Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition
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Space Vector Modulation Algorithm for Multi Level Inverter[Full-Text ] S.Prashanth, M.Santhosh, I. RahulThis paper proposes the reverse mapping method for generation of a space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) for three phase multi level voltage source inverter. The proposed scheme avoids the determination of reference space vector tip location and on time calculation. This method finds the center of sub hexagon which comprised of reference space vector and this is mapped to innermost sub hexagon so that switching sequences corresponds to innermost sub hexagon is determined, by which this two level vectors are translated to switching vectors of the multi level inverter, by adding the center of the sub hexagon to these switching vectors. This scheme is explained for three levels and five levels inverter using an open ended winding induction motor drive, is used to verify the (SVPWM) generation scheme experimentally.
Implementation of Neural Model Predictive Control in Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor System[Full-Text ] Ankit Kumar, Mohit Bajaj, Paras Nath VermaThis paper analyses the usage of Discrete-time Linear Model Predictive Control in controlling a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor System based on neural network. Two different schemes of Model Predictive control are present. To begin with, a basic Model Predictive Control based on Generalized Predictive Control is used and then a Model Predictive Control approach based on neural network. Simulation results have been included which demonstrate the performance of both controllers when used to control Single-Input Single-Output Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor System and the performance when Neural Network based Model Predictive Control is applied. In order to obtain a more accurate process description the neural model is trained with data from simulation of a phenomenological model and afterwards, is employed with actual plant data. Here, this strategy permits to carry out the training without to introduce disturbance in the real plant. Artificial Neural networks of different sizes are trained. The performance of a model predictive control based on the neural model is evaluated for disturbance rejection. The achieved results allow us to conclude that the developed neural model predictive control is adequate to control effectively.
A High Performance And Area Efficient Golomb Coding For H.264 Entropy Encoder In FPGA[Full-Text ] Jaikaran Singh, Khyati Borad, Mukesh Tiwari, Sanjay RathodIn this paper we present a new implementation method of golomb coading. Due to lower complexity this techniques is well known for data compression . Thus it is mainly used in mobile multimedia communication . in this paper we present the golomb coding compression algorithm in field programmable gate array (FPGA) . The proposed coding is implemented to reduce the hardware cost . The coding scheme development utilises the VHDL . The development algorithm is simulated using the ALTERA Quartus II software
How Expatriate Stress Can Be Released Through Stratagies?[Full-Text ] Md Gaffar Hossain Shah, Mohammed MuraduzamanGlobal business is growing rapidly today and continues to grow in future also. To keep pace with the global change in business scenario, global managers need to meet the demands existing in the international context. Especially the expatriate managers, when they go to the foreign country on assignments they need to face the challenges of the global business scenario. Foreign assignment along with excitement and enjoyment brings the conditions of distress also to the expatriates. Potential stressors like cultural shock, language barriers, and separation from the family will eventually affect the performance and productivity of the expatriates and cost to the firm. The expatriate stress process follows a pattern leading to either adjustment or dropping the assignment and coming back to the parent country. An attempt has been made in the present study to find the problems and stressors of the expatriates. Considerable ways of managing stress at individual level and organizational level are suggested.
Satellite Rainfall Estimation in the South-Eastern Part of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Mohammad Shohidul IslamIn case of sufficient moistures contamination from BOB, the rain forecasting is challenging for the meteorologists over south and south-eastern part of Bangladesh, especially in monsoon and post-monsoon period. Real time rainfall information is necessary for early warning rainfall which triggered hazards such as floods and landslides. Slow dissemination of measured rainfall information was considered as a serious obstacle in terms of the use of such information for early warning purpose. Satellite based rainfall estimation had been considered as an alternative to fulfill that demand. This research was addressed to estimate the satellite-based rainfall by using Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite data. Then, estimated rainfall was made to compare with surface-based rain gauge rainfall which was acquired from 08 weather stations over Bangladesh for the years of 2001-2009. At first, daily rainfall was estimated by satellite. Then, monthly, seasonally and yearly rainfall was also determined and compared it with surface rainfall. Temporal and spatial analysis was performed by estimated (TRMM) and observed (RG) rainfall and at same time for the assessment of accuracy some statistical parameters such as correlation coefficients, regression equations, biases and mean absolute errors were deermined for all stations. The TRMM overestimated rainfall during pre-monsoon and underestimated during monsoon while alike during post-monsoon period. Overall, TRMM underestimated rainfall in the heavy-rainfall regions of Bangladesh.
DEVELOPING DSA TECHNIQUE BASED APPLICATION USING SQUARE GRID TRANSPOSITION[Full-Text ] Praveen Kumar Patel, Anurag Tiwari, Dr. Manuj DarbariData encryption is the conversion of data into a form, called cipher text that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized people. Decryption is the process of converting encrypted data back into its original form. In literature, different techniques are used for encryption and decryption of text, image, audio and video. In this work text files have been used for encryption and decryption in a grid size of 32X32 by using DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) encryption algorithm. In this paper work a modified approach for encryption of text is used with popular DSA encryption algorithm. In this work, the binary data of a file is divided into equal sized blocks called grids. The bit streams of each grid are taken and grid transposition technique is applied over it. A key of 160 bits is used by the DSA algorithm for the grid size 32X32. The key is wrapped up with public key DSA algorithm for secret key transposition so that intruder cannot identify it. For decryption, the reverse grid transposition and private key is applied in this work. The included session key is obtained by decrypting the wrapped key with receiver's private key. The efficiency of the work with DSA algorithm is also compared with the reported work with RSA. In this paper work, a modified approach for the encryption of the text is used called the DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) encryption algorithm. The binary data of file is divided into equal sized blocks called as grids.
An Efficient Routing Protocol for Minimizing Multi-hop in VANET using WiMAX[Full-Text ] Vaishak.P, T.SivakumarVehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANET) are achieving a lot of attention due to the wide variety of services they provide. Which include applications and user services like games, web browsing, chat, providing safety, file sharing, delivering advertisements and finding available parking etc. For achieving the network connectivity it uses infrastructure module called RSU, which provide seamless connection to services. For sending a data or vital message to known destination in VANET, existing protocols lags because of dynamic nature of VANET. Each time it has to create a new path through different vehicles (nodes) if the intermediate node moves in different direction of either source or destination nodes. Interoperability between VANET module and WiMAX are possible for achieving reliable network connectivity and sending the data fast and acquiring high end to end ratio. This paper proposes a protocol which Embed the WiMAX technology to the Vehicular Ad hoc network. It sends the data through WiMAX or VANET module according to the distance between the source and destination. Here it assumes that each vehicle is capable of locating itself by location service like GPS and destination is known to the source.
