Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition
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Construction of Solar Power Generating System through Free Space Satellites using Sputtering Technique-A Review Article[Full-Text ] G S Ajay Kumar Reddy, G Keerthy, D Sushma, U Ganag Raju, V Manhar, Ch Tarun, A Sai Ram, S Dileep KumarThis is a proposal for solar power generation in which the solar power is converted into microwaves through satellites called Solar Power Satellites (SPS) and it is received using a special type of antennae called rectenna, mounted on earth surface. The concept of free space power propagation is not a new concept and it is the topic of discussion for nearly four decades. In this paper we explain the same for the generation and reception of electrical power using the rectennas. Rectennas are special type of antennae that could convert the incoming microwave radiation into electricity and this electricity can be sent to grids for storage and future usage. The paper first discusses about the history of free space power transmission and gives a brief introduction to the rectenna concept. The important component of the rectenna, the schottky barrier diode is explained. Then the functional model for the Solar Power Satellite is explained. The importance of the solar energy is explained both in terms of the cost and its echo friendly nature. The paper is concluded explaining our model of a simple rectenna, which could be readily built using the components from the laboratory.
A Survey on Energy Demand and Solar Photovoltaic Electricity[Full-Text ] Hrishi Rakshit, Abrar Hussain, Toufiq Ahmed, Afroza AktherEnergy is a key to the advancement and prosperity of human life. More and more energy consumption is expected in future to sustain the current human development. The predicated energy consumption for 2050 will amount to as much as 30TW. The question is how to supply all that energy? The primary solution is to burn more fossil fuels or build more nuclear power plants. However the greenhouse gasses produced by burning fossil fuels have been responsible for global warming, and the unanswered question of safe disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear plants raises several issues. In that respect, solar photovoltaic electricity is one of the best options for sustainable future energy requirements of the world. At present, the PV market is growing rapidly at an annual rate of 35-40%, with PV production around 10.66 GW in 2009. Si and GaAs monocrystalline solar cells efficiencies are very close to the theoretically predicted maximum values. But the production cost of this technology is high, around $1.50 per peak watt. Thin-film PV technology substantially reduces the cost of solar cells. Production cost of CdTe thin-film modules is presently around $0.76 per peak watt and efficiency is of 16.5% which is the maximum recorded value.
Performance Analysis of Modified Booth Multiplier with use of Various Adders[Full-Text ] Ms. Jasbir Kaur, Mandeep SinghIn this paper Modified Booth Multiplier (radix-4) implemented by various adder. Partial product generated by booth encoder is added by various adder techniques to compare the performance parameter of multiplier. Performance parameter like area, path delay, fan out, speed of multiplier. Multiplication is an important fundamental function in arithmetic logic operation. Since, multiplication dominates the execution time of most DSP algorithms; therefore, high-speed multiplier is much desired. Multiplication time is still the dominant factor in determining the instruction cycle time of a DSP chip. With an ever-increasing quest for greater computing power on battery-operated mobile devices, design emphasis has shifted from optimizing conventional delay time area size to minimizing power dissipation while still maintaining the high performance. The three important considerations for VLSI design are Power, Area and Time delay.
Object Recognition based on Principal Component Analysis to Image Patches[Full-Text ] R.Ahilapriyadharsini, S.Arivazhagan, M.GowthamiThe proposed method is to recognize objects based on application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the image patches. In order to represent the local properties of the images, patches are extracted where the variations occur in an image. To find the interest point, Wavelet based Salient point detector is used. In order to reduce dimensionality Principal Component Analysis is applied to the image patches and finally the principal components are classified using Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier. Bench mark database used here is UIUC car database and the results obtained are satisfactory.
A Reliable Routing Protocol for VANETs (RRPV)[Full-Text ] Ashish Kumar Verma, T.SivakumarRouting plays important role in VANET application but due to rapidly changing topology and high speed mobility of vehicle conventional routing protocol suffer heavily. Current MANET routing protocol is not able to fulfill the needs in VANET one of the critical issues consist of the design of scalable routing protocol that are robust to frequent disconnection of link breakage in this proposed protocol avoiding a continues link breakage by making a link stable means source will select intermediate node (make link) according to link expiration time (LET) of link and means whose LET is maximum that Path will select for forwarding packet. In this protocol we are assuming that all vehicles (nodes) equipped with GPS and know information (position, speed, direction) of itself and neighbors node and destination node and this protocol will choose intermediate vehicle for forwarding data as a greedy manner and for the worst case if there is no suitable neighbor in that situation the recovery method will use store-carry-forward strategy.
Study of Flexible Pavement Distresses on a Section of GT Road, Pakistan[Full-Text ] Khan. K.M, Riaz. K, Ahmad. N, Ahmed. I, Ali. F. 5, Ahmed. SBetter and efficient Transportation system is a key to success for a developing nation. But it is affected by large number of causes and one of them is the distresses develop on the pavement during its service and result in premature failure of the pavements. There are numerous distresses found in the road. In this research paper the common distresses are discussed in the light of a survey conducted on a road. A section of GT Road from Taxila to Gujar khan (north N-5) is surveyed and the distresses found on it are also discussed and their probable causes and remedial measures are also provided.
Detection of moving objects in videos using various Gaussian Mixture Models[Full-Text ] P.Kabithapriyan and P.Sharon FemiTo detect the moving objects in videos, the background subtraction has to be employed. Background subtraction is a process of extracting foreground objects in a particular scene. The most efficient algorithm for performing background subtraction is the Gaussian Mixture model (GMM). Gaussian mixture models are probabilistic algorithms used to perform background subtraction. The various GMM algorithms differ in the way they process each pixel and the procedure to update the model. The variants of GMM include simple GMM, Mixture of Gaussians, Fuzzy GMM, Adaptive SOM and Fuzzy adaptive SOM. The idea is to present a comparative evaluation of the results produced from the five different Gaussian Mixture models for live videos.
Fast and Efficient Computation of MDCT/IMDCT Algorithms for MP3 Applications[Full-Text ] Sarvesh Babu N S, Asst Prof Y N Mamatha, M K SubramanianThe modified discrete cosine transforms (MDCT) and its inverse (IMDCT) has become important for audio codec. MDCT/IMDCT algorithms are widely applied to realize the analysis/synthesis filter banks of the time-domain aliasing cancellation scheme for sub band coding in various audio standards. The inverse modified discrete cosine transform (IMDCT) is the most computational intensive operations in the MPEG audio decoding standard. Efficient algorithms for realizing the IMDCT become very important in decoding process. This paper presents a novel and efficient algorithm for computation of Inverse modified Discrete Cosine Transform (IMDCT) with block size N=12 and 36 points is proposed based on type IV DCT and type II DCT, which improves the efficiency of computation. Firstly IMDCT with block size N is converted into type IV DCT, which is further transformed into DCT II with block size N/4. Comparison of the computational complexity with some known algorithms shows that the proposed new approach reduces the number of arithmetic operations significantly such as number Multiplications and Additions.
Vulnerabilities of Biometric System[Full-Text ] Puja Sahay PrasadBiometric security systems are nowadays being introduced in many applications, such as access control, sensitive data protection, on-line tracking systems, etc., due to their advantages over traditional security approaches. Nevertheless, they are also susceptible to external vulnerabilities of biometric systems so that their weaknesses can be found and useful countermeasures against foreseeable attacks can be developed. These attacks are attacks that can decrease their security level. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to analyse the intended to either avoid the security afforded by the system or to deter the normal functioning of the system. In this paper I describe the various threats that can be catched by a biometric system. I specifically focus on attacks designed to elicit information about the original biometric data of an individual from the stored template Furthermore, I discuss the solution related to the threat.
Optimal Edge Perservation in Volume Rendering Using Canny Edge Detector[Full-Text ] N.P.Revathy, S.Janarthanam, Dr T.KarthikeyanThis paper presents a method to preserve sharp edge details in splatting for volume rendering. Conventional splatting algorithms produce fuzzy images for views close to the volume model. Computing the weighted average of the pixel values in a window is a basic module in many computer vision operators. The process is reformulated in a linear vector space and the role of the different subspaces is emphasized Within this framework well known artifacts of the gradient-based edge detectors, such as large spurious responses can be explained quantitatively. Initialization of weights between the input and lone hidden layer by transforming pixel coordinates of the input pattern block into its equivalent one-dimensional representation. Initialization process exhibits better rate of convergence of the back propagation training compare to the randomization of initial weights. We propose a new guide edge linear interpolation technique via address filter and data fusion. For a pixel two sets of observation are defined in two orthogonal directions, and each set produces an estimated value of the pixel. Both multispectral (MS) and panchromatic (PAN) images are provided with different spatial and spectral resolutions. Multispectral classification detects object classes only according to the spectral property of the pixel. These estimates of direction, following the model the different measures of the lack of noisy pixels are fused by linear least mean square estimation error (LMMSE) technique in a more robust estimate, and statistics two sets of observations. Panchromatic image segmentation enables the extraction of detailed objects, like road networks, that are useful in map updating in Geographical Information Systems (GIS), environmental inspection, transportation and urban planning, etc. It also presents a simplified version to reduce computational cost without sacrificing much the interpolation performance.
Automatic Test Case Generation Using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Rakesh Kumar, Surjeet Singh, Girdhar GopalSoftware testing is most effort consuming phase in software development. One would like to minimize the efforts and maximize the number of faults detected. Hence test case generation may be treated as an optimization problem. One of the major difficulties in software testing is the automatic generation of test data that satisfy a given adequacy criterion. Generating test cases automatically will reduce cost and efforts significantly. In this paper, test case data is generated automatically using Genetic Algorithms and results are compared with Random Testing. It is observed that Genetic Algorithms outperforms Random Testing.
Towards a sufficient building performance in Egypt: investigating the effect of climatic data types[Full-Text ] Wael Moustafa, Ibrahim HegazyIn the last few years many advanced computer packages, characterised by a considerable integration between thermal and visual aspects, were developed to assist designers in studying building energy performance, innovative materials and daylight control strategies and systems. These packages, as a function of their complexity, require different types of outdoor climatic data, ranging from monthly typical days (MTD) or seasonal typical days (STD) to more complex typical meteorological years (TMY). These climatic data have different forms and comes from different sources. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of different sources of climatic data with respect to Egypt on the results obtained from simulation process in order to promote more sufficient energy performance of buildings in Egypt. The study is carried out by an advanced computer package, Autodesk Ecotect Analysis sustainable design analysis software which can address different types of climatic data for the same place.
Fuzzy Based Traffic Congestion Detection & Pattern Analysis Using Inductive loop sensor[Full-Text ] R Rekha, R KarthikaFor an Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), Accurate and real time measurement of traffic parameters such as type and number of vehicles, their individual speeds and overall flow pattern are essential to successfully implemented and thus enable optimal utility of existing roadways. For the accurate measurement of such traffic parameters, an efficient vehicle detector is essential. The sensors output should be such that the type and speed of each vehicle can be determined. The traffic flow sensors can be broadly classified into intrusive and nonintrusive. The nonintrusive methods are based on video image processing, microwave radar, ultrasonic, optical, and laser radar, which can be installed above the roadways. Based on the sensing principle used, the existing intrusive traffic flow sensors can be classified as inductive loop, magnetometer, and pressure switch types. These sensors are either embedded underneath the top surface of the roadway or placed on the surface of the road. This paper presents a novel inductive loop sensor that can detect vehicles under a heterogeneous and less-lane disciplined traffic and thus can be used to support a traffic control management system in optimizing the best use of existing roads. The loop sensor proposed in this paper detects large as well as small vehicles occupying any available space in the roadway, which is the main requirement for sensing heterogeneous and lane-less traffic. So for the sense and segregation of vehicles pattern analysis is done with the help of PIC with fuzzy logic implementation so that accurate results can be provided. And hence the system also enhances the traffic flow information in to traffic control commands. Thus, the traffic congestion is detected and accurate fuzzy based pattern analysis is obtained.
Dynamic Response Analysis of Generic Nose Landing Gear as Two DOF System[Full-Text ] Kiran ChristopherLanding gear is a structural component of an aircraft to support the weight while it is on the ground and also to aid safe landing. A generic analytic model for linear dynamic analysis of landing gears, which captures responses of individual components, is seldom available in literature. In the present work an analytical model for the linear response analysis of landing gear is developed. The landing gear is modeled as a two DOF system. Dynamic responses are extracted using analytical methods two cases - smooth landing and base excitation. Modeling of two DOF model is done and transient responses are found using MATLAB. Further, numerical analysis is carried out using ANSYS software for the same configuration, whose results obtained are found to match well with that of analytical model.
Field Study For The Bioefficacy And Economics Of Herbal- Lantana Camara (L.) And Fungal- Beauveria Bassiana (Balsamo), Biopesticides Against Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner) In South Rajasthan (India)[Full-Text ] Arti Prasad and Sujoita PurohitRecent researches have focused on the drawbacks of synthetic chemicals on ecosystem and advocates ecofrendly inclusions in pest management. The present investigation is an attempt to to compare the efficacy and feasibility of herbal and fungal bio pesticides with synthetic chemicals against a notorious pest Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) infesting chick pea and tomato crops severely in South Rajasthan (India). When recommended doses of leaf and flower extracts of Lantana camara (L) and Beauveria bassiana (balsam) were applied in chick pea and tomato crops respectively in an Randomised Block Design with Endosulfan as standard check, the results were interesting. Percent infestations with highest dose of 1000ml per hectare of Lantana camara (L)were 9.11 and 8.51 on weight basis and 64.58 and 14.35 on number basis for leaf and flower respectively against 6.63 for Endosulfan .Similarly 32.35 (Weight basis)and 32.51(on number basis)percent infestations were observed against 20.75 with Endosulfan at highest doose of 400 ml /l/hectare with Beauveria bassiana(Balsamo). Bioeconomics again revealed that cost benefit ratio were 1:23.26 and 1:24.20 for leaf and flower of Lantana camara(L)respectively against 1:31.82 with Endosulfan at highest applied dose of 1000 ml /l/hectare .similarly cost and benefit ratio of entomopathogen was 1:52.60 against 1:62.37 for Endosulfan at highest applied dose of 400 ml/l/hectare.
Compression of FPGA Bitstreams Using Improved RLE Algorithm[Full-Text ] P.Hemnath, V.PrabhuFPGA are configured using bitstreams often loaded from memory. FPGA often called as reconfigurable design because it lower the memory requirements, reduces the bitstreamsize. Some techniques are not suitable for real time decompression. There is need to design a compression technique which efficiently reduces bitstream size meanwhile keeping decompression ratio minimum. In our technique there are some major part of work which are more important they are 1) smart arrangements of the compressed bits that can significantly decreases the overhead of decompression engine 2) combination of bitmask-based compression and run length encoding of repetitive patterns 3)selection of profitable parameter for bitstream compression.The proposed techniques outperforms the compression ratio of existing techniques by 5-15% and decompression hardware is capable of operating at 200M H Z.
Enhancement of a Novel Method for Mutational Disease Prediction using Bioinformatics Techniques and Backpropagation Algorithm[Full-Text ] Ayad Ghany Ismaeel, Anar Auda AblahadThe noval method for mutational disease prediction using bioinformatics tools and datasets for diagnosis the malignant mutations with powerful Artificial Neural Network (Backpropagation Network) for classifying these malignant mutations are related to gene(s) (e.g. BRCA1 and BRCA2) cause a disease (breast cancer). This noval method didn't take in consideration just like adopted for dealing, analyzing and treat the gene sequences for extracting useful information from the sequence, also exceeded the environment factors which play important roles in deciding and calculating some of genes features in order to view its functional parts and relations to diseases. This paper is proposed an enhancement of a novel method as a first way for diagnosis and prediction the disease by mutations considering and introducing multi other features show the alternations, changes in the environment as well as genes, comparing sequences to gain information about the structure/function of a query sequence, also proposing optimal and more accurate system for classification and dealing with specific disorder using backpropagation with mean square rate 0.000000001.
