Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2016.
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The Effect of Knowledge Management on Organizational Performance through Total Quality Management[Full-Text ] Hussein Salama Al-Sohaim, Dr. Walid Youssef Montasser, Prof Dr. Abd Alhakim Al ManhawyThe transition from an industrial society into a knowledge society makes effective benefits of knowledge and learning as vital elements of competitiveness. KM is a process through which an organization generates value of its knowledge-based assets. Organizations that want to be successful and gain sustainable competitive advantage need to focus more on permanent increase of value with the knowledge they possess. KM concept is one of fundamental ways to translate challenges and dangers of a modern, unpredictable business environment into an opportunity for successful performance and a cornerstone of competitive advantage.
Cluster Drive Test of Long Term Evolution using XCAL[Full-Text ] Rakesh Patel, J. M. Keller, P. MorPerformance of a mobile communication Long Term Evolution Network depends on how the network is optimized. To optimize such network to deliver services (online gaming, video conferencing, video streaming, downloading, etc.), there is a need of collecting real time data which contains different network paramers details on which the network performance depends. The real time network parameters such as Drive Route, Coverage Plot (overall, sector Alpha, sector Beta, sector Gamma), Mac Layer Throughput Download, Mac Layer Throughput Upload and PCI Plot etc. plays an important role in mobile communication network and the major reason of network performance. To collect real time network parameters details drive test is performed using the drive test tool XCAL. This paper concentrates on the procedure of Cluster drive test and the results obtained after completion of the test.
Evaluation of Nurses’ Knowledge of Radiation Protection Practice: A Case Study of Two Hospitals in Calabar, Nigeria[Full-Text ] S. O. Paulinus, M. Mgbekem, B. E. Archibong, R. S. O. Paulinus & B. S. IbeNurses are caregivers often involved in assisting and accompanying patients to the Radiology Department for medical exposure to radiation for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Exposure to ionizing radiation without adequate protection is implicated in causing harm to man. The study was designed to evaluate Nurses’ knowledge of radiation protection practice as direct care givers in the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) and the General Hospital (GH) both in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. A descriptive survey using self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 220 respondents, selected through simple random sampling technique. Findings revealed that most of the respondents were between age range 22 to 66 with average working experience between 1 year to >21 years. Although, majority of the Nurses (85.0%) like being posted to different wards, only 1.0% like to work in the Department of Radiology, 26.5% inferring that radiation is dangerous. About 50.0% assessment of the respondents had adequate knowledge on the value of radiation as being diagnostic and therapeutic in medical science, 35.5% identified the need to use lead apron for protection, 40.5% said time, distance and barrier were the essential basic protective measures and 90.0% of the respondents had no knowledge on the Protection of Persons Undergoing Medical Exposure or Treatment (POPUMET) regulations with poor attendance on radiation protection training. The study suggests that training of Nurses on this important aspect of care is either absent or appears to be insufficient. It is therefore recommended that conscious efforts be made to train Nurses on the POPUMET regulations in the studied health care institutions.
VARIATION OF SWELLING PRESSURE WITH AREA RATIO[Full-Text ] Er Naveen, Dr R K Pandey, Er C S MishraAs we increase the Area Ratio, the lateral surface area exposed to water increases. This although, helps in getting the soil sample saturated to a greater extent and thus increasing the swelling tendency to a greater degree, but at the same time the lateral confinement of the sample is decreased. Due to the decrease in the lateral confinement some lateral swelling of sample takes place, which reduces the axial swelling of the sample and thus causing a decrease in swelling pressure (which is measured in the axial direction only).
IMPACT OF HUMAN ACTIVITIES ON WATER AND THE ENVIRONMENT CASE OF THE EXTRACTION OF ALLUVIAL SAND AND POLLUTION OF THE WATER TABLE IN THE MIDDLE SEBAOU[Full-Text ] Tarmoul Nadia, BoulemtafesBrahimThe Middle Sebaou undergoes significant degradation along its course and becomes a complete dump of industrial and domestic waste as well as agricultural pollution from the use of significant quantities of chemical fertilizers. These factors seriously threaten groundwater resources Sebaou, which are closely related to water surfaces fact that the water table is free in its major part of the aquifer. We also note that in addition to pollution from various releases that knows the water table of Sebaou. The anarchic and uncontrolled extraction of sand and silt from the bed of the wadi; real protector filter the groundwater table was that the web has become very vulnerable to any possible pollution. Several studies have been conducted to try to reach the end of water pollution and to find a harmonious solution of exploitation and conservation of these resources. It is in this context that fits our study of the impact of human activities on the environment and pollution the groundwater table in the Sebaou middle.The objective through this study is based on the interpretation of physicochemical analysis of wadi Sebaou water and assess the evolution of the qualitative aspects of the resource and to highlight the groundwater-surface water interactions and secondly to determine the relationship pollution / sand extraction.
