Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2013 Edition
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Using Genetic Algorithm Based Distance Metric Learning in Intrusion Detection Systems[Full-Text ] Ezat soleiman, Abdelhamid fetanatPrevious works on intrusion detection systems proved that hybrid method solutions have more advantages than single method solutions. This paper will introduce the method of how to join genetic algorithm with distance metric learning in intrusion detection system. With the rapid expansion of Internet in recent years, computer systems are facing increased number of security threats. Despite numerous technological innovations for information assurance, it is still very difficult to protect computer systems. Therefore, unwanted intrusions take place when the actual software systems are running. Different soft computing based approaches have been proposed to detect computer network attacks.
Study on Influence of Coir Geotextile and Bitumen Content on Shear Resistance of Bituminous Overlays[Full-Text ] Loui.T.R, Dr. M.SatyakumarAn experimental program was designed to study the effects of coir geotextiles in shear resistance characteristics of asphalt overlays. The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of coir geotextiles inclusion as inter layer in improving shear resistance of contact layers. Flexible pavements are complex structures consisting of several layers of asphalt and granular materials. This pavement layers including overlays are subjected to tangential force and there is a chance of slipping of layers and which will induce parabolic crack and heaving. This is predominant especially in the case of braking, overtaking zones, intersections and grade separations. Non-linear mechanical behaviour of the pavement materials combined with the randomness in traffic and environmental conditions complicate the issue. Coir geotextiles introduced at the interface of existing damaged surface and overlay found to improve the adherence between layers. The shear resistance is also sensitive to amount of tack coat content. Research also revealed inclusion of coir geotextiles as interlayer in the overlay showed increase in shear resistance and is also dependent on the type of geotextiles and quantity of tack coat content.
Sequential Intrusion Detection System Using Distance Learning (Metric Learning) and Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ezat soleiman, abdelhamid fetanatSince current intrusion detection systems are signature based, they still unable to detect new forms of attacks even these attacks are slightly derived from knowen ones.this paper introduces a new idea of sequential intrusion detection system using genetic algorithms and metric learning.
Design and Simulation of Cascaded Class-A Microwave Power Amplifier[Full-Text ] Muhammad Faheem Siddique, Syed Haider Abbas, Hussnain Haider and Ali Bin TahirMicrowave power amplifiers are the most significant components in wireless communications systems. As the technology continue to progress, the designers are facing new challenges and opportunities. The purpose of this work is to push the limits of efficiency and bandwidth of power amplifiers. The objective of this research is to design and build a prototype two stage Microwave power amplifier operated at 2.4 GHz with a linear region of operation up to our desired output of 0.5 watt or 27 dBm. The transistor used in the first stage is BFP540 while the output power of the first stage is the input of the second stage in which the ATF50189 transistor is used to for amplification. All the simulations and readings are taken by using AWR Microwave Office software. By using the load line Rl and the biasing points are achieved for both stages. The applications of our proposed device include many products in the field of microwave communications. One of the important applications of a Microwave power amplifier is in the output stage of a transmitter where a signal needs amplification before it is transmitted.
Secured Cloud Storage using Raptor Codes[Full-Text ] Anupriya.A.S, S.Ananthi, Dr. S KarthikCloud computing has developed as one of the most persuasive paradigms in the IT industry for last few years. To achieve the assertion of cloud data integrity and availability and impose the quality of dependable cloud storage service for users, an effective and flexible distributed scheme with explicit dynamic data support, including block update, delete, and append is designed. Erasure-correcting code in the file distribution preparation provides redundancy parity vectors and guarantees the data dependability. By utilizing the homomorphic token with distributed verification of erasure-coded data, this scheme achieves the integration of storage. The system safeguarded the security and dependability for cloud data storage under the aforementioned adversary model. Analysis shows the proposed scheme is highly efficient and resilient against Byzantine failure, malicious data modification attack, and even server colluding attacks. This paper enhances the work by using Raptor codes, which is an additional pre-coding on an appropriate LT-Code. In asymptotic settings, a class of universal Raptor Codes with linear encode/decode time for which the failure probability converges to 1 polynomial fast in input size.
