Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2013 Edition
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Influence of Moisture Content Variation on the Percentage Oil Yield of Soursop (Annona muricata) Seeds.[Full-Text ] OKORO, Cynthia KusinSoursop (Annona muricata) is an exotic fruit grown in the tropics. It is a unique kind of fruit with a green slightly hard skin when unripe that turns yellowish green when ripe. The seeds of Soursop fruit were varied at 4.20%, 8.48%, 12.40%, 15.99% and 19.30% moisture contents (wet basis) and oil was extracted using solvent method. The solvent extraction method was employed using a soxhlet extractor, with normal hexane as the solvent. The soxhlet extractor was set up to run three extraction processes at the same time and the extraction was done in triplicates for each of the moisture contents. The percentage oil yields taking average of the three extracts at the five moisture contents were 23.41%, 33.87%, 30.02%, 33.82% and 23.05% respectively. Therefore it is recommended that to obtain optimum oil yield from soursop seeds, the seeds should be conditioned to 8.48% moisture content, however a range of 8.48% to 15.99% moisture content (wet basis) is suitable for high oil yield from sousop seeds.
Secure Position based Opportunistic Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks[Full-Text ] Aju Jacob, Rajeev S.KMobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs), which provide data networking without infrastructure, represent one kind of wireless networks. A MANET is a self-organizing and adaptive wireless network formed by the dynamic gathering of mobile nodes. Due to the mobility of mobile nodes, the topology of a MANET frequently changes and thus results in the disability of originally on-the-fly data transmission routes. The dynamic properties of MANETs are therefore challenging to protocol design. This paper proposes a Position Based Opportunistic Routing Protocol (POR) and Void Handling Based on Virtual Destination (VHVD) which solves the problem of delivering data packets for highly dynamic mobile ad hoc networks in a timely and reliable way. A security scheme is proposed to minimize the number of black holes or malicious nodes or selfish nodes in the path to destination, thus the number of data packet dropping can be minimized. This protocol takes advantage of the stateless property of geographic routing and the broadcast nature of wireless medium. When a data packet is sent out from the source node, some of the neighbor nodes will be the forwarding candidates, and it will forward the packet if it is not forwarded by the best forwarder in a particular period of time. By utilizing such in-the-air backup, communication is maintained without being interrupted.
Drag Reduction of a Car by Using Vortex Generator[Full-Text ] Md. Rasedul Islam, Md. Amzad Hossain, Mohammad Mashud, Md. Tanvir Ibny GiasAny physical body being propelled through the air has drag associated with it. In aerodynamics, drag is defined as the force that opposes forward motion through the atmosphere and is parallel to the direction of the free-stream velocity of the airflow. Drag must be overcome by thrust in order to achieve forward motion. Drag is generated by motion of air particles over the aircraft. There are several types of drag: pressure, skin friction, parasite, induced, and wave. A vortex generator is an aerodynamic surface, consisting of a small vane or bump that creates a vortex .Vortex generators can be found on many devices, but the term is most often used in aircraft design .Vortex generators delay flow separation and aerodynamic stalling; they improve the effectiveness of control surfaces [2]. The boundary layer normally thickens as it moves along the aircraft surface, reducing the effectiveness of trailing-edge control surfaces, vortex generators can be used to remedy this problem, among others, by "re-energizing the boundary layer". The goal of research is to delay flow separation on the downstream side on the roof of the car on account of decreasing pressure difference between the upstream and downstream sides by creating vortex at the rear end of the car roof . So vortex generators are commonly used on aircrafts to prevent downstream flow separation and improve their overall performance by reducing drag.
Steer By Wire In Agricultural Tractors[Full-Text ] Jyothis BalakrishnanAgricultural tractors are off road equipments used in the worst terrains available in earth. They are exposed to high friction surfaces-farm fields. The front axle steering forces vary in a very large scale with respect to loads and coefficient of friction of the farmland. The popular technologies available in tractors are manual steering system using mechanical linkages and power steering system using hydro static steering system using hydraulic power pack. The former one is a fixed ratio system with high steering effort. The later one is a highly effortless system but consumes a good amount of engines energy thereby affecting the mileage. Steer by wire systems provide variable ratio steering and consumes only very less amount of energy to work.
Development of Alarm Management Tool for an Enterprise Optical Network Element[Full-Text ] Ajay Kumar.V, M B Kamakshi, Venkatesha B VNetwork Management and Security has become a very sensitive and important topic for manufacturers and network operators. In optical networks, Alarm management deals with detection and isolation of faults based on the alarms received from the network elements. This paper describes the development of a Alarm management tool for an enterprise optical node managed by an enter-prise network management system. The tool is implemented in order to reduce the manual effort in validating the alarms. Description of the same is presented. For any network management system, FCAPS is the term used to represent its functionalities like Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance and Security management. Alarm management aspect for an enterprise optical node is being presented in this paper.
Improving the Performance of DRTS by Optimal Allocation of Multiple Tasks under Dynamic Load Sharing Scheme[Full-Text ] Urmani Kaushal, Avanish KumarTask allocation over distributed real time system, for parallel applications, is a vital segment, where policy for task allocation should be chosen in very appropriate manner. By efficient allocation of the tasks, the throughput and the overall processor utilization can be maximized. Task allocation is NP-hard or NP-complete problem. To improve the performance of the system, a new heuristic has been suggested and implemented in this paper. The number of modules which can be assigned on the processor is limited and the memory is also having certain limit. So these two constraints have been taken into consideration in the algorithm discussed in this paper. The dynamic load sharing policy has been used to improve the performance i.e. at the time of assignment, the required constraints must be check and fulfilled. For clustering task k-mean clustering is used and the proposed model is implemented in matlab.
IXSCRUM-A Framework Combining Scrum and XP[Full-Text ] Chhavi Malhotra, Anuradha ChugScrum approach being developed for managing the software development process gives no idea about how to engineer the software product. In order to adapt to the agile environment , it is desirable to construct a framework that boasts of the engineering aspect of individual approaches of software project development. XP is an iterative , lightweight , adaptive approach of agile methodology which helps to engineer a software project . In order to build quality in a product and to satisfy customer requirement on timely and efficient basis it is desirable to have a solution which uses the advantages of both the approaches of XP and Scrum. In our research we have proposed a framework that combines this integration. This model has the engineering approach of XP along with the management approach of scrum. The suitability of this approach has been verified and validated by a case study.
Implementation of Hyperelliptic Curve Based Signcryption Approach [Full-Text ] Pushpendra Kumar, Archana Singh, Aditya Dayal TyagiData Security has become a challenging task due to natural problems of power, memory and processing constraints over the wireless network. Hyper elliptic curve cryptosystem (HECC) is a well suited public key cryptosystem, for the situation where resources are limited, because of its shorter key size and effectiveness. HECC can be used to develop a cryptosystem that can sign and authenticate documents and encrypt / decrypt messages efficiently for constrained devices in wireless networks. In this paper, we proposed a resource efficient signcryption schemes based on Hyperelliptic curve cryptosystem. Our proposed scheme can save up to 40% computational cost and a minimum of 40% of Communication Overhead Compared with existing schemes.
Piezo Based Self Sustainable Traffic Light System[Full-Text ] Prerit Saxena, Manmeet Singh Khurana, Ranjan ShuklaThis papers describes a traffic light system that is based on piezoelectric power and its switching is automatically controlled depending upon the amount of traffic passing.
