IJSER Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2012 Edition
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Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL), And Its Role In Urolithiasis, With Emphasis On Lower Pole, Inferior Calyx Kidney Stones, Lower Ureteric, VUJ Stones, And Gall Stone Diseases [ Full-Text ] [References]Dr. Anil K. SahniSucessfully Acceptable Management Modality Of Urolithiasis (Urinary Tract Calculii), With Extendable Scope For Other StoneDiseases[1],[2] Extra Corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL), Being Convenient, Non-Invasive, Safely Performed OPD Procedure,Comprising Fragmentation Of Stone Into Minute Particles, By Shock Waves, Fragmented Stone Particles Are Passed With The Passage Of Urine, In Due Course Of Time, Leaving Stone Free Patient. Patient Undergoes Procedure In The Morning, Discharged In The Afternoon & Can Go To Day To Day Work By Next Day With Advise For Follow-Up.
Clearing Artifacts using a Constrained Stability Least Mean Square Algorithm from Cardiac Signals[ Full-Text ] [References]Anitha Boge , V.Vijaya , Prof.K.Kishan RaoIn this paper, a novel least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm for filtering artifacts in the adaptive noise cancelation (ANC) is proposed. It is based on the minimization of the squared Euclidean norm of the difference weight vector under a stability constraint defined over a posteriori estimation error. The Lagrangian methodology has been used in order to propose a nonlinear adaptation rule defined in terms of the product of differential inputs and errors which means a generalization of the normalized LMS algorithm, the resultant algorithm is called as Constrained Stability Least Mean Square (CSLMS) algorithm. Different filter structures are presented to eliminate the diverse forms of noise like LMS, NLMS etc., Proposed algorithm is applied on real ECG signals obtained from the MIT-BIH (Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Beth Israel Hospital) data base and compared its performance with the conventional LMS algorithm. A simulation result demonstrates superior performance of this proposed algorithm
A Secure and Energy Enhanced Protocol for Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks[ Full-Text ] [References]Deepthy Mathews, Shyama Sudarsan, S.Kannan and Dr.S.KarthikMobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a network composed of wireless mobile nodes such as PDAs and laptops in such a way that, they are having the capability of wireless communication and which will form a network, without any fixed or existing infrastructure and centralized administration. In MANET, each and every node can act like an end system as well as a router. The mobile nodes can be connected by means of a standard Wi-Fi connection or another medium, where each device is free to move independently. They are also capable of moving randomly with the ability of changing their links to other devices frequently to which can make a connection. In this paper, we discuss the security mechanisms used in SAODV routing protocol and analyze its performance. It is clear that, the security mechanisms used in SAODV is expensive in terms of energy. Our paper deals with the idea of incorporating an energy efficient route discovery mechanism based on some energy threshold value in SAODV and thereby reducing it power consumption.
Implementation of Possibilistic Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm in Matlab[ Full-Text ] [References]Neelam Kumari, Bhawna Sharma, Dr. Deepti Gaur Clustering means classifying the given observation data sets into subgroups or clusters. It is a process of grouping data objects into disjointed clusters so that the data in the same cluster are similar, yet data belonging to different clusters are different. Different fuzzy data clustering algorithms exist such as Fuzzy C- Means( FCM), Possibilistic C-Means(PCM), Fuzzy Possibilistic C-Means(FPCM) and Possibilistic Fuzzy C-Means(PFCM). In this paper we present the implementation of PFCM algorithm in Matlab and we test the algorithm on two different data sets.
Multiple Parameters Clustering for Web Services [ Full-Text ] [References]S.Rajendra Kumar, K.Chandra ShekarIn the Web database scenario, the records to match are highly query-dependent. Since they can only be obtained through online queries. Moreover, they are only a partial and biased portion of all the data in the source Web databases. Consequently, hand-coding or offline-learning approaches are not appropriate for two reasons. First, the full data set is not available beforehand, and therefore, good representative data for training are hard to obtain. Second, most importantly, even if good representative data are found and labeled for learning, the rules learned on the representatives of a full data set may not work well on a partial and biased part of that data set.
