Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016 Edition
Publication for Volume 7, Issue 3, March 2016.
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Business in health administration[Full-Text ] Alhassan AlsharifBusiness and health care have gone toe to toe since the beginning of the 20th century since man gained a better understanding of the human anatomy and realized the ever growing need for medicine and health care administrators such as doctors. As the human population continues to grow, there is also an ever growing demand of health care administrators who will help in planning and coordinating health care services and will be able to balance between their medical expertises with their business solving skills.
Study of Heavy and Transition Elements in Tannery Effluents and its Impact on Soil around Kanpur, India[Full-Text ] Dr.Nivedita Agrawal and Raviraj SinghKanpur City has become a large tannery complex with nearly 450 tannery .The tannery industries are causing severe environmental pollution. Water and Soil pollution through the discharge of industrial effluents is causing severe problems. The pollutants include As, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb and Zn, which are considered as toxicants. The presence of heavy and transition metal significantly changes the water and soil characteristics. The present studies were conducted in summer season of 2014 in 08 locations of tannery affected area Jajmau, Kanpur and it deals with the assessment of pollution due to toxic heavy metals in the industrial waste water effluents collected from Jajmau, Kanpur. The concentration level of BOD, COD, TS, TSS, magnesium, phosphate, nitrate, fluoride, phenol, oil and grease were above the permissible limit. The metals like Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were found in significant quantities. We found the soils are highly contaminated due to tannery activity at Jajmau, Kanpur.
Adsorption of Reactive Blue 4 (RB4) onto Rice Husk in Aqueous Solution[Full-Text ] Subir Chowdhury, Tapan Kumar SahaNow is the era of development in science and technology and along with those developments environment pollution is one of the major problem we have to face especially in textile and dying sectors, where huge amount of various dye stuff is used. Untreated disposal of such dye contaminated water creates environmental problem in nature. Rice husk can be used as a natural adsorbent to remove those harmful dye stuff from aqueous solution. This study showed that Reactive Blue 4 (RB4) which is widely used in dying industry as blue color can be removed remarkably by Rice Husk. Adsorption method which is very cost effective was used in the process. The adsorption process was endothermic in nature and it was spontaneous. The experimental results showed that the whole process was favorable and Rice Husk is really a useful natural low cost adsorebent.
Online Education[Full-Text ] Nouf Fareed AlmutlaqThe emergence of internet has provided the society with new trends and motives through which they are able to achieve their goals in a well-defined manner. Internet, offering a wide platform to its users, had enabled them to take advantage of it from anywhere in the world and therefore gain knowledge about any news or outcomes. Hence linking this with the field of education, internet has provided a wide platform for students in assessing them to gain online education without any hurdles.
Specialization (Computer Information System)[Full-Text ] Abdulrahman AlnasarallahSpecialization is defined as an arrangement between organizations and community. The members are suitable by virtue of their respective education, field, knowledge, skills, or other qualifications for specific tasks with the goal to continue a greater responsibility in terms of their performance and execution of efficient and effective service/s. Specialization within the computer information system field is broad and evolving. It continued to develop as advances in technology are made because of computer software and hardware. These advancements lead to the development and discovery of more applications for computer technology. Specialization in this field encourages talented/brilliant students, whose interests are designing, solving, testing, and so on, to participate. It also provides an opportunity to embark on a highly successful career in computing technology and information (Master of Computer and Information)(Specialization)(Computer Science Specializations).
Food Practices and Respiratory Illnesses: A Basis for Managing the Health Effects of Climate Change[Full-Text ] Dennese Jane G. Meresen, Marcelo Michael M. MeresenThis study was undertaken to find a significant relationship between food preparation, selection, and composition practices of children (3-6) of Bangued , Abra to their experiences of climate –related illnesses like cough , colds and pneumonia for the year 2015. Results of descriptive-correlational questionnaire design showed these children oftentimes perform the practices in food preparation, selection, and composition (x ¯= 3.11). There’s significant positive correlation of cough experience (r = 0.179) with the practices and tells that even they observe often those practices there still an increased incidence of cough experience. Meanwhile, a significant negative correlation is found linking the frequency of colds experience to the practices (r = -0.199) which means that doing it often can prevent the colds from recurring. Furthermore, the usual month of cough- August (r = -0.291), and of pneumonia- July (r = -0.209), also reveal a significant negative correlation which implies that the lower incidence of the children’s respiratory illnesses that happen during these rainy months are due to their good observation on those practices. The results of this study suggest that food choices and weather conditions in Bangued, Abra, affect the incidence of aforementioned respiratory illnesses of these children.
