Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 Edition
Publication for Volume 4, Issue 12, December 2013 is in-process.
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Stability Analysis of Thin-shell Wormhole Linearized in String Theory[Full-Text ] S. M. Khurshed Alam, N. M. Eman, M. S. AlamUsing the cut-and-paste technique, we construct a thin-shell wormhole by surgically grafting together two copies of spacetimes of string inspired charged black hole solution. The total amount of exotic matter in the shell needed to sustain the wormhole is calculated and its dependence with the parameters is analyzed. The dynamical stability of the stringy thin-shell wormhole is analyzed by considering the linearized fluctuation around a static solution.
A Hybrid Neural Diagnostics Model for Continuous Estimation of Reliability in Intricate Engineering Systems[Full-Text ] Theophilus A. Fashanu and Olumuyiwa S. AsaoluThe reliability of some sensitive engineering systems often derives from non-linear interactions at the sub system level. In practice, safety devices are usually implemented in such systems at the microscopic and macroscopic levels. This ensures robust availability and reliability. In addition, real time maintenance schemes are also deployed in high risk systems. Such policies are informed by real time instrumentation. On the whole, systems’ configuration and quality of maintenance decision determine reliability and availability. As a rule, such schemes are adaptive in nature. They acquire and process vital in service systems statistics for decision-making. In this regard, non-linear pattern classifiers and discriminant functions are emerging alternatives to conventional tools; especially when ability to acquire and use experience is at an advantage. Thus, using probability safety assessment approach; this work develops a feature extracting artificial neural network processor for continuous statistical monitoring and diagnosis of engineering systems. The aim is to support decision-making associated with system reliability and enhanced availability of high risk systems. In addition to ability to give piece wise description of the health status of the system, our neural diagnostic scheme predicts impending system down time more accurately when compared with the performance of a statistical monitoring tool.
Various Techniques for Removal of Power Line Interference From ECG Signal[Full-Text ] Snehal Thalkar, Prof. Dhananjay UpasaniECG is a biomedical signal which gives electrical activity of heart. This ECG signal is corrupted by various noises like power line interference, baseline wandering, channel noise, contact noise, muscle artifacts etc. Frequency range of ECG signal is nearly same as the frequency of power line interference. ECG signal has frequency range from 0.5 Hz to 80 Hz and power line interference introduces 50 to 60 Hz frequency component in that signal which is the major cause of corruption of ECG. This paper focuses on certain techniques for denoising of such non stationary ECG signal. Least mean square (LMS) algorithm effectively eliminate noise from signal but it requires reference model for analysis. So drawbacks of conventional method are overcome by wavelet transform hence wavelet transform is the best method for denoising the ECG signal.
Transient Time Slot (TTS) based Run Time Leakage Reduction Method for Low Power VLSI Circuits[Full-Text ] V.S.V.Prabhakar, K.Lal KishoreDue to Technology scaling the importance of leakage power has significantly increased in the modern day system-on-chip devices. The runtime leakage component during the active state is almost becoming equal to the standby leakage component. Hence Present day research is more focused on reduction of runtime leakage current .we present a novel runtime leakage reduction for 70nm technology. As an attempt to save the leakage power in the active mode, run-time power gating is explored at various design levels. In the present work we propose a power control method based on Transient Time Slot (TTS) of a logic gate. Using static timing analysis, for each logic gate of the circuit we find its idle period (non-transition period) within the clock period. We switch off the power supply during that period which saves significant amount of run time leakage power. The Logic gates are partitioned according to a heuristic algorithm proposed into clusters so that pair of control transistors is attached to each cluster. Power is supplied only during Transient Time Slot. We simulated ISCAC’85 bench mark circuits and observed that there is significant amount of run time leakage saved. We designed a multiplier using the proposed approach and observed about 85% of runtime leakage savings. Later we simulated c6288 netlist which is a ideal transistor netlist and observed that same amount of runtime leakage power is saved as that of TTS method. There is slight increase in the area and delay which is trade off with the leakage savings
Electromagnetic wave and its mass[Full-Text ] Amol S JagtapIn the present paper, I have shown that the electromagnetic wave is always associated with mass along with its electromagnetic field. The mass and energy that is carried out by electromagnetic wave is depends upon the medium through which it passes. Existence of mass of EM wave along with its electric and magnetic field gives the wave-particle nature of electromagnetic wave at same time.
