Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2013 Edition
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Modeling and Simulation of Technological Parameters for Design and Optimization Blanking Tools[Full-Text ] Samedin Krrabaj, Xhelal SusuriVery high development of the computer technology has contributed to increase the accuracy, quality and productivity in the metalworking industry with distortion. In this paper, are described some key problems in the process of the designing of the tools for blanking and punching, and to solve this problems is compiled and is used the program for generating technological parameters, that provides solutions which with a high safety can be realized in real conditions. The development of modern processes for the processing of sheet in the design phase requires the support of the FEM numerical methods and powerful CAD software's. If is achieved the full integration then offered to us real conditions and competitive advantages. The defined model in this paper is constructed on a PC and integrated with a Solid Works CAD system, and provides the basis for analysis and simulation of the process which should enable to us to solve the optimal construction of the tool.
Ownership Structure and CEO Compensation in North America: A Combined Study Ap-proach of NYSE and TSX/S&P Index compa-nies [Full-Text ] Nulla, Yusuf MohammedThis research had investigated ownership structure and its impact on CEO compensation system in TSX/S&P and NYSE indexes companies from the period 2005 to 2010. The totaled of two hundred and forty companies were selected through random sample method. The research question for this study was: is there a relationship between CEO compensation, firm size, accounting firm performance, and corporate governance, among owner-managed and management-controlled companies?. To answer this question, thirty six statistical models were created. It was found that, there was a relationship between CEO compensation, firm size, accounting performance, and corporate governance, both in the owner-managed and management-controlled companies, except for the relationship between CEO bonus and firm size of owner-managed companies.
Economic aspects of Grasscutter Farming in Southwest Nigeria: Implications for Sustainable Adoption and Conservation[Full-Text ] Adedapo Ayo Aiyeloja and Adekunle Anthony OgunjinmiEconomic aspects of grasscutter farming and their implications for sustainable adoption and conservation were studied in Ondo, Osun and Oyo States, southwest Nigeria. Data were collected through questionnaire administration from 4 Local Government Areas in Ondo and Osun States while they were collected in 5 Local Government Areas in Oyo State where grasscutter farming has been adopted. Thirty grasscutter farms were randomly selected from 150 farms in the three states, thus, 20% of the farms were selected. Data were on demographics of the grasscutters' farmers, amount invested and income generated from 2003 to 2005. Analyses of data were through descriptive statistics, student's t-distribution, multiple regression and cost benefit analysis. Rate of return on investment and its trends for the enterprise were also determined. The results indicated that the enterprise was below poverty line in each of the three states. Osun State had the highest cost benefit ratio with 3.64 while Ondo State had the least with 1.77. Also, Osun State had the highest rate of return on investment while Ondo State had the least. The trend in the rate of return on investment showed that Oyo State had the highest with R2 of 0.9934, while Ondo State had the least with R2 of 0.7135. The study concluded that grasscutter farming is relatively young and as such profitability and its poverty alleviation potentials may take several years of investment to materialize.
Morris-thorne Traversable Wormhole With A Generic Cosmological Constant[Full-Text ] N M Eman, M S Alam, S M Khurshed Alam, Q M R NizamThe static and spherically symmetric Morris-Thorne traversable wormhole solutions in the presence of cosmological constant are analyzed. We matched an interior solution of a spherically symmetric traversable wormhole to a unique exterior vacuum solution at a junction surface. The surface tangential pressure on the thin layer of shell is deduced. The specific wormhole solutions are constructed with generic cosmological constant.
