Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 4, April 2016.
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Learning Styles for Students[Full-Text ] Vijaylakshmi, Dr. Arpit Kothari, Dr. Priyanka Choudhary “Have you ever noticed how several people can witness the same event, interpret it differently, and take wide – ranging actions as a result?” This quotation illustrates how different children respond to the same stimuli. Some reactions are based on learned behavior and biological potential. This combination of biology (heredity) and other circumstances, mainly environmental ones which are caused by the social position of a family, produces various ways that people prefer when they learn. Since I have been teaching for several years I have met many different classes, students, parents and colleagues. Every new college year new students come and it takes some time to get used to each other till we can start to work. But during a few last years I felt that it is not only the matter of getting used to each other but that there is a need for finding out what is good and effective for both sides, for students and for me as a teacher. More precisely, it is not enough to know each student in the class, its personality, abilities and knowledge. As more and more students have difficulties with learning, there is a need to identify their “learning style”. teaching process. Amazingly problems helped me but the strongest point was my own failure. I attended a seminar about the second language acquisition and during this seminar we were asked to learn some new words in Eskimo language. The first task was only listening to these words and I was in an absolutely awkward situation. It was very difficult for me and I was lost and stressed during this task. Then I realized that I need visual support for my learning. But more important thing was that I realized that it could be the same and sometimes worse for my students when they have to clear something in a way that does not suit them.
An Ethnobotanical Survey of Medicinal Plants or Preparations Sold in Markets of Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria[Full-Text ] J.J. Elisha, E.B Agbaji, A.A. Nuhu, S. E. AbechiThe aim of this research is to conduct a random Ethnobotanical survey of herbal medicines sold in the markets of Zaria covering Samaru, Sabon Gari and Zaria City to document the vernacular and scientific names of the medicinal plants used in the herbal preparations, stating their method of preparations, administration and uses of these preparations. A random survey of medicinal plants sold in markets of Zaria revealed herbal medicinal plants from 62 different plant species belonging to 32 plant families for curing different ailments. The most mentioned families were Fabaceae with 12 species followed by Rubiaceae with 7 species, Mimosaceae and Combretaceae 4 species each and Euphorbiaceae 3 species. The remaining species were distributed among other families. The ailments mostly mentioned included pile, having 21entries, typhoid fever 12 entries, aches /pains 12 entries, cancer 8 entries, cough/colds 7 entries, rheumatism 6 entries, hypertension 6 entries, diabetes 4 entries and sexual dysfunction 4 entries. Most of these preparations contained single plants for curing ailments, but the following contained more than one plant; aphrodisiacs 4, plus; anticancer, 2; antidiabetes,3; pile ,3 and colds 3. While some of these were prepared from only one part of the plant(s), others were prepared from a combination of different plant parts.
Employer Liability for Improper Computer and Internet Use by Employees[Full-Text ] Kholoud K. AlharthiOrganizations also use social media to engage employees and foster productivity. This use goes beyond new technological equipment and improved communications. The advantages of the use of technology in the workplace have also come with risks to businesses. The risks involved include the leakage of private company information by employees, the use of work facilities for personal undertakings, and the inappropriate use of computer and Internet by employees. This use has augmented the potential for unethical and illegal practices by employees. Technology has also made it simple to engage in unethical activities such as the theft of private information about other individuals and downloading inappropriate content from the Internet. These problems are far reaching and businesses have developed ethics and training programs for its employees to assist in reducing the occurrence of unethical activities.1
Use of the bioagent Bacillus subtilis to break dormancy of buds in table grape, Flame seedless, under organic farming condition[Full-Text ] Sarah A. El-Kaed, Wafai Z. A. Mikhail, Maisa L. Abd-El-Moneim and Amira Sh. SolimanTable grape is considered one of the most important fruit crops, either for local consumption, or for exportation. In subtropical countries such as Egypt, there is no adequate winter chilling to stimulate bud burst. Farmers, especially those aim to export their grape fruits, familiarized to use chemical treatment with Dormex (hydrogen cyanamide 2-5%) to break bud dormancy. According to European organic regulation EC. 834/2007 and 889/2008, Annex I and II dormex is not allowed. The present work offers biological method that could be replaced to Dormex in organic farms. Bacillus subtilis (three isolates) were selected from micro flora of dormant buds according to their efficacy in cellulose decomposition. Selected purified and identified B.subtilis isolates were used to determine their effect on grape bud