IJSER, Volume 2, Issue 6, June 2011 Edition

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A Novel Scheme to Eliminate Common Mode Voltage in Multilevel Inverters[Full-Text] [References]Nasim Rashidi-rad, Abdolreza Rahmati, Adib Abrishamifar
Nowadays, multilevel voltage source inverters offer several advantages compared to their conventional two-level inverters. In these inverters, by synthesizing several levels of dc voltages, the staircase output waveform is produced. The structure of this waveform will have lower total harmonic distortion which leads to an approach to a desired sinusoidal waveform. Achieving higher output voltage and lower stress on power switches are other advantages of theses inverters. But in multilevel inverters the problem of common mode voltage which had been found in conventional two level inverters can still be considered as a major issue which leads to motor bearing failures. Therefore to eliminate these voltages proposing some methods seems to be necessary. This paper proposes a generalized method to generate pulse width modulation signals in multilevel inverters that have an odd number of levels. The main idea of this method to generate these signals for an n-level inverter is based on a freely selectable modulation method of an (N+1)/2 level imaginary inverter. This method which leads to eliminate common mode voltages of the n-level inverter can be extended to higher levels.
Physical Behavior of Eigenvalues and Singular Values in Matrix Decompositions [Full-Text] [References]Azmol Huda, R. L. Aguiar
An apposite as well as realistic treatment of eigenvalue and singular value problems are potentially of interest to a wide variety of people, including among others, design engineers, theoretical physicists, classical applied mathematics and numerical analysis who yearn to carry out research in the matrix field. In real world, it is extensively used but at sometimes scantily understood. This paper focuses on building a solid perception of eigenvalue as well as singular value with their substantial meanings. The main goals of this paper are to present an intuitive experience of both eigenvalue and singular value in matrix decompositions throughout a discussion by largely building on ideas from linear algebra and will be proficiently to gain a better perceptive of their physical meanings from graphical representation.
Fuzzy Logic Based Hydro-Electric Power Dam Control System[Full-Text] [References]M. Abbas, M. Saleem Khan, Nasir Ali
This research paper presents the construction design of Hydro-Electric Power Dam Control System using Fuzzy Logic. In this design two input parameters: water level and flow rate and two output parameters: release valve control and drain valve control are used. This proposed system uses a simplified algorithmic design approach with wide range of input and output membership functions. The hardware of control system for fuzzifiers and defuzzifiers is designed according to the need of system. The proposed simplified algorithmic design is verified using MATLAB simulation and results are found in agreement to the calculated values according to the Mamdani Model of the Fuzzy Logic Control System.
Analysis and Simulation of DVR by Using AC Chopper for Distribution System[Full-Text] [References]D.R.K.Praveen, T.Vijay Muni, V V Satyanarayana Rao.R
This paper deals with modelling and digital simulation of AC chopper based Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). The control of DVR that injects a voltage in series with a distribution feeder is presented. DVR is a power electronic controller that can protect sensitive loads from disturbances of voltage fluctuations in supply system. It is observed that DVR can regulate the voltage at the load. Circuit model is developed for the single phase model and the same is used for simulation studies. It is tested for different capacity loads.
Advanced Coma Patient Monitoring System[Full-Text] [References]Naveen Kansal, Hardeep Singh Dhillon
Embedded system is becoming an integral part of Engineering design process for efficient analysis and effective operation. From data analysis to hardware work, everywhere embedded products are the main interest because of its reliability and time bound perfection. There is not much time with anyone now a day to give enough in all aspects, so demand of embedded products which serve as we want is high on demand. Further it describes the design of an embedded system for the control of Temperature & Light intensity with continuous monitoring in a single system using sensors, microcontroller and LCD. It describes the controlling action incorporated in the hardware to control any device connected when specific conditions are met. Further set up is made such that data can be stored for future offline analysis. The hardware developed namely "Advanced Coma Patient Monitoring System" is very advanced product related to physical changes in body movement of the patient and gives Warning in form of alarm and display on the LCD in less than one second time. It also passes a sms to a person sitting at the distant place if there exists any movement in any body part of the patient.
Spray Deposition Process Of Hypereutectic Al - Si Alloys: An Overview[Full-Text] [References]Dayanand .M. Goudar., Rudrakshi G.B., Srivastav V.C., Jagannath reddy, Ajith G. Joshi
Modified Al alloys are gaining emphasis in the past few years due to wide range of properties available for the engineering applications. These alloys are manufactured by spray forming process have superior properties over the conventional cast alloys. Hence in this article an attempt has been made to summarize the work that has been carried out in the field of spray forming of hypereutectic Al - Si alloys and with other alloying elements such as Fe, Cu, Mg and Mn. As hypereutectic Al - Si alloys are attractive for the industrial applications due to their low thermal expansion co - efficient and high tribological properties. In this study attention has been paid towards the microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of the studied alloys. The study of process parameters over the size and shape of the powder in spray forming is other part of this work. The change in properties of spray formed alloys by the working of secondary process is also been considered.
A Fuzzy Inference System for Synergy Estimation of Simultaneous Emotion Dynamics in Agents[Full-Text] [References] Atifa Athar, M. Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmed, Aiesha Ahmed, Nida Anwar
This paper presents that emotions manifest the information processing mechanism of human mind that infers the synergic effect of simultaneous emotions to achieve focused communication and decision making. This proposed work considers integration mechanism of complex emotional dynamics for agents to communicate reason and decide in conflicting situations like humans. The proposed inference system is used to estimate the blended effect of simultaneously activated emotions in agents using fuzzy logic as it is an unsurpassed choice to deal with uncertain information and classification of non-deterministic events.
Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols Using Different Environment in MANET[Full-Text] [References]Rakesh kumar Yadav, Manish Bhardwaj, Sachi Pandey
Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANET) represents complex distributed systems that comprise wireless ad hoc network that does not rely on any fixed infrastructure and has dynamic topology also called short lived networks. MANET is self-organized and self-configurable network where the mobile nodes move arbitrarily. The mobile nodes can receive and forward packets as a router. Routing is a critical issue in MANET; efficient routing protocols will make routing reliable. The most popular ones are AODV, DSDV and DSR. The performance mea-surements are based on the various performance metrics such as packet delivery fraction, average end to end delay. This paper also analy-sis the performance of using execution time by varying different MANET simulation parameters.
A semi-implicit finite-difference approach for two-dimensional coupled Burgers' equations [Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Tamsir, Vineet Kumar Srivastava
The two-dimensional Burgers' equation is a mathematical model which is used to describe various kinds of phenomena such as turbulence and viscous fluid. In this paper, a semi-implicit finite-difference method is used to handle such problem. The proposed scheme forms a system of linear algebraic difference equations to be solved at each time-step. The linear system is solved by direct method. Numerical results are compared with those of exact solutions and other available results. The present method performs well. The proposed scheme can be extended for solving non-linear problems arising in mechanics and other areas of engineering and science.
Audio Streaming on Mobile Phones[Full-Text] [References]Ajinkya Patil, Apurva Mayekar, Shruti Gurye, Varun Karandikar, Pramila Chavan
The development of digital communication with increased bandwidths and support of various protocols that allow streaming of multimedia data on mobile devices have created the need to manage and access the multimedia content from mobile devices. A few mobile applications have been developed which readily enable streaming of multimedia files on mobile phones. There are several issues that need to be handled in the process. The paper talks about the critical issues and presents essential concepts with respect to application development for streaming content to a mobile device. It provides a comparison between protocols and audio formats. A system for streaming audio has been proposed exploring various aspects of streaming.
Performance Analysis of Backoff Algorithm in IEEE 802.11 Networks[Full-Text] [References]Sakshi Suhane, Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Prof. Varsha Sharma
The primary Medium Access Control (MAC) technique of IEEE 802.11 is called Distributed Coordination Function (DCF). This protocol adopts a Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) with a binary exponential backoff (BEB) algorithm to access the channel. The protocol performance mainly depends on backoff procedure which reduces the probability of collision. With BEB, waiting time of a node gets doubled after every unsuccessful transmission. This introduces fast-growing retransmission delays for the backlog traffic. In a mobile ad hoc network (MANET), it would be worthwhile to slow down the growth-rate of waiting time because the nodes communicating in a MANET might move out of collision range while waiting for retransmission. Moreover, DCF reduces the Contention Window to the initial value after each successful transmission which essentially assumes that each successful transmission is an indication that the system is under low traffic loading. In this paper analyzed the problem with existing Backoff Algorithm.
A Mechanism For Booster Approach in Mobile Ad Hoc Network[Full-Text] [References]Ahamd Anzar, Husain Shanawaz,Dr S.C Gupta
In Mobile Adhoc network Nodes are highly mobile. They move around the Network. Due to this network topology and number of neighboring nodes in each node frequently change. Movement of nodes from one to another network also affect to the communication between them. As we know if nodes are within the range of each other they will work properly. But any of one node is not in the range of other node communication will Break. So we have to Design and develop that kind of system/approach which can handle such types of situation and prevent frequent link failure. To overcome this Link failure we introduced Booster Approach. In this Approach, we are dealing with the Power levels at both the ends (Tx as well as Rx) in order to make healthy communication between nodes in Adhoc Network. Suppose if our one node is moving away from the source node the moving node will measure its Rx power with respect to the distance and after a time duration when its current power level reaches the Threshold level (mini. Power level require for communication between nodes) it "ON its Booster" and at the same time it send one packet message MEP (Member Packet) to source node which contains (Received power level of moving node) due to this source node also "ON its Booster" enhance the Power level and trying to connect together to prevent the data lost during node mobility. In this paper we proposed a mechanism based on the Mathematical parameters . like Tx power, Rx power (Threshold level- minimum power require for communication between nodes), Distance between Tx and Rx, which are making an important role in Booster approach mechanism and Prevent link break during Nodes mobility at data transaction time.
Efficient Algorithm for ECG Coding[Full-Text] [References]Ms. Manjari Sharma, Dr. A. K. Wadhwani
Electrocardiogram (ECG) data compression algorithm is needed to reduce the amount of data to be transmitted, stored and analyzed, without losing the clinical information content. This work investigates a set of ECG data compression schemes in frequency domain to compare their performances in compressing ECG signals. These schemes are based on transform methods such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), fast fourier transform (FFT), discrete sine transform (DST), and their improvements. An improvement of a discrete cosine transform (DCT)-based method for electrocardiogram (ECG) compression is also presented as DCT-II. A comparative study of performance of different transforms is made in terms of Compression Ratio (CR) and Percent root mean square difference (PRD).The appropriate use of a block based DCT associated to a uniform scalar dead zone quantiser and arithmetic coding show very good results, confirming that the proposed strategy exhibits competitive performances compared with the most popular compressors used for ECG compression. Each specific transform is applied to a pre-selected data segment from the MIT-BIH database and then compression is performed.
