IJSER Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2012 Edition

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Surface Roughness Prediction Modeling for AISI 4340 after Ball End Mill Operation using Artificial Intelligence[Full-Text] [References]Md. Shahriar Jahan Hossain, Dr. Nafis Ahmad
Now a day a manufacturing system is oriented towards higher production rate, quality, and reduced cost. Surface roughness is an index for determining the quality of machined products and is influenced by the cutting parameters. In die manufacturing industries Surface roughness of dies are considered as a vital quality characteristic. For the complex shapes of a die, three dimensional machining is done by ball end mill in the most cases. In this study the average surface roughness value (Ra) for a die material AISI 4340 has been measured after ball end milling operation. Before conducting the experiments a design of experiment was done with Response Surface Methodology (RSM). 49 experiments have been conducted varying Cutter Axis Inclination Angle (Ø degree), Tool Diameter (d mm), Spindle Speed (S rpm), Feed Rate (fy mm/min), Feed (fx mm), Depth of Cut (t mm) in order to find Ra. This 49 data has been used for training purpose and more 25 data has been collected with random selection of input parameters and used as testing data set. The training data set has been used for train different ANFIS and RSM model for Ra prediction. And testing data set has been used for validate the models. Better ANFIS model has been selected for minimum value of mean square error (MSE) which is constructed with two double sided Gaussian membership functions (gauss2MF) for each input variables and a linear membership function for output. The Selected ANFIS model has been compared with theoretical model and RSM. This comparison was done based or Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Percentage of Error (MAPE). The comparison shows that the selected ANFIS model gives better result for training and testing dataset. So, this ANFIS model can be used further for predicting surface roughness of a commercial die material (AISI 4340) for ball end milling operation. Correlation test shows that only cutter axis inclination angle and feed (fx mm) have correlations with surface roughness.
Design of Non-Isolated Bi-directional Converters with Fast charging Schemes for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle[Full-Text] [References]C.Nagavel, V.Vasan Prahu, V.Rajini
Due to price,pollution and environmental impact, use of gasoline must me considerably reduced by splitting the work of engine,this can be done by electric motors shared with internal combustion engine in Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle.So for charging PHEVs there is a need for charging station for regular usage, this will be designed by using Non-Isolated Bi-directional converter with three modes of control scheme.The outputs are obtained from matlab/simulink software.
Factors Affecting Thermal Comfort of Nonwoven[Full-Text] [References]Hemant Ladgaonkar and S.B.Mhetre
Nonwoven are widely used for protective clothing in the field of defense, medical etc. These are the areas where protection and comfort to wearer while performing are very important. Comfortability helps to maintain a such suitable mind condition for concentration. Total comfort is sum of thermal comfort, moisture vapor transport and aesthetic comfort. Among them thermal comfort is most important.
Geo-spatial Technology for Prediction and Management of Natural Hazard and Disaster[Full-Text] [References]Manisha Chaple
Geospatial technology for prediction and management of natural hazards and disasters The assessment of the forest fire and degradation is one of the important factors to be considered for better management of the forest resources Spatial analysis is a vital part of GIS and can be used for many applications like site suitability, natural resource monitoring, environmental disaster management and many more. Vector, raster based analysis functions and arithmetic, logical and conditional operations are used based on the recovered derivations. Digital Elevation Model process is one of the satellite remote sensing applications, which requires large chunk of data and computational resources
Performance Analysis of Healthy Diet Recommendation System using Web Data Mining[Full-Text] [References]Shilpa Dharkar, Anand Rajavat
Medical study has revealed that people set a bigger possibility of countering free radicals and warding off illness by consumption of healthy foods and by increasing their resistant system. Due to the poor eating habits people suffer from many diseases. In the current scenario fast food become important food in daily routine because it is effortlessly available but taking fast food in routine may cause for disease like heart attack, diabetics etc. Healthier diets help us to maintain our health and keep us away from many diseases. For better recovery from diseases or surgery etc individual have special needs according to their medical profile, cultural backgrounds and nutrient requirements. Design and implementation of healthy diet recommendation system is based on web data mining which is the application of data mining technique help us to determine pattern from web. In terms of accuracy and time performance analysis of recommendation system using two decision tree learning algorithm ID3 and C4.5 and apply it on healthy diet application.
