IJSER Volume 3, Issue 11, November 2012 Edition
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The Project; Iraq Desertec Is The Future Second Electricity Supplier To Europe Through Turkey[ Full-Text ] [References]A Prof Dr. Salah F. A. Sharif Under the DESERTEC Concept, the first proposed project, concentrating solar power systems, photovoltaic systems and wind parks would be spread over 17,000 km2 of the African Sahara desert. Produced electricity would be transmitted to European Countries by a super grid of High Voltage Direct Current Cables UHVDC. An Iraqi international network of scientists and experts from the field of renewable energies and gas and oil reserves has interfered with DESERTEC network and proposed the second project to be in Iraqi western desert. The general thought is to use solar power during daytime plus natural gas during night time and to export the generated power via a transmission system to Europe through Turkey. The envisaged power amounts to > 6,000 MW. The obtained DC power with +/- 800 KV potential shall be transmitted by overhead lines UHVDC from the Iraqi western desert to Romania through Turkey. An approximated and very simplified KWh cost calculations has shown that the proposed project is feasible.
Impact Behavior Enhancement Of Oil Palm Shells Concrete Slab By Geogrid Reinforcement [ Full-Text ] [References]Ir. Zakaria Che Muda, Dr. Salah F. A. Sharif, Tan Yen LunGreen technology and sustainable development are the main concern in any country around the world; researchers and engineers are urged to provide the best solution to maintain the environment for the future generation. Malaysia is the world largest oil palm exporter, producing over 4 million tons of oil palm shells as main solid waste of the industry annually, which causing an environmental problem. An optimum mix design should be acquired through various trial mixes to ensure the re-use of oil palm shells lightweight concrete to achieve the required structural performance. A self-fabricated drop-weight impact test rig, have been used in this research work, to simulate a low-velocity projectile impact on the slab specimens. Three parameters are tested for specimens with or without geogrid reinforcement; where the first parameter is the effect of OPS content on impact resistance, and it is found out that the increment of OPS content will reduce the impact resistance of concrete. For the second parameter, the effect of geogrid layers on impact resistance is evaluated; as the increment of geogrid layer does improve the impact resistance, but the effect is more obvious for ultimate crack resistance than the first crack resistance. The last parameter is the contribution of geogrid type on impact resistance; comparison are made between geogrid 60/60 and geogrid 80/80, result show that geogrid 80/80 has the overall better performance.
Consumer Behavior And Retail Market Consumerism In KSA [ Full-Text ] [References]Dr Mohammad Naquibur RahmanIn this research paper, the purpose of present study has been conducted to investigate the market potential of retail market consumerism and consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia. It started making its presence felt nearly a decade after the first lot of retail hypermarket introduced in KSA. A brief introduction and evolution with new dimension of retail hypermarket/supermarket shows how organized retailing with new challenges in retail market. Industries are after exploration of new market opportunities. Saudi Arabia's retail market is not an exception. The market size and related details gives a statistical view of increasing market in a few major areas of retailing. The major market players who enlivened the present caricature of retail sector are presented briefly along with statistics. The changing scenarios of Saudi Arabian consumer behavior give a proof to the potential opportunity in the retailing arena. SWOT and its subheads take you to the crux of analysis into retail industry. There is no iota of doubt that Saudi Arabia is enjoying the best destination in terms of social, economic dynamics supported by its oil industry. But it is desperate need to understand the future business imperatives and to chalk out its strategy to lead the nation in all spheres of challenges and opportunities. Out of which we formulated the future prospects. One major lifesaver of the Saudi Arabian retailing is the advertising and promotional strategies; which comes out with innovative ways to win consumers over and keep them permanently happy. The results exposed that Saudi Arabia is one of the prominent figures in the world enjoying the technological competency providing to the coming generation to lead their country having the ability to cope with all the futuristic challenges and harvesting the opportunities.
Engineering Classification of Shari Ghat River Bed Sand and Prospect of its Utilization[ Full-Text ] [References]M. Farhad Howladar, Chowdhury Quamruzzaman, A.K.M Fayazul Kabir, B.M. Rabby Hossain, A.S.M. Golam Hossain, M. Omar Faruque Sand is a natural resource can be used as an engineering material which plays an important role in engineering constructions. Generally sand is used as a fine aggregate in mortar, plaster, concrete and finishing works. It also used for filling under floor, basements. Sand should be pure silica (SiO2), but all types of sand are not suitable for such work.From this point of view, the present study assesses some engineering properties for understanding their suitability for construction works. The properties such as Fineness Modulus (FM), Specific Gravity, Silt & Clay content and Compressive Strength have been estimated in laboratory and the results revealed that the sand is best for mortar and concrete work and suitable for plastering and finishing work. Results also suggest that this sand can be used for filling up the roads and brick soling gap area.
Use Of Industrial Pollution Projection System (Ipps) To Estimate Pollution Load By Sector In Two Industrial Estates In Ogun State, Western Nigeria[ Full-Text ] [References]B.O. Odesanya, S.O. Ajayi, M. Shittu & O. OshinWe have used industrial projection pollution system (IPPS) to generate estimates of pollution load by industrial establishments in two industrial estates in Ogun state, Western Nigeria using employment data. Results indicate that the most polluting sectors are chemical and pharmaceuticals (CPH), basic metal (BML) and food, beverage and tobacco (FBT), the three giving a cumulative contribution of 97.18% of pollution to all media. The least polluting sectors are Electrical and electronic sector (EES) (0.02%), Motor vehicle assembly (MVA) (0.04%) and Wood and wood products (WWP) (0.13%). The trend is consistent with results obtained in other developing economies although estimation parameters differ. They sectoral ranking of pollution intensity is similar to the findings of Oketola and Osibanjo10, 12 in a similar study for Lagos. It has been established that few sectors account for most pollution load to the environment. They are also the sectors that account for 83.36% of the total personnel employed. There is thus a need to formulate policy that would reduce pollution load without significantly reducing employment.