Incremental Learning Algorithm for association rule Mining[ Full-Text ] [References]Mrs. Prajakta Vispute, Prof. Dr. S. S. SaneAssociation rule mining is to find association rules that satisfy the predefined minimum support and confidence from a given database. The Apriori and FP-tree algorithms are the most common and existing frequent itemsets mining algorithm, but these algorithms lack incremental learning ability. Incremental learning ability is desirable to solve the temporal dynamic property of knowledge and improve the performance of the mining process as the incremental data is available with the passage of time. Currently FUFP, pre-FUFP and IMBT algorithms have been developed that support incremental learning. The IMBT uses a binary tree data structure called an Incremental mining binary tree. This work proposes a novel incremental learning algorithm that makes use of a data structure called Item-Itemset(I-Is) tree that is a variation of B+ tree. Initially I-Is tree is created from the original data to allow searching of frequent items based on the threshold values. The created I-Is tree is updated incrementally.
Secreat Geography In India: A Case Study Of Gopinath Temple On The Bhagirathi River Side At Agradweep In West Bengal [ Full-Text ] [References]Biplab Das, Aditya BandyopadhyayReligious places are one of the important tourist resources. Religious places are related to all religions have a tourist significant, only the degree of important varies from place to place. One of them is Gopinath Temple which is Hindu (baisnab) religion related. It is quite old and attract a large number of tourist through it has location of disadvantages, find hopefully this tourist resources will have a great tourist significant in the days to come. In this background this religious spot is chosen for the study. This historical place is located on Agradweep village of Katwa sub-division of Bardhaman district in West Bengal,India.
Study on removal efficiencies and mechanism of heavy metal from sewageirrigated soils by saponin compared with commonly used washing agents[ Full-Text ] [References]HuiYing Zhan, YuFeng Jiang, BeiLei Wang, Kun Zhu, BaoWei ZhaoIn present study, batch washing experiment was performed to evaluate the removal feasibility of heavy metal by saponin, a kind of biosurfactant, in sewageirrigated soil. The results showed that water alone only removed minimal amounts of Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn (less than 5%), but the removal efficiency of Cu, Cd, Pb, and Zn were 43.87%, 95.11%, 83.54%, and 20.34% by 3.0% saponin solution, respectively. Desorption efficiencies of heavy metals in sewageirrigated soil sample were changed significantly by addition of aponin in washing solution. The results also showed that the removal efficiency increased with increasing of concentration of saponin, and it decreased with increasing of pH value. It also indicated that ionic strength had a slightly negative influence or no influence on desorption of heavy metals, which demonstrated clearly that saponin, under certain conditions, could effectively increase desorption of heavy metal. Meanwhile, heavy metal from washing solutions could be recovery and the used saponin solution could recycle of used. Analysis the experimental results, saponin could effectively removed the heavy metal in sewageirrigated soil as a clean agent.
Overview of e-Governance elements from Indian State IT policy perspective[ Full-Text ] [References]Rahul Joshi, Vrashali DeshmukhThis paper is an attempt to give overview of e-Governance elements by studying state IT policy documents of different states in India. It contains three sections viz., first section details out list of elements for E-governance; second section provides analysis of these elements followed by conclusion with open vision of state IT policies towards E-governance.
Optimal Filter Approach to Detect Idle Spectrum for Cognitive Radio[ Full-Text ] [References]R. Vadivelu and K. SankaranarayananRising shortage of radio frequency spectrum due to the technological improvement in performance of the wireless communication system devices and continuing efforts to make improve its performance more and more to the maximum capability of the wireless communication system. In this context, the demand for spectrum requirement increases so sharply and the need for the channel estimation excel a major role to use it efficiently. This leads to the result, that identification and estimation of the idle spectrum to utilize it efficiently without any interference between the end users. In this perspective, we have to give first preference to spectrum sensing or estimation for better utilization of spectrum resource. Cognitive Radio (CR) or Intelligent Radio (IR) has been identified as one of the promising technology, able to estimate the radio spectrum to identify the unused spectrum, which can be opportunistically used by Secondary User (SU) without interfering Primary User (PU) specifically in the frequency range of 3 GHz which estimated underutilized frequently by Federal Communication Committee (FCC). In this paper we propose a novel method to maximize the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) in noise environment for better spectrum estimation of the channel to utilize the unoccupied spectrum by the SU. The scenario considered here is the occupied status of PU is known in the channel and the channel considered is an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel. Optimization of SNR, being done based on the quadratic time-frequency processing of the PU signal using a time-frequency Optimal Filter (OF). The simulation is done using MATLAB to estimate the channel or sub channel.