Measurement of Static Electricity Generated from Contact and Separation of Clothes and Car Seat Covers[Full-Text ] Shoush K. A., Mohamed M. K., Zaini H. and Ali W. Y.Measurement of static electricity is of critical importance in assessing the proper electric properties of car seat covers and their suitability to be used in application to enhance the safety and stability of the driver. The present work aims to measure the static electric charge generated from the contact and separation of materials used as car seat covers and clothes. Different materials of car seat covers and clothes were tested to measure the voltage generated from electric static charge. It was found that voltage generated by the contact and separation of the tested upholstery materials of car seat covers against the materials of clothes showed great variance according to the type of the materials. The materials tested showed different trend with increasing load. The contact and separation of the tested against polyamide textiles generated negative voltage, where voltage increased down to minimum then decreased with increasing load. The behaviour can be interpreted on the fact that as the load increased the two rubbed surfaces, charged by free electrons, easily exchanged the electrons of dissimilar charges where the resultant became relatively lower voltage. High density polyethylene displayed relatively lower voltage than cotton and polyamide textiles, while polypropylene textiles displayed relatively higher voltage than that shown for high density polyethylene. The variance of the voltage with load was much pronounced. Voltage generated from polyester textiles showed reasonable values. Remarkable voltage increase was observed for contacting synthetic rubber. This observation can limit the application of synthetic rubber in tailoring clothes.Based on the experimental results the materials of car seat covers can be classified according to their electric properties. Materials of high static electricity can be avoided and new materials of low static electricity can be recommended.
A Survey On Congestion Control Mechanisms In Mobile Adhoc Networks[Full-Text ] Som Kant Tiwari, Prof. Anurag Jain, Dr.Y.K.RanaDue to highly dynamic nature of Mobile ad hoc networks (MANET), predictability and design of efficient protocols and methodology to handle congestion proves to be a tedious task. Since issues and architecture of mobile ad hoc networks are very much different from their counterparts, so are its congestion control strategies due to frequent changes in network's topology. A popular congestion control strategy is to inform the source about the congestion in the network so that either it may mitigate the transmission rate or find an alternative route (which may not necessarily be an optimal route). It must be pointed out that all the congestion control methods are able to inform the source about the congestion problem as they use Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). But in case of MANET, the packet losses due to link failure (due to its dynamic nature) are misinterpreted as packet losses due to congestion, and in the instance of a timeout, backing-off its retransmission timeout (RTO). This results in unnecessary reduction of transmission rate because of which throughput of the whole network degrades. In this paper, we compare various congestion control mechanism used in MANET such as TCP Tahoe, TCP-Reno, New Reno, TCP SACK, TCP FACK, TCP Vegas. Along with the above specified APCC, RED and strategical RED approach to handle congestion is also illustrated. The same is tried to resolve by using concept of explicit congestion Notification (ECN) which is an extension to transmission control protocol (TCP) and allows end to end notification of network congestion without dropping packets which is done conventionally in TCP/IP networks with a bit difference of additional bit and other methodologies available for the same have been discussed.
Salt tolerance and physiological response of plants to salinity: A Review[Full-Text ] Dr.Meenakshi Nandal, Rajni HoodaLarge areas of land throughout the world cannot be used for food production because of the limitations imposed by natural or man-made environmental stresses. Therefore, the study of stress phenomena and related tolerance mechanisms is becoming more important. The purpose of this review is to summarize the advances and prospects for the genetic improvement of salt tolerance in cultivated crops. The genetic approach to the salinity problem is fairly new, but has generated considerable interest worldwide. This approach provides exciting prospects for increasing productivity in salt- affected area. Salinity stress response is multigenic, as a number of processes involved in the tolerance mechanism are affected, such as various compatible solutes/osmolytes, polyamines, reactive oxygen species and antioxidant defence mechanism, ion transport and compartmentalization of injurious ions. Processes such as seed germination, seedling growth and vigour, vegetative growth, flowering and fruit set are adversely affected by high salt concentration, ultimately causing diminished economic yield and also quality of produce. In this review, we have discussed about production of salt-tolerant plants through genetic engineering. Future prospects and concerns, along with the importance of novel techniques, as well as plant breeding.
