IJSER Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2012 Edition
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Improving Channel Capacity of A Cellular System Using Cell Splitting[Full-Text] [References]Ohaneme C.O,Onoh G.N, Ifeagwu E.N, Eneh I.
As the number of users in a cellular system increases, the traffic per unit time also increases. The allocated spectrum becomes gradually congested and eventually becomes used up. Congestion of the spectrum means that the call blocking probability has increased and this is not desired in the system. This paper presents cell splitting as a technique of improving channel capacity in cellular communication system. It also went further to show that increase in channel capacity directly reduces call blocking probability and call delay probability. The results are simulated and shown using Matlab
Performance Evaluation of Resource Scheduling Techniques In Cluster Computing[Full-Text] [References]Admire Mudzagada, Benard Mapako and Benny M Nyambo
Resource management and job scheduling are critical tasks in cluster computing. The heterogeneity of resources causes the scheduling of an application to be significantly complicated and a challenging task in a cluster system. The main focus of this paper is to come up with a dynamic way to calculate the time-slice that each process gets based on the service or execution time for each process. The algorithm is based on the traditional round robin scheduling algorithm. The algorithm will provide fairness on scheduling since the calculation of the time-slice is based on the service time of processes in the ready queue. The total service time of all processes in the ready queue is summed and averaged to get the time-slice. As the process arrives or leaves the ready queue the time-slice will be changing dynamically. We want to come up with an algorithm that maximizes the resource utilization and minimize processing time of jobs. The criterion for performance evaluation is based on response time, waiting time and turnaround time. We want to minimize the response time and the waiting time of all process that requests for a certain service whilst increasing throughput.
Changes of lipoapoproteins and the Role of Statins of Patients with Terminal Chronic Renal Insuf-ficiency treated with repeated hemodialysis[Full-Text] [References]Lutfi Zylbeari, Gazmend Zylbeari, Elita Masha, Zamira Bexheti, Merition Ballazhi, Muhamedin Rushiti
Disorders of lipid metabolism in patients with ESRD for the first time are described in 1827 by Dr. Bright, particularly in patients with nephrotic syndrome [4]. Replacing of physiological apolipoproteins with pathological and high degree of their influence in atherogenity are phenomena still undiscovered and therefore whitening of the above processes are necessary experimental and multicentric numerous studies with the most duration of research. Purpose of research paper is to assess the abnormalities(changes) of apolipoproteins in ESRD patients treated with repeated hemodialysis more than 7 years in Clinical Hospital Tetovo,Hemodialysis Unit,randomized by gender (male or female) and effects of hypolipidemic drugs (statins) on improvement of apolipoproteins abnormalities.Also importance has been given to HDL-ch metabolism disorder which is supposed that is responsible and main factor in controlling the progress and pace of atherogenesis mechanism in uremic patients.
Frequency Control in an Isolated Power System By Using Optimizing a BESS Technology[Full-Text] [References]V.RAJESH, CH.HAMENTH KUMAR
This paper present optimal sizing of the battery energy storing system(BESS) for controlling the frequency fluctuations in a isolated power system, and it also used as revolving reserve in a small isolated power system. The flow chart is used for controlling the state of limits of battery energy. Statistical simulations are performed on LFC of the isolated system. This BESS technology developed in isolated power system for attains maximum expected effectiveness of the device. The BESS can add to considerably the power system stability, the grid security and the planning flexibility for a small isolated power system with low network inertia. In the meantime, it fulfills the frequency control requirements with a high predictable economic effectiveness.
A Fault Based Object Oriented Testing using UML[Full-Text] [References]Ravindra Kr. Gupta, Hari Ji, Gajendar Singh Chandel
We propose a testing technique for object-oriented programs. Based on the state and collaboration models of a system, we construct an intermediate representation, which we have named state collaboration diagram (SCOTEM). We generate test cases to achieve state-activity coverage of SCOTEM .We have empirically evaluated the effectiveness of our approach. The results show that the proposed technique could detect seeded integration testing faults which could not be detected by the related approaches. The previous work of this topic is only show the state and activity model. But we can consider the event if any message deliver to an object that behaves according to message so we can say that event based .the programming approach with the help of UML (unified modeling language) to generate the text file for collaboration diagram and the prototype model is used for the testing of path generated by that prototype model. My testing work is based on path based, path is generated with the help of UML diagram, and it shows the message sequence number it's also provide the source to target path, object, transition state. Transition shows the message imitate from source to destination. And the message passing according to the sequence number each, sequence number identifies the separate massage.
