Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition
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Packet scheduling in LTE mobile network[Full-Text ] Noha Wagdy ,Fayez W. Zaki and Sherif Keshk Selection of proper packet scheduling algorithm is crucial component in QoS provisioning over next generation networks, especially LTE networks which is expected to provide higher throughput with better QoE ( Quality of Experience ) among the users. A key factor affects the QoS & QoE of LTE networks, is the packet scheduling algorithms used in them. In this paper ,the performance of most famous packet scheduling algorithms such as Priority Queuing (PQ), Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ), Round Robin (RR) and First In First Out (FIFO) in LTE mobile networks had been studied.
FPGA based control system for Robotic Applications[Full-Text ] Khushbu Lalpuriya , N. Ravi Prakash, Naveen RastogiRobotic applications are much more needed and almost mandatory requirement in today's fast moving industrial economy. In these circumstances the development of Robotics is also taking up the speed with the help of various technologies directly or indirectly suitable for robotic applications. FPGA takes advantage over microcontroller due to its hardware based parallel architecture which gives engineers much more flexibility and provides execution of the logic in parallel manner. Motors are one of the core part of the Robots and controlling them with FPGA is little tricky. FPGA based PWM signal generation method is used to control robotic applications. Code can be made in such a manner so that multiple parts (motors) can be controlled at a time. The ports availability also provides flexibility to extend the support for the number of motors or any Data acquisition mechanism. A user friendly interface is developed for easy controlling of robot.
Comparative Analysis of Hydrocotyle umbellata, Pistia stratiotes & Eichhorina crassipess for the Removal of Contaminants in Domestic Wastewater[Full-Text ] Haroon Ur Rasheed, Bilawal Rasheed, Naureen Aurangzeb, Dr. Ayub khan and Dr. Ahmad HussainThe aim of the present study was to determine the performance of aquatic macrophytes in the treatment lagoons at NARC, Islamabad. The analytical procedure given by APHA (2005) was followed for the determination of physical parameters (pH, EC and TDS) and chemical parameters (Cl-1, SO2-1 and NO3-1) of the domestic wastewater. Rhizofilteration efficiency of the experimental plants was in sequence as Pistia stratiotes>Eichhornia crassipess>Hydrocotyle umbellatta at average temperature of 33oC while Pistia stratiotes and Eichhornia crassipess showed maximum removal efficiency at 31oC whereas Hydrocotyle umbellatta at 35oC. This biologically treated domestic wastewater can be used for irrigating farmlands and parks.
Line Generation between Existing Contours In Order to Reduce Stair Case Effect[Full-Text ] Mohan P Pradhan, M K GhoseContours lines are used to represent same elevation points throughout the reference map. These lines plays a pivotal role while determining the shape of the terrain i.e. these lines in combination with its elevation details are used for creating Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the terrain. Reference maps are released at different scales which imply that objects represented in the reference maps are represented at different scales. Smoothness of the terrain shape created taking into consideration contours and the inter-contour distance hugely depends on the number of contour lines running across the terrain. Greater the scale lesser will be the of lines with larger inter-contour where as lesser the scale greater will be the number of contour lines with smaller inter-contour distance used in-order to cover a terrain of same dimension.Shape extracted from image with a smaller inter-contour distance usually appears smooth as a consequence of increased variation in slope where as shape extracted from image with a greater inter-contour distance suffers from what can be referred to as a Stair Case Effect where the object appears sharper as a consequence of lesser variation in slope. In case of legacy reference data where the inter-contour distance is very large stair case effect will be prominently visible. To overcome the above stated problem this work proposes an efficient contour line generation algorithm based on angular movement technique combined with interpolation after acquiring knowledge of the existing contour lines.
Evaluation of Hydrochemical Parameters of Okposi and Uburu Salt Lakes, Nigeria[Full-Text ] Okoyeh, E.I and Egboka, B.C.E. Some hydrochemical parameters of Okposi and Uburu lakes were analysed in the research. The results showed that the concentration of Cl-, Na+, total dissolved solids (TDS) and electrical conductivity (EC) were well above WHO Standard and the extreme cases of these constitutes are associated with the salt lakes. The result of the cations and anions showed that Na+ ranges from 16 to 27669, K+ (2 to 366), Mg2+ (13 to 111) and Ca2+ (3 to 774) while HCO32- (18 to 251), SO42- (0.27 to 90), Cl- (18 to 41654) and PO43- (0.07 to 7.0). The domination of Na+ and Cl- among the cations and anions respectively is a clear indication of the prevalent water type. The level of zinc is within WHO acceptable limit with values ranging from 0.005mg/l to 0.08mg/l, while values for lead obtained in the study area range between 0.001mg/l to 0.07mg/l. Other parameters such as Cu and Cd were also observed but within WHO standard. The concentration of Cu ranged from 0.008mg/l to 0.05mg/l and Cd from 0.001 to 0.008. Continual consumption of water from these sources may pose severe health implications in the near future.