Scalable Energy Renewal Approach for Wireless Sensor Network through Wireless Charging[Full-Text ] Rosline Mary.A, Sudhakar.K.N, Dr.Jitendranath MungaraParamount threat to wireless sensor network is self-contained in the life of its batteries. Consumption of energy increases due to the usage rate increase and less priority given for conservation. Objective of providing uninterrupted network operation cannot be sacrificed and hence charging sensor nodes prudently from external source such as a mobile charger vehicle (mcv) will address this issue. Using a single mobile charger vehicle depletes time and not suitable for more number of nodes. Charging with mobile of charging vehicle and finding out its number in a cluster environment based on increase in number of nodes is proposed. Path of charging vehicle is optimized. To evaluate the performance of this algorithm, we conduct simulation in large scale networks.Simulation results demonstrates that this approach significantly increases the life of batteries and enhances uninterrupted service with energy renewed.
Analyzing and Mathematical Formulation of Two of Supply Chain Integration Models[Full-Text ] Stanislav NaumovNowadays simulation models use in supply chain as the main methodology. But there is limit or no effort on model that link warehousing and transportation processes together. In this paper we will consider two of linear programming models: transportation warehouse (TW) model and manufacturing transportation warehouse (MTW) model that will help to solve this problem and improve supply chain management. We will analyze mathematical formulation of these models and determine the scheme of creation of MTW model. Genetic algorithm for the last model will be described. Computational example will show how to increase income and decrease total cost of logistics process.
Hybrid Fuzzy based Scalar Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor[Full-Text ] Safdar Fasal T K, Unnikrishnan LThis paper presents a hybrid fuzzy controller for scalar speed control of three phase squirrel cage induction motor. In this hybrid fuzzy controller, both proportional integral controller and fuzzy logic controller are operated alternately according to speed error to utilize the advantages of both controllers. Here the speed control is possible by varying supply frequency using a voltage source inverter while keeping voltage to frequency ratio as a constant. Speed error is given as input to the proportional integral controller, and speed error and speed error variation are given as input to the fuzzy logic controller. The controller output controls the reference of space vector pulse width modulation. Hence the fundamental frequency and fundamental voltage of inverter output can be varied to control the motor speed. The performance of hybrid fuzzy controller under reference speed and load torque variation is evaluated using simulation results in Simulink.
Image Cryptography by TJ-SCA: Supplementary Cryptographic Algorithm for Color Images[Full-Text ] Taranjit Kaur, Reecha SharmaIn this paper extended version of TJ-ACA: advanced cryptographic algorithm is proposed named as TJ-SCA: supplementary cryptographic algorithm for color images through which we get white blank encrypted image (no preview is available) in frequency domain, which makes brute force and various other attacks futile. Thus, maintaining the confidentiality of original images. In this proposed algorithm, 2-D fast Fourier transform, ikeda mapping and various methods are used to get highly secure image. Through, this algorithm lossless decryption is possible and is also applicable for images on which steganography has been applied.
Mining Entertainment Video Content Structure and Events towards Efficient Access and Scalable Skimming[Full-Text ] Umakant Ahirwar, Deepak BhatnagarWith the ever-growing digital libraries and video databases, it is increasingly important to understand and mine the knowledge from video database automatically. The media and entertainment industries, including streaming audio and digital TV, present new challenges for managing and accessing large audio-visual collections. In this paper, a shot ontology description based for the football match video. Shot ontology is inferred by shot manipulations that includes shot detection, shot type classification, score board detection and motion statistics .This video content management system provided event feature manipulations at multiple levels: signal, structural, or semantic in order to meet user preferences while striking the overall utility of the video. The experiment results showed that our proposed methodologies could correctly detect interested events, long shots, and close-up shots and also achieved the purpose of video indexing and weaving for what user preferences.
EMPIRICAL STUDIES ON TRAFFIC FLOW IN ADVERSE WEATHER CONDITONS[Full-Text ] J.P.Singh, Prabhat ShrivastavaTransportation engineers should have coordination with meteorological department and try to study the effect of weather conditions on traffic flow. For better functioning of traffic operations engineers can use this knowledge. The aim of present work is to quantify the impact of rainfall, temperature, visibility and wind speed on traffic flow. Traffic and weather data were collected from Highway Traffic Management System installed at Jaipur Plaza in India on NH8 which connects Delhi to Mumbai. The length of the data is two years. In this research weather parameters have been categorized on the basis of daily variation and investigated their impact on traffic flow. Rain more than 10 mm/hr, visibility less than 1 km and temperature (less than 10oc and more than 40oc) showed traffic volume reductions of 14%-18%, 5%-10% and 2%-5% respectively. Further weather adjustment factor was computed as the ratio of the traffic volume under existing weather condition relative to the base key parameter. Finally models for weather adjustment factor for traffic flow have been developed corresponding to variation in rainfall, temperature and visibility. These findings indicate that the impact of rain is more significant than currently reported in the Highway Capacity Manual and therefore indicate the need to carefully examine freeway operation strategies during adverse weather events.
Job Scheduling for Parallel Processing[Full-Text ] Asst. Prof. Shubhada TalegaonThe important topic in parallel computing is job scheduling. Parallel computing systems such as Supercomputers are valuable resources which are commonly shared among each member of a community of users. The main concern of scheduling is how to share the resources of parallel machines among the number of competing jobs, giving each the required level of service and maximize system’s utility. Effective scheduling strategies to improve response times, throughput, and utilization are an important consideration in large supercomputing environment. In this paper, I present the analysis of various job scheduling techniques such as “Space sharing”, “Back filling” and “Gang scheduling”. I have even discussed how grid computing and certain current trends in parallel processing improve the performance.
Study Analysis of Cross QoS Based Scheduler for 3.9G LTE Network[Full-Text ] D. Vinayagam, A. Sagaya Selvaraj, A. Jayakumar, S. RadhkrishnanThe proposed algorithm prolongs the scheduler from scheduling the Real Time (RT) and Non Real Time (NRT) services based upon their priority required on Quality of Service (QoS). The proposed Cross QoS Scheduling Algorithm (XQSA) is capable of scheduling data, video and voice services over the same wireless channel. The complimentary advantages of both RT (video & voice) and NRT (Best Effort of service, BE) services and cross layering technology is utilized by XQSA which prioritizing services in the scheduler to achieve a significant cell user throughput, a low delay, normalized fairness and a low packet loss ratio. The XQSA adapted the two different scheduling principles together to govern the effective channel utilization. The simulation of the XQSA under multiple cell scenarios for scheduling in the 3.9G LTE (Long Term Evolution) network is done using LTE-Sim tool. In the XQSA policy, the traditional RT and NRT scheduling algorithm are integrated together to support the multi-service scheduling (i.e., Modified Long Weighted Delay First/Proportional Fair (M_LWDF/PF) and Exponential Proportional Fair/Proportional Fair (EXP_PF/PF)). The study analysis of the XQSA is examined experimentally through simulation in terms of throughput, packet loss ratio, delay and cell spectral efficiency and fairness index. The simulation based comparison indicates that M_LWDF/PF and EXP_PF/PF scheduler outperforms PF scheduler especially during RT service. The PF scheduler has high throughput for the NRT service. In all the simulations, the performance level of EXP_PF/PF scheduling algorithm for multi-service scheduling seems to be an optimal solution for guaranteeing required QoS (Quality of Service).