A Study of Finding Similarities in Web Service Using Metrics [Full-Text] [References]D.Chandramohan, Shailesh Khapre, S.Ashokkumar
Newest mounting and escalated recognition of services and its equivalent building of significant Web service mature to be a considerable rally. Web service expertise for permitting right to entry for promoting services regardless of locality and execution policies exist already. On the other hand, a huge discrepancy on structural, semantically and technological intensity all along with the emergent number of offered web services formulate their discovery a significant challenge. Our proposal progresses to classify an ultimate approach for identifying web service resemblance with the help of metrics. In particular, we analyzed the intrinsic worth of using metrics based Models, WordNet metrics and semantic similarity metrics for this evaluation purpose.
Selecting of Slotted AFPM Motors with High Torque Density for Electric Vehicles [Full-Text] [References]S.Asghar Gholamian, M. Ardebili, K. Abbaszadeh, Seyed Akbar Gholamian
Double-sided axial flux PM motors (AFPM) are the most promising and widely used types. There are two topologies for slotted double-sided AFPM motors. Selecting an AFPM motors with high torque density is an important parameter in applications. So, comparison of torque density between different topologies of double-sided AFPM motors seems to be necessary. In this paper, the sizing equations of axial flux slotted one-stator-two-rotor (TORUS) and two-stator-one-rotor (AFIR) type PM motors is presented and comparison of the TORUS and AFIR topologies in terms of torque density is illustrated. Field analysis of both Topologies of slotted motors is investigated using Finite Element method (FEM) software. Finally a high torque double-sided slotted AFPM motor is introduced in the paper.
Addressing Challenges in Multilingual Machine Translation[Full-Text] [References]Prof. Rekha Sugandhi, Sayali Charhate, Anurag Dani, Amol Kawade
The machine translation process may be unidirectional or bidirectional between a pair of languages. Or it can be multilingual too. A number of software's are developed till date and different advancements are taking place in this field to overcome the language barriers and create borderless marketplace. Still there are many challenges involved in this field of AI which are yet to be overcome. The translation quality of MT systems may be improved by developing better methods as well as by imposing certain restrictions on the input. All sort of challenges peak in case of Multilingual Machine Translation as compared to bilingual one. Paper focuses on long term challenges like High-Quality MT for many more language pairs, training with limited data resources, robustness across domains, genres and language styles, Achieving human-level translation quality and fluency.
Evolving Data Mining Algorithms on the Prevailing Crime Trend - An Intelligent Crime Prediction Model[Full-Text] [References]A. Malathi and Dr. S. Santhosh Baboo
Crime is a behavior deviation from normal activity of the norms giving people losses and harms. Crimes are a social nuisance and cost our society dearly in several ways. In this paper we look at use of missing value and clustering algorithm for crime data using data mining. We will look at MV algorithm and Apriori algorithm with some enhancements to aid in the process of filling the missing value and identification of crime patterns. We applied these techniques to real crime data. Crime prevention is a significant issue that people are dealing with for centuries. We also use semi-supervised learning technique in this paper for knowledge discovery from the crime records and to help increase the predictive accuracy.
Oracle Real Application Clusters[Full-Text] [References]Deepali Kadam, Nandan Bhalwarkar, Rahul Neware, Rajesh Sapkale, Raunika Lamge
This paper shows automatic failover and load balancing for Oracle real Application Clusters. rac enables you to use clustered hardware by running multiple instances against the same database. The database files are stored on disks that are either physically or logically connected to each node, so that every active instance can read from or write to them. Oracle Real Application Clusters manages data access, so that changes are coordinated between the instances and each instance sees a consistent image of the database. The Cluster Interconnect enables instances to pass coordination information and data images between each other.The architecture enables users and application to benefit from the processing power of multiple machines. Oracle RAC architecture also achieves redundancy in the case of, for example, a system crashing or becoming unavailable; the application can still access the database on any surviving instances.
Face Recognition System Based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN)[Full-Text] [References]Mohammod Abul Kashem, Md. Nasim Akhter, Shamim Ahmed, and Md. Mahbub Alam
Face recognition has received substantial attention from researches in biometrics, pattern recognition field and computer vision communities. Face recognition can be applied in Security measure at Air ports, Passport verification, Criminals list verification in police department, Visa processing , Verification of Electoral identification and Card Security measure at ATM's. In this paper, a face recognition system for personal identification and verification using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN) is proposed. This system consists on three basic steps which are automatically detect human face image using BPNN, the various facial features extraction, and face recognition are performed based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with BPNN. The dimensionality of face image is reduced by the PCA and the recognition is done by the BPNN for efficient and robust face recognition. In this paper also focuses on the face database with different sources of variations, especially Pose, Expression, Accessories, Lighting and backgrounds would be used to advance the state-of-the-art face recognition technologies aiming at practical applications.
Improved Password Selection Method to Prevent Data Thefts[Full-Text] [References]Akash Mathur
Password thefts have become an important data security issue in the recent times. Hackers have been intruding into the websites and personal mail accounts of the users. Prevention from this unauthorized access is the need of the hour. So here lies the major key to overcome such a situation and that is to adopt more secure and advanced password selection methods. My paper throws light on one of the most secure methods to improve password strength and security.
