Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016.
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Voice Controlled Robotic Wheel-Chair for Physically disabled with live data streaming[Full-Text ] Chandan Yadav.N, Amruth.B.M Apply autonomy is the branch of mechanical building, electrical designing and software engineering that arrangements with the outline, development, operation, and use of robots, and additionally PC frameworks for their control, tangible input, and data preparing. These advancements manage computerized machines that can assume the position of people in unsafe situations or assembling forms, or look like people in appearance, conduct, as well as discernment. Large portions of today's robots are roused by nature adding to the field of bio-propelled apply autonomy.Deciphering the constant stream of sounds originating from a human, continuously, is a troublesome undertaking for a PC, generally as a result of the immense variability of discourse. The same word, talked by the same individual may sound distinctive contingent upon nearby acoustics, volume, the past word, regardless of whether the speaker has a chilly, and so forth.It turns out to be much harder when the speaker has an alternate accent. In any case, incredible steps have been made in the field since Davis, Biddulph, and Balashek outlined the principal "voice info framework" which perceived "ten digits talked by a solitary client with 100% exactness" in 1952.Currently, as well as can be expected perceive ceaseless, characteristic discourse, up to 160 words for every moment, with a precision of 95%.Live streaming has been a key aspect in this project as it helps in providing live feedback of the path traversed by the robotic wheel chair.
Rule based Simple English Sentence Correction by Rearrangement of Words[Full-Text ] Namrata Pratap Simha, Vishwas Manohar, Sudarshan Suresh M., Dheeraj D. Bhat, Dr. Saritha ChakrasaliNatural language processing (NLP) is a field in computer science research that is exploring automation of spoken languages. This domain has a lot of potential to produce applications that will reduce ambiguity between humans and machines. Correction of English sentences given an incorrect sentence with words in the wrong order is one such application that enables people to learn English at a basic level through translation. In this work, a rule-based approach is employed to rearrange words in a wrongly ordered simple English sentence to obtain a correct and meaningful sentence. This is a prerequisite for any translation software.
Experimental and theoretical investigation of Gabapentin by Density functional theory[Full-Text ] P.S.Ganeshvar, M.Kanagaraj,S.Gunasekaran, T.GnanasambandanThe FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of Gabapentin (GBT) have been recorded in the region 4000–400 and 3500–100 cm-1 respectively. The optimized geometry, frequency and intensity of the vibrational bands were obtained by the density functional theory (DFT) using 6-31G(d,p) basis set. The harmonic vibrational frequencies were scaled and compared with experimental values. The observed and the calculated frequencies were found to be in good agreement. The UV–visible spectrum was also recorded and compared with the theoretical values. The calculated HOMO and LUMO energies show that charge transfer occurs within the molecule. The Mulliken charges of the molecule were also computed using DFT calculations. Stability of the molecule arising from hyper conjugative interactions, charge delocalization were analyzed using natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis. Information about the charge density distribution of the molecule and its chemical reactivity were obtained by mapping molecular electrostatic potential surface. In addition, the non-linear optical properties were discussed from the dipole moment values and the excitation wavelength in the UV–visible region.
Electricity Load Forecasting in Imo State Using Soft Computing Techniques[Full-Text ] Oko, S. I.; Ewim, C. U.; Ozeden, H. O; Azuatalam, D. TThis paper presents electricity load forecast of Imo state Nigeria using fuzzy logic soft computing technique. Historical load data from Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) Owerri, combined with hourly weather data from the online weather portal “www.wunderground.com/q/zmw:0000.3.WDNIM” were used for training and testing the fuzzy inference system (FIS). The inputs to the FIS are the hour-by-hour weather (temperature and humidity) for the forecast month (august 2015) and the mean of the previous similar day load (preload) data for August 2013 and August 2014 (2 months). The output is the forecasted load for the month of August 2015. The load data are influenced by variances in day types, namely the weekdays and weekends hence each of these day types has different load curve. Rules are developed for the FIS using the input data combined with the heuristic knowledge of the factors affecting the load (load driving parameters). Successful implementation and integration of the various stages of the testing, training and validation of the fuzzy logic system produced the complete, functional FIS model with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 0.8641%. The mean accuracy of the entire forecast result was 99.13%. The analysis shows satisfactory level of accuracy with regards to the FIS-based soft computing technique developed in forecasting future load demand of Imo state.
