Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2013 Edition
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Strain hardening behaviour of a Nickel based superalloy SUPERCAST 247A[Full-Text ] Avala Lavakumar, Ch.V.S.Murthy, D.V.V.Satyanarayana, and N.Eswara prasadExperimental true stress - true strain data of the alloy Supercast 247A in as-cast as well as different heat treated conditions have been a-nalyzed using different flow relationships. Ludwigson relationship provides the best fit of the data for all the conditions. The flow data of the alloy in all conditions, fitted according to Ludwigson model not only yields a unique set of flow parameters for each ageing condition but also exhibit a systematic trend. The alloy in all heat treatment conditions exhibit two distinct stages of strain hardening with strain hardening rate decreasing rapidly in regime I and remaining essentially constant in regime II. The alloy subjected to solution treatment followed by single step ageing exhibits finer ?' structure and thereby the highest strain hardening rate of all the conditions studied. The strain hardening rate of the alloy progressively decreases as the size of ?' increases from solutionising + single aged condition through solutionising + double aged and as-cast conditions to as-cast plus direct aged condition.
Seasonal Variations of MERIS-derived Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Coastal Waters of Côte d’Ivoire in Relation to Sea Surface Temperature and Hydrography[Full-Text ] J.M. Kouadio, F. Mélin, E.V. Djagoua, K. Affian, N. Hoepffner, J.-B. KassiRemote sensing data from MERIS are used to study the seasonal variations of the chlorophyll-a concentration (Chla) in the coastal region of the Côte d’Ivoire. A ten-year monthly climatology of Chla is described for the Ivorian coastal and offshore domain and analyzed with a similar climatology of sea surface temperature (SST) from the MODIS-Terra mission. The period of highest Chla values extends from June to October with a peak in August-September in association with the minimum values of SST occurring in the upwelling season. Spatially, the highest Chla values appear along the coast. Then the seasonal variations of Chla and SST in the coastal region are specifically analyzed at locations associated with hydrographic measurement stations at the mouth of four major Ivorian rivers. For the four rivers, the maximum of the flow is in September-October, slightly later than the SST minimum. This flow maximum is also close to the Chla peak for three of the rivers. Assuming a simple linear model, 64% to 81% of the variance in Chla can be explained by river flow and SST, with the realtive importance of these two predictor variables varying between rivers. These results highlight the complexity of the Chla variations in these coastal regions and the usefulness of remote sensing techniques for understanding the local ecosystems.
Design of A Multiband Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna[Full-Text ] D.Rama Krishna,T.Bhaskar,V.M.PandharipandeThis Paper presents the design and simulation of a Multiband pattern Reconfigurable Antenna. Switches are being inserted into the antenna geometry, depending upon the switches that are kept on, the antenna works as a Triple/Double/Single Band Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna. The proposed antenna also works as a Wideband Antenna. The Antenna resonates at multiple frequencies in the frequency range from 5 GHz to 12 GHz. One configuration of the antenna was fabricated and return loss characteristics are measured.
Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection And Messaging System Using GPS and GSM Modems[Full-Text ] Sri Krishna Chaitanya Varma, Poornesh, Tarun Varma, HarshaThe aim of our work is to find the vehicle accident location by means of sending a message using a system which is placed inside of vehicle system. The main purpose is to provide security to the vehicle in very reasonable cost. So in this work we are using the basic microcontroller AT89C52 for cost effective and also for easy understanding. Here we used assembly programming for better accuracy and GPS and GSM modules which helps to trace the vehicle anywhere on the globe. The exact location of the vehicle is sent to our remote devices (mobile phones) using GSM modem.
Design and Implementation of low power Dickson Charge Pump in 0.18µm CMOS Process[Full-Text ] Aniruddha C. Kailuke, Pankaj Agrawal, R. V. KshirsagarCharge pump circuits are used to obtaining higher voltages than normal power supply voltages in low voltage Phase Lock Loop (PLL), flash Memories & DRAM’s. New integrated Dickson Charge pump design with charge transfer switches (CTS’s) is optimized and compared including the losses due to devices parasitic is described. Results show that the CTS based Dickson charge pump is the best structure for integration. Therefore, techniques to improve performance and conversion efficiency of integrated Dickson Charge pump are proposed. A prototype of the integrated Charge pump was fabricated in a 0.18-µm CMOS process with the proposed techniques. Measured results have been presented, demonstrating the improvements in performance and conversion efficiency.
Motion detection algorithm based on Background Subtraction[Full-Text ] Shivam Shah, Vivek Adhikari, Vineet PokhriyalThis paper presents an algorithm to detect moving objects within a scene captured by a stationary camera. This algorithm is based on background subtraction, where we build a background model of the scene and compare each frame of the scene with the background model to estimate the amount of motion i.e. difference between the background model and the frame. At each step we update our background model by moving it closer to the current frame. This allows us to effectively estimate the regions of motion in the captured scene. This approach has huge advantage in terms of effectiveness over previously used frame subtraction method. It runs with minimized cost in memory and relatively less computational complexity.