A DKIM based Architecture for Combating Good Word Attack in Statistical Spam Filters[Full-Text] [References]Kashefa Kowser.K, Saruladha.K, Packiavathy.M
Abuse of E-Mail by unwanted users causes an exponential increase of E-Mails in user mailboxes which is known as Spam. It is an unsolicited commercial E-mail or unsolicited bulk E-Mail produces huge economic loss to large scale organizations due to high network bandwidth consumption and heavy mail server processing overload. Statistical spam filters could be used to categorize incoming E-Mails into legitimate and spam but they are vulnerable to Good Word attack which obfuscates "good words" in spam messages to make it legitimate. This paper attempts for a counterattack strategy to eradicate insertion of good words by proposing architecture of enhanced DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) as a solution. Our experimental result shows that DKIM serves to be the best as it incorporates sender evidence with random values in the E-Mail messages which is critical for the spammers to evade E-Mail filtering process. The misclassification of the spam E-Mail as legitimate E-Mail would reduce the performance of text classifiers. As the number of E-Mail increases, the misclassification percentage decreases by using DKIM.
Low-Power 1-bit CMOS Full Adder Using Subthreshold Conduction Region [Full-Text] [References]Vishal Sharma, Sanjay Kumar
In balancing the trade-off between power, area and performance, numerous efforts have been done. However, not much study has been done at the two extreme ends of the design spectrum, namely the ultra low-power with acceptable performance at one end (the main concern of this paper), and high performance with power within limit at the other. This paper is based on the exclusive use of subthreshold conduction currents to perform circuit operations, yielding a dramatic improvement in power consumption compared to traditional circuit design approaches. This improvement makes it feasible to design extreme low-power circuits with such an approach. The CMOS digital circuits for this work have been designed using standard TSMC 0.18 μm Technology.
Thermal Performance of Thermosyphon Charged by Nanofluid for Cooling Electronic Component[Full-Text] [References]M. G. Mousa
In present work a experimental study based on thermosyphon is investigated using a solid nano-particles added to water as a working fluid. Tests are made on a thermosyphon. The experiment was performed in order to measure the temperature distribution and compare the heat transfer rate of the thermosyphon with the nanofluid and with pure water. The tested concentration level of the nano-particles is 0%, to 1.2%. Results show that the addition of 1.2% (by volume) of Al2O3 nano-particles in water presented improved thermal performance compared with the operation with pure water. Results showed that the total thermal resistance, using Al2O3-water based the nanofluid is enhanced by 57% at f equal 1.2 % compared to that of pure water, depending on filling ratio and volume fraction of the nano-particles in the base fluid. The experimental data are compared with the available literature and discrepancies between results are discussed.
The Effect Of High Temperature On Viscosity Of Palm Oil During The Ripening Process Of Fresh Fruits [Full-Text] [References]Afshin.Keshvadi, Johari.Bin.Endan, Haniff.Harun, Desa.Ahmad, Farah Saleena
This research was done on Tenera oil palm variety (A cross between Dura and Pisifera) on eight-year-old palms planted in 2003 at the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) Research Station. Fresh fruit bunches were harvested and were removed the fruits from outer and inner layers of them randomly, during the ripening process between 8, 12,16 and 20 weeks after anthesis for oil extraction and determine to the affect of high temperature on palm oil viscosity as a Non-Newtonian fluid during the ripening process. The soxhlet extraction tubes with hexane were used to palm oil extraction.Oil viscosity as a one of the important rheological properties of palm oil during the oil development in the bunch and constant function of shear rate, exhibiting Non-Newtonian fluid behaviors was measured by Rheostress, (Thermo Hakke, RS 600, Germany) with rotary parallel plates (35 mm diameter and 0.5 mm gap distance) in order to the effect of high temperature on palm oil viscosity. The oil was sheared at a constant shear rate of 100 s-1 over temperatures ranging from 20 to 70 °C and viscosity was then measured. All experiments were carried out in Microsoft Excel and MSTAT-C to statistical analysis and Regression coefficients.
A New Old Concept for Bussines Progress: Physical Capital Maintenance[Full-Text] [References]Ionel Jianu, Iulia Jianu, Liviu Geambasu
This study aims at promoting the physical capital maintenance concept, as a solution for the development of economic entities, by demonstrating the reliability of this concept in obtaining performance at the level of economic entity due to the technological upgrade. Physical capital maintenance is a relatively new concept in the accounting theory and practice. Very fast, convenient and handy indeed, we associate production capacity with technology, devices, networks, with the staff and its knowledge, and it seems that we are not far away from the truth. Physical capital maintenance requires the recognition of the profit only if the entity was able to maintain its current activity level which is measured by production capacity. This article aims to highlight the results that the practical application of the concept of physical capital maintenance strictly related to the technological aspect has in the organizational behavior changing. In this sense, the empirical research will demonstrate the changes in the current forms of business management through the use of the physical capital maintenance concept.
Improved Audio Watermarking Using DWT-SVD[Full-Text] [References]N.V.Lalitha, G.Suresh, Dr.V.Sailaja
Digital audio watermarking involves the concealment of data within a discrete audio file. Applications for this technology are numerous. Intellectual property protection is currently the main driving force behind research in this area. In this paper we present an efficient audio watermarking algorithm in the frequency domain by embedding an inaudible audio water mark. Comparison of two different algorithms i.e. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)-Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)-SVD is presented here. The effectiveness of these algorithms is verified by conducting experimentation. Experimental results show that the watermarked audio has good imperceptibility and is robust against different kinds of attacks, such as noise adding, re-sampling, cropping.
