Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2013 Edition
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Internet Services and Applications[Full-Text ] Seema, Dharmveer Yadav, Pooja SaharanNetwork virtualization is a promising technique for building the Internet of the future since it enables the low cost introduction of new fea-tures into network elements. An open issue in such virtualization is how to effect an efficient mapping of virtual network elements onto those of the existing physical network, also called the substrate network. Mapping is an NP-hard problem and existing solutions ignore various real network characteristics in order to solve the problem in a reasonable time frame. This paper introduces new algorithms to solve this problem based on 0-1 integer linear programming, algorithms based on a whole new set of network parameters not taken into account by previous proposals. Approximative algorithms proposed here allow the mapping of virtual networks on large network substrates. Simulation experiments give evidence of the efficiency of the proposed algorithms.
Design of Bandgap Reference Circuit for Driving Resistance Load with Low Impedance[Full-Text ] Hamid Moharrami, Ziaeddin Daie Koozekanani, Khadijeh Karamzadeh, Fateme MoharramiThis paper describes the design of a bandgap Reference for driving low impedance, simulated in 0.35µm CMOS technology. The circuit generates a reference voltage of 1.23V and has a temperature coefficient of 0.02mV/K at 27C. It can operate with supply voltages between 2.5V and 6V and between 0C and 100C. It has a PSRR of 41dB under normal operating conditions. This circuit works in a current feedback mode, and it generates its own reference current, resulting in a stable operation. A startup circuit is required for successful operation of the system. Variation of the reference voltage with RL from 40_ to 200_ at 27°C_is 4mV.
Design of A Programmable Bandgap Reference Circuit[Full-Text ] Khadijeh Karamzadeh, Akaram Asghari Govar, Jafar Sobhi, Hamid MoharramiThis paper describes the design of a programmable voltage bandgap reference, simulated in 0.35µm CMOS technology. This work is used for trimming and calibration process. The circuit generates a variable reference voltage of 1.2380 until 1.3051. It can operate with supply voltages between 3.0v and 3.6V and between 0C and 85C. It has a PSRR 56dB under normal operating conditions. This circuit works in a current feedback mode, and it generates its own reference current, resulting in a stable operation. A startup circuit is required for successful operation of the system.
MSE Vs SSIM[Full-Text ] Swati A.Gandhi, C.V.kulkarniIQA plays important role in digital image processing. It can be used to improve pictorial information or processing of data for transmission and representation. It can be done using FR,RR and NR methods depending on the availability of original and test image. In this paper concentrating on FR IQA methods using SSIM.
Review: Assessment of Working of Different Digital Spatial Filters in Digital Image Processing[Full-Text ] Ms Susan JohnDigital image processing involves the manipulation and interpretation of digital images with the aid of a computer [1]. Digital image processing is an extremely broad subject, and it often involves procedures that can be mathematically complex. Different digital filters has been developed in image processing for better interpretation and to improve the visual interpretability of an image by increasing the apparent distinction between the features in the scene. This paper reviews working of different spatial digital filters in image processing.
Semantic descriptions of resources with proactive behavior of autonomous condition monitoring applications[Full-Text ] Gunjan Mishra, Diwakar YagyasenThe goal of the semantic web is to be “a web talking to machines”, i.e. in which machines can provide a better help to people because they can take advantage of the content of the Web. The information on the web should thus be expressed in a meaningful way accessible to computers. Semantic Web aims to improve upon the meaning, in machine-understandable terms, of information currently available on the world-wide-web. This enables computers, in the form of autonomous software agents, to work with the wealth of world-wide-web information more easily. Moreover, it enhances the human-computer co-operation by bringing the concept of human understanding closer to the machine. Autonomous systems must be automatic and, in addition, they must have a capacity to form and adapt their behaviour while operating in the environment. Thus traditional AI systems and most robots are automatic but not autonomous - they are not fully independent from the control provided by their designers. Autonomous systems are independent and are able to perform self-control.
Heat transfer analysis through horizontal rectangular inverted notched fin array using natural convection by experimental method[Full-Text ] Salila Ranjan dixit, Dr D P MishraGeometry and orientation plays an important role in natural convection heat transfer. Fin arrays on horizontal and vertical surfaces are used in variety of engineering applications to dissipate heat to the Surroundings. For horizontal rectangular fin array a chimney flow pattern is developed due to density difference. This flow pattern creates a stagnant zone near central bottom region. That portion does not contribute much towards heat dissipation. This area is removed from fins and they became inverted notched fins. This modified geometry reduces material cost, material weight without hampering heat transfer rate. The purpose of the present study is to investigate thoroughly the possibility of performance improvement of such arrays by providing a notch at the center and suggest for selection of optimum notch dimensions, and spacing by analyzing variety of fin arrangements.
Information Systems modelling from Flowcharts to process model[Full-Text ] Himani Sharma, Deepak Kumar SharmaBusiness process modelling has always been at the core of both organizational design and information system. Business process modelling aims for the transformation of business perspective of enterprise into IT perspective, which require business process model of the possible set of business process operation of the enterprise. Business process model provides the comprehensive understanding of a process through which an enterprise can be analyzed and integrated, which necessitate the importance of modelling correctly. With the existence of variety of business process modelling language we have to perform the evaluation of various business process modelling languages for accessing the acceptability criteria according to specialized needs of the enterprise business process operation as each and every modelling language has its own perspective and represent different features of the processes. This paper presents the review of five popular modelling languages which are widely used today.
Laser Lock[Full-Text ] Shesha Shukla, Ninad MehendaleThe system designed is a laser lock which is a high security lock used to unlock doors. With the advent of smart phone technology, people have become fascinated with the pattern lock system in android operating system. Our system is based on a similar concept. The people wishing to unlock the door is supposed to a draw a particular pattern on the lock with the help of a laser and then connect his mobile phone to the DTMF decoder and enter the password. If the password as well as the pattern matches, then, the door opens. The password becomes a necessity for higher security as anyone can observe the unlocking pattern. The proposed system thus aims at helping people keep their valuables safely without any fear.
Smart Energy Meter “A Device To Measure The Frequency Deviation And Power Quality Measurement” [Full-Text ] Mrs. Reshu Jain, Mr. Vikash KumarThese Smart energy meter are used to control domestic load during system emergencies. Because of communication delay of 10ms, it is unable to provide primary frequency response by direct load control through smart meters. In order to avoid direct load control method, a controllable scheme was made that uses smart energy meter in order to provide frequency measurement. For this scheme, easily available commercial components were used. By the help of smart energy meter the speed at which the frequency is measured can be increased with more accuracy from around 3s to 200ms.
