Volume 4, Issue 6, June 2013 Edition
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To study the Erosion Behavior of H.V.O.F. Coating of 16Cr5Ni at the different velocity of slurry[Full-Text ] Naresh Kumar, Umakant Yadav, Mukesh Kumar RathiThis paper describes erosion characteristics of high velocity oxy fuel (H.V.O.F.) along with commonly used steels 16Cr5Ni in Turbine and studied the comparison the effect of erosion at Different Velocities of the slurry on Cr2O3 and CrC-NiCr coating on steel. While the microstructure and worn surfaces were characterized by optical and scanning electron microcopy. The slurry was compose of distilled water and quartz sand particles with an average diameter between 165 µm . the four different ranges of velocity is taken i.e. 35m/s, 50m/s ,60and 70m/s. at normal impact angle and comparison regarding the erosion resistance was determined from the mass loss results. Slurry erosion tests were carried out in a modified impact test rig. Higher erosion takes place at medium range of velocity i.e. at 50 m/s. the coated surfaces showed higher erosion resistance than the uncoated stainless steels, with the lower volume losses measured for the Cr2O3 deposit conditions. Based on this experimental study, HVOF and 16Cr5Ni steel are being field-tried on a turbine component, which is severely affected due to erosion, but coating was considered acceptable for the processes employed.
A Novel Approach for Content Based Microscopic Image Retrieval System Using Decision Tree Algorithm[Full-Text ] B.Ramasubramanian, G.Prabhakar, S. MurugeswariA medical image may represent the symptoms of a specific disease. The collection of these images can be a useful source for physicians and researchers. Many different types of medical images are produced and collected in various medical centres every day. Hence a system is needed that can efficiently retrieve medical images representing a particular disease. Content Based Image Retrieval is a method for retrieving images based on similarity of their visual content. Unlike Traditional text based methods, this approach does not need time consuming and erroneous annotation processes. In our approach, Multitier Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system for microscopic images having more than one disease is designed. Firstly, the input image is given as a query to the system. The features based on colour and texture is extracted. In the first tier, the images are classified by recursive SVM classifier with the help of extracted features. In the next tier, the similar images are retrieved using ecision tree algorithm. The retrieval performance of this method can be tested using medical image database and measured by finding precision and recall.
Implementation of Wavelet Packet Transform using Vector Quantization for RT video[Full-Text ] Prof. P.R. BadadapureThe purpose of this paper is to introduce an image compression scheme using a combination of wavelet packet transform and vector quantization. All the wavelet packet bases corresponding to various tree structures have been considered and the best one has been coined based upon the peak signal to noise ratio and compression ratio of the reconstructed image. In first step input image decorrelation using the wavelet packet transform, the second step in the coder construction is the design of a vector quantizer. Vector Quantization (VQ) is fast and efficient method of quantizing Laplacian-like data, such as generated by transforms (especially wavelet transforms) or sub-band filters in an image compression system. VQ has very simple systematic encoding and decoding algorithms and does not require codebook storage. VQ has culminated in high performance and faster VQ image compression systems for both transforms and subband decompositions.
Vibration Signature analysis of defective deep groove ball bearings by Numerical and Experimental approach[Full-Text ] Abhay UtpatBearing is crucial part of any rotary components and its failure causes disastrous failure of machinery. Vibration signature analysis is one of the most effective tools for monitoring the condition of ball bearings. Best method to study the failure analysis of ball bearing is by creation of artificial cracks of different sizes on various elements and noting down its signatures. It takes long time for life test where healthy bearings are rotated till initialization of crack. From the literature survey, it is observed that most of the work was carried out at one particular speed up to 1500 rpm. Therefore, author finds a scope for faulty bearing operation and measurement of amplitude of vibrations at different speeds from 1000 to 5000 rpm, different loads up to 200N and at various defect sizes ranging from 250 micron to 2000 micron on bearing races. The model has been developed as spring mass system by assuming races as masses and balls as spring. The work has been extended with Finite Element Analysis of bearing with artificial defects to study the peaks at its outer ring as well as inner ring defect frequencies. The actual measurements of vibration amplitudes of bearings with artificial local defects have been carried out for verification of the numerical results. It is noted that the numerical results show good agreement with the experimental results. Support bearings are standard during the entire experimentation.
Performance Analysis of UDP and UDP-Lite for Transmission of Different Video Codecs over MANETs[Full-Text ] Puneet KaurMobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a self-configurable wireless network in which nodes communicate with each other without any centralized access points or base stations. MANETs are widely used for communication among various users because they provide the facility to connect anytime at any place. Major traffic sent over these networks is various forms of multimedia (mostly video), which prefer to be delivered erroneous than being rejected or arriving late. UDP and UDP-Lite are preferred transport layer protocols for transmitting such data. Both protocols provide are unreliable, connectionless and has low protocol processing overhead. The aim of this paper is to analyze the performances of transport protocols, UDP and UDP-Lite for transmitting various video codecs under different network conditions over MANETs.
Ozone Emission by Commercial Photocopy Machines in Rivers State University of Science & Technology, Nigeria[Full-Text ] M. J. Ayotamuno, J. Okoroji, A. J. Akor Ozone emission from photocopying machine has been identified as an indoor air pollution that is dangerous to photocopying machine operators and customers that are very close to the machine during operation. A total of two hundred and thirty nine commercial photocopying machines of different types and models were identified in the Rivers State University of Science & Technology (RSUST), Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 63% of this number is located at the University shopping complex, 11.7% at the student parliament, 10.0%, 7.9%, 3.7%, 2.9%, 0.84% and 0.4% were the percentage concentration of photocopy machines in Faculty of Law, Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Technical and Science Education, Postgraduate School and Central Library respectively. 89% of the machines were purchased as fairly used, 4.2% brand new and 6% of unknown purchase state. Background concentration of 0.02ppm was recorded for Develop, Minolta, Agfa and Sharp photocopiers. It was only Canon that had zero background emission. All makes and models recorded concentration value above USEPA permissible limit of 0.075ppm at 100mm. Develop had the highest concentration value at this distance with 0.01ppm, followed by Minolta and sharp, whose concentration values were 0.09ppm, next is Agfa with 0.08ppm at same distance. At 600mm Develop and Minolta had concentration of 0.04ppm and 0.03ppm while Agfa had 0.02ppm.
Epitope designing on avian influenza disease[Full-Text ] Suchitra kumariAvian influenza is a disease caused by influenza virus. Avian influenza is a very variable and highly contagious virus that is widespread in birds, particularly in wild waterfowl and shorebird. In this present work, we predicted "FKRTNGSSV" epitope by using TMHMM, BCpred, ProPred, Propred I, MHCpred, VexiJen and Pepitope tools.There are total 17 alleles of MHC which binds with designed epitope. This epitope can be used for new vaccine production, discovery and development of diagnostic and therapeutic antibodies after wet lab validation.
Image segmentation and extraction using improved visual attention model[Full-Text ] Ankita Panigrahi, Sunita Sarangi, Shubhendu Kumar Sarangi Image segmentation is the process of assigning a label to every pixel in an image such that pixels with the same label share certain visual characteristics. In this paper image segmentation and extraction is described which is done using improved visual attention model. Input taken is of color image then it is converted into gray image. Gray and edge features are extracted using canny edge detector and Gabor filter respectively. After that center-surround difference operator is used to get gray and edge feature map. To get the saliency map gray and edge feature map are linearly combined. On that part image segmentation and extraction method is applied to extract each and every parts of the image. Experimental results show that this method is well organized, systematic and economical in such a way that it achieves the salient part of image which is the most informative part as well as extraction of other parts of image. So as a whole it is one of the models which automatically find Region of Interest (ROI) as well as other parts of image which is virtuous and dynamic in nature. The proposed method is effective to reduce over segmentation in auto extraction of ROI for different images.
Comparative Study of Brain Tumour Detection Using K means, Fuzzy C Means and Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms[Full-Text ] Kshitij Bhagwat, Dhanshri More, Sayali Shinde, Akshay Daga, Assistant Prof Rupali TornekarImage processing has become an area of boundless possibilities to explore as the advances in research field in this domain are gaining momentum. Brain tumour detection is a crucial task these days. This paper focuses on the comparative study of algorithms K means, Fuzzy C means and Hierarchical clustering on various parametric measures. Finally the tumour area is specified as confirmation step. A user friendly MATLAB GUI program has been constructed to test the proposed algorithm.
