IJSER Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2012 Edition

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Effect of VAL66MET Mutation in BDNF Protein Regulating the Levels of BDNF in Type II Diabetic Patients with Arthritis, Hypertension and Obesity[Full-Text] [References]Alekhya Duggisetti, Anuradha Parihar, Surendra Babu.K, Amit Kumar.Dr
As Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is involved in major depressive disorder and neurodegenerative diseases, decreased levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) have been implicated in case of Alzheimer's disease and depression. These disorders are associated with type 2 diabetes, and animal models suggest that BDNF plays a role in insulin resistance; it could be an important issue whether BDNF concentration is measured in serum or in plasma. We therefore explored the levels of BDNF in plasma of type 2 diabetic patients with Hypertension, Arthritis and Obesity. The molecular weight determination followed by sequence analysis going to explore the role of change in amino acid at 66th position which is responsible in regulation of BDNF level which further increase or decrease with insulin or glucose level in type 2 diabetics.
Determination of Bond Index of Wasagu Manganese Ore in Kebbi State, Nigeria.[Full-Text] [References]Alabi Oladunni Oyelola, Shehu Aliyu Yaro, Binta Hassan
In this study, the work index of Wasagu Manganese Ore deposit in Kebbi State of Nigeria was determined using the modified Bond's Method of determining work index also known as Berry and Bruce method. Sample of Manganese ore was sourced using random sampling method. Reference mineral (Granite) of known weight and work index (15.14 Kwh /tone) was ground for 30 minutes at a particular speed and power consumed was determined from the power rating of the ball mill. An identical weight of Wasagu Manganese ore whose work index was to be determined was ground in the same ball mill under same condition as that of reference mineral. Size analysis of the ball mill under same condition as that of the reference mineral. Size analysis of the ball mill feed and discharge for both the ores was carried out and 80% passing particle size of the ball mill feed and discharge for the two ores were estimated using semi-logarithm plots. The work index of the Wasagu Manganese ore was determined by equating the power consumed in the two indexes of the ore was found to be approximately 10.24Kwh/tones which is within the range 10 - 15.14 indicated in literatures as standard.
Investigation of the Efficacy of Using a Non Coking Coal as a Blend With Coke for Tin Smelting[Full-Text] [References]Ihom, A. Paul, Alabi, Oladunni. Oyelola, Wara .A. Usman and Ogbodo, J.
Investigation of the efficacy of using a non coking coal as a blend with coke for tin smelting has been undertaken. The work utilized Enugu Coal mixed with imported coke in various proportions. The smelting of the tin was carried out and the chemical analysis of the tin recovered, and that of the slag was done. The recovery of the tin metal was worked out through the material balance. The results clearly indicated that the recovery was 69.3% for 100% Coke, 68.90% for 5%/95% blend and 68.30% for 10%/90% blend. The grade of tin recovered was not so much affected by the proportion of the blend used, however, 100% Coke had the highest grade of recovered tin metal. It was also noticed that as the Enugu Coal in the blend increased the recovery of tin metal decreased. The range of 5% to 15% of Enugu Coal in the blend, which had a recovery of 68.9% to 62.30%, can be use for tin smelting, since it has a reasonable recovery percentage of tin metal.
Topological Cross Sections and Multiplicity Distributions for and Interactions at High Energies[Full-Text] [References]Moaaz A. Moussa, Mahmoud Y. El-Bakry, A. Radi, El-Sayed A. El-Dahshan, D. M. Habashy, Ehab G. Abbas
We have studied the charged particles multiplicity distributions arising from and collisions over the range of laboratory momenta from 50 to 400 GeV/c. The parton two fireball model based on an impact parameter analysis is adopted. Figures and calculations are provided to demonstrate good agreement between theoretical calculations and experimental data at different momenta.
Application of Response Surface Methodology for Optimisation of Amorphous Silica Extracted from Rice Husk[Full-Text] [References]Olawale O, Akinmoladun, A.I, Oyawale, F.A. and Baba, A.O
In this research, Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to optimise the effect of three controllable input variables. To study the proposed second-order polynomial model for maximising Amorphous silica, a Central Composite Design (CCD) was used to estimation the model coefficients of the three input factors, which are alleged to influence the amorphous silica production process. The response is modelled using RSM on experimental data. The significant coefficients are obtained by performing Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 5% level of significance. It was observed that time of combustion at 3h, had significant effect on the maximising amorphous silica production. The model sufficiency is very satisfactory as the Coefficient of Determination (R2) is found to be a87.91% and adjusted R2-statistic (R2 adj) is 75.82%.
Antecedents to Successful Adoption of e-Procurement in Textile and Apparel Firms in Kenya[Full-Text] [References]Robert M. Arasa, John O. Achuora
This study examined the factors that affect implementation of e-procurement within the textile and apparel firms in Kenya. Specifically it sought to investigate the effect of organizational issues, environmental factors and technological factors on the implementation of e-Procurement. A survey approach was employed, using a stratified random sampling to ensure representativeness. Both quantitative and qualitative methods of data analysis were used. Descriptive statistics as well as regression analysis were used to facilitate examination of the relationship between the variables of interest. The study findings indicate that environmental factors have the most influence on e-procurement implementation, followed by technological and organizational factors respectively. The study points out that management support, employee empowerment, policy strengthening in ICT use are key to effective e-procurement implementation and therefore should be given due attention.
Digital Image Processing : A focused Medical Application[Full-Text] [References]Dr Kamal K Vyas, Amita Pareek, Dr S Tiwari
Digital Image Processing is a rapidly evolving field with growing applications in Engineering and Medical. Modern digital technology has made it possible to manipulate Multi-dimensional signals. Digital Image Processing has a broad spectrum of applications. This exploratory paper projected the different compression standards, specified compression technique for medial images. Despite rapid progress in mass-storage density and processor speed, the digital communication system's performance demands for data storage capacity and data-transmission bandwidth.
A new approach to synthesizing Iron(III) chelators [Full-Text] [References]Mercedeh Tahmasebifard, Mohammadali Ghorbani, Alireza Heidari
Desferal, which is expensive, is currently being prescribed to reduce the level of iron overload in thalassemia patients. Among the inexpensive oral medicines, only one of 1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypyridinones has reached the clinical stage. This medicine is rapidly inactivated by the metabolized glucuronic acid. To settle this problem, some of their N-hydroxyalkyl derivatives that are slightly metabolized are synthesized. A number of new compounds of N-acetonitrile and N-ethylamine hydroxypyridinone with such metabolic behavior were designed and synthesized. 2-methyl-3-pyranone (maltol) and ethyl maltol were used. First, their hydroxyl group was benzylated by benzyl chloride. Then, the benzylated pyridinone was derived due to the reaction with aminoacetonitrile hydrochloride in the pyridine solvent. Finally, we obtained the N-acetonitrile or N-ethylamine-3-hydroxypyridinone derivatives by cleaving the benzyl group through the hydrogenation technique and using bromodimethylborane. Here we obtained three main compounds: 1-(2-aminoethyl)-2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine-4-one, 1-(2-aminoethyl)-2-ethyl-3-hydroxypyridine-4-one, and 1-cyanomethyl-2-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine-4-one and four related intermediate compounds. These materials were elementally analyzed and studied through 1HNMR spectroscopy and Mass spectroscopy. We aim to investigate these medicines' biological effects in the future.
