Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2013 Edition
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The Witricity: Revolution in Power Transmission Technology[Full-Text ] Mohammad Yasir, Md. Shakibul HaqueConsumers of electric power always want fastest most, high efficient & faultless technology of power transmission everywhere. For this many concepts, research papers, patents are available on witricity but the market study of this commercial technology is yet to be materialized. Hence in order to provide them the same, we presented here the basic concept, background, complete evaluation and detailed study of this technology with its modern techniques. We also presented about all the available theories and prototypes. Besides of it here we also discussed the merits and demerits with it’s available practical commercial and non commercial applications along with the recent development and researches in Market growth study and economic aspects.
Content Based Image Retrieval using Neural Network[Full-Text ] Mrs. Vrushali Yashwant Erande, Prof. P.R.BadadapureTraditional methods of image retrieval using text are proven to be insufficient for the large image database. There are some drawbacks of Text based image retrieval, like assigning the labels to each image in large database using text is extremely time consuming and it is language dependent, valid for only one language at a time. Another drawback is for same image different users can assign different labels. These drawbacks can be avoided by using contents present in that image for retrieval of image. This type of retrieval of image is called as Content Based Image Retrieval. CBIR or Content Based Image Retrieval is the retrieval of images based on visual features such as color, texture and shape. There are two types of features present in an image, low level features and High level features. In CBIR, features of images stored in database are extracted and compared to the features of the query image. There are two important steps in CBIR, first is Feature extraction and second is Similarity measurement. An extensive set of experiments has been conducted to show that the new algorithm can improve the retrieval accuracy. In our project DML and ANN algorithms are used to measure the similarity between images. The experiment also indicates that the new algorithm(ANN) is more effective and more efficient than alternative algorithm.
Dynamic and randomized Query Optimization algorithms to improve optimality of access plans[Full-Text ] Ms. Deepali A. Patil, Ms. Aarti A. Patil, Prof. Thirumahal R.The goal of database performance tuning is to minimize the response time of your queries and to make the best use of your system’s resources by minimizing network traffic, disk I/O, and CPU time. Query processing and optimization is a fundamental, if not critical, part of any DBMS. Queries, in a high level and declarative language e.g. SQL, which require several algebraic operations, could have several alternative compositions and ordering. Finding a “good” composition is the job of the optimizer. The primary goal of the query optimizer is to find the cheapest access path to minimize the total time to process the query. In this paper many different dynamic and randomized query algorithms that compute approximate solutions for producing optimal access plan are studied.
Low Power Design for DSP Architecture[Full-Text ] Vrinda Mehta, Bansari Mehta, Karthik Nadar, Sanskriti PahinkarThe use of high performance multi-core DSPs in telecommunications access, edge and infrastructure equipment is increasing exponentially. Many of these applications may be remote and the machines cannot be accessed by humans regularly, which emphasize the need for low power DSPs. In this paper, low power design considerations are described using synchronous and asynchronous architectures.
Introduction to Supercapacitors and Supercapacitor Assisted Engine Starting System[Full-Text ] Vivek Kumar Yadav, Navjot BhardwajThe presented work is a research done on one of the modern day energy storing devices i.e. supercapacitor, this encapsulates its structure, application, various components related and how supercapacitors can assist Engine Starting System. Moreover the paper also lists few future scopes of supercapacitors in various arenas of Power Systems and Power Storage Systems. A case study is also given to show how supercapacitor can over-weight conventional batteries and few other energy storage devices.
A Rail-To-Rail Cmos Buffer Amplifier with Low Power Leakage for Flate Panel Displays[Full-Text ] Sadhana Sharma and Shyam AkasheA rail-to-rail high speed buffer amplifier is proposed with power gating technique, which is used for flat panel displays. By using power gating technique buffer amplifier has achieved the reduced leakage power by more than two orders of magnitude. The presented buffer amplifier is the combination of two transconductance amplifiers, two current comparators, A push-pull output stage and two sleep transistors. The buffer amplifier is simulated at the 45nm technology with cadence software at 3v supply voltage. The leakage current of this circuit is reduced by 4% (i.e. .79*10-6µA). The settling time for a rail-to-rail buffer swing is settled down to the range of .299*10-6µA.
