IJSER Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2011 Edition

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Haptic Training Method Using a Nonlinear Joint Control[Full-Text] [References]Jarillo-Silva Alejandro, Domínguez-Ramírez Omar A., Parra-Vega Vicente
There are many research works on robotic devices to assist in movement training following neurologic injuries such as stroke with effects on upper limbs. Conventional neurorehabilitation appears to have little impact on spontaneous biological recovery; to this end robotic neurorehabilitation has the potential for a greater impact. Clinical evidence regarding the relative effectiveness of different types of robotic therapy controllers is limited, but there is initial evidence that some control strategies are more effective than others. This paper consider the contribution on a haptic training method based on kinesthetic guidance scheme with a non linear control law (proxybased second order sliding mode control) with the human in the loop, and with purpose to guide a human user's movement to move a tool (pen in this case) along a predetermined smooth trajectory with finite time tracking, the task is a real maze. The path planning can compensate for the inertial dynamics of changes in direction, minimizing the consumed energy and increasing the manipulability of the haptic device with the human in the loop. The Phantom haptic device is used as experimental platform, and the experimental results demonstrate.
Prevalence of Eating Disorder among Female Students of Tonekaban University[Full-Text] [References]IDA FADAVI, ROXANNA AST
The aim of this research is to study the prevalence of eating disorder amongst female students of Tonekabon University.MATERIAL AND METHOD: The community being studied are the female students of Tonekabon University.300 students were randomly selected and requested to complete the 'eating attitude test-26'. RESULT:The results show that, based on the eat-26 test criteria, from the total population under study,61 students, equivalequivalence of 20.33% of the total number of students were diagnosed with eating disorder.
Impact Of Leverage On Firms Investment Decision[Full-Text] [References]Franklin John. S, Muthusamy. K
The present paper is aimed at analyzing the impact of leverage on firm's investment decision of Indian pharmaceutical companies during the period from 1998 to 2009. To measure the impact of leverage on firm's investment decision, pooling regression, random and fixed effect models are used by taking, leverage, sales, cash flow, Return on Asset, Tobin's Q, liquidity and retained earnings as independent variable and investment as dependent variable. In addition , we demarcate between three types of firms (i) Small firms, (ii) Medium firms and (iii)Large firms. The results reveal that a significant positive relationship between leverage and investment, while we found a negative relationship between leverage investment for medium firms and positive relationship between leverage and investment in large firms. Our econometric results reveal an insignificant relationship between the two variables for medium and large firms.
Effect of Nanofluid Concentration on the Performance of Circular Heat Pipe[Full-Text] [References]M. G. Mousa
The goal of this paper is to experimentally study the behavior of nanofluid to improve the performance of a circular heat pipe. Pure water and Al2O3-water based nanofluid are used as working fluids. An experimental setup is designed and constructed to study the heat pipe performance under different operating conditions. The effect of filling ratio, volume fraction of nano-particle in the base fluid, and heat input rate on the thermal resistance is investigated. Total thermal resistance of the heat pipe for pure water and Al2O3-water based nanofluid is also predicted. An experimental correlation is obtained to predict the influence of Prandtl number and dimensionless heat transfer rate, Kq on thermal resistance. Thermal resistance decreases with increasing Al2O3-water based nanofluid compared to that of pure water. The experimental data is compared to the available data from previous work. The agreement is found to be fairly good.
Enhancement of person identification using Iris pattern[Full-Text] [References]Vanaja roselin.E.Chirchi, Dr.L.M.Waghmare, E.R.Chirchi
The biometric person identification technique based on the pattern of the human iris is well suited to be applied to access control. Security systems having realized the value of biometrics for two basic purposes: to verify or identify users. In this busy world, identification should be fast and efficient. In this paper we focus on an efficient methodology for identification and verification for iris detection using Haar wavelet and the classifier used is Minimum hamming distance, even when the images have obstructions, visual noise and different levels of illuminations.
Mn DOPED SnO2 Semiconducting Magnetic Thin Films Prepared by Spray Pyrolysis Method[Full-Text] [References]K.Vadivel, V.Arivazhagan, S.Rajesh
Semiconducting magnetic thin films of SnO2 doped with Mn was prepared by spray pyrolysis method. The polycrystalline nature of the films with tetragonal structure was observed from X-ray Diffractometer. The calculated crystalline size was 16-22 nm and the lattice constant is a=4.73A◦ and c=3.17A◦. The compositional studies give the weight percentage of the used materials. The absorption edge starts with 294 nm and rise in transmittance spectra shows the nanocrystalline effect of as deposited films. The calculated band gap from the absorption coefficient is 3.25 eV which greater than the bulk band gap of Tin oxide. The electrical properties of the prepared films also reported in this paper.
