Volume 4, Issue 8, August 2013 Edition
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Optimization and Enhancement of Load Carrying Capacity of CNC Coordinate Drilling Machine using Finite Element Method[Full-Text ] N. Ashwin Kumar, Basava Raju PondheThe CNC Co-Ordinate Drilling machine indigenously designed and manufactured by HMT Machine Tools Ltd is capable of withstanding a load carrying capacity of 8000 kg. In order to meet the demand for the same machine with a higher load carrying capacity of 14000 kg the CNC Co-Ordinate Drilling machine was modified. The objective of this industrial project is to carry out analysis and to validate the actual load carrying capacity of the original design of machine bed and the new design proposed by the company, using finite element analysis. As a part of analysis for this project an optimized design of the bed was suggested by the author to endure the load carrying capacity of 14000 kg. Analysis was carried out on the bed of the machine where additional ribs were added to the bed in order to withstand higher capacity. The software’s used include Solid Works premium 2012 for modeling and ANSYS 14.5 to carry out finite element analysis. Three stages of FEA were carried out, that is for the original bed and the bed redesigned by the company followed by the optimized bed designed by the author. The optimized design generated during the project is also capable of withstanding 14000 kg by reorientation of the ribbing pattern at appropriate locations. Resulting in reduction of weight by 800 kg and approximately a sum of INR 100000 rupees can be saved.
Foliar Application of Radiation Processed Chitosan as Plant Growth Promoter and Anti-fungal Agent on Tea Plants[Full-Text ] Mohammad Afzal Hossain, Md. Mozammel Hoque, Mubarak Ahmad Khan, Jahid M. M. Islam, and Shamsun NaherThis study was designed to evaluate the potential uses of a natural biomaterial-Chitosan as plant growth promoter and anti-fungal agent. Chitosan treated with Co-60 gamma radiation at different doses, were used to evaluate the efficiency of irradiated chitosan on tea plants. The aim of this study was to measure the effects of various concentrations of irradiated chitosan (300, 500, 1000 ppm) solutions in order to get best response of tea plants in terms of various attributes. Chitosan were applied through foliar spraying at 7 days interval. The growth attributes like- total number of buds, fresh and dry weight of buds, average leaf area, and weight per bud and anti-fungal activities were determined at 10 days interval after foliar application of biomaterials for 11 weeks. The results showed increase in productivity (about 38%, based on fresh weight of tea leaves) and it reduced the total fungal count dramatically (more than 100 times in contrast with the control).
Efficient Mechanism for Secured Node-Node Data Communication using LU Matrix[Full-Text ] Aaditya Mudbhatkal, Chandan Raj.B.R.There should be a mechanism for the secure key establishment for node to node secure data transmission because of constant security threats or attacks. The Adversary can physically capture and get the information contained in the sensor node, eavesdrop and inject new messages, modify the message. The proposed system presents a novel technique for key establishment scheme that is based on LU matrix in which a matrix-based key pre-distribution algorithm is used to achieve node to node secure data or message transmission. The data or message will be sent encrypted with a key shared by sender and the receiver sensor nodes. The user has to enter the number of sensor nodes, transmission range so that all the sensor nodes are deployed within the transmission range and places an event in the sensor network. The sensor nodes within the sensor range specified by the user will sense the event and generates the message. The routing of the data or message between the sensor nodes to the base station or sink is used by Dijikstra’s shortest path algorithm to find the shortest path from the sensor node to sink. The RC6 encryption algorithm helps to secure the data or message which is transmitted between the sensor nodes. The outcome of key pre-distribution technique using LU matrix provides node to node mutual authentication and guarantees to find a common keys between any two sensor nodes in the sensor network.
Optimal Number of Clusters in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sink[Full-Text ] C.P. Gupta and Dr. Arun KumarWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) employ tiny sensor nodes to observe field and send data from the field to a Base Station. The base station is generally at a fixed location away from the observed field. However, such networks have limited life due to draining of batteries of nodes near the base station quickly in comparison to the nodes away from the base station. Further, data from nodes in close proximity have very little or no variation. Sending data from all the nodes to base station will require larger energy due to longer distances or multiple hops. Clustering has been found to be an effective solution for such networks. However, efforts to find optimal number of clusters are limited to WSNs with static sink. In this paper, we present an analysis of optimal number of cluster in such networks. The theoretical analysis is supported by simulation results.
