IJSER Volume 3, Issue 12, December 2012 Edition
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A Density Functional Theory-based Investigation Of The Functionalization Density Dependence Of The Solubility Of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes [Full-Text ] [References] Michael Mananghaya, Emmanuel Rodulfo, Gil Nonato SantosChemical Functionalization is a technique used to increase the dispersion and solubility of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT). Functionalization of a (10, 0) zigzag nanotube segment containing 80 C atoms was investigated with the aide of spin-unrestricted density functional theory (DFT). The (10, 0) was funtionalized with three organic acid groups: (a) carboxylic acid, (b) aromatic dicarboxylic acid, and (c) aromatic sulfonic acid. The functionalization was found out to be stable and bonding is favorable. Functionalization results in an enhancement in the solubility of the nanotubes in water. Further as the degree of sidewall functionalization increases, the SWCNT sample becomes more soluble. Binding energies, dipole moments and the Gibbs free energies of solvation were calculated.
Adapting Lean Construction Tecniques In Nigerian Construction Industry[Full-Text ] [References] Samaila Adamu, Gregory A Howell, Razali AbdulhamidThe major problem of Nigerian construction industry is that the industry fails to adapt modern techniques to eliminate or minimize waste and improve value of its product. This makes shelter, which is a necessity to become too expensive and unaffordable to many of the citizens that are mostly low income earners. This paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing lean Construction Techniques in Nigerian Construction Industry by comparing Last Planner System with traditional method in construction of 300 housing unit in Damaturu by Yobe State Government of Nigeria. A field study was conducted to analyse the effectiveness of Last Planner System compared with traditional method on the production of these housing units, and to assess the progress so far in tackling the problem of waste and increase value at the end. The data are collected by direct participation in the production management and interview. The effectiveness of Last Planner System is measured base on performance criteria. Best on the Last Planner implementation result so far give significant improvement even though most of the party's involve are not quite familiar with it. With the cooperation of the top management staffs of Ministry of Housing, people have started developing interest on lean construction technique in Yobe State of Nigeria. It was concluded that with effective training and implementation of lean construction technique, from planning and design stage to production stage, waste and non value adding steps will be reduced and eliminated gradually, and will increase the value and cut down exorbitant cost of structures.
Effect of Windows area reduction and Glazing type on energy consumption of Residential Buildings in Islamabad[Full-Text ] [References] K. Ahmad, A. F. Rafique, S. Badshah, M. ImranFour Bedroom detached house was selected for analysis of energy performance of residential buildings in Islamabad. The actual building was studied for the energy consumption by simulating in eQuest, the whole building energy simulation program. This served as Baseline model for the analysis. This building uses electrical energy for space cooling. Energy efficiency measures were applied to the building by optimizing the windows area and changing the glazing type. Results show that employing the selected windows area reduction measure can save up to 7.2 % electrical energy as compared to the baseline model while applying the double window glazing for the baseline window size pay back 5.9% electrical energy saving of the energy used for space cooling in comparison to the baseline model.
Correlations of Serum Total and Free Testosterone with the Anthropometric, Diabetogenic, Atherogenic and Pro inflammatory Blood Parameters in Women with Functional Ovarian Hyperandrogenism [Full-Text ] [References] Suresh S. & VijayakumarFunctional ovarian hyperandrogenism (FOH) is a form of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) characterized by elevated circulating levels of androgens derived from the ovary. Chronic hyperandrogenism in women with FOH causes several secondary metabolic disturbances consequently leading to future diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and possibly CVD. The severity of androgen excess in general and free testosterone levels in particular is correlated with these secondary metabolic disturbances in women with FOH.
Incremental Association Rule Mining Through Vertical Transaction ID [Full-Text ] [References] Kamlesh Malpani, Dr.Parashu.Ram PalAssociation rule mining is a popular data mining technique which gives us valuable relationships among different items in a dataset. In dynamic databases, new transactions are appended as time advances. This may introduce new association rules and some existing association rules would become invalid. Thus, the maintenance of association rules for dynamic databases is an important problem. Several incremental algorithms, is proposed to deal with this problem. In this paper we proposed algorithm VTII (Vertical Transaction Id Intersections). This algorithm reduces a number of times to scan the database (old and new) to generate frequent pattern. As a result, the algorithm has execution time faster than that of previous Algorithms. This paper also conducts experiments to show the performance of the proposed algorithm. The result shows that the proposed algorithm has a good performance.
