IJSER Volume 3, Issue 12, December 2012 Edition
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Determination of Failure Strength of Flat Plate Weld Joint Using Finite Element Analysis[Full-Text ] [References] M. V. Dalvi, Mrs. A. S. More, S. P. Joshi, V. M. JunnarkarFinite element analysis (FEA) has become a practical method of predicting stresses and deflection for loaded structures. FEA identifies the load path, which can be difficult using classical analysis with complex structures. Welding is the process of joining two pieces of metal by creating a strong metallurgical bond between them by heating or pressure or both. Welding enables direct transfer of stress between members, eliminating gusset and splice plates necessary for bolted structures. Two types of fillet weld are possible. A single transverse fillet weld and double transverse fillet weld. Strength of single transverse fillet weld is improved by the application of restraining force.
Estimation of hourly solar radiation on an incline south facing surface in Port Harcourt city, Nigeria[Full-Text ] [References] Ainah Priye Kenneth, Afa Tarilanyo JohnThe paper presents a simple method for estimating hourly solar radiation on an incline south facing surface. The method used is the Duffie and Beckman approach for estimating hourly solar radiation on an incline surface using some climatic data in Port Harcourt city, Nigeria. The key climatic data used are latitude, declination and clear index. The results show enormous potential of solar radiation from sunrise to sunset per day in the city. For the estimated days, December showcases highest radiation with lowest in June and if it is utilized for energy, it will reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) level in the city.
Evaluation of the Corrosion Resistance of Reinforcement Steel Rod in NMDC Borehole Water[Full-Text ] [References] Ihom, A.P., Alabi, O.O., Nyior, G.B., Ogbodo, J. and Anbua, E.EEvaluation of the corrosion resistance of reinforcement steel rod in NMDC Borehole water has been carried out. The work analysed the composition of the steel specimen used using spectrolab. The specimens were prepared into identical 10mm x 10mm specimens using specimen lathe. They were then washed in acetone and rinsed in tap water before drying using hand air blower. The specimens were then weighed and initial dimensions were taken using digital weighing balance and vernier caliper respectively. The specimens were immediately immersed in the medium which was a flat-bottomed flask, filled with water from NMDC borehole up to 250ml. The specimens were exposed for 5 weeks. For every week one specimen was removed, washed and brushed thoroughly and then dried and weighed. The variation of the pH of the medium was also measured every week. The data collected was used to determine the weight loss, percentage weight loss, pH variation of the medium, and to calculate the corrosion rate in mpy. The result of the analysis indicated that the steel rod was a low carbon steel with carbon content of 0. 304% C. The weight loss of the specimens for the 5 weeks was, 0, 20mg, -30 mg, 10mg, 20mg, 60mg starting from the first day to the last day. The -30 mg indicated the formation of a tenacious film on the steel. The highest percent weight loss of 0.84% occurred at the exposure time of 840 hours; this also corresponded to the highest pH of 9.37. The corrosion rate exhibited an active-passive-transactive pattern for the 5 weeks of exposure time. The corrosion rate was 11.16 mpy at 168 hours of exposure. The corrosion rate then experienced retardation and then increased again at 840 hours of exposure to 6.70 mpy. The corrosion rate of usefully resistant materials generally range between 1 and 200 mpy; the DSC reinforcement steel rod is therefore a material that can be used in this medium more so that it is going to be embedded in concrete casting. It is however advisable that the concrete should be uniform so as to reduce penetration of oxygen as much as possible.