Flexural Behavior Of Lightweight Oil Palm Shells Concrete Slab Reinforced With Geogrid[ Full-Text ] [References]Ir. Zakaria Che Muda, Dr. Salah F. A. Sharif, Ng Jun HongThis paper aims to study the flexural strength and deflection behavior of concrete slab casted with oil palm shells (OPS) as aggregates and reinforced with geogrid. Effects of oil palm shells content and amount of geogrid layers in concrete slab towards the enhancement of flexural strength and deflection were monitored. Data from test results shows that increment in oil palm shells content will reduce the flexural strength of slab while increment in amount of geogrid can increase the flexural strength. Both materials portray their potential as replacement for granite aggregates and steel reinforcement. Slab samples casted manage to fulfill criteria of lightweight concrete but fail to achieve high strength. Slab casted portrays similar properties and behavior as conventional steel-reinforced concrete with ductility and strain hardening. By comparing to design requirement for residential floor based on British Standard, the slab samples show adequate capacity to cater for both ultimate limit state and serviceability limit, hence can be adopted in construction of residential building.
Ckd Use As A Sludge Stabilizing, Dewatering And Disinfection Agent In Iraq[ Full-Text ] [References]Salah F. A. Sharif, Sabah U. ShadeedHundreds of thousands of tons of cement kiln dust (CKD) as well as other emissions are generated annually from existing cement plants in Iraq. Most plants dispose of CKD near or around the plants site as uncovered mounds and piles with significant economic and environmental impacts. The amount of generated CKD is found to be variable among different cement plants. It can be estimated that the generated CKD on the average is about (8-33) % of the production output depending on the conditions of each plant. An experimental laboratory work on one of the beneficial uses of CKD was carried out in this study. CKD was mixed with sewage sludge as dry alkaline stabilizing agent. Sludge treated with CKD was found to meet the class A requirements (fecal coliform density less than 1000 MPN/g solid) as set by USEPA. In this study, the fecal coliform density of thickened sludge treated with 20 % CKD was reduced from 2.43x108 MPN/g to 410 MPN/g, while; for dewatered sludge treated with 30 % CKD, it was reduced from 8.75X107 MPN/g to 220 MPN/g. CKD was successfully applied to destroy pathogens, reduce vector attraction and bring the sludge to a manageable form.
Design and Performance Analysis of Dual band Circularly Polarized C-Slot Patch Antenna[ Full-Text ] [References]Manoj Kumar Dubey, Rahul Vivek PurohitIn this paper dual band aperture coupled Circularly Polarized (CP) C-Slotted antenna with a small frequency ratio exited through a single feed is proposed for GPS application. The optimized design of C- Slot antenna has been validated using IE3D Electromagnetic wave simulator. The C-slot is asymmetrical about the centre of the antenna. The antenna parameters can be optimized by changing the physical parameters like as length of the slot , permittivity of the dielectric etc.The measured 10-dB return loss bandwidth of the optimized slot are 44.91% & 6.8%for the lower and upper band respectively. The measured Axial Ratio is 0.14 at 1.29 GHz. The overall antenna gain is more than 5.5 dBic and efficiency is 80%.A dual frequency aperture coupled patch antenna may provide a substitute to large bandwidth planner antenna.
Comparison of Block Type Pilot Channel Estimation Techniques for Evaluating the performance of OFDM [ Full-Text ] [References]Keshav Kumar, Amit GroverWith the rapid growth of digital communication in recent years, the need for high speed data transmission is increased. Moreover, future wireless systems are expected to support a wide range of services which includes video, data and voice. OFDM is a technique for achieving high data rates in mobile environment, due to its resistance to ISI, which is a common problems found in high speed data communication. In OFDM, modulation may be differential or coherent. In this paper the channel estimation techniques for OFDM systems based on Block Type Pilot arrangement are investigated. The estimation of channel at pilot frequencies is based on LSE and MMSE. The channel estimation based on block type pilot arrangement is performed by sending pilots at every sub-channel and using this estimation for a specific number of following symbols. I have compared the performances of all schemes by measuring bit error rate by using 16QAM, QPSK, and BPSK. We have found that BER performance of Block type pilot estimation using BPSK modulation have best performance. We also compare the LSE and MMSE we calculated that MMSE Block type pilot channel estimation technique have the better BER performance than LSE.
Recent Development Of Wind Power Generation And Distribution[ Full-Text ] [References]Dr. S.M Ali, ShubhraWindmills have been used for many centuries for pumping water and milling grain. The discovery of the internal combustion engine and the development of electrical grids caused many windmills to disappear in the early part of this century. However, in recent years there has been a revival of interest in wind energy and attempts are underway all over the world to introduce cost-effective wind energy conversion systems for this renewable and environmentally benign energy source. In developing countries, wind power can play a useful role for water supply and irrigation (wind pumps) and electrical generation (wind generators). These two variants of windmill technology are discussed. This brief gives a general overview of the resource and of the technology of extracting energy from the wind. This paper mainly includes the technology based generation of wind energy or wind power by using the wind or air and its future requirement.
Assymptomatic Carriage Of Cysts Of Entamoeba Histolytica Among Patients Attending Two Hospitals In Maiduguri, Northeastern, Nigeria: The Need For Adequate Tool For Specific Diagnosis.[ Full-Text ] [References]Balla HJ, Bukar A, Ahmad A, Gambo HI, Pajo HAmoebiasis is the third common parasitic infection in about 10% of the world's total population causing death after Schistosomiasis and malaria. A study was under taken to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic carriage of Entamoeba histolytica (E.histolytica). Two hundred (200) samples of stool were analyzed between March to October, 2010. Formol-ether concentration technique and iodine wet preparation was used for stool analysis. An overall prevalence of E. histolytica among asymptomatic patients was 56% out of the 200 samples examined. Males recorded a prevalence rate of (66%) and lower infection rate was observed among females (45.4%). Highest prevalence 73.9% was observed among age group 0-10 years while lowest (31.6%) was observed among age group 51-60 years. Subjects with secondary education had highest prevalence (82.1%) while those with tertiary education had lowest (30.2%). School-aged children had the highest cyst carriage (80.6%) while students had lowest (28.2%). Individuals whose source of drinking water is pipe borne water had highest cyst carriage (97.8%) while lowest cyst carriage (66.7%) was observed among those who drank well water. Highest cyst carriage (78.7%) was observed among males while lowest (30.8%) was observed among females who ate home-made food more often. Peri-urban settlers had the highest prevalence (65.9%) while lowest (36.5%) was observed among those who reside in highbrow areas. The 56% prevalence of asymptomatic cyst carriage calls for concern because of the possible health implications of amoebiasis and the risk of transmission to healthy individuals. There is need for a more sophisticated tool for specific diagnosis of the parasite.