Analogy based Software Effort Estimation and Accuracy Improvements[Full-Text ] Rathi. J, Kamalraj. R, Karthik. SAccurate software development estimation in the software development is essential in the software project management practices and it will be affected completely by the irrelevant and the misleading information’s. Impact of an excessive budget and project schedule concentrate becomes a rule in the today’s IT industry. So that the software effort estimation is being a big challenge to software engineers for give effective management strategies. For software effort or cost estimation, analogy-based problem solving is extensively accepted by the software experts. Similarity measures play a vital role in the analogy based effort estimation. Distance between the project being estimated and the historical or the existing projects gives the final decision to generate effort estimation. The nearest neighbors of a project give the immutable conclusions for the present project. Here we taking the Desharnais data set as a sample data set and proceeding the Subset selection, Feature weighting, Discretization, Adaptation mechanism, Analogy selection, BRICH Clustering was applied in this system to give the performance accuracy and performance comparison with the Greedy Agglomerative Clustering(GAC), Neural Networks and the BRICH Clustering. Using the BRICH clustering gives better results to compare the other techniques.
A Comparative Experimental Investigation on Process Parameters Using Molybdenum, Brass and Zinc-Coated Wires in Wire cut EDM[Full-Text ] J.R.MevadaIn this paper, a comparative experimental investigation on process parameters is carried out in reusable type wire electrical discharge machining on high nickel chromium based Inconel 600 material, using three different wires namely, molybdenum, plain brass and zinc coated brass wires. This investigation is carried out to find best optimal level for higher material removal rate at lower surface roughness for Inconel 600 material and to check best suitable wire among the three wires. The experiments were conducted under varying pulse on time, pulse off time and peak current. A full factorial design of experiment with L27 array used for determining the setting of machining parameters. Based on array total 81 experiment has been conducted for three wires. The level of importance and percentage contribution of each parameter for material removal rate and surface roughness are determined by using analysis of variance (ANOVA). The optimum machining parameter combination is obtained by using grey relational analysis. The variation of the material removal rate and surface roughness is mathematically modeled by using regression analysis method. The optimal search for machining parameters for objective of maximum material removal rate with lower surface roughness is performed by comparing the optimal level obtained by grey relational analysis with the established mathematical model.
Control System Design of Automatic Roof for Chips Drying Device (Software Version)[Full-Text ] Syifaul FuadaEssentially, in assembling electronic circuits is necessary designed first to the simulation. This paper is discusses about control system design of automatic roof for chips drying device using simulator (Software Version). Selection of the simulator is Wizard Circuit software, because it is easy operation (User Friendly) and more interactive, so the researcher know about voltage, current and logic circuits. In this device circuit, there are three main parts. It is Counter as a timer, control circuit and sensors (rain and light).
INDUSTRIAL REMOTE DATA ACQUISITION AND CONTROL SYSTEM BASED ON EMBEDDED ARM PLATFORM INTIGRATED WITH GSM[Full-Text ] In the modern controls, systems are becoming very complex. These systems are also becoming programmable and the hardware can be expanded or cut to increase the flexibility and adaptability of the specific applications. Most controls are based on semiconductor technique and computer science. Since Micro Control Unit (MCU) appeared, it has been widely used due to its low cost and high reliability. Although Micro Control Unit is very practical and has been successfully utilized, the conventional 8-16bit Micro Control Unit has its deficiencies. Compared with 32bit microprocessor, MCU has low speed and poor memory, so it can only execute simple control tasks. With the fast development of semiconductor technique, 32bit microprocessors become high integrated. On the basis, embedded systems are developing fast and have been used in controls and data acquisitions. As embedded system is of high performance and the cost is low, it has the tendency to play the great role of controls and data acquisitions.
Conjugate Fuzzy Subgroup [Full-Text ] Shobha ShuklaWe introduce here the notion of (i) a conjugate fuzzy subgroup (ii) a fuzzy middle coset.In this paper we give necessary and sufficient condition for a conjugate fuzzy subgroup of a fuzzy group.The aim of the paper is to invastigate conjugate fuzzy subgroup of a group from a general point of view.
WEB RANKING OF TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS AS A GUIDE TO INTERNAL DEVELOPMENT[Full-Text ] Eguzo C.V, E.I Igweonu and B.J RobertThis paper presents education quality assurance pointers used by known international bodies in the ranking of World Universities/tertiary institutions. Although indicators used by these bodies are appropriate and unique, They do not completely cover the framework of Nigerian polytechnics and the objective of technical and vocational education. They can only serve as guides to the total improvement of education in the polytechnic/technical education sector for proper and true development of a performance table. Thus, the authors proffer here some additional factors required to put Nigerian polytechnics and technical education in the proper perspective for quality assurance and development.
Optimal Unit Commitment Problem Solution Using Real-Coded Particle Swarm Optimization Technique[Full-Text ] Msc. Ahmed Jasim SultanThis paper present real-coded particle swarm optimization RPSO is proposed to solve unit commitment problem UCP. The unit commitment is the problem to determining the schedule of generating units subject to device and operating constraints. The problem is decomposed in two sub-problem are unit commitment and economic dispatch that are solved by RPSO. The UCP is formulated as the minimization of the performance index, which is the sum of objectives (fuel cost, startup cost and shutdown cost) and some constraints (power balance, generation limits, spinning reserve, minimum up time and minimum down time). The RPSO technique is tested and validated on 10 generation units system for 24 hour scheduling horizon.
The Socio-economic conditions of Indo-Bangla Enclaves people[Full-Text ] SAMAPTI SAHAIn 21st century, when some people are doing their research about the Sun and its family, at the same time others are fighting about their basic needs and their identity. This paper tries to bring out the socio-economic situation of those people who have no identity or citizenship and live in enclaves.
Securing e-mails in XML format using colors and Armstrong numbers[Full-Text ] Prof. Mr. S. A. Saoji, Nikita B. Agarwal, Mrunal B. Bokil, Ashwini V. GosaviCryptographically signed email has been widely used to provide the end-to-end authentication, integrity and non-repudiation. PGP mail and S/MIME have the significant drawback that the headers are unauthentic. Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) protects specified headers, however, only between the sending server and the receiver. These lead to possible impersonation attacks and profiling of the email communication, and encourage spam and phishing activities. Furthermore, none of the currently available security mechanisms supports signature generation over partial email content by distinct signers, which might be useful in commercial scenarios. In order to handle these problems we suggest a new approach which can be considered as an advanced email security mechanism based on the popular XML technology. Our approach supersedes currently available email security standards in the sense of the higher flexibility and security, and can be transported via Web Services easily.
Effects of Flower Extract from Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) on Hypoglycemic and Hypolipidemic in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats[Full-Text ] Supasorn Sakuljaitrong, Nopparat Buddhakala, Sanong Chomko and Chusri TalubmookThis study was aimed to investigate an acute toxicity and effects of Nelumbo nucifera flower extract (NNFE) on hyperglycemic and hypolipidemic effects in streptozytocin-induced diabetic rats. In vivo acute toxicity study of NNFE was carried out by once oral administration various doses (0, 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/kg) of the extract to healthy male adult Wistar rats. Sign or symptom of toxicity and mortality were examined within 24 h and further period of 14 days. The studies of effects of the extract on hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities were performed by given the extract at a dose of 250 mg/g b.w. to STZ-induced diabetic rats orally and daily for 8 weeks. The results revealed that the extract did not produce any signs or symptoms of toxicity and the mortal rats were not found during the period of observation. Furthermore, the extract at a dose of 250 mg/kg significantly (p<0.05) decreased the levels of fasting blood glucose (FBG), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL), and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) but increased high density lipoprotein (HDL) in the NNFE- treated diabetic rats compared to diabetic controls. However, the extract did not alter creatinine in diabetic treated rats compared to diabetic controls. These findings indicate that NNFE had non acute toxicity but possesses hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities. NNFE is one of alternative beneficial products in a treatment of diabetes.