Low power 1 bit-cmos Full adder based on Reduction of parasitic capacitance through Layout optimization[Full-Text ] [References] Dayadi.Lakshmaiah, Dr.M.V.Subramanyam, Dr.K.Satya PrasadThe Aim of this paper is to calculate the MOSFET parasitic capacitances, and then based on the results obtained we can further see the impact of MOSFET physical parameters on these parasitic capacitances. These capacitances have a direct impact in the speed of operation of MOSFET circuits. Therefore, in order to increase the speed of operation, it is necessary that the parasitic capacitances are reduced to a minimum possible level that the technological process allows. We have analyzed the different types of capacitance effect as a function of the MOSFET dimensions. 0perating an Integrated circuit at the prescribed Reduction of parasitic capacitance through Layout optimization is preferable for reliable circuit operation. In this work we proposed to design 1-bit full adder by"Reduction of parasitic capacitance through Layout optimization" we measured pars tic capacitance, power consumption, leakage current, layout area, Delay ,etc parameters. The results are compared with the previous work and shown that Power is saved 63%, 55% of leakage current , 72% of total capacitance at input A, 63% of total capacitance at input B, 74% of total capacitance at input C, 86% of total capacitance at sum, , 86%of total capacitance at carry, 88% of gate capacitance,77% of diffusion capacitance ,86% of metal capacitance and 100% of crosstalk capacitance and 99% of delay and 71% of Area. We have performed simulations using 90 Nanometer (nm) Micro wind 3 CMOS layout CAD Tool for design.
Design of a material handling system that feeds bagged powder into polyvinyl acetate paint disperser as a Cleaner Production option[Full-Text ] [References] Winnie Mutenhabundo, Ngoni Chirinda, Tauyanashe ChikukuThis project is about designing a material handling system that feeds bagged powder into the disperser as a Cleaner Production, (CP) option. Initially, waste streams were identified; the levels of dust emissions were assessed as well as their impacts to humans and environment. The researchers set their objectives seeking to reduce these negative effects. Attempts were made to recognize potential sources of airborne dust using Cleaner Production Assessment and assess the dust load upon workers in several process stages by comparing observations with standard values assigned by American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygiene, (ACGIH). Loading pigment material generates dust which can cause serious health problems as reported in Material Safety Data Sheets. The new technology option of CP in form of a design led to a reduction in dust emissions thus reducing potential health hazards and also a reduction in material consumption. The researchers therefore recommend this design to enable Cleaner Production.
In vitro gas production and digestibility of Echinochloa Pyramidalis (Chase) Hitchc. & Chase grown under constructed wetland treating faecal sludge as runinant feed[Full-Text ] [References] Marie-Madeleine Ngoutane Pare, Kouassi Dongo, Ives Magloire Kengne, Doulaye Koné, Amougou Akoa, Jean Biémi and Bassirou BonfohSamples of Echinochloa pyramidalis grown in constructed wetland treating faecal sludge were subjected to different measurements. The plants were at a vegetative stage at the end of acclimatization period, 2-, 3-, week periods of treatment and 10-week-old regrowth while samples 5-, 6-week periods of treatment were at flowering stage. The nutritive value of the experimental plant samples was evaluated by determination of in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), in vitro organic matter digestibility (IVOMD), metabolizable energy (ME), neutral detergent bound nitrogen (NDF-N), partitioning factors (PF), volatile fatty acid (VFA) and microbial biomass (MB) production. The gas production (GP) after 24hrs of incubation was assessed using an in vitro incubation technique with rumen fluid. The results showed that GP-24h ranged from 50.6 to 54.9 ml/200 mg DM while the IVDMD varied from 38.8 to 51.9% DM and IVOMD from 67.6 to 71.5%DM. The ME observed was about 9.97 to 10.5 MJ/kg and NDF-N varied from 0.96 to 1.82%DM. PF ranged between 2.1 and 1.3 ml/mg, MB from 102.45 to 132.37 mg and VFA from 1.15 to 1.25 mmol/ml. These digestibility parameters did not change greatly with stage of maturity; E. pyramidalis and its fractions at five harvest periods maintained great nutritional values. Compared to most tropical forages used in ruminant feeding, the forage nutritive value of E. pyramidalis was equal and even better. Based on these results, E. pyramidalis is proved to be suitable for ruminant supplementations and this alternative is needed to be promoted in productive sanitation sector in tropical areas of sub-Saharan-Africa.
Logical Non-curious Skin Theory for Regeneration, Reconstruction of Skin by Knowing its Bio-physics (Aesthetic Surgery, Anti-ageing).[Full-Text ] [References] Satish YerraThe logical non curious idea of regeneration of skins by reapplying logic not curiosity can be done by just balancing 70%waters(positive, cold) and oils30%(negative, warm ) with a neutral medium like 7%nitrogen gas injection or nitrogen spray in a right temperature balancing amount . This type of natural reconstruction of face or any part can be done by injecting, radiation method for natural image. The aim is to naturally moisturize inner skin (by referring global moisturization) remove ageing disorders stop, slow down, or occasionally restart skin ageing.