Performance Evolution of AODV and DSR Routing Protocols in MANET Using NS2[Full-Text] [References]Sachin Dnyandeo Ubarhande
Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links. Each node operates not only as an end system, but also as a router to forward packets. The nodes are free to move about and organize themselves into a network. These nodes change position frequently. The main classes of routing protocols are Proactive, Reactive and Hybrid. A Reactive (on-demand) routing strategy is a popular routing category for wireless ad hoc routing. It is a relatively new routing philosophy that provides a scalable solution to relatively large network topologies. The design follows the idea that each node tries to reduce routing overhead by sending routing packets whenever a communication is requested. In this work an attempt has been made to compare the performance of two prominent on demand reactive routing rotocols for MANET: - Ad hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocols. DSR and AODV is a reactive gateway discovery algorithms where a mobile device of MANET connects by gateway only when it is needed. As per our findings the differences in the protocol mechanics lead to significant performance differentials for both of these protocols. The performance differentials are analyzed using varying metrices. These simulations are carried out using the ns-2 network simulator. The results presented in this work illustrate the importance in carefully evaluating and implementing routing protocols in an ad hoc environ-ment.
Performance Evaluation of Mesh And Position Based Hybrid Routing In MANETs[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Chethan Chandra S Basavaraddi, Smt. Geetha N.B. M.Tech, Smt. Anitha G. BE,ME
A new routing algorithm called position based hybrid routing algorithm (PBHRA) was developed to optimize bandwidth usage of ad hoc networks. The main goal of PBHRA is effective use of bandwidth by reducing the routing overload. Additionally, the other goals of the algorithm are to extend battery life and signal strength or power level of the mobile devices by reducing the required number of operations for route determination and to reduce the amount of memory used. Although in the PBHRA, some features of both table driven and on-demand algorithms were used to achieve these goals at some stages, PBHRA algorithm is a completely different approach in terms of position information usage and global positioning system (GPS)
Weak Forms of γ-Open Sets and New Separation Axioms[Full-Text] [References]Hariwan Z. Ibrahim
In this paper, we introduce some generalizations of γ-open sets and investigate some properties of the sets. Moreover, we use them to obtain new separation axioms.
Economic Load Dispatch Using Modified Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text] [References]R.Behera, B.P.Panigrahi, B.B.Pati
Ensuring a smooth electrical energy to the consumer has been identified as the main role of electric supply utility. The power utility needs to ensure that the electrical power is generated with minimum cost. Hence, for economic operation of the system, the total demand must be appropriately shared among the generating units with an objective to minimize the total generation cost for the system. Thus, Economic load dispatch is one of the important problems of power system operation and control. This work proposes evolutionary optimization technique namely Genetic Algorithm to solve Economic Load Dispatch in the electric power system, which are generic population pool, based probabilistic search optimization algorithms and can be applied to real world problem.