Formulation for Second Derivative of Generalized Delta learning Rule in Feed Forward Neural Networks for Good Generalization[Full-Text ] Shivpuje Nitin Parappa, DR. Manu Pratap SinghGeneralized delta learning rule is very often used in multilayer feed forward neural networks for accomplish the task of pattern mapping. A backpropagation learning network is expected to generalize from the training set data, so that the network can be used to determine the output for a new test input. This network uses the gradient decent technique to train the network for generalization. It evolves the iterative procedure for minimization of an error function, with adjustments to the weights being made in a sequence of steps. The first derivate of the error with respect to the weights identifies the local error surface in decent directions. Therefore for every different presented pattern, the network exhibits the different local error and the weights modify in order to minimize the current local error. In this paper, we are providing the generalized mathematical formulation for the second derivative of the error function for the arbitrary feed forward neural network topology. The new global error point can evaluate with the help of current global error and the current minimized local error. The weight modification process accomplishes two times, one for the present local error and second time for the current global error. The proposed method indicates that the weights, these are determines from the minimization of global error are more optimal with respect to the conventional gradient decent approaches.
Performance Enhancement of Power System Using 48 Pulse SSSC in the Presence of SMIBS and 14 Bus System[Full-Text ] M.Kavitha, K.Madhavi, V.Thenmozhi, D.Kalavathi, A.RagavendiranIn the last decade, commercial availability of Gate Turn-Off (GTO) thyristor switching devices with high power handling capability and the advancement of the other types of power semiconductor devices such as insulator gate bipolar junction transistor (IGBT’s) have led to the development of fast controllable reactive power sources utilizing new electronic switching and converter technology. These switching technologies additionally offer considerable advantages over existing methods in terms of space reductions and fast effective damping. The increasing method for power transmission capability by compensating the voltage drop in the long line with series capacitor was proposed in the early days of AC power transmission. However, its application for the actual system has been restricted due to the transient stability and the low frequency oscillation. In this work, it is proposed to develop Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) using 48-pulse voltage source converter to improve the power quality of the system. 48-pulse SSSC is the combination of four twelve pulse connected in cascaded manner. In a power system it improves power flow and also regulates the Bus voltage in the transmission line. SSSC using 48- pulse converters does not need an additional coupling transformer. The lowest order harmonic present in the output voltage will be 47th harmonic.48-pulse SSSC are to be modelled in the simulink environment. The basic characteristics of 48 pulse SSSC have to be analyzed on the practical utility system. The model has to be simulated with Matlab software to demonstrate system behaviour of SSSC. Numerical results have to be demonstrated on the practical Bus system with the SSSC model. It has to be validated that there is a possibility of regulating active power flow, reactive power flow and minimizing the power losses simultaneously with proposed SSSC parameter.
Call Admission Control Scheme to Determine the Preference for WLAN[Full-Text ] Samrin Shareef, P.Prasanna Murali KrishnaCall Admission Control (CAC) between heterogeneous networks plays an important role to utilize the system resources in a more efficient way. In this paper, we propose that the preference to the WLAN is determined based on the traffic load in the WLAN and the location of the cellular users. Our analysis relies on a previous study that divides the 3G cellular coverage area into zones based on the amount of resources that are required to support a connection to a mobile user. Using this model, we derive new call blocking and handoff failure probabilities as well as new call and handoff attempt failure probabilities.
Study of Various IP Auto-configuration Techniques[Full-Text ] Jagrati Nagdiya, Shweta YadavMobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are without a fixed infrastructure. All nodes have self organizing capabilities. One of the most important issues is the set of IP addresses that are assigned to the ad-hoc network. IP addressing and address auto-configuration have attracted much attention in MANETs. Some papers have proposed solutions to provide an auto-configuration of nodes. But they do not absolutely support security aspects in auto-configuration techniques. Thus, security is also a main issue in address allocation. In this paper we are proposing a model for secure IP- auto-configuration using public key cryptography.