Design And Simulation Of Microstrip Patch Arrayantenna For Wireless Communications At 2.4 Ghz [Full-Text ] [References] B.Sai Sandeep, S.Sreenath KashyapDue to the existence of growth in development of low cost, less weight, highly reliable, minimal profile antennas for wireless devices, it poses a new challenge for the design of antenna in wireless communications. This paper presents design and simulation of a rectangular micro strip patch array antenna at 2.4 GHz for wireless communications that provides a radiation pattern along a wide angle of beam and achieves a gain of 11.6 dBi.The rectangular micro strip patch antenna was analysed using Ansof/Ansys HFSS and also made a comparision among the different substrates which shows different results based on same parameters.
Modeling, Analysis and Real Time Estimation of Voltage Sag and Swell for Power System Applications[Full-Text ] [References] A.Vetrivel, R.Yokeeswaran, Jovitha JeromeNowadays power quality is term widely used in power systems wherein the voltage, current, and phase angle are widely discussed and used. The Time Frequency Representation (TFR) provides a powerful method for identification of the non-stationary of the signals. This paper proposes a Discrete Orthogonal S-Transform (DOST) for analysis and visualization of voltage distortions with timevarying amplitudes. Voltage estimation and subsequently detecting the sag and swell are very important in determining the power system stability and quality. This paper presents two models to build the voltage shape with the knowledge of few parameters and detects voltage sag and swells accurately. Also the performance of each method has been compared with other to know the effectiveness of different models and their results are presented.
Low Voltage Low Power High Speed Flash ADC with Multiplexer based code converter[Full-Text ] [References] Prasadh Teppala, K. Praveen Kumar, Ch. Praveen KumarThis paper presents a low voltage low power high speed flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The proposed flash ADC is pipelined using track and hold circuit and at the input and output latches of the code converter. A new digital code converter has been introduced using multiplexer based code (MBC) converter. The results show considerable improvement in the ADC delay. Power consumption is also reduced to great extent. Further noticeable power consumption reduction achieved for the flash ADC with the introduction of MBC converter operates at different low voltage levels. The ADC is designed in 130nm CMOS technology.
Effect of Kaolinite Clay on Properties of Drilling Mud[Full-Text ] [References] Gideon Majiyebo Adogbo, Isa MohammedKaolin Clay minerals was used as ingredient for drilling mud formulation. Beneficiated Kankara Kaolin clay, barite, starch were used in the preparation of various drilling mud mixtures. Viscosity measurement were taken within 4.3s-1 and 34.1s-1 shear rates, the viscosity values ranged between 0.28Ns/m2 to 42.8Ns/m2, the shear stress values ranged between 34.06N/m2 to 606.908N/m2 for all the samples. While densities of all the sample mixture ranged between 1639 to 1792 kg/m3. Barite was observed to have the major effect on building density while the effect of kaolin, starch and water were slightly pronounced at a constant barite content. There were generally higher experimental density values compared to theoretical values. The densities gave hydrostatic pressure range between 32,124 kPa and 35,123 kPa for a well depth of 2000m. The rheological behavior of the fluid was not pseudo plastic thus kaolin clay was not a good additive in the production of drilling mud as it contributed mainly to fluid density.
Efficient Use of Wireless Sensors for Data Collection in Precision Agriculture [Full-Text ] [References] M. Marimbi, M. Munyaradzi, B. M. Nyambo, E. MashonjowaThis paper looks at how to optimize data collection from the wireless sensor nodes and analysis of this data for an efficient irrigation scheduling in order to optimize water usage. In this research we design a model system which integrates optimum node placement and data aggregation to see the combined effect on the efficiency of the wireless sensor network (WSN) that is in terms of latency, power consumption and utilization, network life span i.e. node mortality. Issues looked into included the optimum placement of the sensor nodes, traffic aggregation and protocols for cooperative data forwarding. Models of different topologies were designed and evaluated through simulations to come up with the best model that achieves optimum placement to minimize the number of nodes without compromising on the readings as well as incorporating data forwarding and aggregation. The model was cost effective as it displayed significant improvement in efficiency, power utilization and consumption and network lifetime and can be adopted for ordinary farmers in developing countries like Zimbabwe.
Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms Associated with Chollangi Mangrove Soil in East Coast of India[Full-Text ] [References] Amrutha.V.Audipudi, N.Pradeep Kumar and A.SudhirTwenty three bacterial strains isolated from the soil of Chollangi mangrove environment and demonstrated Phosphate solubilization potential of isolated bacterial strains. Seven isolates showed phosphate solubilization activity. Morpho physiologically and biochemically identified two isolates (CMB1 and CMB2) as Bacillus subtilis, three isolates (CMFP3, CMFP4 and CMFP5) as fluorescent Pseudomonas and two isolates (CMAZ1 and CMAZ2) as Azotobacter sp. Plant growth promoting ability of seven bacterial strains tested for optimization of PH, carbon source and temperature and estimated phosphate solubilization quantitatively. Isolated strains visualized colonies at PH 8.6 after 72 hrs, where as pure cultures visualized early within 18 hrs at PH 6.8-7.2 range. Observations indicated bacterial isolates of arid mangrove environment can easily adapted to normal soil PH and enhance phosphate content in soil.