Extended Proactive Secret Sharing using Matrix Projection Method[Full-Text ] Sonali Patil, Nikita Rana, Dhara Patel, Prajol HodgeProactive Secret Sharing Scheme (PSSS) is a method to periodically renew n secret shares in a (k, n) threshold-based Secret Sharing Scheme without modifying the secret or reconstructing the secret to reproduce new shares. Given enough time, a hacker may be able to compromise enough shares (k or more) to gain the secret. PSSS is a scheme that allows generating new set of shares for the same secret from the old shares without reconstructing the secret. Using PSSS, all the shares are refreshed so that old shares become useless. Thus, an adversary has to gather at least k shares between two executions of PSSS. The secret remains confidential if fewer than k shares were compromised from the start of one PSSS to the end of the next PSSS. In this paper proactive secret sharing scheme for images is proposed based on matrix projection method. The proposed scheme provides the extended capabilities of enrolling and disenrolling of shareholders in the existing scheme. Also in the proposed scheme public information is shared with the participant's shares which makes the scheme more reliable.
Contour Potential Energy Based Method for Indian Sign Language Recognition[Full-Text ] Adithya V, Vinod P R, Usha GopalakrishnanSign Language is the only way of communication for the people with hearing problems. Sign Language is composed of a number of gestures formed by various handshapes, body movements or facial expressions. Sign language is known and used by deaf people and people living close to them. Most hearing people do not understand sign language. This causes the isolation of deaf people in the society. Inorder to facilitate the communication between the deaf people and the hearing people an automatic system for sign language interpretation is essential. Such a system will definitely support the integration of deaf community with the hearing community. There are various sign languages across the world. The visual language used by the deaf community in India is called Indian sign language. This paper proposes a vision based method for the automatic recognition of fingerspelling in Indian sign language. The signs considered for recognition include the letters of the English alphabet and the numerals from 0-9. The method makes use of the images of the bare hands and is inexpensive, therefore facilitating the deaf-dumb people to use it.
Comparative study of removal of phenol using Tamarindus indica L. seeds and Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. leaves as biosorbent[Full-Text ] H. Vignesh, M. Eajas Basha, S. Yuvaraj, D. Vinothkumar, R. Harisaranraj and N.G. Ramesh BabuPhenol and its derivatives are considered to be primary pollutant components in wastewater due to their high toxicity, high oxygen demand and low biodegradability. In the present scenario, it is found that the contamination of water by phenol is increasing day by day. The World Health Organization (WHO) prescribed 1 mg/l as the maximum permissible concentration of phenol in drinking water. Hence elimination of phenol from water becomes mandatory. Biological methods are the most appropriate techniques due to mineralization of toxic organic compounds and inexpensiveness. Among the biological methods, biosorption was considered as the best method because of its high removal efficiency. In this study, Tamarindus indica L. seeds and Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. leaves are used as biosorbents and their efficiencies are compared. The maximum removal efficiency of 96.105% was obtained by Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb. leaves at pH-7 at time interval of 7 hrs before optimization. The optimization based on pH and time gave the highest removal efficiency of 99.06858594% which was obtained by Tamarindus indica L. seeds at pH-6.2 at a time interval of 31 hrs.
Comparison between Static and Dynamic Analysis of Elevated Water Tank[Full-Text ] Gaikwad Madhurar V., Prof. Mangulkar Madhuri N.In earthquake resigns, the elevated water tanks are one of the most important lifeline structures. In major cities & also in rural area, elevated water tanks forms an integral part of water supply scheme. The elevated water tank must functional even after the earthquakes as water tanks are required to provide water for drinking and firefighting purpose. The main object of this paper is, to compare the Static and Dynamic analysis of elevated water tank, to study the dynamic response of elevated water tank by both the methods, to study the hydrodynamic effect on elevated water tank, to compare the effects of Impulsive and Convective pressure results. From detail study and analysis it was found that, for same capacity, same geometry, same height, with same staging system, with same Importance factor & Response reduction factor, in the same Zone; response by equivalent static method to dynamic method differ considerably. Even if we consider two cases for same capacity of tank, change in geometric features of a container can shows the considerable change in the response of tank. As the capacity increases difference between the response increases. Increase in the capacity shows that difference between static and dynamic response is in increasing order. It is also found that, for small capacity of tank the impulsive pressure is always greater than the convective pressure, but it is vice- versa for tanks with large capacity. Magnitude of both the pressure is different. The effect of water sloshing must be included in the analysis. Free board to be provided in the tank based on maximum value of sloshing wave height. If sufficient free board is not provided, roof structure should be designed to resist the uplift pressure due to sloshing of water.
An Asset Management System for Maintenance and Repair of Educational Buildings[Full-Text ] Adel-ElSamadony, Ossama Hossny, Ahmed ElHakeem, Dalia HusseinInfrastructure renewal has been a focus of attention around the world. This paper provide a comprehensive asset management framework to support the efficient planning of maintenance and repair strategies for educational buildings, which outlines a database system using neural network tools to evaluates the performance of the school, using last repair data and predicte detrioration of the target school.A new approach is presented to restruct the inspection efforts and condition assessment process to help the decision maker make the right choices between long-term alternatives related to the maintenance, repair and capital renewal for the Egyptian educational authorities. A prototype of the framework has been developed to facilitate school maintenance and has been tested on different Educational Organization.
Simulation Of Aodv & Aomdv Using Scmac & Proposed Solution To Improve Throughput In Manet [Full-Text ] Neha Gupta, Dr. Harish Chaudhary, Umang GargA Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a dynamic wireless network that can be formed without the need for any pre-existing infrastructure in which each node can act as a router. In Manet there are two essential issues 1) The design of routing protocols that adopt to the frequent & randomly changing n/w topology.2) The design of MAC protocols .A variety of routing and MAC protocols have been proposed & several of them have been simulated or implemented as well. In this paper we compare & implement two types of on-demand routing protocols, AODV & AOMDV in terms of throughput .On comparing performance we see that AOMDV incurs more throughput. Both protocols are using single channel MAC (SCMAC).In this paper we also proposed a multichannel MAC protocol for MANET to improve throughput of n/w. The IEEE 802.11 standard allows for the use of multiple channels available at the physical layer, but its MAC protocol is designed only for a single channel. A single channel MAC protocol does not work well in a multi channel environment because of multichannel hidden terminal problem .Our proposed protocol enable host to utilize multiple channels, thus increasing n/w throughput. We have compare this multichannel protocol with single channel and proved it more efficient in terms of throughput than single channel.
Fabrication and Performance evaluation of a v-groove solar air heater[Full-Text ] A.Anuradha, Dr (Mrs) Rachel OommenIn the present study, a v-groove solar air collector is used for research purposes. The absorber of solar collector made by copper with an area of 1.9m length and .97m.The surface of absorbent plate was covered by black paint. To insulate the collector, the glass wool with the thickness of 100 mm was used. The experiments were conducted and data was collected from the collector. The results of the collector efficiency in the forced convection were evaluated and their graphs were plotted. The results showed that the collector efficiency is about 35%. The low temperature difference between inlet and outlet of the collector decreased its heat loss.
