Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2013 Edition
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Classification Of Attacks In Network Intrusion Detection System[Full-Text ] Shwetambari Ramesh Patil, Dr.Pradeep Deshmukh We have designed a network intrusion detection system based on the artificial neural networks using Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Modified signature Apriory algorithm ; and the testing results of the prototype system proved the validity of the method and the advantages over other methods suggested. In the present study a more general problem is considered in which the attack type is also detected such as smurf, teardrop,etc. This feature enables the system to suggest proper actions against possible attacks.
Relationship between Self-Esteem and Substance Use[Full-Text ] Aneela AkhterThe purpose of this research is 'to see the relationship between Self-Esteem and Substance Use among adults aged 20-30. A sample of 240 participants was selected from different areas and educational institute of Karachi, Pakistan. 80 participants were selected for each drug. It was hypothesized that 'low self-esteem would be associated with high substance use & high self-esteem would be associated with lower substance use. Results supports the hypothesis (t value=3.45, df= 238). Demographic Sheet was used to collect the personal information. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1979) was administered to measure the participant's Self-Esteem & Severity of Dependence Scale (SDS) was used to obtain information about the severity of dependence on drug. Mean, Percentages and t-test were applied for statistical analysis.
Proposed Damage (Deafness) Risk Criteria for Exposure to Steady-State Broadband Noise: An Empirical Study[Full-Text ] Chagok N.M.D, Gyang B.N.A-weighted equivalent continuous noise levels of nine companies/industries in Jos-Bukuru metropolis were determined by using Impulse Precision Sound Level Meter Type 2209 in conjunction with -Octave Filter set Type 1616 and an audiometric test of five hundred and twenty four workers out of a total of seven hundred and ninety one volunteers interviewed were carried out. The physical measurements showed that in most of the workplaces e noise was predominantly broad-band, continuous and steady-state and the equivalent continuous noise levels in most of the workplaces were above the 85dBA TWA. The audiometric test results showed that noise-induced hearing loss were prevalent within the exposed workers. Regression analysis showed that the hearing loss which exhibited a variation with the octave-band frequency was directly depended on the exposure level, thereby supporting the equal energy hypothesis (EEH). The damage risk criteria for octave band frequencies between 250Hz and 8000Hz for male and female were computed from the empirically derived expression, as the sound pressure levels at and/or below which there would be no noise-induced hearing loss. An expression for age (presbycusic/sociocusic) hearing loss was also empirically derived which makes it possible to calculate the median threshold shift at various audiometric frequencies for a population exposed to a specified noise level for a specified time, including allowance for presbycusic/sociocusic loss.
Smart Differ - A better tool for code review[Full-Text ] Arul Siva Murugan Velayutham, Ramakrishna Rajanna, Devesh YamparalaUnderstanding and reviewing code changes will need the context of the existing code and how the change is going to affect the new call flow. Current code reviews are based textual file diff. They do not have any language semantic information of changed code. This paper focuses on using some semantic information and present an alternative code diff visualization to help the review process.
Control Flow Tracer - A method for quicker understanding of code[Full-Text ] Arul Siva Murugan Velayutham, Ramakrishna Rajanna, Mayank GuptUnderstanding a huge and complex code base is a challenging task. New software engineers would struggle to find the executed code for a particular feature. Locating the files/classes/methods related to a particular application feature can be daunting a task until they are familiar with the code. This paper will be discussing a method to help understanding application code faster with minimal effort.
Investigation and Analysis of Anonymizing Networks[Full-Text ] Ms. Nikita L. VikharThe networks like Tor (Anonymizing networks) allows users to access Internet services privately by using a series of routers to hide the client's IP address from the server. But this networks success is limited up to users those are employing this anonymity for abusive purposes like defacing popular Web sites. In such cases, the administrator of website depends on solution of periodic IP-address blocking for disabling access to misbehaving users, however blocking IP addresses is not practical if the abuser routes through an anonymizing network. This problem statement is our research area. However in this investigation work, we are presenting the literature and comparative study over the different types of anonymous networks. We will discuss their working procedure, their benefits and limitations for anonymous communication networks. Finally based on existing experimental studies, we will present the comparative analysis each type of anonymous network.
