Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2013 Edition
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Review and Performance Analysis on Routing and Wavelength Assignment Approaches for Optical Networks[Full-Text ] Babeta Rawat, Ashish Kumar Gupta, Vartika Yadav,Priyanka TrivediThis study focuses on the performance analysis on routing and wavelength assignment approaches for optical networks. In today's life Internet traffic is being increasing tremendously so, routing &wavelength assignment is the most challenging job in wavelength routed optical networks to provide end-users best facilities in lesser time. Another most important issue in optical networks is callblocking & it is directly proportional to the number of connection requests i.e. callblocking increases with the increase in number of connection requests due to the limited number of wavelength channels in each fiber link. Different conventional RWA approaches in the wavelength routed optical networks and there comparison with the proposed priority-based RWA (PRWA) scheme under wavelength continuity constraint in terms of blocking probability is been discussed in this paper.
Recom: Development Of A Viable, Social Entrepreneurial Model Based On Optimizing The Life Cycle Of Computers.[Full-Text ] Souvik Roy Chowdhury, Neeratyoy Mallik, Swarnava Majumdar, Agnidhra Ghosh, Sandipan Mondal, Arijit Ghosh, Aranyak Roy, Sarbajit DasREcycling of COMputers, or RECOM is focused on the development of a viable, social entrepreneurial model based on optimizing the life cycle of computers by recycling and repairing them, and then renting them to organizations such as economically weaker schools. It is entirely a student-sustained venture. The novelty of RECOM is that it:
TCP-over-UDP for Real Time Applications[Full-Text ] Saurabh Tripathi, Shaurya Gupta, Tushar Babbar, Vishal GuptaReal Time Applications are getting more prevalent over internet and they require fast and reliable flow of information across the connected devices. The two major TCP/IP transport protocols fail to completely provide the desired feature for Real Time Applications to communicate. Thus many efforts have been made to provide a suitable protocol that can provide flow of real time data across the internet efficiently. Many protocols have been developed that try to provide TCP like functionalities to UDP in order to meet the needs in various networking scenarios.The main aim of this paper is to highlight a general solution based on these different efforts which can be used to achieve the desired functionality over internet for the Real Time Applications to communicate. This paper aims to present a generic library called as TCP-over-UDP for Real Time Applications based on [1]. This library can be optimised and refined in order to make it suitable for communication in real time environments.
Droplet Routing in DMFB based on Minimum Weight Number of Alternate Paths[Full-Text ] Pabitra Roy, Subrata DasMicrofluidic biochips rely on the principle of electrowetting on dielectric. Discrete droplets of nanoliter volumes can be manipulated in a digital manner on a two dimensional electrode array. Due to recent advances on microfluidic technology digital microfluidic biochips has gained much attention. One of the major problems on digital microfluidic biochips are droplets routing problem. In this paper we proposed a droplet routing method based on minimum weight number of alternate paths. We first calculate number of paths for each net based on minimum weight. Here each droplet has a single source and single target location. The main objective in routing is to find droplet routes with minimum length where route length is measured by the number of cells in the path from source to target location. The algorithm is implemented by using C++ and the results obtained are quite encouraging.
Improvements Of Signal Gain For Measat-2 And Measat-3 Using Orbital Diversity Under Rain Attenuation: A Simulation Approach[Full-Text ] Harlisya Harun, Halid Agil, Ruhaida Abdul RashidThe effect of rain attenuation becomes significant for satellites operating at 10 GHz and above. This has become a matter of concern, especially in tropical regions where relatively heavy rainfall occurs throughout the year. Orbital diversity (OD) is seen to be a viable method to mitigate rain attenuation. It employs multiple satellites transmitting identical signal streams toward a mutual ground station. Although OD has been studied with great interest in regions such as Europe, there is little information of OD research in tropical regions, particularly in Malaysia. Therefore, this paper proposed an analytical approach towards the study of OD in Malaysian climate using MEASAT satellites. The performance of OD is dependent upon the operating frequency and the satellite's elevation angle. From the simulation, the rain attenuation increases exponentially with the increasing frequency. Therefore, the signal gain decreases in inverse exponential manner. The simulation also shows that MEASAT-3, having an elevation angle of 77.695°, experiences higher signal attenuation than MEASAT-2 (elevation angle 34.324°). Using signal combination, an OD signal experiences signal boost of up to 2.3 times the individual signal gain. With this significant finding, the OD is proposed to mitigate rain attenuation in Malaysia.
Improved Technique for Detection of Malaria Parasites within the Blood Cell Images[Full-Text ] Ms.Snehal Suryawanshi, Prof.V.V.DixitThough there is considerable progress still there is need to improve accuracy, speed, automation level, adaptability towards new applications.
Self-Healing Framework for Distribution Systems[Full-Text ] Fazil Haneef, S.AngalaeswariThe self healing framework for distribution systems based on multi agent system is constructed. The proposed multi agent system is designed to locate and isolate faults, then decide and implement the switching operations to restore the out-of-service loads. The function of zone agents in the first layer is monitoring, making simple calculations, and implementing control actions. Feeder agents in the second layer are assigned to negotiation. The constraints include voltage limits, line current limits, and radial topology. FLISR (Fault Location/Isolation/Service Restoration) module will help to reduce the gap between an experienced and a new operator, as the network control will effectively move from person dependent to system dependent. This method can significantly decrease the Fault Location/Isolation/ Restoration time, compared to conventional SCADA/DMS system.
Constraint-Handling techniques for optimization using Differential Evolution[Full-Text ] Er. Anuj Kumar Parashar, Dr. BDK Patro, Dr. C PatvardhanDifferential Evolution which is used in global optimization over continuous spaces. In general, the task is to optimize certain properties of a system by pertinently choosing the system parameters. Differential evolutions have been widely used to solve difficult constrained optimization problem. Differential evolution gives good results with unconstrained problem. In this project Differential evolution is used for constrained problem with constraints handling techniques. Penalty function is a most widely used constraints handling technique which is used in this project basically there are two kind of penalty function one is static penalty and other one is dynamic. Static penalty function is used here. Differential evolution with static penalty function is used here which gives great quality of solution. And in this project we compared the solution of Differential Evolution with Static penalty function and the evolutionary strategies with feasibility rules and stochastic ranking.
Review of Security Threat and Solution in WiMAX (802.16e)[Full-Text ] Aditya Kumar, Prof. P S Sharma, Prof Vivek Kumar GuptaIEEE 802.16 is the most eminent technology in wireless metropolitan area network (WMAN), also known as WiMAX. In this paper at first we gives the overview of WiMAX technology followed by architecture, authentication & authorization and then security threats concern with it. Since wireless communication is process through open channel network. So unauthorized objects can easily access the network and caused to be security issues/vulnerability. IEEE 802.16 e basically provides more security as compared to other wireless communication technology. The process where attack or threat is possible is the physical layer and MAC layer of IEEE 802.16e standard. So here we discussed both physical layer and MAC layer security threat and their solution.
Effective Simulations for PAPR Reduction using RCF with Hard Clipping, Smooth and Dynamic Clipping for QPSK Modulation[Full-Text ] Harpreet Singh, Chandika Mohan, Loveleen KaurIn this research paper, a variation of clipping ,RCF and tone reservation/injection techniques are examined with proper analysis of clipping ratio (CR) and depth factor(Alpha) in fine tuning of a PAPR reducing system. By exploiting the sparsity of clipping events in the time domain relative to predefined clipping threshold and generate the OFDM bins of the incoming broadband channel into narrow band channel. The concept of OFDM is to send the large amount of digital data in parallel using high speed modems which satisfies the mathematical definition of orthogonality for complex exponential functions over the interval [0, TOFDM] resulting in spectral efficient with flexible bandwidth allocation but not power efficient technique. This makes the OFDM for its robustness against the multipath fading channels. With the theme of power efficient drawback the gateway has open for the PAPR analysis in OFDM with different techniques in research for the power amplifier at the receiver in battery back off. In amplifier with nonlinear characteristics will cause undesired distortion of the in-band and out-of-band signals. The distortion-based techniques reduce the PAPR of the OFDM symbol with the price of adding distortion to the signal points in the subcarriers. Direct clipping simply suppresses the time-domain OFDM signals of which the signal powers exceed a certain threshold.
Design Of High Speed And Low Power Sense Amplifier For Sram Applications[Full-Text ] Shalini , Anand KumarA high performance sense amplifier (SA) circuit for low power SRAM applications is presented in this work. My focus will be to improve the power consumption and response time of this sense amplifier. The transistor stage number of the proposed SA from VDD to GND is reduced for fast low voltage operation. Thus the proposed sense amplifier which is implemented in 0.18um CMOS process can work at 100MHz with voltage as low as 1.5V.Power consumption and delay have trade off,so we have to optimized the parameters according to our requirement.A great investigation is done in this thesis for power consumption and delay time. I observed the variation in these two parameters by varying the operating frequency,load and sizing of tail transistor of sense amplifier.
