the goods or products displayed in web-site as well as increase in sales, which results in the increase of business which is the key factor for the success of any e-commerce system . In this work we have explained our devlpoed database which is useful for websites so that people who know their respective languages, can easily access websites without other language difficulty.
Literary and Mystical Analysis and Adaptation of Abolghasem Joneyd and Abousaid Abolkheyr[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Ahmad Reza Keikhay Farzaneh Mysticism is somehow get away from the external world and get into the inner world. In fact, it is a view against human's inner conflicts with his inner innovations which offer creative solutions for saving humans. On this basis, people who eagerly seek the truth bring to the mystic's worlds and use the mystic's and teacher's thoughts who reached to the perfection themselves. But when this truth seeker enter this world of conduction, is encountered with different thoughts which are sometimes contradict each other. Given these differences and thoughts, this research is going to consider, evaluate and adapt amongst mystics, the thoughts and of Joneyd who was of consciousness and Abousaid Abulkheir who was of abstinence, in discussions such as mysticism, tradition, conduction and monotheism and other issues which are related to mysticism, and show that these two thinkers have no discrepancy regarding this issue and other mystical issues, and their differences are just superficial which caused the doubt and misgiving about these two mystic's thoughts. Research methodology is performed by laboratory and exploratory.
Design and Implementation of English Language Tutorial System with Intelligent Feedback System[Full-Text] [References]Meeta Dewangan, K J Satao This paper presents the design and implementation of English language Tutorial system, which supports students at home learning the English language. We concentrate on implementation of different modules of this system such as the learn phase, test phase, dictionary, pronunciation section which is devoted to generate, in a cognitively transparent way, the right tense for the verb appearing in the exercises presented to the student. A model edition of English language Tutorial system has been fully implemented with the help of visual basic 6.0 as front end, ms access and flash files as back end.English language tutorial system essentially classify into three level like primary level, middle level and high level. This paper depicts the components and technology used to design and implement of this system with intelligent feedback system which used to provide the response to user so as to helps to be aware of the knowledle intensity of user after interaction with this system.
Impact of Series Compensation Insertion in Double HV Transmission Line on the Settings of Distance Protection[Full-Text] [References]Zellagui Mohamed, Chaghi Abdelaziz This paper presents a study of the performance of distance protection relays when series compensation (SC) is inserted on double circuit transmission line high voltage (HV) 400 kV in Algeria (Group Sonelgaz). The relays setting for distance protection is considered as a great challenge to power system protection engineers. Special considerations on the transmission line impedance measurement are necessary in the application of distance protection. The studies also include different challenges which the protection engineer may face such as current and voltage inversion, non-linearity of the line impedance. A detailed modeling of SC is proposed and integrated in transmission system for five case studies in different point locations on transmission line. The proposed results dealing with distance relays protection setting are performed in MATLAB software environment, for different cases.
An Efficient Handoff Scheme for Multimedia Traffic in OFDMA System[Full-Text] [References]Manjusha Mangrulkar, Prof. C.N.Deshmukh The IEEE 802.16e Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) system is developed to cater for rapidly growing requirement for multimedia wireless services. Since the heterogeneous services provided by the system are connection-oriented, Call Admission Control and required resource reservation mechanisms are needed to achieve desired quality of service (QoS). Traditional admission control algorithms are based on bandwidth or channel reservation policy, which may be incompetent in IEEE 802.16e OFDMA systems for two reasons: (i) WiMAX system supports dynamic and flexible resource allocation, and (ii) there exists a fundamental tradeoff between bandwidth resource and power resource. In this paper, we propose an efficient call admission control scheme based on maximum use of subchannels using AMC to minimize the overall transmit power in OFDMA systems. Based on power reservation, we propose two power reservation schemes for inter-cell handoff calls and intra-cell handoff calls, respectively. Correspondingly, two reservation factors are introduced, the values of which are determined by optimizing the metric of Grade of Service (GoS). Computer simulation is carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed call admission control scheme based on power reservation.
