Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2013 Edition
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Data Mining Approach to predict stock market scenario of Public Sector Units of India[Full-Text ] Hina Saxena, Zubair Khan, Ashutosh BhatnagarIn this paper large amount of stock market data of PSUs of India are identified which is based on rise and fall their share values in Indian stock market. Research work has been done in two stages, in first stage stock data have been categorized based on zero growth, moderate growth, and fast growth. This clustering has been done using Fuzzy C- Means algorithm which is very popular data mining approach. In second stage moving average approach has been used to determine trends about the behavior of stock market. The stock market trend holds to understand the present scenario and after that forecast the next stock price. Our research provides a platform to investors to take appropriate decision strategically to earn the profit in their investment in appropriate PSUs based on zero growth, moderate growth and fast growth in that time horizon. According to our research investigations, it has been observed that two stage mining process that is fuzzy c means algorithm and moving average methodology can develop more useful information to invest in market in order to provide profit for investors.
A Review of CORDIC Algorithms and Architectures with Applications for Efficient Designing[Full-Text ] Rajkumar Tomar, Praveen Kumar Singh, Krishna RajThe coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) algorithm is widely used in various technological fields such as digital signal processing (DSP), biomedical signal processing, robotics, communication systems, image processing etc. Due to ease of simple shift and add operations, the use of CORDIC based systems is increasing drastically. In this paper, some CORDIC based applications have been discussed along with its architectures and algorithms to reduce the number of iterations. To improve the system performance and to reduce the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), some newly discovered algorithms such as double rotation CORDIC, triple rotation CORDIC, mixed scaling rotation (MSR), scaling free generalized micro-rotation, modified vector rotation (MVR) along with angle recoding (AR) and extended elementary angle set (EEAS) have also been discussed in detail. Use of CORDIC in applications such as in designing of digital filters, FFT computation, singular value decomposition (SVD) has also been reviewed here.
pH Measurement Under A Simulated Disbonded Coating Using An Optical Fibre Chemical Sensor[Full-Text ] Maftah H. Alkathafi , Robert A. Cottis, Ramaier NarayanaswamyThe present paper is concerned with pH measurement under a disbonded coating on steel, pH was monitored at different locations down the crevice using an optical fibre chemical sensor. A physical model was developed to understand the chemical and electrochemical conditions that are created within the crevice beneath a disbonded coating. The physical model used a polyethylene film covering a crevice of controlled thickness, and exposed to a gas of controlled Composition (air with 1%CO2) on the exterior of the film. The crevice was filled with a simulated ground water and pH measurement was carried out at a controlled potential at the mouth of the crevice of -900 mV (SCE). The gas permeability of the coating played an important role in controlling the conditions at the end of the crevice, as the gas transport through the coating creates a more alkaline solution inside the crevice, the generation of hydroxyl ions due to the oxygen reduction reaction increasing the pH.
Power Control For Wireless Communication Systems[Full-Text ] Vahid Behtaji Siahkal Mahalleh, Chan Hui Ting, Loh Mun WeiEfficient power control for signals related with randomly dispersed users that are using a single channel which is important in order to conserve the operating life of the battery as well as improving the overall systems capacity. Efficient power control is done by controlling the transmitted power at a given node so that the signal to interference ratio (SIR) of the system does not go above a certain threshold. Hence, channel reuse can be maximized. The distributed power control (DPC) can be used to implement this function as it does not require extensive computational power such as centralized power control methods. The DPC method adjusts the power of each transmitting signal by using local measurements which results in all users maintaining a reasonable SIR. In this paper, we review the DPC method for a wireless network with a single transmitter with random users or receiver nodes via different channels.
Design and VLSI Implementation of Second Order Sigma-Delta Modulation ADC for I-UWB Receiver[Full-Text ] K.Lokesh Krishna, T.Ramashri, D.SrihariAnalog to Digital converters plays an essential role in modern mixed signal circuit design. Mixed-signal System-on-chip devices such as Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) have become increasingly prevalent in the semiconductor industry. Nyquist Samplers require a complicated analog low pass filter to limit the maximum frequency input to the A/D and Sample and Hold circuit. Sigma-Delta (S?) modulation based Analog to Digital (A/D) conversion technology is a cost effective alternative for low power, high resolution (greater than 12 bits) converters, which can be ultimately integrated on Digital Signal Processor ICs. In this paper Over Sampling concept is used to address the problem of power dissipation, noise in ADCs and investigating the possibilities of utilizing alternative methods to reduce the noise and power dissipation in ADC architectures. This is achieved by design techniques namely Over Sampling, Second order Sigma-Delta architectures and Switched Capacitor based Sample & Hold circuits. A Second order Sigma-Delta Modulator is implemented using CMOS 0.13 µm technology using a ?1.8 V power supply. Over sampling ratio are 128 with clock frequency of 45 GHz which gives bandwidth of 20 GHz. The total power dissipation of the modulator is 60 µW. The area occupied by the modulator is 30 µm ? 35 µm.