Handoff Analysis for UMTS Environment[Full-Text] [References]Pankaj Rakheja, Amanpreet Kaur, Dilpreet Kaur
UMTS is in one of the third generation mobile telecommunication technologies. And it supports various multimedia applications and services at an enhanced data rate with better security. It also supports mobile users and for that there is a process called handover where new channels are assigned to the user when it moves from a region covered by one node to a region covered by other. In this paper we analyse the effect of handover over the performance of the system.
A High Performance and Low Power Hardware Architecture for H.264 Transform Coding[Full-Text] [References]Jubli Kashyap,Virendra Kumar Yadav
In the search for ever better and faster video compression standards H.264 was created. H.264 promises to be an excellent video format for use with a large range of applications and need for hardware acceleration of its very computationally intensive parts. To address this need, this paper proposes architecture for the discrete transform (DCT) and quantization blocks from H.264. The first set of architectures for the DCT and quantization were optimized for power, which resulted in transform and quantizer blocks that use 10.5623 mW Power. All of the designs were synthesized for Cadence BuildGate Synthesis CMOS technology, as well as the combined DCT and Quantization blocks went through comprehensive place and route flow.
Computer Simulation of Forging Using The Slab Method Analysis[Full-Text] [References]S. B. Mehta, D. B. Gohil
Forging is a very complex process and the measurement of actual forces for real material is difficult and cumbersome. The main objective of this document is to use the analytical methods for measuring parameters such as load, and stress distribution of forging process and use them to make simple, reliable, fast and non-expensive simulation tools, contrary to the commercial software's which require much means, time and a perfect knowledge of the process. Of the various methods used for analysing forging operations, the most often used SLAB method techniques are described here.
Speech Recognition By Using Recurrent Neural Networks[Full-Text] [References]Dr.R.L.K.Venkateswarlu, Dr. R. Vasantha Kumari, G.Vani JayaSri
Automatic speech recognition by computers is a process where speech signals are automatically converted into the corresponding sequence of characters in text. In real life applications, however, speech recognizers are used in adverse environments. The recognition performance is typically degraded if the training and the testing environments are not the same. The study on speech recognition and understanding has been done for many years. The aim of the study was to observe the difference of English alphabet from E-set to AH-set. The aim of the study was to observe the difference of phonemes. Neural network is well-known as a technique that has the ability to classify nonlinear problem. Today, lots of researches have been done in applying Neural Network towards the solution of speech recognition. Even though positive results have been obtained from the continuous study, research on minimizing the error rate is still gaining lots of attention. This research utilizes Recurrent Neural Network, one of the Neural Network techniques to observe the difference of alphabet from E- set to AH - set. The purpose of this research is to upgrade the peoples knowledge and understanding on phonemes or word by using Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and backpropagation through Multilayer Perceptron. 6 speakers (a mixture of male and female) are trained in quiet environment. The English language offers a number of challenges for speech recognition [4]. This paper specifies that the performance of Recurrent Neural Network is better than Multi Layer Perceptron Neural Network.
Balanced Ant Colony Algorithm For Scheduling DAG To Grid Heterogeneous System[Full-Text] [References]Mrs. Smitha Jha,Dr. D. K. Mallik,Dr. R.K. Suri
Ant Colony Optimization can be used for scheduling tasks on resources in Grid. In earlier work this technique has been applied for independent task scheduling. This paper apply the above technique for dependent task scheduling. Here a hybrid algorithm by Sakellariou can be applied,where tasks in DAG(Directed acyclic graph) are upward ranked and sorted decreasingly. Then the sorted tasks are grouped along the sorted sequences and in every group,tasks are independent. Then independent task groups can be scheduled to resources using algorithm specified by author Chang.
Analysis of optical wireless communication for underwater wireless communication [Full-Text] [References]P.Vijaya Kumar, S.S.K.Praneeth, Romarsha.B.Narender
Recently, the importance of underwater wireless optical communication has been grown for applications of underwater observation and sea monitoring systems. This communication technology is expected to play a prominent role in investigating climate changes, prediction of natural disasters, discovery of natural resources, marine biology in lake, sea, and ocean environment. Though acoustic modems have long been the default wireless communication method for under water applications due to their long range, the need for high speed communication has prompted the exploration of non-acoustic methods that `have previously been overlooked due to their distance limitations. Optical wireless communication has been proposed as the best alternative in order to overcome the limitations in acoustic underwater communication. In this paper we have presented three scenarios regarding underwater optical wireless communication. They are a) Line of sight (LOS) b) Modulating Retro Reflector link c) Reflective link. In this analysis, each scenario has been tested with water having different extinction coefficient and various noise backgrounds. We analysed these links in OPTI SYSTEM. Opti System is an innovative, rapidly evolving, and powerful software design tool that enables users to plan, test, and simulate almost every type of optical link in the transmission layer of a broad spectrum of optical networks from LAN, SAN, MAN to ultra-long-haul. It offers transmission layer optical communication system design and planning from component to system level, and visually presents analysis and scenarios.