The Registrar Information and Management System in Department of University Management[Full-Text] [References]MR. SAURABH UPADHYAY, MR. ASHISH KUMAR TRIPATHI, MR.SACHIN KUMAR DHAR DWIEVDI
The Office of the Registrar is here to assist students as they journey along their chosen educational path and to accurately and securely maintain educational records. Related to the registration process, this office seeks to provide timely and accurate course listings for students to use in planning their educational goals; provide a user friendly registration experience; and assist students in a petitioning process for special circumstances
Antimutagenic and wound healing activity of Emblica officinalis extract in Swiss Albino mice[Full-Text] [References]R.C.Agrawal, Rajni Sharma and Maheshwari, S.k.
Single application of Emblica ext. at the dose of 50 ,100 and 150 mg/kg body weight ,24hours prior the i.p. administration of Cyclophosphamide (at the dose of 50 mg/kg) have significantly prevented the micronucleus formations and chromosomal aberrations in dose dependent manner in bone marrow cells of mice as compared to Cyclophosphamide group. However, Emblica ext alone has not induced any micronucleus formations and chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow cells as compared to control group. In another experiment, topical application of Emblica extract at the dose of 500 mg/kg b.wt. have shown wound healing activity on the skin of Swiss mice. The wound created by excision method was almost healed after 21 days but in 8-15 days the wound healing by Emblica extract was greater than Betadine treated group (Positive control). The above studies showed the Chemopreventive potential of Embelica extract which is an important plant used in Aruvedic preparations of medicine.
Evaluation of Annual Body Weight Cycle of Certain bird species in Dachigam National Park, India [Full-Text] [References]Junaid A. Malik, Gangaram Masar, R.D Ahirwar, R.C. Saxena
Dachigam National Park is located 22 kms. from Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir - covering an area of 141 square kilometers. The attitudinal variation is ranging from 5500 - 14000 ft. above msl. Here lies a big category of different bird specie. The study deals with the change and impact of bird mess from time to time due to some habitat factors. Ecological niche and nutrition also have a great effect on the changing weight of birds. The present study reveals a gradual change in the annual body weight cycle of Laphophorus impejanus (herbivorous), Hypsipetes leucocephalus (omnivorous), Passer rutilans (Omnivorous) and Gypaetus barbatus (Carnivorous) the four bids of Dachigam National Park, Kashmir, India.
Various Effects of Modulation Schemes on Wi-Fi Network of Urban Scenarios Using QUALNET Simulator[Full-Text] [References]Sabyasachi Chatterjee, Siladitya Sen
Thousands of enterprises worldwide are cutting the wires to their local area networks (LANs) to enjoy greater productivity from their unwired work force. Many wireless networking systems were established to manipulate urban networks in order to provide internet, data and video etc. connectivity. A significant drawback of traditional Wi-Fi system based on IEEE 802.11b standard is that they are quite vulnerable to sources of interference. Spread spectrum modulation techniques resolve the problem by spreading the information over a broad frequency range. This paper describes and summarizes a study of transmission techniques are explored in order to determine a favorable modulation technique for a particular wireless application for urban scenario. By comparison, it is observed that digital modulation techniques struggles neck to neck for getting low bit error rate (BER), but still with slight change in BER the quality changes a lot.Quality of service (QoS) of any Wi-Fi network is a very important aspect for customer satisfaction. Here QUALNET 5.0 is used to simulate the scenario by changing different modulation schemes (GMSK, QAM64, DQPSK, FSK8) and is analyzed by four parameters (average jitter, average end-to-end delay, throughput, signal Received but with error). The comparative analysis of all the four parameters according to different modulation schemes is done and it will be concluded, which modulation technique gives the best performance and quality of service for URBAN Wi-Fi scenarios.