A Survey cum Simulation on Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network[Full-Text ] Nidhi bajpai,Anuradha,Rajat DixitThe following work represents study of two types of Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET). Mobile ad-hoc network is a dynamic collection of wireless mobile nodes that interconnection between nodes may change with time and nodes are not connected to any base station. Routing is a challenging issue in mobile ad-hoc network because of randomness. Analysis of DSDV and AODV routing protocol and comparison between them with simulation is presented in this paper. It also demonstrates advantage and limitation of above two protocols.
HANDLING SELFISHNESS IN REPLICA ALLOCATION OVER A MANET[Full-Text ] K.N.Anandhapriya, B.A.SapnaIn a MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network), the mobility along with source constraints of mobile nodes may escort to network partitioning or performance squalor. There are several data replication techniques that have been proposed to curtail the performance squalor. Most of them assume that all mobile nodes collaborate fully in terms of sharing their memory space. But, somehow some nodes may act selfishly and decide only to cooperate partially or not at all with other nodes. These selfish nodes could then lessen the overall data accessibility in the network. Here scrutinize the bang of selfish nodes in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network from the perspective of replica allocation. Hence this term is named as selfish replica allocation. In particular, budding a selfish node detection algorithm that considers partial selfishness and novel replica allocation techniques to properly hack it with selfish replica allocation. The conducted simulations reveal the anticipated loom outperforms traditional cooperative replica allocation techniques in terms of data accessibility, cost of communication and average query delay.
A Novel QDS Search Algorithm for Block-Matching Motion Estimation in H.264 Video CODEC[Full-Text ] Darshna D.Jagiwala, Prof. Mrs. S. N. ShahH.264/MPEG4 AVC video compression standard covers all common video applications ranging from mobile services and videoconferencing to IPTV, HDTV, and HD video storage. Motion estimation plays a significant function in digital video compression. However, its inherent computational complexity poses great challenge for real-time codec implementation. In this paper, a new search algorithm Quadratic Diamond Search (QDS) is proposed for reduction of computational complexity for motion estimation for H.264 codec. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can allocate computation more accurately than previous methods. It will be shown that the proposed QDS algorithm achieves close performance but requires less computation by up to 44% on average than DS. Also the comparison of QDS with other fundamental block matching algorithms (BMA) which are Exhaustive Search (ES), Three Step Search (TSS), and Four Step Search (4SS) is given in this paper.
DYNAMIC AND EFFICIENT TREE-BASED DATA COLLECTION IN WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS[Full-Text ] S.Thivyan Ravi Kumar, B.Maheswari, Dr. S.KarthikPeriodic collection of data from sensors to sink is the basic operation in Wireless sensor networks. Here the data are aggregated together and they passed to the common sink. This many to one communication paradigm is known as convergecast. Data can be collected by using both single frequency channel and multiple frequency channel. By considering single frequency channel, time slots are reduced but the interference occurs and by using multiple frequency channel the interference is reduced. The TDMA scheduling is used for transmitting the packets. A capacitated minimal spanning tree and a degree constrained spanning tree is used to provide substantial performance over different deployment densities. In capacitated minimal spanning tree, the number of nodes in sub tree is no more than the total number of nodes in remaining sub tree. However capacitated minimal spanning tree does not provide the minimum cost for long suited nodes. A hybrid convergecast tree is proposed and implemented which is used to obtain minimum cost for both long and short suited nodes. To improve the data collection, the capacity is adjusted at each node whenever the packet moves from one sensor node to another sensor node.
Hybrid Triangulated Convex Serrated MSP Antenna Analysis Using FEM Technique[Full-Text ] G. Asa Jyothi, B. Prabhakar RaoThe objective of antenna analysis is to predict the radiation characteristics such as radiation patterns, gain and polarization as well as near fields’ characteristics such as Input impedance, bandwidth, mutual coupling and antenna efficiency. Many elaborate techniques have been used to determine micro strip antenna characteristics. In the current paper FEM technique was used which is more efficient for finite size antennas to analyze the characteristics of hybrid triangulated convex serrated micro strip antenna. Serrations are implemented to the radiator to make the antenna use for multiple applications and to improve the performance due to reduction of edge diffractions. Most of important antenna parameters like Return loss, input impedance ,Radiation fields in E and H planes, maximum gain etc. are analyzed using HFSS 13 Simulator.
Enhanced Neural Learning for Versatile Elliptical Basis Function Neural Network[Full-Text ] Renu MathurIn this paper, a fast learning algorithm based on a hyper ellipsoidal function is proposed. This function can be translated and rotated to cover the high dimensional data set during learning process. Versatile elliptic basis function (VEBF) neural network with improved performance i.e. IVEBF (Improved Versatile Elliptic Basis Function) is also presented. This neural network has hidden layers which are adaptively divided into sub hidden layers. The comparison of proposed neural network is done with already existing neural networks such as radial basis function (RBF), multilayer perceptron (MLP) and versatile elliptic basis function (VEBF). Data sets of ‘E. coli’ are taken for comparing the different neural network with the help of graphs and tables.
Efficacy of Central Bank in Financial Market Regulation and Supervision[Full-Text ] Shashank Dubey, Kushagra Pandey, Nishant PalThis paper includes a brief introduction about how various financial sector reforms have provided the Indian economy with a lot of resilience and stability and boomed every sector of the economy and based on such reforms how RBI have gone under strategic shifts and have made significant improvements in the quality of performance of regulatory and supervisory function and consists the limitation and loopholes emerging out in contemporary times as have been observed in the recent issue of government pressurising RBI over the CRR issue. Along with this, paper includes a brief study of inflation and the role of RBI suggesting how it can reduce money supply and maintain equilibrium in reference to the central bank failure of USA and observing its root causes of failure in comparison to RBI as it being the apex body present in India.
A METHOD FOR PROCESSING SATELLITE IMAGE TO LIMIT THE SPREAD OF SLUMS IN THE REGIONS OF MARRAKECH[Full-Text ] Mohammed AIT OUSSOUS, NourEddine ALAA, Youssef AIT KHOUYAThe slums are now a reality to be recognised. They were undoubtedly the prior nightmare of inhabitants in the world. Marrakech region ex-perienced strong population growth. There is also a major investment in the tourism sector in the city and its outskirts. Unable to access any property, for lack of means, the newcomers live in these slums, and build shelters. What makes things more difficult? The solutions exist and are even multiple. First, shanty towns should be included in urban planning to allow for consistent management and better integration of informal settlements in the city. Then, plots could be created for these people to avoid disorganized construction. In this work, we are interested in detecting the boundaries of the villages near Marrakech from their satellite images, as a study case: Sidi Zouine village (31.67,8.34). Our approach has two stages: The first, using k nearest neighbour method for classification of the satellite image. The second, using a mean filter to regularize this classification. Our method gives satisfactory and encouraging results to detect the edge of the village and can be used as a tool to control the spread of slums.