Novel Weighted Mean Separated Histogram Equalization for Contrast Enhancement of Underwater Images[Full-Text ] Dr. S. A. Hariprasad, Arunlal. K. S, Vikhar AhmedUnderwater acoustic is growing interest because of its applications in scientific research and technology. Its applications such as mine detection, marine biology and military operations requires a high quality of images. In underwater environment, quality of image is degraded by scattering of light and absorption of light which results in low contrast, poor visibility, blurring of image. Histogram equalization (HE) is the conventional method of enhancing the contrast of an image, but HE creates unwanted visual artifacts, which lead to over enhancement of image, loss of image details and loss of natural look of image. Recursively Mean Separated Histogram Equalization (RMSHE) is one of the modifications to HE to overcome from the limitations of HE. This method will reduce the visual artifacts and enhance the contrast of image but still there is a loss of image details. In this paper a modified RMSHE referred as Weighted Mean Separated Histogram Equalization (WMSHE) is presented which will enhance the contrast of image along with reduction of visual artifacts. The method preserves image details and brightness. In this method Histogram is divided into four sub-Histograms based on weighted mean value and then apply clipping limit to each sub-Histogram followed by equalization of each sub-Histogram. Performance of the algorithm is measured in terms of Absolute Mean Brightness Error (AMBE), Entropy of image and difference in Standard Deviation (SD). It is found that with proposed method AMBE is improved by 52.57%, SD is improved by 39.64% as compared to RMSHE, and Entropy of image with proposed method is 6.6221 whereas Entropy with RMSHE is 6.4746.
Structural, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of NCCF+ BTO ME Composites[Full-Text ] P. B. Belavi, L. R. Naik, R. K. Kotnala, V. L. MatheThe magnetoelectric (ME) composites with the composition (y) Ni0.75Cd0.2Cu0.05Fe2O4 (NCCF)+ (1-y) BaTiO3 (BTO), in which 0=y=1, were synthesized by standard double sintering ceramic method. The characteristic structural properties of the composites were studied by various techniques such as XRD, SEM and EDX. The XRD patterns of the composites revealed cubic spinel structure of ferrite and tetragonal pervoskite structure of ferroelectrics. The microstructural aspects of the composites observed by using SEM; revealed the effect of constituent phases on the average grain size of composites. The elemental identification of the composites studied by using EDX technique are in good agreement with the expected values and shows the absence of impurities present in the composites. The temperature dependent dc resistivity of the composites shows the semiconducting nature of the sample. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss tangent was measured as a function of frequency [20 Hz to 1 MHz]. In the low frequency region [20 Hz to 1 kHz] usual dielectric dispersion behavior was observed, it was due to Maxwell-Wagner type of interfacial polarization. The linear variation in ac conductivity with frequency shows small polaron hopping type of conduction mechanism in the composites. Magnetization measurement of the composites carried out by using VSM at room temperature reveals soft magnetic behavior and showed linear effect on the saturation magnetization and magnetic moment of the composites with ferrite content. The saturation polarization and remnant polarizations decreases with increasing frequency as well as ferrite content in the composites. Further the multiferroic behavior was confirmed by their ME response at room temperature. Maximum ME voltage coefficient (15.6 mV/cmOe) was found in composite sample containing 15 mole % of ferrite and 85 mole % ferroelectric phases and is due to high resistivity and small average grain size of the sample compared to other composite samples.
TRIZ Based Methodical Invention Function Model[Full-Text ] Prabhdeep Singh Bajwa, Dalgobind MahtoIn industrial projects, various techniques and methodologies are employed to improve the productivity by implementing better design and alternatives before the starting of the project. This study proposes a methodology which is an integration of enhanced FAST (combination of FAST-Function Analysis System Technique & TRIZ- Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) and 40 inventive principles with brainstorming.