Moodle is a Collaborative Platform to - Leadership of E- Learning: Implementations and Eclecticism of the Research[Full-Text ] Omar Abdullah Mohammed AL-maktari ,Rozina Jamaludin ,Ahmed Dheyaa Basha, Satar Habib MnaathrOf late and with the expanding the computer network include enhancing and development generally, E-learning became is a new path of many learning modes, especially in the course of e-learning with some problems are inevitable, such as decline in autonomous for students, student’s emotion have been affected by learning outcomes greatly, leaking into collaboration and interaction occasionally, inadequate supervision , low engagement and motivation and so on, In order to solve these problem Moodle consider as a effective platform and lea-dership-kind e-learning software came into being. This study presents a Moodle object oriented platform as powerful with full featured modular system organizing and its implementations .Unified with the researcher’s teaching experience and practice refers out in which the Moodle platform can be amended, in hopes that eclecticism of the platform can maximum support leadership-kind e-learning effectively.
Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines: A Review[Full-Text ] Sachin Sharma & Dalgobind MahtoThis paper presents condition monitoring in wind turbines, and related technologies currently applied in practice and under development for aerospace applications, are reviewed. Condition monitoring system estimate the current condition of a machine from sensor measurements, whereas prediction systems give a probabilistic forecast of the future condition of the machine under the projected usage conditions. Current condition monitoring practice in wind turbine rotors involves tracking rotor imbalance, aerodynamic, surface roughness and overall performance and offline and online measurements of stress and strain.
Analysis of Detecting Fault Probability using Variable Linear Load Resistance Switching (VLLRS) Technique in Power Distribution Networks[Full-Text ] Ramesh.Palakeerthi, Ramesh.GamasuThis paper presents the analysis of detecting faults probability using Resistance Switching Technique Obtained by using custom power device fed to linear loads. This analysis was detecting the faults in each phase, modified by using resistance switching technique. With reference- the resistance switching is used for getting good voltage compensation in sub-systems of power system, to avoid power interruption problems. The entire topology explains by taking custom power device as a reference. This analysis fault simulation is achieved by using Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation Technique. The custom power device is an efficient and effective one, used in major part of the distribution networks. Mainly, the resistance switching is used for modifying the fault conditions in uneven conditions occurring of power systems. The overall topology was modeled and simulated in MATLAB/Simpower System.
Comparison & Performance Evaluation of Various Equalization Techniques for MIMO-OFDM System[Full-Text ] PARUL WADHWA, ER.GAURAV GUPTAMIMO Systems use multiple inputs and multiple outputs from a single channel. They are defined by Spatial Diversity and Spatial Multiplexing. The effect of fading and interference effects can be minimized with equalizer. The performance of different equalization techniques for MIMO-OFDM system is analyzed. The BER characteristics for varying number of receiving antenna are determined in mat lab tool box. The simulation is carried out & it is observed that the MMSE equalizer based receiver is a good choice for removing some ISI and reduces the total noise power. The results show that the BER decreases as the m x n antenna configuration increases.
A Review and Case Studay : Bold Pretension[Full-Text ] Bipinkumar Kaswala, Prof.Keyur HirparaIn the presented paper, and attempt has been undertaken to provide an account of some achievements in the area called bold pretension.
Design of a Bank Vault Security System with Password, Thermal & Physical Interrupt Alarm[Full-Text ] Sayemul Islam, Md. SaiduzzamanSecurity is one of the most concerning factor in bank vault system. Without proper and strong security a vault can be penetrated. Most of the systems are based on human supportive security protocol. The main purpose of this paper is to construct a microcontroller based automated system which can give instant protection against any break-in by hackers or against physical penetration and send warning signal to the law enforcement team immediately. The system consists of a microcontroller associated with passive infrared sensor, shock sensor and keypad with display panel.