Solving “Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem” (RCPSP) with Bench Marked Hybrid Algorithm’s [Full-Text ] Nafisa Maqbool, Mudabbir Badar, Zhang ChoayangIn the paper, we give illustrated reviews, new approaches and results of how rcps -problems are being solved with Hybrid algorithm’s. Firstly, considering Hybrid Genetic Algorithm (HGA), Vicente a et al 2007, introducing many changes in Genetic algorithm (GA) paradigm, resulting in HGA giving fast and high quality algorithms out performing state-of-the-art-algorithm (SOTAA). for rcps-problem. Secondly, Lin a et al 2005 claims a Hybrid Meta-heuristic ANGEL for rcps-problem. ANGEL combines ant colony optimization (ACO), GA and Local search strategy. For ANGEL to proceed it firstly searches for solution space and generates activity lists for the initial population from ACO. With GA following execution and pheromone is updated in ACO. Proposing an efficient local search method when ACO and GA reaching optimum solutions. Thirdly, Sonda Elloumi a et al 2009 implementing multi-mode rcps-problem with Hybrid rank based evolutionary algorithm (EA) , proposing i)transforming single objective multi-mode rcps-problem to bi-objective to cope with potential violation to non-renewable resource constraints and relaxing latter constraints, ii) fitness function on an adaptive relying clustering method. Lastly, Ling Wang et al 2012 presents Hybrid estimation distribution algorithm (HEDA), here individuals encode based on extended activity list (EAL) and then decoding with serial generation scheme (SGS).
Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) - A Review[Full-Text ] J.R.Julius, Dr.R.Angeline Prabhavathy, Dr. G.RavikumarAs the world population increases, the demand increases for quality drinking water. Surface and groundwater resources are being utilized faster than they can be recharged. Rainwater harvesting is an old practice that is being adopted by many nations as a viable decentralized water source. This paper reviews the methods, design of rainwater harvesting systems, and its impacts adopted in all parts of the world.
The Effect Of Collimator Selection On Image Resolution In Spect With Varying Acquisition Parameters[Full-Text ] Issahaku Shirazu, John Humphrey Amuasi, Mary Boadu, Edem Kwabla Sosu, Francis HasfordThe study is to evaluate the effect of collimator selection on image resolution with varied acquisition parameters. Images were acquired by placing a quadrant-bar phantom on flood field uniformity Phantom filled with a 99m-Tc solution. The method involved varying the Acquisition parameter by using LEAP collimator after which the LEAP is replaced with the LEHR collimator. The experimental results demonstrate that as the matrix size increases from 64x64 to 1024 x 1024 the image quality improved by 26.4% in image resolution for LEHR collimator and 28% in image resolution for LEAP collimator. Image resolution degrade by 46.4% when the object-collimator distance increase from 0.00mm to 80mm with LEHR and degrade by 30.5% with the same increase in distance for LEAP collimator. However, count density has a little influence on image resolution, but may introduce artifacts with patient stability due to longer acquisition time; hence a range of 15Mcts to 20Mcts is recommended. Low energy high-resolution collimators (LEHR) produce better image resolution than Low energy all-purpose collimators (LEAP).
Improving Railway Safety with Obstacle Detection and Tracking System using GPS-GSM Model[Full-Text ] Nisha S.Punekar, Archana A. RautIn this paper, a new type of autonomous train is developed. The localization system is constructed with GPS and GSM device. Currently, three tasks, including collision detection and following, object detection, and obstacle avoidance, has been implemented on this platform. Developing on-board automotive driver assistance systems aiming to alert drivers about driving environments, and possible collision with other trains has attracted a lot of attention lately. In thee systems, robust and reliable train detection is a critical step. This paper presents a review of recent vision-based on-track train detection systems. Our focus is on systems where the sensor is mounted on the train rather than being fixed such as in traffic/driveway monitoring systems. Methods aiming to quickly hypothesize the location of trains as well as to verify the hypothesized locations are reviewed next. Integrating detection with tracking is also reviewed to illustrate the benefits of exploiting temporal continuity for train detection. Finally, we present a critical overview of the methods discussed, we assess their potential for future deployment, and we present directions for future researches. The use of GSM and GPS technologies allows the system to track train and provides the most up-to-date information about ongoing trips. This system finds its application in real time traffic surveillance.The solution to prevent these accidents is to create early warning detection devices for locomotive driver before the collision or accident occurred so that locomotive drivers can avoid them.
Mathematical Modelling of Fixed Bed Adsorption Column for Liquid Phase Solute: Effect of Operating Variables[Full-Text ] Yusuff A. S., Popoola L. T., Omitola O. O., Adeodu A. O., Daniyan I. AA mathematical model for pseudo one component adsorption on a fixed bed is developed. The model takes into account of external and internal mass transfer resistances with non ideal plug flow behaviour. In the present study, the Langmuir equilibrium isotherm is used to represent liquid-solid equilibrium relationship. The model consists of a set of couple partial differential equations, and the differential equations representing the mass balances of both fluid and pore phases are solved by the implicit backward Euler finite difference method and compared with previous models reported in literature. The effects of various important and influencing parameters such as flow rate, particle radius and bed porosity in breakthrough curve are studied in detail. Hence, the proposed model is suitable and applicable to study the fixed bed adsorption column performance under isothermal condition.
