IJSER Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2012 Edition

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Users Authentication and Privacy control of RFID Card[Full-Text] [References]Ikuesan R. Adeyemi, Norafida Bt. Ithnin
Security and Privacy concerns in Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology particularly RFID Card, is a wide research area which have attracted researchers for over a decade. Authenticating users at the Card end of the RFID technology constitutes one of the major sources of attacks on the system. In this research, we studied the various known attacks and mitigation available. We proposed a conceptual framework that that can be used to mitigate the unauthorized use of RFID Card. This concept will mitigate the single point of the RFID card failure: unauthorized use.
Investigation Of The Mass Diffusivity Of Two Local Construction Materials In Benin[Full-Text] [References]Aristide Comlanhoungan, Malahimianjorin, Alain ADOMOU, Léandre Mathias VISSOH, Antoine VIANOU
The main objective of building construction is to put the occupants out of the harsh climate (hot, cold), creating a microclimate within satisfactory for carrying out various activities. This work is part of the comfort improvement in the building and focuses in particular on the hygrothermal characterization of local materials used in construction of housing in Benin. It aims at determining the mass diffusivity of wood composite materials and cement-stabilized lateritecement according to the water content.
Calculation of the Combined Torsional Mesh Stiffness of Spur Gears with Two- and Three-Dimensional Parametrical FE Models[Full-Text] [References]Asst.Prof.R.Subburaj Ramasamy
The torsional mesh stiffness is one of the most important characteristics of spur gears. This paper presents the development of detailed two- and three-dimensional finite element models which can be used to calculate the torsional mesh stiffness. Using the parametrical design language of the FE software ANSYS the models offer the possibility to generate various different pairs of spur gears and include an adaptive meshing algorithm for the contact zones. Due to the short computation times the 2D model is well suited to simulate a variety of different gear pairs in a short time period. The more complex 3D model features more options in terms of investigating tooth face modifications for further studies. The resulting values of the torsional stiffness can be used – for example – in multi body simulations of gearboxes. The results from the 2D FEA are used to derive a simple formula for the combined torsional stiffness of spur gears in mesh. The results presented are based on the individual stiffness of the three main components – body, teeth and contact. Hence, the introduced formula uses these three parts to determine the overall stiffness for a wide range of gears and gear ratio combinations. Finally, the results from both the two- and three-dimensional finite element model and the derived formula are compared and the results from the 3D model are checked against results obtained by analytical equations.
Temperature dependence of formation entropy in a-?r [Full-Text] [References]Dr. Dologlou Elizabeth
A recent article on the calculation of elastic constants for alloy systems at different concentrations with the aid of a thermodynamic model gave us the motivation to propose an alternative application of this model. Here, we study the temperature dependence of formation entropy of a-?r in a wide range of values, using a slight modification of the same model which interrelates bulk properties and point defect parameters. The resulting formation entropy values are found to be in good agreement with those recently obtained by detailed microscopic calculations, when errors are considered.
Teeth Shape Design of a Switched Reluctance Motor for High Torque Using Genetic Algorithms[Full-Text] [References]Mouellef Sihem, Bentounsi Amar, Benalla Hocine
This paper describes a procedure for optimizing the stator and rotor pole arc of a double saliency switched reluctance motor type SRM 6/4 to maximize the electromagnetic torque using genetic algorithms. To reduce the computation time in the nonlinear regime, the code optimization is advantageously coupled to a semi-numerical model of the studied motor. The various simulations in MATLAB were used to optimize the teeth angles, thus improving the average torque.
Signal Transmit Comparison Between Mimo & Ofdm System [Full-Text] [References]Prof. Ravi Mohan, Roshni Chandravanshi
OFDM is a block transmission technique. In the baseband, complex-valued data symbols modulate a large number of tightly grouped carrier waveforms. The transmitted OFDM signal multiplexes several lower rate data streams and each data stream is associated with a given subcarrier. OFDM is implemented in broadband wireless access systems as a way to overcome wireless channel impairments and to improve bandwidth efficiency. OFDM is used today in wireless local area networks (LANs) as specified by the IEEE 802.11a and the ETSI HIPERLAN/2 standards. It is also used for wireless digital radio and television transmissions. MIMO communication refers to wireless communication systems using an array of antennas at the either the transmitter or the receiver. Multiplexing would cause interference, but MIMO systems use smart selection and/or combining techniques at the receiving end to transmit more information and to improve signal quality. MIMO systems provide a significant capacity gain over conventional single antenna systems, along with more reliable communication. In this paper we will investigate MIMO techniques for OFDM systems in the context of WiFi and WiMax. We will conduct an extensive simulation based study of MIMO-OFDM systems. We will analyze the performance of various MIMO techniques under different fading conditions. It is known that the complexity of OFDM with MIMO is overwhelming due to the necessity for multiple Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) at the receiver. In order to reduce system complexity, we also propose a novel combining technique.