Design and implementation of Personalised Information Retrieval using User Profile and Ontology[ Full-Text ] [References]Aditi SharmaIn present scenario, with the unprecedented development of electronics and tremendous growth of the Internet, World Wide Web (WWW) has become common and popular source of information for varied category of users. Web search engines provide interface between users and web to extract the desired information from WWW. The user possess query to search engine and in response the search engine return useful information. It is observed that typical search engines return the same result for the query submitted by different users irrespective of specific user need. Generally, each user has specific information requirement. It is always desirable that search result should satisfy the exact user requirement. We have proposed approaches to make the search adapting to satisfy the user need. The approaches discussed here are based on ontology and dynamic user profile.
Design of Microcontroller Based Static VAR Compensator[ Full-Text ] [References]Rajib Baran RoyThe change in system voltage and frequency with changing load creates problem in power system stability. For the sake of system stability and reliability, the reactive power compensation is essential for flexible AC transmission system (FACTS). The variation of reactive power causes impact on the generating units, lines, circuit breakers, transformers, relays and isolators. However the reactive power can be compensated from the generating unit by changing the excitation of the generator. But if the total reactive power is feed only by the generation unit, it will lower the maximum real power capacity of generator. Moreover the additional current flow associated with reactive power can cause increased losses and excessive voltage sags. Therefore the local VAR compensator which is comprised of shunt reactors are used in transmission and distribution system for reactive power compensation. The conventional electro-mechanical reactive power compensator is not suitable for its slow switching speed which cannot commensurate with the rapid changing system load. The electronic reactive power compensator uses fast switching devices like thyristor which provides faster switching option than that of the conventional relay. The static VAR compensator (SVC) is the combination of thyristor switched capacitor (TSC) and thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) which is widely used in HVAC (High Voltage AC) and HVDC (High Voltage DC) systems. The design of the microcontroller based SVC with harmonics suppressor is discussed in this paper. Harmonics are generated which may unbalanced the system due to rapid switching of the connected reactor with the live transmission line. Therefore the harmonics suppressor is used in the proposed design. For precise switching of the thyristor, microcontroller is used which adds an significant feature of this designed SVC.
Development And analysis of RE Tool for recovering design artifacts during software reverse engineering[ Full-Text ] [References]Parul Dongre, Arvind UpadhyayReverse engineering provides a direct attack to solve comprehension problem of large software system. This research paper elaborates development of tool for reverse engineering of java code & recovering the concept to discovering the design artifacts of a software system from its source code and related documentation. Here we used REAM (reverse engineering abstraction methodology) for tool development and evolve algorithm which reverse engineer the java code to generate class diagram, use case diagram, activity diagram. There are already some tools available in market, but tools are having very limited reverse engineering capabilities. Like, they do not clearly specify relationship between classes, because all the relationships are not properly extracted. Here we have developed a tool named 'RE Tool' which tends to provides all reverse engineering capabilities. As well as after development, analysis is done by analysing two different commercial tools ArgoUML and Altova Umodel@2012 with RE Tool considering case studies.
Photoconductivity Study of (Al2O3 - ZnS) and its Mixed Composite[ Full-Text ] [References]Sumit Ruhela, Dr. Sunil Kumar SrivastavaInvestigation of photoconductivity with respect to the number of parameter has been made in (Al2O3- ZnS) Cu, Cl composites. The sample is prepared by firing the appropriate mixture at 8000C for 45 minute. For measurement purpose, the sandwich type of cell is used in which electrodes are in direct contact with the sample. The effect of field intensity, wavelength of illumination and temperature has been reported.
