IJSER, Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2011 Edition
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Fault Diagnosis and Condition Monitoring of Machine-Structure by Signature Analysis[Full-Text] [References]L. B. Bhuyar, S. V. Kshirsagar, G. K. Awari
A novel fault diagnosis and condition monitoring method is developed for a cantilever beam type of machine structure. To avoid non-linearity, it is assumed that the crack is always open. Vibration parameters were obtained first from a simulation employing the Finite Element Method and then verified experimentally using Fast Fourier Transformer analyzer for different crack configurations. The unique relation between the vibration parameters and crack characteristics found was employed to solve the inverse problem by using Genetic Algorithm Optimization using elite strategy. The reliability and efficiency of this method is demonstrated using both numerical and experimental examples.
Users' Perception Towards "Cloud Computing"[Full-Text] [References]Bita Motamedian
In general, “Cloud Computing” is the provision of web-based services, located on remote computers, allowing individuals and businesses to use software and hardware managed by third parties. As nowadays more organizations consider moving their applications and data from dedicated hosting infrastructure that they own and operate to share-infrastructure leased from “cloud” or “cloud computing”, I clarify in this survey the popularity rate of this concept and its usage besides the reasons and concerns of using “cloud” related services among people with various positions and abilities.
Fractal and Chaos Properties of Explosion Earthquakes Followed by Harmonic Tremor at Semeru Volcano, East Java, Indonesia [Full-Text] [References]Sukir Maryanto, Didik R. Santosa, Iyan Mulyana, Muhamad Hendrasto
Fractal and chaos analyses of successive event of explosion earthquake and harmonic tremor recorded at Semeru volcano were applied to investigate the dynamical system regarding to their eruptive mechanism. The eruptive activity at Semeru volcano East Java, Indonesia is intermittent emission of ash and bombs with Strombolian style which occurred at interval of 15 to 45 minutes. The explosive eruptions accompanied by explosion earthquakes and followed by harmonic tremor which generated by continuous emission of volcanic ash. Spectral, fractal and Lyapunov exponent of successive event of explosion and harmonic tremor were analyzed. Peak frequencies of explosion earthquakes range 1.2 to 1.9 Hz and those of the harmonic tremor have peak frequency range 1.5 - 2.2 Hz. Temporal change of fractal dimension shows a higher fractal dimension of explosion earthquakes and gradually decrease during the occurrence of harmonic tremors. The phase space is reconstructed and evaluated based on the Lyapunov exponents. Harmonic tremors have smaller Lyapunov exponent than explosion earthquakes. It can be considerably as correlated complexity of the mechanism from the variance of spectral and fractal dimension and can be concluded that the successive event of harmonic tremor and explosions are chaotic.
Ant Colony Optimization[Full-Text] [References]Utkarsh Jaiswal, Shweta Aggarwal
Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a new natural computation method from mimic the behaviors of ant colony. It is a very good combination optimization method. Ant colony optimization algorithm was recently proposed algorithm, it has strong robustness as well as good distributed calculative mechanism, and it is easy to combine with other methods, and the well performance has been shown on resolving the complex optimization problem. An ant colony optimization approach for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) is presented. The TSP problem is chosen as example for introducing the basic principle of ACO, and several improvement algorithms are present for the problem of ACO.
A Survey Of Project Scenario Impact In Sdlc Models Selection Process[Full-Text] [References]Manish Sharma
In the software industry, a large number of projects fail and billions of dollars are spent on failed software projects. Lacks of poor selection process of software development life cycle (SDLC) models is some of the top reason of such failure. By selecting right software process model a better and high quality product can be found within budget and time. In this paper, an approach is proposed to select an appropriate SDLC model based on different project characteristic categories. In this paper, a comparison approach of SDLC process is introduced, which is based on project characteristic categories and then categories are classified. Paper described about comparison tables of SDLC models, and better selection process of SDLC models.
Impact of Mobility Models with Different Scalability of Networks on MANET Routing Protocols[Full-Text] [References]Santosh Kumar, S.C.Sharma, Bhupendra Suman
MANET routing protocols performance is perceptive to mobility and scalability of network. The performance of any routing protocol depends on the duration of interconnection among the nodes in the networks. This interconnections results an average connected path for whole network. This paper evaluates, the impact of three mobility models i.e. File mobility model , Random Waypoint and Group mobility model on a proactive uniform routing protocol (FSR) and a proactive non-uniform routing protocols (LANMAR, OLSR).The simulation based analysis are carried out with constant traffic load of varying network size and TDMA is considered at MAC layer.