Fabrication, Reinforcement and Characterization of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) using Rice Husk Ash and Aluminium Alloy (A-356.2)[Full-Text ] Md. Hasibul Haque, Ramin Ahmed, Md. Muzahid Khan, Shadman ShahriarFabrication and characterization of metal matrix composite of A-356.2 alloy reinforced with rice husk ash (RHA) particles are dealt in the present study. The metal matrix composites (MMCs) were prepared by addition of 2, 4, and 8 wt% RHA particulates through stir casting technique. The microstructure for characterization and mechanical properties of the fabricated composites were analyzed. The result reveals that the hardness of the aluminum alloy decreases with increase or in the increase in the weight fractions of RHA particles increases the ductility of the composites. The resultant composite product may be used as a replacement of raw aluminum alloy due to their stable hardness, strength, low cost, easy availability, light weight, low machine wear during processing etc. Various tests were also being performed for analyzing the properties. The study may provide a new era to the various products, parts and production themes given new opportunities.
Siloxane Removal from Municipal Biogas Intended for Use in Internal Combustion Engines and Power Plants in Nigeria[Full-Text ] P.O.B. Ebunilo, E.P. Akhator and N.W. UzoukwuBiogas used for energy generation needs to be free from siloxanes, as their combustion has damaging effects on internal combustion engines and power plants. Siloxanes are found in biogas produced from municipal wastes due to their massive industrial use in synthetic products such as cosmetics, detergents and paints. Siloxanes removal from biogas can be carried out by various methods such as absorption in absorbent materials, biological degradation, gas-liquid separation, etc. The aim of this work is to find a local and economic way to remove siloxanes from biogas in Nigeria. A filter system comprising a transparent cylindrical plastic containing activated carbon made from palm kernel shells was developed. The activated carbon was chemically activated using chemical solutions of calcium chloride and sodium chloride of varying percentages. Test for the presence of siloxanes was conducted before and after bubbling the biogas sample through the filter. The results obtained from the various tests conducted showed that siloxane was removed from the biogas obtained from municipal solid wastes.
Effective Training Delivery Methodology for Corporate Employees[Full-Text ] G. Abhishek, Dr. C.B.SenthilkumarEvery organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to perform the activities that have to be done. Thus employees’ training is not only an activity that is desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit resources to if it is to maintain a viable and knowledgeable work force. The concept of Training has changed from the time it got evolved. The delivery methodology is extremely important, as the success of the training is directly related to the methodology handled in the training program
Business in health administration[Full-Text ] Alhassan AlsharifBusiness and health care have gone toe to toe since the beginning of the 20th century since man gained a better understanding of the human anatomy and realized the ever growing need for medicine and health care administrators such as doctors. As the human population continues to grow, there is also an ever growing demand of health care administrators who will help in planning and coordinating health care services and will be able to balance between their medical expertises with their business solving skills.
Chief Learning Officer Significant Role[Full-Text ] Talal AlbaqamiTalal Albaqami
A Survey of Hindi Text Steganography[Full-Text ] Tatwadarshi P. Nagarhalli, Dr. J. W. Bakal, Neha JainSteganography is an art of hiding secret message in an unsuspecting cover document. Over the many years many systems have been proposed for the same. With the advancement of technical know-how even the cover medium has under gone certain changes. Generally the cover mediums used include text, image, audio and video. Text steganography is one of the oldest techniques of steganography which still generates much interest for the researchers. Over the many decades text steganography has been adopted for many local languages, and popular language of Hindi is no different. This paper takes a look and analyses the different Hindi Text Steganography techniques that have been proposed.