Ground water quality measurement: Analysing , Mapping, of fluoride exposure at South Tamilnadu [Full-Text] [References]M.Angelina Thanga Ajisha, K.Rajagopal
One of the major public issue in the environment is the contaminant in the ground water due natural and anthropogenic activities. Excess fluoride ion in drinking water lies one among the contaminant in ground water . Any water source having fluoride concentration above permissible limit 1.5 mg/L (WHO standards) requires treatment before usage.When the fluoride ion in drinking water is above the permissible limit it causes dental flurosis and then skeletal flurosis. In this study fluoride and other water quality parameters like pH, TDS, Alkalinity, Conductivity ,Total Hardness, Chloride, Sulphate were analyzed for 400 number of ground water samples taken from thiruchendur, Udangudi, Thoothukudi, Radhapuram blocks where the people depend on groundwater for domestic purpose located. After analyzing fluoride ion concentration, Exposure dosage, Correlation coefficient of different age groups mapping of fluoride concentration was done using Arc GIS. The water quality for most of the villages in four blocks are unfit for drinking purpose due to high TDS, Total Hardness, alkalinity, chloride . The fluoride concentration in ground water of four blocks ranges from zero to 5.6 mg/L.Four villages in thiruchendur block and six villages of udangudi block has fluoride level greater than the permissible limit. The other two blocks thoothukudi and radhapuram is non endemic from fluoride ion but has high TDS, hardness, chloride. The estimated maximum exposure dose for infants is being 0.075 mg/kg/day, children 0.135mg/Kg/day and adults 0.13 mg/kg/day, but the minimal safe level for infants is 0.01 mg/kg/day and 0.05 mg/kg/day for children and adult, so a health threat is noticeable. Hence it is suggested that in fluoride affected areas preventive programs and defluoridation techniques, water management can be elucidated to the people. As fluoride is also required for dental development, the places where nil or less than 1 mg/L of fluoride concentration, fluoridation methods can be suggested
Stability of the Equilibrium Position of the Centre of Mass of a System of Inter-connected Satellites in Elliptic Orbit Under the Influence of Perturbative Forces[Full-Text] [References]Brijendra Kumar Singh & Dinesh Tiwari
The proposed topic is to examine the stability of the centre of mass of two satellites connected by extensible cable in elliptic orbit under the influence of air resistance and the shadow of the oblate earth due to solar pressure. We have obtained two equilibrium points out of which one is found to be stable in the sense of Liapunov
Weighted Cohesin Support (WChS): A Metric to predict the faultproneness of Object Oriented Application[Full-Text] [References]Amjan.Shaik, Dr.C.R.K.Reddy, Dr.A.Damodaram
This paper presents a novel metric called Weighted Cohesion Support as a metric in short WChS metric that is an extension of our earlier weighted coupling support metric in short WCS metric for predicting fault proneness. WChS metric measures a new measurement unit called weighted cohesion support for each class of the object to rank them based on their fault proneness, which is based on the well-known HITS algorithm that measures hub and authority weights in link analysis, One advantage of the proposed metric is that it can be computed in a simpler (and in many cases, programming language independent) way as compared to some of the structural modelmetrics. We empirically studied WChS for predicting fault-proneness of classes in a large open source systems and fault prediction sensitivity compared with CBO. As the result, we found that the proposed WCS can predict fault proneness nearly with 99% sensitivity, which is around 40% sensitive when compared to LCOM, LCOM2, LCOM3 and LCOM4.
Rock Fall Failure Model practical example of Umm Sid Plateau-Sharm El Sheikh area, Egypt[Full-Text] [References]S. Abdeltawab
A severe rock fall in the upper jointed Reefal Limestone unit which represents the main foundation rock bed of Umm Sid plateau .The main causative factors of rock fall is the movement of the limestone blocks under the effect of deferential erosion (undercut ) of the underneath sandstone unit. Photogeologic mapping and Geological Field measurements have been carried out for the Umm Sid plateau to investigate the factors controlling the rock fall of the uppermost layers of the plateau. The geological field mea-surements as well as geological disk studies are used to produce a model representing the joint orientations, stability model and failure mechanism geologic model. Kinematic analysis of the acquired data indicated that the topmost unit of the plateau is affected by three main sets of joints E-W, NE-SW and NW-SW trends. The hard Reefal Limestone unit is underlying with relatively soft sandstone unit. The sand stone unit is intercalated with marl and clays that increase the potentiality of deferential erosion. Kinematic analyses of the measured joints were studied by using Hoek and Bray failure methods (2004), Dips program Version 5.1.8 and RocPlane Version 2.0. The site observation and measurements indicated that the rock falls is seriously active and accordingly the scarp edge retreat and that may lead to a dangerous impact on the existing hotels and resorts by the plateau
Interfacing of LCD Module with ARM Processor[Full-Text] [References]P.S.S Sushama, C.Nagaraja, K. Nagabhushan Raju And K. Malakondaiah
Many microcontroller based instruments and machines need to display alpha numerals to give directions or data values to the user. In instruments where only a small amount of data needs to be displayed, simple digit type displays are often used. Liquid crystal displays are used mostly in portable and battery operated instruments because of their low power consumption. In the present study, a dot matrix liquid crystal display module (JHD 162A) which is an output module is interfaced with an ARM processor LPC2366. The hardware and software features are described.
