IJSER Volume 3, Issue 12, December 2012 Edition
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Adsorption of Dye Benzoazurin-G (organic contaminants) by Poly Vinyl Activated Charcoal derived from Eichhcornia (water weeds)[Full-Text ] [References] Madan Lal, Kailash Daga, , Suresh Chandra, Bhanupriya Mordhiya, Sonia Aggrawal, Vinod VaishnavThe industries produce highly colored large volume of waste water, which is one of the major environmental problems. Such dye effluent is toxic and difficult to remove by conventional waste water treatment methods. Adsorption has evolved into one of the most effective physical processes for removal of dyes. The most commonly used adsorbent for dye removal is activated carbon, because of its capability for efficiently adsorbing a broad range of different types of adsorbate. The aim of present work is to study the effectiveness of the adsorbent to removal of synthetic dye from textile waste water using low cost adsorbents prepared from Eichhcornia. The adsorption of Dye Benzoazurin-G in aqueous solution on various low cost adsorbents was analyzed. The adsorption of dyes by activated charcoal obtained from plant material (Eichhcornia) was studied and was found to be very effective at pH 8. The effect of various parameters such as contact time, adsorbent dosage, initial dye concentration and pH has been studied. Adsorption of dye Benzoazurin-G is highly pH dependent and the results indicate that the maximum removal (93.6%) took place at dose 8gm/l in the pH range of 8 and initial concentration of 40 ppm. Kinetic experiments reveal that the dilute dye solution reached equilibrium within 105 min. The adsorbent capacity was also studied the dye adsorption followed both the Langmuir and Freundlich equation isotherms. Comprehensive characterization of parameters indicates that PVAC-Eic. to be an excellent material for adsorption of dye Benzoazurin-G to treat wastewater containing low concentration of the dye.
Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithms for Gene Expression Data[Full-Text ] [References] T.Chandrasekhar, K.Thangavel, E. ElayarajaMicroarray technology is a process that allows thousands of genes simultaneously monitor to various experimental conditions. It is used to identify the co-expressed genes in specific cells or tissues that are actively used to make proteins, This method is used to analysis the gene expression, an important task in bioinformatics research. Cluster analysis of gene expression data has proved to be a useful tool for identifying co-expressed genes, biologically relevant groupings of genes and samples. In this paper we analysed K-Means with Automatic Generations of Merge Factor for ISODATA- AGMFI, to group the microarray data sets on the basic of ISODATA. AGMFI is to generate initial values for merge and Spilt factor, maximum merge times instead of selecting efficient values as in ISODATA. The initial seeds for each cluster were normally chosen either sequentially or randomly. The quality of the final clusters was found to be influenced by these initial seeds. For the real life problems, the suitable number of clusters cannot be predicted. To overcome the above drawback the current research focused on developing the clustering algorithms without giving the initial number of clusters.
Advanced Wifi connectivity and Display technologies with Computers.... [Full-Text ] [References] A.M SamuelWi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly (using radio waves) over a computer network, including high-speed Internet connections. The Wi-Fi Alliance defines Wi-Fi as any "wireless local area network (WLAN) products that are based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) 802.11 standards".[1] However, since most modern WLANs are based on these standards, the term "Wi-Fi" is used in general English as a synonym for "WLAN". A device that can use Wi-Fi (such as a personal computer, video game console, smartphone, tablet, or digital audio player) can connect to a network resource such as the Internet via a wireless network access point. Such an access point (or hotspot) has a range of about 20 meters (65 feet) indoors and a greater range outdoors. Hotspot coverage can comprise an area as small as a single room with walls that block radio waves or as large as many square miles - this is achieved by using multiple overlapping access points.
Performance Evaluation Of Different Scenario For Reactive TORA And Proactive OLSR Routing Protocols In MANETs[Full-Text ] [References] Waseeq-Ul-Islam Zafar, Tasleem Mustafa, Ahsan Raza Sattar, Fakeeha FatimaThe mobile ad hoc networks had become a main module of the future network development due to their ease of deployment, self-reconfigurability, flexibility and independence on any existing network infrastructure. A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) a mobile wireless network that doesn't require a pre-existing infrastructure, so it sometimes also call infrastructure less networking. A comprehensive number of MANET routing protocols will be examined and categorized, similarities are deduced and presented. This work focuses on evaluating the performance of protocols an OLSR(Optimized Link State Routing Protocol) table driven protocols, TORA (Temporally-Ordered Routing Algorithm) discovering end-to-end delay, packet delivery ratio, Media Access Delay and Throughput using OPNET simulator. An analysis was done to observed the performance of TORA and OLSR routing protocols using OPNET simulator.