brust compared with Dormex 2%. Data obtained showed that using these bacterial isolates either as single isolate or as a mixture contains two isolates at different concentrations led to significant increase in number of burst buds compared with control treatment (water). Data also showed that positive correlation between concentrations of the bacterial cell /ml and efficacy of the treatment was detected. Data also indicated that the different isolates as single or as a mixture varied in their effect. In this respect, the mixture of B2 + B3 (60 X 106 c.f.u) caused the highest effect whereas the lowest effect was noticed when B. subtilis isolate B2 was used alone at concentration of 20 X 10 6 c.f.u / ml. Moreover, using of bacterial suspension as spray resulted in low effect compared with using the same suspension as brushing using soft brush. Repeating treatment every week for 2 or 3 times led to increase of the number of burst buds compared with using only one application
The Nanolime as a Consolidating material for the Ornamental Hardened limestone of Sheikh Fadl, Egypt[Full-Text ] M.L.Abd el-latif and A.A.ShakalHardened limesstone is one of the most common building material generally, in the Eastern Mediterranean region particularly Egypt. Sheikh Fadl quarries are considered as a type locality for this limeston. It is widely used for restoration of the severely weathered archaeological sites but presents a sort of weathering. Consequently, the main aim of the current study are to test the positive impact of Nanolime as a consolidating material for such ornamental dense limestone. Five limestone samples had been collected representing this quarry at Sheikh Fadl, Red Sea to investigate the physico-mechanical and durability limits of this facies. Transmitting polarizing microscope, Scanning electron microscope and durability test using Sodium sulfate had been used before and after consolidation to achieve the aim of the current study.
COMPUTER[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman AlnasarallahA computer is a programmed machine that operates data, or information. It has the capability to process, store, and retrieve documents. Perhaps everyone already knows that we use computers now to send emails and documents, browse the Web and even play games. We use it to also create or edit presentations, spreadsheets, as well as videos. Beal (2016) defines “a computer is generally defined as a programmable machine. The two principal characteristics of a computer are: it responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner and it can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program).”
Poverty Eradication campaign in Saudi Arabia[Full-Text ] Nouf Fareed AlmutlaqThe kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not only renowned for its oil wells and lavish lifestyle but also for being the centre of Islam. The presence of the Holy cities has ensures that the Islamic influence in the kingdom is dominant. The clerics make sure that the Islamic rules and laws are strictly observed. This has resulted in huge gender disparities. Saudi women and men are brought up to adhere to strict gender roles in which many restrictions are imposed upon women and specific expectations are placed upon men despite the freedoms granted to them. It is important to acknowledge here that although the trends are changing there is still a very long way to go as far as gender disparities are concerned.
Integration and Differentiation for Mathematically Challenged Student[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniThis paper discusses, briefly on the requirements that can result in integration of mathematically challenged students. The paper also presents instructional differentiation required for meeting the needs of such students having Math phobia.
The Comparison and Contrast of God’s Grandeur and The Altar[Full-Text ] Xikui ZhuThis essay mainly discusses the theme of the two poems: God’s Grandeur by Gerard Manley Hopkins and The Altar by George Herbert by finding some similarities and differences through making comparison and contrast of the two. The similarities cover the compliment to God, man’s plight, hope and capitalization of words, while the differences lie in different narrative point of view, form, uses of different figures of speech. And its conclusion is that the two religious poems reveal the contemporary social condition and people’s spiritual loss with the confusion of mind.
A survey on Road Accident Detection and Reporting[Full-Text ] Amrutha Madhusan, Lavanya Viswanathan, Vaishnavi Ravindran, Dr.Shanta RangaswamyOn road accident is a major issue of concern. Even with all modern developments in the field of vehicle design, road lane design and management, accidents do occur. Timely accident detection and taking immediate action with respect to emergency health care of victims by informing an emergency center such as a hospital or a police station about the accident on time plays a vital role inhuman safety androad traffic management. Accident detection can be done under various domains. Most of the papers surveyed use application of sensor technology, besides trying to detect accidents automatically using machine learning and computer vision from surveillance systems. Any kind of accident detected is automatically sent as an alert to the required destination. Each of these methods has different percentages of accuracy and their own limitations. This survey paper discusses various approaches to detect the occurrence of traffic accidents on a road supervised under surveillance camera.