Design And Analysis of Connecting Rod Using Forged steel[Full-Text ] Leela Krishna Vegi, Venu Gopal VegiThe connecting rod is the intermediate member between the piston and the Crankshaft. Its primary function is to transmit the push and pull from the piston pin to the crank pin, thus converting the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion of the crank. This thesis describes designing and Analysis of connecting rod. Currently existing connecting rod is manufactured by using Carbon steel. In this drawing is drafted from the calculations. A parametric model of Connecting rod is modeled using CATIA V5 R19 software and to that model, analysis is carried out by using ANSYS 13.0 Software. Finite element analysis of connecting rod is done by considering the materials, viz... Forged steel. The best combination of parameters like Von misses Stress and strain, Deformation, Factor of safety and weight reduction for two wheeler piston were done in ANSYS software. Forged steel has more factor of safety, reduce the weight, increase the stiffness and reduce the stress and stiffer than other material like carbon steel. With Fatigue analysis we can determine the lifetime of the connecting rod.
A Particle Swarm Optimization for Multiobjective Combined Heat and Power Economic Dispatch Problem Considering the Cost, Emission and Losses[Full-Text ] B.Venkatesh, V.Subbu Chithira KalaCombined heat and power units are playing an ever increasing role in conventional power stations due to advantages such as reduced emissions and operational cost savings. This paper investigates a more practical formulation of the complex non convex, non-smooth and non-linear multi-objective economic emission dispatch that incorporates combined heat and power units. The effect of valve-point in cost function considered with adding an absolute sinusoidal term to conventional polynomial cost function. A multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) method is applied to test case. The obtained results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in solving non-convex and constrained CHPED problem.
Survey on 3D User Interface for Operating System[Full-Text ] Ankit Vani, Humayun Mulla, Ronit Kulkarni, Siddharth Kulkarni, Prof. Rahul KulkarniWith the advent of 3D capable displays, we have seen a plethora of 3D movies and games coming up. However, these displays also open up a huge range of possibilities for the way people interact with computers. The primary operating systems of the traditional PC does not make use of the 3D capabilities of the display device. Our project is to bring 3D capabilities to the user interface of the operating systems. We will do this by implementing patches to the display servers and window managers in Linux, to provide windows that appear as 3D planes, with depth depending on when the window was last focused. Window controls can also be 3D. Apart from the 3D display of the operating system, we need a user interface that feels natural with such an interface. We will provide a touch input in 3D space. Users will be able to touch window controls by moving their fingers over the perceived positions of the 3D images. This will be made possible by sensors detecting the user's hands and the distance of his eyes from the screen.
Physicochemical Characterization Of The Tropical Biomass: Methodological Study And Analysis[Full-Text ] L. Fagbegmi, M. Anjorin, C. A Houngan, S. DedewanouThe biomass in general occupies a place of choice in the satisfaction of the world energtic needs, and the countries in the process of development in particular.
Study on Two Dimensional Three stage Software Reliability Growth Model [Full-Text ] Rashmi Upadhyay, Prashant JohriSoftware reliability is defined as the probability of failure-free software operation for a specified period of time in a specified environment. Software release time is a crucial decision to make and has been extensively studied in the literature. A number of models have been proposed in last two decades to discuss the software release time problem. From the earlier studies, it has been observed that more and more faults are detected as testing grows and as additional (testing) effort are used. In this paper, we reviewed the existing NHPP models for fault removal and proposed three stage software reliability growth model for minimizing the faults using Cobb Douglas production function for accumulating the effect of testing time and effort. The total fault removal phenomenon is the superposition of the three processes. The model has been validated, evaluated and compared with other existing NHPP models by applying them on actual failure data sets cited from real software development projects. The results show that the proposed model provides improved goodness of fit for software failure data and estimate results in SPSS and forecasting method is also proposed for the models.
Face Recognition based on Gabor Wavelet and Backpropagation Neural Network[Full-Text ] Lintu Liz Thomas, Dr. C. Gopakumar, Prof. Antu Annam ThomasFace recognition is an efficient biometric technique which automatically identifies the face of an individual from adatabase of images. This paper proposes a face recognition technique using Gabor wavelet and Backpropagation Neural Network. Although there are so many existing methods, the illumination changes, out of plane rotations and occlusions still remain as challenging problems. In the proposed method, Gabor wavelet coefficients are used for creating feature vector due to its representative capability of the primary visual cortex of Human Visual System. The method also uses Principal Component Analysis for dimensionality reduction. The reduced feature vector is used as the input of the classifier, the Backpropagation neural network. Face recognition has many applications in a variety of fields such as access control, authentication and public surveillance.
A Review on Cloud Computing- An Emerging Technology[Full-Text ] Rohini SharmaCloud computing focuses on delivery of reliable, secure, fault tolerant, sustainable, and scalable infrastructures for hosting internet-based application services. Cloud computing is attractive to business owners as it eliminates the requirement for users to plan ahead for provisioning and allows enterprises to start from the small and increase resources only when there is a rise in service demand. The aim of this paper is to introduces the background and service model of cloud computing and also introduces the existing security issues in cloud computing.
Total phenolic content and In vitro antioxidant activity of four indigenous Citrus fruits of North East India[Full-Text ] Sony Kumari, Prof. A. K. HandiqueThe interest has increased in the consumption of Citrus fruits, it is not only due to their sweet refreshing properties but also because of their other important properties like medicinal, antioxidant and nutritional values . Four different indigenous varieties of Citrus namely Citrus grandis var Robab, Citrus grandis var Khaloi, Citrus sinensis var Valencia, and Citrus sinensis var Sohniangriang have been collected from native places of Assam and Meghalaya of North East India. Direct juices have been extracted from ripen citrus fruits for different biochemical estimations. Total phenolic content and antioxidant scavenging activity have been found to be in very good and significant amount. For scavenging activity of the juices different concentrations of juices were taken and the scavenging activity was found to be increasing in significant amount with increase in the juice concentration. Total acidity (in terms of citric acid content) and pH were also determined.
Ontology Based Web Portal Designing[Full-Text ] Manisha Kumari, Dr.Kanwal GargWeb is a growing source of information. Web users surf web for different purpose. Some users surf the web to work, some for fun, students surf it for study purpose and particular users for financial information. These users visit dozen to twenty websites where they can find interesting information. Web portal is a special kind of data- intensive website that collects information from different source and organizes in a hierarchical way. Web portal is easy to design and populate according to end user purpose, but it leaves back-end database lacking of subject domain semantics and user cannot retrieve relevant information. Ontology based web portal is the solution of this problem which adds a semantic 'layer' in web portal implementation. This paper gives an approach that uses power of semantics to create a new type of web portal that is fully ontology based. Idea is to allow a user to create a new website by extracting information from different website's sections selected by himself.
A New Approach for Face Recognition and Age Classification using LDP[Full-Text ] M Rama BaiThe present paper proposes a novel local texture features on facial images that recognise facial images based on the Morphological primitive patterns with grain components (MPP-g) on a Local Directional Pattern (LDP). A LDP feature is obtained by computing the edge response values in all eight directions at each pixel position and generating a code from the relative strength magnitude. The local descriptor LDP is more consistent in the presence of noise, and illumination changes, since edge response magnitude is more stable than pixel intensity. The present paper proposes Morphological primitive patterns with grain components (MPP-g) which are rotationally and pose invariant for face recognition and age classification. The experimental result on FGnet database images shows the efficacy of the proposed method.