Communicating Two FPGA's using UART[Full-Text ] Mercy Subaraman, Ravindra AsundiPresently FPGAs are coming very strongly in the digital hardware systems as it provides the opportunity for reconfiguration as well as good clock speed and design resources. The usage of FPGA systems in real time domain is also a very fruitful proposition as the FPGA devices are coming with processing cores for Real Time data processing. In a complex system scenario involving a large amount of processing tasks, there is a requirement of building the system using multiple FPGA devices. To make this possible we have to establish a real time data communication between the FPGA devices and to make it even better we have to apply data encryption techniques for making this communication secured. Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter (UART) protocol is a kind of serial communication protocol; mostly used for short-distance, low speed, low-cost data exchange between computer and peripherals.. In particular, it focuses on their effective data transmission rates and ratios. UART includes three kernel modules which are the baud rate generator, receiver and transmitter. Furthermore, this paper describes the communication between multiple FPGA's design using UART.
Scheduling Algorithms Implemented For Resource Allocation in Ofdma-Femtocell Based Systems with QOS Constraints for CBR and VBR Data Transmission[Full-Text ] Siddharth Rastogi, B. Arun KumarIn this work we consider the problem of resource allocation for proportional fairness of long term received rates of data users and quality of service for real time sessions in an OFDMA-Femtocells based system. The network allocates available subchannels and subcarriers to individual users based on long term average received rates, quality of service (QoS) based rate constraints and channel conditions. The PF scheme generalizes the basic idea of proportional fair scheduling (PFS) algorithm and considers not only the network traffic, but also the user throughput and packet delay before making the final decision. Compared with the traditional MLWDF and Greedy scheduling, the proposed PF scheduler algorithm can obtain larger system throughput for Constant bit data and lower average packet delay with approximately the same user fairness and MLWDF and Greedy will show better results for the VBR. Simulation results verify that the PF, MLWDF and Greedy schemes are able to make a better tradeoff between system throughput and user fairness and will minimize the PLR in comparison to each other. In this paper, we consider all the three Quality of Service (QoS) parameters namely: (i) packet loss rate (PLR), (ii) fairness and (iii) sum throughput. Corresponding to the three metrics we propose a scheduling strategy which has three stages. From the quality of service (QoS) perspective of real time traffic, it is necessary to give main concern to minimize packet loss rate (PLR) which maximize fairness and maximize throughput simultaneously. LTE simulation model are presented that is considered in this paper.
Coolant Flow Measurement at Different Core flow Conditions in PHWR Nuclear Power Plants[Full-Text ] Vinod Nayak, A.M.Shaikh, Anand Kamat Flow distribution in the channels is the basic requirement for the removal of heat from the core effectively and evenly. The channel flow calculation at various gross core flow conditions is a challenging task for the nuclear core of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR).Individual channel flow is necessary for calculating the coasting down pattern of the flow during slow reduction of gross flow after loss of power to the circulating pumps. Individual Channel Flow is also important to predict the flow through different channels of the reactor at various conditions of the core. The various conditions may be the different combination of main pump operation or shutdown pump operation or different header pressure conditions or at various reactor power states. The flow through each channel is critical as it has to remove the heat from fuel. This flow is proportional to the thermal power produced by each channel. Since measurement of flow using instruments in all the channels is not feasible due to its complexity and economic considerations. An algorithmic approach is modeled for simulating the flow at various header pressure conditions which will change at various operating as well as at different shut down (S/D) conditions. The design flow is matched with the calculated flow considering the various losses due to the flow barriers at normal operating conditions. The flow is simulated at different operating and at various core flow states by changing the inlet (I/L) header and outlet (O/L) header pressures. An algorithm is presented to compute the flow at various header I/L and O/L pressures.
Importance Apply of E-learning as an Instructional Design for New Electronic Environment in Iraqi Universities[Full-Text ] Ahmed Dheyaa Basha, Satar Habib Mnaathr, Rayan Yousif Alkhayat, Dr. Rozinah JamaludinThe current paper considers urgent issues concerning the changes in the instructional design in education by adapting e-learning for a learning course which lead to new e- implementation in Iraqi of education 'environment. Currently learners are very familiar and enthusiastic with new informative information via web technologies; a modification of a learning course's instructional design according their requirements is of key importance. In the represented article there is accuracy 'described for much main advantages and disadvantages of both approaches to education whether were: traditional ways (paper-based) or modern (computer-based). Overall, an instructional design for new e-environment (e-learning) encompasses all the main concepts of a learning course. Therefore, diverse sets of instructional tools and techniques are required to develop instructional design for simulate various learning course. Electing of instructional tools based on the specific features of a particular course. In this respect this article described the major tools and techniques used to develop an instructional design over e-learning course for new e-environment in Iraqi 'universities which lacking for apply.
Biodiesel Fuel from Differently Sourced Local Seed Oils: Characterization, Effects of Catalysts, Total Glycerol Content and Flow Rates[Full-Text ] Anuoluwa A. Akinsiku*, Enock O. Dare, Michael S. Ayodele, Fatai O. Oladoyinbo, Kehinde A. Akinlabi, Kolawole O. Ajanaku, Tolutope O. Siyanbola and Joseph A. Adekoya. The recently observed depletion in the petroleum resources, which also mainly constituted carbon dioxide emission and global warming problems call for renewable and sustainable alternative fuels. Oils were extracted from various seeds: Jatropha curcas (Botuje), Pentaclethra macrophylla (Apara) and soybean, using petroleum ether (40-60?). Alkali catalyzed transesterification of the oils (biodiesel production) in the presence of different kinds of alcohol (methanol, ethanol and propanol) were carried out using sodium hydroxide as catalyst. In the case of Jatropha oil, potassium hydroxide served as catalyst. Effect of catalysts to obtain optimum biofuel was established. In the case of soybean oil, fatty acid methyl ester, FAME, (96%), fatty acid ethyl ester, FAEE, (84%) and fatty acid propyl ester, FAPE, (37.50%) were produced. In waste palm kernel oil, methyl ester (72.92%) and ethyl ester (46.25%) were obtained. In refined palm kernel oil, methyl ester (70.83%), ethyl ester (66.67%) and (14.17%) propyl ester were produced. However, only methyl ester conversion (20.83%) was possible in Pentaclethra macrophylla oil. In Jatropha curcas using KOH catalyst, only methyl ester (80%) formation was possible. Moreover, yields were affected as the alcohol alkyl became bulkier giving relatively lower value of biodiesel. Sulphur content (0.01) obtained for each of the biofuel was satisfactory when compared with ASTM standard (0.05 maximum). The cetane value of soybean oil (45.5), refined palm kernel oil (46) and used oil (44.6) were quite reasonable compared with the special standard (47). The combustion energy of the fuels from refined palm kernel oil, waste palm kernel oil and soybean are 39, 36 and 45.5 respectively. The total glycerol content (Gc) of the methyl and ethyl esters emanated from soybean are quite reasonable and fell within standard.
Pattern Recognition Neural Network for Improving the Performance of Iris Recognition System[Full-Text ] Omaima N. Ahmad AL-Allaf, Shahlla A. AbdAlKader, Abdelfatah Aref TamimiThis research employs pattern recognition neural networks for Iris recognition systems. The neural networks have a seven- layers architecture consisting of one input layer, five hidden layers, and one output layer. Ten different ANN optimization training algorithms were used separately to train this model to get best results for the iris recognition system. Many experiments were conducted to compare the results of this model with the results of other ANN models to identify the model which improves the performance of the iris recognition system. The performances were compared using mean square error (MSE), PSNR and recognition rate to identify the best model and algorithm. The best results were obtained from the patternNet model especially when it was trained with TrainLM. The results of this model were compared also with the results of other researches to show its efficiency.
Dynamic Voltage Restorer and Its application at LV & MV Level[Full-Text ] Ankit Pandey, RajlakshmiDynamic Voltage Restorer is a power electronic device that can protect sensitive loads from various disturbances in the power supply. This paper presents the study & analysis of DVR and power quality problems, voltage sag & swells with its application at Low Voltage and Medium Voltage level. DVR is always connected in series with the distribution feeder. The basic principle of a DVR is simple, by supplying a voltage of desired magnitude and frequency, the DVR restores the load voltage to a desired pre-sag voltage quantity even when source voltage is not balanced. Implementation of DVR has been proposed at both low voltage level as well as medium voltage level thus giving an opportunity to protect high power sensitive loads from voltage deflections[1].