Fiber Bragg grating as temperature sensor using neural network modeling[Full-Text ] [References] Taymour A. Hamdalla, Mahmoud Y. El-Bakry, Moaaz A. MoussaTemperature sensors based on the optical fiber are finding increased in aerospace, civil engineering, medical, military and industrial fields. Artificial neural network (ANN) modeling has been used for modeling the temperature sensor by Fiber Bragg grating (FBG). A comparison between the experimental data and theoretical results using neural network has been investigated. The proposed method shows a better fitting with the experimental data. A coincidence between the prediction of the ANN model and experimental data has been achieved. The ANN simulation results prove a strong presence modeling in optical communication.
Recent Methods for Optimization of Plastic Injection Molding Process - A Literature Review[Full-Text ] [References] Rashi A.Yadav, S.V.Joshi, Prof. N.K.KambleInjection molding has been a challenging process for many manufacturers and researchers to produce products meeting requirements at the lowest cost. Faced with global competition in injection molding industry, using the trial and error approach to determine the process parameters for injection molding is no longer good enough. Factors that affect the quality of a molded part can be classified into four categories: part design, mold design, machine performance and processing conditions. The part and mold design are assumed as established and fixed. During production, quality characteristics may deviate due to drifting or shifting of processing conditions caused by machine wear, environmental change or operator fatigue. Determining optimal process parameter settings critically influences productivity, quality, and cost of production in the plastic injection molding (PIM) industry. Previously, production engineers used either trial-and-error method or Taguchi's parameter design method to determine optimal process parameter settings for PIM.
Design of Optimal Fractional Order PIDController using Genetic Algorithm and PSO Algorithm[Full-Text ] [References] Mehdi yousefi tabari, saeed Balochian, ali vahidiyan kamyadAn intelligent optimization method for designing Fractional Order PID (FOPID) controllers based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) ear presented in this paper. Fractional calculus can provide novel and higher performance extension for FOPID controllers. However, the difficulties of designing FOPID controllers increase, because FOPID controllers append derivative order and integral order in comparison with traditional PID controllers. To design the parameters of FOPID controllers, the enhanced PSO algorithms is adopted, which guarantee the particle position inside the defined search spaces with momentum factor. Experimental results show the proposed design method can design effectively the parameters of FOPID controllers.
Statistical Analysis of Power Quality in Office Buildings[Full-Text ] [References] A. O. Olatoke, S.S. Sultan and M. K. DarwishPower Quality monitoring and analysis of office buildings (buildings with large number of computers) are essential to the maintenance engineer and supplier as well. This paper presents the steady state monitoring performed on one part of the 11kV distribution system of Brunel University. The point of common coupling was chosen to be at the 415volts incomer of the secondary point of the 500kVA, 11/.415kV substation. The study includes measured waveform, trends and statistical analysis of the measurement data taken. The results are analyzed and comparison is made with International Standards in order to evaluate the quality of power in a typical office building with more 500 computers.
Priority Scheme: Routing in TMHF for Epidemic Routing Protocol[Full-Text ] [References] Nidhi Bajpai, SandhyaIn this paper, we are proposing priority scheme with respect to TMHF that optimises the DTN epidemic routing protocol .This policy increases the possibility of delivery of message to destination and reduces overhead .The aim was to effectively utilize the network resources by giving priority to message which has the highest priority of hop count will be delivered first.
Elgamal's Algorithm in Cryptography [Full-Text ] [References] Rashmi Singh, Shiv Kumar Cryptography, over the ages, has been an art practiced by many who have devised ad hoc techniques to meet some of the information security requirements. The last twenty years have been a period of transition as the discipline moved from an art to a science. There are now several international scientific conferences devoted exclusively to cryptography and also an international scientific organization, the International Association for Crypto logic Research (IACR), aimed at fostering research in the area. In this age of viruses and hackers, or electronic eavesdropping and electronic fraud, security is paramount.