Intrusion Detection System and Intrusion Prevention System - A Review Study[Full-Text ] KanikaIntrusion detection system (IDS) and intrusion prevention system (IPS) forms a security solutions to the robust network. A key requirement of a network is to maintain or provide a secure network services. So IDS and IPS both are network security devices that examine traffic looking for attacks. They are different by way of deployment of these devices in the network. IDS can only be deployed in promiscuous mode or out of band mode that is it cannot place within the network; it just receives the copy of the traffic whereas IPS can be deployed in the inline mode that means the traffic can pass through this device. If anomaly traffic pass through the network IDS would generate either a false positive or false positive which means it only detects the malicious traffic, takes no action and generates only alerts but IPS detects the malicious traffic or suspicious activity, takes the actions like terminate, block or drop the connections. An IPS combines the features of firewalls and IDS which can provide an intelligent tool that will change the network access point configurations according to the threats that are found in the network. The present paper tells the IDS/IPS security, its classifications, detection method used and the difference between them.
A New Approach for RF Power Amplifier Design including Nonlinear Properties[Full-Text ] A.A. Sarhan, M. Tayarani, H. Oraizi, N. Ghadimi, I. HamidiIn this paper, a new approach is presented to design a Radio Frequency (RF) Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) from Scratch to Printed Circuit Board (PCB) using the commercial software Advanced Design System 2011.01 (ADS). An example is introduced to show the efficiency of the proposed approach.
SYNTHESIS OF LINEAR ANTENNA ARRAY USING FIREFLY ALGORITHM[Full-Text ] Kamaldeep Kaur, Dr. Vijay Kumar Banga Antenna array is the most important aspect to improve the communication process. The objective of this paper are to minimize the maximum side lobe level (SLL) and perform null steering for linear antenna arrays by controlling different parameters of the array elements (phase, position and amplitude). The Nature inspired optimization methods like Taguchi’s Optimization Method (TM), Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution (SADE), Firefly algorithm (FA) are the centre of attention in range of optimization problems. In this paper, phase excitation of array element is controlled by addressing FA to solve the problem of linear antenna array. Our results are also compared with TM and SADE which clearly indicates that firefly algorithm provides considerable enhancements than existing met-heuristic algorithm for desired shaped pattern. The effectiveness of FA for linear antenna array is exposed by means of numerical results.
Semantic information retrieval from heterogeneous environments[Full-Text ] Fisnik Dalipi, Ilia NinkaWhile most enterprise data is unstructured and file based, the need for access to structured data is increasing. In order to reduce the cost for finding information and achieve relevant results there is a need to build a very complex query which indeed is a serious challenge. Data volumes are growing at 60% annually and up to 80% of this data in any organization can be unstructured. In this paper we focus on describing the evolution of some modern ontology-based information retrieval systems. Further, we will provide a brief overview of the key advances in the field of semantic information retrieval from heterogeneous information sources, and a description of where the state-of-the-art is at in the field. Finally, we present and propose a novel use of semantic retrieval model based on the vector space model for the exploitation of KB (Knowledge Base) to enhance and support searching over robust and heterogeneous environments.
Identification of potential recharge zone of the selected watershed using Remote Sensing and GIS[Full-Text ] A.Valliammai, K.Balathanduytham, D.Tamilmani, C.MayilswamiWith the increasing use of groundwater for various activities the fast decline in groundwater takes place. In order to prevent the aquifer from fast depletion, the artificial recharge is resorted to. Keeping this in mind to avoid fast decline in groundwater levels in the hard rock regions of Tamil Nadu, a study has been undertaken to identify the favourable areas for artificial recharge and suggest suitable recharge structures to augment the aquifer system. The analysis was carried out in Kinathukadavu block of Coimbatore District, TamilNadu, India using Remote Sensing data and GIS techniques. Initially the source maps namely soil, landuse, geology, geomorphology, lineament and drainage were collected and the thematic layers were prepared. The above maps were prepared using IRS-1C LISS III satellite data and other collateral information collected from the field and digitized. Criterion tables were generated considering the importance of different themes and necessary ranks and weights were assigned to each theme. Using ARC/INFO GIS software, the above themes have been integrated and the areas suitable for artificial recharge have been identified. From the weighted overlay analysis, it was found that the entire watershed comes under the moderate potential recharge zone.Based on this finding the artificial recharge structures were to be identified and implemented to the augment recharge of groundwater.
Management of Hattar Industrial Estate’s Effluent by Phytoremediation Technology[Full-Text ] Haroon Ur Rasheed, Bilawal Rasheed, Ayub Khan and Nawshad AliPresently Pakistan is facing a scarcity of freshwater resources and per capita water availability which was 5300 m3 in 1951 had reduced to 1105 m3. However, Agriculture is the single largest user of fresh water in the world, in Pakistan nearly 88% of fresh water used for irrigation. The main reasons for declining water availability are rapid growth, depleting water storage facilities, and pollution/contaminants of existing water resources due to discharge of untreated industrial and sewage effluents into streams/rivers. Deterioration of water quality of lakes, rivers and groundwater aquifers has resulted in increased waterborne diseases and other health impacts. The reuse of treated wastewater for agricultural irrigation has expanded, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, helping to relieve water scarcity and improving the means for local food production. Hattar Industrial Estate discharges their untreated effluent in Jhar, Noro and Dojal drains. It has been estimated that 20,000 gallons of wastewater is discharged into these drains every day. The industrial waste then passes through more than 100 villages of Haripur and Attock. The estimated cost given by Ministry of Environment for Combined Effluent Treatment Plant was 345 million but due to this project the estimated cost decrease from 345 million to 35 million.
