Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition
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Image Fusion On MR And CT Images[Full-Text ] Smita AnilKulkarni, Dr. A.D. KumbharMedical imaging has emerged as one of the most important tools to identify as well as diagnose various disorders. The main objective of medical imaging is to obtain high resolution image details as with as much details as possible for correct diagnosis. There are several medical imaging techniques such as MRI and CT imaging techniques. Both give special sophisticated characteristics of the organ to be imaged. So it is expected that fusion of MRI and CT images of same organ would result in an integrated image of much more details. Many algorithms and tools have been developed for fusing panchromatic and multispectral images. A image fusion algorithm based on wavelet transform to fuse two images is presented in this paper. When images are merged in wavelet space, different frequency ranges are processed differently. It can merge information from original images adequately and improve abilities of information analysis and feature extraction. Wavelet transform of two input images is taken together with fusion rule. Then, inverse wavelet transform is computed to reconstruct fused image.
Vehicular Network: Properties, Structure, Challenges, Attacks, Solutions for Improving Scalability and Security[Full-Text ] N.Jayalakshmi, R.Rajadurai, K.IndumathiVANET is a form of Mobile Ad-Hoc Network or MANET and its different from MANET due to high mobility of nodes and the large scale of networks. The escalating amount of budding applications related to intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) has attracted more number of researchers to the area of vehicular networks (VNs). Some main curriculums of applications have lately gained popularity, i.e., security, scalable, safety, and traffic information and service location applications. In our paper we discussed what the challenges, attacks faced by vehicular networks and we provided solutions for some of the challenges which comprises more important factor. For improving scalability in vehicular network we introduced two sets of protocol (LocVSDPs and GeoVCom) and also suggested a set of resolution to progress the security in VANET.
Review of Geometric Distortions in Digital Image Watermarking [Full-Text ] Sukhwinder Kaur Bhatia,Dr.Rajneesh TalwarDigital Image Watermarking has become a need of the hour in case of multimedia. But along with that comes the problem of dealing with the geometric distortions. This paper presents an overview of the various techniques used for eliminating geometric distortions. It summarises the advantages and disadvantages of one method over the other. As we are more dependent on multimedia for passing of the information so dealing with the various types of distortion is of utmost necessity nowadays.
Artefact Removal and Skull Elimination from MRI of Brain Image[Full-Text ] Sudipta Roy, Sanjay Nag, Indra Kanta Maitra, Prof. Samir Kumar BandyopadhyayDetection of brain abnormalities form magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain image is very important task. Many different artefacts are present in MRI and due to this artefact degraded the image quality and also the diagnostic quality. Detection of abnormalities in brain like tumor and edema, skull elimination important otherwise it has been treated as an abnormality in automated system or may hamper the intelligence system. Here a method of artefact and skull removal has been proposed which is combination of statistical and computational geometric approach.
A survey paper on e-learning based learning management Systems (LMS)[Full-Text ] Chirag Patel, Mahesh Gadhavi, Dr. Atul PatelIn the era of globalization, knowledge becomes necessary. Today it is very easy to share and disseminate knowledge due to evolution in technology. In this paper, we have included study of numerous e-learning based learning management systems(LMS). Each system is classified as per the parameters such as technology, features and platform-tools. Base on these parameters a new unified cloud based system is proposed with all these parameters and other new features.
A Novel Cache Architecture For Multicore Processor Using Vlsi[Full-Text ] Sujitha .S, Anitha .NMemory cell design for cache memories is a major concern in current Microprocessors mainly due to its impact on energy consumption, area and access time. Cache memories dissipate an important amount of the energy budget in current microprocessors. An n-bit cache cell, namely macrocell, has been proposed. This cell combines SRAM and eDRAM technologies with the aim of reducing energy consumption while maintaining the performance. The proposed M-Cache is implemented in processor architecture and its performance is evaluated. The main objective of this project is to design a newly modified cache of Macrocell (4T cell). The speed of these cells is comparable to the speed of 6T SRAM cells. The performance of the processor architecture including this modified-cache is better than the conventional Macrocell cache design. Further this Modified Macrocell is implemented in Mobile processor architecture and compared with the conventional memory. Also a newly designed Femtocell is compared with both the macrocell and Modified m-cache cell.
To Study Maximum Power Point Tracking In Photovoltaic Cells[Full-Text ] ARPIT PANDEY, S.DEVDAS The modeling of PV (photovoltaic) systems is very crucial for embedded power system applications and maximum power point tracking. This paper presents a PV array model using Matlab/Simulink with the assistance of SimPowerSystem toolbox. The PV cell is considered as the main building block for simulating and monitoring the PV array performance. The PV model has been developed and used as Simulink subsystems where the effect of solar insolation and PV array temperature on commercial PV modules have been studied throughout the simulated I-V and P-V output characteristics. The proposed model facilitates simulating the dynamic performance of PV-based power systems. The effect of different partial shading patterns of PV arrays under different configurations has been studied.
Geo-Mean Sort[Full-Text ] Safal PanditaSorting is an algorithm used to arrange all elements of a list in an order. It can be arranged in increasing as well as decreasing order. Several sorting algorithms with various time and space complexities exist already due to the very important applications of sorting . This paper proposes an algorithm which is a modification of counting sort and bucket sort to produce a new stable sorting algorithm having better space complexity than counting sort without affecting it's time complexity and better worst case time complexity than generic bucket sort. It also has better time complexity than any comparison based sorting algorithm as it is not bound by O(n*log(n)) .It's best case complexity is O(n) whereas worst case complexity is O(m+n). The space complexity is (vmn + n ). Hence it is concluded from experimental and theoretical observations that this algorithm can replace counting sort and is also better than the generic bucket sort implementation.
A survey on effectiveness of TCP Westwood in mixed wired and wireless networks[Full-Text ] Patel Kaushika, Rathod Jagdish MInternet is expanding rapidly over the entire globe, TCP/IP is inseparable part of Internet. The increased use of wireless links for providing connectivity in remote areas and facilitating mobility in Internet brought out some serious performance issues of TCP, which was designed for wired links. TCP Westwood (TCPW) is a sender-side modification of the TCP congestion control algorithm that improves upon the performance of TCP Reno in wired as well as wireless networks. It continuously measure the bandwidth used by the connection by monitoring the rate of returning ACKs. The estimate is then used to compute congestion window and slow start threshold after a loss episode. This is to avoid over-shrinking cwnd after loss. In this paper the basic algorithm for TCP Westwood and it's characteristics like fairness friendliness are discussed. Also how error rate, RTT, buffer size and other parameters cause the effect on performance measures like throughput, congestion window utilization and ssthresh. Review of modifications done in basic algorithm based on different parameters is included with scope of improvement.
A Simulation Study Of Joint Power Controling, Scheduling And Routing In Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Kethireddy Sai Sandeep, Vijay Kumar.P, NirumbaIn recent years, we have witnessed an increased interest in using wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in a wide range of military and civilian applications. To lower the cost, in these networks sensors are typically powered by non-rechargeable batteries. Once deployed, the sensors in the field are usually left unattended, making the replacement of the batteries impractical (if not impossible). To provide long-lasting operation time, energy efficient system architecture and communica-tion protocols are crucial to the successful deployment of WSNs.