Reliabilities analyses based on models of gas destructing processes [Full-Text] [References]Mohammad Rangga Yudha Kusumah
Models of gas destructing processes have been made. The models explain about the processes of gas destructing and the effects of ratios of loads and strengths. All of these parameters can be analyzed by simulation software using Microsoft Excel Program. The models are developed on the basis of five principles i.e. fracture Irwin’s theory, fatigue Paris’s Law, rupture Larsen-Miller parameters, tension ASME VIII-1 constituent, stress and corrosion ASME B31-1 constituents, and probabilistical pressure and temperature randoming constituent. The deterministic states of Irwin’s theory, Paris’s Law, ASME VIII-1 constituent, and ASME B31-1 constituent were applied on the mechanical degradation in solid. The probabilistical pressure and temperature randoming was carried out using two principles theories; statistics of pressure and temperature and randoming rules on pressure and temperature. Reliabilities analyses based on models of gas destructing processes were modeled deterministically and probabilistically based on the above principles.
Algorithm under Uncertainty for Decision Making of Problem Domain[Full-Text] [References]Jagdish Prasad, A. K. Bhardwaj And Surendra Kumar Yadav
In this paper we have discussed the decision making process under uncertainty with different four methods. These all methods used to implement the algorithm for decision analysis in the field of artificial intelligence. We introduce the LM3 algorithm for solving the problem domain under uncertainty environment for game playing and decision analysis of expert systems. Algorithm separates the different strategies with different computational process for decision making. We implements algorithm with test values with different types of nature and strategies for optimal solution.
Diffusion and Convection In An Elliptic Tube [Full-Text] [References]S. D. Bagde and N. W. Khobragade
This paper presents the theoretical treatment of diffusion and convection in an elliptic tube. And the differential equation for gas or liquid streaming in a tube in steady state in elliptical co-ordinates by using the Marchi-Fasulo transforms technique.
Secondary School Students’ Attitude Towards Environmental Issues In Karachi Pakistan[Full-Text] [References]Anisa Yousuf , Dr. Sadia Bhutta
This small- scale research study was set out with two purposes. The aim of the study was to find out whether there is a difference between male and female students’ attitude towards environmental issues (pollution of air and water, overuse of resources, global changes of the climate etc).
Voice, Data & Video Transmission & Their Impacts On Communication As Well As Sociaty [Full-Text] [References]Rohit kumar jha & Titu kumar
This paper mainly deals with the transmission & communication of voice, data, and video with the existing & more improved versions of equipments & processes.
Laser Photocopy Advanced Version[Full-Text] [References]Samuel A.M
The world is now of experts and the user do desire to get fine printing from printer at economical rates. The presentations of people, in today's world do represent their identities , taste of art etc. The project of mine is based on laser printer concept through which one can increase printer's performance , efficiency and quality as well.
Fractal Dimensions On Nonlinear Discrete Models[Full-Text] [References]Tarini Kumar Dutta and Nabajyoti Das
In this paper we highlight three fractal dimensions: box-counting dimension, information dimension and correlation dimension to focus the geometric aspects of the attractor in a prominent one-dimensional nonlinear chaotic discrete model
Feasibility Analysis on e-Content Development using Learning Object[Full-Text] [References]Prof J.Senthil Kumar, Dr.S.K.Srivatsa, Ph.D
One of the strongest arguments for promoting e-learning lies in its potential to improve and even revolutionize teaching and learning. E-learning has had a broadly positive pedagogic impact. The "learning object" model is perhaps the most prominent "revolutionary" approach to date. A learning object can be described as an electronic tool/resource that can be used, re-used and redesigned in different contexts, for different purposes and by different academic actors.
Simulation Analysis of Hybrid Alternative Phase Apposition Disposition PWM Scheme for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters[Full-Text] [References]N. Sujitha, S.Satish kumar, M.Sasikumar
In this paper, we present the performance of a hybrid alternative phase opposition disposition pulse width modulation technique for soft switched cascaded five level inverters. The proposed modulation scheme inherits the switching loss reduction along with reduced harmonic performance of cascaded multilevel inverter fed drive system. The inverter topology used here has recently suggested in the area of high power medium voltage applications. The performance of this cascaded inverter has been analysed and compared with the results obtained from theory and simulation. Simulation study of the inverter employing the proposed HAPOD strategy has been done in MATLAB/SIMULINK.
Structural analysis and magnetic properties of substituted CA-SR hexaferrites[Full-Text] [References]M. N. Girirya, C. L. Khobaragade, K. G. Rewatkar, R.P. Tandon
Ca-Sr hexaferrite samples with chemical composition Ca0.5Sr0.5MexFe12-2xO19 where (x = 0, 0.5) and Me = (CoAl / CoTi) synthesized using proper stoichiometric proportions by solid state reaction at 1040oC for 105 h. The chemical phase analysis has been carried out by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) method, which confirms the formation of the ferrite structure. It shows hexagonal magnetoplumbite (M) type structure having unit cell dimension ‘a’ and ‘c’ varies between 5-6 ? and 21-23 ?. Coercivity (Hc), saturation magnetization (Ms), Retentivity (Mr) and Bohr magnetron (?B) measurements were carried out on a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) with an applied field up to 10 KOe. The results were explained in the light of Gorter’s (1957) spin model. SEM analysis indicates that powders were platelike particles with grain size between 0.29 µm to 0.87 µm.