Computer Aided Fixture Design for Machining of Key-ways on Eccentric Shaft[Full-Text ] Shrikant V.Peshatwar, Laukik P. RautEccentric shaft play an important role in application of ginning machine. Machining of keyways on eccentric shaft is a important task. Machining on simple shaft is easy as compare to eccentric shaft by conventional process. machining of keyways on eccentric shaft is a time consuming process, so reducing this time is a main aim. The job having a cylindrical shape and number of keyways are required on it at an different position. This is a challenging task for design engineer and hence Computer Aided Fixture Design (CAFD) is incorporated in manufacturing industry. It deals with the integration of CAD and CNC programming in CAM systems using software’s for fixture design. Except V block, no other option is available to hold cylindrical object and hence special type of fixture is designed for this case, which can be used for machining of keyway on eccentric shaft. Fixtures reduce operation time and increases productivity and high quality of operation is possible.
Adsorption of Dye Benzoazurin-G from synthetic wastewater by Activated Charcoal derived from Eichhcornia leaf (water weeds) [Full-Text ] Madan Lal, Kailash Daga, , Vinod Vaishnav, Sonia AggrawalThe major objective of this paper was to investigate the removal of Dye from synthetic wastewater using activated carbon prepared from leaves of Eichhcornia (water weed) as an adsorbent. The influence of pH, contact time, dye concentration, and adsorbent loading weight on the removal process was investigated. Batch adsorption studies were carried out at room temperature. The adsorption data plotted well with the Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. This research focuses on understanding adsorption process and developing a cost effective technology for treatment of dye-contaminated industrial wastewater. Comprehensive characterization of parameters indicates Eichhcornia to be a good material for adsorption of Benzoazurin-G to treat wastewaters containing low concentration of the dye.
D esign of ANN Based Torque Control of Induction Motor[Full-Text ] Ms.G.Kusuma, Mr.Y.V.Prasanth, Mr.P.MaheshIn this paper, The Artificial Neural Network technique used for flux position estimation & sector selection to reduce the torque & flux ripples. Direct Torque Control (DTC) of Induction Motor drive has quick torque response without complex orientation transformation and inner loop current control. The DTC has some drawbacks, such as the high torque & flux ripples, caused by sector changes. The important point in ANN based DTC is the right selection of the stator voltage vector. This project presents simple structured neural networks for flux position estimation and sector selection for induction motors. The Levenberg-Marquardt back-propagation technique has been used to train the neural network. The simple structure network facilitates a short training and processing times. The induction motor is non-linear system, the ANNs are excellent estimators in non-linear systems.
Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Its Supply Chain Management[Full-Text ] Hamad Mohammad AbouhenidiRoyal Dutch Plc is a very huge brand in Gas & Petroleum industry, operating since 1907 by merging two organizations such as; “Royal Dutch Petroleum Company” and “Shell Transport and Trading Company”. Royal Dutch Shell Plc is the Netherland based multinational organization which is operating in all over the globe from the past 106 years. Royal Dutch Shell Plc is considered as the 2nd largest organization for its revenues in the Petroleum & Gas industry after ExxconMobil. Royal Dutch Shell Plc deals in two major products such as; Natural Gas & Petroleum in all over the globe including; Australia, China, Pakistan, India, United States of America (USA), Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Kuwait, United Kingdom (UK), South Africa, Nepal, New Zealand, Egypt, Qatar and Sri Lanka etc. Royal Dutch Shell Plc headquarters are in Netherlands and United Kingdom (UK) and Mr. Peter Voser is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Mr. Jorma Ollila acts as the Chairman of Shell. Royal Dutch Shell Plc has large number of employees in all around the world which are almost 1, 00,000. Royal Dutch Shell Plc is the public limited organization whose shares are traded as the LSE and NYSE in the Stock Exchange & Commission. Royal Dutch Shell Plc also has very strong financial position including; US$ 467.153 billion (Revenues), US$ 52.046 billion (Operating Income), US$ 26.840 billion (Profit) in the year of the 2012 (Finance.yahoo.com, n.d.). Royal Dutch Shell Plc has several subsidiaries including; Shell Oil Company, Shell Gas & Power, Shell Australia, Shell Pakistan, Shell Chemicals, Shell Nigeria and Shell Canada etc. In a single day, Royal Dutch Shell Plc produces almost 3.1 Million barrels of oil from almost 44,000 service stations all across the globe (Shell.us, n.d.).
