IJSER Volume 3, Issue 12, December 2012 Edition
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Superconducting Properties of Melt-Quenched Bi1.6 Pb0.4Sr2Can-1CunOy Superconductor [Full-Text ] [References] Shirley T. Palisoc and Ma. Cecilia A. del MundoThe effects of varying the copper content and pelletizing pressure on the x-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of superconducting Bi1.6 Pb0.4Sr2Can-1CunOy ceramics are examined. The samples were fabricated via the melt quench method. The copper content with n=3.5 revealed to have the highest percentage of high Tc peaks. The low Tc phase was predominant in all samples. There is no observable trend on the effect of variation in pelletizing pressure on both high Tc and low Tc phases of the samples.
Optimization of Tools for CNC Machine: An Explication & An Overview[Full-Text ] [References] N.S. Pohokar, L.B.BhuyarOver the last few decades, the range of engineering materials encountered in machine shops has increased greatly, as has the variety of cutting tools that are capable of machining these materials. Recent advances in computer hardware and software technology have led to research in calculation of efficient cutting parameters and design and development of a tool or combination of tools for a specific operation or set of operations. In this paper an attempt is made to review the literature on optimizing machining parameters and geometric parameters in CNC machine. Various conventional techniques employed for machining optimization include geometric programming, geometric plus linear programming, goal programming, sequential unconstrained minimization technique, dynamic programming etc. The latest techniques for optimization include fuzzy logic, scatter search technique, genetic algorithm, Taguchi technique and response surface methodology. This paper gives the machine tool methodology optimization.
A Strategic Approach to Improve Innovation in Less-Developed Country: The Case of Benin[Full-Text ] [References] Fabrice Boko, Prof. Qin YuanjianThis paper employs to present a global outlook of Benin experience in terms of economic integration related to innovation and technology. Throught case study method, we analyze the situation of the country's economy and technology with slight reference to China by finding out the problem which set back its innovation's development, by evaluating its technological needs. This country meet some difficulties related to its strategic direction for technological progress. Technology and innovation-related phenomena, corporate organization and the proper use of human resources in all the phases of the production procedure represent one of the main elements of competitiveness. By considering this fact, we present some strategic steps that should be taken to improve innovation and technology for the country's competitiveness on the global market and by the way its growth. The innovation theory of Schumpeter allow us to clarify the innovation's situation of the country and find out that Benin should promote research and development strategy, implement the results which come out and also invest in leaders' education to improve their skills in purpose of innovation development and so favor country growth.
Data Mining: A Tool for Enhancing Business Process in Banking Sector[Full-Text ] [References] Dr.R.Mahammad Shafi, Porandla SrinivasSignificant shifts in the business environment, economic volatility, changing customer and staff expectations, and the adoption of new tech-nology make it increasingly challenging for banks to navigate technology strategy alternatives and prioritize technology investments. The banking industry around the world has undergone a tremendous change in the way business is conducted. Leading banks are using Data Mining (DM) tools for customer segmentation and profitability, credit scoring and approval, predicting payment default, marketing, detecting fraudulent transactions, etc. This paper provides an overview of the concept of Data Mining. Data might be one of the most valuable assets of any corporation, but only if it knows how to reveal valuable knowledge hidden in raw data. Data mining allows extracting diamonds of knowledge from the historical data, and predicting outcomes of future situations. It helps optimize business decisions, increase the value of each customer and communication, and improve customer satisfaction. Data mining is the process of extracting previously unknown information, typically in the form of patterns and associations, from large databases. Today, organizations are realizing the numerous advantages that come with data mining. It is a valuable tool, by identifying potentially useful information from the large amounts of data collected. An organization can gain a clear advantage over its competitors.