Integration Technique for Singularly Perturbed Delay Differential Equations[Full-Text ] D. Kumara Swamy, A. Benerji Babu, Y.N. Reddy, K. PhaneendraIn this paper, we have described a numerical integration technique for solving singularly perturbed delay differential equations.The second order singularly perturbed boundary value problem is transformed into an asymptotically equivalent first order neutral differential equation. Then numerical integration and linear interpolation is used to get the tri-diagonal system. Discrete invariant imbedding algorithm is used to solve this tridiagonal system. The error analysis of the technique is discussed. To demonstrate the technique and affect of the delay argument in the layer, we have implemented the technique on several test examples.
Arsenic Screening of Ground Water From Tube Wells Located Within Chittagong City[Full-Text ] Abid Moin Uddin & Md. Toufiqul IslamArsenicosis is a well-known chronic disease which occurs due to the reason of drinking arsenic concentrated tube well water. Tube well water of 60 districts in Bangladesh is suffering from danger level of arsenic concentration. Chittagong is one of them. But the city area was not thoroughly screened out as it was thinking that also arsenic is not present in Chittagong city ground water. But recent research revealed that there are 13 wards of the city are affected by arsenic. Out of these 7 wards are vulnerable to human health. The investigation which is done in 2010 includes the through screening of shallow tube well water in two wards in term of arsenic concentration, Some deep tube well water also checked randomly for the same. The screening has been done on the basis of field test through well established test kit. From the investigation it has been established that the arsenic affected pockets are present in the ward. Also the numbers of affected tube wells, the percentage of area contamination are specified and a discussion has been made regarding the possible reasons for the arsenic contamination.
Private Cloud for Organizations: An Implementation using OpenStack[Full-Text ] P Aruna, L Yamuna Devi, D Sudha Devi, N Priya, Dr. S.Vasantha and Dr. K.Thilagavathy Cloud Computing has been rapidly and radically changing the dynamics of IT consumption. The core cloud computing proposition is being able to buy compute technology as a service in an on-demand, elastic, and pay-as-you-go model. Public cloud offerings to the IT industry are very prominent. But the organizations, which have already invested money in their own infrastructure, are interested in setting up the private clouds within their organizational boundaries to avail the benefits of cloud computing technologies. Private Cloud solutions can reduce costs, help to efficiently utilize the resources, minimize security risks, and help meet many core IT goals and requirements. The fundamental resources like processing power, storage capacity and network can be efficiently used by leveraging the benefit of private cloud in an institution. As Public cloud is proprietary, the user could not customize it according to their requirements. Hence for researchers, students and institutions that needs customization, private cloud is a treat because they could implement it in their laptop, experience the cloud environment, carry out the experiments and execute their own algorithms. This paper tries to address the challenges towards Public Cloud, a possible alternative, that is, "Private Cloud" and emphasis the advantages of moving to Private Cloud. This paper also describes the process of setting up a Private Cloud environment in an institution using the open source technology Openstack, the various services it offers to the different stakeholders of the institution
Process Automation versus Power System Automation[Full-Text ] Anannya MukherjeeIndustrial Automation is one of the areas of engineering which has been undergoing continuous and fast developments since its inception. Great achievements have been realized in the last two decades in this field but the technology is still under development. Based on the control variables, industrial automation can broadly be divided into two categories, such as Process Automation and Power System Automation. Difference in the nature of control variables between process and power systems have resulted in difference in the philosophy of control, protection and monitoring, between these two systems. The main objective of this article is to discuss and analyze if these differences have any impact on the automation system. Dedicated and separate automation systems for process and power systems are being installed in the plants. The paper will discuss if it is possible to combine both the systems and have a common automation system for controlling and monitoring of the process and power systems, which may lead to much desirable reduction in investment cost and better utilization of manpower. This paper also provides a survey of the major achievements, ongoing developments and the future expectations and challenges in process automation and power system automation.