Designing of Mixed Signal based Programmable System on Chip for temperature compensated pH Measurement[Full-Text ] S.K.Tilekar and B.P.LadgaonkarEmploying an innovative technology, Mixed Signal (Analog + Digital) based programmable system on chip (PSoC) design, an embedded system is designed for prescision measurement of pH of the solution
Fuzzy Keyword Search In Xml Data[Full-Text ] Ranjeeth Kumar.M, M.Suresh Kumar, S.S.V.N.SarmaIn a traditional keyword search system over XML data, a user make a keyword query, submits it to the system, and retrieves relevant answers. In this case where the user has limited knowledge about the data, often the user feels left in the dark when issuing queries, and has to use a try and see approach for finding information. We study fuzzy keyword search in XML data, a new information access prototype in which the system searches XML data on the wing as the user types in query keywords. It allows users to explore data as they type, even in the presence of minor typos and format inconsistencies of their keywords. In this paper, for the first time we formalize and solve the problem of effective fuzzy keyword search over XML data. It extends Auto complete by supporting queries with multiple keywords in XML data. It can find high superiority answers that have keywords matching query keywords approximately. Our effective index structures and searching algorithms can achieve a very high interactive speed. We study research challenges in this new search construction.
Analysis of software Metrics Tools (A Survey Approach)[Full-Text ] Sushil Kumar Bagi , Mr. Sumit Sharma, Dr. Sanjeev BansalMeasure the software and the software development process are very important for organization.This paper presents result of study in which we describe about the suit of object oriented design metrics based on java language and also i will explain which approach is better and easy when we are going to build the tool in java. As we know when we are calculate software metrics by different different tools the result will differ due to metrics tools use different methodology. For this purpose i will compare two methodology of sofwtare metrics tools with practical approach.
Vascular Imaging And Segmentation With Reference To Diabetic Retinopathy : A Brief Survey [Full-Text ] Kade Mahesh KIn this paper we are discussing about the detection methods of retinal blood vessels and various retinal imaging techniques . In this paper we are also providing the comprehensive list of work carried by various Authors/Researchers till today with the methods adopted by them for segmenting blood vessels in tabular form. we know that the list is not complete by its mean but definitely will give the direction for new researchers . The Detection of blood vessels in retinal images is an important step in the predictions and diagnosis of cardio-vascular diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes, that are known to affect the appearance of the blood vessels in the retina. We Survey the current image processing techniques for segmenting blood vessels from other features in retinal photographs. The Paper focus on the importance of work in terms of identification of various disease to Diabetic retinopathy, Hypertension, ,cardiovascular and its relation to vessels structure.. Paper also focus on how the vessels width, vessel thickness, turtosity, and vessel junction separation changes as disease grade changes and therefore how it is important to detect vessel tree structure for early diagnosis and prevention of various disease. Key words: vascular, segmentation, turtosity, retinopathy
Interpretation of Dirichlet, Bartlett, Hanning and Hamming windows using Fractional Fourier Transform[Full-Text ] P.V.Muralidhar,Venkata.L.Nsastry D, and S.K.Nayak.AnApproximated Exponential Fractional Fourier Transforms(FrFT) Mathematical derivation for Dirichletwindow, Bartlettwindow,Hanning window and Hamming window is proposed. By control the parameter of FrFT,it is possible to control the Spectral parameters of above windows like Half Bandwidth (HBW), Maximum Side Lobe Attenuation(MSLA) and Side Lobe Fall Of Ratio(SLFOR).This proposed derivations are also holds good for generalization of FrFT with Fourier Transform(FT).
Simulation of Harmonic Filtering for Electical and Electronic Equipment Healthy Operation[Full-Text ] ADEPOJU G. A. BISIRIYU A.O., LAWAL A.O., AND AJETUNMOBI E.OPresence of harmonics in the waveform drawn by electrical and electronic equipment can lead to damage or malfunction. Modern electrical/electronic equipment is made of units that make them draw disproportionate current from the mains. It has the adverse effects of equipment damage and /or system malfunctioning. This paper considers simulation of the filtering of harmonically distorted waveform that may result from non-linear loads drawing disproportionate currents from the supply. Rectangular signal of 5V, 50Hz was input into an active low-pass filter in the domain of the Circuit Maker software. It is discovered that as the order of the filter increased, the shape of the output waveform improved indicating low harmonic contents. To obtain possible optimum level of the desired linear sinusoidal wave, the filtering was increased up to the 14th order. The optimum value was attained at an accuracy of 99.7% that corresponds to a crest factor value of 1.41
Antimicrobial And Blood Repellent Finishes For Cotton And Nonwoven Hospital Fabrics Based On Silane And Fluoropolymers[Full-Text ] Senthil Kumar.S and V.MagesvariAntibacterial and blood repellent finish has been applied to cotton woven and spun bond nonwoven fabrics used for surgical gowns, bed linens and drapes to reduce the surgical site infections. The silane was applied to the fabric for imparting antimicrobial activity by pad-dry-cure method. The silane treated fabric was then imparted blood repellency through the fluoropolymer (4%, 5% ,6% and 7% owf) using pad-dry-cure method. The cotton nonwoven and spunbond nonwoven fabrics indicate a realistic antibacterial effect.co-application of silane with fluoropolymer on different sample also showed a good antibacterial, blood repellency property.
Thermodynamic Parameters in the Dielectric Study of Methyl Acetate + Alcohol Systems[Full-Text ] Shirke R. M.Three solute + solvent systems were prepared with methyl acetate in methanol, ethanol and propan-1-ol by increasing solvent in the steps of 10% at an accuracy of 0.01%. Time Domain Reflectometer in reflection mode (Cole et al, 1989) was used to obtain complex permittivity (e*) values at 15, 25, 35 and 45oC. Relaxation time (t) values were estimated by fitting them with Havriliak-Negami model of dynamic permittivity using non-linear least squares approximation. Activation enthalpy (?H) and entropy (?S) were estimated using Eyring rate equation. In case of all the systems, heat is liberated to the surrounding during mixture formation and there is more disorder in the molecules after mixing than that in the molecules before mixing.
Activity OF Desulfovibrio spp and Thiobacillus thioparus spp On Extra Polymeric Substance Produced by the Combination of Pseudomonas spp W E-coli[Full-Text ] NANDINI.N and SIVASAKTHIVEL.SThe main intention of this study to understand the microbial consortium of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria(SRB) and Sulphure oxidizing bacteria (SOB) on Extra polymeric substance produced by Pseudomonas spp with combination of E-coli. In stressing the importance of anaerobic corrosion by SRB, corrosive effects of acids produced by microorganisms may be overlooked Sulphur oxidizers chiefly of the genus Thiobacillus spp which is a strongly corrosive agent to be studied to understand their activity of SOB and SRB in Microbial Influenced Corrosion. The activity of Sulphate reducing bacteria and Sulphate oxidizing bacteria on biofilm produced by two different combinations of extra polymeric substance (EPS) excreting organisms are discussed in this paper. Microbial Conditioning of GI pipes and Remnants Samples (1.5 x 1.5) prepared and introduced in to different sets of aquatic environment. EPS were estimated quantitatively by Micheal Duboisis and Lowery modified method. The activities of SRB and SOB measured by estimating the EPS, before inoculation and after inoculation of SRB and SOB.The result of EPS estimation exposed that the Desulfovibrio spp.,(SRB) enhance the efficiency of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and E-Coli for EPS secretion. After the inoculation of thiobacillus thioparus(SRB) the slope of EPS step downed and this organisms populated in every in a week of experimental course. The sulphur reducing organism leachate the EPS, or may be consumed for further colonization. The comparative study of Pseudomonas fluorescence and Pseudomonas aeruginosa SEM analysis revealed that Pseudomonas fluorescence emits the more EPS than Pseudomonas aeruginosa along with combination of E-Coli. The SRB's are enhances the excretion of polymers (Glycogalyx) along with Biofilm forming bacteria by inducing symbiotic relations. The significant of this study is revealed the role of SRB and SOB with association with biofilm forming bacteria in microbial induced corrosion. SRB 's enhances the EPS secretion in massive level and SOB's are consuming the EPS as a energy source for the production acid base products lead to metal corrosion in aquatic environment.
Research on Improved Distributed Data Mining Algorithm Using Mobile Agent Framework[Full-Text ] S.Kavitha, Dr. KV. Arul AnandamRecently, The area of distributed computing is a challenging one because of the continuous developments in information and communication technology which comprise several and different sources of large volumes of data and several computing units. Limited bandwith and balancing of load are required for knowledge discovery from distributed data mining so mobile agent and parallel processing used. Main aim of this proposed algorithm is to improve by reducing the number of exchanged messages and communication cost. This paper proposes a improved DDM Algorithm from existing DDM Algorithm-1 and DDM Algorithm-2 using mobile agent framework. The experiment shows that better suitable in the Distributed Data Mining applications.