Effect of Temperature and associated deformations on the gasket seal compression in a pressure vessel[Full-Text ] Guruchannabasavaiah N G, Prof.Shanmugam 3 Arun L RThis paper addresses the effect of temperature along with the internal fluid pressure on the gasket seal compression in a pressure vessel / pressurized piping systems through non linear finite element analysis. A pressure vessel comprises of a large container for housing the contents like piping, the heat exchanger, the reactants etc the contents of the vessel are at a high temperature of about 250°C-300 °C and at a high pressure too. A metal gasket with special elastic-plastic characteristics is trapped between the vessel and blind flanges and is compressed by the application of high bolt force. Usually several bolts (struts) are used to effect the leak proof characteristics at the flange joint. The bolts give rise to adequate contact pressure at the joint. The contents of the vessel which are at a high temperature cause the entire flange joint also to heat up. The joint due to this undergoes additional distortions. This distortion can cause the gasket compression to vary from the initial level of compression. This results in variation of the contact pressure from the initial level which can cause leakage at the joint. Any leakage could be catastrophic as it could result in loss pressure and environmental pollution.This paper also addresses the amount of bolt force required to compress the gasket seal in a pressure vessel under the effect of pressure and temperature.
Data Mining Approach to predict stock market scenario of Public Sector Units of India[Full-Text ] Hina Saxena, Zubair Khan, Ashutosh BhatnagarIn this paper large amount of stock market data of PSUs of India are identified which is based on rise and fall their share values in Indian stock market. Research work has been done in two stages, in first stage stock data have been categorized based on zero growth, moderate growth, and fast growth. This clustering has been done using Fuzzy C- Means algorithm which is very popular data mining approach. In second stage moving average approach has been used to determine trends about the behavior of stock market. The stock market trend holds to understand the present scenario and after that forecast the next stock price. Our research provides a platform to investors to take appropriate decision strategically to earn the profit in their investment in appropriate PSUs based on zero growth, moderate growth and fast growth in that time horizon. According to our research investigations, it has been observed that two stage mining process that is fuzzy c means algorithm and moving average methodology can develop more useful information to invest in market in order to provide profit for investors.
Design & Practical Investigation of a Microstrip Patch Antenna at Frequency 2.45 GHz[Full-Text ] Md.Wasiur Rahman, Manjurul Ahsan Riheen, Asif Hassan, Tariq Ahmad DewanMicrostrip antennas are relatively inexpensive to manufacture and design because of the simple to dimensional physical geometry.
Heat conduction problem on semi-infinite solid cylinder with heat source[Full-Text ] C.M. Jadhav and B.R.AhirraoThis article concerned with the determination of temperature and thermal stresses of semi-infinite solid cylinder with cylindrical surface heat source having constant initial temperature under unsteady-state field. The lower boundary surface is kept insulated and upper surface of the cylinder is at initial temperature while heat is dissipated by convection from boundary surface at r=b in to a medium at zero temperature .The result are obtained in series form in term of Bessel’s functions these have been computed numerically and graphically.
A complete analysis of focusing the GPR data on rebar mesh obtained within cement based structures using Simulation Migration Algorithms[Full-Text ] Ramya MuthuveerappanGround Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a technique based on propagation and reflection of electromagnetic waves in the subsurface .The B-scan of the GPR images on the concrete structures produces scatters, which generally exhibit defocused, hyperbolic arc characteristics.This is mainly due to the data collection scheme, which produces the effect of clutters along with the scatters that are picked up by the B-scan and the finite beam width of the main lobe of the GPR antenna. To invert this undesirable effect and obtain focused images, various focusing migration algorithms has been developed which is applied to the B-scan images to enhance the resolution quality of the image.This paper describes the experimental determination of GPR data taken using a 2.6 GHz antenna frequency. In this paper, the performance and the practical usage of migration or focusing velocity simulation algorithms namely frequency wavenumber (F-K) is tested and examined on the collected GPR data.The data were collected in laboratory condition of a rebar mesh in concrete structure and in air medium..
Difficulties in Implementing Effective Problem Management[Full-Text ] Puneet KushInformation Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework is almost 22 years old, and it is rapidly becoming de facto stand-ard worldwide. ITIL framework is a process based best practice for supporting and delivering IT services. ITIL has defined many processes, and Problem Management process is one of the vital processes that contribute to success of service operation and service delivery. This paper provides brief overview on few processes and their relationship under service operation lifecycle. The paper focuses on the benefit of effective problem management, and the barriers in implementing effective problem management. The paper also set platform for further research opportunity to find and analyses the factors contribute to ineffective Problem Management process.