Performance Analysis of LDPC-IDMA-UWB Signals in Non-Gaussian Noisy Channel[Full-Text ] Doaa E.El-Matary, Esam A.A. Hagras, Hala Mansour Abdel-KaderIn this paper, Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes is applied to IDMA-UWB System, called as, LDPC-IDMA-UWB System, in which multi-user communication scenario under the effect of Non-Gaussian noisy channel has been considered. Two different non-Gaussian noise models, Laplacian and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), have been proposed which are more realistic models for UWB systems. Simulations are performed using UWB channel model proposed by IEEE 802.15.3a working group. The performance comparison between LDPC and Un-coded IDMA-UWB systems is made over Non-Gaussian and AWGN models. The results show that the LDPC-IDMA-UWB scheme at least gives a significant improvement by about 4.5 dB compared with Un-coded- IDMA-UWB scheme under the proposed noise models, also achieves near single user performance in situations with large numbers of users while maintaining low cost and low receiver complexity.
Effect of Narrow-Band Frequency Modulated Force on Horseshoe Chaos in Double-Well Duffing-vander Pol Oscillator[Full-Text ] L.Ravisankar, V.Ravichandran, V.Chinnathambi, S.RajasekarThis paper investigates both analytically and numerically the effect of narrow-band frequency modulated (NBFM) force on horseshoe chaos in double-well Duffing-vander Pol (DVP) oscillator. Using Melnikov method an analytical threshold condition for the prediction of onset of horseshoe chaos is obtained. Melnikov threshold curves are drawn in different external parameters space. Parametric regimes where suppression of horseshoe chaos occurs are predicted. Analytical predictions are demonstrated through direct numerical simulations. Starting from asymptotic chaos we show the recovery of periodic motions for a range of values of amplitude and frequency of the external force. Interestingly suppression of chaos is found in the parametric regimes where the Melnikov function does not change sign. Various routes to chaos and crisis are found to occur due to the NBFM force. Numerical investigations including computation of stable and unstable manifolds of saddle, Maximal Lyapunov exponent, Poincarè map and bifurcation diagram are used to detect horseshoe chaos.
Is Succinylacetone a pathognomonic marker for diagnosing Tyrosinemia type 1 ?[Full-Text ] Dr G Maheshwar Reddy, Dr U Jayanthi, HR Girish, P Subhashini, N Sushma,G Usha Rani, J Rama DeviTyrosinemia type 1 (Tyr 1) is an autosomal recessive condition caused by fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) deficiency encoded by FAH. The incidence of Tyr 1 is approximately 1 in 100,000 live births, resulting in severe liver disease, hypophosphatemic rickets, renal tubular dysfunction, and neurologic crises. If left untreated, most patients die of liver failure in the first years of life. Typical biochemical findings include increased succinylacetone concentration in the blood and urine, elevated plasma concentrations of tyrosine; methionine, and phenylalanine; and elevated urinary concentration of tyrosine metabolites and the compound d-ALA. Pathognomonic marker of tyrosinemia type 1 is succinylacetone, however succinylacetone being a volatile compound is not detected in urine sample of all the patients with Tyrosinemia type 1. At our centre we have received 96 urine samples with a clinical suspicion of Tyrosinemia type 1 between 2008 and 2012, all these samples were analyzed by Gas chromatography—Mass spectrometry for urine organic acids. Only 42 samples showed elevation of succinylacetone and out of these 42 samples, 38 samples showed significant elevation of tyrosine metabolites which is usually expected in tyrosinemia. In the remaining 56 samples succinylacetone was not detected and out of these 56 samples, 47 samples showed significant elevation of tyrosine metabolites. Succinylacetone being a volatile compound can be lost during shipment of the sample if not transported in proper conditions and since it is the pathognomonic marker for diagnosing Tyrosinemia type 1, it is recommended to send a frozen urine sample to the laboratory for analysis in case of clinical suspicion of tyrosinemia type 1.
Diazepam: a peripheral benzodiazepine receptor ligand, inhibits mitochondrial F1-F0 ATPase and induces oxidative stress in goat epididymal sperm in vitro[Full-Text ] G. Mohana Krishna, M. Asha Kiran and P.P. MathurBenzodiazepines are most preferred anxiolytics. Their activity as anxiolytics is mediated through central - type benzodiazepine receptor (CBR), which is associated with GABAA receptors and enhances the inhibitory effect of GABA. Another type of benzodiazepine receptors called peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptors (PBR) expressed exclusively on the outer membrane of mitochondria and functions mainly with steroidogenic machinery. Besides, PBR is involved in many other functions. The main theme of the present work has emanated from recent research that PBR ligand has another target distinct from PBR, which binds to oligomycine-sensitivity conferring Protein (OSCP) of mitochondrial F1-F0 ATPase and reduces its activity, so that increasing the cellular free radicals thus acts as an anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic. In the present work we evaluated the effect of diazepam (Valium, a PBR ligand) on goat epididymal spermatozoa taking ROS enhancement and diminution of F1-F0 ATPase activity in vitro as conclusive points. Results evince that diazepam decreases motility and viability of sperm, increases oxidative stress and disturbs F1-F0 ATPase function. Increased oxidative stress is due to rise in ROS, which is imputed to defunct F1-F0 ATPase. We are first to report the effect of diazepam on goat epididymal spermatozoa. The work concludes the deteriorating effect of diazepam on goat epididymal sperm and the results also imply that this particular action of diazepam is through binding to OSCP of sperm mitochondria. We suggest that in male diazepam users infertility could be a complication of concern. Dichotomously this effect of diazepam could be a valuable consideration in developing new contraceptive strategy.