Secret Sharing Schemes For Secure Biometric Authentication[Full-Text ] Sonali Patil, Kapil Tajane, Janhavi SirdeshpandeThere are some application areas where increasing concerns over personal information in computer system has increased interest in computer security. Increasing access to the internet and information resources has a great impact in our everyday life and in making people more dependent on computer systems and networks. This dependency has brought many threats to information security. Thus authenticity of the user becomes major issue in today's internet applications. As a result, secure mechanisms are required to protect computers and important information against vulnerabilities like ID spoofing and unauthorized access to computer resources. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a fingerprint based authentication system using visual cryptography methods. In the analysed system the fingerprint template gets divided into two shares with the help of the basic visual cryptography techniques, keeping one with the participant in the form of ID card and saving the other one in the database. This share kept in the database will be the same for all participants. This kind of approach solves two major problems related to fingerprint based system such as falsification and costly maintenance of large fingerprint database.
XML & Fuzzy Based Approach to Video Annotation[Full-Text ] Sampada S. Wazalwar, Dr. Latesh G. MalikVideo annotation technique is proved to be very important technique for analysis and retrieval of video contents. Video annotation process is complicated because it requires a large database, memory & time for processing. In this paper we have discussed different video annotation techniques & proposed a new technique for video annotation. Proposed system uses XML structures to save the annotations & fuzzy logic for labeling. Partial results are mentioned in the paper.
FDTD Optical Simulation to Enhance Light Trapping[Full-Text ] Badri Narayan Mohapatra, Rashmita Kumari MohapatraThin film silicon solar cells, which are commonly made from microcrystalline silicon (µc-Si) or amorphous silicon (a-Si), have been considered inexpensive alternatives to thick polycrystalline silicon (polysilicon) solar cells. However, the low solar efficiency of these thin film cells has become a major problem, which prevents thin film silicon cells from being able to compete with other solar cells in the market. One source of inefficiency is the light reflection off the interface between the thin film cell's top Transparent Conducting Oxide (TCO) and the light absorbing silicon. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of nanocone textured ZnO as the antireflection surface that mitigates this problem. The tapered structure of the nanocone forms a smooth transition of refractive index on the interface between the TCO (ZnO) and the silicon, effectively acting as a wideband Anti-Reflection coating (AR coating).Finite Difference Time Domain simulation is used to estimate the optimal ZnO nanocone parameter (periodicity and height) to be applied on a single junction microcrystalline silicon (µc-Si) solar cell. Relative improvement over 25% in optical performance is achieved in the simulated structure when compared to state-of-the-art µc-Si cell structure. Cheap and scalable colloidal lithography method is then developed to fabricate ZnO nanocone with the desired geometry. Since the ZnO texturing technique works by depositing ZnO on nanocone-textured glass substrate, the technique is potentially applicable to Transparent Conducting Oxides other than ZnO as well, making it a useful TCO texturing technique for solar cell applications.
Contemporary Affirmation of the Recent Literature on Disease Prediction Using Data Mining Techniques[Full-Text ] Ramana.N, Dr.C.V.Guru RaoData Mining is used comfortably in a constructive way in areas such as e-business, Marketing and retail.
Performance of Carbonized Agricultural Waste as a Low-Cost Adsorbent for the Removal of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate from Aquatic Environment [Full-Text ] Manisha A. Agrawal, Jyoti Kapil Nagwanshi, Sangeeta PatilRemoval of higher concentration of sodium dodecyl sulphate from waste water, using carbonized orange peel as an adsorbent has been discussed in the present investigation. Carbonized orange peel charcoal has been prepared in the lab by using muffle furnace at high temperature. Efficiency of removal of SDS is measured by pH meter using batch technique. Various concentration of SDS solutions from 1x10-4 to 12 x10-4 M have been prepared and their pH values assessed before and after adsorption on carbonized peel. By using the data, result shows a straight line pattern. Various adsorption Isotherms like Langmuir adsorption Isotherms, Freundlich adsorption Isotherms and Temkin adsorption Isotherms are discussed and compared.
Design Of Expert System For Medical Diagnosis Using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Manish Rana, Dr.R.R.Sedamkar This paper work proposes a model for the diagnosis of Hemorrage, brain tumor in human brain, cardiac disease in heart and thyroid disease in case of thyroid. System uses Fuzzy logic design: Fuzzifier, inference engine, rule base and defuzzification for the following model. The model take five input: protein, red blood cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils and give three output: normal, hemorrhage, brain tumor for Brain disease. While in Heart disease only one input is taken: C.P.K.M.B value giving output cardiac disease or not. Similarly for thyroid disease the three input are take: T-3 value, T-4 count, Ultrasenitive Hormone (T.S.H) giving output thyroid disease or not.The medical diagnosis for the model, fuzzy rules are formulated and applied using MATLAB simulation.The simulation result are calculated on the bases of design model.The work carried in the paper proposes to develop a control system to enhance the efficicency to diagnose a disease related to human disease.