Boost Enhancing Electronic Teaching Material (ETM) of Modern Physical Education Practice (PEP) pedagogical Technology Over Problem-Based Learning[Full-Text ] Omar Abdullah Mohammed AL-maktari ,Rozina Jamaludin , Satar Habib Mnaathr, Ahmed Dheyaa BashaThe article aims to increase enhancing Electronic Teaching Material (ETM) of modern (PEP) pedagogical technology, which adopted in the teaching of faculties and some universities can’t match instructional requests currently, while (ETM), which combines multimedia image, visibility and good stereo characteristic features, and robust interaction with computer-assisted learning coursework and develop high capacity, has been common learning resources through different topics. In comparison with traditional teaching material, the electronic teaching material (ETM) can explain major and difficult points in teaching over more perfect teaching design, suitable teaching media chose and implement of multimedia, such as, diagram, icon audio effect, video and animated cartoon .Beginning of the request to build (ETM) based on modern (PEP) pedagogical technology ,this study will explicit increasing enhancing multimedia (ETM) of modern (PEP) pedagogical technology under the design idea electronic teaching material (ETM ) of modern physical education practice (PEP) pedagogical technology, it necessity to meet instructional needs for both lecturers and learners.
“Right to Information Act” - A tool for good governance and social change through Information Technology[Full-Text ] P.Chitra and Dr. M. NeelamalarFor good governance to exist in both theory and practice, citizens must be empowered to participate in meaningful ways in decision-making processes. They have a right to information and to access. Although widespread accessibility remains a barrier for many countries, one of those ways is through Information Technology (IT) applications such as the Internet. E-governance has emerged as a viable means to address development issues and challenges because citizens find social change through access to information. The paper will outline a detailed analysis on the present usage of Information Technology for the benefit of civil society towards good governance.
Evaluate Comparative of Cooperative Relaying Protocols in Wireless Communication[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Khider Eltahir, Khalid Hamidr Bilal and Samah tahaFuture generations of cellular communications require higher data rates and more reliable transmission link .Cooperative communications have a great significant in modern communications as they improve the information transmission between the source and the destination by using the relays. The relaying schemes are Amplify-and-Forward (AF) in which the relay sends an amplified copy of its receive signal and consequently serves as a repeater. In contrast, for Decode-and-Forward (DF) the relay performs a complete decoding of the receive signal and transmits the re-encoded message. This paper is a complete study of cooperative systems, analyzing its performance and comparing the use of two protocols amplify and forward (AF) and decode and forward(DF) with single and multi relays scenarios by measuring bit error rate using matlab.
Comparison between the biodecolorization of Reactive Dye by Single & Mix-Bacterial Strains[Full-Text ] Jannatul Ferdous Rumky, Hafizur Rahman, M.Ali HossainIn the present study, an attempt was made to examine the potential of different bacterial strains (E.coli, Enterobacter & mix-bacterial strain) for decolorization of Sunfix Red (reactive dye), in static system . The effect of initial dye concentration, pH and static-rotating conditions were studied to measure the optimal conditions of degradation. Here, the bacterial mediums used in this study were E.coli, Enterobacter and mix-bacterial of them. Out of these, maxmimum decolorization emergerd out to be the most potent decolorizer among all. These bacterial strains showed higher decolorization in static medium in comparison with rotating condition. The optimum pH for decolorization of sunfix red by E.coli, Enterobacter & mix-bacterial strains were 8, 9, and 9. The optimum dye concentrations for these ones were 700,500 & 700 ppm. The optimum temperature was 37°C and the strain would decolorize 90-97% within 48 hours under the optimum conditions and the initial dye concentration was 300 ppm. The results showed that, the mix-bacterial strain has more good potential than single bacterial strain in removal of reactives dye from wastewater.
