IJSER Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2012 Edition

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Energy minimization in the speed scaling model[Full-Text] [References]PankajAgarwa, lVivek Kumar Gupta
Energy use of computer communication systems has quickly become a vital design consideration. One effective method for reducing energy consumption is dynamic speed scaling, which adapts the processing speed to the current load. We study network optimization that considers energy minimization as an objective as an objective.Studies have shown that mechanisms such as speed scaling can significantly reduce the power consumption of telecommunication networks.The dynamic voltage and frequency scaling in CPUs is an example of adjusting a device's control variable to trade off power consumption and performance. This idea of energy optimization through speed control has been subsequently applied to other components of electronic systems such as disk drives and wireless transceivers. A processor is equipped with variable clock frequencies (speedy) feature and is used to schedule a set of given jobs with deadlines. Each speed change involves time/energy overhead and also impacts negatively the processors lifetime reliability. Based on above facts, problem of "energy aware scheduling, considering the number of speed changes and cost associated due to number of speed changes" is studied. Designing speed schedules to satisfy all jobs deadline and at the same time optimize the energy consumption and total cost involved due to speed changes. We develop algorithms that work close to the optimal and analyze its time complexities.
PAPR Reduction in Multi-Tone Modulated OFDM using Constellation Diagram Improvement[Full-Text] [References]Shubhanshi Gupta, Charul Agarwal
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a very powerful system but having a drawback of peak to average power ration (PAPR), which leads to a significant reduction in performance and power efficiency. The method of PAPR reduction is explained here with the help of clipping projection. Constellation cycle improvement is a PAPR reduction technique that cyclically extends QAM constellations to allow an alternative encoding with lower PAPR at the transmitter. The method consists of introducing a cycles with proper frequency and phase in the symbol that corresponds to replacing original constellation points with one of these equivalent points. OFDM with reduce PAPR is a demand of new working systems which is fulfilled by fast growing clipping projection with constellation cycle improvement. This method is most suitable for multicarrier communication.
Ultra-Wideband Antenna Using Inverted L Shaped Slots for WLAN Rejection Characteristics[Full-Text] [References]Shashank Verma, Rowdra Ghatak
Planar ultrawideband antenna with WLAN rejection characteristics is studied in this paper. Rejection characteristic is achieved by a pair of inverted L shaped slots in the ground plane. The proposed antenna yields an impedance bandwidth of 2.6-12GHz with VSWR<2 except at the notched band. The antenna gain varies from 2.8 dBi to 5.2 dBi over the UWB band with dips at the rejection band. Numerical simulations of the proposed antenna demonstrate that the presented methodology is accurate and efficient to design compact band notch antenna for UWB antennas.
Effect of Pause Time and Nodes Mobility Speed on AODV and DSR in MANET[Full-Text] [References]Neetu Kawatra, Vijay Kumar
An ad hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes that dynamically form a temporary network. It operates without the use of existing infrastructure. As mobile ad hoc network applications are deployed, Routing is one of the central requirements. This paper analyses the performance of AODV and DSR routing protocols using network simulator NS2.34 on Ubuntu 10.04 by varying the pause time and speed of node's mobility using constant bit rate. In a real world scenario, the pause time and nodes mobility speed frequently changed. In this paper assumed different pause time and nodes movement speed. The metrics for evaluation has been considered as Packet Delivery Ratio and throughput. This would be a great help for the people conducting research on real world problems in MANET Routing and other solutions.
Optimized Dispersion Compensation with Post Fiber Bragg Grating in WDM Optical Network[Full-Text] [References]P.K. Raghav, M. P. Singh and Renu Chaudhary
In this paper demonstrates the possibility for dispersion compensation in a 10 Gbps WDM with the help of fiber Bragg Grating created with the Fiber Grating component. This component allows design of apodized and chirped fiber gratings that are able to provide dispersion compensation in optical system. The physical idea behind this compensation scheme is the creation of an apodised linear chirped grating allows us to create a time delay between different spectral components of the signal. Because of this different velocity of propagation of different spectral components, the pulse spreads. If we create fiber grating with period linearly reducing along the grating, because the higher frequencies will reflect after longer propagation in the grating a time delay between lower and higher frequency components will appear which is just opposite to this created in the SMF. Therefore propagating and reflecting our pulse in this device will allow to compensate the dispersion broadening of transmitting pulse .