Design and analysis of Composite Drive Shaft for Rear-Wheel Drive Engine[Full-Text] [References]Asmamaw Gebresilassie
In current market, drive shaft is the most important component to any power transmission application; automotive drive Shaft is one of this. A drive shaft, also known as a propeller shaft or Cardan shaft, it is a mechanical part that transmits the torque generated by a vehicle's engine into usable motive force to propel the vehicle. Physically, it is tubular in design, with an outside and inside diameter, which spins at a frequency governed by engine output. Drive shaft must operate in high and low power transmission of the fluctuating load. Due this fluctuating load it becomes fail and tends to stop power transmission. Thus it is important to make and design this shaft as per load requirement to avoid failure. Now a day's two pieces steel shaft are mostly used as a drive shaft. The two-piece steel drive shaft consists of three universal joints, a center supporting bearing and a bracket, which increases the total weight of an automotive vehicle and decreases fuel efficiency.
Parameter Extraction for BSIMSOI4.3 MOSFET Model[Full-Text] [References]Mrs.M.Muthulakshmi, Mrs.L.Sheela
This paper provides the extracted values of the parameters affecting the threshold voltage model of SOI MOSFET. The parameter extraction is done for BSIMSOI4.3 MOSFET model. The proposed procedure is designed to give the results based on the device characteristics data. Simulations are performed using the extracted parameters and finally it is compared for extracted parameters and generic device parameters. The effect of body bias voltage on the threshold voltage is studied by using the extracted values. Finally we summarize the work with accurate study of extracted parameters in depicting their effect on the characteristics of device.
Cloud Computing - Toward as an updated version of utility computing–basically virtual servers available over the Internet[Full-Text] [References]Asst. Prof. pradnya Sapkal
Cloud computing describes computation, software, data access, and storage services that do not require end-user knowledge of the physical location and configuration of the system that delivers the services.
Allocation Problem of Repairable and Replaceable Components for a System Reliability using Selective Maintenance: An Integer Solution[Full-Text] [References]Mohammed Faisal Khan and Irfan Ali
In many industrial environments, systems are required to perform a sequence of operations (or missions) with finite breaks between each operation. During these breaks, it may be advantageous to perform repair and replace on some of the system's components. However, it may not be possible to perform all desirable maintenance activities prior to the beginning of the next mission due to limitations on maintenance resources. In this paper we have used the selective maintenance policy for determining the optimum number of repairable and replaceable components to maximize the system's reliability within limited maintenance time and cost. Also we find the optimal maintenance cost and optimal maintenance time for predetermined reliability requirement of the system. A numerical example is presented to illustrate the computational procedure.
Enhancing Communication through Smart Mobile Devices[Full-Text] [References]Shafaat Hussain, Assistant Professor, Wollega University, Ethiopia
Smart mobile devices are quickly becoming platforms that enhance, inspire and facilitate the tech savvy millennial to possess a varied set of cognitive characteristics and skills that in turn enhances the cycle and needs even better platforms with more sophisticated digital communication and tools capabilities (Mchaney and Daniel (2011, p 69). Several experts believe that the convergence has just initiated and will soon permeate all aspects of education, society and business. This paper discusses in detail the various forms of smart mobile devices, their increasing demand and usage in the society, the impact they create in the society in addition to explaining how these devices enhance communication in today's digital era.
Fuzzy B** - opensets[Full-Text] [References]V. Chandrasekar and M. Saraswathi
In this paper we introduce a new class of sets namely fuzzy B**- opensets. Further we introduce the concept of fuzzy B**- connectedness and fuzzy B**- compactness on a fuzzy topological space and some of their properties were investigated.
Flow Forming of Tubes-a Review[Full-Text] [References]M.Sivanandini., Dr.S.S.Dhami. , Dr. B.S.Pabla
Flow forming technology has emerged as the most advanced metal forming technique due to its manifold advantages over conventional metal forming techniques such as extrusion and tube drawing. It offers remarkable utilization of metal, high strength high precision rotationally symmetric components with very high specific strength, excellent surface finish and close dimensional tolerances within the envelope of reasonable economics. With the introduction of heavy-duty CNC flow forming machines hard to work materials can be formed easily and deformation above 95% has become possible even for metals like maraging steel. In the last three decades flow-forming technique has undergone several remarkable advancements. The process is quite versatile in view of the fact that a great variety of tubular parts, flexibility provided for complicated parts nearer to net shape, can be manufactured with basically the same tooling, enabling customers to optimise designs and reduce weight and cost, all of which are vital. The ever-increasing strength demands of automotive industries, defense and aerospace sectors have given considerable impetus to research work in this area. In this paper, process details of flow forming, the major experimental studies reported in literature have been reviewed. The study brings out the potential and the ever increasing applications of this manufacturing technique in defense, automotive and aerospace sectors.