Mechanism of Thermoluminescence[Full-Text] [References]Haydar Aboud, H. Wagiran, R. Hussin
This investigation presents the theory for the phenomenon of thermoluminescence (TL). The basic principle gives simple model to the emission of light from an insulator or semiconductor by released charge carriers from traps when it is heated. In this study has be explain the three essential ingredients necessary for the production of thermoluminescence, first, second and general - order kinetic. This work lead to explain methods to analysis TL glow peaks to determine various parameters, such as the trap depths E and the frequency factors S. This work provides simple information to understand the thermoluminescence.
Data Mining used in current scenario through Associating Rule Mining[Full-Text] [References]Shivani Yadav, Meer Shizan Ali
Association rule mining satisfies the predefined minimum support and confidence from a given database. The problem is usually decomposed into two sub-problems. One is to find the frequent or large itemsets in the database. The second problem is to generate association rules from those large itemsets with minimal confidence. Apriori algorithm is an algorithm proposed to mine the data warehouses to find the associations. More improvements and alternatives have been suggested to overcome the inefficiency of Apriori algorithm. DSIM (Data-Set Intersection Method) algorithm avoids generation of vast volume of candidate itemsets. This process is performed by deleting items in infrequent itemset and merging duplicate transaction repeatedly.
Tuning of Musical Notes through Mathematics [Full-Text] [References]Anushree Sah, Saurabh Rawat, Bhaskar Nautiyal, Adil Ahmed, Okesh Chhabra
Mathematics, an enigma in numbers and calculations, often accompanied by feelings of rejection and disinterest while Music, a flow with emotions, feelings and life. Motivation for investigating the connections between these two apparent opposites' poles is attempted in this paper. A correlation between Mathematics and Music is shown.. Music theorists sometimes use mathematics to understand music. Mathematics is "the basis of sound" and sounds itself "in its musical aspects... exhibits a remarkable array of number properties", simply because nature itself "is amazingly mathematical". In today's technology, without mathematics it is difficult to imagine anything feasible. In this paper we have discussed the relation between music and mathematics. How piano keys are interrelated with mathematics, frequencies are correlated and discussed. With the aid of mathematical tools, regression, geometric progression, tuning frequency can be calculated and further related to key of piano used to produce that particular frequency . This paper will also be helpful for music seekers and mathematician to understand easily a relationship between Mathematics and Music from a mathematician prospective
Electricity Demand: Wind as Alternative Source of Energy[Full-Text] [References]Mr. Sagar J. Aswar
This paper provides an introduction to the basic aspects of wind energy for electricity generation, as regards both the characteristics of the source and the features and state-of-the-art of today's wind energy conversion systems. It also provides an overview of worldwide applications of wind energy. Possible restraints to and benefits from wind plant integration in utility systems are considered, as well as the use of stand-alone wind systems. Some possible forecasts on the role of wind energy in the next two decades are also given
Developing English Language /Literary Competence: An experimental study at the first year Degree level through Reading Skill[Full-Text] [References]Dr.S.Venkateswaran, S.Gayathri
A language exists in full actuality in literature. It is there as idioms, phrases, words and so on with the meaning, intention, force in which their life resides are uttered and meant by both the author and taken by the audience. Language in the full sense in the full concrete reality that eludes the cognizance of any form of linguistic science does more than provide an analogue for a culture in that full sense which very much concerns all of us. Literature is a mode or manifestation of language.
Detection of Stego Images by principle of Suspicion Value for Distributing Stego Algorithms [Full-Text] [References]Kaustubh Choudhary
Image based Steganography has been in use for securely broadcasting, sending malicious secret messages over the internet by means of hiding them in the images. Over a period of time Terrorist Organizations have mastered this technique of manipulating images to send data away from the preying eyes of law enforcement agencies. The cyber space is full of such mala-fide images containing hidden secret informations. In a single day over millions of images are uploaded and downloaded from internet and the most difficult aspect of tracking such malicious images is the absence of efficient, fast, reliable algorithms for identifying and isolating them from the bulk of innocent images. This paper endeavours to develop Distributing Spatial Domain Steganalysis Algortihm for detection by assigning it a Suspicion Value. The Suspicion Value is a number associated with the image and is bigger for those images which contain information and smaller for innocent images. The Suspicion Value thus sets a benchmark for images that need to be scrutinized or not, the thorough interrogation of an image requires large amount of computation time but it accurately pinpoints the hidden information using various techniques) or not. The stego-identifier algorithm developed has the capability to carry out tedious task of quick filtering of the suspicious images flowing through the web servers, routers, layer three switches and any other electronic media. Using this algorithm the suspicion values of various cover and stego-images generated by three different steganographic algorithms are computed and evaluated. All the graphs and tables are generated using MATLAB Image Processing Tool Box.
Kantowski Sachs Domain Walls in Saez- Ballester's Scalar- Tensor Theories of Gravitation[Full-Text] [References]Kandalkar S.P, Gaikwad M.N and Wasnik A.P
In this paper general solution are found for domain walls in Saez- Balleters[1] scalar tensor theory of gravitation in the Kantowski Sachs space time. Exact solutions of the field equations are derived when the metric potential are functions of cosmic time only. Some physical and geometric properties of the solutions are also discussed.
Performance Analysis of a PV/T Air system based on heat transfer perspective[Full-Text] [References]R. K. Koech`,H.O Ondieki, J.K. Tonui and S.K Rotich
Hybrid photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) systems produce both electricity and thermal energy resulting to an increase in the overall efficiency of the system and a reduction in the cost of solar electricity. A comprehensive parametric study has been carried out in this paper to investigate the mechanisms for increasing the wall heat flux and hence the overall performance of a PV/T air collector. The collector considered consists of a PV laminate, an air channel, a back plate and a back insulation material. In the study, a thermal model of a PV/T air solar collector under natural flow mode was developed, validated from experimental data and then used to generate modelling results on the effects of design and operating parameters on the amount of heat transferred to the air in the duct. The results indicate that increasing the air mass flow rate in the range 0 - 0.015 kg/s while keeping the thermal resistance of bottom EVA and tedlar layers very low result into a significant increase in the amount of heat transferred to air.
Spherically Symmetric Cosmic Strings in a Scalar-Tensor Theory [Full-Text] [References]Kandalkar S.P, Wasnik A.P and Gaikwad M.N
Spherically Symmetric cosmological models with cosmic string source are obtained in a scalar- tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Saez and Ballester [1]. The models obtained give us spherically symmetric geometric (Nambu) string, - string and Reddy string[2] in Saez- Ballester theory. Some physical properties of the models are also discussed.
Detection of Stego Images by using Suspicion Value (special reference to Concentrating Stego Algorithms)[Full-Text] [References]Kaustubh Choudhary
The technique of concealing secret messages in the image which only the sender and intended recipient can know of, unsuspected by everyone else is called Image Steganography. This Technique is frequently used by Terrorists and criminal organizations for secure communication, dead-dropping and information exchange over internet in broad daylight. Hence, its the most preferred tool for achieving the 3 critical aspects Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of the communication network capable of penetrating deep inside the civilian population. Identification of Images containing hidden Information is a challenging task due to lack of Efficient Algorithms, High rates of False Alarms and most importantly due to the High Computation Costs involved in Analyzing the Images. In this paper a mathematical algorithm which has a fast computation speed is designed for analyzing any stego-image generated using Spatial Domain Steganographic Algorithms and assigning it a Suspicion Value. Here Suspicion Value is a number associated with the image which is bigger for those tailored images (stego-images) which contain information and smaller for untailored images. Based on this Value it can be decided whether the given image must be interrogated thoroughly or not, further if needed thorough interrogation can be done (which requires large amount of computation time but is reliable and conclusively identifies the hidden information using various steganalytic techniques). This algorithm can be used for filtering of the suspicious images flowing through the web servers, routers, layer three switches and any other electronic media. Based on this algorithm the suspicion values of various cover and stego-images generated by three different steganographic algorithms are computed and evaluated. All the graphs and tables are generated using MATLAB Image Processing Tool Box.
