Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2013 Edition
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Optimization of Process Conditions for the Concentration of Isopropyl Alcohol - Water Solution Using Response Surface Methodology[Full-Text ] P.C.N Ejikeme, Ejikeme, Ebere .M., D.O OnwuPotato starch was used as an adsorbent in concentrating isopropyl alcohol - water solution. Response surface methodology statistical technique was used to optimize the reaction conditions which were; temperature, time, adsorbent/ solution ratio and the initial concentration of the isopropyl alcohol - water solution, with the final concentration of the isopropyl alcohol water solution as the response. Based on the sequential model sum of squares, a quadratic vs 2F1 model was developed. The significant factors on the experimental design response were identified from the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The optimal conditions obtained for the concentration reactions were temperature of 35oC, time of 40mins, adsorbent/solution ratio of 1:4 and initial concentration of 40% which resulted in final concentration of 43.369%.
Preparation and characterization of some physical properties of new copolymers containing azo linked[Full-Text ] Zainab A. Jabarah AL MouswayA five new types of PVA copolymers containing azo groups were synthesized using Cold - Warm esterfacation of PVA with 4,4-Azo dibenzoic acid, which was synthesized by air oxidation of P-nitro benzoic acid. The structures of the synthesized compounds were identified by FT- IR spectroscopy. Copolymerization of PVA with 4,4-Azo dibenzoicacid was target to obtain new polymeric materials with original physical and chemical properties adaptable to specific uses. Swelling, crosslinking and mechanical testing studies will be conducted simultaneously. The azo polymers having high molecular weight range above 72,000 g mol-1 were soluble in most of the polar solvents like N,N-dimethyl formaldyhde, dimethylsulfoxide, and dichloromethane but they were all insoluble in xylene. The swelling behavior of these hydrogels was related to the degree of cross linking. DSC analysis showed good thermals by the range 160.5 - 279.6?C for five copolymers.
Catalytic Liquefaction of Kraft Lignin using Ni Catalysts[Full-Text ] Soile, O.O.B. and Owoyokun, T. OThermochemical liquefaction of Kraft lignin using three Ni catalysts at 300, 350 and 375oC at 24, 40 and 60 atmospheres using H2 and CO as reductants was done to produce liquid oil. The effects of catalysts, reductants, temperature, pressure, reaction times and feedstock on the product oil were studied using %yield, %conversion, %CHR, HC and OC ratios as parameters. Mean and standard deviation as well as ANOVA and independent t-test at 0.05 significant levels were used to ascertain the statistical significant difference brought about by the varying variables on the parameters taken on the product oil. The difference in the values of the parameters was statistically significant (p<0.05) as result of varying catalysts, temperature, pressure, reductants, reaction time and feedstock. Liquefaction of Kraft lignin promises to be a good source of obtaining liquid oil using optimum process variables.
Lithostructural characterization of the auriferous shear zone of Parc-Sou (Hana-Lobo Region in the South-West of Ivory Coast, West Africa)[Full-Text ] Gbele OUATTARA, Gnammytchet Barthélemy KofFI, Alphonse Kouakou YAOThe auriferous shear zone of Parc-Sou (south-west of Ivory Coast, West Africa) is a major lineament. It is confirmed from the interpretation of a Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) image, ground magnetic surveys and field data. This mylonitic area subdivides the Parc-Sou sector in two lithological entities. In the western district, we have schists formations, sedimentary and volcano-sedimentary origin. In the eastern district, the formations are granitic and gneissic. The study of structures and quartz veins, shows that the mineralization is associated with the second ductile phase of the Birimian D2 (2400-1800 My), which affects the schists. The mineralization is, however, absent in the granitic and gneissic formations. We can say that the mineralization is related not only to structural and hydrothermal processes, comtemporary to the D2, but also to lithological contrast.