Drug abuse in patients in province of Al-Najaf[Full-Text ] Saad Saleem Raheem; Haider yahya AhmedObjectives: knowing of the most using drugs in prescriptions and without prescriptions, and side effects of these drugs on the employers, role of risk factors, the economic and social impacts due to overuse of drugs.
Sustainability Analysis of Domestic Wastewater Treatment Technology Applied on Human Settlement in Swamp Area[Full-Text ] Dyah Wulandari Putri,Prayatni Soewondo, Agus Jatnika Effendi, Tjandra SetiadiProviding wastewater treatment system for human settlement in swamp area are challenging, due to they are related to physical settlement and environmental conditions and other non-physical barriers. Related to those challenging factors maintainingthe sustainability of applied wastewater treatment in swamp settlemens is becoming a big concern and the development of existing wastewater treatment technology to accomplish the challenge in swamp settlement is necessary.Wastewater treatment technologies having been applied in this swamp settlement were analyzed based on sustainability criteria. Those technologies are including tripikon-S, compact biofiltration system, dry and separated toilet with container, floating pods/ garden, and anaerobic baffled reactors. Hhierarchical framework adapted from Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) with sustainability criteria is used as the evaluation tools.
Intervention of LDPE Rainwater Harvesting Structure - Jalkund and HDPE Water Harvesting Structure for Jhum improvement in Nagaland[Full-Text ] P. Chowdhury, K.L. Meena and D.J. RajkhowaLongleng District is located between longitude 94°E - 95°E and latitude 26°N - 27°N of the equator. Longleng District has a total area of 885 Sq. Km. The district can be divided into three regions topographically, namely; Chingmei Range in the northern part, Shemong Range in the middle part and Yingnyu Range in the southern part. Longleng district have one state and 3(three) district boundaries. On the east it shares boundary with Tuensang and Mon district of Nagaland. On north it has Nagaland’s Inter-state boundary with Assam. On the west it shares boundary with Mokokchung District of Nagaland. On the South it shares boundary with Tuensang district of Nagaland. The altitude of the District varies from 150m to 2000m above the sea level. Longleng Town, the head quarter is around 1100m above sea level. The principle rivers that flow through Longleng district include Dikhu and Yongmon. The population of Longleng District is entirely Schedule Tribe. The main inhabitants are from the Phom Tribe of Nagas. As per 2011 census, the total population is 50,593 and the literacy rate of the district as is 44.82%, of which 57% are Male and 43% are Female.
Compare different methods of seismic design of highway Wise in Tehran (capital of Iran)[Full-Text ] Ali sanaei raad, Reza ebrazi In recent years, the development and frequency of seismic damage underground structures, seismic analysis and design of underground structures has been more and more attention. Especially in large-Osaka Kobe earthquake in 1995, some subway stations and tunnels were severe injury, the first about the damage caused by the earthquake is the modern amenities underground.
Study on the behavior of Wise tunnel under static and seismic loading[Full-Text ] Ali sanaei raad, Reza ebrazi Wise highway network is one of the most important routes along the east-west highway in Tehran considered the westernmost point of the easternmost point of access enables regional and local. This highway in the eastern part of Tehran highway in the western part of the mission and the highway is wise. Wise in the tunnel area along Highway 22 between Highway Tehran Iran war to the intersection of automobiles, part of the highway from Forest Park Cheetgar passes, tunnel consists of two round trip with three lines on each side of the crossing.
ASSESSMENT OF SEASONAL VARIATIONS IN WATER QUALITY OF MUDHOL TALUKA IN BAGALKOT DISTRICT, KARNATAKA INDIA[Full-Text ] P.D.Pol, M. C. Sangannavar, R. R. Chavan and M. S. YadaweAssessment of seasonal changes in surface water quality is an important aspect for evaluating temporal variations of water pollution due to natural or anthropogenic inputs of point and non-point sources. In this study, surface water quality data for 7 physical and chemical parameters collected from 50 monitoring stations in a water of Mudhol taluka of Bagalkot district, Karnataka were analyzed. The principal component analysis technique was employed to evaluate the seasonal variations of water quality parameters, while the principal factor analysis technique was used to extract the parameters that are most important in assessing seasonal variations of water quality. Analysis shows that a parameter that is most important in contributing to water quality variation for one season may not be important for another season except for DOC and electrical conductance, which were always the most important parameters in contributing to water quality variations for all four seasons.