Cell Phone Tracking Camera Controller [Full-Text ] [References] Prof. Parmeshwar Birajdar, Rohit Singh Banga, Aniruddha Bajaj, Naisargi NandedkarA mobile phone or mobile is an electronic device used for mobile telecommunications, but nowadays there is a need for a new definition. Even though the use of cell phones is vital these days, there are still many places where it is restricted. And so we present the "Cell Phone Tracking Camera Controller" which aids in detection of the use of mobile phones in restricted areas. This smart camera controller can detect the presence of a mobile which is receiving or transmitting data. As soon as a phone which is in use is detected, the camera controller changes the camera scope and directly records the movement of the mobile phone user. This mobile transmission detector or 'sniffer' can sense the presence of an activated mobile cell phone in the range of five to seven meters and thus be used to prevent use of mobile phones in examination halls, confidential rooms, etc. It is also useful for detecting the use of mobile phone for spying. The "Mobile Tracking Camera Controller" is an extremely economical solution which can be expanded by a small additional cost to employ more cameras and mobile transmission detectors.
Expectation Measurement and Satisfaction Management of Rural Consumer: With Special Reference to Bicycle Products[Full-Text ] [References] The huge thrust by marketer into rural markets triggered by saturating urban markets and knowing the latent needs of this huge rural potential market. The marketers efforts and their own increased interaction riding on the growing reach of media, of course apart from increased purchasing power marketers are seeking fresh challenges and coming in a big way to attract this large and relatively untapped market with newer variety of products specially designed for those markets, price cuts lucrative schemes, appealing advertisement and logistical support by the way of e-chaupals and rural malls have affected rural consumers in ways difficult to measure. The study covers the expectation measurement and satisfaction management of bicycle users in the rural part of the country. The data is collected from the users of the bicycles residing in the rural area of Jaunpur, a District of eastern Uttar Pradesh. In the study we have tried to measure the expectation and satisfaction of the consumers of bicycles.
The Removal Of Cadmium (II) IONS From Aqueous Solution By The Use Of "AFUZE" Bentonite: Equilibrium, Kinetic And Thermodynamic Studies[Full-Text ] [References] Dawodu F. A, Akpomie G. K, and Ogbu I. CAfuze bentonite obtained from Owan east local government area, Edo State, Nigeria was investigated as a low cost adsorbent for the removal of Cadmium (II) ions from aqueous solution. This was determined by the use of batch adsorption methodology to deduce the dependence of solution pH, initial cadmium ion concentration, temperature and contact time on adsorption process. An optimum adsorption pH of 6.0 was obtained. Also, equilibrium removal was achieved within 60 minutes of the process. An increase in adsorption capacity with increase in initial cadmium ion concentration was recorded. Among the two adsorption isotherms tested, the Freundlich isotherm gave a better fit as indicated by the R2 value (0.9788), than that of the Langmuir isotherm, (0.9356). The value of the regression R2 obtained from the Pseudo second order model (0.9901) was better than that of the Lagergren first order model, (0.9098) applied in kinetic analysis. Thermodynamic studies indicated a spontaneous adsorption process as negative values of ?G0 were obtained at all temperatures. The negative value of ?H0, (-14.09KJ/mol) indicated an exothermic and a physisorption process. Also the negative value of ?S0, (-28.28J/mol/K) showed that the adsorption process is enthalpy driven. The result of this study suggested the usefulness of Afuze bentonite clay for the removal of cadmium (II) ions from solution.
Equilibrium Isotherm Studies on The Batch Sorption Of Copper (II) Ions From Aqueous Solution Unto "NSU CLAY".[Full-Text ] [References] Dawodu F. A, Akpomie G. K, and Abuh M. A.Copper (II) ions adsorption from aqueous solution unto Nsu clay was studied. The aim of the experiment was to utilize the clay as a cheap alternative adsorbent compared to more expensive and relatively less effective techniques for the removal of copper (II) ions from solution. The experiment was performed using batch adsorption technique. Optimum adsorption was achieved at a pH of 5.0 and equilibrium was established within 60 minutes of the process. The equilibrium adsorption data was analyzed by the Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin-Radushkevich, Redlich-Peterson and Scatchard isotherm models. The values of the regression coefficient (R2) of the isotherms gave the best fit (0.9842) with the Redlich-Peterson isotherm. However, all the isotherms applied were appropriate in their own merit in the description of adsorption data. The Langmuir constant values RL and Freundlich constant n showed a favourable adsorption between Nsu clay and copper (II) ions in solution. The energy of adsorption, E (15.8 KJ/mol) obtained from the Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherm suggested a chemical ion exchange mechanism. The deviation of the Scatchard plot from linearity, R2 (0.6634) indicated the presence of more than one type of binding sites on the clay surface. The results obtained depicts the usefulness of Nsu clay as a low-cost adsorbent for copper (II) ions.
