IJSER Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2012 Edition
"International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications"
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Mathematical Applications of Queueing Theory in Call Centers[Full-Text ] V.S. Selvi and M. NishanthiQueueing theory has a wide range of applications to real world problems. In this paper, we present the concept and work culture in Call centers and summarize some results. We also present the performance, characterization and properties. Finally, we mention some applications.
On Generalized Preregular Closed Sets In Supra Topological Spaces[Full-Text ] Vidhya MenonIn this paper, a new class of sets called supra generalized preregular closed sets in supra topological spaces is introduced and its properties are studied. Further the notion of supra preregular T1/2 space and supra generalized preregular continuity are introduced.
Mathematical Applications of Queueing Theory in Traffic Congestion[Full-Text ] V. S. Selvi and P. SathyaQueueing theory has a wide range of applications. In this paper, we discuss various problems faced because of traffic. We also summarize the different procedures to measure traffic in different systems.
Solution and Stability of a Mixed Type Functional Equation in RN-Spaces[Full-Text ] K. Ravi and P. NarasimmanIn this paper, we obtain the general solution and investigate the generalized Hyers-Ulam Rassias stability problem for the following new mixed type additive and quadratic functional equation f (2x ? y) ? f (2y ? z) ? f (2z ? x) ? 2? f (x ? y) ? f (y ? z) ? f (x ? z)?? f (?x) ? f (?y) ? f (?z) in random normed spaces with the sense of sherstnev under arbitrary t-norms.
Analysis of Worm Propagation in Computer Networks with A Discrete Epidemic Model[Full-Text ] M. Reni Sagaya Raj, A. George Maria Selvam and T.SivagnanamComputer worms are self replicating programs that run independently and self-propagating across computer networks. Computer worms have devastating effects on the economy. In order to defend against the worms, there is a need to understand the propagation mechanism of worm spreading. An effective worm propagation model helps us to develop strategies to guard against the worm attacks. In this paper, a modified epidemiological model is proposed. The model is constructed with difference equations and certain dynamical behavior is investigated. Numerical simulations are performed with MATLAB.
Sum Labeling for Arbitrary Supersubdivision of Path, Cycle and Star[Full-Text ] J. Gerard Rozario, J. Jon Arockiaraj, P. Lawrence Rozario Raj and U. RizwanA sum labeling is a mapping ?? from the vertices of G into the positive integers such that, for any two vertices u, v ?? V (G) with labels ??(u) and ??(v), respectively, (uv) is an edge iff ??(u) + ??(v) is the label of another vertex in V (G). Any graph supporting such a labeling is called a sum graph. It is necessary to add (as a disjoint union) a component to sum label a graph. This disconnected component is a set of isolated vertices known as isolates and the labeling scheme that requires the fewest isolates is termed optimal. The number of isolates required for a graph to support a sum labeling is known as the sum number of the graph. In this paper, we will give optimal sum labeling scheme for some cycle related graphs.
An Extreme Shock Maintenance Model for a Multistate Degenerative System Under a Bivariate Replacement Policy[Full-Text ] M. Mohamad Yunus, P. Govindaraju and U. RizwanIn this paper, we consider a simple repairable multistate degenerative system which is subjected to random shocks from its environment. The long-run average cost for the extreme shock maintenance model of a degenerative multistate system under a bivariate replacement policy (T, N) , where T is the working age of the system and N is the number of failures of the system, is studied. Explicit expressions for the long-run average cost is given.
Study of Ionic Conductivity in Li I Grafted Solid Biopolymer Electrolyte[Full-Text ] A. Ayisha Begam, K. Prem Nazeer and Rugmini RadhakrishnanSolid Chitosan Acetate Electrolytic Films were prepared by Grafting the Lithium Iodide salt (0.1 - 0.5 wt %) with Chitosan in the presence of acetic acid. These films were subjected to impedance spectroscopy and ionic conductivity studies. It was found that the ionic conduction behaviour in the electrolyte systems depends on the concentration of the salt used. The highest room temperature conductivity (1.05x10-4 S/cm) obtained from impedance measurement for LiI grafted chitosan electrolyte along with the dielectric and relaxation studies supported the segmental motion of the ion. Study on transference number revealed that the highest conducting samples were ionic conductors.
Neighborhood Critical Edges of an M -strong Guzzy Graph[Full-Text ] S. Ismail Mohideen and A. Mohamed IsmayilA set S ?V is a neighborhood set of G if = [ ] u V G N u ? ? and is denoted by n? set . The neighborhood number of G is the minimum scalar cardinality taken over all n-set and is denoted by 0 n . 0 n -set is a neighborhood set of G with minimum scalar cardinality. In this paper, we investigate the properties of critical edges. That is whether the end vertices of critical edges are fixed, free and totally free.