Optimization of shaft design under fatigue loading using Goodman method[Full-Text] [References]Deepan Marudachalam M.G, K.Kanthavel, R.Krishnaraj In this paper frequent failure of a shaft employed in a spinning machine is studied. Failure occurred at the vicinity of change in cross section of the shaft where a relief groove is present. Considering the drive system, forces and the torques acting on the shaft are determined using which the stresses occurring at the failure section are calculated. Stress analysis is also carried out by using finite element method (FEM) and the results are compared with the calculated values. Stress concentration factors at the failure cross section are calculated using least square method from which fatigue stress concentration factors are calculated. Endurance limit using Goodman's method, fatigue factor of safety and the theoretical no of cycles sustained by the shaft before failure is estimated. In conclusion it is seen that the increase in fillet radii of the shaft and change in the position of the support decreases the stress concentration factor, increase the endurance limit and fatigue factor of safety of the shaft.
Modeling For Supplier Selection through Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text] [References]Malay Niraj and Prof Shalendra Kumar The success of an industry depends on optimization of product cost and for achieving above goal supplier selection should be error free and efficient. The supplier selection Problem is a multi objective problem involving both qualitative and quantitative factors. These factors and their interdependencies make the problem highly complex one. The supplier selection issue has been founded out as one of the fundamental operation in the supply chain. In this study, a fuzzy expert decision support system has been developed for solving the suppler selection problem with multiple objectives. Basic important factors considered for supplier selection are price, quality and service. The fuzzy based model is necessary to ensure the suitability by considering important factors and simulate the factors with data given by the experts in those fields.
Antimicrobial Silver Nanomaterials Synthesized by HVPCG Technique[Full-Text] [References]Wilfred V. Espulgar, Gil Nonato C. Santos Triangular silver nanoplates, of different orientations, and other nanostructures were successfully synthesized using the Horizontal Vapor Phase Crystal (HVPC) Growth technique for antimicrobial purposes in this study. This finding demonstrates HVPC as an alternative and simple technique to synthesize ordered silver nanomaterials for antimicrobial study.
Suitability of Maintenance Practice through Fuzzy Logic Based Simulation Model[Full-Text] [References]Malay Niraj, Praveen Kumar The present study is a new approach for finding the suitable maintenance practice with the help of fuzzy logic rule base system. It is a decision making tool which depends upon various condition of a machine .The success of any industry depend on its optimum manufacturing cost of product and for achieving the above said factor the maintenance practice should be efficient and effective .Fuzzy base maintenance system (FBMS) has been considered for study because of the fact that fuzzy logic technique is best suited for dynamic environment where decisions are required to be taken on the basis of multi variable parameters. The study describes problem in maintenance arising due to absence of having clear criteria and strong decision constrain how to maintain failing equipment. This study mainly focused on the modeling of a "Fuzzy Based Simulation" for finding the suitability of maintenance methods considering downtime &frequency as a parameter.
Performance Analysis of Aodv Protocol Under Black Hole Attack[Full-Text] [References]Monika Roopak, Dr. BVR Reddy Mobile Ad-hoc networks are a collection of mobile hosts that communicate with each other without any infrastructure. Due to security vulnerabilities of the routing protocols, wireless ad hoc networks may be unprotected against attacks by the malicious nodes. One of these attacks is the Black Hole Attack against network integrity absorbing all data packets in the network. Since the data packets do not reach the destination node on account of this attack, data loss will occur. In this paper are doing simulation study of network under black hole attack and do comparison with the network without attack working on AODV protocol using various performance metrics such as throughput, PDF and End to End delay in three different scenarios.
Synthesis of Ni-Zn Ferrites Using Low Temperature Sol-Gel Process[Full-Text] [References]Pushpendra Kumar, Pawan Mishra, Sanjay Kumar Sahu Quality of ferrite materials have dominant role in the performance of ferrite devices. Properties of ferrites are found to be dependent on their chemical composition and microstructure, which in turn are governed by the preparation process. In our work we prepared five different compositions of nickel-zinc ferrites by using low temperature sol-gel technique Structural analysis of prepared samples were done by using X-ray differaction, Field emission scanning electron microscopy and Transmission electron microscopy.
Virtual Power Plants[Full-Text] [References]Sherry Carr, Mr. Cooper America is too dependent upon foreign energy sources, but it has the capabilities to free itself, while saving money and preserving the environment. This paper questions the advantages of Virtual Power Plants and the need for renewable energy sources. Virtual Power Plants (VPP, hereinafter) are collective generators of renewable energy sources that can store and adjust energy output on demand and at will. VPP's can be employed to co-generate with current grids or operate soley to produce reliable, efficient, cost-effective energy while reducing costs and global warming (Encorp, 2011). My hypothesis suggests that VPP's can create substantial and sustainable energy from renewables,as it helps to reverse the destruction of our planet and ourselves. We can create and sustain a cleaner, safer, more efficient world by implementing and advancing VPP's to meet and possibly exceed our energy needs.