Future and Challenges of 4G Wireless Technology[Full-Text ] [References] Nitika RawatThe next stage of progression in wireless communications, after 2G and 3G,i.e the Fourth Generation wireless network consists of the new technologies with all IP based, high data rate services providing internet access anytime , anywhere, with higher bandwidth, better visual technologies and wider hold for multimedia applications. The 4G network technologies ensure high speed accessibility through any wireless device by integrating non IP based and IP based devices. This paper presents the 4G network technologies and services as a whole that the industry is confronting and eventually, unfurling some of the projected suggestions. The paper enunciates the thriving prospects of 4G ahead with technologies such as LTE, LTE Advanced, MIMO, WiMAX, WiMAX2.0 etc. This paper describes how 4G is easy to deploy and thus, cost effective as well. The idea of multimode software for maintaining different networks simultaneously is explained, along with the mechanisms of system initiated discoveries. Also, the challenge of managing user accounts is discussed. The paper describes the concept of security that should be given heed. This paper explores what 4G network technology actually is , along with some of the propositions in order to fully figure out the advantages and challenges of effectively implementing 4G.
An efficient memory utilization architecture for low density parity check code decoder[Full-Text ] [References] M. Sailaja, B S DosAs the low density parity check codes has proved their accuracy in error correcting .considering the ldpc as reference the architecture of ldpc is studied .ldpc coding contains check nodes and variable nodes which has their memory elements respectively .so an efficient use of memory can decrease the computation time. Further the arrays of memory requirement has been decreased by making the memory global to all the nodes . ldpc is considered as a finite state machine in which each node is a state .An efficient memory utilization method has been proposed to decrease the memory utilization in the fpga.
Magnetic effect builder and an estimator of the object to make it float, pull, slow or make it fast... [Full-Text ] [References] A.M. SamuelMagnetism is a property of materials that respond to an applied magnetic field. Permanent magnets have persistent magnetic fields caused by ferromagnetism. That is the strongest and most familiar type of magnetism. However, all materials are influenced varyingly by the presence of a magnetic field. Some are attracted to a magnetic field (paramagnetism); others are repulsed by a magnetic field (diamagnetism); others have a much more complex relationship with an applied magnetic field (spin glass behavior and antiferromagnetism). Substances that are negligibly affected by magnetic fields are known as non-magnetic substances. They include copper, aluminium, gases, and plastic. Pure oxygen exhibits magnetic properties when cooled to a liquid state.
Outcome of Screening Test Performed on Volunteer Blood Donors in Chittagong City[Full-Text ] [References] Jashim MU, Sanjoy KD, Suhrawardy SM, Moynal H, Pranab CIntroduction: In Bangladesh every year about 270,000 units of blood need for transfusion. To meet such a big amount blood transfusion needs huge numbers of donors. According to WHO estimate, in Bangladesh every year found up to 16 million new infection with HBV, 5 million new infection with HCV and 160,000 new cases of HIV infection of effective screening of blood donors. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of infectious diseases among the Chittagong city, Bangladesh. Methods: This was a cross sectional study among 1500 volunteer blood donors in the Chittagong city from January, 2011 to September, 2011. Each donor was screened for Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C virus, HIV, Malaria & Syphilis with Latex agglutination, immunochromatographic (ICT) test strip supplied by reagent manufacturer. Results: A total of 1500 volunteer blood donors with different age group and occupations volunteer participated in the study. 1320 were male and 180 were female with on professional blood donor. There are found total 33 positive cases in screening test of which HBsAg positive 21 cases (1.40%), anti-HIV positive 02 cases (0.13%), anti-HCV positive 02 cases (0.13%), RPR positive 07 cases (0.46%), Malaria positive 01 case (0.06%). Conclusion: This study proof that many apparently healthy blood donors are not safe donor, so screening test before blood or component of blood transfusion should be mandatory even for volunteer blood donor.