Evaluating Categorical Association Rules from Large Database Using Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] T. Priyadharsini, D. Vandhana, G. AkilaAssociation rules are one of the most frequently used tools for finding relationships between different attributes in a database. Various techniques for obtaining the categorical association rules exist. However, when there is a need to relate attributes which are numeric and discrete, methods which generate quantitative association rules are supposedly used. When the database is extremely large, many of these tools cannot be used. In this paper, an efficient tool for retrieving the association rules from large databases will be implemented using matrix apriori algorithm and improvements in the speed at which the algorithm performs.
A Robust Technique for Secure Routing Against Blackhole Attack in AODV Protocol for MANETs[Full-Text ] Neelam Khemariya, Ajay Khunteta, Krishna Kumar JoshiMobile Ad hoc networks are playing very important role in the present world. They are playing significant roles in real life applications such as military applications, home and emergency applications, automotive computing, personal area networks, wireless sensor applications, wireless mess networks etc. Ad hoc networks have very adaptive nature and thus they are attacked through various attacks such as Fabrication. Denial of Service, Grayhole attack, Black Hole attack etc. Black hole attack is one of the very dangerous active attacks in the mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET). In this attack, an attacker uses the routing protocol to advertise itself as having the shortest path to the node whose packets it wants to intercept. Once the malicious node has been able to insert itself among the nodes which are using in the communication, it can drop all the packet which are passing through it or it can do many other things with the packets passing between them. In this research paper a robust secure efficient approach for the detection of the Black hole attack in the Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) is proposed. The algorithm is implemented on AODV protocol. In this proposed approach a solution is provided which is based on the Inspection of DSN and if it is more than the Threshold value than this node is consider as malicious node and after that next phase provides the confirmation of the Black hole nodes.
A State-of-the-Art Survey on Computer Security Incident Handling[Full-Text ] Parves Kamal, Saad MustafizInterconnection of the computers worldwide has enabled efficient transfer of files from one location to another freely. It has also made communication efficient through the world. Despite all the advantages the interconnection of computer has security related issues. . Since the invention of computer systems security handlings has all along been issue of public concern. However there are significantly important trends that have been recently established to cope with the challenge. The security of any organizational information is vital for economic progress. Information within the organization determines the management and organization of different aspects regarding it .The gist of this paper is to abbreviate the latest trends and techniques used in today's computer security incident handling world and how To reduce the impact of this incident.
Automatic and Dynamic Updations in Web Collection cycle using Web Crawl System [Full-Text ] Mr. F.Destonius Dhiraviam, Ms. R. Vijindra, Ms. J. Hepzibha ElizabethIn Web search engines as well as many more specialized search tools rely on web crawlers to acquire large collections of pages. A Web crawler is a computer program that browses information and means of providing up-to-date data's. Such a web crawler may interact with millions of hosts over a period of weeks or months, and thus issues of robustness, flexibility, and manageability are of major importance. In this paper, we describe an implementation of a web crawler that runs on a network of workstations. It discusses the performance bottlenecks, and describes efficient techniques for achieving high performance. In current trends, web information's is increasing rapidly due to smart devices and advanced technologies. Due to this rapid growth of web information's in network bottleneck problem occurs. The information in the web platforms and social networks is continuously updated in anywhere and anytime from the certain web page. The user has to give URL for retrieving information from particular web page and the fetched information will be stored into the database of the system.
Distribution Transformer Monitoring Using GPRS[Full-Text ] Dr.J.Jayakumar, J.Hephzibah Jose Queen, Thanu James, G.Hemalatha, Neethu LonappanThis paper presents a system which works on a wireless, real time, multi-object monitoring system of Distribution Transformer depending on GPRS network. A design based on PIC Microcontroller is developed for monitoring the key parameters of Distribution Transformer in a substation. An algorithm for monitoring the voltage, current and temperature is developed and programmed to the microcontroller. It is observed that the proposed system is effective in monitoring and displaying the data using wireless communication network.
Energy-efficient Trust-based Aggregation and Ant Colony Optimization Routing in Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Remya .K, D .KeernaThis paper proposed a combination of Energy-efficient Trust based data aggregation (ETA) and a wireless sensor network routing protocol based on ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. This method aims to achieve reliable and energy-efficient data aggregation along with energy prediction, to avoid route over-concentration. ETA uses the concept of functional reputation and trust as a means to reach reliability. Functional reputation is used to select nodes that best satisfy the criteria to be an aggregator on the basis of the quality of the node. The ACO algorithm added the factor of energy in the procedure that ants had been searching the optimal path. Cluster- head sent data to sink by multiple-hops transmission. Therefore, the ACO algorithm reduced cluster-heads energy consumption. The simulation results showed that the new algorithm had high reliability, better energy efficiency and the more balanced energy consumption. At the same time, it extended the network lifetime.
Query Optimization Using Case Base Reasoning With Replacement Policy[Full-Text ] Pragya Shukla, Rohini UpadhyayA query optimizer is a core component of any Database Management System. Multiple approaches have been suggested which were based on framework of classical query evaluation procedures that heavily dependent on metadata. There are computational environments where metadata acquisition and support is very expensive. In this paper query optimization technique using case based reasoning (machine learning technique) for ubiquitous computing environment is deliberated. In this technique a new problem is solved by finding a similar past case, and reusing it in the new problem situation. As CBR is an approach to incremental, sustained learning, since a new experience is retained each time a problem has been solved, making it immediately available for future problems which in return may create a bulky case base. Thus we were proposing a technique of dynamic deletion of irrelevant cases from case base. Through which system can detect the inappropriate case and replace them with new case in order to maintain size of case base.
Detection and Prevention of Wormhole Attacks in MANETs using Detection Packet[Full-Text ] Priyank Nayak, Akshay Sahay, Yogadhar PandeyIn MANET, data transmission is performed within an un-trusted wireless environment. Various kinds of attack have been identified and corresponding solutions have been proposed. In wormhole attack, an attacker record packets at one location into the network, tunnel them to another location and retransmits them there into the network. Previous works on wormhole attacks have focused only on detection and used specialized hardware such as directional antennas or extremely accurate clocks. More recent work has difference of hop distance at node, create packet with two fields processing bit, count to reach next hop and AODV for route establishment, public key encryption method are also used. In this paper, we present a general mechanism, without use of hardware, location information and clock synchronization called detection packet for detecting malicious node in network. Detection Packet has three fields: processing bit, count to reach next hop and time stamp. Timestamp is used for strongly detection with conformance at wormhole attack. Here detection packet can easily be included in the wide range of ad hoc routing protocol with only significant change in the existing protocol to defend against wormhole attack. Here DSR protocol is use for route establishment and NS-2 for simulations.
Effect of diesel-ethanol blends on performance of a diesel engine at different injection pressures[Full-Text ] S. Durga Prasad, G. Venkateswara Rao, K. Sri Rama Murthy.Environmental concerns and limited amount of petroleum fuels have caused interests in the development of alternative fuels for internal combustion (IC) engines. This paper presents a report on the performance of a diesel engine using blends of n-butanol and ethanol with diesel with various blending ratios. The purpose of this is to find the optimum percentage of ethanol that gives simultaneously better performance and lower emissions. The experiments were conducted on a Direct Injection diesel engine using 0% (neat diesel fuel), 10% (Z5E10D85), 15% (Z5E15D80), 20% (Z5E20D75), and 25% (Z5E25D70) ethanol-diesel blended fuels with n-butanol as additive. Experimental tests were carried out to study the performance and emissions of the engine fuelled with the blends compared with those fuelled by diesel. The test results show that the smoke emissions from the engine fuelled by the blends were lower than that fuelled by diesel. The fuel consumptions of the engine fuelled by the blends were higher compared with those fuelled by pure diesel. In case of mechanical efficiency blends has higher mechanical efficiency when compared with diesel. The tests were conducted at two injection pressures 180 bars and 240bar. The engine ran well at both the conditions with all the fuels.
Modification of Acceptance Criteria of Sample Testing in Flexible Pavements[Full-Text ] Bant Singh, Dr. Srijit BiswasIn the present electronic age, the development of the country is going at a very fast speed. The highways play a major role in the economic development of a country which also improves the living standard of the people. With the availability of sophisticated plants and equipment, the pace of construction of highways has increased manifolds. The present system of quality control testing is time consuming and has become a major hurdle in high speed of construction. So to keep the quality control tests & quality assurance with the pace of construction, the age-old procedures of quality control will have to be re-looked. This paper involves a case study which has been carried out to find out the solution of a real life problem faced by an engineer during the construction of a highway. In this paper, we present a methodology using e-quality control system to modify the acceptance criteria of sample testing in flexible pavements. To understand the methodology a field case study is presented here.
A Revised Algorithms for Deadlock Detection and Resolution in Mobile Agent Systems[Full-Text ] Rashmi PriyaA study on Deadlock detection is being done for many years. Not much work has been done on Deadlock resolution. Wait -for model approach followed to avoid deadlocks offers incorrectness to many algorithms after deadlocks have been resolved. In this paper, a theoretical framework for wait-for systems is provided, and general characteristics of a correct algorithm for deadlock detection and resolution are presented. It is shown that the computational upper bounds(number of messages) for deadlock detection and resolution are both O(n3) in the worst case when n transactions are involved. This result is better than previous ones, which often are even exponential. In addition, two correct deadlock detection and resolution algorithms are described which both achieve these upper bounds.
Diversity Change Agents at Corporate Level[Full-Text ] The aim of this study is ''to investigate the change agents at corporate level''. 240 participants were selected from two industries; Services & Manufacturing Industries, aged 24-45. It was hypothesized that ''diversity change agent would be present more in service industries as compared to manufacturing industries''. Results support the hypothesis (t=8.54, df=238). Demographic sheet was used to collect personal information of participants. Diversity Change Agent Questionnaire was used to identify diversity change agents, developed by Lee Gardenswartz and Anita Rowe. SPSS was used for statistical analysis.
Determination of focal depth and estimation of magnitude of seismic energy on the basis of Mohr's stress-strain envelope concept and on outcome of simulation of stress into radial and tangential nature[Full-Text ] Umesh Prasad VermaImpending stress within the Mantle (at the UP-Lr interface1)[28] owing to either astrophysical or terrestrial source2[28]undergoes interaction with the overlying stratum It is exhibited in terms of structural disturbance , physiochemical changes and related processes[3-4,16,28] and is triggered in magnitude and direction by two components namely radial and tangential4[24].The progress of these components( mutually perpendicular) is followed by the constraints of internal frictionµ5[14,17,19](Colombian coefficient)viscosity ? rigidity G, elasticity e, claperion slope ?(dp/dT)prevailing temperature condition T,Creep rate ?6 [19,26]conductivity of geomaterials k, density ? and finally the yield strength7[17,19]of the stratum rocks. Yield strength when treated with the residual stress 8[19]of the reservoir at the time and space of observation modeling with the Mohr's' envelope and circles of stress9[-17,19] we find uniformity in parameterized trend. Different models of varying tests for different parameters, there exists a linear relationship between yield strength of the stratum rocks and residual stress in the reservoir of considered conditions (Physiochemical) Yield strength first responds linearly to the residual stress as elastically then after fatigue stage it behaves plastically as the diagnostic for the level of stress drop as characterized in different set of test models. Eventually at particular depth a set of parameterized conditions permits residual stress to exhibit elastic behavior then after fatigue plastic point is observed which the momenfor seismicity is. Radii of circles in the models formed in different tests ascertain the depth of focus of seismic event.
Adsorption Of Ternary Metal System Onto The Sawdust Of Locust Bean Tree (Parkia biglobosa): Equilibrium, Kinetics And Thermodynamics Studies[Full-Text ] Giwa, A. A., Olajire, A. A., Oladipo, M. A., Bello, M. O. and Bello I. A.The use of raw sawdust, RSD, of locust bean tree (Parkia biglobosa), a low-cost, locally available agroforestry waste as an adsorbent for removing a ternary mixture of heavy metals comprising of copper, lead and nickel (TMS) from aqueous solution was examined. Equilibrium data obtained from batch adsorption experiments were analysed with Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm models, with Langmuir equation giving the best fit to the data. The effect of contact time, initial concentration and pH of the solution and dose of RSD on the efficiency of the sorption process was also evaluated. The kinetics of the sorption was studied using different models; it was observed to have followed pseudo-second order model with high R2 values and close agreement between the theoretical and experimental values of qe for all initial TMS concentrations studied. The thermodynamic parameters of the adsorption showed that the process was feasible, exothermic and accompanied with increased randomness
Retrieving The Personal Photos In Web Data[Full-Text ] M.T.KetthariIn a real-time textual query-based personal photo retrieval system has been developed to retrieve the images and its rich textual descriptions like captions, categories from the web. The proposed method exploits the indexing technique to automatically find the images in the web after a user provides a textual query to retrieve both relevant and irrelevant web images are automatically retrieved. To further improve the image retrieval performance the system uses an effective linear SVM classifier method to classify the personal photos and ranking. In Linear SVM classifier visual features such as Colour Histogram, Shapes and edges will be added to classify the images in the training set. To further develop this system, relevance feedback methods can be via cross-domain learning, which will effectively utilize both the web images and personal images.
Screening: Preserving The Sensitive Information During Data Mining [Full-Text ] S.Rakesh SubramanianOver recent past, several techniques for preserving privacy in data mining has been devised. But each one of them added an additional overhead. Generalization has suffered from considerable loss of information whereas bucketization and randomization has suffered from the problem of membership disclosure. Eventually, Slicing approach for privacy preservation has averted the failures of its ancestors. In this paper, we introduce an extended slicing approach called screening that provides better data utility in addition to data privacy. Here, we overlap slicing that satisfies k-anonymity requirement by adding sensitive attribute to each column of slicing in order to enhance the data mining task. We show how attribute and membership disclosure protection can be implemented in this technique of privacy preservation. The implication of this paper can be seen useful when sensitive information stands the risk of getting exposed during mining. In such situations screening will reduce attribute disclosure problem such as revealing the personal information while mining the organization's management database. Thus, not only the volume of data being sent is reduced but also privacy is preserved.
A Review Of Three Terminal Si-si:ge Solar Cell And Its Performance[Full-Text ] Sushma. v.k, Athira sreekumarA three terminal Si-Si:Ge solar cell consisting of a top silicon solar cell and a bottom Si:Ge solar cell sharing a common base, it overcomes the current mismatch effect and photon losses between Si solar cell and Si:Ge solar cell. Performance of Si:Ge solar cells improve significantly due to better Si:Ge epitaxial layers growth conditions. In this paper we are presenting a review of three terminal Si-Si:Ge solar cell which can achieve higher potential efficiency than standalone transparent silicon solar cells and Si:Ge solar cells and avoid current mismatching which exists in two terminal multi-junction solar cells.