Seismic Performance of R.C. Building Retrofitted With Brick Masonry Infill Walls[Full-Text ] Raut N.V., Pajgade P.S., P.B. Nagarnaik, Pajgade S.A.In new era of construction of multi-storied buildings with open ground storey is a common practice in India provided for functional and architectural reasons. Though calamitous collapse of R/C building having soft storey at ground floor is an age old Phenomenon. However nothing promising has been done to retrofit them. This may be primarily due to high cost of retrofitting techniques, which are in practice today. The main intend of this study is to demonstrate that addition of in filled walls in ground floor and strengthening of other in fill panels in typical low rise R/C building having soft storey at ground floor, provides an alternative cost-effective and perhaps most convenient retrofit solution.
Design of Multiply and Accumulate Unit using Vedic Multiplication Techniques[Full-Text ] V.K.Karthik, Y.Govardhan, V.Karunakara Reddy, K.Praveena This paper proposed the design of Multiply and Accumulate (MAC) Unit using the techniques of Ancient Indian Vedic Mathematics that have been modified to improve performance. The speed of MAC depends greatly on the multiplier. Vedic Mathematics is the ancient system of mathematics which has a unique technique of calculations based on 16 Sutras. The work has proved the efficiency of Urdhva Triyagbhyam- Vedic method for multiplication which strikes a difference in the actual process of multiplication itself. It enables parallel generation of intermediate products, eliminates unwanted multiplication steps with zeros and scaled to higher bit levels using Karatsuba algorithm with the compatibility to different data types. Multiply-Accumulate is an extensible block using the Vedic multiplier module plays an important role in computing, especially digital signal processing. The coding is done in Verilog HDL and the FPGA synthesis is done using Xilinx Spartan library. The results show that design of MAC unit using Vedic multiplication is efficient in terms of area/speed compared to conventional multiplication.
Long Term Evolution For mHealth Increases Efficiency For Health Workers[Full-Text ] Malika Singh, Geetu, Chiranjeev SinghmHealth is rapidly changing world of mobile technologies for healthcare. Initially the mobile phones and handheld devices use to deliver health information. mHealth covers the wide range of mobile solutions which can help enable governments and health organizations to deliver higher-quality, more efficient healthcare. The mHealth is currently major academic research and industry disciplines worldwide to achieve innovative solutions in the areas of healthcare delivery and technology sectors. In this paper we will introduce the concept of 4G health that represents the long-term evolution of m-health. This technology reduced cost, also poses significant security and privacy challenges. In this paper mHealth architecture that provides strong security and privacy guarantees while remaining easy to use.
Managing Supplier Insolvency[Full-Text ] Dr. Mohamed Baymout, Ashish Chhattani, Amro Helali, Hafiz Ali, Sowmyan JegatheesanA project that is a critical, constrained and has immovable deadlines the risk management is essential, particularly in the supply chain where supplier insolvency can cause significant delays. Therefore, insolvency management is a key Supply Chain Management (SCM) strategy. The SCM strategy should be specifically developed to positively influence the delivery of projects. The approach should ensure that both horizontal and vertical supply chain dimensions were managed to improve efficiencies and facilitate an integrated and collaborative approach to delivery. The increasing global financial instability this takes on additional emphasis to manage the potential risk of supplier insolvency. While an active approach to managing supplier risks is to be employed through industry-leading procurement and SCM best practice, further assurance and mitigation measures are needed to both understand these emerging risks and their potential impact. The SCM team should implement processes to reduce the impact of contractor insolvency to the project.
Bianchi type-IX cosmological model with anisotropic dark energy[Full-Text ] H. R. Ghate, A. S. SontakkeThe exact solutions of the Einstein field equations for dark energy in Bianchi type-IX metric under the assumption on the anisotropy of the fluid are obtained for exponential and power law volumetric expansions. The isotropy of the fluid, space and expansion are examined.
Web Mining and its Methods[Full-Text ] B. Rajdeepa, Dr. P. SumathiThe World Wide Web has becoming one of the most valuable resources for information retrievals and knowledge discoveries. The WWW is a fertile area for data mining research. From its very beginning, the potential of extracting valuable knowledge from the Web has been quite evident. Web mining - i.e. the application of data mining techniques to extract knowledge from Web content, structure, and usage - is the collection of technologies to fulfill this potential. In this we review the Web mining techniques. Then we focus on one of these techniques: the Web structure mining. Within this technique, we introduce link mining and review two popular methods applied in Web structure mining: HITS and PageRank.
Energy Detection Based Spectrum Sensing For Cognitive Radio Using Fusion Rules[Full-Text ] M.Lakshmi, R.Saravanan, R.MuthaiahCognitive Radio is an emerging technology which avoids the congestion in wireless communication by exploiting unused radio spectrum . The Spectrum sensing plays a fundamental requirement of CR which finds an unused free spectrum and detects the licensed user transmissions. Energy detection constitutes a preferred approach for cognitive rdio spectrum sensing due to its simple applicability. In this paper OR & AND rules are used for the energy detection. In this case probability of miss detection (Pmd) & probability of false alarm (pfa) are estimated using probability density function (PDF) and the thresholds are fixed according to various energy levels and they are shown in simulation results. The simulation results show that our proposed method improves the probability of detection(Pd ) and reduce the probability of error, & provides better accuracy. Probability of false alarm (Pfa) falls below the single user case.
Automated Detection of Tumor Using Wavelet Based Histogram and Adaptive Windowing Technique[Full-Text ] Nisha Nagose, Rajshree MundewarikarThe most effective method for detection of early breast cancer is mammography, which is the most reliable method for the detection of early breast cancer, Mammography is the compulsory and only option for the premature detection of breast cancer in women, of all diagnostic methods currently available for this purpose this is more reliable method. This paper present a wavelet and window method to detect breast tumours using wavelet thresholding. The compressed image is decomposed at level 4 using daubechies 6 wavelet and histograms for all components (approximation, horizontal, vertical & diagonal) is evaluated for first two level and only approximation components are calculated for remaining two level. Further the histogram of horizontal, vertical and diagonal components are decomposed at level 5 and the thresholds corresponding to minima of the histogram is found. Transferring those thresholds at components horizontal, vertical and diagonal are thresholded. Further a global threshold is found to segment reconstructed image, fine segmentation is done using window based operation & using a wavelet approach for final threshold. Depending upon the threshold values, the suspicious areas have been segmented. The works effection in an over segmented image. The related work was im-plemented using image processing tools, and using the MATLAB.
Data Security Models in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Paridhi SinghalCloud computing provides convenient on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. The resources can be rapidly deployed with great efficiency and minimal management overhead. Cloud is an insecure computing platform from the view point of the cloud users, the system must design mechanisms that not only protect sensitive information by enabling computations with encrypted data, but also protect users from malicious behaviors by enabling the validation of the computation result. There is a number of security issues/concerns associated with cloud computing but these issues fall into two broad categories: Security issues faced by cloud providers (organizations providing Software-, Platform-, or Infrastructure-as-a-Service via the cloud) and security issues faced by their customers [1]. In the following report we would like to establish the various security related concerns, their implementations and policies. We first start of by determining the various vulnerabilities that could infrastructures face after which we explain the challenges in facing these security related issues. Once the vulnerabilities are identified we can propose security models.
A Review of Sensors for Explosive Detection[Full-Text ] Dipali Ramdasi , Dr. (Mrs.) Rohini MudhalwadkarThe timely detection of explosives is a major concern in the present, for personal and homeland security. There are several proven methods like the Gas Chromatography or Mass Spectrometry, which are used very frequently for explosive detection. The main limitation of these equipments is their cost, huge size and laboratory based techniques. Small, portable instruments that give a low level of detection, even at the field, is the need of today. Researchers all over the world are working on this. This paper deliberately does not cover the conventional laboratory based methods. It provides consolidated information about explosive detection techniques with the polymer sensors, metal oxide sensors and Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) sensors.