A novel comprehensive method for real time Video Motion Detection Surveillance[Full-Text] [References]Sumita Mishra, Prabhat Mishra, Naresh K Chaudhary, Pallavi Asthana
This paper describes a comprehensive system for surveillance and monitoring applications. The development of an efficient real time video motion detection system is motivated by their potential for deployment in the areas where security is the main concern. The paper presents a platform for real time video motion detection and subsequent generation of an alarm condition as set by the parameters of the control system. The prototype consists of a mobile platform mounted with RF camera which provides continuous feedback of the environment. The received visual information is then analyzed by user for appropriate control action, thus enabling the user to operate the system from a remote location. The system is also equipped with the ability to process the image of an object and generate control signals which are automatically transmitted to the mobile platform to track the object.
Handoff Analysis for UMTS Environment[Full-Text] [References]Pankaj Rakheja, Dilpreet Kaur, Amanpreet Kaur
UMTS is one of the third generation mobile telecommunication technologies. It supports various multimedia applications and services at an enhanced data rate with better security. It also supports mobile users and for that there is a process called handover where new channels are assigned to the user when it moves from a region covered by one node to a region covered by other node. In this paper we are analysing the effect of handover over the performance of the system.
Performance and Emission Characteristics of Stationary CI Engine with Cardnol Bio fuel blends[Full-Text] [References]Mallikappa, Rana Pratap Reddy, Ch.S.N.Muthy
The compression ignition engine is the most popularly used prime mover. The compression ignition (CI) engine moves a large portion of the world's goods & generates electricity more economically than any other device in their size range [1]. All most all the CI engines use diesel as a fuel, but the diesel is one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution problems. The application of bio diesel as a substitute for conventional petroleum fuel in diesel engine gain ever increasing demand throughout the world wide, because it is produced from renewable resources, bio degradable and potential to exhaust emissions & use of bio diesel in diesel engines generates rural employment opportunities by cultivating such oil producing crops[1-5]. In this research work the detailed investigation on performance and emission characteristics of four stroke single cylinder engine with variable loads were studied, cardnol bio fuel volumetric blends like 0, 10, 15, 20%, and 25% were used. The results indicate that brake power increases (by 76% approximately) as load increases. Brake specific energy con-version decreases (by 30-40 % approximately) with increase in load. Brake thermal efficiency increases with higher loads and emission levels (HC, CO, NOX) were nominal up to 20% blends.
Morphological Space and Transform System[Full-Text] [References]Ramkumar P.B, Pramod K.V
Mathematical Morphology in its original form is a set theoretical approach to image analysis. It studies image transformations with a simple geometrical interpretation and their algebraic decomposition and synthesis in terms of elementary set operations. Mathematical Morphology has taken concepts and tools from different branches of mathematics like algebra (lattice theory), topology, discrete geometry, integral geometry, geometrical probability, partial differential equations, etc. In this paper ,a generalization of morphological terms is introduced. In connection with the algebraic generalization.Morphological operators can easily be defined by using this structure. This can provide information about operators and other tools within the system.
Bus Proximity Indicator - (An Intelligent Bus Stop)[Full-Text] [References]Prof. A.P. Thakare, Mr. Vinod H. Yadav
It is always a good idea that a bus commuter waiting at a stop gets to know how far a bus is. If his route of travel happens to be common for more than one bus- route number, it is even better for him to know which is the nearest bus or the earliest arriving bus. This will enable him to opt for the bus or some other mode of commuting. This becomes very useful for the physically challenged commuter, as after knowing in advance the bus arrival s/he will be ready to accommodate in the bus. A thought of project "Bus Proximity Indicator" is the best solution for the above situation and is best suitable for the B.E.S.T. (The Brihanmumbai Electric Supply & Transport) In this a wireless RF linkage between a certain bus and a bus stop can be used for determination of the bus proximity that help's commuter to know how far his bus is. This project tells him the Bus number, bus name and the approaching time by displaying it on the LCD which is on the bus stop. This project also satisfies the need of automization in bus services.
Designing aspects of Artificial Neural Network controller[Full-Text] [References]Navita Sajwan, Kumar Rajesh
In this paper important fundamental steps in applying artificial neural network in the design of intelligent control systems is discussed. Architecture including single layered and multi layered of neural networks are examined for controls applications. The importance of different learning algorithms for both linear and nonlinear neural networks is developed. The problem of generalization of the neural networks in control systems together with some possible solutions are also included.
Handwritten Character Recognition using Neural Network[Full-Text] [References]Chirag I Patel, Ripal Patel, Palak Patel
Objective is this paper is recognize the characters in a given scanned documents and study the effects of changing the Models of ANN.Today Neural Networks are mostly used for Pattern Recognition task. The paper describes the behaviors of different Models of Neural Network used in OCR. OCR is widespread use of Neural Network. We have considered parameters like number of Hidden Layer, size of Hidden Layer and epochs. We have used Multilayer Feed Forward network with Back propagation. In Preprocessing we have applied some basic algorithms for segmentation of characters, normalizing of characters and De-skewing. We have used different Models of Neural Network and applied the test set on each to find the accuracy of the respective Neural Network.