Growth, Yield and Yield Components of American Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) As Affected by Cultivars and Nitrogen Fertilizer[Full-Text] [References]Hakoomat Ali, Raheel Atif Hameed
Nitrogen stress in upland cotton addresses significant and visible shortfalls in plant growth. It is an important element both in nature and agricultural conditions, for cotton plant growth and development. To evaluate the response of different yield and yield component of high yielding upland cotton cultivars to various split applications of nitrogen fertilizer, a two season field research was conducted during 2007 and 2008. Different experimental treatments were comprised on cotton leaf curl virus (CLCV) resistant high yielding cotton cultivars i.e. CIM-496, CIM-506, CIM-534 along with different nitrogen rate of Zero, 60, 110 and 160 kg ha-1. However, cultivar CIM-534 produced significantly the highest plants, nodes per plant and flowering buds plant-1. While, CIM-496 showed better potential in relation to leaf area index, crop growth rate, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate (physiological), dry biomass and number of bolls m-2 (reproductive) and seed cotton, cotton seed (yield) parameters during both the seasons. On increasing N rates, vegetative characteristics of cotton like plant height, nodes plant-1 and number of flowering buds per plant significantly gave better response with each cultivar. Advanced cotton cultivars produced significantly higher total dry biomass (TDM), bolls m-2, seed cotton, cotton seed and GOT % age on each increment in applied nitrogen. The nitrogen fertilizer rate i.e. 160 kg ha-1 proved to be the optimum for the highest cotton yield and yield components. Further fibre characteristics such as staple length, uniformity ratio and maturity ratio significantly influenced by different cultivars.
Indigenous resource usage in the pharmaceuticals industry in Bangladesh: A Descriptive Approach To Explain The Industry Scopes[Full-Text] [References]Md. Ariful Islam, Md. Nazmul Huda, Anzir Mahmud, S M Mazharul Islam
Whether there is any framework or not, sometimes businesses grow and run into an economy. After a matured stage, the community starts developing the industry for their own good. Bangladesh has a very competitive market inside and also outside from its own pharmaceuticals industry, even where multinational organizations are facing many challenges to compete with local organizations. But in this matured stage how much indigenous technology they could reveal out from the system. Students are getting out from universities, but they're not learning how to develop through research. They are becoming just operational workers. But through incubation and better investment, this situation can be improved. Besides this another threat is coming nearby to this industry. Patent rights valuation will make the local organizations weaker just because they are compounding the resources ignoring investments into molecule development. Several Active Pharmaceuticals Ingredients (APIs) are being produced here, but not in that large scale. To cope up with this situation government and DDA should come up some strategic plans to stand against future threats.
Facial Expression Analysis: Towards Optimizing Performance and Accuracy[Full-Text] [References]Sujay Agarkar, Ayesha Butalia, Romeyo D'Souza, Shruti Jalali, Gunjan Padia
Facial expressions play an important role in interpersonal relations. This is because humans demonstrate and convey a lot of evident information visually rather than verbally. Although humans recognize facial expressions virtually without effort or delay, reliable expression recognition by machine remains a challenge as of today. To automate recognition of facial expressions, machines must be taught to understand facial gestures. In sustenance to this idea, we consider a facial expression to consist of deformations of facial components and their spatial relations, along with changes in the pigmentation of the same. This paper envisages interpretation of relative deviations of facial components, leading to expression recognition of subjects in images. Many of the potential applications utilizing automated facial expression analysis will necessitate speedy performance. We propose approaches to optimize the performance and accuracy of such a system by introducing ways to personalize and calibrate the system. We also discuss potential problems that may arise to hinder the accuracy, and suggest strategies to deal with them.
Automating the Diagram Generation Process[Full-Text] [References]Tabinda Sarwar, Uzma Arif, Wajiha Habib, Samana Zehra
Diagrams are the key to modeling and designing software. These diagrams enable us to understand, visualize and communicate the concepts, user requirements and functionality that the software would support. Drawing diagrams or models manually and then modifying them later is time taking hence various software tools have been developed for automating this process. This paper discusses the existing tools and presents an algorithm for a software “Auto-Diagram Generator” (ADG) for generating diagrams which is better and more flexible than the existing ones. ADG allows users to generate Block diagrams, Flowcharts and ER diagrams by form-filling and by text selection. The algorithm is extended to generate ER diagrams building blocks (entities and attributes) by reading a database. Any diagramgeneration software is incomplete without providing a manual support for editing the generated diagrams.