Comparison Of Nonlinear Companding Transform (NCT) Algorithm With Adaptive-Active Constellation Algorithm PAPR Reduction Technique Of OFDM Signal[Full-Text ] Mrs.Sharda.S.Mandlik, Mr.Shrish.L.KotgireOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a method of multicarrier communication system in which a signal is split into several narrowband channels at different frequencies. . The OFDM signal has a noise like amplitude with a very large dynamic range; therefore it requires RF power amplifiers with a high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) or Peak-to-Average Ratio (PAR) [1]. The high PAPR increases the complexity of Analog-to-Digital (A/D) and Digital-to-Analog (D/A) converters and also lowers the efficiency of power amplifiers [1]. The Adaptive Active Constellation Extension (Adaptive ACE) Algorithm and Nonlinear companding scheme can be efficiently used to reduce the high PAPR for different modulation formats and subcarrier sizes without any complexity increase and bandwidth expansion. Therefore, this paper put forward comparison of two Scrambling PAPR reduction techniques namely Nonlinear Companding Transform and Adaptive-ACE Algorithm. The simulation results show that, Nonlinear Companding Transform gives better result for PAPR Reduction and improve the performance of OFDM systems including bit-error-rate and bandwidth.
Multichannel Transmission In Wireless Adhoc Network To Achieve High Throughput[Full-Text ] M. Arshiya Mobeen, Ms.Anitha AngayarkanniWireless technologies and applications are becoming one of the fastest growing and most promising areas in recent years. To accommodate data transmission by multiple nodes, a medium access control (MAC) protocol plays a crucial role in scheduling packet transmission fairly and efficiently. Applying directional antennas in wireless ad hoc networks achieves high spatial multiplexing gain and thus, higher network throughput. But deafness, hidden-terminal, and exposed terminal problems are exaggerated with directional antennas, and they cause the degradation of the overall network performance. In the existing system, a MAC protocol called the dual-sensing MAC (DSMAC) protocol for wireless ad hoc networks is used and it relies on the dual-sensing strategy to identify deafness, resolve the hidden-terminal problem, and avoid unnecessary blocking. This protocol is implemented in single channel transmission.
Comparative study for shear design using IRC 112:2011 & IRC 21:2000[Full-Text ] B.H.Solanki & Prof.M.D.VakilCurrent practice in world for shear design many various practice is going on, As Shear is more critical force than other actions on bridge's members ,new code IRC 112:2011 has improved in shear criteria compare to old IRC 21:2000.This paper presents shear strength, steel required for shear & shear resisting capacity of the member without shear reinforcement for LSM & WSM. Also this paper will shows which combinations of fy grade of steel & fck grade of concrete gives more shear strength so member requires minimum or no shear reinforcement.
Spectroscopic Studies of typical Nano material Polyaniline (Pure and with Taxol)[Full-Text ] K.SENTHIL KANNAN, S.GUNASEKARAN, RAAJ MONNIKA.B, GANESH.K, GOTHANDAPANI.P, POOVAI NARAAYANAN.S, KARTHIKEYAN.S, ASHWIN.A.G, GOWTHAM JMaterial with small grain sizes are now referred to as Nano Crystalline Materials and have been shown to having properties much improved over those exhibited by conventional grain sized poly crystalline materials. Nano crystalline materials are polycrystalline with grain sizes in the range 1 to 100 nm. Because of the extremely small dimensions, a large volume fraction of the atoms is located at the grain boundaries and this confers special attributes to these materials. Polyaniline is found to be suitable for a number of applications in computer manufacturing processes. Polyaniline can play significant roles in lithographic processes, which are used to fabricate integrated circuits. In the present case Polyaniline is prepared by chemical synthesis method. This is characterised by pure Polyaniline and Polyaniline with Taxol solution.
Parallel Regular-Frequent Pattern Mining in Large Databases[Full-Text ] G Vijay Kumar, Dr V Valli KumariMining interesting patterns in various domains is an important area in data mining and knowledge discovery process. A number of parallel and distributed frequent pattern mining algorithms have been proposed so far for the large and/or distributed databases. Occurrence frequency is not the only criteria to mine the patterns but also occurrence behavior (regularity) of a pattern may also be included in mining process. A pattern is frequent if the occurrence frequency is not less than the user given support threshold and this pattern is regular if it satisfies the user given regularity measure. So far a few efforts have been made to mine regular patterns but there is no suitable algorithm to mine regular-frequent patterns in parallel and distributed environment. Therefore, in this paper we introduced a new method called PRF-method (Parallel Regular Frequent Pattern-method) to discover regular-frequent patterns in large databases using vertical data format which requires only one database scan. PRF-method works in parallel at each local site in order to reduce I/O cost and inter-process communication and generates all regular-frequent patterns in the final phase. The experimental results show that our PRF-method is highly efficient in large databases.
UWB Bandpass Filter With Quarter Wavelength Short- Circuited Stubs[Full-Text ] Sonu Raman, Amita SoniIn this paper a high performance Ultra Wide Band microstrip bandpass filter is presented. The filter is designed using ?/4 short circuited stubs to improve the performance of UWB. The designed filter is based on 5th order chebyshev low pass prototype with .1 dB passband ripples. The filter with total size of 45*11 mm operates with in 3.12-10.4 GHz, produces a fractional bandwidth of 106%. The filter is designed on a polystyrene substrate with relative dielectric constant of 2.6 and a thickness of 1.27mm. The simulated result using HFSS 13 shows an insertion loss (S21) less than .14 dB and return loss (S11) better than 16.62 dB . Group delay is also flat in passband.
An Automated Approach to Categorize the Web Documents through Text Mining[Full-Text ] Sajjan Kumar, Priyanka Nervariya, Dr. Deepak Singh TomarWith the increased access of the internet, it has become obvious for all small and big organizations to have an efficacious web presence to acquaint users with the identity of the enterprise. Now a day's daily routine work of large organization such as communication, document distribution, tender declaration such as notices circular etc is done via websites. Web pages of a website are divided into groups on the basis of similarity among documents in that section of website or user interest. One of the common tasks performed by the web manager is to upload documents in different groups on a website. Large number of documents are available on a website domain, thus it's a difficult task for web manager to decide manually the group of an upcoming document for uploading. In this paper, an approach is developed to automate the process of deciding the group of an upcoming document on a website.
Implementing an Energy Efficient MAC protocol by deducing TMAC protocol[Full-Text ] Smriti Joshi, Anant kr. JayswalThe paper is oriented towards the development of a protocol based on the Tmac Protocol. This protocol is extracted and deduced from the basic Tmac protocol. The previous work involved the detailed comparison of Energy consumption, Latency and packet collisions in a network in Tmac and Smac protocol using tool Castalia for wireless sensor networks. The characteristics of T Mac and S Mac protocols were explored keeping real transmission conditions intact, like variable transmission bit rate, dynamic topology and mobile sensors in network. T Mac and S Mac protocols are contention based protocols and are designed to keep the energy consumption low using duty cycle. In both static and mobile networks it was found that Tmac performs better in comparison to Smac. Keeping Tmac protocol in mind the main motive of the new protocol developed is to reduce energy consumption. The protocol thus extracted from Tmac is named as EDMAC (Extended Deduced Mac) protocol.
Managing Inter-group Conflict[Full-Text ] Islam M. AhsanulOne of the most important aspects of organizational life concerns relations among groups within the organization. The symptoms of bad relations are often somewhat easy to recognize. A breakdown in the flow of work or lack of coordination between groups usually stands out. This study indicates that poor communication or a failure to exchange information adequately may be a symptom that accompanies lack of coordination. This study also points out that delays and mistakes often lead to tensions and negative feelings. If groups must rely on one another to get their work done, the symptoms are often more dramatic.
Robust Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement Based On Interpolation Of Stationary Wavelet Transform[Full-Text ] M.S.Divya LakshmiIn this paper an image resolution enhancement technique based on interpolation of the high frequency subband images obtained by discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the difference image. The edges are enhanced by introducing an intermediate stage by using stationary wavelet transform (SWT). DWT is applied in order to decompose an input image into different Subbands. Then the high Frequency subbands as well as the difference image are interpolated. The estimated high frequency subbands are being modified by using high frequency subband obtained through SWT. Then all these subbands are combined to generate a new high resolution, low contrast satellite image by using inverse DWT (IDWT). The GHE is the contrast enhancement technique applied to high resolution, low contrast satellite image thus we finally obtain high resolution, high contrast satellite image. The quantitative and visual results are showing the superiority of the proposed technique over the conventional and state-of-art image resolution enhancement techniques.
Pseudo - rapidity Distributions of Charged Particles for p ? p(p) Collisions Using Genetic Programming[Full-Text ] Mahmoud Y. El-Bakry, A. Radi, Shaimaa F. Abdel-HamiedGenetic programming (GP) is one of a number of machine learning techniques in which a computer program is given the elements of possible solutions to the p ? p( p) collisions at high and ultrahigh energies. GP can be used to calculate pseudo-rapidity distribution of charged particles dNch / d? of p ? p( p) interaction at total centre of mass energies S =23.6, 53, 200, 546, 900, 1800 GeV and 2.36 TeV. The discovered function obtained from GP shows an excellent fitting to the experimental data. Moreover, it is capable for predicting the pseudo-rapidity at S =7 TeV that are not used in the training. Also, dNch / d? is expected at S =10 and 14 TeV using GP model and with other models. The results showed very accurate fitting to the experimental data recommending it to be a good alternative to other theoretical technique.
Design of trust model based on ideas of Localization in opportunistic networks[Full-Text ] Mr. Ravinder SinghOpportunistic networks are used in the remote, disaster prone areas where there is no network between the users and to create a network without any relation between nodes. In this paper we are creating a trust scenario for Opportunistic networks that is based on the methods of localization. We are proposing a model to overcome issues regarding opportunistic network nodes mobility, storage and security. The model is a layered approach that needs input of one and output to other and a trusted node is implemented that can overcome the opportunistic network problem and provides optimal performance of the system.
Energy & Exergy Analysis of Heat Exchanger[Full-Text ] Patel Rakesh D., Dr. Ramana P.V.Energy sector is one of the important areas in the economic development of any country. Meeting the growing demands at acceptable costs in various sectors like industries, commercial, transport etc. is challenge to energy planner. The present work is an account of energy and exergy losses and distribution in Heat Exchanger of captive power plant of M/S Vardhaman Acrylics ltd, Jhagadia, Bharuch, Gujarat, India. This plant consists of 5.5 MW turbine-generator set with two extraction points which supply the heat energy to meet process demand. The steam is generated in 1?42 TPH capacity 45 kg/cm2 pressure, atmospheric pressure fluidized bed combustion boiler supplied by M/S Thermax Babcock & Wilcox Ltd,Pune ,India. The complete energy & exergy analysis of Heat Exchanger is carried out based on massive data collection over a period of three months. The energetic and exergetic losses of various components & suggestion for improving energetic & exergetic efficiency of the plant form core of this work.
The Flow of Information in Organizational Communication and Some Contemporary Issues[Full-Text ] Islam M. AhsanulOne of the major challenges in organizational communication is how to get information to all parts of an organization and also how to receive information from all parts of an organization. This process is concerned with the flow of information which is complex. This study states that efficiency may be dependent on information flow, but it is not the only consideration. Organizations rely on innovation and must be able to generate information from their members. In addition, the flow of information may help determine organizational climate and morale, which in turn impacts on flow of information
BER Enhancement of CDMA system using Broadside antenna and SDMA in Rayleigh Fading Channel environment[Full-Text ] Dr: Abdalmonem Fouda, Eng: Hassan Elesawy, Prof. Dr. Ismail Mohamed HafezCode Division Multiple Accesses (CDMA), one of the effective and efficient technologies, is used in 2nd generation (2G), 3rd generation (3G) wireless and becomes one of potential candidates for the physical layer of 4G mobile system with the aim of improving cell capacity communication. In this paper, present the CDMA system with antenna array is proposed for a multipath fading channel. The performance is evaluated in terms of bit error probability (BER) for the DS/CDM A system environment with QPSK modulation technique at the transmitter and demodulation at the receiver side. The Standard Gaussian Approximation (SGA) is used to evaluate the performance of coding and Rake Receiver over a frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel with antenna array is estimated. From the analytic to Rayleigh fading results, the performance is evaluated for CDMA systems on additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and a multipath fading channel. Analytical expression of the average Bit-Error-Rate (BER) is derived, including the effects of the spatial correlation between antenna elements and non-identical fading for different multipath. In the receiver, dispreading and demodulated, coding, Rake Receiver, directive antenna (Broadside array antenna) are employed to improve the system performance. We examined the BER performance of Rake Receiver with, varying the number of users, spreading factor, Rake fingers, Interfering Cells, and the value of directivity of antenna at base Station (number of antenna). Antenna arrays are majorly used: Broadside array and End fire array. They are used to radiate their own beam patterns. The antenna arrays with different arrangements: The Spacing of the elements and the Number of elements may produce the diverse radiation properties. The overall radiation pattern results in certain directivity and different lobes with different number of elements and different spacing between them.
Numerical Solution of Burger's equation via Cole-Hopf transformed diffusion equation[Full-Text ] Ronobir C. Sarker and L.S. AndallahA numerical method for solving Burger's equation via diffusion equation, which is obtained by using Cole-Hopf transformation, is presented. We compute the solution for transformed diffusion equation using explicit and implicit finite difference schemes and then use backward Cole-Hopf transformation to attain the solution for Burger's equation. This work also studies accuracy and numerical feature of convergence of the proposed method for specific initial and boundary values by estimating their relative errors.
Rotation Invariant Static And Dynamic Texture Classification With Local Binary Count (LBC)[Full-Text ] Ms.A. Shakin Banu, 2. Ms.B.VijayalakshmiTexture classification is one of the four problem domains in the field of texture analysis. Local Binary Count (LBC) is a static local descriptor that can enhance the performance of rotation invariant texture classification. It extracts the local binary grayscale difference information and abandons the microstructure information. A variant of LBC named Completed LBC (CLBC) is used for static texture classification. It has two additional operators namely magnitude and centre along with LBC. For dynamic textures, two descriptors have been proposed namely Volume LBC (VLBC) and LBC-TOP (LBC from Three Orthogonal Planes). Experiments were conducted using OUTEX database for Static texture classification and DYNTEX database for Dynamic texture classification. The experimental results show that proposed descriptors can provide better classification accuracy with reduced computational complexity and time and also effectively deal with rotation variations of dynamic textures than the earlier approaches based on Local Binary Pattern (LBP).
A Novel Based Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms for Classification Remote Sensing Images[Full-Text ] Lakshmana Phaneendra Maguluri, Shaik Salma Begum, T Venkata Mohan RaoClustering is an unsupervised classification method widely used for classification of remote sensing images. Remote sensing can be defined as any process whereby information is gathered about an object, area or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object [1]. The remote sensing technology is used to classify objects on the Earth by means of propagated signals. In this paper, six different clustering algorithms such as K-means, Moving K-means, Fuzzy K-means and Fuzzy Moving K-means, Adaptive Moving kmeans, Adaptive Fuzzy Moving k-means are used for classification of remote sensing images. The Adaptive Fuzzy Moving K-means clustering algorithm avoids the problems such as, the occurrence of dead centers, center redundancy and trapped center at local minima. The final center values obtained are located with their respective group of data. The experimental results show that Adaptive Fuzzy Moving K-means has classified the remote sensing image more accurately than remaining algorithms.