Dose related neurochemical and behavioral effects of α-methylphenidate in rats [Full-Text ] Nausheen Alam, Rahila NajamCentral Nervous System stimulants are known to increase dopamine (DA) transmission. DA is a key neurotransmitter in cognition and motor activities. In animals, administration of stimulant drugs leads to enhance psychomotor response and dopamine release. This study examines the relationship between brain DA and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) levels which are responsible for motor activity and cognition in rats.The present study compared the motor activity by using familiar and novel environments and cognitive effects by water maze procedure after long-term administration of oral therapeutic doses i.e. 2 mg/kg/day, 5mg/kg/day and 8mg/kg/day of methylphenidate in rats. Brain levels of 5HT, 5HIAA, DA, DOPAC and HVA analyzed by HPLC-EC. We found that with use of aforementioned doses increased brain DA and 5-HT levels. Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) concentration decreased, and the concentration of homovanillic acid (HVA) increased dose dependently but no change was observed in 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) concentration. Motor activity increased at higher dose (i.e.8mg/kg/day) as compared to the lower dose (i.e. 2mg/kg/day) of methylphenidate. Sensitization effects more pronounced after 20 days of drug administration were greater at smaller than higher doses. Smaller doses of drug (2mg/kg/day and 5mg/kg/day), but not higher doses (8mg/kg/day) improved performance in water maze.The behavioral effects of methylphenidate are explained in terms of DA and 5HT interaction involved in the control of motor activity and cognition.
Rayleigh Fading Channel Estimation Of Mimo System With Spectral Efficiency And Channel Capacity Using High Data Rate Coding Technique[Full-Text ] Sahil Sood, Chandika Mohan BabuThe modern wireless system consists of complex base stations with a high power transmitter in which channel characteristics should be adaptive and dynamic for broadcasting with in defined bandwidth with effective high data rate transmission. The services can be offered in NLOS and LOS with different standards to mitigate the effects of channel fading, intereference, high data rate and channel capacity. But the main challenge is transmission rate and the strength of received signal should be optimized for increased capacity in radio link. The multiple antennas allow MIMO systems to perform precoding (multi-layer beamforming), diversity coding (space-time coding), and spatial multiplexing. By doing MIMO techniques we can achieve higher data rate or longer transmit range without requiring additional bandwidth or transmit power. This paper presents a detailed simulation of coding techniques for MIMO systems with and with out CSI, Spectral efficiency simulation for ergodic capacity and BER analysis is done. Different space-time block coding (STBC) schemes including Alamouti's STBC for different range of transmitter and receiver is done. Finally, these STBC techniques are implemented in MATLAB and analyzed for performance according to their bit-error rates. In this paper a complete approach and simulations is done for multi-antenna system with capacity and BER of SIMO and MISO systems in Rayleigh fading channels has been examined with CSI and without CSI (Channel state information). In case if channel state information (CSI) is available at the receiver and the transmitter does not know the channel information, it is best to distribute the transmit power PT equally among the antennas and generate the channel matrix H and perform singular-value decomposition (SVD or generalized Eigen-value Re-decomposition). Finally diagonalized the channel and removed all the spatial interference without any matrix inversions or nonlinear processing If the CSI is also available at the transmitter (CSIT), the optimal power allocation can be derived by applying the well-known water filling assuming that the channel coherence time. At low SNR, CSIT will always helps in increasing the capacity and were as high SNR, CSIT increases capacity for systems with Nt > Nr and CSIT has no benefit for systems with Nt = Nr.
Study of serum TRACP 5b as a sensitive and specific Bone Resorption Marker of Bone Metastases in Prostate Cancer patients in comparison with Bone Scintigraphy[Full-Text ] B K D Sarvari, D Sankara Mahadev, S Rupa, S A MastanSkeletal metastases are a most common event in prostate cancer patients with advanced cancer disease. Early detection of bone metastases is crucial to initiate successful therapy. Now a days imaging technique such as bone scintigraphy is a frequently used method for detection of bone metastases. Without radiological tools it is difficult to diagnose, treat or follow clinically, bone metastases patIents. This study was designed to evaluate the utility of bone resorption markers - serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b (TRACP 5b), serum calcium and commonly used bone formation marker such as serum total alkaline phosphatase (ALP), in comparison with whole body skeletal scintigraphy with Technetium99? MDP, for the diagnosis of bone metastases(BM) in prostate cancer(PC) patients.
Software Engineering Methodologies: A Review of the Waterfall Model and Object-Oriented Approach[Full-Text ] Adetokunbo A.A. Adenowo, Basirat A. AdenowoThis paper discusses two main software engineering methodologies to system development, the waterfall model and the object-oriented approach. A review of literature reveals that waterfall model uses linear approach and is only suitable for sequential or procedural design. In waterfall, errors can only be detected at the end of the whole process and it may be difficult going back to repeat the entire process because the processes are sequential. Also, software based on waterfall approach is difficult to maintain and upgrade due to lack of integration between software components. On the other hand, the Object Oriented approach enables software systems to be developed as integration of software objects that work together to make a holistic and functional system. The software objects are independent of each other, allowing easy upgrading and maintenance of software codes. The paper also highlighted the merits and demerits of each of the approaches. This work concludes with the appropriateness of each approach in relation to the complexity of the problem domain.
Performance Analysis & Comparative Study of Geometrical Approaches for Spectral Unmixing[Full-Text ] Bijitha. S.R, Geetha. P, Soman.K.PThe hyperspectral cameras used for imaging is having low spatial resolution ,and thus the pixels in the captured image will be mixtures of spectra of various materials present in the scene.Then further analysis of images becomes a tough task.Thus spectral unmixing comes as an unavoidable step in hyperspectral image processing.Spectral unmixing aims at finding out the no. of reference substances(endmembers),their spectral signatures and corresponding abundance maps of them in a hyperspectral image.This paper presents a comparative study and performance analysis of 5 geometrical algorithms for spectral unmixing ,namely AVMAX,SVMAX,ADVMM,SDVMM and N-FINDR.All the 5 algorithms are applied to the real hyperspectral data set (cuprite data,Nevada,U.S) and results are validated with reference to U.S.G.S spectral library.
Voice Interfaced Arduino Robotic Arm for Object Detection and Classification[Full-Text ] Vishnu Prabhu S and Dr. Soman K.PNowadays Robotics has a tremendous improvement in day to day life. But in real life interaction between humans and robot in various applications done manually through keyboards and also it is difficult to send a person inside haradzous environment like in chemical plant, bomb detection, etc. To overcome such problem robots can control or interaced through voice commands which given by the person to control it in such environments. This paper is mainly focus on to control or interfaces the robotic arm by human's voice commands to do a particular task that is to pick an object by detecting and classify it accordingly.
Characterization and diffusion studies in bivoltin silk fibers[Full-Text ] Prasanna kumar J.B, S.C.Nagaraju, A.Joseph Arul Pragasam and G.RamgopalThe structural, thermal and mechanical behavior of Bivoltin silk fiber are studied using,XRD , DMTA, FTIR and physical parameters like rate of diffusion of mass are determined using Diffusion behavior. An x-ray diffraction (XRD) measurement reveals that Bivoltin is not fully amorphous but it is semi crystalline in nature. The glass transition temperature of these fibers was found to be 78 0C using Dynamic mechanical thermal Analysis (DMTA). Visco elastic property of material and glass transition temperature concludes that bivoltine is more suitable for silk fabrication. The chemical constituents like C=O, C-N stretching and N-H sites of these fibres were identified using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy.
Adaptive Market Hypothesis: A Case on National Stock Exchange (NSE)[Full-Text ] Dr. Nalina K. B., Suraj PTesting the efficiency of capital market is a very important tool for understanding its functioning. It is very important for investors, stock brokers, financial institutions, government and other individuals connected with capital market to analysis the movement and developments of the market.The present paper tests the market efficiency of Indian Capital Market in its weak form based on 'Nifty' of National Stock Exchange (NSE). The efficiency of the Indian equity market has been measured by using the daily closing values of the Nifty over the period of 1st Jan 2001 to 31st August 2012 by employing Runs Test and auto correlation test, which is a nonparametric test. Based on the result of runs test and auto correlation test null hypothesis is rejected and it is proved that Indian equity market follow random walk model and is a weak form efficient. Present study isan attempt to test the efficiency of Indian stock market with respect to stock split, dividend and bonus announcement by companies using event study and analysis proves that markets are not efficient in its semi-strong form.
