IJSER Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2011 Edition

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Establishing bridges between UML, HAD and GRAFCET Metamodels for the Modelling of Dynamic Systems[Full-Text] [References]M. Nkenlifack, E. Tanyi and F. Fokou
This article shows the scope and limits of UML as a tool for modelling Automatic Control Systems. An alternative metamodel, Hybrid Activity Diagram (HAD), is proposed and applied to a concrete example, in order to illustrate its efficiency in comparison to the limits of UML diagrams. The article also presents bridges which interlink UML, HAD and GRAFCET and establish compatibilities between the three models. Specifications for the development of a HAD simulator and the results obtained from the implementation of the simulator, are also presented in the article.
Study of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Human Cortical Bone[Full-Text] [References]S. Biswas, P. C. Pramanik, P. Dasgupta, A. Chanda
The microstructure along with the micro-mechanical properties of bone have been extensively observed in this study. It has also been attempted to correlate the mechanical properties with the microstructural aspects. The load deformation pattern of human cortical bone (both male and female) under uniaxial compressive and tensile loading was studied. The physical properties like density and porosity of the whole femur as well as different parts of it was studied to get a mapping of the femur. Microstructure of bone, including the osteon structure, its distribution and its deformation under different stress fields have been thoroughly studied with the help of Scanning electron microscopy and reported here.
Development of Nano-grained Calcium Hydroxyapatite using Slip Casting Technique [Full-Text] [References]Howa Begam, Abhijit Chanda and Biswanath Kundu
The purpose of this study is to synthesize nano-grained Calcium Hydroxyapatite (HAp) through slip casting technique. For this, hydroxyapatite powders were synthesized using two methods, wet chemical method and Ammoniacal method. The as-prepared powders and calcined powders were characterized using XRD, FTIR, to study the phases of the powders. The hydroxyapatite powder calcined at 1000°C for 2hr was used to prepare 50 vol% slurry using DN40 (sodium polyacrylate) as dispersing agent. After slip casting, the green bodies were sintered at different temperatures, 1100, 1200, 1250 and 1300°C with 2hr soaking time. The sintered dense samples were characterized for physical, mechanical and biological behavior.
Application of Control Theory in the Efficient and Sustainable Forest Management[Full-Text] [References]Md. Haider Ali Biswas, Munnujahan Ara, Md. Nazmul Haque, Md. Ashikur Rahman
This paper focuses on the necessity of forest management using the model of control theory. Recent researches in mathematical biology as well as in life sciences closely depend on control theory. Various popular research papers have been received considerable attentions by engineers and research scholars due to the fact that it has been the central and challenging area of research for its wide range applications in the diverse fields. In this study we have briefly mentioned some of the fields in which these challenges are present, specially sustainable forest management is one of the warming issues in the present cencury. Our main objective in this paper is to investigate the scopes and applications of control theory in real life situation, specially the applications of control theory in the efficient and sustainable forest growth. A particular case of Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world is discussed with illustrative examples.
Parameter Ranking and Reduction in Communication Systems[Full-Text] [References]M.H. Azmol, M.H. Biswas, and A. Munnujahan
Parameter reduction from experimental data is an important issue arising in many frequently encountered problems with different types of applications in communications engineering. However, the computational effort grows drastically with the number of parameters in such types of applications. This paper proposes a technique that reduces the performance parameters of a communication system based on eigenvalues of covariance matrix as well as providing a weighted rank of parameters by an approach called non-negative matrix factorization (NMF). The factorization of original matrix provides a weight metric that offers a means of ranking and selecting meaningful important parameters. The relative importance of each parameter is measured from the sequentially ordered eigenvalues. The main aims of this paper are to determine, identify and reduce the reasonable number of performance parameters which will reflect the best measurement system of a describing network scenario.
Trust Enhanced Authorization for Distributed Systems[Full-Text] [References]Priyanka Dadhich, Dr. Kamlesh Dutta, Dr. M.C.Govil
The trust management approach to distributed system security is developed as an answer to the inadequacy of traditional authorization mechanism. The subjective concept of trust not only enables users to better understand the paradigm of pervasive computing, but also opens new direction of research for solving existing problems such as security, management of online communities or e-services lifecycle .This paper specifies research issues in the areas of authorization and trust in distributed environments involving mobile networks, pervasive and ubiquitous computing networks . We here discuss the notion of trusted computing and examine existing authorization mechanisms and their inadequacies. Next we define a logic program based languages and policies that facilitate the modeling process.To the end various approaches to trust enhanced security for overall authorization security in distributed systems are discussed.