Comparative Analysis of Spectral Responses of Varied Plant Species to Oil Stress[Full-Text ] Ebele J. Emengini, Francis C. Ezeh, Njike ChigbuPlants are susceptible to oil pollution, and require constant and accurate monitoring to ensure their sustainment and that of the ecosystem in general. Remote sensing technology has this capability yet, there is the need to understand how oil affects the spectral reflectance of different plant species. A deciduous shrub called forsythia (Forsythia suspensa) and ornamental fountain grass (Pennisetum alopecuroides) were grown in pots and were subjected to low, medium and high dose oil treatments. Spectral measurements were undertaken in laboratory every four to five days using a field portable GER 1500 spectroradiometer. Development of stress symptoms was visually observed every week. Results show that stress symptoms including stunting, leaf chlorosis and shoot mortality were observed in grass one week after oil treatments while the forsythia showed stress symptoms at later stage. The spectral reflectance of the two plant species significantly increased in the visible region of the spectrum. However, in the NIR, contrary to forsythia, there was significant decrease in spectral reflectance of grass treated with high dose levels. Also, at longer wavelengths in the NIR, all treatment doses had a significant effect on grass spectral reflectance unlike in forsythia where no significant difference was found at all treatment doses. This indicates that the spectral reflectance, particularly in the visible region, is a viable indicator of oil stress that could be applicable across different plant species.
Review of Medium Voltage Power Interruptions in the Tema Metropolois, Ghana[Full-Text ] Rodnell Ebi. Bilson, Samuel Odai. AfoteyThe Tema Metropolis is an industrial hub of the country, Ghana. It is the home to steel smelting plants, many major manufacturing plants in the country, petroleum refinery and a harbor. All these activities rely heavily on reliable and quality electricity supply.The requirement for reliable and quality electricity in this Metropolis need not be over emphasized. However, this level of reliability has not been achieved satisfactorily. This work examines the major causes of power interruptions in the medium voltage distribution network of the metropolis. It was found that majority of the interruptions occur in the 11kV network and are lightning related.
Introduction of Information Technology in the process Industry[Full-Text ] Jayalakshmi.B, Pramod.V.RIn Industries, automatic control method (Wired control systems) is usedfor valves in processes. Current industrial scenario includes Smart sensors and transmitters. Further, development in the process control field can be achieved by introducing wireless systems. One of the current strategies being adopted in the modern Industries is the introduction of wireless transmitters and receivers and Information and communication technology (ICT).Development in the process industry is the key to competitive advantage in the business world that is growing increasingly competitive and is strongly connected with economic growth. This research work explores the capacity of ICTs to equip process industry to perk up the industrial world.Investments made in ICT enabled process control systemsprovide a high amount of returns.This paperproposes a model titled 'information control technology based remote control valve (ICTBRCV)'. The current research examines the literature in the field, It is clear that the ICT based remoteprocess control valve model is not reported in the past.The conceptual features of the ICTBRCV model are presented, followed by an illustration of its implementation in a hypothetical industry. Implementation of this model will pave way to substantial economic development in process industries by remarkably reducing the amount of connecting cables, quantity of laborersand amount of instruments.The model can be implemented in a process industry, for a military application where situation demand, for a remote control in off shore refinery or a nuclear power plant.
An Assessment of Service Quality of Commercial Banks in Odisha[Full-Text ] Sabita PaulIn today's global market, the competitive advantage lies in delivering high quality service to the customers everywhere in every organization. The need to achieve customer satisfaction lies in its ability to deliver better quality products to the customers. Like many other financial services industries now it is facing a rapidly changing market situation with new technologies, economic uncertainties, fierce competition, and especially more demanding customers. Now, the existing situation has created various challenges and opportunity for Indian Commercial Banks. The changing climate has presented an unprecedented set of challenges. So service quality is one integral part of any facet of banking and it defines future of any banking organization. Since, foreign banks are playing in Indian market, the number of services offered has increased and banks have laid emphasis on meeting the customer expectations. So it is very much important to point out the key success factors in the banking industry, in terms service quality with the help of five dimensions of SERVQUAL model viz. keeping assurance, reliability, responsiveness, physical facilities and empathy, keeping in view the increasing market tendency and the fierce competition.
Geometric Programming Approach In Three - Stage Sampling Design[Full-Text ] Shafiullah, Irfan Ali and Abdul BariIn this paper we have formulated the problem of allocation of sample sizes in three-stage sampling design as a convex programming problem with linear objective function and non linear constraints. A Geometric Programming technique is developed for the solution of the resulting mathematical programming problem. A numerical example is given for the illustration of computational details of the procedure.
Renewable Energy Based Wireless Power Transmission to Electric Vehicles for Fuel Consumption[Full-Text ] Md.Sazzad Hossain,Md. Harun or Rashid,Amit Barua,Asma Ul Husna,Sham DattoIn modern days, fuel energy has become a crisis because they have a concentrated storage. So, now renewable energy plant is needed to cover more sectors not only power but also in running vehicles. All transport system will be run by this available energy. Electricity will be transformed into microwave beam and then charge the vehicle and it will help to retain our environment clean without pollution as well as human life will also become healthful. This wireless power transfer system may reduce the demand of fossil fuels .electric vehicle (EV) and plug in hybrid EV are the sample of this system. They capture microwave beam as a replacement of fuel.
Optimization Of Rectangular Plate With Two Holes Subjected to In-Plane Static Loading[Full-Text ] Praveen MirjiAny discontinuity in structure penetrates the strength of the structure. The stress starts concentrating near the discontinuity. The study of stress distribution for the rectangular plate with two holes under in-plane load is analysed numerically with the help of Finite Element Method. The material used for the plate is isotropic in nature. In this paper a method is attempted to reduce the intensity of stress in the vicinity of holes by relocating the position of one of the holes. A rectangular plate with holes having negligible thickness is analysed. From this analysis author has found the variation in the intensity of stress in the plate for different W/CD ratios. The W/CD ratio considered are1.67, 2.0 and 2.5. Variation in stresses with respect to different hole locations is studied and plotted by graph. The results of reduction in intensity of stresses for different W/CD ratios are tabulated. The finite element formulation is carried out by using the software ANSYS
Autonomous Network Reconfiguration System In Wireless Mesh Networks[Full-Text ] Archana.H, Revathi.GWireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are deployed in various applications such as public safety, wireless internet services, environment monitoring due to its effectiveness, inexpensive and comfortably. They have also been evolving in various forms such as multiradio/channel systems to meet the increasing capacity demands. However, WMNs may experience frequent wireless link failures due to channel interferences, dynamic obstacles and application bandwidth demands. Autonomous Network Reconfiguration System (ARS) that allows a multi-radio WMN (mr-WMN) to autonomously reconfigure its local network settings such as channel, radio, and route assignment for recovery from wireless link failures. In this paper, we present an Autonomous Network Reconfiguration System to reconfigure the network to provide continuous and an uninterrupted network settings with a reconfiguration plan. ARS has been evaluated through matlab simulation. We provide the simulation results to show the effectiveness of our proposed system.
Experimental Teaching Technique for Mobile Application Development[Full-Text ] Ishtiak Ahmed, Ahmed Shehab Khan, Md. Yusuf, Syed Akhter HossainFor the extensive employ of smart phone and the heightening availability of huge quantity of effective and operable application pave the way to construct newer and newer opportunities and challenges in the sector of mobile application development. In order to determine the current state of wisdom and research, an extensive brush up and synthesis of the literature in mobile application development has been undertaken to identify and harness potential factors in implementation. This paper represents the findings of this review. It seeks to facilitate the inquiry into 'What is best possible case in teaching technique for mobile application development?' and 'Why is it necessary to teach a unique way?' and off course 'What will be the steps of student friendly teaching?' A central theme is identified as the need to develop overarching principles and realistic visions for mobile application development approaches, technologies to examine global trends. This paper advocates the development of a best-practice framework for teaching mobile application exploitation to guide future accomplishment and conceiving.
Crosstalk Analysis of an Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter Based Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer for DWDM System [Full-Text ] Md. Saiduzzaman, Imtiaz Ahmed, Kowshik Mushfiq-ur-RahmanDense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) system is limited by different impairments like optical attenuation, crosstalk, chromatic dispersion, polarization mode dispersion, Scattering etc. All of these impairments restrict the transmission distance and bandwidth. In the Present Scenario the DWDM system needs significant improvement, where analyzing the crosstalk of an Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter (AOTF) based Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer (OADM). This paper conducts a comprehensive study of DWDM system and extracts the optimum performance of the overall system by increasing the channel spacing of the AOTF with a significant improvement of signal to crosstalk ratio with channel spacing and reduced bit error rate as the bandwidth of the channel is increased accordingly.
Application of clustering Technique for Tissue image segmentation and comparison[Full-Text ] Mohit Agarwal, Gaurav Dubey, Ajay RanaThrough this paper we proposed the methodology that incorporates the K-means and fuzzy c means algorithm for the color image segmentation. The image segmentation may be defined as the process of dividing the given image into different parts. Here we are taking color image as the input and we are supposed to segment the given image on the basis of its color. The clustering algorithm also proved to be very efficient in the process of image segmentation. The clustering can be defined as the method of grouping the similar kind of objects from the input. The grouping can be on the basis of the attributes like color, shape, texture, size and other. The motive behind the segmentation is to extract the some meaning information from the input like image so that it can be utilized in effective manner. The K-means and fuzzy c means are the most popular clustering algorithm. The k-means use the iterative approach to partition the given image into k clusters while in the fuzzy c means clustering method of image segmentation a group of images are allowed to form a cluster on the basis of similarity checks.
Path Planning for Mobile Robot Navigation using Image Processing[Full-Text ] Abhishek Chandak, Ketki Gosavi, Shalaka Giri, Sumeet Agrawal, Mrs. Pooja KulkarniIn this paper, wavefront based algorithms are presented to create a path for a robot while detecting and avoiding obstacles of different shapes in indoor environment. Here an overhead camera is used to acquire an image of the environment. The image analysis is based on general processing in MATLAB. On that basis, 4 point and 8 point connectivity based algorithms are presented for the purpose of path generation.
Behaviour of Aluminium Alloy Casting with the variation of Pouring Temperature and Permeability of Sand[Full-Text ] Mahipal Singh, Manjinder Bajwa, Rohit Sharma, Hitesh AroraThe effect of pouring temperature and permeability of sand on the mechanical and metallurgical properties of aluminium alloy part produced through sand casting was investigated. Al-4%Si alloy was used as a molten metal and silica sand was used for preparing the mould. The pouring temperature ranges of 700 0C, 800 0C and 900 0C and permeability range of moulding sand 30 and 60 Darcy was considered. The mechanical properties of aluminium alloy casting studied were hardness and impact strength. The result showed that the selected parameters significantly influence the mechanical and metallurgical properties of aluminium alloy casting. As the pouring temperature increased, fine grain structure of casting formed and hardness was increased but impact strength decreased. If the permeability of moulding sand was kept high, the hardness was high and impact strength was low and also fine grain structures of cast were formed.
Planned Obsolescence[Full-Text ] Taiwo K. AladeojebiPlanned Obsolescence, which can be used interchangeably with programmed obsolescence, and can be either product obsolescence or technology obsolescence, is the intentionally producing goods and services with short economic lives and that stimulates consumers to repeat purchases in a shorter period of time [28]. Few decades ago, there was a strong debate about its ethicality and now it is back on the radar again due to the short cycle times of products coming to the market. This paper will explain why the practice is widespread among various industries and why it works even in a perfectly competitive market. In addition, it will examine the effect obsolescence has on the environment.
Text-to-Speech Synthesis for Myanmar Language[Full-Text ] Ei Phyu Phyu Soe, Aye ThidaText-to-speech (TTS) synthesis for various languages has been discussed in the Natural Language Processing research (NLP) field. In this paper, text-to-speech synthesis for Myanmar language is presented. TTS system can be divided into two key phases such as high-level and low-level synthesis. In high-level synthesis, the input text is converted into such form that the low-level synthesizer can produce the output speech. TTS synthesis for Myanmar language consists of four components such as text analysis, phonetic analysis, prosodic analysis and speech synthesis. Syllable segmentation and number converter for Myanmar language are analyzed in the text analysis. The algorithm for number convertor for Myanmar language is proposed in this paper. In the phonetic analysis, the Myanmar syllable text is converted to phonetic sequence to analyze the best sequence of phonemes of words, numbers and symbols by applying Myanmar phonetic dictionary. In prosodic analysis, some of different Myanmar words pronounce the same pronunciation so the phonetic sequences are analyzed to produce the naturalness of synthetic speech and voice duration by applying Myanmar phonological rules. Myanmar diphone dictionary is constructed for speech synthesis and PSOLA algorithm is proposed in this paper.
Camera Based Guiding System for a Small Car[Full-Text ] Mamon J. Mohammed, Loay E.GeorgeThis paper presents the development of camera based guiding system for a small car. The tasks handled by guiding system are the processing of collected visual data, deflections from the reference route mark and issue the steering commands. The information coming from a CCD color camera which is mounted on the RC car, are processed in order to determine the position of the car relative to the planned route. Simple mathematical models and image processing algorithms have been developed and utilized to determine the car position and motion deflection accurately and with lowest possible computational load. In case of outdoor environment the camera based guiding system task become harder, because the developed software should be compensate the changes in both light and the relative appearance of reference mark on the ground which may appear solid or broken area due to the high variation in spectral reflectance beside to the appearance of painted potholes. The established guiding system includes a module for originating the proper motion control commands. The proportional steering command origination module depends on the position and heading of the vehicle (relative to the planned route), such that the moving vehicle should be stick around the route reference line till reaching its planned destination.
A Novel Method to Find the Optimism Index of Examiner in Students' Evaluation[Full-Text ] Shilpa Ingoley, Jagdish BakalThis paper presents a novel method to find out the optimism index of the examiner. Optimism index gives us the idea about the type of examiner. Optimism index is used by some authors Wang and Chen (2008, 2009) in evaluating student answersheet using fuzzy numbers. There are different types of examiners such as lenient, strict and normal. These examiners may be strict or lenient but their degree of strictness and leniency will be different. This paper proposed a method to find the optimism index of examiner which can be helpful in evaluating students' answersheets more accurately. It makes use of fuzzy logic to do so.
Hardware Implementation of an OFDM Transceiver for 802.11n systems[Full-Text ] Rajesh S. Bansode & Prajakta BoroleThe best approach for real time application to achieve high throughput and network capacity for fourth generation wireless local area networks is to combine MIMO wireless technology with OFDM. This paper focuses on high level Matlab Simulink 4 x 4 spatially multiplexed (SM) MIMO OFDM transceiver encoded at � rate using 64 size FFT which is designed and implemented on Spartan Virtex 6 FPGA board. The hardware co-simulation, RTL Schematics, Test Bench and VHDL codes for all the blocks and for the complete 4 X 4 MIMO OFDM model are obtained to verify its functionality.
Control of Energy Sharing Between Fuel Cell and Battery[Full-Text ] Amit Kumar, Ashwani Arora, Anoop TiwariRenewable energy sources like wind, sun, hydro and fuel cell are seen as a reliable alternative to the traditional energy sources. Some of them are also being identified for Distributed Generation purposes. As a consequence, the control of distributed generation systems should be improved to meet the requirements for grid interconnection without compromising on power quality. This paper proposes a control scheme for energy sharing between fuel cell and battery. The system consists of a Fuel Cell, a Battery, a Unidirectional DC-DC converter (UDC), a Bidirectional DC-DC converter (BDC) and a DC load bus. Fuel Cell is the main source of energy and battery is used as an energy storage element. Battery also helps in improving the dynamic response of the system, to reduce the voltage fluctuations and improves system efficiency. The goal is to design a control circuit to operate BDC in Buck, Boost or Shut down mode. The mode of operation depends upon cold start of the system, charging and discharging of the battery, step up or step down of load.