The performance evaluation of diethyl-ether (DEE) additive with Diesel blends using Diesel Engine test rig[Full-Text ] Deresse Firew. N. Ramesh Babu, Mukesh DidwaniaThe general objective of this paper is to test and compare the performance of Jatropha biodiesel – diethyl-ether and diesel blends with pure petro diesel, using diesel engine test rig with hydraulic dynamometer and roller chassis dynamometer. In the present work diethyl-ether which is also bio based product, as an additive to biodiesel, in anticipation to reduce viscosity, increases cetane number thereby improving the performance. So wide range experimentation is done to critically observe the effect of diethyl-ether addition to biodiesel using diesel engine test rig. In this paper mechanical screw type oil extractor is used to extract the strait Jatropha vegetable oil. The strait vegetable oil is changed into biodiesel by using trans-esterification reaction. Methanol alcohol and potassium hydroxide was used as a catalyst for the reaction. Different amount of DEE, 40ml, 30ml, 20ml, and 10ml per litter was used. The performance of the fuels with additive show that the power output as well as the specific fuel consumption of the B-20 with 40ml of DEE has given the best result next to the petro diesel.
Impacts of Roadway Condition, Traffic and Manmade Features on Road Safety[Full-Text ] Naveen.N, Satish Kumar.MAccident leads to disablement, death, damage to human health and property, social suffering and general degradation of environment.The road accident situation in India is alarming. Records show that there is one death at every 2.75 minutes because of road accidents. Road accidents inflict heavy economic loss to the country. Road Safety is necessary to reduce accident involving both human and vehicles there by making the road more safe and user friendly to traffic. NH-5 is one of the major connectivity from Chennai to Calcutta which caters to the need of transportation of light goods to heavy goods and passengers. Study area was undertaken on road NH-5 from Chilakaluripeta to Ongole with stretch of 183 Km in Andhra Pradesh state. The coal based power plants and steel industries have been set up in this place since 2006. The study Stretch is a major connectivity to number of heavy industries like Nalco, Bhushan steel, Jindal steel, GMR, ESSAR steel, Adani power, Monnet and many more small scale industries based on Talcher coal mines. The location in a roadway where the traffic accident often occurs is called a black spot. The safety deficiencies were detected to minimize accidents and save the road users. The deficiencies along with the measures for further improvement have been presented in this paper.
Experimental Study on the Properties of Hardened Concrete Using Palm Oil Clinker as Repalcement Material for Fine Aggregate[Full-Text ] Arunima V R, Asst. Prof. Sreelekshmi S The present experimental study revealed the effect of using Palm Oil Clinker as a replacement material for fine aggregate on the mechanical properties of structural concrete. Natural river sand is the most preferred choice as a fine aggregate material. It is mined from the river beds and sand mining has disastrous environmental consequences. The availability of natural sand for concrete production is facing challenges in the past few decades and has lead to a search for a replacement material.Palm oil clinker is obtained as a waste material in the palm oil industries is normally being dumped and treated as disposal waste thus creating environmental pollution. In this study, fine aggregate is replaced with palm oil clinker by 5%, 10% 15%, 20% and 25% by weight and compared with the control mix prepared without palm oil clinker. Compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength test were conducted for each sample.The test results showed an increase in strength upto 20% inclusion of palm oil clinker and then it got reduced for 25% inclusion of palm oil clinker.Based on the overall observations, it can be suggested that palm oil clinker can be effectively utilized as fine aggregate in all concrete applications.