Probe Storage[Full-Text] [References]Sagar Ayare, Sandesh Pai
Probe storage is a new technology of storage, which is a direct competitor to the existing HDD and Flash storage techniques. Probe storage is expected to use no more power than a flash memory card, but store up to 100 times as many bits as traditional disk storage. Future applications for parallel probes, including probe-based data storage and probe lithography, demand that probe technologies achieve patterning rates in the megahertz per probe range at feature sizes below 30 nm, i.e. ~1 Tbit in-2. In the paper which follows we first take an overview of the probe storage system and then describe it in detail. It is a fantastic technique of achieving densities as great as 641 Gb/sq in. (at present) which is more than four times the data density in a Flash-based devices. It uses a simple AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) tip to make indentations 10 nanometers in diameter in a plastic film. Each indentation is a bit, which can be heated back to its original shape. Driven by MEMS motors and all built into a chip, thousands of tiny probes, similar to the tips on an atomic force microscope, move back and forth a minute distance over the film. We also compare Probe storage with prominent data storage technologies and take a commercial perspective of it. Probe storage appears to be in a race, attempting to mature quickly enough at a given technology level that has not been surpassed by newer generations of the existing technologies by the time it is ready for production. It is not hard to realize that the feasibility and applications of Probe storage are wide and encompassing, and the cost will drop down dramatically once production starts in large volumes. This has been realized by large chip makers and tech giants such as Hitachi, Seagate, IBM, HP and many others. To say the least, Probe Storage is a promising technology that is here to stay and take data storage to new heights
Eye Controlled Wheelchair[Full-Text] [References]Sandesh Pai, Sagar Ayare, Romil Kapadia
This paper delivers a new method to guide and control the wheelchair for disabled people based on ‘Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). An eye control device based on image processing is developed to assist mobility. The eye movement is detected using a camera which is attached to the wheelchair. This concept can be used for multiple applications, but this paper focuses the application to mobile and communication aid for handicapped patients suffering from quadriplegic and paraplegic diseases. The proposed system involves two stages; first eye movement detection and second, sending of control signals to the powered wheelchair.
Enhanced Wireless Control System for Smoke and Fire Detection [Full-Text] [References]Rashedul Qayum, S.M Ehsanul Amin, Md Kamrul Hussain
A smoke detector or smoke alarm is a device that detects smoke and issues an alarm to alert nearby people that there is a potential fire. Smoke alarms are self contained devices that incorporate a means of detecting a fire (smoke detector) and giving a warning (alarm). They are about the size of a hand and are normally fitted to the ceiling. They can detect fires in their early stages and give you those precious minutes to enable you and your family to leave your house in safety.
A QoS centric layered transmission topology for multimedia data in wireless cellular networks[Full-Text] [References]A.Veerabhadra Reddy, Dr. D. Sreenivasa Rao
Here in this paper, we propose a routing topology for audio visual data transmission over Cellular networks, which is Quality of Service Centric. A novel scheduling mechanism introduced to distinguish the arbitrary loss of the data packet and transmission delay. The aim of the proposal is to achieve a layered approach in the tasks involved in audio and visual data routing. The expected layered approach separates the routing functionalities such as scheduling and buffering process. Simulation studies are performed to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed model, in contrast with other known model.
Innovation to Multiple Intelligence in the Classroom [Full-Text] [References]Dr. Manoj Kumar Choudhary
Student who are high in creative intelligence are often not on the top rank of their class because instead of giving conformist answers, they give unique answers, for which they get marked down. Like-wise, students with high practical intelligence do not often relate well outside the classroom and have excellent social skills and good common sense. They should be given opportunities to learn through creative and practical thinking. In addition to conventional strategies that focus simply on learning and remembering a body of information.
Experimental Investigation of Single Layer Drying Behavior of Potato in a Fabricated Tunnel Drier[Full-Text] [References]Singh, L.P., Kumar D.,Yadav,D. K.
Experiments are conducted in a tunnel dryer using cubic shaped (10x10x10mm) potato for various drying air temperature (40.1-53.3°C), velocity (1.1, 1.4, 1.9 and 2.3 m/s) and relative humidity (16-40.5%) values. The temperature and relative humidity are measured and recorded every 20 min. at fan inlet, upstream and downstream of the tray, the velocity is measured only at the tunnel exit. The measured data is used to obtain drying and drying rate curves. The curves indicate that drying process takes place in the falling rate period except very short unsteady-state initial and constant rate periods.
Educational Cloud: Utilization of IaaS versus PaaS Services [Full-Text] [References]K.Niharika, G. Lavanya, G.Vishnu Murthy, A.Satya sai kumar
Cloud computing is the provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources as a service over the Internet on a utility basis. Users need not have knowledge of, expertise in, or control over the technology infrastructure in the "cloud" that supports them. Cloud computing services often provide common business applications online that are accessed from a web browser, while the software and data are stored on the servers. The cloud has become a widely used term in academia and the industry. Education has not remained unaware of this trend, and several educational solutions based on cloud technologies are already in place, especially for software as a service cloud. However, an evaluation of the educational potential of infrastructure and platform clouds has not been explored yet. An evaluation of which type of cloud would be the most beneficial for students to learn, depending on the technical knowledge required for its usage, is missing. In this synopsis, the term cloud is used as a metaphor for the Internet, based on how the Internet is depicted in computer network diagrams and is an abstraction of the underlying infrastructure it conceals.
