Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2013 Edition
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Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigated by using DTMF Signaling[Full-Text ] Firoz Mahmud, Al Arafat, Syed Tauhid ZuhoriThis paper illustrates on an approach to control a mobile robot using DTMF tone through the GSM network. DTMF tones to control a mobile robot are generated by pressing the keypad buttons of a GSM mobile which is counted as remote. The robot receives the tones using another GSM mobile stuck with it. The mobile robot perceives the control tone by using a DTMF decoder IC and a preprogrammed microprocessor takes decision on the basis of the received tone and navigates the robot accordingly. In order to transmit the DTMF tone through the GSM network, a phone call needs be on air between the two mobiles. This approach has been implemented on a toy car.
Design of W-shape Compact Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Bandwidth Enhancement[Full-Text ] Preeti Dabas, Alok Agarwal In today’s scenario there has been a huge demand for wireless applications . Antennas used in these applications require being low profile, light weight, easily mountable and broad bandwidth. Amongst all these broad bandwidth is the main concern as Microstrip patch antenna has all the features mentioned above except for its narrow bandwidth, which is typically from less than 1% to several percent. This paper introduces an alternative approach in enhancing the bandwidth of the Microstrip patch antenna with promising efficiency for wireless applications. A W-shape Microstrip patch antenna, operating at a particular frequency 2.75 GHz is proposed. A W-shape probe feed antenna with ground plane connected (finite ground) improves the bandwidth to an appreciable 27.27 % in the frequency range of 2.4 GHz to 3.25 GHz. The antenna has been designed and simulated using Commercial Electromagnetic Simulator IE3D V9.0. The enhanced bandwidth, high efficiency, return loss, directivity, gain are achieved for the proposed antenna.
A Framework for Ontology Based Repeated Rule Acquisition from Similar Web Sites[Full-Text ] E.DEEPAK KUMAR, M.VARUN KUMAR, P.DEEPAKnowledge is an essential part of most Semantic Web applications and ontology, which is a formal explicit description of concepts or classes in a domain of discourse, is the most important part of the knowledge. There are some problems with extracting rules from text. First, which words of the Web page are rule components and which types of rule components are they? Second, how can we compose rules with the rule components? There are numerous possible combinations of making rules. Our idea for solving these problems is using rules of similar sites in limited situations under a couple of assumptions. We proposed two main steps of rule acquisition, which consists of rule component identification and rule composition with the identified rule components. In other words, we identify rule components such as variables and values in Web pages by using RuleToOnto in the first step, and we combine the variables to compose rules in the second step.
Modeling and Control of a Wind/PV Hybrid System Grid-connected[Full-Text ] Boucetta. Abdallah, Labed. DjamelALTHOUGH an effective use of renewable energy attracts a great deal of attention globally to cope with the environmental and resource problems, especially, to reduce CO2 emission, an inappropriate application of distributed generators can be a cause of insecure power supply for example. However, these renewable energy sources suffer from some deficiencies when used as standalone energy sources. The power generated by WT and PV systems is highly dependent on weather conditions. Natural variations in wind speed and sunlight causes power fluctuations in WT and PV systems, respectively. In addition, it is difficult to store the power generated by a PV or WT system for future use. In This paper deals with power control of a wind and solar hybrid generation system for interconnection operation with electric distribution system .
Effect of Microsilica and fly ash on the strength of concrete[Full-Text ] Aditya Dhagat, Manav MittalIn present study, concrete has been partially replaced with micro-silica which acts as a by-product in electric furnace and fly-ash which is a by-product in thermal power plants. Both these materials have been partially replaced with cement to economize the production of concrete as well as to have high strength. Apart from economization, this will also help in reducing the environmental losses. This replacement was made by considering water-cement ratio as 0.45 and it has been observed that about 5% replacement of cement by microsilica cement improves compressive strength and flexural strength of the concrete specimens.
Human Computer Interaction for Visually Impaired Users in Web Based Applications[Full-Text ] Yogesh Lele, Chirag Kariya, Nupur Kale, Aarti Nandgaonkar, Prof. Madhura PhatakThis paper focuses on making any web based system Human computer Interaction (HCI) compliant for visually impaired users thereby achieving a point of conjunction between man and machine. Currently not many web-based apps have means to provide accessibility. Our system aims to make existing web based systems as well as systems to be developed, accessible by using screen reader as an assistive technology and keyboard navigation. We propose to incorporate WAI-ARIA standards into web based system which acts as an accessibility API. It intercepts user inputs and dynamic web contents and generates information to screen reader which outputs it as voice.