Photovoltaic Systems in Existing Residential Building in Egypt[Full-Text] [References]Adel El-Menchawy, Hesham Bassioni, Abdel-Aziz Farouk
Recently, world has become more conscious about the environment, changes occurring in climate and in earth in general. It started to pay more attention to the impact of the technological and industrial revolution on the ecology and human health, which resulted in directing all the new researches towards renewable energy and recycling materials. In the development of energy sources in Egypt of the 21st century, it is necessary to view the use of solar energy in all applications as one of the most promising new and renewable energy sources. This paper presents a study and design of a complete photovoltaic system for providing the electrical loads in an existing family house according to their energy requirement. It is found that providing electricity to a family house in a rural zone using photovoltaic systems are very beneficial and competitive with the other types of conventional energy sources, especially considering the decreasing prices of these systems and their increasing efficiencies and reliability. They have also the advantage of maintaining a clean environment.These principals are applied in the case study (Renovation of the existing staff housing unit at Wardan railways training institute, 6 of October, Egypt) and calculated the life cycle cost of the proposed alternatives.
Hardware and Software Requirements for Implementation of ERP in Technical Education Institutes in India[Full-Text] [References]Sandeep Singhal, Dr. Puneet Tandon, S.K.Sharma
ERP provides an integrated solution within which all facets of an organization and its data can interoperate. Most of the big ERP firms market products for higher technical education. For the most part, these vendors have taken a corporate solution and refashioned it to fit the specific needs of the nonprofit academic sector. In this paper we study and analysis of Hardware and Software Requirements for Implementation of ERP in Technical Education Institutes in India through venders of EPR and system administrators in educational institutes.
2D image compression technique-A survey[Full-Text] [References]Anitha S
Advanced imaging requires storage of large quantities of digitized data. Due to the constrained bandwidth and storage capacity, images must be compressed before transmission and storage. However the compression will reduce the image fidelity, especially when the images are compressed at lower bitrates. The reconstructed images suffer from blocking artifacts and the image quality will be severely degraded under the circumstance of high compression ratios. Medical imaging poses the great challenge of having compression algorithms that reduce the loss of fidelity as much as possible so as not to contribute to diagnostic errors and yet have high compression rates for reduced storage and transmission time. To meet this challenge several hybrid compression schemes have been developed in the field of image processing. This paper presents overview of various compression techniques based on DCT, DWT, ROI and Neural Networks for two dimensional (2D) images.
Application Of Stress Index Model In The Albanian Banking System[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Doriana Matraku (Dervishi)
Central banks and supervisory authorities try to maintain a stable situation in the banking sector and in doing so; they ensure stability to the entire financial system. There are always raised two important questions: what is the present situation of the banking sector and how it will develop in the future? The core objective of this paper will be achieved through the establishment of a forecasting model for the situation of the banking system. We can not foresee the crisis, because even numerous developed countries can not do such a thing, but given the status of the current data t, we can predict the situation for a time period t +1. This article will focus on the calculation of a "stress index" on the current situation of the banking sector and, subsequently, will continue to build an econometric model to try to predict the situation for a certain period of time.
Performance of Alamouti Space Time Coding in Fading Channels for IEEE 802.16e Protocol [Full-Text] [References]Lavish Kansal, Ankush Kansal, Kulbir Singh
In this paper, a general Alamouti space time block code structure is proposed for multiple-input multiple-output-orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) in WiMAX systems for 2 X NR antenna configurations. The signal detection technology used in this paper for MIMO-OFDM system is Zero-Forcing Equalization (linear detection technique). The analysis of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) vs Bit Error Rate (BER) for MIMO in WiMAX system has been done. For this purpose modulation technique QPSK has been considered for different convolution-codes (CC)-rates. Also Reed-Solomon (RS) codes have been implemented along with CC codes. Comparisons between ideal channel, Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) and practical fading channel, Rayleigh channel has been done. Also the comparison is provided on the basis of SNR vs BER graph for different antenna configurations.
Weather Forecasting using ANN and PSO[Full-Text] [References]Kumar Tripathy, Suvendu Mohapatra,Shradhananda Beura, Gunanidhi Pradhan
Weather prediction is basically based upon the historical time series data. The basic parameters of weather prediction are maximum temperature, minimum temperature, rainfall, humidity etc. In this paper we are trying to predict the future weather condition based upon above parameters by Artificial Neural Network and Particle Swarm Optimization Technique. The basic Data mining operations are employed to get a useful pattern from a huge volume of data set. Different testing and training scenarios are performed to obtain the accurate result. Experimental results indicate that the proposed approach is useful for weather forecasting.
Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Neoproterozoic Silicified Stromatolitic Carbonates, West of Wadi Girshah, Ablah District, Western Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia[Full-Text] [References]Taj, R. J., Mesaed, A. A.