AMOLED : An Emerging Trends in LED [Full-Text] [References]Vivek Purohit, Tasneem Banu, Komal Daiya
This paper presents the concept of Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diodes as a modern trend in Light Emitting Devices. This paper introduces AMOLED device structure and operation, AMOLED materials, Evolution of AMOLED. AMOLED are used in television screens, computer monitors, small, portable system screens such as mobile phones and PDA, watches, advertising, information, and indication. AMOLED are also used in light sources for space illumination and in large-area light-emitting elements. Due to their early stage of development, they typically emit less light per unit area than inorganic solid-state based LED point-light sources. Different fabrication processes and technologies are covered. Also Passive-Matrix OLED driving schemes are outlined. This paper also describes the market potential of AMOLED by taking modern trends in technology into account.
High Speed Projectile Recording System[Full-Text] [References]Dileep Kumar, Anshul Gaur
Optical techniques are most suitable for speed measurement of fast moving projectile, particularly when the projectile is of small size and speed is to be measured in the vicinity of the projectile. The design and construction of a system to accurately determine speed of a projectile (bullet) by measurement of time of flight between two parallel laser screens is described. Each screen is formed by a laser source. At the detection end of both the screens, a collector lens focuses the incident laser light beam on to a photo-detector. The collector lens and detector are kept in a recess so that no stray or ambient light falls on the photo-detector. Whenever a projectile crosses any of the screens, the corresponding photo-detector senses the event due to partial or full obscuration of the incident energy. Appropriate electronic circuit is used to accurately record the time when the projectile crosses each screen and time interval gives the time of flight. The distance between the screens being known, velocity is displayed on computer screen.
Smart Sensing System for Built Environment [Full-Text] [References]Abhishek Singh, Anuj Kumar, Heisik Kim and Anshul Gaur
In this paper, a fully functional smart sensing system for measurement of air quality gases and environmental parameter is presented. The system has been developed in compliance with IEEE1451.2 standard. The sensor array is implemented using electrochemical sensors. The smart transducer interface module (STIM) is implemented using the PIC18F4550 microcontroller. Network Capable Application Processor (NCAP) implemented in LabVIEW 9.0 is based on the IEEE 1451.1 standard. The NCAP is connected to the STIM through a USB 2.0 Transducer Independent Interface. The level of indoor environment parameters and information regarding the STIM can be seen on the graphical user interface (GUI) of NCAP and also be presented the adaptive estimation for missing environmental parameters for short duration. The Radial Basis Function based Artificial Neural Network technique has been discussed and used this technique the estimation of the missing environmental parameters. This work assumes that data are missing completely at random. This implies that we expect the missing values or input vector to be deducible in some complex manner from the remaining data. Two cases of missing parameters have been considered, in first case one parameter is missing, and in second case two parameters are missing. The SSS is low cost, energy efficient, and portable.
On the Morphology of Modern Sorani Kurdish Language[Full-Text] [References]Prof.Dr.Lazim M.Al-Badawi and Basil M.Youif
Sorani Kurdish language(SKL) is a continuum Varity of Kurdish dialects spoken and writ-en in an area of more than 30 millon inhabitants,covering a region between Turkey, Syria Iraq,and Iran. It has an old history related back to its origin in a proto-type Sanskrit lang-uage to give it an identity of a branch of indo-European family. Its regional variation is naturally predominates its studies in modern linguistics especially on the morphology level. Few explanations and descriptions were related to different dialects of SKL. Accordingly, the primary aim of this study is to utilize synchronic morphology using two different approaches to uncover some adequate knowledge of the word formation for the sorani Kurdish language as it is spoken and written by university educated Kurds.