Temperature Distribution in Aeroponics System with Root Zone Cooling for the Production of Potato Seed in Tropical Lowland[Full-Text ] Eni Sumarni, Herry Suhardiyanto, Kudang Boro Seminar, Satyanto Krido SaptomoExpansion of potato cropping on lowland is an alternative for increasing potato production in Indonesia. Aeroponics cultivation system with limited cooling at root zone is one of the solutions in obtaining quality potato seed in tropical lowland. Problems in fluids flow for supplying nutrition need to be understood, either fluids movement inside a pipe or inside an aeroponics chamber. One of the methods to understand the distribution of air temperature in a chamber is by analyzing it by means of Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD). The objective of this research was to find out the temperature distribution in an aeroponics system. Two treatments were applied, i.e., application of root zone cooling at 10 °C and no cooling as control. The temperature distribution inside the aeroponics chamber was analyzed using the CFD. The size of the aeroponics chamber used was 1.5 m length, 1.0 m width and 1.0 m height. The outer wall of the aeroponics chamber was made of plywood material of 12 mm thick .The inside part of the wall was insulated with Styrofoam of 2.0 cm thickness. This set up performed a good temperature distribution. The result of validation showed that air temperature simulated by using CFD agreed well with that of air temperature measured inside the aeroponics chamber.
Performance Analysis of Terrestrial Free Space Optical (FSO) Communication Link Using M-QAM Modulation Technique[Full-Text ] Harjeevan Singh,Rajan MiglaniFree Space Optical (FSO) communication refers to use atmosphere as transmitting link between two or more communicating nodes separated by certain distance. A lot of work has been done to suggest measures to improve FSO link performance which is seriously affected due to atmospheric turbulence. In this paper, performance analysis of M-QAM has been done under the turbulent atmospheric conditions. The Bit Error Rate (BER) for M-QAM has been analyzed for different values of M. Further the BER of M-QAM has been analyzed for different wavelengths and Link Ranges (distance between transmitter and receiver) and it has been found that 8-QAM gives best BER performance under turbulent atmospheric conditions.
Fly ash in Bangladesh- An Overview[Full-Text ] Mir Md Tamim, Arindam Dhar, Md. Shahadat HossainFly ash is one of the common residues produced from combustion of coal. In past, fly ash was unconditionally released into the atmosphere. Recent concerns about environmental pollution led to prohibition of its atmospheric release and mandated the use of various mechanisms to trap it before release. Subsequently, the storage and recycling of this huge quantity of fly ash has become a new concern. Presently in Bangladesh, it is estimated that 1.3 million cubic feet of fly ash is produced per annum for dumping from thermal power plants alone, and is estimated to reach an alarming crescendo of 9.5 million cubic feet by 2018. The environmental degradation due to dumping of fly ash aggravates the situation. Together, they pose an imminent threat in a densely populated country like Bangladesh, which needs to be addressed urgently.
Comparison and Evaluation of Image Filtering Models for Vehicle Tracking [Full-Text ] Kamal Upreti, Arun Kumar, Nihar Ranjan RoyThis paper represents a core comparative approach to design and analysis of a real-time based Vehicle Tracking System using Kalman filter and Complimentary filter. The proposed system is used to determine the current location of a target device in terms of UTC time , Data status, latitude, longitude, UTC date, Speed over ground in knots, Magnetic variation , Mode indicators and Checksum information by utilizing the sms features of GSM technology. An attempt is made to improve the accuracy in locating GPS receiver by filtering out the irregularities using Kalman filter. In this paper, we have also investigated the optimal position tracking means. Linear recursive filtering technique is used for estimating noise co-variance at current state (Q) and measurement errors (R) received from sensor noise measurement. The result obtained gives better accuracy with more consistency and provides better performance level as compared to the complementary filter.
An Efficient Approach for Equivalent Mutants Detection using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Megha Jhamb, Abhishek SinghalMutation testing can consist of a large number of Equivalent Mutants that degrade the capabilities of mutation testing and require more resources, time and efforts. Class level and operator level mutation operators are applied to generate a large number of mutants and are the most critical factor as the time required for mutation testing is totally dependent on these two factors. Constraints based mutation testing approach utilizes these two factors to improve the efficiency of mutation testing by killing most of the equivalent mutants. In this paper Fuzzy Logic is used to improve the quality of the constraints based equivalent mutants detection technique. This paper takes into consideration three metrics reachability, necessity, and sufficiency to increase the efficiency of constraints based mutation testing. The analysis of the study shows that fuzzy based equivalent mutation detection technique improves the efficiency of mutation testing and reduces the time required to perform it.
Sensor Nodes Based Group Mobility Model (SN-GM) for MANET[Full-Text ] Deepali Jain, Ashish Payal, Umang SinghMobile ad hoc network is an autonomous system of mobile nodes connected by wireless links without any infrastructure support. Mobility of nodes in MANET is defined as entity based or group based. Entity mobility is designed to simulate the movement of each individual. Group mobility model are designed to simulate the movement of nodes in a group. Many of the application of mobile ad hoc networks are based on group mobility for example disaster recovery, battlefield situation, people visiting fair and search and rescue operation. Group mobility also introduces the concept of two or more subgroups moving individually. In this paper we propose a new group mobility model. In the proposed model there are number of groups that can move within the simulation area, and there are some individual static nodes, scattered in the area concerned, to report one group activity to other group. They might be think of as forwarding nodes or sensor nodes. Nodes in the same group move with same average velocity in the simulation area. As a part of discussion we will simulate our proposed group mobility model namely Sensor Nodes based Group Mobility Model (SN-GM) and evaluate the performance of routing protocol namely Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing protocol (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR).
A Localization System for Car License Plate[Full-Text ] Nada Najeel Kamal, Loay E. GeorgeA License Plate (LP) is a rectangular metal plate contains numbers and characters or words, fixed on to the car body and it is used to identify the vehicles. In recent years, the importance of finding the accurate location of the license plate in an automatic manner has largely increased. This work aims to design a new robust method to find the accurate location of the LP in the digital image based on a set of morphological and statistical features extracted from the LP segment, then the necessary adjustments on the extracted LP are made using rotation and affine transform. The developed method is tested using with 393 images of Iraqi LPs with white and black background color; the images are taken from different distances, different view angels, and under different illumination conditions. The overall performance of the system reached to 82.44%.
Sense amplifier approach for high speed SRAM Cell[Full-Text ] Er. Robin Mehta, Er. Amit KumarIn this paper a high speed hybrid current mode sense amplifier is presented. Sense amplifier is the most important component of SRAM cell used to sense stored data. Sense amplifiers are used to read the contents of SRAM cells. Sense amplifiers perform amplification, delay reduction and power reduction. Earlier voltage mode sense amplifiers are used to sense the data from bitlines. But with increase in bitline capacitance delay increases in voltage mode sense amplifier. So hybrid current mode sense amplifier is a new approach of sensing data with minimum delay and power dissipation. This paper explores the design and analysis of hybrid current mode sense amplifier. The simulation is carried out at 1.8V / 0.18µm technology using tanner (13.0 Version) tool. The results are compared with voltage mode sense amplifier.
Studies on Characterization and Mechanical Behavior of Banana peel Reinforced Epoxy Composites[Full-Text ] A. Lakshumu Naidu, D. Raghuveer, P.SumanThis paper examines the results of an experimental study based on the engineering properties of banana peel reinforced epoxy composites. Experiments are carried out to study the effect of weight fraction on mechanical behavior of epoxy based polymer composites. The composites were made by varying the weight fraction of banana peel from 0 to 30% and banana peel were made using hand layup method. The fabricated composite samples were cut according to the ASTM standards for different experiments. Hardness test and density test were carried out at the samples. The maximum hardness, density, tensile strength, flexural strength and ILSS are getting for the material prepared with the 20 % reinforced banana peel epoxy composite. Finally the morphology of fractured surfaces is examined by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Energy-Dispersive X-Ray diffraction (EDX). The detailed test results and observations are discussed sequentially in the paper.
The creep properties of Sn-12wt%Bi and Sn-12wt.%Bi-1wt%Sb alloys during phase transformation[Full-Text ] R.H. Nada, F. Abd El-Salam, M.M. Mostafa, A.M.Abd El Khalek, and H.S MohammedThe variations in the steady state creep parameters observed in Sn-12wt.%Bi (alloy A) and Sn-12wt.%Bi-1wt.%Sb (alloy B) due to the annealing temperature and Sb addition in the working temperature range 333 - 413K with 10 K steps, under constant stresses 32, 35 and 39 MPa have studied with a transition point at 353K for the both alloys. The strain rate sensitivity parameter, m, and the activation volume, V, increased with increasing the working temperature to 353K. The obtained activation energies are 59.99 and 66.16 kJ/mole before transformation and 72.45 and 78.03 kJ/mole after transformation for alloys A and B respectively, characterizing the grain boundary sliding (G.B.S.) with partially diffusion before transition temperature region, and the dominant cross slipping mechanism after transition region.