An Experimental Study Of Mixed Convection Heat Transfer In An Inclined Rectangular Duct Exposed To Uniform Heat Flux From Upper Surface[Full-Text ] Dr. Ahmed F. Khudheyer, Ali Jawad Obaid, Mazin Y. Abdul-KareemCombined free and forced convection heat transfer to a thermally developing air flow in a rectangular duct has been studied experimentally. Experimental part deals with the laminar flow. The study was presented to steady and two dimensions flow. The heated surface was subjected to a constant heat flux while the duct short sides were kept unheated, for upper side heated only with constant heat flux and for three-duct angles of inclination -30°, -45° and -60°. In the experimental study, the heat flux applied to the heated surfaces varied from 40 to 500 W/m2. This provides a modified Grashof number varied from 2.38*106to 2.8*108respectively, while the Reynolds number varied from 455 to 2000.
Design Approach of Improved Response DC Motor Analyzing Motor Characteristics in terms of Electrical and Mechanical Constants with Control Engineering Parameters[Full-Text ] P M Ilius, M Z Heider, P M RakibulAccuracy of adjustment of different parameters of DC motor makes the motor speed very smooth and steady, is the main prerequisite for designing a perfect DC motor so that it can be used for very precise rotation. So, the main aim of this paper is to provide a good guidance for some design considerations how to improve the response of DC motor minimizing its overshoot (%OS), rise time (tr), settling time (ts), steady state time (tss) and increasing the steady state speed until unity supplying step input to the motor. To observe the performance of the motor, equation of the transfer function has been derived setting all initial conditions to zero. Two machine constant coefficients (Motor torque constant (Kt) and back EMF constant (Ke)) have been investigated to derive the compact form related to the motor size and material property. The material property relates the electrical constants, armature resistance (Ra) and armature inductance (La). A mathematical approach, based on electromagnetic field theory, has been used to formulate the two machine constants. The system has been simulated using MATLAB to analyze the different parameters of DC motor that how the speed of the motor is improved so that the range of parameter's value can be specified.
Time Reversal Problem of Heat Conduction for Elliptic Cylindrical Shell with Internal Heat Source[Full-Text ] S. D. Bagde, N. W. KhobragadeThe determination of initial temperature distribution from a known physically realizable temperature distribution at any time and position is known as time reversal problem. This type of problem has advantage of finding the temperature distribution at prior state when the temperature distribution at any position is known at any instant. In recent years time reversal problem for the circular boundary have been worked out by many authors.
Relative Performance of Isopropylamine, Pyrrole and Pyridine as Corrosion Inhibitors for Carbon Steels in Saline Water at Mildly Elevated Temperatures [Full-Text ] I.M Ibrahim, S Yunus and M.A HashimPyrrole, pyridine and isoropylamine are organic chemicals known to possess corrosion inhibition behaviour for carbon steels, and were tested for relative inhibition property in still, moving environment and at mildly elevated temperatures. Saline water was chosen as the working aqueous media, and under these conditions all of these organics exhibited inhibition property. However, it is still unknown which of these organics performed better than another. It is also a known facts that these organics have electron lone pairs in their molecular structures which accounts for surface adsorption on to steel surfaces. Surface adsorption is a phenomenon in which the steel surfaces is being protected from ingression of oxygen molecules to steel surface to initate micro-anodic sites. Inhibition tests showed that pyrrole and isopropylamine out-performed pyridine when present in small quantity in the saline water at various stirring speeds and elevated temperatures. The inhibitive effects was attributed to the surface adsorption phenomenon of the organic molecules on steel surfaces which formed the protective or barrier layers.
Critical Temperature in Bosonic Gases[Full-Text ] Luiz Carlos Costa NetoA Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to absolute zero (0 K or -273.15 °C (Arora, 2001)). Under such conditions, the bosons occupy the lowest quantum state, at which point quantum effects become apparent on a macroscopic scale. These effects are called macroscopic quantum phenomena. The extreme cold caused the individual atoms to condense into a "superatom" that behave as a single entity. Recently, researchers at JILA, a joint program of NIST and the University of Colorado at Boulder, recently announced that they created a Bose-Einstein Condensate, predicted almost 90 years ago by Albert Einstein and Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose, within a range of temperatures not predicted to the original theory. This paper provides a method to calculate the critical temperature for a bosonic gas to achieve the conditions observed in a Bose-Einstein Condensate.