Artificial Intelligence Technique for the Work Hardening Characteristics of Al-Si Alloy[Full-Text ] A. M. Abd El-Khalek, R.H. Nadab, M. Y. El-Bakry, Taymour A. Hamdallaa, Said A. Farha Al-Saida and A. E. BekheetaStress -strain curves were carried out in the temperature range from 493K to 553K for Al-1wt%Si alloy samples containing the ?-solid solution phase and irradiated with ? -doses up to 1.75 MGy. The measured parameters: fracture strain rate ?f, fracture stress ?f, yield stress ?y, coefficient of work hardening, ? and the obtained TEM micrographs showed increasing hardness up to 523K after which softening took place. Irradiation was indicating a compensated effect at any testing temperature. To model the work hardening characteristics of Al-Si alloy, the artificial neural networks (ANNs) technique was used. The results of ANN demonstrate the feasibility of such technique in extracting the hardening parameters and prove its effectiveness.
IMPLEMENTATION OF EFFICIENT WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Mercy SubaramanSensor networks offer a powerful combination of distributed sensing, computing and communication. They lend themselves to countless applications and, at the same time, offer numerous challenges due to their peculiarities, primarily the stringent energy constraints to which sensing nodes are typically subjected. The sensor nodes in a wireless sensor networks are normally microcontroller based which are having limited computational capability related to various applications.FPGAs offer flexibility,reconfigurability and cost advantages for hardware-in-the-loop simulation of sensors .This paper emphasizes the implementation of wireless sensor network using FPGAs with real time processing cores for safety applications. The usage of FPGA systems in real time domain is a very fruitful proposition as the FPGA devices are coming with processing cores for Real Time data. In order to add safety,RSA Algorithm has been integrated into the FPGA based wireless sensor network.
Comparative Stack Space Performance Analysis Of O(nlogn) Sorting Algorithms[Full-Text ] Abhinav Yadav, Dr. Sanjeev BansalSorting Algorithms are of great significance in various areas and is therefore a fundamental research topic in Computer Science. These algorithms pave the way for other operations (e.g. insert, delete, search) to execute faster on some set of records. O(nlogn) algorithms have been experimented with randomly generated records. Based on the experiments and analysis, we have summarized the result statistically and analytically in this paper. It has been analyzed that on the basis of the nature of input choosing a specific sort algorithm sometimes with some variation is of vital importance, change in the nature of input leads to huge difference in the execution time and memory consumption of these algorithms.
Asymptotic Analysis System for Running Time Recursive Equation[Full-Text ] Abhinav Yadav, Dr. Sanjeev BansalThe running time of Recursive Algorithms can be described by means of Recursive Equation i.e. Recurrences. Running Time Complexity of such Algorithms can be computed by these recursive equations. The paper intends to introduce a software system that auto generates recurrence equations of form T(n) = a(T(n/b)) + f(n) and creating computational method to solve them and generate running times. At the same time the system also provides for evaluating the submitted solutions and feedback for the solutions. As for now system provides for utilizing the Substitution Method, Master Method for computing running time of the algorithms. Problems related to Order of Growth of functions has also been incorporated. The system contributes toward the learning of algorithm analysis.
Screening of drought tolerant genotypes of sugarcane through biochemical markers against polyethyleneglycole.[Full-Text ] Syed Rizwan Abbas1*, Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad Gardazi4, Syed Mubashir Sabir2, Wajid Aziz6, Attiya Batool5, Muhammad Rehan Abbas6 and Sabir Hussain Shah3Sugarcane is a sugar producing crop widely distributed in the mostly areas of Pakistan. The present research was aimed to evaluate the potential antioxidant, lipid peroxidation, prolin, glycin betain and phenolic contents against polyethylene glycol. Aim of this study is to determine the antioxidant activity aginst PEG. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by different assays, antioxidant, 2,2-diphenlyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, lipid peroxidation (MDA), prolin, glycin betain and total phenolic contents. For this study leaves extracts were used and absorbance were checked on spectrophotometer.The genotype S-2003-US-114 exhibited strong antioxidant activity in the DPPH (IC50, 35.08±1.25µg/ml) assay. Drought stress imposed at various stages of crop growth resulted in an increase in lipid peroxidation and decrease in membrane stability, CPHS-35 and S-2003-US-694 had the lowest lipid peroxidation (malondialdehyde content) at control and showed highest membrane stability at PEG 12.5%. There was a significant enhancement in the Proline contents and the reduction in Proline oxidase activities under PEG treatment. Drought stress causes an increase in the amino acid and glycine betaine (GB) content. The results indicate that sugarcane possesses potential antioxidant against drought tolerant.
“ABBAS” DNA Extraction Method from plant[Full-Text ] Syed Rizwan Abbas1*, Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad Gardazi3, Syed Mubashir Sabir2, Asad Hussain Shah1, Muhammad Rehan Abbas5 and Attiya Batool4DNA extraction is still problematic in a variety of plants because of the presence of secondary metabolites that interfere with DNA isolation procedures and downstream applications such as DNA restriction, amplification, and cloning. Here we describe a modified procedure based on the polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000) method to isolate DNA from tissues containing high levels of polysaccharides and phenolics. The procedure is applicable for sugarcane, olive, wheat, sorghum, barley, gram, sea buckthorn, amla, autumn olive and related species form leaves and fruits. This modified method contains PEG (1%), 4M NaCl, 0.5M EDTA, 1MTris HCl and SDS (10%) and washed, also reduced the centrifugation times during the separation and precipitation of the DNA. The method has solved the problems of DNA degradation, contamination, and low yield due to binding and/or co- precipitation with starch and polysaccharides. The isolated DNA proved amenable to PCR amplification and restriction digestion. The technique is fast, reproducible and can be applied for PCR based marker’s investigations, DNA cloning and modification studies in plants.
Hormonal effect on shoot multiplication in Sugarcane genotypes[Full-Text ] Syed Rizwan Abbas1, Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad Gardazi1, Wajid Aziz3, Sardar Ali Khan1, Syed Mubashir Sabir2, Attiya Batool4, Muhammad Rehan Abbas3 and Sundas Shahzad5.Studies were carried out for rapid micro propagation of five sugarcane genotypes i.e.HSF-242, SPF-213 HSF-240, CP-77-400 and CP-43-33. The explants were surface sterilized with 40% clorex for 45 minutes. Multiplication of the cultures was obtained by using BAP and Kinitin in various combinations and concentrations in MS medium. The optimum multiplication for genotype HSF-240 was obtained at 1.5 mg/l BAP, 0.5 mg/l Kin with 12.6 cm shoot, 11tillers and 8 leaves per plant. Similarly optimum multiplication for variety CP-77-400 was obtained at 0.5 mg/l BAP and 1.0 mg/l Kinitin, with a maximum of 9 cm shoot length, 1 tiller and 16 leaves. The variety SPF-213 was obtained at 1.5 mg/l BAP and 0.1 mg/l Kin, with a maximum of 9.6 cm shoot length, 8 tillers and 11leaves. Best multiplication rate for variety HSF-242 and CP-43-33 was observed at 1.5 mg/l BAP and 0.1 mg/l Kin with a maximum of 13 cm shoot, 8 tillers and 10 leaves per plant and 1.0 mg/l BAP and 0.1 mg/l Kin with a maximum of 10 cm shoot, 11 tillers and 12 leaves per plant. Rooting of the plantlets was obtained on half strength MS medium containing 6% sucrose and various concentrations of IBA. The experiment will be help for further selection and multiplication of desirable sugarcane varieties.