Fusion Based Multimodal Biometric Authentication With Anamoly Intrusion Detection System[Full-Text ] M.Thenmozhi , P.Gnana Skanda ParthibanBiometrics is a technology for authenticating a person’s unique identity beyond doubt. Multimodal biometric technology provides potential solutions for user-to-device authentication. This paper proposes combined authentication and IDSs. Multi-biometric systems are emerging as a trend which helps in overcoming limitations of single biometric solutions, such as distinctiveness ability and lack of universality. It aims to fuse two or more physical or behavioral traits to provide optimal False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR), thus improving system accuracy and dependability. The results of fusion of individual modalities indicate an improvement in the overall performance of the biometric authentication system. Authentication works only at the point of entry it lacks the capability to monitor the entire system .In this paper Multimodal biometrics is deployed to work with intrusion detection systems (IDSs) that have the capability to monitor the system where majority of attacks takes place.
The impact of different MAC protocols for Network Coding in Adhoc Network[Full-Text ] Ibrahim Khider,Khalid Hamid and Hoyda ElwaseelarNetwork coding has been shown to be an effective way to achieve the maximum flow capacity of network. In this paper the study performance of network coding using different types of MAC leads to gathering different results and comparing them with respect to performance. The results revealed malfunctioning current of realistic MAC layer .The study showed that this methodology might be the promising solution to gradually eliminate the variety of drawbacks of the system as a whole.
A Novel Protocol for Energy Efficient Clustering for Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] S.Thiripura Sundari, P.Maheswara Venkatesh, Dr.A.SivanantharajaThe Wireless sensor network (WSN) consisting of a large number of sensors are effective for gathering data in a variety of environments. Sensors are usually randomly deployed where battery replacement or recharge is difficult or even impossible to be performed. In this paper, we first completely analyze the basic distributed clustering routing protocol LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy). All classical schemes consider that all nodes are deployed with same amount of energy. Here we consider a heterogeneous medium, i.e. each node is provided with varying power levels called Heterogeneous - Hybrid Energy Efficient Distributed Protocol (H-HEED). Heterogeneity can be implemented by various parameters here we consider node energy as the basic parameter. Transmitting data from each node of the sensor field may lead to high power consumption and unreliable network lifetime. In order to avoid this we go for clustering and election of cluster heads. Cluster head alone transmits the aggregate data of the cluster. The formation of the clusters and cluster head selection are done by comparing the residual energy of the individual in every round this improves the lifetime to a considerable level. Also we introduce a node scheduling scheme in HEED. The nodes are classified into ACTIVE and SLEEP nodes. A widely employed energy-saving technique is to place nodes in sleep mode, corresponding to low-power consumption as well as to reduce the operational capabilities. Finally the simulation result demonstrates that proposed work achieves longer lifetime and more effective data packets in comparison with the HEED and LEACH protocol.
Theoretical Exergy Analysis of HFO-1234yf and HFO-1234ze as an Alternative Replacement of HFC-134a in Simple Vapour Compression Refrigeration System[Full-Text ] Naushad A. Ansari, Bipin Yadav, Jitendra KumarAn Exergy method for theoretical analysis of a traditional vapour-compression refrigeration system equipped with liquid vapour heat exchanger (lvhe) for HFO-1234yf (2, 3, 3, 3-Tetrafluoropropene) and HFO-1234ze (trans-1, 3, 3, 3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene), both ultra low Global Warming Potential(GWP) and zero Ozone Depletion Potential(ODP) refrigerants and comparison of the results with HFC-134a refrigerant as possible alternative replacements in Automotive air-conditioning and stationary refrigeration is presented. A mathematical computational model has been developed for calculating Coefficient of performance (COP), exergetic efficiency, exergy destruction and efficiency defects for HFO-1234yf, HFO-1234ze and HFC-134a.During the investigation, condenser temperature is kept at 313K and evaporator temperature is kept in the range from 223K to 273K .Results obtained indicate that HFO-1234yf and HFO-1234ze can be good replacement of R-134a. Among the system components, condenser shows highest efficiency defect value and liquid vapour heat exchanger shows the lowest.