Performance Evaluation of WFQ Scheduling Algorithm at Different Antenna’s Height in IEEE 802.16 Standards[Full-Text ] Yogesh Kumar, ManjuBroadband Wireless Access (BWA) has become the easiest way for wireless communication and a solution to requirement of internet connection for data, voice and video service. Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) networks were expected to be the main Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) technology that provided several services such as data, voice, and video services including different classes of Quality of Services (QoS), which in turn were defined by IEEE 802.16 standard. In this paper we present a simulation study of WiMAX that shows that in Weight Fair Scheduling, there is no effect on the Throughput, end-to-end Delay and Jitter when we change the number of output queues. We also show the effect on Throughput, end-to-end delay, Jitter by considering different heights of antenna.
An approach for security in grid computing on example.com web server[Full-Text ] Dinesh Yadav, Deepak BhatnagarGrid computing has arisen as an evolution of distributed systems mainly focused on the sharing of and remote access to resources in a uniform, transparent, secure, efficient and reliable manner. It is possible to join Grid methodology and web technology in order to create one of the most promising technologies and developments to appear in recent years, in that they enrich one another and provide new solutions that solve many of the limitations and problems found in different technologies. In this paper we focus on Security in grid computing. In the manner of security we apply authentication on grid server that hold authentication information about each client’s login. So on the basis of login, User Enabled Collaboration and IP authentication, we find out valid or invalids user.
Study of chemical interactions between modified starches and starches and cement[Full-Text ] GBAGUIDI Victor S., TCHEHOUALI Adolphe, FANOU S. Ghislain, SANYA Emile, TOGNONMEGNI FrancoisThis work has been done in order to valorize starch in industrial mortars. Its effect on cement hydration has been studied to propose the mechanism of interaction. After the characterization of raw materials, the study of cement hydration in dilute environment (W/C=20) enables us to propose mechanisms between polysaccharides and cement. Electrical conductivity measurement combined with the pH one and ion chromatography revealed that in the cement environment, the dextrose and the heated native cassava starch disrupt release of sulfate ions and consumption of calcium ions by adsorbing on first hydrates, slowing or blocking then the hydration of cement.
Design of a High Gain Microstrip Patch Antenna for WLAN/Bluetooth Application at 2450 MHz Frequency[Full-Text ] Md.Abu Baker Siddique Akhanda, Ibnul Sanjid Iqbal, Shaon Md.Foorkanul IslamThis paper presents the design and analysis of a small size, low profile, inexpensive and high gain microstrip patch antenna.
Multi-class Classification using BFS Crossover in Genetic Programming[Full-Text ] Aadil Hussain, Gaurav SharmaMulti-class classification is a kind of classification task which involves processing an input object and then assigning this object to one of the more than two possible classes.Crossover operation is considered to be a primary genetic operator for modifying the program structures in Genetic Programming (GP). Genetic Programming is a random process, and it does not guarantee results. Randomness is a problem that occurs during crossover operation. During the standard breeding process in Genetic Programming, crossover operation produces offspring with less than half of the fitness of their parent. Thus, it reaches the state where performance stops increasing a certain point, which ultimately leads to unsatisfactory performance of the GP. In this paper, we are proposing a special type of crossover operation named as BFS (Best First Search) crossover to improve overall performance of crossover operation. The proposed method is categorized as best first search; this ensures that it finds the optimal and complete solutions. To demonstrate our approach, we have designed a multi-class classifier using GP and tested it on various benchmark datasets. The results attained show that by applying BFS crossover together with point mutation refined the performance of classifier.