Secured Data Transmission using Snort Rules and Mining Techniques[Full-Text] [References]R.Venkatramana, Mrs.M.Sreedevi
Network traffic analysis becomes more and more crucial in the IP network infrastructure as the amount of IP packets transmitted on the Internet at any given moment of time increases enormously. A thorough understanding of the IP traffic will help us better design our network topology and utilize bandwidth more effectively. From the perspective of security, it can also protect our system from attacks, such as intrusions, our model employs feature selection so that the binary classifier for each type of attack can be more accurate, which improves the detection of attacks that occur less frequently in the training data. Based on the accurate binary classifiers, our model applies a new ensemble approach which aggregates each binary classifier's decisions for the same input and decides which class is most suitable for a given input. During this process, the potential bias of certain binary classifier could be alleviated by other binary classifiers' decision. Our model also makes use of multi boosting for reducing both variance and bias. The clients have some rules to communicate between them using snort rules. Any Communications (such as FTP, SMTP, etc) between the clients are monitored by the snort. If it continues again, then that particular client will be disconnected from this network (means cannot be able to communicate with other clients in that network.) But, that client will be physically connected with the network. The proposed work describes a network traffic analysis software tool, which provides searching, visualization, and preprocessing functions with a user-friendly GUI implemented in Java language. Within the huge network traffic data collected, a user can identify any particular packets using various searching functions provided. Visualization presents the analyzed result in a different setting to further enhance the analysis. The GUI in Java allows the tool to be used in different platforms. This tool is tested and demonstrated through several real network datasets.
The effect of radiation on the thermal expansion of kaolin nano filled -XLPE materials.[Full-Text] [References]Amin Al Robaidi, Shadi Al Khateeb, Radwan Dweiri, Tojan Gaghbeer
Nano kaoline as a reinforcement agent in the concentration of 5% was added to different polyolefine materials. Said materials were crosslinked via chemical and Gamma radiation. The expansion coefficient (CLTE) using a linear thermal expansion technique for the cross linked LDPE and HDPE and Polypropylene Random Copolymer (PPRC) in the temperature range of 30 to 220°C was investigated. Prior to radiation the different sample were chemically crosslinked using silane and peroxide crosslinking agent. From the compounded resin; sheet and pipes were produced. Samples were cut and then subjected to gamma radiation at different radiation doses. The thermo elastic properties of mentioned samples, in particular the linear thermal expansion (a) at constant stress and the change in the length with temperature, were studied. It was found that a decreases with the increasing degree of grosslinking for polyethylene simillar to elastomer net works; whereby PPRC behaves like ordinarly polymer. The thermo elastic inversion was also considered and the experimental observations were easily rationalized. Finally, the results were explained in the light of the change in the polymer micro structure and its change due to the effect of ? ray radiation
Robust Control of Inverted Pendulum Using Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control and Particle Swarm Optimization "PSO" Algorithm [Full-Text] [References]Assef Zare, Toktam Lotfi, Hodeiseh Gordan, MohamadReza Dastranj
One of the most important problems today is robotics and its control , due to the vast Application of inverted pendulum in robots. In this paper, we have tired to optimally PID Controller inverted pendulum using PSO Algorithm by nonlinear equations. The results of this simulation has been mentioned in the conclusion. It seems that the results be acceptable results.
Two kinds of unique vowel reduction processes in Sistani dialect of Persian (Rule-Based Approach)[Full-Text] [References]Delarami Far, Mansure
Sistani dialect is an original dialect of Persian. It seems to originated from Indo-European languages. So in the world, many different scholars worked on the dialect. It has so many different with standard Persian that surveying them can help us for recognizing the main langueges in all over the world. Thereinto, Sistani dialect has some similarity to English that it is difference point from Persian. For example using ? in Persian is much less but in Sistani dialect, we use ? too much and in this paper, will survey vowel reduction processes in this dialect that have two phase. Two phase occur respectively that the papar will describe them with Rule-based approach.
Speech Recognition in Adults with Hearing Loss: Effects of Age, Amplification, and Noise [Full-Text] [References]Goutam Goyal, Dr. K.K. Dhawan, Dr. S.S. Tiwari
This study focused on three factors: age, noise modulation, and linear versus wide-dynamic compression amplification. Three audio metrically matched groups of adults with hearing loss were tested to determine at what age performance declined relative to that expected on the basis of audibility. Recognition fell below predicted scores by greater amounts as age increased. Scores were higher for steady versus amplitude-modulated noise. Scores for WDRC-amplified speech were slightly lower than for linearly amplified speech across all groups and noise conditions. We found no interaction between age and type of noise. The small reduction in scores for amplitude-modulated compared to steady noise and lack of age interaction suggests that the substantial deficit seen with age in multitalker babble for previous studies was due to some effect not elicited here, such as informational masking.