Determination of Proximate and Metabolite Composition of Aerial Roots of Rhaphidophora Aurea (Linden Ex Andre) Twined Over Two Different Host Trees[Full-Text ] P. Arulpriya and P.LalithaThe proximate composition and chemical constituents of the aerial roots of Rhaphidophora aurea (Linden ex Andre) intertwined over Lawsonia inermis (MM) and Areca catechu (MB) were evaluated using standard methods. The results of proximate composition of MM and MB showed the following; total ash (10-13%), acid soluble ash (32-34%), water soluble ash (71-72%), dry matter (99%), moisture (5-12%), fiber (88-90%), fat and wax (6-7%). It also contained phytoconstituents like alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolics and terpenoids, quaternary alkaloids and N-oxides. These results directly impede the drug effect, activity, stability, potency and the side effects of drug. The results of the study portray the phytochemical quality of the sample which affects its pharmacological properties.
The Effect of Features Number on Extended Observation-Cooperative SLAM[Full-Text ] Gayas Asaad, Alireza Babaei, Mohammad H. Ferdowsi, Hossein BolandiThis paper investigates the effect of the number of environment features on a cooperative approach of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). The tested cooperative SLAM approach is the Extended Observation-Cooperative SLAM (EO-CSLAM) algorithm which depends on additional, indirect correlated observations of the features (landmarks). The performance gain due to additional correlated observations means that additional features will have similar positive effect. However, as EO-CSLAM adopts extended Kalman filter-simultaneous localization and mapping (EKF-SLAM) solution, the number of environment features will have an important role in the computational burden. Simulation results show that the performance gain provided by EO-CSLAM is more obvious in tha less features cases.
Efficient Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Prediction Method Using CWT and SVM[Full-Text ] Ashraf Anwar and Hedi KhammariParoxysmal Atrial Fibrillation (PAF) is the most commonly occurring arrhythmia and its prevalence increases with age. This paper presents an efficient method for detection and prediction of (PAF) using PAF prediction challenge database (afpdb) to locate normal person from person who suffers from PAF. We extract 11 features from 100 ECG recorded signals database with the aid of continuous wavelet transform (CWT), to allow accurate extraction of feature from non-stationary signal like ECG, and a Support Vector Machines (SVM) to classify the patterns inherent in the features extracted. We divide the 30-min preceding the PAF into 6 periods with 5-min each. In each suggested period we get the classification result using (SVM). The measured sensitivity, specificity, positive predictivity and accuracy show better and significant results comparable to the other results obtained in the same field in the literature.
Improving the Strength of Sandy Silt soils by Mixing with Cement Kiln Dust[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohie ElMashad, and Dr. Ahmed HashadEgyptian irrigation and drainage system consists of the River Nile, its branches, canals and drains. It is very important to keep them working in good condition to assure efficient water management and distribution process. Water channel embankments made of sandy silt soils are exposed to slope stability problems. These problems are considered one of the common canal embankments problems in the delta of Nile River. Soil improvement is one of the most economic engineering solutions to overcome soil problems. This research studying the improving of sandy silt soils by mixing with cement kiln dust. Laboratory tests were carried out to evaluate the improved soil properties. Three numerical models were built for an embankment of a canal to examine the introduced method to overcome slope stability problems. The natural soil slope stability safety factor was calculated from the first numerical model. The second model used to calculate safety factor after applying the improved soil properties that were determined from the laboratory works. The third numerical model was built to simulate improving natural soil by using the traditional soil reinforcement technique. The results for the two improvement methods were compared. The results showed that the proposed method caused significant improvement for slope stability of the sandy silt soil. The proposed method has the advantage of using with existing or new structures.