IIR Butterworth Low-High Pass Optical Filters Design[Full-Text ] Elham Jasim MohammadIn this study, the efforts have been made to introduce the concept of filtering, describes Butterworth and Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, and how it can be designed using MATLAB. The types of IIR filters like Butterworth low-pass and high-pass filters are designed to generate their magnitude response and filter coefficients. The main goal of this work is to obtain an optimized filter response along with the filter coefficients.
Oxidation Studies on As-received and HVOF Sprayed Stellite-6 Coating on Turbine Alloys at 800°C[Full-Text ] N. Jegadeeswaran, K Udaya Bhat, M.R RameshStellite-6 coating was deposited on Co-based superalloy, Titanium based alloy and Fe-based special alloy by high velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) process to enhance their high- temperature oxidation resistance. Oxidation studies were conducted on as-received as well as HVOF-coated alloys after exposure to static air environment at 800°C under cyclic conditions. Each cycles consisted of 1 hr heating in the silicon carbide tube furnace followed by 20 min cooling in air. Thermogravimetric technique was used to approximate the kinetics of oxidation. Coating surface composition after oxidation studies was characterised by XRD and SEM. Cross section of coatings were analysed by SEM-EDX. The coating and the oxide scale formed on the exposed surface were protecting from the oxidation degradation of materials exposed to high temperature environment.
Kidney Segmentation in CT - Scan Image[Full-Text ] P. Natarajan, Bhuvanesh Pratap Singh, Shashank Dwivedi, Shraiya NancyIn this paper an effective approach for extracting kidney in abdominal CT scan (Computed Tomography) images has been proposed. It has been divided into two stages. In the first stage a template evaluation method has been developed for extracting the desired region in an image on the basis of properties of an organ, which helps in processing to a confined region and is an automated process. The second stage uses the concept of intensity values of a pixel and separates the desired region from the original image on the basis of a computed threshold range. In addition to this it uses a set of morphological operations for fine coarse kidney segmentation and various filters for removing noise from an image.
Bluetooth 4 And Zigbee Comparision[Full-Text ] Monica Lamba, Gourav SainiThis Paper gives you Detail Knowledge about Bluetooth 4 and Zigbee Comparison. By Reading this Paper you are able to understand the Meaning of Bluetooth Technology and Zigbee Technology and Comparison between them in Technical term..
Design of Quadrifilar Helical Antenna For S-Band Applications[Full-Text ] Sonia Sharma, Jagmehender Sheoran, Om Prakash GoswamiIn this paper, a new open ended Quadrifilar Helical Antenna (QHA) is proposed. A Quadrifilar Helical Antenna with parasitic helical strips for circular polarization. The mutual coupling effect between the grounded helical strips and the feeding helical arms provides a good impedance match and wider hemispherical coverage. The impedance bandwidth corresponding to VSWR < 2 is 200 MHz, from 2.28 GHz to 2.48 GHz. This antenna is design on FEKO software and prototype model is tested for the transmission of voice, video and different digital data with satisfactory results. This antenna works well for wi- fi signals reflected off from building and moving vehicles. This antenna is small in size, low cost, and light in weight. Quadrifilar helix antennas are used in the lower microwave band, from L-band to X-band. Typical applications are for TT&C-links in satellites and narrow band data links. The other applications are in GPS-receivers, both in satellite based and ground based systems.
Performance Characteristics of a DI Diesel Engine Fuelled With The Blends Of Diesel-Biodiesel-Ethanol[Full-Text ] R. SenthilKumar, R.Manimaran, R. RamadossBiodiesel (fatty acid methyl esters), which isderived from triglycerides by transesterification with methanol, has attracted considerable attention during the past decade as a renewable, biodegradable, and nontoxic fuel. Several processes for biodiesel fuel production have been developed, among which transesterification process by using alkali catalyst has been industrially accepted for its high conversion and short reaction times. However this type of catalyst is not able to be reused and requires tedious washing and separating steps. Recently, enzymatic transesterification has attracted much attention for biodiesel production asit produces high purity product and enables easy separation from the byproduct, glycerol. The high costsof lipase enzyme and lipase inactivation caused by methanol are the main obstacles for a commercially feasible enzymatic production of biodiesel fuels. In the present work to overcome the above mentioned problems, lipase enzyme is produced from Pseudomonasfluorescence culture and immobilized with sodiumalginate by using entrapment method for cost reduction and a solvent (n-hexane) is used for reduction in inactivation caused by methanol. The transesterification reaction was carried out in a batch reactor and the maximum yield of 92 % was obtained at 24 h at 40°Cwith a reaction mixture containing 6:1 molar ratio ofmethanol to substrate, 5g of enzyme and suitableamount of n-hexane based on molar ratio. Finally thephysical properties of D70B25E5(contains 70%diesel,25%biodiesel, 5%ethanol), D70B20E10(contains70%diesel, 20%biodiesel, 10%ethanol), andD100(contains pure diesel) were analyzed and tested in asingle cylinder, four stroke, direct injection, constantspeed, compression ignition diesel engine (Kirloskar) to evaluate the performance characteristics.
Study of gravity induced Particle Production in earth's gravitational field[Full-Text ] Purushottam Poddar & Shiv Kumar YadavIn this paper the production of particles have been discussed via interaction with the earth's gravitational field. Explicit calculations have been done for high energy scalars passing through earth's gravitational field. Here it is shown that the width for the scalar process can become comparable with a typical weak decay width at an energy scale of few Tev. We have speculated that similar processes may be responsible for many of the anomalies in the 10-104 Tev experimental data.
Power Generation Using Hydraulic Mechanism at Speed bumper[Full-Text ] K.Ravivarma, B.Divya, C.P.Prajith, A.Sivamurugan, K.Vengatesan.The extensive usage of energy has resulted in an energy crisis, and there is a need to develop methods of optimal utilization, which will not only ease the crisis but also preserve the environment. The focus now is shifting more and more towards the conventional energy, which are essentially, non-polluting. In this paper we approach a new mechanism to generate power from speed bumper, because the number of vehicles passing over the speed bumper in roads is increasing day by day. This proposed system is to extract the kinetic energy of vehicle flow in the streets entitled as generating power from speed bumper through hydraulic mechanism. It is more efficient than other existing models, which enable to accommodate conventional, both in terms of balancing electricity supply and demand in energy across the global.
Groundwater vulnerability assessment through DRASTIC model for Amravati taluka, Amravati district, Maharashtra[Full-Text ] Sunil P Khadse and Satish V KulkarniThe assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution has been an effective tool for the delineation of protection ones in areas affected by groundwater pollution. In the present study, intrinsic vulnerability and the groundwater pollution risk is assessed for Amravati taluka, Amravati district, Maharashtra using the DRASTIC method. These parameters are imported in a simple linear equation after they have been reduced from the physical range scale to a ten-grade relative scale. The methodology adopted for the evaluation of pollution risk has basic structure of the DRASTIC model, at the same time it incorporated the use of simple statistical techniques for the revision of the factor ratings and weightings of all parameters. The effectiveness of these transformations is based on correlation coefficient of the "aquifer vulnerability" and "nitrates concentration" parameters. Following the above-mentioned modifications, the correlation coefficient between groundwater pollution risk and nitrates concentration was considerably improved to 33% higher than the original method.