Performance Evaluation of PB-cache Scheme for Personal Communication Service Network[Full-Text ] Monika Rungta, Sudhir Agrawal, Mamta SinghIn this paper forwarding pointer-based cache scheme (PB-Cache scheme) has discussed that reduces the signaling cost in PCS networks. In the conventional cache scheme, the cache information can effectively reduces the signaling traffic for locating called mobile. However, when the cache information is obsolete, it results in more signaling traffic than the IS-41. To solve this problem, the new location cache scheme called the PB-Cache scheme exploits a user’s movement locality as well as call locality. Even if the cached information is not up-to-date, the called user can be found by tracing forwarding pointers starting from that VLR pointed in the cache instead of querying the HLR. Thus, the PB-Cache scheme can effectively reduce the frequent access to the HLR and the signaling traffic for location management. Moreover, it also distributes the signaling and database access load on the HLR to the VLR’s. Analytical results indicate that the PB-Cache scheme significantly outperforms the other schemes when a user’s (CMR) is high or the signaling traffic to the HLR is heavy.
FPGA Implementation of Image Fusion Technique Using DWT for Micro Air Vehicle Applications[Full-Text ] Prof.C.Chandrasekhar, A.Viswanath, Dr.S.NarayanaReddyThe vital and increasing role of unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs) throughout the military applications is now well appreciated. Multiple onboard sensors on UAV are used to collect data and they are fused to extract information. In recent years, significant attention has been focused on multi-sensor data fusion for both military and nonmilitary applications. In this work instead of using various algorithms for image processing, DWT based processing is proposed for fusion. Lifting based algorithm is implemented on FPGA for Image fusion. DWT architecture based on modified lifting scheme is designed and is used in image fusion. The input images of size 100 x 100 have been chosen to validate the proposed fusion algorithm based on DWT.
A note on life cycle analysis of electronic Products for exponential Demand with Negative Slope[Full-Text ] Rajkumari Mittal, Sachin Gupta, Sarla PareekIn previous years management of supply chain has emerged as a feed forward approach to improve environment related performance of products and processes in lieu of the requirement of environmental regulations. As per the type of products and services, as well as the their life, different approaches has been followed to obey the pressure from WEEE (Waste electrical and electronic equipment), ROHS (restriction of hazardous substances), EUP (Eco design requirements for energy using products) kind regulatory bodies and increasing number of countries as well as customers begin requirement of qualitative green products, so the need of the hour is to supply environmental friendly products. The production of environmental friendly products has further extended its wings by introducing the re-use and recycles of used products to save the environment as much as possible and reduces the cost of manufacturing processes by maximum utilization of e-waste which is becoming a trouble on the mother earth. This paper is an extension of the work, previously done by same the authors in a manner that what will be the impact on total integrated profit, if the demand of the products is satisfied by the reusable and recycle products when the demand is exponential with negative slope because in most of the electronic products cases, the demand exponentially decrease for a time period T and then the product become obsolete from the market. The ensuing of this research paper can be used to employ the concept of green across supply chain of electronic industry products, and ratios of profit can be improved by reducing the cost of products between supplier and buyer.
Trade fair exhibition organization simulation model[Full-Text ] Vladimir Ilin, Dragan Simic, Nenad SaulicFair Trade (FT) plays an important role in the regional promotion and development. Exhibitors mostly observe FTs as an opportunity to promote their products and activities. Number of exhibitors, the quality of their products and their origin affect the number of FT visitors. Logistics support is needed in order to adequately organize such a manifestation. Also, a detailed preparation plan and schedule are essential for high organizational level and smooth supply execution. The objective of this paper is to describe, analyze and simulate servicing of Novi Sad tourism FT exhibition. The queuing theory was basis for data analysis and determination of characteristics of operating channels. The primary focus of the queuing theory was to define main principles of how the system works and to enable appropriate basis for computer analysis. The FT exhibition supply process was modeled taking into account the distribution of vehicle unloading procedures at two locations, assuming Poisson distribution for arrival rates (?) and Exponential distribution for service rates (µ). Software Matlab with its toolbox Simulink were used for the generation of the computer simulation model. The final step was to incorporate determined inputs (? and µ) into simulation model and to analyze results. The outputs were multiple parameters of the FT system. Additional possibility was to predict and define requirements for more demanding servicing capacity. Obtained parameters from the simulation imply that the Novi Sad FT supply quality is satisfactory, but can be enhanced. Therefore, several measures that would lead to an improved performance and increased supply efficiency are proposed. Furthermore, the paper establishes links between logistics, exhibition organization processes and software support. The most important contributions of this paper are: (i) computer simulation of the real system with multiple opportunities for detailed analyses, predictions and improvement of decision-making processes (ii) correlation between closed-loop supply chain and FT exhibition organization and (iii) comprehensive analysis of Novi Sad FT exhibition and consequently, insight into regional economic development and progress.