Design of solar still using Phase changing material as a storage medium[Full-Text ] [References] Kantesh.D.CThe only nearly inexhaustible sources of water are the oceans, which is of high salinity. However, the separation of salts from seawater requires large amounts of energy which, when produced from fossil fuels, can cause harm to the environment. Therefore, there is a need to employ environmentally friendly energy sources in order to desalinate seawater. In this project we designed a solar still (single basin double slope), which can be used for water desalination (removing salt content from water using solar energy). Probably, they are considered the best solution for water production in remote, arid to semi-arid, small communities, where fresh water is unavailable, however, the amount of distilled water produced per unit area is somewhat low in designed solar still which makes the solar still unacceptable in some instances. The purpose of this project is to study the effect of using phase change materials in a solar still, and thus enhance the productivity of water. In present work phase change material(Bitumen) is used to store the solar thermal energy in the form of latent heat, which can offer high storage capacity per unit volume and per unit mass and we can get heat in the night time for desalination. The efficiency of the solar still without PCM is about 25.19% and in presence of PCM (Bitumen) is 27.00%.
A study of Canada's Energy Situation and Probable Future in the Energy Sector[Full-Text ] [References] Saniat Rahman Zishan, Shuva Paul,Md. Adibullah,Sohel Mahmud,Md. Rashed YousufeEnergy efficiency is one of the most important issues for the next generation scientists. Energy efficiency is one of the most important factors for power generation and distribution. As loss is one of the major thing of our concern so the scientists all over the world is working day and night to make the power or energy system more efficient. This work represents a brief discussion on the energy efficiency of Canada; its policy for energy use and production and their future roadmap. This paper work relies on an objective and credible analysis underpinning for scientific decision and program implementations.
Design of a Hybrid Model of BPL electricity Module and Solar Photovoltaic Cell[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Md. Kamrul Alam Khan, Shuva Paul, Saniat Rahman Zishan ,Md. Adibullah, Sohel MahmudEnergy is the most demanding and most valuable thing from the very beginning of the human civilization. The consumption of energy is increasing day by day because of the rapid growth of the human population. And to keep cope with the increasing population meeting the demand of energy has become a challenge for the scientists of the century. Moreover the energy source or fuel source are limited in stock or reserve. So in future we must have to think of alternative energy sources. Here comes the revolution of renewable energy. In this paper a new pattern of renewable energy in the form of biomass energy is introduced and a new approach of Hybrid energy system is introduced for the betterment of the energy received by the renewable energy sources. This paper will discuss about the proposed "Hybrid BPL and Solar Electricity Module". The energy generation process and their feature are also discussed here.
An Evaluation study of WiMAX and WiFi on Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs)[Full-Text ] [References] Muhammad Rizwan Arshad, Shahid Mehmood, Salman Afsar, Muhammad Azam Zia, Umar FarooqIn this research, WiMAX and WiFi on Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) is examined which are used to evaluate the best service provider technology for VANET. In VANET the nodes are moving very fast and change their network infrastructure rapidly, which have very short time to communicate with each other. Both WiMAX and WiFi is be used as per their features in the long distances areas and then their practice in real model. The focus of our research is to reduce the delay time of message passing, authentication and to find the best suitable and qualitative service from WiMAX and WiFi. This is necessary to ensure safe journey with the collaborative efforts of vehicles as well as the road-side base stations. Through this research, the comparison in the performance evaluation of both WiMAX and WiFi in VANET is conducted.
A Study Teaching Aptitude And Liability Feeling of Middle Class Teachers of Khargone (M.P.) To Sex, Local & Caste[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Shri Krishna Mishra, Mr. Badri YadavTeacher is the main pillar in the process of education. If he is efficient, sincere. Hard worker and confident, then we can be assured of the nation's future. In case he is halfhearted in doing his job, he cannot express himself and the nation can not rely upon him. All the duties and liabilities of the teachers are limited theoretically in books. It would be the endeavor of the work to find whether the teacher feel that they are truly sincere towards their' duty. In the present study attempt has been made to observe and compare the teaching aptitude and liability feeling among the middle class teachers and to find at the extents and limits up to which they discharge their professional obligations earnestly.
Design of Vibration Simulator with Output Vibration in Translational Direction [Full-Text ] [References] Lovely Lady, Sam Herodian, Bambang Pramudya, I Dewa Made SubrataMachinery has helped human work but also generate mechanical vibration. Mechanical vibration decrease human reaction time performance, increase mental workload, higher back muscle activity, higher discomfort, and disturb human balanced. Researches about effect of mechanical vibration to human in laboratory have been done using vibration simulator, commonly using electro hydraulic shaker. This research will design a simulator using mechanical concept. Purpose of this research is designing and building vibration simulator to produce translational vibration at some direction combination and some level acceleration with dominant frequency under 50 hertz and acceleration up to 7 m/sc2. Simulator was separated of two parts, motion driver and shaking platform. Motion driver is using electric motor as power supply. Simulator has six vibration acceleration, three levels in vertical direction and three levels on horizontal direction. This simulator can be used in ergonomic researches about vibration effect to human.
