IJSER Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2011

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Damage-Based Theories of Aging and Future Treatment Schemes[Full-Text] [References]Angus Hung
Organismal senescence has been postulated to result from a myriad of biological factors, ranging from environmental facets to detrimental internal mechanisms. However, a specific cause of aging is currently unknown. Two branches of aging theories have been proposed: damage-based theories and programmed theories. Here we examine the numerous kinds of promulgated damage-based theories. The possible therapies for combating aging in humans that may be employed in the near future will also be discussed.
Analysis of Routing Protocols for Highway Model without Using Roadside Unit and Cluster [Full-Text] [References]B. Ramakrishnan, Dr. R. S. Rajesh, R. S. Shaji
VANET is an advanced version of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). Therefore, the protocols used in the MANET are applicable to the VANET also. The VANET communication has attracted the attention of the researchers who are engaged in preventing traffic accidents and traffic jams. The earlier VANET models discussed only the communication among vehicles through the RSU. Most of the researchers used standard 802.11 for VANET model considering the mobile nodes of the city environments. This paper discusses the latest VANET technology 802.11p and constructs a vehicular model in which the nodes are moving outside the city. Without using the RSUs, each vehicle in the network is treated as a router to communicate with the neighboring vehicles. With the use of the proposed Simple Highway Model and the latest VANET technology, 802.11p are used to study the performance of routing protocols. The standard VANET routing protocols are applied to the above mentioned VANET model and their characteristics are compared with the use of NS 2.34 version simulator and their results are presented.
A Comparative study on Breast Cancer Prediction Using RBF and MLP[Full-Text] [References]J.Padmavathi
In this article an attempt is made to study the applicability of a general purpose, supervised feed forward neural network with one hidden layer, namely. Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network. It uses relatively smaller number of locally tuned units and is adaptive in nature. RBFs are suitable for pattern recognition and classification. Performance of the RBF neural network was also compared with the most commonly used Multilayer Perceptron network model and the classical logistic regression. Wisconsin breast cancer data is used for the study.
Three Layered Hierarchical Fault Tolerance Protocol for Mobile Agent System[Full-Text] [References]Heman Pathak, Kumkum Garg, Nipur
A Mobile Agent (MA) is autonomous and identifiable software process that travel through a network of heterogeneous machine and act autonomously on behalf of user. Improving the survivability of MA in presence of various faults is the major issue concerns with implementation of MA. During its life cycle, a MA can fail due to some uncaught exception, or due to the failure of the MAS, or its components or the host machine. The MA may also be lost on its way or blocked due to link failure. Since failure occurs at different places due to different reasons, specialized approaches should be used to tolerate different kinds of faults. This paper presents a brief introduction of Hierarchical Fault Tolerance Protocol (HFTP) for Mobile Agents. The proposed protocol is hierarchical in nature, which works at three levels. Based on the experience gained from prior work, our approach is to use the concept of fault masking without replication at one level. This ensures that failure is not visible to the MA through grouping of hosts within a network. At another level rear guard based fault detection and recovery based approach has been used. A thread based approach has been used to detect faults at the lowest level. In this way, the protocol tolerates various kinds of faults and takes the advantage of both centralized and distributed approaches. HFTP can tolerate host failure, system failure as well as link failure by grouping the hosts within a network and rear guard based migration of MA in the global network. A well known modeling tool Color Petri Net (CPN) has been used for architectural model of HFTP. Simulation results have been used to check the performance of HFTP in presence of various faults.
Image Processing For Biomedical Application[Full-Text] [References] Gauri Bhoite
Karyotyping, a standard method for presenting pictures of the human chromosomes for diagnostic purposes, is a long standing, yet common technique in cytogenetics. Automating the chromosome classification process is the first step in designing an automatic karyotyping system. However, even today, karyotyping is manually performed. Here we intend to automate Karyotyping completely. Karyotyping is a common technique in cytogenetics, to classify human chromosomes into 24 classes. Karyotyping can be used to predict genetic disorders or abnormalities in pre-natal stage which may happen to occur in future generation.