X-Ray Absorption and Emission of Transition Elements[Full-Text ] Prabhpreet Kaur, Sirdeep SinghWe have measured X ray spectra of 3d transition elements(Ca ,Ti ,Cr) by using high resolution crystal spectrometry. Lower Energy Satellites and radiative contributions were clearly resolved and their energies and intensities relative to parent line were determined.
Invention of sequence management[Full-Text ] Awadh KishorThis is a new topic for physical science and technology. The Fundamental of sequence system and remainder theory is most important, it solve many problem based on several field of life such as science and engineering, to issue currency, to provent duplicasy, to issue mobile recharges, public administration, corporate word, industrial state, mathematics, nuclear physics, space sciences etc. It is more easy to denote and understand.
Variable Frequency Derives In Power Distribution[Full-Text ] Vishv MohanUsing VFDs for frequency regulation, in consonance with transformers, for household electricity-supply, the reactive-power can be reduced; and the power factor gets increased thereby energy can be saved.
The Study of Correlation between type of Auditors' Report & the Quality of Accrued Interest in Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange[Full-Text ] Dariyoush Takhsha Shamsabadi, Soheila KhozamiStrong capital market is the ichle of economic development and growth. The accounting earnings and its components are among the most important information which is considered by individuals when taking decision. In fact, accounting earnings which is measured and reported based on the accruals, provides more accurate evaluation from the operation of a business unit and its financial situation. Managers start out manipulating earnings in different ways, one of which is the manipulation of accruals which causes the reduction in the quality of reported earnings. Since the earnings quality is one of the important items for the users of financial reports, specially investors, to take proper decisions, and reliance on these information is relevant only to the type of auditors' comment, therefore, in this study, in order to find out the quality of earnings based on the type of auditors' comment, we study the type of relation between auditors' comment and earnings quality which is measured through abnormal accruals. The research has been conducted in Tehran Stock Exchange in the time interval of the years 2004 to 2008. In terms of reasoning, the research is inductive-deductive and as to data collection, it is a descriptive-correlation research and is based on real information in the companies' financial statement. Also, in terms of purpose, the research is a developmental research. In this study, the members of statistical population are 125 companies in each year. The results obtained from the study shows that there is a significant relation between accruals and qualified opinion with explanatory clause regarding continued operation.
Bioactive Metabolites and Compound from Medicinal Mushrooms[Full-Text ] Hiralal Sonawane, Shekhar bhosle, Gauri Bapat, Sandhya Garad, Vikram GholeMankind has used mushrooms since historic period. The records of mushrooms being used for health and medicinal purpose can be traced back in Greek/roman civilization, Chinese traditional medicine and even in the Ayurveda. Cultivation of such medicinal mushrooms for its daily use is a tradition in China, Japan and some other South Eastern Countries. The compounds, which confer the medicinal and or nutritional properties to mushrooms, are called as Bioactive compounds. The medicinal properties can be listed as Anti-tumor, anti-cancer, anti-histamine, Anti-HIV-1 etc. These bioactive compounds have been studied to a great extent during last few decades. Isolation, characterization, and identification of many such compounds have been done in case of mushrooms like, Lentinus edodes (Shiitake), Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi), Grifiola frondosa (Maitake), Auricularia auricula, Poria coccus, Mycena leaiana, Omphalotus olearius, Lampteromyces japonicus etc. These bioactive compounds ranges from compounds like Polysaccharides, Proteins, Protein - polysaccharide complex, Terpenoids, Adenine derivatives, Lectins, Ergosterol to heavy metals like Germanium etc. These have been studied for their medicinal effects against many ailments. Some medical metabolisms related to the mode of action of these bioactive compounds have also been listed in this article, which may help in understanding or studying the correct mode of action of these bioactive compounds.
Call level Performance Analysis of Video Streaming Using Different Routing Protocols in MANET[Full-Text ] Dr. Kanmani Ruby E. D, Dr. Kasthuri . N, Dheepika G.BA Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a dynamic wireless network that can be formed without the need for any pre-existing infrastructure in which each node can act as a router. One of the main challenges of MANET is the design of robust routing algorithms that adapt to the frequent and randomly changing network topology. A real-time video streaming is a challenging task. Here, AOMDV (Ad-Hoc On Demand Multipath Distance Vector) performs multipath multicast which incurs more routing overhead and packet delay. Efficient Geographic Multicast Protocol (EGMP), a multipath multicast protocol is used to implement group membership management and multicast packet forwarding is done. EGMP incurs less Overhead and more delivery ratio than AOMDV. EGMP does not depend on any specific geographic unicast routing protocol. A Call level performance analysis in terms of Throughput, Packet delivery ratio, Flow blocking, Control overhead has been done by comparing AOMDV with EGMP.
Simulation of Active Front End Converter Based VFD for Induction Motors[Full-Text ] Aswathi G,S Nalini, R.Sudeep KumarInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistor based active front-end converters are widely utilized by industries due to the advantages of bi-directional power flow, unity power factor, low harmonic distortion of the line current, and smaller filter size. In this paper, the MATLAB Simulink model and control of the active front end converter system based VFD for induction motors are presented.
AUTOMATIC TOUR GUIDE SYSTEM[Full-Text ] Adil Khan, Ashwin Patil , Suryakant Mane, Prof. Ranjana .M. KedarThe purpose of this paper is to create a position aware multimedia learning system. Here we are using ATGS device and it is aware of the position of the visitor. As the visitor walks up to a specific exhibit, without any clicks or operations, the system can retrieve the corresponding information of that exhibit automatically. The first is a set of signal transmitters which are pre-installed at different locations of a museum or a scenic spot. The second is a handset device(ATGS device) carried by a visitor. The client device can determine the position of the visitor by detecting the signal emitted from the pre-installed transmitters at different locations. Accordingly, it will automatically deliver the corresponding contents to the visitor.
A Study of the Heterogeneous Dilute Indigenous Carbonate Salt Hydrolysis of the Non-Woody Ligno-Cellulosic Plant Samples[Full-Text ] Osano Aloys Mosima; Okong'o Eric Rangondi; Oyaro Nathan and Kiptoo JacksonThe thermodynamic studies relating to the activated complex for the heterogeneous dilute indigenous carbonate salt hydrolysis of two non-woody ligno-cellulosic plant residues has been determined. The study was carried out on three indigenous basic salts; pH, percent concentration of CO32-, and HCO3- and the degree of hydrolysis data are presented for three salt samples from Lake Magadi, Shores of Lake Victoria and the Hot Springs of the Kerio Valley Kenya. All treatments were done in triplicate in complete randomized block design. Fresh and dry weight were recorded at the end of the experiment and analyzed for anions; CO32-, and HCO3- and pH values determined. Trace, anions, pH and structure of three different indigenous basic salts commonly available in Kenya namely 'Para', "magadi', and 'Lebek', salts were quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed using FTIR and the wet methods; Gravimetry and titrimetry. The pH values ranged from 9.98±0.01 to 11.26 ± 0.03 for magadi salt, 10.08 ± 0.03 to 10.88 ± 0.06 for Para salt and 10.09 ± 0.02 to 10.85 ± 0.06 for Lebek salt. Thus all the salts were alkaline. The bicarbonate concentration ranged from the highest of 25.3 ± 0.3% in magadi salt, to the lowest of 6.2 ± 0.1% in Lebek salt. Degree of hydrolysis for gallants soldier (GS) lignocellulosic sample ranged from the highest of 44.99 ± 0.03% with Magadi salt to the lowest of 29.98 ± 0.05% in Lebek salt. Hydrolysis with wheat straw (WS) lignocellulosic sample ranged from the highest of 30.75±0.05% with Magadi salt to the lowest of 20.94 ± 0.01% Lebek salt. All salts had higher bicarbonate percent concentration values higher than carbonate percent concentration values. This clearly showed the role of the bicarbonate group in lignocellulosic hydrolysis. Lower the pH values, the lower the bicarbonate and the higher the degree of hydrolysis. FTIR analysis showed presence of bicarbonate group in all the salts.