Design and Verification of a Software Defined radio platform using Modelsim and Altera FPGA.[Full-Text ] Barun Sharma,P.Nagaraju,Krishnamurthy Vaidyanathan. The Altera Cyclone family of FPGA provides the ability to perform run time reconfiguration which is known as Dynamic Reconfiguration. Current technology allows designers to implement complete embedded computing systems on a single FPGA. Using an FPGA as the implementation platform introduces greater flexibility into the design process and allows a new approach to embedded system design. Since there is no cost to reprogramming an FPGA, system performance can be measured on-chip in the runtime environment and the system's architecture can be altered based on an evaluation of the data to meet design requirements.This paper concentrates on designing a reconfigurable platform which consists of reconfigurable coprocessors that can be used in various applications. The architecture that we have developed for the generic reconfigurable coprocessor is well suited for multiple application domains. It ties in to the sequential RISC processor based C programming framework where in the coprocessor performs specific functions, replacing a C function call. The methodology adopted to develop reconfigurable platform can be implemented for performing mathematical operation such as addition, subtraction and to perform complex operation such as Autocorrelation, it can also be used in Image Processing, Cryptography etc. As an example to illustrate this methodology reconfigurable coprocessor consisting of wrapper module along with controller module are designed to control external device like LCD. The architecture of the proposed methodology presented in this paper were prototyped using a Cyclone IV Starter Board (DEO Nano), which is based on Nios II Embedded Evaluation Kit.
The novel compound 2-(2-methyl-4-oxoquinazolin-3(4H)-yl)-N-p-tolylacetamide (P-TOL) (T-02) attenuates inflammatory and nociceptive transmission in experimental animal models of pain and inflammation[Full-Text ] Siddiqui Masood Ahmed, Upasani Chandrashekhar DevidasQuinazoline-4(3H)-ones and its derivatives are versatile nitrogen heterocyclic compounds which have long been known as a promising class of biologically active compounds. Here we have investigated anti-inflammatory and anti-nociceptive potentials of some of the newly synthesized Quinazolines derivatives. Pharmacological activity was evaluated in the animal models of inflammation (Carrageenan induced paw edema, CFA induced inflammatory pain model) and Pain (formalin induced nociception) in male Sprague Dawley rats. We have evaluated T-02 compound and showed notably effective in reducing the not only carrageenan induced paw edema and CFA induced inflammatory pain but also formalin induced nociception. In carrageenan induced paw edema, CFA induced inflammatory pain and formalin induced nociception. When given orally, at similar doses produced significant reduction in paw volume, mechanical hyperalgesia (PWT -paw withdrawal threshold) and inhibition of nocifensive behavior (duration of paw licking and bitting) induced by subplanatar formalin injection. T-02 showed most prominent activity in both the animal models. T-02 at 1 mg/kg, 3 mg/kg, and 10 mg/kg significantly lowered nocifensive score in rats. The paw licking behavior in formalin test was more potently suppressed during the late phase (20-40 min, inflammatory) than in early phase (0-5 min, neurogenic) for T-02. Also; in CFA induced inflammatory pain model (T-02) at a dose of 1, 3 and 10 mg/kg significantly reduced the mechanical hyperalgesia (PWT -paw withdrawal threshold) show signs of anti-hyperalgesic activity and in carrageenan induce paw edema model 3 mg/kg, and 10 mg/kg (T-02) significantly reduced the edema reveal anti-inflammatory activity.
A Study On Strategies To Increase Employees Productivity In Manufacturing Sector At Khopoli, Raigad District , India[Full-Text ] Prof. Rajesh Kumar Agrawal, Prof. S.RaghavendraAs the dynamics of business are changing it is very much evident to see the change occurring directly the way employees are treated in the organization to increase the levels of productivity which is required to get more and more profits. The change in employer perception of employees from commodity to being considerate by providing facilities and than giving the value as an asset and now it has turned into the strategically important part of business in framing strategies. All this took every long time and maintaining this asset motivated to work and increase their morale is the key for any organization to achieve higher productivity levels there by leading to competitive advantage. In this qualitative research paper researcher have tried to focus on the strategies which are responsible in increasing the productivity levels of employees in manufacturing sector by the means of informal meetings and interviews by random convenient selection of various companies where in the HRs heads were asked about means of increasing the productivity of lower level employees. The strategies are accountability; follow up, managing work force not micro management, total reward system and many more. The scope of the study is restricted to Khopoli area in India.