Hybrid Polygamous Selection: An Improvement in Genetic Algorithm[Full-Text ] Manju Sharma, Sanjay TyagiGenetic algorithms are the adaptive heuristic search algorithms that have been used in a number of optimization problems successfully. Performance and convergence speed of a genetic algorithm depends on the operators used for selection, crossover and mutation. Selection operator is used to select individuals from a population, so as to create a mate pool for reproduction process Polygamy is a special case of elitism in which the best individual from each generation is selected and participated in the crossover with all other individuals in the mating pool selected by any other selection technique.Polygamous selection mainly leads to the premature convergence. In this paper a hybrid polygamous selection is proposed, in which the individual selected by polygamy technique undergoes refinement through the local search technique before crossover. The experiment has been conducted using benchmark TSP problems and the implementation has been carried out using MATLAB. Result shows that the proposed hybrid polygamous selection performs better than the existing selection used in genetic algorithm in terms of producing more optimal solution and better convergence speed.
Effects of high starch-high fat and roughage diets of lambs on methane production using in-vitro gas production techniques[Full-Text ] Kebede TeshomeThe climate has been warming with 0.74 °C and the global average temperature has been increasing during the last century due to accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere from different sources. Enteric methane (CH4), one of the greenhouse gases, is produced through anaerobic fermentation of feed components in the rumen. Beside its contribution to global warming which is one of the challenge human beings are facing, CH4 emission from ruminants represent loss of energy. In order to develop appropriate mitigation strategies for enteric CH4 emission, measurement of CH4 produced from a ruminant fed a given type of diet is essential. In-vitro gas production technique was applied to evaluate CH4 production from three experimental feeds: high starch-high fat (CC), hay (HY), and standard hay (SH) with rumen fluid from lambs fed either hay (rumen fluid A) or high starch-high fat (rumen fluid B). The effects of these rumen fluids on in-vitro CH4 production were assessed. About 0.5 gram of each experimental feed type, with additional 2ml of cream sample to each high starch feed sample, was incubated with each inoculum rumen fluid. The volumes of CH4 produced by experimental feeds were calculated relative to dry matter incubated and relative to degraded dry matter. Roughage feed produced more CH4 relative to degraded dry matter (ml/g dDM) except within inoculum rumen fluid B in which standard hay produced insignificantly lower CH4 than high starch-high fat because of rumen fluid (diet of donor lambs) effect on fibrous feed. A rank of the experimental feeds on CH4 production depends on whether the CH4 output was expressed relative to dry matter incubated or degraded dry matter.
A Linear PCA based hybrid K-Means PSO algorithm for clustering large dataset[Full-Text ] Chetna Sethi, Garima MishraClustering is a process of grouping together same data vectors into a specified number of clusters or groups. Clustering algorithms are important data mining task that have been applied on variety of fields. Partitional Clustering algorithms such as k-means algorithm are most popular for clustering large data-sets. The drawback of k-means clustering is that initially the number of clusters is not known and the clustering result depends on selection of initial centroids and may converge to local optimum. Also when the data set is of high dimension, k-means algorithm lost its accuracy.Linear Principal Component Analysis is used for dimension reduction. With the deficiency of global search strategy for k-means clustering algorithm and clutersing large data sets we develop a Linear PCA based hybrid k-means clustering and PSO algorithm (PCA-K-PSO) .In (PCA-K-PSO) algorithm the fast convergence of k-means algorithm and the global searching ability of Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) are combined for clustersing large data sets using Linear PCA. .
Optimization of process parameter in turning of copper by combination of taguchi and principal component analysis[Full-Text ] Chintan Kayastha, Jaivesh Gandhi The aim of this article is to optimize the process parameters for turning operation by use of taguchi and principal component analysis method. The aim of the present work is to investigate the effects of process parameters on surface finish and material removal rate (MRR) to obtain the optimal setting of these process parameters as product with good finishing surface is desirable in turning process with minimum machining
Voltage Stability Analysis[Full-Text ] A.S.Ravi, Ashutosh Dwivedi, Bhuvan SharmaVoltage Stability is a serious concern of today power system for its secure and reliable operation. Power system stability is dependent mainly on the degree of maintaining the synchronism of the whole system. Out of the all blackouts round the globe the primary reasons for the blackouts are observed to be voltage collapse. There is a need to perform studies to ensure that the reliability of the power system is maintained at all system condition and its different operating horizons. This paper analyzes the voltage stability of a system by finding a continuum power flow solutions with base load and obtaining steady state voltage stability limit the critical point. The in-between result of the process is used to determine voltage stability index and further to identify portion of the system prone to such voltage collapse
Speech Modification by changing Pitch and Spectral parameter[Full-Text ] Ms.P.V. Gujarathi, Prof. Dr. Mrs. D Apte.Speech sounds are produced by air pressure vibrations generated by pushing inhaled air from the lungs through the vibrating vocal cords and vocal tract and out from the lips and nose airways. The air is modulated and shaped by the vibrations of the glottal cords, the resonance of the vocal track and nasal cavities, the position of the tongue and the openings and closings of the mouth. Speech transformation changes the speech signals in two directions. The first is to change the speed of the speech signal in the time domain, called time scaling. It is the process of compressing or stretching the time basis of the speech signal without changing its spectral contents. The second is to change the tone of the speech signal, called pitch scaling. It modifies the spectrum of the signal without changing its playback time. These two speech transformation functions are important in many applications such as speech transmission and storage, audio-visual systems, speech recognition, and text to speech conversion. The time scaling modification is relatively easy that can be performed by TD-PSOLA technique with very good performance. In speech modification there are several methods for time scale modification and different method for spectrum modification of speech. By using speech modification different parameters can be modified like pitch level, pitch range, pitch contour, pitch variation. It can be used to slow down or speed up the speech.
Electrical characteristics of AlGaN/AlN and AlGaN/GaN HEMTs[Full-Text ] Payel Sarkar, Arnima Das, Maitreyi Ray KanjilalMESFET and HEMT have very small gate length below 0.5µm and they achieve amplification at a very high frequency range. In particular High-electron-mobility transistors have shown current gain to frequencies greater than 600 GHz and power gain to frequencies greater than 1 THz. These devices have an improved transconductance and carrier saturation velocity due to the decrease in gate to source separation. HEMT offers high power efficiency, greater consistency and broader bandwidth and is thus ideal for use in the THF range (300 GHz to 3 THz) of wireless communication. The electrical response of HEMT formed with AlGaN/AlN and AlGaN/GaN are compared against each other to find the most suitable heterostructure for the application at high frequency regime.
Review Article A New ''T'' Coupled Guiding Structure with Minimum Loses[Full-Text ] Dr. Puja VermaA new 'T' coupled dielectric waveguide structure is been proposed in this paper which is suitable for millimetre wave integrated circuits. Stycast (?r=3.4) and Alumina (?r, = 9.6) have been used as dielectric materials in fabricating the guide theoretically. A critical review on few of the dielectric waveguide which are reported in literature are discussed. Comparisons is been drawn between the 'T' coupled dielectric waveguide and other guiding structures on the basis of conductor and dielectric losses. As an application a 'T' coupled dielectric coupler can be realized at millimetre waves.
Secure Data Forwarding on Cloud Storage System[Full-Text ] M. Madhavi, S.Shanawaz Basha, M.Ranjith ReddyA cloud storage system, consisting of a group of storage servers, provides continuing storage services over the Internet. Storing data in a third party's cloud system causes serious problem over data discretion. secure and reliable cloud data management to guarantee the data correctness and availability, given the difficulty that data are no longer locally possessed by data owners. We design a secure cloud storage service which addresses the reliability issue with near-optimal overall performance. By allowing a third party to perform the public integrity verification, data owners are significantly released from the onerous work of periodically checking data integrity. To completely free the data owner from the burden of being online after data outsourcing, we propose an exact repair solution so that no metadata needs to be generated on the fly for the repaired data. The second part presents our privacy-preserving data utilization solutions supporting two categories of semantics - keyword search and graph query. For protecting data privacy, sensitive data has to be encrypted before outsourcing, which obsoletes traditional data utilization based on plaintext keyword search. We define and solve the challenging problem of privacy-preserving multi-keyword ranked search over encrypted data in cloud computing. We establish a set of strict privacy requirements for such a secure cloud data utilization system to become a reality. We first propose a basic idea for keyword search based on secure inner product computation, and then give two improved schemes to achieve various stringent privacy requirements in two different threat models.General encryption schemes keep data discretion, but also limit the functionality of the storage system because a few operations are supported over encrypted data. Constructing a secure storage system that supports multiple functions is challenging when the storage system is distributed and has no central power. We propose a threshold proxy re-encryption scheme and integrate it with a decentralized erasure code such that a secure distributed storage system is formulated. The distributed storage system not only supports secure and robust data storage and retrieval, but also lets a user forward his data in the storage servers to another user without retrieving the data back. The main technical contribution is that the proxy re-encryption scheme supports encoding operations over encrypted messages as well as forwarding operations over encoded and encrypted messages. Our method fully integrates encrypting, encoding, and forwarding. We analyze and suggest suitable parameters for the number of copies of a message dispatched to storage servers and the number of storage servers queried by a key server. These parameters allow more flexible adjustment between the number of storage servers and robustness.
Hand Gesture Recognition using Computer Vision[Full-Text ] Ashutosh Samantaray, Sanjaya Kumar Nayak, Ashis Kumar MishraThe use of the gesture system in our daily life as a natural human-human interaction has inspired the researchers to simulate and utilize this gift in human-machine interaction which is appealing and can take place the bore interaction ones that existed such as television, radio, and various home appliances as well as virtual reality will worth and deserve its name. This kind of interaction ensures promising and satisfying outcomes if applied in systematic approach, and supports unadorned human hand when transferring the message to these devices which is easiest, comfort and desired rather than the communication that requires frills to deliver the message to such devices. With the rapid emergence of 3d applications and virtual environments in computer system the need for a new type of interaction device arises. This is because the traditional devices such as mouse, keyboard and joystick become inefficient and cumbersome within this virtual environments.in other words evolution of user interfaces shapes the change in the Human- Computer Interaction (HCI).Intuitive and naturalness characteristics of ''Hand Gestures'' in the HCI have been the driving force and motivation to develop an interaction device which can replace current unwieldy tools. A survey on the methods of analysing, modelling and recognizing hand gestures in the context of the HCI is provided in this paper.
Optimization of Production System in Supplier - Retailer-Customers based Supply Chain[Full-Text ] Raishetty Sridhar, K.Eswara Prasad, Ch.SrinivasThis paper presents the production inventory control optimzation in prodcuction system of supplier - retailer business enviroment in a Supply Chain. Our results put forward that the proposed model algorithm outperforms the other methods. When ever if need to delivery the items with reduced lead time for customer requirement fulfillment but here an additional cost is added. To solve the problem an iterative procedure is involved for which GA is used and is coded in VC++.
Passive Filter For Harmonic Mitigation Of Power Diode Rectifier And SCR Rectifier Fed Loads[Full-Text ] C L Anooja, N LeenaPower electronic devices find tremendous applications in industry as well as in domestic appliances. The excessive use of these devices causes major problems to the power system due to generation of current harmonics. These harmonic current pollute the power system and produce many adverse effect like malfunction of sensitive equipment, reduced power factor, overloading of capacitor, flickering lights, over heated equipments, reduced system capacity etc. This work deals with the investigation of current harmonics mitigation by using passive filters. Passive filters provide low impedance path to divert harmonic current to the ground and thus clears harmonics from the circuit. The design and simulation of passive filters for diode rectifier and SCR rectifier fed loads is discussed in this paper. A comparison is also made between diode rectifier and SCR rectifier in six pulse and twelve pulse configuration. Simulation results are presented to prove that THD is reduced with the use of these filters, and in the twelve pulse configuration harmonics is reduced in both SCR and diode rectifier than the six pulse configuration. In the SCR rectifier, when firing angle is increased the THD is also increased.
Diffusion of fluorescent dye molecules in white wool fibers[Full-Text ] Prasanna kumar J.B, S.C.Nagaraju, A.Joseph Arul Pragasam 3 and G.RamgopalThe structural, thermal and mechanical behavior of white wool fibers are studied using FTIR, XRD, DMTA. and physical parameters like rate of Diffusion of mass are determined using Diffusion behavior. The chemical constituents like C=O, C-N stretching and N-H sites of these fibers were identified using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement reveals that the white wool is amorphous in nature. The glass transition temperature of these fibers was found to be 38 oC using Dynamic mechanical thermal Analysis (DMTA). Visco elastic property of material and glass transition temperature concludes that white wool is more suitable for wool fabrication.
Image Resolution Enhancement by Using Different Wavelet Image Decompositions[Full-Text ] Dr.E.Mohan, U.Maheswaran, M.S.Thaen MalarResolution has been frequently referred as an important aspect of an image. Images are being processed in order to obtain more enhanced resolution. This project propose an image resolution enhancement technique based on interpolation of the high frequency sub band images obtained by discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the input image. The edges are enhanced by introducing an intermediate stage by using stationary wavelet transform (SWT). DWT is applied in order to decompose an input image into different sub bands. Then the high frequency subbands as well as the input image are interpolated. The estimated high frequency sub bands are being modified by using high frequency subband obtained through SWT. Then all these sub bands are combined to generate a new high resolution image by using inverse DWT
Sodar studies of foggy atmospheric boundary layer characteristics over Delhi[Full-Text ] Neha Gera, N.C.Gupta, V. Mohanan, B.S. GeraSodar observations of Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) pertaining to foggy days of a decade long period winter periods (2001-2010) over Delhi have been used to study characteristic features of ABL response during Fog with reference to air pollution meteorological aspects. It has been seen that thermal structure characteristics of relevance in air pollution such as inversion/mixing height, fumigation, low level elevated inversion under go significant deviation of concern for air quality risk and management strategies planning. Depending upon fog density (light, medium or high density), period of breaking inversion (fumigation) may stretch from normal within couple of hours after sunrise to late afternoon hours during dense fog. During conditions of prolonged fumigation, breaking inversion stays as an elevated capping layer over weak thermal convection below. Such low level elevated inversions may persist during whole day, even continue to exist nighttime and may persist for 3-4 days at a stretch. These conditions are alarming air pollution meteorological hazards and their occurrence characteristics have been studied. Besides, some new typical observational characteristics such as nocturnal inversion lift, Gaussian curve type bell shaped evolution of ABL height trajectory and the two tier inversion structure are discussed as new highlights of Foggy ABL thermal structures. The results form useful inputs in real time dispersion modeling for environment impact assessment and now casting / short range fore casting of air quality and fog prediction modeling.
Study of sequential tripping in a power distribution network by Distribution Factor Approach[Full-Text ] Narayan Nahak, Pritam RathIn this paper an analysis is made to study sequential tripping in an electrical power network by the help of distribution factor, required for contingency analysis. This approach is very simple &efficient. Maintaining power system security is one of the challenging tasks for the power system Engineers. The security assessment is an essential task as it gives the knowledge about the system state in the event of a contingency. Contingency analysistechnique isbeing widely used to predict the effect of outages like failures of equipment, transmission line etc, and to take necessary actions to keep the power system secure and reliable. This analysis uses standard MATLAB programming to find distribution factors for the tripped network.