Efficient Association Rule Mining Using Improved Apriori Algorithm[ Full-Text ] [References]Ish Nath Jha, Samarjeet BorahAssociation rule mining is a data mining technique to extract interesting relationships from large datasets [1, 2]. The efficiency of association rule mining algorithms has been a challenging research area in the domain of data mining [3]. Frequent pattern discovery, the task of finding sets of items that frequently occur together in a dataset is the most resource consuming phase of the rule mining process [4, 5]. Efforts for improvement, in the basic mining techniques are continuously being made. In this paper we take the classical algorithm APRIORI and optimize its performance by applying classification and sorting on the datasets.
Recent Trends and Developments in Surface Hardening Technology: A Focus on New Ceramics for Surface Modification in Industry [ Full-Text ] [References]Paul A. Ihom, Justine I. Nor, Alabi, O.O. , and Adamu, W. UsmanIt has been predicted that the 21st century will witness unprecedented technological revolution in all fields of engineering. The development of materials which will imitate human intelligence, and have advanced functional properties will dominate the technological arena in the 21st century. This prediction is already being fulfilled and new ceramics are playing a very vital role. This paper looks at recent trends and developments in surface hardening technology with a focus on new ceramics for surface modification industry. The paper has reviewed various ceramic coating processes which mainly produce the film of nitrides, carbides, oxides, and borides. The paper has dealt with new ceramics from the view point of their properties, performance, and coating methods, and the principle that develops the effective technology for surface modification. More research is still going on in order to perfect some coating processes using new ceramics; the areas of application of these new ceramics are limitless
The Potentials of Waste Organic Materials for Surface Hardness Improvement of Mild Steel[ Full-Text ] [References]Ihom, A.P., Nyior, G.B, Alabi, O.O., Segun, S., Nor Iv, J., and Ogbodo, JThe study has investigated the potential of some organic waste materials for surface hardness improvement of mild steel. Waste organic materials like sugar cane, rice husks, egg shell, melon shell, arecaceae flower droppings, plastics, polyethylene, and charcoal were used during the study. These materials were prepared in various shapes and sizes before mixing them with mild steel specimens and heat treating in the furnace at 920oC. The specimens were heated to 920OC for 5 hours and then quenched in water. They were then tested for hardness using Rockwell hardness testing machine. The result in each case showed great improvement over the control specimen. The highest value of hardness was obtained with arecaceae flower droppings and egg shell combination, which had a value of 56.6 HRC, followed by arecaceae flower droppings only, with 56HRC, melon shell and egg shell followed with 52.6HRC, melon shell alone had 47.8HRC, and results of the other organic materials also showed improvement over the control specimen value of 30HRC. The microstructural examination of the specimens showed a sharp contrast between the treated and untreated specimen. The effective case depth of the specimen from the arecaceae was determined and the value obtained was 0.70mm, that of arecaceae with egg shell was 0.75mm and that of melon shell and egg shell was 0.65 mm. These values of effective case depth were good and can provide protection to the mild steel for a long time. The results have established the potentials of waste organic materials for surface hardness improvement of mild steel. The waste organic materials used in the casehardening media all showed improvement in the hardness values of the mild steel specimens over the 30 HRC hardness value of the untreated mild steel specimen.
Analysis of BER for Multiple Antenna Technology Using STBC[ Full-Text ] [References]Muhammad HassanAttaining Quality of Service (QoS) and high speed data rate on mobile Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) for very well spreading of internet technology and multimedia services is optimum. Multiple Antenna technology both at the receiver as well as at the transmitter can be used to achieve that using MIMO-OFDM (multiple input multiple output orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing) techniques. Wireless digital communication system, like WiMAX, has an advantage of implementing intelligent antennas and with the use OFDM and Space-Time Block Code (STBC) this paper presents a scheme to achieve high bit error rate. Multiple antenna technology is implemented on both of the base station and user terminal with appropriate coding technique. Alamouti scheme using MIMO has also been compared with multiple antennas. The results show that Bit Error Rate (BER) is being reduced. Furthermore, it also gains maximum diversity when we increase the number of antennas on either side. This allows considerable error free transmission in wireless transmission environment for MIMO.