CEO Compensation System of New York Stock Exchange Financial Services Compa-nies: An Analysis with Firm Size, Account-ing Performance, and Corporate Govern-ance[Full-Text ] Nulla, Yusuf MohammedThis study investigated CEO compensation system of NYSE Financial Services companies. It tested the relationship between CEO compensation, firm size, accounting firm performance, and corporate governance, from 2005 to 2010. The totaled of twenty five companies were selected through random sample method from NYSE index companies. The research question for this study was: is there a relationship between CEO compensation, firm size, accounting firm performance, and corporate governance?. To answer this question, nine statistical models were created and tested. It was found that, overall, there was a relationship between CEO salary, CEO bonus, CEO total compensation, firm size, accounting firm performance, and corporate governance. The correlations between CEO salary, CEO total compensation, and firm size were ranged from weak to good positive ratios. The correlation between CEO bonus and firm size was found to be weak positive. The correlations between CEO salary, CEO bonus, CEO total compensation, firm performance, and CEO power, were found to be ranged from weak to strong mixed ratios.
Removal of fluoride from water by Moringa oleifera seed residue after oil extraction[Full-Text ] Neeraj Agnihotri, Vinay Kumar Pathak, Naseema Khatoon , Masihur RahmanThe search for new low cost materials is an important task of contemporary research in the environmental protection. Application of Moringa Oleifera as a natural coagulant has revealed efficient result for different pollutants removal. The present study deals with the use of Moringa Oleifera residue (MSR) powder as a coagulant for removal of fluoride and optimization of dose. The particle size of the respective coagulant particle was found to be (103.22±62.02 µmx 95±42.55 µm) which contains pores/cavities on the surface shows that average pore sizes is 6.01±3.23 nm x 7.26±3.33 nm in SEM image. Statistical analysis through two way ANOVA reveals that the removal efficiency of MSR coagulant found to be increased with decrease in initial fluoride concentration (2mg/l - 10mg/l) and increase in coagulant doses (4g/l - 18g/l). The optimum dose of coagulant was found to be 16g/l. The mean removal efficiency of 2mg/l (M=62, SD= 25.78) found to be significantly higher than other initial fluoride concentration (4mg/l-10mg/l). The maximum removal efficiency is found to be 95.22% for optimized dose.
Smart walking stick - an electronic approach to assist visually disabled persons[Full-Text ] Mohammad Hazzaz Mahmud, Rana Saha, Sayemul Islamfrom the very beginning of human history, peoples are suffering from many disabilities. Among those, blindness is very common and unendurable. Science and technology always try to make human life easier. So the main purpose of this paper is based on abating the disabilities of blindness by constructing a microcontroller based automated hardware that can corroborate a blind to detect obstacles in front of him/her instantly. The hardware consists of a microcontroller incorporated with ping sonar sensor, proximity sensor, wet detector, a micro pager motor and additional equipment.
Multistep Lead Time Forecasting Of Hydrologic Time Series Using Daubechies Wavelet - Neural Network Hybrid Model[Full-Text ] Khandekar Sachin Dadu and Paresh Chandra Deka Accurate modeling of runoff is useful in urban and environmental planning, flood and water resources management. In this research, a hybrid model has been developed for Brahmaputra River flow forecasting based on wavelet and artificial neural network (ANN) methods. In this current study, discrete wavelet transform was linked to ANN naming Wavelet Artificial Neural Network (WANN) for flow forecasting. Ten year daily flow data from January 1990 to December 1999 of Pandu station on Brahmaputra River, which carries heavy flood in monsoon season in the North-East region of India, were used in the study. The observed flow data were decomposed (up to 7 level) to multiresolution time series via discrete wavelet transform using Daubechies wavelets of order 4 (db4) and 5 (db5). Then multiresolution time series data were fed as input to ANN to get the forecasted discharge values for lead times 2 day, 3 day, and 4 day. The root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), mean relative error (MRE), BIAS, and scatter index (SI) were adopted to evaluate models performance. It was found that for almost all lead times WANN model has given better and consistent results compared to conventional ANN model. It was mainly because of multiresolution time series used as inputs. Also it was found that, in comparison with WANN model with db4 mother wavelet, db5 mother wavelet has given slightly better results for all lead times. Also, the effect of decomposition level on WANN models efficiency was studied.