Implementation Of DC-DC Buck Converter With Switched Mode Control Technique For Enhancement of Efficiency of Solar Cell[Full-Text ] Srikant Misra, Sujit Kumar Patro, Debasis Mahapatra, Partha Sarathi MansinghThe solar arrays are dependent power sources with nonlinear voltage-current characteristics under different environmental conditions (temperature & insulation). From this point of view, the DC/DC converter is particularly suitable for the application of the switching mode control in photovoltaic application, because of its controllable states. The switched-mode dc-dc converters are some of the most widely used power electronics circuits for its high conversion efficiency and flexible output voltage. This leads to the requirement of more advanced control methods to meet the real demand. Many control methods are developed for the control of dc-dc converters. Conventionally, the dc-dc converters have been controlled by linear voltage mode and current mode control methods. These controllers offer advantages such as fixed switching frequencies and zero steady-state error and give a better small-signal performance at the designed operating point. But under large parameter and load variation, their performance degrades. Switched mode (SM) control techniques are well suited to dc-dc converters as they are inherently variable structure systems. These controllers are robust concerning converter parameter variations, load and line disturbances. SM controlled converters generally suffer from switching frequency variation when the input voltage and output load are varied. The main objective of this research work is to study different control methods implemented in dc-dc converter namely (linear controllers, current programmed control, and switched mode (SM) control). A comparison of the effects of the PWM controllers and the SM control on the dc-dc buck converter response in steady state, under line variations, load variations is performed. Simulations are performed in Matlab/Simulink software. The simulation results are presented for a step change in reference voltage and input voltage as well as step load variations. The simulations results of proposed method are compared with the conventional PID controller and PWM controller. The results show the good performance of the proposed switched mode controller. In this paper, a new switched mode controller is proposed as the indirect control method and compared to a simple direct control method in order to control a buck converter in photovoltaic applications.
Inflation-Impact on Indian Economy & Agriculture[Full-Text ] Savneet KaurInflation is the rise in the prices of goods and services and affects all the major sectors in an economy. Inflation also reflects erosion in the purchasing power of money-a loss of real value in the internal medium of exchange and unit of account in the economy. In a country like Indian where a majority of population is working in agriculture sector, the effect of inflation increases manifold. This paper aims to put light on the impact of inflation on Indian agriculture and then give some suggestions for the improvement of the economy.
Knowledge of Cybercrime among Elderly[Full-Text ] Nabat Arfi, Dr. Shalini AgarwalCybercrime is a kind of crime that happens in "cyberspace", that is, happens in the world of computer and the Internet. Although many people have a limited knowledge of "cybercrime", this kind of crime has the serious potential for severe impact on our lives and society, because our society is becoming an information society, full of information exchange happening in "cyberspace". There studies indicating cybercrime in present scenario, cybercrime and their laws and cybercrime during adolescent. As the Internet, mobile phones, and other computer technologies have flourished, criminals have found ways to use them for old-fashioned goals such as theft, fraud, intimidation, and harassment that’s why cybercrime is becoming even more serious. Elderly is that vulnerable group who has been deprieved from any information regarding latest technologies and innovation especially in the world of computers and internet . The purpose of the present study is to assess the knowledge of cybercrime among elderly.
Design & Simulation of Double U-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna for WiMAX Application[Full-Text ] Md. Suaibur Rahman, Md. Munjure Mowla, Md. Mahabub AlamThis paper presents the numerical simulation of double U-slots microstrip patch antenna for WiMAX application. The proposed antenna is feed by the Transmission line. The total area occupies by the antenna 40mmx47mm. In this design two slots and one bridge elements have been ap-plied to generate the three frequencies bands 2.44GHz, 3.26GHz and 5.38GHz respectively. In addition, the antenna has achievable return loss, radia-tion pattern and also bandwidths within the -8dB return loss bandwidth. The bandwidths of the three frequencies band are 4.22%, 1.87% and 3.51% respectively. The return loss S11 characteristic for the three band are -24dB, -20dB and -47dB respectively. Due to the compact area occupied, the pro-posed antenna is promising to be embedded within the different portable devices employing WiMAX applications.
Effective Concept-Based Mining Model For Text Clustering[Full-Text ] A.Nirmala, K.A.VanithaThe common techniques in text mining are based on the statistical analysis of a term, either word or phrase. Statistical analysis of a term frequency captures the importance of the term within a document only. Two terms can have the same frequency in their documents, but one term contributes more to the meaning of its sentences than the other term. Usually in text mining techniques the basic measures like term frequency of a term (word or phrase) is computed to compute the importance of the term in the document. But with statistical analysis, the original semantics of the term may not carry the exact meaning of the term. To overcome this problem, a new framework has been introduced which relies on concept based model and synonym based approach. The proposed model can efficiently find significant matching and related concepts between documents according to concept based and synonym based approaches. The relations between verbs and their arguments in the same sentence have the potential for analyzing terms within a sentence. The information about who is doing what to whom clarifies the contribution of each term in a sentence to the meaning of the main topic of that sentence. This work bridges the gap between natural language processing and text mining disciplines. A new concept-based mining model composed of four components, is proposed to improve the text clustering quality. By exploiting the semantic structure of the sentences in documents, a better text clustering result is achieved. A new concept-based mining model that analyzes terms on the sentence, document, and corpus levels is introduced. The concept-based mining model can effectively discriminate between nonimportant terms with respect to sentence semantics and terms which hold the concepts that represent the sentence meaning.
Performance of DS-WCDMA/QPSK in Mobile Rayleigh Channel[Full-Text ] Khalid Hamidr Bilal, Ibrahim Khider EltahirThe aim of this paper are to study, analyze and design software program to simulate the link performance of mobile communication system under the impairment of the multiple access schemes, down-link thermal noise and the multipath fading in the mobile channel. For this purpose, modeling and simulation has been used to study the effects of nonlinearities in mobile channel using spread spectrum for Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple-Access, with Quadrature Phase shift Keying Modulation (DS-CDMA/QPSK).
Performance Prediction of Axial Flow Turbomachines Using a Modified One Dimensional Method[Full-Text ] Majid Asli, Abolghasem M. TousiA computer code is presented for off-design performance prediction of axial-flow compressors and fans. Stage and compressor performance is obtained by a stage-stacking method that uses representative velocity diagrams at rotor inlet and outlet mean line radius. The code has options for: (1) direct user input or calculation of non-dimensional stage characteristics; (2) adjustment of stage characteristics for off-design speed; (3) calculation of different source of loss in design and off-design condition. New blading concepts as used in modern transonic axial-flow compressors require improved loss and deviation angle correlations. The new model presented in this paper incorporates several elements and treats blade-row flows have both subsonic and transonic inlet conditions .Correlations from experimental data are used to model real flow conditions. Then Calculations are compared with experimental data of two cases. Although this type of flow analysis is a gross simplification of a complex three-dimensional system, which can now be modeled more accurately by many of today's computational fluid dynamics (CFD) packages, it does offer the advantages of simple input requirements and fast convergence time.
An Anti-phishing Strategy Based On Webpage Structuring[Full-Text ] Rosali Pujapanda, Monalisha Parida, Ashis Kumar MishraWith the growth of Internet use and e-commerce, the entire Internet Community is familiar with phishing attack. While spam is an annoyance in now-a-days, phishing attacks can cause the major financial disruptions for those victims. Lots of anti-phishing systems have been developed to fight against phishing attacks. Here, in our project, we have implemented an anti-phishing tool based on a strategy that makes visual similarity assessment by comparing the webpage structure of the pages and hence facilitating href comparison to detect phishing web pages. Our application is designed in such a way that it can be plugged into any email server, corporate intranet & email, anywhere to control phishing. This tool would detect web pages that try to act like original pages and phish critical user information.