Knowledge Management in CRM using Data mining Technique[Full-Text ] Sunil Yadav, Aaditya Desai, Vandana YadavCustomer relationship management (CRM) comprises a set of processes and enabling systems supporting a business strategy to build long term, profitable relationships with specific customers. Customer data and information technology (IT) tools form the foundation upon which any successful CRM strategy is built. In addition, the rapid growth of the Internet and its associated technologies has greatly increased the opportunities for marketing and has transformed the way relationships between companies and their customers are managed.
Rapid Prototyping, Materials for RP and Applications of RP[Full-Text ] Vikram SinghThis paper present an assessment of the ''state of the art'' in respect to rapid prototyping processes. Based on a variety of reference materials on latest developments of modern RP techniques and the applications of the modern RP techniques. It also to identifying the reasons why these processes have developed and identifying the key features of the process.
Ant Colony Optimization to Detect Network Risks[Full-Text ] Amanjot KaurSecurity of the information in the computer networks has been one of the most important Research Area. Network Security is becoming an important issue for all the organizations, and with the increase in knowledge of hackers and intruders they have made many successful attempts to bring down high-profile company networks and web services. Ant Colony Optimization algorithm is an evolutionary learning algorithm which could be applied to solve the complex problems. ACO algorithm fundamental idea has been inspired by the behavior of the real ants. Ants deposit pheromone as a trace to direct the other ones in finding foods. They choose their path according to the congestion of the pheromone. One of the most surprising behavioral patterns exhibited by ants is the ability of certain ant species to find what computer scientists call shortest paths. Biologists have shown experimentally that this is possible by exploiting communication based only on pheromones. ACO algorithms are the most successful and widely recognized algorithms techniques based on ant behaviors.
Flying Hover Bike, A Small Aerial Vehicle For Commercial Or Surveying Purposes[Full-Text ] B.MADHAN KUMARThis paper discusses the modeling of a ducted-fan FLYING BIKE for defense surveying and spying purpose. It is a compact aerial vehicle with a ducted fan configuration which can able to survey and spy the surroundings and also a simple design is used for commercial purposes like a motor bike. It does not allows our soldier to direct interference of unknown areas of danger. It can have a capacity of single or double seater system. It consists of a co-axial type propeller mounted on a hi speed brushless electric motor or for commercial purposes we can also use motor bike engines. It was powered by a rechargeable li-po fuel cells . Thrust vectoring can be done by a special design and techinique so that it can able to fly at almost in all directions. It is designed with a ducted fan so that the slip of air is less. Hence its aerodynamic efficiency is high. Moreover it can able to take off and land vertically from any terrain. It doesnot need any runway. Overall the basic flying bike costs only 3 Lakh Rupee.
MARS TRIBE - Prehistoric Human[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, B.E, V.R.Hema LathaMARS Tribe shall be considered as prehistoric human population lived in MARS planet about 100 mya. The MARS population might have lived in prehistoric environmental condition with different genetic structure before started living on the Earth planet. The MAR population probably shifted to Earth by natural selection to suit the environmental condition on Earth. The concept of prehistoric human was already published in IJSER Vol.5 2013 under the title of ''Super Scientist of Climate Control'', and in IJSRP Vol.4 2013 under the title of ''Cosmo Superstar''. Hence this article ''MARS TRIBE'' shall be considered as the extended version of the previous articles published by same author.
Computer Hackers and Software Owners: The Ensuing Moral Controversy[Full-Text ] Basirat A. Adenowo, Adetokunbo A.A. AdenowoGlobal connections of computers otherwise known as the internet is a fast growing technology that seems to bring no limit into the world wide interactions via the computers. As the internet grows, a lot of moral and ethical issues crop up that calls for urgency in proffering solutions in order to curb their present and future implications in human life. One of the moral and ethical issues that affect global computer connections today is the issue of computer hacking. Software developers claim ownership of their programs due to economic reasons and emotional attachments. They seek legal protections in order to establish their claims. Also, computer hackers do break-in persistently into other people's software in order to gain unauthorised access. In this paper, ethical standards (philosophical and legal perspective) about this popular moral controversy between computer hackers and software owners are discussed based on evidences from literature. Computer hacking was reviewed from the utilitarian perspective, intellectual property rights were also discussed as it affects computer software, software owners were also considered in the realms of justice and fairness, implications of computer hacking to the society were as well highlighted, and finally the moral virtues of software owners were analysed. It was however revealed that hacker break-ins are unethical and have no moral basis in as much as appropriate intellectual property right is sought and well implemented. At the same time, software owners' proprietary should be checked to the barest minimum level. This will stop inhibiting technological advances among programmers and help promotes wide use of software by other professionals and general members of the society.
Title: Ecological patterns in Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in cropped and forest areas of the Punjab, Pakistan.[Full-Text ] Shabab Nasir, Waseem Akram, Farooq Ahmed, Syed Makhdoom Hussain and Qasim AliThe type of locality and seasons had a strong effect on species composition (richness and abundance) and community structure of rove beetles. This was determined in 3 forest and 8 cultivated areas of the Punjab, Pakistan during January 2008 to December 2009. A total of 2386 specimens belonging to 26 species were captured by using 5 different collection methods, i. e. pitfall traps, flight intercept trap, light trap, Berlese funnel trap and netting. Each area was sampled for four days with an interval of 2 months. The percentage population of different species and Shannon-Wiener diversity evenness indexes was calculated for all 11 localities. Maximum species richness and abundance was observed during rainy season (July-August). Even a single specimen of Paederus fuscipes, Philonthus cinotulus, Philonthus gemellus, Myrmecopora elegans, Tachyporus himalayicus, Astilbus mixtus was not found from forest area during the whole period of collection. Paederus fuscipes was the species with the highest population (16.05%) overall while Tachyporus himalayicus was with lowest (0.22 %). High a-diversity index (20.804) and Shannon-Wiener index value (2.573) was found from Sargodha during 2008 and Gutwala during 2009 and their lowest values (9.76) and (1.82) respectively were found from Rawalpindi during 2008.
Effects of Indian Film Stars in Multinational Product Advertisement on Trend Setting and Purchasing Behavior [Full-Text ] Zahid Yousaf, Syed Ali HassanThis study reveals the impact of Indian stars on purchasing behavior of the University of Gujrat students in presence of multinational products' advertisements. This study exposes that multinational advertisers represent the product image in an attractive way with the help of famous stars of the time, for this purpose advertisers are spending money on famous stars to make advertisement successful. Sample size is taken from University of Gujrat that discloses the majority of the students like to watch those advertisements in which Indian famous stars appear. However the respondents' response shows that Pakistani stars do not have any significant impact on the consumer behavior. This study also demonstrates that Indian stars are influencing the buying decision of the consumers of Gujrat but not greater.
Nlo, Fluorescence, Xrd & Morphological Studies Of A New Semi Organic Single Crystal: Lithium Para Nitrophenolate Tri Hydrate [Full-Text ] K.SENTHILKANNAN, S.GUNASEKARAN, S.KUMARESANNLO materials are leading and prime factors for last few years. Lithium para nitrophenolate tri hydrate is a NLO material is obtained by solution growth method. The characterization such as NLO, fluorescence, xrd, morphological & dielectric loss has been studied and reported.
M A R S ( E Z H E M ) - The Mother of all planets[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, B.E, V.R.Hema LathaIn evolutionary Science Charles Darwin Sir have already established that Human ancestors are of APES Lineage. The human is scientifically defined as Homo-Sapien-Sapien and believed to have originated from Hominid.
Wearable Computing: It’s Application and Devices[Full-Text ] ARUN KUMAR SINGH, DEEPSHIKHA AGARWALWearable computing is the new direction of technology that is fast emerging in the current scenario. It is one of the prime focuses of current technological research. The paper aims to provide an introduction of the wearable computing, its characteristics and components giving information of products of wearable computing which are currently in use and about the industries which are using wearable computing technology.
Optimization of the performance of ANN using VHDL[Full-Text ] K.L. Kar, C.P. Giri2 Balai Ch. Kar, Versha Dohare, B.B. MangarajIn this paper, we proposed the design method of artificial neural networks using VHDL and implement in FPGA. VHDL is a programming language that has been designed and optimized for describing the behavior of digital systems. Back propagation algorithm for the design of a neuron is described. Back propagation is popular training algorithms for multilayer perceptrons. Over the last years many improvement strategies have been developed to speed up back propagation. It is very difficult to compare these different techniques, because most of them have been tested on very special data sets. Many “optimized” algorithms failed in training the considered task. Still back propagation is superior. The sigmoid nonlinear activation function is also used [1]. The neuron is then used in the design and implementation of a neural network using FPGA [12]. The simulation is done with Xilinx ISE 9.1i software. The neuron is then used in a multilayer neural network.The purpose of this work is to suggest and analyze several neuron implementations, show a way for the integration and control of the neurons within a neural network, and describe a way to implement a simple feed-forward neural network trained by BP algorithm using Xilinx software and implement in FPGA.