Two Level Structure for Reactive Power in Deregulated Electricity Markets [Full-Text ] Anil GuptaThe main objective of this Paper is to propose an two level structure for reactive power in deregulated electricity markets.Considering the various issues associated with the existing policies and practices for reactive power management and payment mechanisms, a competitive two level reactive power management structure is proposed. This structure is based on the separation of reactive power management into two distinct time-frames, i.e. a reactive power procurement stage carried out on a seasonal basis, and a reactive power dispatch stage that determines the reactive power levels in "real-time".
Poincare Plot Used as a Confirmative Tool in Diagnosis of LV Diastolic Dysfunction for Di-abetic Patients, with and without Hypertension[Full-Text ] Manjusha Joshi, Dr.K.D.Desai, Dr.M.S.MenonThe clinical symptoms of myocardial ischemia and infarction are not observable at an earlier stage. Early diagnosis of the same is very crucial to avoid sudden cardiac deaths. Left ventricular dysfunction is a common pathway to various cardiac disorders. Left ventricular dysfunction resulting into inefficient pumping of the oxygenated blood further causes structural and functional changes in the heart. The paper proposes an early, safe, easily deployable, cost effective and non-invasive technique that can be used as confirmative diagnostic tool obtained from 2-lead ECG sample collected for 3-5 minutes duration that diagnoses left ventricular dysfunction. The proposed index derived from Poincare plot of RR interval provides a guideline to the echo-cardiologist and saves his time and also controls inter operator diagnostic variation. Also the test can be performed by paramedical personnel saving the echo-cardiologist's time. The proposed paper lists the results of index of control group, hypertensive subjects and hypertensive and diabetic subjects. The index value is found to match the Left ventricular dysfunction diagnosed from echocardiogram findings.
An Empirical Study between CEO Cash Compensation and CEO Power in TSX/S&P index Companies [Full-Text ] Nulla, Yusuf MohammedThis study investigated the relationship between the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) cash compensation and CEO power in TSX/S&P index companies from 2005 to 2010. The totaled of one hundred and twenty companies were selected through random sampling method from TSX/S&P index. The research question for this study was: is there a relationship between CEO cash compensation and CEO power?. To answer this question, eight statistical models were created. Overall, most of the statistical test results were found to have a relationship between CEO cash compensation and CEO power as such null hypotheses were rejected. The correlation among CEO salary, bonus, CEO age, CEO shares outstanding, CEO shares value, CEO tenure, CEO turnover, 5 percent management ownership; and 5 percent individuals/institutional ownership, were found to be ranged from weak negative to weak positive ratios. In addition, firm group-sized had a mixed effect on the relationship between them.
Trustworthy Coordination of Web Services Atomic Transactions for Net Banking [Full-Text ] Aditya Dakur, Shruthi DakurOnline Banking has become increasingly popular globally, because it is so easy and convenient for Internet users to manage their bank accounts from anywhere of the world at any time. Banks have encouraged for this trend for years, since Online Banking also saves lots of resources for the banks regarding of staff training, investment for ATMs and branches, and other operations costs.In this paper we propose Web Services Atomic Transactions (WS-AT) for Internet Banking.Web services are the software components so as to communicate with pervasive, standards-based Web technologies includes HTTP and XML-based messaging. In this paper, we explain how to render WS-AT coordination trustworthy by applying Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) techniques. More specifically, we show how to protect the core services described in the WS-AT specification, namely, the Activation service, the Registration service, the Completion service and the Coordinator service, against Byzantine faults. The main contribution of this work is that it exploits the semantics of the WS-AT services to minimize the use of Byzantine Agreement (BA), instead of applying BFT techniques naively, which would be prohibitively expensive. We have incorporated our BFT protocols and mechanisms into an open-source framework that implements the WS-AT specification. It is useful for business applications and is highly dependable,secure and trustworthy