GROUP HANDOVER MANAGEMENT IN MOBILE FEMTOCELL NETWORK BASED ON ART MAP CLASS1[Full-Text ] Smrati, Ravi Shankar Shukla, Ravendra Singh, Zubair KhanIn the telecommunication, a femtocell is small, low power cellular base station which always used in a home or small business. When we design the heterogeneous wireless environment then it involves several internetworking issues, such as seamless handoff or roaming, mobility management, security and accounting problem etc. The bandwidth utilization is the percentage utilized off the total bandwidth available. In this we propose a resource management scheme that contains bandwidth adaption policy and dynamic bandwidth reservation policy .The essential work carried in our research paper concern approach define the group handover using bandwidth utilization in mobile femtocell network based on adaptive resonance theory class 1 which reduces the handover call dropping probability by bandwidth utilization.
An Efficient Solar Pumping System for Rural Areas of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Habib Ullah, Tanvir Ahmad, Md. Niaz Morshedul Haque, Md. Jakaria Rahimi, Ripan Kumar DharThis research deals with the design and simulation of a simple but efficient photovoltaic water pumping system for rural areas of Bangladesh. The main objectives were to get a cost effective and efficient system employing MPPT. To keep the cost minimized some design consideration are presented. Presently used Buck converter based MPPT is compared with more efficient Buck boost and Cuk converter topologies. The simulations perform comparative tests using actual irradiance data for Bangladesh. The results showed a very compact and efficient result can be obtained the proposed topology including Cuk converter based MPPT.
Example Based Machine Translation Using Natural Language Processing[Full-Text ] Sunny Bhavan Sall, Dr. Rekha Sharma, Dr. R R ShedamkarMachine translation (MT) research has come a long way since the idea to use computer to automate the translation process and the major approach is Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). An alternative to SMT is Example-based machine translation (EBMT). Among machine translation systems, traditional transformational methods are somewhat difficult to construct, as they basically involve hard coding the idiosyncrasies of both languages Natural Language Processing deals with the processing of natural language. The language spoken by the human beings in day to day life is nothing but the natural language. There are many different applications under NLP among which Machine Translation is one of the applications. In this paper, we describe the Example Based Machine Translation using Natural Language Processing. The proposed EBMT framework can be used for automatic translation of text by reusing the examples of previous translations. This framework comprises of three phases, matching, alignment and recombination.
Detection and Classification of Plant Leaf Diseases using ANN[Full-Text ] Mr. Hrishikesh P. Kanjalkar, Prof. S.S.LokhandePlant diseases problem can cause significant reduction in both quality and quantity of agricultural products. Automatic detection of plant leaf diseases is an essential research topic as it may prove benefits in monitoring large fields of crops, and thus automatically detect the symptoms of diseases as soon as they appear on plant leaves. The proposed system is a software solution for automatic detection and computation of plant leaf diseases. The developed processing scheme consists of five main steps, first a color transformation structure for the input RGB image is created, then the noise i.e. unnecessary part is removed using specific threshold value, then the image is segmented with connected component labeling and the useful segments are extracted, finally the ANN classification is computed by giving different features i.e. size, color, proximity and average centroid distance. Experimental results on a database of 4 different diseases confirms the robustness of the proposed approach.
Tone-Reservation based on fractional Fourier Transform for Chirp-based OFDM[Full-Text ] Shi Pengfei, Anjum M. R., Zhao Yue, Riaz Ahmed Soomro, Farhan ManzoorAs an adaptive method to combat doubly selective channel, chirp-based orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (Chirped-OFDM) also suffers from a high peak-to average power ratio (PAPR). In this paper, an efficient optimization for tone-reservation technique based on the structure of fractional Fourier Transform is developed to reduce the number of variables in the quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) for Chirped-OFDM subcarrier modulation, which reduces complexity considerably. Simulation results yield its performance close to conventional tone reservation with less computational complexity.