X-Ray Image Compression Using Neural Vetworks [Full-Text] [References]Kuther Abood, Haydar Aboud, Falih Hassan Awaid
Neural Networks are based on the parallel architecture and are inspired from human brains. Neural networks are a form of multiprocessor computer system, with simple processing elements, a high degree of interconnection, simple scalar messages and adaptive interaction between elements. One such application is image compression. Image compression is a process which minimizes the size of an image file without degrading the quality of the image to an unacceptable level. It also reduces the time required for images to be sent over the internet or downloaded from web pages. Efficient storage and transmission of medical images in telemedicine is of utmost importance however, this efficiency can be hindered due to storage capacity and constraints on bandwidth. Thus, a medical image may require compression before transmission or storage. Ideal image compression systems must yield high quality compressed images with high compression ratio; this can be achieved using wavelet transform based compression, however, the choice of an optimum compression ratio is difficult as it varies depending on the content of the image. In this paper, a neural network is trained to relate radiograph image contents to their optimum image compression ratio. Once trained, the neural network chooses the best wavelet compression ratio of the x-ray images upon their presentation to the network. Experimental results suggest that our proposed system can be efficiently used to compress radiographs while maintaining high image quality.
A Meshfree Simulation of the Draw Bending of Sheet Metal [Full-Text] [References]Kalilou Sidibe, Guangyao Li
The simulation of the draw bending of sheet metal is done using the Reproducing Kernel Particle Method (RKPM). The particle to segment contact algorithm is used for the contact detection as well as the contact constraints implementations. The penalty method is used for the implementation of the impenetrability condition. Both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) draw bending of sheet metal are successfully simulated. The results obtained prove the effectiveness of the RKPM and the particle to segment contact algorithm for the sheet metal forming analysis.
A Survey on New Load Based Active Queue Management Mechanisms[Full-Text] [References]Ramakrishna B.B, Prashant Ankalkoti, Dr. Shrinivasa Mayya D.
As usage of network goes increasing day by day, managing network traffic becomes a very difficult task. It is important to avoid high packet loss rates in the Internet. Congestion is the one of the major issue in the present networks. Congestion Control is one of the solutions adopted to solve the congestion issue and to control it. Numbers of queue management algorithms are proposed for congestion control and to reduce high packet loss rates. Active Queue Management (AQM) is one such mechanism which provides better control over congestion. In this paper a study is made on recent load based AQM techniques that are proposed and its merits and shortfall is presented.
Numerical Investigation of the Combustion of Methane Air Mixture in Gas Turbine Can-Type Combustion Chamber[Full-Text] [References]Firoj H Pathan, Nikul K Patel, Mihir V Tadvi
Three dimensional numerical investigation of the combustion of methane air mixture in gas turbine Can- combustor by using CFD with CFX solver is presented in this study. The objective is to understand the combustion phenomena and resulted emissions. With the high cycle temperature of modern gas turbine, mechanical design remains difficult and a mechanical development program is inevitable. The rapidly increasing use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in recent years has had a major impact on the design process, greatly increasing the understanding of the complex flow and so reducing the amount of trial and error required. The gas turbine Can-combustor is designed to burn the fuel efficiently, reduce the emissions, and lower the wall temperature. In this study various parameters like air-fuel ratio, swirler angle of primary air inlet, axial position of dilution holes are changed to investigate the effect of these parameters on combustion chamber performance and emissions. In this study the mathematical models used for combustion consist of the PDF Flame let Model and Eddy Dissipation Combustion Model for non premixed gas combustion. The outcome of the work will help in finding out the geometry of the combustion chamber which will lead to less emission.
An improvement on vertical phase coherence of scaled phase Locking Phase Vocoder for Speech Signal[Full-Text] [References]Ahmad Reza Eskandari, Zahra Kouchaki
These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IJSER JOURNALS. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at IJSER. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not delete the blank line immediately above the abstract; it sets the footnote at the bottom of this column. Don't use all caps for research paper title.
An Approach for Embedding and Retrieving the Data in Medical Image Using Contourlet Transform[Full-Text] [References]Saranya G and Dr.S. Nirmala Devi
Data hiding in medical images has wide applications in the medical field. The medical images of different modalities like CT, MRI , with Patient medical Report (PMR) can be sent to the clinicians residing at any corner of the globe for the diagnosis. This has the advantage of data security, attachment of patient data with the medical image which saves the space in hospital digital database. The main requirements of general data hiding method are robustness to attack, high hiding capacity and maintaining Region of Interest (ROI) of the image during their processing. Hence, the comparison of wavelet transform and contourlet transform for data hiding in the medical image(CT-BRAIN) is performed in this work.
Seeking New Horizon[Full-Text] [References]Joshi Kuldeep R., Mr. Gunjan H. Desai , Kaila Bhavesh R
This is an industrial defined project of UltraTech Cement - Narmada Cement Company Ltd., Babarkot (Ta: Jafrabad), Gujarat-India. The project mainly describes the ways to utilize the hot air which is being thrown away to the atmosphere which can be of great use.The project deals with the heat of the Bag House with the temperature range of ?190?^0-?200?^0 C. This amount of heat can be directly converted to any other form of the energy using suitable transducers and the resultant can be utilized for various other minor or major activities of the factory. Further in this report various technical as well as economic aspects of the same are dealt which might seem to be helpful to the readers.
Implementation of an Adaptive-Dynamic Arbitration Scheme for the Multilayer AHB Busmatrix [Full-Text] [References]N.Khadar Basha
My paper consists of master side arbitration and slave side arbitration in a system. Based on AMBA AHB protocol, the adaptive dynamic arbitration scheme is being implemented on the slave side arbitration. The multilayered advanced high-performance bus (ML-AHB) bus matrix is an interconnection between multiple masters and multiple slaves in a system. The master and the slave communicate in terms of request and grant signals. The master merely starts a burst transaction and waits for the slave response to proceed to the next transfer. However, the ML-AHB busmatrix of ARM offers only transfer-based fixed-priority and round-robin arbitration schemes. In fixed priority arbitration scheme, each master is assigned a fixed priority value. It is simple in implementation and has small area cost. But in heavy communication traffic, master that has low priority value cannot get a grant signal. In round robin arbitration scheme, each master is allotted a fixed time slot. If the new master sends a request in between, then that master has to wait until all masters completetheir tasks. In Adaptive Dynamic arbitration scheme, the design and implementation of a flexible arbiter for the ML-AHB busmatrix is to support three priority policies-fixed priority, round robin, and dynamic priority and three data multiplexing modes-transfer, transaction, and desired transfer length. The slave side arbiter dynamically selects one of the three possible arbitration schemes based upon the priority-level notifications and the desired transfer length from the masters so that arbitration leads to the maximum performance. The area overhead of the adaptive dynamic arbitration scheme will be 9%--25% larger than those of the other arbitration schemes and improves the throughput by 14%-62% compared to other schemes. There are totally nine arbitration schemes. Among the nine arbitration schemes, the adaptive dynamic arbitration scheme is the efficient one and the master which has accessed the bandwidth less number of times will be given highest priority and will get the grant signals.
Research, Development and Commercialization of Double Burner Claystove Using Termite Mounds [Full-Text] [References]Concurrent with the soaring cost of foods are exorbitant prices of cooking facilities including cookstoves and much so with the needed fuels.