Comparison of Associations among Yield and Yield Components in Rice (Oryzae sativa L.) under Simulated Drought Stress Condition using Multivariate Statistics[Full-Text ] Zulqarnain Haider, Abdul Razaq, Asrar Mehboob, Saleem ur Rehman, Aftab Iqbal, Aamir Hussain, Usman Saeed, Muhammad Tahir Naveed, Samta Zia, Zahid Mahmood and Khalid MehmoodThe aim of study was to screen out rice (Oryzae sativa L.) genotypes with better drought tolerance. For exploring observable responses of rice plants towards drought stress, multivariate statistics were used to compare the relationships among the response variables as well as their effects on yield and yield reduction under drought stress. Genotypes responded differently under same level of stress. Results revealed that as a response to drought, all the genotypes showed 42 % average increase in seedling root length; 39 % average decrease in seedling shoot length; 21 % average reduction in 1000 grain weight; delay in heading time of 13 days in average; average yield per plant reduction of 47 %; reduction in grains per panicle of 52% in average, when subjected to simulated drought stress. It was concluded that in addition to correlation and path analysis of yield components, cluster analysis, factor analysis and principal component analysis are also very important methods for screening drought tolerant cultivars of rice in large populations and these methods also give better understandings of associations and helps better to choose important variables and genotypes. Factor analysis and Principal component analysis revealed the importance of drought response index, as a best measurement for exploring genotypes with better drought tolerance. Seedling root-to- shoot length ratio, followed by seedling root length contrubute majorly in yield per plant under drought stress. Reduction in plant height and delay in heading time were main causes of yield reduction under water stress. It was further concluded that selecting the genotypes showing higher drought response index, higher increase in seedling root length, seedling root-to-shoot length ratio and less reduction in plant height and delay in heading time, are important criteria in screening for drought tolerance. Also these characters showed high heritability and genetic advance, signifying their values for selection of higher yielding genotypes while higher phenotypic correlation values than their respective genotypic correlation values, indicate their polygenic behavior and high influence of environment.
Advancement in Ultra Wideband Antennas for Wearable Applications[Full-Text ] Narbada Prasad Gupta, Dr. Ranjan Maheshwari, Dr. Mithilesh KumarThere has been a tremendous rumble in UWB research after the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated a frequency range with a bandwidth of 7.5 GHz from 3.1-10.6 GHz for UWB applications. Ultra wideband (UWB) technology was earlier limited to special applications, primarily in the military area and there primarily to electronic warfare. The antennas were usually horn antennas or modified, ridged horn antennas, sometimes in combination with reflectors.Wearable intelligent textile system is an innovative fast growing field in application oriented field. In recent years, body-centric wireless communication becomes an important part of fourth generation mobile communication systems (4G). Utilization of wearable textiles in the antenna segment has been seen on the rise due to the recent miniaturization of wireless devices. Wearable and fabric-based antennas have become one of the dominant research topics in antennas for body-centric communications.
An Optimization Technique for Image Search in Social Sharing Websites[Full-Text ] Saurabh Trikande, M.K. Kodmelwar, P.R. FutaneSocial sharing websites allow users to personalize media. The user can generate, share, tag and comment on media. The large-scale user-generated meta-data not only facilitates users in sharing and organizing multimedia content, but provides useful information to improve media retrieval and management of the websites. Personalized search serves as one of such examples where the web search experience is improved by generating the returned list according to the modified user search intents. In this paper, we exploit the social annotations and propose a novel framework considering both the user and query relevance to learn to personalized image search. The basic premise is to embed the user preference and query-related search intent into user-specific topic spaces. Since the users’ original annotation is too sparse for topic modelling, we need to enrich users’ annotation pool before user-specific topic spaces construction. The proposed framework contains two components. Firstly a Ranking based Multi-correlation Tensor Factorization model that is proposed to perform annotation prediction, which is considered as users’ potential annotations for the images. Secondly we introduce User-specific Topic Modelling to map the query relevance and user preference into the same user-specific topic space. For performance evaluation, two resources involved with users’ social activities are employed. Experiments on a large-scale dataset are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Cascaded multilevel Inverters: A Survey of Topologies, Controls, and Applications[Full-Text ] Yasmeena, Dr.G.Tulasi Ram DasCascaded multilevel inverters synthesize a medium-voltage output based on a series connection of power cells which use standard low-voltage component configurations. This characteristic allows one to achieve high-quality output voltages and input currents and also outstanding availability due to their intrinsic component redundancy. Due to these features, the cascaded multilevel inverter has been recognized as an important alternative in the medium-voltage inverter market. This paper presents a survey of different topologies, control strategies and modulation techniques used by these inverters. Regenerative and advanced topologies are also discussed. Applications where the mentioned features play a key role are shown.
Inventory model with inventory-level dependent demand rate, variable holding cost and shortages[Full-Text ] K. D. Rathod and P. H. BhathawalaInventory models in which the demand rate depends on the inventory level are based on the common real-life observation that greater product availability tends to stimulate more sales. Previous models incorporating stock-level dependent demand rate assume that the holding cost is constant for the entire inventory cycle. In this model we will discuss an inventory-level dependent demand rate, variable holding cost and shortages. The holding cost per unit of the item per unit time is assumed to be linear function of the quantity in storage. Procedures are developed for determining the optimal order quantity and the optimal cycle time.