The Effect Of Environmental Factors Of Antioxidant Enzyme Responses Of Phragmites Australis (Cav.) In Bahr Al- Najef Depression Reservoir –Iraq[Full-Text ] Methak Abd Muslim Guda,T. K. Merza ,Nihad .H.Mutlag ,Mohammed J. S. Al-HaidareyReported in this paper responses of antioxidant. The catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase activity (POD) of Phragmites australis as a scavenger of reactive oxygen species (ROS) for mitigating the environmental conditions. The study was deal with monthly study of eighteen physico-chemical parameters (precipitation, air and water temperature, Turbidity, EC, SAL, TDS, TSS, pH, DO, Total hardness, HCO3=, CO3 - , Cl-, SO4=, BOD, PO4 = and NO3 =) during the period from February - June 2015. Four sites were selected in Baher Al-Najef Depression Reservoir (BNDR) at the middle of Iraq. During the course of sampling the physico-chemical factors were found significantly higher in the second site compared to the others, in spring higher pollutants concentration than in winter season, this led to high activity of antioxidant enzymes. Present experiment indicated that in a stressed ecosystem, the Phragmites australis plants overcome the stress by altering their stress enzyme activities, hence suggesting an evidence of adaptive mechanism to thrive in a stressful environment and suitability of Phragmites australis for environmental matrices(as indicators), especially under altered climatic conditions.
Analysis of Software Defect Classes by Data Mining Classifier Algorithms [Full-Text ] Dhyanchandra Yadav, Rajeev KumarSoftware bugs create problems in software project development. We can categories software bugs by some specific data mining classifiers algorithms. Predicts categorical class level classifiers based on training set and the values in the class level attribute use the model in classifying new data. We compare between AD Tree, RFP Tree and LAD Tree, Random Tree,ID3,J48,J48 graft, OneR, ZeroR, Prism ,Bayes Net and Naïve Bayes for correctly classify and uncorrectly classify with time build model.
Evaluating the Role of Natural Resources in Sustainable Development in Babil Governorate, Iraq by using GIS and Remote Sensing[Full-Text ] Elnaggar, A.A., Elmwafi, M., and Ismael, M. RBabil governorate is one of the most important agricultural areas in Iraq. However, these areas began to deteriorate due to several reasons, including the economic sanctions, lack of governmental support to farmers, shortage in water resources and salinization. The main objectives of this study were to provide an accurate assessment of the agricultural areas in Babil governorate from 1985 to 2015 and to evaluate degradation due to soil salinity. This is to help in the development of land resources and their sustainability. Accordingly, Landsat images were acquired in 1985 (TM), 1999 ETM+), and 2015 (OLI-TIRS) and used in this study. Also, three vegetation indices (NDVI, TNDVI and SAVI) and two salinity indices (NDSI and SI) were used for the assessment of agricultural lands and salt-affected soils in the studied area. The obtained results indicated that agricultural areas were significantly decreased in the studied area from 1985 to 2015 based on the three studied vegetation indices. Agricultural areas were about 2644, 1508 and 2217 km2 in 1985, 1999 and 2015, respectively. This is based on the SAVI index, which had the highest accuracy when compared with the two other indices. On the other hand, the areas of salt-affected soils were significantly increased from 1985 to 2015 based on the NDSI and the SI indices. These areas were about 203, 446 and 371 km2 in 1985, 1999 and 2015, respectively. This is based on the SI index, which was more accurate than the NDSI.In conclusion serious strategies should be considered toward increasing land reclamation projects and sustainability of land resources against degradation.
Design of Robust Power System Stabilizer for Interconnected System[Full-Text ] Praveen Nayak BhukyaElectrical Power System is one of the most complex real time operating systems. It is probably one of the best examples of a large interconnected non-linear system of varying nature. This system changes it's state time to time with change in load, transmission and generation conditions. Such changes in the system causes small signal oscillations, the frequency range of such oscillations is about 0.2 to 3 Hz, if they are persist for long duration they may limiting the power transfer capability of the system. For the stable and secure operation of the system adequate damping for small signal oscillations is required. A auxiliary controller can provide adequate damping for the system called power system stabilizer (PSS).