The Neoproterozoic stromatolitic carbonates of wadi Girshah, Saudi Arabia, is present in the middle part of the volcano-sedimentary succession of Ablah Group in Asir terrain. This succession is composed from rhythmic alternations of basic and acidic volcanic and related volcaniclastics with subordinated dolostones. It represents a shallow marine/non marine facies related to basic and acidic edifices during intermittent periods of volcanism, tectonism and sedimentation. The stromatolitic carbonates are present in the middle and topmost part of small-scale cycles begins by black tuffaceous mudstone which becomes upward slightly to highly dolomitized and/or calcitized giving-rise to black carbonate beds. The stromatolitic carbonate beds represent short-lived periods of cessation of volcanism and related volcanicalstic sedimentation. During these periods, the deposited basic tuffs become subjected to syn-sedimentary and diagenetic alterations leading to the formation of the carbonate beds.
Buffer Scheduling Policy for Opportunitic Networks [Full-Text] [References]Qaisar Ayub, Sulma Rashid, M.Soperi Mohd Zahid
In Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs), the optimal use of buffer management polices can improve the network throughput. In this paper, we propose a buffer management strategy called as Message Drop Control (MDC). This technique controls the message drop by using an upper bound which is the count of buffered message at router and size of the messages. If count exceed the upper bound drop will not occurs else large size message will be dropped from queue. We examine the performance of proposed drop policy by comparing it with existing MOFO, DOA, and LIFO. The simulation results proves that MDC policy out perform well as existing ones in terms of delivery probability, message drop, overhead and buffer time average.
A Comparison of Data Dissemination Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text] [References]Rakesh Kumar Yadav, Kusum Gupta, Ajay Singh Yadav
Due to many constraints of nodes in wireless sensor networks, a variety of data dissemination protocols have been developed for data gathering in wireless sensor networks. Sensors extract useful information from environment; this information has to be routed through several intermediate nodes to reach the destination. Effective information dissemination is one of the most important tasks in sensor net-works. Directed Diffusion is a communication paradigm for information dissemination in WSNs based on data centric routing. In this paper we simulate three protocols using ns-2.33 simulator in terms of remaining energy and routing load.
Underwater Acoustic Networks[Full-Text] [References]G.Divya, Varshitha Prakash
With the advances in acoustic modem technology that enabled high-rate reliable communications, current research focuses on communication between various remote instruments with in a network environment. Underwater acoustic (UWA) are generally formed by acoustically connected ocean-bottom sensors, autonomous under water vehicles, and a surface station which provides a link to on-shore control center. Underwater Acoustic networks (UANs) are very unique and can be deployed for commercial and military applications. The research of UANs attracts increasing attention in recent years. This survey paper first introduces the concept of UANs and also focus on some practical and potential research issues of UANs, ranging from energy saving and deployment to different layers. Suggestions and solutions for these issues are listed.
A Modified (t, n) Threshold Group Signature Generation and (k, m) Threshold Group Signature Verification Scheme[Full-Text] [References]Ganesh Mante,Prof.Dr.S.D.Joshi
Globalization of the Internet has boosted electronic information exchange on both the personal and business levels. There is a need of the authentication of messages sent by a group of individuals to another group. A (t, n) threshold group signature scheme is a method for allowing a member of a group to anonymously sign a message on behalf of the group. The idea of threshold cryptography is to protect information by distributing it among a cooperating member. Following some ideas of the classical threshold signature scheme, a (t, n) threshold group signature scheme and (k, m) threshold group signature verification scheme based on discrete logarithm problem is proposed. The group signature is generated by at least t group members and is verified by at least k members in the group. Only one group public key is required. Each group member separately signs the message. The scheme is highly secure and resists the conspiracy attack.
Data Aggregation and Query Processing in WSN[Full-Text] [References]Ayoni Mukherjee, Sanjit Setua
A wireless sensor network (WSN) has a wide range of important applications such as remote environment monitoring , target tracking etc. This has been enabled by the availability of sensors that are smaller, cheaper and intelligent. These sensor nodes are equipped with wireless interfaces with which they can communicate with one another to form a network. The design of a WSN depends significantly on the application, and it considers factors like the environment, the application's design objectives, cost, hardware and system constraints. The goal of our work is to present a comprehensive approach of cluster based data aggregation and processing of various aggregation queries in WSN. The aggregation operations in WSN is an attractive research topic now -a- days. We have considered variety of queries involving aggregate functions and proposed an algorithm to calculate the 'MAX' aggregate function .Our algorithm successfully eliminates the limitations of existing algorithms to perform the same operation. We have used temperature sensing application for this purpose.