On Pricing an Exotic Option in a Jump-Diffusion with a Switching Type Volatility[Full-Text ] M. Reni Sagaya Raj, P. Manoharan and A. George Maria SelvamIn Jump Diffusion models, the frequency of jumps is finite. They are the prototypes for a large class of more complex models such as the stochastic volatility with jumps. In this paper, we consider the time horizon T (strike time) of a call option and K (strike price) of the asset. The call option which is called a cliquet option, have its terminal claim given by ( , ) = max?( ), ( ),0? C T T K C C T T S K S ? ? where the date C T is called cliquet date. The results obtained can be applied to other areas like Number Theory, Stochastic Processes and Probabilistic Models.
Some Properties of a Cumulative Damage Threshold Crossing Model with Underlying Birth Process[Full-Text ] U. Rizwan and S. KasthuriIn this paper, we describe the cumulative damage random threshold crossing model with underlying birth process and give the reliability of the system under this model. We present some stochastic properties of the survival function for this model. It is shown that some partial orderings, namely the stochastic ordering and the failure rate ordering are preserved among the two systems under consideration. Finally, some open problems related to the presentation of other ageing properties, for our model are given.
Chemical and Physical Properties of Chitosan Acetate Electrolytic Systems[Full-Text ] A. Ayisha Begam, K. Prem Nazeer and Rugmini RadhakrishnanSolid Chitosan Acetate Electrolytic Films were prepared by Grafting the Lithium Iodide salt (0.1 - 0.5 wt %) with Chitosan in the presence of acetic acid. These films were subjected to Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), UV-Visible and XRD spectroscopic analysis to understand structure, complexation process, optical band gap, type of transition and the shape of the absorption edge. A systematic study on the suitability of biopolymer electrolyte revealed that the LiI (50 wt %) and chitosan are the most appropriate dopant and host polymer for the preparation of biopolymer electrolyte respectively.
Some Operations and Relations over Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets of Root Type[Full-Text ] R. SrinivasanIn this paper, we define some Operations and relations over Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets of Root Type and give some properties.
Generalized Hyers-Ulam Stability of the Geometric Mean Functional Equation in Two Variables[Full-Text ] K. Ravi and B.V. Senthil KumarIn this paper, we find the solution and prove the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the geometric mean functional equation in two variables. We also provide counter-example for singular case.
Establishment of an efficient drug from simple hydrocarbon - Thiotepa, and evaluation of similar molecules using the enzyme Cytochrome[Full-Text ] P. K. Mohamed ImranA number of in-vitro and in-vivo studies have been conducted to establish the pharmacological and metabolic activity of the anti-cancer drug, thiotepa, Triethylenethiophosphoramide (TTP). All have discussed on the efficacy and side effects of the drug. Some have reported it as an alkylating agent capable of breaking the DNA strands along with some mechanism and others have established it as an effective inhibitor of an enzyme of Cytochrome family, CYP2B6. The latter study was found to have profound effect on the metabolic activity of the human body. A theoretical study is established to provide essential insight into the nature of the ligands as well as the enzyme. Descriptive properties such as Global hardness, softness, Fukui function and electrophilicity index were computed. Docking was performed using Lamarckian Genetic Algorithm and the interactions of the ligand with the macromolecule were visualized, correlated with the descriptive properties. This was helpful in establishing the effectiveness of a drug analogue that might help in deciding the toxicity, side effects or promiscuousness of this type of drug.
Theoretical investigation on the molecular structure of TPD in hole transport layer in (OLED)[Full-Text ] N. Nadeem Afroze and K. SubramaniThe molecular structure of TPD used as a hole transport layer in organic light emitting diode (OLED). The insertion of hole blocking and electron injecting layer significantly improves the electroluminescent efficiency and extends the operational life time. Optimized structure (TPD) neutral molecule in ground and excited states are carried out by Ab initio HF and DFT (B3LYP) method with 6-311++ G(d,p) as basis set using Gaussian 03 W program. The difference between qualitative agreement with the results for the neutral molecule in the ground state obtained by density functional theory methods, which were previously reported in the literature. TPD in the ground state has a pronounced twisted geometry, with both central and peripheral dihedral angles of about 40°. On the other hand, the structure of excited state is more planar, as the central dihedral angle becomes smaller. We estimated the reorganization energies associated with the optical transitions, corresponding transition dipole moments, as well as HOMO and LUMO. .
Sum Labeling for Some Cycle Related Graphs[Full-Text ] J. Gerard Rozario, J. Jon Arockiaraj, P. Lawrence Rozario Raj and U. RizwanA sum labeling is a mapping ?? from the vertices of G into the positive integers such that, for any two verticesu, v ?? V (G) with labels ??(u) and ??(v), respectively, (uv) is an edge iff ??(u) + ??(v) is the label of another vertex in V (G). Any graph supporting such a labeling is called a sum graph. It is necessary to add (as a disjoint union) a component to sum label a graph. This disconnected component is a set of isolated vertices known as isolates and the labeling scheme that requires the fewest isolates is termed optimal. The number of isolates required for a graph to support a sum labeling is known as the sum number of the graph. In this paper, we will give optimal sum labeling scheme for some cycle related graphs.