Enterprise based approach to Mining Frequent Utility Itemsets from Transactional Database[Full-Text ] B.Rajasekhara Reddy, M.V.Jaganatha ReddyData mining can be used extensively in the enterprise based applications with business intelligence characteristics to provide a deeper kind of analysis while meeting strict requirements for administration management and security. Business intelligence is information about a company's past performance that is used to help predict the company's future performance. ARM is a well-known technique in the data mining field, is used to identify frequently occurring patterns of item sets. Although, frequency of occurrence may reflects the statistical correlation between items, and it does not reflect the semantic significance of the items because the user's interest may be related to other factors, such as cost and profit. Utility based itemset mining approach is used to overcome this limitation. This approach identifies itemsets with high utility like high profits. A specialized form of high utility itemset mining is utility-frequent itemset mining which is for considering the business yield and demand or rate of occurrence of the items while mining a retail business transaction database. Such a data mining process will help in mining different types of itemsets of varying business utility and demand such as HUHF, HULF,LUHF and LULF itemsets. Which would significantly helps in inventory control and sales promotion. These itemsets are generated using FUM and FUFM of algorithms which also capable of identifying the active customers of each such type of itemset mined and ranking them based on their total or lifetime business value which would be extremely helpful in improving CRM processes.
Some studies on removal of phenol from waste water using low cost adsorbent[Full-Text ] Shri. M.W. Barve, Dr.P.V.VijayababuThis paper is aimed to study the potential of Rice Husk, Activated carbon in combination with Amberlite-XAD4 for phenol adsorption from Bisphenol-A manufacturing plant waste water. Batch and column adsorption studies were carried out under varying experimental conditions of contact time, phenol concentration in the range of 100-1000 ppm. adsorbent dose and pH respectively. The adsorption of phenol is maximum in the pH range of 7-8. The suitability of the Freundlich and Langmuir adsorption models to the equilibrium data was investigated for phenol-rice husk system. Results showed that the equilibrium data for all the phenol- rice husk system fitted the Freundlich model best within the concentration range studied. However Langmuir model is fitted well for the phenol-activated carbon system for the concentration range 100-1000 ppm. A comparative study showed that rice husk is very effective and low cost adsorbent for phenol removal. The studies showed that the rice husk could be used as a polishing/pretreatment for removal of phenol from water and wastewater in combination with Amberlite-XAD4 and Activated Carbon .
Design of Ipfc to Enhance the Power System Stability and Damping of Low Frequency Oscillations[Full-Text ] Narasimharao Nakka, Gireesh Kumar DevineniInterline power flow controller (IPFC) is proposed a new concept for the compensation and effective power flow management of multi-line transmission system. In addition, a supplementary controller for a novel modelling IPFC to damped out low frequency oscillations with considering four alternative damping controllers are proposed. In this project selection of effectiveness damping control signal for the design of robust IPFC damping controller to variations in system loading and faults in the power system are discussed. The presented control scheme not only performs damping oscillations but also the independent inter line power flow control can be achieved. MATLAB simulation results verify the effectiveness of IPFC and its control strategy to enhance dynamic stability.
Sodar studies of air pollution meteorology over Delhi[Full-Text ] Neha Gera, N.C.Gupta, V. Mohanan, B.S. GeraThe studies present an analysis of air pollution meteorological aspects of Delhi in terms of the occurrence characteristics of stable /unstable atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) thermal structures using a decade long (2001-2010) sodar observations made at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi. Diurnal, monthly and seasonal variation of ground/elevated inversion, thermally driven convection atmospheric boundary layer and fumigation characteristics have been examined. Results reveal that Delhi witnesses a good atmospheric ventilation period of about 7 hours (1000-1700 hours) during the day while it observes poor ventilation characterized by stable inversion for about 10 hours (1800-0600 hours). Fumigation period shows seasonal dependence varying from couple of hours to more than 6 hours during winter fog conditions. The information is useful to evaluate pollutants carrying capacity of Delhi, environment impact assessment, seasonal strategies planning for emission etc.
Recycling of Mobile Phone Waste[Full-Text ] Md. Rubel Miah, Abu Md. Saifuddoha, Md. Shohel Parvez, Abdun Noor, Chandan Chakraborty, Taslima TabassumThe purpose of this paper is to identify and address various wastes in mobile phone a Bangladeshi context. Critical observations and research techniques were used to identify and address various wastes in mobile phone. Major ?ndings obtained from the study are as follows such as lead, beryllium, brominated flame-retardants, chromium, arsenic, cadmium, and antimony are considered toxic and harmful to the environment and human health. 90% of the materials within a mobile phone can be recycled. Mobile phone parts such as Batteries, Circuit boards, Handset housings and casings plastics, Accessories include plastics can be recycled to make new products. The paper addresses various wastes in mobile phone, which was hardly ever attempted before. Wastes activities are then individually attacked to reduce or eliminate them from the system. Suggestions to make the whole chain more productive can be generalized and can be replicated in the context of other developing countries.