Shyam law of Numerical Significance[Full-Text ] Shyam SunderThis law explains why there are variations of result when we are adding or subtracting same quantity in two variable quantities in comparative form? For ex I have a quantity name as x and someone has quantity 2 x, x is half of 2x and 2x is its double. On addition of quantity x in both the pre exiting quantities' result will changed to 3x and 2x, now there is variations of result in both the form.
Control of Exhaust Emissions and Enhancement of Retention Time for Four Stroke Engine Using Nano-sized Copper Metal Spray[Full-Text ] Mukesh Thakur, N.K. SaikhedkarThe approach here is to control the exhaust emissions from four stroke, single cylinder, and spark emission petrol engine having copper nano-particles coated on copper sieve as catalytic converter. AVL-422 gas analyzer was used for measurement and comparision for CO and unburnt hydrocarbon in the exhaust of the engine at various speeds and loads. In the present work, some alterations and modifications have been designed so as to increase the retention period of exhaust gases to provide more time for its oxidation and thereby to reduce harmful emissions.
Changing Land use and Cropping Pattern in Budgam District of Jammu and Kashmir - A Spatio-temporal Analysis [Full-Text ] Arif H. Shah, Hakim F. Ahmad, Zahoor A. Nengroo, Nisar A Kuchay, M Sultan BhatLand has often been said to be the basic natural resource, since it is the main source of our food, shelter and clothing. An assessment of the land resources, their extent, distribution and utilization are of prime importance for rational exploitation and sustainable development. The present study is based on land-use and cropping pattern dynamics being experienced in District Budgam, which is located in the central part of Kashmir valley and is mostly dominated by agricultural occupation. The study is based mainly of secondary sources. A multi-temporal analysis was carried out in order to analyze the extent as well as direction of change. The study revealed that in district Budgam, there was a major change shown by Chadoora tehsil from rest of tehsils. The change was mainly because of shifting to horticultural activity which is economically beneficial and also due to increasing pressure of population resulting into a lot of residential and commercial developments. Therefore, it becomes imperative to develop a sustainable land management strategy that does not cause the degradation of such valuable resources. The present study identified not only the problems but also management strategies
A study on Neutrosophic cognitive maps (NCMs) by analyzing the Risk Factors of Breast Cancer [Full-Text ] Dr.M.Albert William, Dr.A.Victor Devadoss, J.Janet SheebaIn this paper we analyzed, the impact of risk factors of breast cancer and its solution using Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps (NCMs),which is the generalization of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps(FCMs). defined by W.B. Vasantha Kandasamy and Florentine Smarandache. This paper has a five section. First section gives the information about development of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and Neutrosophic Cognitive Map. Second section gives the preliminaries of FCMs, NCMs and methods of determining hidden pattern of NCMs. In section three, we give the description of the problem. Section four gives adaptation of NCMs to the problem and Final section gives the conclusion based on our study.
An Intelligent Technique for Implementing a New Platform for Merging Some of Protocols Package Using P2P Delayed Networks[Full-Text ] Hatim Ghazi Zaini , Mohamed T. Faheem Recently, exploring effective ways for distributed resources that allow sharing large amounts of data among users are presenting new challenges to computer networks. The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks have emerged over the past several years as new and effective ways for distributed resources to communicate and cooperate security and privacy in a number of ways. This paper focused on a new platform for merging some of Protocols package for P2P networks based on an inelegant technique. The Merging Protocol based on Fuzzy Decision for Trust Evaluation raised by P2P networks have been introduced to help in studying some protocols to support efficiently of the transferred encrypted data. The efficiency of these protocols such as used in routing information raised the need to merge some of them to gain both the high speed and security of the significant valuable transmitted data. In order to reach this goal, we have utilized a dynamical model of trusted P2P transactions with Fuzzy reputation aggregation with delays transmission which is considered as an intelligent learning machine based on Fuzzy Logic technique in the design process of merging protocol of P2P network. To support the usefulness of this technique, a discrete model that showed an improvement of a distinctive protocol that combines more than one protocol in one side to achieve common standard behaviors has been constructed which have led to improve in the efficiency of exchange of data across P2P networks.