Cloud Computing[Full-Text] [References]Gagandeep Singh Ahluwalia This paper introduces the value of implementing cloud computing. The paper defines clouds, explains the difference between cloud and grid computing, and outlines cloud architecture and its major components. This paper also highlights the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing and introduction to mobile cloud computing.
Algorithm of Insulin Human P01308[Full-Text] [References]Lutvo Kuric The modern science mainly treats the biochemical basis of sequencing in bio-macromolecules and processes in medicine and biochemistry. One can ask weather the language of biochemistry is the adequate scientific language to explain the phenomenon in that science. Is there maybe some other language, out of biochemistry, that determines how the biochemical processes will function and what the structure and organization of life systems will be? The research results provide some answers to these questions. They reveal to us that the process of sequencing in bio-macromolecules is conditioned and determined not only through biochemical, but also through cybernetic and information principles. Many studies have indicated that analysis of protein sequence codes and various sequence-based prediction approaches, such as predicting drug-target interaction networks (He et al., 2010), predicting functions of proteins (Hu et al., 2011; Kannan et al., 2008), analysis and prediction of the metabolic stability of proteins (Huang et al., 2010), predicting the network of substrate-enzyme-product triads (Chen et al., 2010), membrane protein type prediction (Cai and Chou, 2006; Cai et al., 2003; Cai et al., 2004), protein structural class prediction (Cai et al., 2006; Ding et al., 2007), protein secondary structure prediction (Chen et al., 2009; Ding et al., 2009b), enzyme family class prediction (Cai et al., 2005; Ding et al., 2009a; Wang et al., 2010), identifying cyclin proteins (Mohabatkar, 2010), protein subcellular location prediction (Chou and Shen, 2010a; Chou and Shen, 2010b; Kandaswamy et al., 2010; Liu et al., 2010), among many others as summarized in a recent review (Chou, 2011), can timely provide very useful information and insights for both basic research and drug design and hence are widely welcome by science community. The present study is attempted to develop a novel sequence-based method for studying insulin in hopes that it may become a useful tool in the relevant areas.
Comparison of Performance Evaluation of Reverse Supply Chain in Information Technology and Telecommunication Equipment Industry[Full-Text] [References]K.Arun Vasantha Geethan Due to the increasing product variety and shorter life cycles, many electronic products end up in disposal sites. The development in the electronics sector is geared towards growing miniaturization, more complex and compact products, all of which stand in the way of economical and ecological recycling. These factors in addition to the inherent complexity of reverse supply chains (RSC) due to the uncertainties associated with the quantity, quality, and timing of returns make returns management all the more complicated. Information technology and telecommunication equipment industries have started to realize that RSC can be used to gain competitive advantage. Effective performance management is an important aspect of the RSC initiative, and is the key to recognizing the benefits of efficient supply chain management systems.This research spotlights on this particular problem from a information technology and telecommunication equipment industries perspective, as it poses the greatest challenges in handling returns due to the presence of high clock speed products and greater return volume and variability. In this research, Performance Evaluation Analytic for Reverse Logistics Methodology is developed to facilitate decision making from the perspective of an enterprise engaged in reverse logistics. It explores the various reverse logistics functions and product lifecycle stages. It also develops some key business strategies and performance metrics that can be employed to be successful in returns handling. Deployment of this methodology in their organizations not only provides them with a real world assessment of what strategies, reverse logistics functions, product lifecycle stages, or key performance indicators impact the Reverse Logistics Performance Value, thereby allowing them to continuously improve their returns management capabilities but also helps us to compare the efficiencies of the two organisation under study.
Performance Analysis Of Data Mining Techniques For Placement Chance Prediction[Full-Text] [References]V.Ramesh, P.Parkavi, P.Yasodha Predicting the performance of a student is a great concern to the higher education managements. The scope of this paper is to investigate the accuracy of data mining techniques in such an environment. The first step of the study is to gather student's data. We collected records of 300 Under Graduate students of computer science course, from a private Educational Institution. The second step is to clean the data and choose the relevant attributes. In the third step, NaiveBayesSimple, MultiLayerPerception, SMO, J48, REPTree algorithms were constructed and their performances were evaluated. The study revealed that the MultiLayerPerception is more accurate than the other algorithms. This work will help the institute to accurately predict the performance of the students.