A Comparative clinical Study on Open Appendicectomy & Laparoscopic Appendicectomy[Full-Text ] [References] Shree Rajkumar SahaAppendicectomy is one of the most commonly performed surgeries worldwide. As it was commonly done by conventional open method but with the gradual advancement of more and more laparoscopic surgical procedures laparoscopic appendectomy is also practiced now a day. Methods: Total of 86 patients were selected initially for the study and 6 patients were excluded. Out of 80 patients 40 were in the open group and 40 were in the laparoscopy group.
Verifying the statement of Gordon Scott 1954,"the Fishermen remains poor", in the context of coastal fishery in India [Full-Text ] [References] Pinak SarkarThis paper mainly validates Gordon's (1954) statement in the context of Indian marine fishery that"fishermen remain poor". The main thrust of the paper is not to examine whether Indian coastal fisher communities are poor or not, as it is very implicit in the inquiry itself, but to raise a greater question, to discuss the conditions and circumstances which allow them to continue with poverty and deprivation. The issues thus discussed are problems of "common-pool resource", exploitation, environmental degradation and depletion. After exploring the existing literature, it is found that there is overexploitation of fishery resource in India because of the problem of"open-access" and the existence of dual sectors (traditional and modern) in fishery. The other compelling factors are faulty regulations, poor accessibility of social infrastructure such as health, education etc and the issues related to marketing including commercialization and the existence of intermediaries which force the fishermen to continue in poverty.
Optimized Design and Implementation of an Iterative Logarithmic Signed Multiplier[Full-Text ] [References] Sanjeev kumar Patel, Vinod KapseWe have present a new architecture for multiplication of signed numbers. The objective of this paper work was to design a 16 bit signed logarithmic multiplier. The coding is done for 16 bit multiplications using verilog.For the design entry, we used the Xilinx ISE 13.2 - Web-PACK and the design was synthesized with the Xilinx XST Release 13.2 for Windows. When using Xilinx xc3s1500-5fg676 device
Earthquake Versus Electric Field - A Resistant Design with Piezo Ceramic Materials[Full-Text ] [References] Ankur TayalThis paper relates to vibration control using piezo electric materials. The vibration control efficiency relies on the optimization of the vibration energy transfer between a structure and Lead-Zirconate-Titanate (PZT) piezoelectric ceramic material. In this paper, an analytical study of electric field produced by applied stresses of earthquake vibrations to control and damp them is presented .The influence of electric field formed around ceramic material forms a shield to further counter effect the upcoming vibrations is discussed.
Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Infertile women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome [Full-Text ] [References] Manikkumar R, Hepzhiba John, Renju Krishna, Dinesh Roy D and T VijayakumarA study was conducted to evaluate the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in infertile women with polycystic ovary disease. There were 46 test subjects in the age group of 20 to 40 years and 40 age matched healthy controls. Serum lipid profile, fasting blood sugar (FBS) and reproductive hormones namely Leutinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), Prolactin and Estradiol were estimated in this era of all the subjects after obtaining their informed consent. Cytoklinesis-block micronuclei (CBMN) was also evaluated and attempts were made to correlate the findings with the risk of CVD. Decreased HDL and elevated levels of all other biochemical and endocrinological parameters were observed in the test subjects. A significantly elevated level of micronuclei (MN) in the test subject along with the above parameters and body mass index (BMI) is suggestive of increased risk of CVD in PCOS.
Developing a Protein Interaction Prediction Algorithm on HPC[Full-Text ] [References] Wael S. Afifi, Ali A. El-Moursy, Prof. Salwa Nassar, Prof. Mohy Abo-elsoud, M. A. MohamedThe prediction of protein-protein interaction is one of the fundamental problems in bioinformatics. A novel algorithm called STRIKE has shown to achieve good performance in protein-protein interaction prediction. It assumes that proteins interact if they contain similar substrings of amino acids. In this paper, we developed a parallel STRIKE algorithm and we implemented our proposal on Cluster system. Using short protein sequence sets, the overall execution time of a parallel implementation of this bioinformatics algorithm was decreased to about 5 times when increasing number of nodes from one compute node to 6 parallel nodes. Key optimizations to the implementation are also discussed.