Implementation and performance evaluation of paired transform based Faster FFT: Grigoryan FFT on Xilinx FPGAs and TMS DSPs using MATLAB: SIMULINK and CC Studio[Full-Text ] Ranganadh Narayanam, Artyom M. Grigoryan, Parimal A. Patel, Bindu Tushara DDiscrete Fourier Transform is a principal mathematical method for the frequency analysis and has wide applications in Engineering and Sciences. Because the DFT is so ubiquitous, fast methods for computing DFT have been studied extensively, and continuous to be an active research. The way of splitting the DFT gives out various fast algorithms. In this paper, we present the implementation of two fast algorithms for the DFT for evaluating their performance. One of them is the popular radix-2 Cooley-Tukey fast Fourier transform algorithm (FFT) [1] and the other one is the Grigoryan FFT based on the splitting by the paired transform [2]. We evaluate the performance of these algorithms by implementing them on the Xilinx Virtex-II Pro [6], Virtex-4[9] and Virtex-5[7] FPGAs, by developing our own FFT processor architectures. We have evaluated the performances also by implementing on Texas Instruments fixed point DSP processors: TMS320C5416[17], TMS320C6748[17], TMS320C5515[17]. Finally we show that the Grigoryan FFT is working faster than the Cooley-Tukey FFT, consequently it is useful for higher sampling rates. Operating at higher sampling rates is a challenge in DSP applications. We proved that on Xilinx FPGAs and TMS DSPs, the Grigoryan FFT is performing at most 1.358 and 1.7 times faster than the Cooley-Tukey FFT respectively. We also confirm that for the same architectures Virtex-5 platform is better platform for implementing the Grigoryan FFT.
India’s Expansion in the Nuclear Power Sector and Its Effects[Full-Text ] Mr. Mayuresh A Mane, Miss. Soniya U.Kamath, Mr. Nikhil N.MoreIn the past few years India has seen a tremendous increase in investment and expansion in the nuclear power sector. The reason being the Nuclear Suppliers' Group agreement which was achieved in September 2008. India has a flourishing and largely indigenous nuclear power program and expects to have a capacity of 14,600 MWe by 2020. It aims to supply 25% of electricity from nuclear power by 2050. India is outside the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty due to its weapons program,and hence it was largely excluded from trade in nuclear plant or materials for 34 years , which has hampered its development of civil nuclear energy until 2009.Due to these trade bans and lack of indigenous uranium, India has uniquely been developing a nuclear fuel cycle to exploit its reserves of thorium. Now, foreign technology and fuel are expected to boost India's nuclear power plants considerably. India has a vision of becoming a world leader in nuclear technology due to its expertise in fast reactors and thorium fuel cycle. This research paper is trying to give a detailed report of India’s development in the nuclear power sector and its impact on the power sector in India.
Limitation of Corrosion Action for Concrete and Steel Corrosion action in aggressive conditions with time[Full-Text ] U. M. MAHRANIn this paper, the corrosion for both concrete and steel studied, program of thirty five samples start at year 2002 were prepared with the same steel and the slabs dimension were 50cm width 14 cm thickness and 240 cm span length, bottom steel five bars with diameter 13 mm and top steel with 10 mm width. The percentage of water to cement was 0.56 and the mixing water was with the chloride concentration 3% percent of the cement weight. All slabs were exposure in the laboratory temperature and spread daily with water concentration 3% of chloride, the steel on slabs were connected to the electronic circuit to accelerate corrosion process. The slabs were divided to three groups Group (L) with the calculated rate of corrosion of 10% were tested at year 2004, both Group (M) with 30% and Group (R) with 50% repairing were started at year 2004 and the rate Corrosion situation of steel before the repairing were measured after the slabs cover removed before the repairing process. The corrosion potentials were measured. Trying to limit the corrosion process in each rate of it, five repairing and strengthening techniques were suggested, crushed stone mix (CSM), ready mixing (RM), crushed stone mixing with steel fibers (CSM+HF), crushed stone mixing steel (CSM+RS) and ready mixing with additional new reinforcing (RM+RS), which they are usually used in structure maintenance. The obtained results show that the corrosion for concrete and steel effected in on maintenance process and all techniques didn't stop it totally.
Data Hiding Images Using Spread Spectrum in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Mr.S.S.Aravinth, Mr.B.Rajkumar, Mr.M.Ramkumar, Miss.M.Kavipriya, Miss.M.MohanaPriya, Miss.M.KalaivaniCommunication is the god given gift that enables intellectual and cultural exchange and builds up our competence in social behaviour. So now we are living in the information age. The internet and cloud computing has taken communication to unimaginable attitudes. Cloud computing entrusts remote services with a user's data, software and computation. But many questions arise when we think of security. Is Cloud computing communication private and security? But encrypted messages can still be tracked revealing who is talking to whom. The term Cloud Computing refers to the concept where the shared servers provide resources such as data, software to the clients. In order to use a Cloud service all you need is a web browser and an internet. The biggest Disadvantage in cloud computing is the data security. Because the data that is being stored in the cloud will be stored in the cloud provider’s server and hence this results in hacking of data by unauthorized person. In the business model using software as a service, users are provided access to application software and databases. The cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms on which the applications run.
TOR: Enabling Online Anonymity[Full-Text ] Madhavi DhingraTor is an anonymity network that allows people on the Internet to safeguard their privacy. Now a days, it is used for a wide variety of purposes by several classes of people e.g., armed forces, journalists, law enforcement authorities, activists, and many others. In this paper, the working of the Tor and its concepts were studied. Also, various kinds of attacks to breach Tor have also been discussed.