Software Defined Radio Evolution with MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) Technique[Full-Text ] Ajay Raghav, Ajit Singh RaghavIn this report, we have described MIMO (Multi Input Multi Output) Techniques in Software Defined Radio. Software defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system which deals with implementation of software in hardware (modulators/demodulators, detectors, mixers, filters, amplifiers, etc.) MIMO technique plays a vital role in improvement of radio technology. We have gone through complete history, present arena and future improvements of MIMO techniques. MIMO is a captivating technology for wireless systems. MIMO has an excellent efficiency as well as its presence against fading and interference which is done with the use of multiple receive and multiple transmit antennas. Throughput improvement from spatial multiplexing and link budget/spatial diversity improvement are two benefits of using multiple antennas. Spatial diversity is the probability of having all antennas at bad locations is significantly lower as the number of antennas increases. Link budget improvement deals with the fact that the signals from different antennas can be combined to form a signal stronger than any of the individual signals. MIMO systems with spatial diversity gives better range for a given data rate than SISO systems at the same location. We will study further more about MIMO techniques with SDR.
PID compensated, Stability improved Impedance Source Inverter (ZSI)[Full-Text ] G. Shiva, K. Hrishikes, R. Issan RajThis paper presents the design of Closed loop voltage mode control for impedance-source inverter using Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller. The control action is performed by regulating the DC-link voltage at the input side. Mathematical model of the inverter is developed and the control parameters are designed using Bode plot. MATLAB-Simulink model has been developed for simulation. From the results, it was shown that the proposed controller is very well capable to regulate the AC output voltage.
Ad-hoc Social Network: A Comprehensive Survey[Full-Text ] Dr. Sapna Gambhir, Nagender AnejaAd-hoc Social Network (ASN) is a social network based on ad-hoc network. The paper describes the work done for implementation of ASN, to determine user experience while using ASN on mobile network, architecture of ASN and different profile matching algorithms. The paper also proposes some of research issues and challenges to be solved for ASN.
Semantic Reranking of Scientific Papers According to its Research Area and Research Technologies[Full-Text ] Tatyana Ivanova IvanovaBecause of the rapid growth of the number of electronic publications, locating the most relevant ones to the concrete search query (and research needs) is becoming more and more difficult. The research in this paper is based on the abstract model, representing scientific research as a tuple of research area and technologies, used for performing the research in this area. The assumption is that if two scientific papers have the same research area, and use similar research technologies, they present closely related research. As main reading goals of scientists are directed in some research area, or they investigate concrete research technology, the search queries usually are intended for finding papers in narrow research area, or using specific research methods. Every of the scientific paper structural parts (as abstract, title, introduction, etc.) contain some terms, belonging to the domains of these research parts (research area and used research technologies). In this paper we propose a vector representation of the scientific paper parts, consisting of two components: research area and research technology. These two components are numbers, represented frequency of usage of specialized terminology, related to corresponding area. We define concepts “research vector” and “relative research vector” for this purpose, analyze 90 scientific paper abstracts to determine statistically the most likely range of research vector components values, and propose scientific paper ranking algorithm, using them in reranking of scientific papers, returned from several digital libraries. We evaluate the importance of the presented paper model in query refinement stage by sending queries, classified in four groups to ACM digital library, and comparing the all returned results, and relevant ones among first 60.
A Model-Driven Approach for Business Processes and Test Case Generation[Full-Text ] Himanshu Ghetia, Shantanu Santoki and Vairamuthu S.Model-driven development approaches, business process models are used at different levels in the development process. Business process modeling is one of the most important methods in business process management. It is used for better understanding of business concerns and communication between stakeholders. In this paper, we present a model-driven approach to generate business process models and the process interaction semantics from a language-independent process models. We employ UML 2.0 to deliver language-independent business process design with the low level syntax hided from the business experts; the Web Services Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL) is utilized as the target business process modeling language. A WS-BPEL metadata model is defined to decorate UML 2.0 process model with WS-BPEL stereotypes; a semantics metadata model is defined for specifying process interaction semantics relevant stereotypes. With a set of model mapping patterns, we can generate a WS-BPEL business process model and a process interaction semantics file from each UML 2.0 process model. Our approach can also be applied for generating process models in other business process modeling languages.