Performance Analysis Of Vapour Compression Refrigeration Systems Using Hydrofluorocarbon Refrigerants[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. A.C. Tiwari and Shyam kumar BarodeIn this paper, the performances of four ozone-friendly Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants (R125, R134a, R143a and R152a) selected to replace R12 in a vapour compression refrigeration system were investigated experimentally and compared. The performance in term of coefficient of performance (COP), refrigerating capacity (RC), and compressor work (We) were evaluated for the investigated refrigerants at various evaporating and condensing temperatures. The system performance increases as the evaporating temperature increases, but reduces as the condensing temperature increases. The results obtained showed that the investigated refrigerants confirmed that R152a and R134a have approximately the same thermodynamic performances similar to R12 while deviation of R125 and R143a were very large. But the best performance was obtained from the used of R152a in the system. As a result, R152a could be used as a drop-in replacement for R134a in vapour compression refrigeration system. The COP of R152a obtained was higher than those of R12, R125, R134a, R143a. Also, R152a offers the best desirable environmental requirements; zero Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) and very low Global Warming Potential (GWP).
A Network Detection and Selection Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Network[Full-Text ] [References] Ajay, Neetesh PurohitNext-generation wireless networks will provide different wireless radio access technologies(RAT) like WiFi, WiMAX and GSM to mobile user. It provide seamless mobility with high speed connectivity. Like for phone calls user preffered UMTS and WiFi hotspot for web browsing. To enable connectivity during handoff, all the available networks need to known by mobile user. When multiple access networks are present, mobile user may have problem in selecting which network to connect and how to authenticate with that network. This paper will purposed new set of parameters that refers to key performance indicator when deciding on admitting, dropping or handover of mobile users from one network to another.
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Voltage Vector Control by Simulation[Full-Text ] [References] Ambrish Pati Tripathi,Vikram Singh, Ankush PatidarProposed permanent magnet synchronous motor control based on MATLAB (PMSM) voltage vector control system model of simulation. And take the model for simulation experiment in Matlab/Simulink. The simulation result indicated that the controlling system had a better dynamic response and regulator character of pmsm controlled model. And validate its control algorithm for a theoretical basis that design and debugging permanent magnet synchronous motor control system.
A Study on Tidal Power Conversion for use in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] [References] Prof. Dr.Md.Kamrul Alam Khan, Md. Abdus Shatter, Shuva Paul, Saniat Rahman Zishan, Md. Rashed YousufeElectricity from tidal power is a form of pollution free renewable energy which has a lot of potential. This potential has not been realized yet, due to two major problems ?high capital costs and environmental concerns. This paper discusses how the two problems could be resolved utilizing small-scale technologies, innovative financing, and involving local communities to ensure that all key impacts are manageable. Bangladesh has a long coastal area with 2~8 m tidal head/height rise and fall, most of which is protected against flooding by embankment and sluice gates. Therefore, the potential for tidal power in the country is significant because the barrages necessary for creating controlled flow through turbines (to tap tidal power) are also needed for flood control. It is feasible to generate electricity using the Bay of Bengal. Our research study shows that all twelve months of the whole year are feasible for power production but 8 months of the year (from the late March to October) are most suitable for power production
Social Networks and Human Behaviour[Full-Text ] [References] Soumik Banerjee, Shubhashrita BasuSocial networking-the new language of 21st century-is the theme of our ensuing discussion. We take a look into the varied facets of social networking, along with its different types, pros and dimensions. In this paper we have highlighted how social networking has spread its branches in the field of welfare economics. Inter-relationship among the different members of a society, forming a proper network, group or a committee, for the betterment of society at large, is the field of study of this notion. It has been supplemented by a game-theoretic approach to the provision of a public good, which gives the pay-off of an individual in accordance with his contribution, & whether the pay-off depends on the number of individuals in the game. Social networking has also got shelter under the umbrella of behavioral economics. The behaviour of the agents of the 'circular flow' in response to each other's actions has been looked upon based on this view. Here, the result has been duly supported by a sample survey, conducted by us, based on which a regression exercise has been carried out. We have constructed a mathematical model which shows that it is more profitable for the producers to campaign for their products through e-networking, rather than through traditional media. Finally, just as everything, social networking has its flip side as well. We take a deeper look into the cons of social networking, in the process; prescribing certain policies that we think can be adopted to curb the different ill effects of social networking.