Analysis of Surface roughness of machined surface of Powder Metallurgy components[Full-Text] [References]P.K.Bardhan, R.Behera, S.Patra, G.Sutradhar
The surface roughness value (Ra) of sintered iron P/M components at different cutting speed has been investigated. Surface finish may also be critical for component assembly or system performance. Dimensional fit and mating surface interaction may require certain surface finish requirements to meet performance specifications. Experimental results of surface roughness (Ra) of P/M components at different cutting speed have been analyzed through the various process parameters during manufacturing using response surface model. It has been observed that the compaction pressure, sintering temperature and sintering time strongly influence the response variable, surface roughness. A second order response surface model (RSM) has been used to develop a predicting equation of surface roughness based on the data collected by a statistical design of experiments known as central composite design (CCD). The analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows that the observed data fits well into the assumed second order RSM model.
X-ray Satellites spectra in the Lα1 region of 4d transition elements[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Sameer Sinha, Vinay Kumar Pandey, Ajay Vikram Singh
We have used Plasmon theory to explain Energy Satellites and relative intensity of high energy X-ray satellites α3 , α4 & α5 with respect to Lα1 parent line in 4d Transition Metal ( Zr , Nb , Mo , Ru , Rh ) and estimated values are in agreement with the calculated values of Surendra Poornia and S.N.Soni.
A Pipelined Implementation for Full-Search Motion Estimation for Video Compression Using Variable Block-Size[Full-Text] [References]Vasavi Sandya. G, K.Suganthi
Variable block-size motion estimation (VBSME) has become an important technique in H.264/AVC to improve video quality. The hexagonal search method recently developed, an enhanced hexagonal search algorithm is proposed to further improve the performance in terms of reducing number of search points and distortion where a novel fast inner search is employed by exploiting the distortion information of the evaluated points. Our experimental results substantially justify the merits of the proposed algorithm.
Analysis of Software Cost Estimation using COCOMO II[Full-Text] [References]T.N.Sharma
COCOMO II is an objective cost model for planning and executing software projects. It is an important ingredient for managing software projects or software lines of business. A cost model provides a framework for communicating business decisions among the stakeholders of a software effort. COCOMO II supports contract negotiations, process improvement analysis, tool purchases, architecture changes, component make/buy tradeoffs and several other return-on-investment decisions with a credible basis of estimate. COCOMO II incorporates several field-tested improvements to both broaden its applicability and improve its estimating accuracy for modern software development approaches. COCOMO II includes two underlying information models. The first is a framework for describing a software project, including models for process, culture, stakeholders, methods, tools and the size/complexity of the software product. The second is an experience base that can be used to estimate the likely includes significant updates to COCOMO to improve its applicability to modern processes, methods, tools and technologies. It also includes a much larger, more pertinent database of modern precedents and improves the adaptability of the model so it can be optimized across a broad spectrum of domains and project circumstances. This paper presents cost estimation of various projects using COCOMO II. This article also presents statistical analysis for relevance of base COCOMO II model for effort estimation in present scenario.
Power Infrastructure Monitoring System on Embedded Web[Full-Text] [References]Ajay K. Kakde, Ajay P. Thakare
PIMS NOC system is located centrally at the tower infrastructure service provider premises to monitor the various RMSs. The PIMS NOC is designed for modularity and scalability and comprises of a Communication Server, a Data Server and various User Terminals. Each Communication Server is connected to the GPRS/CDMA network service provider via a leased line. The bandwidth requirements of the leased line would be based on the total number of PIMS agents being monitored. PMS are received and processed by the Communication Server. The processed data is then passed onto the Data Server which primarily manages the tasks of storage and management of the PMS data. Various filtering options are provided to 'slice the data' as per required views. The filtered data serves as input for report generation. Various types of reports can be generated based on user requirements.
Hydrodynamic Free Convection Flow Of A Rotating Visco-elastic Fluid Past An Isothermal Vertical Porous Plate With Mass Transfer[Full-Text] [References]S. Biswal, G.S. Ray, A. Mishra
The effect of free convection and mass transfer in the unsteady flow of an incompressible electrically conducting visco-elastic past an isothermal vertical porous plate with constant suction normal to the plate has been studied. The effects of permeability parameter (Kp) of the porous medium, rotation parameter (R), Grashof number for heat transfer (Gr), Grashof number for mass transfer (Gm), frequency parameter () and the heat source parameter (0) on the transient primary and secondary velocity field, temperature field and the rate of heat transfer have been investigated with the help of graphs and tables.
Thermodynamic Adsorption of Herbicides on Eight Agricultural Soils[Full-Text] [References]Rounak M. Shariff, Kafia M. Shareef
Thermodynamics of adsorption of three pesticides using a kinetic approach was investigated. The objective of this study is to study the effect of temperature on the sorption behavior of three commonly used pesticides in Kurdistan onto eight natural soil samples collected from different agricultural locations. To elucidate the effect of temperature on the sorption process, the experiments were done at 15, 25, 35 ±1°C. Values of the standard thermodynamic functions: equilibrium constant Ko, free energy change ΔG°, enthalpy change ΔH° and entropy change ΔS° revealed that adsorption of atrazine, picloram and propanil was spontaneous exothermic and physical in nature to some extent. Data obtained revealed that adsorption coefficient decreases with the incresing temperature. Values of lnKo were in the range 1.238 to 12.75, 1.674 to 14.032 and 29.83 to 173.1 for atrazine, picloram and propanil respectively. The ∆Go values were in the range -30.549 to -3.172 KJmol-1, -33.614 to -4.2897 KJmol-1, and - 414.72 to - 76.412 KJmol-1 for atrazine, picloram, and propanil respectively. Values of ∆Ho followed the range -5.010 to -0.738 to KJmol-1, -4.769 to -0.848 KJmol-1 and -75.779 to - 1.628 KJmol-1 for atrazine, picloram, and propanil respectively. ∆So followed the range-16.138 to -1.757 Jmol-1 k-1, -14.711 to -2.502 Jmol-1 k-1 and -199.01 to -62.457 Jmol-1k-1for atrazine, picloram, and propanil respectively.