Bandwidth Extension of Transimpedance Amplifier Using Active Inductor [Full-Text] [References]Rohan Chadha , Vibhor Mittal , Siddhant Mathur
The design of high speed and low power broadband amplifier i.e. transimpedance amplifier (TIA) which is used for optical receiver application and the bandwidth enhancement of TIA has been described in this paper. Higher transimpedance gain and bandwidth enhancement has been achieved by using active inductor load that can be used at 1-2 GHz range. This amplifier can achieve bandwidth enhancement of 2.2GHz. The broadband amplifier proposed in this paper has been implemented in 0.35µm CMOS technology.
Digital to Analog Conversion using ARM Processor[Full-Text] [References]P.S.S Sushama, C.Nagaraja, K. Nagabhushan Raju And K. Malakondaiah
Embedded Processor or controller is a logic device. The processor, RAM,ROM,I/O ports, timers/counters etc are all embedded together on one chip with many built in functions. Its advanced architecture reduces the external hardware to a greater extent. Embedded processor/controller process only digital signals that are binary and discontinuous. Hence, a digital signal needs to be translated in to an analog signal to represent a physical quantity.The presenet paper deals with digital to analog conversion using ARM Processor LPC2366
Fuzzy Soft Rough K-Means Clustering Approach For Gene Expression Data[Full-Text] [References]Dhanalakshmi.K, Hannah Inbarani. H
Clustering is one of the widely used data mining techniques for medical diagnosis. Clustering can be considered as the most important unsupervised learning technique. Most of the clustering methods group data based on distance and few methods cluster data based on similarity. The clustering algorithms classify gene expression data into clusters and the functionally related genes are grouped together in an efficient manner. The groupings are constructed such that the degree of relationship is strong among members of the same cluster and weak among members of different clusters. In this work, we focus on a similarity relationship among genes with similar expression patterns so that a consequential and simple analytical decision can be made from the proposed Fuzzy Soft Rough K-Means algorithm. The algorithm is developed based on Fuzzy Soft sets and Rough sets. Comparative analysis of the proposed work is made with bench mark algorithms like K-Means and Rough K-Means and efficiency of the proposed algorithm is illustrated in this work by using various cluster validity measures such as DB index and Xie-Beni index.
Some Weaker Forms of Decompositions In Supra Topological Spaces[Full-Text] [References]S. Dayana Mary, N. Nagaveni
The aim of this paper is to introduce a new decomposition which are weaker than supra locally closed sets and study their relationship. Further we introduce the different notions of generalization of continuous functions in supra topological spaces and some of their properties are discussed.
Soft Set Based Feature Selection Approach for Lung Cancer Images[Full-Text] [References]Jothi. G and Hannah Inbarani. H
Lung cancer is the deadliest type of cancer for both men and women. Feature selection plays a vital role in cancer classification. This paper investigates the feature selection process in Computed Tomographic (CT) lung cancer images using soft set theory. We propose a new soft set based unsupervised feature selection algorithm. Nineteen features are extracted from the segmented lung images using gray level co-occurence matrix (GLCM) and gray level different matrix (GLDM). In this paper, an efficient Unsupervised Soft Set based Quick Reduct (SSUSQR) algorithm is presented. This method is used to select features from the data set and compared with existing rough set based unsupervised feature selection methods. Then K-Means and Self Organizing Map (SOM) clustering algorithms are used to cluster the data. The performance of the feature selection algorithms is evaluated based on performance of clustering techniques. The results show that the proposed method effectively removes redundant features.
Design and Experimental Results of a Wavelet Filter for High Performance in Trajectory of Robotic Systems [Full-Text] [References]Jarillo-Silva Alejandro, Domínguez-Ramírez Omar Arturo, Cruz-Tolentino José Alberto, Ramos-Velasco Luis Enrique and Mijangos-Martínez Teresita de Jesús
The magnetic permanence servomotors (PM) brushless are reliable devices in motion control applications where a high efficiency, a twisting effort (torque) and speed-torque curves are desired characteristics. Robotics is one of the areas where this type of engines used because of its design features in the development and implementation of electromechanical systems (manipulators). However, a persistent problem in the implementation of the PM motor is persistent variation in the performance of the torque, which generates a signal in riso output thereby generating high frequency signals, which are not desired to pass them directly by motor windings optimum performance and reducing the useful life of the electrical device. The problem is to solve designing digital filters using wavelet theory, designing control laws that allow breaking the inertial effects due to the state of rest and motion and generate optimal trajectories. The filter proposed in this paper has a degree of decomposition of N = 5 and a Buffer size = 128, which is applied to haptic interfaces. However it can be implemented in any electromechanical system. One advantage is that the filter characteristics need not noise signal (cutoff frequency, amplitude).