Development of Working Prototype for Ragi Harvesting and Threshing[Full-Text ] [References] Asst. Prof. Balappa B. U., Asst. Prof NithinVenkatram, Mr. Thomas Donny, Mr. P. Prabhakar, Mr. Chintan Upadhyay, Mr. Ranjith Cherian, Mr. Anish M, Mr. SureshChapter-1 introduces the cultivation of finger millet for which harvesting and threshing process is carried out manually. Understanding the functional requirement regarding current trends in finger millet harvesting and threshing, a prototype is needed to be manufactured. Understanding the basic objectives the machine should perform a concept design of the machine has been made in further chapters. Field work and journals were used to understand the current trends of cultivation of finger millet crops which is shown in chapter-2. Market requirement study was carried out on the basis of literature survey whichindicates the need of mechanization of harvesting process. Manual harvesting and threshing process requires more human power which involves inflexibility to the production. To meet the functional requirements several concept designs were developed which is shown in chapter-3. The final concept design was selected on the basis of its comparison with other designs and the design was modeled using Solid Works 2012 with proper dimensions of each component of prototype which is elaborated in chapter-4. Different types of mechanisms used to obtain certain functions were explained in chapter-5. Dimensions of severalcomponents were calculated as per the functional requirement.MSC ADAMS the multi body dynamics analysis software was used to check the simulation of working prototype and kinematic analysis of different mechanism was carried out in chapter-5. Also, each and every mechanism is explained along with its assembly and manufacturing process. Fabrication of the produced design was done mainly by welding, turning, boring processes. Power is transmitted to the machine by means of belt drives with the source of power from an engine with minimum power rating of 3hp. Chapter-6 introduces the prototype whichis developed to meet the requirements to do harvesting and threshing of the finger millet crop with proper specifications. The advantages of fabricated prototype are also mentioned in this chapter and its scope for the future work and its perspective is also noted down to enhance its functionality.
Highway Geotechnical Properties of Some Lateritic Soils from the Sedimentary Terrain of the Lagos - Ibadan Highway [Full-Text ] [References] Owoyemi O.O and Adeyemi G.O (Ph.D)Samples of the foundation soil of an unstable section of the Lagos - Ibadan highway around Sagamu were investigated with a view to evaluating them as highway sub grade materials and also establish any geotechnical basis, if any, for the observed pavement failure in the area. Sixteen samples were collected from two locations in the study area. Parameters such as grain size distribution, consistency limits, Activity, Maximum dry density, (MDD), Optimum moisture content (OMC), unconfined compressive strength, California bearing ratio (CBR) and Permeability were determined. These parameters obtained for the two locations were compared with each other and emphasis was placed on the comparison of obtained results with some existing standard specifications for highway sub grade soils.
Agile Software Engineering Framework for Evaluating Mobile Application Development[Full-Text ] [References] Ridi FerdianaThe development of mobile applications is becoming one of the growth sectors of the local software economy. In addition to a lot of mobile users, developers also have a lot of choices in developing mobile applications. A large selection resulted in the development technology makes developer team need to invest the time to learn each platform. This was definite by the competition of mobile application development which should always be fast, efficient, and also includes as many targeted platform. This paper will focus for the beginner developer teams who want to develop or evaluate mobile applications in more nimble. In this paper, it is shown a software engineering approach called MASEF ("Mobile Application Software Engineering Framework"). MASEF will guide novice developers to develop and evaluate a mobile application development in agile way. This paper also recounts the successes and challenges in adopting MASEF at four kinds of mobile applications projects.
Mechanisms to Prevent lose Data[Full-Text ] [References] Arafat Mohammed Rashad Al-dhaqm, Majid BakhtiariToday the organizations have suffered from the loss data, which consider one of the threats that threaten the digital world. The human errors formed one of the reasons which cause the loss data. Therefore, the researchers have address this kind of problems and still try to get the best mechanisms to detect, prevent or mitigate it, such as physical, technical and social mechanisms. However, the loss data still growth day by day. In this paper, we will discuss the background of the loss data and the strengths and limitations of the exit mechanism as well as our suggestions to detect, prevent or mitigate loss data. We suggested two suggestions to solve this problem, the first one is merging the physical and technical techniques such as connect the portable devices with special trace systems that connected with GPS, to detect it in case of theft. Second suggestion, disappear the sensitive data (sensitive attributes) of the end users and appointments one responsible only for that data.
Effects of variable viscosity on Three-Dimensional Boundary Layer Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids over a Stretching Surface with Mass and Heat Transfer [Full-Text ] [References] P. K. Mahanta, G. C. HazarikaThree dimensional flow of non-Newtonian viscoelastic fluid with the variation in the viscosity over a stretching surface is investigated. The governing partial differential equations of continuity, momemtum, energy and concentration are transformed into non-linear ordinary differential equations by using similarity transformations. The transformed equations are solved numerically by fourth-order Runge-Kutta shooting method. The effects of viscosity, heat and the stretching ratio parameters with Prandtle and Schmidt numbers on the velocity, temperature and concentration distributions have been discussed and illustrated graphically.