Effect of Lignite By-products in Plastic Shrinkage Property of Concrete[Full-Text] [References]P. Priyadharshini, G. Mohan Ganesh, A.S. Santhi
The reduction in moisture of fresh concrete results in plastic shrinkage due to tensile stress induced by capillary pressure. When the tensile strength signs beyond the capacity of concrete, it cracks and this effect in early stage of concrete is termed as plastic shrinkage of concrete. This becomes a serious issue for large surface area members like slabs. The shrinkage of concrete under restrained conditions during early stages can be characterized by experiments. The present study was aimed at studying the plastic shrinkage property of fly ash aggregate concrete incorporated with bottom ash as fine aggregate. Concrete mix with combination of fly ash aggregate with 20% and 40% replacement of fine aggregate with bottom ash has been studied. The 20% replacement of bottom ash gives good results and higher percentages like 40% of bottom ash together with fly ash aggregate makes better combination to avoid plastic shrinkage of concrete. Higher percentage incorporation of bottom ash shows mild surface cracks in concrete due to plastic shrinkage
An Efficient Approach for Association Rule Mining[Full-Text] [References]Mrs. Rashmi K.Thakur , Dr. Ketan Shah
A great research work has been done in last decade in association rules mining (ARM) algorithms . Therefore, various algorithms were proposed to discover frequent item sets and then mine association rules. Apriori algorithm is the most frequently used algorithm for generating association rules. Apriori algorithm has some abuses, such as too many scans of the database, large load of system's I/O and vast unrelated middle item sets. In this research, we propose a novel association rule mining scheme for discovering frequent itemsets which uses clustering and graph-based approach. This approach scans database only once, and then clusters the transactions according to their length. This approach reduces main memory requirement since it considers only a small cluster at a time and hence it is scalable for any large size of the database
Comparison between Secure Tropos and VOSREP[Full-Text] [References]Chandana das, Pardeep kumar Sharma, Kritika Chaudhry
Security is the main concern now days for any software system. In the past security was often treated as an add-on on other requirements, which make the system expensive on both the developer and user sides. Computer system security attacks are one of the most urgent problems facing IT professionals today. Security engineering should be integrated with the Software development life cycle to handle all the issue related to the software security. There are various techniques for addressing security requirements during the early phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).In this paper we are comparing two existing technique Secure Tropos and VOSREP with the help of example medical information system.
Mitigation of Torque for Brushless DC Motor: Modeling and Control[Full-Text] [References]R.Goutham Govind Raju, S.John Powl, A.Sathishkumar, P.Sivaprakasam
In classical control of brushless dc motors, flux distribution is assumed trapezoidal and fed current is controlled rectangular to obtain a desired constant torque. However, in reality this assumption may not be correct due to non-uniformity of magnetic materials and design trade-offs. These factors together with current controller limitation, can lead to an undesirable torque- ripple. Hence torque - ripple has been the main issue of the servo derive systems, in which the speed fluctuation, vibration and acoustic noise should be minimized. This torque - ripple also deteriorates the precision of the parameters of brushless dc motors. In this proposed work, different techniques are to be carried out to control the torque - ripple of brushless dc motors. Effectiveness and flexibility of the individual techniques of torque-ripple control method will be thoroughly discussed for merits and demerits and finally verified through simulation (PSIM) and experimental results for comparative analysis
Biodiversity and Sustainable Development: A Critical Analysis[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Arundhati Kulkarni
Solving the problem of environmental threats and a dwindling biodiversity has been on the international agenda for some decades now. The formulation of environmental questions, however, is changing slowly People have made unprecedented changes to ecosystems in recent decades to meet growing demand for food, fresh water, fibre and energy. The quality of life for billions of people has improved, but these changes have weakened nature's ability to deliver key services. In this paper, I have tried to analyze how the changes to natural ecosystems influence both climate change and people's ability to cope with some of its damaging impacts. And in their turn climate change, as well as people's responses to it, affect biodiversity.
Methodology for Coexistence of High Altitude Platform Ground Stations and Radio Relay Stations with Reduced Interference [Full-Text] [References]S.H.A.Al-Samhi, N.S.Rajbut
This paper propounds a novel scheme of mitigation for reducing co-channel interference between HAPGS (High Altitude Platform Ground Station) and radio relay stations. Firstly, in terms of the deployment parameters such as distance between HAPGS, elevation angle of the HAPGS as well as that the azimuth angles of the radio relay station. Then, the effects on radio relay station are due to the rainy conditions between HAPGS and radio relay stations. All calculations are done by using Matlab following the ITU-R recommendations. The results show the interference to noise ratio caused at radio relay station from HAPGS decrease, when distance between HAPGS and radio relay stations increases. The minimum separation distance required to obtain an optimum interference is shown for various azimuth angles in clear sky and rainy conditions.