DESIGNAND FPGAIMPLEMENTATIONOF AHIGH SPEED UART[Full-Text ] SonaliDhage,ManaliPatil ,NavanathTemgire, PushkarVaity,SangeetaParshionikarTheUniversalAsynchronousReceiverTransmitter(UART)isadeviceusedforserialcommunicationbetweencomputersand otherperipheraldevices.Thispaperdealswithdesigningofahighspeed UARTusing VerilogHardwareDescriptionLanguage.Thedesigned UARTis afullduplexUARTandit hasa 10-bitframeformatwitha startbit, 8-databitsandonestopbit.TheUARTalsohasconfigurablebaud rates.BuffersareusedtoholdthedatatemporarilyduringcommunicationandtheFIFOshiftregistersareusedtoshiftthedatainandoutof thecommunicating devices.Thedifferentbaudratesandthehighoversamplingrateatthereceiverarethefactorswhichmakethisdesign compatibleforhighspeeds. ThetransmitterandreceiveraredesignedinVerilogHDL,simulatedandsynthesized usingXilinxISE14.5.The designis successfullydownloadedandverifiedonSpartan–3EDigilentBasys2FPGAboard.
EFFECT OF SKEW ANGLE IN U-GIRDER METRO[Full-Text ] KARTHIKA K A , Dr.LAJU KOTTALILThe concept of U-shaped bridge girder is now being increasingly adopted in urban metro rail projects and for replacing old bridges where there is a constraint on vertical clearance. This requirement, along with other requirements for fixing alignment of the bridges, is mainly responsible for provision of increasing number of skew bridges. The presence of skew in a bridge makes the analysis and design of bridge decks intricate. For the U girder rail bridges with small skew angle, it is frequently considered safe to ignore the angle of skew and analyze the bridge as a right bridge with a span equal to the skew span. However, U girder bridges with large angle of skew can have a considerable effect on the behavior of the bridge especially in the short to medium range of spans. In this paper an analytical study using three dimensional finite element methods was performed to investigate the effect of skew angle on behavior of Kochi Metro U girder bridge decks. The parameter investigated is deformaton . The finite element analysis (FEA) results for skewed bridges were compared to the reference straight bridges (nonskewed). The geometric dimensions of the U girder railway bridge decks and the loading used are in compliance with Kochi Metro rail project standard specifications. . This paper presents the behavioural aspects of a skew bridge with skewness of 30° , 45° and 60° and compares them with the real structure by using a 3D Bridge model in Finite Element Analysis software – ANSYS.
How Data Hazards can be removed effectively[Full-Text ] Muhammad Zeeshan, Saadia Anayat, Rabia and Nabila RehmanFor fast Processing of instructions in computer architecture, the most frequently used technique is Pipelining technique, the Pipelining is consider an important implementation technique used in computer hardware for multi-processing of instructions. Although multiple instructions can be executed at the same time with the help of pipelining, but sometimes multi-processing create a critical situation that altered the normal CPU executions in expected way, sometime it may cause processing delay and produce incorrect computational results than expected. This situation is known as hazard. Pipelining processing increase the processing speed of the CPU but these Hazards that accrue due to multi-processing may sometime decrease the CPU processing. Hazards can be needed to handle properly at the beginning otherwise it causes serious damage to pipelining processing or overall performance of computation can be effected. Data hazard is one from three types of pipeline hazards. It may result in Race condition if we ignore a data hazard, so it is essential to resolve data hazards properly. In this paper, we tries to present some ideas to deal with data hazards are presented i.e. introduce idea how data hazards are harmful for processing and what is the cause of data hazards, why data hazard accord, how we remove data hazards effectively. While pipelining is very useful but there are several complications and serious issue that may occurred related to pipelining i.e. load delay, branch delay data dependence, etc. Performance of pipelining technique is relay on data dependency between instructions and Data dependency some time generates pipeline hazards between instructions. In order to effectively deal with data hazards we also discuss pipelining complications like data dependence. Data dependence is a state where one instruction is relay on the data of preceding statement. We clearly impose these conditions of wrong result complication, data hazards and data dependence.
Food and feeding habit of pony fish, Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier, 1829) off Ratnagiri coast, Maharashtra[Full-Text ] Acharya KV and Naik SDIn the present study, Food and Feeding habit of pony fish, Leiognathus splendens (Cuvier,1829) from Ratnagiri coast were done. The fishes studied ranged between 6.1 to 12.5 cm. in Total length (TL.) during the period February 2012 to January 2013. The food composition of L. splendens comprised with zooplankton 40.76%, mollusca 6.33%, phytoplankton 2%, crustacean remains 13.53%, nematodes 0.97, sand grains 3.43%, semi digested matter 30.46% fish scales 2.54%. The present study indicates that L. splendens is a zooplankton feeder. In all size groups of pony fishes ranging from (6.1– 12.5 cm) food items such as zooplankton, mollusca, phytoplankton and crustacean remains, nematodes, semidigested matter were found in different proportions. About the feeding intensity, greater percentage of fishes had stomach with considerable quantity of food indicating active feeding during month of February, March, November & December. While moderate feeding was noticed during May, August, September. And poor feeding was observed during the month of September and October.