Profile Forwarding Scheme in PCS Network[Full-Text ] Rajeev R. Kumar Tripathi, G.S. Chandel, Ravindra GuptaThe PCS network uses two-tier database architecture to locate a mobile terminal (MT). This two tier architecture has: Visitor Location Register (VLR) and Home Location Register (HLR). In HLR, profile of an MT is permanently stored while VLR is used as a cache memory. Each VLR may serve one or more registration area (RA). When an MT comes in a new VLR, profile of newly joined MT is fetched from the HLR and stored in the VLR. In existing location management, there is a single HLR. During busy hours this single HLR may be in bottleneck state. This situation leads to call miss routing. When a call is initiated, the current location of called MT is fetched from the HLR. In the conventional location management and call delivery scheme, the HLR is always queried. When an MT only performs movement, location registration process is executed and finally HLR is updated. This paper is proposing a concept of MT profile forwarding scheme to avoid the HLR from the bottleneck and call misrouting. In the conventional scheme if both called and calling MT are residing in the same VLR, to get the current location of the called MT, the HLR is queried. This is known as tromboning problem. The proposed scheme is efficient in both the cases: location management and call delivery. In the proposed scheme, entire coverage area of a PCS network is divided into zones. Each zone has its own HLR. When an MT moves from one HLR to other HLR its profile copy is made available to the HLR. The serving HLR stores this profile in its database on temporary basis.
User Authentication Method against SQL Injection Attack[Full-Text ] Manju Khari, Nikunj KumarThe Internet and web applications are playing very important role in our today's modern day life. Most of the web applications use the database as a back end to store critical information. SQL injection attacks represent a serious threat to any database-driven site. The methods behind an attack are easy to learn and the damage caused can range from considerable to complete system compromise. Despite these risks an incredible number of systems on the internet are susceptible to this form of attack. Organizations are using a reactive approach towards these threats, instead of a proactive approach that would help avoiding them. In this paper, we propose a technique for user authentication to prevent SQLIAs by hashing and salting the user name and password.
A Power-Saving Passive Infrared Sensor Module[Full-Text ] Swarnava Majumdar, Kuntal Roy"A developed India by 2020, or even earlier, is not a dream. It need not be a mere vision in the minds of many Indians. It is a mission we can all take up - and succeed.'' - Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium. It is with these words in mind that we came up with the idea of a Power Saving Passive Infrared Sensor Module: a device that is simple yet effective, smart yet unpretentious: in short, truly Indian! The Passive infrared (PIR) sensors detect infrared energy radiating from objects within their field of vision without emitting any radiations (hence the name passive). The most common object a PIR sensor detects is the human body. This property of the PIR sensor has been used to detect when a person has left or entered an area. Depending on this movement, a power saving module has been designed, which switches on/off the power supply to a room automatically. This reduces the power expenses occurring due to human negligence in switching off lights, fans etc.
Analysis of the k-? and k-? standard models for the simulation of the flow over a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 4412 airfoil[Full-Text ] Amit Saraf, Farook Ahmed Nazar, Sushil Pratap SinghThe analysis of the two dimensional subsonic flow over a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 4412 airfoil at various angles of attack and operating at a velocity of 50 m/s is presented. The flow was obtained by solving the steady-state governing equations of continuity and momentum conservation combined with any two turbulence models [k-? standard and k-? standard] aiming to the validation of these models through the comparison of the predictions and the free field experimental measurements for the selected airfoil. The aim of the work was to find out the optimum turbulent model out of two models by showing the behavior of the airfoil at specified conditions and to establish a verified solution method. Dependence of the drag CD and lift coefficient CL on the angle of attack was determined using two different turbulence models. Turbulent flows are significantly affected by the presence of walls, where the viscosity affected regions have large gradients in the solution variables and accurate presentation of the near wall region determines successful prediction of wall bounded turbulent flows. In this paper coefficient of lift from software is compared with published practical data. Calculations were done for constant air velocity altering only the angle of attack for every turbulence model tested. This work highlighted two areas in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) that require further investigation: transition point prediction and turbulence modeling. In this work calculations shows that the turbulence models used in commercial CFD codes does not give yet accurate results at high angles of attack.
A Survey on De-registration Schemes in PCS Network[Full-Text ] Rajeev R. Kumar Tripathi, G.S. Chandel, Ravindra GuptaIn Personal Communication Network (PCS), the Mobile Terminal (MT) frequently changes its location. Whenever an MT changes the Registration Area (RA) that results in change of Visitor Location Register (VLR), the Home Location Register is updated. The HLR provides the profile of MT that is cached in the current serving VLR. The HLR informs the previous old VLR to de-register the MT from its database as the MT is currently residing in the new RA being served by another VLR. In this way the current PCS network avoids the stale entry of the left MT. When a call is originated for an MT, the current location of the MT is determined from the HLR end even though called and calling MTs both are residing in the same VLR. Location management and call delivery cost both increase in the same proportion as the number of database access increases.Higher the database access higher will be the cost. In PCS network, the HLR has always the information about the current location of MT. The existing call delivery scheme encourages the idea that whether it is necessary that de-registrtaion of the left MT should be explicitely controlled by the HLR as in existing location management scheme. In past years various de-registration schemes were proposed to reduce the traffic signal incurred in the location management cost as: distance based, movememt based, polling, timeout and group de-registration schemes. This paper is shading light on the various de-registration shemes.
Fingerprint Recognition System and Tehniques: A Survey[Full-Text ] Rahul Sharma, Nidhi Mishra, Sanjeev Kumar YadavFingerprint recognition is one of the most well-known popular technique used in biometrics Fingerprint recognition is the problem of searching and matching a fingerprint from the given database. There are various algorithms and technique whicg gave the accurate results for the fingerprint recognition system. For enhancing the performance and accuracy of biometric fingerprint recognition system a lot of researchers claimed that their algorithms and techniques are better than others.
Breaking Pattern Analysis Of Adhesively Bonded Single Lap Joint Using Finite Element Approach[Full-Text ] Chandra Prakash Giri, Abhishek Jha In the case of composite materials a smoother load transfer between the connecting members helps in lowering the localized stress concentrations as compared to mechanical fasteners . Single lap joint is a frequently used joint configuration at many places in industries. Keeping in view this importance of lap joint in composite materials it becomes imperative to get a more precise picture of the pattern of failure which requires micro approach to analyze the exact pattern of failure. In the present work it is tried to get a real time picture of failure pattern using finite element approach .Different orientation of plywood with different types of epoxy adhesive is considered for the analysis. Variation of normal stress and shear stress are also determined in this work.
Sign Language Recognition Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform and SVM[Full-Text ] Ashwin S.Pol, Dr. S.L.Nalbalwar, Prof. N.S. JadhavSign language is one of the best methods used to communicate with handicapped people and robots. This paper presents system of sign language recognition using bag-of-words and multiclass support vector machine (SVM) approach that uses Scale invariant feature of image. The SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature transform) algorithm [1] takes an image and transforms it into a collection of local feature vectors. SIFT was firstly used to detect key points and describe them because the SIFT features were invariant to image scale and rotation and were robust to changes in the viewpoint and illumination. SIFT method is used to extract all the features of certain types of signs, then formed theirs code book from all the features by using K means clustering and finally classified by using the multiclass support vector machine. We are used American Sign Language (ASL) as an example of a gestural language. The objective of the paper is to decode ASL Image into the appropriate alphabets.
Survey Paper of Fuzzy Data Mining using Genetic Algorithm for Intrusion Detection[Full-Text ] Harshna, Navneet KaurIn spite of of growing information technology widely, security has remained one challenging area for computers and networks. Recently many researchers have focused on intrusion detection system based on data mining techniques as an efficient strategy. Intrusion Detection is one of the important and essential area of research. This work has explored the possibility of integrating the fuzzy logic with Data Mining methods using Genetic Algorithms for intrusion detection. Due to the use of fuzzy logic, the proposed system can deal with mixed type of attributes and also avoid the sharp boundary problem as the reasons for introducing fuzzy logic is two fold, the first being the involvement of many quantitative features where there is no separation between normal operations and anomalies. Thus fuzzy association rules can be mined to find the abstract correlation among different security features rather than to extract all the rules meeting the criteria which are useful for misuse detection. Genetic algorithm is used to extract many rules which are required for anomaly detection systems. So, proposed architecture for Intrusion Detection methods by using Data Mining algorithms to mine fuzzy association rules by extracting the best possible rules using Genetic Algorithms.
An efficient Framework of Spatial Fuzzy Association Rule Mining[Full-Text ] Sanghamitra Panda, Dr. Laxman SahooAlthough there are many types of databases, in almost all application areas, however the basic functions of the database remains same but they require a vastly wider range of techniques integrating from classical to specialized approaches. The specialized data which has been handled today is spatial data, which has emerged as central to many applications which include geographical information systems (GIS), computer-aided design, robotics, image processing etc., all of which have at their core spatial objects. In a relatively very short period, research of spatial database has been enhanced by the use of data mining and fuzzy techniques in order to give better outcomes. Spatial database, stores a large number of space related data and has many different characteristics with relational databases, such as it contains topology and distance information, which is generally represented as multi relational data. So extracting knowledge from spatial database is more difficult than extracting knowledge from traditional relational database. The support and confidence of an association rule mining generally has been used to extract implicit knowledge from spatial database. However some attributes of spatial data does not allow to make the support more effective because of the crisp properties, of the harsh boundaries created by the partitioning of quantitative attributes into intervals generating unnatural division of the data and subsequently of the resultant rules. To overcome this difficulty the fuzzy association rule has been used, but it is found that the extraction of the knowledge from multiple spatial objects is not an easy task. In order to find multidimensional association rule, we have, developed a new framework, which is the main objective in this research work. For this purpose we have used a concept of neighbourhood relation, upon which spatial literals can be built, to find association rules involving spatial relations among spatial objects using fuzzy association rule mining. This new framework generates a multidimentional association rule based on spatial relations, which has better potential for extracting knowledge from large spatial database to enable decision makers to capture more complex pattern and spatial occurrences in a very efficient way.
A Review: Mixed Pixel Resolution By Optimization Algorithm[Full-Text ] Er. Mittu Mittal, Er. Gagandeep, Er. Jagmeet Bawa, Er. Ashish MittalNow a day's Remote Sensing is a mature research area. Remote sensing is defined as a technique for acquiring the information about an object without making physical contact with that image via remote sensors. But the major problem of remotely sensed images is mixed pixel which always degrades the image quality. Mixed pixels are usually the biggest reason for degrading the success in image classification and object recognition. Another major problem is the decomposition of mixed pixels precisely and effectively. Remote sensing data is widely used for the classification of types of features such as vegetation, water body etc but the problem occurs in tagging appropriate class to mixed pixels. In this paper we attempted to present an approach for resolving the mixed pixels by using optimization algorithm i.e. Biogeography based optimization. The main idea is to tag the mixed pixel to a particular class by finding the best suitable class for it using the BBO parameters i.e. Migration and Mutation.
Power and Area Efficient Design of Reconfigurable Crossbar Switch for BiNoC Router[Full-Text ] Mr. Ashish Khodwe, Mrs. V. K. Rajput, Prof.C.N.Bhoyar, Prof. Priya M. NerkarNetwork-on-Chip (NOC) has been proposed as an attractive alternative to traditional dedicated wire to achieve high performance and modularity. Power and Area efficiency is the most important concern in NOC design. Small optimizations in NoC router architecture can show a significant improvement in the overall performance of NoC based systems. Power consumption, area overhead and the entire NoC performance is influenced by the router crossbar switch. This paper presents implementation of 10x10 reconfigurable crossbar switch (RCS) architecture for Dynamic Self-Reconfigurable BiNoC Architecture for Network On Chip. Its main purpose is to increase the performance, flexibility. We implemented a parameterized register transfer level design of reconfigurable crossbar switch (RCS) architecture. The design is parameterized on (i) size of packets, (ii) length and width of physical links, (iii) number, and depth of arbiters, and (iv) switching technique. The paper discusses in detail the architecture and characterization of the various reconfigurable crossbar switch (RCS) architecture components. The characterized values were integrated into the VHDL based RTL design to build the cycle accurate performance model. In this paper we show the result of simple 4 x4 as well as 10x10 crossbar switch .The results include VHDL simulation of RCS on ModelSim tool for 4 x4 crossbar switch and Xilinx ISE 13.1 software tool for 10x10 crossbar switch.
Optical Transmission System Simulation for Analysis of Self Phase Modulation Non Linearity[Full-Text ] Monica Bhutani, Abhishek GagnejaNon linear effects (NLE) are just a consequence of increasing need for high data rates, number of wavelengths, transmission lengths and optical power levels. They appear when the response of a system or process is not proportional to the stimulus given to it. Fiber nonlinearities came into picture in around 1970's. They were ignored then, but were feared during 1990s with the development of LASERS. Reason behind NLE is ultra fast third order susceptibility whose real part contributes to self phase modulation (SPM), cross phase modulation (XPM) and four wave mixing (FWM) and imaginary leads to Stimulated Brillioun Scattering (SBS) and Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS). Optical fibers, now a days have proved to be an unbeatable medium for designing and manipulating applications like light amplification, optical signal processing, optical switching, etc. Earlier we faced issues like optical attenuation and dispersion in fibers, which can now be easily dealt with using a variety of avoidance and cancellation techniques, but nonlinearities like SPM, XPM and FWM need special attention while designing a fiber optic transmission system (FOTS). Here we investigate effects of power, bit rate, dispersion, fiber length and laser frequency on simulation of optical communication system with SPM using parametric run feature in Optsim. Increased input power affects the system as it makes SPM grow which eventually depletes the signal. SPM occurs in signal channel configurations, where it basically converts optical power fluctuations into phase fluctuations in the same wave.
Optimum Quasi-Orthogonal Space Time Turbo Coded MIMO-OFDM System over Frequency Selective Fading Channels[Full-Text ] Gajanan R. Gaurshetti, Prof. Sanjay V. KhobragadeThe research over Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has recently been the focused for improvement to make an efficient communication system. By using this technology we can improve bandwidth efficiency and bit error rates. Space-time coding can achieve transmit diversity without sacrificing bandwidth. A class of space-time block codes namely quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes can achieve the full rate. In this paper, we propose an approach which incorporates the turbo code and Quasi-Orthogonal space-time coding approaches. The proposed Quasi-Orthogonal space-time turbo code (QO-ST-TC) and low complexity ML decoding scheme significantly improves the performance The simulation results show that bit error rate (BER) of 10-2 is achieved in QO-ST-TC at a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of approximately 20 dB as compared to conventional STBC.
Optical Study Of Pva Based Gel Electrolyte[Full-Text ] Shital N. Bhad, V.S.SangawarAn attempt has been made to prepare polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) based gel electrolyte in ammonium thiocyanate(NH4SCN) solution and to characterised it by SEM, FTIR & UV-absorption study. SEM revealed in the 0.5gm and 2.5gm PVA+NH4SCN gel electrolyte, PVA acts as the backbone and NH4SCN particle are distributed randomly both on the surface and in the internal structure of PVA backbone. FTIR result indicates the presence of active interaction between PVA and NH4SCN in these gel electrolytes. From UV- study, the direct band gap is calculated ,and it found that it decreases from 5.57 ev to 3.17ev as PVA concentration increases in gel electrolyte.