Improved Performance of M-ary PPM in Different Free-Space Optical Channels due to Reed Solomon Code Using APD[Full-Text] [References]Nazmi A. Mohammed, Mohammed R. Abaza and Moustafa H. Aly
Atmospheric turbulence induced fading is one of the main impairments affecting the operation of free-space optical (FSO) communication systems. In this paper, the bit error rate (BER) of M-ary pulse position modulation (M-ary PPM) of direct-detection and avalanche photodiode (APD) based is analyzed. Both log-normal and negative exponential fading channels are evaluated. The investigation discusses how the BER performance is affected by the atmospheric conditions and other parameters such as the forward error correction using Reed Solomon (RS) codes and increasing Modulation level. Results strongly indicate that, RS-coded M-ary PPM are well performing for the FSO links as it reduces the average power required per bit to achieve a BER below 10^-9 in both turbulence channels.
Electricity Sector Restructuring Experience of different Countries[Full-Text] [References]Archana Singh, Prof. D.S.Chauhan
Electricity Market from economic, regulatory and engineering perspective is a very demanding system to control .There is requirement of provision of cost efficiency, lower impact of environment alongwith maintenance of security of supply for use of competition and regulation in the electricity market. Many countries due to failure of its system for adequately management of electricity companies, followed restructuring for its electricity sector. In various countries, different restructuring models were experimented but in the initial phase restructuring was opposed by the parties favouring existing vertically integrated electricity sector. In the paper , restructuring experience of different countries are outlined.
Significant Role of Search Engine in Higher Education[Full-Text] [References]Rahul J. Jadhav, Dr. Om Prakash Gupta, Usharani T. Pawar
Information explosion has given a rise to quest for more and more knowledge and its applicability to varied fields. Higher education is not exception to this. The facilities, of varied institutions are perpetually involved in teaching, learning, evaluation and research activities. They are using the modern technology to a great extent. Not only the faculty and academicians but students of today's world also use the latest technology for knowing more and more. Therefore the use of internet has taken rapid stride. For collecting data and information varied programs are developed and the use of search engine prove to be the most significant tool for gathering information and knowledge. Search engine is one of the most widely used method for navigating of cyberspace. The objective of the research paper is to study the significant role of search engine to make the higher education innovative and easily accessible to the students, faculty and researchers.
Feature Selection for Cancer Classification: A Signal-to-noise Ratio Approach[Full-Text] [References]Debahuti Mishra, Barnali Sahu
Cancers are generally caused by abnormalities in the genetic material of the transformed cells. Cancer has a reputation as a deadly disease hence cancer research is intense scientific effort to understand disease. Classification is a machine learning technique used to predict group membership for data instances. There are several classification techniques such as decision tree induction, Bayesian classifier, k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), case-based reasoning, support vector machine (SVM), genetic algorithm etc. Feature selection for classification of cancer data is to discover gene expression profiles of diseased and healthy tissues and use the knowledge to predict the health state of new sample. It is usually impractical to go through all the details of the features before picking up the right features. This paper provides a model for feature selection using signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ranking. Basically we have proposed two approaches of feature selection. In first approach, the genes of microarray data is clustered by k-means clustering and then SNR ranking is implemented to get top ranked features from each cluster and given to two classifiers for validation such as SVM and k-NN. In the second approach the features (genes) of microarray data set is ranked by implementing only SNR ranking and top scored feature are given to the classifier and validated. We have tested Leukemia data set for the proposed approach and 10fold cross validation method to validate the classifiers. The 10fold validation result of two approaches is compared with hold out validation result and again with results of leave one out cross validation (LOOCV) of different approaches in the literature. From the experimental evaluation we got 99.3% accuracy in first approach for both k-NN and SVM classifiers with five numbers of genes and with 10fold cross validation method. The accuracy result is compared with the accuracy of different methods available in the literature for leukemia data set with LOOCV, where only multiple-filter-multiple wrapper approach gives 100% accuracy in LOOCV with leukemia data set.
Text Independent Speaker Identification In a Distant Talking Multi-Microphone Environment Using Generalized Gaussian Mixture Model[Full-Text] [References]P. Soundarya Mala, Dr. V. Sailaja, Shuaib Akram
In speaker Identification System, the goal is to determine which one of the groups of an unknown voice which best matches with one of the input voices. The field of speaker identification has recently seen significant advancement, but improvements have tended on near field speech, ignoring the more realistic setting of far field instrumented speakers. In this paper, we use far field speech recorded with multi microphones for speaker identification. For this we develop the model for each speaker's speech. In developing the model, it is customary to consider that the voice of the individual speaker is characterized with Generalized Gaussian model. The model parameters are estimated using EM algorithm. Speaker identification is carried by maximizing the likelihood function of the individual speakers. The efficiency of the proposed model is studied through accuracy measure with experimentation of 25 speaker's database. This model performs much better than the existing earlier algorithms in Speaker Identification.