Geo-Environmental and Geo-Hydrological Study of Rajghat Dam, Sagar (M. P.) using Remote Sensing Techniques[Full-Text] [References]Kuldeep Pareta This study was conducted on the Rajghat dam situated in Sagar District of Madhya Pradesh, India; the remote sensing techniques have been proved to be very efficient in identification geo-hydrological and geo-environmental aspects of the study area. In the present paper IRS-P6 LISS-IV Mx (5.8 m) data has been used. The various thematic maps have been generated and integrated on 1:15,000 scale. Geology, geomorphology, hydro-geomorphology, geo-hydrology, structure, soils, erosion, and land use land cover helped in identification of the potential zones for development planning and forecasting limitations to their implementation with seasonal accuracy. Lineaments and their intersections appear to be potential sites for groundwater. Bewas drainage basin is suitable for surface reservoirs and check dams. The study shows that the integration of all attributes provide more accurate results in identification of geo-environmental and geo-hydrological characteristics.
Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) based Pressure Sensor in Barometric Altimeter [Full-Text] [References]Manikandan, K.A. Karthigeyan and K. Immanuvel Arokia James Barometer is a well-organized tool for determining atmospheric pressure. The altimeter is a tool which calculates the vertical distance in accordance with a reference level. The barometric altimeter, computes the altitude according to the atmospheric pressure. Accuracy and size are the major issues in altimetry. On the other hand the present day altimeters employing conventional pressure sensors consume more floor space and provide very less accuracy. To resolve this problem, in this paper implemented a Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) based pressure sensor in the design of barometric altimeter. MEMS are a class of systems that shares the existence of micro machined parts having both electrical and mechanical components incorporated on a single chip. MEMS pressure sensor guarantees higher degree of accuracy and reliability. These MEMS based barometric altimeter system operates with high sensitivity in the pressure. A temperature sensor is interfaced with the system so as to implement the dynamic temperature profiling approach as an attempt to eliminate the temperature dependent errors prevailing in the present day standard temperature profiled altimeters. MEMS based Barometric Altimeter is implemented using the following two modules: Embedded Module and Simulation Module. Even though the size of the MEMS based Barometric Altimeter is reduced, it provides more accuracy.
Image Compression Using Discrete Cosine Transform & Discrete Wavelet Transform[Full-Text] [References]Anitha s, Dr. C Rajgopal Image compression plays a vital role in digital image processing. The need for image compression becomes apparent when number of bits per image are computed resulting from typical sampling rates and. quantization methods. For example, the amount of storage required for given images is (i) a low resolution, TV quality, color video image which has 512 x 512 pixels/color,8 bits/pixel, and 3 colors approximately consists of 6 x 10⁶ bits;(ii) a 24 x 36 mm negative photograph scanned at 12 x 10⁻⁶mm:3000 x 2000 pixels/color, 8 bits/pixel, and 3 colors nearly contains 144 x 10⁶ bits; (3) a 14 x 17 inch radiograph scanned at 70 x 10⁻⁶mm: 5000 x 6000 pixels, 12 bits/pixel nearly contains 360 x 10⁶ bits. Thus storage of even a few images could cause a problem.DCT is one of the transforms used for lossy image compression. This paper reveals a study of the mathematical equations of the DCT and its uses with image compression.
Competency Mapping[Full-Text] [References]R.Yuvaraj, Dr. G.Ravindaran Human resource management is a process of bringing people and organizations together so that the goals of each other are met. Nowadays it is not possible to show a good financial or operating report unless your personnel relations are in order. Over the years, highly skilled and knowledge based jobs are increasing while low skilled jobs are decreasing. This calls for future skill mapping through proper HRM initiatives. Indian organizations are also witnessing a change in systems, management cultures and philosophy due to the global alignment of Indian organizations. There is a need for multi skill development. Competency Mapping is a process of identifying key competencies for an organization, the jobs and functions within it. Competency mapping is important and is an essential activity. Every well-managed firm should have well defined roles and list of competencies required to perform each role effectively. Competency mapping identifies an individual's strengths and weaknesses in order to help them better understand themselves and to show them where career development efforts need to be directed. Competency mapping is not only done for Confirmed employees of an organization and it can also be done for contract workers or for those seeking employment to emphasize the specific skills which would make them valuable to a potential employer. These kinds of skills can be determined, when one is ready to do the work. Competency mapping is one of the most accurate means in identifying the job and behavioral competencies of an individual in an organization. Competency is a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes required to perform a job effectively and efficiently. A Competency is something that describes how a job might be done excellently; a Competence only describes what has to be done, not how. Core competency is something which cannot be copied and it is the pillar upon which individual rest.