An analytical survey of state of the art wormhole detection and prevention techniques[Full-Text ] Zubair Ahmed Khan, Saeed Ur Rehman, M Hasan IslamDue to the current enhancements in the wireless technologies Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) are becoming more and more common. Previously little effort was given towards the security in MANETs, but now due to increase in use of MANETs serious attention is required towards the security of MANETs. A number of different attacks have been discovered that can be launched against MANETs. Wormhole attack is one such attack that has been recently discovered. Wormhole attack is a very severe and challenging attack because of the fact that it can be launched against any protocol and also due to its ability to be effective in case of encrypted traffic. Enormous amount of work has been done towards the mitigation of wormhole attack and its counter measure. In this paper we have tried to combine all the previous research done against the wormhole attack and to summarize the efforts previously done, our aim here is to provide the researchers a platform where they can find a complete reference to all past work done in regards to the wormhole attack. A comparative analysis of the techniques reveals that there is not a single solution available that can comprehensively handle the wormhole attack. In the end we have identified the goals for an ideal solution for the wormhole attack.
A Survey of Internal and External Challenges Experienced by Kenya's Telecommunication Industry[Full-Text ] Omae M. O, Ndungu E. N and Kibet P. L.Telecommunication, being the process of transferring information from one location to the other, makes the whole world to be a small village and by using this service life has become more comfortable and easier. This paper reviews the present condition of the telecommunication sector in Kenya giving special emphasis on the cellular phone operators, the major challenges they face and also tries to find out what can be done to improve the situation through provision of a set of recommendations based on this analysis. The study was based on extensive literature review, primary and secondary data sources like Communication Commission of Kenya.
Performance Comparison of Reconstruction from Non-uniform Samples Using Sinc Interpolation and Method of Spline[Full-Text ] Apurva H. Ghate, K. B. KhanchandaniWe discuss the reconstruction of functions from their samples at non-uniformly distributed locations using two methods of approximation i.e. sinc interpolation and method of spline. Also We simulate reconstruction results for both the methods and compared performance of them based on the errors like mean squared error and mean absolute deviation.
Survey on Ontology Construction Tools[Full-Text ] Dr. Sunitha Abburu, G. Suresh BabuOntology development tools are used for building a new ontology from scratch or reusing existing ontologies. Some of the popular ontology construction tools are Ontolingua Server, WebOnto, OilEd, OntoSaurus, Prot�g�, SWOOP, TopBraid Composer, WebODE, OntoEdit and NeOn toolkit. This paper presents a detailed survey on ontology development tools. This survey article briefly describes the ontology development and it presents comparison summary of the ontology methodologies with respect to their features.
An Optimized Broadcasting Algorithm for AODV based Mobile Adhoc Network[Full-Text ] S.Kalpana, P.Vijayakumar, V.Vijayalakshmi, G.ZayarazMobile Adhoc Network consists of a large number of mobile nodes that communicate with each other in the absence of any fixed infrastructure. In such an environment each node must work as router to forward the data packets in the network. Due to a number of challenges in adhoc network, many researchers have studied and develop various techniques for providing secure routing in Mobile Adhoc Network. An existing system contains an estimated distance based routing protocols to determine route discovery, which can reduce the number of RREQ and. In this paper, Optimized Broadcasting Algorithm (OBA) was proposed for AODV based Mobile Adhoc Network. Optimized Broadcasting Algorithm calculates the relative mobility factor for all nodes in the network, and fix a probability value and calculate a distance of each node in the network, which reduces the number of RREQ packet sent for discovering shortest route in AODV protocol. It can be seen that proposed algorithm is more secure and reliable than existing distance based algorithm. Finally compare the performance of both algorithm and implemented using GLOMOSIM Simulator. Simulation results show that proposed protocol can reduce the routing overhead and improve the routing performance.
Inter-generic relatedness of pheasants (Aves: Galliformes: Phasianidae) based on RAPD using non-invasive samples[Full-Text ] Vinoth Kumar. S, Meignanalakshmi. S, Anjana. RMolecular tools play an important role in conservation genetics. RAPD, the simplest among all PCR techniques, has been used in the present study to reveal the inter-generic relatedness among pheasants such as Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus), Silver pheasant (Lophura nycthemera), Domesticated Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) and Domesticated fowl (Gallus gallus). Among 38 bands amplified by three primers, 34 (89.4%) were highly polymorphic. The bands produced were checked for reproducibility and further statistical analyses were made with Jaccard's and UPGMA method for genetic distance and developing dendrogram. The results clearly revealed the clade divergence of Pavo cristatus and Gallus gallus with that of Lophura nycthemera and Meleagris gallopavo.
Web Usage Mining Tools & Techniques: A Survey[Full-Text ] Kamika Chaudhary, Santosh Kumar Gupta Previous decade has proved itself to be a witness of day to day inventions and discoveries that leads to amelioration of various technologies. As a result World Wide Web has emerged and become information superhighway. The availability of information becomes just a click away. As time passed World Wide Web has grown into myriad of information and it became difficult to extract the data according to the requirement. Web Mining came as a boon to provide solution of above problem. Web Usage Mining is a category of Web Mining. Web Usage Mining mainly deals with discovery and analyzing of usage patterns in order to serve the needs of web based applications. The process of Web Usage Mining mainly consists of three inter-dependent stages: data preprocessing, pattern discovery and pattern analysis. This paper is concerned with the study of different tools and techniques for Web Usage Mining. This survey concentrates in usage mining area and its applications in various fields.
Greenhouse Monitoring System Using GSM[Full-Text ] Prakash.H.Patil, Chaitali Borse, Snehal Gaikwad, Shilpa PatilIn traditional method of farming, human labors were required to visit the greenhouse at specific time need to check the humidity level, light, CO2 and temperature level manually. This conventional method is considered time consuming and needs a lot of work and effort. Therefore this research focuses on developing a system that can automatically monitor and predict changes of temperature, light, Humidity and CO2 level in the greenhouse. The objective of the research is to develop a automatic temperature monitoring system using sensors and Short Message Service (SMS) technology. The proposed system has a measurement which capable of detecting the levels of temperature, light, Humidity and CO2. This system also has a mechanism to alert farmers regarding the parameter changes in the greenhouse so that early precaution steps can be taken. In this research, several tests had been conducted in order to prove the viability of the system. Test results indicated that the reliability of the system in propagating information directly to the farmers could be gained excellently in various conditions [1]
Temperature Effects on MOSFET-Like Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors[Full-Text ] Mostafa Fedawy, Wael Fikry, Adel Alhenawy, Hazem HassanThe Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (CNTFET) can be considered as one of the promising new transistors because it can avoid most of traditional Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) limitations. In this work we present the influence of temperature on the transfer and output characteristics of the MOSFET-Like Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistor (SWCNTFET). The simulation results are performed using our four-subband model which is valid for high and low gate voltage, up to 2 V. Our results prove that the higher subbands have a drastically effect on the saturation drain current especially for high gate voltage. On the other hand, we clarify that the sub-threshold region characteristics are depended only on the first subband. Furthermore, we study the onset-voltage, the on-/off-current ratio, and the sub-threshold swing of the SW-CNTFETs. Results show that, the onset-voltage is decreased linearly with increasing the temperature. Moreover, the rate of change in the onset-voltage with temperature is almost independent on the drain voltage. Unlike the silicon based transistor, both the on- and off-current are increased as the temperature increased. In addition, we show that the on-/off-current ratio will be reduced dramatically when the temperature increased from T=100 K to T=300 K. Moreover, results show that the sub-threshold swing is increased linearly with increasing the temperature and it is almost independent on the drain-source voltage.
Viper Snake intelligent algorithm using Radar Tracking and Attacking System[Full-Text ] Venkateswaran MViper Snake algorithm is useful for tracking the target of fighter flight , missiles in radar display system and it is useful for airborne early warning and control system and attacking system.This algorithm make a radar as intelligent system for tracking the target as a long range and detect the enemy aircraft or missile and set the target position. This attacking the own missile have hit the enemy target and it will inform to base system .
New Strategies For Multisource Software on Multicore Automotive Electronic Control Unit[Full-Text ] RINOLD WILSON, ALEX GEORGEIn this paper we improve the efficiency of the multi core ECUs by using multisource software. As the demand for computing power is quickly increasing in the automotive domain, car manufacturers and tier-one suppliers are gradually introducing multicore electronic control units (ECUs) in their electronic architectures. In addition, these multicore ECUs offer new features such as higher levels of parallelism, which ease the compliance with safety requirements . These new features involve greater complexity in the design, development, and verification of the software applications. Here applying algorithms to improve the efficiency of ECUs. dynamic method is used for executing the different type of runnables. In this paper, we address the problem of sequencing numerous elementary software modules, called runables, on a limited set of identical cores. Wke show how this problem can be addressed as the following two sub problems, which cannot optimally be solved due to their algorithmic complexity
Dissolving Electronic Circuits[Full-Text ] Ashwini.V, Lalitha.S, Madhusudhan.K.N, Shruthi.P, Priya J Nadkarni, Pruthvi.N.RFor most of us, an ideal electronic device is durable and long-lasting. An interdisciplinary team of researchers, though, has developed a new class of circuits that forces us to rethink our concept of what electronics can do in the world. A new class of electronics can dissolve and disappear on a pre-set schedule, within a few minutes or a few years, depending on when you want them to go away. This paper introduces us into a new field called ?transient electronics?. These electronics are there when you need them, and after they've served their purpose they disappear. This approach to electronic construction is a 180-degree shift from traditional engineering philosophy. This revolutionary concept has many applications in fields such as medical implants, environmental monitors and consumer electronics.
Stress analysis and optimization of connecting rod using finite element analysis[Full-Text ] Yogesh Kumar Bharti, Vikrant Singh, Afsar Hussain, Dipanshu Singh, Shyam Bihari Lal, Satish Kumar Dwivedi Design is process by which human desired fulfill. Design of connecting rod is very complex because the connecting rod works in very complicated condition. To obtain a best & suitable design of connecting rod to sustain various stress & forces, finite element analysis suggest the minimum design specification with the help of ANSYS. For this purpose Pro/Engineer wildfire 4.0 develop a solid modeling and ANSYS v13.0 for finite element analysis. Optimization is process which provides best suited option and result. After observation and modeling the analysis for optimization was performed. It relates with weight comparison & reducing of size of connecting rod by analysis various factors which affect the performance like stress.
Context-based Image Annotation & Retrieval for Mobile Device[Full-Text ] Ila Naresh PatilIn this paper, a novel method of context-based image annotation & retrieval on mobile device is presented by using context information. The method helps in retrieving image files in content-based searching methodologies. Specially, for mobile devices, manual annotation is expensive & time consuming task. Here, mobile contexts are used, such as photo captured context and social network context. In this paper, we considered these contexts and get useful semantic content of the photo files. The outcome of this is treated as annotation suggestions. Our annotations include time, location, event, persons etc.
Optimization Of Flexible Jobshop Scheduling Problem Using Attribute Oriented Mining[Full-Text ] Neelesh Kumar SharmaFlexible job-shop scheduling problem (FJSSP) is an extension of the classical job-shop scheduling problem that allows an operation to be processed by any machine from a given set along different routes. It is very important in both fields of production management and combinatorial optimisation. This paper presents a new approach based on attribute oriented mining technique to solve the multi-objective flexible job-shop scheduling problem. Three minimisation objectives - the maximum completion time, the total workload of machines and the workload of the critical machines are considered simultaneously. In this study, a hybrid method is used to assign operations and to determine the processing order of jobs on machines. The objectives are optimised by attribute oriented mining technique which extracts the knowledge from the solution sets to find the near optimal solution of combinatorial optimisation problems. The computational results have shown that the proposed method is a feasible and effective approach for the multi-objective flexible job-shop scheduling problems.
Comparative Study of Composting and Anaerobic Digestion as a means of Animal manure stabilization: A Case of Cow dung[Full-Text ] J.I. Eze and T.M. OkonkwoThe practice of using cow dung for soil conditioning and fertilization dates back to the early history of man, even though, it has received greater attention in recent times due to high cost of chemical fertilizer as well as the environmental impacts on sustainable agriculture. This study explores the three methods of cow dung stabilization namely: composting in 3m depth compost pit, composting on plain earth surface and anaerobic digestion in a biodigester. Standard analytical methods were used to determine proximate composition, total viable and coliform counts in each case before and after degradation. Temperature, pH and odour levels of the surroundings were also monitored for ten days using thermometer, Jeanway pH meter and sensory panellists respectively. Microbial identification was based on biochemical analyses. Results show that anaerobic digestion of cow dung is most efficient and effective in cow dung stabilization with very significant odour control within the vicinity. Unlike the composting methods which reduced the values of fat, protein and fibre by less than 70%, anaerobic digestion recorded 100% degradation of fat, protein and fibre respectively. Degradation of other constituents showed similar trend, with composting on earth surface having the least effect. Bacterial identified were similar in all the cases and include Klebsiella, bacillus pumilus, P. restrictum, Aspergillus niger and Psudomonas aeroginnosa while the total viablet and mould countss were slightly higher in the waste treated by anaerobic digestion.
Design of a Microbial fuel cell for Continuous electricity production using manure sludge waste[Full-Text ] D.Prakash, Dr.Anand. KThe cell voltage and power performance of a microbial fuel cell utilizing waste carbohydrate as a fuel, that does not use a mediator, catalysts or a proton exchange membrane, is reported. Tests were conducted with the cell operated essentially as a battery using manure sludge as fuel and with oxygen reduction in an aqueous solution. Using carbon cloth as anode and cathode, the cell produced peak power of the order of 5mWm-2. The cell performance was not greatly influenced by the quantity of fuel used and required a suitable separation between the cathode, anode and sludge/water interface. Agitation of the sludge did not adversely affect the cell performance, indicating that a continuous fuel cell system could be operated using the manure sludge. Using a platinised carbon cathode doubled the power density to over 10mWm-2. The use of nickel as an alternative cathode catalyst was not found to be effective under the conditions of operation of the cell. The cell power performance was found to be consistent and stable over the 3month duration of the tests, after which point over 95% consumption of carbohydrate was achieved. Examination of the carbon anodes after the tests showed consistent formation of a biofilm on the surface of the fibers. A cell stack design based on multiple pocket anodes containing the fuel sludge has also been demonstrated.
Energy Efficient Lighting For Railway Tunnels In India[Full-Text ] Yogesh Popat, Shruti Sharma, Hitesh kishnani, Govinda SachdevThis paper depicts the concept for production of energy as well as the conservation of energy with the help of piezoelectric effect. As the technological age is quickly revolutionizing the way and actions are increasingly being handled in automatic manner so this paper depicts the automatic method of generating electrical potential by mechanical work. Day by Day the energy requirement is increasing very rapidly but there is lack of supply. In this paper the main stress is given to the energy production and conservation by piezoelectric effect in Eco friendly manner.
Evalution Of Load Lifting Capacity Of Women Worker In Construction Work By Using A Fuzzy Logic Approach[Full-Text ] Manish Kumar Sagar, Manvendra Singh kushwah, Sharad AgrawalWork-related musculoskeletal injuries are often associated with overexertion of the body at construction work. The manual material handling activity of lifting is a major source of work related musculoskeletal disorders. Low back disorders (LBD) are most vital problem of woman worker and who work at construction side/ in industry. This problem associated with high costs to the individual and can influence the quality work and health of women workers. In this paper researcher work to evaluate load lifting capacity, of woman worker which play an important role to mitigate lower back ach problem of women worker in manual material handling, researcher used the fuzzy logic approach for the same.