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE FOR EFFECTIVE USE AND SALE OF PHARMATEUTICAL DRUGS IN RURAL GHANA.[Full-Text ] Issahaku ShirazuThe study was undertaken to develop affordable, simple and efficient management system software that would enable all the three levels of management, to efficiently dispense and use pharmaceutical drugs in rural Ghana. The tools that were used for designing the software include Microsoft Access which was used in the creation of database, Object database compliant ODBC. Visual basic.6, which was used in designing a graphical user interface and the coding process respectively. This allowed users to interact with the system effectively. At the various stages a unique system was designed to generate appropriate inventories, reports, daily transactions, manufacturing and expiring dates and drug prescription.
Design and Optimization of Double L-Slot Square Patch Antenna with Probe feed for Wireless Applications[Full-Text ] Pinki Devi, Sukhwinder Singh Dhillon, Anupama Marwaha, Sorabh MalthoraThis paper describes a microstrip patch antenna. This paper presents a triple band antenna. A single probe feed square microstrip patch antenna with reduced size has been proposed. In this double L-shaped slot is formed on square patch. This antenna is simulated in IE3D software. In this the performance of microstrip patch antenna is investigated by using of L-shaped slot and by applying DGS (Defected Ground Structure). In this U shaped DGS (Defected Ground Structure) is formed in the ground plane. This triple band antenna operate at 5.5GHz , 7GHz , 9.5 GHz with 420MHz ,360MHz ,510MHz .
Design, Apllication and Result Analysis of Geothermal Ventilation System[Full-Text ] Mr.Pravin M.wale, Dr. A.C. Attar.Geothermal ventilation system, also called ground tube heat exchangers, is in interesting technique to reduce energy consumption in a building. They can cool or heat the ventilation air, using cold or heat accumulated in the soil. The utilization of geothermal energy to reduce heating and cooling needs in buildings has received increasing attention during the last years. An earth tube is a long, underground metal or plastic pipe through which air is drawn. As air travels through the pipe, it gives up or receives some of its heat to/from the surrounding soil and enters the room as conditioned air during the cooling and heating period. In this research work, study the parameters used in design, design a ventilation system to a building, experimental application of geothermal ventilation system to building. Result analysis of cooling effect is carried out.
A simple and effective method of the synthesis of nanosized Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 particles[Full-Text ] Miss RituNanosized spinel Nickel zinc ferrite Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 has been synthesized by precipitation method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) are used to characterize the structural, morphological and magnetic properties. XRD studies show that Nickel zinc ferrite is having cubic spinel structure. The absence of hysteresis, negligible remanence and coercivity at 300K indicate the superparamagnetic character and single domain in the nanocrystalline Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 and hence can be used in magnetic devices. The particle size of the synthesized Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 was determined by TEM. TEM images show very fine nanoparticles of synthesized ferrite. Size of particles of Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 varied from 20nm to 40nm with average particle size of 30.nm which is in good agreement of the theoretically predicted size of nanomaterials. Ms value was observed to be 30 emu/g at 300K This method is convenient, easy and effective in comparison to the known methods of the synthesis of Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 nanomaterials like ultrasonic radiation, sol-gel approach, Fe implantation, thermal decomposition of metal-surfactant complexes, colloid mill, mechanical milling.
Estimation of Speed and Area of High Speed Multiplier Designed using Booth-Wallace Unit Add Method[Full-Text ] Vikram Singh, Manish Kumar JainMultiplier is the most important element of the digital signal processing such as filtering and convolution and hence their speed and area are of prime concern. A FIR is accomplished by repetitive application of multiplication and addition, their speed becomes a major factor which determines the performance of the entire calculation. In our paper we presented a high performance multiplier and then implementing them on FIR. By comparing a few multipliers we get the best solution to optimize the speed and area. In this paper we presented the efficient implementation of high speed multiplier using Array, Booth, Booth - Wallace (16 bit) method. Finally the performance improvement of the proposed multipliers is validated by implementing a higher order FIR filter.
A New Wireless Telemetry System for Meteorological Application[Full-Text ] Lanre Daniyan, Okeke Pius, Najib Yusuf, Nasiru AliyuIn recent years, one of the technologies that have really transformed the mode of interaction between humans and equipment is the Machine-to-Machine communications technology often referred to as M2M communication technology as it allows instructions, control signal, monitoring, data transfer, and other form of communications to be exchanged between distant stations. Over the years, remote machine communications have not really been embraced for meteorological applications partly because of the old and still existing form of meteorological equipment design. This new wireless meteorological telemetry technology is adapted on the Nigerian Environmental Climatic Observing Programme (NECOP) stations network to break the limitations and challenges associated with the deployment and operation of remote field equipment. This paper presents a new method of meteorological data retrieval system and how it solved many challenges existing in data retrieval especially from remote data logging stations.
Energy Saving in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Rashmi Jain, Manali KshirsagarIn Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) the sensor nodes are very much sensitive to the energy consumption. The success of the wireless sensor network applications highly depends on the reliable communication among the sensor nodes. One of the major problems in WSN environments is the limitation of the physical resource that is energy resources. More energy is consumed in transmitting and receiving the data as compared to other processing done. Therefore we can use cluster based (Hierarchical) protocols in which the set of nodes are divided into different groups called clusters. For each cluster a cluster head is selected which is responsible for all the communication between the nodes in the cluster and the base station. Instead of homogeneous nodes some high energy nodes can be used to handle the clusters for a longer time. This paper uses concept of heterogeneous nodes to save some energy required for setup phase as in case of LEACH and alike protocols.