An Efficient and Simplest Algorithm for Generating Diagrams[Full-Text] [References]Tabinda Sarwar, Uzma Arif, Wajiha Habib Samana Zehra
Whenever a system is to be designed and modeled, diagrams play a key role in the context. As diagrams enable us to understand, visualize and communicate concepts without ambiguity. Thus for the purpose many diagramming softwares are available. Different softwares uses different methodology for design and development but with the time the design is becoming complicated day by day and with the increased complexity also increases the learning time for the users. In contrast, software based on easy algorithm is easily understandable by the user. This paper presents a simple and efficient algorithm for designing “Diagram Generator” software (DG). The algorithm will describe the methodology for generating graphical shapes, which can be combined to produce diagrams like Flowchart, Block diagrams, Organizational charts, Data Flow diagrams, Entity-Relationship diagrams and many more.
Biological Sequence Matching Using Fuzzy Logic [Full-Text] [References]Nivit Gill, Shailendra Singh
Sequence alignment is the most basic and essential module of computational bio-informatics. In this paper, we propose a multiple sequence alignment algorithm that employs fuzzy logic to measure the similarity of sequences based on fuzzy parameters. To guarantee the optimal alignment of the sequences, dynamic programming is used to align the sequences. The algorithm is tested on few sets of real biological sequences taken from NCBI bank and its performance is evaluated using SinicView tool.
Modified Compact High Gain Multiple Patch Slotted Microstrip Antenna for Multiband Wireless Applications [Full-Text] [References]A.
Modified Prime Number Based Partition Algorithm[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Praveen Kumar Mudgal, Prof. Ms. Shweta Modi
Frequent pattern mining is always an interesting research area in data mining to mine several hidden and previously unknown pattern. The better algorithms are always introduced and become the topic of interest. Association rule mining is an implication of the form X implies Y, where X is a set of antecedent items and Y is the consequent items. There are several techniques have been introduced in data mining to discover frequent item sets. This paper describes a takes an approach for mining frequent pattern and suggest some modification. The new algorithm uses both the concepts of top-down and bottom-up approach.To calculate the support count prime representation of item sets is used .It enables to save time in calculating frequent item sets. Through this Efficiency of system improves when the frequent item sets are generating in lesser time.
Latest Trends, Applications and Innovations in Motion Estimation Research[Full-Text] [References]Mr. P. Vijaykumar, Aman Kumar, Sidharth Bhatia
Motion estimation is the process of determining motion vectors that describe the transformation from one 2D image to another, usually from adjacent frames in a video sequence. Motion estimation is a useful in estimating the motion of any object. Motion estimation has been conventionally used in the application of video encoding but nowadays researchers from various fields other than video encoding are turning towards motion estimation to solve various real life problems in their respective fields. This paper reviews some of the innovative uses of motion estimation algorithms in various applications such as in bionics, psychological studies, cinematography, medicine, security and space science.
Tribological Material Selection, Analysis Modification And Manufacturing Of Mill Roller Of 4-High Rolling Mill With FEA Model[Full-Text] [References]Prasad Sane, Dr. Ashesh Tiwari
In the industry, mill rollers are undergoing severe loading for 24 hours 7 days a week which results in formation of crack due to loading conditions, temperature and stress intensity. This leads to the demand in material selection according to its tribological needs which make the existing material to last for more time than the existing. Failures of rolls occur due to improper manufacturing and operational parameters. The samples of prematurely failed roll samples collected from steel plant were examined for their chemistry, inclusion content, microstructures, carbide characteristics, hardness and the retained austenite content. The residual stresses were also measured on the inner as well as the outer surface of the spalled roll pieces. The results obtained have been discussed in this paper. The higher content of retained austenite was primarily responsible for the spalling of indigenous rolls for which sub zero treatment has been recommended. Several suggestions have also been made for smooth operation of the mill and consequently for the extension of life of a work roll.
A New approach for Classification of Highly Imbalanced Datasets using Evolutionary Algorithms [Full-Text] [References]Satyam Maheshwari, Prof. Jitendra Agrawal, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma
Today's most of the research interest is in the application of evolutionary algorithms. One of the example is classification rules in imbalanced domains. The problem of Imbalanced data sets plays a major challenge in data mining community. In imbalanced data sets, the number of instances of one class is much higher than the others, and the class of fewer representatives is of more interest from the point of the learning task. Traditional Machine Learning algorithms work well with balanced data sets, but not able to deal with classification of imbalanced data sets. In the present paper we use different operators of Genetic Algorithms (GA) for over-sampling to enlarge the ratio of positive samples, and then apply clustering to the over-sampled training dataset as a data cleaning method for both classes, removing the redundant or noisy samples. The proposed approach was experimentally analyzed and the experimental results shows an improvement in the classification measured as the area under the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve.