A Role of Query Optimization in Relational Database[Full-Text] [References]Prof.M.A.Pund, S.R.Jadhao, P.D.Thakare
Nowadays, we are flooded with information through and from the Databases. We have to deal with a constantly increasing amount of facts, figures and dates. Therefore, it is necessary to somehow store this information in an adequate way. This is what database systems were developed for. One particular approach is the relational databases. In a relational database all information can be found in a series of tables in which data is stored in rows and columns. The problem with SQL query, its declarative - does not specify a query execution plan and also we have to deal with as a consequence is the question as how to find the specific facts that might interest us amongst all the information stored in the described tables. And as one might put it, "Time is Money" in our society, it is not only important to find the required information, but also with proper execution plan so that it takes less time. The solution is to convert SQL query to an equivalent relational algebra and evaluates it using the associated query execution plan.
Agent-Based CBR for Decision Support System[Full-Text] [References]Mythili Devi Nagaiah
The aim of this paper is to describe about Case Based Reasoning (CBR) which is based on agents and the implementation in Decision Support System (DSS). The Introduction Section gives a introduction about Data Mining, integration of Data Mining concepts with CBR, and defines the characteristics and process cycle of CBR. The Second Section describes about the Agents, DSS, and Agent-Based DSS. The Third Section describes about the CBR in Decision Support System. The Fourth Section describes the CBR (Agent-Based) for Decision Support System and Interaction between CBR Agents and components of Decision Support System. The Final section gives a conclusion about the paper.
Probiotics in Oral Healthcare - A Review[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Sumit Narang
The age-old quote by Hippocrates, Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food', is certainly the tenet of today. The market for functional foods that promote health beyond providing basic nutrition, is flourishing. Within the functional foods, is the small but rapidly expanding arena of probiotics.1 The term probiotic is derived from the Greek, meaning "for life" are microorganisms proven to exert health-promoting influences in humans and animals.The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have stated that there is adequate scientific evidence to indicate that there is potential for probiotic foods to provide health benefits and that specific strains are safe for human use.
GPS Based Voice Alert System for the Blind[Full-Text] [References]Rishabh Gulati
GPS is employed to find the position of the user on the earth. This information is provided by the GPS with the help of the data it receives from the satellites. GPS based voice alert system for the blind uses the current location and gives the alert to the blind man if it was his destination area. This paper describes the concept using a microcontroller based system. The system has a dynamic user interface and is easily operable. The system is realised using a GPS module (SR-92) and a Voice Module (APR9600) interfaced with a PIC16F877 microcontroller. The working of the system incorporates two stages; first the location based audio recording stage and second, the navigation of the blind person using the signal from the GPS receiver. The system employs a user friendly design and provides for an automatic location name announcement system.
Methods Used to Handle Overloading of Information in Usenet[Full-Text] [References]Deepika Saxena, Monika Saxena
Usenet is the name of a worldwide network of servers for group communication between people. From 1979 and onwards, it has seen a near exponential growth in the amount of data transported, which has been a strain on bandwidth and storage. There has been a wide range of academic research with focus on the WWW, but Usenet has been neglected. Instead, Usenet's evolution has been dominated by practical solutions. This paper describes the history of Usenet in a growth perspective, and introduces methods for collection and analysis of statistical data for testing the usefulness of various caching strategies. A set of different caching strategies are proposed and examined in light of bandwidth and storage demands as well as user perceived performance.the advanced caching methods for news offers relief for reading servers' storage and bandwidth capacity by exploiting usage patterns for fetching or prefetching articles .I have shown the problems occurs in this type of methods with little bit solutions.users may want to read, but it will not solve the problem of near exponential growth nor the problems of Usenet' sbackbone peers.
Face Modeling using Segmentation Technique[Full-Text] [References]M.Priya, Dr.S.Purushothaman
This work focuses on 3D facial modeling using three images of a face. Each image is taken at 90o. Each image is segmented to identify skin, to locate eye centres, nose profile, mouth profiles. All the three images are combined to form a 3D facial model. The segmented portions of the images are placed on a standard computer plastic model. Subsequently, the various features of the plastic model are animated corresponding to the various positions of the features in the subsequent images.
A Study of Application of Data Mining in Demonstrating Business Intelligence[Full-Text] [References]Mohammed Khalid Kaleem, Mohammed Iquebal Akhter
Business intelligence (BI) has been referred to as the process of making better decisions through the use of people, processes, data and related tools and methodologies. Data mining is the extraction of hidden stating information from large databases. It is a powerful new technology with large potential to help the company's to focus on the most necessary information in the data warehouse. This study gives us an idea of how data mining is applied in exhibiting business intelligence thereby helping the organizations to make better decisions.