Analysis of Hydrological Aspects for Spillway Design - A Case study, Bawashaswar Dam, North Iraq [Full-Text ] Salam I.Aziz, R.A.OakEstimation of the peak discharge for the design of spillway and other outlet structure of dam in ungagged catchments is the always a challenge in the hydraulic and hydrological studies. The limitation of insufficient data is also another challenge. This paper is to evaluate and analyze the main aspect of the spillway design for the Bawashaswar Dam in North of Iraq. The studies are conducted with help of the limited hydraulic, hydrologic and climatic data available in the basin and neighboring catchment to the dam. Using the data, a relation between maximum daily rainfalls and monthly rainfall was evolved. Two different distribution models were used to conduct the analysis. Different return periods of the flood, based on the maximum daily rainfall data were estimated. The design discharge was estimated and compared with final design report of the Bawashaswar dam, by using different methods for extrapolation. The estimated design discharge with a return period of 100 years and 500 years was found higher by about 40% to 100%. Further computations showed that the length of the spillway may have to be increased between 25% and 100 % to accommodate the newly estimated maximum flood discharge according to Log person type III distribution.
Biothreats and Biosecurity : Current Issues and Measures- India’s perspective with special reference to Eastern Ghats: A Review[Full-Text ] Dr. Swaroopa MarellaBiodiversity is a key economic, financial, cultural, and strategic asset for developing countries, and is critical for economic and social development as well as poverty reduction.The Earth's biological resources are vital to humanity's economic and social development. As a result, there is a growing recognition that biological diversity is a global asset of tremendous value to present and future generations. At the same time, the threat to species and ecosystems has never been so great as it is today. Species extinction caused by human activities continues at an alarming rate.
BARACK OBAMA” IS TAMIL BASED INDIAN?[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaToday Global level research is going on about the word “BARACK OBAMA”. The interpretation of the word Barack Obama is closely connected to Biblical verse Luke 10:18. In this Biblical verse it is stated that “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”.
Ten Best Steps For Increasing Performance Of Preventive Maintenance[Full-Text ] Sachin SharmaPlanned maintenance has to begin with a plan in mind. Developing preventive maintenance tasks or procedure for plant or facility without a solid plan will result in inconsistent and unreliable procedure. A maintenance procedure by letting down all maintenance standards always creates inconsistency and ineffectiveness in maintenance plan and also increases the cost of maintenance. Hence it is important to document the development process, build-in consistency, and develop a good understanding of expected results for a good equipment maintenance plan. The aim of this study is to stop the maintenance personnel to conduct the maintenance tasks in a non standard way and to motivate them to follow a set standard procedure. Hence ten steps are described, which are necessity of a good preventive maintenance plan to improve the effectiveness and to reduce maintenance cost. A simple procedure for equipment maintenance plan is developed, which include EMP header, Maintenance task description, Task Support Information, Planning and Budgeting.
Synthesis and study of CexPrxMg1-2xAl2O4 ceramic pigment by combustion method using malonic acid dihydrazide as fuel[Full-Text ] Ayman Awad Ali, Bekir Karasu, Mahmud Rustam Allazov, Teymur Mamed IlyasliNanoparticle CexPrxMg1-2xAl2O4 system ceramic pigments were prepared from the mixture of aluminum, magnesium, cerium and praseodymium nitrates ignited with malonic acid dihydrazide as a fuel following by annealing at different calcinations temperatures. The chemical structure, phase formation and spectral characterization of pigments are characterized by different tools such as thermal analysis (TG-DTA), x-ray diffractions (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and infrared spectroscopy (IR). The colors of inorganic pigments are determined by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) using CIE-L*a*b* parameters method for color measurements.
Timing Studies and QPO Detection for Be/X-Ray Binary System V~0332+53[Full-Text ] O. P. Sharma, Moti R. Dugair, R. Shahid Khan, Aishwarya Raj A. S. and S.N.A. JaaffreyWe report the discovery of a quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) at ~0.45 Hz in the Be/X-ray binary pulsar V~0332+53 using data from the RXTE observatory. The observations used in the present work were carried out during the X-ray outbursts in 2010 January. The 0.45 Hz QPO in V~0332+53 was detected in two Rossi Explorer Timing Experiment (RXTE) Proportional Counter Array (PCA). However, this QPO was rarely detected during other one outburst during year 2005. Though QPOs at ~0.05 Hz and 0.22 Hz were reported earlier in the pulsar, the ~0.45 Hz QPO was detected for the first time in this pulsar. We discuss our results in the context of current QPO detected during outburst of year 2010 of the pulsar in this paper.
A Review Report on ROI Based Encoding An Effective Technique of Compression for Medical Imaging[Full-Text ] Mr. Ram Lautan Verma, Ms.Deepti Ojha, Ms.Parul Gupta, Ms.Manisha GuptaMedical image compression plays a key role in modern medical imaging, as hospitals move towards filmless imaging and based on completely digital techniques. Even for a single patient, resolution factor and number of images per diagnosis makes the size of the images to be very large in size. So there is an immense need for efficient compression techniques for these medical images. However, this field poses a great challenge of having compression algorithms such that it reduces the loss of fidelity as much as possible without causing diagnostic errors & yet have high compression rates for reduced storage and transmission time. Fortunately, in some areas of medicine, it may be sufficient to maintain high image quality only in the region of interest (ROI), i.e., in diagnostically important regions. e.g. tumor region of the brain MRI. Thus, the regions of interest can be coded with high spatial resolution than the background while transmitting the images. This paper reviews what is ROI coding, its importance, significance over other compression techniques and ROI based system, focusing on Adaptive SPIHT technique.