Transmission Congestion Management Comparative Studies In Restructured Power System[Full-Text ] J.Srinivasa Rao, Dr.J.AmarnathThe deregulated power system offers more benefits to the customers so that it is quite popular in now a days. Due to the enormous rise of power demand, the existing power system is operated very closer to its stability limits. So we get two major problems like transmission congestion and voltage instability problems in power system. These are very serious problems which causes severe damage to the total power system. Due to the congestion in the network, there is not always possible to transmit the entire contracted power at all situations. The above mentioned problems are managed by using series FACTS devices. But for getting more benefits from these FACTS devices, we place those devices in optimal location. In this paper two different methodologies such as sensitivity approach and pricing approaches were going to be discussed to place the series FACTS devices in optimal location to manage the transmission congestion and voltage instability problems. These methods are tested on modified IEEE 14 bus system.
Enhancing Service Quality of a Healthcare Organization through Lean Six Sigma Methods[Full-Text ] Sudipta Saha, A.M.M. Nazmul Ahsan, Md. Imran Mahmud, Prof. Dr. Tarapada Bhowmick, Hemendra Nath Roy, Prof. Dr.Ahsan Akhtar HasinThe issue of customer satisfaction has gained increasing attention from executives across the healthcare industry. One of the primary challenges is sustaining customer satisfaction improvement initiatives in the face of competing priorities and diminishing resources. Lean Six-sigma methodology has been implemented in a public healthcare organization to fulfil the organization’s mission of enhancing its customer satisfaction. Thirty key criteria of patient satisfaction have been identified to correlate most highly to a patient’s overall satisfaction with the hospital. This paper demonstrates how significant each of those thirty criteria for the overall satisfaction. The coordination of care has been found to have the most powerful effect in terms of patient satisfaction during a hospital stay. Through the implementation of the procedural steps of Lean Six-sigma methodology, it has been possible to enhance the healthcare service quality of the organization.
A Novel Multi Stream Superposition Multi Rate Coded Modulation (MS-SMRCM)[Full-Text ] Ahmed E. Zein Eldin, Esam A.A. Hagras, Hala Mansour Abdel-KaderThis paper is concerned with the design of a wireless data transmission which provides Un-equal Error Protection (UEP). A Multi Stream Superposition Multi Rate Coded Modulation (MS-SMRCM) system has been introduced. In the proposed MS-SMRCM, each user data bit stream can be divided into two bit streams. The first bit stream represents the region of high priority, while the second represents the region of low priority. These two bit streams are encoded, spread and interleaved separately. The resultant chip interleaved sequences are modulated and superimposed together to achieve UEP at the receiver side. A simple Chip-By-Chip (CBC) iterative Multi User Detection (MUD) strategy is used. In AWGN channel, the proposed MS-SMRCM in case of eight users input, the performance of single user is better than eight users by 2.2 dB at BER=?10?^(-4). The performance is investigated over AWGN and Rayleigf fading channels in the presence of High Power Amplifier (HPA).
Enhancement of Ultrasound Images Using RADWT[Full-Text ] Paras Bhatia, Rashmi KumariFeature preserved enhancements are necessary in medical ultrasound images. The quality and important information present in ultrasound images are affected by speckle which makes the post processing difficult. A technique based on rational dilation wavelet transform (RADWT) is applied on medical images to enhance the quality of speckle noise affected images. A new family of wavelet transform is presented for which the frequency resolution can be varied to provide the effectiveness of noisy coefficients. Denoising efficiency is improved by applying bilateral filter and different threshold schemes to noisy RADWT coefficient and edge features are preserved effectively, blurring associated with speckle noise is less and important details are enhanced properly for better visual illustration of ultrasound images. This approach helps us to improve the quality of the ultrasound images. Experimental results are shown for noise suppression, feature and edge preservation in different measures.
Improving Search Efficiency of Encrypted Cloud Data[Full-Text ] Deepa P L, S Vinoth Kumar, Dr S KarthikCLOUD computing is a new technique to provide and consume the services based on the Internet, by providing for virtualized resources as a service. This is provided over the network. To protect the privacy of the sensitive data, the data stored in the cloud have to be encrypted before outsourced to the commercial public cloud. In such case, the effective data utilization service is a very challenging task. The searchable encryption techniques already developed allow users to securely search over encrypted data through keywords, but the problem is that they support only Boolean search and are not yet sufficient to meet the effective data utilization. In existing system they have used a ranked search technique. The crypto primitive OPSE is developed and an efficient one-to-many order preserving mapping function is derived. It allows the effective RSSE to be designed. To improve the search accuracy of the ranked search, in proposed work we implement the nearest neighbour search technique in which we find Euclidean distance between two vectors.