Near State PWM Algorithm with Reduced Switching Frequency and Reduced Common Mode Voltage Variations for Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive[Full-Text] [References]K. Satyanarayana, J. Amarnath, A. Kailasa Rao
In this paper a Near State Pulse Width Modulation (NSPWM) algorithm with reduced switching frequency is presented for vector controlled induction motor drives for reduced common mode voltage/currents. The proposed algorithm utilizes a group of three neighbor voltage vectors to construct the reference voltage space vector. In the proposed algorithm in each sector any one of the phases is clamped to either positive dc bus or negative dc bus. Hence, the proposed algorithm reduces the switching frequency and switching losses of the inverter. The simulation results illustrate that the proposed NSPWM algorithm results in reduced common mode voltage, has low switching frequency and has low switching losses of the inverter.
Teacher's awareness about the availability and use of technology for Visually Impaired : A study[Full-Text] [References]Prof. Madhuri Isave, Dr. Megha Uplane, Prof. Suresh Isave
This study focuses on, what is the use of technology for VI? What different types of technology available for VI? And how it's useful as a learning resource for VI?People with VI are gaining access to technology and assistive device designed to minimize the effect of their disabilities. Technological advances open up a new world for people with severe visual impairment. These advances give there greater participation and independence in all aspect of modern society. We have noted the technology affects many aspect of life for person with VI. This system is using different mean of input that is visual, auditory and tactile. These devices improve independent learning opportunity and enhanced participation in recreational and leisure time activities.
Privacy of data, preserving in Data Mining[Full-Text] [References]Deepika Saxena
Huge volume of detailed personal data is regularly collected and sharing of these data is proved to be beneficial for data mining application. Such data include shopping habits, criminal records,medical history, credit records etc .On one hand such data is an important asset to business organization and governments for decision making by analyzing it .On the other hand privacy regulations and other privacy concerns may prevent data owners from sharing information for data analysis. In order to share data while preserving privacy data owner must come up with a solution which achieves the dual goal of privacy preservation as well as accurate clustering result. Trying to give solution for this we implemented vector quantization approach piecewise on the datasets which segmentize each row of datasets and quantization approach is performed on each segment using K means which later are again united to form a transformed data set.Some experimental results are presented which tries to finds the optimum value of segment size and quantization parameter which gives optimum in the tradeoff between clustering utility and data privacy in the input dataset.
Filtering Noise on two dimensional image using Fuzzy Logic Technique[Full-Text] [References]Anita Pati, V. K. Singh, K. C. Mishra
This paper presents one simple and novel technique for removal of impulse noise from corrupted image data. The algorithm involves impulse detection followed by spatial filtering of the corrupted pixels. In this method the presence of impulse noise is detected by a simpler method called a fuzzy logic based technique (FLT). However, the filtering idea is to recover the healthy pixel by the help of neighboring pixels. Sometimes the loss of edges or presence of noise makes the image noisy or blurred in appearance. This fuzzy logic filter is presented through 5 stages. (1)A sliding moving window is constructed to check every pixel of the whole image.(2)Two conditional rule are applied according to the averaging value of the neighboring pixels. (3)some membership functions are generated to improve the intensity of pixel value so that it can be distinguishable.(4) A simpler function is developed for better reorganization and removal of noisy data. (5)The resulted matrix appears with suppression of less no of noise. It is shown that FLT is a preferred method of rejecting impulse noise both in terms of computational complexity and lower residual NSR(noise to signal ratio).