A Novel DTC-SVPWM control for 3-level inverter Fed- induction motor sensor less drive with an Additional leg in inverter circuit[Full-Text ] A.Siva Prasad, A.A.BholeThe stability and reliability enhancement of three phase induction motor (IM) drive while any leg/switch failure in three level diode clamped inverter is Presented in this paper. The proposed model consists of an additional leg in inverter circuit along with three leg in conventional model. The quick Torque response and highly effective control strategy of an Induction motor, which is DTC-SVPWM has been used to select the optimum vectors. The disturbance which occurs at the time of leg/switch failures can be eliminated and stability of the system can be obtained by using proposed model. The proposed scheme is able to reduce the toque and flux ripple's significantly compared to two level inverter and any scalar control methods. Time based control of speed has been achieved in this model . The proposed model executed in the MATLAB/SIMULIK and the results are presented in the paper with comparison of standard three level inverter fed by induction motor and scalar control of Induction motor.
Path Planning and Chemical Process Modelling[Full-Text ] Edvards Valbahs, Ilo Dreyer, Peter GrabustsUsually, when the practical motion planning and the shortest path are discoursed, mainly the limited number of tasks is observed. Almost all the tasks associated with the path from one point in 2D or 3D space to another point can be attributed to the usual issue in the practical application. Motion planning and the shortest path have vivid and indisputable importance as human activity in such areas as logistics and robotics. In our work we would like to draw particular attention to the field of application seems to be unnoticeable for the task such as motion planning and the shortest path problem. Due to quite simple examples used, we would like to show that the task of motion planning can be used for simulation and optimization of multi-staged and restricted processes which are presented in chemical engineering accordingly. In the article the simulation and optimization of three important chemical-technological processes for the chemical industry are discussed. The work done gave us the possibility to work out software for simulation and optimization of processes that in some cases facilitates and simplifies the work of professionals engaged in the field of chemical engineering.
The Discourse-Oriented Pedagogy - In-Service English Language Teachers’ beliefs at the Secondary level[Full-Text ] Kuncham Venkanna One of the most prolific areas of research in teacher education is that investigating teacher beliefs and finding the impact of these beliefs on classroom practices. The article first lists out salient features the Discourse-Oriented pedagogy which is introduced in both Telangana and A.P. states. Beliefs of ESL In-service teachers at the secondary level on introducing the Discourse-Oriented pedagogy are presented through a questionnaire. It, additionally, discusses the role of both constructive and non-constructive beliefs of language, language learning, language teaching and classroom practices of teachers. And the article discusses how constructive beliefs of teachers are reflected in the classroom practices by using semi-structured interviews. Later, the article lists out the problems and issues of the in-service teachers by the introduction of the present pedagogy during the classroom practices. The results are analyzed, interpreted and discussed in this article. The findings of the present study would seem to draw implications for belief change among prospective and current teachers. And suggestions for both pre and in-service teacher educations are presented.
Relation Between the Luminosity of the Star at Different Stages of its Life & its Correlation With Goldilocks Zone to Discover another Unique Pale Blue Dot[Full-Text ] Pooja SharmaAstrophysics revolves around speculating and then quantifying the speculations to make it universally acceptable. The events that take place in the universe are either too quick or too slow for the human to register it without the aid of technology. Hence simulations come as a boon. A stellar evolution virtual experiment was used to closely examine the evolution of a star right from its birth to its death. Through this simulator, luminosity data of a star at various stages of its life has been taken. A mathematical relation for the luminosity at different stages of the star has been formulated. Using this relation and the concept of Goldilocks Zone, within the scope of this project, lies the possibility of finding an Earth like planet. With the correct equipments and technology we may make ground breaking revelations.