Effective Multicast Communication using MSODRP over Dynamic Wireless Networks [Full-Text ] K.Vinoth Kumar, S.Karthikeyan.Group communications are important in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Multicast is an efficient method for implementing group communications. However, it is challenging to implement efficient and scalable multicast in MANET due to the difficulty in group membership management. Efficient Geographic Multicast Protocol (EGMP) uses a virtual-zone-based structure to implement scalable and efficient group membership management. A network wide zone-based bidirectional tree is constructed to achieve more efficient membership management and multicast delivery. EGMP has high packet delivery ratio, and low control overhead. But it has some delay. ODMRP gives less delay and better packet delivery it has the advantages of Usage of up-to-date and shortest routes, Maintenance and exploitation of multiple redundant paths, Scalability to a large number of nodes. SPBM gives the position based information for the packet transmission. Here the combination of these the protocol (MSODMRP) gives the high packet delivery, less delay and secure transmission.
Development of CSRR Embedded Metamaterial Monopole Antenna for Mifi router based Data card[Full-Text ] I. Gowri ShankarRecently, antenna and its feed system in wireless communications require to be multifunctional for enhancing flexibility and feasibility, such as easy of integrate, low-profile, inexpensive and ease of fabrication, and wideband or multiband operating.The objective of the project is to design and develop a simple monopole antenna based on composite metamaterial resonators for multiband operation. The antenna has frequency notched function since the composite CPW (Co-Planar Waveguide) metamaterial resonators CSRR (closed-ring resonator and SRR) which is embedded on the planar monopole that resonates for multiple frequency bands. The antenna resonates for the frequency of (UMTS) 1.92 to 2.17 GHz (Wi-MAX) 3.4 to 3.5GHz, (WLAN) 5.725 to 5.875GHz which has good impedance matching and radiation performance.
Deadlock Handling in case of Mobile-agent System[Full-Text ] Rashmi PriyaThis paper presents a deadlock-free cooperation protocol for an object-sorting task in a multi-agent system. First, the object-sorting task in a distributed robotic system is introduced and a cooperation protocol for the task along with the agent architecture is proposed. The agents are based on a homogeneous agent architecture that consists of search, motion, and communication modules coordinated through a global state. Second, the deadlock problem for the object-sorting task is addressed and several deadlock handling strategies are provided to guarantee the cooperation protocol is deadlock-free.
Group Movie Recommendations via Content Based Feature Preferences[Full-Text ] Deepa AnandMost research into Recommender systems has focused primarily on delivering recommendations for individuals. However generating recommendations for a group of individuals is becoming increasingly important and recently there have been several forays into the area of group recommender systems. Many of these approaches are based on some adaptation of the basic collaborative filtering strategy to guess the liking of a group. However content information when available may complement the CF techniques in delivering better quality results. This paper, therefore proposes an approach, specifically for movie recommendations, where group interests on various content based features such as genres, actors etc are modeled. Such group content-based feature interest profiles are utilized to match the set of individuals who may have a potential similarity with interests of the group and hence whose ratings can be used for group recommendations. Experimental results comparing to proposed approach with a traditional approach based only on CF reveal that accounting for content based information in the group recommendation process, significantly enhances the quality of recommendations.
Two-unit Standby System With Imperfect Switching And Discrete Failure And Repair Times[Full-Text ] Nitin Bhardwaj, Ashok Kumar, Jasdev BhattiGenerally consider that failure and repair times of a unit are continuous distribution. But, in practice the situation exist when the failure and repair of a unit occur at discrete random epoch so that the life time and repair time of a unit follow discrete distribution, like geometric, negative binomial, Poisson etc. actually, discrete failure data arise in several common situations for example in a photo copy machine the bulb is lightened every time when a copy is taken. Thus, the life time of the bulb is discrete random variable. Keeping the above concept of discrete time modelling we in the present paper analyse a two, identical unit is via partial system with imperfect switching. Initially one unit is operative and othet is stand by, we consider two types of failures, partial failure and total failure. Failure and time of the unit are considered as Geometric distribution. Various measures of system effectiveness are also obtained.