Low Power Single Bit line 6T SRAM Cell With High Read Stability[Full-Text ] V.Subhamkari, G. S. Siva KumarThis paper presents a novel CMOS 6-transistorSRAM cell for different purposes including low power embedded SRAM applications and stand-alone SRAM applications. The data is retained by the cell with the help of leakage current and positive feedback, and does not use any refresh cycle. The size of the new cell is comparable to the conventional six-transistor cell of same technology and design rules. Also, the proposed cells uses a single bit-line for both read and write purposes.
Cloud Computing: Security Issues and Challenges[Full-Text ] Nazia MajadiCloud computing uses the internet and central remote servers to maintain data and applications. It allows consumers and businesses to use applications without installation and access their personal files at any computer with internet access. This technology allows for much more efficient computing by centralizing data storage, processing and bandwidth. The appearance of cloud computing has made a tremendous impact on the Information Technology (IT) industry over the past few years. Recently IT industry needs Cloud computing services to provide best opportunities to real world. Cloud computing is in initial stages, with many issues still to be addressed. Security is one of the major issues which hamper the growth of cloud. The idea of handing over important data to another company is worrisome; such that the consumers need to be vigilant in understanding the risks of data breaches in this new environment. The objective of this paper is to introduce a detailed analysis of the cloud computing security issues and challenges focusing on the cloud computing types and the service delivery types..
Unbalanced Response and Design Optimization of Rotor by ANSYS and Design Of Experiments[Full-Text ] Ritesh Fegade, Vimal PatelIn this paper harmonic analysis of rotor is done to identify the frequency through variation in the diameters by design of optimization (DOE) and ANSYS parametric design. In DOE two levels were used with total eleven diameters as parameters, which resulted in forty eight runs as per Plakett-Burman design to obtain responses using ANSYS. The effect graphs were studied to identify the diameters which are responsible for producing major effects on the frequency. It was seen that diameters D10 and D12 producing major effects, which were then used to identify the critical frequency of rotor.
Simulation of DDoS Attack & Real Time Prevention Algorithm[Full-Text ] Silica Kole, Deepak Kumar Gupta, Pulkit GoelA denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person or people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely. Perpetrators of DoS attacks typically target sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways, and even root name servers. The term is generally used with regards to computer networks, but is not limited to this field, for example, it is also used in reference to CPU resource management. There are two general forms of DoS attacks: those that crash services and those that flood services. One common method of attack involves saturating the target machine with external communications requests, such that it cannot respond to legitimate traffic, or responds so slowly as to be rendered effectively unavailable. In general terms, DoS attacks are implemented by either forcing the targeted computer to reset, or consuming its resources so that it can no longer provide its intended service or obstructing the communication media between the intended users and the victim so that they can no longer communicate adequately[1].
FPGA Implementation of Smart Multi-Protocol Translator[Full-Text ] Raju Patil, Pandit Nad, Smt.Sujatha HiremathThe protocols are very important to achieve the interoperability between two devices. The commonly used protocols are SPI,GPIO,UART,I2C etc .These compact protocol converters create seamless, low-power, low-voltage connections for the most widely used interfaces (I2C, GPIO, IrDA, SPI, UART), making it easy to add multiple devices to any application with UART or SPI bus interfaces. The result is increased design flexibility with reduced complexity, lower software overhead, and faster time-to-market.In this paper we focus on the implementation of a new smart bus translator or protocol converter to convert standard protocol of one device to the protocol of other device [SPI, UART, and GPIO]. It reduces the complexity of circuit design, if we are having different protocol based devices it is very difficult to build separate platform and software/firmware for each device, in such case it is very useful. This design also reduces the firmware development time for different protocol based devices. For implementation was carried out using Xilinx ISE 12.3 Platform (software) and Spartan 3E FPGA Platform (Hardware).
Performance of 64 Bins Formed by Partitioning the Histogram using LP and CG Techniques for CBIR[Full-Text ] Dr. H. B. Kekre, Kavita SonawaneThis paper explores the new technique for CBIR based on bins approach. Bins approach is based on the novel idea of dividing the image histograms into four parts to form 64 bins. Each image is separated into three planes and a histogram of each of them is calculated. Each histogram is divided into four parts with part ids 0, 1, 2 and 3. Three planes, each divided in four parts generates 43 bins. Initially these bins have the count of pixels from the image under feature extraction process. These contents are further processed by computing the first four moments namely Mean, Standard deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis. This is generation of four types of feature vectors for each image. Bins formation is experimented with two different techniques. One is linear partitioning (LP) and the other is centre of gravity (CG) partitioning. Based on this multiple feature vector databases for database of 2000 BMP images are prepared as preprocessing work. Query fired to the proposed system is compared with the database images by means of three similarity measures Euclidean distance, Absolute distance and Cosine correlation distance. Performance of proposed approaches is evaluated using three paramemeters namely Precision Recall Cross over Point (PRCP), Longest String (LS) and Length of String to Retrieve all Relevant (LSRR). Performance of both partitioning in 64 bins formation is observed and compared so that the better one can be recommended.
Physicochemical Analysis of Selected Surface Water in Warri, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Umedum N.L., Kaka E.B., Okoye N.H., Anarado C.E., Udeozo I. P.The physicochemical analysis of five rivers labeled (A, B, C, D, E) from Warri in Delta state of Nigeria was carried out to evaluate the quality of the water which serves as major supply to people living in these areas.Water samples were collected from densely populated areas close to industries for analysis using various standard methods. The parameters determined include colour, odour, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, dissolved oxygen, pH, alkalinity, hardness, temperature, conductivity, turbidity, chloride, sulphate, nitrate, iron, copper, manganese, arsenic. The results obtained infer that most of the parameters analyzed fell within WHO permissible limit for potable water in most of the samples.
A Distributed Topology Control Technique for Low Interference and Load Balancing of Energy Utilization in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Rajendra S.Navale ,Vaishali S.DeshmukhTopology control has one of the foremost goal is the reduction of interference. Low interference is often claimed to be a consequence of sparseness or low node degree of the constructed topologies. Topology control plays an important role the design of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks; with the Topology control it is possible to construct the networks that have desirable characteristics such as sparser connectivity, lower transmission power and connectivity and smaller node degree. In this paper a new Load balancing algorithm for energy utilization is proposed and this algorithm improves energy utilization in Distributed Topology control Techniques as well as reduces the interference in Wireless Sensor Networks.
Power Factor Improvement in a Three Phase Circuit by using Vienna Rectifier and Buck-Boost Converter[Full-Text ] Navila Rahman Nadi, Srabanty Ahmed ShaonPower factor is the ratio of true power or watts to apparent power or volt amps. The rapid placement of power electronic system in residential, commercial and industrial sides has energized the longing of an improved power factor to reduce the loss and cost. Good power factor deducts the losses and costs and ensure the longevity of electrical mechanism at a greater extent. Continuous researches are taking places everywhere. Several ways are invented to regulate it. As a part of those continuous researches, we worked under the challenge of the achieving the acme point in PFI segment. We utilized Vienna Rectifier and Buck-Boost Converter to design a PFI circuit. And at last, our design helped the power factor for being high as far as possible practically.