Biomedical Engineering Based Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Khadijeh karamzadeh, Hadis Askarifar, Hamid MoharramiIn this paper, we will review the effect of artificial neural network in biomedical engineering. Efficacy of artificial neural networks demonstrated by use of a case study in this area. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) can solve many real world problems in the areas of pattern recognition, signal processing and medical diagnosis. Most of the medical data set is seldom complete. Complete set of data is needed for Artificial Neural Networks to achieve an accurate classification. The effectiveness of Artificial Neural Networks for diabetes mellitus is demonstrated.
Job Sequence Optimisation Using Combinatorial Evolutionary Approach in High Variety/Low Volume Manufacturing Environment[Full-Text ] Parminder Singh Kang, Riham Khalil, and David StocktonToday's manufacturing industry is been through unprecedented degree of change in terms of high variety and low volume, high value, global competition, shortened product life cycles, change is management strategies, increasing quality requirements and customer expectations and increased process complexity. As a result, in recent years organisations have adopted towards optimisation of the manufacturing operations in order to stay in competition, sustain their operational performance and maximise their economic benefits. This paper exemplifies a novel approach for development of combinatorial optimisation framework using evolutionary algorithms and Discrete Event Simulation modelling to determine the optimal job sequence by taking in account multiple organisational constraints. Simulation model used in this research represents the working area at Perkins Engines Limited. This may enable organisations to deal with such a highly diversified product portfolio without jeopardizing the benefits of an efficient flow-production. In the proposed methodology, two objectives used are manufacturing lead time and total inventory holding cost to measure the effectiveness of proposed solution. However, chosen objectives can be changed according to the organisational priorities.
An Empirical Study of Data Mining Issues in Higher Education [Full-Text ] Sumit Garg, Arvind Sharma, Uma KumariNow days, the huge amount of data stored in educational databases increasing rapidly. The educational databases contain hidden useful information with many important factors related to the student's learning. Data mining techniques have been applied to analyze these data and bring out the hidden knowledge. This paper focuses on the data mining and major issues associated with it. This study clarifies how data mining and KDD process are related together. The aim of this paper is how data mining techniques implemented on educational datasets to predict the performance of the students in higher education.
Economic Load Dispatch Problem Using Firefly Algorithm[Full-Text ] Jaswant singh, Dr. S. WadhwaniThis paper presents an Efficient and Reliable Firefly Algorithm (FA) for solving Economic Load Dispatch Problem . The main objective is to minimize the total fuel cost of the generating units having quadratic cost characteristics subjected to limits on generator .In this paper we will show how the recently developed firefly algorithm can be used to solve the famous ELD optimization problem. This hard optimization problem constitutes one of the key problems in power system operation and planning in which a direct Solution cannot be found and therefore Meta heuristic approaches, such as the firefly algorithm, have to be used to find the near optimal solutions.
The Reseach And Design Of Honeypot System In The Lan Security[Full-Text ] Prof .R.V.Agawane , Mr.JagrutiNaikare, Ms.ChaitraliLonkar, Ms. AparnaSawantThe purpose of this paper is to design a system that detects the attacker on the system, storing the information about the attack such as the IP address of the attacker, day and date and timing. Also the type of attack we have implemented such as E-mail scan, Socket scanner port scanner. This software we have specially designed for providing security to the LAN. Also we have implemented a client module which will run on the LAN.In e-mail scan we scan mails and deleted the spam mails. In port scanner we scan the ports to check which portsare opened or not. In packet scan we capture the packets.
Akkie Mars Code, Prehistoric Scientific Language In Code Form[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaGood News to the Global Population! Human ancestors are not of Apes. Human ancestors have more genetic value than Apes. Darwin Sir probably focused about modern human who might be started living on the earth planet at later period.
Comparison And Packet Level Analysis Of Routing Protocol For Video Streaming Traffic Over Mobile Adhoc Network[Full-Text ] L.Leelavathy, Dr.E.D.Kanmani Ruby , Dr.N.KasthuriMobile Ad-hoc networks are formed dynamically by an autonomous system of mobile nodes that are connected via wireless links without using an existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. The challenging factor in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) is to implement efficient and scalable multicast multipath transmission technique. In this paper, packet level analysis of video streaming is analyzed in probabilistic manner. To analyze video streaming traffic, the packet level performance of multipath transmission scheme is taken into account, which sends video traffic bursts over multiple available channels by means of comparative analysis of AOMDV and EGMP. Packet level performance in-terms of delay, outage probability and control overhead is evaluated using multipath multicast transmission scheme. Simulation result indicates that delay have been decreased by an amount of 17.3% for EGMP than the AOMDV protocol. It is also found that EGMP has shown a better performance in-terms of the overhead and outage probability which has been decreased by an amount of 0.15% and 0.12% respectively. The simulation results demonstrate the effective analysis frame work and performance gain of multipath multicast transmission.
The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Hyptis suaveolens in Malaria[Full-Text ] AUTA, K. I., AJAYI, O. O., ANDY, Y.B. and IKPA, T. F.The need to identify medicinal plants that can be used in the treatment and control of malaria and other protozoal and parasitic diseases is underscored by the increasing resistance of Plasmodium species to hitherto widely used anti-malarial drugs such as chloroquine and more recently quinine. Resistance to these drugs which occurs with increasing frequency consequently underlies the necessity to develop new agents for malaria chemotherapy. Hyptis suaveolens (family Labiatae) a plant traditionally used in the treatment of fever, as well as 'evil spirit' related diseases and for repelling mosquitoes was screened for this purpose in the present study. The activities of the ethanolic extract of the leaves of this plant was investigated against rodent Plasmodium infection, analgesic studies, pentobarbital (sleeping time), sub-acute toxicity, haematological evaluation as well as histopathology was carried out. A total of two hundred and fifteen animals, one hundred and fifteen Wistar rats and one hundred albino mice were used for the various aspect of the study. The LD50 of the extract was found to be 1264.91 + 0.51mg/kg (I.P) in mice and rats. The leaf extract displayed a good antiplasmodial activity against plasmodium berghei (08.2 + 2.70) corresponding to 51.05% suppression and (01.17 + 0.75) corresponding to 94.58% curative. The analgesic models used showed that the extract inhibits the formalin noxious stimulation on both phases of the test but failed to exhibit significant effect in tail flick test (P > 0.05).
Modeling the Conductivity Enhancement in Doped Single- walled Carbon Nanotube (SWCNT)[Full-Text ] Ravinder Kumar, Kulbir Kaur, Vijay Lamba, Derick EnglesIn this work we have modeled and simulated the electronic charge transport properties for a Single-walled Carbon Nano-tube with different geometries using first-principle calculations and Nonequilibrium Green's function (NEGF) method. We modeled a Single-walled Carbon Nano-tube by rolling Armchair (4,4) or Zigzag (4,0) Graphene Nanoribbon strips with the different doping atoms (S,N,P) using semi-empirical Extended Huckle Theory (EHT) within the framework of non-equilibrium green function (NEGF). The simulations were carried in Device mode using Atomistic Tool Kit (ATK-12.8.2) and its graphical interface (custom analyzer) Virtual Nano Lab till the self-consistent results was reached. The effect of the change in conductance and I-V characteristics of the junction was visualized for various transport parameters. The distinct changes in conductance reported as the positions , concentration and type of dopants was varied in central region of the CNT between two electrodes at different bias voltages from -2V to 2 V with steps of .50 V. This suggested conductance enhancement mechanism for the charge transport in the doped Single-walled Carbon Nano-tube at different positions is important for the design of CNT based nano electronic devices.