Synthes's of Copolymers Of Pan And Drumstick Mucilage[Full-Text ] NeelimaThe grafting of acrylonitrile (AN) onto drumstick mucilage was carried out in aqueous medium by ceric ammonium nitrate(CAN) initiator and under a nitrogen gas atmosphere to produce (PAN) grafted mucilage.The maximum percentage of grafting (%G) was ascertained to be 72% at the following optimum condition 25 0 C reaction temperature, 2 hour reaction period. The formation of grafted copolymer was confirmed by using IR and XRD analytical technique
Darwin Sir Is Wrong?[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaThis Scientific Research focus that prehistoric human had "J" chromosome and lived before modern human having XX, XY chromosome. The "J" chromosome population had only 3 chromosome and only single type blood "AB" on origin. The "J" chromosome human shall also be considered as Prehistoric "CLONING" human evolved of spontaneously without sex involvement. It is speculated that the Principle of cloning in modern time might be derived from Prehistoric "J" chromosome human.This research provides solution to the current mystic Problem of "Missing Link" and Human Ancestor. It is speculated that Darwin Sir probably be an Atheist and hence he might be against to "Third gender" Godly population and framed his theory that Godly person is like an Ape. But Godly population not only loves Godly persons but Atheist, Apes as well. In the lineage of evolution, Darwin Sir was at the stage of 46, 48 chromosome organisms who were having xx, xy, chromosomes. Where as the J chromosome human belived to have existed with 3 chromosome on Origin with long evolutionary gap. Darwin Sir Probably might have hided deliberately this mystery in his research.
Deliberativa Democracy and Constitutionalism[Full-Text ] Aleksandar Jovanoski, Kire SharlamanovIn the last three decades, whitin academic debates about the future directions of development of the democratic practice, one new model has significant position, called deliberative democracy. On a level of theoretical elaboration, the conspirators of deliberative democracy develop arguments that justify proximate participation of the citizens in the process of creation of politics and political decision making. The goal of this paper is to show part of the viewpoint of the more significant political scientists and sociologists through the justification of deliberative democracy, as well as to indicate the connecting points between the principles of constitutionalism and deliberative democracy. This text also reviews the tension between liberalism and democracy at an ontological level and indicates the basic weaknesses and disadvantages in the attempts for consolidation of deliberative democracy under the principles of constitutionalism. The constitutionalism here is shown as a doctrine of rightfully limited authority, and it is reviewed in the light of the possibility to guarantee the individual rights and freedoms of the citizens under the menace of aggregating of the individual wills and reduction of the individual contribution in the process of creation of politics and political decision making.
Predicting Heart-disease from Medical Data by Applying Naive Bayes and Apriori Algorithm[Full-Text ] Aieman Quadir Siddique, Md. Saddam HossainData mining could simply be explained at the non-trivial extraction of the potentially useful, inherent, and previously unknown information from data. The foremost feature of data mining technique is that it provides a user oriented approach to hidden and novel patterns in the data. Data mining techniques have played a major role in the designing and development of the support system exclusively because of its abilities for discovering hidden patterns and relationships in the medical data. The purpose of this research study is to compare different data mining algorithms that could be used for the prediction of heart disease.
Analysis of Cutoff Priority Scheme Impact of Soft Frequency Reuse in LTE-Advanced networks[Full-Text ] Mahammad A. Safwat, Hesham M. El-Badawy, Ahmad Yehya, H. El-motaafyCall admission control (CAC) plays a significant role in providing the desired quality of service in wireless networks. Soft frequency Reuse (SFR) has been introduced as one of the most promising inter-cell interference coordination (ICIC) schemes in LTE-Advanced networks. Applying CAC in soft frequency reuse scheme especially users in cell edge part is a challenge as they already suffer from limited resources. Many CAC schemes have been proposed. In this paper, the effect of cutoff priority scheme in SFR in LTE-Advanced network will be investigated in terms of Blocking and Dropping probability. The SFR with cutoff priority scheme in single cell of wireless network is modeled using queuing analysis. The impact of cutoff priority scheme will be evaluated in edge and core part separately. A set of equations of the queuing model is solved using Successive over Relaxation (SOR) method to get steady state probability.