Characterization of 26 genotypes of sugarcane using SSR markers[Full-Text ] Syed Rizwan Abbas1*, Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad Gardazi3, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal2, Muhammad Younis Khan2, Attiya Batool6, Muhammad Rehan Abbas4, Sundas Shazad2, Arif Muhammad Khan7 and Sabir Hussain Shah5Twenty six genotypes of sugarcane, including elite lines, commercial cultivars of Saccharumofficinarumand clones of S. barberiwere fingerprinted with 53 SSR markers using a PCR-based marker assay. Nei’s genetic distances for SSR data were determined and relationships between accessions were portrayed graphically in the form of a dendrogram. Genetic distance values ranging from 0.69 to 0.98were observed among the 26 sugarcane accessions. The shortest genetic distance of 0.69was seen between genotypes NSG-555 and CSSG-668. These two genotypes were very close with each other. The most dissimilar of the accessions were HSF-240 and S-2002-US-133, with a genetic distance of 0.98. SSR fingerprints can help sugarcane breeders to clarify the genetic pedigree of commercial sugarcane varieties and evaluate the efficiency of breeding methods.
Density, ultrasonic velocity, viscosity and their excess parameters of the binary mixtures of N,N- diethyl aniline with 1-Alkanols (C3-C5), + 2-Alkanols (C3-C4) at 303.15 K[Full-Text ] M. Gowrisankar, P. Venkateswarlu, K. Siva kumar, S. SivarambabuThe density ?, ultrasonic sound velocity u and viscosity ? of binary mixtures of N,N-diethylaniline (N, N-DEA) with 1-propanol, + 1-butanol, + 1-pentanol, 1-hexanol, 1-heptanol 1-octanol,1-nonanol, 1-decanol + 2-propanol, and 2-butanol were measured at 303.15 K. The experimental data have been used to calculate excess volume VE, deviation in ultrasonic velocity ?u, deviation in isentropic compressibility ??s, deviation in intermolecular free length ?Lf, deviation in acoustic impedance ?Z, deviation in viscosity ?? and excess Gibbs free energy of activation of viscous flow (G*E). For all the binary mixtures ?Lf and ??s the values are opposite values of ?Z over the wide range of composition. These results have been used to understand the nature of interaction between unlike molecules in terms of hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interaction, proton donor-acceptor interactions and dispersive forces. The experimental viscosity data have been correlated using three equations; Grunberg and Nissan, Katti & Chaudhri and Hind et al. The excess / deviation properties have been fitted by a Redlich-Kister equation and the results were analyzed in terms of specific interactions present in these mixtures.
A Sagacious System To Assist Inept Human[Full-Text ] N Mohammed Abu BasimNatural disasters like tsunami, earthquakes, cyclones and now a very recent Chelyabinsk meteor in Russia, which cause major fiasco in almost all the major parts of the earth which results in loss of life and property and drastic economic crisis. These are uncontrolled; no one is here to take the responsibility. An extended scenario of all the above disasters, are happening in all over the world, especially in India. A silent tsunami is continued to happen on Indian roads. For this tsunami, human has to take the responsibility in the form of man or any country’s government. It has been reported that nearly 60-70% of the accidents are due to manmade faults and more than 40% contributes by drunk and driving. It’s a common phenomenon in our country. Even though all the governments set some standards and stringent laws to control this, but there is no one to follow. The main reason behind this is the loop holes in the Indian constitution system and psychology of the human. Alan Kay said “Those who concern more about their softwares must create their own hardware”. My concern is to protect the human life which is considered as the most divine creation in this earth. On considering this, I’ve designed the model and proposing it to implement in all the vehicles. Finally after implementing a car can challenge the human “Start me, if u can”. The proposed model continues monitors the Electroencephalogram (EEG) of a person who drives the car and sends the signal to the intelligent system which is embedded inside the vehicle, which takes the decision either to start or to stop it.
ANALYSIS OF TRAFFFIC CONGESTION IN A WELL ESTABLISHED CELLULAR NETWORK IN ASABA, DELTA STATE NIGERIA[Full-Text ] Ofomaja K., Osunkwor E. O., Azi S.O.Evaluation of the performance of a cellular network is very necessary to judge the networks QoS standard. Percentage traffic congestion (PCONG) is one of the major metrics used by network operators to determine their QoS. In this work, we analysed the percentage traffic congestion in the different sectors/cells of a well established network around the metropolitan area of Asaba, Nigeria. Our result shows that most of the sectors in the different cells analysed cannot cope with high traffic i.e. they have mean traffic congestion values far greater than the 5% KPI standard. These sectors need further optimization to increase quality of service especially during period where high traffic is generated for the network.
Source Localization Wireless Sensor Network Using Time Difference of Arrivals (TDOA)[Full-Text ] IMRAN MEMON,DEEDAR ALI JAMRO, FARMAN ALI MANGI, MUHAMMAD ABDUL BASIT, MUHAMMAD HAMMAD MEMONSource localization is a significant application of Wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Several kind of sensors can used for source localization, such as range sensors, bearing sensors and time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) based sensors. Time difference of arrival (TDOA) technology has been widely used in positioning and navigation system recently. The position estimation of a source through determining time difference of arrival (TDOA) of its signal among distributed sensors has many applications in civil as well as in military. In this research paper we analyses the performance of TDOA localization technique for Binary phase shift keying (BPSK)signals, the whole scenario for source localization using time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) measurements was considered. The cross-correlation among arbitrary sensors is used to estimate TDOA also by exploiting the spectral characteristic of the received signals by considering the maximum likelihood generalized cross correlation (ML-GCC) the source will as unknown position emitting BPSK signal corrupted by the white Gaussian noise, then the weighted least square Chan’s and Taylor series methods are developed for location estimate with arbitrary sensors. We addressed the problem is source localization via time-difference of arrival estimation in a multipath channel. Solving this localization problem typically implies cross-correlating the noisy signals received at pairs of sensors deployed within reception range of the source and solve the localization problem when there are errors in sensor positions. Correlation-based localization is severely degraded by the presence of multipath. In Simulation results show us that the proposed method for TDOA can achieve the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRlB) accuracy compared with changing the sampling frequency of the signal and also show that the proposed method achieves a significant performance improvement over existing methods.