Photovoltaic Solar Energy: Review[ Full-Text ] [References]A.M.K. El-GhonemyEnergy is one of the most important topics on the international environment and development agenda. The sun is the largest energy source of life while at the same time it is the ultimate source of most of renewable energy sources. Solar energy can be used to generate electricity in a direct way with the use of photovoltaic (PV) modules. Photovoltaic is defined as the generation of electricity from light. The technology of photovoltaic cells was developed rapidly over the past few decades. Nowadays the efficiency of the best crystalline silicon cells has reached 24% for photovoltaic cells under laboratory conditions and for that used in aerospace technology and about 14-17% overall efficiency for those available commercially while modules costs dropped to below 4$ per watt peak (4$/WP).
Effective professional training through adaptive e-learning and decision making systems[ Full-Text ] [References]Ramachandra Gurunath, S. Ravi, Dr. S.K. SrivatsaTraditional classroom learning is slowly undergoing a change into a form called blended learning. The mix of human tutors with pedagogical electronic devices producing high quality education and in the recent past e-learning technology has grown to certain level and still growing, but at the same time the issues are also cropping up. This paper elaborates the concept of e-learning and its issues cognate to content management. The integration of e-learning and the knowledge management would bring out solutions to these issues. The adaptation process of knowledge management in e-learning is adaptive e-learning. The paper discusses all these to show that the learning would be very effective with the introduction of adaptive e-learning with the aid of decision support system. The paper will also discuss some of the important concepts of e-learning and the models of adaptive e-learning in general and application of these concepts and technologies in professional training programmes, in particular.
JVM Based Cloud Computing For Android[ Full-Text ] [References]Shruti KulkarniThe number of smartphone users and mobile application offerings are growing rapidly. A smartphone is often expected to offer PC-like functionality. In this paper, we present "JVM Based Cloud Computing for Android" system that allows users to deploy applications in the cloud system and to customize each application to meet different needs. Users can easily and freely tap into the power of the data center by installing the desired mobile applications remotely in cloud. Because the mobile applications are controlled remotely, they are not constrained by the limit of processing power, memory and battery life of a physical smartphone.
A Genetic Algorithm Based Pattern Matcher[ Full-Text ] [References]Sagnik Banerjee, Tamal Chakrabarti, Devadatta SinhaPattern matching is the method of searching a pattern in a text. There are several existing algorithms which successfully locate the presence of a pattern in a text. In particular, Bioinfomaticians often search for a Deoxy-Ribo Nucleic Acid (DNA) pattern in a very long DNA sequence. These algorithms search the entire text in order to locate the pattern. Genetic algorithms, on the other hand, deal with search procedures that are based on natural selection. Nature selects those individuals that are, in comparison, healthier than others in a certain generation. Even though this method of natural selection relies on probability, the final result of the selection has generally led to better and healthier individuals. In this paper we have presented a scheme, which searches only certain portions of the text, determined by the genetic algorithm, where the probability of finding the pattern is the maximum.
Low Power Explicit Pulsed Conditional Discharge Double Edge Triggered Flip-Flop[ Full-Text ] [References]Ms. Tania Gupta, Mr. Rajesh MehraAn explicit pulsed double edge triggered sense amplifier flip-flop for the low power and low delay is presented in this paper. The redundant transitions are eliminated by using the conditional technique named conditional discharge technique. By using the fast improved version of the nickolic latch along with the sense amplifier approach for the latching and the sensing stage the delay factor of the circuit is improved. Simulation using TSPICE and a 0.18µm CMOS technology shows that the proposed design has low power dissipation and small delay as compared to the existing design which use a conditional precharge technique in the design for removing the redundant transitions. Comparing with the previous work of the dual edge triggered flip-flops, the proposed one saved power upto 20.7%. The delay factor is improved by the factor of the 26.5% as compared to the existing design of the flip-flop.