Feature Extraction Method for the Discovery of Breast Cancer Lacerations by Using Mixture Model and EM Algorithm[Full-Text ] [References] Sathish kumar.M, Dinesh.E, MohanRaj.TBreast cancer is a type of cancer begins from breast tissue, most generally from the inner lining of milk ducts or the lobules that supply the ducts with milk. Cancers invent from ducts are identified as ductal carcinomas, while those originating from lobules are known as lobular carcinomas. Breast cancer occurs in humans and other mammals. While the vast majority of human cases occur in women, male breast cancer can also occur. Intraductal Carcinoma is a noninvasive condition in which abnormal cells are found in the lining of a breast duct. The irregular cells have not spread outside the duct to other tissues in the breast. In some cases, Intraductal Carcinoma may become persistent cancer and spread to other tissues, although it is not known at this time how to predict which lesions will become invasive. Intraductal cancer is the most common type of breast cancer in women. Memory Intraductal includes 3-types of cancer: Usual Ductal Hyperplasia (UDH), Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia (ADH), and Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS). So the system of detecting the breast microscopic tissue of UDH, ADH, DCIS is proposed. The current standard of care is to perform percutaneous needle biopsies for diagnosis of palpable and image-detected breast abnormalities. UDH is considered benign and patients diagnosed UDH undergo routine follow-up, whereas ADH and DCIS are considered actionable and patients diagnosed with these two subtypes get additional surgical procedures. The systems classify the tissue based on the quantitative feature derived from the images. The statistical features are obtained. The approach makes use of preprocessing, Cell region segmentation, Individual cell segmentation, Feature extraction technique for the detection of cancer.
Sub structure of an electron based on the Gravitational Interaction[Full-Text ] [References] Rohit GunturiPrediction of the sub structure of the electron is made based on the gravitational interactions. Inner structure is made up of small quantised dots called alpas.There are 20 alpas in each electron and positron,each alpa carry Charge of 0.084x10-1 c and a mass of 4.746x10-32kg which constitute for the Charge and mass of the electron. with the help of these alpas the gravitational interaction of the electron is explained successfully. Electric potential and electric field for each alpa is found out and schrodinger wave equation is reduced for trapped alpa and the probability of finding out an alpa inside an electron and probability density are found out.
Modeling and analysis of process parameters on metal removal rate and surface roughness in near-dry WEDM of EN 32 steel by RSM approach[Full-Text ] [References] Jaganathan .P, Naveen kumar .T, Dr.R.SivasubramanianThis paper reveals that the development of Near-dry Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) is considered as an Environmental friendly machining process. Near-dry WEDM liquid-gas mixture is used as the dielectric fluid to improve the metal removal rate (MRR) and reduce the surface roughness (Ra). Near-dry WEDM exhibits the advantages of good machining stability and surface finish under low discharge energy as input. Response surface methodology has been applied to investigate the effect of applied voltage, discharge current, pulse width, pulse interval, pressurized oxygen on the MRR and surface roughness in Near-dry WEDM. The empirical model for the two output parameters are developed based on regression analysis. The optimum output and significant input cutting parameters has been predicted using Box-Behnken method.
Design and Characterization of SDRAM Controller IP Core with Built In Refined ECC Module[Full-Text ] [References] Arathy S, Nandakumar R, Hima Sara JacobIn modern digital systems large capacity and data transfer rate is required. Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) become the memory of choice due to its speed, burst access and pipeline features. A Controller is required to provide proper commands for SDRAM initialization, read/write accesses and memory refresh. In Synchronous DRAM memories data errors may occur due alpha particles. To ensure reliable data storage, an error correction and detection scheme is required. This paper describes the design and characterization of SDRAM Controller IP core with built in Refined Error Correcting Codes (ECC) module. The refined ECC module uses improved Hamming code which has a better performance than the conventional Hamming code. The design is described using Verilog HDL, simulated using ModelSim and prototyped in Altera platform FPGA. Resource utilization and power analysis was done using Altera Quartus II. Hardware test results are obtained from Signal Tap Logic Analyzer.