Segmenting and Tracking People in Surveillance System Using Optical Flow Technique[Full-Text ] Reemamol P.K, Sayana sivanad, Benoy AbrahamNowadays surveillance cameras are common in offices, shopping malls, ATM centres etc. To improve the people detection, segmenting and tracking still need research programs in this field. In our method we are using background subtraction algorithm to find the foreground region which corresponds to the moving area. We are also in cooperating optical flow technique for the motion detection of segmented people in groups. As a conclusion we are representing the segmented individuals in separate colored boxes with alphabets at the top.
Analysis of RWL and designing safe load for the workers to reduce lifting related injury in a Bangladeshi Brick Industry: A Case Study[Full-Text ] Abdun Noor, Md. Rubel Miah, J. Akram, Md. Shohel Parvez, Sudipta Saha, Prof. Dr. Tarapada BhowmickManual Handling of Loads (MHL) includes lifting, holding, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying and moving a load. If these tasks are performed repeatedly or over long periods of time, they can lead to fatigue and injury. Majority of the workers in our country suffer same type of overexertion injury or ergonomically problems per year. Approximately most of these overexertion problems involve lifting. As a result productivity is decreased. So it is necessary to know the anthropometric measurement of a worker and their respective lifting Capacity to have an idea about which position of the work is best suited for the worker. Scientific evidence shows that effective ergonomic interventions can lower the physical demands of manual material handling work tasks, thereby lowering the incidence and severity of the musculoskeletal injuries they can cause. Applying Recommended Weight Limit (RWL) workers can easily overcome ergonomically problems. Though it seems reducing efficiency, but in bird view in increases efficiency for long run.
Optimization of the Utilization of Vacuum Membrane Distillations Lithium Bromida-Water Absorption Refrigeration System Using Response Surface Methodology[Full-Text ] Bayu Rudiyanto, Tsair-Wang Chung, Armansyah H. TambunanResponse surface methodology (RSM) has been applied for modeling and optimization in utilization of vacuum membrane distillation on Lithium Bromide-water absorption refrigeration system (ARS). The effect of the operational parameter is initial feed concentration, feed inlet temperature, feed flow rate and interaction on the permeate flux. The developed model has been statistically validated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and further used to predict the permeate flux. The results for the given factors is a saddle point one, which meant for the range given, there is no optimal value. This saddle point parameter is outside the data range which is concentration of 45.339 %, feed temperature at 62.934°C and flow rate 1.476 L.min-1 while its predicted flux value is 100.392 g.m-2.s-1.
Feasibility Study of Basalt Stone Tile a Case Study[Full-Text ] Sandeep B. Suryawanshi, Dhananjay S. PatilIn this paper studied the properties of the basalt stone to fusibility of the basalt stone tile. Tests on basalt available in Kerli Tal: Panahala Dist.: Kolhapur of western Maharashtra will be done to convent range of properties suitable for stone tile manufacturing. In which Compressive (Crushing) Strength Test, Flexural (transverse) Strength Test, Density and Porosity Test, Water Absorption Tests do for now the raw material properties of basalt stone.
Image Segmentation Technique for Cloud Computing Environment Using Morphological Approach[Full-Text ] Pinaki Pratim Acharjya, Dibyendu GhoshalIn the business model using software as a service, users are provided access to application software and databases. Cloud providers manage the infrastructure and platforms that run the applications. Cloud computing environment provides a great flexibility and availability of computing resources at a lower cost. In this research article a robust and effective image segmentation approach is proposed using mathematical morphology for cloud computing. The proposed approach will be very effective in a cloud computing environment with minimum processing power and better performance in a centralized way.
