Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 2, february 2016.
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Image Forgery Detection using FREAK Binary Descriptor and Level Set Segmentation[Full-Text ] Bayumy A.B. Youssef and Essam H. AttaThis paper describes a novel approach for copy-move image forgery detection using FREAK binary descriptor and level set segmentation. Binary descriptors are fast to compute and compact to store, since they depend only on image intensity comparison. In the proposed approach image, key features are computed using FAST detector and feature matching is implemented using hamming distance. Clustering of matched features is achieved by using region-based Level set segmentation. Experimental results carried on several image data sets and comparison with SIFT based methods show that the proposed approach is accurate and effective in terms of copy move forgery identification and computational speed.
Formation of a Passive Oxide Film on Indium Electrode in Aqueous Solutions[Full-Text ] A. DiabThe formation and growth of an oxide film on indium electrode immersed in sodium borate solutions has been followed and discussed using potential measurements under open-circuit conditions. The effect of concentration, pH and temperature of solution are also investigated. It is found that, the rate of oxide film growth follows a direct logarithm law, as evident from the linear relationship between the open-circuit potential and the logarithm of immersion time. The rate of oxide film growth decreases by increasing the pH of solution and by raising the solution temperature. The free activation energy of oxide film growth is determined and found to be 8.88kJ/mole, indicating that the process of oxide film growth is under diffusion control.
Agent-Based Industrial Environments: State of the Art[Full-Text ] Hosny Abbas, Samir Shaheen, Mohammed AminThis paper highlights the state of the art deployments and applications of the agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) technologies within modern industrial environments. It explores and reviews some of the recent multi-agent based industrial applications to identify their advantages and also their common limitations. The key conclusion of this paper is that most of the proposed agent-based industrial applications adopt the traditional basic forms of the agents and multi-agent systems. They only concern the level of individual agents (the system micro level) by starting the development process with the identification of the individual agents’ types and the design of behaviors and interactions of each agent in the system without giving attention to the global system structure and organization (the system macro level) as they assume that the required global system functionality will emerge as a result of the lower level agents interactions and behaviors. This type of development approaches is not adequate for engineering complex, open, and highly distributed modern industrial networks (i.e., modern SCADA). Undesirable system level behaviors can be emerged and can impact system performance and reliability. Present and future complex highly distributed real world applications and especially industrial ones such as those related to critical infrastructures (i.e., power grids, water transportation, etc.) management should be tackled from both of their micro and the macro levels in the same time because they continuously evolve and change in an unpredictable and uncertain manner. This paper highlights the problem and suggests the promising solution.
3D Laser Scanner Scenes Registration Using Artificial Bee colony optimization Based Heat Kernel Signature[Full-Text ] Bayumy A. B. YoussefThis paper proposes an algorithm for 3D laser scanner scenes registration. The registration will preformed using artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization as objective function solver and heat kernel signature as registration parameter. The property of the scanner’s position was used as a pivot for rotation R and translation T the target scene to maximize the proposed objective function.
Classification & Properties of Composite Numbers with respect to its wings[Full-Text ] Debajit DasConsequent upon further development of generalized Fermat number with the help of N-equation published in December edition of this journal it is felt necessary to once again review the proof and to classify all the odd composite numbers that exist in our numbering system with respect to its positive or negative prime wings. This paper also includes few important properties of twin primes at a gap of 2? where ? = 1, 2, 3, …….
A WEARABLE MOBILE BASED HEALTH CARE LOCATION AWARENESS SYSTEM FOR HEART DISEASE USING HOVER POSITIONING SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Mr.S.Ravisankar, Dr.R.RenugaInformation and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are commonly using in healthcare organizations worldwide. The android operating system (AOS) based electronic devices such as Smart phones and computer tablets are extensively used for many purposes like instant messaging, gaming, word processing, Internet and download number of applications online. A rapid growth of android phones has enabled to replace PC’s software and other licensed software development technologies. There are different kinds of healthcare applications developed in android Smart phones which help patients and their caregivers to reduce time and cost efficiency. In this research work, an application is developed that locates the nearest hospital. The nearest position of hospitals is calculated with a built-in feature of Global Positioning System (GPS) in Smart phones and finds the route from their current location through Google Map application Program Interfaces (API). An informative survey of different hospitals in Coimbatore is conducted to obtain an accurate list of hospitals. With the help of this application, a ward can find the patient location with abnormal details.