Comparative Analysis of Sequential and Parallel Implementations of RSA[Full-Text ] Sapna Saxena, Neha Kishore, Disha Handa, Bhanu KapoorPublic key infrastructure based cryptographic algorithms are usually based on modular arithmetic. As a result, they are considered to be slower when compared to the symmetric cryptographic algorithms. In the RSA public key security algorithm, the encryption and decryption is based on modular exponentiation and modular reduction using large integers. Due to the size of integers used in the RSA, typically 1024 bits, the algorithm becomes compute-intensive. Thus the sequential implementation of RSA takes large runtimes. In this paper, we are looking into the possibility of improving the performance of RSA by parallelizing it using OpenMP on the GCC infrastructure. We have developed two versions of the parallel RSA for our experiments. We have also analyzed the performance gained by comparing the sequential version with the parallel versions of RSA running on the GCC infrastructure.
A Conceptual Framework for C Programming Learning Through Basic Game Development Courseware[Full-Text ] Siti Fairuz Nurr Sadikan, Siti Fatimah Md YassinTeaching and learning software are among the mediums used in assisting the teaching and learning process; especially in the C programming. However, most of the developed learning software is more oriented syllabus per se. The finishing element of the learning outcomes that are less obvious and less attractive eventually will affect the motivation of the individual, especially the youths’ conscious of a learning-focused and fun. Therefore, this paper is aimed to propose a framework of software development learning C programming to the development of a more game oriented. This framework consists of multimedia elements, interactivity and learning theories and learning target the development of computer games.
Compatibility of cement and native and modified starches through hydration heat study[Full-Text ] FANOU S. Ghislain, GBAGUIDI Victor S., TCHEHOUALI Adolphe, SANYA EmileThis work has been done in order to valorize starch in industrial mortars. Its effect on cement hydration has been studied to propose the mechanism of interaction. After the characterization of raw materials, the study in concentrated environment (low ratio W/C) is closer to real conditions of use. It doesn’t reveal apparent effects of natural starch which is entirely compatible with cement up to 10% of content. The evolution curves of hydration show not only that the heated starch and dextrose are set-retarding agent to a degree but also that the setting time increases with the polysaccharide content. At high content, there is a total incompatibility with cement. The study of heat of hydration also points out the influence of polysaccharides introduction time and gives more information about their action.
Isolation and characterization of melamine degrading Bacterial strains from soil[Full-Text ] Kavitha. B, P. Doraisamy and M. MaheswariThe use of agrochemicals has been critically important in increasing the yield of agricultural crops. On the other hand, there is evidence that significant environmental pollution and impacts on human health arise from the inappropriate use of agro chemicals. Allwin wonder and Allwin top are the two agrochemicals produced by Sree Ramcides Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. It contains melamine as a major constituent. It contains melamine as a major compound. Melamine is a nitrogen-rich heterocyclic triazine. It contains 66 % of nitrogen which can be vitally used by plants as nitrogen source. Now-a-day’s melamine is adulterated in milk products because of its protein content and it also found as a contaminant in food and food products. Hence, a laboratory enrichment study was conducted at Department of Environmental Sciences, Tamilnadu Agricultural University for the isolation of melamine degrading mi-croorganisms.
Effects of Natural Resources Utilization on the Ecosystem and Its Remedies in Nigeria[Full-Text ] J.T Liberty, B.O Ugwushiwu, G.I Bassey and V.N EkeThe exploitation of natural resources is an essential condition of human existence, throughout the history of mankind; humans have exploited natural resources to produce the materials they needed to sustain growing human populations. Natural resources utilization, mining and processing have caused different types of environmental damages. The environmental damage has in turn resulted in waste of arable land as well as economic crops and trees. This paper reviews the effect of natural resources utilization on the ecosystem and its remedies in Nigeria. Since much of the damage is inevitable if the natural resources must be developed, both the government and the natural resource industry must be involved in taking precautionary and remedial measures that can minimize the negative effects of natural resources utilization.
Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures (EBGS): Implementation of Advanced Technology for Microwave Filter Designing[Full-Text ] Navila Rahman Nadi, Sharmin Liaquat UrmeDue to the realization of growing demand for larger bandwidth, high capacity Radio Frequency (RF) and microwave devices, new technologies of designing devices are being developed all over the world. On this consequence of latest technologies microwave filters and antennas with Planar Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures is considered as one of the bests. Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures (EBGS) is a new technology to improve the performances of existing RF active and passive devices. The technological design is which is just made upon a dielectric substrate with copper coating on both sides is very simple then any other devices. By etching these copper coating: Transmission line (T-line) on the upper side and EBGS on the ground plan are prepared which shows the performance like stopband, passband and Low Pass Filter (LPF). EBGSs, in recent years, have become most popular due to their low profile, ease of fabrication and integration with monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs). Through out this whole thesis work some parametric studies and several new designs of EBGS are introduced and described. The thesis concerns the planar EBG structures in the forms of conventional circular, square and triangular forms and various patterned dumbbell shaped as well as some hybrid designs of EBGS. In addition, effect of same design area and a proposed method of Filling Factor (FF) calculation are also described in an intention to enlarge efficiency in the field of wireless technologies.