Optical character recognition for printed text in Devanagari using ANFIS[Full-Text ] Prof. Sheetal A. Nirve, Dr. G. S. SableIn India, more than 300 million people use Devanagari script for documentation. There has been a significant improvement in the research related to the recognition of printed as well as handwritten Devanagari text in the past few years. An attempt is made to address the most important results reported so far and it is also tried to highlight the beneficial directions of the research till date. In this paper we propose an efficient image retrieval technique which uses dominant color and texture features of an image. Though, Affine Moment invariant technique is well experimented by many researchers, an attempt is made to enhance the existing results by extracting various supportive features like moments invariant, vector Gradient, chain code(freeman chain code) image thinning, structuring the image in box format, noise removal, etc. A performance of approximately 90% correct recognition is achieved.
Optimisation of Cutting Parameters Using Taguchi Method in Composite Materials[Full-Text ] Kiran Varghese, Rakesh K Rajan, Sivarajan SGlass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite materials have many applications in engineering and constructional fields. For achieving a better result an accurate way of optimization is required; for that optimum cutting parameters are used. In this paper the characteristic nature that involved in the turning operation of GFRP composite material using uncoated aluminum oxide ceramic inserts at various cutting operations are calculated. The cutting parameters used in this experiment are feed rate, length of the tool from tool holder, depth of cut and the cutting operations are done under constant speed of rotation at 320rpm. MINITAB is the software used for the experiment for determining the orthogonal array. The parameters mentioned above are optimized by considering multiple performance characteristics such as cutting forces and surface roughness. When cutting force was taken into consideration parameters such as the tool from tool holder and depth of cut have contributed significantly and with the help of grey base method optimum parameter combination of surface roughness is also calculated.
Secure Dynamic Data Support and Trusted Third Party Auditor In Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Mrs. O. Rajitha, Dr.S. Murali KrishnaThe cloud storage is one which enables users to store their data remotely and enjoy on-demand quality cloud services without the burden of local software and hardware management. So benefits are clear to us, that type of service is also relinquishing physical possession of user’s outsourced data, which inevitably poses the new security risks towards correctness of the user’s data in the cloud. To address this problem and further achieve a secure and dynamic data support and trusted auditing mechanism in for cloud storage service, here in this paper we propose a flexible distributed storage integrity third party auditing mechanism, by using the token keys and privacy preserved sharing of keys to their mails. Our proposed design allows the user or third party auditor to audit the cloud storage with low computation cost and very light weight communication.The Third party user is also one cloud server. The auditing result not only achieves the fast data error localization(identifying the misbehaving server) but also ensures strong cloud storage correctness guarantee. By considering cloud data is dynamic in nature, the proposed design further supports efficeint and secure dynamic operations on outsourced data, which includes block modification, append, and deletion. The above analysis shows that the proposed scheme is highly efficient and resilient against Byzantine failure,server colluding attacks and malicious data modification attack.
Isolation, Characterization and Identification of an Antagonistic Bacterium from Penaeus monodon[Full-Text ] M.P.E. Shaekh, A. Mondol, M.M. Islam, A.S. Kabir, M.A. Saleh, M. Salah Uddin, K.M.F. Hoque, A.E. EkramFive single bacterial colonies were isolated aseptically, from which one colony showed antagonistic effect against Agrobacterium tumefaciens, E.coli BL21, Enterobacter sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa with 14mm, 14mm, 10mm and 13mm zones of inhibition respectively and was characterized of the antagonistic bacterium. The optimum culture condition of the isolate was at pH 8.5. The bacteria showed the ability of utilizing arabinose, sucrose, maltose and fructose as carbon sources and viable cell count was 459x107 CFU/ml. The bacterium was resistant to amoxicillin, penicillin and vancomycin and the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) value against vancomycin was 50?g/ml. The molecular weight of isolated bacterial genomic DNA was above 10 kb with not much smearing. Current research was mainly focused on searching for antagonistic bacteria by morphological, physiological, biochemical tests, which may be used to control emerging pathogens.