Solving Linear Programming Problems and Transportation Problems using Excel Solver[Full-Text ] Ezeokwelume Obinna VincentThis paper outlines the steps required for installing Excel Solver in Microsoft Word 2010 for use in solving linear programming problems it provides a step-by-step procedure with snapshots for improved performance. Several questions are solved including transportation problems using Excel Solver.
THE PRACTICING LIBRARIANS IN THE CONTEMPORARY SETTING: A PHENOMENOLOGICAL STUDY[Full-Text ] CECILIA PERIA GUAZA, EUGENIO S. GUHAO JRThe purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of the librarians in the practice of their profession, how they coped with the challenges as well as their aspirations in making their professional life meaningful. Phenomenological approach was utilized with 17 professional librarians. In-depth interview and focused group discussion were conducted which revealed that the librarians chose the librarianship as a profession because of the opportunity for professional growth and for personal achievement. The practice of their profession made them feel fulfilled but they faced challenges and difficulties such as working on a limited budget and the low regard for the librarian profession.
Activity in vitro of the oils of RosmarinusOfficinalis and LavandulaOfficinalis on the Mycelial growth of three lettuce mushrooms[Full-Text ] Amal FENNANE, Imane NECHAD, Jamila AL FIGUIGUI, Faouzi ERRACHIDI, Taha EL KAMLI, Lahsen ELGHADRAOUIThe objective of this study is to test the antifungal activity of essential oils from the PAM against Rhyzoctoniasolani, Botrytis cinerea and Alternariaalternata, agents of alteration of the vegetables. Each strain is a causal agent of Cryptogamic diseases that produce a high mortality of the lettuce in nursery and Orchard plants. The extraction of oils from Rosemary and lavender showed important fungicide activity in vitro against all Ley and foliar fungi studied. These species inhibit the development of the mycelium to varying concentrations. Periodic observations have shown that oils of lavandula showed an inhibitory effect more powerful on most of the strains, and this in the early days of incubation, compared to the witness. At the same time, the study provides toxicological tests of fungicides industrialists against the same strains, to compare two activities. Chromatographic analysis and calculation of performance have undergone the tested essential oils.
Flooding Waves with Volume of Fluid Method. Experimental Verification[Full-Text ] Johannes V. Soulis, Athanasios J. Klonidis, Dimitrios A. ChrisochoidisDam holding back a reservoir of water causes extensive destruction under sudden total collapse. The Navier-Stokes equations were numerically solved for the dam-break phenomenon in lab scale. A set of numerical experiments was performed using the general scientific purposes computational fluid dynamics solver Ansys-Fluent. The position of the free-surface was determined applying the volume of fluid multiphase model. Calculated free-surface elevations and bottom static pressures were compared with available measurements for a converging-diverging flume. The calculations shed light into the flood wave front movement within the flume. The dam-break analysis was enhanced via water depth, static pressure and flow velocities presented in contours and vectors. Aerial nearly top view and a top view clearly depict the front wave tip. Furthermore, the volume of fluid method water volume fraction contour predictions graphics enabled the static pressure experimental data to be directly compared and to derive appropriate conclusions. Satisfactory qualitative and quantitative agreement was observed between current volume of fluid method results and acquired measurements by monitoring the wave front movement for nearly 10.0 s after the sudden and total dam-break collapse. Computational fluid dynamics analysis for the free-surface solution, achieved via volume of fluid method, proved to be a useful tool for dam-break problems.
A Model of Eco-welfare Planning: Sustainable Urban Development of Chennai Metropolitan City, India[Full-Text ] Adinarayanane Ramamurthy, Monsingh D. Devadas In the face of the global financial crisis and pressing environmental and climatic threats, green growth has emerged as a new development paradigm capable of achieving economic and environmental objectives simultaneously. Cities are central to the green growth debate, as they are both the locus of economic activity and the drivers of energy consumption and resulting greenhouse gas emissions. International pressures, national legislations and growing public awareness of climate change and environmental degradation are all requiring a change in approach to our cities. A case study of Chennai, a Metropolitan city in India has been chosen for the investigation. The authors have analysed based on the survey research on the current state of knowledge on environmental performances and identified seven crucial greening opportunities /challenges for an urban system. From among the survey results and inferences of literature review the authors have made an attempt to recognize their causal relationships with green energy future and suggested a model of eco-welfare. Finally, concluding with plausible guidelines of eco-welfare and energy green system to navigate towards sustainable urban development of India.