Antimicrobial Activity of Probiotic Microorganisms from Probioticated Carrot Juice against Selective Pathogenic Strains[Full-Text ] Verma, S., Paliya, B.S., Prasad, S., Chaudhary, H.S.Probiotics are defined as live microbial feed supplement that beneficially affects the host by improving its intestinal balance. The objectives of the present study were to study the fermentation of carrot juice with probiotic microorganisms and to determine the effects of probioticated carrot juice on inactivation of selected pathogenic microorganisms such as E. coli, E. faecilis, K. pneumonia, S. dysentrae, S.epidermidis and S. aureus by using agar well diffusion method. Carrot juice was inoculated with probiotic culture and incubated at 37° C for 24 h. The results of the agar well diffusion method showed that probioticated carrot juice were able to inhibit the growth of most of the selected pathogens and show significant increase in anti microbial activity against five pathogenic microorganisms.
Business Intelligence: Artificial Bear Optimization Ap-proach[Full-Text ] Mary Jeyanthi Prem, M.KarnanBusiness Intelligence (BI) is about getting the right information, to the right decision makers, at the right time. A business intelligence environment offers decision makers information and knowledge derived from data processing, through the application of mathematical models and algorithms. BI systems tend to promote a scientific and rational approach to managing enterprises and complex organizations. Soft computing is a collection of new techniques in artificial intelligence, which exploit the tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth to achieve tractability, robustness and low solution cost. The purpose of this article is to provide a NEW ALGORITHM with the impression from the smelling sense of BEAR, for the optimal and dynamic decision making system in the current business world.
Effect of Mobility on Reactive Protocols Using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Arun Biradar, Dr. Ravindra C. ThoolAd- hoc routing in wireless scenarios is very interesting subject for research because without base station it is very difficult to maintain mobile nodes to connect and communicate to each other so there is need of wireless protocol to make work easy. For such type routing protocols is main area of research since packets are transmitted by hop by hop, therefore various performances varies from protocol to protocol, their usefulness is major concern. The goal of this paper is to find the shortest path from source to destination node in AODV, DSR and AOMDV using genetic algorithm on different metric.
Evaluation of E-Commerce Service Quality Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process[Full-Text ] Kenan Tas, Yaser Ahangari NanehkaranOur world is changing day by day, demand of people are changing and increasing synchronously with it, and need to a reference, and resource of accurate information is a request of each society. One of the most developments in recent decades is in field of computer science especially in web designing. Web designing has many criteria and if designer does not sufficient attention to them, it is possible causes to a negative and inverse result. Today Internet is an inseparable part of our life and we doing majority of our works with it. Therefore, satisfying confidence of customers is a vital goal for producers and vendors. The majority customers searching their needs in famous engine searches because they do not like to spend them time. Hence, to have a strong website be update with new techniques and new developments is inevitable. In this paper, we discussed about the Electronic Commerce, designing of commercial websites and required techniques for this work. AHP is a flexible, powerful and simple way to make decisions and can be used between the options in situations where opposite criteria makes it difficult to choose. It also solves all of the complexities by using focus on problems step by step. In fact it turns a multidimensional problem into a one-dimensional problem and they will became to understandable. In addition, this property can be used to combine and unify scattered opinions by regarding their importance.
Implementation of Simplified AES algorithm for Wireless Sensor Nodes on FPGA[Full-Text ] Kavan A N & Premananda B SA Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is an ad-hoc wireless network made of sensor nodes that are physically small, communicate wirelessly among each other. When sensor nodes are used in security domains, it requires security architectures to protect its resources. Rijndael or Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm is a well-known standard algorithm for encryption. The encryption algorithm running on such sensor nodes have two main constraints: memory and processing speed. This paper proposes S-AES to overcome the above two constraints and make it suitable for sensor nodes. The Zigbee CC2500 transceiver module is used as the sensor nodes. The proposed Simplified AES encryption and decryption is coded in Verilog HDL, simulated using Xilinx ISESIM tool and synthesized using Xilinx XST. The implementation and validation are done on Spartan 3A FPGA.
Voltage Stability and Security Analysis[Full-Text ] Sudipta Sen, Alapon Banerjee, Sayan SamantaThe existing Power System is growing in leaps and bounds. So also are the complexities associated with it. Disturbances are inherent in the system and occur very frequently at one point or the other on the network. To detect such faults and consequently to analyze the fault requires the use of heavy calculations which requires high dimensionality and complexity. Hence a large amount of time, memory as well as resources are used up for this purpose. Voltage stability problem have been one of the major concern for electric utilities as a result of heavier loading of power system. Maintaining voltage stability & specified voltage levels at all nodes in a large and heavily loaded power network is a critical and challenging task for power engineers. In this work a method for detecting voltage instability in a power network comprising of multiple lines and switches has been suggested based on L-index approach. Network reconfiguration is intended to enhance voltage stability by determination of switching options that maximize voltage stability the most for a particular set of load and is performed by altering the topological structure of the system. This project is based on detecting the faulty part of network by L-index method so that voltage stability will be enhanced.
Half toning with Unique Block Identification for Image Data Compression[Full-Text ] Dr. H. B. Kekre, Dr. Tanuja Sarode, Sanjay Sange, Charmy Shah, Ritika Rao, Disha ParekhAvailable frequency spectrum is the natural resource. Optimization of spectrum bandwidth is the major objective of this paper. In this paper, the image data is compressed in two folds. First Half tone technique is applied on input image to convert 8-bit pixel into 1-bit pixel representation hence gives 12.5% Compression Ratio. For further compression of this data Unique Block Identification (UID) technique is proposed. Experimental results are compared with standard Floyd-Steinberg and Jarvis half tone operators with proposed Small and South-East operators. Using 4 by 4 distinct block size on half tone image proposed UID technique is implemented. Results are compared in terms of Compression Ratio (CR), Structure Similarity Index (SSIM) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). Proposed algorithm achieves the higher CR that ensures optimum utilization of network resources and storage and it can be used for Video-Conferencing application.