Spiritual Maturity and Leadership: A study on leaders of different age bars[Full-Text ] Mr. Amit Kumar, Ms. Gunjan Anand, Mr. Arpan ShrivastavaThe research investigated the level of association of ‘Age and Spiritual Maturity’ among the leaders of different age groups. Hypothesis assumed as a base of this research was tested on the data of 100 respondents collected from the leaders at various levels. Research also illuminates how spiritual maturity grows among the leaders as they gain experience and get old aged. During the research it was also observed that spiritual maturity is a base for rational as well as comprehensive decisions at various situations where other quotient fails to bring results. Thus this study concrete the significance of Spiritual Quotient for effective leadership along with IQ and EQ.
Behavioral studies of the derivatives of alkyl piperidine[Full-Text ] Sarwat Jahan, Shamim Akhtar, Arfa Kamil, Aneela Karim, Mehwish Wajdi, Zafar Saied Sai-fy, Darkhshan Jabeen Haleem, Nausheen AlamDerivatives of alkyl piperidine were synthesized and were evaluated for potential anti-depressant and anti-psychotic activities in albino mice. The derivatives Ia-If and IIa-IIf, containing nitro, fluoro, chloro, bromo and methoxy groups possessed significant activity in open field test when tested at the dose of 50 mg/kg body weight. It is also evident that the number of nitro groups, their positions in the phenyl ring and the other functional groups has relationships among them to impart certain activity to the molecules to which they are attached. The structures of the synthesized com-pounds were confirmed through different spectral techniques EI-MS, 1HNMR, IR and UV.
A Novel Diagnostic Computer Aided Medical Tool for Breast Cancer based on Neuro Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Bh. Nagarajasri, Prof. M. PadmavathammaBreast cancer is a second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide and occurs in one of eight women. Diagnosis is a crucial step and is prerequisite for giving proper treatment. Medical diagnosis is a pattern classification dilemma to determine the disease. In this paper we present a novel medical diagnostic tool for the grading of BIRADS and its ability as a decision support system for radiologist. This tool is based on knowledge based intelligent computing system. The grading of BIRADS can be done by taking a set of characteristics like Mass Shape, Mass Margins, Mass density, Calcification and calcific distribution as input parameters. There is an ambiguity in categorization of multiple occurrences of BIRADS. BIRADS can be categorized accurately into BIRADS0 to BIRADS6 by taking each input parameter individually and making decision according to the single and multiple occurrences and both. This computer aided medical tool is a gifted tool to overcome the limitations of present day / current diagnostic system.
Comparison of glaucoma diagnostic ability of retinal nerve fibre layer thickness, ganglionic cell complex thickness and optic disc measurements made with the Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography.[Full-Text ] Dr Chandrima PaulTo evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of retinal nerve fibre layer thickness (RNFLT), ganglion cell complex (GCC), and optic disc measurements made with the RTVue-100 Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) to detect glaucoma in an Asian population.
Building Learning Community to Enhance Staff’s Capability in Basic Science Learning for non- Science Students [Full-Text ] Bibin Rubini, Deddy SofyanThe aim of the research is to enhance Staff’s Capability in Basic Science Learning for non-Science Students. Moreover, the study was also done to examine its impact in enhancing students’ critical skills of non-science student through thematic basic science teaching-learning. The method used was class action research under lesson study activity design and community building strategy, involving 4 basic science staffs, 92 accounting students, and 94 English prospective teacher students as the subject of the research. The research reveals that through the two cycles of activities along one semester, Staff’s Capability increased, and this gave implication to the increasing of mastery of concepts and critical thinking of students in both programs. This also favorably affects the establishment of a conducive academic atmosphere among faculty staff in the team.
Probability and Statistics[Full-Text ] Anam SaghirProbability and statistics are two different confusing tools in genetics.They create inexactness not only for the geneticist but also for the biologist as the genetics is the leading field in biology.So this paper discusses the basic tools interpreting probability and genetics and answers the questions regarding to chance event in probability with different rules,formulas and experiments while its chi-square test explain the degree of freedom with related experiment. So, it represents adequate factual analysis and findings,which will help all researchers,students of genetics to clear their concept.