LTE: Long Term Evolution[Full-Text ] [References] Ramona PintoAlthough 3G technologies deliver significantly higher bit rates than 2G technologies, "LTE" (3GPP Long Term Evolution), the next-generation network beyond 3G(B3G) will be enabling fixed to mobile migrations of Internet applications or mobile broadband ( Voice over IP (VoIP), video streaming, music downloading, mobile TV and many others applicable) everywhere. OFDM meets the LTE requirement for spectrum flexibility and enables cost-efficient solutions for very wide carriers with high peak rates as it uses large number of narrow sub carriers for multi carriers transmission. OFDM uses a large number of narrow sub-carriers for multi-carrier transmission.LTE networks will also provide the capacity to support an explosion in demand for connectivity from a new generation of consumer devices tailored to those new mobile applications, along with Intelligence at the services edge. LTE capabilities in some cases exceed the targets for peak data rates, cell edge user throughput and spectrum efficiency, as well as VoIP and Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) performance.
The Physico-Chemical Analyses of the Distillate Yields of Solar Stills[Full-Text ] [References] Sabi'u Bala Muhammad and Kaisan Muhammad UsmanIn this research, water samples were collected from Kwalkwalawa Dam, Sokoto State, North Western Nigeria. The Dam is the main source of water for drinking, agricultural and other domestic activities by the entire residents of the Kwalkwalawa village. 50 liters of the raw water was distilled between 8.00am and 18.00pm using the double slope solar still water distiller. The physico chemical analyses of both the undistilled water sample and those of the distillates were analyzed. Properties like hardness, pH values, lead contents, manganese contents iron contents, copper contents, zinc contents, cadmium contents, chromium contents, magnesium contents, chloride contents, nitrate contents, sulfate contents and phosphate contents of the samples were determined. Using pH meter (Lab Tech), the pH values of the respective water samples were measured, and the total hardness was measured with the aid of titration technique. The chemical contents were investigated using photometer. The results were tabulated and picturesque and compared with World Health Organization values and other relevant standards. It was observed that, the water samples from Kwalkwalawa Dam were contaminated; the distillate samples were healthy, safe and conform to all relevant standards, whence, the use of solar still distillation technique is recommended for the entire residents of Kwalkwalawa village considering the abundant solar radiation in the area all year round.
On the Dual Real Value Nature of Complex Numbers[Full-Text ] [References] P. Harsha Since its inception, complex numbers remain without a proper mathematical value i.e. they cannot be designated a position on the number line. The paper gives a hypothesis that can give complex numbers a real (mathematical) value. The research work investigates how a complex number behaves in terms of real numbers thereby finding a way to give complex numbers a real value. Though the hypothesis may seem unacceptable its mathematical and physical significances, discussed in the paper, are vindicative of such an answer. The very fact that a complex number can be given a real value can prove to be useful especially in the field of complex analysis.
Studding and Analyzing Wireless Networks Access points [Full-Text ] [References] Arafat Al-dhaqm, Majid Bakhtiari, Essa Alobaidi, Abdulalem SalehThe purpose of this mini project is to enable the reader to understanding affairs and status of the wireless network in the Perdagangan area (PA) and in the Bangunan Sultan Bazar JB area (BSBJA) in Malaysia. We used wardriving to collect and analyze data to know the encryption technology, authentication scheme, configuration, transmissions speed, network topology and manufacturers which used in these wireless networks. In addition, advantage and disadvantage of the technologies and mechanisms which used to configure the access points of the Wireless.
Analytical Review of Fault-proneness for Object Oriented Systems[Full-Text ] [References] Akhilendra Singh Chauhan, Sanjay Kumar DubeyThere are a number of paradigms that are used to design the software system but now a days object oriented paradigm are very much used. We all always want high quality software that is possible only when we are able to measure the various aspects of the system like coupling, cohesion, size, inheritance etc. To measure these aspects of the software system there are a number of metrics through which we can quantify these aspects. These metrics can also be used to predict the fault proneness of the system. Early prediction of the fault proneness leads us to test only those classes which are found to be fault prone. Thus these metrics will help us to design high quality software. The aim of this paper is to review the previous research papers which are related to object oriented metrics and fault proneness. There are a large number of metrics used in the object oriented system to predict the fault proneness and each study uses a different combination of metrics on different data sets to predict the fault proneness. In each study different approaches are used to predict fault proneness like logistic regression, machine learning, Bayesian method etc. As this paper is all about review of previous papers published in various journals and conferences, so this paper laid down the year of publishing, Authors, metric used, methods used, data set used and availability of data sets.