Performance Analysis of Routing Algorithms[Full-Text ] [References] Mr. Lokesh M. Heda, Dr. N P. NarkhedeAs an emerging and advanced technology, Network-on-Chip (NoC) may become the alternative of the traditional bus-based System-on-Chip (SoC). In an interconnection network structure, interconnected routers are the core of the whole system and the network's performance mainly depends on their performance. There are many significant factors which determine the working mechanism of a router and its performance, such as topology, switching strategy, routing algorithm, and flow control mechanism. The switching mechanism plays a vital role to move the data from an input channel and place it on an output channel. Virtual cut through (VCT) and wormhole (WH) switching techniques are widely used in NoC architecture. In this paper, Wormhole and VCT technique has been proposed for Network on chip architecture and its performance is analyzed using the parameters such as area and speed. In this paper the designing and implementation of Wormhole and Virtual Cut through router have been discussed. The simulation of Wormhole system and VCT is done in Modelsim-SE as a simulation & debugging tool. The design is synthesized in Xilinx ISE 9.1i as well as in Quertus 8.1 for the packet size of 16 bits (0-15) on the platform of family automotive spartan2 for device-XC2S200, PQG208 package and speed -5.
An accessory belly of first lumbrical - a case report[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Sharadkumar Pralhad Sawant, Dr. Shaguphta T. Shaikh, Dr. Rakhi M. MoreDuring routine dissection for first MBBS students on 70 years donated embalmed male cadaver in the Department of Anatomy, K. J. Somaiya Medical College, Sion, Mumbai, India, we observed an accessory belly of first lumbrical originating from the radial side of the most radial tendon of the flexor digitorum profundus (corresponding to the index finger) in the right hand. It passes posteriorly along the radial side of the index finger. The two bellies of first lumbricals join with each other to insert on the extensor expansion near the metacarpophalangeal joint. The photographs were taken for proper documentation. The existence of two bellies of first lumbrical should be kept in mind by surgeons operating on hand.
High level termination of popliteal artery just distal to hiatus magnus - a case report.[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Sharadkumar Pralhad Sawant, Dr. Shaguphta T. Shaikh, Dr. Rakhi M. MoreDuring routine dissection for first MBBS students on 65 years donated embalmed male cadaver in the Department of Anatomy, K.J.Somaiya Medical College, we observed the high origin of anterior tibial artery from the popliteal artery proximal to the popliteus muscle. The anterior tibial artery ran downward on the posterior surface of the popliteus muscle. The posterior peroneotibial trunk distal to the tendinous arch of soleus muscle divides into the posterior tibial and the peroneal arteries. The further course of anterior, posterior tibial and peroneal arteries was normal. The photographs of the variations were taken for proper documentation and ready reference. There were no associated neuromuscular variations found in same specimen. The right lower limb of the same cadaver was normal.
An accessory head of the coracobrachialis muscle - a case report.[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Sharadkumar Pralhad Sawant, Dr. Shaguphta T. Shaikh, Dr. Rakhi M. MoreDuring routine dissection for Ist MBBS students on 65 year old donated embalmed male cadaver in the Department of Anatomy, K.J.Somaiya Medical College, Sion, Mumbai, India, we observed an accessory head of the coracobrachialis muscle in the left arm. It extended downwards and medially from the middle part of the medial border of the humerus in front of the median nerve and brachial artery and finally was inserted on the anteromedial aspect of the medial epicondyle of the humerus. The length of the ligament was 15 cm and the diameter was 0.2 cm. The photographs were taken for proper documentation. The existence of accessory head of the coracobrachialis muscle should be kept in mind by surgeons operating on patients with high median nerve palsy and brachial artery compression and radiologists while doing scans of the arm.