Optimal Location of FACTS Device on Enhancing System Security[Full-Text] [References]Prakash Burade, Jagdish Helonde
In this paper a Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is a FACTS device that can be control the power flow in transmission line by injecting active and reactive in voltage components in series with the lines.The proposed methodologies are based on the use of line loading security Performance Index (sensitivity factors have been suggested in this paper for optimal placement of UPFC.This methods are computationally efficient PI sensitivity factors have been obtained with respect to change in two of the UPFC parameters viz., magnitude and phase angle of the injected voltage in the lines. The proposed methodologies are tested validated for locating UPFC in IEEE 30-bus system.ACO based Optimal Power Flow (OPF) formulation has been suggested to determine the optimal PI values, after placement of UPFC based on the proposed sensitivity factors. Both AC and DC power flow approximations have been used to define the sensitivity factors and their results have been compared on IEEE 30-bus system
Incubation of Micro and Small Enterprises- an approach to Local Economic Development[Full-Text] [References]Pralay Dey
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) are important to almost all developing economies in the world, having major employment, import dependency, and income distribution challenges. Establishing Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) is not a cake-walk despite having innovative inventions and ideas. It takes more than just having an idea of establishing a startup. Planning and arrangement of scarce resources like Finance, Infrastructure, Technology, Sourcing of raw materials, Marketplaces(buyers) and organizing Sales distribution channels are the major challenges for establishment and survival of any enterprise. Majority of startups fail in their first year of inception. Many of these failures can be prevented if entrepreneurs get handholding support by an Institution having specilaised Incubation programmes. An incubator's main goal is to produce successful Micro and Small Enterprises with an array of targeted resources and services. These incubates have the potential to create jobs, develop technology for import substitution, commercialize new technologies, and strengthen local and national economies.
Resource Management for Online Demand Services[Full-Text] [References]Aware Sachin B, Pansare Rushikesh B, Shevkar Abhishek C, Kulkarni Sumant S
Resource management offers Quality-of-Service reliability for time-critical continuousmedia applications. Currently, existing resource management systems in the Internet and ATM domain only provide means to reserve resources starting with the reservation attempt and lasting for an unspecified duration. However, for several applications such as video conferencing, the ability to reserve the required resources in advance is of great advantage. This paper outlines a new model for resource reservation in advance. We identify and discuss issues to be resolved for allowing resource reservation in advance. We show how the resource reservation in advance scheme can be embedded in a general architecture and describe the design and implementation of a resource management system providing reservation in advance functionality.
Real Time Sensor Web Enabled Water Quality Monitoring System Using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)[Full-Text] [References]Shabana Shafi, Aijaz Ahmad Reshi, Dr. M Sridhar, Dr. Rajani S.M
Real Time Sensor Web Enabled Water Quality Monitoring System is an attempt to develop a general sensor and data model for monitoring water quality. The parameters for determining the quality of water are the pH level, turbidity and temperature. The main aim of this paper is to use a standardized Service Orientated Architecture (SOA), for sensor data representation in universal standards that is the representation should be interoperable with diversified platforms and domains. For achieving data interoperability this application uses a XML-standard for hydrometric data description and WSDL and SOAP for data communication
The Reverse Engineering in Oriented Aspect "Detection of semantics clones"[Full-Text] [References]Amel BELMABROUK, Belhadri MESSABIH
Attention to the reverse engineering in oriented aspect programming (AOP) is rapidly growing as its benefits in large software system development and maintenance are increasingly recognized. This paper reports on the challenges of using the reverse engineering in oriented aspect to detect the crosscutting concerns. So we present a new idea to detect a clone semantic in code. We first present the Principe of the AOP, then, we report on application of reverse engineering in legacy industrial software system. The novel aspect of our approach is the use of program dependence graphs (PDGs) wich one of the important techniques of aspect mining to detect duplicate code in programs. We have extended the definition of a code clone to include semantically related code. We reduced the difficult graph similarity problem to a tree similarity problem by mapping interesting semantic fragments to their related syntax.