Expression of Her-2/neu oncogene in endometrial carcinoma in OMTH[Full-Text ] Mohamed Rafea Ebrahim, Dr Mohammed A Abdallah, Mohammed A. HammadObjective: This retrospective descriptive study to, assess the expression of Her-2 in endometrial carcinoma & to correlate the results with other known clinic pathologic features in Sudanese patients .
Sintering and Reduction of pellets of El-Baharia iron ore with Dolomite by Hydrogen[Full-Text ] N.A. El-Hussiny, I.A. Nafeaa, M.G. Khalifa, S.S. Abdel-Rahim, M.E.H. ShalabiThis paper studied the effect of dolomite addition to iron oxide raw material on the physicochemical properties of its green and indurate pellets form. Also the effect of this addition on the degree of reduction was studied. The results indicated that the addition of dolomite decrease the mechanical strength of the green and indurate pellets Also the reduction of these pellets by hydrogen was studied and the model of reduction was put in this paper.
RISK MANAGEMENT IN SMALL BUSINESSES[Full-Text ] Ahmed AlsubaieRisk is something which is inherent in almost all business functions and decisions. Therefore, it is essential that organizations identify the risk areas in their business as well as implement appropriate risk management strategy to eliminate or reduce the negative impact of a risk as well as keep reviewing the risk management strategy implemented in order to ensure that the risk management strategy implemented is effective. The monitoring of risk becomes all the more imperative in case of small sized businesses as they have access to limited resources and funds and thus tend to be exposed to a greater extent to a number of risks and the related harmful effects. Thus, the report focuses the ways in which small business owners can manage their risks and the strategies that need to be implemented by them in order to deal with the different types of risks.
Global Expansion of Major Corporations[Full-Text ] Sultan GashgariMany multinational enterprises are under intense pressure to expand their overseas operations due to globalization. To achieve this, these companies have formed international alliances with other related companies abroad. Many global companies are employing joint venture to expand in international markets. Among the companies using this strategy include Wal-Mart, which has collaborated with the Brazilian company, GrupoGarantia. Such an action is driven by the desire to access other markets located outside the borders of parent countries. Joint ventures are essential in cases where Direct Foreign Investment face strict restrictions. When a country's government employs total direct investment, a corporation can work together with an established venture in the same industry. Such an investment ensures that a multinational company is selling its outputs and inputs in that market. Enterprises can also expand their market globally through partnership. This discussion looks into the reasons behind the adoption of joint ventures as the preferred strategy to enter international markets.
EGR effects on hydrogen engines performance and emissions[Full-Text ] Miqdam Tariq ChaichanHydrogen as a fuel in the internal combustion engine can be a useful alternative to the use of fossil fuels. The depletion of oil reser-voirs and the environment pollution are the major obstacles related to using conventional fuels whether gasoline or diesel. In this article, the hydrogen engine fundamentals are described, and the hydrogen abnormal combustion phenomenon is discussed like back-fire, pre-ignition, and knock, and emissions of NOx.
Experimental analysis of solar intensity on photovoltaic in hot and humid weather conditions[Full-Text ] Miqdam T Chaichan, Hussein A KazemPhotovoltaic (PV) technology becomes worldwide spread and always improves its output and costs. However, as these PV modules are exposed to outdoor conditions, it is highly influenced by weather parameters. The recent study was conducted to evaluate the effect of solar radiation on the PV module in hot and humid weather in Sohar-Oman. Two PV modules connected in series were used to assess the impact of the local wind in this area. The results indicated that the wind effect was insignificant on the modules temperature for the tested period. Most of the study results were similar to the findings of many researchers concerning voltage drop with increasing temperature, and high current value, and a significant reduction of the power due to the rise in air temperature. However, in this study, we used the concept of solar air temperature and studied its effect on the panels' temperature. The results reveal that solar air temperature worked as heating source starting from 8 AM till about 5 PM in winter and 7 PM in summer, and as a cooling source after the mentioned times. The high relative humidity distinguishing the tested area Sohar caused a reduction in the solar radiation intensity which reflected in lower solar air temperature.