Design of CAM Controller for Improved Match Ratio with Built-in Comparison Fault Testing[Full-Text ] [References] Hima Sara Jacob, Nandakumar.R, Arathy.SContent Addressable Memory (CAM) is a special purpose Random Access Memory device that can be accessed by searching for data content. In this paper Xilinx CAM v 6.1 is the target memory. The CAM controller is used to control the CAM memory through interface. Replacement policies are used to improve the hit ratio. Testing of the memory is essential to ensure quality and to increase reliability. This paper describes a novel architecture design of CAM Controller with sequential replacement policy, so as to improve the match ratio of the CAM memory. A fault testing module is also included in this design for testing the comparison fault occurring in the CAM memory.
Architectural design Of MD5 Controller IP Core[Full-Text ] [References] Sreeraj C, Sarath K Kumar , Nandakumar.RThe MD5, first proposed by R. Rivest is a secure hash algorithm in cryptography that produces a 128-bit message digest from an input message of arbitrary length. It was proposed as one of the authentication options in IPv6.This paper addresses the design of a behavioral model and custom architecture for a controller for the popular MD5, message digest algorithm.
The Paradigm and Practice of Pollution in Caste System in Malabar[Full-Text ] [References] C.M.Biju, Dr. C.Amirtha JothiThe practice of caste system and caste pollution in the traditional society of Malabar is considered as a lunacy by many social reformers and human right activists. There were strict theories bound up with the practice of caste system in many parts of Kerala. Untouchability and unapproachability were the main features of the caste system in Malabar. Laws and theories of the caste system made the lives a of section of people so horrible, even to a pitiable condition than the lives of beasts. Women were gagged by ceremonial rules and traditions.
Enhancing Data Security in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] [References] Yuvraj GuptaCloud Computing is a new mechanism to deliver products from producer to consumer in a very different and efficient style of computing. It has revolutionized not only the IT industry but has also revolutionized the hardware and software industry. It is growing leaps and bounds and has only bright sky ahead. But will you love to see a bright sky with embraces of black holes? Obviously you won't, similarly security is the main issue which acts as a blackhole to the whole system of it specialists in this domain. The main mission of security is to limit access to the authorized person, who can see, modify only that data which they are associated with. When we talk about the security of data in Cloud Computing the vendor has to ensure assurance to convince the customer on the security issues. Organizations are using cloud computing for confidential issues for their business applications though guaranteeing the security is difficult.
Design And Implementation Of Software Defined Radio Using Xilinx System Generator[Full-Text ] [References] Rini Supriya .L, Dr.R.C.BiradarMultiple communication channel support in Radio Frequency (RF) transmission, such as that in a Software Defined Radio (SDR) warrants the use of channelizers to extract required channels from the received RF frequency band and to perform follow-on baseband processing. The objective of our project is to Design a SDR using Xilinx system generator and describe the process of channelization as it applies to low power and high-efficiency applications in wireless and Satellite Communications (SATCOM) domains. Smaller bandwidths and changing requirements of bandwidth calls for a programmable channel selection mechanism whereby channels and the resulting bandwidth can be selected based on target application, which is the primary principle in the Software Defined Radio based systems[3]. SDR is a radio in which some or the entire physical layer functions are software defined. Traditional hardware based radio devices have limited cross-functionality and they are modified only through a physical intervention. This results in higher production costs and minimal flexibility in supporting multiple waveform standards this problem is solved by SDR's. In this project, a software defined radio is designed using Xilinx System Generator. System Generator's FIR, FFT, FIFO and FDA Tool blocks are used. The FDA Tool block is used to define the filter order and coefficients, and the SDR block is used for the MATLAB/Simulink simulation and design implementation in FPGA using Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14.1.