Robust Algorithm for Developing Barcode Recognition System using Web-cam[Full-Text ] Sampada S. Upasani, Adarsh N. Khandate, Ankita U. Nikhare, Rupali A. Mange, R.V.TornekarThis paper presents an algorithm to develop a Supermarket billing system, which recognizes the barcode using image processing. MATLAB software is used to test the algorithm. There are various types of barcodes in use today. These include Code 128, Code 39, EAN 13, etc. Our algorithm decodes EAN 13 barcode that is used universally. In this algorithm, the database of products is created in an excel sheet. Images of products are taken using USB webcam, which is to be installed manually in MATLAB Image Acquisition Toolbox. Preprocessing is done that includes processes such as binarization; spatial filtering and edge detection on these images to extract the barcode region and the barcode number is decoded using the decoding algorithm. This barcode number is further compared with the database, and the corresponding information of the scanned product is displayed in a different excel sheet. A final bill of all scanned products is created after scanning of all products. Proposed System provides a convenient method of extracting information from the barcode at a lesser cost as compared to typical electronic barcode scanners. This system can be used by businesses requiring accurate results at low cost.
Transient Analysis of Electric Power System in Refinery Industry: Case Study in PT. KIAS Gresik[Full-Text ] Eko Nugroho, T. Haryono, SuharyantoPower quality of electric power system is a set of problems in industry which is necessary to be investigated. Dominating inductive load causes quality of the power factor decreasing. To improve power factor is obtained by installing a capacitor bank units. However, the existence of the capacitor causes other problems in power system. Analysis and simulation of electromagnetic transient is the basic methodology for understanding the performance of the power system, determining the level of reliability of electrical equipment, explaining the failure of equipment or testing of electrical equipment protection. Transient phenomenon in power systems related to the disturbance is caused by operating errors, the process of switching, lightning or load variations. This research is focusing in analyzing transient in PT. Alam Indah Karya Sejahtera (KIAS) Gresik, a refinery factory of palm oil processing. Transient analysis of the power system has not been done yet before. Therefore, transient analysis and simulation of the PT. KIAS Gresik power system is very important in this research. Transient simulation was done by software EMTP (electromagnetic transient program). From the analysis and simulation it was showed that biggest contributor transient overvoltage was the induction motor switching operation reaching 2251 V. To reduce the overvoltage, added a surge arrester could cut voltage to 400 V.
Health System in Cambodia[Full-Text ] Salma AbuznadaIn the past few years, the Ministry of Health in Cambodia updated their organizational structure and due to the dramatic economic growth, Cambodia has observed a significant health status improvement. most widespread health problems now in Cambodia are malaria, tuberculosis, diarrheal diseases and malnutrition.
The Zero Number[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniThe paper contains the history of zero that is, the origin and the main use that lead to its invention. In addition, the paper contains the important advancement that results to the implementation in mathematics for example algebra and calculus concepts. Information concerning the major inventions that is technology is in the paper together with various subjects that advanced as a result of zero. For instance, physics, chemistry, commerce and astronomy use concepts of mathematics that are because of the introduction of zero. Technologically wise, zero has brought about invention of sophisticated materials. The paper acknowledges the importance of zero and the advantages that comes along due to the implementation of zero and the later concepts.
Accounting Ethics, and How Collusion can Affect Firms[Full-Text ] Sultan AlamoudiSimilarly as with other expert trains, understanding and maintaining morals is essential in the bookkeeping field. Organizations depend vigorously on accounting ethics, whether they're mindful of it or not. Unless speculators, banks and chiefs can be sensibly certain that the money related recordkeeping practices of their bookkeeping experts are straightforward. The expert bookkeeping associations set up codes of morals and respectability benchmarks that their individuals must hold fast to in their practice.
Interrupting in Speech[Full-Text ] Nouf AljohaniThe research will be focusing on Speech interrupting in men and women language. It shows how men/women interrupt each other. This research includes an analysis of particular data of a male and female conversation. It reveals how their interruption show their domi-nance/cooperation to each other.