Implementation of secure login algorithm over internet using steganography[Full-Text ] [References] Sahir Riyaz Khan, Tejaswi Ogirala, Ravi Kiran Modali, Vandana MishraThis paper suggests a new scheme where steganography is used to provide a highly secured authentication. The use of character encoding and decoding in an image is used which provides a very high form of security over the web applications. The proposed idea is an alternative to biometrics and RSA tokens. Various attacks pertaining to passwords as brute-force attack, shoulder surfing attack, MIM attack, dictionary attack and password guessing can be prevented. Thus putting a barrier to identity theft, password misuse, loss of confidential information etc., which thereby secures it from hackers.
Investigation of the Applicability of Garcia and ITU-R Models to Rainfall on Satellite Communication Link in Nigeria[Full-Text ] [References] Adeyemo. Z.K., Akande. D.O. and Ojo. F.KThis paper presents the investigation into the effect of rain on satellite communication link in Nigeria at a frequency of 30 GHz, using six cities in each geographical zone of the country. The annual rainfalls of the cities spanning a period of three years were collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Centre for proper analysis. The ITU-R rain attenuation model and the Garcia Model were considered among several models in existence. The average rain rate value was computed and substituted into the rain attenuation prediction models under study. The result obtained, indicates that value of attenuation increases as the altitude decreases. Also, the analysis of the results shows that the Garcia model is more applicable in Nigeria using both horizontal and vertical polarizations.
Overhead of FTPS and FTP over IPsec in IPv6 networks[Full-Text ] [References] Eng. N Pradeep Ruwan NawarathneFTP is client-server architecture based protocol for transferring files over TCP/IP networks. It is used with either user-based password authentication or anonymous user access. FTP has no encryption support. All transmissions are in clear text format. User names, passwords, FTP commands and transferred files can be read by anyone who is sniffing the network. SFTP, FTPS and FTP over IPsec are cost effective methods of securing FTP. Accordingly, these provide much better authentication and encryption functionalities for file transfer communication. But those methods introduce processing overhead and packet overhead for file transferring to different extends. This research paper compares and contrasts the overhead of secure file transefer methods, FTPS and FTP over IPsec, in IPv6 networks.
The development of a materials requirements planning model applicable in Small & Medium Enterprise manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe[Full-Text ] [References] Chirinda NgoniInventory costs for small Companies in Zimbabwe are high due to improper inventory planning & control measures put in place. Small businesses struggle to profiteer in their day-to-day operations because they do not realize the extent of such costs. The development of a materials requirement planning model applicable to small & medium Enterprise (SME) manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe is a project aimed at bringing a solution to this operational challenge. The case of Lane Engineering Company is considered to reflect other similar small businesses. A computerized MRP Excel-based model was developed during the research and was recommended for SMEs in Zimbabwe as a portable inventory planning & control tool. Benefits were realized from minimum payback period, higher internal rate of return, well above 25% of inventory cost reduction plus automated manipulation and with simple user-interface. SMEs will realize additional salvage value by running such an MRP system.
Data Warehouse Technological Infrastructure and Methodology[Full-Text ] [References] S.Nasira TabassumData warehouse Infrastructure basically supports a data warehousing environment with the help of a combination of technologies. In its most general definition, a data warehouse is large repository of all sorts of data the implementing organization would need in the present and in the future. But the real data warehouse and its functions and features may vary depending upon the need of the organization and what it can afford. So, the overall design and methodology of data warehouse will be depending on the data life cycle management policy of the organization. A data warehouse is a subjectoriented, integrated, time-variant, and nonvolatile collection of data that supports managerial decision making. Data warehousing has been cited as the highest-priority post-millennium project of more than half of IT executives. A large number of data warehousing methodologies and tools are available to support the growing market. The general life cycle starts with pre-data warehouse, data cleansing, data repository, and front-end analytics. The pre-data warehouse is like stage or area where the designers need to determine which data contains business value for insertion. Some of the Infrastructure found in this area includes online transaction processing (OLTP) database which store operational data. These OLTP databases may be residing in some transactional business software solutions such as Supply Chain Management (SCM), Point of Sale, Customer Serving Software and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and management software. OLTP databases need to have very fast transactional speeds and up to the point accuracy. During the data cleansing, data undergoes a collective process referred to as ETL which stands for extract, transform, and load. Data are extracted from outside sources like those mentioned in the pre-warehouse.
Digital Computing Image Processing Network Technology[Full-Text ] [References] S.Nasira TabassumBased on digital, interactive, multimedia computer network teaching platform,which has become an important application of contemporary education means. Digital image processing technology curriculum for teaching the practical requirements of the network was designed and developed based on J2EE architecture, digital image processing technology course online teaching platform, the overall structure and function of each subsystem. Digital image processing is the use of computer algorithms to perform image pro-cessing on digital images. As a subcategory or field of digital signal processing, digital image processing has many advantages over analog image processing. It allows a much wider range of algorithms to be applied to the input data and can avoid problems such as the build-up of noise and signal distortion during processing. Since images are defined over two dimensions (perhaps more) digital image processing may be modeled in the form of multi dimensional systems. In 1960 Digital image processing techniques is first use in new paper Industry Many of the techniques of digital image processing, or digital picture processing as it often was called, were developed in the 1960s at the Jet Propulsion Labora-tory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Laboratories, University of Maryland,and a few other research facilities, with application to satellite imagery, wire-photo standards conversion, medical imaging, videophone, character recogni-tion, and photograph enhancement. The cost of processing was fairly high, however, with the computing equipment of that era. That changed in the 1970s,when digital image processing proliferated as cheaper computers and dedicated hardware became available.Images then could be processed in real time, for some dedicated problems such as television standards conversion. As general-purpose computers became faster, they started to take over the role of dedicated hardware for all but the most specialized and computer-intensive operations.
A Modified Model for Automatic Generation Control in Deregulated Power Systems[Full-Text ] [References] K. Hari Krishna, Dr. K. Chandra SekharAGC in deregulated power system is modeled by modifying conventional model with inclusion of bilateral contracts. Bilateral contracts will allow DISCOs in one area to get power from another area. This inclusion complicates the design of the controller by adding the contracted power also along with the disturbance power. This paper presents a new simplified AGC model for deregulated power systems. New AGC model facilitates us to design the controller with out considering bilateral contracts. And also concentrates only the load disturbances not on the contracted loads.