Estimation of Actual & Generated Wind Power Using Artificial Wind[Full-Text ] Mr.Shailesh K.Kokate, Prof.N.N.Shinde, Miss.Madhuri B.MulikWind energy is clean & inexhaustible source of energy. Wind turbines used to extract power from wind. This paper considered small size of rotor diameter of wind machine. The device mounted on the two wheeler .Firstly vehicle's speed considered as the speed of wind. The available power in wind calculated using the speed of vehicle. Then wind speed recorded on moving vehicle using analog anemometer. For the corresponding wind, generated power calculated. Author also examined percentage of change in speed of wind using two wheeler. It also exam ined the actual power available in the wind and expected power from artificial wind generation.The rotational speed and torque produced on wind mill blade computed.
ASSESSMENT OF GROUND WATER QUALITY INDEX (WQI) IN AND AROUND BALGOPALPUR INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, BALASORE, ODISHA, INDIA[Full-Text ] Kausik Kumar Das, Tanuja Panigrahi, Bita Mohanty & Dr. R.B. PandaTo assess the quality index of ground water in and around Balgopalpur Industrial Estate, water samples from 30 different locations were collected spreading over a period of three seasons in the year (2011-2012) namely post monsoon, winter and summer season (July2011-June2012). The index of water quality was assess by measuring various physic-chemical parameter such as pH, Total Dissolved Solid (TDS), Total Hardness (TH), Total Alkalinity (TA), Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Iron and Chloride content. After analysis of WQI, all the samples indicates that water of all location is not acceptable for direct consumption and is not within the permissible limit. The Pump house water may be use for direct consumption which is nearly equal to the permissible limit. Other some samples were also can be used for drinking purpose after treatment.
Algorithm and Program for Synthesis of Carousels for PVD Technology[Full-Text ] Chavdar PashinskiPhysical vapor deposition (PVD) is one modern pro-ecological technology for preparing thin layers with different properties and purpose. The carousels for the samples transportation are an almost indispensable element of the PVD equipment. This work describes an algorithm for their synthesis, which aims to collect maximum samples in the workspace. A program based on this algorithm has been designed and its various applications are discussed. An operating model of a triple rotation carousel has been generated with its help. Guidelines for future development of this program are shown. The versatility of the program makes it applicable to the synthesis of carousels of general purpose outside the PVD technology area.
Green Approach for Heavy metals removal from Polluted Water[Full-Text ] Huda Yousif, Kafia M. SurchiNatural agricultural waste like rice husk without chemical treatment provides sustainable, safe, and non- polluting procedure for heavy metal removal from aqueous systems. The goal of the present study was to provide information about adsorptive affinity of locally available rice husk for heavy metals removal. The influence of different adsorption parameters on the selectivity and sensitivity of the removal process was investigated. The studied parameters were: pH, contact time, initial metal concentration, adsorbent/metal ion ratios and interfering ions (0.1-0.4 M) Na, K, and Ca. The efficiency of rice husk for Cu, Ni, and Zn removal were; 85.0, 63.5 and 88.3 respectively at 0.8 gml-1adsorbent dose. The experimental kinetic data were analyzed using pseudo-first order, pseudo-second order, and Elovich models. The pseudo-second-order kinetic model gave a better fitting of the kinetic data for Cu, Ni, and Zn removal. Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) analysis confirms the complexation of Cu, Ni, and Zn with functional groups present in the RH.
Evolutionary Study and Performance Analysis of Generations in Wireless Technolgy[Full-Text ] Vikram M. KakadeIn today's world mobile communication has become the burning topic in wireless technology and the generation is evolving according to need in mobile communication there has been explosion of diverse devices with smart capabilities. Vendors and users want better wireless networking technology to take advantage of device during this time; the technology has attracted many users and has undergone numerous changes, including internet connectivity. More industry experts had already said that every next generation in wireless technology will offer more bandwidth, security, and reliability making it more suitable for multimedia, e-commerce, video conferencing, and other advance applications. For achieving the need of this applications 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th Generation are developed accordingly. In this Generation's high data rate services, a new 4G system, possibly based on new radio access technology is currently envisioned. In this paper we are going to study the real and precise need behind the evolution of every generation technology and specifically 3rd and 4th Generation with its types and experimental work done on them.
A Quantum Monte Carlo Calculation of the Ground State Energy for the Hydrogen Molecule Using the CASINO Code.[Full-Text ] Ebomwonyi O., Enukpere E. E., and Osunkwor O. E. The quantum Monte Carlo (QMC), CASINO code was run to calculate the ground state energy for the hydrogen molecule. The variational Monte Carlo (VMC) technique was used, employing the unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) method, instead of the restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) method. By altering the VMC steps in the input parameters of the CASINO code, the best ground state energy for the hydrogen molecule was obtained to be ( -1.168 ± 0.000059) a.u. differing by 0.006 a.u from the exact value.
Modeling of MIMO propagation in Tunnels[Full-Text ] Sukhpreet Kaur, Amanjot SinghWireless communication draws the attention of various and this is because, it increases in data throughput and also the link range without the increased transmit power or additional bandwidth. The explanation and/or prediction of the inside distribution field such tunnels are excited by the electric antenna which is essential for deployment of wireless communication system. Primary objective of the study is to understand and model propagation of multiple input multiple output channel through a tunnel. Secondary objectives are to analyze the applications of modal theory, To explore how modal theory can be applied in identifying MIMO propagated through tunnels and to simulate MIMO propagation through tunnel using MATLAB.
GUI Based Device Controller Using MATLAB[Full-Text ] Amod Kumar, Divya Kamboj, Jyoti Choudhary, Nisha Yadav, Vineet Batra The application of the device control in real life is very common nowadays. There are many applications that have been developed by using device control in electronic field such as home automation, industrial automation, etc. The objective of this project is to develop the Graphical User Interface of device control through MATLAB, interface the MATLAB GUI that consist of transmitter and receiver program with hardware via serial communication and control the various devices. By using MATLAB GUIDE, the process of laying out and programming GUIs and interface with microcontroller via serial communication port to control the devices will be easier because it is already provides a set of tools. As a result, the devices at remote location can be controlled by PC having MATLAB GUI and interface the MATLAB GUI with microcontroller via serial communication port.
Optimization Technique for detection of signal in MIMO System[Full-Text ] Prabhpreet Kaur Saini, Amanjot SinghMIMO techniques are based on multiple antennae in receiving and transmitting signals and also used in multipath propagation for the transformation of entire channel into many independent virtual channels. In MIMO system multiple antennae can increase the spectral efficiency/ reliability of radio channel without increasing bandwidth or transmit power. Commercially, it is not feasible in case of MIMO systems. So, simple and efficient receiver that can harness MIMO architecture benefits without draining mobile receiver battery power or long time to decode transmitted symbols was required. In this paper problem of receiver design for MIMO system in spatial multiplexing scheme that is Maximum likelihood detection problem also known as NP hard combinatorial optimization problem, which need an exponential search over the space of all possible transmitted symbols in order to find closest point in Euclidean sense to received symbols, has been considered. A metaheuristic algorithm for detection of MIMO wireless system based on the Ant colony optimization (ACO) technique using MATLAB give the best solution to the problem and find the optimal path for the receivers.
Implementation and Realization Of Brushless DC Motor[Full-Text ] Shubham Mittal, Varun Kumar Gupta, Prof. R. SudhaBrushless DC motor (BLDC motors) also known as electronically commutated motors (ECMs, EC motors) are synchronous motors which are powered by a DC electric source via an integrated inverter/switching power supply, which produces an AC electric signal to drive the motor. Additional sensors and electronics control the inverter output amplitude, waveform and frequency. The motor part of a brushless motor is often a permanent magnet synchronous motor, but can also be a switched reluctance motor, or induction motor. Two key performance parameters of brushless DC motors are the Motor constants Kv and Km (which are numerically equal in SI units) Conventional dc motors are highly efficient and their characteristics make them suitable for use as servomotors. However, their only drawback is that they need a commutator and brushes which are subject to wear and require maintenance. When the functions of commutator and brushes were implemented by solid-state switches, maintenance-free motors were realised. These motors are now known as brushless dc motors. Halls Sensors sense the position of the coils. The Decoder Circuit turns appropriate switches on and off. The voltage through the specific coils turns the motor. It has various advantages like increased reliability, longer life,elimination of sparks, reduced friction. The torque characteristic of BLDC motor presents a very important factor in design of the BLDC motor drive system, so it is necessary to predict the precise value of torque, which is determined by the waveforms of back-EMF. The purpose of using of BLDC motor is that it saves atleast 50% of the energy as compared to the conventional motors and there is a marked reduction in manufacture cost. The BLDC motor is modelled using MotorSolve software provided by infolytica and all performance charts are extracted. The specification used is input voltage of 230V, 50Hz, input power is 45W@360rpm, output power is 25W@360rpm.