A Generalized model for the design of MEMS electrostatic actuators[Full-Text ] Anurekha SharmaThe MEMS sensing and actuating devices make use of the electrostatic principle. A number of MEMS structures make use of deformation and/or pull in of the diaphragms and beams for performing sensing and actuation. The electrostatic actuator may have air as a dielectric or may have an intervening layer of dielectric or multilayered dielectric along with air-gap. For any of these structures the design specification is given in terms of the pull-in Voltage (VPull) and desired value of capacitance. The paper presents a semi-analytical technique for determining the generalized expression for pull-in voltage, critical distance and capacitance at pull-in for all the three types of structures. It has been found that for an actuator with only a single intervening layer of dielectric, the dielectric constant greater than 10 is not desirable, thus SiO2, Si3N4 are the only choices. However, if multilayer structure is used, high K materials can be used. For given structural parameters and material properties, it has been found that a figure of merit can be given as , a is the half side length of the square diaphragm, D is flexural rigidity .Using these equations one can find the pull-in voltage as well as predict the capacitance for the actuator, for the given structural and material properties. One can also decide the thickness of the dielectric for a given air-gap to achieve a specified value of pull-in.
Diameter protocol stack development for IP Multimedia Subsystem(IMS)[Full-Text ] Raseena Yousuf, Mini P.R.In this paper, we describe the Diameter protocol initially developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as an Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) framework intended for applications such as network access and IP mobility. Diameter was further embraced by the Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) as the key protocol for AAA and mobility management in 3G networks. The paper discusses the use of Diameter in the scope of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) as specified by 3GPP, with emphasis on its use on the Cx interface between the Call Session Control Function (CSCF) and the Home Subscriber Server (HSS). The goal of this work was to implement basic Diameter functionality. The paper discusses the implementations of the Diameter Base Protocol that can be extended in order to provide AAA services to new access technologies.
Implementation of CBIR System for CAD Jewellery Images Using PCA[Full-Text ] Pinderjeet Kaur, Kiran JyotiIt is not easy to look for a specific image in a large database but it can be an interesting topic for research. It is well known that we face any issues in searching for images in large databases using various algorithms. In this research work we have developed a Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) System for jewellery images. As it is true that a lot of work has already been done in this field (CBIR) for Medical diagnosis, military and Intellectual property but none has been done for CAD jewellery images. The Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system which we have developed works on the principle of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Principal component analysis (PCA) is used for dimension reduction such as dimension of datasets, classification, feature extraction, etc. so that the computation cost for the system of Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) will be reduced. In this process we develop a new hybrid algorithm Principal component analysis (PCA) along with a distance classifier and with fuzzy color segmentation, jewellery domain specific fuzzy annotation scheme. As distance classifier is used to arrange the unknown image data to classes. It is used to minimize the distance between the image data and the classes. Image data is classified into the different image characteristic and arrange data into set of categories. Image Classification algorithms have two phases are training and testing. In the training phase characteristic properties of image features are isolated. In testing phase, these feature partitions are used to categorize image features. Algorithm with jewellery mind map put together to work as a highly reliable retrieval system for getting high Precision and Recall values. In this Precision and Recall methods are used to measure the performance of Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). After the processing of the query we have relevant document, non relevant document and retrieved document so these all are used to measure the performance.
Design & Development of Fixture for CNC - Reviews, Practices & Future Directions[Full-Text ] N. P. Maniar, D. P. VakhariaVarious areas related to design of fixture are already been very well described by various renowned authors. This section reviews some of the developments in fixture design and proposes directions for future research initiatives.
Jamming and Lost Link Detection in Wireless Networks with Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] H�ctor Iv�n Reyes and Naima KaabouchThis paper presents a fuzzy logic technique to detect link loss in wireless networks. The system uses the parameters CCA (Clear Channel Assessment), BPR (Bad Packet Ratio), PDR (Packet Delivery Ratio) and RSS (Received Strength Signal) as inputs to assess the status of the link and in case it is lost determine the cause of the link failure. A fuzzy inference system inputs the aforementioned metrics to yield a jamming index JI used for the system to know how jammed a node is. Field tests were performed to verify the efficiency of the system. The results of the tests showed 98.40% and 95.25 % efficiency under constant and random jamming, respectively.
Super-Resolution Mosaicing of Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Surveillance Video Frames[Full-Text ] Debabrata Ghosh, Naima Kaabouch, and William SemkeUnmanned Aircraft Systems have been used in many military and civil applications, particularly surveillance. However, video frames are often blurry, noisy, and exhibit insufficient spatial resolution. This project aims to develop a vision-based algorithm to improve the quality of UAS video frames. This algorithm will be able to generate high resolution mosaic output through a combination of image mosaicing and super-resolution (SR) reconstruction techniques. The mosaicing algorithm is based on the Scale Invariant Feature Transform, Best Bins First, Random Sample Consensus, reprojection, and stitching algorithms. A regularized spatial domain-based SR algorithm is used to super resolve a mosaic input. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated using three metrics: Mean Square Error, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio, and Singular Value Decomposition-based measure. Evaluation has been performed using 36 test sequences from three categories: images of 2D surfaces, images of outdoor 3D scenes, and airborne images from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Exhaustive testing has shown that the proposed SR mosaicing algorithm is effective in UAS applications because of its relative computational simplicity and robustness.