Economic Water Rate And Optimum Performance Of Two Stage Azeotropic Refrigerating System[Full-Text] [References]Prof. D.V. Mahindru, Priyanka Mahendru
With a view to conserve energy, the use of azeotropes in a multistage refrigerating system is quite timely. Depending upon the requirement, such a system incorporates conventionally either a water cooled or air cooled condenser. The total operating cost of a refrigerating system with a water cooled condenser comprises the cost of water and the cost of electricity needed to drive the compressor(s). There is enough potential for research in finding out the ways to achieve maximum coefficient of performance and the least operating cost simultaneously for multi-stage azeotropic system. However, to avoid overloading of sewage facilities and to comply with municipal codes for the use of water, the water flow rate required in refrigerating system should be minimized.In the present investigation, economic water rates for two stage refrigerating systems, operating on most commonly used azeotropes R-500 and R-502, have been searched out over a wide range of operating limits. Such economic rates, if followed, would produce maximum COP and consume minimum power. The effects of controlling variables, e.g. approach, cost ratio etc have also been studied on the heat transfer to condenser, optimum condensing temperature and economic water rate.
Speed Scheduling of Autonomous Railway Vehicle Control System Using ANN[Full-Text] [References]Nida Anwar, Muhammad Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmed, Aiesha Ahmad and Atifa Athar
This paper presents the artificial neural network base design approach for speed scheduling of autonomous railway vehicle control system the proposed system enhances the efficiency of vehicle under constraints and contributes in controlling issues, considering relative safety and operational requirements to avoid accidents. This design approach provides the vehicle's speed management and scheduling under certain conditions: junction track information JTI, environment monitoring EM, vehicle tilting VT, track condition TC, track clearance TCL. The proposed system will be capable to full fill the needs of modern trends, to enhance the vehicle control automation system.
Online Graphical Display of Blood Oxygen Saturation and Pulse Rate [Full-Text] [References]Dilpreet Kaur, Sukhwinder Kumar, Shashi Sharma
This paper will design a non-invasive pulse oximeter using the ADuC842 microcontroller. A pulse oximeter is a medical device that indirectly monitors the oxygen saturation of a patient's blood and heart rate. The hardware has been developed for the pulse oximeter and programming/coding has been done for calculating blood oxygen saturation and pulse rate of a patient. The results are displayed on the OLED or transported to PC. The software used is ASPIRE (Advanced Systems Programming Integrating Real-time Emulation) verion 1.05. Assessing a patient's need for oxygen is the most essential element to life; no human life thrives in the absence of oxygen.
Speed Scheduling of Autonomous Railway Vehicle Control System using Neuro-Fuzzy System[Full-Text] [References]Aiesha Ahmad, M.Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmed, Nida Anwar and Atifa Athar
This paper presents the speed scheduling system of autonomous railway vehicles using neuro-fuzzy system. Speed maintaining and scheduling system is considered integral part for successful development of autonomous railway vehicle control system. This work focuses on development of intelligent speed scheduling system to successfully cope with constraint of different conditions by improving performance and stability as compared to existing control systems of railway vehicles. This intelligent speed scheduling system has ability to learn, take decision and act according to hard conditions; junction track information (JTI), crossing gate information (CG) and track clearance (TCL), and flexible conditions; vehicle tilting (VT), track condition (TC) and environment monitoring (EM), uses neuro-fuzzy system (NFS) comprising main features of fuzzy inference system (FIS) and artificial neural network (ANN). Artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy inference system (FIS) are used to solve complex real time speed scheduling problems intelligently by learning, adaptation and human knowledge incorporation. The proposed speed scheduling system learns and adapts automatically under uncertain situations of railway track system. This helps to maintain successfully the speed of railway vehicles with environment monitoring, time scheduling and minimizes the risk of overturning.
Autonomous Environment Control System using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text] [References]Abdul Salam Mubashar, M. Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmad, Yousaf Saeed
This research work presents an autonomous system for premises environment control using fuzzy logic. This proposed design of control system has four inputs: luminance intensity, luminance mode, temperature and humidity. There are six controlling outputs for luminance controller, air conditioner, ceiling fan, air-cooler fan, water-pump and heating unit. This design model can be applied for indoor and outdoor environments like office, work place, home, commercial areas and streets. This application of fuzzy logic would contribute in minimizing the energy wastages. Fuzzy rules are formulated, applied and tested using MATLAB simulation.