MPN Test To Detect The Presence Of Coliforms In Pond Water And Potable Water[Full-Text] [References]Vineeta Girdoniya Purpose of this research is to detect the presence of coliforms, if any, in water bodies by the application of MPN Test.For this research water samples were collected from the affected sites where the possibility of mixing sewage in water bodies is high, and MPN Test were applied to detect the presence of coliforms, which may be pathogenic in nature and are responsible for the cause of diseases like cholera, disentary, tuberculosis, etc in man and domestic animals.
The Role of Research and Development in Industry and Commerce[Full-Text] [References]Precious Sibiya The world technologies are fast transforming as we sleep by night. What is it that these emerging industrial nations are doing to up their market standards and quality of life? The secret is sound and effective research which leads to development. This paper seeks to provoke the minds of the readers regardless of which sector of the industry and commerce they belong, to think and act differently towards their undertaking. Every sector of the industry requires some spice of innovation which results from continuous research. What is it that the Japanese did to come up with brands like YAMAHA, TOYOTA, FIJISTSU, et cetera. It is possible to have strategies of Research and Development which are supported by sound Intellectual Property Protection Policies and Government funded. Africa entered this millennium with renewed commitment to banish poverty, increase economic productivity, improve political and economic governance, achieve sustainable development and integrate itself into the global knowledge economy.
Web Objects Clustering Through Aggregation for Enhanced Search Results[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Pushpa R. Suri and Harmunish Taneja World Wide Web offer a rich mix of new challenges and opportunities to information computing researchers. The conventional search engine always returns a set of web pages in answer to a user query. Millions of web pages from organizations, institutions and personnel are made public electronically. With the web explosion and never ending raise of digital data, an added effect is the difficulty to retrieve relevant and reliable information from the Web. It is almost impossible for the naive user to get the right information in the answered search results as there is too much unrelated and out dated. The reason for this is rooted deep in the methodology for conventional Information computing on web that supports the indexing granularity for search as a web page. Search engines basically hunt for the potential web pages of user interests. On the contrary the user perspective in today's changing era is the information of a certain 'object' may be in the form of a cluster containing only the relevant data related to the object of interest rather than a tedious list of search results containing all the related and unrelated web pages. The similar theory can be applied to the queries from the point of view of developer. It requires grouping web objects into classes based on their attributes and links. This paper proposes algorithm for clustering web objects into different classes based on their links and identify relations dynamically. Results confirm the efficiency of the proposed approach as the user gets a cluster that contains only objects of interest from all the linked web pages.
A Two-Sleeve Dual Band Antenna for Wireless Application[Full-Text] [References]Shikha Sukhija, Sukhdeep Kaur This paper describes the two sleeves dual band antenna design for the wireless Application. This proposed antenna operates simultaneously at 3.5 and 5.2/5.8 GHz (WiMax and WLAN services) spectrum. Effects of varying the different parameters on the antenna performance have been studied. This compact antenna fed by 50ohm microstrip line is low profile and very easy to manufacture.
Managing Global Software Projects through knowledge sharing[Full-Text] [References]Balaji P The purpose of this research paper is to propose a knowledge sharing framework to manage software projects where employees working in different work location. To support the arguments made based on review literature, the paper presents the holistic framework of knowledge sharing in a software development company and also provides a model to solve the problem of knowledge sharing objections. The paper then applies the framework to study the existence of knowledge sharing process in a software development company to examine the effectiveness of knowledge sharing.