The Steady-State Solution Of Serial Channel With Feedback And Reneging Connected With Non-Serial Queuing Processes With Reneging And Balking[Full-Text] [References]Satyabir Singh and Dr. Man Singh
This Paper considers the steady-state behavior of serial queuing processes with feedback and reneging connected with non-serial queuing channels having reneging and balking in which (i) M serial queuing process with feedback and reneging are connected with N non-serial channel with reneging and balking. (ii) A customer may join any channel from outside and leave the system at any stage after getting service. (iii) Feedback is permitted from each channel to its previous channel in serial channels. (iv) The impatient customer may leave the service facility in serial and non-serial channel after a wait of certain time and balking has been incorporated in non-serial channels only. (v) The Input process depend upon queue size in non-serial channels and Poisson arrivals and exponential service times are followed. (vi) The queue discipline is random selection for service (vii) Waiting space is infinite. Expressions for mean queue lengths have been derived.
Design Studies and Optimization of Position of Strain Gauge[Full-Text] [References]Ashutosh Kumar, Sachin Kumar Chaturvedi, Vimal Chaturvedi, Ramesh Chandra Yadaw
Positioning of Strain Gauge is one of the limiting factor for finding the accurate output signal by using conventional sensors and other electronic devices. Strain gauges and electronic devices are required in some special applications e.g. measurement of deformations, stresses and pressures inside power generators. The optimum positioning of the strain gauge has been studied using finite element analysis and the findings are presented in the form of stress, strain and displacement plots with respect to centre line distance of sensor's substrate. The study further attempts to suggest in positioning of strain gauge for finding the accurate output signals and good sensitivity from electronic devices and conventional sensors.
4-D Password: Strengthening the Authentication Scene [Full-Text] [References]Grover Aman,Narang Winnie
We have had many authentication schemes presently, but they all have some drawbacks. So lately, the 3D password paradigm was introduced. The 3-D password is a multifactor authentication scheme. It can combine all existing authentication schemes into a single 3-D virtual environment. However the 3-D password is still in its early stages. Designing various kinds of 3-D virtual environments, deciding on password spaces, and interpreting user feedback and experiences from such environments will result in enhancing and improving the user experience of the 3-D password. Moreover, gathering attackers from different backgrounds to break the system is one of the future works that will lead to system improvement and prove the complexity of breaking a 3-D password. This paper presents a study of the 3D password and an approach to strengthen it by way of adding a Fourth dimension, that deals with gesture recognition and time recording, and that would help strenghthen the authentication paradigm altogether. Hence we attempt to propose a 4-D password as a one-up method to the 3-D password.
S-MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network and Study of related work[Full-Text] [References]Hema Kumbhar, Himangi Pande
Wireless Sensor Network is special class of wireless communication, consist of large number of miniature battery operated sensor nodes which are distributed and do communication wirelessly. Due to small and inexpensive sensor node, they are widely used in many areas. Sensor-MAC was designed and developed for WSN to prolong the lifetime and reduce energy consumption. Many of the work have been done on S-MAC to enhance the performance. This paper gives a insight review of such papers.
Medical Image Compression Using Improved SPIHT and MFHWT[Full-Text] [References]Navjot Kaur, Preeti Singh
Set Partioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) algorithm is a significant improvement of Embedded Zero Tree Wavelet (EZW) algoritm. It is based on the zero tree structure of EZW algorithm uses the smallest mean square error criterion.The most important wavelet coefficients are first encoded. It has got a good compression performance. The work is particularly targeted towards wavelet image compression using haar transformation with an idea to minimize the computational requirements by applying different compression thresholds for the wavelet coefficients. These results are obtainted in the fraction of seconds. It improves the quality of the reconstructed image with high PSNR values as well as preserves the significant image details.
A study on Water Leakage Detection in buried plastic pipes using Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text] [References]A.R Iyeswariya, I. Mariyam Shamila, M.JayaLakshmi, K.Maharajan, V.Sivakumar
This paper focuses on an application of wireless sensor networks for leakage detection in underground water pipes to overcome the problem of water dispersion in water distribution networks. Leakage prevention and breaks identification in water distribution networks are fundamental for an adequate use of natural resources. Nowadays, all over the world, water wasting along the distribution path reaches untenable percentages (up to 80 % in some regions). Since the pipes are buried within the terrain, typically only relevant breaks are considered for restorations: excavations are very expensive and consequently the costs to identify the position of the leakage or just the position of the pipe itself are too high. To address this problem, and simplify the leakage identification process, the authors have designed a wireless network system making use of mobile wireless sensors able to detect breaks and reveal unknown tracks and monitor the pressure spectrum of the fluid flowing in the pipe. The sensors transmit the acquired data from the terrain to the surface by use of a wireless connection. On the surface ground there are stations that receive the signal, process it, and communicate with a central unit where necessary intelligent signal processing techniques are used to detect leakage sources. Compared to other leakage detection solutions already available in the market (such as: Ground penetrating radar (GPR), pure acoustic techniques and tracer gases), the proposed technique appears very efficient and much more inexpensive.
An Empirical Estimation of Exchange Rate Determination In India : Since 1980-2011 [Full-Text] [References]Amandeep Kaur
The Historical perspective of foreign exchange Rate determination in India concludes that the Par value system of Exchange Rate was fixed at 4.15 grains in terms of gold with the pound sterling as the intervention- currency under the time period 1947-1971 in India. In 1998 foreign exchange management ACT (FEMA) was enacted which takes into account improved economic liberalization and improved foreign exchange Reserve position during the period (1980-2011). Indian exchange Rate policy has seen a "gradual shift" from a par value system to basket-peg exchange rate system; and further to a managed floating exchange rate system in India.The study reveals that a stable exchange Rate may be maintained in the market. For this situation Necessary for the macro economic stability of the economy. The experience in foreign exchange management in the post reforms years the policy of maintain the flexibility of the exchange Rate in avoidance with market forces of Demand and Supply without undue volatility as adopted by the RBI, has stood the test of time in case of India.Exchange Rate Management policy of the RBI supported with sterilization Intervention in the face of Heavy capital inflows in the recent year also considerably served to the bias in current account besides limiting undue volatility in the exchange Rate.For ensuring Economic Stability, we have to remove the temporary shocks, increase capital mobility and control the Inflation in the economy. The exchange Rate Policy should also facilitate the convertibility of Rupee in the Market. Any economic enterprise or person should be able to convert their holdings of Rupee into any foreign currencies.The result arrived with the help of annual data present a clear picture of Exchange Rate determination in India under the period of the study. This implies that PPP theory in India in the long run.
A novel approach to synthesizing 1-alkylimidazoles [Full-Text] [References]Mercedeh Tahmasebifard, Mohammadali Ghorbani, Alireza Heidari
Many biological effects have been recently observed from 1-alkylimidazoles. Although the synthesis of such compounds is not complex, they are not easily purified. These compounds are usually synthesized in benzene and purified through vacuum distillation. Here we aim to achieve more efficient synthesis and purification of such compounds through a less toxic medium. By the reaction between imidazole and bromoalkanes (phase transfer technique), a number of alkylimidazoles were synthesized in an alkaline medium and extracted by an organic solvent. The chemical structure of these derivatives was investigated by mas, nuclear magnetic resonance, and infrared spectroscopy techniques. Longer chains of alkyl in the alkylimidazoles lead to a rise in the boiling point, requiring a higher level of vacuum in the distillation process, increasing the cost of synthesis, and decreasing the efficiency. These derivatives were purified by column chromatography and the results suggest this method's effectiveness.