Fault Prediction in Software Modules using Feature Selection and Machine Learning Methods[Full-Text ] Varneet KaurSoftware quality assurance is the most important activity during the development of software. Defective software modules may increase costs and decrease customer satisfaction. Hence, effective defect prediction models or techniques are very important in order to deliver efficient software. In this research we are using different machine learning algorithms to predict three main prediction performance measures i.e. precision, recall and f-measure. We are also calculating the accuracy of the software modules. Different classifiers are also used in order to predict the values of these measures by using important attributes only. The results obtained after applying both the techniques i.e. attribute selection and without attribute selection, on all the datasets, are the analysed and best pre-dicted results are chosen in order to predict the correct values of prediction performance measures. The accuracy of some software modules can be improved to 91.16%, recall and precision to 1 after using attribute selection techniques in CM1 dataset. In PC1 dataset the accuracy has been improved to 93.778%.
Review Paper on Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem[Full-Text ] Harnoor KaurThe Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) is a generalization of classical Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). MDVRP is a NP-hard problem which is more advantageous than VRP. MDVRP simultaneously determines the routes for several vehicles from multiple depots to a set of customers and then return to the same depot. The objective of this problem is to find the routes for vehicles to service all the customers at a minimal cost which is in terms of number of routes and total travel distance without violating the capacity and travel time constraints of the vehicles.
Work Paper: Code Optimization using Refactoring[Full-Text ] Piyush ChandiRefactoring is a formal and mechanical process, used to modify existing code in such a way that it does indeed become 'better' while preserving the program's intended functionality. In addition to improving a program's overall design, the refactoring process tends to yield code which is far easier to maintain and extend in the long run.It is widely believed that refactoring improves software quality and developer productivity. This paper explains the benefits of refactoring by applying combinations of refactoring methods on an unoptimized code and identify which combination of refactoring methods results in better optimization of code. Further the paper discuses works done by various people on refactoring, various code optimization techniques , classification of refactoring techniques based on functionality, code optimization tools and benefits and challenges of refactoring. The paper discusses the results and conclusions are drawn on the basis of results. The paper concludes with identification of future scope of work.
Multilevel Security in Face Authentication[Full-Text ] Deepak.A, Amrita.A.ManjrekarThe security and trust in using biometrics as a mean to verify the authenticity entirely lies in preserving the privacy of digital biometric data (e.g., face images) stored in a central database. The possibility of using visual cryptography and steganography for imparting privacy to biometric data such as fingerprint images, iris codes, and face images is explored. The biometric information such as the private face image is decomposed into two host face images (known as sheets, shares or transparencies) that are stored in two separate database tables such that the private image can be revealed only when both sheets are simultaneously available, and the individual sheet images do not reveal the identity of the private image. In order to provide an extra level of security, the concept of steganography is also included in the proposed project. The username and password which is used for the authentication of the user is stored in a hidden format using steganography. The username and password are stored in the transparencies of the face image. The combination of biometrics, visual cryptography and steganography in the proposed system with mutually interconnected security mechanism provides the best authentication system.
Optimization of Projectile Trajectory: A Review and Improvement to the Techniques[Full-Text ] Samina JamilThis paper is a review, reproduction and improvement to the techniques of optimization found in literature. The problem is to optimize an angle of launch so that the projectile may hit a fixed target in plane in minimum time. The problem is formulated as Augmented Lagrange (AL) equation and is solved numerically by Conjugate Gradient (CG) method. Golden Section Search (GSS) method is used for line search. An improvement of 23% to the computational efficiency is achieved by implementing improved algorithm of GSS i.e., Golden Mean algorithm. By computing iterative values of Lagrange multiplier more efficiently an overall improvement of 38% is achieved.
Using H8 for Determination OF the First and Second Order SISO Continuous Systems Types[Full-Text ] Muawia Mohamed Ahmed MahmoudThere are many known methods used to identify the SISO continuous system if it is over damped or under damped such as finding the damping ratio of the system or plotting its step response to watch the system's behaviour. This paper describes an alternative method using the H8 norm to test the system's behaviour, hence its type.
Scalable and Efficient Congestion Controlled Multicasting in MANETs[Full-Text ] Kalagara Reshma ,Sudhakar K.N, Dr.Jitendranath MungaraA Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a self configuring network composed of mobile nodes without any fixed infrastructure. In MANETs, there is no difference between a host node and a router so that all nodes can be source as well as forwarders.Multicasting deals with group communications,which is important in MANETS . But, it is big challenge to implement the well-organized and scalable multicast in MANET due to the difficulty in group membership scheme and multicast packet forwarding over a dynamic topology.In this paper we propose a new Efficient Geographic Multicast Protocol (EGMP) with congestion control. EGMP with congestion control uses a virtual-zone-based structure to implement scalable and efficient group membership scheme. A zone based bidirectional tree is constructed to achieve more efficient membership management and multicast delivery. The position information is used to guide the zone structure building, multicast tree construction, and multicast packet forwarding, which efficiently reduces the overhead for route searching and tree structure maintenance. Simulation results demonstrate that, compared to Scalable Position-Based Multicast (SPBM) , EGMP with congestion control has significantly lower control overhead, data transmission overhead, and multicast group joining delay,hence reducing congestion.