Dynamic Behavior of Underwater Towed-cable in Linear Profile[Full-Text] [References]Vineet Kumar Srivastava, YVSS Sanyasiraju, Mohammad Tamsir
In this paper, a numerical approach is presented which is capable of predicting dynamic behavior of underwater towed-cable structures when tow-ship changes its speed in a fixed direction making linear profile. A three-dimensional model of underwater towed system is studied. The governing equations for the system are solved by using a central finite-difference method. The solution of the finite-difference form of the assembled of non-linear algebraic equations is obtained by Newton's method. Since the underwater towed cable model uses implicit time integration, it is stable for large time steps and is an effective algorithm for simulation of large-scale underwater towed systems. The solution of this problem is of practical importance in the estimation of dynamic loading and motion, and thus has direct application to the enhancement of safety and the effectiveness of the offshore activities.
Centralization and Universalization of Knowledge - Problems, Solution and Challenges[Full-Text] [References]Pawan Bhattarai, Amrik Singh, Lalit.K.Awasthi, A.S Sudan
Knowledge in academies is expressed in a decentralized and non-standard form that we encounter everyday and is expanding at an alarming rate at many places and is ultimately consumed by us to teach and make others to understand. There has been tremendous increase in knowledge in various areas and competition among many academies to understand and explain it in its most innate form. Due to this act, we have made so many different, duplicate and somewhere ineffective versions of explanation of knowledge entities that has always put us in a doubtful question like -“Am I teaching or learning the ultimate manuscript about the fact?” Inadvertently the knowledge is in devastating state in most of the academic institutions of the world. This paper proposes a solution that provides a platform to centralize and universalize the academic knowledge quality by using internet as pathway and sharing as an act.
Design and Performance Analysis of a 3GPP LTE/LTE-Advance Turbo Decoder using Software Reference Models[Full-Text] [References]Lohith Kumar H G, Manjunatha K N, Prof.Cyril Prasanna Raj P, Suma M S, C K Raju
This paper presents the design and development of an efficient VLSI architecture for 3GPP advanced Turbo decoder by utilizing the convolutional interleaver. The high-throughput 3GPP Advance Turbo code requires turbo decoder architecture. Interleaver is known to be the main obstacle to the decoder implementation and introduces latency, due to the collisions it introduces in accesses to memory. In this paper, we propose a lowcomplexity soft Input Soft Output (SISO) turbo decoder for memory architecture to enable the Turbo decoding that achieves minimum latency. Design trade-offs in terms of area and throughput efficiency are explored to find the optimal architecture. The proposed Turbo decoder has been modeled using Simulink; various test cases are used to estimate the performances. The results are analyzed and achieved 50% reduction in computation time along with reduced BER (e-3).
Automatic Electrical Appliances Control Panel Based on Infrared and Wi-Fi: A Framework for Electrical Energy Conservation[Full-Text] [References]Emmanuel ADETIBA, Victor O. MATTHEWS, Ayokunle A. AWELEWA, Isaac A. SAMUEL, Joke A.
Today, proprietary home automation targets very specific applications which operate mostly on a cable based infrastructure. In contrast to that, our implementation builds on a wireless platform for the automatic control of house hold electrical appliances. The nodes gather sensor readings in a home and transmit them to a central automation server. There, the readings are matched against a list of script statements. When there is a match, a specific action is performed. An important property of the system is that the control of all home appliances is done by means of the ubiquitous Infrared and Wi-Fi wireless technologies. This way, the co-operation between manufacturers is not a necessity in order to connect devices to the home automation network.
Performance Study of Turbo Code with Interleaver Design[Full-Text] [References]Mojaiana Synthia, Md. Shipon Ali
This paper begins with an investigation of the optimization of binary turbo code through good interleaver design. For this purpose, different types of interleaver have designed here and have evaluated their performance. Basically the performances of the turbo code using block interleaver, helical interleaver, random interleaver and odd-even interleaver have evaluated. From this investigation it has been seen that for small code length the performance of the block interleaver is superior in non-puncturing case and the performance of the odd-even interleaver is superior in puncturing case, but for large code length the performance of the random interleaver is better in both of puncturing and non-puncturing condition. In this paper, it has investigated that the performance of the odd-even interleaver (block interleaver with odd number of rows and columns) significantly increased in puncturing conditions.