Pollen Structure of Kelussia odoratisima (Umbelliferae) from Iran [Full-Text] [References]Leila Amjad, Hamidreza Akkafi
Kelussia odoratissima Mozaff. is a sweet-smelling, self-growing plant which is traditionally consumed in Iran as a garnish. The aim of this project was study the structure of pollen grains in Kelussia odoratissima. Anthers of Kelussia were collected at full flowering stage from wild populations. Structure pollen grains were studied by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that pollen grains are radially symmetrical, isopolar, prolate, operculate and tricolporate with costae. The data presented suggest that palynological characters display taxonomic significance in the genus.
New Evaluation Era of Incremental Sliding Window Queries over Data Streams [Full-Text] [References]Sunil Kumar Sah, Sheo Shankar Prasad
Two research efforts have been conducted to realize sliding-window queries in data stream management systems, namely, query reevaluation and incremental evaluation. In the query reevaluation method, two consecutive windows are processed independently of each other. On the other hand, in the incremental evaluation method, the query answer for a window is obtained incrementally from the answer of the preceding window. In this paper, we focus on the incremental evaluation method. Two approaches have been adopted for the incremental evaluation of sliding-window queries, namely, the input-triggered approach and the negative tuples approach. In the input-triggered approach, only the newly inserted tuples flow in the query pipeline and tuple expiration is based on the timestamps of the newly inserted tuples. On the other hand, in the negative tuples approach, tuple expiration is separated from tuple insertion where a tuple flows in the pipeline for every inserted or expired tuple. The negative tuples approach avoids the unpredictable output delays that result from the input-triggered approach. However, negative tuples double the number of tuples through the query pipeline, thus reducing the pipeline bandwidth.
Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach To Solve Non-Linear Bi-Level Programming Problem In Stratified Double Sampling Design In Presence Of Non-Response[Full-Text] [References]Neha Gupta, Shafiullah Sana Iftekhar and Abdul Bari
In the present paper a multivariate stratified population is considered with unknown strata weights and an optimum sampling design is proposed in the presence of non-response to estimate the unknown population means using DSS strategy. The problem turns out to be a non-linear bi-level programming problem. Then a fuzzy goal programming approach is used to solve the non-linear bi-level programming problem. The objective function of each level decision maker is non-linear in nature and there is one linear constraint with some upper and lower bounds. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach, an illustrative numerical example is provided
Vibration Analysis of an Ocean Current Turbine Blade[Full-Text] [References]M. Imran and S.Badshah
Vibration characteristics of an ocean current turbine blade have been analyzed using Design foil, BET tool, Pro/Engineer and Finite Element Package ANSYS. Natural frequencies and mode shapes of a turbine blade can be evaluated by Vibration Analysis. It can also serve as a starting base for another, dynamic analysis, such as a transient dynamic analysis, or a spectrum analysis. The natural frequencies and mode shapes are important parameter in the design and analysis of an ocean current turbine blade. Modal analysis can also be performed on a pre-stressed spinning turbine blade. It has been investigated that the blade would not fail in an ocean current of 2.3 to 2.5 m/s that can produce power production up to 151 KW. The blade is of Composite structure with carbon fibers and foam core. It is also facilitated with two webs of carbon fibers to add shear rigidity. Eight design cases of blade were analyzed involving the differences in geometry, material properties and internal structures. Results from the vibration analysis revealed that the recommended blade design have adequate frequency difference than the frequency of other components of turbine like rotor, assembly to produce proposed power of 151 KW without any resonance or structural failure. Deflection analysis and Principal stress analysis have been conducted that showed the proposed blade design have adequate strength.
Nanoarchitecture and Global Warming[Full-Text] [References]Mohamed Abdelall Ibrahim, Mohamed Assem Hanafi, Osama Mohamed Omar
As result of globalization, new notion called the global problems has appeared such as the financial crisis, global warming, and Climate change and biodiversity affecting the whole world in general and the third world developing countries in particular resulting from the developed countries actions. One of these solutions is using the nanotechnology and the environmental materials in architecture so as to reduce energy consumption in the public buildings to reduce its heat emissions. Hence, reaching the main purpose of this study finding the best ways to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions harming the environment. Also on the private or individual level, it leads to zero carbon architecture through using nanotechnology, and nanoarchitecture. This will be done through case studies in Bibliotheca Alexandrina, it is to convert the building to be environmentally friendly and based on renewable energy and to minimize the consumption of the building for electricity generated from burning of petroleum products without influence a performance of the building and the performance of his job required him to even raise the operational efficiency and interaction with users in the highest as well as with the environment in which the existing building so that it responds in an intelligent way to make it deals with the climatic changes of the existing environment of the highest degree of effectiveness.
Availability Analysis of Filler System in a Process Industry (Brewary Plant)[Full-Text] [References]Sunil kadiyan,Seeone Sharma,Raju,Rajesh Gautam
The most of the systems in the industries are complex and repairable. If we wish to achieve the optimum performance of the system then we need to understand the Reliability, Availability and maintenance (RAM) parameters. In this paper we discuss the availability of Filler system in brewery plant by using the concept of mathematical modeling. Markov Birth Death process is used to find out all the probabilities of the systems and the subsystems. These probabilities are full working, reduced and failure state. After understanding the layout of the packaging department, draw transition diagram for various subsystems then differential equations and Steady state probabilities are determined. By taking data from the log table available in the industry about the failure rate and repair rate of various systems and sub-systems the decision matrix are developed by using MATLAB programming. This gives availability for various combinations of failure rate and repair rate of all sub-systems. Graphs between availability and failure rate and availability and repair rate suggest the availability is decreases as the failure rate increases and availability is increases as the repair rate increase.
Design and Prototyping of PSoC based Pulse Oximeter[Full-Text] [References]Mahima Rathore
Pulse Oximeter is a non invasive medical device which measures the percentage of oxygenated blood in patient's haemoglobin. This percentage is important for providing anesthesia, detecting cardiac and respiratory problems and helps in diagnosis of sleeping ailments. It is built on PSoC which comprises of various sub-systems like LCD driver (which can drive LCD at different voltages), UART (for broadcasting messages), analog filter, capacitive sense, Analog to Digital Convertor, Pulse Width Modulation, etc. PSoC integrates all basic and advance requirements of a pulse oximeter into a small scale chip performing all these operation hence increasing its efficiency. PSoC includes the 8-bit (8051) or 32-bit (Arm Cortex M3) microprocessor, which integrates three to four functions to become the control chip of the physiological monitor of pulse oximeter. It helps it achieve portability, high functionality and low cost thus making it available to common people.
Energy Efficient M-SPIN Protocol[Full-Text] [References]Jyoti, Harkesh Sehrawat, Devender Sharma
Sensor networks are recently rapidly growing research area in wireless communications and distributed network. Data transmission is one of the major challenges in wireless sensor network (WSN). Different routing protocols have been proposed to save energy during data transmission in WSN. Since the nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are typically very small in size and are powered by irreplaceable battery, efficient use of energy becomes one of the most challenging tasks while designing any protocol for WSN. In this paper, we proposed an algorithm for increasing the energy efficiency of routing protocol M-SPIN which belongs to the SPIN Family.