Developing Underwater Concrete Properties with and without Anti-washout Admixtures[Full-Text ] ASHRAF MOHAMED HENIEGAL This work represents an experimental investigation concerned with the development of concrete mixtures that can be used for underwater placing. These mixes shall satisfy certain requirements regarding flowability and viscosity (cohesiveness). The adopted design of the concrete mixtures discloses these main features: dispensing anti-washout admixtures, increasing the paste volume by means of pozzolana, limestone powder and bentonite powder.
The Chinese Market: The Rule of Government and the Impact on Economy[Full-Text ] Abdullah AlsitrawiThis paper explores the China’s market turmoil in many aspects. It discusses the beginning of the problem and what it caused to the economy. It also includes different types of techniques that the Chinses government have implemented to solve or minimize the effect of the problem. Additionally, it explains the impact of the China’s market turmoil on the society and the foreign investors. At the end, I will include my thoughts and opinions about what the Chinese government should consider in order to solve the issue efficiently, with a brief conclusion.
A New Approach for Distributed Cache Management in Information Centric Networks[Full-Text ] Vivek Kumar Chaturvedi,Asst. Prof. Sandeep Pratap SinghThe Internet is a success due to its clear utility to regular people. At the similar time, the fruition of mobile communications and devices allows to get the capability of sensing the world, store information, and exchange it between us in an opportunistic way. However, the Internet end-to-end communication model based upon the location of devices is not in line with users' solely interest in information and not on its location. Here in this paper an efficient technique is implemented here for the information centralized network using ant colony optimization. The proposed methodology planned here provides efficient % Utilization and less computational time and virtual machine migrations.
Engineering of Gravity and Time[Full-Text ] Yousef Ramadan GabAllahHere we show a general new theory about gravity comparing it with the law of universal gravitation and with general relativity’s vision about gravity. Discussions about a general law of objects’ rotation are presented. The paper shows the effect of changing place on time measurement in a rotating scale wishing more accuracy in time measurement. The research explains how time works through rotation. It wishes to resolve the contradiction between general relativity and quantum mechanics. Author’s mathematical equations expect some phenomena on both cosmic and atomic level. Some questions are wished to be answered such as "Why does Venus rotate inversely to Solar system planets?" and a vision about "Is time travel possible?" that might be new.
BREAKING DOWN OF POLYETHYLENE BY PSEUDOMONAS SPECIES[Full-Text ] Preeti Agrawal, Rukendra Kumar singhExhausted studies on the degradation of polyethylene has been carried out in order to overcome the environmental problems associated with synthetic plastic waste. Recent work has include the isolation of most efficient microorganism using different soil samples taken from three waste disposal sites such as industrial plastic waste dump area, leather industry waste and domestic waste dump area. In this study, various microorganism were isolated from the soil samples, grown in an inorganic media (M9 media). There are some microorganisms that have the capacity to degrade plastic waste up to 51.5%. This result is achieved due to addition of starch as additive in M9 media. This study reveals that pseudomonas sp. posses greater potential to degrade polyethylene.
EFFECT OF ASPECT RATIO ON THE SUSPENDED SOLIDS SEPARATION EFFICIENCY OF CONVENTIONAL OIL/WATER SEPARATORS[Full-Text ] William E. Odiete and J. O. AdemiluyiThis research work investigated the effect of Aspect ratio (length:width) on suspended solids separation and the suspended solids (SS) separation efficiency of conventional oil/water separators. It was found that suspended solids separation and the suspended solids (SS) separation efficiency increased with increase in the Aspect ratio of the oil/water separators. Thus, suspended solids separation and suspended solids separation efficiency vary in direct proportion with the Aspect ratio of conventional oil/water separators.
