Volume 15, Issue 8, 08 2024 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication

Publication for Volume 15, Issue 8, 08 2024 Edition - IJSER Journal Publication

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Exploring the Evolution and Impact of Software As A Service Business Model in The Digital Age Of Educationl []

Abstract-Saas Business model has been considered in the global business world as it is booming up slowly and gradually into an influential business model in the coming years as everything is turning out to be digital as it has continued to make every individual's life efficient and convenient in the ever- growing idea-driven and fast-paced world like the cryptocurrency and the age of fintech. If we continue to research the global education sector, another market that is gaining drastic changes in the following years. According to research, the SAAS business model is ultimately known to influence education as some aspects of it continue to be adopted through technology in this digital age. Throughout the research paper, we will cover the role that the SAAS business can eventually play in the coming years in the form of empowering teachers who are the cornerstone of education, engaging students in innovating and life-changing streamlining administrative task, bringing a change in the per- sonal development of students and the career counseling process.

Exploring the Evolution and Impact of Software As A Service Business Model in The Digital Age Of Educationl []

Abstract-Saas Business model has been considered in the global business world as it is booming up slowly and gradually into an influential business model in the coming years as everything is turning out to be digital as it has continued to make every individual's life efficient and convenient in the ever- growing idea-driven and fast-paced world like the cryptocurrency and the age of fintech. If we continue to research the global education sector, another market that is gaining drastic changes in the following years. According to research, the SAAS business model is ultimately known to influence education as some aspects of it continue to be adopted through technology in this digital age. Throughout the research paper, we will cover the role that the SAAS business can eventually play in the coming years in the form of empowering teachers who are the cornerstone of education, engaging students in innovating and life-changing streamlining administrative task, bringing a change in the per- sonal development of students and the career counseling process.

Exploring the Evolution and Impact of Software As A Service Business Model in The Digital Age Of Educationl []

Abstract-Saas Business model has been considered in the global business world as it is booming up slowly and gradually into an influential business model in the coming years as everything is turning out to be digital as it has continued to make every individual's life efficient and convenient in the ever- growing idea-driven and fast-paced world like the cryptocurrency and the age of fintech. If we continue to research the global education sector, another market that is gaining drastic changes in the following years. According to research, the SAAS business model is ultimately known to influence education as some aspects of it continue to be adopted through technology in this digital age. Throughout the research paper, we will cover the role that the SAAS business can eventually play in the coming years in the form of empowering teachers who are the cornerstone of education, engaging students in innovating and life-changing streamlining administrative task, bringing a change in the per- sonal development of students and the career counseling process.

Exploring the Evolution and Impact of Software As A Service Business Model in The Digital Age Of Educationl []

Abstract-Saas Business model has been considered in the global business world as it is booming up slowly and gradually into an influential business model in the coming years as everything is turning out to be digital as it has continued to make every individual's life efficient and convenient in the ever- growing idea-driven and fast-paced world like the cryptocurrency and the age of fintech. If we continue to research the global education sector, another market that is gaining drastic changes in the following years. According to research, the SAAS business model is ultimately known to influence education as some aspects of it continue to be adopted through technology in this digital age. Throughout the research paper, we will cover the role that the SAAS business can eventually play in the coming years in the form of empowering teachers who are the cornerstone of education, engaging students in innovating and life-changing streamlining administrative task, bringing a change in the per- sonal development of students and the career counseling process.

Real-Time Tracking System of Public Vehicles Using Global Positioning System (University of Ilorin Case Study). []

—The tracking system of vehicles is an electronic system that enables vehicle owners or third-party users to locate the position of vehicles. The paper proposed a real-time vehicle tracking system that uses a global positioning system (GPS) with a global system mobile (GSM) module embedded in it to solve problems such as time-wasting, vehicle theft, and road accidents. The selection of GPS was based on its global, ever- growing acceptability and crashing cost of the technology and implementation. The GPS module tracks the vehicle's location and transmits coordinated information to a server via SMS using an embedded SIM card. This data is then processed and displayed on a web interface. The results demonstrate that GPS, compared to other technologies, offers a highly effective solution for enhancing time management and productivity in transportation.