Comparative Study for Analysis the Prognostic in Hepatitis Data: Data Mining Approach[Full-Text ] Fadl Mutaher Ba-Alwi, Houzifa M. HintayaData mining techniques are widely used in classification and prediction in the field of bioinformatics to analyze biomedical data. The purpose of the study is to investigate and compare (7) different classification algorithms namely, Naive Bayes, Naive Bayes updatable, FT Tree, KStar, J48, LMT, and Neural network for analyzing Hepatitis prognostic data. The results of the classification are accuracy and time. The study concludes that the Naive Bayes classification performance is better than other classification techniques for hepatitis dataset.
Fabrication Imperfection Analysis of Robust Decoupled 3-DoF Non-Resonant MEMS Gyroscope[Full-Text ] Kashif Riaz, M. Umer Mian, Shafaat A. BazazThis paper reports behavioral model simulations of a three degree of freedom (3DoF) non-resonant micromachined gyroscope in the presence of fabrication imperfections. Fabrication variations in beam lengths, beam widths, structure thickness, elastic modulus of material result elastic asymmetries in gyroscope motion which causes resonance frequency shifts, displacement amplitude variations and zero rate output. These variations are simulated using worst case fabrication tolerance ranges provided by fabrication foundry of gyroscope. Simulation results demonstrate robustness of our design in suppressing such asymmetries by utilizing decoupled sense and drive modes and independent suspension system for drive and sense modes.
Advanced Apriori Algorithms[Full-Text ] Ms.Aarti Patil, Ms. Seem Kolkur, Ms.Deepali PatilAssociation rule mining is an important field of knowledge discovery in database. The apriori algorithm is the classic algorithm in association rule mining. This paper compares the three apriori algorithms based on the parameters as size of the database, efficiency, speed and memory requirement.
An Approach for Traffic Load Detection using Image Segmentation[Full-Text ] Saja S. Azeez, Loay E. George, Faisel G. MohammedThe segmentation is one of the most computer vision processes importance, it aims to understand the image contents by partitioning it into segments that are more meaningful and easier to analyze. In the current research work change detection and region growing method is used in order to extract the vehicles areas from its complex background, and then, calculate the traffic load (density) on roads which is important information for solving traffic congestions, also It’s worthy to mention that image registration to compensate the alignment changes of the camera is used. Traffic load detection as a computer task is not an easy task as it seems since computers don’t have cognitive abilities like human brains. The obtained results from applying the proposed approach were encouraging when implemented on different samples of congestion cases.
Survey on Steganography Techniques[Full-Text ] Rini.J Steganography is an effective and popular means for privacy protection for achieving data security and internet security. It can be defined as the study of invisible communication that usually deals with the ways of hiding the existence of the communicated message. . Ultimate objectives of steganography which are detectability, robustness (resistance to various image process- sing methods and compression) and capacity of the hidden data are the main factors that separate it from related techniques such as watermarking and cryptography. Using steganography, information can be hidden in different embedding mediums, known as carriers. These carriers can be images, audio files, video files, and text files. The focus in this paper is on the use of an image file as a carrier and hence, current steganography techniques for image files have been presented.
Intelligent TransHosp Medibot[Full-Text ] Aniket Shah, Akshay Sawant, Gazal Shah, Sunil KaramchandaniRobots are fast gaining popularity in every field as they reduce human effort. In the medical discipline too, the uses of automatons are tremendous. They can be used in hos[itals for transport of drugs and other medicinal supplies, cleaning purposes as well waste management and disposal. In this paper, we propose a line following robot which modifies and adapts to the working environment of hospitals. We look to improvise the current line follower robot so that it can meet the needs of a hospital, by combining line following, obstacle avoiding, and an automated transporting. This medibot can be used in hospitals for transporting medicines, food, X-ray reports, linens and other materials. This, in turn, frees up the human resources of the hospital so that their ability to think can be put to better use which can lead to a lesser amount of patient casualties and provide better patient care.
FPGA Based Gaussian Pulse Shaping Filter Using Distributed Arithmetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Rajesh Mehra, GinnePulse shaping is utilized to increase transmission data rate without increasing the bandwidth or bit error rate. In this paper an efficient approach is presented to design and implement a high speed Gaussian pulse shaping filter for ISI removal. The proposed filter has been designed and simulated using Matlab, synthesized with Xilinx Synthesis Tool (XST), and implemented on Spartan 3E based 3s500efg320-5 FPGA device using DALUT algorithm. The developed Gaussian filter structure can operate at an estimated frequency of 116.306 MHz by utilizing 4% of Slices, 1% of Slice Flip Flops and 4 % LUTS of target FPGA device. Hence, high-speed multiplier less design of pulse shaping FIR filter is achieved.