Accelerating Molecular Sequence Analysis using Distributed Computing Environment[Full-Text ] OP Gupta, Sita RaniResearch in molecular biology has generated a huge amount of data. Various bioinformatics techniques are applied for the storage, analysis and manipulation of molecular data in different applications. One of the important application areas of bioinformatics is sequence analysis. Sequence analysis is used to identify structure, functions and features of long biological sequences. Sequence alignment is one of the key activities performed by bio-informaticians under molecular sequence analysis to identify the similarities between protein sequences or nucleotides. Many algorithms are available for molecular sequence alignment depending upon the type of application. Among one of the widely used algorithms are BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool), which identifies the regions of local similarity between the query sequence and library sequences. Depending upon the matches between the sequences similarity score is calculated. High score represents better alignment means close association between molecular sequences.
Inverted T-Slot Compact Microstrip Antennas for Multiband Operations[Full-Text ] Ratnesh Kumari, Mithilesh Kumar In the days of modern communication, the compact size, low profile antenna with the directional capability is demanded for the wireless communication applications. To fulfill this requirement two new structures of antennas are designed. Two different geometries of microstrip antenna for triple band and Tetra band operation have been investigated in this paper with a new concept of T-slot in the radiating element of antenna and an E-slot in the ground plan of the antenna. For the wideband operation the partial ground with E-slot is used.The designed structure can be use for the multiband operation with the directional radiation pattern and the return loss of the antenna is below -10 dB. The resonant frequency band shown by the first structure is centered at the 3.4 GHz, 7.4 GHz and 10.6 GHz. One frequency band is increased by changing the ground parameter of the first structure thus second structure works at the four frequency bands which are centered at the 4.4 GHz, 5.3 GHz, 8.6 GHz and 11.2 GHz with improving results of the antenna.
Estimation of a House Price Index in Albania[Full-Text ] Artiola AgalliuPrices are the key component of the market economy playing a crucial role on the society as whole. In a pure market economy, this factor represents the equilibrium between the demand and supply, reflecting a variety of characteristics for those markets such as level of competition, market actor’s behavior, the development stage of the economy etc. Among dif-ferent types of prices, starting from price of goods to bonds interest rate, house prices is considered of particular interest by different researchers and by the economy as well. This factor represents a key element for the economic situation of a country and also the major component of the consumer wealth. It also is related to many other micro and macro variables such as GDP growth, consumer and saving rates, lending growth rate etc., therefore a change in this factor will impact those variables as well.
Health Management Information System implemented in Government Hospitals of Tamil Nadu[Full-Text ] Natarajan.S,Panchanathan.V,Pankaj Kumar BansalThe HMIS or the Health Management Information System is an online portal through which medical professionals and the support staff in medical establishments can maintain crucial information about the patients. Ever since the creation of government health centres and public health services, there has been a great gap created between the decision makers and the implementers. This gap has been due to the lack of processes when it comes to processing the information and the lack of feedback upon sub-functional but existing systems. One of the many initiatives to bridge this gap has been the implementation of the HMIS system in every major public hospital, rural health centre and primary health centres across the state.
The computing tools to assist with the restitution of a heritage building.[Full-Text ] Dr KACHER SabrinaNowadays when we restitute a heritage realization it doesn’t means that we will restitute only its formal shape or its spatial organization, but it also used as an activation element of student curiosity, scientist, or interested. This article tackles the particular question of the computing tools applied to the heritage domain. It concerns the presentation of the results obtained during restitution of an extension of the great mosque of Algiers. This extension is called the “mahkama” or “court house” which is a nearest part of the original great mosque. This restitution has been done in a pedagogic environment with post graduated student in architecture.