A rapid overview of coastal erosion in Ghana[Full-Text ] Desmond ofosu Anim, Philip Nti Nkrumah and N. Macpherson DavidThis paper provides an overview of the coastline eroding occurrences in Ghana. Ghana is located in West Africa boarded at the south by the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean with four of its ten regions having its major cities lying along the coast. The coastline of Ghana has over the decades experience minor coastal erosion but the recent situation is becoming apocalyptic and needs further attention. This study hence identified and discussed the various cases of occurrence and also key facilitating source of this problem for the attention of pertained parties. It also provides various eroding control measures and a baseline for improving the coastal erosion in the country.
First Principle Pseudopotential Study of Zinc Blend to Rock Salt Phase Transition in ZnS[Full-Text ] Badal H. Ellias, Nawzat S. SaadiUsing a first-principles pseudopotential approach and the local-density approximation for the exchange correlation potential, we have calculated the equations of state (EOS's) of the zinc blende (ZB) and rock salt (RS) structures of ZnS. From these EOS's the high-pressure structural phase transformation of ZnS was investigated. These calculations were showed that the pressure for transition from the ZB structure to the RS structure is 14.93 GPa from normalized primitive cell volume V/V0 -pressure P data, consistent with the experimental data. From the high pressure, we find that the ZB structure ZnS is unstable when the applied pressure is larger than 15 GPa.
An Empirical Study on Route Reservation in Inter-Networks[Full-Text ] Dr. Dhrub Prasad, Dr. Kumar Balwant Singh, Shafiqul AbidinWhile it is obvious that transmission without route reservation is suitable for a wired data network such as Internet, it is not clear whether this is true in the case of ad hoc wireless networks. To the best of our knowledge, this has not been studied in the literature. In this paper, we investigate the performance of two switching paradigms: reservation-based (RB) and non-reservation based (NRB). In an NRB scheme, no reservation is required before data transmission, data transmission can begin as soon as a source discovers a route. This is the typical scheme used for most of the protocols proposed in the literature. In contrast, in an RB scheme, a source reserves uniquely intermediate nodes on a route for relaying its message. Intermediate nodes agree to relay traffic of one source only while the route is reserved. To the best of our knowledge, such a switching scheme has never been considered in the literature. Although a few analytical models which take into account delay and physical layer characteristics exist for NRB ad hoc wireless networks [1, 2], no analytical models have been reported for RB schemes. In this paper, we quantify the performance tradeoff between these two schemes in terms of throughput, delay, and maximum tolerable node speed. The main purpose of this research is to compare the two schemes - route reservation based and non route reservation based schemes. Further, it compares the performance of the two schemes by drawing the chart between the time taken to transfer the message and type of reservation.
Geometry and kinematics of structures controlling the mineralization of Angovia gold mine (Central Ivory Coast, West Africa)[Full-Text ] Gnammytchet Barthélemy KofFI, Gbele OUATTARA, Alphonse Kouakou YAOPrevious works revealed that the gold-bearing mineralization Yaoure Mounts (central Ivory Coast) would be closely related to fractures and quartz veins. Angovia area has many fractures in a very rugged terrain with few outcrops. Hence, the importance of a detailed mapping and analysis of the fracturing of the mine Angovia. To reach our objective, we first, on regional scale and using a SAR-1 radar image, identified major fractures. Then, on local scale, on the ground in the pits, we proceeded to a systematic survey of petrographic units and geological structures. The analysis of the SAR-1 image and ground survey in central and north pits of the mine permit us to highlight five families of fractures and vein structures. These directions are: sinistral N000° to N020°, sinistral N050°-N060°, dextral N080°-N100°, dextral N120°-N140° and dextral N150°-N160°. The orebodies were subsequently disrupted by various fractures. Sinistral fractures with N050° to N060°direction fractures and dextral N120° to N140° are congeners and control the hydrothermal type gold mineralization related to the D2 phase deformation.
The significance of culture and visual arts in the educative system[Full-Text ] Lulzime LekaCulture represents the fundamental social and comprehensive basis of people's living way, without which the history and development of people, nationalities, and societies cannot be understood and since it represents a factual anthropological basis, without culture, we cannot imagine even the very life of the individual. The transmission of the cultural values to the youth happens through education and upbringing. In the contemporary world the term education is replaced by the term multicultural education which implies a broader meaning. Today's and future's imperative as a precondition for a virtual self and social progress, is making possible education and upbringing through cultural contents, since this is a precondition for the human civilization.