In vitro screening method for drought tolerance evaluation in two rice varieties (BRRI 28 and BRRI 29)[Full-Text ] Zahidul Haque, Anindita chakraborty, Shamsul H. ProdhanAbiotic stress is one of the major rate limiting factor for rice production worldwide especially in Asia and Africa. While drought tolerance is become of increasing importance in rice (Oryza sativa L.), selection under actual field conditions is tiresome due to low heritability and time required. Selection in tissue culture is thought to be one way to improve selection efficiency, but this requires standardized protocols. Rice cultivars BRRI 28 and BRRI 29 showed expressive callus induction, but the ability for callus induction and regeneration decreased under mannitol stress in both cultivars. Calli were induced on semisolid Murahige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 m g/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2 ,4 -D). Embryogenic calli showed shoot regeneration on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/l benzyl aminopurine (BAP ) + 0. 5 mg/l kinetin + 0.5 mg/l naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). Increased levels of mannitol (0 gm/l, 10 gm/l, 20 gm/l, 30 gm/l, 40 gm/l) were used to create drought stress. There was reduction in callus induction ability and plant regeneration efficiency with increasing levels of mannitol stress.These results indicated that mannitol can be used as drought stress creating agent under in vitro conditions and rice variety BRRI 29 was relatively tolerant to drought stress as compared to BRRI 28. This study will serve as a base line for in vitro screening of drought tolerant transgenic rice.
Design of Low Power VLSI Circuits using Energy Efficient Adiabatic Logic[Full-Text ] Amit Shukla, Arvind Kumar, Abhishek Rai and S.P. SinghIn this paper, a new design of adiabatic circuit, called energy efficient adiabatic logic (EEAL) is proposed. Earlier various diode based adiabatic logic families have been proposed. To achieve minimum energy consumption, this paper proposes a technique in which diode is replaced by MOS transistor at charging and discharging path whose gate is controlled by the power clocks. By using this technique non adiabatic loss and power consumption of the diode is eliminated. In the proposed circuit, the input and output logic levels are nearly the same and can be used for building cascaded logic circuits. The split level sinusoidal power supply is used to achieve low power high speed adiabatic circuits. In this paper we have designed and simulated NOT, NAND, NOR gates, Half Adder and Full adder circuit. All simulations in this paper have been implemented by VIRTUOSO SPECTRE simulator of cadence with the 0.18 µm UMC technology MOS transistor model under 1.8-volt peak to peak split level sinusoidal power clock supply. From the simulation result, we find that proposed logic circuits can save significant amount of energy compared to CMOS circuits and GFCAL circuits with similar parameters up to 500MHz.
Capturing OO Software Metrics to attain Quality Attributes - A case study[Full-Text ] Mandeep K. Chawla, Dr. Indu ChhabraThis paper is an attempt to study the role of various object oriented software metrics with regard to software quality and implementing them on an open source Java based operating system to evaluate its design traits. Captured metrics have been mapped to higher level quality attributes characterized by the QMOOD quality model. Prior to mapping, metric values have been normalized to enable us to interpret the meaning of quantitative figures calculated to indicate quality factors. This one offers a concrete model resulting in computation of measures such as reusability, flexibility, understandability, functionality and alike using composite metrics. Also it is economical to implement this type of model and can be effectively used in observing many aspects of software product quality. This would enable the project managers to foresee the problem areas and refactor the code to eliminate anomalies and undesirable complexities which may crop up post-deployment. Besides early assessment, it should considerably facilitate in better project planning and efficient resource-allocation.
Diagnostic Information from Respiratory Sound[Full-Text ] Pankaj B. Gadge, Yugmini B. Chavan, Anjali V. NandurkarPulmonary diseases are major causes of ill-health throughout the world. Pulmonary infection such as acute bronchitis and pneumonia are common. The diagnosis of these diseases is facilitated by pulmonary auscultation using stethoscope which has many limitations such that it depends on individuals own hearing, experience and ability to differentiate between the different sounds [1].The quantitative measurement and permanent record of the diagnosed diseases is difficult. The computerized methods for recording and analysis of the respiratory sounds may overcome some of limitations of auscultation using stethoscope. An analysis of respiratory sounds may quantify the changes in different respiratory acoustic in various diseases. The use of modern digital signal processing technique may lead deep insight to get related diagnostic information [2] [3]. Most of the respiratory sound energy is concentrated in the frequencies below 200 Hz, which overlap with the main frequency components of the heart sounds in 20-100 Hz. An attempt was made to implement an adaptive filtering for suppressing the artefacts in the respiratory sound signals. The respiratory sound signals were recorded with and without breath holding at different time. Adaptive filtering method effectively suppresses the heart sound signal.
Radiation Effects in Green House Vegetation and Integrated R.F Protectors[Full-Text ] A. Beno, K. Emina Devi,N. Nazeera Banu,.K. Sasi,R.O. NishanthiThis paper proposes a novel system for improving production of agricultural products without radiation effects. The test sample plants are fenugreek, lady's finger which are tested under open area site (OATS), radiation area test site (RATS) and radiation protection area test site (RPATS). The samples are analyzed in different environments to study the growth characteristics. The plant growth is tested with and without radiation from a microwave source operating in 8-12GHz. When the plant is grown with an exposed microwave power in the range of 5-20mW, it gets affected by 66.6% for fenugreek and 50% for lady'sfinger with radiation. The integrated radiation protection unit is designed to prevent the plantation from radiation effect and helps to improve the growth. The plants growth with radiation protectors get less affected and provided 100% growth similar to OATS for fenugreek and lady's finger. The environment of the plant is monitored for standard growth monitoring through Embedded and GSM technology.
Physical Space And Its Natural Truth (Physics)[Full-Text ] Debasis RoyNatural truth in physical space has two faces, organization and variations. Natural truth is considered herein as explicit. It is concluded that natural facts in physical space are situated in and maintained by some entity, and also that natural facts are the messages in respect of natural truth in physical space.