Transliterating Urdu to Roman Urdu using neural network []

Transliteration is a process of converting a word from the alphabet of one lan-guage to another language. Previously used techniques are related to statistical, phrase level and rule-based approaches but Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has replaced it because of its heterogeneous, scalable and dynamic structure. NMT is used for rich resource languages e.g. German, Vietnam, Chinese and also performing well for poor resource languages like Myanmar, Hindi, and Roman-Urdu. Urdu is a low resource language and there is no sig-nificant work done to transliterate using NMT models. In this paper, we are working on Urdu to Roman-Urdu transliteration using sequence-to-sequence and attention-based models. This model uses the Encoder-Decoder architecture that takes one language as input (source) and decoder transforms it to desire output (target). Its results are phenomenal for rich resource languages, provid-ing context aware and scalable solutions. In the field of language translitera-tion, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Bi-directional models are com-monly employed to effectively deal with long-term dependencies. To handle unseen data, a combination of Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) and subword tech-niques is utilized, employing a hybrid approach that incorporates both word and character level embeddings. In order to evaluate the performance of the transliteration system, experiments are conducted on a parallel corpus consist-ing of 60k samples, which were generated from scratch. The system undergoes extensive testing to fine-tune the hyperparameters, ultimately achieving state-of-the-art results measured by the BLEU score on both the training and testing datasets. Additionally, the NMT model provides scalable, robust, context aware structure and can handle out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words.

Cybersecurity in the Modern Age: Protecting Digital Assets []

Digital transformation has revolutionized various aspects of life and business, leading to significant reliance on interconnected systems and the proliferation of sensitive data. As a result, cybersecurity has emerged as a crucial aspect of protecting personal, organizational, and national interests. This article examines the importance of cybersecurity, explores common threats and vulnerabilities, outlines effective protection strategies, and discusses future trends shaping the field. The modern digital landscape is rife with sensitive information ranging from personal data to critical business assets. This surge in data generation and connectivity has made cybersecurity indispensable. Effective cybersecurity measures are essential for protecting data from theft or loss and ensuring the integrity and availability of digital systems. Cyberattacks can lead to severe financial losses, reputational damage, and operational disruptions, with legal liabilities and regulatory penalties exacerbating the impact. Common cyber threats include malware, phishing, human error, insider threats, unpatched vulnerabilities, DDoS attacks, and IoT vulnerabilities. Malware encompasses harmful programs like viruses, ransomware, and spyware, each with specific destructive capabilities. Phishing attacks trick individuals into revealing sensitive information, often resulting in identity theft and financial fraud. Human error, such as weak passwords and mishandling of data, remains a significant vulnerability. Insider threats involve misuse of access by individuals within the organization. Unpatched vulnerabilities expose systems to exploitation, while DDoS attacks overwhelm networks, causing downtime and disruptions. The proliferation of IoT devices introduces new security challenges, as insecure devices can be entry points for attackers. To combat these threats, a multifaceted cybersecurity strategy is necessary. Key protective measures include multi-factor authentication (MFA), regular software updates and patch management, advanced threat detection systems, employee training, and comprehensive incident response plans. MFA adds a layer of security by requiring multiple verification factors. Regular updates and patches address known vulnerabilities, while advanced threat detection systems leverage AI and machine learning to identify and respond to threats. Employee training enhances awareness and reduces human error, and an incident response plan ensures preparedness for potential breaches. Additional strategies include data encryption, access controls, and robust backup and recovery procedures. Looking ahead, cybersecurity will be shaped by several emerging trends. Increased collaboration and information sharing among stakeholders are essential for combating cyber threats. AI and machine learning will grow in threat detection and response. Blockchain technology offers potential applications for enhancing data integrity and secure identity management. The adoption of Zero Trust architecture, which continuously verifies user identity and device health, is gaining traction. Quantum computing, with its potential to break traditional encryption algorithms, underscores the need for quantum-resistant cryptographic techniques. Regulatory frameworks focusing on data privacy will drive compliance requirements. Ensuring the security of emerging technologies like IoT, 5G, and autonomous systems will be crucial as they become more prevalent. In conclusion, cybersecurity in the modern age is a critical priority, demanding robust strategies to protect digital assets and ensure the integrity of interconnected systems. By staying informed about emerging threats and adopting proactive measures, individuals and organizations can enhance their cybersecurity posture and safeguard their digital environments. Keywords: Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation, Sensitive data, Interconnected Systems, Cyber Threats, Malware, Phishing, Human Error