Structural Elucidation of Newly Synthesized Potentially Active Binuclear Schiff Base Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) Complexes Using Physicochemical Methods[Full-Text ] M. Usharani, E. Akila, P. Jayaseelan and R. RajavelCondensation of Benzene-1,4-dicarbaldenhyde and 2,6 diaminopyridine in 1:2 molar ratio was carried out and this condensed ligand was further followed by condensation with 5-bromo-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde forming a new symmetrical Schiff base ligand, H2L with two N3O potentially active sites. Then a new series of homo-binuclear Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) complexes have been synthesized. The binding manner of the ligand to the metal, composition and geometry of the metal complexes were examined by various physicochemical methods like elemental analysis, conductivity measurements, magnetic moments, IR, 1H-NMR, CV, ESR and electronic spectral studies. It has been originated that the Schiff base ligand with Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) ions form binuclear complexes with general formula [M2LY2]Z2 where Y=2, 2' bipyridyl and Z = acetate ion. The conductivity data confirm the electrolytic nature of the complexes. In all the complexes, the Schiff base, H2L, ligand acts as dibasic with two N3O tetradentate sites and coordinate with two metal ions to form binuclear complexes after the deprotonation of the hydrogen atoms of the phenolic groups in all the complexes via (C=N) of pyridyl nitrogen, (C-O) and the new azomethine (C=N) groups. UV-Vis spectra, ESR and magnetic moments have suggested octahedral stereochemistry for Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II) and Mn(II) complexes. The cyclic voltammetric studies of these complexes in N,N-dimethylformamide indicate the structural changes during the course of redox reaction and quasi-reversible nature of the Schiff base binuclear complexes. The interaction of the complexes with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) has been investigated by UV absorption and viscosity methods, and the mode of CT-DNA binding to the complexes has been explored. The pUC18 DNA cleavage study was monitored by gel electrophoresis method. From this study, it was found that the homo-binuclear Schiff base metal complex cleaves pUC18 DNA in presence of the oxidant H2O2.The Schiff base ligand and their binuclear metal complexes were also evaluated for their antibacterial activity and was found to be energetic and inhibits the bacterial growth of Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus (as Gram-positive bacteria) and Klebsilla pneumonia and Escherichia coli (as Gram-negative bacteria).
Design and Development of Langmuir Probe Sensor for Electron Temperature and Electron Density Measurement of Plasma[Full-Text ] Shilpi Chauhan, Ravi Prakash, DBV SinghPlasma is a state of matter which contains free (not bound to an atom) charged particles (electrons and ions). It is the ionized gas and hence affected by electric and magnetic field. This paper focuses on design and analysis of sensor to diagnose and measure plasma properties. The sensor is Langmuir probe was made and operated to determine current-Voltage characteristics of plasma, its electron density, ion density, temperature and other properties of the plasma. Designed probe was calibrated and results are analyzed by theoretical calculations and also benchmarked with reported literature.
A Priori Data Replica Placement Strategy in Grid Computing[Full-Text ] Gutta Subramanyam, Gudivada Lokesh, Bygani Jalaja KumariGrid is a network of lines that cross each other to form a series squares or rectangles.Grid is also defined as a parallel or distributed system. Prior means in the earlier stage and the Replica is defined as the copying the duplicate data at desired location. And Now-a-Days the Grid computing is becoming very important and can be used in the areas requiring large quantity of data and calculation.To achieve the best access time and fault tolerance in such systems, the replication is the main issue to provide the above best access time and the fault tolerance.The effectiveness of a replication model depends on several factors including the replicas placement strategy. In this paper, we proposed a priori replica placement strategy which is used to optimize the distances between the data hosted on the grid in order to increase the grid performances. This approach shows a considerable improvement in job execution time without degradation of communication and storage costs. The gain in the execution time is mainly due to the improvement in the file transfer system.Experimental results arepresented to illustrate the feasibility and merits of this apporoach on placing replica prior to the clent request in the data grid.
A STUDY ON THE EFFECT OF CACHE MEMORY IN COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT WITH PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS[Full-Text ] S.V.SRIDHAR, DAYAKAR KONDAMUDI , HARISH KUMAR KOTHA , N.VAMSI KRISHNAProcessors are generally able to perform operations on operands faster than the access time of large capacity main memory. Though semiconductor memory which can operate at speeds comparable with the operation of the processor exists, it is not economical to provide all the main memory with very high speed semiconductor memory. The problem can be alleviated by introducing a small block of high speed memory called a cache between the main memory and the processor. The idea of cache memories is similar to virtual memory in that some active portion of a low-speed memory is stored in duplicate in a higher-speed cache memory. When a memory request is generated, the request is first presented to the cache memory, and if the cache cannot respond, the request is then presented to main memory.
A LEXICOGRAPHIC GOAL PROGRAMMING APPROACH FOR A BI-OBJECTIVE TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM[Full-Text ] Abdul Quddoos , Shakeel Javaid, Irfan Ali and M. M. KhalidIn this paper, we have considered a Bi-Objective Transportation Problem, minimizing the total transportation cost and delivery time. A solution approach using distances in the lexicographic goal programming is used to solve. The solution corresponding to the minimum distances gives the best compromise solution. A numerical example is also given to illustrate the procedure.
Development of new column for the purification of mutarotase from cattle kidney cortex based on inhibitor affinity chromatography (IAC)[Full-Text ] Md.Fuadh-Al-Kabir, Partha Saha, Mahedy Hasan Chowdhury, Jannat Ara, S.M.Estiar Haque, Md.Kamruzzaman, Md.Sarowar Jahan, M.Taufiq AlamMutarotase (aldose-1-epimerase, EC catalyzes the anomeric inter conversion of D (+) glucose and other aldoses. The enzyme is widely used in blood sugar determination, which is the most important routine analysis in a clinical laboratory. This analysis is used for the detection and therapeutic control of diabetes mellitus and for the diagnosis of several other metabolic diseases. The enzyme and their kits are being imported at a high cost and lot of foreign currency has been spending for this purpose. In order to produce such kit in our country, it is necessary to isolate and purify this enzyme at a low cost. Based on a previous screening study, it has been shown that cattle kidney cortex contain considerable amount of mutarotase. In order to obtain relatively pure mutarotase from crude extract with reduced processing cost, an inhibitor affinity chromatography (IAC) method has been developed. Here, we have taken advantage of the affinity of mutarotase toward phloretin and subsequent elution of the mutarotase by a specific inhibitor, whose inhibition constant is higher than that of phloretin. To accomplish this new strategy, uniform-sized agarose beads were prepared by emulsification technique. The prepared gel beads were activated using epichlorohydrin as activation reagent, after which phloretin was immobilized as an affinity ligand on the epoxy groups. The crude extract sample was applied on the column containing phloretin immobilized on agarose. After washing the column with 20 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. Containing 500 mM NaCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 1 mM MnCl2, mutarotase was eluted with 0.4 M sodium azide in the initial buffer. The eluted fraction after dialysis showed 40 fold purification as judged by mutarotase activity. The result indicates that newly synthesized matrix specific for mutarotase constitutes a powerful tool for its extensive purification in a single step.