Use of Teaching Learning Materials in Science at Upper Primary school in Mandleshwar Khargone, (Madhya Pradesh): An Analysis[Full-Text ] Dr. Shri Krishna Mishra, Mr. Badri Yadav The prime objective of teaching science is to develop such skills in a student which helps him to know the facts, principles of science, its applications, identify the objects and to make concept clearity through the use of teaching learning materials. The need of the study is to know the extent of the utilization of teaching learning materials on science by the teacher during teaching science subject. The teachers are only the powerful agents for improving the quality of the student. The other need of this study is to find out those new type of teaching learning materials in Science which are implementing / use in Govt. school or private school and they are easily available, low cost and student can make than himself. An efficient science teacher always need to better learning of his subject so that the can give his best to his students. Teaching learning materials in Science helps a Science teacher in effective realization of his/her teaching objectively by calling upon the auditory and visual sense of his students.
A Study On Feasibility And Effectiveness Of ICT Integration In Higher Education In Developing Countries With Special Reference To India[Full-Text ] Dr. Reena M. TakInformation and communication technology refers to various forms of information and various means of communication used to share information. In present scenario, life cannot be imagined without ICT. Every aspect of life and society is driven by ICT in one or the other way. Education is no exception in this regard. Traditionally, Education refers to a learning process where knowledge is shared among two entities namely, teacher and student. In today's technological environment it is not simply give and take, but ICT has changed the entire scene. Education has been enriched by different means of ICT. The present paper is based on non experimental survey and study on use of ICT in higher education in India. The author tried to explore the ICT usage in education by faculty members of an engineering college. This study will eventually help to understand the feasibility and effectiveness of ICT usage to impart knowledge in such colleges where students come from both urban and rural areas of India. This study will help educators, researchers, and policymakers to establish more reasonable ICT integration practices so as to make education process keep pace with the technological development.
TQM critical success factors in hospitality Industry and their impact on Customer Loyalty, a theoretical Model[Full-Text ] Walid Youssef Montasser, Prof Dr. Abd Alhakim Al ManhawyTotal Quality Management (TQM) is a management philosophy that seeks to integrate all organizational functions to focus on meeting customer needs and organizational quality objectives, TQM is one of the most applied and well accepted approach between the contemporary innovations such as six sigma, just - in - time to achieve business excellence, in the last two decades a large number of organizations working among product and service industries had realized the great importance of adopting and implementing TQM process in order to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage in a rapid changing environment, The aim of this study is to develop and propose the conceptual frame work and research model of TQM implementation in relation to company performance particularly in context with the Egyptians hospitality sector, It examines the relationship between TQM Critical success factors and company's performance by measuring the quality of service as a performance indicator, and to determine the impact of implementing TQM Critical success factors in maintaining customer loyalty in the field of concern, which is the (Egyptian 5-stars hotels business), a comprehensive review of literature an TQM, TQM critical success factors, quality of service customer satisfaction and customer loyalty were carried out to accomplish the objectives of the study, the researcher conducted a pilot study to identify the TQM critical success factors with the greatest impact an enhancing performance of 5-stars hotels, the data gathered from the pilot study was analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS), and as a result four questions, 4 main hypotheses and 20 sub- hypotheses were proposed to re- validate the TQM critical success factors, the adoption of such a theoretical model on TQM and company's quality of service and its impact an maintaining customer loyalty would help managers, decision makers, and practitioners TQM working the field of in 5-stars hotel business in better understanding of TQM critical success factors and to focus on the identified ones while implementing TQM in their hotels, further the scope for future study and to test and validate the theoretical model by using a 5-stars floating Egyptian hotel as a case study for collecting of primary data and re-using statistical package for social science (SPSS) approach for hypothesis testing.