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) & Intrusion Prevention System (IPS): Case Study[Full-Text] [References]Asmaa Shaker Ashoor, Prof. Sharad Gore
IPS and IDS both examine traffic looking for attacks but they are critically different. The differences between deployment of these system in networks in which IDS are out of band in system, means it cannot sit within the network path but IPS are in-line in the system, means it can pass through in between the devices.IDS generates only alerts if anomaly traffic passes in network traffic, it would be false positive or false negative, means IDS detects only malicious activities but no action taken on those activities but IPS has feature of detection and prevention with auto or manual action taken on those detected malicious activities like drop or block or terminate the connections. This paper discusses difference between Intrusion Detection system and intrusion Prevention System (IDS/IPS) technology in computer networks Here IDS and IPS systems stability, performance and accuracy wise result are comparing in this paper.
An Experimental Investigation on The Machinability of Powder Formed Silicon Carbide Particle Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites[Full-Text] [References]Sujit Das, R. Behera,G. Majumdar,B. Oraon,G. Sutradhar
The paper attempts to study the machinability issues of aluminium-silicon carbide (Al-SiC) metal matrix composites (MMC) in turning using HSS cutting tool. SiCp-reinforced metal matrix composites (MMCs) containing SiC particles (5wt%-20wt %) of 400mesh size were prepared by powder metallurgy (P/M) route and used as work material for turning. Experiments were conducted at various cutting speeds and depth of cuts at constant feed rate and parameters, such as cutting forces and surface roughness were measured. It was found that higher weight percentage of SiCp reinforcement produced a higher surface roughness and needs high cutting forces during machining operation of MMCs. It was also observed that surface roughness and the cutting forces are also depending upon the depth of cut and the cutting speed at constant feed rate. This paper present a reliable set of parameters as the result of an experimental investigation that demonstrate versatility, and numerous and diverse range based on experience and technology during the machining of aluminium-reinforced silicon carbide metal matrix composite (Al-SiCp MMC) which will provide valuable guidelines to the manufacturing engineers.
Improving Cost-efficient Manufacturing Unit: By Considering Unit Facility And Supplier Routing Cost In Supply Chain[Full-Text] [References]S . Shakeel ahamed , Dr.G. Ranga Janardhana , Dr.E.L.Nagesh
Inventory management is an important part of any business because inventories are usually responsible for the majority of the expenses incurred in business operations . Supply chain management is the management of the series of suppliers and purchasers, encompassing all phases of processing from procuring of raw materials to delivery of completed goods to ultimate consumers. Routing has become one of the most important types of supply chain management software as it is indisputably one of the most important components in managing the global supply chain. Identification and correction of the organization's capability to generate products and services in par with customer demand is the objective of facility planning. The proposed system is used to find the optimized usage of the facility of the manufacturing unit and also it finds the optimized usage of the facility of the manufacturing unit and also it finds the best routed supplier with minimum routing cost.
Theoretical Frameworks For Human Computer Interaction [Full-Text] [References]Prerna Zalpuri, Divya Khandelwal, Isha Yadav
This paper is concerned about the state of theory in HCI and discusses the adequacy of current theoretical frameworks that have been proposed for HCI. These findings are based on our study of these frameworks and their application on various systems under study. Approaches such as activity theory, cognitive ergonomics and distributed cognition are three theoretical frameworks explaining co-operative work. Each of them is applied on multiple case studies describing different work settings. But those work settings usually refer to different work realities, so it is difficult to properly compare those viewpoints. So we analyzed the same work setting, with the three different frameworks mentioned above. The report does not pretend to give detailed case studies but aims to underline how approaches which explain co-operative work can be used to analysed a same work situation. This will allow us to compare the relevant questions each theory is asking and should answer when studying a co-operative work situation.
An Integrated Approach of AHP-GP and Visualization for Software Architecture Optimization: A case-study for selection of architecture style [Full-Text] [References]K.Delhi Babu, P.Govindarajulu, A.Ramamohana Reddy, A.N.Aruna Kumari
Software Architecture has emerged as an important sub-discipline of software engineering. A key aspect of the design of any software is its architecture styles, i.e. components and connectors and their relationships. Selecting the best style is difficult because there are multiple factors such as project risk, corporate goals, limited availability of resources, etc. Therefore this study presents a methodology for selection of software architecture styles. In this paper we explore the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) within a zero-one goal programming (ZOGP) model for selection of architecture styles. AHP is applied to the decision problem involving multiple alternatives and criteria and aims at selecting an alternative from a known set of alternatives. Then Goal programming model is used to optimize the objective function while simultaneously satisfying all the constraints. Further, AHP-GP Visualization framework and visualization tool (SAVE Tool) are applied to evaluate the selected software architecture style.