Controlling of Electrical Power System Network by using SCADA[Full-Text] [References]Rajib Baran Roy
Due to rapid development in automation system, the remote operation, control and monitoring are necessary for any modern system. The SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) provides this remote operation, control and monitoring for industrial automation. The SCADA is also widely used for overall operation of modern power system. The application of SCADA is still new in Bangladesh specially in power system. This study is about the application of SCADA in overall operation, control and monitoring of transmission and distribution electrical power system network of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. DPDC (Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited) is the authority which is managing the transmission and distribution network of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. The 132 and 33KV circuit breakers of power system network of Dhaka city are generally operated through the SCADA system for uninterrupted power supply to the consumers. The daily operation, load management and system faults are monitored by the SCADA which improves the performance of overall system operation of DPDC. The SCADA system comprises of RTU (remote telemetry unit), microwave communication network and RCS (remote control server). The RTU is placed in every substation of the electrical power system network of Dhaka city. The SPIDER software is used for SCADA system of DPDC. The SPIDER uses UNIX based platform .The information for daily operation of the overall power system network of the Dhaka city is stored in the database of RCS, which is the processed by the SPIDER software. The overall scenario of power system network on daily basis is obtained by using this software. The SCADA system helps in managing the overall system of DPDC with minimum supervision and manpower. Moreover it improves the system efficiency.
Biological Diversity in the whole Universe[Full-Text] [References]Shyam Sunder
Gene expression is the ability of a gene to express itself. It is controlled by different biological and physical factors. Physical factors-speed, distance and time (condition applied).Biological factors-regulatory proteins and hormonal control.
Fuzzy Soft Set Based Classification for Gene Expression Data[Full-Text] [References]Kalaiselvi.N, Hannah Inbarani.H
Classification is one of the major issues in Data Mining Research fields. The classification problems in medical area often classify medical dataset based on the result of medical diagnosis or description of medical treatment by the medical practitioner. This research work discusses the classification process of Gene Expression data for three different cancers which are breast cancer, lung cancer and leukemia cancer with two classes which are cancerous stage and non cancerous stage.
A Fuzzy Set Approach in MANET with FSR (Fisheye State Routing) Protocol[Full-Text] [References]S. Nithya Rekha and Dr. C. Chandrasekar
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes that dynamically forms a network. Packet Reach ability and Broadcasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) is a fundamental data dissemination mechanism with a number of important applications, e.g., route discovery, address resolution. Broadcasting in MANETs has traditionally based on ?ooding, which simply swamps the network with large number of rebroadcast messages in order to reach all network nodes. Although probabilistic ?ooding has been one of the earliest suggested schemes to broadcasting, there has not been so far any attempt to analyze its performance behavior in a MANET environment. In an effort to fill this gap, this paper investigates using extensive NS-2 simulations the effects of a number of important system parameters in a typical MANET, including node speed, pause time, and node density on the performance of probabilistic ?ooding. The results reveal that most of these parameters have a critical impact on the reach ability and the number of saved rebroadcast messages achieved by probabilistic flooding. To overcome these problems an optimal path management approach called path vector calculation based on fuzzy and rough set theory were addressed. The ultimate intend of this study is to select the qualified path based on packet reach ability of the node, number of internodes and traffic load in the network. Simple rules were generated using fuzzy set techniques for calculating path vector and to remove irrelevant attributes (resources) for evaluating the best routing to reduce flooding. The set of rules were evaluated with proactive protocols namely FSR in the NS-2 simulation environment based on metrics such as Saved rebroadcast, Packet Reachablity, Node speed, Density and Pause-time.
A new sensitive and facile Spectrophotometric Determination of Monocrotophos in Environmental, Biological and Agricultural Samples[Full-Text] [References]Prasanna Kumar Sharma and Surendra K.Rajput
A highly sensitive spectophotometric method is developed for the determination of parts per million levels of widely used organophosphorus pesticide monocrotophos. The method is based on alkaline hydrolysis of monocrotophos to N-methylacetoacetamide followed by coupling with diazotized 2, 4- dinitrophenyl hydrazene in alkaline medium. The absorption maxima of the yellow coloured compound formed is measured at 490 nm. Beer’s law is obeyed over the concentration range of 1.5 to 6.0 µg in a final solution volume of 25 ml. The molar absorptivity and Sandell’s sensitivity were found to be 5.1x105 (?100) l mole-1cm-1 and 0.008 µg cm-2 respectively. The standard deviation and relative standard deviation were found to be ± 0.006 and 2.5% respectively. The method is simple sensitive and free from interferences of other pesticides and diverse ions. The method has been satisfactorily applied to the detection/determination of monocrotophos in environmental, agricultural and biological samples.
Finger And Face Recognition Biometric System[Full-Text] [References]Ms.Poonam Mote, Prof.P.H.Zope,Prof. S. R. Suralkar
For human authentication the biometric systems are widely used to increase the systems security. In this paper we propose the multimodal biometric system using the biometric traits i.e. face and fingerprint. Gabor filter and haar transformation technique is used for extracting the features from fingerprint and face. The final decision is made by feature level fusion. In the proposed system has good accuracy and also the stored dataset is updated. This system is tested with the standard data sets of fingerprint and face.