Survey about Speech Recognition and Its Usage for Impaired (Disabled) Persons[Full-Text ] Ananthi. S, Dhanalakhsmi. PSpeech Recognition enables the operating system to convert spoken words to written text which is achieved by Speech to Text method (STT). Speech synthesis enables the operating system to convert written text into spoken words which is achieved by Text to Speech (TTS). Speech recognition based on Acoustic model and Language model (Pronunciation Model). Usual Method used in Speech Recognition (SR) is Hidden Markov Model (HMM), Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm and Artificial Neural Network (ANNs). The widely used technique for Speech Recognition is HMM. These Speech Recognition and Speech Synthesis methods are especially very useful for Disabled persons like Hearing Disability and visually impaired, Speech impaired and Co-ordination or dexterity impairment.
Automatic speech reading by oral motion tracking for user authentication system[Full-Text ] Vibhanshu Gupta, Sharmila SenguptaAutomatic speech recognition (ASR) systems are used in recognizing speech with high accuracy rates. Visual information is important for human machine interface. It not only increases the accuracy of an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) but also improves its robustness. This paper presents an overview of different approaches used for speech recognition and concentrates on visual only lip reading system. Lip reading can be utilized in many applications such as hearing impaired aid and for noisy environment where speech is highly unrecognizable and as password entry system. The visual feature extraction methods are pixel based such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT)etc. Other feature extraction methods utilize motion analysis of image sequences representing lip movement. This paper is a survey paper explaining comparisons, pros and cons, analysis of various techniques and methods for speech recognition by lip motion tracking.
Perceptions of Private Secondary School Teachers In Pakistan Regarding The Effects of Student-centered Approach On The Abilities of Their Students[Full-Text ] Kaka JanThe purpose of this causal comparative study was to investigate the perceptions of professionally trained versus untrained private secondary school teachers regarding the effects of student-centered approach on the abilities of their students. A cross-sectional research design was employed to conduct the study and a sample of 105 professionally trained and untrained private secondary school teachers were selected through convenience sampling technique and questionnaire was used as data gathering tool to collect the data. The nominal data were tabulated and tested statistically using Chi-square test to draw results about the null hypotheses. All the hypotheses were supported at P = 0.05 with df = 1. On the basis of this result, it is concluded that private secondary school teachers have the perceptions that student-centered approach contributes towards the enhancement of the students' abilities in various domains.
Intelligent Agent Based Grid Resource Management System[Full-Text ] P. Muthuchelvi, G.S.Anandha Mala In grid environment, users look for a suitable resource capable of executing a given task. Resource brokers / schedulers are intermediaries, who provide service to the grid users. In the existing resource brokers / schedulers, when the exact match for the requested resource is not available, resource discovery have to be terminated unsuccessfully or the process should wait in the queue till the availability of the requested resources. This results in decrease in success rate of resource discovery and increases the waiting time for the processes. However, at the same time, there is a possibility of the existence of lot of almost similar, suitable and acceptable resources with negligible difference in the requirements, with which the user's job can be executed, remain underutilized in the grid. In our earlier work, Resource brokers / schedulers were knowledge assisted by cognitive agent in order to provide alternative resource for expediting resource discovery. Cognitive agent is an intelligent agent and provides knowledge assistance to brokers. This paper focuses on the enhancement of the functionalities of cognitive agent. The proposed system has been found to produce a consistently higher success rate of resource discovery and improved resource utilization besides reducing the cost-loss for the requester that leads to better performance of the grid.
Theoretical Study of Heat Transfer In Circular Holes For Turbine Blade[Full-Text ] Mahmoud Sh. MahmoudTurbine airfoils are exposed to the hottest temperatures in the gas turbine with temperatures typically exceeding the melting point of the blade material. Cooling methods investigated in this computational study included parasitic cooling flow losses, which are inherent to engines. Film-cooling is one typically used cooling method whereby coolant is supplied through holes placed along the camber line of the blade. The subject of this paper is to evaluate the heat transfer that occur on the holes of blade through different blowing ratio from at (05%, 1%, 1.5% and 2%). The cases of this study were performed in a low speed wind tunnel and multiple coolant flow rates through the film-cooling holes. A range of blowing ratios (U8/Uc) was studied whereby coolant was injected from holes placed along the camber line of the blade with a large scale blade model with the mainstream velocity at 11.3 m/s. Numerical was conducted in a linear cascade with a scaled-up turbine blade whereby the Reynolds number of the engine was matched (2.1*105). Overall, the holes appears to be a feasible method for prolonging blade life.