Calculation of PID Controller Parameters for Unstable First Order Time Delay Systems[Full-Text] [References]Hamideh Hamidian, Ali Akbar Jalali
In this paper, a numerical approach for the fractional order proportional-integral-derivative controller (FO-PID) design for the unstable first order time delay system is proposed. The controller design is based on the system time delay. In order to obtain the relation between the controller parameters and the time delay, for several amounts of the plant time delay and the fractional derivative and integral orders, the ranges of stabilizing controller parameters are determined. First, for a typical time delay plant and the fractional order controller, the D-decomposition technique is used to plot the stability region(s). The controller derivative gain has been considered as one. By changing the fractional derivative and integral orders, a small amount in each stage, some ranges of proportional and integral gains are achieved which stabilize the system, independent of the fractional l , μ orders. Therefore a set of different controllers for any specified time delay system is obtained. This trend for several various systems with different values of time delay has been done and the proportional and integral gains of the stabilizing controller have been calculated.
Enhanced Mode of Extended Set of Target Fault Techniques in Single Stuck - At Fault for Fault Coverage in Benchmark Circuits[Full-Text] [References]P.Amutha, C.Arun Prasath
The undetectable single stuck-at faults in full-scan benchmark circuits tends to cluster in certain areas. This implies that certain areas may remain uncovered by a test set for single stuck-at faults. The extension to the set of target faults aimed at providing a better coverage of the circuit in the presence of undetectable single stuck-at fault.. The extended set of target faults consists of double stuck-at faults that include an undetectable fault as one of their components. The other component is a detectable fault adjacent to the undetectable fault. Test sets that contain several different tests for each fault (n-detection test sets) are expected to increase the likelihood of detecting defects associated with the sites of target faults. This phenomenon is discerned from the gate level description of the circuit, and it is independent of layout parameters. In addition, the clustering is based on the gate level, and remains valid for any layout of the circuit. The fault simulation and test generation for the extended set of target faults is simulated using modelsim.
A study to enhance human-resource performance efficiency for minimizing cost in software development projects[Full-Text] [References]Amrinder Kaur, Kamaljeet Singh
Human resources in software development projects require a high level of individual intensity devoted to project tasks, which then is integrated collaboratively to complete the project. Human resources technical skills and implementation experience are key factors for project success and therefore must be allocated and managed judiciously. Despite of the efforts of organizations, problems related to cost escalation have been encountered regularly .Human resource efficiency and productivity shall be key for future success and sustainability of the businesses. Through this paper, the causes have been outlined in a study conducted on software development projects. The reasons outlined affect efficiency and productivity of employees in software development projects across various phases in software development viz. requirement, designing, coding/testing, implementation phase. And it is been devised that job satisfaction enhances when the job is more exploratory in nature.
Improving diffusion power of AES Rijndael with 8x8 MDS matrix[Full-Text] [References]R.Elumalai, Dr.A.R.Reddy
AES Rijndael is a block cipher developed by NIST as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) replacing DES and published as FIPS 197 in November 2001 [5] to address the threatened key size of Data Encryption Standard (DES). AES-Rijndael was developed by Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen, Rijndael [4, 5] and was selected from five finalists. Advancement in computation speed every day puts lots of pressure on AES and AES may not with stand attack for longer time. This work focuses on improving security of an encryption algorithm, beyond AES. Though there are various techniques available to enhance the security, an attempt is made to improve the diffusion strength of an algorithm. For enhancing the diffusion power AES Rijndael in MixColumn operation the branch number of MDS matrix is raised from 5 to 9 using a new 8X8 MDS matrix with trade off of speed [8, 9] and implemented on R8C microcontroller.
Design of HDLC Controller Using VHDL[Full-Text] [References]K.Sakthidasan, Mohammed Mahommed
In this paper, we explore a High-level Data link control published by International Standards Organization (ISO). HDLC is one of the most enduring and fundamental standards in Communications. HDLC is in itself a group of several protocols or rules for transmitting data between network points. The HDLC protocol also manages the flow or pace at which the data is sent. The data is organized into a unit called a frame. HDLC controllers are devices, which executes the HDLC protocol. Some of the key operations of the HDLC protocol implemented are handling bit oriented protocol structure and formatting data as per the packet switching protocol, it includes Transmitting and receiving the packet data serially and providing the data transparency through zero insertion and deletion. This controller generates and detects flags that indicate the HDLC status. The device contains a full duplex transceiver, with independent receive and transmit sections for bit-level HDLC protocol operations. The design is completely Synchronous, with separate clock inputs for receive and transmit allowing the two sections to operate asynchronously. These operations have been implemented using VHDL.