Validation of Algorithms for Datum Transformations and Map Projections[Full-Text ] Dhiraj SunehraThe advent of GPS revolutionized position-fixing procedures in the fields of navigation and geodesy. Early existing maps and nautical charts used non-geocentric regional geodetic datums. Indian Geodetic Datum (IGD) based on Everest spheroid had been in use in India for many years. As distance requirements increased beyond national boundaries, new requirements arose from datums and a need was felt for defining a common geodetic reference system that can be adopted globally. This led to the development of global geocentric reference frames such as World Geodetic System, 1984 (WGS-84). When plotting position information on maps, it is advantageous to work with the local or national grid coordinates obtained on a particular map projection. In this paper, datum conversion algorithms for conversion from WGS-84 coordinates to IGD coordinates, WGS-84 to UTM, WGS-84 to Lambert, and vice versa are presented. The algorithms for the datum conversions are developed in 'C' language. GPS coordinates data at twenty sample stations within India are taken to validate the results.
Effectiveness of Course Management System in Teaching Computer Fundamentals at Far Eastern University[Full-Text ] Adelaida A. Saldivar One of the primary challenges of higher education institutions (HEIs) is the call for increasingly flexible and diverse systems to cater to an ever-growing range of learning needs. Flexible approaches aim to provide learners with a greater choice as to when, where and how they learn by adopting various flexible delivery strategies such as online learning, mixed mode delivery, and self-directed learning strategies. This study investigated the effectiveness of the course management system (CMS) in teaching Computer Fundamentals at Far Eastern University for 1st semester, school year 2012-2013. It explored the effectiveness of this innovative learning approach as compared to the conventional method of teaching. In the conventional method of teaching the faculty conducts the lesson in traditional way or face to face mode of delivery of instruction. The course management system is an innovative approach of instruction where the faculty enables to extend the classroom beyond its traditional boundaries of time and space. It allows the faculty to upload lessons, quizzes, and exams to students to download. The faculty can also publish a list of hyperlinks that students can click through to read additional materials online. In this study, it utilized the quasi-experimental design, particularly the pretest-posttest control group design. The findings revealed that there was a mean difference of 5.08 in the recorded mean posttest scores of the students using the course management system and the conventional mode of delivery. This difference, however, was statistically significant as the computed T value of 2.73, went beyond the tabular value of 1.67 at 0.05level of significance. Therefore, there was a significant difference in the achievement of the two groups. The evaluation of this research in the assessment results of the students demonstrated that Computer Fundamentals, through the integration of a Course Management System in the learning process, can increase the level of achievements of students at Far Eastern University as measured in their assessment results.
Potential biochemical indicators improve salt tolerance in fifteen cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from Pakistan[Full-Text ] Aurangzeb Rao, Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad, Syed Mubashar Sabir, Shahid Awan, Asad Hussain Shah, M. Fareed Khan, Saima Shafique, Shazia Arif, Syed Rizwan AbbasProline and glycine-betaine (GB) are the two most important organic osmolytes that hoard in a variety of plant species in response to environmental stresses such as extreme temperatures, drought, salinity, UV radiation and heavy metals. The fifteen cultivars of wheat which are commonly used in Pakistan were subjected to four salt treatments (0 EC, 2 EC, 8 EC, 16 EC) for four weeks and the contents of proline and glycine-betaine were estimated in order to find out the resistant cultivars of wheat against salt stress. Maximum increased production of glycine-betaine was observed in SEHAR-2006 (34.7 µmol /g), LU26-CTR (33.2 µmol/g), NARC-2009 (32.5 µmol/g), BARS-2009 (30.7 µmol/g) and PIRSABAK-09 (30.1 µmol/g) showing obvious tolerance under salt stress at 16 EC. In the control samples the contents of glycine-betaine varied from 5.2 to 6.3 µmol/g. The accumulation of proline in different genotypes showed very close result as of glycine-betaine under salt stress conditions. The calculated amount in SEHAR-06 is (26.98 µmol/g), Lu-26 (26.01 µmol/g), NARC-2009 (25.65 µmol/g), BARC-2009 (25.13 µmol/g) and in PIRSBAK-2009 (25.03 µmol /g). Whereas, the control varieties showed the proline content in the range of 2.54 to 3.75 µmol /g. These results indicate that these cultivars of wheat alleviate the deleterious effect of salt stress by the increased production of proline and betaine.
Direct Torque Control for Induction Motor Without Current Sensors[Full-Text ] L.Sarah AncelinaThis project presents a low-cost and simple phase-current reconstruction algorithm for three-phase induction motor (IM) under direct torque control (DTC) using the information obtained from only one shunt resistor (in series with low side switches in a conventional three-phase inverter). The aim is to develop a low-cost high-performance IM drive. The proposed algorithm is robust and very simple. It uses the dc current to reconstruct the stator currents needed to estimate the motor flux and the electromagnetic torque. A theoretical concept is developed, the modified look-up table is presented, and current-access tables are designed and used in the phase-current reconstruction. The limitations are also studied and presented. Simulation are given to prove the ability of the proposed scheme of reproducing the performances of a traditional DTC IM drive.
REDUCTION OF COLD START EMISSION USING TELESCOPIC CATALYTIC CONVERTOR IN A MULTI CYLINDER SPARK IGNITION ENGINE[Full-Text ] GANESAN MAHADEVAN, S.SENDILVELANControl of harmful emissions from automobiles during cold start has become a challenging task over the years due to the ever increasing stringent emission norms. Catalytic convertors are effective in reducing the emissions only after they reach the "light off" temperature. In order to reduce the light off time, numbers of methods are being tried. Each method has its own merits and demerits. Close coupled catalyst (CCC) is a passive method for reducing the light off time .However due its closeness with the engine, the high temperature of the catalyst together with the manifold and exhaust pipe form a group of components that emit powerful heat energy. This may damage some of the heat sensitive components such as air filter housing, air intake box, belt drive cover etc. Also due to the close proximity of the catalyst with the exhaust manifold, the CCC gets ageing in a short period [8].
Unsteady MHD Thin Film Flow Of A Third Grade Fluid With Heat Transfer And No Slip Boundary Condition Down An Inclined Plane [Full-Text ] Aiyesimi, Y. M., Okedayo, G. T. and Lawal O. WAn investigation is made for unsteady MHD thin film flow of a third grade fluid down an inclined plane. The non-linear partial differential equation governing the flow and heat transfer are reduced to a system of non-linear algebraic equations using implicit finite difference approximation to obtain velocity and temperature profile. The effect of various physical parameter on both velocity and temperature profile obtained are studied through several graphs. It is noticed that the velocity and temperature profile decreases due to increase in third grade parameter and magnetic parameter.
Lack of awareness resulting in lead poisoning in YAKSHAGANA artists due to makeup material[Full-Text ] Sripathy.L, Venkatesh.T, NaveenchandraThe main aim of this study is to determine the blood lead level of Yakshagana artists and their children and also analyze the lead present in makeup materials.Thirty subjects were selected for the study of which: Group A had 15 Controls; Group B had 15 Yakshagana artists. They were evaluated for their Blood lead level by Anodic Stripping voltametry method using 3010B lead analyzer and also estimated the concentration of lead present in colours by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS).This study shows that there is statistical significance between Group A and Group B in Blood Lead level ranging from 3.7 to 23.2. This effect was observed due to the usage of colours by some troops and found lead present in high concentrations ranging from 0.7 mg/kg to 56000 mg/kg. From this study we can observe that authentic transfer of lead into the human being those who are using colours procured from commercial sources. We also have some cases, where in blood lead level of the artists was normal due to the usage of natural colours i.e., extracted from plant source. Correlating with the values of control it was found that there is a considerable rise in the blood lead level. The artists have the Blood lead level at alarming levels. From the analysis of colours it was found that, particularly yellow colour procured from the artists contains very high concentration of Lead in the form of lead chromate, lead acetate.