Web Services Performance Testing Using Open Source Apache Jmeter[Full-Text] [References]Khushali M. Tirghoda
Web Services are self-contained applications that can run universally across the Internet. They are built using Extensible Markup Language (XML) and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). They serve as building blocks enabling the rapid development and deployment of new applications. They are primarily used as a means for businesses to communicate with each other and with client; Web Services allow organizations to communicate data without having intimate knowledge of each other's IT systems behind the firewall. Performance Testing of Web Services is different from other application testing. Any changes done in the Web Services might change the object property that the service exposes. So, the Performance Test scripts need to be modified each time a change is made at the Web Service level which defeats the whole purpose of automation. In this paper, I am presenting an easier and cost effective solution to Performance Test Web Services using the Open source Tool Apache JMeter
The Affection of Http Compression In The Performance of Core Web Components[Full-Text] [References]Khushali M. Tirghoda
HTTP compression addresses some of the performance problems of the Web by attempting to reduce the size of resources transferred between a server and client thereby conserving bandwidth and reducing user perceived latency. Currently, most modern browsers and web servers support some form of content compression. Additionally, a number of browsers are able to perform streaming decompression of gzipped content. Despite this existing support for HTTP compression, it remains an underutilized feature of the Web today. This can perhaps be explained, in part, by the fact that there currently exists little proxy support for the Vary header, which is necessary for a proxy cache to correctly store and handle compressed content.
Current Project Work on Routing Protocols for MANET: A Literature Survey[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Chethan Chandra, S Basavaraddi , Smt. Geetha N.B
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are autonomously self-organized networks without infrastructure support. In a mobile ad hoc network, nodes move arbitrarily; therefore the network may experience rapid and unpredictable topology changes. Because nodes in a MANET normally have limited transmission ranges, some nodes cannot communicate directly with each other. Hence, routing paths in mobile ad hoc networks potentially contain multiple hops, and every node in mobile ad hoc networks has the responsibility to act as a router. This paper is a survey of active project work on routing protocols for MANET.
Synthesis, Characterization and DC conductivity of Barium Hexaferrite[Full-Text] [References]Omprakesh. S, Ameena Parveen and P.S.Naik
Barium hexaferrite were synthesized for three different Fe/Ba molar ratios 11:1, 11:2 and 11:3. All the samples were characterized by XRD for structural studies, FTIR spectra to confirm the formation barium hexaferrites and the SEM image of barium hexaferrite for understanding the surface morphology of barium hexaferrite. The DC conductivity of barium hexaferrite of all compositions shows almost similar electrical resistance and higher curie temperature & activation energy of these hexaferrites lies in 7.13-12.1 x 10-5 eV.
Performance Assessment of 2500 TCD Co-generation Plant[Full-Text] [References]Sangamesh Y G, Suchitra G, Jangamshetti S H
In this paper an energy balance has been carried out for an actual 2500 TCD plant. The turbine hardware model is used to predict the optimum amount of power that can be cogenerated from the system for different generation temperatures at a pressure of 45 bar. The optimum superheat temperature is found to be 5000C for a backpressure turbine with single extraction. Selected actual operating data are employed for analysis and performance assessment. The cogeneration plant performance test is to determine the power output and plant heat rate. It is a cost effective method of supplying the steam and electric needs of the organization. Excess electricity generation is sold to the utility company. The continuous need for steam combined with the savings on electricity purchases made the cogeneration technology well suited for the company energy needs. The results demonstrate that analysis is a useful tool in performance assessments of cogeneration systems. Such results can allow the efficiency of cogeneration systems to be increased and the applications of cogeneration in larger energy systems to be con?gured more bene?cially, leading to reductions in fuel use and environmental emissions.