Performance Of Artificial Neural Networks , Support Vector machine and Fuzzy logic networks ANFIS In Monthly Streamflow Forecasting For Diyala, Adhim and Elkhazer Rivers Northern Iraq.[Full-Text ] Chelang A. ArslaStreamflow forecasting is needed for proper water resources planning and management. Since The most challenging task for water resources engineers and managers is a streamflow forecasting. In this study a brief application and comparison of artificial neural network, Support vector machine SVM and adaptive neuro system ANFIS approaches are employed for three case studies which were Diyala River , Adhim and Elkhzer Rivers northern Iraq. Different training algorithms and different artificial neural networks such as Levenburg Marqudat LMNN , Scaled conjugate gradient SCGNN , radial basis function networks RBNN and generalized regression networks GRNN were selected in modeling and generation of synthetic streamflow for the mentioned case studies. Two other methods were also applied to the mentioned case studies which are support vector machine SVM and adaptive neuro fuzzy interference ANFIS model which integrates both neural networks and fuzzy logic principles. A comprehensive comparison between the applied models was done to determine the best performance for each case study . The performance of applied networks and models were determined according to well known test parameters R2, E nash, Rbias ,MAPE, MAE. It has been found in this study that Levenburg Marqudat is faster and have better performance than Scaled conjugate gradient algorithm in training operation while the radial basis networks and generalized regression networks presented the best performance among all kinds of networks for Diyala and Adhim rivers while the best performance for Elkhazer river was only by radial basis function networks.
Hybrid DWT-DCT-SVD based Digital Video Watermarking For Mid Band Frequency Using Improved Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm[Full-Text ] Anjaneyulu Sake , Ramashri TirumalaWatermarking is a component of inserting data into the multimedia, for example, image, audio or video. This paper propose a method for video watermarking using hybrid DWT-SVD –DCT to protect the copy right of images. In order to improve the efficiency of video watermarking two main processes are used namely 1) watermark embedding process and 2) watermark extraction process. Before embedding process the input video sequence convert into number of frames. Here singular value decomposition (SVD) , DWT and DCT is applied in watermark image. The improved artificial bee colony algorithm is proposed for generating random frame for the embedding process. The result obtain from the watermark embedding process is the watermark video sequence. Next watermark extraction process is carried out. It is the reverse process of watermark embedding. In watermark extraction process, it extracts the watermark image from the watermark video sequence. The proposed method is implemented in MATLAB.
A Review Regarding Quasar , Black Hole And Dark Matter . Quasar ( AGN ) Powered With Black Hole and with Dark Matter form Galaxy structure (rotational velocity curve ) is Inconsistent In Nature[Full-Text ] V M DasIt is being believed that quasars are central region of AGN and it is powered with black hole can only be resolved by making of new model of universe i.e. Hoyle – Narlikar universe and understanding DM and DE of the universe and finally understanding cause of rotational velocities of stars of galaxies . Black Holes are not the phenomenon of expansion phase of the universe rather it is the phenomenon of destruction phase of the universe when quasars ( white holes) would transform into black hole and it would engulf all the created Hot matter ( not Cold matter forming CDM Layer made up of Hyperons ) and all would transform into tachyons and the universe would be in symmetry phase again . Thus no bright galaxy is equipped with black hole and quasar neither in expansion phase nor in destruction phase . Therefore , all galaxies have rotational velocities of stars as designed by mind ( inner ascending curve and outer flat curve ) of central disc ( M1) and rotating stars (M2) .
Pulverized Tires as Soil Amendment for Plant Growth[Full-Text ] Matungwa William and Moshe Shenker Automobile waste tires are cumbersome waste material, but might be processed to be a benficial material. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of pulverized tires as a soil amendment to benefit plant growing. Our study focused on the effect of pulverized tire rubber on soil aeration, water retention, and plant nutrition.
Occupancy Detection: A Data Mining Approach[Full-Text ] Dhaifallah AlghamdiLighting and cooling places cost money and businesses pay a lot on providing energy to vacant areas. Having an accurate model that detects occupancy and helps switch on or off light and other resources would result in energy saving and cost reduction. This paper studies data containing a number of attributes and uses data mining techniques to have a precise model that enables smart sensors to classify correctly and react accordingly. It applies a number of data mining algorithms and then selects the best model among them.