Reactive Power Optimization and Voltage Stability Limit Improvement with TCSC Device through DE algorithm under Most Credible Contingency Condition [Full-Text] [References]S.Sakthivel, Dr.D.Mary and S.Ramya
Modern power systems are at risks of voltage instability problems due to highly stressed operating conditions caused by increased load demand and economical and/or environmental constraints in construction of new transmission lines. This paper proposes a Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm based optimal reactive power flow control task incorporating only one type of FACTS device under contingency condition. DE is efficient in exploration through the search space of the problem and easy to implement. Optimal settings of control variables of generator voltages, transformer tap settings and location and parameter setting of thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) is considered for optimal solution for reactive power flow control and the resultant reactive power reserves. Coordinated control of TCSC parameter and control parameters of reactive power dispatch is taken. The effectiveness of the proposed work is tested on IEEE-30 Bus test system under most critical line outage contingency condition
A DWT based reversible watermarking for lossless recovery[Full-Text] [References]V.Uma, K.Vanishree
A novel method for generic visible watermarking with a capability of lossless video recovery is proposed. The method is based on the use of deterministic one-to-one compound mappings of frame pixel values for overlaying a variety of visible watermarks of arbitrary sizes on cover videos. The compound mappings are proved to be reversible, which allows for lossless recovery of original video from watermarked video. The mappings may be adjusted to yield pixel values close to those of desired visible watermarks. The visible watermarks, the opaque monochrome watermark, are embedded as applications of the proposed generic approach. A DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) has been proposed to provide effective robustness for lossless recovery of video after applying DWT. Security protection measures by parameter and mapping randomizations have also been proposed to deter attackers on illicit image recoveries. Experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach are also included.
Improvement of System Reliability & Power Transfer Capability using Distributed Power- Flow Controller[Full-Text] [References]P.RAMESH, Dr.M.DAMODARA REDDY
The present paper describes the modeling of Distributed Power Flow Controllers (DPFC) for studying the steady-state response and behavior of Transmission networks equipped with FACTS devices. Detailed simulations are carried out on two- machine systems to illustrate the control features of these devices and their influence to increase power transfer capability and improve system Reliability. The DPFC is derived from the unified power-flow controller (UPFC) and DPFC has the same control capability as the UPFC. The DPFC can be considered as a UPFC with an eliminated common dc link. The active power exchange between the shunt and series converters, which is through the common dc link in the UPFC, is now through the transmission lines at the third-harmonic frequency. As the D-FACTS converters are single-phase and floating with respect to the ground, there is no high-voltage isolation required between the phases. The interaction between the DPFC, the network and the machines are analyzed
Artificial Neural Networks based Methodologies for Optimization of Engine Operations[Full-Text] [References]Anant Bhaskar Garg, Parag Diwan, Mukesh Saxena
This paper presents overview of applications of artificial neural networks (ANN) in the field of engine development. Various approaches using ANN are highlighted that resulted in better modeling of engine operations. Using ANN we can reduce engine development time. The paper discusses ANN approach, algorithms and importance of architecture. This will also help in advancing ANN research.
An Implementation method of Encrypting Partial Bitstream Based on FPGA[Full-Text] [References]Abhishek Kumar, Kumar Gaurav, Anshuman kumar Gautam
Partial reconfiguration of FPGAs requires loading partial bitstream. But loading a faulty or corrupted partial bitstream might cause some errors when undergoing reprogramming; what's more, it may damage the FPGA device. A encrypt method based on cyclic redundancy check (CRC) before loading them into the device is introduced. The encrypt method of partial bitstream can realize the data integrity and security of FPGA Partial Reconfiguration.
Analysis of Handover Initiation using Path Loss to Sustain QoS[Full-Text] [References]Dinesh Sharma & R.K.Singh
At present generation the most of conventional wired network systems are replaced by the wireless network systems. We know the main difference in between these two is the change from a fixed network location to mobile network location, i.e. an address is no longer a physical location and an address will reach the wireless station. Quality of Service (QoS) is the measure which defines the performance in any accountable system. The criteria taken into account by the user to justify a service vary according to the nature of the considered service. They involve simple concepts such as service availability, transmission characteristics and subjective estimates. Handover is the key operation in cellular mobile communication systems, which is accomplished by the system and is imperceptible for the user. In this paper, the received signal strength from the two base stations is calculated and plotted with respect to distance. The different path loss models have been used and then the received signal strength is calculated to determine the model that can be adopted to minimize the number of handovers.