Implememtation Of Moving Object Tracking And Determination Of Velocity Using DSK [Full-Text ] [References] K.Sirisha Assoc.prof , Dr. Ramesh PatnaikThis paper deals with the tracking and following of moving object in a sequence of frames and the velocity of the object is determined by using efficient algorithms. Algorithms are developed for improving the image quality, segmentation, feature extraction and for determing the velocity. The developed algorithms are implemented on TMS320C6416T DSP Starter Kit (DSK). Segmentation is performed to detect the object after reducing the noise from that scene. The object is tracked by plotting a rectangular bounding box around it in each frame. The velocity of the object is determined by calculating the distance that the object moved in a sequence of frames with respect to the frame rate that the video is recorded. The algorithms developed can also be used for other applications (real time, tracking of moving objects, etc.).
Holeum in the Century of Gravitation[ Full-Text ] [References]A. L. Chavda, L. K. ChavdaAn exactly solvable effective model of quantum gravity is reviewed here. It is based on the conjecture that Primordial Black Holes may have formed stable gravitational atoms called Holeums in the early universe. A remarkable prediction of this model is that the Cosmic Rays and the very short duration Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs) are merely two different components of the Hawking Radiation emitted by two Primordial Black Holes liberated when their parent Holeum suffers an ionizing collision. The model gives a unified treatment of ten cosmological phenomena in terms of Holeums: (1) Dark Matter (2) Cosmic Rays (3) Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (4) The GZK feature in the Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (5) Very short duration GRBs (6) Reality of Hawking Radiation (7) Gravitational Waves (8) Invisibility of Galactic Halos (9) Invisibility of Domain Walls(10) The ultimate fate of the PBHs. Strong indirect observational evidence for Holeums comes from Cosmic Rays and GRBs. The results of the Ice Cube collaboration support the predictions of the Holeum model. LIGO may be able to detect the gravitational waves emitted by the Holeums. A direct detection test of Holeums is suggested.
GP-GPU Accelerated Supercomputing[ Full-Text ] [References]Aditya R. Jhaveri, Pratik R. JoshiThe latest trend introduced in Supercomputing processor technology is the introduction of General Purpose Graphical processing Unit or GP-GPU. These new variety of non-standard processors ever since their introduction in the late 80's have undergone tremendous change in their internal architecture, memory interface, Hardware Abstraction(HAL) and feature set. This new technology grew rapidly with the emerging gaming market and better interconnection standards and soon surpassed the processing strength of general purpose x86 processors with the introduction of DirectX 9 Shader technology. By mid 2000s this power was realized to be harness able with the introduction DirectX 11 API and compatible shader hardware. These cheap consumer level processors were capable of generating a combined processing power in excess of 1 Teraflop in 2007, which reached to 4.7 Teraflops by 2012. This power was achieved within the ordinary computers, with power requirements of less than 800 watts and costs under $800. Soon GPU manufacturers released their own SDKs to allow programmers to make use of this computation power within their own applications, two mainly notable being the AMD-Stream APP SDK and the NVidia CUDA SDK[3].
Enhancing the Impact Attenuation Capacity of a Car Bumper with a Friction Damper using Simulation[ Full-Text ] [References]A. Agyei-Agyemang, S. P. Owusu-Ofori, J. AntonioCrash phenomena involving road vehicles were investigated to develop an impact attenuation design that can withstand speeds higher than the current specified range of up to 4 km/h for a bumper. A passive friction element was introduced into the bumper system to improve on the attenuation capacity and the energy absorption. A mathematical model of the bumper-damper system was formulated and used to simulate impact phenomena for a 1900 kg mass moving at speeds up to 50 km/h (13.9 m/s). The results showed that the addition of a friction element to a bumper-damper system with the new design parameters could improve its energy absorption capacity by about 103.6 kJ, that is about 146 %. It was also observed that the addition of the friction element to a traditional vehicle bumper could increase the critical design speed from 4 km/h (1.11 m/s) to 14.9 km/h (4.1 m/s). It was concluded that a passive friction damper system could be used to attenuate road vehicle impact energy in collisions (of vehicles of mass similar to that of a typical sedan car) at speeds 3 times higher than the speed for which current conventional bumpers are designed to attenuate (i.e. 4 km/h).
A Review on Obesity and its Management[ Full-Text ] [References]Md. Yaqub Khan*, Poonam Gupta, Bipin Bihari , Aparna Misra, Ashish Pathak, Vikas Kumar Verma Obesity may be considered a chronic pathological condition resulting from complex interactions between cultural, psychological and genetic factors. During the past 30-40 years, a markedly increased emphasis on its control has, in part, resulted from evidence of risks to the health of the obese by a spectrum of metabolic disorders, including non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular disease and gall bladder disease.However, as both moralizing exhortations and non-pharmacological treatments usually lead to no more than limited loss of weight, their supplementation by anorectic drugs is receiving much attention. Several such drugs are available, and many more are being developed, partly because the drugs that are recommended at present typically cause weight loss for only a few months. Drugs with anti-obesity properties due specifically to this effect or to effects on the absorption or metabolism of specific dietary constituents may provide new therapeutic avenues independent of appetite suppression.
Compliance Of Small And Medium Enterprises With Government Regulations: A Case Study Of Metal Works Smes In Arusha Tanzania[ Full-Text ] [References]Sigisbert Mathias Mmasi and Mwenisongole ChristineThe purpose of this study was to investigate the role of small industrial organization development in promoting compliance of SMEs with government regulation on metal works. The study has revealed that metal works under SIDO had more knowledge and complied with government regulation than outside SIDO metal works. It has been noted that small enterprises generally require the assistance knowledge of complying with government regulations due to the fact that they neither have the time nor the expertise to perform this functions themselves. SIDO have support enterprises for capital investment in machines and equipment, marketing, participation to trade fairs, consultancy, access to common facility workshop machine tools and working premises. Most of SIDO SMEs acquired loan from SIDO and from other financial facilities because they know how to keep important records required by financial facilities. The study also revealed that the SMEs are facing the regulations faced by the larger corporation, the regulations are very complex and contradictory, and however same SMEs firms find it so difficult to comply with.
Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Circular Patch Antenna for Wireless Devices [ Full-Text ] [References]Ghanshyam Singh, Mithilesh KumarIn this paper, a frequency reconfigurable circular antenna design and development is proposed for wireless devices. In the proposed design, a circular patch antenna with circular slot using two PIN diodes at the centre frequency 10 GHz was designed and simulated frequency reconfiguration is achieved in the frequency range of 9.69-10.2 GHz and the measured results shows the same effect in the frequency range of 10.33-11.01 GHz. The frequency reconfiguration is carried out by switching the diodes on/off states. In the fabricated structure of proposed geometry the diodes are replaced by microstrip line for on-state as an ideal case. The antenna is designed on FR4 substrate (er= 4.54) of thickness (H) 1.6 mm. The proposed structure was simulated by using the electromagnetic (EM) simulation software. The optimized structure was fabricated using microwave integrated circuit (MIC) techniques on same substrate. The return loss was measured using the Vector Network Analyzer. The simulated and measured return loss shows the close agreement.
Coastal Erosion in Sierra Leone[ Full-Text ] [References]Obai Kargbo, Raphinos Tackmore MuravaSierra Leone is a West African country bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Guinea and Liberia. The country which has a total land mass of 71,740 sq km and has 406 km of coastline has been having problems with coastal erosion due to various natural as well as human coastal activities. Some of the possible causes of the eroding landscape and coastline synonymous to Sierra Leone were highlighted and discussed. Various erosion mitigation measures were raised for the benefit and attention of concerned parties, with the aim of aiding the formation of an Integrated Coastal Zone Management policy for Sierra Leone, which would effectively address coastal erosion management, prevention and mitigation.
Denoising of Computed Tomography Images using Curvelet Transformation with Log Gabor Filter [ Full-Text ] [References]Gaurav Gupta, Tanjeet KaurDigital Imaging plays important role in major areas of life such as clinical diagnosis etc. But it faces problem of Guassian noise. Noise corrupts both images and videos. The purpose of the denoising algorithm is to remove such noise. Image denoising is needed because a noisy image is not pleasant to view. In addition, some ?ne details in the image may be confused with the noise or vice-versa. The work presented herein focuses on a zero mean additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Zero mean does not lose generality, as a non-zero mean can be subtracted to get to a zero mean model. The purpose of this paper is to carry out the performance assessment of the noise reduction methods on the brain Computed Tomography (CT) images. This Work proposes a Curvelet Transformation based image denoising, which is combined with Gabor filter in place of the low pass filtering in the transform domain. This study is focused not only on the noise suppression but also on fine details and edge preservation. The quality assessment parameters used in this paper are Peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR), Coefficient of Correlation (CoC), Mean Square Error (MSE).
A Case Study of Learners Support Services in the National Institute of Open Schooling [ Full-Text ] [References]Tarun Punia, Saumya RajanThroughout the world, growth in terms of number of enrolments in distance learning institutions is increasing at a faster pace resulting in the demand of increased learner support services. Same is applicable on the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). Today this educational institute is fulfilling the aspirations of a lot of learners. This present paper is a case study of learners support services in the NIOS. Learners support services play an important role in the Open and Distance Learning system from the time a learner joins the system till the end of his/ her successful completion. It consists of a range of services including academic and non-academic support to the present as well as potential learners. Major support services are pre-admission counselling, tutoring, interactive teaching through television and radio, feedback concerning assessment and progress, career guidance, peer group support, administrative problem solving etc. As education is regarded as a key to the growth of every nation, maximum utilization of educational services is a must. Just as the learning of the enrolled students is highly significant so is the successfully meeting the challenge of reducing the dropouts' rate by the means of efficient learner support services. In light of the above, the present paper would mainly focus on the support services in terms of motivating the learners, keeping them on the right track till the completion of their study, encouraging them to make use of the facilities provided and ensuring their access as well as success in learning. An indicator of the above is the satisfaction level of learners. Hence, this study was conducted to analyse the current trends and prospects of the support services of NIOS.
Maximizing The Number Of Broadcast Operations In Random Geometric Adhoc Wireless Networks [ Full-Text ] [References]P.Abdul Wahid, Avadhanula Karthik, Ch. Srinath Reddy We consider static ad hoc wireless networks whose nodes, equipped with the same initial battery charge, may dynamically change their transmission range. When a node v transmits with range r (v), its battery charge is decreased by , where > 0 is a fixed constant. The goal is to provide a range assignment schedule that maximizes the number of broadcast operations from a given source (this number is denoted by the length of the schedule). This maximization problem, denoted by MAX LIFETIME, is known to be NP-hard and the best algorithm yields worst-case approximation ratio T(log n), where n is the number of nodes of the network. We consider random geometric instances formed by selecting n points independently and uniformly at random from a square of side length vn in the Euclidean plane. We present an efficient algorithm that constructs a range assignment schedule having length not smaller than 1/12 of the optimum with high probability. Then we design an efficient distributed version of the above algorithm, where nodes initially know n and their own position only. The resulting schedule guarantees the same approximation ratio achieved by the centralized version, thus, obtaining the first distributed algorithm having provably good performance for this problem.