Modified Square Wideband Microstrip Patch Antenna with Finite Ground Plane[Full-Text ] Alok Agarwal, P.K. SinghalThis paper presents a modified square microstrip patch antenna design with finite ground plane to increase the impedance bandwidth. It is observed that the conventional microstrip patch antenna design of the same design parameter with infinite ground plane gives bandwidth 2-3 %, whereas this modified square microstrip patch antenna design with finite ground plane gives the impedance bandwidth about 50.13 % of the center frequency at 3.79 GHz. The antenna design is compact and optimized for wireless communication applications. The electromagnetic simulation of the proposed antenna has been carried out using IE3D software of Zeland Software.
Partial PPAR y agonist NS-1 improves insulin resistant, vascular function and lowers blood pressure in fructose fed rats.[Full-Text ] Chaudhary Sumit, Dube Aakanksha, Sachan Narsingh, Siddiqui Masood Ahmed and Upasani Devidas ChandrashekharThiazolidinedione’s, PPAR y ligands used clinically to treat type-II diabetes, have been reported to lower blood pressure and provide other cardiovascular benefits. The aim of the present study was to observe the effect of NS-1 (a selective partial activator of PPAR y) on cardiovascular and metabolic parameters in high fructose fed rats. Effect of NS-1 on the expression and secretion of adiponectin was performed in vitro in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. In addition, cardio-vascular (Blood pressure and vascular response), metabolic (Glucose tolerance test), anti-oxidant (Superoxide dismutase and catalase) and lipid peroxidation (Malondialdehyde) effects of NS-1 (1, 3 and 10 mg/kg, p.o.) were determined in high fructose fed Sprague-Dawley rats. NS-1 showed dose dependent increased in expression and secretion of adiponectin in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. NS-1 (3 and 10 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly reduced blood pressure, glucose intolerance and oxidative stress in high fructose fed rats. Furthermore, NS-1 (3 and 10 mg/kg, p.o.) improved vascular dysfunction in addition to increase in eNOS protein and adiponectin level. NS-1 administration restores cardio-vascular and metabolic impairment induced by high fructose diet in Sprague-Dawley rats.
Improvements of Rijndael Algorithm Through Key Multiplication[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohan.H.S, Sneha.MThere are basically two types of cryptographic algorithms; symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. The first algorithm which was introduced in symmetric algorithms was Data Encryption Standard (DES), which was later proved to be no longer secured by NIST. Hence the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) was proposed and Rijndael was selected to become this standard by NIST. Each cipher uses several rounds of fixed operations to achieve desired security level. The number of rounds in a block cipher is decided based upon the resistivity levels against the known attacks. The very first level of attack on an encryption algorithm is to search for repetitive cipher values and relate them to plaintext. The diffusion enables to spread out the repetitive plain text patterns in the cipher values.
Bilateral Filter Approach and Fast Discrete Curvelet Transform for Poisson Noise Removal from Images[Full-Text ] Sajil Daniel John, Jilu GeorgeWe analyse two methods of removing poisson noise from images using a bilateral filter and by Fast discrete Curvelet Transform (FDCT). The Variance stabilizing transform (VST) is the main feature of the noise removal as it converts the Poisson distribution to the Gaussian domain, which makes the noise removal process relatively simple. Once the Gaussian distribution is obtained, the bilateral filter (BF) can be used for removing noise. We can also use the FDCT instead of bilateral filter, as it is capable of sparse representation of image intrinsic features. We implement both the methods separately, compare them and demonstrate simulations for monitoring their effectiveness in poisson noise removal. The results show that FDCT is more efficient for preserving image features, while bilateral filter is much faster and simple to implement.
Study of Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Water Ponds of Rajnandgaon Town, Chhattisgarh[Full-Text ] Hemlata Mahobe, Purnima MishraPhysical Chemical qualities of water samples from six major ponds situated in Rajnandgaon district of Chhattisgarh have been evaluated on seasonal basis from January to December 2012. Samples were analyzed for various physico-chemical characteristics like temperature, colour, Turbidity, pH, Electrical conductivity, Total alkalinity, Chloride, Total Hardness, Calcium ion, Magnesium ion, Total dissolved solid, Fluoride, Sulphate, Nitrate, Dissolved oxygen, BOD and Total coliform. Out of these six ponds Lakholi talab is most polluted. The nitrate content of sample 3 is above prescribed limit of BIS. All these six water bodies are not suitable for domestic and drinking purposes, proper treatment is necessary before their use for drinking purpose.