Conservation and Restoration Research on 2nd BCE Murals of Ajanta[Full-Text] [References]M.Singh and B.R.Arbad
This paper outlines new approach for the removal of varnish coatings from the surface of wall paintings. Covered under very thick layers of different kinds of varnishes applied in the past for copying, the few sq.mt. 2nd BCE painted plaster still surviving in cave no 9 and 10, Ajanta pose most difficult task of cleaning the historic surfaces. The paintings diagnosed to be executed on a very thin lime plaster ground with inorganic colors by portable XRF; the FTIR spectra of the pigments and lime ground denote that varnishes have seeped through due to its repeated application in the past. The usual organic solvents mixture technique being used as well as the micro-emulsion technique applied for cleaning proved non-effective in the treatment of that part of the paintings covered with thick bats excreta. Microclimatic condition and state of conservation of painted plasters are also discussed.
The Effect of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere parameters interactions on Radio wave Transmission in Minna[Full-Text] [References]P. E. Agbo, Ph.D, O. N. Okoro, M.Sc
The effect of solar wind-magnetosphere parameters interactions on radio wave transmission was investigated using hourly records of solar wind-magnetosphere interplanetary parameters activities in 2008 at Minna North central, Nigeria (Latitude 9° 36' 50" N and Longitude 6° 33' 24" E). Of all the parameters studied within the hours of the year, it was observed that relative humidity (H) temperature (T) and proton density (PD) are the major causes of radio wave transmission effect in Minna during propagation of radio signal. The correlation analysis of radio refractivity with the solar wind-magnetosphere interplanetary parameters showed that relative humidity (H) has correlation coefficient of 0.985, proton density (PD) has correlation coefficient of 0.452, temperature (T) ) has correlation coefficient of 0.392, pressure (P) has correlation coefficient of 0.274 and Dst index ) has correlation coefficient of 0.011 respectively.
Face Detection and Tracking System[Full-Text] [References]Susmit Sarkar, Arindam Bose
Security Measures are one of the things in which technology had entered long time back. Security without Technology cannot be thought of in modern times. Be it in any Bank, Corporate buildings, Educational Institute, anywhere the utilization of vision based systems are used in order to keep a check over the activities going at that place. Robomaniac Intelligent Tracking System is an intelligent system which can be used for security purposes. This project combines the joint venture to capture the frames from a camera, detect the faces, saves the detected faces and tracks the faces.
Formation Control of Multiple AUV’s In Horizontal Plane Using Leader-Follower Approach[Full-Text] [References]Deepali Chandrakar, Dewashri Pansari, Bharti Dewani
Formation control using a leader-follower approach is a advancement in AUV technology for control and formation of multiple Autonomous underwater vehicles. This approach leads the other approaches of formation control like behaviour-based method, virtual structural method, artificial potentials as the theoretical formalization and mathematical analysis of these approaches are difficult and consequently it is not easy to guarantee the convergence of the formation to a desired configuration. On the other hand in the leader-follower approach, a robot of the formation, designated as the leader, moves along a predefined trajectory while the other robots, the followers, are to maintain a desired distance and orientation with respect to the leader. Numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed formation scheme.
Fetal Heart Monitor[Full-Text] [References]Priya Rajput , Bhupendra Singh , Pragati Karan
This research work proposes an improved algorithm or slash procedure for extracting the fetal heart rate from abdominal ECG recordings of a pregnant woman. The basic goal of this project is to detect the fetal R-R intervals as well as fetal heart rate from abdominal non-invasive records. The database of ECG recordings has been taken from physionet (www.physionet.org).This database contains a series of 55 multichannel abdominal non-invasive fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) recordings, taken from a single subject between 21 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. The records have variable durations, and were taken weekly.All data record is in .edf format( European Data Format ). The various noises can be removed from the abdominal signal by using various filtering methods. The maternal QRS segment is obtained and subtracted from the abdominal ECG signal. To evaluate the fetal’s R peak, the fetal’s QRS points have to obtain. The application of the algorithm to all the abdominal channels will probably allow improving the obtained results.
The Immigrants Dilemma and How the Human Resource Manager Copes with the Migrated Lot, A Comparison of UK and Pakistani Companies[Full-Text] [References]Naseha Kanwal, Muhammad Faheem Aslam, Amara Haroon
The study highlights the reasons of migration trend from home to the host countries and the HR mangers capabilities to manage the vast diversity of people created due to the increasing migration trend.It was conducted from February, 2009 and a sample of 80 is chosen 40 from Pakistani companies and 40 from UK companies.The results show that the migration is due to social, economic, political and other reasons that the people migrate from one part of the world to the other part and as far as the study is concerned it is observed that 42% of Pakistani people and 52% of UK people believe that the migration is mostly due to the social reasons. And 57% of Pakistani people are agreed that the migration is followed due to the economic reasons that the people migrate to other areas where as 47% of UK people are agreed to the same statement. These graphs show that 82% of Pakistani and 87% of UK people say that the government must of both the host and the home country adopt certain strategies for the circular and permanent immigrants. These graphs shows that almost 90% of Pakistani and 40 % of UK people say that the migration trend is due to other reasons than the economic, social or political reasons that the people are willing to migrate to other areas. The study conducted reveals that due to various reasons of migration discussed throughout the study a vast diversity of people is conducted at the target area and the HR manger has to cope with this diverse lot, train them well, manage them well to avoid the problems that can occur as the result of the migration process.