DAMS SORT[Full-Text ] Sudeep BishtSorting is a fundamental data structure which can find its applications in all our daily life. It is considered to be the most fundamental problem in study of algorithms. A sorting algorithm can be defined as an algorithm that arranges data in a sequential order. There are many sorts, some of which are bubble sort, cocktail sort, insertion sort, selection sort, quick sort, radix sort etc. Sorting finds its use in many operations such as cpu job scheduling, integer sorting etc.
PROXIMITY STRUCTURES AND GRILL[Full-Text ] Rodyna A. HosnyThe concept of proximity has already studied with meticulous care from different aspects and via various approaches. In this paper, we have continued the investigation of proximity in terms of a di erent concept via grill, where the deliberations in the article include certain characterizations. The associated discussions and results were carried out with grills as a prime supporting tool. The basic properties of the induced proximity have discussed here in some details. We have also shown various relations between the proximity induced via grill and the original proximity under some suitable conditions applied on the grill under consideration.
Timing and Spectral Studies of Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) 080607 detected with SWIFT Mission[Full-Text ] Moti R. Dugair, Sapna Sharma K. P. Talesra, D. Bhattacharya and S.N.A. JaaffreyWe present timing and spectral studies of GRB080607 detected with SWIFT/BAT Mission. Using cross-correlation function (CCF) we established correlation between dependent variables like energy-flux, energy-lag, energy-luminosity and lag-luminosity. These dependent parameters between different energy bands in GRBs can be explained on the basis of continuous transformation of gravitational energy of collapsing matter into radiation emission during the formation of a collapsar. Both flux and luminosity increase rapidly for the energy bands (15-25 keV to 50-100 keV) but slow for the higher band, 100-150 keV. This may be attributed to convergence of bulk matter towards the core under its own gravity during implosion in collapsar. Under anti correlation, luminosity is higher for negative lagging photon & low for positive lagging photon because of the internal & external shocks in GRB. Nevertheless short and long GRBs exhibit these behavior ubiquitously and suggest that a similar process is responsible for producing all GRB pulses regardless of their environment and progenitor.
QPO Detection for HMXB Transient Pulsar 1A~0535+262 Observed with RXTE-PCA[Full-Text ] Moti R. Dugair, R. Shahid Khan, Sapna Sharma and S.N.A. JaaffreyWe report the detection of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) at ~19 mHz and ~4 mHz in the transient high-mass Be/X-ray binary pulsar 1A~0535+262 using data from the RXTE observatory. The observations used in the present work were carried out during the X-ray outbursts in 2010 January-April-August and 2011 Feb-May-July-August. The ~19 mHz QPO in 1A~0535+262 was detected in two Rossi Explorer Timing Experiment (RXTE) Proportional Counter Array (PCA) observations during the declining phase of its 2010 January-April-August outburst and ~4 mHz QPO in 2011 Feb-May-July-August. However, this QPO was rarely detected during other two outbursts of the pulsar. Though QPOs between 27-72 mHz were reported earlier in the pulsar, the ~19 mHz and ~4 mHz QPOs were detected for the first time in this pulsar. The results of our analysis of RXTE data during two outbursts of the pulsar are presented in the paper.
Comparison of Performance of Impatt Diode For Various Materials[Full-Text ] Joydeep Sengupta, Dr. Monojit MitraIn this paper the efficiency of the IMPATT diode is an important criterion. The efficiency varies with the semiconductor material used to design the IMPATT diode. The Efficiency plays an important role in the choice of material that should be used for a given applications. The efficiency of IMPATT diode for Si, GaAs, SiC, InP, GaN is measured and compared.
Gallic Acid Production by Immobilization of Aspergillus orzae.[Full-Text ] Dr.N.LokeswariGallic acid (3,4,5 trihydrixybenzoic acid) is an organinc substance occuring in many plants either as a free molecule or as part of tannic acid molecule. Production of gallic acid using the immobilized cells of Aspergillus oryzae has been studied. It was observed that 12% tannic acid concentration, 200 numbers of calcium alginate beads of spore concentration 2 x 105/ml and initial pH 5.5 gave the maximum gallic acid production. The % of tannin conversion was 78.5% whereas in free cell culture, the % conversion was 73.5% in 4 days of incubation period. The beads were used for 3 times successfully. A drastic fall in the hydrolysis process observed when the beads were treated with glutaraldehyde.
Design of Maximum Power Point Tracking for PV Panels[Full-Text ] M. Kashif, S. Badshah, I.U. HaqTo minimize power crises and switching power production from conventional resources like thermal resources to renewable resources is necessary such as solar power is the main theme. The P-V characteristics are obtained for various irradiances using M-file showing MPP using Perturb and observation method. Also, the points indicating Module voltage Vmax and Current Imax at maximum power Pmax are obtained. For maximum utilization and generation of solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels maximum sun tracking is important which is referred as MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking), Use of efficient power converters to utilize solar power is also discussed. Theoretical and Manufactured results are compared with same results obtained.
Multiple System Artificial Neural Network Model[Full-Text ] Kumar SouravThis paper is about a connecting neuron named Sron. Sron is a neuron which connects two or more neural network systems and can use the knowledge of one system to further make decisions and produce an outcome. By using this ANN model we can make neural networks for different domains like Finance and Gaming interact and produce some awesome automated systems.
Effect of Polyester Fibers on Strength Properties of Clayey Soil of High Plastiicty[Full-Text ] Kalpana Maheshwari, Dr. Chandresh H Solanki, Dr. Atul K Desai Construction of building and other civil engineering structures on available clayey soil is highly risky on geotechnical grounds due to poor strength properties of the clayey soil. There may be the need for soil treatment to improve the engineering prop-erties of soil. In practice admixtures with fly ash, lime and geogrids are used frequently to stabilize soils and improve their strength properties. Polyester fibers have been extensively used in civil engineering applications for many years. These fibers are used in concrete as a three dimensional secondary reinforcement. The influence of randomly oriented polyester fiber on the engineering behaviour of soil has not been reported to the same extent. Ease of application and reduction in cost are making this treatment more popular. The purpose of this investigation is to identify and quantify the influence of fiber variables (content and length) on performance of fiber reinforced soil specimens. In this study polyester fibers were mixed with clayey soil in various proportions (0%,0.25% 0.50%, 0.75%, 1.00% and 1.50% by weight of dry clayey soil) to investigate the relative strength gained in terms of compaction, CBR, unconfined compression, shear parameters, and consolidation parameters etc. It was found that strength properties of clayey soil increases with the inclusion of fibers up to 0.50%.