An Efficient comparison of MIMO ofDM Channel Estimation Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ms. SWATI PATEL, Prof. NAVNEET KAURA multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication system combined with the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ofDM) modulation technique, which can achieve reliable high data rate transmission over broadband wireless channels. Channel state information for MIMO Channel systems based on pilot aided arrangement is included in this paper. The estimation of channel at pilot frequencies with conventional Least Square (LS) and Minimum Mean Square (MMSE) estimation algorithms is carried out through Matlab simulation. The performance of MIMO ofDM is evaluated on the basis of Bit Error Rate (BER) and Mean Square Error (MSE) level. Further enhancement of performance can be achieved through maximum diversity Space Time Block Coding (STBC) and Maximum Likelihood Detection at transmission and reception ends respectively. MMSE estimation has been shown to perform much better than LS for the MIMO system using pilot carriers.
Effective Key Generation of Multimedia Applications[Full-Text ] Vishal Kumar Gupta, Mohammad ShoebThe project entitled Effective key Generation for Multimedia Application is the application developed to embed an video file in another video signal. It is concerned with embedding information in an innocuous cover Speech in a secure and robust manner. This system makes the Files more secure by using the concepts Steganography and Cryptography, Steganography, poor cousin of Cryptography is the art of hiding messages inside other messages such that the very existence of the message is unknown to third party. The goal of cryptography is to make data unreadable by a third party, the goal of Steganography is to hide the data from a third party Through the use of advanced computer software, authors of images and software can place a hidden trademark in their product, allowing them to keep a check on piracy. This is commonly known as watermarking. Hiding serial numbers or a set of characters that distinguishes an object from a similar object is known as finger printing. Together, these two are intended to fight piracy. The latter is used to detect copyright violators and the former is used to prosecute them. But these are only examples of the much wider field of Steganography.The cover data should not be significantly degraded by the embedded data, and the embedded data should be as imperceptible as possible. The embedded data should be as immune as possible to modifications from intelligent attacks or anticipated manipulations. Thus it is necessary that the hidden message should be encrypted.
Entropies and enthalpies for various defect processes in Al[Full-Text ] Dr. Dologlou ElizabethVery recent first principle calculations for vacancy migration enthalpy and entropy for Al, considering local density approximation and generalized gradient approximation, have been reported by making use of the transition theory. Here, we discuss these calculated values along with those obtained from independent experiments focused on two other defect processes, i.e. vacancy formation and self-diffusion activation. We show that these values are compatible with those expected from aspects developed on the basis of thermodynamics of point defect in solids . In particular, we find that the ratio entropy/enthalpy for all these three processes (formation migration and self-diffusion activation) is practically the same and in addition it is governed by the bulk expansivity and elastic data.
Field Measurement of Vertical Strain in Asphalt Concrete[Full-Text ] Md Rashadul Islam, and Rafiqul A. TarefderRecently developed Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) determines the total rutting by summing up the defor-mations of all the layers of the pavement. Therefore, the vertical deformation (or strain) needs to be measured to validate the MEPDG for local conditions. However, no direct procedure for measuring the vertical strain in flexible pavement is available to this date. Traditionally, Earth Pressure Cell (EPC) is used to measure the vertical stresses at different layers of pavement. Then, vertical strain is calculated using the measured stress and the stiffness of the corresponding material. The present study describes a procedure to measure the vertical strain of asphalt concrete based on field instrumentation. The vertical strain is measured using the Vertical Asphalt Strain Gage (VASG) in an instrumented pavement section on I-40 in New Mexico and compares the results with numerical analysis. The numerical model is validated with the measured stress responses which are measured with the installed the EPCs. The stiffness input of the numerical model is obtained from Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) test. Promising agreement is observed between the strains measured in the field and determined from the numerical model. Therefore, the VASG can be considered an effective sensor to measure the vertical strain of asphalt concrete in flexible pavement.