Data Mining[Full-Text ] Seema, Dharmveer Yadav, Pramod KumarGraph-based data mining represents a collection of techniques for mining the relational aspects of data represented as a graph. Two major approaches to graph based data mining are frequent sub graph mining and graph-based relational learning. This article will focus on one particular approach embodied in the Subdue system, along with recent advances in graph-based su-pervised learning, graph-based hierarchical conceptual clustering, and graph-grammar induction. The need for mining structured data has increased rapidly. One of the best studied data structures in computer science and discrete mathematics are graphs. Graph based data mining has become quite popular in the last few years. This paper introduces the theoretical basis of graph based data mining and surveys the state of the art of graph-based data mining. Brief descriptions of some representative approaches are provided as well.
Utilization of Data Mining Techniques for Prediction and Diagnosis of Major Life Threatening Diseases Survivability-Review[Full-Text ] K.R. Lakshmi and S.Prem KumarData mining is defined as shifting through very large amounts of data for useful information. Some of the most important and popular data mining techniques are association rules, classification, clustering, prediction and sequential patterns. Data mining techniques are used for variety of applications. In health care industry, data mining plays an important role for predicting diseases. For detecting a disease number of tests should be required from the patient. But using data mining technique the number of test should be reduced. This reduced test plays an important role in time and performance. This technique has an advantages and disadvantages. This research paper analyzes how data mining techniques are used for predicting different types of major life threatening diseases. It reviewed the research papers which mainly concentrated on predicting heart disease, Diabetes, Breast cancer, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis.
Utilization of Data Mining Techniques for Prediction of Diabetes Disease Survivability[Full-Text ] K. R. Lakshmi and S.Prem KumarDetection of knowledge patterns in clinical data through data mining. Data mining algorithms can be trained from past examples in clinical data and model the frequent times non-linear relationships between the independent and dependent variables. The consequential model represents formal knowledge, which can often make available a good analytic judgment. Classification is the generally used technique in medical data mining. This paper presents results comparison of ten supervised data mining algorithms using five performance criteria. We evaluate the performance for C4.5, SVM, k-NN, PNN, BLR, MLR, PLS-DA, PLS-LDA, k-means and Apriori then Comparison a performance of data mining algorithms based on computing time, precision value , the data evaluated using 10 fold Cross Validation error rate, error rate focuses True Positive, True Negative, False Positive and False Negative, bootstrap validation and accuracy. A typical confusion matrix is furthermore displayed for quick check. The study describes algorithmic discussion of the dataset for the disease acquired from UCI and ICMR-INDIAB, on line repository of large datasets. The Best results are achieved by using Tanagra tool. Tanagra is data mining matching set. The accuracy is calculate based on addition of true positive and true negative followed by the division of all possibilities.
Performance Evaluation of AODV and DSDV under Seniority Based Pretty Good Privacy Model (SBPGP)[Full-Text ] Nidh Mittal, JanishThe routing protocols are to maximize network throughput, to maximize network lifetime, to maximize energy efficiency and to minimize delays. The network throughput is measured by packet delivery ratio and energy contribution is measured by routing overhead which is number or size of routing control packets. When the security model is applied they behave different. The effective of the overhead we have to analyze and study in the current research work. We are applying the current technique with DSDV and AODV routing protocol. This scheme can make most of the on demand protocols secure. The study should help in making protocols more robust against attacks and standardize parameters for security in routing protocols. PKI, PGP and SPGP plays the vital role in terms of the security.It is easy to manage the security of a fixed network but for a mobile and dynamically changing network it is very difficult.As malicious node can easily attack. Thus in this current paper we are focus on the security with Public key infrastructures and its various types that can help to maintain the security in the Mobile adhoc network.
Comparative Analysis of Transmission Fixed Cost Allocation Methods: Postage Stamp, Marginal Participation Factors and Power Tracing[Full-Text ] Heramb Mayadeo, Dr. (Mrs) A. A. DharmeThe evolution of deregulated power markets has seen a parallel evolution in transmission pricing methods and philosophies. The methods have evolved from very simple postage stamp method to very elaborate and involved methods like power tracing algorithms. This paper compares the features of three methods viz. Postage Stamp (PS), Marginal Participation Factors (MAPF) and power tracing. These three methods are so chosen that they represent three different principles; cost of unused capacities, sensitivity factors and proportional sharing principle respectively.
EMG Signals classification based on singular value decomposition and neural network[Full-Text ] Mukesh Patidar, Nitin Jain, Piyush AgrawalThe electromyogram (EMG) signal contains lots of information about muscular changes related muscular disorder such as myopathy. In this paper, we present a new method for classification of EMG signals based on singular value decomposition. The EMG signal represent in the matrix form, features extracted from the singular value decomposition and singular value of EMG signal used as features for classification. These features used as an input to back propagation neural network classifier for classification of EMG signals. The classification accuracy for classification of normal and myopathy EMG signals obtained by proposed method is 96.7. Simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Comparative study for flexure design using IRC 112:2011 & IRC 21:2000[Full-Text ] B.H.Solanki & Prof.M.D.VakilBridge design practices vary extensively throughout the world. Many codes are currently dealing with Limit state method; In India IRC has published new code IRC-112:2011 that combines specifications for both RCC & prestress concrete bridges. They introduces durability of concrete, general detailing requirements of different bridge members, grade of concrete is allowed up to M90 & grade of steel used up to Fe600. Compare to IRC-21:2000 that for RCC road bridges, the new code introduces Limit state method. The paper describes the flexure design approach by both the code. Emphasis is put on the variation in amount of steel by both. It also shows the design charts for particular grade of concrete and steel for various moment capacities. As it always a question how it differs from older one whenever there's new code of practice, this paper will guide for flexure design for different combination of grade of concrete & steel.
Mitigation of Intermodulation Effects Due to Co-Existence Of GSM 900 And CDMA 2ooo 1x Systems Using Antenna Isolation Technique[Full-Text ] Okorogu Victor N, Onoh G.N, Onyishi D.U, Utebor N.NThe major drawback of shared sites is the increased level of interference, analysis on intermodulation interference and the effect of noise on Receiver sensitivity of the CDMA System due to interference from GSM System in co-site cells showed that the Signal -to -Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) of Networks when operating separately in different sites is better than in co-site arrangement. This work adopted the Antenna Isolation technique as a viable option to minimize the interference level, in order to ensure harmony and co-existence of shared Networks based on a physical optimization of antenna systems that could be understood as a physical symmetry rotation in space, to vary the antenna tilt and azimuth. The approach independently reduces the interference effects on the distance between the base station antennas. This research analyzes the interference between co-site CDMA2000-800MHz (CDMA2000 1x/UMTS800) and GSM900MHz Base Station Systems due to spurious emission, intermodulation effects and blocking. Received Signal Strength (RSS) measurements were gathered in Enugu from Mobile Telecommunications of Nigeria (MTN) Network (GSM900) and Visafone Network (CDMA2000 1x) in sites where each Network operates alone and where both Networks shared sites (co-site or co-existence), while Antenna Isolation measurements were practically demonstrated in Huawei Laboratory so as not to disrupt traffic on Operators Networks, using token antennas and calibrated cables.
On some aspects of sensitivity analysis in AHP -an Illustration[Full-Text ] P. KOUSALYA, S. SUPRAJAThis paper aims at giving an application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP, a Multi Criteria Decision Making method) . Here AHP is applied for selection of a student from an Engineering college who is eligible for All Round Excellence Award for the year 2004-05 by taking subjective judgments of decision maker into consideration. Sensitivity analysis was applied to the problem and it was observed Alternative A 2 is the most sensitive to changes.
Gesture Recognition Using Wrist Watch[Full-Text ] Sonal Singh, Alpika TripathiSign Language is the only mode of communication between deaf/dumb and normal human beings. It is a common platform for both but it is not necessarily taught to common person in their school, so there occur a need for an interpreting system. In this paper, we present an approach to maintain the efficiency and accuracy of gesture recognition by identifying the hand gestures from images provided as input to the computer. Previously used methods were using multiple color gloves; sensor gloves, wrist band, but these all were the biggest limitations for its practical implementation. In this paper we will overcome these limitations by using most commonly worn wrist watch by deaf and dumb.