The Intelligent Universe: Everything comes from nothing[Full-Text] [References]Besim Ismaili
The oldest and the most crucial question of the all times is this: How Universe and we originated? The most popular theory of our universe's creation a cosmic cataclysm unmatched in all of history-the big bang. This theory was born of the observation that other galaxies are moving away from our own at great speed, in all directions, as if they had all been pro-pelled by an ancient explosive force. The Big Bang theory was a great found to think differentely than the ancient status quo model, but it needs improvement, because it lefts some questions to be answered, and some observations to be proven. In particular, it was unable to explain what happened before the Big Bang. This was the biggest reason why big part of this paper will be dedicated to the question: "What happened before Big Bang?", which remains to be the biggest black box of moderne astrophysics. To answer this utopic question, I develop some new concepts and theories, more important to notice are: The theory of Active Points, the theory of Condensation Points, the concept of the Universe center, the concept of space evolution in dimensions, etc.These concepts and theories will be explained chronologicaly step by step.
A Method For Transmission Usaged Cost In Combined Pool & Bilateral Electricity Markets[Full-Text] [References]This article proposed new method for transmission cost Allocation in mixes pool and Bilateral Markets. In this method that is based on power flow equations and the real amount of usage from each of transmission line contributors and it can become application method in modern power markets. This method can be used in demand response in smart grids.At first, we compare, for only pool markets, this method for test and with results that got in one 4 bus network before. Then , in going on, Equations, he'd been written for market with bilateral contract, too at last, we will take one mixed market and will test equation for mixed market state and in a standard 24 bus network. IEEE-24bus RTS and we will analysis results.
Study of Mechanically Alloyed Magnetic Abrasives in Magnetic Abrasive Finishing[Full-Text] [References]M.G.Patil, Kamlesh Chandra, P.S.Misra
Due to the development of manufacturing technology, final machining of precision parts having high level of surface finish has made the application of magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) process, increasingly important. In MAF process, magnetic abrasives play the role of cutting tools. However, the magnetic abrasives are not easily available as these are produced by special techniques like sintering method, adhesive based, plasma based or gel based. This study presents the basic polishing characteristics of the magnetic abrasives produced by mechanical alloying process. After mechanical alloying process fine magnetic abrasives are obtained, in which the abrasive particles adhere to the base metal matrix without any bonding material. The magnetic particle used is iron powder and the abrasive is silica. The experiments performed on Stainless Steel 304 tubes examine the effects of different parameters like quantity of magnetic abrasives, amount of lubricant, speed of rotation of workpiece, magnetic flux density and machining time. The surface roughness measurements demonstrate the effect of the abrasive behaviour on the surface modification. The surface roughness was analysed in terms of percentage improvement in surface finish (PISF).
Flexural Behavior of concrete beams Reinforced with Glass Fibre Polymer [Full-Text] [References]Sumant U. Ladole
Corrosion of steel reinforcement is one of the main problem facing the construction industries throughout the world. Many method's have been used to minimize the problem but they lead's to failure. Thus more durable reinforcement due to its non corrodible characteristic. This paper presents the flexural behavior of concrete beam each measuring (500 x 100 x 100) mm and Reinforced with direct roving glass fiber. The performance of their flexural strength and split tensile strength of beam and cylinder, have been observed However, the performance of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (Directing roving glass fiber) reinforced concrete beam improved slightly.