Edu-Vision 2020: “K-12 Schooling is Way to Futuristic Education”[Full-Text ] Dr Sandhya Vyas and Prof Kamal K VyasToday’s students have more choices in classes, better facilities and a wider variety of learning experiences than ever before. But the fundamental way in which most children are taught has not changed significantly in more than a century. Education has become considerably more expensive, it has failed to achieve a corresponding increase in performance. The tradeoff between the “Kind of Standardized Teaching” and “Personalized Instruction”, a student might receive from a teacher, are quite expensive. K-12 blended learning environment of digital learning world may be capable of breaking this trade-off by personalizing the learning experience as per individual student’s learning styles and pace, but without increasing the number of teachers. A bold prediction say that, If the current 20% annual growth rates in online learning continue, than one half of Indian students will be doing most of their learning online by 2020. This exploratory research paper reveals the “Basic Terminology” to “Advance suggestion” for implementing K-12 schooling in developing world like in India. The middle part gave a perception of present K-12 schooling status at Nation & International level.
A New Failure Criterion for Woven-roving GFRE Thick Tube Subjected to Combined Fatigue Bending Moments and Internal hydrostatic Pressure[Full-Text ] M.N. Abouelwafa, H.A. El-Gamal, Y. S. Mohamed and Wael A. Al-TabeyChoosing the suitable failure criterion represents the main target for many researchers working with materials, and it represents the first step for new materials before being used in the field. Considering composite materials, specifically, makes it more challenging, because of their very special behavior and characteristics. Besides, it must be noted that, the suitability of a certain criterion differs greatly according to the tested material, and its stress state. Thick-walled tubular specimens, made from woven-roving Glass Fiber- Reinforced Epoxy (GFRE) with two fiber orientations, [0o,90o]3s and [±45o]3s, and two manufacture methods M1 and M2 to prepare the test specimens, were tested under combined fatigue bending and Internal hydrostatic Pressure at different pressure ratios (Pr), P_r=0,0.25,0.5,0.75 (i.e. pressures amounting to 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% of the burst pressure). The [0o,90o]3s specimens were found to have higher bending strength than the [±45o]3s specimens, at all pressure ratios; This is due to the fiber orientation [0,90°]3s has a minimum value of stress component s6 which equal to zero. For both fiber orientations [0o,90o]3s and [±45o]3s and both manufacture methods M1 and M2, were found none of the available criteria succeeded in predicting failure for the studied case, this due to the effect of hoop stress on values of amplitude component and the corresponding fatigue strength; consequently. A new modifying term was introduced that made Norris-Distortional, Tsai-Hahn, and Tsai-Hill criteria suitable for this studied case, resulting in a new criterion.
DETECTION OF ILLEGAL USAGE OF ELECTRICITY BY HOUSE HOLD CONSUMERS[Full-Text ] SRAJAN SAXENAUsing illegal electricity for household is becoming common in India , people are using many unethical methods to steal electrical power which is causing a great loss in the revenue of government of India.. Power line communication (PLC) presents an interesting and economical solution for Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) . If AMR and PLC both are added together in power distribution a detection system for illegal electricity usage may be easily added in the existing PLC network . For the detection system, the second digitally energy meter chip is used and the value of energy is stored . If difference is found between two recorded data , an error signal is generated and transmitted via PLC network. The detector and control system is proposed. The architecture of the system and their critical components are given. The measurement results are given.
Effect of Nd doping on Dielectric properties and Electrical Conduction in Gadolinium Gallium Garnet (GGG) single crystal[Full-Text ] Dr. A Rama Krishna and Shashi Kumar JakkarajuThe dielectric properties (Dielectric constant ‘?’ and Dielectric loss ‘Tan?’) of a pure and Nd doped Gadolinium Gallium Garnet (Gd3Ga5O12 and Gd3Ga5O12:Nd3+) single crystals were measured in the frequency range from 1 kHz to 1 MHz and in the temperature range from room temperature to 700oC. Electrical conductivity (?) was calculated using the data on ? and tan?. DC conductivity was also measured in the same temperature range. The electrical conductivity and the effect of Nd doping in these garnets is discussed in light of existing data.
A study on further characteristics of contingency tables with the R Package - RAP.[Full-Text ] U. Sangeetha, M. Subbiah, M.R. SrinivasanThe ubiquitous Chi square test statistic for association between two or more categorical variables provides ample scope to investigate its characteristic in terms of methodological or application point of view. Many studies have pointed out its appropriateness in case of sparse tables and also there are few attempts to understand the category wise associations through partitioning Chi square distribution using G2 statistic. This work attempts to study the exhaustive possibilities of forming sub tables from the given contingency table to study the category wise association through Chi square test statistic; particularly the tables which exhibit reversal association pattern (RAP) when compared to original conclusion. This computer intensive effort necessitates developing an R package called RAP for complete enumeration of sub tables. Further, the simulation study has observed that this behavior of RAP persistently exists among 2 x 2 tables and this software can be used to understand one more characteristic of Chi square statistic and a supporting tool to fix sub tables for partitioning schema for an academic exercise or for typical application studies.