DENOISING OF MEDICAL IMAGES USING WAVELET TRANSFORM[Full-Text ] Ajeet SinghA signal or an image is unfortunately corrupted by various factors which effects as noise during acquisition or transmission. The disturbances caused by various factors affect the image quality which leads to incorrect analysis and hence reduce image quality in terms of parameters like contrast, illumination variation. Noise decreases the performance of visual analysis and computerized analysis. The denoising process can be described as to remove the noise while retaining and not distorting the quality of processed image. The traditional way of denoising to remove the noise from a signal or an image is to use a low or band pass filter with cut off frequencies. However the traditional filtering techniques are able to remove a relevant of the noise, they are incapable if the noise in the band of the signal to be analyzed. Therefore, many denoising techniques are proposed to overcome this problem. The algorithms and processing techniques used for signals can be also used for images because an image can be considered as a two dimensional signal. Therefore, the digital signal processing techniques for a one dimensional signal can be adapted to process two dimensional images.
New Solitary wave Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations[Full-Text ] Anwar Ja'afar Mohamad JawadIn this paper, we used the proposed Tan-Cot function method for establishing a traveling wave solution to nonlinear partial differential equations. The method is used to obtain new solitary wave solutions for various types of nonlinear partial differential equations such as, Cassama-Holm equation, Broer-Kaup system, and KdV Evolutionary System, which are the important Soliton equations. Proposed method has been successfully implemented to establish new solitary wave solutions for the nonlinear PDEs.
TQM-based self-assessment tool for hospitality industry[Full-Text ] Walid Youssef Montasser, Prof Dr. Abd Alhakim Al Manhawy, Prof Dr. Essam AlananyIn the hospitality industry, quality is of extreme importance but so far the focus of many institutions working in the field of hospitality have only been on training front line staff to ensure guest satisfaction. When a customer stays at a hotel, his perception of quality is defined by reliability, assurance, empathy, tangibles and responsiveness. All five factors combined lead to customer satisfaction and even loyalty. Working to improve the quality of service in the hospitality industry has a positive impact on the hotel overall business performance which includes of coarse internal and external customers satisfaction and loyalty. The employee working values increases leading to a high job commitment and satisfaction, employee empowerment and involvement improves communication and encourages teamwork. Effective leadership reduced cost and increases external customer loyalty which in return will exceed the competitive advantage of the hotel over its rivals in a rapidly changing environment. But unfortunately the importance of process measurement and improvement has been widely ignored. Forms and questionnaires used as measuring tools for evaluating service quality and determining customer satisfaction have proved to be ineffective since steps can be taken for improvement after dissatisfied customers had left the hotel. Thereby, the suggestions and recommendations are received too late to prevent a customer from being affected by it. When an hotel is initiating or intensifying a systematic work based on TQM, one important question is where and how to start, for so, some institutions working in the field of hospitality developed its own self- assessment tool to identify areas that are important for improvements in order to solve quality problems, enhancing service quality, acquiring customers loyalty and at the same time support a culture based on TQM values, self- assessment process is in its way to become an established methodology in hospitality industry. The aim of this part of the research is to present a TQM-based selfassessment tool that can be effectively used by managers, decision makers, and TQM practitioners working in the field of 5-stars hotel business in achieving the previously stated goals for the sake of the hotel success and its stakeholders benefits. The statistical package for social science (SPSS) approach was used for analyzing collected data, Furthermore; a future scope of this study is also presented at the end of the research.
Joint AES Encryption and LDPC Coding[Full-Text ] C P Gupta, Shilpa GautamFor past many years secure and error free transmission of data has always been great challenge in conventional communication system. Traditionally error correction and encryption in communication networks have been addressed independently. Over 30 years discussion has been carried out to perform error correction and encryption in single step. In this paper we propose a Joint AES Encryption and LDPC coding scheme, which provides security comparable to AES and also exhibits good error correction capability. We show that performance of our proposed scheme is comparable to sequential approach of performing first encryption and then encoding and yet it turn out to be efficient in term of providing faster computation.
Numerical Analysis of Magnetohydrodynamics Flow in a Curved Duct[Full-Text ] Md. Mainul Hoque, Nisat Nowroz Anika and Md. Mahmud AlamThe effects of a transverse magnetic field on the steady motion of a conducting, viscous and incompressible fluid through a curved duct of circular cross section is studied in this paper. The curvature of the duct has been assumed to be small, that is, the radius of the circle in which the central line of the duct is coiled is large in comparison with the radius of the cross section. A solution is developed by Spectral method is applied as a main tool for the numerical technique; where, Fourier series, Chebyshev polynomials, Collocation methods, and Iteration method are used as secondary tools. The dimensionless parameters of the problem are Dean number and magnetic parameter . Two vortex solutions have been found. Axial velocity has been found to increase with the increase of Dean number, while decrease with the increase of curvature and magnetic parameter. For high magnetic parameter & Dean number and low curvature almost all the fluid particles strength are week. The axial velocity contours are shown to be shifted toward the outer wall. Due to the combined effect of the magnetic field and Dean number a bracelet has been originates from the right corner of the duct and expands for high Dean number and curvature.
Throughput Analysis of Single-User and Multi-User MIMO with multiple antennas for Delay due to Partial CSI and Channel Quantization[Full-Text ] Mr. Mrutyunjaya Panda, Smaranika BilasThis paper proposes an adaptive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) transmission algorithm using imperfect channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. This approach switches between single-user and multi-user MIMO modes for improvement of the spectral efficiency, based on the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the amount of delay, and the channel quantization codebook size. The achievable ergodic rates for both single-user and multi-user MIMO transmissions with different kinds of channel information are derived, which are used to calculate mode switching points. It is shown that single-user MIMO is relatively robust to imperfect channel information, while multi-user MIMO with Block-Diagonalization precoding loses spatial multiplexing gain with a fixed delay or fixed codebook size. With imperfect channel information, as SNR increases, there are two mode switching points. The single-user mode is selected in both low and high SNR regimes, due to array gain and its robustness to the channel information error, respectively. The operating regions for single-user and multi-user modes with different delays and codebook sizes are determined, which can be used to select the preferred mode. It is shown that the multi-user mode may never be activated when the delay is large or the codebook size is small.
Dominant voiced speech segregation based on Onset Offset analysis[Full-Text ] Shibani .HComputational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA) has been the focus in recent literature for speech separation from monaural mixtures .The recent literature is based on the cochlear modeling using gamma-tone filter bank .While the computational complexity associated with gamma-tone filter bank is high; hence it is not applicable for an efficient hearing aid.
Automatically Constructing Grade Membership Functions for Strict-Type Grade and Lenient-Type Grade as Per the Evaluator’s Degree of Strictness and Leniency[Full-Text ] Shilpa Ingoley, Jagdish BakalThis paper presents the solution for the problems which arise because of subjective judgment of teachers. Broadly evaluators can be classified into three category namely strict type, lenient type and normal type. Evaluators can be strict or lenient but their degree of strictness and leniency can vary from evaluator to evaluator. Evaluator can be strict but one evaluator may be relatively more or less strict than other. Similarly it is applicable for lenient evaluator. When one evaluator is relatively more strict or lenient than other evaluator, how can be the marks inferred by all strict and all lenient teachers can be of one type? This paper addresses the solution to this problem by transforming marks awarded by them as per their degree of strictness and leniency into their respective approximately normal marks.
The Dual Open-End Winding Induction Machine Fed by Quad Inverters in Degraded Mode[Full-Text ] Sami Guizani, Faouzi Ben AmmarIn this paper, the different failed inverters for the feeding dual open-end stator winding induction machine is proposed. Each input of open-end stator winding is supplied by one three phase voltage source inverter. The different conditions must be respect after first, second and third failure in four inverters feeding the machine are presented.This study shows the advantage of the dual open-end stator winding induction machine to improve the availability of service of a variable speed drive.
Transformation of Business Processes into UML Models: An SBVR Approach[Full-Text ] Amit Raj, Ashish Agrawal, T. V. PrabhakarA business process is a set of activities that collectively perform and deliver a complex functionality. At a very early stage of software development, business semantics are discussed with stakeholders. A business analyst writes these semantics in his preferred language such as English. A software architect/manager understands them and creates business process. An IT team converts these business processes into platform-specific models such as UML, which are ultimately converted into the application code. During this life cycle, business semantics are passed through several stages that dilute the semantics. This paper presents a SBVR approach to design business process in structured English and illustrates a mechanism to automatically convert those business processes into UML models that can be further used for application-specific code generation.