ROLE OF SiCp ON THE SOLIDIFICATION RATE AND FORGEABILITY OF STIR CAST LM6/SiCp MMCs[Full-Text] [References]Rabindra Behera, A.Datta, D.Chatterjee, Goutam Sutradhar
The present paper aims to investigate the solidification behavior and the forgeability of Aluminum alloy (LM6)-SiCp composites at different section of three-stepped composite castings. The temperature of the cast composites during solidification has measured by putting K-type thermocouples at the center of the each step/section, from which the solidification curves were constructed. The forgeability of the as cast MMCs were also measured at different section of the casting. The results show that the forgeability of cast metal matrix composites at the middle section of the casting is minimum compared to both end section of a three-step casting. Experiments were carried out over range of particle weight percentage of 7.5 - 12.5 wt% in steps of 2.5wt%. The solidification curves of Aluminum alloy (LM6)-SiCp composites compared with the unreinforced alloy (LM6) and the results reveal that significant increase in solidification time with the addition of SiC particles. The curves also show that the rate cooling and the solidification time are different at different section of the castings. This practical research analysis and test results on solidification behavior and the forgeability of Al/SiC-MMC will provide useful guidelines to the present day manufacturing engineers. The present paper aims to investigate the solidification behavior and the forgeability of Aluminum alloy (LM6)-SiCp composites at different section of three-stepped composite castings. The temperature of the cast composites during solidification has measured by putting K-type thermocouples at the center of the each step/section, from which the solidification curves were constructed. The forgeability of the as cast MMCs were also measured at different section of the casting. The results show that the forgeability of cast metal matrix composites at the middle section of the casting is minimum compared to both end section of a three-step casting. Experiments were carried out over range of particle weight percentage of 7.5 - 12.5 wt% in steps of 2.5wt%. The solidification curves of Aluminum alloy (LM6)-SiCp composites compared with the unreinforced alloy (LM6) and the results reveal that significant increase in solidification time with the addition of SiC particles. The curves also show that the rate cooling and the solidification time are different at different section of the castings. This practical research analysis and test results on solidification behavior and the forgeability of Al/SiC-MMC will provide useful guidelines to the present day manufacturing engineers.
Importance of Intrusion Detection System (IDS)[Full-Text] [References]Asmaa Shaker Ashoor, Prof. Sharad Gore
Intruders computers, who are spread across the Internet have become a major threat in our world, The researchers proposed a number of techniques such as (firewall, encryption) to prevent such penetration and protect the infrastructure of computers, but with this, the intruders managed to penetrate the computers. IDS has taken much of the attention of researchers, IDS monitors the resources computer and sends reports on the activities of any anomaly or strange patterns. The aim of this paper is to explain the stages of the evolution of the idea of IDS and its importance to researchers and research centres, security, military and to examine the importance of intrusion detection systems and categories , classifications, and where can put IDS to reduce the risk to the network.
A Comparative Study on Improving the Latency Time of File Access Using Standard Backpropagation Neural Networks[Full-Text] [References]Mr. S. Ashok Kumar, Dr. G. M. Nasira
The data or file will be required to be moved from secondary memory to main memory for executing certain instructions. The time taken to transfer the data is referred as latency time. The In this paper a detailed study on various file access predictors and caching techniques is discussed. The various file operations such as file prediction, file creation, file deletion, file modification and file access are considered and a study is made in this paper for early prediction of files. Various file access predictors have been proposed in identifying the immediate successor of file or data block to be accessed. Few predictions have also proposed in identifying the files that can be accessed upto five access ahead. The standard backpropagation neural implementation in file access by improving the latency time of the file access is also proposed in this paper.
Cyber social-networks and social movements Case study: Tehran (2009-10)[Full-Text] [References]Soran Shangapour, Seidawan Hosseini, Hashem Hashemnejad
While communication scholars suggest that cyber social networks can serve as an important resource for social movement communication, few studies examine which and how special features of these social networks actually can intensify social movements and weaken government's authority. However, our study highlights the importance of various key factors affecting the interaction between cyber social networks and social movements. The most important factors are ongoing network leadership, user practices, and online-offline participation. Furthermore, we considered prominent factors of third space and virtual societies related to Tehran citizens that can lead cyber activism to social movements. This article also seeks for considering a key question for socio-political pluralists in the digital era and virtual societies.