Sustainable development in watershed area through soil and water conservation activities- A case study[Full-Text ] [References] Sanju S. Vinchurkar, Dr. Nitin W. Ingole The watershed is located at Amravati to Mardi road at Indla Ghatkhed, Tq. Dist. Amravati. Indla Ghatkhed is located between 77°55'32" East to 77°53'30" East longitude and 20° 55' 56" North to 20° 57' 0" North Latitude. Indla Ghatkhed watershed consist of three villages namely Indla Ghatkhed and Masod with area 925.83ha, 277.92ha, 73.02ha respectively. Agriculture department initiated extension activities from 1995 in small village Indla Ghatkhed under Vidarbh Panlot Vikas Mission program. In this study attempts are made to study the present status of watershed and its development, present state of art and by carrying out survey further watershed activities/ treatments are suggested.
Knowledge Discovery on Users' Requirements for Building B2C Websites Using Data Mining Techniques[Full-Text ] [References] Houzifa M. Salahdeen Hintaya, Faudziah AhmadThe purpose of the study was to identify users' requirements for developing a B2C website using data mining techniques. A 30-item questionnaire for evaluating users' satisfaction of a web site was developed. Descriptive analysis and data mining techniques were used for analysis. The criteria investigated were clarity, objectivity, content, currency, responsibility, navigation, author, accuracy, design and stability, coverage, accessibility, purpose, and reliability. A data mining approach consisted of four stages was proposed.
The body heat energy identification and tracking as a signal[Full-Text ] [References] A.M. SamuelHeat is energy transferred from one system to another by thermal interaction. In contrast to work, heat is always accompanied by a transfer of entropy. Heat flow is characteristic of macroscopic objects and systems, but its origin and properties can be understood in terms of their microscopic constituents. Heat flow from a high to a low temperature body occurs spontaneously. This flow of energy can be harnessed and partially converted into useful work by means of a heat engine. The second law of thermodynamics prohibits heat flow from a low to a high temperature body, but with the aid of a heat pump external work can be used to transport energy from low to the high temperature. In ordinary language, heat has a diversity of meanings, including temperature. In physics, "heat" is by definition a transfer of energy and is always associated with a process of some kind. "Heat" is used interchangeably with "heat flow" and "heat transfer". Heat transfer can occur in a variety of ways: by conduction, radiation, convection, net mass transfer, friction or viscosity, and by chemical dissipation. The SI unit of heat is the joule. Heat can be measured by calorimetry, or determined indirectly by calculations based on other quantities, relying for instance on the first law of thermodynamics. In physics, especially in calorimetry, and in meteorology, the concepts of latent heat and of sensible heat are used. Latent heat is associated with phase changes, while sensible heat is associated with temperature change.
Modeling of Quadruplex BLDC Motor Actuator Based Position Servo System[Full-Text ] [References] Minnu Jayan CThe paper describes Quadruplex Brushless DC motor based actuator in a position servo system. In the aerospace applications Electro Mechanical Actuators (EMA) are mainly used in the flight control system of aircrafts, missiles or launch vehicles as it is relatively compact and can offer high power to weight ratios and motion velocities. Quadruplex BLDC motors provide very high redundancy for the actuator. The work aims to develop the model of a new genre of Quadruplex BLDC motors presently used in launch vehicle application. An inverter is designed to provide phase voltages in order to drive the motor. Current controller senses the rotor position and generates gating pulses to switch the inverter. Load dynamics is designed to function as an EMA. Finally position controller is tuned to track the position of a launch vehicle. Thus closed loop position control system is explained. In order to model the BLDC motors, parameter values are selected based on the specification. The modeling of BLDC motor is done in state-space. It offers flexibility and easiness in implementation. An FDI system is included in the system to improve the efficiency. So that if any fault occurs, it will be detected, isolated and a redundant system will work. The simulation results are presented by using MATLAB/SIMULINK as the simulation tool.