Analysis of revitalization of Badkhal Lake using innovative GIS technique[ Full-Text ] [References]Ruby Siddiqui, Prof Gauhar Mahmood, Dr Syed Rehan AliThe Delhi Ridge is considered to be a water divide between arid climate of Rajasthan and semi-arid to sub-tropical climate of Indo-Gangetic Plains. Also the Delhi Ridge is the main carrier of surface runoff .But due to urbanization, the Delhi Ridge has lost its peripheral runoff, and as a result the water bodies fed by Delhi Ridge are suffering and are losing their identity. There is an utmost need for the revitalization of these water bodies which is important not only from the microclimatic point of view but also is an essential tool for the replenishment of the ground water resources .The ground water resources with the pace of deterioration of water bodies on one hand and excessive abstraction on the other hand, are getting depleted fastly and has acquired a continuous declining trend. The minimum declining of the water table is in the range of 2.5-3.5 m per year and the maximum of 6.5-7 m per year which clearly indicates need for revitalization of water bodies. There are number of water bodies in NCR which has saturated within the premises of Delhi Ridge runoff. The present study deals with the Badkhal Lake which was originally occupied by 18.7 km2 has been shrunk to 5.1 km2 which is 27.2 % of its original volume .This is because of unplanned urbanization impact. The present study deals with the analysis of revitalization of Badkhal Lake using innovative technique such as Geographical Information System (GIS) for design of watershed and catchment to acquire the the requisite amount of runoff for the proper replenishment of Badkhal lake .This study will be the modal example of revitalization of the water bodies in order to improve the geo environment in general and water resources in particular. Apart from this there are many other ideas which may be used for planners, architects, scientists, administrative officers working in this direction.
Investigation Of Handover In Wcdma[ Full-Text ] [References]Gagandeep, Virender MehlaThird generation wireless system is based on the WCDMA access technique. In this technique, all users share the same bandwidth simultaneously but with different codes. So in Soft Handoff (WCDMA) new user will demand new OVSF codes. This behavior effectively reduces the total number of available OVSF codes in each cell. The effective available OVSF codes in each cell decreases as the percentage of calls in soft handover increases. Due to their blocking property these codes cannot be used efficiently. So this paper presents a new non- orthogonal variable spreading factor (NOVSF) codes to support a quite large number code candidates for more user used in multi-rate next-generation wireless system.
Worldwide Technological Revolutions and Its Challenges under Smart Grid Paradigm: A Comprehensive Study[ Full-Text ] [References]N.Zareen, M.W.Mustafa, Abdullah J.H Al Gizi and M.A. AlsaediSmart Grid (SG) is one of the biggest challenge at plantery level that grab the attention of whole world.It is an umbrella term used for a set of technologies that are being developed as a substitution to old conventional power grid in context of future requirments. However, there exist differences in understanding and implementing the concept of smart grid in different countries. Power grid enterprises and organizations comprehend the concept of smart grid variously under different development environment and political requirement. Until now, there is no clear agreement worldwide on the smart grid related technologies. With a growing demand for sustainable electricity, the need for such a grid is vital that works more efficient, reliable with affordable maintenance, able to accommodate more renewable energy sources. Based on a vast amount of relevant documents on smart grid, the aim of this paper is to highlight the importance and needs of SG by providing an overview of the essentials of a progressive smart grid paradigm with different concepts in context with old grid. The key focus is on to shed some light for better understanding the concept and characteristics of SG according to different countries's vision. Additionally, future foreseeable challenges/issues in designing of SG are also categorized and addressed in this article.
AEROSTATS- An Insight into the Artificial Eagle Eye in Sky[ Full-Text ] [References]Pramod Murali MohanThis paper is intended towards giving an insight into the advent of aerostat which is an artificial eagle eye in the sky. The basic theory, components of an aerostat system, aerostat balloon, the main parameters governing in designing an aerostat and its application are being discussed. This sheds the light on the use of aerostat and it's dominance in coming era due to its low cost, unmanned and it's unique ability to stay aloft days together.
Reducing the Power Consumption of Wireless Sensor Networks with Anycast[ Full-Text ] [References]SRIDHAR MANDA In this paper, we are interested in reducing the energy consumption of event driven wireless sensor networks for which events occur infrequently. It also maximizes the lifetime and minimizes the delay of wireless sensor networks. In present systems most of energy consumed [1] when radios are on, waiting for a packet to arrive. To reduce energy consumption of sensor nodes sleep-wake scheduling algorithm is an effective mechanism .This algorithm also prolong the lifetime of these energy constrained wireless sensor networks. However, sleep-wake scheduling could result in substantial delays because a transmitting node needs to wait for its next-hop relay node to wake up. It reduces these delays (energy consumption) by implementing "anycast"-based packet forwarding schemes, where every node forwards a packet to its first neighboring node that wakes up among multiple nodes
Effects On Fructose Of Radiation Induced Lenticular Opacity[ Full-Text ] [References]Sheetal Punjani, Dr. Bharat Jethava, Dr.Preeti ShrivastavaThe purpose behind the study of radiation induced lenticular opacity was to know the distribution of the lens Fructose and their interaction with environmental radiation coming from the sun. Fructose is the important hexose sugar in the lens. It plays an important role in energy metabolism. In the lens the biological energy is necessary for the maintenance of transparency, synthesis and repair process (Kuck, 1965). This study provides information on the potential risk of cataract development due to exposure of Non-ionizing radiation i.e. UV-radiationduring their occupational activities. The entire study is carried out in two phases. Phase I the normal lenses from mice have been analyzed by the standardized method in the laboratory. The biochemical analysis was carried out. Phase II the observations obtained in the laboratory were correlated with the data of normal and different cataractous lenses of other groups. These data were outcome of the standardized methodology and exposure set up for irradiation in vivo and in vitro. Animals used for these studies were the mice (Musmusculus) and the rat (Rattusnorvegiicus) of either sex. The Control animals as well as the Experiment animals were kept in laboratory condition. They were fed with standard animal food and water (Phase I-II). The experiment animals were kept in radiation chambers periodically to see the effect of radiation on their lenses. Each lens from control and experiment strains was subjected to biochemical analysis. The irradiation of the lens by the non-ionizing radiation was carried out by the in vivo and in vitro method.
A Simulator for detecting faults in Ground Segement Elements[ Full-Text ] [References]Manu GV, Namratha M, PradeepThe aim of this paper is to design a simulator which helps in monitoring and controlling the system at INC (IRNSS Navigation Center) for IRNSS. The simulator visualizes the working of various ground segment elements. We design and develop an indigenous, independent satellite based regional navigational system under Indian control catering to various national needs. It should provide accurate position, navigation and time (PNT) to the user with following specifications accuracy better than 20 meter in horizontal and vertical position within the service volumeand time better than 20 nano seconds. Provide navigation services over the Indian landmass and surrounding areas extending to 15000 kilometers beyond its geopolitical boundaries.Expand service area subsequently, to an area bounded by 40deg S and 50deg N latitude. Housekeeping and navigation operations by establishing control centers and uplink/downlink facilities and established dedicated two way ranging system for validating one way are the configuration objectives..