A Fuzzy System for Uncertain Data Modeling[Full-Text ] Yogesh Mohan, Sukhvir Singh, Kishori Lal Bansal, Mohit KumarThis text presents a fuzzy rules based system for modeling the relationships between inputs and output data in the presence of uncertainties. The fuzzy system is designed by separating the uncertainties from the data using fuzzy filtering algorithms. A stochastic modeling of the uncertainties helps in designing the fuzzy system to approximate the uncertain relationships. The proposed fuzzy model offers the followings: 1) predicts the output value for the given inputs assuming that there were no uncertainties in the input-output behavior; 2) assesses the worst effect of uncertainties on the model-predicted output value via predicting upper and lower limits on the output; 3) predicts the output value for the given inputs taking mathematically into account the underlying uncertainties (whose probabilistic-model was extracted from the data) in a sensible way. The paper illustrates through an example that the proposed fuzzy system is a useful modeling tool in presence of uncertainties.
Public Key Encryption Techniques Provide Extreme Secure Chat Environment[Full-Text ] Kuldeep Chouhan and S.RaviA secure chat scheme is readily accessible and very useful to communicate with people that might be anywhere in the world. Internet chat service provides the convenience of communicate with the people in real time. The objective of this work is to build a secure chat server utilizing public key encryption to send secure chat messages across the internet. It provides a technical implementation of a new structural design for encrypting the database in the network. This paper shows results that what security features should implement to accomplish a highly secured chat present a standalone system that can be implemented on any legacy systems with efficiently. This work classifies the protocol used by servers to talk with each other.
miRNA Databases: An Investigation of Regulatory RNAs Informatics[Full-Text ] Mariam Altaf, Ayesha Waqar, Peter John, Hajra Sadia, Tahir Iqbal, Attya BhattimicroRNAs (miRNAs) are one of the largest classes of non-coding RNAs that play major regulatory role in our normal body functions. They are also involved in pathogenesis of many diseases as they do translational repression or target mRNA degradation. There is bulk of data present on different processes related to miRNAs i.e. miRNA-mRNA interaction, miRNA target prediction and miRNA-disease related information, etc. To handle this data in an efficient manner, many databases have been developed which categorize miRNA related information in specific database classes. This review aims to summarize the current status of miRNA databases which will provide a large organized pool of information for ressechers working on different aspects of miRNA . This, in turn, will aid in understanding genetic regulation more efficiently at molecular level.
Performance Comparison of Classification Algorithms employed in Data Mining[Full-Text ] Jyoti Chauhan, Dr Udayan GhoseExtracting information from past data and using it to predict future events by capturing relationships between explanatory and predicted variables is called Predictive Analytics. Various data mining techniques (like Classification, Association, Feature Extraction, Clustering, etc.) and related algorithms employed in predicting future events help us to solve various business and day-to-day problems. In this paper we shall focus on Predictive Analysis Operations and algorithms involved in the technique of Classification and evaluate the performance of each in solving the "Targeting the Right Customer" problem faced by Insurance industries, using a sample Insurance Customer database. We shall apply all the classification algorithms (Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines, Generalized Linear Model) on this sample Insurance DB and compare the results obtained from each to finally determine the algorithm that best solves the problem of identification of right customer. The work would involve stages like exploring the customer database, performing Classification of existing customers into 2 groups - those who would buy the new insurance policy and those who would not buy, by applying different algorithms and then finally determining the best algorithm based on parameters like predictive confidence, average and overall accuracy ,etc.
Quality Of Service Effect Analysis Under Aodv In Manet[Full-Text ] Amitabh Saxena, Sitesh Kumar Sinha, Krishna Kumar Pandey and Bhaskar Babu YadavThese Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) make them highly desirable for the present day multimedia communications. Traditional routing protocols may not suffice for real time communications it depends upon the conditions and our requirements. Though there has been considerable research in this area. MANETs are being used in numerous application domains from emergency rescue and relief to networks. To support real-time communications (such as audio and video) over MANETs, new Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning mechanisms need to be developed. There are many challenges in QoS provisioning for MANETs such as dynamically changing topology, wireless capacity limitations, heterogeneous network environment, limited battery power etc. Previous QoS surveys in MANET have only looked at QoS provisioning models, signaling and routing. This paper presents a complete survey of the challenges and current state of the art of MANET QoS Routing. We include a thorough overview of QoS routing metrics, resources, and factors affecting performance and classify the protocols found in the respective topics.
Temporal and Spectral Studies of SWIFT/BAT Detected Gamma Ray Burst (GRB)-111228A [Full-Text ] Sapna Sharma, Moti R. Dugair and S.N.A. JaaffreyWe report timing (lag-luminosity relation, energy bands versus lag, flux and luminosity) and spectral studies of the GRB11228A using data from the SWIFT observatory. The observation used in the present work was carried out in 2011 December 28. We extracted temporal lags by cross-correlating different energy band light curves. Data analysis was performed for all combinations of the standard Swift hard X-ray energy bands: 15-25 keV, 25-50 keV, 50-100 keV and 100-150 keV. The temporal lags between these energy channels are presented as a function of the peak luminosity of the GRB. The results of our timing and spectral analysis of SWIFT/BAT data of GRB111228A are presented in this paper.
Mammogram Edge Detection Using Hybrid Soft Computing Methods[Full-Text ] I. Laurence Aroquiaraj, K. Thangavel Image segmentation is a crucial step in a wide range of method image processing systems. It is useful in visualization of the different objects present in the image. In spite of the several methods available in the literature, image segmentation still a challenging problem in most of image processing applications. The challenge comes from the fuzziness of image objects and the overlapping of the different regions. Detection of edges in an image is a very important step towards understanding image features. There are large numbers of edge detection operators available, each designed to be sensitive to certain types of edges. The Quality of edge detection can be measured from several criteria objectively. Some criteria are proposed in terms of mathematical measurement, some of them are based on application and implementation requirements. Since edges often occur at image locations representing object boundaries, edge detection is extensively used in image segmentation when images are divided into areas corresponding to different objects. This can be used specifically for enhancing the tumor area in mammographic images. Different methods are available for edge detection like Roberts, Sobel, Prewitt, Canny, Log edge operators. In this paper a novel algorithms for edge detection has been proposed for mammographic images. Breast boundary, pectoral region and tumor location can be seen clearly by using this method. For comparison purpose Roberts, Sobel, Prewitt, Canny, Log edge operators are used and their results are displayed. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
EcoRV digestion patterns in ITS region of medicinal plants[Full-Text ] Pallavi SahareThe Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) is the evolutionary conserved region present on nr- DNA (nuclear ribosomal DNA) sequence. The ITS region sequences are important markers for the identification of plant species, taxonomic clarification and phylogenetic analysis at the molecular level. With the use of Universal ITS primers developed by White et.al, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) can be performed to amplify ITS region. The entire ITS region (ITS 1-5.8S - ITS 2) varies between 600-1000bp depending on plant species. In most of the angiosperms it ranged between 565-700bp. The sequencing of this region can be used for the further analysis and confirmation of species. In this article the data shown is PCR-RFLP with unique EcoRV site. It has been found from the analysis of sequence data using bioinformatics tools that most of the ITS-region of medicinal plants have single EcoRV site. To confirm this restriction digestion has been performed with EcoRV site and analyzed on Agarose gel electrophoresis that has shown two bands in majority that further confirms the unique EcoRV site.