Development of Industrial door operation System For Elevator Actuated by various drives[Full-Text] [References]Manik S.Shivankar, Hemant P. Kasturiwale, D.T. Ingole
In an elevator door operation is very important and vital. A door for elevator needs to be not only robust, but it has also to guarantee safety and reliability in all operative conditions, even in the extreme ones It is commonly said in the elevator industry that, "75-80% of all elevator-related problems arise from elevator doors", It helps in managing traffic if operated properly. Failure of door operation system causes passenger entrapment, which is call back (call back means if elevator fails to operate then mechanic will have to go to customer premises to solve the problem.) to company, at the same time inconvenience and dissatisfaction to customer. Elevator door operators normally should include door motors, hangers, inverter, operator arm assemblies, etc. Broadly there exist two types of door operators in elevator. Basic door operator is called conventional door operator i.e. with relays and other related accessories. There should system which will lead to the reduction in callbacks. The elevator manufacturing companies are trying to use latest technology to reduce callback problem and thereby improvement in performance of elevator. The latest door operator is with modern drives with variable parameters. The modern drives will consume less power, no possibility of damage during testing, less wears & tears because opening and closing of door can be controlled & regularized using proper feedback system.
Experimental study of Effect of ignition timing and compression ratio on NOX emission of LPG fuelled engine[Full-Text] [References]S. M. Lawankar, Dr L. P. Dhamande , Dr S. S. Khandare
Alternative fuels like LPG, CNG, hydrogen etc has emerged as a solution to depleting crude oil resources as well as to the deteriorating urban air quality problem. As a gaseous fuel, LPG have already been established in terms of low emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon. Some parameter like compression ratio and ignition timing also affect exhaust emission. The present work is carried out to study the effect of compression ration and ignition timing on NOX emission from LPG fuelled SI engine. A single cylinder, 4-stroke, water-cooled, LPG fuelled SI engine was used; an arrangement was made to vary compression ratio and ignition timing. The results obtained show that the engine running on an LPG fuel system found to have about 15 to 35 % more NOX emission as compared to gasoline fuelled system. It also found that the NOX emission also affected by compression ratio ignition timing. Retarding ignition timing NOX decreases by 12%. Advancing the ignition timing up to certain degree BTDC increases NOX emission and further advancement decreases the NOX emission
Brain Tumor Classification Using Wavelet and Texture Based Neural Network[Full-Text] [References]Pauline John
Brain tumor is one of the major causes of death among people. It is evident that the chances of survival can be increased if the tumor is detected and classified correctly at its early stage. Conventional methods involve invasive techniques such as biopsy, lumbar puncture and spinal tap method, to detect and classify brain tumors into benign (non cancerous) and malignant (cancerous). A computer aided diagnosis algorithm has been designed so as to increase the accuracy of brain tumor detection and classification, and thereby replace conventional invasive and time consuming techniques. This paper introduces an efficient method of brain tumor classification, where, the real Magnetic Resonance (MR) images are classified into normal, non cancerous (benign) brain tumor and cancerous (malignant) brain tumor. The proposed method follows three steps, (1) wavelet decomposition, (2) textural feature extraction and (3) classification. Discrete Wavelet Transform is first employed using Daubechies wavelet (db4), for decomposing the MR image into different levels of approximate and detailed coefficients and then the gray level co-occurrence matrix is formed, from which the texture statistics such as energy, contrast, correlation, homogeneity and entropy are obtained. The results of co-occurrence matrices are then fed into a probabilistic neural network for further classification and tumor detection. The proposed method has been applied on real MR images, and the accuracy of classification using probabilistic neural network is found to be nearly 100%.
Warehouse layout selection using PROMETHEE II method[Full-Text] [References]Mr.S.Godwinbarnabas, Mr.R.Ezhilvannan, V.Agnikumar, V.Vinothrajan, M.Santhanamaruthupandiyan
This paper deals with the warehouse layout optimization problem with respect to the distance reduction and the travel time minimization. We also searched for a flexible tool in order to optimize layout functionally to the fluctuations in demand and inventory level.ALDEP (Automated layout design program) algorithm has been developed and a system for the effective optimization of each department in the warehouse is presented. The ware house locations are selected and they are ranked according to the priority using AHP(Analytical Hierarchy process) and PROMETHEE method. Using AHP method certain results have been sorted out, and PROMETHEE method brings out the best results than AHP.
Decoupled Space Vector PWM for Dual inverter FED Open End winding Induction motor drive[Full-Text] [References]N.Rosaiah, Chalasani.Hari Krishna, G.Satheesh, T.Bramhananda Reddy
An open-end winding induction motor, fed by two 2-level inverters connected at either end produces space vector locations, identical to those of a conventional 3-level inverter. In this paper, a switching algorithm is proposed to implement space vector PWM for the dual inverter scheme. The proposed algorithm does not employ any look-up tables. The time consuming task of sector identification is altogether avoided in both these algorithm. The proposed algorithm employs only the instantaneous reference phase voltages for the implementation of the space vector PWM. The harmonic content of the three phase currents in the motor are analyzed with an appropriate variation in its modulation index in both the proposed algorithm and two level inverter fed induction motor compared simultaneously. Thus the performance in terms of harmonic analysis is carried out using MATLAB/SIMULINK for an open end induction motor drive.
Energy Efficient Scheduling Framework for Cloud Computing using Ranking Algorithm[Full-Text] [References]R.Vijindra
Cloud computing provides everything as a service and solves high performance and high throughput computing problems through sharing resources ranging from personal computers to super computers distributed around the world. In cloud computing, one of the major problems is resource scheduling, i.e. allocating tasks to resources efficiently. In addition to completion time, I also take energy consumption of data centers into account. In this paper, energy efficient scheduling framework proposed for the job scheduling problem. This framework is designed with three objectives, i.e. 1.reducing the completion time of each job, 2.reducing the energy consumption of data centers, 3.balancing the incoming load. I compare the results of the energy efficient scheduling framework with previous job scheduling algorithm implemented in the cloud environment. Simulation results show that the proposed framework perform better than existing algorithm and achieves the objectives.
An Application Layer Firewall [Full-Text] [References]Anukriti Raj, Aniruddha Bhattacharjya
The project is aimed at developing an APPLICATION LAYER FIREWALL. The firewall is inserted between the premises network and the Internet to establish a controlled link and erect an outer security wall or perimeter. The aim of this perimeter is to protect the premises network from Internet-based attacks and to provide a single choke point where security and audit can be imposed. Firewall is being made using JAVA programming language. It will be a total software product that will have an implementation of two proxies for the protocols HTTP and FTP respectively. The project involves building up of a graphical user interface at the front end and source coding of the backend which is done using JAVA language in NetBeans IDE 7.1.2.
A Study & Comparative Analysis of performances of database on Clouds[Full-Text] [References]Gaurav Sharma, R.S. Sharma
Cloud computing is an emerging technology that mainly provides a shared pool of configurable computing resources.It is combination of Internet technologies such as SOA, Web 2.0, Web services,System Management such as data centers automation, Distributed Computing such as utility & Grid computing and Hardware such as multi-core chip and virtualization. The services are categorized into three distinct environments Software-as-a-service, Platform-as-a-service, and Infrastructure-as-a-service. Now-a-days, a new emerging service called Database-as-a-service which is a part of software-as-a-service. Database-as-a-service is indeed essential for database-driven applications. This paper lists important parameters of database. As a result, Study and analysis of database as Mysql services varies significantly depending on the different cloud infrastructure such as Amazon EC2, Joyent cloud and Rackspace.
Multi Purpose Security System Using GSM[Full-Text] [References]Manjula B.M
Security systems are necessary during any emergencies that occur at banks, houses etc. Hence in this project, a security system with a feature of motion and password detection is implemented. Using GSM the administrator is informed about the people moving into the secured places, by sending an SMS to his mobile. At his work place, he can take a necessary action, which saves time during emergencies.