A Distributed Administration Based Approach for Detecting and Preventing Attacks on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks[Full-Text] [References]Himadri Nath Saha, Prof. (Dr.) Debika Bhattacharyya, Prof.(Dr.) P. K. Banerjee
In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET), security is a challenging issue due to the vulnerabilities that are associated with it. Intrusion detection is therefore incorporated as a second line of defense in addition to key based authentication schemes. The range of attacks that can be mounted on MANETs are also wider than in case of conventional static networks. In mobile wireless networks there is no infrastructure as such and so it becomes even more difficult to efficiently detect malicious activities by the nodes inside and outside the network. As a matter of fact, the boundary of the network is not properly defined. Nodes can intermittently come into the network or leave it. Moreover malicious nodes can flood the network with junk packets hampering the network service or intentionally drop packets. But these nodes can subtly manipulate their harmful activities in such a manner that it becomes difficult to declare a node as malicious. On top of that these nodes can cooperate among themselves to fool the other nodes to judge an innocent node as malicious. In this paper, we combine a proactive and a reactive approach to take care of some of the problems relevant to MANETs.
Color Image Segmentation - An Approach[Full-Text] [References]S.Pradeesh Hosea, S. Ranichandra, T.K.P.Rajagopal
The literature on the color image segmentation is very large and it has been delimited to review some important literature to trace the core issues. On the basis of the identified issues, objectives were drawn to prosecute a fresh study in the color image segmentation. This Literature review helps researcher to understand various techniques, themes, methodologies, approaches and controversies so for applied for color image segmentation. The algorithm combining color and texture information for the segmentation of color images. The algorithm uses maximum likelihood classification combined with a certainty based fusion criterion. It was validated using mosaics of real color textures presented in Color and texture fusion: application to aerial image segmentation.
Integer programming model for Integrated planning of solid waste management in Jaipur[Full-Text] [References]Archana Gupta, D. C. Sharma
Rajasthan's economic growth has stimulated urbanization, but lack of commensurate investment in urban infrastructure and services has resulted in an overall deterioration of urban quality of life. Jaipur is the capital of the largest state of country, having an inefficient, outdated and unscientific waste management system. Jaipur socio-economic development potential relies on sound environmental management so that tourism may grow and become sustainable. This paper attempts to assess the existing state of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in Jaipur city with the aim of identifying the main obstacles to its efficient and prospects for improvisation of solid waste management system in the city.
Media used as a inspirational Factor for Future Women Candidates in Politics[Full-Text] [References]Pankaj Tiwari
Media continues to hold a negative depiction of women when running for elected office leaving to a great exposure. Although previous research has focused on using media exposure as a factor in why women do not run, I state to emphasize how media in fact influences women to run for office in strive for equal representation. There took place a study of three individuals political science majors through an interview process where each participant was asked a series of questions in regards to the correlation between media and their motive in one day running for office. Results stated that although all contestants would hope to see the media in a more positive light, women's portrayal through the media in fact encourages them to stand against the status quo where media can be used as a motivating factor in their decision to run as a potential candidate. By approaching the media's continuing negative bias as inspirational in itself, the media holds a counter effect by inspiring more women to gain interest and increase the number of women candidates for political representation.
Surveillance Robot For Tracking Multiple Moving Targets[Full-Text] [References]S.Pratheepa, Dr.Purushothaman Srinivasan
Object tracking is a challenging task in spite of all sophisticated methods that have been developed. The major challenge is to keep track of the object of a particular choice. In this work, a new video moving object-tracking method is proposed. The segmentation of the video is done by contextual clustering. Clustering is an important method in data analysis because of its ability to 'discover' the inherent features in the data. The fundamental concept in clustering techniques is to group a given set of objects into subsets according to properties associated with each object, so that the members in each individual subset share some similar properly defined features. A multitarget human tracking is attempted.
Sea surface Simulation for SAR remote sensing based on the fractal model[Full-Text] [References]Ding Guo, Xingfa Gu, Tao Yu, Xiaoyin Li, Jingjun Zheng, Hui Xu
Based on the fractal ocean surface model,electromagnetic scattering model under Kirchhoff Approximation and the raw signal simulation procedure of dynamic scene based on time domain,the sea surface of the SAR remote sensing has been simulated.The images of the wave and complex fractal sea surface are in accordance with the hydrodynamic modulation , the tilt modulation and the velocity bunching modulation. The simulation has been developed in the Matlab programming language.