Novel Object Removal in Video using Patch Sparsity[Full-Text] [References]B. Vidhya, S. Valarmathy
The process of repairing the damaged area or to remove the specific areas in a video is known as video inpainting. To deal with this kind of problems, not only a robust image inpainting algorithm is used, but also a technique of structure generation is used to fill-in the missing parts of a video sequence taken from a static camera. Most of the automatic techniques of video inpainting are computationally intensive and unable to repair large holes. To overcome this problem, inpainting method is extended by incorporating the sparsity of natural image patches in the spatio-temporal domain is proposed in this paper. First, the video is converted into individual image frames. Second, the edges of the object to be removed are identified by the SOBEL edge detection method. Third, the inpainting procedure is performed separately for each time frame of the images. Next, the inpainted image frames are displayed in a sequence, to appear as a inpainted video. For each image frame, the confidence of a patch located at the image structure (e.g., the corner or edge) is measured by the sparseness of its nonzero similarities to the neighboring patches to calculate the patch structure sparsity. The patch with larger structure sparsity is assigned higher priority for further inpainting. The patch to be inpainted is represented by the sparse linear combination of candidate patches. Patch propagation is performed automatically by the algorithm by inwardly propagating the image patches from the source region into the interior of the target region by means of patch by patch. Compared to other methods of inpainting, a better discrimination of texture and structure is obtained by the structure sparsity and also sharp inpainted regions are obtained by the patch sparse representation. This work can be extended to wide areas of applications, including video special effects and restoration and enhancement of damaged videos.
New formula of Nuclear Force[Full-Text] [References]Md. Kamal uddin
It is well established that the forces between nucleons are transmitted by meson. The quantitative explanation of nuclear forces in terms of meson theory was extremely tentative & in complete but this theory supplies a valuable point of view . it is fairly certain now that the nucleons within nuclear matter are in a state made rather different from their free condition by the proximity of other nucleons charge independence of nuclear forces demand the existence of neutral meson as amongst the same type of nucleolus (P-P) or (N-N). this force demand the same spin & orbital angular momentum. The exchange interaction in produced by only a neutral meson. The involving mesons without electric charge, that it gives exchanges forces between proton & Neutron & also therefore maintains charge in dependence character. It is evident for the nature of the products that neutral mesons decay by strong & weak interaction both. It means that neutral mesons constituents responsible for the electromagnetic interaction. Dramatically neutral mesons plays important role for electromagnetic & nuclear force both.
Impact Fatigue Behaviour of Fully Dense Alumina Ceramics with Different Grain Sizes[Full-Text] [References]Manoj Kumar Barai, Jagabandhu Shit, Abhijit Chanda, Manoj Kr Mitra
Owing to high hardness, compressive and extremely good corrosive resistances alumina is one of the mostly used turbo materials. In last few decades few of studies have been done on the dependency of grain size on impact fatigue behavior of alumina.B. K .Sarkar and T.G.J Glinn (1969) studied the impact fatigue of an alumina ceramic and exhibit fatigue behaviors, having a high stress plateau followed by progressively increasing endurance with decrease in applied impact energy. S Maity and B.K.Sarkar (1994) studied the impact fatigue of a porcelain ceramic and showed a definite fatigue behavior with increasing endurance in decreasing impact energy levels and cumulative residual stress is suggested to explain the fatigue behaviors. S. Maity, D. Basu and B.K. Sarkar (1994) studied the fatigue behaviors of fine-grained alumina under repeated impact loading and found that the fatigue resistance parameter is 17.12 while the endurance limit is around 270Mpa which is about 38% of the single impact strength of the material and also found that fatigue cracks are trans-granular near the crack initiation region, the rest being inter-granular. Manabu et al (2002) studied the material response to particle impact during abrasive jet machining of alumina. A relatively smooth face can be produced when silicon carbide (GC) abrasive is employed. The fatigue behaviour of fine-grained alumina hip joint heads under normal walking load has also been reported by Basu et al (2005) and found that the alumina femoral heads have successfully withstood 107 cycles at maximum walking stress of 17.2 KN, which is equivalent to a body weight of 400Kg. The femoral heads didn't exhibit any sub-critical crack growth at the maximum walking load of 10KN, indicating the quasi-infinite performance life in-patient up to body weight of 250 Kg.
Distributed Generation Planning Optimization Using Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms[Full-Text] [References]Mahmood Sheidaee, Mohsen Kalantar
In this paper, a method to determine the size - location of Distributed Generations (DGs) in distribution systems based on multi objective performance index is provided considering load models. We will see that load models affect the location and the optimized size of Distributed Generations in distributed systems significantly. The simulation studies are also done based on a new multi objective evolutionary algorithm. The proposed method has a mechanism to keep the diversity to overcome the premature convergence and the other problems. A hierarchical clustering algorithm is used to provide a manageable and representative Pareto set for decision maker. In addition, fuzzy set theory is used to extract the best solution. Comparing this method with the other methods shows the superiority of proposed method. Furthermore, this method can easily satisfy other purposes with little development and extension.