Analysis of Software Quality Attributes Through Aspect-Oriented Programming[Full-Text ] [References] Garima Soni, Pradeep Tomar, Amrita UpadhyayDesign and development of software is difficult task due to the changing requirements of usres. To develop good quality software, our main focus is on analysis of quality attributes according to the users' requirement, but it increases the complexity. So it's a complex task to establish a relationship between users' requirements and quality attributes due to the frequent change in requirements. However, we do not have systematic approaches to design software considering quality attributes and requirements. Throughout the history of software development, new development approches were developed to deal with the chaninging requiremens and ever-growing complexity of software. The object-oriented paradigm approach allows programmers to decompose high level requirements into a set of functional modules. The problem is that Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) does not offer a systematic and elegant way to recompose those modules to maintain the the quality by ensuring the modular continuity. This problem of OOP gave birth to a new paradigm: the Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP). AOP approach is used to modularize the crosscutting concern and provide better analysis of quality attributes like performance, reliability, availability, reusability, testability modularization and maintainability as compare to OOP in the form of aspects. This paper presents modified analysis process in which designer and developer can separate the aspects related to quality attributes by using AOP and get feedbacks to improve the quality attributes by providing a modularization way to separate crosscutting concerns from non-crosscutting ones. This helps in developing software product more efficiently.
Spectral and Thermal Studies on Dysprosium Carboxylates[Full-Text ] [References] Sangeeta and M.K. RawatIn the present manuscript, Dysprosium carboxylates of Carboxylic Acids (Lauric, Myristic and Palmitic) have been prepared and characterized by IR, X-ray diffraction and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) measurements. The IR spectra result shows that the fatty acid exist in dimeric state through hydrogen bonding and carboxylates possess partial ionic character. The X-ray diffraction measurements have been used to calculate the long spacing and the results confirmed the single layer structure of Dysprosium carboxylates. The decomposition reaction was found kinetically of zero order and the values of energy of activation for the decomposition process have been found in the range of 15.00-28.11 k.cal mol-1.
A Survey on Conditional Privacy in Vehicular Adhoc Networks[Full-Text ] [References] Anitha Christy Angelin.P, John MosesConditional Privacy preservation in VANETs (Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks) must be achieved in the sense that the user related privacy information, including the driver's name, the license plate, speed, position, and travelling routes along with their relationships, has to be protected. The authorities should be able to reveal the identities of message senders in the event of a traffic dispute, such as a crime/car accident scene investigation. Therefore, it is critical to develop a conditional privacy preservation scheme in a VANET before it can be practically launched.
In vitro antifungal activity of methanolic extract of various parts of Punica granatum L[Full-Text ] [References] Mahsa Shafighi, Leila Amjad, Mahboobeh MadaniCandida species are now fourth common organisms isolated from hospitalized patients. It is important to increase effective therapy. In the past decade numerous reports of treatment failures are reported. In the other hand, plants have been used for thousands of years to flavor and conserve food, to treat health disorders and to prevent diseases including epidemics. The aim of this study was to investigate the antifungal effect of methanol extracts isolated from pomegranate peel, flower, leafe, and stem against Candida albicans NCPF 3153. The dried powders were extracted by Soxhlet extraction for 8 hours. The maximum inhibition zones of antifungal effect were obtained in 200 µl concentration by flower extract. This provides a complementary preventive value for this plant and supports its gaining popularity as an antifungal source.
Socio-Economic Life and Institutions in the Traditional Society of Kerala in 18th and 19th Centuries[Full-Text ] [References] C.M.Biju, Dr. C.Amirtha JothiThe society of Kerala in the 18th and 19th centuries was traditional in nature. There were peculiar customs and practices, which separated the society of Kerala from the rest of India. The Marumakkattayam or Matriarchal system of inheritance, the complex and rigid caste system, the residence in a common joint family etc. were some of the unique practices in the traditional society of Kerala. The features of a feudal as well as a caste-dominated society made Kerala differ from other parts of the world.
Simulation of Pull-out Torque of Hybrid Stepping Motor[Full-Text ] [References] J. U. Agber and C. O. OnahSeveral models for predicting hybrid stepping motor characteristics have been developed. However most of these are based on linear theory, which do not consider the motor as a toothed structure working under highly saturated conditions. This paper considers the hybrid permanent magnet stepping motor as a non-linear device. It approximates the measured flux-linkage data with analytical function that has continuous derivatives. The electrical and mechanical equations for the motor are derived and used in a computer program to predict the pull-out torque versus speed characteristics. The comparisons of experimental and simulated results show good agreement.