Performance analysis of non-coherent detection for spectrum sensing[Full-Text ] Meenakshi, Rupinder kaur, Malti puriA cognitive radio is a novel approach in wireless communications. As, the radio spectrum for transmission is very limited but the usage of spectrum is increasing day by day. So for Proper utilization of spectrum the new technology is used, which sense the vacant spectrum and used that space by secondary user. For sensing the spectrum the CR network used various detection techniques such as energy detection, cyclostationary feature detection, matched filtering, interference based detection and coherent detection and Non-coherent detection. In this paper Non-coherent detection technique is used, where the performance of spectrum sensing is study through the ROC curve. The ROC curve is used for detection of absent or present of primary users through the probability of detection.
NS2 inconsistencies of IEEE 802.11 DCF and a non-randomizing back-off in MAC[Full-Text ] Nihad S.This work, although is regarding the implementation of a modified back-off mechanism in wireless networks, has a number of observations done in the code execution; i.e. some interesting facts from the view point of the program that executes the functioning of the aforementioned back-off mechanism.
Experimental and Numerical Comparison of Heat Transfer Performance of Twisted Tube and Plain Tube Heat Exchangers.[Full-Text ] Ms.Vandita Thantharate, Dr.D.B.ZodpeIn heat exchangers various active and passive techniques have been used over plain tubes to enhance heat transfer. Twisted tube is a passive technique. Presently twisted tubes are limited to shell and tube type long and straight passage applications. The main aim of this study is to determine its feasibility for use in applications like automobile radiators, air conditioners or similar type of multi pass applications. In present study, twisted tube is compared with plain tube in multiple tube pass (4 passes) of 0.3 m length each pass for four flow rates of 1.5 lpm, 1.37 lpm, 0.5 lpm and 0.24 lpm resulting in Reynolds number of Re 625 to 7000 covering turbulent and laminar range. The comparison is done analytically, experimentally and numerically. The results showed that for the given mass flow rates and inlet temperature, the performance of plain tube is better than twisted tube in low flow rates.For high Reynolds number range the performance of twisted tube is better, the reason is attached flow through tubes. Thus this study concludes that for multi pass configuration one should al-ways select twisted tubes according to the required flow rate.
A Metric for Accessing Black Box Component Reusability[Full-Text ] Navneet Kaur , Ashima SinghThe Component Based Software Development (CBSD) approach is becoming the trend for software development. This approach is based on developing the software from existing components instead of developing software from scratch everytime. The quality of resulting system depends upon the complexity of the composed components. Because the component complexity is an important factor affecting the understandability, testability, maintainability of resulting system. So it is necessary to select the less complex components which are more reusable, for Component Based Software system. Thus evaluation of component complexity is a critical activity in the component selection process for CBSD. Although the researchers have proposed a wide range of metrics for evaluating component complexity but many of the existing metrics are not appropriate for measuring component complexity due to component’s black box nature. Thus in this paper an Interface Complexity metric for Black Box components, IC(BB), has been proposed which is based on component interface specifications.
Bandwidth Enhancement of Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Cavity Backing & Artificial Ground (AG) Structure[Full-Text ] Manisha Dhindsa, Deepak Sood, C.C. TripathiIn this paper, a design of proximity coupled rectangular artificially grounded microstrip patch antenna has been proposed for the radar systems. The rectangular patches on multilayer structure have been rotated at 450 to increase the bandwidth. The antenna is fed by proximity coupled feed line on FR4 and Rogers multilayer substrates of dimension 47mm X 35mm. The proposed microstrip patch antenna with single patch fed by proximity feed line reported a bandwidth of 14%.By applying stacked patch configuration over it, two resonant modes are generated which enhanced the bandwidth up to 40%. Moreover, in comparison, the proposed wideband microstrip patch antenna with artificial ground structure enhances the bandwidth up to 57.8%. By applying all these techniques, bandwidth improved by 9% as compare with the previous work. The parametric analysis has been done by varying the dimensions of the rectangular unit cells, gap between the unit cells and width of the proximity feed line using the HFSS ver. 11.
Pronunciation Variant and Substitutional error analysis for Improving Telugu Language Lexical performance in ASR system Accuracy[Full-Text ] M. Nagamani, P.N. GirijaIn this paper we describe the error analysis in Automatic Speech Recognition system results. Substitutional errors will cause the ASR system performance degrade when pronunciation variants will occur in decoding process by substituting different phonemes in place of correct phonemes. This will increase the Word Error Rate(WER). When ASR systems are defined for specific languages, and phone set will be independent of language then any phone set which will cover the target language phonemes will be adapted. In this work Telugu language data is considered to train and test the ASR system. Sphinx Speech recognition engine will use the default CMU phone set for any language ASR system development. The phone set for CMU lexicon defined based on the American English. The same phone set is not sufficient to represent the Telugu language. The Telugu language is not stress timed but it is a syllable timed language. It required super set of CMU phone set. To achieve goal a new phone set derived to represent the Telugu Language sounds(phonemes). The Substitutional error analysis is done by comparing these two phone set for same data samples collected from Telugu language simple isolated words. The confusion matrix are considered for vowel and consonants separately to verify the more Substitutional phones in recognition process in different pronunciation variations occurred during the data sample collection. Applying data driven rules to the new derived phone set which is known as UOH phone set to decreasing the Substitutional errors.
A Tool incorporating different Techniques for Effective Component Storage and Retrieval[Full-Text ] Pankaj Vohra, Ashima SinghIn software industry, there is progressive increase in reusability of software components. To increase productivity and to reduce time-to-market organizations are adapting for-reuse and with-reuse approach. In order to make reusable component available in future projects there must be a system to store software components so that they can be efficiently retrieved as per user requirements. So this work is toward, construction of component repository with efficient retrieval of software component that best fits user’s requirements, while retrieving software component. Besides, it enhances reusability; reduces efforts of software development from scratch and increases productivity.