A Device to Measure the Internal Resistance of an Automobile Battery[Full-Text ] Abijith V, Balaji Ramalingam, Narendranath S, Vijay DesaiBattery and battery parameters are very important as far as the automobiles are concerned. Automotive batteries are designed to give high current especially at the time of starting of the engine. Battery parameters like State of Charge (SOC) and State of Health (SOH) are crucial for proper functioning of the vehicle. Internal resistance of the battery at a particular temperature is yet another im-portant parameter for a battery. In this paper, a new device is discussed which calculates the battery internal resistance in a very small interval of time. It is designed as a handheld device and no external power supply is needed for the operation. All the power needed for the operation of device is derived from the battery to be tested. It works on the principle of two pulse discharge method. The battery receives a brief discharge lasting for few milliseconds. The test results conducted in Lead Acid batteries are found to be accurate and repeatable. The response time of the device is less than 100ms.
INFLUENCE OF INJECTION PRESSURE ON PERFORMANCE OF SIMAROUBA BIODIESEL ENGINE[Full-Text ] Sharun Mendonca, John Paul Vas, Raghu, Gangadhar Rao, Dr. Thomas Pinto, Dr.C.R.Rajashekar, Ramachandra C.GEfforts are being made throughout the World to reduce the consumption of liquid petroleum fuels wherever is possible. Biodiesel is recently gaining prominence as a substitute for petroleum based diesel mainly due to environmental considerations and depletion of vital resources like petroleum and coal. According to Indian scenario, the demand for petroleum diesel is increasing day by day hence there is a need to find out an ap-propriate solution. This study investigates influence of injection timing of 20% blend simarouba biodiesel on performance and emission characteristics. The effect of varying injection pressure was evaluated in terms of thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption. At 250bar BSFC is decreased by 1.58%, BTE is increased by 9.47% for S20 compare to diesel at load 6.5N-m.
Searching for the Best Strategies of Mining Erasable Itemsets[Full-Text ] Ms Shweta, Dr. Kanwal GargThis paper discusses few approaches for mining erasable itemsets. In this paper, author decomposes the original problem into two smaller sub problems: First, Computing the gain of itemset and second is, Searching for erasable itemsets. The existing solutions based on horizontal data layout to this problem make repeated scans of database. Extensive studies proposed different strategies for efficient erasable itemset mining based on vertical format, horizontal format, threshold, top rank-k etc. It is the appropriate time to ask “what are the advantages and limitations of strategies (vertical layout vs. horizontal layout, threshold vs. top rank-k based)? And what and how can one pick and integrate the best strategies to get better performance in general cases”. Author clear the above doubts by a systematic study of the erasable itemsets mining strategies. Finally, the paper concludes with the idea that how the integration of both vertical format based and top rank-k based approach can give better results.
Removal of Radiometric Degradation Using Blur Invariants in Wavelet Domain[Full-Text ] Amudha J, Sudhakar R, Manjula VRadiometric degradation and geometric distortion is a general problem in the image restoration considering many applications. The goal of image restoration is to create complete description of the original image from a degraded observation. The degradation may include blur, losses of information due to testing, quantization effects and different source of noise, camera misfocus, and atmospheric turbulence. There are many researches going about effort to deblur such image. To manage this problem various blur invariants to exist. The wavelet domains blur invariants that are centrally symmetric to blur. Blur invariants are constructed from different wavelet function. In this paper, image registration is done by using blur invariants. Template image is chosen in the degraded images using similarity the template image is matched with the original image. Even in the severely degraded images the images are accurately registered using Daubuchies wavelet functions, compared to the spatial domain blur invariants which may result in misfocus registration of an image. The proposed method, image restoration is above using daubuchies and bspline Wavelet function. Then a regression based process is going about to produce an image convolved with near diffraction limited PSF, which can be shown as blur invariant. Eventually, a blind deconvolution algorithm carried out to remove diffraction limited blur from the linear image to create the final output. It is used in many different fields of application such as photography deblurring, remote sensing, medical imaging, and forensic science.
Performance Analysis of Software Reference Model of AES Algorithm for Secure Image Encoding[Full-Text ] Renjith V Ravi, Dr.Mahalakshmi RWith data security being one of the primary research topics in current day industry advancements over security, AES algorithm is one of the most popular techniques for data encryption. In this paper, we develop software reference model for AES algorithm and validate its performance in terms of encryption and decryption capability using various sets of data vectors. For secure image encoding required for unmanned vehicles, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is adopted for image decomposition, quantization and selection of appropriate sub bands is required prior to encryption to reduce computation time. In this paper, a modified algorithm for secure image encoding is proposed, modeled and is analyzed for its performance. Various images are considered as test cases for encoding, with parallel operation of AES algorithm the total time in encoding the image is reduced to 2 seconds (estimated based on software reference model). PSNR for various images obtained demonstrate the performances of the proposed model for image encoding. Image size of 1024x1024 is considered for encryption and decryption. The results obtained demonstrate the performances of AES algorithm.
Relevant Page Retrieval and Query Recommendation using Semantic Analysis of Queries[Full-Text ] Usha Yadav, Neelam Duhan, Bhawna KaushikDue to the massive size of the Web and low precision of user queries, search results returned from present web search engines can reach to even hundreds of thousands of documents. Therefore, finding the right information can be a tedious task if not impossible. This paper represents an approach that tries to solve this problem by finding the semantic similarity and similarity metrics to group similar terms using clustering techniques. These similar terms are bind to each other using links in proposed index repository in order to facilitate presentation of results in more compact form and enable the semantic browsing of the results set.
Predicting Purchasing Behavior of Customer by Analyzing Cluster of Customers[Full-Text ] Pragya Shukla, Mohit JainIn today’s shopping environment, variations in choices are increasing among customers. Personal and transactional data of customers can be analyzed to derive useful patterns and results on the basis of which marketing strategies are can be decided effectively. The paper presents a new methodology in which different clusters of the customers are created on the basis of demographic attributes of customers. Data mining is applied on the data of clusters to understand the similarity in purchasing behavior of customers of a cluster. In this study a technique of data mining known as association rule mining is used to uncover interesting associations between a cluster of customers and products which are frequently purchased by this cluster. Frequently purchased products are founded by using Apriori algorithm. If frequently purchased products by a cluster are determined than the product choice of target customer who belongs to the same cluster can be predicted with the assumption that the customers having the same demographic backgrounds will have higher probability of having similar choices. These results are helpful for a marketing manager to make effective external influences on the customers and are also helpful to manage inventory.
Buffer Bottleneck in UDT[Full-Text ] Tapan Kumar Nayak, Anup Avistita, Somnath Kejriwal UDT is built on top of UDP with reliability control & congestion control, which employs a fixed size application level buffer to hold the data before delivering it to upper layer protocols. The fixed size application level buffer leads to two different problems. Firstly, a fixed size buffer without any precise control flow mechanism discards the newly arrived packets when exhausted, decreasing the throughput sharply .Secondly, buffer wouldn’t be exhausted but to maintain certain flow mechanism they have to send the data below a certain threshold. Thus UDT being high speed protocol is still unable to utilize the network bandwidth efficiently. We refer this problem of fixed size application level buffer to be “Buffer Bottleneck in UDT”. The size of buffer being either too large or small impairs the performance of transport protocol. The factors which are responsible for deciding the buffer size varies dynamically, thus requiring a need for a mechanism which dynamically adapts the buffer size. In this paper, we propose a mechanism which dynamically adjusts the buffer size, allowing UDT to utilize the rapidly emerging high speed wide area optical networks effectively.
A Comparison Between Ordinary Least Square (OLS) And Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Methods In Estimating The Influencial Factors Of 8th Grades Student’s Mathematics Achievement In Malaysia[Full-Text ] Ahmad Nazim, Sabri AhmadThis research demonstrates the application of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method in order to obtain the best fit model for a more efficient and accurate inter-relationship among variables findings and interpretation. For the purpose of this study, secondary data of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) had been used. The data were distributed by using two stage stratified cluster sampling technique and involving 5733 eighth grades students in Malaysia. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Discriminant Validity and Path Analysis had been conducted to obtain the best fit model of SEM. At the end of the study, the best fit model was then compared to the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) model method. From the Chi-Square value, it is found that the model of SEM method is much better compared to OLS model method based on its fitness and accuracy.