Synthesis of some new 5-aryl-4-[2-(4- substituted phenyl amine)-ethyl]-2,4-dihydro-[1,2,4]-triazole-3-thiones as possible antimicrobial agents.[Full-Text ] B. B. L. Srivastava5-aryl-4-[2-(4-subsituted phenyl amine)-ethyl]-2,4-dihydro-[1,2,4]- triazole-3-thiones (4a-i) was prepared by treatment of 4-(2-Hydroxy ethyl)-5-aryl -2,4-dihydro-3H-1,2,4-triazole-3-thiones (2) with different substituted aromatic amines (3). The compounds were screened for antibacterial activity against three bacteria viz staphylococcus aurous (Sa), Entercocous faceless (Ef) and Escherichia Coli (Ec) involving two strains of (Sa) and (Ef) and only one of (Ec) as recommended by NCCLS Moxifloxacin and Linezolid were taken as the reference standards.
Validation of Extreme Climatic Events as Inferred From Hadley Center Regional Climate Model Version 2.0 at Local Level in Central India[Full-Text ] C N Tripathi and K K SinghA validation exercise was performed to test the ability of the Hadley Center Regional Climate Model Version 2.0 in simulating the features of observed extreme climatic at six selected locations in Central India. Extreme events considered for the evaluation were extreme hot conditions, extreme cold conditions, extreme rainfall and rainy days. Extreme hot conditions (on the basis of maximum temperature being more than certain threshold, depending upon the general occurrence of high temperature at particular locations) extreme cold conditions (on the basis of minimum temperature being less than certain threshold value, depending upon the general occurrence of lower minimum temperature at particular location) were compared with the corresponding observed climatology. No of rainy days (On the basis of a day having rainfall more than certain threshold, depending upon the location, and extreme rainfall conditions (on the basis of rainfall being more than certain threshold depending upon the location) in simulated and observed climatology were also compared. Results indicate that the occurrence of extreme hot conditions are much more frequent in simulated climate than that of observed climate at almost all the locations in Central India. Frequencies of occurrence of observed extreme cold conditions was overestimated for some locations and underestimated for other locations in Central India. Therefore it seems from above comparison that the occurrence of extreme cold condition in observed climate is not adequately represented by simulated climate in Central India. The frequencies of occurrence of extreme rainfall conditions are much less frequent in simulated climate than that of observed climate at almost all the locations in Central India Number of rainy days in observed climate are overestimated in simulated climate at almost all the locations of Central India. Therefore regional simulation perform very poorly in simulating extreme climatic events and can not be used for realistic impact assessment at local level in India.
Field stratigraphy of Vidrupa River basin, Akola District, Maharashtra, India with reference to watershed management[Full-Text ] Khadri, S.F.R. and Suple, P.A.The Vidrupa river area is a part of the Purna alluvium basin. In this area various geological formations are well exposed. In regional set up of the study area presence of a small patch of sandstone belonging from Gondwana formation exposed at near Pimparkhed village of Telhara taluka. The length of sandstone is about 1.5 to 2.00 km and 100 to 200 m in width observed in between Bazada zone and Purna alluvium towards the Northern part of the study area. In the study area, the detailed flow by flow field mapping and correlation of the extent of lava flows in the field by differentiation them with the help of distinct field characters along with petrographic observations and computer aided statistical techniques have led to the establishment of a comprehensive field stratigraphy of the Vidrupa region. Based on field and petrographic investigation coupled with geological mapping as well as the Vidrupa River basin can be subdivided into 2 well defined formations namely Chippi and Dhondakhar comprising of 10 different lava flows. The results of this study have established the flow by flow field stratigraphy of the Vidrupa Volcanics based on field mapping of individual lava flows and petrographic correlation of various lava flows. In this study an attempt has been made to decipher the petrogenetic significance of the lava pile and the aerial extent of the individual lava flows. In addition, in this study an attempt has been made to correlate the lava flows not only in the study area but also in the adjoining regions so as to establish the field stratigraphic sequence.
Vibrational Analysis Of Exhaust Muffler[Full-Text ] Vinay Gupta, Dhananjay Kr. Singh, Dhirendra kr. Singh, Madan Mohan Mishra, Satish Kumar Dwivedi, Ajay Yadav This paper postulates the first stage in the design of an exhaust system, With the specified properties of the different material, the exhaust system is modeled by solid works. In this paper, the structures are automotive exhaust system and the materiel used for the exhaust system is described. The result are compared the deformation of silencer parts of three specified materials for same exhaust thrust. This paper plays a vital role of deciding the life cycle of silencer.
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Performance of Golden encoded MIMO OFDM system with carrier frequency offset[Full-Text ] Dr.C.Geetha PriyaThis paper presents the performance of carrier Frequency offset estimation algorithm for golden encoded MIMO OFDM system. Basically Algebraic Space Time Code (ASTC) has three major encoding methods they are Golden, TAST and DAST encoding. But Golden encoder provides an efficient performance while compared with the TAST and DAST. Carrier frequency offset estimated for Golden code multiple input and multiple output (MIMO) Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system. The orthogonal training sequence are simultaneously transmitted and received from multiple antennas. In the receiver side estimated the Carrier frequency offset (CFO), Golden code gives the efficient SNR vs. MSE compared with the Cramer Rao Lower Bound (CRLB).
Hardware implementation of Configurable High dataRate Test Station for Data Handling System of Earth Observation Satellites[Full-Text ] Sharmistha Sharma, Somasundaram.S, Ankit Agarwal, Thenmozhi SelviEarth observation satellites are used to observe the earth surfaces, sea surfaces, analysis of anthropogenic effects on earth, earth imaging, climatic monitoring, ocean currents etc. The observation instruments are installed on satellites for remote sensing purposes. Major imaging observing instruments includes Panchromatic CCD/TDI cameras, multispectral CCD/TDI cameras and SAR payloads. A Satellite development involves rigorous testing before qualification. Qualification of satellite in turn involves a challenge of developing a robust, configurable and standardised test station to deliver flight qualified subsystems with zero defects for satellite applications. Developing such a test station for subsystems and usage across multiple satellite missions reduces the turn around time, cost of components, testing methods, overall spacecraft development schedule and increases the reliability of the subsystems. This paper addresses the design and development of a configurable test station that is suitable to test the Data handling system of multiple satellite missions. The paper includes the architecture of test station and necessary utilities required to qualify the entire base band data handling system. The paper also addresses the configurable/programmable hardware and software that allow reusing of different interfaces of the test system with other subsystems to meet multiple satellite missions.
A Review Paper On WaterMarking: Present Scenario and challenges[Full-Text ] Dr. T. N. Sharma, Ms. Kanika Phutela, Mr. Manish Bhardwaj, Mr. Amitesh KumarThere has been a remarkable increase in the data exchange over web and the wide-spread use of digital media. As a result, multimedia data transfer also had an improvement. Digital watermarking is popular due to the increase in the requirement of copyright protection for digital contents. The commercial prospective is the another requirement. There are various fields where water marking can be implemented such as in copy control, video authentication, broadcast monitoring, copyright protection ,finger print authentication etc.
Behaviour of Ultrasonic velocities and elastic constants of xB2O3 - (75-x)PbO - 25P2O5 and xMoO3 - (75-x)PbO - 25P2O5 glasses[Full-Text ] B.Hemalatha and P.VasantharaniUltrasonic velocity and density measurements in B2O3 - PbO - P2O5 and MoO3 - PbO - P2O5 composition glasses have been made at a temperature of 303 K by making use of Pulse Echo method. These measured values were used to evaluate elastic moduli such as longitudinal, Young's, bulk and shear, Poisson's ratio, acoustic impedance, micro hardness and Debye temperature. The structural and physical properties of the glass samples have been discussed in the light of the above parameters.
Cloud Computing and Big Data analysis using Hadoop on a Eucalyptus cloud[Full-Text ] Abhishek DeyCloud computing is the modern and advanced variety of distributed computing where we distribute our resources or deploy our software over a network as a Service. In this work, the main focus is to build an open source EUCALYPTUS cloud ecosystem [1] to realize how we can distribute our resources from one computer or server to many nodes. This is known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) [2]. This not only ensures cost reductions in up gradation of commodity hardware or low resource powered computers; but comes with a greater reliability, fault tolerance, and improved security. Also, the work deals with implementation and analyzes the importance of a software framework for the cloud ecosystem which helps us to solve or process huge data sets [3] (usually greater than 20Petabytes) using the classical MapReduce paradigm. In order to achieve this, an open source framework called HADOOP has been used which can process huge data sets over a network in few seconds (62 seconds to process 1TB) [4] using commodity hardware instead of costly and powerful dedicated servers.
Commercial Application Of Cryptosystems In Mobile Services[Full-Text ] Swati Chaudhary, Vinit Kumar, Preeti ChaudharyIn this research paper we are mainly focusing on NTRU Cryptosystems in mobile services mainly Short Message Service (SMS) and its security which is getting more popular now-a-days for commercial purposes. SMS was first used in December 1992, when Neil Papworth, a 22-year-old test engineer used a personal computer to send the text message "Merry Christmas" via the Vodafone GSM network to the phone of Richard Jarvis in the UK. It will play a very important role in the future business areas of mobile commerce (M-Commerce). Presently many business organizations use SMS for their business purposes. SMS's security has become a major concern for business organizations and customers. There is a need for an end to end SMS Encryption in order to provide a secure medium for communication. Security is main concern for any business company such as banks who will provide these mobile banking services. Till now there is no such scheme that provides complete SMSs security. The transmission of an SMS in GSM network is not secure at all. Therefore it is desirable to secure SMS for business purposes by additional encryption. In this paper, we have analyzed different cryptosystems for implementing to the existing Secure Extensible and Efficient SMS (SEESMS). We planned to implement NTRU cryptosystem into existing SEESMS frame. The NTRU public key cryptosystem was developed in 1996 at Brown University by three mathematicians J. Hoffstein, J.Pipher and J.H. Silverman. It is not that much popular cryptosystems like RSA, ECC and other traditional. The major advantages of NTRU cryptosystem is much faster generating key, encryption time and decryption time as compared to others. It is easily compatible with mobile devices and other portable devices. We have compared theoretically and analysis of NTRU with RSA and ECC cryptosystems at end of my papers. It is theoretically proposed here. We are expecting our novel scheme may show better result than others. So it will provide improve the current security level and fastest speed with respect to key generation, encryption decryption with small key size. This proposal will suitable to any kind of mobile device for SMS communication with suitable data security.
Horizontal distribution association rule mining for parallel data sets[Full-Text ] P. Dhana Lakshmi, C.Ravindra MurthyAssociation rule mining (ARM) has become one of the core data mining tasks. ARM is an undirected or unsupervised data mining technique which works on variable length data, and produces clear and understandable results. Association rule mining is an active data mining research area.ARM algorithms provides to a centralized environment. The aim of Association Rule Mining is to detect relationships or patterns between specific values of categorical variables in large data sets. The main idea of association rule mining in the existing algorithm is to partition the attribute values into Transaction patterns. Basically, this technique enables analysts and researchers to uncover hidden patterns in large data sets. Here the pre-processed data is stored in such a way that online rule generation may be done with a complexity proportional to the size of the output. An optimized algorithm for online rule generation is used in the existing model with adjacency lattice. This algorithm generates all the essential rules and no rule is missing. With the motivation gained from the online rule generation model here we propose a novel Horizontal distributed Association rule mining algorithm for Parallel distributed datasets. ODAM is a distributed algorithm for geographically distributed data sets that reduces communication costs. This algorithm aims to generate rules from different data sets spread over various geographical sites, hence, they require external communications throughout the entire process.
Prospects And Views On To Strengthening Intellectual Property Rights (Iprs) In Developing Countries, With Special Reference To Foriegn Direct Investment (Fdi). [Full-Text ] Preetima TewariThis paper supports in assessing the impact of intellectual property rights (IPRs) in developing countries, in the context with the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and the development of TRIPS-plus standards with special reference to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
Fast Pattern Matching Algorithm for detection of Wild Animal Hairs using SEM Micrographs[Full-Text ] Yadav Satendra Kumar and Dahiya Mohinder SinghFor hair detection of wild endangered animal species of feline family viz. Panthera leo persica, Panthera pradus fusca and Panthera tigris tigris, a fast pattern matching algorithm (FPMA) named as Dahiya and Yadav (DnY-FPMA) has been developed based on normalized cross correlation (NCC) and convolution techniques. The scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images were used for current forensic evaluation. FPMA method applied to recognize and/or locate specific objects in an image using correlation and convolution techniques. To improve the accuracy of the FPMA model, multiple reference templates were used for identification of unknown images. In this model, the best correlations of test SEM images at various magnifications have been made for getting clarity in results. The test images of above species were compared with standard images, which have proved that the correlation method found to be more accurate for evaluation than of the convolution method. FPMA method oriented the images properly and made them noiseless by rotating the inclined images with radon function having reference orientation. The obtained results revealed that the matching pattern for leopard, lion and tiger were up to a maximum of 99.64%,99.50% and 99.60% with convolution while 99.58%, 99.68% and 98.87% with NCC respectively.
Variable Frequency Drives In Power Distribution[Full-Text ] Vishv MohanUsing VFDs for frequency regulation, in consonance with transformers, for household electricity-supply; the reactive-power (i.e, VAr demand) can be reduced and the power factor gets increased to enhance the efficiency of power transmission. Thus the VFDs have a vital role to save energy in power systems. As the transformer performs the function of stepping-up or stepping down the voltage at constant frequency, if the Variable Frequency Drives will be used in consonance with transformer for optimum frequency regulation then a tremendous amount of energy can be conserved which can be used for other constructive purposes. This paper has experimentally showed the results where the power transmission and power distribution at lesser frequency is energetically more favorable, in energy conservation point of view. At any point of time, VFDs make the power transmission at relatively low frequency to minimize the power transmission & distribution losses as per the load demand so that the energy can be saved and transmission losses can be reduced to a great extent. The graphical representation of the paper tells at which point the reduction in frequency is favorable for efficient power transmission and distribution.
Cellulase Production By Aspergillus Flavus And Saccharification Of Wheat Straw[Full-Text ] Swati Pandit, Kapil Lawrence, Anupama Singh, Sangya Singh and Reena LawrenceCellulase production from fungal sources is utilized in the processing of lignocellulosic biomass for production of alternative fuels. Biomass selection is an important consideration in commercial production of cellulase. Wheat straw is a cheap and readily available substrate with potential for bioconversion. The production of cellulase using wheat straw as substrate and subsequently saccharification was investigated in this study. Rapid production of cellulase viz. FPase & CMCase derived from Aspergillus flavus was observed. Maximum activity of FPase 167 IU/g and CMCase 415IU/g was obtained after 96h of incubation with cellulose as co-substrate and pH 4.5. Highest saccharification yield was with 25gL-1 (72%) substrate though higher concentration of wheat straw inhibited enzyme activity. The study suggests that production of cellulase from Aspergillus flavus using low cost wheat straw as substrate can be an alternative for large scale low cost enzyme production.
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Evaluation of some novel Schiff bases derived from Benzothiazole derivative[Full-Text ] A.G. Awale, Dr. S. B. Gholse, Dr. P.S.UtaleIn an attempt to find out a new class of antimicrobial agents new series of Benzylidine-2- imino-1,3-benzothiazole and other related products containing benzothiazole moiety were prepared. The synthesis was carried out by condensation of different aromatic aldehydes with benzothiazole derivative using different procedures. The synthesised compounds were characterized and evaluated for antimicrobial activities. The newly synthesized compounds were tested against representatives of gram-positive and gram- negative bacteria ( staphylococcus aureus and Basillus subtilis. ) by agar diffusion method using Ampicillin as control. The result indicates that the compounds possessed a broad spectrum of activity against the tested microorganisms. Structures of the newly synthesized compounds were established by physical and spectroscopic analysis.