DYNAMICAL THEORY OF SUPERPOSITION OF WAVES[Full-Text ] Edison A. Enaibe, (Ph.D.) Daniel A. Babaiwa, (M.Sc.) and John O. A. Idiodi, (Prof.) For the first time, we present the quantitative effects of superposing a ‘parasitic wave’ on a ‘host wave’. The attenuation mechanism of the carrier wave produced by the two interfering waves is effectively studied using simple differential technique. We used the known characteristics of the ‘host wave’ in the carrier wave to determine the basic characteristics of the interfering ‘parasitic wave’ which were initially not known. This study reveals that when a carrier wave is undergoing attenuation under any circumstance, it does not consistently come to rest; rather it shows some resistance at some point during the decay process, before it is finally brought to rest. The irregular behaviour exhibited by the carrier wave function during the damping process, is due to the resistance pose by the carrier wave in an attempt to annul the destructive effects of the interfering wave. The spectrum of the characteristic angular velocity and the group angular velocity converge to the same value when the raising multiplier is a maximum and both of them seem to be oppositely related. They both show exemplary behaviour at a certain value of the multiplier. This behaviour is caused by the high attraction or constructive interference of the combined effects of the ‘host wave’ and the ‘parasitic wave’.
EFFECT OF FLUOXETINE ON EPIDIDYMIS OF ALBINO RATS: A HISTOLOGICAL STUDY [Full-Text ] Alka Aggarwal, S L Jethani, R K Rohatgi, Juhi KalraBackground: Fluoxetine is a prototype of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), with a plasma half-life of 2 days. Fluoxetine is widely and inadvertently used as an antidepressant for various psychiatric illnesses in high doses and for long duration. Objective - The aim of present study was to establish the fact that higher doses and long term use of Fluoxetine (SSRI) cause change in the histology of epididymis of albino rats. Methods - The present study was carried out on 32 adult male albino rats. Fluoxetine was administered intraperitoneally to rats for 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 12 weeks with mild (10mg/kg/day), moderate (20mg/kg/day) and severe doses (40mg/kg/day). Histological slides were prepared and stained with H and E stain. Results - On examination, Epithelial cell hypertrophy, Intracytoplasmic Vacuolations, intercellular vacuolations, reduced number of spermatozoa, sloughed testicular germ cells and cell debris in the Epididymal lumen were found in treated groups.
Variation of Total Ozone Concentration and Rainfall by Decomposition Analysis[Full-Text ] Sachithananthem C.P., K.Thamizharasan, R.Samuel SelvarajThis paper presents the significant relationship between Total Ozone Concentration and rainfall over Kodaikanal of Tamilnadu. Analysis shows that rainfall decreases with decrease of Total Ozone concentration. Stratospheric ozone controls different environmental parameters. Analysis of the total ozone concentration is vital for the purpose of forecasting. It enables one to identify the changes and impacts that are very crucial for an agro-based economy like the state of Tamil Nadu. This paper summarises the decomposition method of analysis of 12 year data of Total Ozone concentration and rainfall of Kodaikanal . The objective of this study is to analyse variation of Total ozone concentration and rainfall of Kodaikanal of Tamilnadu using decomposition method. The Decomposition techniques are used to identify salient features of a time series such as trend, seasonality and cyclical patterns. The variation of seasonal behaviour of Total ozone concentration and rainfall in Kodaikanal is analysed in the paper.
Fuzzy System Based Edge Extraction Techniques Using Device-Dependent Color Spaces[Full-Text ] Er. Vishal Paika, Er. Pankaj BhambriThe main objective of this paper is to process the image so that resulting image is more suitable than the original image for a specific application like extraction of edges in a digital face image. Fuzzy logic is a field that is being used in various areas and disciplines like digital image processing. Advances in digital image processing technology have opened up a lot of new avenues in various fields like X-ray imaging, Radiography, Electronic Imaging, Linear Tomography, Laminography or radars. This paper necessitates the use of fuzzy expert system - a knowledge base system is a system based on methods and techniques of Artificial Intelligence. They uses knowledge acquired and represented using various knowledge representation techniques like rules etc to solve complex problems. In this paper we have used images from different device-dependent color spaces like RGB, HSV, YIQ and YCbCr for the extraction of edges. A self-built fuzzy inference system having smallest possible mask size of 2X2 window is used as a scanning mask. The mask slides over the whole image line-by-line and step-by-step for the detection of edges in a digital image. The system built is represented by the trapezoidal membership function to model the behavior of four input pixels and one output. This membership function uses two fuzzifier’s that is black and white and is evaluated with the help of sixteen rules. Our aim is to analyze best possible color space, whose components when enhanced by a particular value, gives us best results. The results obtained are also compared with in-built Matlab edge detection operators like sobel edge operator and canny edge operator.
ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF SELECTED SCHOOL FEMALE CHILDREN AGE BETWEEN 7-9 YEARS OF LOWER- INCOME GROUP OF TWO BLOCK OF LUCKNOW[Full-Text ] Anju Verma and Seema SonkarChildren contribute human potential & strength to the development of the nation. Nutrition plays an important role for the development of the children. Inadequate nutrition in childhood may lead to malnutrition, growth retardation & poor mental & social development. Monitoring the nutritional status of school children is of utmost importance and present study was carried out to assess information regarding dietary consumption of the school children (7-9 year) of the two blocks viz, Sarojninagar Malihabad of Lucknow district. A sample of 200 school children was randomly selected. It was observed that intake of cereals was higher that RDI and intake of other food stuff like pulses, green leafy vegetables, milk & milk products , sugar and jaggery etc. was lower that RDI in respondent of both the blocks. The energy, fat ,iron, carotene, riboflavin was less than RDA while intake of other nutrients protein , calcium , thiamine ,niacin and ascorbic acid was higher than RDA in school children of both the block.
Analysis of Kinetic Energy Effect in Molecular Deformation of Aluminum 6063 Alloy[Full-Text ] Aasa Samson Abiodun, Gbenebor Oluwashina Philip and Agidibe Kelechi CThe matrix repatterning process during the cause of molecular deformation is studied. Aluminum 6063 alloy, which was melted at 650oC and subjected to two solidification kinetics, (vibratory and static), in a steel die mould. The evaluation of molecular parameters, the velocity, pressure, and temperature of the alloy were obtained during the experimental process to assess parametric properties and influence on the molecules as deformation occurred. It was revealed that velocity of impact dominates the experimental temperatures and pressures recorded. Moreover, vibrated solidification process possessed more impact absorbing energy than static cooling process. Conclusively, the evaluations of the most probable speed show that temperature for static cooling was reached faster than that of vibrated solidifications. Thus, kinetic energy had great effect in delocalization and deformation process of molecules of the material.
Design Generic Architecture for software Engineering “Extractor” Tool[Full-Text ] Rashmi Yadav, Abhay Kothari, Ravindra PatelSoftware architectures capture the most significant properties and design constraints of software systems. In our research work we intended to propose architecture for a reengineering tool. So, this paper will present a survey of techniques that have been proposed a comprehensive technique for design reengineering tool, here emphasize only how basic steps and architecture (extractor) for comprehensive reengineering tool on the bases of previous study, we analyze of different reengineering tool (Dali, GUPRO, DEFCTO, IMAGIX-4D, COLUMBS) and their comparative strength, weakness and suitable environment and architecture thereafter we proposed our holistic archite
A Lower-Power Pass Transistor Based Multiband Flexible Divider with Integrated P & S Counter[Full-Text ] Saima Mohammed Ali, Jobi JoseA lower-power single-phase clock multiband flexible divider with integrated P&S counter is presented. In order to enhance the working frequency of the counter, a modified form of extended true-single-phase-clock (E-TSPC) based divide-by-2/3 counter, which requires only one transistor to implement both the counting logic and the mode selection control, is used in the project. Here the gate count is reduced to a lower level by replacing the separate P -counter and S -counter used in the previous method by a single programmable integrated PS counter. This produces a multiband flexible divider with a lower power of about 11mW and a reduced gate count of about 225 and operates in 2.4 to 5 GHz and is applicable for Zigbee/IEEE 802.15.4.
Automatic Vehicle Detection in Aerial Videos using SVM[Full-Text ] Swaran K Sasidharan, Kishore Kumar N.KThe application of image processing techniques in target object detection in aerial videos has become more useful along with the advancement in computer vision applications and increasing need of social security. This paper presents an automatic vehicle detection for aerial videos. Design considers features including vehicle colors and local features, which increases the adaptability and accuracy for detection in various aerial images.The system design consists of background removal and feature extraction stages. Here Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) is used for background removal, design considers features including color, edge and corner. For vehicle color classification Support Vector Machine (SVM) used. The previous methods for background removal based on histogram approach have the disadvantage of the vehicle pixels being removed if it occurs as a cluster. This drawback is removed in the paper by using a pixel wise classification method called GMM. Afterwards, SVM is used for final classification purpose. Based on the features extracted, a well - trained SVM can find vehicle pixel. Here we also use haar wavelet based feature extraction in post processing stage on detected vehicle it reduces false alarms and enhances the detection rate. This method is applicable for traffic management, military, traffic monitoring etc.