An Overview of Fuzzy Object Oriented Database Systems (FOODBs)[Full-Text ] Puja Shrivastava, Prof. (Dr.) Laxman SahooContinuous advancement of information technology is looking for more generalized and specific database definition that could make possible the storage, retrieval and manipulation of multiple, different variety of imprecise, ambiguous, and incomplete complex information in the form of data. To explore such databases, researchers’ blends the concept of database with object oriented modeling and fuzzy theory, and evolved the concept of fuzzy object oriented databases. Several concepts, definitions, models, operations, and query languages have been proposed by researchers, but it is still lacking a formal definition and recognition. Conceptually, Fuzzy Object Oriented Database is, a type of database, that could store, retrieve and manipulate the imprecise and uncertain complex data, where complex data is stored in the form of objects with fuzzy techniques applied on it to encapsulate the impreciseness and uncertainty. This paper presents an overview of research work done on fuzzy object database design, processing and manipulation.
A Study of Indian Rural Buying Behaviour for Selected Consumer Durables[Full-Text ] Prof.Yuvraj L Lahoti and Dr. Alfred S.J. JacobThe success of brand and product in India is unpredictable because with vast rural market and consumers it is difficult to guess the consumer behavior. Consumer behavior is centre of the modern marketing, understanding his behaviour is quite essential for efficient and effective marketing management. Customers may state their needs, wants but act otherwise. They may not be in touch with their deeper motivations. India’s consumer market is riding the crest of the country’s economic boom. Driven by a young population with access to disposable incomes and easy finance options, the consumer market has been throwing up staggering figures. Marketing problem enhancing from the consumers’ behaviour has a greater degree of similarity behavioral problems relating to the consumer durables. Hence, the present study has been chosen to identify and ascertain the extent of problems of consumer behaviour have an impact on the marketing of consumer durables in the fast growing and a green belt of Satara District. The consumer behaviour in relating to consumer durables is strongly affected by some economic, social, cultural and psychological factors; the present research has been selected for an intensive empirical survey of the various factors influencing the buyer’s behaviour on consumer durables in Satara District of Maharashtra State. We found that Rural consumers have typical buying behavior where they prefer to associate with reference group for purchasing high involvement products.
Digital Repository for Sharing and Collaboration of Wisdom[Full-Text ] Shruti .Hulasogi, Pushpalatha M NThe Web is being extensively used by educational institutions worldwide. The pervasive use of social media has generated unprecedented amounts of social data. Social media provides easily an accessible platform for users to share information. Web 2.0 is being used in nearly all areas of higher education, including academic, administrative and support areas for people from the world to share their knowledge and help in building knowledge eco-system. There are many platforms to share the information like Yahoo Answers, Yahoo Events, Blogs, Poll, and Google Docs. But these platforms act as independent different platforms. In this paper we provide one collaborative platform with the tools which will help to share knowledge and collaborate within college to build a great knowledge eco-system.
Shape Classification Using Shape Context and Dynamic Programming[Full-Text ] Prof Muzameel Ahmed, Rashmi, Shravya.M, Sindhu.N, Supritha.ShetThe suggested algorithm for shape classification described in this paper is based on several steps. The algorithm analyzes the contour of pairs of shapes. Their contours are recovered and represented by a pair of N points. Given two points pi and qj from the two shapes the cost of their matching is evaluated by using the shape context and by using dynamic programming, the best matching between the point sets is obtained. Dynamic programming not only recovers the best matching, but also identifies occlusions, i.e. points in the two shapes which cannot be properly matched. From dynamic programming we obtain the minimum cost for matching pairs of shapes. After computing pair wise minimum cost between input and all reference shapes in the given database, we sort based on the minimum cost in ascending order and select first two shapes to check if it belongs to the input class. If it belongs to the input class, then we say that the shape is classified as a perfect match, else it is a mismatch. The algorithm has been tested on a set of shape databases like Kimia-25, Kimia-99, Kimia-216 and MPEG-7 providing good performances for shape classification.
Comparing the Univariate Modeling Techniques for Measuring of Climate Index in Sitiawan, Malaysia[Full-Text ] Sabri Ahmad, Shuhaili SafeeThe purpose of the article is to determine the most suitable technique to generate the forecast models using the data from the series of climate index in Sitiawan, Perak. This study are using univariate time series models consists of Naive with Trend Model, Single Exponential Smoothing , DoubleExponential Smoothing, Holt’s Method, Adaptive Response Rate Exponential Smoothing (ARRES) and Holt-winter's Trend and Seasonality Model. Using time-series data from 1961-2012 (monthly), there’s several data consists missing/outlier value. The issues are overcome with applied the time series model for each missing values and then compare the measure error (mean square error, MSE) for each models. Then, the selection of the most suitable model was indicated by the smallest value of mean square error, MSE. Based on the analysis, Holt-winter's Trend & Seasonality model is the most suitable model for forecasting the climate index in Sitiawan, Perak.
A Performance Evaluation of Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols for Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks using Network Simulator 2[Full-Text ] Kaponias AlexandrosA Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of self organized wireless mobile nodes dynamically forming a temporary network without the aid of any fixed and physical infrastructure and centralized administration control stations. Routing in Ad-hoc networks is a challenging due to mobility of nodes. Each node in a MANET serves as a router and performs mobility functionalities in an autonomous way. Guaranteeing delivery and the capability to handle dynamic connectivity are the most important issues for routing protocols in mobile ad hoc networks. In this paper the Network Simulator 2 (ns2) is used in order to compare and evaluate DSDV(Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector), DSR( Dynamic Source Routing) and AODV(Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector ) routing protocols which are the most popular routing protocols for MANETs. Reactive protocols DSR and AODV as well as a Proactive Protocol DSDV were studied and their characteristics with respect to different mobility are analyzed based on end-to-end delay, packet delivery fraction, normalized routing load and the total of dropped packets, using the Network Simulator (NS2) .
ICA Based Source Separation[Full-Text ] Anamika Mishra, Shubhendu Kumar Sarangi, P. Shivani SahooIndependent Component Analysis is a statistical and computational method for finding underlying factors or components form multivariate (multidimensional) statistical data. What distinguishes ICA from other method is that it looks for components that are both statistically independent and non-Gaussian. ICA defines a generative model for the observed multivariate data, which is typically given as a large database of samples. In the model, the data variables are assumed to be linear mixtures of some unknown latent variables and the mixing system is also unknown. The latent variables are assumed non-Gaussian and mutually independent and they are called the independent components of the observed data.In this paper FastICA algorithm is used to separate various types of signals.
A Faster Fitness Calculation Method for Genetic Algorithm Based Multiple Protein Sequence Alignment [Full-Text ] Sagnik Banerjee, Tamal Chakrabarti, Devadatta SinhaSequence alignment is a method to establish similarity between sequences. Sometimes it is necessary to compare many sequences simultaneously to establish evolutionary relationship between them. The process of aligning multiple sequences simultaneously to achieve maximum similarity is called Multiple Sequence Alignment problem. Multiple Protein Sequence Alignment is an NP Hard problem. So there have been several attempts made to approximate the solution using genetic algorithm, where it is necessary to calculate the fitness of each chromosome in the population for every generation. In this paper we have presented a scheme that will help calculate the fitness of the chromosomes faster, thereby reducing time of the alignment process.
BER, SNR, PAPR Analysis for Multiple Accesses in LTE [Full-Text ] Bale Mallikarjun Sidram, T P Mithun, M MadhukarThe Long term Evolution (LTE) Uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) in the downlink and Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access (SCFDMA) in the uplink. This paper introduces the transceiver of OFDMA and SCFDMA, discusses difference between the OFDMA and SCFDMA, and highlight the factor that leverages the performance of both multiple access technique, the graphical results shows the relation between SNR, BER, Pe with the type of modulation used in LTE, and the PAPR graphical results shows the main reason of choosing the SCFDMA for the uplink with proposed subcarrier mapping LFDMA and DFDMA (IFDMA).
Interactive Circuits Using Augmented Reality[Full-Text ] Rikin Desai, Roma Dave, Ronak Mehta, Abhijit Joshi, Sherrin BenjaminPhysics is a subject where concepts are difficult to grasp unless done practically. Our project "Interactive circuits using Augmented Reality" is a research work under Project Oscar at IIT-B, which practically helps the students to perform the experiments involving different electrical components such as bulb, battery, voltmeter, resistor, switch, and ammeter in Augmented Reality (AR). This would help the students to perform physics experiments without using actual components and helps them to understand the cause and its effects. This would not only make the subject interesting but also interactive, resulting in learning.