Coastal Water Pollution Index (CWPI) -a tool for assessing coastal water quality along the North East Coast of India[Full-Text ] Alaka panda, Dr.Nibedita PattnayakIn order to assess the coastal water quality coastal water Quality Index (CWPI) particularly applicable for estuaries where seawater undergoes considerable dilution with freshwater was compared based on the data of their spatial and temporal variation of several physiochemical parameters of the coastal water. Principal Component Analysis ( PCA) of 12 variables of 19 stations in four different regions along the study area indicated good to excellent water quality in middle and lower reaches at Bahuda and Rushikulya estuaries as well as Gopalpur creek particularly during post and pre-monsoon seasons. On the other hand, the water quality was worst at Chilika Lake which was attributed to the combined effect of discharge of untreated domestic sewage, aquaculture and industrial wastes. Further the water quality was rated as bad in the upper reaches of the estuaries and sewage discharge points particularly during monsoon season.
Developing Mathematical Model To Describe The Relationship Between Some Properties And Frequency Of Vibration[Full-Text ] P.A.O ADEGBUYI, N. HOUNKONNOUThis study summarizes the research work on the effect of mechanical mold vibration during solidification, on some mechanical properties, like tensile strength, elongation, energy stored and hardness. Cylindrical castings were produced from Al-Si alloy in die molds and were subjected to different level of vibration . The vibrated and non vibrated samples were then subjected to tests to determine the above mentioned properties. Based on the values obtained a mathematical model was developed describing the relationship between the properties and frequency of vibration. The result indicates the presence of vibration has a major contribution in affecting the responses measured.
Synthesis of Pyridine and Derive Complexes Using Transition Metals Complex Including Pd[Full-Text ] Sachin Kumar, Pushpendra Singh, Kapil SirohiA development of prospective synthetic methods to produce Pyridine including those of complex structure will allow to makes the latter more available and hence Pyridine bases will be widely used in industry. In this paper the Hetrocyclization of Acetylenes with nit riles catalyzed by palladinium complex has been carried out. We have limited our aim to study the palladinium catalyzed activation of bifunctional vinyl halide a-Bromoacrylic amides with 1, 3 dienes and alkynes to form an unsaturated butyrolactums. The compounds so obtained is 1.1-(4- Methoxyphenyl)-3(1 phenyl-(E)- methylidene)- 2,3,3a,4,5,7a- hexahydro- 1H-2-indolone and 1N-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-2-bromo-3-phenyl-(Z)-2-propenamide.
The anti-mycobacterial activity of Tinospora Cordifolia medicinal plant used for the treatment of leprosy and Tuberculosis[Full-Text ] Tuberculosis, MTB, is a common, and in many cases lethal, infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body. It is spread through the air when people who have an active MTB infection cough, sneeze, or otherwise transmit their saliva through the air. Most infections in humans result in an asymptomatic, latent infection, and about one in ten latent infections eventually progress to active disease, which, if left untreated, kills more than 50% of those infected. Many communities in south India use medicinal plants to treat various infections, there are claims that some medicinal plants can treat Tuberculosis. Chloroform and Ethanol extracts of Tinospora Cordifolia collected from south India were screened against three strains of mycobacterium tuberculosis using agarwell diffusion method.H37Rv rifampicin resistant TMC-237 and a non resistant wild strain (21102011-DTB-NL).MIC and MIB were determined using agar dilution method on middle brook 7H10.the ethanol extract showed the highest activity against three strains used ,withzone of inhibition of 19.5-23.0 mm and MIC values of 20 Micro g/ml for H37Rv and 15 Microg/ml for both TMC-237 and wild strain .the values for rifampicin were 1.0 Micro g/ml for both H37Rv and wild strain but rifampicin showed activity on TMC-237.THE MBC values for the ethanol extract of Tinospora Cordifolia was 25Micro g/ml for the H37Rv, and 20Micro g/ml for both TMC-227 and wild strain of MT .the MBC rifampicin was 2.0Micro g/ml for both H37Rv and the wild strain. As per Result conclude that Tinospora Cordifolia contains principles active against M. Tuberculosis.
A Statistical Learning tool for identifying Elemental ratio in Cerebrospinal fluid[Full-Text ] Siddaraju K., Dr. Sanjay PandeMachine Learning has been a multidisciplinary trend almost since some of the first groups of researchers interacted with neuroscientists who consulted them on models of ANNs. Currently, the application of machine learning methods in medicine is the subject of considerable ongoing research, which mainly concentrates on modeling some of the human actions or thinking processes and recognizing diseases from a variety of input sources. Indeed, there is already a growing interest in the application of learning systems for the interpretation of medical data. Normal and Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid samples were analyzed for certain chemicals. The results showed that some interesting results. Further, few elements were elevated in AD CSF, while others levels were decreased. The comparative assessment of total percentage of charge distribution between normal and AD CSF indicated that in AD CSF, the percentage charge distribution of divalent and trivalent ions were moderately decreased, while monovalent charge distribution was moderately increased compared to normal. This information provides a clue in understanding the role of trace elemental homeostasis in neuro-degeneration.