A Review of Evaluation of Various Cloud Based Simulators[Full-Text ] Amandeep Sandhu , Maninder KaurIn this review paper we have conducted a summery of tools used in cloud simulation.We have been able to explore features and benefits of six cloud computing based simulations and have found that which tool need improvement in which area.We find that many tool support many features but there is no tool that support MPI and workflow applications. But Network cloud sim , which is an extension of Cloud sim that support MPI and workflow applications.
A Review On Clutter Reduction In Multi-Dimensional Visualization By Using Dimension Reduction[Full-Text ] Harpreet kaur, ShelzaIn this research paper, we have done a exploratory study in which we have found that Big data concepts leads to creation of visualization that are not gain in information gain for doing analysis as it is cluttered, thick and dense. To overcome it there are possibly three techniques to do. The techniques are dimension reduction, dimension reordering and clustering. It has also found that all techniques used to reduce clutter. Clutter may not suit all types of datasets and may also vary with number of dimensions. Typical flow of reducing clutter have also been discussed
Right-First-Time dyeing in Textile using Six Sigma methods[Full-Text ] Dr. Anupama PrasharThe purpose of this study is to demonstrate the application of Six Sigma DMAIC methodology to improve the Right-First-Time (RFT) % in fabric dyeing process in an Indian textile unit. The study adopted Six Sigma DMAIC (define-measure-analyse-improve-control) methodology to identify critical parameters and to arrive at remedial solutions.The analysis revealed ‘shade mismatch’ as the major deterrent to the successful achievement of the objective of Right-First-Time in dyeing. The root cause analysis further exposed “dye-ability of yarn”, “dye strength variation” and “water quality” (pH value) as the root causes of the ‘shade mismatch’ defect. Actions taken on critical activities improved the RFT yield by 4% thereby registering a cost saving of INR 2.951 million per month.The study exhibited successful adoption of Six Sigma DMAIC methodology to standardize the fabric dyeing process in a textile unit. However, in general, such a roadmap can be adopted for any business process with a drive to save costs and enjoy bottom line benefits.
A Study of Different Intrusion Detection and Prevension System[Full-Text ] Mitali Mittal, Alisha Khan, Chetan AgrawalA network is formed by grouping up of devices to communicate with each other through internet. During last few years, internet is providing the best technologies to communicate. Now-a-days public is so dependent on internet for numerous activities that it seems almost impossible to picture life and communication without internet. On the other hand, Internet is suffering through curse of security threats; because where information stands its security must be taken care of. Various technologies have come across to deal with the security of network. Earliest method: Intrusion (threat) detection systems (IDS) and the latest techniques: Intrusion (threat) prevention systems (IPS) are the important ones where security is concern. A system which detects illegal action to move into a computer and helps to notify the presence of some unauthorized means is IDS. A system which assists preventing the intrusion attack to maintain the security is IPS. This study of: Intrusion Detection & Prevention System (IDPS) has moved us through matters like intrusion, various technique & systems to detect and prevent them which are discussed as under.
Knowledge Management as an Enabler of Change Management and Maturity of Organizational Excellence[Full-Text ] Nima Maleki , Syed ali siyadat , Malihe Salari , Aleme keikhaChange management is a structured approach to shifting or transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations from a current state to a desired future state. On the other hand, knowledge management (KM) comprises a range of strategies and practices used in an organization to identify, create, represent, distribute, and enable adoption of insights and experiences. The present study investigates the relationship between change and knowledge management in private sector of East-Azerbaijan in Iran. Likewise, this paper intends to present a new method about organizational excellence by considering change and knowledge management. The study used survey research, and the researchers have used reliable methods for data collecting that are interviewing, standardized questionnaires, using recent published books, papers, and researches about change and knowledge management. The community of present study consists of organizations of public and private sectors, which have used knowledge and change management during the past several years for their organizational excellence. Pearson correlation coefficient, stepwise regression and structural and factor analysis were used to analyze the data. The results of present study illustrated that there is the significant correlation between the mean scores of change management and knowledge management and their constituent elements (p<0.01). Also, the result of Enter Regression was indicated that predictor variables significantly (Knowledge management) have determined near to 60 percent of the variance of change management together. Likewise, the consequences of this study have presented a method for increasing and improving organizational excellence for organizations, which tend to use knowledge and change management.