Transformer Health Condition Monitoring Through GSM Technology[Full-Text ] [References] Vadirajacharya.K, Ashish Kharche, Harish Kulakarni, Vivek LandageTransformers are a vital part of the transmission and distribution system. Monitoring transformers for problems before they occur can prevent faults that are costly to repair and result in a loss of service. Current systems can provide information about the state of a transformer, but are either offline or very expensive to implement. Transformers being the essential part of power transmission system are expensive, as is the cost of power interruptions. Because of the cost of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, especially at remote sites, the utility industry has begun investing in instrumentation and monitoring of transformer. On-line transformer diagnostics using conventional technologies like carrier power line communication, Radio frequency based control system, and Supervisory control and data acquiring systems, Distributed control systems and Internet based communications are having their own limitations. GSM is an open, digital cellular technology used for transmitting mobile voice and data services. This project objective is to develop low cost solution for monitoring health condition of remotely located distribution transformers using GSM technology to preent premature failure of distribution transformers and improving reliability of services to the customers. An Embedded based hardware design is developed to acquire data from electrical sensing system. It consists of a sensing system, signal conditioning electronic circuits, advanced embedded hardware for middle level computing, a powerful computer network for further transmission of data to various places. A powerful GSM networking is designed to send data from a network to other network for proper corrective action at the earliest. Any change in parameters of transmission is sensed to protect the entire transmission and distribution. The performance of prototype model developed is tested at laboratory for monitoring various parameters like transformer over load, voltage fluctuations, over temperature, oil quality and level etc.
Image processing based vehicle tracking system using ARM7[Full-Text ] [References] Lalitha.S, Ashwini.V, Madhusudhan.K.NThe intelligent system for theft vehicle detection is It's own requirement in the current society. The intelligent system what we are trying to build consists of ARM 7 controller as the main core along with this, the other supporting modules which is used are GSM,GPS,A LCD for the instant display of the axis information. The development of the embedded software provides a good platform for the better working of the hardware. The entire concept begins with the image capturing of the number (license) plate of the vehicle and processing of that image by using matlab, and providing the output to the ARM 7 for the further processing. Number plate distinguishing and its processing along with the supporting modules met the traffic auditing department's needs about Mobile Vehicle Checking.
Voice over IP Mobile Telephony Using WIFI[Full-Text ] [References] Rahul C. Vaidya, Prof. S.S. KulkarniVoice telephony over mobile is currently supported at a cost using service provider such as GSM, or using IP service provider at cheaper cost. The purpose of this research is to design and implement a telephony program that uses WIFI in p2p (Peer -to- Peer) or WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) as a means of communication between mobile phones at no cost. The software will use a correlation between current address books available in mobile phones to convert phone numbers into IP addresses. The system will allow user to make voice conversation, sending SMS (Short Message Service) as well as MMS. Inbox and outbox services, message delivery reports, and message drafts will be used for SMS and MMS management. The current system will only allow for one call per connection, and no call waiting, or conference calls. Different security services relevant for VoIP are presented and we argue that end-to-end authentication and encryption should be provided by default. For media protection we evaluate the possibility of using either SRTP or IPsec, and we examine several alternatives of how a secure VoIP call can be established. The solution we suggest is based on SRTP for media protection, S/MIME and MIKEY for end-to-end authentication and keying, and TLS for hopby- hop protection of SIP messages.
The Potential Use of Rotor Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Large Scale Stream Mapping[Full-Text ] [References] Wani Sofia Udin and Anuar AhmadUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems offered many advantages in several mapping applications such as slope mapping, geohazard studies, etc.This study utilizes UAV system for large scale stream mapping by using digital camera attached to the UAV.The digital camera combined with the UAV form a data acquisition system. Aerial photograph were acquired in the form of strips and block. Secondary data of ground control points and check points established using Total Station technique was used. All the aerial photographs were processed using digital photogrammetric software and the output in the form of orthophoto was produced. The research output is then evaluated for planimetry and vertical accuracy using root mean square error (RMSE). Based on the analysis, sub-meter accuracy is obtained. As conclusion, rotor wing UAV system has potential use for large scale stream mapping or other diversified applications especially for small area which has limited time and less man power.
Intelligent Air Conditioning System using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] [References] Sanjit Kumar Dash, Gouravmoy Mohanty, Abhishek MohantyWith the exponential increase in the use of cooling device, the air conditioning systems are becoming an essential part of our day to day life. Data suggest an exponential rise in the use of air conditioners in urban as well as rural India. With the increase in the usage of air conditioners, there is a simultaneous increase in the electrical power consumption. In this paper a design has been proposed considering various input parameters and applying Fuzzy Logic System to the Air Conditioner. By considering the input parameters we can greatly modify the functioning of the AC and reduce the electrical energy intake of the AC compressor/Fan while utilizing all available resources in the efficient manner. For better implementation, we have considered the climatic condition of coastal region namely Bhubaneswar area in the state of Odisha, India. Bhubaneswar being in the coastal area, the values of temperature and humidity are higher in comparison to non-coastal areas of India.