Marketing Of Asian Countries as Tourist Destination- Comparative Study of India and Malaysia[Full-Text] [References]Dr Reshma Nasreen, Nguyen Toan Thang
Tourism has gradually grown over the years as a full fledged industry. Many countries are gaining from this welcome change. The contributions of this sector to the country's coffers are sizable for some countries, while some countries have a long way to go. This research paper attempts to study the reasons of lack of optimal contribution of this sector in India and also forays into strategies that can be adopted to capitalize on the patterns prevalent in tourist behavior. A country like India with a commendable historical significance and size has not been able to garner as much of tourist attention because of certain factors. India has a lot of offerings to whip the appetite of an avid tourist, but the varieties have either not been promoted, or if promoted lack of associated services have not led to desired synergies. After identifying the gaps between the two countries (India & Malaysia), the paper puts forth the tourists' patterns of behavior through the data collected. The questionnaire has been administered to tourists in New Delhi and Agra (cities in India). Malaysia on the other hand has had a steady stream of tourists trickling down and benefiting its economy.
Segmentation Techniques for Iris Recognition System[Full-Text] [References]Surjeet Singh, Kulbir Singh
A biometric system provides automatic identification of an individual based on a unique feature or characteristic possessed by the individual. Iris recognition is regarded as the most reliable and accurate biometric identification system available. Iris recognition systems capture an image of an individual's eye, the iris in the image is then segmented and normalized for feature extraction process. The performance of iris recognition systems highly depends on segmentation and normalization. This paper discusses the performance of segmentation techniques for iris recognition systems to increase the overall accuracy.
Clinical and Computational Study of Geometry & Heamodynamics of Arterial Stenosis[Full-Text] [References]Krittika Dasgupta, Abhirup Roy Choudhury, Abhijit Chanda, Debabrata Nag
Stenosis is abnormal narrowing of blood vessels. The presence of stenosis in arteries may cause critical flow conditions. It may finally lead to stroke and heart-attack. A clinical study has been done on more than 130 patients along with computational study using 2D axisymmetric rigid model of stenosis in the carotid artery. Assumed shapes of deposition zone and the degree of occlusion used in the analysis were taken from clinical data. The Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid flow have been considered as the governing equations and it has been solved with varying flow parameters using standard CFD software package. The radial velocity profiles at various points of the flow field, the centerline velocity plot and the centerline pressure plots have been obtained from computational study and compared with the clinical data.
Investigation of X-ray Plasmon Satellites in Rare Earth Compounds[Full-Text] [References]Ajay Vikram Singh, Dr. Sameer Sinha
In the characteristic X-ray Spectra, Diagram as well as non Diagram lines are present. Those lines which fit in the conventional energy level diagram are called Diagram lines. & those lines which do not fit in the conventional energy level diagram are called non diagram lines. It is also known as "Satellites or Second order lines". Satellites are generally of weak intensity lines & are found close to more intense parent line. The satellites which are observed on higher energy side are called high energy satellites (HES) whereas those are observed on lower energy side are called lower energy satellites (LES). First Siegbahn & Stenstroem observed these satellites in the K-Spectra of element from Cr (24) to Ge (32) while coster theraeus & Richtmyer in the L-Spectra of element from Cu (29) to Sb (51) & Hajlmar, Hindberg & Hirsch in the M-Spectra of elements from Yb (70) to U (92). Several theories were proposed from time to time to explain the origin of these satellites. Out of these theories the plasmon theory is found to be the most suitable theory especially for those satellites.
Improvement of Power System Stability by Simultaneous AC-DC Power Transmission[Full-Text] [References]T.Vijay Muni, T.Vinoditha, D.Kumar Swamy
This paper presents the concept of simultaneous ac-dc power transmission.Long extra high voltage (EHV) ac lines cannot be loaded to their thermal limits due to this instability occurs in the power system.With the scheme proposed in this paper,it is possible to load these lines very close to their thermal limits.The conductors are allowed to carry usual ac along dc superimposed on it.The advantage of parallel ac-dc transmission for improvement of transient stability and dynamic stability and dampout oscillations have been established.Simulation study is carried out in MATLAB software package.The results shows the stability of power system when compared with only ac transmission.
A Comprehensive Distributed Generation Planning Optimization with Load Models[Full-Text] [References]Mahmood Sheidaee, Mohsen Kalanter
In this paper a comprehensive model for Distribution Systems Planning (DSP) in the case of using Distributed Generation (DG), with regard to load models is provided. Proposed model optimizes size and location of the distributed generation. This model can optimize investment cost in distributed generation better than other solutions. It minimizes the operating costs and total cost of the system losses. This Model affects the optimum location and size of the distributed generation in distribution systems significantly. Simulation studies based on a new multiobjective evolutionary algorithm is achieved. It is important that in the analysis made in this paper, DG is introduced as a key element in solving the DSP. Moreover, the proposed method easily and with little development can satisfy the other goals.