Examining Critical Health Policy Issues within and beyond the U.S Clinical Encounter[Full-Text ] Amani AlabssiHealth care policy issues can greatly affect the providers and the patients they serve at various levels. This paper examines the patient-provider relationship in the U.S. For a better understanding of this research work, the paper considers help seeking among disparities and patients encounter when accessing the health care systems. This paper presents that the patients’ role in the modern world has become more active, long-term diverse, and risk-based. It explains how policies like the U.S Health Policy Gateway Website and the Women and Health Care Policy are used by patients in the U.S.
Surgically induced astigmatism using femtosecond laser clear cornal incision for cataract surgery compared to conventional phacoemulsification[Full-Text ] Patrick Makanga MakomboThe objectif of this study is to investigate the early changes in the amount of surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) and the visual outcome following Femtosecond laser clear corneal incision for cataract surgery compared to the traditional manual sutureless 2.2mm superior clear corneal incision at 12-o’clock. A prospective, comparative analysis was performed in case series. A total of 48 eyes of 41 patients had undergone cataract surgery, with 20 eyes underwent Femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and 28 eyes underwent manual cataract. The main outcomes were the surgically induced astigmatism (SIA) and the distance visual acuity (unaided and best corrected) at one 1 and 3 months postoperatively. This study included 48 eyes of 41 patients with a mean age of 65.2 ± 12 years old (range 38 to 89 years). 20 eyes received femtosecond laser–assisted CCIs (Group 1) and 28 eyes received manual CCIs (Group 2).
Effect of Soil Type and Water Content on Rosemary Growth and Essential Oil Yield[Full-Text ] Fatma Gharib, Safia Ghazi, Hebatallah Aly, Magda El-Araby, and Seham MoustafaThis study aimed to investigate the effect of two types of soil: sandy clay (SC) and sandy loam (SL) and two irrigation systems: once (I1) and twice (I2) per week, with each soil, on the growth criteria and productivity of essential oil (EO) in rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) during two cuts at February and August (3, 9 months from transplanting, respectively). Cultivation in SL soil and I2 irrigation system, followed by SL and I1, significantly increased the growth characters as well as the yield of EO of rosemary plants during the two cuttings, as compared to those in corresponding plants cultivated in the SC soil. With all treatments, the above mentioned parameters were generally higher at the 2nd cut, compared to those at the 1st cut. In the SC soil, I1 irrigation system was more effective than I2 irrigation with respect to the vegetative growth rate at the first cut, whereas the reverse was obtained at the second cut. Within the different treatments, the enhancement of plant growth was generally proportional with the increase in leaf area and chlorophyll contents, whereas a negative correlation was observed between the carotenoid contents and soil moisture. Generally, planting in the SL soil concomitant with I1and I2 irrigation, effectively increased the oil yield (% and l/fed) during the two cuttings, compared to corresponding plants grown in the SC soil. In conclusion, rosemary plants could maximize the growth characters and EO content in sandy loam habitat combined with I2 irrigation, Irrespective of the applied treatment. The productivity of EO was higher at the second cut than the first one.
Seismic Sequence Stratigraphy and Structural Trends of the Clastic Deposits in Parts of Niger Delta, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Selemo, A. O. I., Atunima, E. J., Akaolisa, C. Z., Onyekuru, S.O., Okereke, C. N., Ibeneme, S. I., Ezekiel, J.C. and Njoku, I. O.Despite several exploration and exploitation activities in the Niger Delta basin of Nigeria, a clearer understanding of depositional styles and reservoir characteristics of some of its deposits are still elusive. A three–dimensional (3D) seismic data and well log suites from two oil fields (Onshore Field A, and Offshore Field B) were therefore obtained and analyzed with Petrel software in order to examine depositional styles, dominant structures and stratigraphy of the deposits. A total of five faults and two horizons that indicated faulted anticlinal closures were closely observed in the Onshore Field A, while about twenty five faults were observed in the Offshore Field B. The inferred depositional environments of sediments in the basin consist of shelf, slope and deep basin settings. The deep basin settings are mainly dominated by submarine canyons and channel-levee systems whose deposits appear on seismic records as layered and chaotic facies. The channel-levee systems are interpreted as turbidites, distributary channel complexes, crevasse splays, hemi pelagic deposits as well as chaotic slump and debris flow deposits. The generated based on the 3D seismic data revealed that the stratigraphic architecture of deposits in the basin was controlled by variable subsidence.