K-Means Clustering - Review of Various Methods for Initial Selection of Centroids[Full-Text ] Ms.Beena P, Mr. Sunil Kumar P V, Mr. Balachandran K POrganising data into sensible groups is the most fundamental way of understanding and learning. Clustering helps to organise data based on natural grouping without any category labels to identify the clusters.One of the most popular and simplest partitional clustering algorithms is the K -Means published in 1955. K -Means algorithm is computationally expensive and insists the selection of number of clusters initially. The final clusters depend entirely on the initial selection of centroids. Several modifications have been proposed for the K -Means clustering method. Some such proposals are summarised and reviewed with experimental results.
Color Image Segmentation Using MDS-Based Multiresolution Nonlinear dimensionality Reduction Model and Fuzzy C-means Clustering[Full-Text ] Sayana Sivanand, Aiswria RajWe present a new approach for color image segmentation based on multiresolution multidimensional scaling and fuzzy c-means clustering. Multiresolution reduction method reduces the dimensionality of high dimensional data and we demonstrate its performance on a large-scale nonlinear dimensionality reduction problem in texture feature extraction step of unsupervised image segmentation problem. The proposed image segmentation algorithm has two steps. First, a multiresolution optimization strategy, which is used to obtain a nonlinear low-dimensional representation of the texture feature set of an image. Then fuzzy c-means clustering performs the segmentation of the image exploiting the low-dimensional texture feature vector. The proposed method has been successfully applied to the Berkeley segmentation database. The obtained results show the potential of this approach compared to the other state of the art image segmentation algorithms.
Design and analysis Narrowband filters[Full-Text ] Gaillan H.Abdullah,Bushra.R.Mahdi, Farah G.In this peaper three designs band-pass filter with different number of layers are presented. These designs are concerned with a theoretical study on optoelectronics. physics to design and analyze band-pass filter These designs consist of two material TiO2 / SiO2 as high / low index. The wavelength range from 600 to 850nm and the design wavelength 700nm. The results show that the effects of angle of incident on the characteristics curve Transmission vs. wavelength for each design. The resulting design approach to push pulse durations further into the single-cycle regime.
Determination of the Levels of Nitrate in Homemade brews, Spirits, in Water and Raw Materials in Nairobi County Using UV-Visible spectroscopy[Full-Text ] Masime Jeremiah O, Wanjau Ruth, Murungi Jane, Onindo CharlesThis study was carried out to determine the levels of nitrate in homemade brews, spirits and the used raw materials using the UV-Visible spectroscopy. These were analyzed using, a SHADZU (Model No. UV-2550) UV-Visible spectrophotometer. The measurement was based on ISO Method (N0.6635). This was done by reducing the nitrate to nitrite in the presence of Zn/NaCl. Nitrite produced was subsequently diazotized with sulphonilic acid then coupled with anthranilate to form an azo dye which was then measured at 493 nm. Four hundred and forty (440) home - made alcoholic beverages, one hundred and ten (110) tap water and eighteen (18) raw materials (maize, millet, for sorghum, honey, jaggery and muratina) samples obtained from various parts of Nairobi slums and its environs were analyzed. Some samples contained high levels of nitrate though slightly lower than the limits. The concentrations of nitrate varied from non detectable (ND) to 46.3 ± 1.404 mg/l (the detection limit and analitation limit of nitrite determination were found to be 0.93 µg/ml and 2.82 µg/ml respectively). The recommended maximum contamination levels set by Kenya Bureau of Standards/World Health Organization for nitrate in alcohols is nitrate 50 mg/l. Most of the homemade brews and spirits analyzed in this study had values slightly lower than the levels recommended by the World Health Organization. Values of nitrate were observed to be generally high in the brews/spirits and the raw materials used. These raw materials may have contributed in elevating the levels of these pollutants in the brews. The results indicate that the UV-Visible spectroscopy method is suitable for analyzing the presently studied samples. This is a reliable and cheap method for routine analysis of a large number of homemade brews/spirits samples.