Bioremediation of Cu (II) from aqueous solutions onto Acacia Nilotica tannin gel by batch mode study[Full-Text ] M. K. Priya and T. SanthiThe biosorption of Cu (II) from aqueous solutions by Acacia nilotica tannin resin (ATR) was investigated as a function of initial pH, contact time, initial metal ion concentration and resin concentration. The aim of this study was to understand the mechanisms that govern copper removal and find a suitable equilibrium isotherm and kinetic model on biodegradable polymer (ATR) in a batch reactor. The experimental isotherm data were analyzed using the Langmuir, Freundlich and Tempkin equations. The equilibrium data fit well in the Langmuir isotherm. The experimental data were analyzed using four sorption kinetic models, the pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, Elovich and the Intraparticle diffusion equation to determine the best fit equation for the biosorption of copper ions onto Acacia nilotica tannin resin. Results shows that the pseudo-second-order equation provides the best correlation for the biosorption process, whereas the Elovich equation also fits the experimental data well. Total phenolic content was found to be 490 µg/mg for tannin. The FTIR results of tannin and tannin resin of acacia nilotica are also reported. The Taughi method was used to find the optimum conditions for tannin resin preparation.
Study manager' evaluation form according to teachers and managers[Full-Text ] Azam Bahrami , Zohre abbasi , m.bagher kajbafThis study was conducted with the purpose of examining school manager’s evaluation form according to managers and teachers. The descriptive study method was of measurable kind. In this study, statistical team consisted of whole managers, teachers and professionals involved in education departments of Esfahan city. The sample considered in this research included 120 teachers, 60 managers and experts selected randomly. Research tools included a questionnaire containing 24 questions designed in Likert five-degree scale and one open-response question in the form of interview from experts about formulation of indices, how to conduct evaluation and using the results which were summarized and classified. Evaluation of questionnaire stability was calculated by Kronbakh Alfa which manager’s questionnaire validity was estimated to 87% and teacher’s one to 94%. One-variable t-test, variance analysis test and elements analysis method were used in order to analyze the data. Questions of questionnaire were classified into three classes: administrative and financial elements, educational elements and managerial and meta-managerial elements. Findings indicated that attention to manager authority in administrative and financial, educational, managerial and meta-managerial skills in evaluation form was more than average level. In addition, the comparison of managers’ and teachers’ viewpoints in terms of demographic information conducted by multi-variable variance analysis (MANOVA) showed that there is no significant difference between managers’ and teachers’ viewpoints in evaluation form.
The WISECOM Optimum Enterprise to Incorpo-ration Earth-Stations Technologies and Satellite for Emergency Communications[Full-Text ] Taha Housein Al-Tayeb & Wan Tat CheeThis paper demonstrates the optimum’ development of precise consolidates and anti strong shocks satellite terminal, to be used in emer-gency communication case. The satellite terminal equips GSM coverage in disaster regions as well as to set of telecommunications technologies services such as Wi-Fi, UMTS, WiMAX and TETRA, once the existing core Communication Infrastructure (CI) is exposed to heavy overloaded or destroyed by disaster or wars' case. It uses GSM back-hauling link as an aspect of restoration via satellite to transmission GSM network infrastructure in the special disaster safe region. As well as, using basic data services such as HTTP web browsing and email services are also equipped over WI-Fi access. Based on previous studies and the latest efforts of researchers, this study highlighted on incorporation GSM and WI-Fi via satellite as a suitable solution in emergency communication, also focus on particular terminal design and some of tests that have been undertaken are demonstrated in the study.
Cordial Labeling of Fan Related Graphs[Full-Text ] G. V. Ghodasara, S. G. SonchhatraIn this paper we prove that the graph obtained by joining two copies of fan graph (Fn = Pn +K1) by a path of arbitrary length is cordial. Further we prove that the star of fan graph is cordial and the graph obtained by joining two copies of star of fan graph by a path of arbitrary length is cordial.
Rapid Prototyping : Technology to Shorten the Product Design and Development Process[Full-Text ] Prof. Priyanka Mahendru, Prof. D.V.MahindruThe term “Rapid Prototyping” (RP) refers to a class of technologies that can automatically construct physical models from computer-Aided Design (CAD) data or is a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or assembly using three-dimensional computer aided design (CAD) data. The “three dimensional printers” allow designers to quickly create tangible prototypes of their designs rather than two dimensional pictures. Such models have numerous uses. They make excellent visual aids for communicating ideas with co-workers or customers apart from design testing. For example Aerospace Engineer might mount a model aerofoil in a wind tunnel to measure lift and drag forces. Across the world, Engineering has the common language and common goal-“Improving the Quality of Life” of mankind without any boundary restrictions. To bring about this much needed change, we require the services of the fraternity of Engineers to work on the challenges posed by our times. The need of the hour is to bring together globally this fraternity to collaborate with each other. India has ample opportunities and challenges and the massive advances made by us in Science and Technology need transformation by the frantic pace of market dynamics. What we need today is “Change Leaders” to bring about innovation, growth and a totally new work culture. The Rapid Prototyping is one such remarkable technology that is revolutionizing the manufacturing process. The Prototype techniques can also be used to make tooling referred to as rapid tooling and even production of quality parts ( rapid manufacturing). Designers have always used “Prototypes” and RP allows them to be made faster and less expensive.