Malaria:treatment Through Nature[Full-Text ] Areeba Noor Khan, Ali Akbar Sial, Aneela KarimTreatment is one of the main tools to overcome any disease. There are the two main types of treatments which includes herbal and medicinal. Natural treatment is the use natural products. Important currently used anti malarial drugs are derived from plants whose medicinal values had been noted for centuries: Artemisinin from the plant (Artemisia annua L, China, 4th century) and Quinine from the cinchona tree. Constituents present in different plants acts as anti malarial agent by boosting the immune system .these agents play important role to treat malaria .These agents play important role to cure malaria
A new empirical model for water production in a double slope tilted-wick type solar still[Full-Text ] R. Rajanarthini, B. JanarthananAn attempt has been made to propose a new empirical model for water production through the energy balance equation of the brine water in double slope tilted-wick type solar still. Various modes of heat transfer in the collector have been analyzed to develop the model. Experiments have been carried out in typical summer days and it is found that the thermal efficiency of the proposed still is always less than 50%. The empirical equation is obtained for distilled water production in terms of input heat flux and length of the tilted-wick portion.
Classifications of Number Theory[Full-Text ] C.Sunitha Number theory (or) arithmetic is a branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers, more specifically the properties of positive integers. Number theorists study prime numbers as well as the properties of objects made out of integers (e.g., rational numbers) or defined as generalizations of the integers (e.g., algebraic integers).
Performance Evaluation of Well-Established Cellular Network Using Drop Call Probability Analysis[Full-Text ] Osunkwor E.O., Atuba S.O., Azi S.OThere are various performance determinant applied to cellular networks. One of the most important of these is the drop call probability. With the rapid increase of GSM users in Nigeria, it becomes imperative that Network operators pay close attention to the Quality of Service (QoS) with a view of improving it. Minimization of call drop is usually the result of many optimization procedures implemented by network operators. In this work, the phenomenon of dropped calls, one of the most important indices of QoS in a large scale well-established cellular network, has been analyzed. We verified from measured traffic data that in a well-established cellular network, handover failure as a cause of dropped calls available in some literature are in reality negligible so not the most relevant in service optimization: phenomena like propagation conditions and irrational user behavior heavily influence call termination. The obtained results, validated by statistical evaluation of measured traffic data taken from a real network, can allow the network operator to optimize system performance, improving the offered Quality of Service and their revenue.
A Secure Protocol for Data storage Security in cloud computing[Full-Text ] Kartik Sharma, Renuka Sharma, Gitesh DalalIn cloud computing, security is the biggest challenge and also a big issue to many cloud service providers and researchers. In cloud, two major challenges to service providers are - How we can give better data security and how can we keep user private data highly confidential? We design this protocol with the aim of solving these types of problems. Our protocol is based on the E.C.C method and Random sampling sobol sequence method. By using this method we can minimize the data loss and user becomes confident about the data security. This protocol is highly applicable for those users who have less resources and limited computing capability. For the cloud service provider, this protocol allows third part auditor or verifier to periodically verify the data integrity without receiving the original data again and again. This protocol concerns the data security, and confidentiality, integrity and it never reveals the data contents to the attackers. This protocol takes less time to detect the data corruption and data loss and verify the integrity of data by using Sobol method. The proposed protocol is very safe, secure and efficient and it provides same security level for dynamic data operation too.
An Automatic Traffic Light Management Using Vehicle Sensor and GSM Model[Full-Text ] A.Blessy, Heishnam Reeona Devi, C.LakshmipriyaRecently, management of road traffic is fast becoming a matter of grave concern. The number of accidents on roads has increased greatly in vehicle traffic, so it is the necessity to build a safer and much more reliable system for traffic. In this paper, we are going to achieve this by using an Automatic Traffic Light Controller (ATLC) which co-ordinates the network of traffic lights of all signal junctions. In this controller, TC-QT50, a vehicle sensor is connected to the Embedded System (ES) which in turn is connected to the server through Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) for sharing information regarding congestion. The server controls the TLC of all the Signal Junction (SJ) and manages the traffic efficiently. A GSM device is fitted in all the vehicles, so that they can reroute and the Emergency services can get green signal when it reaches a junction. This system efficiently avoids the congestion without any barrier.
Performance Evaluation and Complexity analysis of Re-jagged AR4JA code over AWGN channel[Full-Text ] Abhishek Kumar,Madhusmita Mishra,Sarat Kumar PatraA flurry of low-density parity check codes from small template graphs(protographs)LDPC code that perform at rates extremely close to the Shannon capacity has been discussed here.Finally a new method for designing protograph codes similar to AR4JA codes of different rates,satisfying the linear minimum distance property is being proposed.The advantage of using this code is that LDPC codes of arbitrarily larger size can be constructed by expanding individual protographs. The method of encoding used in the literatures has encoding complexity prohibitively complex as we move to long codes of length of the order of 10^5 or 10^6. Here using structured parity check matrices we have reduced this encoding complexity. Simulations has been done with Hard-decision decoding to compare the performance of this code with the rates 1/2 ,2/3,3/4 and 4/5 over BIAWGN channel.Finally through analysis of BER performance it is proved that this code has equivalent performance with the long Irregular code taken in the literature with less encoding complexity
CCE-OLMRP: Congestion and Contention Endurance Outflow Load-balancing Multicast Routing Protocol[Full-Text ] G.S.Sreedhar, Dr.A.DamodaramIn this paper we explain a congestion and contention endurance approach for OLMRP (Outflow Load Balancing Multicast Routing Protocol). The OLMRP, designed earlier, is a multicast routing protocol and the congestion endurance model we designed now is twofold, one dealing with congestion at Mac level and other is cross layered routing level model which enables congestion state tolerance by switching to a reserve path and using Mac level multicast routing with MALMR (Medium Access Level Multicast Routing) along with OLMRP, Multicast Mobile Ad hoc routing congestion is avoided and contention endurance state is achieved.
A Novel Approach To Classification Based FingerPrint Verification System[Full-Text ] Shailendra Patel, Ananya Bhattacharya, Pankaj KumarFingerprints are the most oftenly used biometric feature for a person credentials and verification in the field of biometric identification. Fingerprints possess two main types of features that are used for automatic fingerprint identification and verification. First is the Ridge and Furrow structure that forms a special pattern in the central region of the fingerprint and second is the Minutiae details which is associated with the local ridge and furrow structure.In this paper, we have concentrated our implementation on Minutiae based method followed by the discussion about the implementation of a minutiae based matching technique. This approach has been intensively studied, and also is the backbone of the current available fingerprint recognition products. In particular we are interested only in two of the most important minutia features i.e. Ridge Ending and Ridge bifurcation. In a traditional biometric recognition system, the biometric template is usually stored on a central server during enrollment. The candidate biometric template captured by the biometric device is sent to the server where the processing and matching steps are performed. This paper presents an approach to speed up the matching process by classifying the fingerprint pattern into different groups at the time of enrollment, and improves fingerprint matching while matching the input template with stored template. To solve the problem, we take several aspects into consideration like classification of fingerprint, singular points etc. The algorithm result indicates that this approach manages to speed up the matching effectively, and therefore proves to be suitable for large database like forensic divisions.