A Revolutionary Enzymatic Process for Textile Industries[Full-Text ] Professor D.JothiToday enzymes have become an integral part of the textile processing. There are two well-established enzyme applications in the textile industry. Firstly, in the preparatory finishing area amylases are commonly used for desizing process and secondly, in the finishing area cellulases are used for softening, bio-stoning and reducing of pilling propensity for cotton goods. However, there is little known about potential enzyme usage in other textile areas. At present, applications of pectinases, lipases, proteases,catalases, xylanases etc., are used in textile processing. There are various applications which entail enzymes included fading of denim and non-denim, bio-scouring, bio-polishing, wool finishing, peroxide removal, decolourization of dyestuff, etc. Now the use of biocatalyst has become state of the art in the textile industry. The production processes in cotton processing industry not only consume large amount of energy and water but also produce substantial waste products. According to a study, existing processing industries use strong and excess of alkalis/acids, extreme temperature, and large volume of water. Industrial overheads include not only the cost of the chemical and energy, but also the cost of wastewater treatment. Effluents generated from these processing houses exert pollution load in terms of BOD (biochemical oxygen demand), COD (chemical oxygen demand), dissolved solids, high pH, residual chlorinated organic, residues of oxidizing agents, traces of alkalis or acids etc. One possible way of attending this problem is to adopt bio-processing techniques. In view of the same, a comparative study has been conducted by the author to observe the performance of different parameters associated with effective processing of both enzymatic and existing alkaline methods on cotton fabric, keeping an environment friendly route in processing and process economics in mind.
Powers of derivations on semiprime rings[Full-Text ] T.Madhavi, Prof. K.SuvarnaChung and Luh [1] studied semiprime rings with nilpotent derivatives and established the result for (n-1)!-torsion free semiprime rings. Giambruno and Herstein [2] proved the same result without assuming that R is (n-1)!-torsion free. Bresar [3] generalized the result of Chung and Luh. Herstein proved some related results in [4] and [5]. In this paper we prove that if R is an (n-1)!-torsion free semiprime ring with a derivaiton d such that bd(x)na = 0 for a,b ? R and for all x ? R, then bd(x)a = 0 for all x ? R.
Stress-strain relationship: Postulated concept to understand genetic mechanism associated with a seismic event[Full-Text ] Umesh Prasad Verma,Shankar Dayal, Rabindra KumarStrain rate measurements, over an area by GSRM1[8] and GPS data sytems2[8,10] help in establishing the nature and pattern of the medium and strain velocity. Expansion and contraction rate details, at times, impede detection of exact magnitude, direction of vectors and axis rotation. Minute measurement of direction and magnitude of strain rate, using the proposed concept, helps in better understanding of seismicity. Correlation of data on strain rate for past events of Tibet, Anatolia, 1994, Sikkim, 2011 and Turkey, 2011 supports the concept. Strain develops over considerable time in the overlying stratum at right angle to the applied shearing (max) stress3 [5,9] ,obeying the internal friction of the stratum,4[4.9] available seismic energy and law of stress-strain relationship. Using estimated energy (seismic), stress accumulation, the addition or subtraction in the strain rate due to stress developed can be analyzed for a seismic event. This concept may lead to better understanding of stress generation; build up, transfer and final drop.
Comparative Analysis of Software Complexity of Searching Algorithms Using Code Based Metrics[Full-Text ] Olabiyisi S.O, Omidiora E. O and Sotonwa K. ASoftware complexity metrics are used to quantify a variety of software properties. Complexity measures can be used to predict critical information about testability, reliability and maintainability of the software systems from automatic analysis of the source code. In this paper different software complexity metrics were applied to searching algorithms, our intention is to compare software complexity of linear and binary search algorithms, evaluate, rank competitive object oriented applications (Visual Basic, C#, C++ and Java languages) of these two algorithms using code based complexity metrics such as (line of codes, McCabe cylomatic complexity metrics and Halstead complexity metrics) and measured the sample programs using length (in lines) of the program, line of code (LOC) without comments, LOC with comments, McCabe method, the program difficulty using Halstead method. The result revealed that McCabe method has negligible values of complexity for Visual Basic, C#, C++ and Java languages for linear search and similar measuring values for binary search and also from statistical analysis of ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) the result showed that for both linear and binary search techniques, the four (4) languages do not differ significantly, therefore it is concluded that any of the four (4) programming languages is good to code linear and binary search algorithms.