Multiple Labeling Approach for Finding Shortest Path with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Arc Length[Full-Text ] A.Nagoor Gani and M.Mohammed JabarullaThis paper presents a modified multiple labeling method for finding the shortest path in an intuitionistic fuzzy networks. An intuitionistic fuzzy shortest path problem on a network in which an intuitionistic fuzzy number instead of a fuzzy number is assigned to each edge. An algorithm for solving the problem is developed and a shortest path derived from the network. An intuitionistic fuzzy graphs along with generalizations of algorithms for finding optimal paths with in them have emerged as an adequate modeling tool for imprecise system. Inputs and outputs of the proposed algorithm are intuitionistic fuzzy numbers. Finally an illustrative numerical example is given to demonstrate the proposed approach.
The Bivariate Replacement Policy (U,N) for an Alternative Repair Model[Full-Text ] U. Rizwan and ZahiruddeenIn this paper, a Bivariate Replacement Policy (U, N) with Negligible Or Non-Negligible (NONN) repair times under which the system is replaced whenever the cumulative repair time of the system reaches U or the number of failures of the system exceeds N, whichever occurs first is studied. Explicit expressions for the long run average cost for the model is derived. Optimality conditions are deduced.
A Study on Comparison between Fuzzy Assignment Problems using Conversion of Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers in to Triangular Fuzzy Numbers and Conventional Method[Full-Text ] S. Manimaran and R. VasukiAssignment problem is a well-known topic and is used very often in solving problems of engineering and management science. In this paper trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are considered which are more realistic and general in nature. The fuzzy assignment problem has been used for ranking the fuzzy numbers. The trapezoidal fuzzy numbers have been transformed into triangular fuzzy numbers. Then we apply conventional method.
Generalized Partial Sums on Infinite Series of Rational Factorial Functions[Full-Text ] M.Maria Susai Manuel, G.Britto Antony Xavier, G.Dominic Babu and K.SrinivasanIn this paper, the authors obtain some significant formulae for the general partial sums on infinite series of rational functions of the generalized polynomial factorial using the inverse of generalized difference operator of nth kind ? n ? ? for the positive integer n and for the positive real ? . Suitable examples are provided to illustrate the main results.
Solution of a Conjecture on Skolem Mean Graph of stars K1, ? u K1,?? u K1, m u K1, n[Full-Text ] V. Balaji, D.S.T. Ramesh and V. MaheswariIn this paper, we prove the conjecture that the four stars K1, ? ? K1, ? ? K1, m ? K1, n is a skolem mean graph if |m-n| < 4 + 2? for ? = 2,3,4, . . .; m = 2,3,4, . . . and ? = m < n.
A Geometric Process Repair Model for a Cold Standby epairable System With Imperfect Delay Repair under T policy[Full-Text ] P.Govindaraju and U.RizwanIn this paper, a cold standby repairable system with imperfect delay repair consisting of two dissimilar components and one repairman is studied. Assume that both component 1 and component 2 after repair are not as good as new, and the deterioration of the system is stochastic. Under these assumptions, using a geometric process, we consider a replacement policy T based on the number of failures of component 1 under which the system is replaced when the number of failures of component 1 reaches T. Our problem is to determine an optimal replacement policy T such that the average cost rate (i.e. the long-run average cost per unit time) of the system is minimized. The explicit expression of the average cost rate of the system is derived.
District-wise Component Analysis of the Growth of Cotton Production in Tamil Nadu[Full-Text ] R. MeenakshiThis paper analyzes the components of cotton production in the districts of Tamil Nadu during the pre and post reform periods.
History of Algebra[Full-Text ] U. RizwanThis paper presents a review of the algebra and presents some facts.
Some More Filtering Techniques For The Removal of Speckle Noise From Medical Images[Full-Text ] Gnanambal Ilango and B. Shanthi GowriIn Image Processing, removal of noise from the medical images is very challenging. Many filtering techniques have been introduced to reduce noise in medical images. The speckle noise is commonly found in medical images. This paper proposes twelve more filtering techniques for the removal of speckle noise from medical images. The quality of the enhanced images is measured by the statistical quality measures: RMSE and PSNR.
Comprehensive Study on Various Types of Stegnographic Schemes and Possible Steganalysis methods for various Cover Carrier like Image, Text, Audio and Video[Full-Text ] H. Faheem Ahmed and U. RizwanSteganalysis is a very challenging field because of the scarcity of knowledge about the specific characteristics of the cover media (an image, an audio or video file) that can be exploited to hide information and detect the same. The approaches adopted for steganalysis also sometimes depend on the underlying steganography algorithm(s) used.
k-Stage Fuzzy Transportation Problem Based On Interval Valued Fuzzy Numbers[Full-Text ] S. Elizabeth and L. SujathaThe transportation problem is a typical problem where a product is to be transported from 'm' sources to 'n' destinations. In general, crisp transportation problems are solved with the assumption that the supplies, demands and cost parameters are specified in a precise way, but this is not possible in real life situations due to uncertainty in judgments, lack of evidence etc., which gives rise to fuzzy environment and hence fuzzy decision making method is needed here. In this paper, a procedure is proposed for k-stage fuzzy transportation problem. Illustrative example is also included to demonstrate the proposed approach.