Performance Analysis of High Frequency BJT and LDMOS Current Mode Class-D Power Amplifier[Full-Text ] Mohammed Jashim Uddin, Syed Zahidur RashidThis work presents the design of a current mode class-D (CMCD) amplifier using simulation. Two separate designs are considered for simulation by using LDMOS FET and BJT with frequency range 1GHz to 3GHz. The CMCD architecture is an improvement over the Voltage Mode Class-D (VMCD) in that the parasitic reactance in the active device can be absorbed into the tank circuit resulting in a zero voltage switching condition. This amplifier has achieved a PAE of 54.08% with an output power of 39.29dBm (8.5W) and a gain of 9.94 dB at 2.6GHz with BJT. The simulation result of BJT shows high efficiency and higher bandwidth than LDMOS FET.
Analysis of Fuel Cell System including Inverter Control Strategy[Full-Text ] Md. Ashifur Rahman, Mohammad Hasanuzzaman Shawon, Subarto Kumar Ghosh, Md. Mostafizur RahmanRenewable Energy has been playing an important role in the world over the last few years. Due to massive increase in prices of fossil fuels as well as alarming rate of environmental pollution, researchers and scientists are paying good number of attentions towards this energy and technology. Among various sources of renewable energy, fuel cell technology is becoming quite popular now a days. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of fuel cell system using inverter control strategy. The results of this control strategy have been verified by the time domain simulation model developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK
Visible Spectrum Role in Bacterial Inactivation through Continuous and pulse wavelength[Full-Text ] Devender Arora, Sneh Anand, Anjana SharmaIn the current research scenario UV light is the most prominent source used widely to create bactericidal effect. But UV light associates many harmful effect with it and it needs more safety precautions while disinfectant the bacteria. E.coli is a widely studied bacterium with both virulent and non-virulent strains. Due to the virulent nature this bacterium leads to major outbreaks to society by causing serious illness and thus highlighted in the last few year. In the current investigation we enumerate the effect of stress of three different source of visible light with blue light (peak at 470 nm), Green light (peak at 525nm) and Red Light (peak at 700nm) on electromagnetic spectrum, considering two different approaches one pulse light and another with continuous approach on these bacteria in MaCConkey Agar media and evaluate out their effect at different time. The results obtained by the study shows unlike behavior of single bacterial species at different condition of visible light with different growth pattern when condition of exposure change with change in wavelength.
An Imperial learning of Data Mining Classification Algorithms in Intrusion Detection Dataset[Full-Text ] Ms Pooja Bhoria, Dr. Kanwal GargClassification is one of the important functionality of data mining. It performs its task by classifies the data into different categories using varieties of algorithms. This classification has wide range of applications in the field of intrusion detection in networking. It categorises network patterns as normal or attack to identify malicious activities occurring in the network. It enforces reliability to network users towards safe networking. In this paper, Researcher is analysing these classification algorithms which includes C4.5 decision tree, Naive bayes, Support vector machine (SVM), Self organised maps (SOM), Random forest, SVM Regression using NSL KDD 99 dataset using Orange canvas V2.6.1 data mining tool.
A Compromise Solution in Multivariate Surveys with stochastic random cost function[Full-Text ] Sana Iftekhar, Sanam Haseen, Qazi Mazhar Ali and Abdul BariIn this paper a problem of multivariate stratified sampling for non-linear random cost with certain probability has been formulated using chance constraint method. Here the formulated problem minimizes the coefficient of variation and determines the best compromise allocation. The solution to this formulated problem is calculated via different programming problem viz. lexicographic goal Programming, fuzzy programming, ??-constraint approach and a comparative study by these methods has been attempted. An empirical study of the problem has been done at the end of the paper.
Implementing Requirement for Hospital Management System using Multi-agent[Full-Text ] Anurag Tiwari, Praveen kumar Patel, Vivek kumar Singh, Anurag SrivastvaThe problem of workflow in hospital management is characterized by high uncertainty and dynamics in patient treatment. Additional complexity in the planning and executing processes is caused due to interdependencies of autonomous and administratively distinct units which are involved in the treatment of a patient. Besides it a HMS should be able to respond to evolving requirements. Unfortunately, a HMS developed using conventional software development practices may not meet this requirement as it may need system reengineering. An agent computing is a network of work station is powerful paradigm for building distributed application. An intelligent agent based HMS can adapt to such situations without system reengineering. In this paper we implement the application which improves the quality and accuracy of hospital management system.
Authenticating Indian E-Health System Through ''Aadhaar'' A Unique Identification[Full-Text ] Shilpa Srivastava,Dr. Namrata Agarwal,Ritu AgarwalImplementation of e-health care system without compromising the security is of primary concern. The technological barriers in the successful deployment of e-health services in India have been analyzed . The article focuses on the need of simultaneous approach of authorization and authentication. Further a model has been proposed for providing secured e-health services in India. The model makes use of ''Aadhaar'' for authentication purpose. ''Aadhaar'' is a twelve digit unique identification number provided by UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India), an agency of Government of India.
3-Dimensional Integrated Circuits[Full-Text ] Aashana PancholiWith the advancement in technology as well as the manufacturing processes, the IC designs are becoming more and more complex, resulting in major design issues of placements and interconnections. Hence a new concept of 3 Dimensional IC is evolving which uses Through-Silicon Vias (TSV) to relax many bottlenecks related to IC designing. They also offer great performance along with high power. But with this new emerging technology, we need to think about its testing methodology from DFT point of view. Thus this paper is an overview of the entire manufactuting process of 3D IC with TSVs, the design challenges that one will face and the emerging testing approaches for 3D IC.
Multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Communication Systems[Full-Text ] Amit Kumar, Sachin Kumar, Prof.P.R.CHADHAIn this paper a multiband microstrip patch antenna Design has been introduced which is a simple planer asymmetric C shaped microstrip patch.This patch antenna is designed on Sustrate of RT duroid having permitivty of 2.2.The thickness used for substrate is 0.25mm.The antenna is designed and all the results are ploted by using simulating softwere HFSS.Return loss,VSWR and field pattern of the designed one is ploted and found three band of operation having S11 less than -10dB and VSWR less than 2.The antenna designed antenna is having compact size and operation in WLAN,WiMAX and in ISM Band communication.Antenna is having very good polarization ratio and gain bandwidth.Operating band width is found around 300MHz.