A Nonlinear Controller For Liquid Level Control System[Full-Text ] K.AshokkumarThe aim of this paper is to investigate the coupled tank system that is supplied with a photovoltaic generator. Controlling variables in any process is very important so as to achieve the desired output A nonlinear control of an induction motor (IM) supplied with a photovoltaic generator to assure the level control of two coupled tanks. The proposed systems are separated into two independent models so that the coupled tanks are assured by discontinuous command by using the proposed methods. In the first step, we propose a sliding mode technique to make the speed and the flux control of the IM robust to parameter variations. Thus, the aim is to assure the stability of the system autonomously towards a desired region of water level, by varying the speed of the induction motor. The use of the nonlinear sliding mode provides a very good performance for motor operation and robustness of the control law despite the external and internal perturbation. Simulation results are given to highlight the performance of the proposed control method for load disturbances and parameter variation. A nonlinear control of an induction motor (IM) supplied with a photovoltaic generator to assure the level control of two coupled tanks is designed with sliding mode and fuzzy logic.
Comparison of uniaxial composite strength and tensile strength of a composite fly ash material to avoid its dumping and adverse effects on environment[Full-Text ] Sharans KabraHigh ash content (30% - 50%) coal contributes to large volumes of fly ash. The country's dependence on coal for power generation is increasing and so the production of fly ash will be more. Fly ash causes air, water and soil pollution when exposed to environment. This project report is an attempt to find a suitable utilization for a particular fly ash sample depending upon its geotechnical properties. The area required for disposing fly ash will be minimised and so damage to the environment will be less. In this project geotechnical experiments were carried out on fly ash samples like Tensile strength study, Unconfined compressive strength study etc. Based on the results obtained from these experiments, a suitable use for the fly ash is ascertained.
Power quality enhancement & Sag mitigation by Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR)[Full-Text ] Saquib Shakil, Kuldeep Kumar Srivastava, Anand Vardhan PandeyPower peculiarity is one of the most touching issue in this present era. It became prominent with the presentation of adulterate devices, whose execution is very responsive to the peculiarity of power supply. Power attribute dilemma is a happening exhibited as a nonstandard current, voltage and frequency which result in collapse of equipments. Voltage sag is considered to be one of the most severe occurrences in power system which largely affects the quality of power. To obtain better power attribute custom power devices is used in the system. The most precious technology used in improvement of power quality is assigned as Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) & considered as most powerful & efficient devices among the other technology available in system. The operation of DVR is very fast & dynamic in nature.. This presentation works also allow position of Dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) to amend load voltage.
Tablet PC With Rechargeable Pen[Full-Text ] UDAY BHASKARI have designed this product for the daily use of the students and a step forward towards saving of papers in the form of notebooks that we use daily in our classrooms for making notes. It will replace the paperback notebooks with a tablet PC or electronic notebook whose screen can be used as a page for writing with the pen supplied with the tablet. The pen uses the simple concept of physics i.e. Friction to recharge its batteries which can be further used as a charging source for the tablet. The notes can be used and carried every-where, it will cut the cost of buying notebooks and carrying them. One way to reduce forest loss is to conserve the trees by saving papers, to tackle this problem I got this idea in my mind to replace the notebooks with rechargeable and environment friendly tablet PC. The aim of my idea is to (1)reduce paper wastage (2)bring all notes under one tablet PC(3)conserve energy. This device makes the class notes easily accessible and available at any place and a step towards saving paper and environment. The product is designed keeping in mind the basic needs of study i.e. writing, viewing and browsing pages from internet.
Estimation of Minerals in Carica papaya L. Leaf found in Northern India by using ICP-OES Technique[Full-Text ] Dinesh Kumar Sharma, Prof. B. Tiwari, Rabindra Kr. Singh, Sandeep Sahu, S. C. Mathur, R. M. Singh & G. N. SinghThe aim of this Research Paper is to determine the minerals by using the Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) method in Carica papaya L. leaf (papaya leaf) found in Northern India. Three types of samples; green, yellow and brown leaves of Carica papaya L. collected from plane and hill regions, more particularly, the healthy papaya leaves were collected from National Capital Region (NCR) as plane & from Shimla (Himachal Pradesh), height about 2205 m or 7234 ft from the sea level was chosen for the collection from hill region, both the regions are the parts of Northern India. All the three types of leaves collected from plane as well as hills were analysed for the estimation of mineral constituents. The collected leaves were dried & finely powdered after removal of pedicle. All the six samples were extracted and digested with 2.0 per cent w/v solution of nitric acid in deionised water separately and analysed by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES). The appreciable results were obtained and the highest value of Ca in green leaves collected from hill region; Cr in green leaves from both, plane & hill region; Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn & Cu in the brown leaves collected from plane region, K in the brown leaves collected from hill region and Na in yellow leaves from hills were obtained. Thus, brown papaya leaves from plane & hill both regions of Northern India having a good source of essential minerals while yellow papaya leaves were found a nice source of sodium and green leaves of calcium. The most significant feature of this research is the estimation of nine minerals in Carica papaya L. leaf which are highest in number estimated so for & the instrument used is most advance, sophisticated & sensitive also i.e. ICP-OES which is capable to quantify the multi elemental determination having a wide working range which can quantify the metals or minerals in traces up to ppb level. Therefore, papaya leaves due to its potent therapeutic properties can be formulated in herbal formulations as a medicine/dietary supplement and may be marketed as a nutraceutical product and as well a drug in curing the several diseases like Dengue fever, malaria etc.
Rumor Riding: Peer to Peer Systems[Full-Text ] Imran Memon, Farman Ali Mangi, Deedar Ali Jamro, MUHAMMAD ABDUL BASIT, MUHAMMAD HAMMAD MEMONPeer to peer systems are frequently incurred more expense in terms of efficiency transfer and several systems make an effort to cover the uniqueness privacy considerations issues for their users. An anonymity approach mostly existing path base peer before transmits, it has pre-create an anonymous path. An information as well as maintenance transparency of path is a lot high. We proposed mutual anonymity Rumor riding (RR) protocol for decentralization environment peer to peer systems (P2P). The very heavy load path construction carries by RR system using random walk scheme for free initiate peers. We evaluate with before RSA based and also anonymity approach based on AES, RR get extra benefit of lower cryptographic overhead mostly to get anonymity using asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. We illustrate design and effectiveness during the simulations by trace driven. Rumor riding (RR) is very effect and efficient than previous protocols the experimental and analytical result shows us.
India's Manufacturing Competitiveness In Globalized Era[Full-Text ] Amita MaxwellIndia has all the potential to develop the ''made in India'' brand because of competitive advantage over other countries. We can compare India in relation to its East Asian counterparts like China and Korea which have been able to build up its brand image and establish ''made in china'' brand. We are now in a globalized era, where boundry less business transactions are being done. Hence in today's flat world, branding with reference to the country can be viewed in a new perspective. In this paper an attempt has been made in order to understand manufacturing capabilities of India and key manufacturing indicators. It is imperative for the share of manufacturing sector to pick up if India has to survive and succeed globally and create employment opportunities in India. A robust manufacturing sector is needed to boost up production activities and reflected through economic indicators like GDP, NI, and PCI.
Two Interacting Creeping Vertical Rectangular Strike-slip Faults In A Viscoelastic Half Space Model Of The Lithosphere.[Full-Text ] Sybrata Kr.Debnath.The process of stress accumulation near earthquake faults during the aseismic period in between two major seismic events in seismically active regions has become a subject of research during the last few decades. Earthquake fault of finite length of strike-slip nature in a viscoelastic half space representing the lithosphere-asthenosphere system has been considered here. Stresses accumulate in the region due to various tectonic processes, such as mantle convection and plate movements etc, which ultimately leads to movements across the fault. In the present paper, a three-dimensional model of the system is considered and expressions for displacements, stresses and strains in the model have been obtained using suitable mathematical techniques developed for this purpose. A detailed study of these expressions may give some ideas about the nature of stress accumulation in the system, which in turn will be helpful in formulating an effective earthquake prediction programme.
Modelling And Simulation Of T Shaped Tube Hydroforming Process[Full-Text ] Krunal K Rathod, Mehul D Gohil, D.R.ShahTube Hydroforming is a process of forming closed-section, hollow parts with different cross-sections by applying combined internal hydraulic forming pressure and end axial compressive loads or feeds to force a tubular blank to conform to the shape of a given die cavity. It is one of the most advanced metal forming processes and is ideal for producing seamless, lightweight, near net shape components.. This innovative manufacturing process offers several advantages over conventional manufacturing processes such as part consolidation, weight reduction and lower tooling and process cost. To increase the implementation of this technology in different manufacturing industries, dramatic improvements for hydroformed part design and process development are imperative. The current design and development of tube Hydroforming processes is plagued with long design and prototyping lead times of the component.