Experimental analysis of the performance characteristics of PEM Fuel Cells[Full-Text ] Hussein A Kazem, Miqdam T ChaichanA fuel cell is a device that uses the fuel chemical energy to produce electricity through a chemical reaction with oxygen or any other oxidizing agent. This paper studied the correlations between current, voltage, power, and efficiency for a PEM fuel cell derived by hydrogen that is produced from water electrolyzing.
THE RELATION BETWEEN HUMAN AND NATURE IN TRADITIONAL HOUSING OF JAPANESE AND NUBIAN CULTURE[Full-Text ] MONDER .M. ALMUDER This paper aims at studying both the Japanese and the Nubian design cultures, being a completely different approach from other cultures. The study is done through clarifying the relationship between human, nature and their relation to religion and culture. In addition to how that is reflected in designing their houses.
MYCORRHIZA, BACTERIA AND PLANT AN ORGANIZED MODEL OF RHIZOSHERE INTERACTION[Full-Text ] Faten DhawiThe first step to analyze and understand plant growth and development is to understand the environmental factors that can modulate it. The rhizoshere soil is a rich environment of interaction between plants and soil organisms that may enhance its growth and production. Plant’s roots, mycorrhiza, and bacteria are three elements of rhizoshere soil interaction. Plant’s root exudates encourage mycorrhiza to colonize with the root system internally or externally.
Big data[Full-Text ] Sami AlosaimiThe paper talks about the database administration and big data database administration in Google and how Google use big data in many of technology fields and there are a lot of examples in this paper.
Anti-bacterial High density Polyethylene/Nano Titanium Dioxide Composite Synthesis and Characterization[Full-Text ] Ansam A. Hashim, Watheq K. SalihHigh density Polyethylene (HDPE)/Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nano-composite was prepared by melt compounding with a twin screw extruder to detect the anti-bacterial efficiency (E.coli & S.aureus types) and the mechanical properties ( tensile stress & E-modulus ) of this composite. Different weight fractions of Titanium dioxide ( 2% , 4% , 6% wt) were used. The activity of TiO2/HDPE composite against bacteria types was investigated using disc diffusion method. The results showed that highest tensile and E-modulus values (33.35 , 266 MPa ) were recorded for 4%wt sample and it has the highest activity against the bacteria.. Also the results showed that TiO2/HDPE composite is more effective against E.coli bacteria than against S.aureus type. Microscopic images of the prepared samples assured that 4% wt. sample is characterized by a high degree of homogeneity which contributed in this activity and in improving mechanical properties.
Assessing Soil Quality due to Industrial Pollution in Yamuna Nagar of Haryana; India[Full-Text ] Manju Sharma, Smita ChaudhryIn major industrial areas, soil gets contaminated by the industrial activities. The main focus of this study was to assess the soil quality in vicinity of three selected industries (sugar mill, paper mill and thermal power plant) and along Western Yamuna Canal (WYC) located in Yamuna Nagar District of Haryana state, India. The changes in pH, EC, Ca, Mg, Na, K and heavy metals (Cu, Cr, Cd, Mn and Ni) were observed in summer and winter seasons of three years (2009-2012). The concentration of EC, salinity and potassium were found to be higher in vicinity of paper mill soil samples followed by sugar mill and thermal power plant. However, concentration of sodium, calcium and magnesium were higher in sugar mill vicinity soil samples followed by paper mill and thermal power plant. Higher concentrations of heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Cu) were generally present in paper mill vicinity soil samples. EC, salinity, Na, Ni and Mn exhibited a significant positive correlation among themselves in vicinity of industrial soil samples. In vicinity of WYC all studied parameter of soil samples exhibited a highly significant positive correlation with each other except with pH. Significant seasonal variations were observed in soil samples in vicinity of industries and WYC; and significant variations among sites were also observed in WYC vicinity soil samples. The results obtained definitely indicate that effluents and other waste materials from the paper mill and sugar mill have contributed to significant alteration of soil quality in the vicinity of the mills and the natural soil composition has been affected similar to surface and ground water quality.