Mapping of Fishes of Brahmaputra River Using GIS Technology: A New Introduction to Fishery Business[Full-Text ] Chandasudha Goswami, Amol NaleGIS helps to answer questions and solve problems by looking at data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared. GIS benefits organizations of all sizes and in almost every industry. The benefits of GIS are generally: Increased Efficiency, Better Decision Making, Improved Communication, and Better Recordkeeping & Managing Geographically. We have taken our study area as Brahmaputra River: the largest river of Assam to make some GIS analysis. It includes mapping of collected data (Primary & Secondary) about fish seed production and fish generation, various comparative analysis etc. This basin covers the areas of Tibet, China, India and Bangladesh. The Ganges River originates in China, and along its 2,500 km long course, the river flows through northern India and passes through the state of West Bengal in India and then enters Bangladesh (A. Bhaduri and E. Barbier). Normalized Differential Vegetative Index (NDVI) is sensitive to the presence of green vegetation and has been successfully used in numerous regional and global applications for studying the state of vegetation (Seller P J, 1985).
Microfinance from Information Systems perspective - A review[Full-Text ] Ritika Singh, Mitali Sen, Chandan BharThe increasing importance of Information Systems (IS) in the global economy prompts microfinance researchers to view the industry from an interdisciplinary perspective. A review paper for microfinance from the IS perspective will create a firm foundation for advancing knowledge. It will facilitate theory development, close areas where a plethora of research exists, and uncover areas where research is needed. The objective of this paper is to propose a framework with the help of demonstration of organization of microfinance literature using IS theories. The reason for using IS theories for the purpose is to bring both the disciplines on a common platform so that their integration becomes easy. The paper discusses and critiques different classical theories that are used in the IS discipline. It also addresses the issue of information asymmetry which is prevalent in the microfinance sector with the help of IS.
Applying Artificial Neural Network Proton - Proton Collisions at LHC[Full-Text ] Amr RadiThis paper shows that the use the optimal topology of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) for a particular application is one of the difficult tasks. Neural Network is optimized by a Genetic Algorithm (GA), in a hybrid technique, to calculate the multiplicity distribution of the charged shower particles on Larger Hadron Collider (LHC). Moreover, ANN, as a machine learning technique, is usually used for modeling physical phenomena by establishing its new function. In case of modeling the p-p interactions at LHC experiments, ANN is used to simulate and predict the distribution, Pn, as a function of the number of charged particles multiplicity, n. The discovered function, trained on experimental data of LHC, shows good match compared with the other models. Moreover, those predicted values are in good agreement with Block, Cudell, and Nakamura.
On Carrying capacity of Cave Murals of Ajanta[Full-Text ] M.Singh and B.R.ArbadWith increasing population, the cave murals of Ajanta in combination to other factors are also being affected on account of visitor's impact in the form of rise in humidity, temperature, carbon dioxide content, dust fall etc. Experiment carried by monitoring the environmental parameters inside the cave clearly show 7-8% increase in humidity when more that recommended 40 number of visitors enter the cave at one time. Similarly, increase in carbon dioxide content has also been observed with increase in numbers of visitors causing long term effect on painted surface. Besides use of eatable by some visitors inside the cave give rise to food chain for insects. Archaeological Survey of India has given top priority for the conservation of Ajanta murals and has taken many steps for proper visitor management at Ajanta. This paper outlines the visitors impact vis-à-vis physical measures adopted for the long term survival of Ajanta murals.