Ensuring Worker's Safety is a Very Important Motivating Factor in Apparel Production[Full-Text ] Adnan Maroof Khan, 1Md. Mazedul Islam, Prof. Dr. Md. Mahbubul HaqueIn most of the Apparel Manufacturing Industries, the authorities always give a high emphasis to the higher rate of production and profit margin. But on most of the cases, the rate of production does not come to a satisfactory range due to the lower level of the worker's efficiency rate. Various reasons may be highlighted for this downfall rate of efficiency. But, does the authority know that their worker's are actually concerned about their safety factors? The fear factor of various sorts of mechanical / industrial accidents is always directly or indirectly playing in their mind while operating a machine in the Apparel manufacturing industries. As a result they are not being able to give their hundred percent efforts in their respective assigned duties. Therefore, ensuring their safety is definitely a very important motivating factor to increase the rate of production.
Application of Lean Manufacturing to Higher Productivity in the Apparel Industry in Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Md. Mazedul Islam, Adnan Maroof Khan, Md. Monirul IslamFor any industry cost and time related to production and quality management or wastages reductions have important impact on overall factory economy. Internal cost spent by a company and savings made by eliminating non productive works and time are important for management to keep the industry economically sound and safe. Emphasizing on it steps has been taken to investigate and apply lean manufacturing in the apparel industry. Lean Manufacturing can be considered as a business strategy which originated and developed in Japan. It tries to identify waste and eliminate it. Thus it leads to improvement in productivity of manufacturing and service organizations and quality of products leading to a competitive advantage over others. Bangladeshi industries, especially apparel sector have attempted to implement this, but a little research work is carried out in regarding its suitability. Our research on applicability of lean manufacturing helped the organization to visualize the different types of wastes generated in the organization and future possibilities of eliminating or reducing them. The research was administered with two leading apparel manufacturers in Bangladesh using personal interviews, secondary data and observations. The outcome of this observation reflected that an industry may gain higher productivity and profitability by proper application of lean manufacturing. The findings can be extended to similar apparel organizations in the future. A general overview over this development is given in this paper.
The Federal Government: Future Technology Predictions and Their Affects[Full-Text ] Kenae B. Black, MPA, ABDRecently, there has been a major shift in how the federal government is conducting its business (Fahnbulleh, 2005). Technology is being highly relied upon by the government to circulate information to the entire public (Fahnbulleh, 2005). E-government is a growing phenomenon, as mostly all of the federal government's services are available, to some degree, online (Fahnbulleh, 2005). This shift has caused triumphs and controversy (Fahnbulleh, 2005; Abeles, 2008). Since business in the federal government is predominantly moving to e-government, this paper offers some predictions on how that and other technological advances will be used in the future and also how the advances will affect productivity, culture, and work satisfaction within the organization.
Comparing Electrostatic Precipitator Performance of Two-Stage with Single-Stage to Remove Dust from Air Stream[Full-Text ] Sabah O. H. Al-Shujairi aThe two-stage electrostatic precipitator used as an approach among others to avoid difficulties in collecting of high resistivity dust through the separation between the charging and collection processes and accomplish them in two different stages. Removal of cement dust from air stream was investigated by parallel-plate electrostatic precipitator, first by two-stage, and second by single-stage types. Comparison between the performance of each one to remove the cement dust was carried out. A system of many functions was provided and designed for this work, consists of air supply with variable flow rate to alter the residence time in the electrostatic precipitator, dust feeding and mixing with air, and electrostatic precipitator which operated in a single-stage or two-stage. A high-voltage power supply was used to apply a varying negative voltage (11-15 kv) to the corona electrode and the collection electrode was grounded. The experimental results show that the collection efficiencies of ESP were increased with increasing voltage and with decreasing air velocities. Although the collection efficiency of two-stage (94.5%) is found to be lower than that of single-stage (97.5%), it gave positive results which can be developed to obtain the required efficiency. Various mathematical models were examined and found that the semi-theoretical and statistical model gave a good results compared with experimental results (The average absolute error equal to 1.7% for single-stage ESP and 1.4% for two-stage ESP).