An Approach for Character Recognition Using Pattern Matching with ANN[Full-Text ] [References] Anjali Chandavale, Suruchi Dedgaonkar, Dr. Ashok SapkalCharacter recognition is the process to classify the input character according to the predefined character class. Recent computer applications should read the text, which may be in the form of scanned handwritten document or typed text in various fonts or a combination of both. The character recognition system must be faster and reliable. Thus, an algorithm is selected inspired from pattern matching and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). We have also implemented feature extraction and graph matching algorithms for analysing performance of the Pattern Matching and ANN method. The experimental results show accuracy of the pattern matching and ANN algorithm is 93% for typed characters and 70% for the handwritten characters, provided the algorithm is trained with character set of at least 5 different fonts. The accuracy improves as ANN is trained with more patterns. Also the database size and response time of the Pattern Matching and ANN algorithm is lesser than the other two algorithms.
Secure Distributed DNS[Full-Text ] [References] Christian Cachin, Asad SamarA correctly working Domain Name System (DNS) is essential for the Internet. Due to its significance and because of deficiencies in its current design, the DNS is vulnerable to a wide range of attacks. This paper presents the design and implementation of a secure distributed name service on the level of a DNS zone. Our service is able to provide fault tolerance and security even in the presence of a fraction of corrupted name servers, avoiding any single point of failure. It further solves the problem of storing zone secrets online without leaking them to a corrupted server, while still supporting secure dynamic updates. Our service uses state-machine replication and threshold cryptography. We present results from experiments performed using a prototype implementation on the Internet in realistic setups. The results show that our design achieves the required assurances while servicing the most frequent requests in reasonable time.
RF & MW radiation based solution for Insect control in Agriculture: A Review and Proposed System[Full-Text ] [References] Mr. Sandeep V.Gaikwad, Dr. A.N.GaikwadMajor problem in the Agriculture are the pest insects which infest the seeds, crops and end products like fruits, vegetables and grains. In the paper, different treatment method used in agriculture to control the insects and germs has discussed. The RF and Microwave radiation has already tested during the post harvesting and at seed infest control. It is very important to find out the dielectric properties of agricultural products like vegetables, fruits and grains. Based on the pervious measured permittivity data, related to fruits insects and human tissue dielectric constants and appropriate frequency spectrum need to select to control the insect infest on agriculture products. Here we are proposing system which will be effective during the development stages of the agriculture products. The proposed system required blocks during the research work and its instrumentation are discussed. This can be utilized to improve efficiency of crop production and enhance crop quality .Some successful applications of microwaves in agriculture are reviewed and future prospects are discussed.
Voice Based E-mail Client Service Without Internet[Full-Text ] [References] T.Saranya, R.Subadhra"Email in telephone" is a system which will be developed to receive mail with ordinary telephone. The system will be developed to solve the problems like necessity of owing a PC with net connection or tough job of rushing to browsing centers just to retrieve mails. In this system, a dial-up client will receive through the telephone line and authentication number will obtain from him/her. Using that authentication number the system will get to the inbox of the client. The inbox status will read to the buffer. Using a text to voice interface it is fed through the telephone line to the client. The system is expected to develop for the user to access his/her mail box and will be able to hear mails.
Energy Consumption by Piezoelectric effect in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] [References] Precila Mary RThis paper describes the concept of sensor networks which has been made viable by the effect of piezoelectric materials and microelectro-mechanical systems technology, wireless communications and digital electronics. First, the sensing tasks and the potential sensor networks applications are explored, and a review of factors influencing the design of sensor networks is provided. The piezoelectric effect is explained briefly in this paper.
Nerve Conduction Velocity Detection for a Set of Subjects under Constrains Using PIC16F877 [Full-Text ] [References] Aann Smita Abraham,Arunai Nambi Raj N Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) is a very common parameter to diagnose neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases. The main objective of this project is to measure the nerve conduction velocity. We are measuring the NCV based on the electrical conductivity of the nerve. Electrical pulse is stimulated and given using a sensor and detected by another sensor. The PIC is programmed to measure the nerve conduction velocity by dividing the distance between the sensors by the time delay. The PIC used is 16F877 by Microchip Corporation. The normal value of NCV is 40-60 m/s. The NCV test is useful in detecting diseases like multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, ulnar neuropathy, spinal disc herniation.