A Text Steganography Method Using Pangram and Image Mediums [Full-Text ] [References] Youssef BassilSteganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one apart from the sender and the receiver would realize that a secret communicating is taking place. Unlike cryptography which only scrambles secret data keeping them overt, steganography covers secret data into medium files such as image files and transmits them in total secrecy avoiding drawing eavesdroppers' suspicions. However, considering that the public channel is monitored by eavesdroppers, it is vulnerable to stego-attacks which refer to randomly trying to break the medium file and recover the secret data out of it. That is often true because steganalysts assume that the secret data are encoded into a single medium file and not into multiple ones that complement each other. This paper proposes a text steganography method for hiding secret textual data using two mediums; a Pangram sentence containing all the characters of the alphabet, and an uncompressed image file. The algorithm tries to search for every character of the secret message into the Pangram text. The search starts from a random index called seed and ends up on the index of the first occurrence of the character being searched for. As a result, two indexes are obtained, the seed and the offset indexes. Together they are embedded into the three LSBs of the color channels of the image medium. Ultimately, both mediums mainly the Pangram and the image are sent to the receiver. The advantage of the proposed method is that it makes the covert data hard to be recovered by unauthorized parties as it uses two mediums, instead of one, to deliver the secret data. Experiments conducted, illustrated an example that explained how to encode and decode a secret text message using the Pangram and the image mediums. As future work, other formats of files for the second medium are to be supported enabling the proposed method to be generically employed for a wide range of applications.
An Empirical Analysis of Page Ranking Algorithms [Full-Text ] [References] Dr Paras Nath Gupta, Pawan Singh, Punit Kr Singh, Sandeep Chaudhary, Pankaj P Singh, Deepak SinhaThe information containment in the World Wide Web has increased incredibly. With the high growth rate of increase of information, retrieving the relevant data has become cumbersome. To get rid of the complexity of information access the search engines are use which apply different strategy to collect filter and drag the required information. This paper describes the different page ranking algorithms and their empirical analysis by simulating them.These algorithims are PageRank, Weighted PageRank, and PRLV.The algorithms are compared on the basis of relevance values and number of relevant pages in resultant page set for different queries.
UHVDC Power Transmission Line's Environmental Impacts (Iraq DESERTEC Project, as a Case Study)[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Salah F. A. Sharif, Dr. Ahmed KasikciIn this paper, the impacts of a very high voltage overhead DC transmission power lines, were estimated and investigated. An Ultra High Voltage Direct Current Lines (UHVDCL) was proposed to transmit about 6000 Megawatts power for 2800 Km distance from Iraq to Romania, as a gate to European Countries, through Turkey under DESERTEC Concepts. Recent technological developments and practices have shown that, +/- 800 Kilovolt Bipolar UHVDC line can undertake this task quite well. Since the voltage is very high in comparison to the average transmission voltages it is necessary to investigate the values of Electrostatic and Electromagnetic field densities under or in the vicinity of subject transmission line. Such very high voltage conductors are kept high enough from the ground so that their adverse effects to environment should be as low as possible. Similar lines have been installed in China for 2070 kilometers distance and transmitted 6400 Megawatts recently. In this case study, +/- 800 KV line conductors have been kept 18 meters (Minimum) from the ground. This applied distance has been adopted in the proposed line. Calculations made by using the generally employed formulas have shown in this study that the effect of Electrostatic and Electromagnetic field intensities are below the limits recommended by ICNIRP (International Commission of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection).
Present challenges to Prison System: A sociological analysis of vocational training to inmates[Full-Text ] [References] Mrs.Nawaz KhanThe words 'Prison' and 'Goal' derive from the Latin words meaning respectively, 'to seize' and 'a cage' (Datir, 1978:1). Whatever may be the official designation as jail, work house, reformatory, penitentiary, state prison, house of correction, or whatsoever else, it is a place where the punishment of imprisonment if executed ( Mueller,1970:50). In preliterate societies imprisonment was rarely used as penalty. Similarly the penalty of imprisonment hardly ever occurred in early Greece (Vinegradaff, 1920-22:190). "The penalty of imprisonment was almost unknown in France in the later Middle ages (Von, 1916:191). "The last Code of Laws in France previous to the revolution was made in 1670 and contained no mention of imprisonment as a penalty. In the first part of the 16th Century in Frankfurt it was ordered that for certain offences," the Criminal shall be imprisoned and forgotten for a time (Sutherland and Cressey, 1960:271).