Numerical Study of Heat Transfer in a High Temperature Heat Sink[Full-Text ] Dr. Ahmed F. KhudheyerA finite volume based numerical scheme is developed to estimate the temperature distribution within a high temperature rectangular fin heat sink. A coupled conduction, convection, and radiation problem is solved with conduction occurring through the substrate and radiation and convection boundary conditions on the surfaces of the fins. Those boundaries involving both radiation and convection to the ambient are accounted for by linearizing radiation terms and updating the temperature-based radiosities at each iteration. The convection coefficient and heat sink thermal conductivity are assumed to be uniform and independent of temperature. A geometric multi-grid method is implemented to drastically decrease computation time. A number of test cases are analyzed for a heat sink with overall dimensions of 50 mm x 50 mm x 5 mm while varying the fin thickness and number of channels. Using the performance metric of thermal resistance based on differences between base and ambient temperatures, the optimum design composes of 6 channels with 1 mm thick fins corresponding to a thermal resistance of 13.6 K/W.
Critical Success Factors for Six Sigma implementation by SMEs[Full-Text ] Raghunath A, Dr. Jayathirtha R VSix Sigma is a business strategy for improving the bottom line of the businesses. In recent times the small and medium size enterprises also have started adopting the Six Sigma project management approach for improving their effectiveness. In this paper an attempt has been made to explain the critical success factors for implementation of Six Sigma in small and medium scale auto component manufacturing industries.
Study Of Short Concrete Filled Tubular (Cft) Columns [Full-Text ] Sachin G Tidke ,Dinesh W.Gawatre Concrete filled tubular column or CFT columnconsists of hallow steel tube filled by concrete. Concrete filled steelcolumn is becoming popular for the earthquake resistant structures because of good ductility and high axial strength. It has been observed that structure with concrete filled steel column performs well during strong earthquake. Several codes, namely Eurocode-4,BS 5400-part-5,AISC-LRFD and Architectural Institute of Japan have their own specifications for concrete filled steel columns. In this paper various formulae stated in these codes are described in detail. Then load carrying capacity of concrete filled steel columns determined analytically using these code specified formulae. Finally the analytical results are compared with experimental data available from existing literature. Different shapes of columns are considered for the stud.
Some New Trigonometric, Hyperbolic and Exponential Measures of Intutionistic Fuzzy Information[Full-Text ] Jha P., MishraVikas KumarNew Trigonometric, Hyperbolic and Exponential Measures of Intutionistic Fuzzy Entropy and Intutionistic Fuzzy Directed Divergence are obtained and some particular cases have been discussed.
Apparent Molar Volume Of Stannous Chloride In 40 %( V/V) Ethanol-Water Solvent System At 298°K[Full-Text ] Ajita Dixit ,Prasanna Kumar Sharma ,Pragya AwadhiyaIn the present investigation the density of, widely used industrial chemical stannous chloride is measured in binary solution of 40 %( v/v) ethanol-water at 298°K.The related parameters of density, like apparent molar volume (?v), apparent molar volume at infinite dilution (?* v), experimental slope (S* v), and excess molar volume (VE) are calculated and reported. The large and positive values of apparent molar volume (?0v) are for stannous chloride in 40 %( v/v) ethanol-water solution, suggesting the presence of strong solute - solvent interaction.
Solar Activity Explored With Wavelet 1-D And 2-D[Full-Text ] Arun Kumar Rath , Ch.Venkateswra rao , S.S.TulasiramIn recent years, the interest in solar energy has risen due to surging oil prices and environmental concern [1]. About 12.5 percent in urban households and 56.5 percent of rural households are still unelectrified. In order to fill up the gap, the ministry of new and renewable energy sources (MNRES) has embarked on a clear policy of substituting at least 10% of grid power by the deployment of renewable energy sources [2]. The country has an estimated energy potential of around 85,000 MW from renewable energy sources like wind, small hydro, and biomassto get the same or constant energy from the sun, by using PV array with MPPT. In order to improve the forecasts of the impact of solar activity on the terrestrial environment on time scales longer than days, improved understanding and forecasts of the solar activity are needed. The first results of a new approach of modelling and forecasting solar activity are presented. The nonlinear characteristics of solar activity have been studied with wavelet methods [4]. Wavelet voltage-time spectra are examined for one day i.e. the period 9 A.M to 5 P.M .This wavelet spectra is observed for both wavelet 1-Dand 2-D similarly the one year solar cycle was further studied with these methods. The simulation results are discussed in this paper.