Bio-metric Iris Recognition for Person Identification using Cumulative Sum Algorithm[Full-Text] [References]Emmanvel Raj.M.Chirchi, Dr.R.D.Kharadkar
Quality of the iris pattern is achieved by using cumulative sum algorithm for feature extraction and this emphasis fast iris identification. In this paper, we describe the performance improvement by reducing FAR and FRR for quality of the algorithm, as the performance evaluation is most important for efficient iris identification if the image is occluded or covered by eyelid and very less iris image is retrieve or noisy image, though our algorithm works efficiently for correct identification of person as it is very important for the security system. We use publicly available database CASIA and UBIRISv1
Temporal Data Farming using Iterative Prediction on HDD[Full-Text] [References]Mohd. Shahnawaz, Kanak Saxena
Data farming is a process to grow data by applying various statistical predictions methods, machine learning and data mining approach on the available data while in temporal data farming we can generate data from temporal data. Regression is one of the statistical methods to predict, the value of an attribute (dependent variable) and effect of the other attribute (independent variable) on the predicted attribute. A regression equation is developed in parametric regression, which is a function of independent variables. In this paper we propose an algorithm for temporal data farming which is based on one of the parametric regressions known as linear regression to predict the class attribute and iteratively attempt to reduce prediction error tends to zero. Proposed algorithm is used in scenario execution loop of the data farming method and returns farmed data as crops, to merge in the original dataset to improve the dataset adequateness to mining. Case study with the proposed algorithm is made on the real life Heart Disease Data (HDD), in which we are trying to predict the correct dose of the dobutamine, should be given to the patient. Incorrect volume of the dose may affect the body of patient in other ways. This research may be helpful to the doctor's in the deep diagnosis of patient data and its disease. Research for the heart diseases is very much significant for the society.
Comparison of ISL, DSR, And New Variable Hiding Counter Algorithm Of Association Rule Hiding[Full-Text] [References]Kirtirajsinh Zala
The security of the large database that contains certain crucial information, it will become a serious issue when sharing data in network against unauthorized use. here data mining is to discover new mining association rules from large data repositories. Association rules are powerful tools for discovering new rules and relationships among the items. Data Modification and Rule hiding is one of the most important features of Data mining. main approach of rule hiding is to protect sensitive data from disclosure. The main approached of association rule hiding algorithms to hide some generated association rules, by increase or decrease the support or the confidence of the rules. The association rule items whether in Left Hand Side (LHS) or Right Hand Side (RHS) of the generated rule, that cannot be deduced through association rule mining algorithms. The concept of Increase Support of Left Hand Side (ISL) algorithm is decrease the confidence of rule by increase the support value of LHS. Another techniques of Heuristic approach is by introducing new variable hiding counter without editing or reduction of support and confidence by introducing two new terms Confidence(modified confidence),Msupport(modified support) and Hiding counter. In this paper we will try to analyze and compare ISL,DSR AND NEW HIDING COUNTER algorithm and try to find out Pro and Cons of it.
Design of Efficient Sense Amplifier based Flip-flop using GDI Technique[Full-Text] [References]Priyanka Sharma, Neha Arora, Prof. B. P .Singh
Design of a new sense amplifier-based flip-flop (SAFF) using GDI Technique and performance comparison of proposed SAFF with existing conventional SAFF with CMOS-NAND latch SAFF and SAFF with CMOS Symmetric latch is presented in this paper. It was found that the main drawback of existing SAFF's is the cross-coupled set-reset (SR) latch in the output stage. The new flip-flop uses a new output stage latch topology using GDI that significantly reduces power consumption and has improved power-delay product (PDP). Different topologies have been compared with respect to the number of devices, power consumption, power-delay product, temperature sustainability in order to prove the superiority of proposed design over existing conventional CMOS-NAND design. The simulation has been carried out on Tanner EDA tool on BSIM3v3 90nm technology.