Weighted Local Active Pixel Pattern (WLAPP) for effective Face Recognition[Full-Text ] Mallikarjuna Rao G, Jella RajeshamThe complexities associated with Face Recognition continuously attracting the researches to propose new techniques approaches to efficiently address this problem. LBP (Local Binary Patterns) and LAPP (Local Active Pixel Patterns) are some of the local feature extracting approaches for reducing time and space requirements. Authors[6,7] shown that LAPP effectively used Face Recognition on mobile resource constraint environment. In this paper, it is aimed to identify the recognition sensitivity of the local regions through the Weighted Local Active Pixel Pattern(WLAPP) approach. The experimental results using WLAPP on FG-Net Aging Database is confirmed its improved performance compared to the other variants.
Scheduling of FRP composite bridges using ‘Primavera’ Software[Full-Text ] Shweta RaiScheduling a construction project means to coordinate resources of workers, machines and materials in a time-efficient way in order to realize a construction project within the projected time and costs. The use of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composites, space age technology for bridge construction is increasing and time saving. New breeds of this high performance and innovative material developed in the last 70 years are making headway into the civil and bridge infrastructures. Structural components for hybrid bridge construction such as FRP deck panels and slabs, reinforcing elements, cable and tendon systems, and laminates have been successfully demonstrated in highway bridges.
JEEVAN-KUSHALAIAH METHOD TO FIND THE COEFFICIENTS OF CHARACTERISTIC EQUATION OF A MATRIX AND INTRODUCTION OF SUMMETOR[Full-Text ] Neelam Jeevan Kumar, Neelam KushalaiahThe method is based on one of the arts of ancient tradition is Basket Weaving registered resolution number: 12011/68/93-BCC( C ) and date 10/09/1993 Andhra Pradesh, India. The method gives maximum number of possible square sub matrices of a square matrix starting from minimum order to maximum order. By this method, coefficients of characteristic equation of a square matrix are calculated. The Summetor symbol is newly introduced. The function of Summetor is same as Factorial instead of multiplication, addition is performed. The method name is named on the authors Jeevan and Kushalaiah of the article or manuscript.
Boron irrigation effect on germination and morphological attributes of Zea mays cultivars (Cv.Afghoee & Cv.Composite)[Full-Text ] Muhammad Hasnain Raza Shah, Tasveer Zahra Bokhari, Uzma YounisThe present investigation was mainly intended to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of boron in irrigation water on Zea mays cultivars (Cv.Afghoee & Cv.Composite). The results revealed that with increasing boron concentration, the percentage emergence and growth of the seedlings of Zea mays (Cv.Afghoee & Cv.Composite) decreased markedly. In case of Cv.Afghoee maximum percentage germination (95%) was recorded in treatments T1 (control) and T2 (1ppm B) while minimum germination (65%) occurred in T4 (3ppm B) treatment, while in Cv.Composite maximum percentage germination (100%) was observed in T1 and T2 (control & 1 ppm B respectively) treatments and minimum percentage germination (95%) was recorded in T4 (3ppm B) treatment respectively. In the pot experiment all the growth parameters (shoots length, roots lengths, oven dry weight of shoots and roots and numbers of leaves) were significantly affected by varying concentration of Boron. Thus it can be stated that with increasing boron concentration the seed germination and growth of both the cultivars of Zea mays (Cv.Afghoee & Cv.Composite) decreased markedly.
Optimising Energy Dependency of VIT University[Full-Text ] Satwik Mishra, Arvind Kumar Jain, Tanmay Singh, Rashmi GuptaAn energy audit is a systematic procedure to evaluate the existing energy consumption, to identify and develop an energy management program which defines the opportunities to decrease energy costs and to improve efficiency.
Change Detection in SAR Images using Contourlet[Full-Text ] Merin Ayshu Ali, DR. B. M. ImranThis paper presents an unsupervised approach based on contourlet image fusion and fuzzy clustering for change detection in sar images.In this novel approach image fusion is used to produce difference image from log ratio and mean ratio images.For an optimal difference image, it should retain the unchanged areas and enhance the changed areas.so contourlet based fusion is proposed to generate the difference image. To process the difference image is to discriminate changed regions from unchanged regions using fuzzy local information c means algorithum which is insensitive to noise.Experimental result shows that this approach provides better performance than its preexistences.