Surpassing The Challenges of Inferencing for Natural Language[Full-Text ] Aleshinloye Abass Yusuf, Nwojo Nnanna AgwuThe main objective of this research is to improve on the standard tree- matching approach of textual entailment by introducing inference engine for every standard sentence which is more efficient in doing inferencing than the textual entailment approach and the logical approach. The previous approaches have some limitation ranging from lack of background knowledge and inadequate representation of natural language. To overcome the present challenges a compromise is made on both logical and textual entailment approaches. The compromise is referred to as the Normalisation approach, where the inference is achieved by transforming the dependency tree generated from the parser in order to generate a simple version which can be easily handled by the inference engine. The approach involves goal inference; that is, inference from a goal to a set of known facts, which help control the search space by enforcing conditions that will help prove the current goal. The approach can be used in solving ontological problems and challenges that come with inferencing in natural language.
Reduction of Titanoferrous Impurities from Kaolin by Selective Adsorption of Flocculating Agents[Full-Text ] Mahesh M Kulkarni, Gajanan N JadhavKaolin clay is used as a filler and pigment in various applications such as paper, paint, rubber, plastics, adhesives, ink and ceramics etc. Major mineral content in crude kaolin clay is kaolinite along with some accessory minerals as quartz, hematite, mica, feldspar, anatase, rutile, illemnite etc. The Fe and Ti bearing minerals play very important role in determining quality of the kaolin, as these minerals impart yellow, pink or darker color to the white kaolin. Conventional beneficiation methods used in kaolin processing are de-gritting, classification and sodium dithionite bleaching, which improves the optical properties of kaolin, wherein reduction of color imparting constituents such as Fe2O3 and TiO2 is marginal. In the present study, these coloring impurities are separated using selective adsorption of water-soluble polymers. Degritted kaolin samples after passing through 45 micron sieve is used in the study for selective flocculation by polyacrylamide based polymers. The effect of pH, zeta potential, and polymer dose on the reduction of impurities is studied. Analytical tools such as XRF, XRD, and STEM techniques are utilized and results are discussed in detail.
Media effect on body image and eating disorder[Full-Text ] Tahiyat AbdulazizAccording to National Eating Disorders Association, 70% of 6-12 years olds want to be thinner. The media and TV shows are the cause of changing view of beauty among youth. Many cases of depression or teenagers bullying associated with classifying others as fat or unattractive. According to Groesz et al., (2002) study, the body image among teenagers was affected negatively by viewing thin models while viewing average size and plus size didn’t affect the view of body image significantly. Usually, teenagers are the age group influenced negatively by body image. Impossibly thin model shown in media, competition between friends, and society’s emphasis on external beauty are important causes of anorexia. While, there are serious effects as well both mentally and physically.
Social Media Altered Life of Organizations[Full-Text ] Meshal AlabdulwahabToday social media integrated technology has enhance the changes in organizations, relationships and the way we live. As per the report of media it is stated that effect of social media along with the use of internet has brought immense changes in the structure of organizations. Social media has transformed social lives of people that is not end but it also has devised new ways of working for organizations.
IMPAC Assessment Project and Communicative Language Assessment[Full-Text ] Mohammad AlfehaidObserving different classes in the USA has impressed me and given me knowledge of how students are active and motivated to participate in different kinds of activities that teachers often use. As a middle school and university teacher, I have used traditional ways of testing English as a foreign language. However, observing different classes has made me realize that I can make testing English as a second or foreign language more effective. I learned that using a communicative approach in some points of testing the language can enhance students’ knowledge of their English while revealing the use of the language.
The North American Free Trade Agreement[Full-Text ] Murtadhi Hussain AlfayezNorth American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) built up a free-trade zone in North America; it was marked in 1992 by Canada, Mexico, and the United States and took an impact on Jan. 1, 1994. NAFTA instantly lifted duties on the majority of products and services produced by the signatory countries. It likewise requires the safe disposal, over a time of 15 years, of most remaining hindrances to cross-fringe investments and the development of products and services among the three nations.