Block Based Skin Color Detection for Automated Video Surveillance System[ Full-Text ] [References]Megha Sharma,Seema Verma, A S MandalAutomated video surveillance systems are an important component for Infocom Technology (IT) Industry. These systems play an important role in a wide range of image processing applications ranging from face detection, face tracking, gesture analysis, and to various human computer interaction domains. Skin color detection provides a useful and robust cue to all these applications. Therefore, skin color detection is one of the important research areas for automated video surveillance systems. Real-time requirements are the major issue for these systems. In this paper, a robust and efficient block based skin color detection technique is proposed. It is capable of detecting skin color regions in an image in real-time and a performance improvement of 3.58 times is achieved without loss of accuracy in results. The presented algorithm is implemented in C language on a standard WindowXP machine using Dev-C++ (Version compiler. For reading and displaying of image/video Intel OpenCV library functions are used. The algorithm yield good results. The experimental results have established the effectiveness of the approach.
The Effect of Captioned Brief News on Iranian Secondary Students' Vocabulary Learning[ Full-Text ] [References]Masoud Khalili Sabet and Mehdi TaghaviThis study investigated the effect of captioned news on vocabulary learning. Forty five secondary Iranian male students aged between 12 and 14 participated in this study. Students were exposed to eighteen captioned brief news during the course. Through a pretest-posttest design, it was investigated whether bimodal presentation of English vocabulary results in better learning. Furthermore, the differences between learning vocabulary through captioned news with that of non-captioned was investigated through hypothesis testing. The participants were divided into three groups; Group A was designed as a control group; group B were exposed to non-captioned news and group C to captioned-ones. All the participants completed two vocabulary tests before and after the treatment. One Way of Analysis of Variances suggested that bimodal presentation of vocabularies resulted in better vocabulary learning. Moreover, it showed that learning vocabulary through captioned news was more effective than with that of non-captioned ones. The result of the study shows that teachers and research can consider captioned brief news as an important material for vocabulary learning.
ALTERNATE ENERGY SOURCE USING PLANTS INSTEAD OF PHOTO- VOLTAIC CELL-AN INNOVATIVE SOLUTION FOR POWER CRISIS[ Full-Text ] [References]G.Vijayasarathi, Praveen ShanToday in India which is a developing nation has a greater demand for power. Electricity being a primary need for every being there is a rising demand is seen in India overtaking the production quantity. Since India is a upcoming nation large industries have started to build their industry in India which consumes more power so increasing the demand. This innovative paper, "solar cells from grass" is a new and green idea for producing little power in house for small appliances.
Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting Wet Scrubber Performance[ Full-Text ] [References]Bashir Ahmed Danzomo, Momoh-Jimoh E. Salami, Md Raisuddin KhanIncreased public awareness posed for global climate change has led to greater concern over the impact of environmental changes due to constant emissions of air pollutants from industrial production. Wet scrubbers have important advantages when compared to other air pollution control devices. They can collect particulates like flammable and explosive dusts, foundry dusts, cement dusts, large volume of gaseous pollutants, acid mists and furnace fumes. In this study, a three layer feed forward neural network has been used to predict the performance of wet scrubber system for air pollution control. The theoretical performance, ?perf of the system was calculated using 206 scenarios for 8 data sets for the operating variables with nonlinear and complex characteristics. The performance fitness of the neural network (MSE = 0.00000107 and R-value = 0.9979) describes the effectiveness of the ANN model in predicting the performance of the scrubber system and the model follows the pattern of the theoretical data describing the scrubber performance at a higher efficiency range.
Optical Supervisory Channel Implementation[ Full-Text ] [References]Chittajit SarkarPurpose of this paper is to describe the hardware design implementation of the Optical Supervisory module for 80 channel DWDM system operating at discrete wavelengths in the C-band(1530nm-1565nm) centered around 193.1 THz frequency as per ITU-T Rec.G.694.1 grid, at 50 GHz channel spacing. Optical Supervisory Channel (OSC) is accessed at each optical line amplifier site that is used for maintenance purposes including remote site alarm reporting, communication necessary for fault location, and order wire. This is not used to carry payload traffic.