Overview on Structural behaviour of Concrete Block Pavement[Full-Text ] Dr. Mokaddes Ali Ahmed, Binod SinghiConcrete Block Pavement (CBP) is getting popularity in areas where normal flexible pavement does not last long. Application of CBP is developing very fast for various reasons such as high resistance to deformation, durability, easy and rapid quality construction, ability to carry traffic immediately after construction, compatibility with the environment and aesthetic features etc. The structural behaviour of CBP is similar to flexible pavement. However, the performance of CBP depends upon on block shape, size, thickness, type of bedding and jointing sand, joint width. The laying pattern of blocks is also important which affects the overall performance of the CBP. The edge restraint is one of the features which are essential to stop mitigation of the block outward. The interlocking mechanism is one of the unique characteristics of the CBP. The performance of CBP largely depends on how well the interlock has achieved. It is an established fact that the blocks are the structural member of the CBP and is instrumental in load spreading to its neighbour.
Fractal Characterization and Iso-mapping of Parameter Plane of Harmonically Excited Pendulum[Full-Text ] Salau, T.A.O and Olabode, A. AThis study utilized fractal disk dimension characterization to investigate the system response of a nonlinear, harmonically driven pendulum of mass, m (or weight, W) and length l over a well-defined parameter plane of excitation amplitude versus damping factor. The system response was simulated at three drive frequencies (symbol, ) of 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3. A Runge-Kutta fourth order algorithm, coded in FORTRAN programming language was used to simulate the system response over a 101 by 101 parameter plane with the forcing amplitude (symbol, g) varying between 0.9 and 1.5 and the damping factor (symbol, q) varying between 2.0 and 4.0. Initial conditions for both angular displacement and angular velocity for the simulation at each of the 10,201 points of the plane was set at 0.0 The Poincare section obtained at each node on the parameter plane at the end of 2000 steady-state drive periods was characterized to estimate the fractal disk dimension of the system response at that node. The fractal dimensions of three randomly selected nodes on the parameter plane are returned by computer code. Further, the nodes whose fractal dimensions are within an upper and lower tolerance of 1% of the fractal dimensions of these randomly selected nodes are also returned by code and they, along with the random fractal dimensions of the three randomly selected nodes are plotted on the parameter plane in the form of an equal potential (system response) plot. This plotting on the parameter plane to show the points that correspond to each of the three bands is done in order to achieve the iso-mapping on the plane. The steady-state response of a nonlinear, harmonically driven system depends on the drive frequency, the forcing amplitude and the damping factor. With a lower drive frequency of 1/3, higher fractal dimensions (above 1.0) were obtained with a combination of high damping factor and low to medium forcing amplitude; with the median drive frequency of 2/3, fractal dimensions above 1.0 were obtained with a combination of low damping factor and medium to high forcing amplitude; while with the higher drive frequency of 3/3, a fractal dimension that is up to 1.0 was not obtainable at any of the 10,201 nodes on the parameter plane. We note that as the forcing amplitude is increased from 0.9, in order to assure early onset (as from g=1.044) of higher fractal dimensions that are above 1.0, lower drive frequency (1/3) must be used. The results of this study could be used for engineering design, education and fashion design.
Color Image Encryption Using Spiral Encoding Technique and Symmetric key[Full-Text ] Jayeeta Majumder and Partha Pratim BankuraInformation technology is one of the necessary things today, because a major part of the society depends on it. Several service sectors cannot continue its work without information technology. For this reason matter related to information storing, maintenance, security are essential today. Information may be text, audio, video, images. Image is one of the key information which can tell thousand words. Information security is vital aspect today. Here we discuss Image security. Information security goal can be divided into three part confidentiality, integrity, availability. Confidentiality is achieved through encryption process. Here we discuss image encryption. We encrypt image through spiral encoding and symmetric key. Both spiral encoding and symmetric key destroy pixel correlation. Our proposed encryption algorithm has two major part one change pixel position other part change pixel value. So good quality encrypted image is achieved through our encryption algorithm. Our proposed decryption algorithm also returns same good quality of image as before encryption. By histogram comparison we prove it and also secure from differential and statistical attack.
Synthesis and Characterisation of Some New Anionic Complexes of Bis (pentafluorophenyl) tin (IV) Halides with Quaternary ammonium, -stibonium and �arsonium Salts[Full-Text ] Isha Rizvi, Prof. Amarika Singh, Dharmendra K. Srivastava.A series of anionic complexes of bis(pentafluorophenyl)tin (IV) chloride; (C6F5)2SnCl2 with quaternary ammonium, -stibonium, -arsonium salts; R4MY where R= CH3-, C6H5-; M= N, As, Sb and Y= NCS-, NCO-, N3- have been synthesised. These newly synthesised anionic complexes are electrolyte in acetonitrile and are monomeric in benzene. The spectroscopic techniques (IR) and analytical data shows that Sn (IV) can expand their coordination sphere in presence of pentafluorophenyl group directly attatched to tin with pseudohalide ligands. The ionic nature has been confirmed by conductance measurement and Van’t Hoff factor ‘ i ’.
Skyscraper’s Glass Cleaning Automated Robot[Full-Text ] Anubhav JagtapThe automated robot is one of the robots that have emerged in recent decade. This robot can be used in large buildings. The main target is to design a robot that can clean exterior glass surface of skyscrapers efficiently and rapidly even in dangerous and hazardous places. The robot is being controlled using the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), its motion is generated by the use of D.C. motors.
Effect of Adhesive on Tensile Strength in Weld-Bonding of Mild Steel[Full-Text ] VANRAJSpot welding is the basic and weld bonding is the improvised manufacturing process for making components or assemblies in automobile, refrigeration industries, etc. due to high speed of process, ease of the operation and its adaptability for automation. Weld-bonding technology has widely been used in vehicle manufacturing to improve structural crashworthiness, fatigue performance, and corrosion resistance. In the present study efforts were made to improve the weld quality in weld-bonded mild steel sheets of 16 SWG (0.8-mm-thick) by using TEROKAL 5089 adhesive placements. To investigate the effect of the adhesive placement on the weld-bonding process, the results were compared with the simple spot welding process. In the present work, the effect of spot welding parameters (welding current, weld time, electrode force, thickness of the job) were analyzed on the failure load of sheets (0.8 mm) of mild steel. Results showed that the tensile strength between the steel sheets increased significantly by 75% due to the presence of the adhesive. Weld qualities of weld-bonded joints with adhesive layer at both faying interfaces between sheets produced better welds than without adhesive. This study provides the guidelines regarding the application of adhesive in weld-bonding of sheets for vehicle manufacturing.
IMPLEMENTATION OF EFFICIENT WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS[Full-Text ] Mercy SubaramanSensor networks offer a powerful combination of distributed sensing, computing and communication. They lend themselves to countless applications and, at the same time, offer numerous challenges due to their peculiarities, primarily the stringent energy constraints to which sensing nodes are typically subjected. The sensor nodes in a wireless sensor networks are normally microcontroller based which are having limited computational capability related to various applications.FPGAs offer flexibility,reconfigurability and cost advantages for hardware-in-the-loop simulation of sensors .This paper emphasizes the implementation of wireless sensor network using FPGAs with real time processing cores for safety applications. The usage of FPGA systems in real time domain is a very fruitful proposition as the FPGA devices are coming with processing cores for Real Time data. In order to add safety,RSA Algorithm has been integrated into the FPGA based wireless sensor network.
A Comparative Approach towards Optimized Modeling of Ad-hoc Network Routing Protocols and Performance Analysis over Multiple Simulating Engines[Full-Text ] Jawad A. TanvirAd-hoc networks are booming in the field of communications as a growing and interesting area of research due to their infrastructure-less advantage, although such networks being short-ranged. They are widely being researched to get utilized in communication of road-factories (vehicles), disastrous areas (where there is no infrastructure, or has been damaged), air-borne vehicles (aircrafts, commercial planes), etc. Sky being the limit, the horizons of such networks is so broad and promising that they can prove to be a vast success in the ever-emerging field of communications. The idea of getting connected and staying connected, even when there is no prior infrastructure or backbone available (as is the case with ad-hoc networks), poses certain kinds of problems which need to be specifically addressed and eliminated in order to have a healthy, error free, reliable, and as-and-when needed communication between several participating entities readily available. For a packet to successfully be forwarded from source point - A to destination point - B in an ad-hoc network, some sort of path or route must be available in between, two of which being Static Routes and Dynamic Routes [5]. Having said this, the problem of optimizing the above stated types of routes depending on requirement so as to get valid results, and then utilizing these routes in order to model various ad-hoc network routing protocols (proactive/reactive) for mapping over multiple simulating engines to get the requisite connectivity and connection-success-rate (CSR) is the problem statement of this research work being proposed.