A Novel Approach of Light Weighted Web Server Based on Arm-9[Full-Text ] [References] Ms. Divya Agrawal, Associate Prof. Vinay JainIn this paper, the embedded web server, using ARM9-S3C2440AL processor as core, is designed, its operating system is Linux, and the system hardware architecture is presented. Then the process of the Linux operating system being transplanted on ARM is introduced. The realization of Boa and dynamic interaction between browser and the embedded system by using CGI are especially analyzed. Finally the implemented embedded web server is tested to indicate that it responding rapidly and operates efficiently and steadily, which achieves the expectant designing purpose.
Risk Assessment of a System Security on Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] [References] Rahul Choudhary, Abhishek RaghuvanshiAs Information Technology (IT) has become increasingly important to the competitive position of firms, managers have grown more sensitive to their organization's overall IT risk management. In an attempt to minimize or avoid such losses, managers are employing various qualitative and quantitative risk analysis methodologies. The risk analysis literature, however, suggests that these managers typically utilize a single methodology, not combination methodologies. This paper proposes a risk analysis process that employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative methodologies.This paper will concentrate on the development of a methodology for the assessment and analysis of risk and vulnerabilities within the context of security risk management. At the end of the research a new fuzzy based risk assessment model is proposed. This process should provide managers with a better approximation of their organization's overall information technology risk posture. Practicing managers can use this proposed process as a guideline in formulating new risk analysis procedures and/or evaluating their current risk analysis procedures.
A Density Functional Theory-based Investigation Of Scandium-incorporated Porphyrin-induced Carbon Nanotubes: A Potential Hydrogen Storage Material[Full-Text ] [References] Michael Mananghaya, Emmanuel Rodulfo, Gil Nonato SantosFunctionalization is a technique used to improve the reactivity of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT). Functionalization of a (10, 0) zigzag nanotube segment containing 120 C atoms with porphyrin defects (4ND) was investigated with the aid of spin-unrestricted density functional theory (DFT). The nanotube with defect was funtionalized with Scandium defined as Sc/4ND-CNXCNT. It is found that the porphyrin defects characterized by four-nitrogen divacancies in SWCNT resulted in decreased band gaps. The stability of Sc functionalization is dictated by a strong binding energy, suggesting a reduction of clustering of metal atoms over the metal-decorated SWCNT. We likewise report the very strong binding to hydrogen molecule of the composite material Sc/4ND-CNXCNT, which may be considered, for hydrogen storage. Finally, the formation energies and electronic properties are also reported.
Hybrid k-mean GRASP for Partition based Clustering of Two Dimensional Data Space as an Application of p-median Problem[Full-Text ] [References] D.Srinivas Reddy, A.Govardhan, SSVN SarmaThe most wide spread facility location paradigm is the p-median problem. It is a paradigm known NP-Hard and combinatorial optimization problem. In different application areas the facility location modeling is extensively used. It is used in marketing to analyze customers and for network establishment in cellular tower arrangement which serves maximum clients, in computer networks and in many other areas. Metaheuristic plays an important role in many areas like Operations Research, Algorithm analysis, Data Mining etc. In this paper a new clustering algorithm k-Mean-GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) is proposed, which determines the number of clusters of user choice similar to k-means, and follows Metaheuristic approach. Generally, Metaheuristic is a two phase iterative method. So, the proposed algorithm is also encompassed with two phases. First phase ascertains the cluster of user specified number using k-means algorithm. At this stage the resultant cluster is considered as a best cluster. The second phase strives for the improvement of the cluster so obtained in the first phase. In the proposed work the first phase is termed as Construction phase which makes use of k-Means algorithm and the second phase as Enhancement phase. Our empirical results put forward that the proposed k-Mean-GRASP clustering algorithm outperforms the other methods. Clustering is the process of dividing the points into similar groups. The proposed method can also be used as a clustering algorithm based on the nature of the p-median problem.