Water Conflict Resolution in Multiple User Scenarios in Mahakanadarawa Scheme in Sri Lanka[Full-Text ] Hamseen, M.H.M and Sivakumar, S.SSri Lanka is an agriculture based developing country and currently Anuradhapura district provides the large contribution to the national economy through food production. The Mahakanadarawa irrigation scheme situated in east side of the A9 road, nearly 20km from the heart of the Anuradhapura city.
River for Jaffna-Cultivating Productive Water from Salt Water Lagoons in Northern Sri Lanka-What the Water Balance of Elephant Pass Lagoon Demonstrates?[Full-Text ] Kuganesan, S and Sivakumar, S.SThe proposal of converting Jaffna salt water lagoons in northern Sri Lanka to fresh water lakes is revived again in the recent days due to the increasing demand and dearth of fresh water in this region. Jaffna lagoon consists of two internal lagoons in the Jaffna peninsula and the external lagoon, Elephant pass.
Insulated Hollow Concrete[Full-Text ] Ankit Aron, Sohit Mendiratta, Ayush SharmaThe ever increasing construction sector leading to an increase in the demand of smart materials has become quite necessary. Therefore there is a need to improve the already existing materials. The synthesis of Insulated Hollow Concrete Blocks or IHC Blocks serves this purpose quite nicely. The IHC Blocks, being lightweight because of being hollow result in reduced dead load of structure. Its predecessor, Hollow Concrete Block is able to provide Thermal as well as Sound Insulation, but these prove to be better than them because of the introduction of an Insulating material. They are also economical as well in comparison to the existing building materials and are also helpful in planning piping system. The use of fly ash along with Cement helps to make it an Environment Friendly material. It has many more uses in reducing the need for formwork. The paper includes preparation of 20 IHC Blocks using four different concrete mixes which include M20, M25, M30, and M35. The compressive strengths of all the samples are taken into consideration after allowing them to cure for 28 days in the curing tank. The Thermal Insulation tests as well as the Sound Insulation Tests are also carried out. The results showed a great deal of Insulation from both sound and temperature. The Compressive strength of these blocks also came to be way more than those construction materials that are being used contemporarily. Therefore this material can prove to revolutionize the way we design and build our structures.
KEY PROPERTIES OF HESITANT FUZZY SOFT TOPOLOGICAL SPACES[Full-Text ] A.SREEDEVI, DR.N.RAVI SHANKARIn this paper, we define hesitant fuzzy soft (‘HF soft’ in short) topological spaces and its fundamental properties such as HF soft interior, HF soft closure, HF soft exterior, HF soft boundary of a HF soft set. Moreover, we investigate some roperties on HF soft compact space, especially finite intersection property on HF soft topological spaces.
Logarithmic Velocity Profile for Turbulent Flow in Straight Rough Pipe and Evaluation of Karman Constant with Boundary Layer Reynolds Number- A Complete Solution[Full-Text ] Tapan Kumar GhoshThis paper deals with the derivation of logarithm velocity distribution in the turbulent overlap region considering roughness element k as an important parameter. Milikan’s method primarily did not consider roughness element. Complete solution together with the value of Karman constant has been obtained. The mathematical structure is based on Ipsen’s method of dimensional analysis followed by Boltzmann entropy formalism.
A Comparative Study of Mobile and Vehicular Adhoc Networks[Full-Text ] Vandana JindalIncreased mobility and collaboration, improved response, better access to information, easier network expansion, enhanced guest access etc. are some of the important features that have motivated researchers to go for work in wireless systems. Direct access to these wireless networks is possible through radio waves. The radio waves are used to carry information, by systematically changing some property of the radiated waves, such as their amplitude, frequency, phase, or pulse width depending upon application. Mobile and Vehicular Ad hoc networks are some of the networks which are gaining advantage through research in wireless systems. A comparative study of these networks has been carried out in the paper.