Reputation Based Intrusion Detection System[Full-Text] [References]Rahul Ambekar, Piyush Shukla, Pushkar Vadkhalkar, Anushree Warang, Sandesh Rane
The unique characteristics of mobile ad hoc networks, such as shared wireless channels, dynamic topologies and a reliance on cooperative behaviour, makes routing protocols employed by these networks more vulnerable to attacks than those employed within traditional wired networks. We consider the security of control traffic generated by pro-active or table-driven link state protocols in mobile ad-hoc networks. Focusing on the Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol, we propose a specification-based intrusion-detection model for ad hoc routing protocols in which network nodes are monitored for operations that violate their intended behaviour and rewards nodes depending on their cooperation in the exchange of routing information. We design a detection mechanism based on finite state automata for checking whether a network node violates the constraints &correlates direct observation of transmissions with path information from successfully delivered packets.
Security Analysis for Web Service Compositions [Full-Text] [References]Mohsen Rouached
As more organizations adopt Web services for increasingly sensitive, mission-critical data the potential impact of breaches of Web services increases both for individuals and organizations. Increasing impacts can result in a worsening of the risk environment for all parties. Web services security and auditing is therefore an important concern. The current trend toward representing Web services orchestration and choreography via advanced business process metadata is fostering a further evolution of current security models and languages, whose key issues include setting and managing security policies, inter-organizational security issues and the implementation of high level business policies in a Web services environment. In particular, the management and maintenance of a large number of Web services needs appropriate authorization policies to be defined so as to realize reliable and secure Web Services. The required authorization policies can be quite complex, resulting in unintended conflicts, which could result in information leaks or prevent access to information needed. In this paper, we discuss the authorization control for Web services compositions and propose a logic based approach to ensure the control access to such compositions.
Electric Field along Surface of Silicone Rubber Insulator under Various Contamination Conditions Using FEM[Full-Text] [References]Mr. G. Satheesh, Dr. B. Basavaraja, Dr. Pradeep M. Nirgude
Power line insulators are used to support the high voltage current carrying conductors. Silicone rubber provides an alternative to porcelain and glass regarding to high voltage (HV) insulators and it has been widely used by power utilities since 1980's owing to their superior contaminant performances. The main objective of this paper is to carry out simulation on the electric field distribution of energized silicon rubber insulator using MATLAB. Failure of outdoor high voltage (HV) insulator often involves the solid air interface insulation. As result, knowledge of the field distribution around high voltage (HV) insulators is very important to determine the electric field stress occurring on the insulator surface, particularly on the air side of the interface. Thus, we analyze the electric field distribution of energized silicone rubber high voltage (HV) insulator and the effect of water droplets on the insulator surface is also included. The electric field distribution computation is accomplished using FEM. The finding from this shows that existence of water drops would create field enhancement at the interface of the water droplet, air and insulating material. If the thickness of the dust increases, the highest stress point will deviate and move outward from the interface point of the water droplet, air and insulating material.
High Speed Low Power Flash ADC Design for Ultra Wide Band Applications[Full-Text] [References]SenthilSivakumar M, Banupriya M
This paper presents a high speed low power flash ADC design for applications such as radar detection and wide band radio receivers. The flash ADC architecture consists of a sample and hold circuit, preamplifier, comparator and digital decoder to perform a high speed operation. The analog signal is converted to digital signal and is amplified with high operating frequency. The track and latch based design help to generate the full scale digital signal. The output signal is then taken through the digital decoder. The result is obtained by using Tanner EDA with 1.8v, 0.18µm TSMC technology file and the results were also verified using the theoretical formula. The design has obtained the power of 5.3mW/ 2.5µsec, propagation delay of 0.62nsec.