Studies on Preparation and Characterization of Na2O-CaO-P2O5-ZrO2 Bioglass-ceramics[Full-Text] [References]M.R. Majhi, Ram Pyare and S.P.Singh Bioglass-ceramics of compositions 45P2O5.24CaO. (31-X)Na2O.XZrO2, where(X= 0-3 mole %) were prepared. The DTA analysis results showed the nucleation and crystallization temperature, which increased with increasing ZrO2 in the place of Na2O in the glass composition. The identification of crystalline phases in Na2O-CaO-P2O5 - ZrO2 bioglass-ceramics were detected as calcium phosphate (β-Ca (PO3)2 ), sodium pyrophosphate (Na4P2O7), calcium pyrophosphate (β -Ca2P2O7 ) 2) ,NaPO3 (Sodium meta phosphate ), Na4Ca(PO4)6 (Sodium calcium metaphosphate) and sodium zirconium phosphate (Na5Zr(PO4)3) by X-ray diffraction analysis. The main phase was identifying as calcium pyrophosphate (β -Ca2P2O7 ), which is known for its bioactivity. The bioactivity of the prepared glass and their ceramic derivatives were done by measurement of the reflection spectra for the samples after immersing in the simulated body fluid (SBF) for different period at 37.8OC .The result revealed that no apatite layer was formed on the surface of the samples and the predominant phase remained on the surface was β-Ca2P2O7 which is well known for its bioactivity. pH measurement of SBF for different periods is showed that chemical durability of glasses and their glass ceramic derivative increases with increasing ZrO2 content. The dimension of the crystal sizes decreases gradually with increasing the ZrO2 content after SEM analysis.
Kinetics from Reaction of Copper Extraction[Full-Text] [References]Ms. Sajadeh Riahi, Mr. Hossein Aghaee, Mr. Esmaeil Eynalian In this study the kinetics of copper extraction from convertor dust in Sarcheshmeh Copper Complex in Kerman has been presented based upon the shrinking core. In this research we examined different parameters such as acid, temperature, pressure, time, size of particles and stirring speed. The laboratory results show that stage of reaction control is the surface reaction on particles.
Evaluation of Analgesic and Antipyretic activity of Marsilea trifolia Blanco[Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Didar Khan The main aim of this study was to find out the Antipyretic and analgesic effects of Marsilea trifolia Blanco (Family: Marsileaceae) fresh leaf aqueous extract, a Bangladeshi medicinal plant. The extract exhibited marked analgesic effect by reduction of writhings inducted by acetic acid at dose of 100, 200 and 300mg/kg (p.o) in mice. Analgesic effect was also observed with the hot plate device maintained at 55°C. Moreover, the extract produced a significant inhibition (P<0,01) in yeast induced pyrexia in rats. This study confirms traditional use of Marsilea trifolia Blanco as remedy for fever.
Determination of effectiveness of Emotional-logical therapy on addictive spouses' marriage conflict of visitor to addiction center of Zahedan[Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Mojtaba Keikhayfarzaneh, Dr.Ahmad Reza Keikhayfarzaneh, Dr.Javad Khalatbari, Mohammad Sourizaei During recent years it seems that amount of divorcing Couples dissatisfaction of each other and missing link between families members are on the increase. The main purpose of this study is considering efficacy of emotional-logical therapy couples for decreasing aggression of married life in addicts Zahedan addiction relief center.This is experimental, pretest-posttest study. Between 280 referral cases, 120 cases with high level of married aggression set in two groups of 60 people accidentally. Married aggression questionnaire was used for collecting data. Couple treatment program was done in two hours 18 sessions. After Ending sessions post test was done for both groups. Data was analyzed by SPSS software.according to this study emotional-logical therapy couples has positive decreasing effect on aggressions "married (P<0.05), decreasing cooperation (P<0.01), decreasing libido (P<0.01), increasing emotional reaction (P<0.01), increasing individual relationship with relatives (P<0.05), increasing drawing children's attention (P<0.01), decreasing familial relationship with spouse-in-law (P<0.01) and defining financial issues (P<0.01)".According to results emotional- logical therapy couples can be effective in decreasing married aggression .it is recommended to make maximum use of this way of treatment for solving married aggression by more evaluation of this issue.