Positive Impact of Mobility Speed on Performance of AODV at Increased Network Load[Full-Text] [References]Rajesh Deshmukh, Asha Ambhaikar
This paper studies impact of changing mobility speed on the performance of a reactive routing protocol AODV with reference to varying network load. For experimental purposes, initially we observed the performance of AODV with increasing Network Load from 4 packets to 24 packets at the maximum mobility speed of 10 m/s. In another scenario we observed the performance of AODV with increasing Network Load from 4 packets to 24 packets at maximum mobility speed of 20 m/s. The performance of AODV is observed across Packet Delivery Ratio, Loss Packet Ratio and Routing overhead parameters. Our simulation results show that AODV is performing better with higher mobility speed at higher network load.
Development and Physical, Chemical and Mechanical Characterization of Doped Hydroxyapatite [Full-Text] [References]Promita Bhattacharjee, Howa Begam, Abhijit Chanda
In this study, we made an attempt to synthesize doped bioactive hydroxyapatite (HAp) ceramic powder using a simple Chemical method and studied its physical and mechanical properties. Different quantities (2wt% and 5 wt%) of Magnesium chloride Hexahydrate , Zinc oxide, Titanium oxide were incorporated as dopants into Hap at the time of synthesis. The synthesized powder samples were analyzed for their phases using X-ray diffraction technique, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. The synthesized powders were uniaxially compacted and then sintered at 1250°C for 1hr in air. Vicker's hardness testing was performed to determine the hardness of the sintered structures. Fracture toughness of sintered samples was calculated using Inverted Optical Microscope with Image Analysis software.
A chart for general and complicated data visualization[Full-Text] [References]M Siluvairajah
Massive datasets arise naturally as a result of automated monitoring and transaction archival. Military intelligence data, stock trades, retail purchases, medical and scientific observations, weather monitoring, spacecraft sensor data and censors data are all examples of data streams continuously logged and stored in extremely large volumes, which create the need for innovative data visualization solutions. Although, there are many on-going researches and developments on this field recently, there are only few solutions to visualize information for general public. In this paper, I explore different methods to use ManoStick chart to visualize information.
Application of Reliability Analysis: A Technical Survey[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Anju Khandelwal
The objective of this paper is to present a survey of recent research work of high quality that deal with reliability in different fields of engineering and physical sciences. This paper covers several important areas of reliability, significant research efforts being made all over the world. The survey provides insight into past, current and future trends of reliability in different fields of Engineering, Technology and medical sciences with applications with specific problems.
An Innovative Quality Of Service (Qos) Based Service Selection For Service Orchestration In Soa[Full-Text] [References]K.Vivekanandan, S.Neelavathi
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has become a new software development paradigm because it provides a flexible framework that can help reduce development cost and time. SOA promises loosely coupled interoperable and composable services. Service selection in business processes is the usage of techniques in selecting and providing quality of services (QOS) to consumers in a dynamic environment. Single business process model consists of multiple service invocations forming service orchestration. It represents multiple execution paths called modeled flexibility. In certain cases, modeled flexibility can cause conflicts in service selection optimization, making it impossible to simultaneously optimize all execution paths. This paper presents an innovative approach to service selection for service orchestration that addresses this type of conflicts by encompassing status identification based availability estimation with multiple QOS constraints along with an effective quality assessment model. This model captures the expectations from the users on the multiple quality of a service and returns ratings as a feedback on the service usage. This updated rating in the service list can be used by the new user. This proposed method provides optimal services to users consistently and efficiently thereby resulting in more meaningful and reliable selection of services for service orchestration in SOA.
Design of Boost Circuit for Wind Generator[Full-Text] [References]N.Prasanna Raj, M.Mohanraj, Rani Thottungal
This paper presents the design and implementation of a power converter for an autonomous wind induction generator (IG) feeding an isolated load through the PWM-based novel soft-switching interleaved boost converter. The output voltage and frequency of the wind IG is inherently variable due to random fluctuation of wind-speed variation. The interleaved boost converter composed of two shunted elementary boost conversion units and an auxiliary inductor. This converter is able to turn on both the active power switches at zero voltage to reduce their switching losses and evidently raise the conversion efficiency. Since the two parallel-operated elementary boost units are identical, operation analysis and design for the converter module becomes quite simple. A three-phase induction machine model and a three-phase rectifier-inverter model based on a-b-c reference frame are used to simulate the performance of the generation system. It can be concluded from the simulated results that the designed power converters with adequate control scheme can effectively improve the performance of output voltage and frequency of the IG feeding an isolated load.