Image Classification Based on Centre Symmetric Fuzzy Texture Unit Matrix [ Full-Text ] [References]Y Venkateswarlu, B Sujatha, V Vijaya KumarTexture is an important spatial feature, useful for identifying objects or regions of interest in an image. Statistical approaches have extensively studied in the texture analysis and classification. The most popular statistical methods used to measure the textural information of images are the Grey Level (GL) Co-occurrence Matrix (CM) and the Texture Spectrum (TS) Approach. The present paper combined the features of Centre Symmetric Fuzzy Texture Unit Matrix (CSFTUM) and GLCM and derived a new matrix called CSFTU-CM for texture classification. The proposed CSFTU-CM reduces the size of the TU matrix from 6561 to 67 in the case of original texture spectrum and 2020 to 67 in the case of Fuzzy Texture Spectrum (FTS) approach. Thus, it reduces the overall complexity. The co-occurrence features extracted from the CSFTU-CM provides complete texture information about an image. The experimental results indicate the proposed method classification performance is superior to that of many methods
Experimental Investigation on Reinforced Concrete Filled Steel Rectangular Fluted Columns [ Full-Text ] [References]Eramma. H, Research scholar , Dr. B.R. Niranjan, ProfessorBehaviour of Concrete Filled Reinforced Steel Tubular Columns having rectangular Flutes have been investigated by conducting experiment on thirteen Columns having 2.5m length and different L/D ratios. Columns reinforced and filled with SCC were tested with three different L/D ratios of 15, 20 and 25 and varying the longitudinal reinforcements with 3,4,5 and 6 number of reinforcements. The columns were tested having its ends firmly held in position and analysed for its stiffness and strength. Though the columns were tested with L/D ratio of 25, columns did not buckle, failing at the ends showing failure is by local buckling. The results are compared with the existing empirical equations and have found that the secant equation compares comparatively well with 50 to 60 per cent. Increase in longitudinal reinforcement in the columns have shown a maximum of 32 % of increase in axial load in the case of Columns with L/D ratio of 25 with 4 number of bars.
Bisphosphonates induced Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: A review[ Full-Text ] [References]Vijay Kumar, Ashish Kumar ShahiBisphosphonate therapy is used extensively to treat osteoporosis and osteolytic bone lesions. Recently, a special form of osteonecrosis limited to the maxillofacial skeleton has been discovered especially with the use of IV nitrogen containing Bisphosphonates. Bisphosphonates accumulate almost exclusively in maxillofacial skeleton due to high bone turnover remodeling to maintain mechanical competence. The pathogenesis, and why it commonly appears in maxillofacial skeletons, and the fixed treatment strategies remains unknown. The aim of this study was to improve the clinician understanding of Bisphosphonates associated osteonecrosis of the jaws by reviewing the past 10 year literature.
Managing Quality of Service in Computer Networks[ Full-Text ] [References]Harshvardhan AggarwalThis paper presents the underlying concepts of managing Quality of Service in a computer network. It shows that techniques used, namely 1) over-provisioning; 2) buffering; 3) traffic shaping; 4) leaky bucket algorithm; 5) token bucket algorithm; 6) resource reservation; 7)admission control; 8)packet scheduling, are fundamental building blocks required for managing quality of services in a network. This paper provides basic understanding of all the techniques given above.