A Journey Towards Green Revolution- A Case Study of Foundry[Full-Text] [References]R.Krishnaraj, Dr.M.Sakthivel, Dr.S.R.Devadasan, K. Kanthavel, E.Balaji, J.Arulmani
The objective of this study is to evaluate the stack emission and ambient air quality of a dust collector in a foundry. Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) was analyzed along with SO2, NO2 and CO hence, its level was found to be appropriate with all the locations of sampling stations. The factors affecting dust concentration were also discussed along with the results indicating lowest dust exposure, moderate and highest dust concentration based on the stack height with various levels were varied with respect to port hole, stack diameter and temperature with its metrological indication. Even though our study specifically focuses on a particular plant, the results may be interesting on reducing of dust particles.
Rotor Profile Design for Twin Screw Compressor[Full-Text] [References]P.Jenno Xavier, K.Kanthavel, R.Uma Mythili
Increasing demands for efficient screw compressors requires economic and high efficiency rotor designs of screw compressor.Inorder to design a effective rotor rack has to be generated effectively. Numerical and equation adopted in this paper leads to design a effective rotor profile. The solution obtained depends only on the parameters of the rack, pitch, addendum height, dedendum height, rack co ordinates and meshing condition. A suitable procedure for optimization of the screw compressor shape, size, and dimension is described here, which results in the most appropriate design. Compressors thus designed achieve higher delivery rates and better efficiencies than those using traditional approaches.
Soft Skills - A Management Introspect of an Indian Techie[Full-Text] [References]Miss. Vijayalakshmi N.S.
Soft skills are fast becoming the deal breaker in many of today's hiring decisions. The skills not normally found on curriculum vitae are of growing importance in a world where business is marked by 'hot' buzzwords such as globalization; decentralisation; and lean management dethroning the old autocratic style of bullying management tactics which are unfortunately far more prevalent than is desirable. Further in an age when relationships between individuals and organizations are getting more and more complex, it is not enough to only have an excellent IQ. Being good at number crunching and scoring high marks in subjects are not the only criteria for success in professional or personal life. The ability to deal with one's feelings and understand the feelings of others in any given situation helps one to complement academic intelligence/cognitive capacities (IQ) with a humane understanding of issues. This ability is known as Emotional Intelligence or EI. Soft skills or Emotional Intelligence Skills strengthen and empowers an aspirant to understand "who they are" and how best they can come across as competent individuals in any given situation. Thus though it's an undaunted fact that technical and job-related skills are a must, they are not sufficient when it comes to progressing up the ladder. Technical skills alone do not suffice a person to be globally competitive. The wide rivers of culture, language and environment can only be crossed by being proficient with soft skills that improve self-awareness enhancing socio-emotional adjustment in the society.
Survey On Data Mining Techniques In Intrusion Detection[Full-Text] [References]Amanpreet Chauhan, Gaurav Mishra, Gulshan Kumar
Intrusion Detection (ID) is the main research area in field of network security. It involves the monitoring of the events occurring in a computer system and its network. Data mining is one of the technologies applied to ID to invent a new pattern from the massive network data as well as to reduce the strain of the manual compilations of the intrusion and normal behavior patterns. Keeping in mind, data mining techniques are practiced significantly intrusion detection and prevention. This article reviews the current state of art Data mining techniques with ID in brief and highlights its advantages and disadvantages.
Mobile Learning[Full-Text] [References]Malini Bhargava
Technology supporting learning activities are becoming a big buzz word in today's world that we are living in. The term 'm-learning' or mobile learning is not behind with the evolution of numerous user-friendly mobile technology tools. From a European research perspective, technology enhanced learning is a multifaceted and multidisciplinary activity, which is playing a significant role in teaching and learning environments to empower and increase the learner interactions. The author wants to further share her personal experiences in this paper along with quotes and citations from other authors who have written in similar areas or experienced similar situations to make it more informative for the researchers and also take something from their experiences of practical implementations.
How can distinguish between Hackers and Intruders[Full-Text] [References]Asmaa Shaker Ashoor , Prof. Sharad Gore
This paper presents the difference between hackers and intruders with their main motives and intentions with their way of thinking, planning and performing attacks for their personal gain and as well as others gain. This shows the security of computer networks and information systems can't protect effectively if the human factor fails. Here explaining how the network is hacked or intruded by using several numbers of tools with achieving their motives.
Adsorption Of Carbon From Liquid Hydrocarbons[Full-Text] [References]Parantap Nandi
Liquid hydrocarbons like on hexane (C6H14), octane (C8H18) heating with some colored salts like NiSO4 produce black amorphous carbon on the surface of these salts turning them entirely black with the salt acting as catalyst by extracting carbon from the corresponding hydrocarbons. Colored cations like Ni2+, Cr3+ & their salts like NiSO4 K2Cr2O7, PbCrO4 can extract carbon from liquid hydrocarbons.