SW-SDF based privacy preserving for k-means clustering[Full-Text ] Kiran P and Kavya N PPrivacy preserving data mining is a new direction in data mining which ensures the privacy of individual and company related information even after mining. Personalized privacy preservation uses flag for differentiating actual records which require privacy and records which does not require privacy such that overall information loss can be reduced. SW-SDF based privacy preservation uses sensitive weight (SW) and sensitive disclosure flag (SDF). Sensitive weight is used for differentiating between records which actually require privacy and which does not require privacy. Among records which require privacy, SDF value is accepted. SDF=0 indicate record owner is not ready to disclose his information and SDF=1 indicate record owner is ready to reveal his identity. The major drawback of this approach is that methods were not defined for specific mining algorithms. In this paper we have defined the representation of SW-SDF based privacy method on k-means clustering. Experiment results indicate that the mean of the original cluster is almost similar to the original mean and privacy is retained.
Cloud Computing Application for Hrm[Full-Text ] Saloni and Anuj SaxenaCloud Computing is an effective term for delivering different types of hosted services over the Internet. It provides pay-as-you-go approach. Cloud Computing offers numerous benefits for the organizations, however, here are also many issues, as with any new epitome or technology. One of the main issues relate to the security and confidentiality of user data in terms of its location, relocation, availability and security. The cloud applications are extensively used in HR as Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS).The aim is to provide some useful information for enterprises fixing to transmigrate to the cloud to take vantage of this most recent computing paradigm.
Procedure of Achieving High Range Elastic Properties of Soilmass for Creation of Better Foundation soil[Full-Text ] Gokul k BayanImprovement of properties of weak soil mass by treating them with hard inclusions is the objective of this study. In general, constitutive behavior of soil mass is normally measured in-terms-of its nature of particle size density together with the existence of water quantity. Achieving the best behavior in-term-of elastic properties is always desirable for construction of better foundation of structures on soil mass. However, elasticity range of soil mass is quite small at its untreated stage, in comparison to other building materials. Hence, it reveals less allowance in every directions of its behavioral expression. Of many, settlement is the principal criterion to put attention for achieving the best safety performance. To achieve the above goal some laboratory model tests were performed. In consistence, three series of R&D works were carried out in a model plate load machine by using three types of soil mass under various field conditions treated with hard inclusions. The results reveal high range elastic properties of the treated soil mass to be used for road and building foundations. In conclusion, it is found that - utilization of such achievements generates a system of surface foundation in reality with the targeted properties.
Engine Performance Of Optimized Hydrogen-fuelled Direct Injection Engine[Full-Text ] Vinod SinghYadav, S. L. Soni and Dilip SharmaThe world is presently confronted with the twin crisis of fossil fuel depletion and environmental degradation. Indiscriminate extraction and lavish consumption of fossil fuels have led to reduction in underground based carbon resources. The search for an alternative fuel, which promises a harmonious correlation with sustainable development, energy conservation, management, efficiency, and environmental preservation, has become highly pronounced in the present context. For the developing countries of the world, fuels of bio-origin can provide a feasible solution to the crisis. In the present investigation, hydrogen-enriched air was used as intake charge in a C. I. engine. Experiments were conducted in a single-cylinder, four-stroke, air-cooled, stationary direct-injection diesel engine Kirlosker TAF1 with 1500 rpm and 4.4 kW capacity coupled to an electrical generator. The injection timing and flow rate of hydrogen were varied (80, 120, 150g/hr) to find out the optimum condition for hydrogen enrichment to meet the best performance. Experiment results showed that hydrogen enriched engine gave maximum brake thermal efficiency and minimum brake specific energy consumption at 16.4% H2 or 120g/hr flow rate with 20° CA injection timing.
Forest Fire Detection Using Optimized Solar - Powered Zigbee Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] M. Anand, U. Arun Ganesh, S. Arun, M. Dinesh, P. Gunaseelan and R. KarthikForest Fires are one of the most important and prevalent type of disasters and they can create a great deal of Environmental Impacts due to which their early detection is very vital. The main need for choosing this particular application for the detection of forest fires is to overcome the demerits present in the existing technologies of MODIS and Basic Wireless Sensor Network-based Forest Fire Detection Systems and an advanced system is developed for the detection of forest fires. The two main modules present in the project are the Monitoring Area Module and the Forest Area Module. All these together are split into five sub-modules for step-by-step development and implementation. Those include Sensors' Module, Serial Communication Module using Zigbee, Optimized Solar Energy Harvester using Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT), PC-based Web Server and Mechanical Modeling. The first three sub-modules belong to the Forest Area Module. They are integrated together and mechanical modeling is done to place it in the forest, whereas, the PC-based Web Server is developed for the Monitoring Area. The outcome of the above implementations reveal that various sensors used in addition to the temperature sensor improves security level for areas located near the forests. It also shows that the Optimized Solar Energy Harvester increases the efficiency to about 85 % and the use of PC-based Web Server reduces the bulkiness and cost of the entire system.
Study on Future of Artificial Intelligence in Neural Network System[Full-Text ] Smita Bhardwaj, Sonia Tewari, Shafali JainIn the modern world there is need for a system that can learn new concepts and give decisions on its own. Hence the Artificial Neural Network is needed in the present scenario. Such a system can recognize speech, face scanning and detecting voice, capable of scanning and detecting of fingerprints etc. This would result in enhancing the system's privacy and security. This research paper is a subject written after thorough study of the subject Artificial Intelligence in Neural Network.
High Pressure Impulse Steam Turbine Blade[Full-Text ] Mr. Leela Krishna VegiIn high pressure turbine the temperature of the steam will be in a range of 5400c - 5600c and the flow of the fluid flow will be subsonic and supersonic. The pressure and temperature on the blade effects the surface of the blade, life cycle, deformation of the blade. In order to withstand blade at high pressure, temperatures, stresses and thermal loads the model of the blade is designed by introducing the cooling channels to the blade by supplying the cooling air through the rotor shaft which is extracted from the atmosphere and condenser to supply the coolant to the turbine blade. Using Grey cast iron material the blade profile can be able to withstand maximum pressure and temperatures and reduces the deformation levels. The aerodynamic profile, root notch and the shroud are designed using the CATIA v5 3D modeling software. The part is analysis with a material in ANSYS analysis software to observe the static structural, thermal and other required stresses at critical conditions in order to increase the life cycles and give better performance of the blade by using the Grey cast iron main high pressure steam turbine blade.
Inverse Point Solution Of Bezier Curve[Full-Text ] Syed Belal, Shashank .Kr.Tripathi, Shashank Kaswdhan, Md. Nadeem Akhtar, Satish Kumar Dwivedi,Rahul SinghNowadays there are various implementations regarding the surface and curve sharpening or smoothening are in progress. We also worked on it with the reference of Bezier curve, in most of the case, either cubic Bezier curve or 4- degree Bezier curve is used. The existing solution prevails to find the parametric value for a lower degree curve and the method is reverse engineering. The aim of this paper is to present a software system for drawing a Bezier curve of any n-degree and to find out the parametric value t for a known point P (t) on any n-degree Bezier curve. We called it as inverse point solution of Bezier curve. We implemented this technique in Matlab. The inverse point solution is the mathematical technique to make n-degree curve tracing advance and simple. The use of metamodels or surrogate approximations in place of actual simulation models makes analysis realistic by reducing computational burden.