Real Time Gesture Recognition Using Gaussian Mixture Model[Full-Text ] Aisha Meethian, B.M.ImranThis paper investigates a real time gesture recognition system which recognizes sign language in real time manner on a laptop with webcam. Real time performance is achieved by using combination of Euclidistance based hand tracking and mixture of Gaussian for background elimination. In this paper gesture reorganization is proposed by using neural network and tracking to convert the sign language to voice/text format. The aim of research to develop a Gesture Recognition Hand Tracking (GR-HT) system for hearing impaired community. The experimental result shows that the proposed GR-HT system achieves satisfactory performance in hand gesture recognition.
Cost benefit analysis of adopting solar energy pumps for jalswarajya schemes in Sangli district: A case study.[Full-Text ] Mr. Rajiv Mohite, Dr. A. C. Attar, Mr. D. S. PatilThe work undertaken to assess, Jalswarajya schemes in Sangli district resulted with reasons of scheme failures, one of the reason for failure was high electrical charges for pumping water. This study was undertaken to provide an alternative solution to the same, one alternative we thought off was solar pumps instead of electrical. This paper highlights the benefits and cost analysis of using solar pumps, with case study details of application and calculations are leistered in this paper.
Dominating Sets and Domination Polynomials of Square of Ladder[Full-Text ] A.Vijayan, K.Lal GipsonLet G = (V, E) be a simple graph. A set S ? V is a dominating set of G, if every vertex in V-S is adjacent to atleast one vertex in S. Let be the square of Ladder graph and let denote the family of all dominating sets of with cardinality i. Let . In this paper, we obtain a recursive formula for and study the dominating sets of .Using this formula, we construct the polynomial, which we call domination polynomial of and some properties of this polynomial are studied.
Experimental Approach to Study Performance of RMC Plants in Western Maharashtra: Case Study[Full-Text ] Hanumant P. Naiknavare, Sushma S. KulkarniIncrease in the use of concrete in construction has brought with it a rapid increase in the number of ready mixed concrete plants.In order to ensure that concrete produced is of desired quality, it is necessary that quality control is exercised at all the stages right from receipt of raw material to delivery of concrete at site. Thus, while planning to use Ready Mixed Concrete (RMC), it should be ensured that producer of RMC has adopted quality assurance programme. This paper is an attempt to study the effect of proposed schematic RMC process chart and type of fly ash on performance of RMC plants in western Maharashtra. This paper presents the results of an experimental study carried out to determine the concrete compressive strength at different RMC plants using fly ash. The various control charts are drawn to know the corrective measers to be takenduRMC production. The used fly ash may be classified or unclassified. The tests are carried out in accordance with IS standards. In this study, standard deviation of RMC plants with classified fly ash & unclassified ash was also investigated. From the results, it can be concluded that, performance of RMC plant is significantly affected by schematic RMC process chart and type of fly ash.
Router Buffer Sizing in Mixed Traffic[Full-Text ] Sherrin Benjamin Jacob, Shilpa VermaIn today’s electronic world, it is observed that 90-95% of Internet traffic is transmitted over TCP, but there’s an increasing demand for real time traffic with the boom of VoIP, online gaming and IPTV applications etc. When the interaction between TCP and UDP traffic happens, they balance well for a specific range of buffer size and later as the buffer size increases the loss of UDP packet also increases, with significantly no change in the TCP traffic’s throughput. So the mixture of TCP and UDP traffic doesn’t go well with large sized buffer. Therefore, it is necessary to decide an appropriate buffer size not only for Internet, but also for optical packet switched networks as they have very low buffering capacity.
FPGA Implementation of 2D-DWT and SPIHT Architecture for Lossless Medical Image Compression[Full-Text ] T.Vijayakumar, S.RamachandranThis paper presents an analysis of wavelet filters and SPIHT encoding techniques adopted in compression and decompression of medical images. The hardware implementation for loss less compression with tradeoff in area, timing and power, requires quantizing of filter coefficients and identification of its impact on reconstruction process. This study proposes a novel algorithm that replaces multipliers with shift operators exploiting the symmetric property of filter coefficients. The filter coefficients are scaled to integers and represented using 9-bit signed representation to ensure that the quantization error is less than 20dB. The HDL code is developed in Verilog for the modified filter architecture in 1D and 2D DWT processor is implemented on Virtex-5 FPGA. The modified algorithm occupies less than 12% slices, operates at frequency of 298 MHz consuming less than 1W of power. The results of the study demonstrate that the hardware design matches with the software model and hence does not result in any loss therefore suitable for loss less medical image compression.
Detection of Lung Cancer using Morphological Operations[Full-Text ] Jinsa Kuruvilla, Dr.K.GunavathiEarly detection of cancer is the most promising way to enhance a patient’s chance for survival. This paper presents a Computer Aided Detection method in Computed Tomography (CT) images of lungs using mathematical morphological operations. The image is first preprocessed and the entire lung region is segmented from the CT images. Then by using morphological operations, the nodule region is segmented. The images are collected from Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) and also from reputed hospitals. The proposed method gives sensitivity of 88.24%, specificity of 93.33% and accuracy of 90.63%.