Medical Image Retrieval Using Biorthogonal Spline Wavelet[ Full-Text ] [References]S.Kalyani, K.Kishan Rao, B.SreedeviAn image retrieval system is a computer system for browsing, searching and retrieving images from a large database of digital images. So effective and fast retrieval system becomes important and the need for efficient content-based image retrieval has increased tremendously. The benefits emanating from the application of content-based approaches to medical image retrieval range from clinical decision support to medical education and research. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised approach for efficient content-based medical image retrieval that utilizes similarity measures, decomposing the images into 3 level using biorthogonal spline wavelet transform and then estimating the first two wavelet moments and placed in a feature vector. The spline wavelets based texture features, mean and standard deviation of the magnitudes of the subband coefficients in the wavelet frame decomposition are proposed for image retrieval. When given a query image, its feature vectors are similarly extracted and matched with those in the database. If the distance between the query image features and feature vector available in the database is small enough, the corresponding image in the database is considered a match to the query . The retrieval results are then ranked according to a similarity index and a group of similar target images is usually presented to the users.. It is shown that the proposed scheme can be effectively applied for medical image retrieval from large database, which can be further extended by knowledge representation methodologies
High Confidence Reliability Method For Knowledge Discovery Using Evaluation Of Learning Algorithms In Data Mining[ Full-Text ] [References]N.Chandra Sekhar Reddy , Dr.N.Pedakolmi , Dr A.Govardhan , N.Vamsi Krishna , N.L.ManasaAssociation rule mining is the most popular technique in data mining. Mining association rules is a prototypical problem as the data are being generated and stored every day in corporate computer database systems. To manage this knowledge, rules have to be pruned and grouped, so that only reasonable numbers of rules have to be inspected and analyzed. In this paper we compare the standard association rule algorithms with the proposed HCRA algorithm. All these algorithms are compared according to the various factors like Type of dataset, support counting, rule generation, candidate generation, computational complexity and other factors .The conclusions drawn are based on the efficiency ,performance ,accuracy and scalability parameters of the algorithms.
Performance Analysis of SFBC-OFDM System with Frequency Domain Equalization[ Full-Text ] [References]Mohammad Aftab Alam Khan, Mehwash Farooqui, Ishan BudhirajaIn modern wireless communication systems, Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques have become popular. This system has potential to meet high data rate requirements and high performance over various challenging channels that may be time selective and frequency selective. MIMO-OFDM system exploits the space and frequency diversity simultaneously to improve the performance of system. The popular approach to combine the space time codes and OFDM system is SFBC-OFDM. In this paper, Space-Frequency block coding for MIMO-OFDM along with different equalizers is investigated. Bit Error Rate (BER) performance analysis is presented using different equalizers and then optimum equalization method is suggested.
Compressive failure analysis of alumina nano particles dispersed short glass/carbon fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid composites[ Full-Text ] [References]Akash Mohanty, V. K. SrivastavaThis paper investigates the compressive strength and modulus of the alumina nano particle embedded glass and carbon fiber reinforced epoxy based hybrid composite materials through the compression test. In this analysis, the weight fraction of the alumina nano particles, glass and carbon fibers within the epoxy matrix was varied as 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 10% and 15%. The hybrid composite was made by adding a constant 2wt.% of alumina nano particles within the epoxy matrix along with the fibers. From the experiment, it was found that the strength of the compressive strength and modulus both were increased up to 2wt.% fiber addition. Further improvement in the properties was observed in case of hybrid composites. From this analysis, it was found that the improvement of the properties in the composite was restricted to the 2wt.% filler addition and the properties decreases there after.
Cloud Computing, Revolution in New Web Technology: Application and Challenges Survey[ Full-Text ] [References]Mahboobeh ZangiabadyData evolution is such that it can be from after water, gas and telephone utilities, as is the fifth element. In case users try to access the service based on need without regard to where it is or how it can be delivered. Experts suggest various computing systems for the needs of these users. Such as cluster computing, grid computing, and cloud computing. After 2007, Cloud computing technology acceptance among users is more than other technologies. It is a technology that uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. This technology allows for much more efficient computing by centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth.
Isolation, Characterization of Melanin Producing Organism and Extraction of Melanin[ Full-Text ] [References]Kshitija R. DeshmukhMelanin producing organism was isolated from a soil sample of Ahmednagar district, Maharashtra using Tyrosine casein media. The isolated organism's morphology and spore arrangement was studied. The isolated organism was suspected to belong to the genus Streptomyces. Parameter optimization of the Tyrosine casein media with respect to carbon and nitrogen source was done. Starch and L-glycine were optimized as carbon and nitrogen source respectively. Melanin pigment was produced and confirmed using L-DOPA ( as substrate. Melanin was successfully extracted in a crude form which can further be purified and used in various applications such as cosmetics, treatments of several diseases and also in preparation of an organic photovoltaic cell.