Enhancement of IRIS Authentication Model for e-commerce using RSA Algorithm [Full-Text ] [References] Tannia Rubavathy Glory Manova, Rajan JohnE-Commerce is an outcome of globalization and technology outbreak of the 21st century. The consistency on internet privacy protection plays a major role to boost the growth of e-commerce. E-commerce industry is slowly addressing security issues on their internal networks. But security protection for the consumers is still in its infancy stage posing a harrier to the development of e-commerce. There is a growing need for a combination of legislation and technical solutions to globally secure customer privacy. The US Federal Trade Commission has identified the need for defining privacy policies to address consumer data security. A technology solution using biometric technique is proposed for preventing identity theft and false authentication in the course of e-commerce transactions. This research proposes a web-based architecture to use encrypted iris patterns as biometric attribute for authentication of a customer for e-commerce transactions, because iris patterns are unique to an individual.
Formulation and Evaluation of Buccal Patches of Diclofenac Sodium[Full-Text ] [References] Shubhra PandeyBilayerd films were prepared by solvent casting technique using different concentration of two polymers namely, sodium alginate and pectin. The backing membrane was prepared by using sodium alginate. The drug containing layer was prepared by using pectin. Different concentrations of plasticizers and permeation enhancers were added. Prepared films were evaluated for surface properties, weight variation, thickness, folding endurance, surface pH, drug content, swelling index and in vitro release. The release kinetics indicated first order release of drug from all formulation.
Modeling Of Pyrolisis Reactions Of Coconut Hulls, Wood Waste, And Straw: Application For Predicting The Molar Composition Of Gasification Gas[Full-Text ] [References] Latif Fagbemi, Farid Adamon, Malahimi Anjorin, Aristide Comlan HounganThis study proposes the coupling of numerical and experimental methods for predicting the molar composition of gas mixtures produced from biomass gasification. It considers the different gasification stages, namely: drying, pyrolisis, combustion and the main reduction reactions. This proposed method is based on several experimental results from the pyrolysis of three different biomasses which have the physico-chemical characteristics representative of multiple biomasses and on the reaction kinetics of the main reduction reactions, namely the Boudouard re-action and water-gas reaction. The results predicted by this method correctly approximate the experimental results obtained in wood to oxygen gasification.
Changing Attitude Towards Female Education[Full-Text ] [References] Anwaar Mohyuddin, Prof. Dr. Hafeez-ur-Rehman Chaudhry, Mamonah AmbreenThis research paper deals with the empirical data regarding changing attitudes of both male and female towards female education. Local perception of parents regarding their daughters' education has changed during last 3 decades. An awareness of the importance of education has been created. Attitude towards education has improved. More people these days support the female education. Majority of the people have started sending their daughters to schools but still some parents are relectant to provide education to their daughters. The reasons for not sending the daughters have been shifted from pardah to economic reasons which include nonparticipation in economic activities, investment on temporary family member and the inheritance. This study is an attempt to identify the changing parental attitude towards their daughters' education. This research was conducted in Villag Zandra District Ziarat. Qualitative anthropological techniques for data collection were used during the fieldwork.
Three Dimensional Data Storage[Full-Text ] [References] Aware Sachin B., Choudhary Anup S., Nannaware Madhuri M., Manjare Ganesh B. This paper or topic gives the details of the"THREE DIMENSIONAL DATA STORAGE". There are two types of 3-D storage technology 1) Holographic Storage Technology 2) Multi-layer Storage Technology. Both technologies are currently in developing phase. In the Holographic Storage technology there is a description about it which can show how it is superior from the other recent technologies, such as CD/DVD. Paper also includes the mechanism for reading and writing the data in the storage media and also the requirement for the storage material that used for storage the data. Also include the description of the some of the institutes. While in the Fluorescent material multi-layer technology, paper include that how the production of the storage media is done in this storage technology and the current development status of the storage technology.
Misconception In Circular Motion[Full-Text ] [References] Pratik VyasCentripetal and centrifugal are the forces which are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, so how can a body revolve in circular orbit where there can be chances of cancellation of centripetal and centrifugal forces? This problem can be solved if we consider the direction of resultant of these two forces provided that system is non- relativistic system, magnitude of torque acting on system is 0 and there is no dissipation of energy.