Absenteeism due to Stress and Work Life Balance in Public & Private Sector Organizations at Rawalpindi /Islamabad[Full-Text ] NADEEM FARID AWAN, MUHAMMAD HASSANPurpose - This paper seeks to investigate the relationship of occupational stress and work life balance issues with absenteeism. Design/methodology/approach-The paper use personal data of 73 employees working in public and private sector organizations at Rawalpindi/Islamabad. Findings-Absenteeism is negatively correlated with stress and work life balance. Research limitations/implications-The results of research reveals that there are various other factors which contribute in employee absenteeism however there is insignificant relation of absenteeism with our independent variables.
Classification Using K Nearest Neighbor for Brain Image Retrieval[Full-Text ] P.A.Charde, S.D.LokhandeWe propose the algorithm for the retrieval of the most visually similar images to a given query image from a database of medical images by content. In this algorithm we take shape feature extraction by canny Edge detection and texture feature extraction by using Gabor filter. Gabor filter is best feature extraction method for texture. And on the basis of these feature, medical images are classified using KNN method. The retrieval performance of the proposed system is tested using large medical image database of about 500 computed tomography images of brain. The retrieval performance and retrieval complexity are measured and evaluated.
A QOS Cognitive Radio based VHOM Scheme in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks for 4G Advancement[Full-Text ] K Satish Reddy, S. Kranthi KumarThe integration of Wi-MAX and WLAN has been seen as a promising approach towards 4G. In this paper, we are going to introduce a novel scheme for the interworking of Mobile Wi-MAX and WLAN networks. We propose a tightly coupled interworking structure that can keep Mobile Terminals (MT) always best connected due to the inherent ad-hoc nature of the network, thus ensuring best Quality of Service (QOS). We have derived an evaluation algorithm to estimate the conditions of both Wi-MAX and WLAN networks in terms of available bandwidth and packet delay.
Improving Harmonic Characteristics of Class F Power Amplifier with Filter-Matching Network[Full-Text ] Ajinkya C. KulkarniThe new topology for high power and excellent harmonic response power amplifier is presented in this paper. GaN HEMT class F power amplifier is designed and simulated at 2.4 GHz for high power output and excellent harmonic response. Microstrip low-pass filter is deployed as output matching network is integrated into power amplifier. Filter orders are varied and responses are compared with output matching network. For 5th order Chebyshev Filter (0.5 dB ripple) and 26 dBm input power, the class F amplifier provides output power around 41.2 dBm. It significantly reduces power present in second and third harmonics of signal.
Design and Implementation of Malware Collection System Based on Client Honeypot[Full-Text ] Manpreet Kaur Rangian, Upasna AttriThese days’ client users on internet are the main target for attackers, through a victim client user an attacker can spread his malware to a wide range on a network. The various security mechanisms are available to secure our systems on a network, but a more robust mechanism is required in support and to find security loopholes. Client Honeypot is a really very effective and beneficial to provide security. In this paper we provide design and implementation of a malware collection system based on client Honeypot. This is an active Honeypot. After designing and implementation we examined this system by visiting malicious URLs and we find malwares dropped on the system. Informative data obtained by the system can be further analyzed and used to enhance the security system. Collected malwares are categorized based on type of malware program.
An Adaptive Normative Multi-Agent System Using Web 3.0 for e-Learning Platform[Full-Text ] Namrata Dhanda, Dr. Manuj Darbari, Dr. Neelu.J.Ahuja, Dr. I.A SiddiquiThe growing concern for education and innovative technologies has led to a new dimension of learning. The paper proposes a new framework NormATel using the concept of Normative Multi-Agent system, Activity Theory and e-Learning. The basic idea of the paper is to make e-learning more user specific using the concept of Web 3.0, like its ability to work on two separate modes: single user learning and community based learning. The proposed framework is verified using Deontic Logic.
Magnetic and Electric Characterization of Materials for Electrical Machines[Full-Text ] M.S.Muhit, Rashedul hoqueThis paper aims to reflect over characterization of materials for electrical machines. Electromagnetic properties (b-h curves) and electrical resistivity were the main properties investigated in the project work. As the sample, rings made of steel used for structural pieces in large AC machine have been chosen. The ring samples (structural steel) are characterized to explore the B-H curves at frequencies in the range [0.1-250 Hz] and field intensity up to 900 A/m. For resistivity measurements, standard resistivity measurement techniques have been implemented based on proposed analytical equations.