USENET: Internetnews Software, Security - Needs and Goals[Full-Text] [References]Monika Saxena, Praneet Saurabh, Bhupendra Verma
Usenet is a distributed bulletin board system, built as a logical network on top of other networks and connections. By design, messages resemble standard Internet electronic mail messages as defined in RFC822. The Usenet message format is described in RFC1036. This defines some additional headers. It also limits the values of some of the standard headers as well as giving some of them special semantics. Newsgroups are the classification system of Usenet. The required Newsgroups header specifies where a message, or article, should be filed upon reception. In addition to InterNetNews, there are two major Usenet packages available for UNIX sites. All three shares several common implementation details. USENET at first was built with effectively no security. There was limited auditing even to detect abuse, let alone prevent it. Over time abusers came, and this meant in many cases that "privileged" functions had to be in some places either shut down or "put on manual" at great administrative cost to admins. In some cases, actual security using digital signature was applied, for newgroup messages (pgpverify), moderated groups (pgpmoose) and NoCem. PGP was commonly used because it is a widely distributed standalone program capable of doing digital signature.
Preparation, verification and finding out of the Critical Current of thin sample of YBCO Compounds[Full-Text] [References]Shaikh Md. Rubayiat Tousif, Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim
This paper is all about superconductors. It deals with the current state of high temperature superconductors (HTS), the application of these materials and possible breakthroughs in the field. It also provides information about how to synthesize YBCO compounds and explains the material from structural point of view. It describes the method of verifying the prepared material is a superconductor or not by observing Meisner effect at 77K. Finally, it describes the technique of finding out the critical current by finding out the resistances of a thin prepared sample of YBCO for temperatures between 77 and 300K.
Recitation Of Load Balancing Algorithms In Grid Computing Environment Using Policies And Strategies - An Approach[Full-Text] [References]M.Kamarunisha, S.Ranichandra, T.K.P.Rajagopal
Grid computing is a term referring to the combination of computer resources from multiple administrative domains to reach common goal. What distinguishes grid computing from conventional high performance computing systems such as cluster computing is that grids tend to be more loosely coupled, heterogeneous, and geographically dispersed. Grid computing is the next generation IT infrastructure that promises to transform the way organizations and individuals compute, communicate and collaborate. The goal of Grid computing is to create the illusion of a simple but large and powerful self-managing virtual computer out of a large collection of connected heterogeneous systems sharing various combinations of resources. Grid Resource Management is defined as the process of identifying requirements, matching resources to applications, allocating those resources, and scheduling and monitoring Grid resources over time in order to run Grid applications as efficiently as possible. Focus of this paper is on analyzing Load balancing requirements in a Grid environment and proposing a centralized and sender initiated load balancing algorithm. A load balancing algorithm has been implemented and tested in a simulated Grid environment.
Assessment and Comparison of Soil carbon pool under Silvo-pastoral Agroforestry system at Henfaes Research Center, North Wales; UK[Full-Text] [References]Kasahun Kitila Hunde
As result of increased emission of green house gases, especially increased emission of Co2, Climate change is the main global challenges that many countries are facing. Increasing carbon sequestration through a forestation, reforestation and appropriate land use practices are considered as means to sink the atmospheric Co2 in terrestrial ecosystem. Agroforestry is recognized as a strategy for soil carbon sequestration (SCS) under the afforestation/reforestation activities in different parts of the world, but still little information is available on soil carbon dynamics under agroforestry systems. This study was aimed to determine the soil organic carbon pool under silvo-pastoral agroforestry system. The study was conducted at Henfeas research center in the north Wales, UK where Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and Red alder (Alnus rubra) were planted in 1992 in integration with the grasslands. The soil samples were collected to the depth of 30cm at different depth intervals (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30cm) under five treatments: under and outside the canopy of both Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and Red alder (Alnus rubra) and under the control grassland. The concentration of soil organic carbon (SOC %) under each treatment were analyzed using LOI (loss on ignition method) where soil samples were burned at 450 oc.