Remote Patient Monitoring System Using Pulse Oximeter [Full-Text ] [References] Ms. Mohini Baburao Honna, Ms. V. M. KulkarniA remote patient monitoring system is implemented which is used for real time monitoring of various heath parameters of a remotely based patient. Oxygen saturation and body temperature are the two parameters calculated and transmitted via a server to a remote client. A ZigBee module is used for enabling mobility of the monitored patient. Graphical display of the health parameters is made available on the server via Visual Basic software. The components used in this project are MSP430FG437 processer, pulse oximeter, LM35 sensor and ZigBee transreceiver module. The aim of this project is to extend healthcare to places other than hospitals.
Optimization of Principal Dimensions of Radial Flow Gas Turbine Rotor Using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] [References] N.Surekha,Dr.Srinivas Kolla, Deva Raj.Ch.,K.SreekanthThe choice of principal dimensions of turbine rotor for a given set of inlet design specification can be found by solving aerodynamic equations. An analytical method is indeed difficult and can be very time consuming, especially if the complete procedure has to be repeated for different cases. In view of this, numerical optimization technique can be useful tool to problems involving a large number of variables. Among the heuristics algorithms, most common and used ones are the Evolutionary algorithms, and in particular the Genetic algorithm (GA). They are most robust, since they can be used for real and discrete variables, in highly or weakly non-linear problem types. In this paper an attempt is made to solve the numerical optimization problem for radial flow gas turbine rotor using Genetic Algorithms.
Crystallographic Properties and Surface Analysis of Spin Coated YSZ Thin Films by Raman Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy[Full-Text ] [References] Shirley Tiong Palisoc, Simon Gerard Mendiola, Rose Ann Tegio, Michelle Natividad, Kevin Kaw, Stephen Tadios, Benjamin Tuason Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) thin films (<10 µm) were fabricated by spin coating technique on steel (Fe/ Cr18/ Ni10). The concentration ratio of YSZ powder to solvent were varied accordingly. The effects of these variations were investigated and discussed. Using X-ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy, the crystal structure of the samples were determined. The 8-YSZ thin films have cubic fluorite structure. The X-ray diffraction patterns were in agreement with the samples' Raman spectra. In the case of the 30YSZ: 70ethanol YSZ thin film on steel substrate, the Raman and XRD peaks shifted because of the stress-strain interaction between the steel and the YSZ thin film. Pores were evident on single coated substrates but were minimized using higher YSZ concentrations.
A Comparative Study For Effectiveness Of Use Of Audio-visual Aids In Amphibian Laboratory[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Puneet Aggarwal, Dr. Neeraj MahajanIt was observed that the students attending the practicals of amphibian and mammalian laboratory find difficulty in understanding the concept with usual lectures. The efficacy of regular lecture delivery was challenged with the introduction of audio-visual aids with lecture. This led to the present study in which the efficacy of lecture was determined by scoring performance of students on the basis of pre-designed test which was taken after the lectures with and without audio-visual aids
Production and Application of Keratin-Based Organic Fertilizer from Microbially Hydrolyzed Feathers to cowpea [Full-Text ] [References] Vigna unguiculataThis experiment was carried out using potted plants to assess the effect of keratin-based organic fertilizer produced from microbially hydrolysed feathers on cowpea's. The fungus isolated and used for the hydrolysis of feather during the production of organic fertilizer was identified as Aspergillus niger. The results showed that the organic fertilizer was very effective on plants with soils amended with the hydrolysed feathers, as the plants exhibited better yields and productivity. Data for plant height (cm), weight of plant, number of leaves per plant and number of pods per plant were taken at weekly interval for a period of 9 weeks.. The various treatments used were 1kg/10kg of soil, 2kg/10kg of soil, 3kg/10kg of soil while 0kg/10kg served as control. Based on observation, the treated plants were less susceptibile to diseases compared to the non-treated plants. It was revealed that organic fertilizers application rate of 3kg/10kg had the highest performance in terms of growth and yield, and least susceptibility to diseases, the converse was observed for control. The result of this study was indicative that feather which is cheap, readily available and environmentally friendly offers a promising prospect in agriculture both as an organic fertilizer and in the control of disease in cowpea if applied at recommended rates and time.