Detection of P and T wave using Bayesian Regularisation[Full-Text ] [References] Nilesh Parihar, Dr. V. S. ChouhanThe Electrocardiogram (ECG) represents the electrical activity of the heart. The ECG typically consists of the QRS, P and T waves, which provide clinical information about the functioning of the heart. It is difficult to detect P and T wave due to the overlaps and variations in amplitudes of other signals. In this paper we propose a method for Automatic Detection and classification of the P and T wave. Bayesian regularization neural network is used to learn the characteristics of P and T wave, which provides high detection rate of 94.6% for P and 91.6% for T.
Image Segmentation Using Wavelets[Full-Text ] [References] Ratinder Kaur, V. K. Banga, Vipul SharmaIn our proposed technique we have first removed the noise using wavelet and then detected the corners and correspondence points of the image. Results are compared in order to find blurred image for final evaluation of true image. In this paper we presented an approach to measure the similarity between the two images by comparing the shapes for object recognition. This technique can be widely used in medical imaging.
Saw And Interdigital Transducers[Full-Text ] [References] Sapna Tyagi and Varde G. MaheshA review of the surface acoustic waves, SAW devices and their uses along with the applications of SAW devices is given in this paper. Here is a review of transducers which serve the main function in SAW devices. SAW transducer helps in generating the signals constructively and destructively both. The bus bars used in transducers help in performing this function. These bus bars are also called as finger pairs. With the help of the finger pairs we are able to calculate the transfer function of the devices and related parameters also. Also we will study the apodization term which takes place in SAW transducer used in the communication systems and see how this helps in generating a signal into a sinusoidal signal and then how it gives its impulse response. Then, we see some SAW devices along with their applications. Currently, there is some fabrication work is going on in the field of diamonds so that diamond film can be fabricated on the substrate as diamond has different properties in comparison to the piezoelectric materials.
Green Technology: Increasing efficiency, reducing energy consumption[Full-Text ] [References] Mrs.Sarita.DhawaleHuman population is growing at an exponential rate .We have crossed the 7 billion mark already & will reach around 9 billion by 2050.If population is increasing like a 4 times a speed then , energy consumption will also be increased likewise usage of ICT ( computers,phone,laptops) is increasing very fast. If we continue to consume energy the way we are today? Estimates say that we will need the resources of almost three Earth's to support the population in 2050.
Transient Stability of IEEE-30 bus system using E-TAP Software[Full-Text ] [References] Kavitha RThe main objective of this paper is to perform transient stability analysis using the electrical power systems design and analysis software namely ETAP. The purpose of performing transient stability on the power system is to study the stability of a system under various disturbances. The stability of the power system is the ability of generators to remain in synchronisation even when subjected to disturbances. In this research work a standard IEEE 30-bus system, subjected to various disturbances is considered. The swing curves for the various generators of IEEE 30-bus system is plotted to comment on the stability of the system. The factors affecting the stability are analysed and methods for obtaining a better stability of the system under the fault conditions are also studied.
Location Based Service (LBS) Provision: Concept, Benefits and Future Challenges[Full-Text ] [References] Eneh Joy Nnenna, Orah Harris OnyekachiIt is possible for call rates in mobile phone calls to be charged based on the location a subscriber is calling from. An advert about the use of a product, say a new palm oil milling machine, can be directed and spread only to the farmers in the southern oil palm producing states through location aware advertisement , without the news getting to subscribers in the northern part of Nigeria where palm oil fruits rarely grow. These are the practical applications of the concept of location aware service provision or location based services as the name would appear in different texts. Location based service provision is an extension of the field of the wireless network applications that is relatively new to the Nigerian subscribers and digital marketers in the country alike. This paper does an x-ray analysis of this emerging technology and its challenges, presents its functional architecture, and also looks at the benefits it offers and how it is reshaping businesses in the 21st century.
A Survey on Various Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. K. H. Wandra, Sharnil PandyaRecent developments in micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), wireless communications, and digital electronics have enabled development of low cost, low power, multifunctional sensor nodes are small and freedom to communicate in short distances. However, it has still remained an open challenge to deploy sensor nodes in wireless environment as we have to deal with innumerable constraints for their complete implementation. In this paper, a detailed survey has been carried out to analyze various techniques, which could be used to address present unresolved issues in wireless sensor networks.