Intelligent Sensing and Packaging of Foods for Enhancement of Shelf life: Concepts and Applications[Full-Text] [References]Anamika Bagchi
India is the world’s second largest producer of food next to China, and has the potential of being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. The food processing industry is one of the largest industries in India-it is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected growth. The Indian food processing industry stands at $135 billion and is estimated to grow with a CAGR of 10 percent to reach $200 billion by 2015. The food processing industry contributed 7 percent to India’s GDP.The Confederation of Indian Industry(CII) has estimated that the foods processing sector has the potential of attracting US$ 33 billion of investment in 10 years and generate employment of 9 million person-days. So, ensuring the safety of food is of great importance. The present review paper introduces about intelligent sensing, electronic nose and tongue, their development and application in the food processing sector. In this review the real time detection of food safety problems such as microbial hazards, chemical hazards and toxins into the food supply ,by the intelligent sensors are also depicted.
Smile Theory of Everything[Full-Text] [References]Satish Gajawada
I would like to thank everything in this universe which is trying to make this place a better place to live. This paper is all about "Smile Theory of Everything (SToE)". In this theory or religion, the same thing is given in different formats.
Principal Component Analysis based Palmprint Recognition with Center of Mass Moments [Full-Text] [References]R.Vivekanandam, M. Madheswaran
Palmprint is one of the relatively new physiological biometrics due to its stable and unique characteristics. The rich feature information of palm print offers one of the powerful means in personal recognition. Palmprint Region Of Interest (ROI) segmentation and feature extraction are two important issues in palmprint recognition. This paper introduces two steps center of mass moment method for ROI segmentation and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for obtaining palmprint feature vector and matching is done by Hausdroff Distance method(HD). The recognition rates are unexpectedly improved compared to the classic approach. Experiment results show that this system can achieve a high performance.
E-Waste: A Global Problem and related issues[Full-Text] [References]Divya Gupta
Electronic waste or e-waste is an emerging problem of today’s time. Basically e-waste is any refuse created by discarded electronic devices and components as well as substances involved in their manufacture or use. The disposal of electronics is a growing problem because electronic equipment frequently contains hazardous substances. Around the world, a number of initiatives have arisen to address the issue of e-waste, by promoting the reuse of electronic devices (e-cycling). The UN research predicts that in South Africa and China, e-waste from old computers may jump by 200 to 400 per cent from 2007 levels and by 500 per cent in India.
Analysis of a Solar Dryer Box with Ray Tracing CFD Technique[Full-Text] [References]Akinola A. Adeniyi, Abubakar Mohammed, Kehinde Aladeniyi
A growing preservation technique in western part of Nigeria is the use of solar dryer box. Conventionally, exposure to direct sun light has been the practice to preserving farm produce because majority of the farmers cannot afford advanced techniques that may depend on electricity supply from the national grid. Recent studies have shown that alternatives to direct exposure to the sun are preferable for vitamin preservation. A simulation of a solar box design for such purpose is presented for temperature distribution based on sun direct solar irradiation of 1423W/m2 of Akure (5.304° Latitude 7.258° Longitude). Results compare well with experiment.
Magic Square Generic Algorithm[Full-Text] [References]Samuel A.M
Today in the world of competition , the creativity do hold their roots. And, because of these vital things only, the technology of today is at great peaks and expanding its influence all over the world. It's being the rule of nature that better things i.e. new technology, better algorithms, better analogies do overtake the old ones and to survive in this world of competition creativity is must. With the same thoughts , I am giving you a new angle of vision to magic square , which i had figured out through my research in late 2002.
Application of Visual Basic in Geotechnical Design (Shallow Foundation)[Full-Text] [References]Shantana Sheikh, A.Z.M Sanaul Haque
The research work represents how effectively programming language can be used in geotechnical design work. In this case the design of shallow foundation is done by Visual Basic programming. The lowest and supporting layer of a structure.is called foundation. Soil is an unconsolidated material, composed of solid particles, produced by the disintegration of rocks is not same all the place. Its load bearing capacity varies with its nature. According to soil load bearieng capacity foundation is categorized as shallow foundation.In this researches the design of single column and combined footing is done. Construction of shallow foundation is more economical and easier. But manually it required more time. So, in this case the application of Visual Basic is done for the design. The entire design has been translated into simple functions.
How to design an induction program and its execution in an organization[Full-Text] [References]Antonette Asumptha. J
The ambition of an organization is to gain employees commitment, for this induction is an important tool. Induction is training the employee to understand the organization culture and develop interdependency with others in the organization. In order to ensure a healthy working environment induction is a vital obligation for the employer. Performance can be improved with orientation. To create the right impression about the company induction is crucial. The significant change in an employee is brought through orientation program.