Lung Volume Measurements-Techniques, Comparison and LabVIEW Based Simulation[Full-Text ] Chaitali Hutke, Dr. Prof. M.S. PanseAn integral part of complete pulmonary function testing is the measurement of lung volumes. During spirometry some lung volumes can be measured; however, measurement of the residual volume (RV), functional residual capacity (FRC), and total lung capacity (TLC) requires different techniques such as plethysmography, helium dilution and nitrogen washout. FRC is measured by one of three methods. Body plethysmography uses Boyle’s Law to determine lung volumes, whereas inert gas dilution and nitrogen washout use dilution properties of gases. Expiratory reserve volume and inspiratory vital capacity are measured after determination of FRC, which allows the calculation of the RV and TLC. The spirometry measurements assess the efficiency of the pulmonary ventilation. In this paper, lung volumes are measured using LabVIEW.
Evaluation of Routing Algorithms Based on Clustering in Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] Ghasem Farjamnia, Yusif Gasimov, Cavanshir kazimovNowadays, computer science has made progress to the point that many other sciences’ progress is related to computer science. Computer networks have made progress to the point that they have turned the world into a small scientific village. To make a communication between these networks we need to have a spinal column, this underlying network has been made of many routers that they task is to transmit information. Some algorithms should be implemented on these routers so they could find the best route to transmit the information to this village. This paper is about routing in wireless networks, evaluation of various routing algorithms, analysis, and the way of implementing these algorithms to be applied.
Investigation of Groundwater Resources by Determining the Aquifer Parameters around Futa Staff Quarters[Full-Text ] C.T. Ibironke, J.R. Adewumi, O.M. Ojo and O.K. Akinmusere An electrical resistivity survey was conducted at the Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) staff quarters with a view to determine the subsurface layer parameters (velocities, resistivity, and thicknesses) and use same to categorize the ground-water potential and aquifer characteristics of the study area. Fifteen Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) of the Schlumberger configuration were performed with electrode separation (AB/2) varying from 1 m to 65 m. An Ohmega (O) resistivity meter was used in the survey. The geo-electric data obtained were interpreted with partial curve matching and computer iteration using RESIST software. The results shows the presence of five geo-electric layers comprising top soil, weathered layered, partially weathered, fractured basement and fresh basement. The topsoil had resistivity ranging from 104 ?m- 309 ?m with a depth of 0.7 m-2.6 m. The weathered layer had resistivity ranging from 53 ?m- 256 ?m with a depth of 2.8 m- 19.4 m. The partially weathered had resistivity ranging from 108 ?m- 645 ?m with a depth of 6.1m-18.7m. The fractured basement had resistivity ranging from 104 ?m- 105 ?m with a depth of 4.7m – 14m while the fresh basement had resistivity ranging from 860 ?m- 1638 ?m with a depth of 6m – 16m. The comparison of the various parameters indicates that VES 5 is the preferable point to dig a well in this study area. It is therefore recommended that a good water scheme should be established to serve the residents of the study area.
COMBUSTION AND EMISSION ANALYSIS OF A FOUR STROKE IC ENGINE USING (Bio diesel produced from Kranja oil by transesterification process)[Full-Text ] The performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a single cylinder four stroke variable compression ratio engine when fuelled with blends Karanja methyl ester 20%, 40%, 60% with diesel (on a volume basis) and Kranja oil 10%,20% with diesel(on a volume basis)are investigated and compared with diesel.The suitability of Karanja oil methyl ester as a bio fuel has been established in this study. Bio diesel produced from Kranja oil by transesterification process has been used in this study. Experiment has been conducted at a fixed engine speed of 1500 rpm, 0% load to 100% load and at a compression ratios of 16:1, 17:1 and 18:1. The impact of compression ratio on fuel consumption, combustion pressures and exhaust gas emissions has been investigated and presented. Optimum compression ratio which gives best performance has been identified. The results indicate longer ignition delay, maximum rate of pressure rise, lower heat release rate and higher mass fraction burnt at higher compression ratio for Karanja oil methyl ester when compared to that of diesel and Karanja oil. The brake thermal efficiency for Karanja oil methyl ester blends, Karanja oil and diesel has been calculated and the blend B40 is found to give maximum thermal efficiency. The blends when used as fuel results in reduction of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and increase in nitrogen oxides emissions.