Effect of Manganese Percentage Doping on Optical Properties of Zinc Sulphide (ZnS) Nanofilms prepared by Electrodeposition method[Full-Text ] Okafor Patricia C., Ekpunobi Azubike J. Zinc sulphide nanofilms with different Mn percentage doping were prepared from aqueous solution mixture of zinc chloride, manganese chloride, sodium thiosulphate and a complexing agent triethanolamine using electrodeposition method. The experiment was carried out at room temperature, optimum deposition time and deposition voltage using acidic bath maintained at PH 3 while the Mn content in the electrolyte was varied from 3% to 23%. The x-ray diffraction pattern showed that ZnS:Mn nanocrystals have cubic structure with crystallite size of approximatrly 14.19nm. The thickness of the film samples determined by optical method were of range 46.01 – 68.99nm. With the increase of Mn doping% from 3% to 23%, the optical parameters which include absorbance varies from 0,02 to 0,65; transmittance from 0.90 to 0.52; reflectance 0.27 to zero; refractive index 1.14 to 1.02. The band gap energy of ZnS:Mn film with 8% Mn doping was found to be 2.30eV and is lower than 3.65eV reported for undoped ZnS. The results showed that Mn percentage doping has effect on optical properties of ZnS nanofilms. Such nanofilms could be suitable for wide range of applications in thin films solar cells fabrications, luminescence and optoelectronic devices.
The Effect of Manganese percentage doping on the Thickness and Conductivity of Copper sulphide nanofilms prepared by Electrodeposition method[Full-Text ] Okafor Patricia C., Ekpunobi Azubike J.Manganese doped copper sulphide nanofilms were prepared using aqueous solution of zinc chloride, manganese chloride, sodium thiosulphate and triethanolamine as a complexing agent by electrodeposition method. The experiment was carried out at room temperature and optimum deposition condition with the manganese percentage doping varied from 3% to 23%. The XRD pattern revealed that Mn doped CuS nanofilms have cubic structure with mean crystallite size of approximately 2.7937nm.The thickness and conductivity of CuS:Mn films were determined by optical method. Results from our investigation revealed that with the increasing of Mn percentage doping from 3% to 23%, the thickness of the CuS:Mn films ranged from 4.23 – 18.49nm, absorption coefficient from 0.20 x 105 to 1.0 x 105, optical conductivity from 3.0 x1012 to 5.50 x1012 and electrical conductivity from 1.53 x 102 to 1.58 x 102. Such CuS:Mn films in nanometer size range and of high conductivity could be suitable for applications in the fabrications of thin films solar cells and various optoelectronic devices.
A Novel Multilayer Artificial Immune System for Network Defense[Full-Text ] Mohamed M. K. Elhaj, Hussam Hamrawi, Yahia AbdallaArtificial Immune System is a promising computational intelligence system inspired by human immune system which acts as a natural re-sistance to diseases using sophisticated mechanisms intended to protect our bodies from invaders which are facing a number of layers of defense, i.e. physical, physiological, innate and adaptive layers. Recently we proposed a multilayer network defense artificial immune system inspired by innate immunity in humans, the outcome of that work showed encouraging results from the innate layer. This paper describes a framework of a multilayered network defense system composed of two main layers, innate and adaptive layers, both layers are described, the innate layer as a first layer of defense which is designed and implemented using fuzzy logic expert system, and adaptive layer as a second layer and shows detailed results from the whole system. The innate layer shows very encouraging results since it has already dealt with 77% of the whole traffic with false positive rate of only 0.0107, this rate could still be reduced when adding more rules to the fuzzy knowledge base.
Computer Simulation and Characterization of Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Cells[Full-Text ] Amira A.A.Diab, S.M.El-Ghanam, S.A.Kamh and F.A.S.SolimanDetailed computer simulation based study of photovoltaic cells/ modules using circuit simulator PVEducation S/W package was presented in this paper and used to simulate a circuit based model or PV cells/ modules and then to conduct behavioral study under varying conditions of solar insolation including temperature, diode model parameters, series and shunt resistance, solar energy ……etc. The study is very helpful in clearly outlining the principles and the intricacies of PV cells/modules and may surely be used to verify impact of different topologies and control techniques on the performance of different types of PV system. To put the simulation study on firm footing, a comparative study was carried out with a previous work done by the authors, where an excellent agreement was obtained.