A Novel Method for Fingerprint Core Point Detection[Full-Text] [References]Navrit Kaur Johal, Amit Kamra
Fingerprint recognition is a method of biometric authentication that uses pattern recognition techniques based on high-resolution fingerprints images of the individual. Fingerprints have been used in forensic as well as commercial applications for identification as well as verification. Singular point detection is the most important task of fingerprint image classification operation. Two types of singular points called core and delta points are claimed to be enough to classify the fingerprints. The classification can act as an important indexing mechanism for large fingerprint databases which can reduce the query time and the computational complexity. Usually fingerprint images have noisy background and the local orientation field also changes very rapidly in the singular point area. It is difficult to locate the singular point precisely. There already exists many singular point detection algorithms, Most of them can efficiently detect the core point when the image quality is fine, but when the image quality is poor, the efficiency of the algorithm degrades rapidly. In the present work, a new method of detection and localization of core points in a fingerprint image is proposed.
Robust Impulse Eliminating Internal Model Control of Singular Systems[Full-Text] [References]M.M. Share Pasand, H.D. Taghirad
The problem of model based internal control of singular systems is investigated and the limitations of directly extending the control schemes for normal systems to singular ones were analyzed in this paper. A robust approach is proposed in order to establish the control scheme for singular systems, and moreover, to present a framework for robust control of singular systems in presence of modeling uncertainties. The theory is developed through a number of theorems, and several simulation examples are included and their physical interpretations are given to verify the proof of concept.
An Integrated Partial Backlogging Inventory Model having weibull demand and variable deterioration rate with the effect of trade credit[Full-Text] [References]P.K. Tripathy, S. Pradhan
Demand considered in most of the classical inventory models is constant, while in most of the practical cases the demand changes with time. In this article, an inventory model is developed with time dependent two parameter weibull demand rate whose deterioration rate increases with time. Each cycle has shortages, which have been partially backlogged to suit present day competition in the market. Also the effect of permissible delay is also incorporated in this study. The total cost consists of ordering cost, inventory holding cost, shortage / backordering cost, lost sale cost and deterioration cost are formulated as an optimal control problem using trade credit policy. Optimal solution for the model is derived and the trade credit on the optimal replenishment policy are studied with the help of numerical examples.
Survey of Current and Future Trends in Security in Wireless Networks[Full-Text] [References]Vikas Solomon Abel
Security has always been a key issue with all the wireless networks since they have no physical boundaries. Many existing and evolving threats which must be considered to ensure the countermeasures are able to meet the security requirements of the environments for which it is expected to be deployed.
Anomalous hydrogen production during photolysis of NaHCO3 mixed water[Full-Text] [References]Muhammad Shahid, Noraih Bidin, Yacoob Mat Daud, Muhammad Talha, M.Inayat ullah
Production and enhancement of hydrogen on large scale is a goal towards the revolution of green and cheap energy. Utilization of hydrogen energy has many attractive features, including energy renewability, flexibility, and zero green house gas emissions. In this current research the production and the enhancement of hydrogen from the NaHCO3 mixed water have been investigated under the action of diode pumped solid state laser with second harmonic of wavelength 532nm. The efficiency of the hydrogen and oxygen yields was found to be greater than the normal Faradic efficiency. The parametric dependence of the yields as a function of laser irradiation time, Laser focusing effect and other parameters of the electrolysis fundamentals were carefully studied.
Peripheral Interface Controller based the Display Unit of Remote Display System[Full-Text] [References]May Thwe Oo
This paper expresses about how to construct the peripheral interface controller (PIC) based the display unit of the remote display system. The remote display system can be used to display the token number that is to know the people. It is also intended for use in clinic, hospitals, bank, and etc. In this research, the peripheral interface controller based remote display system is used for displaying the number and the character. The remote display system consists of two portions: display unit and console unit. The display unit of remote display system contains the display controller, three seven-segment Light Emitting Diode (LEDs), Diode matrix, Category display LEDs and DSUB9 connector. The display controller is controlled by the microcontroller PIC16F873. It controls to display the token numbers. And then it can control at the diode matrix to display the three kinds of character such as A, B, and C. The three numbers of seven-segment LEDs will display the token number from one to 999. The diode matrix helps to display the category display LEDs. The category display LEDs will display one kind of characters. In the research work, the category display LEDs can be displayed only three kinds of characters. For the display unit, the DSUB9 connector applies the data that is from the console unit of the remote display system. In this research work, the display unit works as the receiver the console unit works as the transmitter in remote display system. This paper explains about the design, construction, testing and result of a remote display system.
Training and Analysis of a Neural Network Model Algorithm[Full-Text] [References]Prof Gouri Patil
An algorithm is a set of instruction pattern given in an analytical process of any program/function-ale to achieve desired results. It is a model-programmed action leading to a desired reaction. A neural network is a self-learning mining model algorithm, which aligns/ learns relative to the logic applied in initiation of primary codes of network. Neural network models are the most suitable models in any management system be it business forecast or weather forecast. The paper emphasizes not only on designing, functioning of neural network models but also on the prediction errors in the network associated at every step in the design and function-ale process.
