IJSER Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2011 Edition
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1. Establishing bridges between UML, HAD and GRAFCET Metamodels for the Modelling of Dynamic Systems M. Nkenlifack, E. Tanyi and F. Fokou……………………………………………………………..1-12
2. Study of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Human Cortical Bone S. Biswas, P. C. Pramanik, P. Dasgupta, A. Chanda…………………………………………….13-18
3. Development of Nano-grained Calcium Hydroxyapatite using Slip Casting Technique Howa Begam, Abhijit Chanda and Biswanath Kundu………………………………………....19-25
4. Application of Control Theory in the Efficient and Sustainable Forest Management Md. Haider Ali Biswas, Munnujahan Ara, Md. Nazmul Haque, Md. Ashikur Rahman…...26-33
5. Parameter Ranking and Reduction in Communication Systems M.H. Azmol, M.H. Biswas, and A. Munnujahan..........................................................................34-39
6. Trust Enhanced Authorization for Distributed Systems Priyanka Dadhich, Dr. Kamlesh Dutta, Dr. M.C.Govil................................................................40-46
7. Near State PWM Algorithm with Reduced Switching Frequency and Reduced Common Mode Voltage Variations for Vector Controlled Induction Motor Drive K. Satyanarayana, J. Amarnath, A. Kailasa Rao............................................................................47-51
8. Teacher's awareness about the availability and use of technology for Visually Impaired : A study Prof. Madhuri Isave, Dr. Megha Uplane, Prof. Suresh Isave......................................................52-57
9. Privacy of data, preserving in Data Mining Deepika Saxena..................................................................................................................................58-62
10. Filtering Noise on two dimensional image using Fuzzy Logic Technique Anita Pati, V. K. Singh, K. C. Mishra..............................................................................................63-69
11. Calculation of PID Controller Parameters for Unstable First Order Time Delay Systems Hamideh Hamidian, Ali Akbar Jalali............................................................. .............................. 70-75
12. Enhanced Mode of Extended Set of Target Fault Techniques in Single Stuck - At Fault for Fault Coverage in Benchmark Circuits P.Amutha, C.Arun Prasath............................................................................................................. 76-81
13. A study to enhance human-resource performance efficiency for minimizing cost in software development projects Amrinder Kaur, Kamaljeet Singh....................................................................................................82-87
14. Improving diffusion power of AES Rijndael with 8x8 MDS matrix R.Elumalai, Dr.A.R.Reddy............................................................. ................................................ 88-93
15. Design of HDLC Controller Using VHDL K.Sakthidasan, Mohammed Mahommed............................................................. ..................... 94-100
16. A Distributed Administration Based Approach for Detecting and Preventing Attacks on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Himadri Nath Saha, Prof. (Dr.) Debika Bhattacharyya, Prof.(Dr.) P. K. Banerjee...............101-111
17. Color Image Segmentation - An Approach S.Pradeesh Hosea, S. Ranichandra, T.K.P.Rajagopal................................................................112-114
18. Integer programming model for Integrated planning of solid waste management in Jaipur Archana Gupta, D. C. Sharma.....................................................................................................115-124
19. Surveillance Robot For Tracking Multiple Moving Targets S.Pratheepa, Dr.Purushothaman Srinivasan.............................................................................125-128
20. Sea surface Simulation for SAR remote sensing based on the fractal model Ding Guo, Xingfa Gu, Tao Yu, Xiaoyin Li, Jingjun Zheng, Hui Xu.......................................129-132
21. USENET: Internetnews Software, Security - Needs and Goals Monika Saxena, Praneet Saurabh, Bhupendra Verma.............................................................133-138
22. Preparation, verification and finding out of the Critical Current of thin sample of YBCO Compounds Shaikh Md. Rubayiat Tousif, Shaiyek Md. Buland Taslim......................................................139-144
23. Recitation Of Load Balancing Algorithms In Grid Computing Environment Using Policies And Strategies - An Approach M.Kamarunisha, S.Ranichandra, T.K.P.Rajagopal...................................................................145-151
24. Assessment and Comparison of Soil carbon pool under Silvo-pastoral Agroforestry system at Henfaes Research Center, North Wales; UK Kasahun Kitila Hunde............................................................. ................................................... 152-160
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