Data warehouse & Data Mining logical design Implementation[Full-Text ] [References] Mohammad S. Qaseem, Dr. A. Govardhan, S. Nasira Tabassum, Syed.Asadullah HussainiBased on the data warehouse, data mining techniques, using the method of system, The paper analyzed the use of data mining strategy in enterprise financing decisions, Studied the financing decision system design goal, the function and the logic structure model, explored the data warehouse model and data mining model structure and realization method. It is found that heterogeneous data integration is the basis for financing decision system design. Key lies in the multi-dimensional data warehouse model building, data mining algorithm design and expression. These results are importan t significance on promoting the construction of enterprise financing decision system, realizing enterprise financing decision automation and intelligent.
Wavelength Dependence of Cloud Depolarization Ratio Due to Multiple Scattering Using A Two-Field-of-View White Light Lidar System[Full-Text ] [References] Toshihiro Somekawa, Chihiro Yamanaka, Masayuki Fujita, Edgar A. Vallar, and Maria Cecilia GalvezWe presented and analyzed the depolarization ratio at three-wavelengths (450, 550, and 800 nm) using a two-field-of view (FOV) white light lidar system. A simple two-FOV model was used to investigate the effect of multiple scattering on the depolarization ratio. This approach allows us to evaluate the wavelength dependence of the contribution of multiple scattering to the depolarization ratio of clouds.
Riccati difference equations to non linear extended Kalman filter constraints[Full-Text ] [References] Elizabeth.S & Jothilakshmi.RIn this paper Riccati and filter difference equations are obtained as an approximate solution to a reverse-time optimal control problem defining the set-valued state estimator. In order to obtain a solution to the set-valued state estimation problem, the discrete-time system dynamics are modeled backwards in time. Also a new discrete time robust extended Kalman filter for uncertain systems with uncertainties are described in terms of sum quadratic constraints and integral quadratic constraints. The robust filter is an approximate set-valued state estimator which is robust in the sense that it can handle any uncertainties. A new approach through the re-organization of measurements is proposed to improve the efficiency of computation. A sufficient condition for the existence of a robust Kalman filter is derived.
Continuous Interleaved Sampled (CIS) Signal Processing Strategy for Cochlear Implants MATLAB Simulation Program[Full-Text ] [References] Mr.Y.Srinivas, Mr.P.Darwin, Dr.P.SailjaThe application of cochlear implants in the correction of hearing and speech impediments in deaf persons is known more than 25 years. Although there are so many speech processing strategies, it is necessary to study the performance of the high-rate continuous interleaved sampling (CIS) coding strategy. Research processors utilizing CIS. For fast sampling and responses the FIR filters are used. The total frequency range of audible signals will divide into individual frequency components and to make respond the basilar membrane (cochlea - hair cells) in the inner ear.Reserch shows, each place of the basilar membrane in the cochlea responds greatly to the frequency where they are most responsive. In order to implement this process, I have to develop the mat lab program for Cochlear implantation by using CIS speech processing strategy.
The Concept of Zero Continued...[Full-Text ] [References] Samuel A.M0 (zero; /'zi?ro?/ ZEER-oh) is both a number[1] and the numerical digit used to represent that number in numerals. It plays a central role in mathematics as the additive identity of the integers, real numbers, and many other algebraic structures. As a digit, 0 is used as a placeholder in place value systems. In the English language, 0 may be called zero, nought or (US) naught ( /'n??t/), nil, or "o". Informal or slang terms for zero include zilch and zip. Ought or aught ( /'??t/), have also been used
Data Visualized Search Engines[Full-Text ] [References] Samuel A.MThis paper explores the data visualized approach of search engines. Providing detailing to the data informatics search.. And providing Nth Dimensional view and regional focused search
Cool Mind Management[Full-Text ] [References] Dr.Sumita MukherjeeResearch on yoga and meditation started in India in 1918 at the Yoga Institute at Versova near Mumbai, the precursor of the Yoga Institute at Santa Cruz(Khalsa, 2004; Yogendra, 1970). This was soon followed by the clinical work at The Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute in Lonavala under Swami Kuvalyananda in the 1920's (Khalsa, 2004; Gharote, 1991). Subsequently, yoga therapy has Proliferated in India with the establishment of yoga hospitals and clinics. Cool Mind Management comes from the mind of Dr.Sumita, when she was taking class of the Management students at Lexicon Institute of Management Education Pune. She thought that each and every level of managers are responsible for the Complete team / work force / human resource/ man & materials throughout their managerial post, therefore they must have a super cool mind that's why She has started research in cool mind management system. The practice of Cool mind management sets in motion a process that leads to the restoration of a manager's physical, and mental well-being.