Hall Effects on Steady MHD Boundary Layer Flow and Heat Transfer Due to Stretching Plate in the Presence of Heat Source or Sink[Full-Text ] Mohammad Ali ,Mohammad Shah Alam, AsaduzzamanIn the present paper is an investigation of heat and mass transfer of a steady flow of an incompressible electrically conducting fluid due to stretching plate under the influence of an applied uniform magnetic field and the effects of Hall current are taken into account. Where the flow is generated due to a linear stretching plate. Using suitable similarity transformations the governing equations of the problem are reduced to couple nonlinear ordinary differential equations and are solved numerically by Runge- Kutta fourth-fifth order method using symbolic software MATLAB. The numerical results concerned with the velocity, secondary velocity, and temperature profiles effects of various parameters on the flow fields are investigated and presented graphically. The results have possible technological applications in liquid-based systems involving stretchable materials.
Bacterial Contamination of Children’s Weaning Foods in Asase,North Bank, Makurdi[Full-Text ] R.T. Duche, O. Amali and E.U. UmehThe processes and procedures that contribute to contamination growth and survival of bacteria in children’s weaning foods in Asase settlement North Bank, Makurdi, Benue state , Nigeria were investigated. Weaning foods including “Akamu”, “Moio-moi” and Jollof rice were analyzed at different stages of preparation and handling. From the tested samples, 41.6%, 59.2% and 56.0% of “Akamu”, “Moi-moi” and Jollof rice respectively were contaminated. The most frequently isolated bacteria were S. aureus and the coliforms. Of the 112 mothers interviewed, 50% had no refrigerators for storage of leftover foods, 6% had no sewage disposal facilities while 37% tested the temperature of the food with their bare hands prior to feeding the children. Using the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), the major critical control points in the present study are cooking, preservation and reheating of food after preservation.
Tumor detection using K-Mean clustering algorithm method[Full-Text ] Rekha M, Dr.A.MeeraThresholding is a simple but effective tool for image segmentation. The purpose of this operation is that objects and background are separated into non-overlapping sets. Multilevel thresholding technique has been applied into two types of images which is normal bone marrow and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). A multilevel thresholding method is used in the segmentation of the white blood cells (WBC) from its complicated background. This method is only suitable for normal images. However, we in this paper mainly concentrate on the segmentation method which gives best results for the dark or brighter images. We in this paper use three different segmentation techniques to segment the brighter and darker images.
INTERACTION STUDIES OF GLIQUIDONE WITH CITRUS FRUIT JUICES BY UV-VISIBLE SPECTROPHOTOMETRY[Full-Text ] Huma Naseem, Nighat Shafi, Farhan Ahmed Siddiqui, Najma Sultana and M. Saeed ArayneGliquidone is a second generation anti-diabetic drug in the sulfonylureas class. It is an effective oral hypoglycemic agent for treating patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes (NIDDM or type II diabetes). Gliquidone due to the presence of lone pairs of electrons and bonding affinities cause pharmacokinetic interactions with drugs particularly those which are metabolized via cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4 isoenzyme. Grapefruit and its juice is a potent inhibitor of the intestinal cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP3A4, when coadministerd with a a variety of drugs can increase the bioavailability of drugs and have an impact on the oxidative metabolism. Therefore, present research work comprises of the interaction studies of gliquidone with citrus fruit juices. As, many of fruit juices also contain this enzyme system, coadministration of gliquidone with fruit juices may also result in severe fruit juice drug interactions. The fruit juices used in these studies are grapefruit (Citrus paradise), lemon (Citrus lemon), pomegranate (Punica granatum), orange (Citrus sinensis) and sweet lime (Citrus limetta). These interaction studies were conducted in simulating body temperature at 37oC and deliberated by means of UV spectrophotometric technique. First reference standard studies of gliquidone and ascorbic acid were carried out in methanol. Maxima of gliquidone were observed at 230 and 313 nm while ascorbic acid showed maxima at 250nm. Molar absorptivities of both gliquidone and ascorbic acid were then calculated and used for further calculations of the left over drug after interactions with fruit juices using Beer-Lambert’s law. Interaction studies of gliquidone with citrus fruit juices it has been found that ascorbic acid in fruit juices caused a decline to gliquidone’s availability that was more significant with respect to 230nm. This may be due to the formation of charge transfer complexes between gliquidone and ascorbic acid. Hence, it is suggested from the above findings and results that combined use of fruit juices with gliquidone is highly not recommended and should be avoided.
Evaporative Cooling: A Postharvest Technology for Fruits and Vegetables Preservation[Full-Text ] J.T Liberty, W.I Okonkwo and E.A EchieguThe quality and storage life of fruits and vegetables may be seriously compromised within a few hours of harvest unless the crop has been cooled promptly to control deterioration. The major problem during storage is the change in the quality parameters of the produce especially the physical characteristics such as; the color, texture, and freshness in which the price sometimes depend on. In order to extend the shelf life, fruits and vegetables need to be properly stored. Proper storage means controlling both the temperature and relative humidity of the storage area. Although, refrigeration is very popular but it has been observed that several fruits and vegetables, for example banana, plantain, tomato etc. cannot be stored in the domestic refrigerator for a long period as they are susceptible to chilling injury. Apart from this, the epileptic power supply and low income of farmers in the rural communities’ makes refrigeration expensive. Evaporative cooling occurs when air, that is not too humid, passes over a wet surface; the faster the rate of evaporation the greater the cooling. The efficiency of an evaporative cooling structure depends on the humidity of the surrounding air. Therefore, this paper reviews the theory, advances, principles, methods of evaporative cooling, and also the optimum storage temperature, relative humidity and shelf life of fruits and vegetables. An Evaporative cooler reduces the storage temperature and also increases the relative humidity within the optimum level of the storage thereby keeping the fruits and vegetables fresh. It can be use for short term preservation after harvested. Thus, an evaporative cooling is a low cost technology for storage of fruits and vegetables. The Technology of evaporative cooling is cost effective and could be used to prolong the shelf-life of agricultural produce.