Comparative study of Grillage method and Finite Element Method of RCC Bridge Deck[Full-Text ] Shreedhar, Rashmi KhardeThe simplest form of bridge is the single-span beam or slab which is simply supported at its ends. Many methods are used in analyzing bridges such as grillage and finite element methods. Since its publication in 1976 up to the present day, Edmund Hambly's book "Bridge Deck Behaviors" has remained a valuable reference for bridge engineers. During this period the processing power and storage capacity of computers has increased by a factor of over 1000 and analysis software has improved greatly in sophistication and ease of use. In spite of the increase in computing power, bridge deck analysis methods have not changed to the same extent, and grillage analysis remains the standard procedure for most bridges deck. The grillage analogy method for analyzing bridge superstructures has been in use for quite some time. An attempt is made in this paper to provide guidance on grillage idealization of the structure, together with the relevant background information. Guidance is provided on the mesh layout. The bridge deck is analyzed by both grillage analogy as well as by finite element method. Bridge deck analysis by grillage method is also compared for normal meshing, coarse meshing and fine meshing. Though finite element method gives lesser values for bending moment in deck as compared to grillage analysis, the later method seems to be easy to use and comprehend.
Inertial Measurement and Filtering of a UAV flight[Full-Text ] Abhilash Iyer, Surya Prakash SharmaUnmanned aerial vehicles with high agility and high performance through vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) and multirotor system have been the goal within reach of the mankind since the invention of the motion sensors. This paper details the use of an inertial measurement system consisting of a gyroscope and an accelerometer which was used on a quadrotor we built from scratch and called 'Quadbober'. The approach is based on the formulation of a DCM matrix algorithm and classical PID control system at the feedback to attain a stable flight with remote assistance. Various simulations and bench tests were performed for the calibration of the sensors and actuating devices.
Design of Software Model Checker[Full-Text ] Mrs. Rupali KaleIn a few cases, modeling languages have been designed to resemble programming languages, although the focus has been on protocol designs. Some of these linguistic choices have made, and still make it feasible to more conveniently experiment with new algorithms and frameworks for analyzing system models. In this paper we will attempt to give convincing arguments for why we believe it is time for the formal methods community to shift some of its attention towards the analysis of programs written in modern programming languages. In keeping with this philosophy we have developed verification and testing environment for Java, called Java PathFinder (JPF), which integrates model checking, program analysis and testing. Part of this work has consisted of building a new Java Virtual Machine that interprets Java byte code. JPF uses state compression to handle big states, and partial order and symmetry reduction, slicing, abstraction, and runtime analysis techniques to reduce the state space.
Literature Survey for Performance evaluation of various time hopping ultra-wideband communication systems[Full-Text ] S.SrimathiPerformance evaluation of time-hopping UWB using various modulation techniques has been proposed. Then the performance improvement is analysed based on the BERs of various existing methods. Recently a new method called TH-BPSK UWB system is proposed which provides a better performance than all other existing systems. The literature survey discusses all the existing techniques of UWB communication.
Experimental Investigations on Strength Characteristics of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete[Full-Text ] D.NeerajaIt is now well established that one of the important properties of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) is its superior resistance to cracking and crack propagation. As a result of this ability to arrest cracks, fibre composites possess increased extensibility and tensile strength, both at first crack and at ultimate, particularly under flexural loading; and the fibres are able to hold the matrix together even after extensive cracking. The net result of all these is to impart to the fibre composite pronounced post cracking ductility which is unheard of in ordinary concrete. The transformation from a brittle to a ductile type of material would increase substantially the energy absorption characteristics of the fibre composite and its ability to withstand repeatedly applied, shock or impact loading. The real contribution of the fibres is to increase the toughness of the concrete. The fibres tend to increase the strain at peak load, and provide a great deal of energy absorption in post-peak portion of the load- deflection curve. This report presents a laboratory investigation on the strength characteristics of steel fibre reinforced concrete. Tests were conducted by adding Ground Granulated Blast furnace Slag (GGBS) and steel fibres to concrete in an amount equivalent to approximately 0%, 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% to the weight of cement content and that for steel fibres from 0 to 2% with an increment of 0.5%. The test results proved that the compressive strength of concrete increases with per cent increase in GGBS up to 40%. Beyond 40%, there is marginal decrease in strength of concrete. In addition, tests were conducted, taking the combinations of GGBS and steel fibres. From the test results, it was found that there is improvement in the strength of concrete by addition of GGBS and steel fibres.