Wireless Sensor Network: A Review on Data Aggregation[Full-Text] [References]Kiran Maraiya, Kamal Kant, Nitin Gupta
Data aggregation is very crucial techniques in wireless sensor network. Because with the help of data aggregation we reduce the energy consumption by eliminating redundancy. When wireless sensor network deployed in remote areas or hostile environment. In the wireless sensor network have the most challenging task is a life time so with help of data aggregation we can enhance the lifetime of the network .In this paper we discuss the data aggregation approaches based on the routing protocols, the algorithm in the wireless sensor network. And also discuss the advantages and disadvantages or various performance measures of the data aggregation in the network.
Slant Transformation As A Tool For Pre-processing In Image Processing[Full-Text] [References]Nagaraj B Patil, V M Viswanatha, Dr. Sanjay Pande MB
The Slantlet Transform (SLT) is a recently developed multiresolution technique especially well-suited for piecewise linear data. The Slantlet transform is an orthogonal Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) with 2 zero moments and with improved time localization. It also retains the basic characteristics of the usual filterbank such as octave band characteristic and a scale dilation factor of two. However, the Slantlet transform is based on the principle of designing different filters for different scales unlike iterated filterbank approaches for the DWT. In the proposed system, Slantlet transform is implemented and used in Compression and Denoising of various input images. The performance of Slantlet Transform in terms of Compression Ratio (CR), Reconstruction Ratio (RR) and Peak-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (PSNR) present in the reconstructed images is evaluated. Simulation results are discussed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Separation of concerns in VoiceXML applications[Full-Text] [References]Sukhada P. Bhingarkar
Many commercial applications provide customer services over the web like flight tracking, emergency notification, order inquiry etc. VoiceXML is an enabling technology for creating streamlined speech-based interface for such web-based information services. Whereas in computing, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm, which aims to increase modularity. AOP includes programming methods and tools that support the modularization of concerns at the level of the source code. The aim of this paper is to integrate AOP with VoiceXML. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) encapsulates common low-level scattered code within reusable components called aspects. There are certain tags in VoiceXML like '<'nomatch'>', '<'noinput'>', '<'error'>' which appear commonly in every VoiceXML document. These tags can be considered as the concerns and can be put inside an aspect. This elimi-nates the need to programmatically write these tags in every VoiceXML document and modularizes the crosscutting-concerns.
Error of Approximation in Case of Definite Integrals[Full-Text] [References]Rajesh Kumar Sinha, Satya Narayan Mahto, Dhananjay Sharan
This paper proposes a method for computation of error of approximation involved in case of evaluation of integrals of single variable. The error associated with a quadrature rule provides information with a difference of approximation. In numerical integration, approximation of any function is done through polynomial of suitable degree but shows a difference in their integration integrated over some interval. Such difference is error of approximation. Sometime, it is difficult to evaluate the integral by analytical methods Numerical Integration or Numerical Quadrature can be an alternative approach to solve such problems. As in other numerical techniques, it often results in approximate solution. The Integration can be performed on a continuous function on set of data.
An Assessment model for Intelligence Competencies of Accounting Information Systems[Full-Text] [References]Mehdi Ghazanfari, Mostafa Jafari, Saeed Rouhani
Accounting Information Systems (AIS) as computer-based systems that processes financial information and supports decision tasks have been implemented in most organizations but, but they still encounter a lack of Intelligence in their decision-making processes. Models and methods to evaluate and assess the Intelligence-level of Accounting Information Systems can be useful in deploying suitable business intelligence (BI) services. This paper discusses BI Assessment criteria, fundamental structure and factors used in the Assessment model. Factors and the proposed model can assess the intelligence of Accounting Information Systems to achieve enhanced decision support in organizations. The statistical analysis identified five factors of the Assessment model. This model helps organizations to design, buy and implement Accounting Information Systems for better decision support. The study also provides criteria to help organizations and software vendors implement AIS from decision support perspectives.
Processing of Images based on Segmentation Models for Extracting Textured component[Full-Text] [References]V M Viswanatha, Nagaraj B Patil, Dr. Sanjay Pande MB
The method for segmentation of color regions in images with textures in adjacent regions being different can be arranged in two steps namely color quantization and segmentation spatially. First, colors in the image are quantized to few representative classes that can be used to differentiate regions in the image. The image pixels are then replaced by labels assigned to each class of colors. This will form a class-map of the image. A mathematical criteria of aggregation and mean value is calculated. Applying the criterion to selected sized windows in the class-map results in the highlighted boundaries. Here high and low values correspond to possible boundaries and interiors of color texture regions. A region growing method is then used to segment the image.
An Adaptive and Efficient XML Parser Tool for Domain Specific Languages[Full-Text] [References]W. Jai Singh, S. Nithya Bala
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a standard and universal language for representing information. XML has become integral to many critical enterprise technologies with its ability to enable data interoperability between applications on different platforms. Every application that processes information from XML documents needs an XML Parser which reads an XML document and provides interface for user to access its content and structure. However the processing of xml documents has a reputation of poor performance and a number of optimizations have been developed to address this performance problem from different perspectives, none of which have been entirely satisfactory. Hence, in this paper we developed a Fast Parser tool for domain specific languages. In this we can execute Parser user friendly without having any constraints.