Pc4 Magnetic Pulsations at Low latitudes in India and its Dependence on Solar Wind Velocity and Interplanetry Magnetic Filed[Full-Text] [References]I. A. Ansari, K. A. Nafees
Magnetic Pulsations recorded on the ground are the signatures of the integrated signals from the earth's magnetosphere. Pc4 geomagnetic pulsations are quasi-sinusoidal variations in the earth's magnetic field in the period range 45-150 seconds. The magnitude of these pulsations ranges from fraction of a nano Tesla (nT) to several nT. Although these pulsations can be observed in a number of ways, yet the application of ground-based magnetometer arrays has proven to be the most successful methods of studying the spatial structure of hydromagnetic waves in the earth's magnetosphere. The solar wind provides the energy for the earth's magnetospheric processes. The source of Pc4 magnetic pulsations can either be internal to the magnetosphere (endogenic) or external to it, transmitted through the magnetopause (exogenic). Most of the Pc4 studies undertaken in the past have been confined to middle and high latitudes.
Business Rules Discovery from Existing Software Systems[Full-Text] [References]Kestutis Normantas, Olegas Vasilecas
Software maintenance consumes a large amount of its total life cycle costs. In fact, maintainers spend a lot of time analyzing source code, configurations and resource definitions referring to the documentation in order to gain a deeper understanding of the logic of business rules implemented in the system. To facilitate these activities, we propose a model-driven approach on business rules discovery from existing software systems. We describe the process for obtainment of standard based intermediate representation of knowledge about the software system and for abstraction of business logic from this representation. We believe that our on-going research on discovering business rules will decrease the efforts required for maintenance and evolution of software systems.
Synthesis of tetrahydroquinoline by silicagel-oxalic acid through the imino Diels-Alder reaction[Full-Text] [References]Mercedeh Tahmasebifard, Mohammadali Ghorbani, Alireza Heidari
The tetrahydroquinolines have various biological effects. The imino Diels-Alder reaction between N-aryl imine and olefines is effective for the synthesis of tetrahydroquinolines. In this regard, many environment-friendly organic reactions have been improved recently. Here a mixture of silicagel-oxalic acid was synthesized as a catalyst for the imino Diels-Alder reaction between N-aryl aldimines, and the effect of this catalyst capacity and the chemical structure of imines and alkenes were studied using different alkenes for the synthesis of tetrahydroquinolines. This method's advantages are simple laboratory procedure, high efficiency, and mild reaction conditions.
A Survey on Ontology Tools[Full-Text] [References]Ms.V.Vidya, Mrs.S.C.Punitha
Ontology provides a shared vocabulary, which can be used to model a domain, that is, the type of objects and/or concepts that exist, and their properties and relations. When starting out on an ontology project, the first and reasonable reaction is to find a suitable ontology software tool. Our main concern must include the provided capabilities like ontology versioning (the project development often involves various ontologies - external as well as newly in-house developed), mapping and linking, comparing, merging, reconciling and validating, converting them into other forms (such as XML Schemas, database schemas, and others). This paper presents a survey on ontology tools and the material is focused on features that these tools might expose.
Analyzing The Growth Of E-governance With Maturity Model Perspective: A CASE OF GOVERNMENT TREASURIES IN INDIA[Full-Text] [References]Mithun Barua
The revolutionary development in information & communication technology has brought a new paradigm shift in public administration which popularly termed as "electronic government/ e-governance". India adopted this paradigm shift in order to bring transformation in the governmental functions and delivery of services. Treasuries are the basic fiscal units of the Government in India (at both Federal and State Governments). In this paper, the growth of e-governance in the financial treasuries of Government of West Bengal (i.e. computerization of treasuries) are examined with various e-government growth/ maturity models and attempt being made to identify the points of convergence among them. Nolan model and Layne & Lee model are incorporated which relates to the growth of information technology and e- governance. The study brings into light that these models of growth converge at various points. The study also brings out that technology life cycle is an important factor in predicting growth. It throws up issues for research on what factors other than technology could be factors of growth.
EOCC: Energy-Efficient Ordered congestion control using cross layer support in Mobile Ad Hoc Network routing[Full-Text] [References]T.Suryaprakash Reddy, Dr. P. Chenna Reddy
In the recent times many accessible congestion control procedures have no capability to differentiate involving two major problems like packet loss by link crash and packet loss by congestion due to buffer overflow. Consequently these resolutions effect in form of wastage of possessions because they target only on the packet drop by link crash that has the unnecessary importance. Consumption of energy and possessions in order to make the basis node attendance regarding the congestion occurring in routing path is the supplementary drawback in most of the available models. This method of intent mainly on regulating the outlet load at the basis node stage is the boundary to the present available models. It is by now aware that as a motive of link crumple and congestion packet loss in the network routing largely occurs. Hence in our earlier research we proposed routing strategy called Ordered congestion control using cross layer support in Manets in short OCC [19]. In this article we refined the OCC to gain the ability of energy conservation in congestion discovery. In this effort we attempt to limit the role of MAC layer to detect link failure and developed a new strategy to detect the congestion at a relay node level and path level. In this new congestion detection approach we consider the channel loading, packet loss and buffer utilization as parameters to detect the congestion state. These parameters together we referred as congestion detection activity parameter set in short C-daps. The produced tentative results illustrate energy efficiency over OCC [19].
Informal Waste Collectors in India[Full-Text] [References]S.Thirunavukarasu
The informal waste collector sector plays a major role in Indian economy begins to dominate in providing gainful employment opportunities for lakhs of people. It also contributing significant share of nation's output. It is estimated that two fifths of India's Gross Domestic Product generate from the informal waste collector sector and of the families are depending on this sector directly and indirectly for their survival. There are millions of people worldwide make a living in waste collecting, sorting and selling materials, that someone else has thrown away. They are vital actors of informal economy. The informal waste collectors perform an essential role in the economies and societies of developing countries in large. In the developed world, this kind of activity is relatively small. The unplanned growth of Indian cities has led to a host of problems like fuel scarcity, water, air and other pollution due to increase in growth of population, motor vehicles and industries etc., This has led to many problems to the human beings; animals etc., the waste collectors are play a pivotal role in reducing waste materials by their collection and recycling process. This paper aims at to explain the socio-economic conditions of informal waste collectors in India. This study may lead to do a qualitative research on this field in future by the researchers.
Profitabilty, Operatining Leverage And Industry Class As Determinants Of Corporate Capital Structure: A Study On Select Non Government And Non Financial Companies In India[Full-Text] [References]Prof (Dr)A K Das Mohapatra
Designing a judicious capital structure for the firm depends on a host of internal and external factors of which size of the firm, its profitability, operating leverage, external financing and fluctuations in the general economic conditions are considered to be very important. Studies by various researchers in the past have produced evidences in support and against a particular factor or a group of factors as clear determinant(s) of corporate capital structure. Scott (1972) and Scott and Martin (1976) have established that industry class has a bearing on the firm's capital structure. Scott and Martin (1976) also hold the opinion that size of the firm may influence the firm's decision on a particular debt-equity mix. Remmers, Stonehill, Wright and Beekhuisen(1974) on the other hand have presented evidence that neither 'size' nor 'industry class' is a clear determinant of the firm's capital structure. The present study, conducted on 626 selected non government and non financial companies across industries in India reveals that 'operating leverage' and 'industry class' have a significant bearing on the capital structure of the Indian firms whereas 'profitability' could not be a clear determinant of corporate capital structure in India.