Control of Power Flow in a Transmission line using SVC [Full-Text ] [References] Mr. Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Prof. Aziz Ahmad, Mr. Raj kumar SinghThis dissertation deals with the control of active power flow, or load flow, in electric power systems. A 300-Mvar Static Var Compensator (SVC) regulates voltage on a 6000-MVA 735-kV system. The SVC consists of a 735kV/16-kV 333-MVA coupling transformer, one 109-Mvar thyristor-controlled reactor bank (TCR) and three 94-Mvar thyristor-switched capacitor banks (TSC1 TSC2 TSC3) connected on the secondary side of the transformer. Switching the TSCs in and out allows a discrete variation of the secondary reactive power from zero to 282 Mvar capacitive (at 16 kV) by steps of 94 Mvar, whereas phase control of the TCR allows a continuous variation from zero to 109 Mvar inductive. Taking into account the leakage reactance of the transformer (15%), the SVC equivalent susceptance seen from the primary side can be varied continuously from -1.04 pu/100 MVA (fully inductive) to +3.23 pu/100 Mvar (fully capacitive). The SVC controller monitors the primary voltage and sends appropriate pulses to the 24 thyristors (6 thyristors per three-phase bank) in order to obtain the susceptance required by the voltage regulator.
Effect of Chromium and Cobalt Additions on the Corrosion Resistance of Aluminium Silicon Iron Alloy (Al-Si-Fe)[Full-Text ] [References] Sani A. S., Aliyu I., Polycarp EAluminium alloys are very important category of materials used for automotive, aerospace, packaging and construction due to their high mechanical properties and wide range of industrial applications. It is well known that aluminium alloys are prone to microstructural corrosion (pitting corrosion, intergranular corrosion, uniform corrosion, etc.). In this paper, the effect of addition of chromium and cobalt on the corrosion resistance of Al-Si-Fe alloy was studied. Alloying of varying percentages of chromium and cobalt from 0.1 to 0.5% with the percentages of Si, Fe, and Zn kept constant were sand cast into cylindrical test bars of 20 mm by 250 mm. The corrosion characteristics of the as-cast and age-hardened in 400 ml HCl solution at room temperature over period of 480 hrs were deduced by weight loss method. The results obtained revealed a general increase of corrosion resistance with the addition of Cr and Co with the age-hardened samples, but the rate of corrosion decreased with increase in the number of days of exposure for both as-cast and age-hardened samples. The results also indicate more steady increase of corrosion resistance for Cr up to 0.4% than Co. It was also observed that the rate of corrosion decreased with increase in the number of days of exposure for all the alloys.
Comparative Analyses of the Internal Variables for Single Slope and Double Slope Solar Stills with Time[Full-Text ] [References] Kaisan Muhammad Usman and Sabi'u Bala Muhammad The effects of internal variables like water temperature, glass temperature and surrounding temperatures with time were studied and compared for both single slope solar still and double slope solar still water distillers. The single slope solar still was filled with water 25L of water while the double slope solar distiller was filled with 50L of water. The two distillers were kept in an open space to receive direct solar radiation. The respective internal variables: water temperature, glass temperature and the surrounding temperatures were measured and the average glass temperatures of the double slope still were computed and the results were tabulated. The graphs of the respective temperatures were plotted against time intervals of 1 hour each ranging from 8.00 am to 18.00 pm, for all the internal variables. It was observed that, the internal variation of internal variables with time has little or no effect on the type of solar still, whether single slope or double slope.