Gender / Dominance; Gender Approach[Full-Text ] Nouf AljohaniThe research will be focusing on the Discourse analysis which exemplifies the intrigues that exist in a model dialogue between men and women in different cultures. It shows how Most religions uphold male dominance in mainstream socio-cultural fabric, because men have always been at the forefront of the activities defining the future of a particular culture. It includes a study data that was collected in one setting between a man and a woman. It reveals some of facts about men dominance.
Approaches for the acceleration of the construction projects through the contractor in the rush projects[Full-Text ] Mohamed MostafaNew fast track construction projects worth more than $100 billion are being implemented in Makkah to improve services being rendered to millions of pilgrims who come for Hajj and Umrah. The new development projects in Makkah, including largest expansion of the Grand Mosque. The time factor has become increasingly as an outstanding requirement on this construction projects. In the present work, the question "acceleration of construction projects" is moved in the center. Consequently, innovative structures, procedures and techniques are required for a time-oriented project management; consistently and purposefully focus on the reduction of process time and not to shrink back from entirely new, unfamiliar processes. So recommendations for the efficient management of construction projects always need to be developed taking into account the specific objectives and boundary conditions. Approaches for the acceleration of the construction projects through the contractor were provided.
English Teaching philosophy[Full-Text ] Nouf AljohaniThe research will be focusing on the English Teaching philosophy. It represents some of the strategies , approaches and methods that may be used in an English classroom. It provides data that was suggested to assess, and evaluate the students' performance in a class. It also includes some of the group activities examples that teachers may use at a classroom .
Decision Making in Organizations: The Aloz Decision Range Perspective[Full-Text ] Alocate ZvikarambaDecision Making in organizations can extremely be challenging if choices are not logically selected and effects weighted in advance. In this paper we introduce ‘Aloz Decision Range’ as a hub with critical components and their mathematical properties to assist in understanding Decision Making. A lot has not been said about Decision Making whose boundaries are shared yet disputed between psychology, science, mathematics and economics or many more fields. Decision making under unclear circumstances is tricky and challenging that is why scholars advocate for expert judgement, but how often have we witnessed experts fail? This means that a solution in the form of a Decision Outcome may be obtained by a more or less rational process, based on explicit or tacit knowledge. Aloz Decision Range is applied in one of real life scenarios and dove-tailed with planning algorithms to support its validity.
Rearing honey bee colonies in laboratory for control experiments against Varroa mite in Egypt[Full-Text ] Mabrouk, A. M.; Sally, F. M. Allam and M. K. A. AbadaRearing honey bee colonies in the laboratory in Dept. of Zool. , Fac. of Agric. ,Cairo Univ. by using of Apiguard , formic acid and sulfur to control varroa mite. Rate of efficacy %, number of dead mites on white card board, number of varroa mite on 100 honey bee worker, number of varroa on 20 brood cells were recorded and codified to compare among three treatments. These treatments were repeated weekly for 8 times through the experiment. Formic acid and sulfur preparations were saturated in cardboard strips and one strip was put in each colony. The acaricide Apiguard was used of 50 gel upper Frames of each colony. It was found that the efficiency of formic acid was the superior treatment followed by Apiguard then sulfur, being 92.4, 86.3, 76.9% efficiency, respectively.
Realization of Timers, Counters and Shift Registers for Programmable Controller Using Ladder Diagram[Full-Text ] Shobha S, S. RamachandranProgrammable Controller is the leading edge technology in control automation systems finding applications in modern factories. As Ladder Logic Diagram implementations pretenses a stumbling block in the design of complex and real-time Programmable Controllers, it has become the main modeling method of Programmable Controllers. Ladder diagram programming lets Programmable Controllers to perform different types of tasks, including Boolean logic, timing, counting, shifting, arithmetic and special functions. This paper presents the RTL Verilog design of timing, counting, drum counter and shift register operations using Ladder Diagram for Programmable Controller. The paper describes the architecture of timers, counters, drum counters and shift registers. The Ladder Logic Diagrams are targeted for implementation in Field Programmable Gate Arrays. Simulation results of the proposed architecture shows promising results.