Economic Contribution Of Tourism Industry Towards Society[Full-Text] [References]Dr. Anupama Sharma, Ms. Sumita Kukreja, Dr.Anjana Sharma
Tourism is an activity that is mainly carried out for recreational and leisure purposes.Now India is one of the fastest growing outbound travel markets in the world and has geared up to emerge as the second fastest growing tourism economy in the world by 2015 with projected 8.8% growth. The growth in tourism sector is expected to rise further in the coming decades as the sector is expanding fast. Present paper highlights the role of tourism industry in social and economical development of country,the role of Hotel and Aviation Industry in increasing the foreign exchange in India ,to know the areas which offers tourism related employment ,to measure the effectiveness of different schemes and programmes initiated by Government to increase the tourist inflow and economic benefits of tourism industry. To measure all above objectives, data and information has been collected through secondary sources including Books, Magazines, Journals, E-Journals, Internet, Reports of WTO, Ministry of Tourism, and World Travel and Tourism Council etc. To analyse all these fact three research questions have been prepared:- a) is tourism industry a boon or a curse to the society? b) are initiatives taken by government to increase the tourist inflow and to remove the challenges before tourism industry in india, sufficient or need some amendments? c)do increased economic benefits of tourism industry has created a place for India on world tourism map or not ?.After analyzing all the facts it can be concluded that tourism industry is expanding day by day and contributing a lot towards the economic development of society by providing employment opportunities and huge increase in foreign exchange earning. Though it has some negative sides too but this problem can be eliminated by the joint efforts of government, tourism organizations, media, and of course local communities.
Thermoelastic Problem of a Hollow Elliptical Cylinder Subjected to a Partially Distributed Heat Supply[Full-Text] [References]S. D. Bagde and N. W. Khobragade
This paper presents the theoretical treatment of a thermoelastic problem of a hollow elliptical cylinder due to partially distributed heat supply on the outer curved surface. Integral transform techniques have been utilized to obtain the so-lution having the influence of heating and cooling conditions for the problem in the form of a Mathieu series.
Comparison of Chemical and Mineralogical Properties of Geophagic Materials from Taita and Mombasa, Kenya[Full-Text] [References]Gichumbi J M, Maghanga J K, Cheshari E.C, Ongulu R A, Gichuki J G
Geophagy is the deliberate consumption of soil and clay deposits by animals including man. The practice is widespread particularly in pregnant women in Africa. This study of geophagic soil from coast province in Kenya had its primary objectives in analyzing the geochemical and mineralogy of the geophagic material sold in open air markets in Taita and Mombasa Districts. The elemental analysis and major oxides was carried out using AAS and Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence. Elemental analysis showed that silica (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3) were the main oxides present in the materials. The transition metals Cd and Co were not detected, while the concentration of Cu, Zn, and Pb was low. The mineralogy studies using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showed that the samples were mainly siliceous with quartz being the dominant mineral and kaolin and calcite being present.
Black Electromagnetic Hole[Full-Text] [References]M.M. Izam, D. I. Jwanbot, E. K. Makama and G.G Nyam
In this paper, the general mechanical equation of motion for photons moving in general gravitational field is derived and solved. The equation predicts the existence of black electromagnetic hole.
An Inventory Model for Deteriorating Products with Weibull Distribution Deterioration, Time-Varying Demand and Partial Backlogging[Full-Text] [References]R.Amutha , Dr.E.Chandrasekaran
The Paper presents an inventory model for deteriorating products with demand as linear function of time and time dependent holding cost. A two-parameter weibull distribution is used to represent the distribution of the time to deterioration. In which shortages are allowed and partially backlogged, backlogging rate is variable and is dependent on the length of the next replenishment.
Strong Graphs, Its Properties And Some Families Of Strong Graphs[Full-Text] [References]Nishad T.M
Strong α labeling is introduced. Necessary and Sufficient Condition for existence of strong α labeled graphs is proved. The properties of strong α labeled graphs is proved. Also the conditions for Comb graph, Bipartite graph, Shadow graphs to be strong are obtained.
Effects of application of standard ISO 9001 in profitability of SME in the Republic of Macedonia[Full-Text] [References]Rametulla Ferati, Njazi Bytyqi, Elsana Aqifi
In this paper we analyze the effects of the implementation of ISO 9001 in the profitability of small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia. Our analysis has synthesized succeeded benefits from the application of this standard based on theoretical and empirical research in recent years. We as the author emphasized the need to focus on issues related to the effects of the application of standards in performance and achievements of small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia. To analyze this effect it is necessary to conduct empirical research. As a basis for analysis have received 100 small and medium enterprises that operate in the Polog region where we will analyze how the financial performance of companies that have applied this type of standard and financial performance of companies that have not applied this standard. Empirical research shows that companies that have applied ISO 9001 standard are rentable and vice versa, companies that have not applied this standard are less rentable