A Smart device to identify Leakages in water pipeline.[Full-Text] [References]Abbas Badami, Anmol Shahani, Fenil Shah
Have you ever come across a water pipeline continuously oozing water out of it, which flows down the roads and into the gutters? I am sure you would have. This is a common scene especially in India, where the total length of water pipelines spread across the country goes into lakhs of kilometers. Fresh water, as fossil fuels, is scarce and must be utilized efficiently. Many methods for controlling leakage from urban water supply systems have emerged, but it still remains a challenge in developing countries like India. This paper describes a smart device which 'scans' the entire water pipeline and give the exact location of leakage area in the pipeline. Also one of the major important uses of this device is that it can identify illegal connections in the water pipeline by providing their exact location.
Certain Result involving Special Polynomials and Fractional Calculus[Full-Text] [References]P.K. Chhajed, D.Nagarajan
The purpose of this paper is to consider a new generalization of the special polynomials. The combine use of integral transform and special polynomial provide a power full tool to deal with Fraction derivatives and integral.
Scalability performance of Software Testing by Using Review Technique[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Ashish Kumar Tripathi, Mr. Saurabh Upadhyay, Mr.Sachin Kumar Dhar Dwivedi
Software testing is an investigation which aimed at evaluating capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results. Although crucial to software quality and widely deployed by programmers and testers, software testing still remains an art, due to limited understanding of the principles of software, we cannot completely test a program with moderate complexity. Testing is more than just debugging. The purpose of testing can be quality assurance, verification and validation, or reliability estimation. Testing can be used as a generic metric as well. Correctness testing and reliability testing are two major areas of testing. Software testing is a trade-off between budget, time and quality.
The Backmixing-Diffusion Concept for Mass Transport Phenomena of Pineapple Juice Extraction Using a Reversing Continuous Countercurrent Extractor [Full-Text] [References]Chairat Siripatana, Waigoon Rittirut, Thummarat Thummadetsak
A backmixing-diffusion model was developed and proposed to describe the mass transport in a reversing continuous countercurrent extrac-tor (RCCE) at steady-state condition. Three variables namely draft, retention time, and extraction temperature were studied according to various experimental trials. Equilibrium distribution coefficient and solute diffusivity were important parameters introduced to predict concentration profiles for both liquid and solid phases. It was found that backmixing-diffusion concept can be applied through the studied range of operation time. The differences between experimental data and the predictions for concentration profiles were due to the variations in Biot number and Peclet number along the length of extraction unit. Nevertheless, the simulation was successful for pineapple juice extraction process.
Improving Query Search Performance in Unstructured P2P Network Using Proclamation Based Search (PS) Algorithm [Full-Text] [References]Ar.Arunachalam, Dr.V.Khanaa
The challenge in unstructured p2p networks is designing an efficient Search Algorithm. Some typical search algorithms are random walk and flooding. Flooding in general covers many nodes but the drawback is it generates huge amount of query messages. Random walk generates only fewer amounts of query messages but takes long time to search. In this paper we propose a Proclamation Search (PS) algorithm for avoiding multiple hops in forwarding the query in unstructured Peer to peer network. Proclamation is publishing the synopsis of the contents a peer tends to share and properly distributed and cached by other peers. In this system, the nodes anticipatorily publish their contents, and selectively store interesting contents received from other peers. When there is a search request, a node can find the destination nodes by looking up its local publishing repository, and thus obtain one-hop search with moderate search cost. We analyze the performance of PS algorithm compared to other search algorithms based on search efficiency.
Expeditious Scheduling for Precedence Constraint Tasks in Grid[Full-Text] [References]Joshua Samuel Raj, Daphne.S and Dr. V. Vasudevan
The tremendous potential of grid computing is efficient scheduling, to exploit the computationally intense problems. In the commonly used decentralized models, large scale scheduling implies time sequence constraints, which makes the models intractable. To resolve this constraint, disintegration and cyclic scheduling are often applied to such scheduling which is time consuming and introducing more complexities. The significance of this paper is marked by speed and efficiency that the task-resource mapping in such a non-deterministic computing environment leads to concerns over scheduling problem to minimize the expected makespan and delay in allocation of tasks thereby reduce the turnaround time for precedence-constraint tasks imposed by application tasks to identify suitable resources. Our rigorous performance evaluation shows that our variant Expeditious Matching algorithm generates schedules with smaller makespan and higher robustness compared with other existing approach gratuitous to the new enhancement.