Effect of Soda lime Silica Glass waste on the basic properties of Clay Aggregate[Full-Text ] Md. Sagirul Islam, Nahid Sharmin, Md. Moniruzzaman, Dr. Umme Sarmeen AkhtarTo minimize the dead load problem of high rise building it is mandatory to improve the basic properties of coarse aggregate used in structural concrete. Light expanded clay aggregate (LECA) can be the best alternative of traditional coarse aggregate because it has reduced weight and lower bulk density. The aim of this project is to improve the basic properties of light expanded clay aggregate by partial replacement of clay with soda lime silica glass sintering at high temperature. Different ratios of glass waste like 20%, 35% and 50% soda lime silica glass were incorporated respectively with clay. The sintering temperature for LECA was maintained 850ºC, 950ºC, 1050ºC and observed that the basic properties of LECA like bulk density, porosity, water absorption, compressive strength have been improved. XRD is performed to observe the phase characteristics of LECA.
Mattel: Overcoming Marketing and Manufacturing Challenge[Full-Text ] Waleed BamousaThe purpose of this research is to identify possible ways of overcoming marketing and manufacturing challenges at Mattel Inc., one of the world’s largest toy companies. The SWOT analysis of the company was done which looked at various threats and opportunities as well overcoming the challenges. The company’s massive strengths which have enabled it to rise to the top were also analysed. The key strength of the firm is that it has wide range of product lines, with its most selling brand being Barbie, having several categories from dolls tom accessories, Barbie software, and many more licenced products. Mattel has major manufacturing hub that handles production and test without relying on contactors.
Solving Math Problems[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniThis research paper discusses the development of simple math concepts that are useful today. It highlights the essential developments, such as memory, sequential ordering, and cognition, for students in solving math problems at school. It further highlights the reasons why persons find difficulty in solving written math problem .
History of Bionomial Theory[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniThis article shows the history of binomial theory. From Euclid II to Sir Issac Newton, it discusses every individual ever involved with this mathematical formula and method. Besides, it focuses on how it transformed from one form to another and who did exactly what in its development as a theory. It also sheds some light on the contemporary standing of the theory.
Construction of the Real Numbers Via Cauchy Sequences[Full-Text ] Sarah AljohaniThis writing shows that construction of the real numbers via Cauchy Sequence is a mathematical concept with precise logic. The Cauchy Sequence is a concept founded by Augustine – Louis Cauchy where the sequential construction of real number is analyzed and given a theoretic frame work. The Cauchy Sequence as a function exhibit the convergence of real number as it progresses.
Chaotic Sequence Derived from Bifurcation Dependency[Full-Text ] Oluyemi E. Adetoyi, Solomon A. AdeniranIn this paper, we show that logistic map exhibit sufficient dependence on bifurcation parameter and small perturbation of the bifurcation parameter can generate many sequences. Since there are dense islands of periodicity in the chaotic region of the map, Lyapunov exponent was employed to isolate the chaotic domains. Two-bit encoding was used, in other to reduce the quantization error. The threshold for encoding was determined by subjecting a training sequence to a compression algorithm, thus ensuring balance sequence.
Hyperprolactinemia induced histological and cytoskeletal vimentin alterations in mice thyroid glands[Full-Text ] Nabila I. El-Desouki, Mohamed L. Salem, Mohamed Nasef. and Faten M. AbdallahThe present investigation is planned to demonstrate histological and immunohistochemical detection of vimentin of the thyroid gland of hyperprolactinemic adult male mice (Mus musculus) for different durations by using metoclopramide (MCP). Mice were divided into five groups. Group I: control mice group were injected with saline solution i.p. for 10 weeks, groups II, III, IV and V; mice were treated with MCP i.p. in a dose of 2.2 mg/kg/ b.w daily for different durations 2, 4, 7 and 10 weeks, respectively. The results recorded a significant increase in the body weight of mice groups III, IV and V, and a significant increase in the levels of prolactin hormone of groups IV and V. The thyroid gland of the control mice group stained with H &E demonstrated normal appearance of follicles with normal simple cuboidal cells; each cavity is filled with acidophilic colloid. HPRL groups for 2 & 4 weeks (groups II&III) showed histopathological changes include vacuolation of cytoplasm, fusion of some follicles and others are free from colloids.
English Assessment[Full-Text ] Nouf AljohaniThe research will be focusing on creating set of activities for ESL classroom. It shows some of the strategies , approaches and methods to create specific activities to meet the students' needs. It provides detailed data that was suggested to assess and evaluate the students' performance on each activity.