Extended Observation-Cooperative SLAM for Unmanned Surface Vehicles[Full-Text ] Gayas Asaad, Alireza Babaei, Mohammad H. Ferdowsi, Hossein BolandiThis paper presents a cooperative approach to perform simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm based on additional, indirect observations of the features (landmarks). These additional observations are made with helping of collaborating vehicles by sharing their own observations of the features, which extends the observed area for each vehicle, so the proposed approach is called the Extended Observation-Cooperative SLAM (EO-CSLAM) algorithm. For implementing this approach, the paper adopts extended Kalman filter-simultaneous localization and mapping (EKF-SLAM) solution, expanding it to the cooperative case and to be applicable with unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) in marine environments. The proposed algorithm is first elucidated mathematically verifying its efficiency, and then, the performance gain is evaluated using simulations conducted for USVs with radar sensors. Simulation results show that the EO-CSLAM provides noticeable improvement versus the single-vehicle SLAM (or Mono-SLAM) in terms of localization accuracy and mapping performance. The extended observation (EO) principle allows implementing this approach with SLAM solutions other than EKF method, and in other application fields.
A Review On Biomedical Image Retrieval[Full-Text ] Megha A. MandweThis review paper presents content based image retrieval algorithms in biomedical domain. CBIR was proposed in early 1990’s which uses visual contents of image such as color, texture, shape features as the image index for image retrieval, with advancement of imaging, clinical imaging significantly impacted with improved image handling. This paper also gives overview of user interactive approach of relevance feedback technique for efficient image retrieval. Today’s various CBIR systems for medical image involves steps from database image, query image, use of machine learning approach for categorization and prefiltering of images to reduce search space e.g. SVM training retrieval is based on Image feature representation, similarity matching. Probabilities output from the SVM are used to filter out irrelevant images before similarity matching.
Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Machining Parameters in WEDM for WC-10%Co Sintered Composite[Full-Text ] Y.S.Sable, R.B.Patil, Dr.M.S.KadamIn this paper, effect of wire electrical discharge machining parameters on WC-10%Co sintered composite is studied. Influence of pulse-on time, pulse-off time, peak current, servo voltage and wire tension are investigated for surface roughness (Ra) during machining of Tungsten carbide Cobalt sintered composite. In order to analyse the effect of process parameter on response characteristics Response surface methodology is used. Based on face-centred central composite design for five experiments and five levels 32 experiments were conducted. A mathematical equation is derived to predict performance. The validity of derived model was verified. Since error obtained was 4.19 %, higher coefficient of determination is 99.26 %, the model is valid. Surface, response contour plots were utilized to analyze performance. ANOVA was used to find out the most significant parameters which affect the response characteristics.
Management of Hattar Industrial Estate’s Effluent by Phytoremediation Technology[Full-Text ] Haroon Ur Rasheed, Bilawal Rasheed, Ayub Khan and Nawshad AliPresently Pakistan is facing a scarcity of freshwater resources and per capita water availability which was 5300 m3 in 1951 had reduced to 1105 m3. However, Agriculture is the single largest user of fresh water in the world, in Pakistan nearly 88% of fresh water used for irrigation. The main reasons for declining water availability are rapid growth, depleting water storage facilities, and pollution/contaminants of existing water resources due to discharge of untreated industrial and sewage effluents into streams/rivers. Deterioration of water quality of lakes, rivers and groundwater aquifers has resulted in increased waterborne diseases and other health impacts. The reuse of treated wastewater for agricultural irrigation has expanded, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, helping to relieve water scarcity and improving the means for local food production. Hattar Industrial Estate discharges their untreated effluent in Jhar, Noro and Dojal drains. It has been estimated that 20,000 gallons of wastewater is discharged into these drains every day. The industrial waste then passes through more than 100 villages of Haripur and Attock. The estimated cost given by Ministry of Environment for Combined Effluent Treatment Plant was 345 million but due to this project the estimated cost decrease from 345 million to 35 million.
Real Time Object Visual Inspection Based On Template Matching Using FPGA[Full-Text ] GURURAJ.BANAKAR, RAVIKUMAR.A.VIn similarity measure, normalized cross-correlation has found application in broad range of in image processing. This work proposes a novel technique aimed at improving the performance of exhaustive template matching based on NCC. An effective sufficient condition, capable of rapidly pruning those cross correlation score with respect to the current best candidate, can be obtained exploiting an upper bound of the NCC function. In this work Real-Time FPGA accelerates time consuming NCC template matching was presented. With this type of template matching we can inspect any industrially manufactured product on its production line with high accuracy, with increased speed of matching where huge amount of production is concerned. We got good results by reducing search window size by reducing complexity in matching template.