The Adaptive Synchronization of fractional-order Economic chaotic system[Full-Text ] Mahsa Mohammadzadeh, Mahdi yaghoobiIn this paper, the chaos control and the synchronization of two fractional-order Economic chaotic systems studied. According to the Lyapunov stabilization theory and the adaptive control theorem, the adaptive control rule is obtained for described error dynamic stabilization. Finally, the numerical simulation illustrates the efficiency of the proposed method in synchronizing two chaotic systems.
Innovative Architecture for FPGA based Multicore Hybrid Processor[Full-Text ] Harisha M. S, D.JayadevappaAs we all know the Processor is heart and brain of today’s computers, tab PC, mobile communications, medical electronics equipments etc., We undertook exhaustive data collections as a part of our literature survey and based on that we are proposing innovative architecture leading to multicore hybrid SOC. And we will model this Processor using Verilog and Xilinx ISE simulator. Also we intend to develop a rapid prototype using Xilinx FPGA as a part of research work.
Structural and Optical Emission Studies of Cds Nanoparticle Prepared By Wet Chemical Synthetic Procedure[Full-Text ] Subhajit Chakraborty, Binapani Goswami, Ranjit SinghaCdS nanoparticle was prepared by wet chemical synthetic method using CdCl2 as starting material. H2S gas is liberated into the CdCl2 solution as a source of sulphur. Crystallite size of the prepared particle as measured by XRD data was nearly equal to 15.17nm. TEM images reveal the formation of polycrystalline particles. Band gap of the particle is blue shifted compared to the bulk value. Defect related emissions are seen in the Photoluminescence spectra of the prepared particle.
CLINICAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF GERIATRIC PATIENTS ADMITTED IN ACUTE MEDICAL CARE UNIT OF A TERTIORY CARE HOSPITAL, SVRRGGH, S.V.MEDICAL COLLEGE, TIRUPATI, A.P.[Full-Text ] Dr. M.Ramadevi,Dr. K.Sivaprasad,Dr.C.Jayabhaskar.BACK GROUND: Health problems associated with geriatric population were multiple and out come from the acute medical illnesses are variable. There is very less data available on this scenario in INDIA especially in southern rural areas.
A Review on Intrusion Detection System for HTTP Based Services[Full-Text ] Susan Rose Johnson, Anurag JainNowadays, internet has become the main source for communication. Various organizations, companies, universities, schools provide their services through network facility. As a result, security has become a major issue in the field of networking. An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used to monitor the intrusions over the network and classify them as normal or attack class. In this paper, IDS is used along with the Support Vector Machine (SVM) and random forest for the classification of network traffic as normal or attack. The main aim is to enhance the performance of IDS by preparing the training dataset that detects the malicious attacks which misuse the http services. NSL – KDD dataset has been used to train and test the IDS. A feature selection technique called random projection is used to select the relevant features from the dataset. SVM and random forest jointly classifies the unknown data. Finally, the result is optimized using Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). The main goal of this algorithm is to find an optimal path in the graph based on the behavior of the network.