Semantic Web Enabled Virtual Travel Agency[Full-Text ] Swati Ringe, Dhana Nandini, Gaurav Sharma, Mayuri RegeThe existing Virtual Travel Agencies (VTA) are mostly web applications maintaining their own databases. Through data entered by all its partnering travel websites and businesses, the VTA's database is thoroughly searched on the basis of combining all the requirements of the traveller. There is no possibility of service provider getting connected to the client via his own databases or web service. The reason behind this is the variation in data formats used in their databases which makes it a difficult job to integrate their services together to provide a common window for accomplishing the user's requirements. Our project gives a solution to the above mentioned problems by implementing a VTA that performs semantic-mapping via ontology and multi-agents.
Sun Tracking System with Microcontroller 8051[Full-Text ] Syed ArsalanThe uses of alternative sources of energies are becoming widely spread in all over the world. Our sun is also a very good source of different energies; the light energy has a very remarkable value. The Solar panel converts the light energy into the electrical energy. The efficiency of solar panel can be maximized by aligning the solar panel with the sun. The sun tracking system is designed in this project, offers a reliable and affordable method of aligning a solar panel with the sun on single axis. This project is based on microcontroller 8051 with a simple circuit and sun tracking software.
A Secure Cloud Storage System with Secure Data Forwarding [Full-Text ] Aarti P Pimpalkar, Prof. H.A. HingoliwalaA cloud storage system, consisting of a group of storage servers, provides long storage services over the net. Storing information in a third party's cloud system causes serious concern over information confidentiality. General coding schemes protect information confidentiality, however also limit the functionality of the storage system as a result of a couple of operations are supported over encrypted information. Constructing a secure storage system that supports multiple functions is difficult once the storage system is distributed and has no central authority. We have a tendency to propose a threshold proxy re-encryption scheme and integrate it with a decentralized erasure code specified a secure distributed storage system is developed. The distributed storage system not only supports secure and strong information storage and retrieval, however also lets a user forward his information within the storage servers to a different user while not retrieving the info back. The most technical contribution is that the proxy re-encryption theme supports encoding operations over encrypted messages still as forwarding operations over encoded and encrypted messages. Our technique absolutely integrates encrypting, encoding, and forwarding. We have a tendency to analyze and counsel appropriate parameters for the amount of copies of a message sent to storage servers and therefore the number of storage servers queried by a key server. These parameters permit additional flexible adjustment between the amount of storage servers and robustness.
Emission Control of DI Diesel Engine by Using Aqueous Salt Solution[Full-Text ] Md. Amzad Hossain, Md. Rasedul Islam, Md. Hasan Ali, Mohammad MashudVehicle emission control is the study & practice of reducing the motor vehicle emissions especially internal combustion engine. It includes a variety of engine management and emission control devices and system. They all work to reduce the air pollutants in the exhaust gas. Air pollution can be defined as addition to our atmosphere of any material which will have a deleterious effect on life upon our planet. The main pollutants contributes by automobiles are carbon monoxide (CO), unburned hydrocarbons (UBHC), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), smoke, odor, particulate matter(PM). Water oil stable emulsion and obtained a significant reduction of NOX and improved break specific fuel consumption (BSFC). Noboru Miyamoto et al. examined the effect of several aqueous metal salt solutions on NOX reduction in a DI diesel engine. It was found that with sodium salt solution, NOX and smoke emission decreased by more than 60% and 50% respectively with respect to conventional operation. The effect of diesel/water emulsion and associated gaseous emission were Investigated by G.E Andrews et al. It was noticed that both NOX and particulate emission decreased with increased water content. The source of high ambient air ozone and particular levels include emissions from essentially all combustion devices, i.e., truck and bus diesel engines have been identified as a significant mobile source of both oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) and particulate matter (PM). It produces 50% of the total amount of NOx and HC emissions and as much as 80% to 90% of the CO an HC concentrations in urban air tend to rise. NOx and a precursor to ozone formation in the lower atmosphere and diesel particulate matters. So, it is the very urgent problem to reduce the exhaust emissions from diesel engine. Many development programs carried out such as engine design modification, treatment of exhaust gas, fuel modification. This experiment is used mainly for reducing NOX by using fuel modification system with aqueous salt solution. Here study also performs about other particulate emissions with various engine efficiency parameters.
Analysis and Simulation of Space Time Block Code With Linear Receiver for QAM and PSK As Modulation Techniques[Full-Text ] Khushbu Sethi, KiranIn Space-Time Coding (STC) systems , the same information symbol stream is transmitted from different transmit antennas in appropriate manner to obtain transmit diversity. The structure of the signal enables us to exploit diversity in the spatial and temporal dimensions in order to obtain improved bit error performance and higher data rates without bandwidth expansion. The objective of this paper is to provide the description of different type of space time block codes and to provide the analysis of these codes without channel knowledge at the transmitter with different modulation schemes for four transmit and one receive antenna. We propose a new space time block code and compare it with other codes.