Assessment of Usable Groundwater Reserve in Northern Kuwait[Full-Text ] M. Al-Senafy, A. Fadlelmawla, H. Bhandary, A. Al-Khalid, T. Rashid, K. Al-Fahad, and B. Al-SalmanAs the need for secured strategic water reserves for emergencies became increasingly pressing, smaller accumulations of usable water that are spread over north Kuwait stood out as one of the most viable options. Having said that, in order to evaluate the potential of this resource, there is an obvious need for better knowledge of the spatial distribution of these waters as well as their recharge rate. To satisfy this need, this study was conducted to delineate these usable water accumulations and quantifying their replenishment rate. A total of 17 wells were drilled to provide a three dimensional description of groundwater salinity. The locations of these wells were determined using criteria that consider available data, hydraulic accessibility to the groundwater, and high runoff locations. The wells, which were designed to enable profiling groundwater salinity of the top 30m, have been logged using gamma and resistivity borehole logger. Additionally, and to increase the resolution of the data, a total of 48 TDEM soundings were conducted. Combining these measurements, four maps of salinity distributions at depth intervals of 0-15, 0-30, 15-30 m and more than 30m have been produced. The maps confirm the presence of sizable volumes of usable groundwater beneath the drainage channels. Using Arc-GIS, this volume was estimated at ~125 x 109 m3. Recharge was estimated at the regional scale using hydrological modeling. The model estimated the average annual recharge, for the period of 2000-2009, to the groundwater of the whole northern watersheds at 3.2 x 108 m3 (1.8 x 108 for the north watershed and 1.5 x 108 for the central watershed), which is equivalent to ~4.8 mm/yr. This estimate is in good agreement with published recharge estimates (3-6 mm/yr) in other arid areas. To provide point estimates of the recharge, groundwater hydrographs were constructed. According to these hydrographs, recharge averaged 12.5 mm/yr. On the other hand, recharge point estimates ranged very widely between averages of 1.25 mm at the watersheds and 25 mm at the depressions. Based on these results it is recommended to investigate the potential of this reserve further by evaluating the economical feasibility of utilizing this resource. Such investigations will require, among other studies, a numerical modeling study to determine the volumes that are actually recoverable from this reserve under various scenarios.
A Comparative Approach to Remote Home Security System Based on Wireless System Network and GSM[Full-Text ] Nelofar Tyagi, Ashish Joshi, Sangya SinghSecurity has always been an important issue in the home and other applications. A remote home security system offers many more benefits apart from keeping home owners, and their property, safe from intruders. The system is a low power consumption security alarm system developed by applying WSN and GSM technology. The system is composed of the microcontroller based wireless sensor network center node with GSM module, data collecting node, device control node and mobile phone. The wireless sensor network data collecting node module is connected with Pyroelectric Infrared Detector, Temperature Sensor, Smoke Detector and Gas Sensor separately. The PIR can detect the theft, leaking of raw gas and fire, and send alarm message remotely. The hardware of this system includes the single chip C5081F310, wireless receiving and sending chip CC1100 as well as the SIMENS TC35 GSM module. Security monitoring systems are popular in home automation and in recently, wireless sensor networks such as Zigbee are used to structure such systems. The security alarming system is based on Zigbee chip MC13192 and low power consumption micro-controller MSP430F135. This paper presents an experimental home security monitoring and alarming system based on Zigbee technology. It also describes the system architecture, circuit principle, firmware flowchart, operation and the future developments in field of remote security system.
A comparative study of Cascaded Forward Back Propagation and Hybrid SOFM-CFBP Neural Networks based Intrusion Detection Systems[Full-Text ] Afrah NazirIntrusion detection technology is an effective approach to deal with the problems of network security. The key idea is to aim at taking advantage of classification abilities of supervised learning based neural networks and clustering abilities of unsupervised learning based neural network. The neural network algorithms are popular for their ability to 'learn' the patterns in a given environment and thus can be trained to detect intrusions by recognizing patterns of an intrusion. In this work we perform a comparative study of Cascaded Forward Back Propagation neural network based intrusion detection system and a Hybrid neural network based intrusion detection system, where cascade connections of two different types of neural networks, namely Self Organizing Feature Map and Cascaded Forward Back Propagation , are used for intrusion detection .In this study we work on the well structured KDD CUP 99 dataset.
Performance Evaluation of T-MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor Network[Full-Text ] Rahul Chaturvedi, Sanjay Kumar DubeyA Key Challenge in wireless sensor networks is the power efficiency as sensor nodes are small sized, low power, low cost micro electro mechanical system (MEMS) which is capable of Sensing, Computing and Communicating. In this paper on the basis of different T-MAC protocols like B-MAC, SPEC-MAC-D, X-MAC the protocol MIX-MAC is analyzed on the basis of power used and network delay, so that life time of nodes can be enhanced. As ''LPL MAC protocols'' impose a significant drain on the transmitting node, the schedule used for probing as well as the particular probing technique should be well matched to the current network conditions. On the basis of simulation (MATLAB) results, the burden of the receiver for schedule selection overhead is reduced, events are found chronologically and scenario is also created dynamically.
Ant Colony Optimization on scheduling problem with job values given as a power function of their completion times[Full-Text ] Sachin Shrivastava, Deepak Chaudhary, Kapil ShrivastavaThis paper deals with the problem of scheduling jobs on the identical parallel machines, where job values are given as a power function of the job completion times. Minimization of the total loss of job values is considered as criterion.This paper establishes the computationl complexity of the problem by the application of Ant Colony Optimization on the problem. Strong NP hardness of its general versions and NP hardness of its single machine case. Moreover, some special cases of the problem in the polynomial time. Finally the project construct and experimentally test branch and bound algorithm along with some elimination properties improving its efficiency. In order to solve the significant real life problems a lot of new scheduling problems have been formulated.The problems with resource allocation and the problem with deterioting jobs are two kinds of examples of such scheduling.
Big Data Analytics - From Data to Insights[Full-Text ] Jaya Singh, Prof (Dr) Ajay RanaThe expanding digital world of Web 2.0, sensors, digital communications and Cloud services has created a spate of data globally which is continually growing in volume at a streaming velocity and exist in structured and unstructured formats. This data is very well-known worldwide as Big Data and has become a source of ample opportunities for the enterprises. Business analysts, data experts and surveys carried out across organizations have proved that the power of big data is amazing and it can help the enterprises to innovate and gain competitive edge by extracting the insights from big data and applying it for decision-making and analysing the customers. Advanced analytics is used to glean information from the big data as traditional business intelligence techniques may not be sufficient to deal with the unstructured content of big data. However, adoption of big data analytics is not an easy task and calls for a sound management strategy. This paper discusses the evolution of big data having distinguishing characteristics and discusses the surge and importance of big data analytics and the approach to embrace the revolution of analytics in the enterprises.
Enhancement of Speech Signal Using Improved Minimum Controlled Recursive Average & Principal Component Analysis[Full-Text ] Sangita Bavkar, Shashikant SahareIn this paper we present a speech enhancement algorithm for noisy speech signal. A worldwide subspace approach is used for enhancement of speech corrupted by noise. The proposed approach is based on the instantaneous diagonalisation of the clean speech and noise covariance matrices. The system designed in this paper takes the PCA method as its basis and used a strong and accurate noise estimation algorithm that can update the noise variance. Objective measures demonstrated significant improvements over other sub-space-based methods when tested with sentences corrupted with white Gaussian Noise.