Land Use in Suburbia : Perungalathur Village of Chennai Metropolitan Area [Full-Text] [References]S. Ramesh, N. Nagarajan, S.Poongothai Land use of a region is a function of use of land, community, attitude of people in their daily walks of life, occupation of the region and finally location, rate and quantum of interaction irrespective of distance with the nodal point at the region. The functionality of the region differs from place to place and remains a key factor in Suburbia. Land use is obviously constrained by environmental factors such as soil characteristics, climate, topography, and vegetation. Subject of geography deals with the study of space and the nature of people who live in it and how they advocate for the changes taking place over the region, which is clearly exposed by an understanding of the literal meaning of suburbia. The suburbanites as a distinctive social element and secondly the manners, styles and customs typical of suburban life. This reveals that the nomenclature of the region wholly depends upon the intensity and type of use of land by the people. The paper aims at examining the evolving land use patterns in a Suburb of Chennai, namely, Perungalathur. The spatial and temporal variations are studied from the land use maps prepared at the Cadastral level, demographic and occupational structures of the region for the periods of 1960 - 2001 are also discussed. The Change Deduction and Share and Shift analysis are tools used in the study for understanding the evolving land use pattern. By viewing the data obtained from the Adangal (Revenue Record Book) and Census data, the study suggests that this region is subjective to higher rate of land use conversion, that is, from agriculture to plots, residential its allied activities such as shops (petty shops, construction related shops) which indirectly exposes the nature of change in occupation pattern and the pull factors which have invited a change in demographic pattern of the region which elucidates the evolving land use pattern.
To study the Employee Engagement practices and its effect on employee performance with special reference to ICICI and HDFC Bank in Lucknow[Full-Text] [References]Neeta Bhatla The employee engagement practices in an organization get increased as companies tend to work with a global workforce .Organizations are on hunt for people who are generally enthusiastic to come to work everyday and are highly passionate about their work .The article focuses on the need for such employees and how their presence can improve the progress and work efficiency of the organization as a whole .Also focuses on the challenges faced by the HR managers to improve employee engagement for an organization's survival .It also throws light on other aspects of employee engagement like benefits ,key indicators and factors influencing employee engagement. It also focuses on the various practices used in private banks.
An innovative step towards women's empowerment by Successful Community Based Garbage bank project to protect environment[Full-Text] [References]Archana gupta Though the Constitution of India guarantees equality of all citizens' before the law still women carry the burden of centuries of subordination there by making it difficult for them to realize their constitutional rights. The State Government of Rajasthan itself expressed this starkly in its report of 1999: The status of women in Rajasthan is an international issue. Patriarchy, discriminatory customs and values, caste based discrimination, high illiteracy and high rates of poverty seem pervasive. Despite all efforts towards social justice, women continue to be perceived as burdens. Women and men have gender-differentiated roles and responsibilities: traditionally, men 'work' while women bear and rear children, and provide for the general care and maintenance of the family. As a nation, we are of course over cruel inhuman practices such as sati and other logic less 'customs' that were traditionally followed in ancient India. In Rajasthan, women are still expected to respond to reproductive work while they also have to take part in family earning. . The Urban Management Programme (UMP) (1999) Asia News reported that about 35% of the urban populations in Asian developing countries do not have access to adequate sanitation. A significant amount of solid waste generated in urban areas were facing environmental problem caused by many reasons such as poor sanitation due to lack of knowledge, unawareness and lack of /insufficient water supply. Garbage problem is one of the environment problems. The household waste is not affecting the household only but it also affects the community as a whole. Thus household waste is highly involved in the daily life of women. So we have to think with the increasing emphasis that to resettlement communities in the outskirts of every area in the all villages towns and cities of Rajasthan. The environment in the slum areas might be one of the main factors to cause their ignorance toward garbage. However, to solve this problem is a challenging. Women can display active participation in all implementation steps of any project in the community. Women are powerful agents of change, as well as innovators in response to environmental changes. Women's responsibilities in households, communities, and as stewards of natural resources, position them well to develop strategies for adapting to changing environmental realities. The garbage bank activity is an effective awareness-raising scheme to make people realize the economic value of waste. Returns from waste trading with the bank can be an incentive for people to pursue waste separation and collection. However, since such programmes are mostly conducted in low-income communities, the effectiveness of the practice for other target groups seems questionable, as economic returns may not be an attractive incentive for them. As women represent the nucleus of the community, therefore this Garbage bank Programs gives financial independence and better quality of lifestyle to them. Healthy women produce healthy family, and lead to healthy Community.
Quasi-static Energy Absorption of Wood[Full-Text] [References]B.G.Vijayasimha Reddy, K.V.Sharma, T.Yella Reddy This study presents the experimental results for a series of tests on the uniaxial quasi-static crushing of cubical specimens of 50mm side for two species of wood such as Jack wood and Indian Fig. Compression tests were conducted on universal testing machine of 400kN capacity and at a constant deformation rate of 8mm/min. The woods were separately tested in the two principal directions i.e.grains oriented along the direction of loading (along the grain) and the other transverse to it (across the grain). An account of the macro-deformation modes observed in these tests was discussed, with a focus more on the evaluation of energy absorbing characteristics. A comparison is made with the theoretical estimates. The experimental results shows that the energy absorption by the Indian Fig wood for 00 specimens varied about 1.32 times that for 900 specimens and for the Jack wood it is 1.4 times.