Sensor less DTC Using Artificial Intelligent Technique as Switching Vector Selector[Full-Text ] Eng.Mohammed Hamouda Ali, Dr. Salama Abo-Zaid, Prof.Dr. Abd elsamia KotbThis paper is based on the detailed study on the characteristic of sensor less direct torque control (DTC) and output vector of the three-phase inverter, a simplified method to choose the output vector for DTC of the three-phase inverter fed induction motor is proposed. And a novel switching vector selector using the ANN (Artificial neural network) is trained under the tutor of the method mentioned above. By the usage of the ANN, when the error of the torque and stator flux is made certain, the output vector can be expediently acquired. The validity of the proposed vector selector is confirmed by the simulative results. The approach in this paper was based on the model reference adaptive control observing the rotor flux, which estimate motor mechanical speed requiring only stator quantities, the stator currents and voltages.
Parametric Effects on a Heat Sink with Branched Fins under Natural Convection[Full-Text ] Krishna Kumar Singh, Dr. M.K. SinhaThis paper presents to determine of the optimum values of the design parameters in a cylindrical heat sink with branched fins. Investigations on the effect of the design parameters, such as the number of fins, length of fin, height of fin, and the outer diameter of the heat sink on heat transfer are reported here. In this analysis, branch angle (α = 300) is considered. The Taguchi method, a powerful tool to design optimization, is applied for the tests and standard L9 orthogonal array (OA) with three factors and three levels for each factor are selected. Nine test samples are analyzed in which the total heat transfer rate for each test sample is found. Contribution ratios for each parameter are also found. The results obtained from this analysis are employed to find the optimum design parameter values which are relating to the heat sink performance. The reliability of the optimum test samples is verified. Also, the variation of the average heat transfer rate of optimum sample is reported, when it compared with the reference sample.
Wall loss dependence on strained FBG sensors’ simulated response[Full-Text ] Jean-Pierre AtanasPressure vessels including pressurized pipes in the oil and gas industry are all subject to sustained load cracking and material wall loss. Constantly monitoring material wall losses at early stages is essential to the oil and gas industry. In this paper, a model of pressure wall thinning using combined FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) sensors is presented. The simplistic model design make use of three FBG sensors, two dedicated to axial and hoop strain measurements, while the other sensor served for temperature compensation. Stress and strain simulations obtained for 1 to 5 MPa inner pipe pressures are used to identify the positions in elbows corresponding to maximum wall loss. Simulation of FBG’s optical spectrum reflectivity shows a wavelength shift directly related to the thickness of the pipe material.
Electrochemical Determination of Bisphenol A on Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/ titanium dioxide Modified Carbon Paste Electrode[Full-Text ] Hoda Ezoji, Mostafa RahimnejadWe present a novel electrochemical sensor for highly sensitive and selective determination of Bisphenol A (BPA) using differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). It is based on multi-walled carbon nanotubes-titanium dioxide modified carbon paste electrode (MWCNT/TiO2PE). For characterization of the CNT/TiO2PE, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were employed. The modified electrode exhibited lower overpotentials in comparison to bare carbon paste electrode (CPE). The fabricated electrochemical sensor displayed a linear and sensitive response to BPA within the concentration range of 1×10-6 to 6×10-4 M. The detection limit was found to be 3×10-6 M.
Dielectric Properties and AC Conductivity of Doped Poly Furfuryl alcohol with Crystal Violet[Full-Text ] Samah Hussein Kadhim, Ali H. Al Mowali, Anis A. Al NajarDielectric properties such such as relative permittivity dielectric constant ε′ , dielectric loss ε̋ and dissipation factor tanδ of doped poly Furfuryl alcohol (PFA) with different doping ratios of crystal violet (0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1)% wt as function of temperature in the range (30-100) ˚C and frequency in the range (100Hz-1MHz). The experimental results showed that ε′, ε̋ and tanδ increased with increasing temperature, and is due to greater freedom of movement of the dipole molecular chains within polymer at high temperature. The value of ε′ decreased with increasing frequency, which indicates that the major contribution to the polarization comes from orientation polarization. Ac. Conductivity σac and impedance (Z) of doping polymer behaviors as function of frequency and temperature have also been investigated.