Any Charger Any Battery Any Mobile[ Full-Text ] [References]Shyam SunderThere are lot of mobile phones and mobile batteries in the world. Main problem often faced by mobile phone customer is that how to charge mobile phone when he forget the specific charger of the phone or charging pins of mobile phone is not working? There are two options available for him.
A Secured Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Setup Using MiniSipServer[ Full-Text ] [References]Ogundile O.O, Lawal B.H and Osanaiye O.AWhat an alternative. Most people argue that if something works well there is no sense in changing it. This is exactly what is happening with VoIP today. Voice over Internet Protocol usually called VoIP is the transmission of voice, video conferencing, data, faxes over an IP based network. VoIP technology has received much attention due to several emerging application in voice communication. This paper presents a tutorial on a basic way of deploying VoIP using miniSipServer on an existing Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). After which security solution is deployed on the network using Virtual Private Network (VPN) due to the high security risk posed by VoIP as compared to the Public Switch Telephony Network (PSTN).
WiMax PLL's FIR Filter Design Using LMIs[ Full-Text ] [References]Hatem Elaydi, Ayman Alquqa, H KhozondarWiMax technology evolved greatly over the last decade. Using optimization techniques to improve the behavior of filters in phase-locked loop (PLL) in terms of overshoot and setlling time is a challenging task. This paper introduces a new PLL's loop filter design methodology that meets mobile WiMax design objectives such as small settling time, minimum overshoot and working mobile WiMax frequency range. LMI optimization based on semidefinite programmimg is used for FIR filter design to optimize conflicting objectives. The obtained results are compared with linear programming results. The LMI results outperformed results of linear programming and other comparable designs.
Large Scale Mapping Using Digital Aerial Imagery of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle[ Full-Text ] [References]Wani Sofia Udin and Anuar AhmadThe advancement in digital photogrammetry has made photogrammetric technique become simpler, faster and lower cost. Currently, this method is quite popular in covering small and large area. This study examines the use of digital camera of high resolution in capturing aerial photograph based on unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) as the airborne platform. The study area covered is the area of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia main campus and its surrounding area. Canon Pentax W90 is utilized as non-metric camera for the earth information acquisition. Secondary data of ground control points and check points established using rapid static technique of GPS were used. All the aerial photographs were processed using digital photogrammetric software and the output in the form of contour line and orthophoto were produced. The research output is then evaluated for planimetry and vertical accuracy using root mean square error (RMSE). Based on the analysis, sub-meter accuracy is obtained. As conclusion, UAV system has potential use for large scale mapping or other diversified applications especially for small area which has limited time and less man power. The map or the orthophoto produced from this system can be used as base map in Geographical Information System (GIS) and various fields such as geomatic, engineering, construction industry, planning etc.
On the formation energy of Schottky defects in MgO[ Full-Text ] [References]Dr. Dologlou ElizabethThe formation entropy for Schotkky vacancies in magnesium oxide has been estimated for low and high temperatures, by using a recent value of the formation enthalpy and with the aid of a thermodynamic model which interrelates point defect parameters with bulk properties. Our calculated values obtained from macroscopic data, are comparable with recent theoretical results derived from detailed, microscopic calculations.
Parallel: One Time Pad using Java[ Full-Text ] [References]Bala Dhandayuthapani Veerasamy, Dr. G.M. NasiraParallel program allows most efficient use of processors. The efficient processors utilization is the key to maximizing performance of computing systems. This research paper described the computations to be parallelized One Time Pad (OTP) in the form of a sequential program. To transform the sequential computations into a parallel program, the control and data dependencies have to be taken into consideration to ensure that the parallel program produces the same results as the sequential program for all possible input values. The main goal is usually to reduce the program execution time as much as possible by using multiple processors or cores.
Investigation of the Applicability of Garcia and ITU-R Models to Rainfall on Satellite Communication Link in Nigeria[ Full-Text ] [References]Adeyemo. Z.K., Akande. D.O. and Ojo. F.K.This paper presents the investigation into the effect of rain on satellite communication link in Nigeria at a frequency of 30 GHz, using six cities in each geographical zone of the country. The annual rainfalls of the cities spanning a period of three years were collected from the Nigerian Meteorological Centre for proper analysis. The ITU-R rain attenuation model and the Garcia Model were considered among several models in existence. The average rain rate value was computed and substituted into the rain attenuation prediction models under study. The result obtained, indicates that value of attenuation increases as the altitude decreases. Also, the analysis of the results shows that the Garcia model is more applicable in Nigeria using both horizontal and vertical polarizations.
A Review and Analysis of Motion Sensor System Applications for Human[ Full-Text ] [References]Pawan Kumar, Meenu BhardwajWearable motion sensors consisting of accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetic sensors are readily available nowadays. The small size and low production costs of motion sensors make them a very good tool for human motions analysis. This paper presents the design of a wireless sensor system developed using a Microchip PICDEM developer kit to acquire and monitor human heart sounds for phonocardiography applications. With their lower cost and increased intelligence, man-made motion sensors are expected to play an increasingly important role in biomedical systems for basic research as well as clinical diagnostics.
Investigation Of Physicochemical and Bacteriological Characteristics Of Water Samples From Irigu River Meru South, Kenya[ Full-Text ] [References]Ombaka, O; Gichumbi, JMPhysicochemical and bacteriological parameter levels of river Irigu were investigated during wet and dry season in order to assess the degree of pollution .The results obtained were compared with WHO standards for drinking water. The physicochemical parameters analyzed were in compliance with the WHO standards except pH, turbidity, phosphorous, iron, manganese, Pb and Al. The values of MPN of coliform organisms /100 ml and E.Coli/100 ml were above the recommended values by WHO. The water from Irigu is not safe for domestic use and requires purification. There is need for awareness programs to educate local villagers to safeguard the river.