Multi-Level Automatic Car Parking With IR Card Security System [Full-Text ] [References] Kamrul Hassan, Md. Mustafizur Rahman, Fatema-Tuz-Zohra, Mohammad Sakib Hossain, R.M.M.HasanTo cope with the increasing population of Developing Countries the transportation section are now in an alarming position. Thus traffic jam becomes a vital concern to get an efficient output through some fruit full steps. With this goal developed countries are now adopting some project. Automation plays an increasingly important role in enhancing the betterment of daily experience. As such, it is vital that those in engineering fields understand the technologies associated with this area. Multi-Level Automatic car parking system is now looking feasible to adopt more easily. This project will include the design and construction of a Microcontroller based Multi-Level automatic car parking system .This system is now looking feasible to adopt more easily. Developing countries like Bangladesh can really think about this as this project is under investigation and research to make easier to install and use. This system builds upon topics learned in this course. A working system will ultimately be demonstrated to validate the design. Thus we have chosen to build an idea about this fact to have a worry free transportation system by using IR card security system. We are using IR because it's cheap, does not require manual inspection or optical scanning and its interrogators can be integrated with IT infrastructure (databases, etc).
Consumer Behavior in India-Post Recession Scenario [Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Mohd. Nadeem AbbasThe paper focuses on the impact of recession on the buying behavior of consumers during recessionary times. The study was conducted on a sample of 50 retailers in Navi Mumbai. The data was subsequently analyzed and the results that came out were in accordance with what was expected by the researcher. The results indicated that Hypermarkets, supermarkets witness a greater change in shopping behavior than the kirana stores. They were also suggestive of the fact that the type of retail format would adversely affect the footfall of consumers for luxury items. The authors were also ascertained that the customers who shop frequently are more likely to respond to discounts vis-à-vis others. The findings recorded showed that the customers who shop frequently are more likely to spend a higher amount for shopping. It was also revealed that customers who shop more frequently are likely to witness higher fluctuations for luxury items than for regular items. It indicates, therefore that shopping for luxury items faces more fluctuations than regular shopping items, which indicates that customers shopping for luxury items may be postponed in times of recession but they continue to shop for regular items.
Attribute Delocalization Observation[Full-Text ] [References] Aakash KumarIn this paper, the concept of "Attribute Delocalization Observation" has been proposed which provides a better method to understand logical mathematics specially probability. The concept is developed by considering an observation that "An event and its complements don't exist individually as a sample point rather they are attributes of the same sample point". According to this concept "An event and its complements are considered as the attributes of sample points. Fractional count ratio (it is defined as, if in an urn, there are m white balls and n black balls, then fractional count ratio of white attribute = m/(m + n) and fractional count ratio of black attribute = n/(m+ n ) )gives the portion in which those attributes lie inside the sample points. Probability of an event is equal to the fractional count ratio of the event". By using this concept, probability can be understood with greater ease which would reduce complexity. In this paper some of the typical questions have been solved by using the existing concept as well as using the proposed concept entitled "Attribute Delocalization Observation". A comparative analysis has been made to show how easily these problems can be solved with greater insight by using the proposed concept.The paper has also made an attempt to include some challenging questions which can be easily solved by applying this concept only.
Electronic Return Path Assistant[Full-Text ] [References] Siddharth Agarwal, Palak Nagarsheth, Joydeep BhowmickThis paper presents the concept and development of a personal navigation and tracking system that allows the user to retrace his or her path without the aid of any external satellite signals. Inertial measurements are used to track the user's position relative to a starting location. The system incorporates accelerometers and gyroscopes to calculate the speed and direction of the user which are processed to generate the user's path. A Graphic Liquid Crystal Display (GLCD) allows the user to view these traced and retraced paths. The system is completely self contained, hand-held and powered using a replacable battery. It can work as an alternative to Global Positioning System (GPS) devices in terrains where satellite signals are not easily available.
MOSFET based Three-Phase Space Vector-PWM Motor Speed Controller[Full-Text ] [References] Mr. Raj Kumar Singh, Prof. Aziz Ahmad, Mr. Pankaj Kumar GuptaA 3-phase squirrel-cage motor rated 3 HP, 220 V, 60 Hz, 1725 rpm is fed by a 3-phase MOSFET inverter connected to a DC voltage source of 325 V. The inverter is modeled using the "Universal Bridge" block and the motor by the "Asynchronous Machine" block. Its stator leakage inductance Lls is set to twice its actual value to simulate the effect of a smoothing reactor placed between the inverter and the machine. The load torque applied to the machine's shaft is constant and set to its nominal value of 11.9 N-m. The firing pulses to the inverter are generated by the "Space-Vector PWM modulator" block of the SPS library. The chopping frequency is set to 1980 Hz and the input reference vector to "Magnitude-Angle".