E-Cash For Safer Online Transactions[Full-Text ] Today technology has revolutionized all the fields including banking. Driven by the internet phenomenon, banks have introduced online banking. It allows the user to perform banking transactions online. Due to the enormous development of e-commerce we are able to purchase anything online. But paying online is still a challenge. Currently debit cards and credit cards are used to pay online which incur high transaction cost and it’s not secure. To overcome this money has to be digitized. E-cash allows transferring digital money through a secured channel. In this paper we will review some cryptographic algorithms which ensure the security of digital money. To shop online e-coins can be used to make payments. E-coin contains the value of money, serial number, issuing bank and date of expiry. It is encrypted and digitally signed by the bank using blind signatures. Serial number is unique which detects double spending. E-cash offers both secure online and offline payments. Customers can request e-coin from the bank by specifying the denomination. Bank sends the encrypted digitally signed e-coin to the customer. It can be paid to the merchant and it can be deposited in merchant’s e-cash account to get real money. Customer need to open digital account with the bank to utilize digital money.
Biosynthesis of PHA and it’s copolymers - a review[Full-Text ] Parul Jindal, D.P.TiwariTo solve the current problem of pollution caused by the continuous use of conventional plastic recent technologies are directed towards the development of production of PHA because of its resemblance with synthetic plastic. Several strains of rhizobium species are isolated from leguminous plants accumulate PHA as cellular and biogreen material. Biogreen material includes polylactic acid (PLA), naturally occuring zein & poly-3-hydroxy butyrate but major interest is towards the energy storage material. Various species of Rhizobium synthesize up to 67% PHA of their cell biomass having varying amount of PHB & PHV. Bacillus megaterium synthesize 72.9% PHA as its cell biomass when activated sludge used as carbon source.
Comparative Study of Morphometric Parameters Derived from Topographic Maps and ASTER DEM[Full-Text ] Ziaur Rehman Ansari, L.A.K.Rao and Sameer SaranGeographic Information System and Digital Image Processing have rapidly emerged as an important tool in the treatment of geo and image information for scientific, commercial and operational applications. In remote sensing DEMs are used with GIS to correct images and to retrieve thematic information with respect to sensor geometry and local relief to produce geocoded product. Topographical information in DEMs can be represented and stored in three different forms namely as: (i) grid, (ii) triangulated irregular network (TIN) and (iii) contour-line models (Weibel and Heller, 1991; Tarboton, 1997; Richard, 2004). Grid DEMs have commonly used data source for digital terrain analysis because of its simple data structure and compatibility with other digitally produced data (Holmgren, 1994; Gao, 1998; Wise, 2000; Li, 2000) has been used in the present work. The automated extraction of topographic parameters from digital elevation models (DEMs) helps to generate physiographic information required in watershed models such as configuration of the channel network, location of drainage divides, channel length and slope, sub-watershed geometric properties and a variety of topographic parameters (Tribe, 1992, Martz and Garbrecht, 1998).
Optimization of chromatic dispersion of microstructure optical fibers using interferometric method For RZ and NRZ Modulation formats[Full-Text ] Renu Chaudhary, P.K. Raghav, Anil Kumar We present a modification of the interferometric method for the measurement of optical fiber chromatic dispersion using an easily aligned, almost all-fiber Michelson interferometer. Particular issues of the microstructure fiber characterization are discussed. Accuracy of the method is validated by comparing the chromatic dispersion measurement of the standard single-mode fiber with results obtained using the phase-shift method. We are taking experimental consideration and simulating the results on OPTIWAVE simulator. We are also analysing the result and error.
AN ARCHAEOLOGY OF FORMAL URBAN HOUSING PROBLEMS IN KENYA: ISSUES AND POLICIES[Full-Text ] Aggrey Daniel Maina Thuo Ph.DThis review paper traces the origin of formal urban housing problems in Kenya. It indicates that formal urban housing problems have their origins in the colonial period where discriminatory policies led to the skewed housing provision. The problems were further compounded during the post-colonial period, where the independence government operated for a long time without an explicit policy on housing. The capacity of the government to provide formal public housing has also been limited. In addition, limited availability of public has affected the State’s effectiveness in the management of housing land uses. The housing problems are also worsened by the cumbersome and costly procedures of formal housing land acquisition, which discourage many people in need of housing to follow that route.
A comparison of the effects of solution-based group learning and traditional teaching on the critical thinking of Teacher Training students[Full-Text ] M.Bagher Kajbaf, Zohre Abbasi, A.H.Mollahoseini, Azam BahramiThis study aims at a comparison of the effects of solution-based group learning and traditional teaching on the critical thinking of Teacher Training students. The research method was quasi-experimental using a two-group design and pre-tests and post-tests. Our sample consisted of 55 students having a Teacher Training associate degree (1385-1384) from Qom Azad University, from which 30 persons were selected as experimental group for solution-based group learning and 25 persons were selected as a control group for traditional education. Research is carried out using California Critical Thinking questionnaire and t-test was used to analyze the data. Results showed that the critical thinking disposition (the presence of systematic and ordered components in the research and maturity of judgment while considering all the aspects) in the group which were trained using group solution-based learning was higher than the control group who were trained by the traditional way but in other factors of Critical Thinking (Truth-seeking, curiosity, being analytical, self-confidence and open-mindedness) no difference was observed.