Comparative Analysis of Spatial Diversity Gain against Correlation and Power Imbalance[Full-Text ] Akaneme, S. A. and Offor, K. JThe report presents an analytical framework for analyzing two-branch diversity systems for a Rayleigh fading channel. In many cases the fading received at both branches (ie, a two antenna element system) is correlated because of the proximity of the antenna elements to each other an analytical expression for the probability density function of the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of a two-branch maximal ratio and selection diversity system is developed in this report. The two branches are assumed to be Rayleigh fading, correlated, as well as of unequal signal-to-noise ratios. The diversity gain for selection, maximal ratio, and equal gain combining for the 10% probability level is presented as a function of power imbalance and correlation between branches for a two-branch Rayleigh diversity system. The result obtained from measurement of diversity gain against correlation and power imbalance shows that the optimum combining technique among the three combiners is the maximal ratio combining.
Data Base Security using PGP and ID3[Full-Text ] Atul MishraIn the present scenario, we can understand the need of database security in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Database is the most essential part of the network. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are a most challenging and emerging technology for the research due to their vital scope in the field coupled with their low processing power and associated low energy. Today wireless sensor networks are broadly used in environmental control, surveillance tasks, monitoring, tracking and controlling etc. On the top of all this the wireless sensor networks need very secure communication in wake of them being in open field and being based on broadcasting technology. Security of data is the main requirement of any organization. We have proposed an idea of using wireless sensor network for the security of database. For this purpose two algorithms are used PGP (Pretty Good Privacy algorithm) and ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3 algorithm) which will help for security as well as speed of data. ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3) algorithm arranges all the nodes in the form of tree and if it found any unauthorized node accessing then it will block. On the other hand PGP is used to encrypt the data and send data in the form of encrypted data. Now the node that has decrypt key only that can access the data unauthorized can’t read it.
Implementation of smart energy meter with two way communication using GSM technology[Full-Text ] Afrin Hossain, Tajrin Jahan Rumky, Nursadul MamunTo Keep pace with the increased necessity of advanced metering infrastructure and near real time two way communication between the Power Distribution Companies and the consumers, a data communication techinques has been devised.
Genetically Optimised Design Of Irrigation System Network Using Epanet As A Tool[Full-Text ] Ms. Shikha Arora, Prof. Anant Kr. JaiswalAn irrigation system network design is just like a water distribution system that parcels water from the source reservoir to the respective destination nodes. The aim of this paper is to propose such a system that transmits water by finding the optimal pipe diameters, so that the overall network cost is minimised. For this, we use Genetic Algorithm, coupling it with a network solving tool called Epanet. Also, Rank selection is used to select the best members from the population that will form input to the next generation. Penalty cost is an impacting factor in Cost calculation. The main aim of this study is to reduce the penalty cost of the network as much as possible but at the same time our network cost should not be increased so much. So, in all GA provides an optimum solution after certain number of iterations.
A Novel approach to Image Segmentation with Application to MRI[Full-Text ] Z.Chaithanya ,K.Lokesh Krishna, D.SrihariIntensity non-uniformity or intensity in homogeneity usually occurs in Real world Images, those images cannot be segmented by using image segmentation. The most commonly used algorithms in image segmentation are region based and depends on the homogeneity of the image intensities which usually fails to produce accurate segmentation results due to the intensity non-uniformity. In this paper a novel region based method for image segmentation which can be able to discuss with intensity non-uniformities in image segmentation is proposed. First according to the image models with intensity non-uniformities a local clustering criterion function is defined for the intensities in the image neighbourhood of each part. The local clustering criterion function is then integrated with respect to the neighbourhood center to give a global criterion of image segmentation. In a level set formulation this criterion defines an energy in terms of level set functions that represents the partition of image domain and a bias field that corresponds to the intensity non-uniformity of the image. Therefore, by minimizing the energy we can able to segment the image simultaneously and estimate the bias field can be used for the intensity non-uniformity correction. This method is applied on MRI images and real world images of various modalities with desirable performance in the presence of intensity non-uniformities. The experiment results show that the method is stronger, faster and more accurate than the well-known piecewise smooth model and gives promising results. As an application this method is used for segmentation and bias correction of real world images and MRI images with better results.
Study of position of SFCL for maximum fault current limiter for power systems protection[Full-Text ] Sachin Trankatwar, Dr.S.L.Nalbalwar, Dr. A.B.NandgaonkarIn this paper the fault current reduction using Superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) due to integration of wind power with power system is investigated. Fault current plays very important role in strengthening power system security due to the increase in the integration of wind power in recent year. To prevent, optimal position of SFCL is focused. The typical power system model including generation, transmission and distribution network with distributed energy resource was modeled to determine optimal position of the SFCL. In this work, a resistive type SFCL model was implemented by integrating Simulink and SimPowerSystem blocks in Matlab. As for a distributed energy resource, 10 MVA wind farm was considered for the simulation.
Image Denoising with Common Vector Elimination based PCA[Full-Text ] M. Zahid Alam, Dr. Ravi Shankar Mishra and Dr. AS ZadgaonkarThis paper proposes a novel image denoising technique using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA is a technique useful for classification and compression of data.The purpose of PCA is to reduce dimensionality of data sets or samples by exploring new set of variables smaller than original set of variables and retains most of the samples information.Noise is having some common characteristics and it is uniformly distributed in the image.The noisy image can be decomposed by the PCA into different blocks.Eigen values for each block is calculated and the common vector from each block is eliminated.The denoising algorithm is validated by numerical experiments on grey scale lena image.Numerical results shows that the proposed method can obtain higher PSNR than former methods.
Performance Analysis of Parallel Way Source Definition Algorithm in Correlated Subqueries Execution[Full-Text ] S.T.Padmapriya, Dr. J. SuthaContinuous queries are used to monitor changes to time varying data and to provide results useful for online decision making. Typically a user desires to obtain the value of some aggregation function over distributed data items, for example, to know value of portfolio for a client; or the AVG of temperatures sensed by a set of sensors. Resource utilized group aggregation for correlated type validation at client level is the proposed access. Correlated sub query is the query to return the resultant records in partial manner. It means, the query evaluates grouped records and fetches the result until the last group is met. In large data bases there are highly maximized records to meet the groups. This type of query evaluates once and returned to result to parent and continues to fetch the retrieval process. In this paper, Client Framework prepares task and it will be divided into many divisions to start separate way to start the multi connection process using parallel approach. Intelligent Group Service checks the availability of groups and decides percentage level based on the idle resources in network. Percentage tasks decide how many groups can be sent to one available server. The parallel approach starts the retrieval process from the system based on the percentage. After the downloading process, the assembler starts the assembling process. Data producer Service prepares the result and return to Client frame work. After making fast retrieval Assembler assembles it in locally. Population Data are replicated in Mirror Network. Client system finds the availability of available servers and makes the communication in dynamic level. Group based segregated process against servers is started from client process by IGS.
A SURVEY ON BIG DATA[Full-Text ] Amegha.K, Sowmya.B, Apoorva M.PBig data is a buzzword, or catch-phrase, used to describe a massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large that it's difficult to process using traditional database and software techniques. While the term may seem to reference the volume of data, that isn't always the case. The term big data especially when used by vendors --may refer to the technology that an organization requires to handle the large amounts of data and storage facilities. This paper discusses the characteristics, utilities and opportunities and some of the challenges of big data.
HUMAN AND LEGAL RIGHTS OF MENTALLY RETARDEDPERSONS: AN ASSEMENT[Full-Text ] Manjunatha N.GFor most of the civilized societies human rights have assumed the status of a new touchstone. They are premised on an assumption that every one inherently possesses them by virtue of being born as a human being. However, as social group or as community of people or even individually, the mentally challenged have remained ignored, isolated and sidelined. Thus the mentally ill face indignities, discrimination and invisibilisations in almost every walk of life today.
FLY IN ATMOSPHERE BY DRAG FORCE - EASY THRUST GENERATION - THE NEXT GENERATION TECHNOLOGY [Full-Text ] Mwizerwa Pierre CelestinThis paper aims to present to the science community another way to fly in atmosphere, a way which is much more cheaper, efficient, safe and easy. Over the years scientists have been trying to find a way to built the vertically taking off vehicles but there have been no satisfactory success(what have been found was very expensive), Even aircrafts we know now need very sophisticated and expensive engines and not efficient enough. This way of flying may help our governments to spend less money on technologies and will help people to travel at very low prices so that, it may be a solution to the crisis which the world faces nowadays. In other words, it is my proposal to the next generation technologies we was looking for for years because everything can fly from the car to the trucks, the spaceships and even the hotels maybe constructed and fly as we construct the ships which sail in the oceans. My way of flying will have many applications in all the aspect of travel as it is going to be explained.