Iterative Decoding of Turbo Codes[Full-Text ] Miss.Rupinder Kaur, Mr.Shakti Raj Chopra.In this paper through analysis of results we have shown that by using the Max-Log-MAP and Log-MAP algorithms the two stopping criterions namely PCS and HDA have the same performances, for the complex AWGN channel and for Rayleigh Fading channel with BPSK modulation. Since the HDA stopping criteria compares only the systematic bits from two constituent decoders which does not need to check with parity bits and re-encode the systematic bits ,it is proved to be simpler then the PCS stopping criteria.
Practical guide to safe Autoclaving[Full-Text ] Ravikrishna SAn Autoclave or a steam sterilizer is an important vehicle for reducing the microbial contamination of packaged final products, medicinal and food preparations etc., and it is the most commonly used equipment in all the biomedical laboratories. The microbial contamination is reduced by the combined effect of steam and pressure. The more is the pressure the more is the effect of the steam. Handling of Autoclave is associated with different hazards ranging from small injuries to fatal injuries. These injuries occur to the personnel because of the lack of proper knowledge on handling of the equipment and the hazards associated while working on it.When safety is concerned it is very important to provide training to the personnel on the safe use of the equipment.The intent of this guidance document is to make the personnel who are handling the autoclave and their supervisors to understand the operation, handling and to be aware of the hazards and incidents associated with the autoclave. This ensures a safe procedure for the handling of the instrument. The end users are therefore required to go through the document as part of the training programme before going to handle the equipment.
Development of a Navigation System for an Autonomous Guided Vehicle using Android Technology[Full-Text ] C J Snyman, TI van NiekerkModern cell phone hardware, due to its integrated peripherals, provides a low cost intelligent controller for use in the navigation of an Automated Guided Vehicle. Most commercial AGV's use proprietary hardware which is expensive to replace and also difficult to maintain. Using industrial hardware components combined with Android mobile platforms could provide a low-cost alternative. This would be easier to maintain, using existing in-house factory maintenance knowledge. A prototype AGV was designed and developed based on an integrated system between an industrial Programmable Logic Controller and an Android operating system mobile platform. This system utilises the mobile platforms integrated Global Position System or video camera as tools for navigation. Experimental tests were performed to determine whether the prototype can navigate a predefined course by making use of GPS and camera line following algorithms. The test results were very positive, but highlighted the limitations in the accuracy of cell phone based GPS receivers.
TONE MAPPING OF HDR IMAGE FOR LDR DISPLAY USING GUIDED IMAGE FILTER [Full-Text ] Shambulinga M, T.C.Thanuja, N RamanathanThis paper proposes a novel scheme of presenting high dynamic range images on low dynamic range displays using gamma correction based tone mapping and guided image filtering. The typical high dynamic range image is split into base layer and detail layer using guided image filter. Dynamic range of the base layer is compressed or expanded using gamma correction method. The gamma correction with different gamma coefficients are applied to the image to generate gamma compressed and gamma expanded images. Then both the images are combined according to the weight functions based on local variances. The local variances are used as local weights to bring out the detail information. Guided image filter computes the filtering output by considering the content of the guidance image, which can be input image itself or any other image. The guided filter is used as edge preserving smoothing operator. Finally detail layer of the guided image filter is added to the output image obtained from gamma correction method. The overall output image presented on LDR display is nearly the same as the original HDR input image in terms of visual quality.
Computer-Based Frequency Drift Control of Multiple Lasers in Real-Time[Full-Text ] Altaf H. Nizamani, Saeed A. Buzdar, Bilal Rasool, Nek M. Shaikh, Hussain SaleemWe present a laser locking scheme that provides much higher stabilization of laser frequency in real-time environment. The scheme is implemented using LabVIEW software in real-time operating system. The scheme allows stability of the lasers within the line width of the respective transitions. By using the scheme extended cavity diode lasers (ECDL) are locked to a saturated absorption curve of a reference laser automatically. The system remains locked for several hours. The scheme also provides a human friendly interface and allows access to tune the laser frequencies.