Frequent Itemset mining Models: Contemporary affirmation of the recent literature[Full-Text ] K.Vinuthna, P.V.S.SrinivasDistinguishing the association rules in large databases is having high degree of presence in data mining. This paper is for the most part meant at taking into account of previous explorations, current operational standing and to conclude the gaps flanked by them with current identified information. The two problems identified regarding this context are: identifying all frequent item sets and to generate constraints from them. Here, first problem, as it obtains more processing time, is computationally expensive. As a result, many algorithms are projected to handle this problem. Current study focused on these algorithms and their related issues.
A Novel Approach for Designing A Feedback Controller of linear Time Invariant Networked Control Systems with Delayed-Transmission Time[Full-Text ] Hatim Ghazi Zaini This paper investigates the problem of stabilization processes of networked control systems (NCSs) with delayed-transmission time. The investigation deals with control problem of linear time invariant (LTI) of NCSs when the plant and the controller belong to the same network. Long time delays due to the transmission element may degrade and destroy the stability of a networked control system. To overcome this problem a new exact and novel approach is analytically obtained and the delay elements in system variables have been augmented and moved to the systems parameters. An output control feedback is introduced for designing a controller based on using the same conventional control technique in the literature. A design procedure for stabilizing the linearized model of NCSs involving a time delay based on the alternative generalized model is introduced. As a result, the effect of the delay factor is completely eliminated from the system's variables and moved to the systems parameters. The design procedure of the controller that moves the finite eigenvalues of the system to arbitrary locations simultaneously is carried out in a manner similar to those obtained for non-delayed conventional state space systems. The coefficients of the feedback control law can be easily evaluated which makes it possible to update the controller's parameters on-line with the change of the operating point. It is shown that the non-delayed ordinary state space systems appear as special cases of the present work when the delay elements vanish. To support and illustrate the effectiveness and usefulness of the work presented for the proposed technique an example based on the transformed model derived in this work is introduced.
Simulation of UPQC using Cascaded Multilevel Inverter and comparing it with Shunt and Series Active Power Filters[Full-Text ] Sureshkumar sahu, Dr.D.Vijaya Kumar, I.RameshPower quality is related to the ability of utilities to provide electric power without interruption. One of the major concerns in electric industry today is power quality problems to sensitive loads. Power quality problems such as sag, swell, harmonic distortion, unbalance, transient and flicker may have impact on customer devices, cause malfunctions and also cost on loss of production. Unified Power Quality Conditioner is a series element and shunt element connected in the power system. In this project, a UPQC with cascaded multilevel inverter is proposed. Voltage sag, unbalance in generation system is mitigated using proposed multilevel UPQC. There is no need of using transformer and filter when multilevel UPQC is applied and it is one of its advantages. Conventional Fundamental switching scheme is used for pulse generation to control the switches in the multilevel inverter. The main objective of my project is to regulate the voltage at source side against any power quality issues like under voltages; over voltages. The total harmonic distortion was reduced by using Multilevel UPQC.
Experimental Modal Analysis of Aluminum Sandwich Structure[Full-Text ] S.BadshahIn lightweight structures to overcome noise and vibration problems, the resonance frequency of the structure has significant importance. It is a value for the resistance of a structure against excitation to vibrations and is related to the stiffness of the structure. To prevent structures from vibrations, the aim is to shift the resonance frequency of the structure as far as possible. This often leads to contradictions to lightweight design of the structures. The sandwich structures might be a solution for this problem, is being considered in this study. Modal test of a lightweight aluminum structure of dimension 144*88*44 mm3 with inside plivaform (type 1260) dimension 144*78*34 mm3 (aluminum wall thickness 5mm ) is performed. The test structure is vibrated by a shaker using broadband excitation signal from function generator and responses are measured at very fine grid of points by laser scanning vibrometer. In the second test the plivaform material is removed and test is repeated under the same measurement conditions. The dynamic characteristics of both structures are extracted and discussed in this study.