Empirical Analysis of Iron Extraction Based on Phosphorus Removal and Leaching Time of Iron Ore in Hydrogen Peroxide Solution[Full-Text ] T. O. ChimeEmpirical analysis of iron extraction was carried out based on removed phosphorus concentration and leaching time of iron ore in hydrogen peroxide. A model was derived and used as a tool for the analysis. The model is expressed as; ß = - 0.0002 x2 - 9721 ?2 + 0.0364 x + 9399.5? - 2192 The validity of the two-factorial model was found to be rooted on the expression ß + 2192 = - 0.0002 x2 - 9721?2 + 0.0364 x + 9399.5? where both sides of the expression are correspondingly approximately equal. Statistical analysis of the extracted iron concentration as obtained from derived model and experiment for each value of the leaching time and concentration of removed phosphorus considered shows standard errors of 0.3652 & 0.4090% and 0.1047 & 0.1718% respectively. Furthermore, Iron extractions per unit concentration of removed phosphorus as well as per unit leaching time as obtained from derived model-predicted and experimental results were 230.225 & 210 as well as 0.023 & 0.021 %/mins. respectively. Deviational analysis indicates that the maximum deviation of the model-predicted iron extraction (from experimental results) is less than 3%, implying an operational confidence level above 97%.
An Overview On Current Trends, Technologies And Future Scope Of cloud computing[Full-Text ] Shiva ChaudhrySome web-based email services are examples of cloud computing carrying into effect. Other illustrations are web-based document warehousing, edit out and collaboration tools. Cloud computing table services are also apply for web- commerce .The cloud computing extend vast opportunities to the IT industry, the growing of cloud computing. Cloud computing focal point on delivery of authentic, faster, fault tolerant, 24/7 support, sustainable of cloud computing base structures for hosting internet- based application services. This application has different composition, conformation and strategic positioning requirements. Technology is currently at its beginning, with many points still to be referred. Cloud computing has recently developed as a new pattern for hosting and giving services. Cloud computing is obtaining democratic and IT giants such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM have started their cloud computing sub structure.
Use of Artificial Neural Network for Correlation of Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium Data for Hydrocarbon Ternary System (Ethane-n-Butane-n-Pentane)[Full-Text ] Daniyan I. A, Adeodu A. O, Omitola O. O, Daniyan O. L and Yusuff A. SIn this study, existing experimental vapour-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data covering a wide range of temperature, phase composition and pressure for ethane-n-butane-n-pentane was correlated using MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) software. To increase the reliability of correlations, neural network was trained using existing vapour-liquid equilibrium data with the aid of Levenberg Marquardt algorithm. Network parameters are fine-tuned until the output generated by simulation are checked and observed to match with pre-determined experimental V L E data. It was found that there is high degree of coherence between the chosen targets from experimental data and predicted values. This confirms that correlations and predictions of V L E data using neural network is efficient and significant.
MICROCONTROLLER BASED SECURE PIN ENTRY METHOD FOR ATM[Full-Text ] Mr. K.KANNANIn this project a highly secured ATM transaction system has been developed with the help of visual basic programming and Embedded C. The authenticator (Bank) generates a random number and provides that to the card user whenever the user inserts his card on the ATM machine. The random generated code will be send to the card user with the help of GSM technology. The user can provide this code on the ATM machine and can continue his transaction. Whenever they entered code gets wrong the door of the ATM machine gets locked and security alarms will bang. This system will help the user to secure his transaction and prevents the unauthorized usage of the card.
Acoustics as an Ergonomic Design Factor In an Open Plan Selected Computer Operator Work Stations: The Cyber Cafés Perspective[Full-Text ] C.O. Anyaeche and A. O. Adeodu, Daniyan I. APurpose: The aim of this research is to study selected cyber cafe workstations to establish the current practices with reference to acoustic parameters. Also to re-design the work station, if necessary, in order to improve productivity, health safety and comfort of the operators in the work station. Design/Methodology/Approach: Optimising the acoustic design of the work stations can be a complex task because of the number of design parameters that must be considered. This problem has been made much easier by designing for the permissible acoustic limit. Because of the nature of the selected work station, Nomograph estimation method was used. Finally Doppler Effect was used to calculate the permissible acoustic distances between the sources of noise and operators in the work station.