Application Project Management Methodology in Construction Sector: Review[Full-Text ] Faiq Mohammed Sarhan Al-Zwainy, Ibrahim Abed Mohammed, Saja Hadi RaheemThe main aim of this research is to introduce Project management Methodology (PMM) and assessment the applying some of the types of the PMM in the construction sector. There are two types of project methodology approach, firstly traditional approach and modern approach. Modern project management methodology content two major methodologies are PMBOK and PRINCE2, Both PMBOK and PRINCE2 focused on project management processes and would appear near it on the methodology matrix. Therefore a lot of studies about PMM, most of these studies addressed the methodology within the comprehensive general frame work and focused particularly on IT project. The objectives of theses studied focused on the relationship of the methodology to successfully or failed projects, as well as lack of experiences and training, limited to the performance of contractors in IT project, and improve the effectiveness of project management methodology of construction project and the role of the project management office to raise awareness of the importance of project management methodology. Some studies used descriptive statistical methods and regression analysis, and do not used mathematical model. This research recommended when choosing any project management methodology, it is recommended that project teams look at the benefits of a good project management methodology, as well as select a project management methodology that is appropriate for their organizational size, the necessity of their software systems, and the requirements of their customer.
Entrepreneurship as a Driving Force for Rural Tourism Development[Full-Text ] Md. Mostofa Jaman, Dr. Rezwamul AlamTravel market sometimes appears since efficient at as a possible adviser associated with change within the surroundings associated with economic, sociable along with setting of a tourist getaway. Tourist activity has produced job along with entrepreneurship prospects towards nearby area as well as using accessible means since sightseeing attractions. Your travel industry provides the possible as a prompt with the progress associated with entrepreneurship along with modest enterprise functionality. Over the progress associated with travel, the particular non-urban area provides the chance to offer you services or even promote solutions towards both equally nearby along with foreign vacationers. For you to meet this goal, district participation throughout entrepreneurship is essential throughout order to help grow the particular economic possible along with to determine the route of a progress throughout non-urban parts. Inside the wording associated with entrepreneurship, nearby participation is vital not merely as a possible business owner along with job within this industry as well as supporting groups in the people; nonetheless they may work to help really encourage the particular effort associated with various other residents to participate jointly to help develop this entrepreneurial. This information is designed to debate the particular scope associated with entrepreneurship since some sort of prompt towards progress associated with travel throughout non-urban parts. As a result of lively participation Amongst area customers, non-urban entrepreneurship will probably with luck, move toward success along with accomplishment associated with non-urban progress.
Investigating effects of Strategic Intelligence of Managers on the performance of employees[Full-Text ] Abbas keikha, Ebrahim hadadiThis study examines the impact of strategic intelligence of executive managers on the performance of employees in private banks of Zahedan. The research method is descriptive and correlational. The population of this study is consisted of all the employees of private banks in Zahedan, which is according to the latest data, a number of 500 individuals. Using simple stratified sampling method and Cochran's formula, 217 subjects were selected as final samples to be studied. In order to measure the variables used in this research, two questionnaires of "the Strategic Intelligence" and " Performance-Evaluation of Employees" were used. Validity of the above-mentioned questionnaires were confirmed by experts and their reliability were measured using Cronbach's alpha coefficient that was respectively 0.82 for Strategic Intelligence and 0.84 for employees' performance. Also, Statistical methods were used for the analysis of final descriptive and inferential statistics (methods like one-variable regression, stepwise regression and structural equation modeling). The results showed that strategic intelligence and all its dimensions – i.e. competitive intelligence, business intelligence and knowledge management- have great impacts on employees' organizational performance. Stepwise regression analysis showed that all three aspects of strategic intelligence have the ability to predict the performance of their employees. Finally, structural equation modeling showed that the causal impact of strategic intelligence on employees' performance has a satisfactory level of appropriateness.