The Evolution of Cloud Computing: Benefits and Challenges []

Cloud computing has fundamentally reshaped how businesses and individuals manage, store, and access data by delivering a range of services over the internet, thus reducing reliance on local servers and personal devices. The journey of cloud computing began with virtualization, evolving into scalable infrastructures supporting services like SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. These advancements have enabled rapid business scalability, innovation, and cost reduction by outsourcing the need for maintaining physical hardware. The benefits include enhanced collaboration, robust security, and automatic updates, but challenges such as data privacy, security concerns, and dependency on internet connectivity remain significant. The concept's historical roots trace back to the 1960s with J.C.R. Licklider's vision of an interconnected computing environment. Milestones such as the development of ARPANET in the 1970s, the rise of the internet in the 1990s, and the early 2000s' SaaS model by Salesforce.com, followed by AWS's EC2, mark critical phases in cloud computing's evolution. These developments laid the groundwork for the diverse cloud services available today. For businesses, cloud computing offers scalability, reducing the need for significant upfront investments in IT infrastructure. This results in lower operational costs and the ability to quickly adapt to market demands. For individuals, cloud services provide accessibility, data backup, and recovery options, enhancing productivity and convenience. Collaborative tools enable real-time teamwork, further boosting efficiency. Despite its advantages, cloud computing presents challenges such as security risks, regulatory compliance issues, vendor lock-in, and potential downtime. Organizations must implement robust security measures, stay informed about regulatory changes, and plan for data migration and service interruptions to mitigate these risks. Future trends in cloud technology include edge computing, which processes data closer to its source, improving performance for real-time applications. Combining public and private clouds, hybrid cloud solutions offer flexibility and resilience. Serverless computing abstracts infrastructure management, providing cost efficiency and scalability. Integrating AI and machine learning with cloud services enhances analytics, predictive modeling, and automation, driving innovation across various sectors.


The study aims to print a standardized 3D gross anatomical model of the thorax of a southern Nigeria male. The study adopted a cross-sectional study design to collect anthropometric data for the design of 3D printed gross anatomical model. The anthropometric data were obtained via direct measurements and data was analyzed using IBM SPSS version 25. Using polylactic acid filament, CAD software, and a 3D printer, the study followed a three-step process: modeling the thorax digitally, slicing the model into printable instructions, and finally printing the model. The study focused on 3D printing a 20% scaled-down model of the human thorax, including the vertebral column. Challenges with accuracy and stability arose due to the model's irregular surfaces, requiring support-based printing. To address these issues, the thorax was divided into smaller segments for printing, then assembled with hot adhesives. The completed model, showcasing an S-shaped spinal column typical of mammals, was mounted on a wooden base for display and could be scaled up with larger printers. The utility of 3D anatomical models has increased among medical students and health programs for hands-on understanding of complex relationships in anatomy.


Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are an emerging class of network architectures that are characterized by their highly dynamic topology, limited resources (i.e bandwidth and power), and lack of fixed infrastructure. The primary motivation for such networks is increased flexibility and mobility. There are number of paths in ad hoc network for communication between the nodes and selection of the shortest path from those paths is one of the key issues. One of the particularly important networking issues in mobile ad hoc network is Routing. This research explores the use of bandwidth estimation and path selection model in determining the transmission paths with the minimum and maximum delay metric. Furthermore, the delay metrics was identified to be above the threshold of ≤ 5ms. A modified shortest path algorithm using an Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Technique was developed to reduce the delay, routing over-head caused by flooding,and mitigate the re-routing problems in ad hoc network. A database was also developed using Microsoft structured query language software and class C Internet Protocol (IP) address to enhance easy identification and accessibility of files by the nodes and to checkmate intruders to the network using their Media Access Control (MAC) address. A performance improvement of about 5% was recorded as shown in the simulation result. The developed algorithm has a smaller end-to-end delay when compared to existing ones as it provided a reduced delay metric and enhanced the performance of ad hoc network when implemented. A moderate packet size should be used in ad hoc networks since a larger packet size take a higher time for transmission.


In the past three years, the COVID-19 pandemic has become the main threat to mankind diversely affecting people all over the world. To mitigate the risk, the COVID-19 vaccination is now continuing throughout the world. COVID-19 vaccination has been an important topic of discussion throughout the world since the start of vaccination campaigns. In this paper, we have worked through a system methodology to evaluate public sentiment toward COVID-19 vaccination using social media platform such as Twitter dataset. This system methodology has analyzed the public sentiment using a lexicon-based approach named Valence Aware Dictionary for sEntiment Reasoner (VADER). To evaluate public sentiment more perfectly, we partitioned the sentiments into five classes named Very Negative Impression, Negative Impression, Neutral Impression, Positive Impression, and Very Positive Impression rather than the three sentiments used in general named positive, negative, and neutral. To classify the sentiment more perfectly, we have proposed the BILSTM-MCNN model which is a combination of Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BILSTM) and Multiple Layers Convolutional Neural Network (MCNN). The Proposed BILSTM-MCNN model exhibits superior performance with a 96.82% accuracy for the Twitter dataset as well as outstrips other Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models. This research provides a good projection of the thoughts of the mass population about COVID-19 vaccination and supports the aim of vaccinating most of the people worldwide.

Technical Insights on Blockchain’s Role in Financial Systems []

This research provides a critical analysis regarding the way blockchain is being implemented in the financial industry, highlighting its vital role in promoting green finance, guaranteeing compliance with regulations, improving supply chain finance, boosting decentralized finance (DeFi), and strengthening the Internet of Things (IoT). It discusses how blockchain’s inherent attributes could significantly boost transparency, operational efficiency, and security across these domains while also addressing the pressing challenges of scalability, system integration, and the evolving regulatory landscape.

Influence of Electronic Information and Communication Board in Kwara State College of Education Oro []

Electronic Information and Communication Boards (EICBs), also known as digital bulletin boards, are display screens used by businesses and organizations to communicate with their audience through multimedia content. These boards serve as modern equivalents to traditional corkboards where physical flyers and notices are pinned. EICBs can be found in various contexts, including educational institutions, corporate offices, public spaces, and transportation hubs. Their applications range from announcements and advertising to interactive displays. Five hundred and twelve respondents were used as sample from both staff and students of KWCOED Oro. Questionnaire was distributed and retrieved online. The two formulated null hypotheses were rejected. The results show that ECIBs have contributed significantly in improving digital literacy and accuracy of information dissemination in the College.

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS): A Critical Threat to Human Health []

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of chemicals extensively manufactured over the past few decades for various industrial and commercial applications due to their exceptional stability, as well as their hydrophobic and lipophobic properties. Because of their widespread use, PFAS have become pervasive in our environment, contaminating water, soil, air, and food, as well as materials in homes and workplaces, making human exposure nearly unavoidable. PFAS have gained significant attention due to their potential to cause a range of health effects, including endocrine disruption, liver diseases, kidney diseases, immune system dysfunction, lipid dysregulation, reproductive and developmental issues, and cancer. In this review, we examine the sources and pathways of human exposure to PFAS. We also explore the health implications associated with PFAS and the biological mechanisms involved. Furthermore, we discuss current research limitations and suggest future directions to better understand the relationship between PFAS exposure and human health.

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