The Evolution of Optical Computing- Past, Present & Future[Full-Text ] Neha Dixit, Vishal Krishna SinghThis paper gives a brief description about the evolution of Optical Computing Optical computing generated a lot of enthusiasm in the sixties with major breakthroughs opening a large number of perspectives.
Improving Organizational Systems Effectiveness: Interventions and Strategies[Full-Text ] Islam M. AhsanulCommunication climate is an example of macro, global concept that is often the focus of organizational change effort. This paper states that changing workers in organizations by means of processes that enhance their knowledge base, modify their attitudes, and strengthen their skills is an important way to improve both individual and organizational or system effectiveness. Organizational effectiveness can also be increased by making changes in aspects of organizational communication and work systems.
Comparison of Mamdani-type and Sugeno-type FIS for Water Flow Rate Control in a Rawmill[Full-Text ] Vandna Kansal, Amrit KaurFuzzy inference systems (FIS) are developed for water flow rate control in a rawmill of cement industry using Mamdani-type and Sugeno-type fuzzy models. This concept is taken from ambuja cement plant. It is essential to control water flow rate efficiently to produce high quality cement. Rawmill is a mill which is used to grind the raw materials which are used to manufacture cement. Water flow rate control system is two input and one output system. In this paper, both the models are simulated using MATLAB Fuzzy logic Toolbox and the results of the two fuzzy inference systems are compared. This paper outlines the basic difference between the Mamdani-type FIS and Sugeno-type FIS.
Potenails For Curve Crcck In Elasticity[Full-Text ] Sarita Poonia, Rachana MathurIn this paper we are discussed four types potential in antiplane elasticity these are point dislocation, concentrated force, dislocation doublet and concentrated force doublet. It is show that if the axis of the concentrated force doublet is orthogonal to the direction of the dislocation doublet, the relevant potentials are equal. Using the obtained potentials, an integral equation for the curve crack problem is introduced. Some particular features of the obtained singular integral equation are discussed and numerical solutions and example are given.
Fixed point Theorems for Expansive mappings in G-metric Spaces[Full-Text ] A.S.Saluja, Alkesh Kumar Dhakde and Devkrisna MagardeIn this Paper, we define the expansive mappings in the setting of G-metric space; also several fixed point theorems for a class of expansive mappings defined on a complete G-metric space are studied.
Structure-Preserved Power System Transient Stability Using transient Energy Functions[Full-Text ] Ramiya.M, Dr.R.P.Kumudini Devi It is very important to maintain supply reliability under the deregulated environment. The transient stability problem is one of the major concerns in studies of planning and operation of power systems. Although the equal-area criterion method is useful in determining the stability as a transient stability evaluation method, the method is only applicable to a one-machine system connected to an infinite bus or to a two machine system and the time domain simulation is the best available tool for allowing the use of detailed models and for providing reliable results. The main limitations of this approach involve a large computation time. This paper describes a method for estimating a normalized power system transient stability of a power system that is SMIB and three machines, nine bus systems. The energy function is derived using a Center of Inertia (COI) formulation. The critical energy is evaluated using corresponding energy function Therefore, the transient energy function (TEF) is constructed for large power system
An Efficient Recycling of Bandwidth in WiMAX Networks[Full-Text ] M.Susmitha,P.S.Latha kalyampudi, N.Sunitha,G.SujathaThe Worldwide interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), based on IEEE 802.16 standards [1] [2], is designed to facilitate services with high transmission rates for data and multimedia applications in metropolitan areas. In this paper, we consider the scenario of WiMAX- based mesh deployment. A mesh network is managed by a single node, which we refer to as Mesh BS. Bandwidth is reserved for each application to ensure the QoS. For variable bit rate (VBR) applications, however, it is difficult for the subscriber station (SS) to predict the amount of incoming data. To ensure the QoS guaranteed services, the SS may reserve more bandwidth than its demand. As a result, the reserved bandwidth may not be fully utilized all the time. In this paper, we propose scheme, named Efficient Recycling of Bandwidth, to recycle the unused bandwidth without changing the existing bandwidth reservation. The idea of the proposed scheme is to allow other SSs to utilize the unused bandwidth when it is available. Thus, the system throughput can be improved while maintaining the same QoS guaranteed services. Mathematical analysis and simulation are used to evaluate the proposed scheme. Simulation and analysis results confirm that the proposed scheme can recycle 35% of unused bandwidth on average. By analysing factors affecting the recycling performance, three scheduling algorithms are proposed to improve the overall throughput. The simulation results show that our proposed algorithm improves the overall throughput by 40% in a steady network.
Can destructive seismic energy be stored into useful electrical and acoustic energy?[Full-Text ] Umesh Prasad verma, Dr G.KumarSince the dawn of precursory revolution in the seismology by Electromagnetic radiation platform,:F.T. Freund2010)et.al,basing piezoelectric effect on the crustal geomaterials emanation of seismic pre signals have been noted frequently. Their effect in form of ULF and VHF are commonly detected ( by Greece and American seismologists)in the upper ionosphere from surface of globe.TEC, OLR. MMC are the consequent instrumentation in acquiring data to these pre-earthquake signals. Our attempt is to detect the signals prior to earthquake due to impending stress in the area and store the spreading destructive energy in electrical voltage applying the mathematics of piezoelectric equations and algebra.
Design of Dielectric Resonator antenna with band notched Characteristics for UWB applications[Full-Text ] Padmawati kumariIn this paper, the design of dielectric resonator antenna with elliptical patch and dual band notched characteristics for UWB applications is proposed. The size of the antenna is 40x40x1.6 mm3.The CPW ground plane of this antenna is like a half circle. The antenna consists of elliptical shape radiating patch with 50O transmission line. Two U- slots are inserted in the middle of the elliptical patch to achieve the dual band notched characteristics. The centre frequencies of two notched bands can be adjusted by modifying the length and width of inserted U slots. The proposed ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna is optimized to operate in the frequency range from 3 to 11 GHz for VSWR < 2.Good agreement is achieved between the simulated and measured results. These results also show good performances in terms of antenna gain and radiation patterns. With these features, this antenna is expected to be good candidate in various UWB systems.
Adiabatic Humidification Of Air In A Duct[Full-Text ] Aqib Iqbal and Ambar SrivastavaWe have derived a relation based on experiment giving dependence of relative humidity of air flowing through a duct, on the length covered by the flowing air in the duct , area of cross-section of the duct and velocity of air flowing through the duct. We have also discussed various factors controlling the constant of proportionality of the derived relation.
Self Organization of web Document[Full-Text ] Shuaib Khan, VijayClassification of document is an important area for research, as large amount of electronic documents are available in form of unstructured, semi structured and structured information. Document classification will be applicable for World Wide Web, electronic book sites, online forums, electronic mails, online blogs, digital libraries and online government repositories. So it is necessary to organize the information and proper categorization and knowledge discovery is also important. This paper focused on the existing literature and explored the techniques for automatic documents classification i.e. documents representation, knowledge extraction and classification. In this paper we propose an algorithm and architecture for automatic document collection.