Novel Thermophilic Anaerobes Phylogenetically Related to Genera Thermoanaerobacter and Clostridium Isolated from Automobile Radiators[Full-Text ] [References] Makanjuola O.R, Adetunji C.O, Adetunji J.B, Koledowo A.KThis study was based on the isolation of thermophilic bacteria from automobile radiators. Water sample from three different automobile radiators were used for the screening of thermophilic bacteria at 70°C and pH 7.65 using nutrient broth medium and their turbidity were measured spectrophotometrically at 600nm. Results of this study suggest that optimal isolation rates of thermophiles from automobile radiator samples were achieved by culturing the sample on nutrient broth at high temperature and isolation on nutrient agar
Prediction Of Performance For Web Application By Performance Modeling With Jmeter[Full-Text ] [References] Sheetal S.Patil, Prof. S.D.Joshi, S.S.DhotrePerformance analysis and modeling of web application [1] allows users to record many different parameters relevant to web application's performance. Our goal is the identification of the most influential parameters which determine the factors improving performance of web-application with the help of performance modeling. We create performance model with respect to stages of SDLC as Performance problems are frequently introduced early in the design. We first identify application scenarios and performance objectives. Performance objectives can be measured in terms of response time, throughput (how much work in how much time), and resource utilization (CPU, memory, disk I/O, and network I/O).We apply performance scenarios into steps and assign performance budgets. These budgets are used to set constraints across performance objectives and this will help to predict the performance of web application.
Synthesis and Characterization of nanocrystalline Ni-Co-Zn ferrite by Sol-gel Auto-Combustion method.[Full-Text ] [References] R. B. Bhise, S. M. Rathod, A. K. SupekarThe structural properties of nanocrystalline NiFe2O4 (NF), CoFe2O4 (CF) and ZnFe2O4 (ZF) ferrites were synthesized by Sol-gel auto combustion method. The powders were sintering at Normal temperature, 400oc and 700oc for 2hrs to densify properly. The samples were characterized by X-RD, SEM and FT-IR. The X-RD used to analyze phase structure and lattice parameters. The FT-IR spectra confirmed that synthesis material is ferrite. Morphology of ferrite powders were investigated by using SEM. Porosity of synthesis ferrite is measured.
UAV Flight Control Using SONAR[Full-Text ] [References] T.A. Mithu, M. Hossain, S. FaruqueThere are several flight control techniques of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). This paper presents such a technique by using SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging). In this method, human operator transmits signal from ground station to the aircraft. After receiving the ground signal, different frequencies of sound are generated from the cockpit of the aircraft which then pass through the metallic body of vehicle. Different functional units of the aircraft respond to the respective sound signal and convert sound energy into electrical form and accordingly perform the assigned operation by using it.
Twice -Band Microstrip Hexagonal Slotted Patch Antenna for Microwave Communication[Full-Text ] [References] Bipa Datta, Arnab Das, Samiran Chatterjee, Moumita Mukherjee, Santosh Kumar ChowdhuryA single layer, single feed compact slotted patch antenna is thoroughly simulated in this paper. Resonant frequency has been reduced drastically by cutting three equal slots which are same hexagonal structure at the upper right, upper left and lower left corner from the conventional microstrip patch antenna. It is shown that the simulated results are in acceptable agreement. More importantly, it is also shown that the differentially-driven microstrip antenna has higher gain of simulated 3.24 dBi at 9.91 GHz and 0.14 dBi at 13.61 GHz and beamwidth of simulated 163.190 at 9.91 GHz and 122.100 at 13.61 GHz of the single-ended microstrip antenna. Simulated antenna size has been reduced by 48.11% with an increased frequency ratio when compared to a Conventional microstrip patch antenna.
Smart DC Micro-grid for Effective Utilization of Solar Energy[Full-Text ] [References] D RAVI PRASAD, Dr B.RAJESH KAMATH, K.R JAGADISHA, S.K GIRISHThis paper deals with the development of a new, smart distributed DC Micro-grid suitable for high-penetration, which efficiently utilizes energy available from distributed, renewable generators is described. This paper deals mainly on solar energy. It is shown that energy saving in excess of 15% is feasible using the proposed DC power distribution system when compared to the current approach where inverters are used. The article also proposes the solar tracking system which improves the power collection efficiency of solar panel by atleast 30%. The proposed DC micro-grid architecture is hybrid in nature and is easily scalable to other power levels. It is ideally suited for residential and commercial applications as well as for powering sustainable communities.