Conceptual Design and Development of Automated Drilling system[Full-Text ] Satyam Paul, Pawan Gupta, Milan Singh, Navmesh SinghInvolvement of automation in manufacturing technology plays an important role in enhancing the quality of process and products. An automated device which replaces manual involvement is an extraordinary contribution to the mankind. In this paper, stress is laid on the designing of an automated drilling system so to perform drilling operation automatically in efficient way. So for this purpose, initially the design of the drilling system setup is crafted using PRO-E software based on the design considerations. Then the actuation and control part is taken care with the help of actuating elements like DC motor, mechanical wheels and by programming it effectively using PLC. Finally the prototype model is developed in order to facilitate drilling operation with ease and accuracy. The drilling operation is performed by the combination of the movements of the drilling system and the base on which workpiece is kept for drill operations.In this paper innovative design and efficient programming have been merge to generate a device which will significantly contribute to the field of production.
Calculating discount on premium for car driver using Rashness Index Calculator[Full-Text ] Chirag Mandot, Vinit Muchhala, Disha Kanabar, Abhijit R. Joshi, Stevina DiasUsage Based Insurance (UBI) project focuses on computation of car insurance policy based on the driving behavior. Under this system, the premium of the insurer is computed on the basis of the driving patterns which are calculated with various parameters ranging from miles driven, average speed, fuel efficiency, hard brakes and many such deciding factors. If the driver maintains car with desired speed, travels less distances then accordingly the premium value is discounted and hence benefits the user. Further, it convinces the insurer to avail the opportunity, drive safe and efficiently and therefore, serves a social purpose. The system is further aided with the Telematics system. Telematics helps to transmit data to the server and back to the device, and hence assists in the transfer of required data and making the system broad and fast-track. The GPS system enables route information and serves in figuring intricate details about driving patterns like road taken while travelling and speed on the particular kind of road. There are various challenges which are encountered like privacy intrusion, the electronic premium payment and proposing a system in different governance. Considering feasibility in such system which will be taken care of with alternatives like flexible agreement plans, standard and reliable payment option and acquainting users with the importance of the system. Usage Based Insurance is an integrated system where amalgamations of various technologies like different sensors for taking inputs, Net beans Studio using Java Swing for user interface, OBDII port collecting car inputs and Windows core i7 processor are combined and a sophisticated system for new generation drivers will be made and presented to the users.
Parametric Evaluation for Flood Management: A Review[Full-Text ] Madhuri BhagatFlood is a disastrous event causing loss, damage and destruction to life, property and environment. Due to population growth and resulting industrial, commercial and agricultural activities the devastations due to flood are making more severe impact on mankind. Thus, in view of assessing, mitigating and managing the floods, the present paper reviews different flood management techniques. Different components associated with flood management have been studied. These different components involves the salient parameters associated with management of flood like rainfall, discharge, water level, land cover, topography and population density, were critically studied. The parameters were utilized for flood hazard assessment and management of the flood affected areas. The flood affected areas could be managed using non-structural or structural measures at province level and nearby stream level. Various techniques for management of flood were critically reviewed and a generalized composite Hybrid Flood Management System (HFMS) and Flood Management Index (FMI) for parametric evaluation are suggested as the outcome of the study.
Decrypted Stegnography[Full-Text ] Ankit Shah, Ninad MehendaleWe have designed an image processing technique called as Decrypted Stegnography by using simple programming methods. We can send confidential data which will be hidden behind a formerly shuffled image. The data remains so secure that while it is being sent to some other place no one is able to retrieve it. This happens as the image that is being sent is without any appreciable change in its appearance and thus the hacker wont be able to make out that in reality some data is being transmitted via the image. The data is finally received at the receiver end where it is decoded. The basic aim of the system is thus to transmit important data from one place to another.It can be used in the fields of military and defense.
Parametric optimization of multi response factors in micro drilling operation[Full-Text ] Ashish Bharti,S.K.MoulickThis paper presents the case study to find the optimized multi response factors for micro drilling operation .Drilling operation is influenced by spindle speed, feed rate ,tool point angle, presence of coolant & lubricating agent ,vibration ,tool material ,clearance and chip length. In this case study the Machining parameters spindle speed ,feed rate and tool point is analyzed for their effect on the hole diameter produced and the material removal rate . Taguchi based method along with ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) and DOE (Design of Experiments) is implemented for optimized result . Drilling operation was done by 1mm(1/64 inch) drill bit with different combination spindle speed ,feed rate and tool point angle. hole produced by drilling is measured using optical imaging microscope and material removal rate is calculated. Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) ,Orthogonal Array L_(9 )is implemented for experimental layout and data obtained is used as output response in micro drilling Statical Software Minitab 15 is used for calculated the SNR value And result is drawn by ANOVA.
Optimal Fuzzy Guidance Law Design for Missile against Maneuvering Targets[Full-Text ] Labeed Hassan, Seyed Hossein Sadati, Mohamad Ali Ashtiani, and Mohamad Bagher MalaeakIn this paper an Optimal Fuzzy Guidance (OFG) law for surface to air missile against maneuvering Targets is introduced. Proportional Navigation Guidance (PNG) is used to establish the rules of the introduced. The OFG attempts to keep miss-distance and control effort as minimum as possible. Based on time variant particle swarm optimization (TVPSO), the membership functions (MFs) of the proposed design are optimized. To show the relative superiority of the approach, the performance of the new guidance law has been compared with that of PNG. The results confirm the validity of the introduced design and show that OFG performs better than PNG on variety of scenarios; some of which are discussed in the paper.
AUTOMATIC TEST CASES GENERATION USING BEHAVIOUR ANALYSIS FOR SPECIFICATION MINING[Full-Text ] Mahendran.N, Kamalraj.R, Karthik.SSoftware testing refers to the process of validating and verifying a software product to meet the requirements in design and development. Specification mining deals with the extraction of high level specifications from the existing code. To have mined specifications dynamic specification mining is used to infer common properties executions. To enrich the specification TAUTOKO tool is used to generate the test cases. This tool could not handle the methods and unable to generate call to methods and unable to modify the test and cannot observe the method call in the desired state. To deal this limitation integration of special test cases is done for method invocation that are invoked during pre-processing stage. Integration of test cases, which only deal the method calls and method specific operations for behavioural analysis of the executable program. It will check the methods and its return variables.
Fabrication and Morphological Characterization of Nafion Thin Films Spin Coated on Silica[Full-Text ] Shirley Tiong Palisoc, Stephen Tadios, Michelle NatividadNafion thin films (~1 µm) were fabricated via the spin coating technique. Angular velocity and concentration of Nafion solution were chosen as parameters and were varied in order to determine thickness relationships. Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) characterizations were performed in order to determine elemental composition and surface morphology of the films respectively.