R-2R Ladder D/A Converter Circuit Performance Optimization for Mixed-Signal VLSI Chips via Generalized Geometric Programming [Full-Text] [References]Jit Chakraborty, Kausik Das, Subir Kumar Datta, Pritam De and Aritra Acharyya
In this paper the critical delay in R-2R Ladder digital to analog (D/A) converter circuits is minimized by uniform interconnect wire sizing via Generalized Geometric Programming approach. Elmore delay model is considered for calculating the delays associated with the circuits during low to high or high to low transitions of voltage sources. The wire sizing problem is formulated as a Generalized Geometric Programming problem in order to minimize the critical delay associated with the circuit. Assuming the critical delay corresponding to k-bit R-2R Ladder D/A converter circuit as objective function, the widths of the interconnect wire segments (optimization variables) are sized by solving the convex optimization problem. Numerical experiments show that critical delay associated with the R-2R Ladder D/A Converter Circuit can be significantly reduced while the interconnect wire segments are sized following the proposed approach. It is observed that the percentage of reduction in critical delay in sized-circuit decreases as the order of the circuit increases. Results show that 39.46 % reduction in critical delay can be achieved by wire sizing in 2-bit R-2R Ladder D/A converter circuit, while the same reduction is only 20.64 % in 16-bit R-2R Ladder D/A converter circuit.
A Fuzzy Controlled Dual Output Photovoltaic System[Full-Text] [References]Jayanthi Prattipati, Kommukuri Vinay Sagar
This paper proposes a circuit that is capable of generating both dc as well as single phase ac from photovoltaic cells. The novelty of this system is that it makes use of fuzzy logic in order to obtain the desired voltage value. The ac voltage has to be used up immediately since it cannot be stored. However, when this ac voltage is not required, the dc voltage generated by the PV cells is regulated and stored in a battery for using in future. The ac voltage is generated by making use of a nine level cascaded H-Bridge type of multilevel inverter. Dc voltage generated from the solar panels is supplied to a buck-boost converter that uses buck or a boost operation in order to obtain the desired voltage level to be fed into the battery. The fuzzy logic controller is used for determining the duty cycle which defines the mode of operation of the converter. The circuits have been simulated in MATLAB Simulink and their control schemes have been analyzed and validated.
Design and Analysis of CMOS Frequency to Voltage Converter using 0.35µm technology[Full-Text] [References]Kopal Gupta, Monika Bhardwaj, Prof. B. P .Singh
This paper presents a 0.35µm CMOS frequency to voltage converter for portable applications which is based on a operating principle comprises a differentiator, voltage to current converter, two RMS-DC converters, and a divider. Results show that the converter has a power consumption of 11.89mW operating at 3.3V supply voltage. This converter can accurately convert a sinusoidal signal frequency into an output voltage with no ripples. Moreover, its output response has input amplitude independent characteristic. The simulation results are in good accordance with the theoretical analyses
Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text] [References]Rishav Dubey, Vikram Jain, Rohit Singh Thakur, Siddharth Dutt Choubey
Wireless Sensor Networks is an emerging technology.WSN has limitations of system resources like battery power, communication range and processing capability.WSNs are used in many applications in military, ecological, and health-related areas. These applications often include the monitoring of sensitive information such as enemy movement on the battlefield or the location of personnel in a building. One of the moajor challenges wireless sensor networks face today is security, so there is the need for effective security mechanism .In this artical we investigate how wireless sensor networks can be attacked in practice.
Link Failure Distortion Optimization for the Video Transmission over Mobile Ad Hoc Network[Full-Text] [References]Arun Kumar, D.K Lobiyal
In the video transmission over the mobile ad hoc network, video is transmitted via the multiple links from sender to receiver. Therefore, there are chances of link failure between the intermediate nodes of the network. The link failure increases the packet loss at the receiver end and thus reduces quality and performance of the video. The quality of the video is considered in terms of the PSNR value and performance in terms of bit rate and video distortion. In our proposed scheme, we analyse the impact of the link failure over the video quality and performance
Improve the Efficiency and Power Factor of 2.2kW, Three Phase, Multi-Flux, Squirrel Cage IM through Optimal Design[Full-Text] [References]S.S.Sivaraju, N.Devarajan
This paper is proposed the novel method for design and optimization of three phase squirrel cage induction motor. The optimization is one of the key steps in the validation of the design process of the motor design and manufacturing systems and it is needed for eliminating inadvertent design mistakes and to achieve the maximum efficiency and power factor during variable load applications. This paper demonstrates the different optimization algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) Algorithms are used. Then finally the multiple stator winding design and optimization process are carried by each algorithm and the obtained optimization results are compared by MATLAB Program.