EFFECT OF SILICA FUME ON INDEX PROPERTIES OF BLACK COTTON SOIL[Full-Text ] Chhaya Negi, R.K. Yadav, A.K. SinghaiThe aim of this research is to investigate the effect of Silica Fume addition on the behavior of black cotton soil which has inadequate natural stability. The Index properties of clayey soils may need to be improved to make them suitable for construction using some sort of stabilization methods. Stabilization of black cotton soils has traditionally relied on treatment with lime, cement, or waste materials such as Silica Fume (SF), Rice Husk Ash,Steel Slag,etc. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of the index properties of clayey soils when blended with SF. A series of laboratory experiments have been conducted on samples with 0%, 5%, 10%,15% and 20% of Silica Fume by weight of dry soil. The test results showed a significant change in consistency limits of samples containing Silica fume. The Liquid limit would increased by 54% to 57% and Plastic limit would decreased by 27.07% to 26.29% with increasing Silica fume contents from 5% to 20% . Their Plasticity Index would increase from 26.93% to 30.71% and shrinkage limit would increase from 7.55% to 12.70%, respectively, when subjected to a SF blend of 5% to 20%. Also the Differential Free Swell decreased from 25% to 7% showing appreciable decrease in swelling behaviour. The investigation showed that the Silica fume is a valuable material to modify the index properties of black cotton soil to make them suitable for different construction activities.
PROTECTIVE EFFECT OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF Psidium guajava BARK EXTRACT AGAINST CADMIUM TOXICITY[Full-Text ] Ayodele O. O, Ayeni E.O, Adekunle E. A, Oluwaloni F.O, Osunlaja O.A, Obideyi R.I and Rafiu B.OThe protective effect of ethanolic extract of Psidium guajava (EEPG) bark on cadmium-induced oxidative damage in male albino rats’ liver was investigated. The activities of serum enzymes: AST, ALT, ALP, GGT; protein determination in liver, kidney and testes and serum cholesterol level were analysed. In the presence of cadmium, there were significant increase in ALP (87.45 ± 2.89) and GGT (103.35± 8.53) activities and no significant increase in ALT (71.23 ±1.87) and AST (121.59±5.14) when compared with the control. There were reductions in activities of AST (90.57 ± 8.02), GGT (44.29 ± 8.52) and ALP (33 ± 3.81) in presence of extracts when compared to control. Protein estimation results show that cadmium significantly reduced the protein levels of liver (59 ± 6.93), Kidney (55.33 ± 0.19) and testis (35 ± 8.08) compared to control. The protein levels in the kidney (54.5 ± 3.18) and testis (49.5 ± 0.8) were also significantly reduced in presence of extract when compared to the control. The results of the plasma cholesterol levels in rats treated with cadmium show a non-significant increase in the cholesterol level (0.37 ± 0.04) when compared with the control. In the group treated with the extract, the plasma cholesterol level (0.26± 0.023) was significantly reduced relative to control. EEPG appears to act as an antioxidant in scavenging the oxidative damage induced by cadmium.
Improve the strength of different rate for corroding steel in concrete slabs[Full-Text ] U. M. MAHRANThe strength capacity of the structural elements affected by the rate of corrosion, which is one of the most expensive problems facing civil projects in all countries, which resulting in premature failure of structures exposed to harsh environments. Program of thirty six samples starts in 2002 was prepared with the same steel and the slabs dimension were 50cm width 14 cm thickness and 240 cm span length, bottom steel five bars with diameter 13 mm and top steel with 10 mm width. The percentage of water to cement was 0.56 and the mixing water was with the chloride concentration 3% percent of the cement weight. All slabs were exposure in the laboratory temperature and spread daily with water concentration 3% of chloride, the steel on slabs was connected to the electronic circuit to accelerate corrosion process. In this paper, to refresh and growth the strength of the samples five techniques were suggested, crushed stone mix (CSM), ready mixing (RM), crushed stone mixing with steel fibers (CSM+HF), crushed stone mixing steel (CSM+RS) and ready mixing with additional new reinforcing (RM+RS), which are usually used in structure maintenance. Some techniques results achieved a reasonable degree of efficiency in flexural capacity compared to that both (CSM) and (RM) systems with fibers and additional steel bars.
CYBER CRIME AND SECURITY[Full-Text ] Shilpa yadav, Tanu shree, Yashika aroraThe purpose of this paper is Understanding Cybercrime: Phenomena, Challenges and Legal Response is to assist everyone in understanding the legal aspects of cyber security and to help harmonize legal frameworks. As such, it aims to help better understand the national and international implications of growing cyber threats, to assess the requirements of existing national, Regional and international instruments, and to assist in establishing a sound legal foundation.