Bio-inspired Neuro-Fuzzy Based Dynamic Route Selection to Avoid Traffic Congestion[Full-Text] [References]Sagheer Abbass, M. Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmed, M.Abdullah, Umer Farooq
this paper presents the bio-inspired neuro- fuzzy based dynamic route selection system to avoid traffic congestion. The proposed intelligent decision making multi-parameter route selection system opts for the best multi-parameter direction between two desired nodes: origin and the destination. This work uses a combination of neuro-fuzzy logic and ant colony system (ACS) algorithm for the prime routing to satisfy all the desired requirements of the user using online traffic data directly delivered by the traffic control center and the traffic flow is predicted by artificial neural networks
Smart Home Security System using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text] [References]Muhammad Anwaar Saeed, Muhammad Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmed, Umer Farooq
Secure home provide a sense of security to its owner. Home security has two aspects, inside and outside. Inside security covers the concept of securing home from threats like fire etc. whereas, outside security is meant to secure home against any burglar/intruder etc. This work is aimed to provide a solution for home security that takes decision dynamically using the pervasive devices. Also this solution has the feature to intimate security analysis results anywhere in the world using internet
Autonomous System Controller for Vehicles using Neuro-Fuzzy[Full-Text] [References]Umer Farooq, M. Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmed, M. Anwaar Saeed, Sagheer Abbas
This paper presents the approach of neuro fuzzy systems to design autonomous vehicle control system. The purposed intelligent controller deliberates obstacles avoidance, unstructured environment adaptation and speed scheduling of autonomous vehicle based on neuro-fuzzy with reinforcement learning mechanism. The purposed system provides the autonomous vehicle navigation and speed control in unstructured and unsafe environment.
FIS Based Speed Scheduling System of Autonomous Railway Vehicle[Full-Text] [References]Aiesha Ahmad, M.Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmed, Nida Anwar, Umer Farooq
This paper presents the design model of speed scheduling system of autonomous railway vehicle control using fuzzy inference system (FIS). Successful development of speed scheduling and maintaining system plays crucial role to make autonomous railway vehicle control system more effective under constraint of uncertain conditions. This research work emphasis to develop the speed scheduling system with capability to adjust in uncertain conditions magnificently by improving performance, stability, controllability and safety of railway vehicles and ultimately reduce the risk to meet the needs of modern trend of autonomous control system. The proposed design model is capable to successfully cope with hard conditions; junction track information (JTI), crossing gate information (CG) and track clearance (TCL), and flexible conditions; vehicle tilting (VT), track conditions (TC) and environment monitoring (EM) using fuzzy inference system with better and quicker response with human knowledge incorporation. This system will be helpful to successfully maintain the speed of railway vehicles with environment monitoring, time scheduling and minimizes the risk of overturning.
Optimizing Performance of Token Ring for Bal-anced and Unbalanced Load Using OPNET[Full-Text] [References]Pankaj Rakheja, Dilpreet Kaur
Token Ring is a local area network which resides in the Data Link Layer (DLL) of the OSI model. Stations on a token ring LAN are logically organized in a ring topology with data being transmitted sequentially from one ring station to the next with a control token circulating around the ring controlling access. Each station passes or repeats the special token frame around the ring to its nearest downstream neighbour. This token-passing process is used to arbitrate access to the shared ring media. Stations that have data frames to transmit must first acquire the token before they can transmit them. It can transmit the packet for fixed duration decided by token holding time. Here we have analyzed its performance for a given number of nodes for balanced and unbalanced traffic flow and varied the size of packet to find out the optimum packet size for both balanced and unbalanced traffic flow. We have used OPNET for simulation.
Design of Viterbi Decoder for noisy channel on FPGA[Full-Text] [References]Ms. M.B.Mulik, Prof. U.L.Bombale, Prof. P.C.Bhaskar
The problem of survival memory management of a Viterbi Decoder (VD) was solved by introducing a pointer implementation for the register exchange (RE) method, where a pointer is assigned to each row of memory in the SMU. The content of the pointer which points to one row of memory is altered to point to another row of memory, instead of copying the contents of the first row to the second. In this paper, the one-pointer VD is proposed; if the initial state of the convolutional encoder is known, the entire survivor memory unit (SMU) is reduced to only one row. Because the decoded data are generated in the required order, even this row of memory is dispensable. Thus, the one-pointer architecture, referred to as memory less Viterbi Decoder (MLVD), reduces the power consumption of a traditional trace back (TB) VD by approximately 50 percent. A prototype of the MLVD with a one third convolutional code rate and a constraint length of nine is mapped into a Xilinx.
A Multi-Agent Based Autonomous Traffic Lights Control System Using Fuzzy Control[Full-Text] [References]Yousaf Saeed, M. Saleem Khan, Khalil Ahmed, Abdul Salam Mubashar
This research work presents an application of fuzzy logic for multi-agent based autonomous traffic lights control system using wireless sensors to overcome problems like congestion, accidents, speed and traffic irregularity. The proposed agent based approach can provide a preferred solution by minimizing the vehicle waiting time especially the emergency vehicles using fuzzy logic control under situations that normally occur during emergency. The effectiveness of this approach is tested by taking two traffic junctions.
Experimental cost reduction in Modern Manufacturing Industries through Software based Mechatronics System: An overview[Full-Text] [References]Ramamoorthy.C, Dr. V. Selladurai and Dr. Rajesh Ranganathan
Nowadays, the changing demand patters by the customers are increasing the pressure on the manufacturers. In this situation, manufacturers to sustain in the market are forced to do the activities like (i) Increase the selling price of their product and (ii) Reduce their internal costs of their product. In this scenario, it is not possible to increase the selling price of the products. The only way is to reduce their internal costs and improve the quality of the products to survive in their field. This paper suggests a methodology to develop and implement software based mechatronics systems in their factory premises for taking necessary steps to reduce the experimental cost, internal cost and improve the efficiency of the organization. The software based mechatronics approach is used to predict and analyze the relevant data pertaining to the selected problems. The usefulness of this approach is not only applicable for pump manufacturing industries but also various industrial segments, which would enable to cater the current and future customer demanding needs.