Performance analysis of PAPR reduction techninques for MC-CDMA system[Full-Text ] Jaswinder Kaur, Komal AroraMC-CDMA and OFDM systems are widely used in the existing 3rd and 4th generation wireless networks. They are also good candidates for the future generation networks for broadband and personal communications. But, high peak to average power ratios (PAPR) is serious problem in MC-CDMA which can increase complexity in the analog to digital and digital to analog converter, reduce the system efficiency and increase the overall system cost. The major scope of this paper is to reduce PAPR in MC-CDMA using PTS, SLM and Hybrid techniques. According to the simulation results presented in this paper, using PTS technique, PAPR is reduced up to 2.9 dB than original PAPR of the signal for different number of users and iterations. By analyzing the plots of Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) versus probability (PAPR0), it has been shown that SLM technique lowers PAPR up to 2.2 dB and Hybrid technique is reduced PAPR upto1.5 dB than original PAPR of the signal.
An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis for Measuring the Efficiency of Minority Institutions[Full-Text ] Dr.R.P.SreedeviThis paper describes the technical efficiency and efficiency differences among 19 Minority Technical institutions under JNTUH of Andhra Pradesh in India by a linear programe based technique, Data Envelopment analysis. In this context, it is absolutely essential to assess the quality education offered by the technical institutions with specific reference to the reliability of how and when the learning takes place. Technical Education System (TES) is a growing field that is bringing a paradigm shift in new future directives. To strengthen TES there is a need to effectively assess various institutes. The identification of strongest and weakest functions is important quality education and hence to achieve high standards. DEA efficiency evaluation method identifies the functions that improve the quality of education and bring improvements in the system. The function is identification is based on knowledge based evaluation and it provides valuable inputs for further DEA exercise. In this application the final decision is based on the evaluation of a number of alternatives in terms of various outputs and inputs. The suggested approach can assist decision makers in selecting proper institutes to further strengthen the TES is an efficient and effective manner
Improved performance of Sierpinski Carpet Based Fractal Antenna using Stacked Configuration[Full-Text ] Anuj Attri, Ankush KansalIn today’s world of increasing wireless communication, there is a need of more compact and mutiband antennas for Personal Communication Systems. Fractal Antennas can help in meeting these requirements. This paper analyse the performance of Sierpinski Carpet antenna and correspondingly its stacked configuration. The multiband properties and improvement in Bandwidth has been observed, allowing a single antenna to be used in integrated applications device,thus allowing the device to be miniaturised in context of antennas. The return Loss and the Radiation Pattern of different configurations are analysed in particular.
Advanced Applications of Spatial Database for Geographical Information System (GIS)[Full-Text ] Mr.M.Jayakameswaraiah, Dr.S.RamakrishnaThe drastic ascent in the volume of spatial data owes its growth to the technical advancements in technologies that aid in spatial data acquisition, mass storage and network interconnection. Thus the necessity for automated detection of spatial knowledge from voluminous spatial data arises. This paper explains the concepts of Oracle spatial as a way to store and analyze spatial data. Oracle spatial is designed to make spatial data management easier and more natural to users of location-enabled applications and Geographic Information System (GIS) applications. Once spatial data is stored in an Oracle database, it can be easily manipulated, retrieved, and related to all other data stored in the database. The data that indicates the Earth location (such as longitude and latitude) of these rendered objects is the spatial data. When the map is rendered, this spatial data is used to project the locations of the objects on a two-dimensional piece of paper. A GIS is often used to store, retrieve, and render this Earth-relative spatial data. Types of spatial data (other than GIS data) that can be stored using Oracle spatial include data from Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) systems.
Measurement of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide using multi sensor approach[Full-Text ] Akshay Anant Bhide, S.L. NalbalwarConcern about the climatic effects of anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) has resulted in a growing need, both scientifically and politically, to monitor atomospheric CO2