Nobel Implementation of a Line Driver[Full-Text ] [References] Chittajit SarkarPurpose of this paper is to describe the hardware design implementation of Line Driver. Line driver provides an economic solution to extend DTE interfaces over 2 copper wires up to 5.5 km. This provides adaptive echo cancellation to get high quality 64 Kbps/128Kbps digital data transport. This is equipped with one DTE data port which can be selected to run at 64 to 128 Kbps speed synchronously and this is designed to work over telephone lines. This line driver has lightning protection circuit and can withstand AC. This line driver features extensive diagnostics menu to assist installers and operators to troubleshoot line problem. This offers payload loop back and DTE to DTE loop back.
A Note on Cordial, Edge Cordial Labeling of Pythagoras Tree Fractal Graphs[Full-Text ] [References] A.A. Sathakathulla and Muhammad AkramThis paper deals with the concept of self-similarity fractals of two types of Pythagoras tree symmetric and asymmetric graphs with existence of cordial and Edge cordial labeling. A square graph is considered as base for constructing the Pythagoras tree fractals which leads to construction of both symmetric and asymmetric type fractals. For our study each iteration and the generalized form are considered as a graph. Eventually each graph is checked with cordial and edge cordial and total cordial, total edge cordial labeling.
Physical Space And Its Organizer (Physics)[Full-Text ] [References] Debasis RoyThe organization of physical space is considered here from physical, metaphysical and philosophical points of view. Relevant thoughts reveal the model of an operator which operates physically in physical space. Accordingly, it generates and degenerates (if any at all) the material universe.
Development of Financial Derivatives Market in India and its Position in Global Financial Crisis[Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Shree Bhagwat, Ritesh Omre, Deepak ChandThe past decade has witnessed the multiple growths in the volume of international trade and business due to the wave of globalization and liberalization all over the world. As a result, the demand for the international money and financial instruments increased significantly at the global level. In this respect, change in exchange rates, interest rates and stock prices of different financial markets have increased the financial risk to the corporate world. Adverse changes have even threatened the very survival of business world. it is, therefore, to manage such risk, the new financial instruments have been developed in the financial markets, which are also popularly known as financial derivatives,. The basic purpose of these instruments is to provide commitments to prices for future dates for giving protection against adverse movements in future prices, in order to reduce the extent of financial risks. Today, the financial derivatives have become increasingly popular and most commonly used in the world of finance. This has grown with so phenomenal speed all over the world that now it is called as the derivatives revolution. In India, the emergence and growth of derivatives market is relatively a recent phenomenon. Since its inception in June 2000, derivatives market has exhibited exponential growth both in terms of volume and number of contract traded. The market turnover has grown from Rs.2365 Cr. in 2000-2001 to Rs.16807782.22 Cr. in 2012-13. Within a short span of twelve years, derivatives trading in India has surpassed cash segment in terms of turnover and number of traded contracts. The passed study encompasses in its scope, history, concept, definition, types, features, regulation, market, trend, growth, Future prospects and challenges of derivatives in India and status of Indian derivatives market vis-à-vis global derivative market. This paper tries to analyse the impact of global financial crisis on the financial derivatives market in India. It is found that the global financial crisis of 2008 has structurally altered the composition of equity derivatives market in India. The predominance of single stock futures as a derivative product has now been replaced by the predominance of index option as a favorite derivative product in India. The speculative nature of single stock futures had been the prime reason for the dominance of this derivative product in the pre-crisis period. However, the cautious risk-aversion on the part of the investor has now been the reason for the dominance of index options in the revised scenario. Such over domination of particular derivative products is not a healthy sign for the derivatives market in India.
Influence of Arithmetical Ability, Attitude Towards Mathematics and Study Habit on the Achievement in Mathematics at the secondary stage [Full-Text ] [References] Dr. Ranjana Choudhury, Dhiraj kumar DasThe present investigation aims at studying the validity of students' arithmetic ability, attitude towards mathematics and study habit for measuring their achievement of mathematics in secondary school. A sample of 500 secondary school students was taken from twenty secondary schools of kamrup district, Assam.