People’s perception on climate change in coastal odisha[Full-Text ] Debahuti Acharya , Prof. G.K PandaThe poorest countries and the poor communities in any country are the ones who suffer most from the disasters brought about by climate change, because of the lack of means to cope with it. The rural communities all over the world are also the ones to bear the brunt of adverse impacts of climate change, mainly because their livelihoods is dominantly dependent upon natural resources based activities, which in turn, are directly impacted hindered by the climate. Very often, the experiences and observations of the communities living in these remote rural areas can be the source of information for the scientific communities. It is also important for policy makers and development workers to first assess how such changes in climate patterns are understood by the community. Unless the adaptation options put forth by the organizations matches with the perceptions of the community, it cannot be expected that those options will be adapted by the community. It is, thus, important to study the perceptions and views of the general public such that they provide insights in formulating mitigation as well as adaptation strategies. Coastal areas of Odisha State in the northeastern part of the Indian peninsula are potentially vulnerable to climate change. The present study therefore is an attempt to focus on public perceptions and opinions about climate change by reviewing relevant surveys and studies conducted on selected villages of Jagatsinghpur and Kendrapara.
Contamination Of Groundwater Around Garbage Dump. Case Study At The Pantang Landfill [Full-Text ] Dr. Francis Achampong, Reginald Adjetey Anum, Jimmy Obada, Prof. Fred BoaduDespite the recent emphasis on source reduction of waste as well as the technological advancement of recycling, landfill, is the dominant form of solid waste disposal in developing countries. The leachate from poorly designed landfill sites contaminate groundwater.For this reason, this study sought to investigate the influence of landfill leachate on the underlying groundwater as well as the environment as a whole. The Pantang landfill was selected as a case study. Groundwater samples were collected from neighboring wells at the Pantang landfill for laboratory analysis. Results from tested samplese showed that, the leachate from the landfill has contaminated the groundwater making it unsafe to drink. Specifically, the results showed high level of heavy metals such as lead, iron, magnesium, zinc, cobolt and manganese in some of the neighboring wells. The concentration of these heavy metals exceeded WHO. (1996) admissible limits. Other parameters such as dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity, total dissolved solids, conductivity, sulphate and hardness also exceeded WHO.(1996) admissible limits.The geology of the study area is not an ideal site for landfill due to high water table levels, the presence of numerous secondary porosities such as faults, joints and highly weathered rocks. The dumping of garbage at the Pantang landfill site should seize immediately, and technical audit should be performed to know the extent of groundwater contamination at the study area and beyond to suggest proper remediation methods for the clean-up exercise.
Multiuser Watermarking for Secured Social Networking[Full-Text ] Komal Toshniwal,Prof. Santosh Chobe.Watermarking is a widely used technique to protect the copyright of digital media such as image, text, music and movie. In this study, we are proposing a robust watermarking scheme which can be used by all social networking users to secure their images while sharing it on internet. The proposed scheme makes use of the steganography techniques, transform domain technique, chaos technique, noise reduction technique and error correcting code technique to achieve the desired results. The steganography technique provides an ability to protect all the images or even images which has multiple owners. Rest of the techniques are applied to enhance the robustness of the scheme. The integration with this utility will help many internet users to embed their registered watermarks in their photos before uploading them to common social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter or Flicker to avoid misuse of their uploaded photos. And users will have the ability to prove the morphed images does not belong to them.
DEVELOPING MOBILE APPLICATIONS USING ANDROID[Full-Text ] M.VARUN KUMAR,S.THIRUMALINI, S.RAJESH KUMAR,N.VANISRI, PULIDINDI VENUGOPALWith Google’s latest launch for mobile android Operating System, we did a projectstarting from ABC of it up to Creating Basic Applic:ation. Here we are describing aboutAndroid, features, capabilities, application,what we developed, current market scenario and future plans. With Android, mobile phone has achieved its 3rdgeneration brand in21st century. To cop up with the latest technology in mobile phone’s world lets start the journey.
A simple and effective method of the synthesis of single phase nanosized NiFe2O4 particles[Full-Text ] Miss RituNanosized spinel nickel ferrite NiFe2O4 has been synthesized by precipitation method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) are used to characterize the structural, morphological and magnetic properties. XRD studies show that nickel ferrite was formed as cubic NiFe2O4. The small hysteresis loop with low remanence and coercivity at 300K indicate the ferromagnetic character in the nanocrystalline NiFe2O4 ferrite materials. The particle size of the synthesized NiFe2O4 was determined by TEM. TEM images show very fine nanoparticles of synthesized ferrite. Size of particles of NiFe2O4 varied from 10nm to 28nm with average particle size of ~20nm. Ms value was observed to be 15emu/g at 300K.