Malignant White Blood Cell Image Segmentation[Full-Text ] Ahmed A.Abdul Hameed, Loay E. GeorgeLeukemia is a type of cancer of blood or bone morrow which is characterized by abnormal increase in the number of immature white blood cells called “Blasts”. Blood and bone morrow smears are usually inspected using microscope to properly identify the presence of leukemia and type of leukemia if it is located. To properly identify the disease, white blood cell should be isolated from the rest of the image and the components of white blood cell which are the nucleus and cytoplasm areas must be differentiated from each other. Our system first enhances the colors of the image sample then image segmentation is done using the proposed color segmentation method. The proposed segmentation method gives good results, the number of test samples used were 60 samples for both blood and bone morrow samples.
Simulation and Performance analysis of AODV by Varying Packet size[Full-Text ] Sanjolly Jain, Amit GroverMANET (Mobile Ad-hoc network) is a decentralized and self-organizing network. Because of the security provided by MANET, it becomes one of the most important wireless communication mechanisms among all. In MANET’s the Intermediate nodes routes the packets from the source to the destination by using various kind of routing protocols. These routing protocols are AODV, DSR, GRP, OLSR etc. In this article, the effect of varying degree of packet size on AODV (Ad-Hoc on Demand Distance Vector) routing protocol by using two Physical Characteristics(Direct Sequence and Frequency Hopping) has been considered. The given work has been analyzed using OPNET Modeler. The results have been carried out via Delay, Load and Retransmission Attempt. The result shows the enlargement in AODV as per increase in packet size that makes the MANETs more valuable and responsible for a secure communication. Moreover the results show the better performance of AODV with Frequency Hopping.
Design of Intelligent PID Controller using Particle Swarm Optimization with Different Performance Indices[Full-Text ] Neha Kundariya, Jyoti OhriPID control scheme is still providing simple and effective solutions to the many control engineering problems. Today many real world problems are nonlinear and time varying, control of such problems are very difficult with the conventional designed PID controller. This paper presents a new designing technique of PID controller, which can effectively control the nonlinear optimization problems. The technique which has been introduced in this research is particle swarm optimization. It is population based stochastic optimization algorithm derived from human behavior and animal behavior as well. Conventional gain tuning schemes such as Ziegler Nichols method usually produces big overshoot therefore modern approach has been used in this paper to tune the parameters of PID controller. For designing of PID controller different performance indices have been used here for different plant transfer functions.
Numerical Study of the effects of the Struts In a Cassegrain Antenna[Full-Text ] Divya Gupta, R.A. DeshpandeThis paper investigates the impact of strut geometry and location of the struts on gain and radiation pattern of cassegrain antenna at Ka band. The analysis has been carried out using GRASP software and is valid for perfectly conducting circular struts. The choice of optimal focal length was decided before carrying out any analysis.
Corruption detection in MySQL with the help of checker and logs[Full-Text ] Priyanka LohaniIn the world of storage Databases are used to store data needed for computer programs. It is basically used to store very sensitive data. Software and hardware failures are main issues under database corruption. To prevent data loss and inconsistency of database after failure, recovery is needed. MySQL DBMS, it has been find that in certain cases, corruption can greatly harm the system, leading to untimely crashes, data loss, or even incorrect results. In this paper some other techniques are defined to enhance the performance of the checker for corruption detection technique with the help of logs. The checker will work according to type of the corruption. If there is any empty values in the data file then checker create a bad log file which will have only inconsistent values. Other records will be inserted in the database. If there is any data type mismatch then checker will be automatically terminated.
Design of Circular with triangle Microstrip Fractal Antenna for Dual band and UWB applications[Full-Text ] B. Rama Rao, S.Alekhya, Dr. P.V. SrideviThis paper presents the design of crown circular shaped Fractal Microstrip patch antenna for dual band and ultra-wideband (UWB) applications. The two iterative Circular fractal antenna have been designed and fabricated on FR4 substrate ( =4.3) with different configurations of ground planes at the bottom of the substrate. The proposed antenna (without ground) offers excellent ultra wideband performance ranging from 3.80 GHz to 12.8 GHz. The antenna exhibits bandwidth of 9 GHz. The experimental radiation pattern of fractal antenna has been observed nearly Omni-directional. Such type of antenna can be used for UWB system.
Scalability in Cloud computing by using VmWare Vfabric SQLFire[Full-Text ] Ms.Shinde Rupali R, Prof.Mr.Maral Vikas B.Cloud computing is a computing style in which scalable and exible IT functionalities are delivered as a service to external customers using Internet technologies.Cloud computing is not a revolutionary idea; Instead, it is an evolutionary concept that integrates various existing technologies to o er a useful new IT provisioning tool. As more and more organizations embrace cloud computing to save money, increase productivity, and to gain the ability to scale their infrastructures up or down at a moments notice, concerns remain around the level of performance, availability, and overall security of their databases once they move to a hosting vendor. Many of the fears organizations have with moving their databases from a dedicated environment to the cloud start with the overall comfort level of managing their data in a virtual environment.However, advancements in both Microsoft SQL Server and cloud infrastructures have changed all that. More specically, combining SQL Server with a proven hosting service provider o ers highly scalable, exible and cost-e ective solutions. Scalability - Cloud computing enables universities to quickly scale up their IT operations as provisioning of new computing resources and software applications can be delivered at a desired pace. Furthermore, constraints on prepurchasing of resources to meet peak requirement in traditional IT no longer exist.In this paper we are going to use Providing Scalable SQL data in the cloud With VMware vFabric SQL Fire.
Synthesis,Characterization And Catalytic Potency Of Modified Natural Zeolites For Cannizzrao Reaction[Full-Text ] Priya Pawaiya, Aarti Sharma, Vandana Swarnkar and Radha TomarLiquid phase cannizzaro reaction of p-nitrobenzaldehyde and DMF (N, N di methyl formamide) was carried out over H-Natrolite, H-Heulandite and H-Stilbite at 800c. Zeolite especiallyNatrolite,Heulandite and Stilbite, effectively catalyzed the cannizzaro reaction by refluxing in DMF solvent where p-nitrobenzaldehyde was converted to p-nitrobenzoic acid and p-nitrobenzyl alcohol by self oxidation of reduction. The material was characterized by XRD (X-ray diffraction), FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy). The various active aldehyde group compounds, such as O-nitrobenzaldehyde(O-NBAL), m-nitrobenzaldehyde, (m-NBAL), m- chlorobenzaldehyde(m-CBAL), p-chlorobenzaldehyde(p-CBAL) and benzaldehyde(BAL),were chosen the react with N, N dimethyl benzaldehyde/Acetone. P-nitrobenzaldehyde was found to be a good active aldehyde compound. The product was analyzed by gas chromatography and with FID detector. The conversion of p-nitrobenzaldehyde to p-nitrobenzoic acid (p-NBA) and p-nitrobenzyl alcohol (p-NBOH) maximum conversion was found to be 40.0% p-NBA and 10.0%p-NBOH fromof H-Natrolite zeolite comparethen Heulandite and StilbiteZeolite.