Resolution Enhancement and Road Extraction for Urban and Sub-urban Management[Full-Text ] Deepthy Mary Alex, Bindu K.R, Reemamol P.KAs time clicks away, the growth of population is increasing. The needs and requirements of the people are also increasing. Man desires to meet his needs and requirements efficiently and effectively with less cost and time. Due to population growth, the management of urban and sub-urban areas effectively and efficiently is required. The key tool for the same is satellite images and the element in the satellite images are the roads. Road extraction plays a vital role in the management of urban and sub-urban areas. Some applications are GIS updating, traffic management, disaster management and GPS applications. In this paper, roads are extracted from low resolution satellite images. Initially, the satellite images are enhanced using interpolation of high frequency sub-bands of discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and low resolution satellite image. The enhanced image is then processed to extract roads. The two methods used to extract roads are Level Set and Mean Shift method. The performances of both methods are also evaluated.
Buffer Management for Efficient Data Dissemination in Vehicular Network[Full-Text ] Sowmya EK, Manoj Challa, K Sundeep KumarAs there is a tremendous increase in the demand for the data dissemination in wireless networks, it is necessary to investigate and effective mechanism in order to improve the cooperative data dissemination in telematic applications.
Determination Of Stress Intensity Factors Using Strain Gage Method[Full-Text ] Shrikant Joshi, A.V.BhosaleAmong techniques for the determination of the mode I stress intensity factors (SIFs), strain gage procedures are the simplest and most straightforward. We report here on an experimental investigation of the determination of opening mode stress intensity factors using the single strain gage method. Our approach overcomes certain drawbacks and greatly widens the applicability of strain gage methods in the determination of static SIFs of complex con?gurations. The approach was tested through experiments on specimens of ?nite width and ?nite height edge-cracked plates (fully ?nite plates) subjected to tensile stress. We compared the experimentally determined mode I stress intensity factors of fully ?nite plates with the computed values using ?nite element analysis, obtaining good agreement between the present approach and computed values.
Low Power VLSI: High End Design Techniques[Full-Text ] P.Bujjibabu, V.Satyanarayana, G.Jyothirmai, GNPK Mahalakshmi.ELow power has emerged as a principal argument in today’s electronics diligence. The need for low power has caused a major hypothesis shift where power dissipation has become as important a consideration as performance and area. This object reviews various strategies and methodologies for designing low power circuits and systems. It describes the many issues facing designers at architectural, logic, circuit and device levels and presents some of the techniques that have been proposed to overcome these complications. The paper concludes with the future challenges that must be met to design low power, high performance systems.
Condition Assessment of constructed facilities in purview of Satara Police for maintenance planning[Full-Text ] Rajendra N. Sapkal, Dhananjay S. PatilIt is widely accepted that good building condition assessment requires good planning. This Paper represents assessment of the condition of constructed facility in purview of Satara Police for maintenance planning. This include Asset inspection, condition assessment & prediction, short and long term planning & budgeting. In order to do the condition assessment, the case study for constructed facility needs to be carried out & information regarding that is presented in this paper. This paper shows all the old record maintenance data of Satara district Police Station building, then what is the present maintenance problem of the Police Station building was recorded. Then by using old maintenance data & present maintenance data given for the condition assessment of the building, all the building data was analyzed in details. Then calculated Facility Condition Index (FCI) in order to find out the condition of building & calculated Building Component Condition Index (BCCI) in order to find out the condition of component of building. So, by using FCI & BCCI prioritization of maintenance task can be easily done. This study is very useful to Satara Police, to plan the budget & prioritize the maintenance task.
Benzimidazole Derivatives: Active Class of Antioxidants[Full-Text ] Arfa Kamil, Shamim Akhtar, Sarwat Jahan, Aneela Karim, Kiran Rafiq, Sohail HassanIn this study, we prepared some new benzimidazole derivatives and investigated their antioxidant properties by determination of DPPH Radical scavenging, Superoxide Scavenging, Iron Chelating assays methods. Benzimidazoles are an important class of compounds with a wide spectrum of biological activity. The five membered heterocyclic moieties also confer for various biological activities. Hence a series of benzimidazole derivatives have been synthesized characterized by UV, IR and 1H NMR spectral data and evaluated for their in vitro and antioxidant activity. The synthesized benzimidazole derivatives showed remarkable antioxidant activity Furthermore their effects on various antioxidant enzymes are discussed and evaluated from the perspective of structure- activity relationships.