Comprehensive Study Of Cost Cutting Strategy & Implimentation In Industry [Full-Text ] [References] Vishal AnandIn my thesis I worked on the cost reduction practice applied in an Industry. The applied tool in the thesis is "Value Engineering". According to value engineering the value of a product can be increased by reducing the cost of the product or by increasing the functionality of the product. I have selected an automotive company which manufactures headlamps for several reputed companies. I applied value engineering tool for the cost reduction in this industry by changing the material of a part (Adopter) of the headlamp. Adopter is used to hold the main bulb in the correct position. It was initially made up of Aluminum which costs Rs 20; I have changed this material with the Sheet Metal which costs Rs. 15. Not only this has the sheet metal adopter fulfilled all the necessary conditions which are expected from an adopter for the sa-tisfactory fulfillment of the job.
Generalized X-Closed Sets and (X, Y)* -Continuous Functions[Full-Text ] [References] Alias B. Khalaf , Sarhad F. NamiqIn this paper we introduce the concept of -open set and by using this set we define generalized -closed set we obtain some of its properties and also we define -continuous function and study some of its basic properties.
VoIP Cell Phones : Security concerns and Countermeasures[Full-Text ] [References] Saurabh R Kulkarni, Chinmay KhasnisThis paper deals with modern cellular phones that operate on Voice over Internet Protocol, their current development, several Information security risks associated with them and various countermeasures that can be undertaken to prevent data theft/misuse. VoIP is vulnerable to well known traditional modes of attack such as Denial of Service (DoS),Man in the middle (MiTM) etc but also introduces new ones like Toll frauds and 'Vishing'. Having said that, once we understand the associated risks, with proper planning and checks in place, we can utilize the VoIP network without compromising its security or Quality of Service( QoS).
Advertisements: Marketing & Branding-the OTHER WAY[Full-Text ] [References] Ajay PandeyIt has been observed that government of various countries/states place advertisements/claim to generate jobs for public either to improve their image/brand to lure public for votes or to make brand of their own government. It is common practice in country like India and is spreading to other countries like U.S also. PSEUDO JOB POSTINGS- PSEUDO jobs are jobs which do not exist in reality but are placed on job portals/Television/radio/print media to get attention of public, so that name of company can be placed/instilled in public mind/brain, which is a form of branding and advertisement for the company. However it has to be noted that no candidate is called for interview /test on the basis of pseudo jobs, so that public interest is not harmed in any way and sanctity of company is maintained.
Application of Strong Graphs in Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] [References] Nishad T MNishad T M introduced Strong Graphs in his paper "Strong graphs ,its properties and Some families of Strong Graphs" on 2012.In this paper the application of Strong Graphs in wireless networks is discovered.
Understanding The Importance Of Time Management To Assistant Registrar's In The Registrars Department Of The University Of Education [Full-Text ] [References] ABBAN, KENNETHWhy does it seem that there is never enough time in the day to get work done? As busy Assistant Registrars in the University, we are always battling with the clock. There is the need for Senior Members to overcome time constraints in our daily activities.
Quantitative Metrics for validating the effectiveness of the Model based approach for indigenously developed SWS/AIC system[Full-Text ] [References] Manju Nanda, Chinmayi S JamadagniThe aim of this paper is to validate the effectiveness of model-based approach for the indigenously developed stall warning and aircraft interface computer system (SWS/AIC) by generating the software engineering process metrics and the development of the empirical relationship between the conventional and the modelbased approach. The quantitative metrics for software analyzability, changeability, testability, stability, traceability, safety compliance, reliability, design time, debug time, upgrade time, reusability, readability, maintainability, modularity, reachability and availability is derived and generated for the two approaches to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model-based approach. The empirical relationship developed helps in analyzing the reduction in effort for development of safety critical software using model-based approach. The metrics generated and the empirical relationship derived between the two approaches proves the effectiveness of the model-based approach over the conventional approach. The results of this work are encouraging for incorporation of the model-based approach for the design, development and verification and validation of safety critical systems.