Study of conduction mechanism in poly (9-vinylecarbazole) pure and doped with ferrocene[Full-Text ] H.C. NayakMeasurement of dc-conduction in poly (9-vinylcarbazole) (PVK) pure and doped with ferrocene has been studied. Various mechanism of conduction (Poole-Frenkel, Space-charge limited current, Richardson-Schottky emission, hopping) can cause non-linear characteristics. Analysis the current-electric field dependence proved that the mechanism responsible for conduction in poly(9-vinylcarbazole) doped with ferrocene was bulk limited and Poole-Frenkel mechanism is prevalent. The dependence of current on electrode material, temperature, field and dopant concentration is studied. The role of doping molecular concentration in the polymer matrix and change in conduction characteristics are also studied. Lowering of the activation energy due to doping was observed. The conductivity was found to increase with an increase in the ferrocene concentration in the composite.
Electrochemical determination and reduction behaviour of mancozeb at glassy carbon electrode modified with polyaniline based nanosensors[Full-Text ] Ch.Swarupa, M.Siva Prasad, M.Dhananjayulu and N.Y.SreedharPolyaniline (PANI) coatings were electrodeposited on the surfaces of glassy carbon electrodes (GCEs) to form new electrodes, i.e. PANI/GCEs. An electrocatalytic method has been proposed for determining dithiocarbamate-based pesticide Mancozeb using a Glassy carbon electrode modified with polyaniline. The electrochemical reduction behaviour of mancozeb fungicide at bare glassy carbon electrode and glassy carbon electrode modified with polyaniline was studied in aqueous solutions by Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV), Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) and Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV). A linear response over a mancozeb concentration of 0.01M to 4.5*10-7 M was exhibited with detection limits (S/N=3) of 2.6 *10-8 M. The high sensitivity and selectivity of those electrodes were demonstrated by its practical application to the determinations of trace amounts of mancozeb in milk and serum samples.
Infinity in Various Branches of Mathematics[Full-Text ] Infinity (symbolically represented by 8) is a concept in mathematics and philosophy that refers to a quantity without bound or end. People have developed various ideas throughout history about the nature of infinity. In mathematics, infinity is defined in the context of set theory. The word comes from the Latin “infinitas” or “unboundedness”.
A Survay: Digital Video Watermarking [Full-Text ] Amit Singh, Susheel Jain, Anurag JainThe information is in present in form of digital media. Digital watermarking was acquainted to provide the copy right protection and owners’ authentication. A digital watermarking is secret information that is embedded inside an image. The digital watermarking for video an effective method to protect the video copyright. Digital video watermarking is the process embedding digital information into digital video sequence. In this paper, study the concept of digital video watermarking, properties, applications and some major digital video watermarking techniques.
Type-2 Fuzzy Sets for Modeling and Classifying Non-stationary Systems with Application in Brain-Computer Interfacing[Full-Text ] Himadri Nath Moulick, Joyjit Patra, Arun Kanti MannaA correct representation of uncertainty in measurement is crucial in many applications. Statistical approach sometimes is not the best choice, especially when the knowledge of the measurement process refers only to the support of the values and does not allow a correct assumption on the probability density function (pdf) of the measured variable. In this paper we present an approach that uses the concept of generalized fuzzy numbers, namely Type-2 fuzzy sets, in order to handle the intrinsic dispersion of the possible pdfs associated to a variable. The relation between our representation and the so called Random Fuzzy Variables (RFV) will be also investigated. The use of this representation allows to easily implement the uncertainty propagation, through a functional model, by working directly on the Type-2 fuzzy numbers and by evaluating simultaneously the propagation results for the whole set of confidence levels. Anyway, when a statistical analysis can be performed, the results can be embedded in this generalized representation. Moreover, the new approach allows to assign to the final measurement value a reliable confidence level also in this case, by combining the expanded uncertainty evaluated following IEC-ISO Guide recommendations with the Type-2 fuzzy numbers associated to the output variable. An example of this representation will be also provided .The IT2FLS design methods have been empirically verified in this work in the realm of pattern recognition. In particular, the potential and the suitability ofIT2FLS to the problem of classification of motor imagery (MI) related patterns in electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings has been investigated. The outcome of this study bears direct relevance to the development of EEG-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) since the problem under examination poses a major difficulty for the state-of-the-art BCI methods. The IT2FLS classifier is evaluated in this work on multi-session EEG data sets in the framework of an off-line BCI. Its performance is quantified in terms of the classification accuracy (CA) rates and has been found to be favorable to that of analogous systems employing a conventional T1FLS, along with linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and support vector machine (SVM), commonly utilized in MI-based BCI systems.
Radon exhalation rate from building materials using Passive Technique Nuclear Track Detectors[Full-Text ] Zakariya A. Hussein, Mohamad S. Jaafar, Asaad H. Ismail and Ammar A. BattawyRadon activities and radon exhalation rate have been measured from building materials (gravel, cement, sand, gypsum, gypsum board, ceramic tile and block ) on the public hospitals in Iraqi Kurdistan Region using passive (CR-39NTDs). The highest radon concentration was found in sand samples ( 480.71 ± 4.52 Bq /m3) and lowest was found in ceramic tile (154.30 ± 5.24 Bq /m3 ). Surface exhalation rate has been found to vary from (115.85 ± 6.38) to (345.86 ± 6.82 ) mBq/ m2.h, whereas mass exhalation rate has been found to vary from (14.46 ± 1.84) to (22.32 ± 2.12 ) mBq/Kg.h.
A Robust Image Watermarking based on LWT and Spread Spectrum[Full-Text ] Meenu Singh, Abhishek Singhal, Ankur ChoudharyIn Today’s time, internet technologies are growing with very higher pace. This advancement is solving problems very easily but also generating problems like include unauthorized reproduction of digital media. This problem has also raised the new challenge in front of the research community to give new techniques to protect unauthorized reproduction of digital media. The various techniques have developed for digital image watermarking which have better performance and proved to be much robust than the existing ones. In this paper, we have proposed a new robust technique for image watermarking based on LWT and spread spectrum. This technique mainly uses LWT domain which is efficient computation of DWT and spread spectrum technique. A comparison of this technique has also been shown with the existing techniques.