WSDL Specification of Services for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Based Implementation of A CRM Process[Full-Text] [References]Prasenjit Kundu, Debabrata Das, Bikram Kesari Ratha
Recent research on SOA has opened new avenues for implementing various business processes through SOA architecture and CRM is no such exception. CRM is an important process of any business entity and CRM software implementation can be done through different available technology and methods. Recent research on CRM implementation has resulted the development of a conceptual model which can represent different sub processes within a CRM process as services under the SOA architecture but to implement this conceptual model in practice lots of consideration is required from technology and management point of view. WSDL is a XML grammar which can be used for SOA based services implementation in general and services description in particular. In this paper a conceptual model on SOA implementation of a CRM process has been the centre of discussion and the services identified by the conceptual model can be specified and described by WSDL which has been done actually in this paper using WSDL codes. The specification of services done in this paper can help the future researchers to actually implement the CRM process through SOA
Effect of Supplemental Inorganic NPK and Residual Organic Nutrients on Sugarcane Ratoon Crop[Full-Text] [References]Abdul Fatah Soomro, Shamasuddin Tunio, Fateh Chand Oad, Inaitullah Rajper, Mohammad Iqbal Khuhro and Mohammad Younis Arain
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of supplemental dose of inorganic NPK fertilizers with residual organic fertilizers on the yield and quality of sugarcane at Agriculture Research Institute, Tandojam, Pakistan, (25o25'60'N 68o31' 60E). Sugarcane variety Thatta-10 was planted and following treatments were arranged in RCBD: Control (0-0-0), recommended dose (225-112-168 ) , 10 & 20 tons residual FYM & Press mud,5 & 10 tons residual bio fertilizer , three-fourth of recommended rate (169-84-126) , half of recommended rate(112-56-84) were applied on residual 10 & 20 tons FYM & Press mud and 5 & 10 tons of bio fertilizer plots. Maximum tillers plant-1, plant height, stem girth, internodes plant-1, internode length, millable canes, cane yield, leaf area plant-1, leaf area index, crop growth rate, dry matter, brix, pol, purity, commercial cane sugar, NPK uptake and accumulation under residual impact of press mud and or FYM at 20 t ha-1 + supplemental application of three-fourth of recommended rate of NPK fertilizer (169-84-126).The residual effect of FYM and press mud showed significant effect on subsequent ratoon crop. Residual FYM and or press mud at 20 t ha-1 + supplemental application of three-fourth of recommended rate of NPK fertilizer (169-84-126) was found sufficient nutrient levels. The applications of FYM, press mud and biofertilizers without inorganic NPK fertilizers were found less efficient. It is concluded that integrated nutrient management recorded 25% saving in inorganic fertilizers with application of FYM and or press mud applied at 20 t ha-1 .Partial economic analysis showed higher revenue and net returns through integration of organic and inorganic nutrient sources. Integration of organic and inorganic nutrients should be practiced. This will not only enhance growth, yield, quality and nutrient uptake of sugarcane but also conserve agro-ecosystem for sustainable crop production.
Optimal design of gearbox for application in knee mounted biomechanical energy harvester[Full-Text] [References]Deepak Jhalani, Dr. Himanshu Chaudhary
This paper first discusses the various parameters which can affect the design of the gearbox for knee mounted energy harvester device and later it frames the optimization problem of mass function based on the dimensions of gearbox for the problem. Then based upon the unique characteristics of working conditions it identifies various dimensional, strength and operating constraints for the problem and in later part of the problem optimization problem is solved using Multi-Start approach of MATLAB Global Optimization toolbox and value of global optimum function is obtained considering all the local optimum solution of problem.
Phytoremediation potential of Jatropha curcas for removal of heavy metals from refinery sludge[Full-Text] [References]Jyoti Luhach, Smita Chaudhry
Heavy metal pollution in soil is one of the most important environmental problems throughout the world, which causes significant toxic effect on humans, animals, microorganisms and plants. Phytromediation is an emerging technology in which non-edible plants are used to remove, stabilize and eradicate organic and inorganic contaminant from soil, sediment and water. This research aims to examine the growth response, metal tolerance and phytoremediation ability of Jatropha curcas for heavy metals present in oily sludge of petroleum refinery. The seedlings of J. curcas were planted in the growth media (soil) at six treatment levels with sludge. The seedlings showed the growth performance comparable to control in first three treatments in terms of shoot height, number of leaves and root length. Among different treatments, the highest plant biomass was recorded in S1 and S2 treatment, depicting its tolerance in multi-metal contaminated soils. In S2 and S3 treatments, the maximum percent removal of cadmium was observed, followed by chromium, copper and nickel. Being a biodiesel and non-edible plant, J. curcas can be an ideal option to be grown for phytoremediation in multi-metal contaminated sites and to mitigate the soil pollution for sustainability of land resources.
(i,j)-S_C-Open set in Bitopological Spaces[Full-Text] [References]Hardi N. Aziz
The aim of this paper is to introduce a new type of sets in Bitopological spaces called(i,j)-S_C- open sets and give some of their properties. Relationship between this new set and other class of sets are obtained
JAVA-MySQL based Asset Management System[Full-Text] [References]Rishabh Gulati
Dealing with enormous amount of information has become an integral part of complex systems across all sectors.This concept of efficient management of data when extended to the personal level can go a very long way in saving an individual's time. In the current era, an individual owns a variety of assets ranging from monetary assets like Fixed Deposits, Bank Accounts to Immovable Assets like Land, Houses, etc.This paper delineates the concept of Asset Management using a JAVA-MySQL based system and also describes the various operations this system incorporates for managing the different assets efficiently.
The Study on Impacts of Economical Fluctuations on Working Population of Banking Sector.[Full-Text] [References]R.Priya, Dr. R. Rajendran
A nation's prosperity can be evaluated by its economic growth and sustainability. The economic growth of a nation is supplemented by several sectors and variables. In the same line, the economical disorder (fluctuation) cannot be avoided and at the same time can be downsized. The reactions and reflections of economical fluctuation can be seen and influenced in all the sectors. As we knew and understood that banking sector is one of the predominant sector and contributing a plenty towards the economic growth of a nation. In fact, the banking sector is acting as a middleman and mirrors i.e. all the signs of an economy can be seen through the banking sector. The economical fluctuations can be monitored and controlled with the help of following two basic controlling mechanisms
Properties of Images in LSB Plane (A Steganalystic Perspective) [Full-Text] [References]Kaustubh Choudhary
Each pixel of an Image (assuming 24 bit BMP) is stored in the three 8 bits corresponding to three colors. Bit Plane Slicing is the technique of breaking image into 8 planes corresponding to 8 different bit positions. The bit plane image corresponding to the plane of the most significant bit (MSB) has the maximum contribution to the total image and forms the majority of the visually significant image data and planes corresponding to other lower bit positions contribute only the subtle details of the image. And the bit-plane image corresponding to the LSB of the RGB value has the minimum contribution of only 1 out of total of 255 Intensity level to the total image. In spite of this the LSB Plane of the image is not insignificant. In fact it is used in Image Steganography for hiding secret information in the images. Image based Steganography is a potent tool used by Terrorists and Criminal organizations for securely broadcasting, dead-dropping and communicating malicious secret messages over the internet by hiding them in the images. Our cyber space is full of such mala-fide images containing hidden secret information. The most difficult aspect of tracking such malicious images is the lack of efficient and fast algorithms for identifying and isolating them from the bulk of innocent images. Analysis of the pixels in the LSB Plane of the image is very effective technique of identification of Distributing Spatial Domain Steganographic Algorithms. In this paper the properties of Information Pixels pixel present in the LSB Plane of any stego image generated by Distributing Algorithms is analyzed in detail. These properties will be very useful in identification of malafide stego images lurking in our cyber space. All the images and tables used in this paper are generated using MATLAB Image Processing Tool Box.