Toyota Operational Excellence - Management Model[Full-Text ] Khalil, RThe Japanese Car Industry is growing to take market segment in all regions of the world. The major manufacturers operate on all conti-nents with production facilities spread across the world. They have expanded throughout the past 20 years through a combination of Greenfield Investments, Joint Ventures and Acquisitions. Even though technology and design are still major factors in competitive advantage there is a much greater level of cooperation from the top Japanese manufacturers with European and US firms. Most Japanese automotive firms lean towards a multinational structure, with manufacturing, sales and admin occurring in geographic areas, but usually with Japanese top management brought in from Head Office. The Japanese have famously brought new work practices into the car industry such as quality circles and JIT, which have influenced other commercial institutes. Culture has been a key success factor for many Japanese firms, with a trend towards team working. This has proved extremely successful in manufacturing sectors.
Detection of perioperative circulating melanoma cells: a clinical trial in patients with malignant melanoma undergoing lymph-node dissection[Full-Text ] A. Gottschalk, G. Brodner, H.K. Van Aken, C. Wempe and G. BrunnerBackground. Resection of malignant melanoma (MM) during spinal anaesthesia may lead to a better long-term prognosis, with fewer metastases, due to reduced compromise of the immune system with regional anaesthesia. This study investigated whether the immune system is a major factor and whether MM is a systemic disease.
An Applicable Implementation Policy for “Consumer is Producer” Model[Full-Text ] Alimul Haque Khan, Md.Maidul Islam, Ashraful Haider Chowdhury, Md.Saifur RahmanThe power market of Bangladesh as well as many other countries is still locked for the common people. Selling energy to the grid is yet not so easy for them. It needs a lot of investment to enter into the power market. As a result, few of the population have the scope to sell the generated energy. The model “Consumer is Producer” offered a new model for providing reliable energy to the customer where the customer themselves will produce energy and utilize it. It has claimed that this model will unlock the power market for the common people which will in result have a higher penetration of renewable energy in a national grid. However, no policy was given to show the way how this model may be implemented. The policy of power business of existing micro grid in Sandwip is based on two entity, the supplier and the customer. The supplier is liable for generation, distribution and also controlling the grid and the customers are liable only for consumption. There is no scope for the second entity to contribute in power generation and selling it. In this paper, A policy with several types of entity in the power market has been discussed in this research work. The policy also discusses the possible way to form the grid. The analyses according to the policy also show the possibilities to incorporate in the power market for the common people.
Design and Fabrication of LV Sag/Swell Generator for CBEMA/ITI Compliance Testing[Full-Text ] Noor Ullah, Muhammad Idrees, Nasrullah KhanVoltage sag and swell is generated during fault on power system, which trips sensitive equipment. Solar PV and wind turbines voltage changes due to changing of solar radiation and wind velocity respectively. Equipments used in control circuitry can cause to trip or miss-operate. The equipment sensitivity depends on voltage magnitude and duration. This paper presents the designed low voltage sags and swell generator (LVSSG) is used in laboratory to generate power quality problems to evaluate the control equipments sensitivity and to verify CBEMA/ITI/SEMI curves. Voltage sags and swell generator is microcontroller based low cost and portable test equipment. The voltage is controlled through AC chopper from 0 p.u to 1.8 p.u. The normal voltage of sag and swell generator is 1 p.u or 220VAC.
Enhanced characteristics of alkali activated slag/ grog geopolymer bricks[Full-Text ] M. Ezzat, H. M. Khater, Abdeen M. El NAGARThe development of alternatives to conventional Portland cement produced with more eco-efficient processes (lower energy consumption and carbon foot print) is of great importance to the industry and world climate. Alkaline cements and concretes are an effective alternative to these traditional cements. Geopolymer bricks that are prepared by partial binder substitution, water cooled slag, with clay brick waste (grog) in a ratio ranging from 0 up to 100%, and with a fine sand ratio of 15% of the total weight. Also, sodium hydroxide activator was used in a ratio of 8% of the total weight. The properties of the produced Geopolymer bricks have been investigated through measurement of compressive strength, water absorption, FTIR, XRD and SEM imaging. The results revealed the feasibility of substituting water cooled amorphous slag with grog in synthesization of Geopolymer bricks. Resulting in superior quality, where the compressive strength values, with a substitution of slag with up to 40% grog, exceeds 40 MPa and so can be used in production of heavy duty bricks that can withstand harsh weathering conditions. However, further substitution leads to the lowering of mechanical properties of the brick, as a result of increased crystalline content and deficiency of activator to dissolve all crystalline fractures.