Load Balancing Dynamic Job Grouping Based Scheduling Algorithm in Grid Computing[Full-Text ] Sandeep Kaur, Sukhpreet KaurGrid Computing is a high performance computing that solves complicated tasks and provides powerful computing abilities. The main pur-pose of Grid computing is to share the computational power, storage memory, network resource to solve a large problem. Efficient Resource management and job scheduling algorithm are key issue in grid computing. Different scheduling algorithms are suitable in different situation based on specific requirement. User jobs might be small and of varying lengths according to their requirements. Certainly, it is a real challenge to design an efficient scheduling strategy to achieve high performance in grid computing. In our previous work we surveyed various grouping based job scheduling algorithm and found that grouping strategy reduce the communication time of small scale jobs, but allocation of large number of jobs to one resource will increase the processing time and leads unbalancing processing load among the resources in grid computing environment. In this paper we proposed a “Load balancing Dynamic Job Grouping-Based Scheduling in Grid Computing” with the objective of balance the processing load among the selected resources in grid computing environment at some extent and reducing overall processing time of jobs and improves the throughput of grid resources.
Improving Compression Efficiency of Data Warehouse[Full-Text ] Mohd. Fraz, Ajay Indian, Hina Saxena, Saurabh VermaData compression has a paramount effect on Data warehouse for reducing data size and improving query processing. Distinct compression techniques are feasible at different levels, each of types either give good compression ratio or suitable for query processing. This paper focuses on applying lossless and lossy compression techniques on relational databases. The proposed technique is used at attribute level on Data warehouse by applying lossless compression on three types of attributes (string, integer, and float) and lossy compression on image attribute.
Analysis of BER Performance Differentially Coherent Detected Signal Considering Cloud Effect in FSO Link[Full-Text ] Srabanty Ahmed Shaon, Sazzad FerdousThe optical signal propagating through the Free Space Optical (FSO) channel suffers from fluctuations in phase which results in Bit Error Rate (BER) performance degradation. In this study the performance of the differentially coherent detected signal based FSO communication system is investigated considering the effect of cloud caused Inter Symbol Interference (ISI).To mitigate the effect of fading, the differential coherent detection technique is employed. BER performance of the system has been analyzed under the presence and absence of ISI caused by cloud. A key motivation for employing differentially coherent detection is that BER performance has been improved significantly in binary DPSK than non-coherent OOK which has been observed in simulation. Different graphical analysis by varying carrier wavelength of the system has been investigated in this study.
Studies on some Soft Computing Techniques: A Case Study for Constrained Handwritten Devnagari Characters and Numerals[Full-Text ] Sandhya AroraClassifier plays a crucial role in handwritten text recognition system. The major challenge lies in taking the advantage of multiple classifiers by exploiting the strengths of a classifier and by suppressing its weakness by other classifiers. In this paper, some soft computing techniques like Multilayer perceptrons (MLPs), support vector machines (SVM) and method of minimum edit distance has been considered for classification of handwritten isolated Devnagari characters. After preprocessing the character image, eight types of features are extracted. SVM, MLP and its decision combination techniques are explored on eight types of features. Two approaches of two stage classification have also been applied. In first approach, preliminary grouping of characters has been done using structural properties of Devnagari characters. In second stage, MLP is designed for each group of characters using directional chain code features. In second approach, the character patterns are divided into two sets, certainty set and confusing character set. This division is based on a relative difference measure. After separating characters in two sets, a MLP based classifier is used in the first stage to classify characters of certainty set. And for classifying characters of confusing character set, method of minimum edit distance is applied in the second stage, on detected corners of the sample character using a modified form of Harris corner detector. A study of MLP and SVM has also been done for Handwritten Devnagari Numerals. The accuracy of 90.74% and 95.18% is achieved for characters and numerals respectively.
A Unified Multi Modal Framework for a Multiuser Multiple Virtual Environments in a Virtual Reality Centre[Full-Text ] Dr P Jayarekha, Prameetha Pai, Dr Dakshayini MThe use of ubiquitous devices for Pervasive computing and Virtual Environments (VE) for multi modal inputs is widely used technologies these days. This study focuses on the need of a Multi Modal framework for use of ubiquitous devices in a multiple Virtual Environment (experience zones) Virtual Reality (VR) center, allowing users to move from one experience zone to another without the need to swap their input devices as well as allowing for multi user environment with remote monitoring capability. This study elaborates the need for a unified multi modal framework for a multi user, multiple VE in a VR center and is largely based on i*Chameleon framework [1]. This study concludes with a viable approach that could be used to develop the required framework.
ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD- Environmental effects of Small-Scale mining in Ghana, West Africa[Full-Text ] Gloria Appiah-Sefah, Jingyu Huang, Kyereh Boateng, Philip Nti NkrumahSmall-scale and artisanal mining locally known as galamsey has become a name on the lips of environmentalists, health practitioners, social scientists as well as politicians due to some of the negative impacts the practice have had on the society and countries as a whole. Although there are other social effects of the activities of these miners, the environmentally related ones, seem to have more precedence. The objective of the research was to use informal interviews, literature from the internet, media reports as well as field observations to bring to throw light on the effects small-scale mining activities are having on the environment of Ghana and also to propose some measures that can be put in place to address the identified issues. Interviews were organized for representatives from the various ministries concerned with the issue. It was identified that water pollution, land degradation, loss of forest cover, noise pollution as well as reduction in agricultural production were some of the effects the country is currently suffering from the activities of these galamsey operators. Coordination between the various ministries, ensuring implementation as well as amendment of the existing law and education of operators are some of the measures that can be taken to curb the situation.
A Survey on Clusturing Methods based on Fuzzy Rules[Full-Text ] Aditi Mehto, Prof. Sandeep Kumar, Namrata ShrivastavaClustering is a technique of grouping the similar items and dissimilar items so that the analysis of any data can be done efficiently and effectively. Although there are various clustering techniques implemented for the analysis of data but the clustering technique used here is based on fuzzy based clusters. Here in this paper a brief survey of all the papers that are related to the clustering based on fuzzy rules are introduced here. The paper also provides the techniques used for the clustering of data using fuzzy rules.
Decision Analysis of labour issues in Cellular Manufacturing System through Analytical Hierarchy Process[Full-Text ] Anupma yadavCellular manufacturing has received strong endorsement as an innovation that enhances quality, throughput time, inventory turnover, workflow, space utilization and flexibility. Even, the motivation for process improvements often arises naturally in manufacturing cells. The research work summarized in this paper will try to find out whether the labour issue is directly imposing any impact over cellular implementation success or not with the help of analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The work also supports the notion that implementing cellular manufacturing is not merely an issue of rearranging the factory layout, but more importantly an issue that involves and affects the organizational and human aspects of the manufacturing firm.
Safety culture: lever of safety improvement[Full-Text ] Adnane ESSEHMOUDI, Mohammed EL HAMMOUMIThese this study is part of improving safety, to reposition our study in context, we first Insights on development of safety and the approaches developed around it, then we interested in new trends that have combined the approaches of technical, human and organizational, and we in particular focus on the concept of "safety culture".S
Speeding-up Fractal Audio Compression Using Moment Descriptors[Full-Text ] Azhaar K. Bedan, Loay E.GeorgeThe domain-range affine mapping step of the fractal encoding process is the core step and the most costly one; it is inhibitive due to the large number of involved calculations. This research aims to filter out the domain blocks which have no chance of being selected as the best approximation for a given range block and thus reduce the number of domain-range comparisons in order to reduce the long encoding time which is considered as the main drawback of the fractal audio compression. The speeding up of the encoding process is achieved by adopting a selective based search strategy instead of the traditional search approach. The proposed approach based on using block indexing method to classify the domain pool blocks. The block indexing method utilizes the moment descriptors as indexing parameters to group the domain pool into classes each of which has a specific classifier; thus instead of making the exhaustive search through the whole domain blocks, only a subset of these blocks are tested. The tested blocks affiliated to one of the domain pool classes that have the same descriptors as the tested range block. The tests conducted on different audio samples showed high reduction in the encoding time in comparison with that for traditional method without significantly affect the quality of the reconstructed audio file.