Surface Roughness Optimization Techniques of CNC Milling: A Review[Full-Text ] [References] Mandeep Chahal, Vikram Singh, Rohit Garg, Sudhir KumarSurface Roughness is mostly used as an index to determine the surface finish for continuous improvement of quality. A large number of publications by various authors reflect the interest in this technique. Reviews of literature on surface roughness optimization have been done in the past by a few authors. However, considering the contributions in the recent times, a more comprehensive review is attempted here. In this paper, the authors have reviewed the literature in a way that would help researchers, academicians and practitioners to take a closer look at the growth, development and applicability of this technique. The authors have examined various papers and have proposed a different scheme of classification. In addition, certain gaps that would provide hints for further research in this field have been identified.
Mechanisms to Prevent lose Data[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Majid Bakhtiari, Arafat Mohammed Rashad Al-dhaqm Today the organizations have suffered from the loss data, which consider one of the threats that threaten the digital world. The human errors formed one of the reasons which cause the loss data. Therefore, the researchers have address this kind of problems and still try to get the best mechanisms to detect, prevent or mitigate it, such as physical, technical and social mechanisms. However, the loss data still growth day by day. In this paper, we will discuss the background of the loss data and the strengths and limitations of the exit mechanism as well as our suggestions to detect, prevent or mitigate loss data. We suggested two suggestions to solve this problem, the first one is merging the physical and technical techniques such as connect the portable devices with special trace systems that connected with GPS, to detect it in case of theft. Second suggestion, disappear the sensitive data (sensitive attributes) of the end users and appointments one responsible only for that data.
Experimental Determination of Thermal diffusivity of Teak Wood as a Function of Water Content[Full-Text ] [References] Malahimi ANJORIN, Aristide C. HOUNGAN, Christophe AWANTO, Alain ADOMOU, Antoine VIANOUThe wood of teak is much used as building materials in Benin. The quest of comfort conditions in housing needs a better knowledge of thermal performance of the materials forming the walls of building structures. The goal of this study is to estimate the thermal diffusivity of teak as a function of water content using the regular state method. The analysis of the results shows that teak can be used as a good thermal insulating material which allows realizing thermal comfortable apartments in fair conditions.
Nuclear Structure Of Even-even 104-110Mo ISOTOPES[Full-Text ] [References] Jundi Khalat YousifFrom the E-Gamma Over Spin (E-GOS) curve and the energy level ratios, we have deduced that the 104-110Mo isotopes lies between the vibrational U(5) and axial deformed rotor SU(3) limits and most of them display the X(5) symmetry features. We have compared the results obtained by interacting boson model IBM-2 for the above isotopes with those of the X(5) limit and then given a clear description about the validity of the Hamiltonian parameters used in this study.
Earthquake versus Electric Field - A Resistant Design with Piezo Ceramic Materials [Full-Text ] [References] Ankur TayalThis paper relates to vibration control using piezo electric materials. The vibration controlefficiencyrelies on the optimization of thevibration energytransfer between a structure and Lead-Zirconate-Titanate (PZT) piezoelectric ceramic material. In this paper, an analytical study of electric field producedby applied stresses of earthquake vibrations to control and damp them is presented.The influence of electric field formed around ceramic material forms a shield to further counter effect the upcoming vibrations is discussed.
Classification And Clustering Of Brain Seizure Activity Using Wavelet Transform And Radial Basis Neural Network[Full-Text ] [References] Shweta KumariElectroencephalogram (EEG) is the record of the brain electrical activity and it contains valuable information related to the dif-ferent physiological and pathological states of the brain. Epilepsy is known to be the most prevalent neurological disorder in humans and seizure discharge is the main characteristics of the epilepsy. EEG is an important clinical tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of seizures. Epileptic seizure occurs irregularly and unpredictably manner due to temporary electrical disturbance of the brain. The aim of this project is Epileptic seizure detection in multichannel EEG. This paper presents a novel method for automatic epileptic seizure detection, useing recurrent rates derived from discrete wavelet transform in combination with a radial basis function neural network for classification and clustering of the pattern feature of EEG signals. The output of the neural network aids in finding existence or absence of seizures in the EEG data. We have used discrete wavelet transform (DWT) of Daubechie's wavelet order 4 to decompose the EEG signal at different levels in extracting approximation and detail coefficients. We have evaluated a unique dynamical parameter (recurrence rate) from the wavelet co-coefficients of EEG of different subjects (normal and epileptic). The recurrence rate has been used in a radial basis function neural network for seizure detection. The performance of the network has been evaluated in terms of the accuracy, specificity and sensitivity detecting in unknown EEG time series.