Selection of Maintenance Practice through Fuzzy Logic Based Simulation in TPM[Full-Text] [References]Malay Niraj, Praveen Kumar The present study is a new approach for finding the suitable maintenance practice with the help of fuzzy logic rule base system. It is a decision making tool which depends upon various condition of a machine .The success of any industry depend on its optimum manufacturing cost of product and for achieving the above said factor the maintenance practice should be efficient and effective .Fuzzy base maintenance system (FBMS) has been considered for study because of the fact that fuzzy logic technique is best suited for dynamic environment where decisions are required to be taken on the basis of multi variable parameters. The study describes problem in maintenance arising due to absence of having clear criteria and strong decision constrain how to maintain failing equipment. This study mainly focused on the modeling of a "Fuzzy Based Simulation" for finding the suitability of maintenance methods considering downtime & frequency as a parameter.
Improving the Productivity using Value Stream Mapping and Kanban Approach[Full-Text] [References]Ritesh R. Bhat, Prof. S. Shivakumar "Change is constant", is the phrase today most of the industries believe in and act upon. Industries today are trying to be flexible enough towards the fluctuating demands. Out of several countries participating in this business race, India is an emerging but prime competitor. The industries have observed that just by increasing the productivity by some or the other means is not the objective of their business but the most important fact is by what means they are accomplishing the same. Many techniques have been adapted for this purpose, which have been broadly classified mainly under technical approach and behavioral techniques for increasing productivity. Value stream mapping (VSM) and Kanban are the techniques which fall under technical approach method and when used together as a combination gives a tremendous result.
Response of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) To Integrated Nutrient Management Amended Soil[Full-Text] [References]Vijaya.K.S, Dr.S.Seethalakshmi In the present study, the effect of different organic manures and inorganic fertiliser levels in soil were observed on growth performances and yield of eggplant. Weeds play a major role in reducing the yield of crops in the field. Therefore this study aimed to use the most popular weed -Parthenium hysterophorous which was converted to vermicompost and used as a source of organic manure. The impact of the manures and the fertilisers on the plant height, number of fruits/plant, yield per plant, total protein content, total free amino acids and total carbohydrate contents of the plant were studied. The observations were recorded at three important growth stages namely, vegetative growth-30 DAS, flowering - 60 DAS and fruiting stage - 90 DAS. The perusal of the data revealed that Parthenium Vermicompost applied at 5t/ha either individual or in combination with FYM or 50% RDF of chemical fertilisers enhanced the growth, yield and food quality of eggplants.
One Half Global Best Position Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm[Full-Text] [References]Narinder Singh, S.B.Singh In this paper, derived a new particle swarm optimization algorithm, called OHGBPPSO (One Half Personal Best Position Particle Swarm Optimizations), is presented, and based on a novel philosophy by modifying the velocity update equation. Its performance based on numerical and graphical analyses of results is compared with the standard PSO (SPSO) and One Half Global Best Position Particle Swarm Optimization by scalable and non-scalable problems.
Trust and initial acceptance of Mobile Banking[Full-Text] [References]Syed Anus,Shahrukh Malik,Farhan Ali,Areeb Abbasi,Ashad Chaudhry,Shahbaaz Nabi Mirza This paper focuses on the risks influencing the initial adoption of mobile banking in Pakistan. Results of this study indicate that risk perception, derived from eight different facets, is a salient antecedent to innovative technology acceptance. A quantitative survey sheds more light on this research. The data was collected in Pakistan during March - April 2011 and includes 306 responses.
To Evaluate The Effect Of Non Treated Sewage Discharge Containing Fecal Matter And Some Chemicals In Ponds[Full-Text] [References]Vineeta Girdoniya This is to Evaluate the adverse effects of sewage discharge containing chemicals like detergents, fecal matter, domestic substances and chemical salts etc. in ponds. Purpose of this research is to detect the development of microbs and increase in the concentration of chemical salts,, if any, in pond water due to sewage discharge in ponds, which may be pathogenic in nature and are responsible for the cause of diseases like cholera, disentary, tuberculosis, toxicity etc in man and domestic animals.