ASSESSMENT OF LANGMUIR, FREUNDLICH AND DUBININ-RADUSHKEVICH ADSORPTION ISOTHERMS FOR THE BIOSORPTION OF Mn(II) IONS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTION BY UNTREATED AND ACID-TREATED CORN SHAFT[Full-Text ] EDWIN ANDREW OFUDJE, OLAWALE DADA WILLIAMS, KENNET KANAYO ASOGWA, AYODEJI OLUSHOLA AWOTULAManganese is widely known to be an essential element but not too many are aware of its toxicity in living organisms once it exceeds the ceiling value in the body. The application of agricultural waste prepared from untreated and acid-treated corn shaft were used for the removal of Mn(II) ions from aqueous solutions in a batch experiments on a temperature controlled orbital shaker at a speed of 150 rpm. The equilibrium studies involved the investigations of effect of contact time, initial metal concentrations, biosorbent dosage, pH and temperature on the adsorption capacity of the biosorbents. The uptake of Mn(II) ions by untreated and acid-treated corn shaft were found varies with all the factors mentioned above. Optimum uptake of Mn(II) ions was attained at a contact time of 80 minutes, initial metal concentration of 300 mg/L, biosorbent dosage of 1g, temperature of 80oC and pH of 3.0. The equilibrium data fitted well with the Langmuir isotherm followed by Freudlich isotherm and least in Dubinin-Radushkavich isotherm. Also, kinetic modeling revealed that the biosorption process is governed by Largergren first-order model. Desorption studies showed the reusability of corn shaft for subsequent biosorption studies. It was deduced that corn shaft is an effective biosorbent for the removal of Mn(II) ions from aqueous solutions.
FIVE DIMENSIONAL COSMOLOGICAL MODEL WITH TIMEDEPENDENT G AND A[Full-Text ] G. S. KHADEKAR AND SWEETI ROKDEFive dimensional cosmological model is obtained in the presence of global equation of state of the form p = 1 3 where is a scale factor, in the framework Kaluza -Klein theory of gravitation. An exact solution for matter distribution in cosmological models satisfying G = G0 a a0 n-2 is presented by using the method of solving the field equations is given by Ibotombi Singh at el. (2009). The corresponding physical interpretation of the cosmological solution are also discussed.
ASSESSMENT OF LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES AMONG HOUSEHOLDS IN FOREST RESERVE COMMUNITIES IN ONDO STATE, NIGERIA.[Full-Text ] A.S. Aruwajoye, I. A. Ajibefun This study assessed livelihood strategies among household in forest reserve communities in Ondo State. A multi-stage sampling technique was used. Two forest reserve communities were purposively selected based on tree species richness, size and the high rate of economic activities being carried out. 60 respondents were randomly selected from each reserve, thus, making a total of 120 respondents. Primary data was collected through the aid of well-structured questionnaire information for the study was obtained. Descriptive statistics such as frequency table and percentage were used to examine the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents, resources available to households and major livelihood strategies among households in the study area. Multinomial logit regression analysis was used to analyze factors influencing respondents’ choice of livelihood strategies in the study area. The respondents in the study area were arable farmers, small business persons (Petty traders), hunters, fisher men, fish sellers, artisans, non-timer forest product gatherers, timber logger/ Merchant, bee keeper, carpenter, fuel wood/ Charcoal seller, labourers, farm produce processors and palm wine tappers. The major resources identified were food crops, cash crops, fruits and vegetables. The analysis indicated that most of the explanatory variables considered were statistically significant at 5%. Age, educational level, marital status, distance to the nearest rural/ urban market and household income were significant factors influencing choice of livelihood strategies among residents of forest communities of Ondo State, Nigeria.
Segmented Threading to Cluster Explored Data[Full-Text ] Mr. Rajesh K M, Dr. Manjunatha Rao LMany developers will have read Herb Sutter’s article “The Free Lunch is Over” which talks about the future speed increases of CPUs. When software distributed shared memory systems provide multithreading to exploit cluster of symmetric multiprocessors (SMPs), a challenge is how to preserve memory consistency in a thread-safe way. In particular, the various method using the whole address space to the application. Hyperthreading is one which allows a single processor core to execute two threads in parallel, and also allow many threads to execute truly independently. Intel is already talking about chips with over a hundred cores. The number of possible news servers will vary from one application to another, but all programs in this class can download one or more files in one or more threads, from two or more different news-servers simultaneously. The vulnerability of boundary error when generating the "Connecting" log message for HTTP downloads is exploited to cause a stack-based buffer overflow
AGV routing using Dijkstra’s Algorithm - A review[Full-Text ] Er. Atique Shaikh , Prof. Atul D. DhaleThis paper present a review on AGVs used in warehouse and their routing decision using Dijkstra’s Algorithm. Studies illustrate that Shortest Path problems are among the most studied network flow optimization problems, with interesting applications in a range of fields. In the current scenario of extremely fast technology development, automated logistic systems, used by industries, warehouses, seaports, and container terminals are adopting AGVs (Automated Guide Vehicles) as a flexible and scalable alternative to optimize transport tasks. It is important to emphasize that its productivity is highly dependent on the adopted routing scheme. Consequently, it is essential to use efficient routes schemes. Past research have shown that Dijkstra Algorithm is considered as the best algorithm in shortest path planning algorithm.
Design & Development of Image Mosaicking System with Corresponding Points Detection Technique[Full-Text ] P.Mittal, Dr. Y.P.SinghlA Corresponding Points Detection or featureless Method for mosaicking of multiple images is described. Registration is achieved using control points and projective transformation, paying special attention to factors that contribute to precision registration of the images. Among the corresponding control points found in overlapping images, those that best satisfy the projective constraint are used to register the images. Experimental results show that a small number of correspondences that satisfy the projective constraint produce a more accurate registration than a large number of correspondences in least-squares fashion. To achieve seamless mosaics, intensities of all images captured by the cameras are transformed to the intensities of one of the images to minimize the intensity difference between the registered images. Mosaicking results on two image sets acquired by a two camera system are presented and discussed. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed technique.
Design of flying Car to articulate foreign object with Short Range Radar and Laser Gun[Full-Text ] MD.AkhtarKhan, K.Kelvin James, M.KiranThe design of flying car CATIA V5 and fixing the short range radar to it. This radar is capable of destroying the foreign objects with the laser gun. When the foreign objects are detected the laser gun automatically locate the target and destroys it. This consists of a distance finding device using ultrasonic transducer and Ultrasonic sensor has transmitter and receiver.servo motor to rotate the radar 360 degrees .The Radar is operated through PC using wireless ZIGBEE technology and using wireless camera you can view both audio and video on the LCD screen.
Generalization of n- Perfect Ring and Cotorsion dimension over on Strong n-Perfect Ring[Full-Text ] Rahul Dravid, Swapna ModiA ring is called n-Perfect (n=0) if every flat module has projective dimension less or equal than n. In this paper we introduce “Strong n-Perfect rings” which is in some way a generalization of the notion of “n-Perfect rings”. We show that Strong n-Perfectness relates through homology with some homological dimensions of rings. We study strong n-Perfectness in some known ring construction. Finally give some examples of strong n-Perfect ring which satisfies given special conditions.