ELECTRIC ENERGY TARIFFS IN A DEREGULATED ECONOMY FOR SELF RELIANCE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA[Full-Text ] OTOKPA, D.O. and AJEIBI, B.C Electric energy which is placed on top of the energy stratification and its uses at home, industry, agriculture, and in transport is indispensable. Tariffs are ways in which electric utilities derive their income from customers through effective electricity bills. This paper examines and analyses the energy billing in a deregulated economy in terms of its benefits for sustainable development especially for its capacity in eliminating subsidies, improvement in public financing and sale of assets. It as well shows its improvement of macro performance in generation of energy, transmission and distribution system. Moreover electric energy and billing are cost effective as well as competitive with improved service to consumers while at the same time encouraging private investment, lower consumer tariffs, and efficiency in operation. various tariffs system such as flat demand rate, straight rate, block rate, Hopkinson rate, Doherty rate, Wright rate and further proposed three important tariffs demand rate known as Otokpa, and Ajeibi demand rate. Energy billing in deregulated economy were analyzed and benefits of deregulated of electric energy for sustainable development were examined as elimination of subsidies, improve public financing through sale of assets, improve performance or generation, transmission and distribution system by effective competition, improved service to consumers, encourage private investment, lower consumer tariffs through efficient operations. It is indeed the recommendation and conclusion of this paper that as sensitive as electric energy. It should be jointly managed both by government and the private sector to create a better monitoring of performances in outputs for public good.
Adiabatic ION Shuttling Protocols in Outer-Segmented-Electrode Surface ION Traps[Full-Text ] Altaf H.Nizamani, Bilal Rasool, M.Tahir, Nek M.Shaikh, Hussain SaleemEffective and efficient trapped ion transportation operations are important for many quantum information implementations. In this report, we provide an efficient shuttling protocol for the linear shuttling of ions in asymmetric surface trap geometries in which outer electrode is segmented to provide control over ion transportation from one trapping region to other trapping region. During the adiabatic shuttling operations, the maximum transportation speed of trapped ions depends on the trapped ion's secular frequencies during the process. We show how adiabatic linear shuttling protocols can be implemented in optimised surface trap geometries. In order to make the shuttling process adiabatic, the important parameters that need to be taken into account, are also discussed.
An improved Hindi speech Recognition system by using I-Rover[Full-Text ] Rahul Rana, Ravinder Singh, Devarshi MishraSpeech technology and systems in human computer interaction have witnessed a stable and remarkable advancement over the last two decades. These technologies enable machines to respond correctly and reliably to the voices of humans, and provide useful and great services with high values. But there are limited work done for Hindi language and that is also not able to provide a good accuracy Hindi system. In this paper, we proposed a Hindi speech recognition system by using iROVER (improved Recognizer Output Voting Error Reduction), a system combination technique. This system is modification of the previously generated Hindi system by using old Rover system combination approach. By this proposed system, word error rate of previously generated Hindi system by traditional ROVER approach, will be reduce and combination of ASR's will produce efficient result.
A Survey on Reliable Routing Protocols using Received Signal Strength in MANET[Full-Text ] Ms. Sonal Belani, Prof. Parmalik kumar, Prof. Hitesh GuptaA Mobile Ad Hoc Network is a collection of portable devices that establish communication without the help of any infrastructure such as base stations or access points. As the MANET is infrastructure less, it is having dynamic nature and random network topology. Due to random movement of nodes, the link between the nodes breaks repeatedly. When the link breaks MANET needs to find route again, which can increases the routing load of the network. Many efforts have been made to design reliable routing protocols that enhance route stability in network. Some of recently published papers consider received signal strength as an effective parameter to enhance route stability. In this paper, we survey on recently published papers which gives reliable routing protocols which uses received signal strength as a parameter to enhance the stability of route.
Preprocessing phase for University Website Access Domain[Full-Text ] Nirali Honest, Dr. Bankim Patel, Dr. Atul PatelIn the current era websites are growing in size which adds complexity to website design. It becomes necessary to understand who are the users of site, what they are interested in accessing from the website, how much time the users are spending on the website and what is the accessing frequency of users during regular days and during special days. To understand these behaviors we consider a University Website Access Domain (UWAD), where regular days means the operational things that are part of routine activities, like checking the syllabus, checking the faculties details, checking the courses offered, etc. by special days we mean events like admission process, recruitment process, Workshop/Seminar details, etc. The access pattern of users during the regular days is different compared to the access patterns during the special events. Considering these we try to form the preprocessing phase for UWAD. The website is formed of the pages designed using Content Management Systems(CMS), and the preprocessing phase includes data cleaning, user and session identification, determining site structure, mapping of page number and name, path completion, and creation of academic events.
AN EFFICIENT GHP MONITOR AND CONTROL SYSTEM USING MICRCONTROLLER BASED GSM[Full-Text ] Prasun Aggarwal, Harsha MannAutomating the data acquisition process of the soil conditions and various climatic parameters that govern plant growth, allows information to be collected at high frequency. This paper, presents a universal system for continues monitoring and controlling the greenhouse parameters and optimize them to achieve maximum plant growth and send this information via GSM thereby eliminating the deployment of a separate system for each parameter and human interference.