Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2013 Edition
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Design of new protocol for secure communication of Messages[Full-Text ] T.ChalamaReddy ,Dr.R.SeshadriSecurity for computers and networks has increased in importance, as end users have become more aware of the value of the vast amounts of data being accumulated and the need to protect that data, as companies that do sensitive work, such as those with defense contracts, military activities, banking, are often heavily involved in data security. As the scope of the network is increased a lot, data security became a main network concept. Suppose sender wants to send a message to receiver securely, so that no eavesdropper can read the message. Authentication of messages and communication play a vital role in the present day business transactions. With help of various symmetric, asymmetric and hash algorithms, ourprotocol achieves three cryptographic primitives such as confidentiality, authentication and integrity for communication of messages. This protocol assumes that two communicating parties share a common session key and secrete value. Sender computes the hash value over the concatenation of message and secretes value and appends it to message,andthen result is compressed. The compressed message is encrypted by using conventional encryption algorithm (AES) with a session key. To protect the session key and secrete value, sender encrypts combined session key and secrete value using public key encryption algorithm(ECC) with the recipient’s public key and the result is appended to compressed message, and then transmitted to receiver. Later the intended receiver applies the reverse process to obtain the original message, and verifies authentication and integrity of message. This protocol also provides better security than PGP protocol used in email security.
RXTE/PCA Observations: “Variable QPOs for Transient Be/X-Ray Binary Pulsar EXO~2030+375”[Full-Text ] Yogita Trivedi, Moti R. Dugair, S. Bapna, Sushil K. Gandhi and S.N.A. JaaffreyWe present results from study of timing properties and report the detection of variable quasi-periodic oscillations (QPO) between 0.36-0.74 Hz in the transient Be/X-ray binary pulsar EXO~2030+375 using RXTE/PCA observations. The observations used in the present work were carried out during the X-ray outbursts in 2006 (March-May-June-August-September-October-November) and 2011 (January-February-April-May-June-July-August-September-November-December). The 0.36-0.74 Hz variable QPOs in EXO~2030+375 were detected in seven Rossi Explorer Timing Experiment (RXTE) Proportional Counter Array (PCA) observations during the rising and declining phase of its giant outburst 2006 and normal outburst of 2011. However, these QPOs were never detected during other outbursts of the pulsar. Though QPO of 0.2 Hz were reported earlier in the pulsar, the 0.36-0.74 Hz variable QPOs were detected for the first time in this pulsar. The results of our analysis of RXTE data during two outbursts of the pulsar are presented in the paper.
Intelligent Low Cost mobile phone based Irrigation System using ARM[Full-Text ] P.Sathyanarayana, A. Gopalakrushana, J. ArchanaThis paper describes the development of Intelligent Low Cost mobile phone based Irrigation System using UC/OS-II RTOS an ARM. The major occupation of rural India is agriculture. Insufficient rains at various stages of growth are one of major causes of losses to farmers. Many farmers use induction motor pumps to irrigate their farms from wells, rivers and streams nearby. However, shortage of electric power in many states has resulted in unplanned load shedding of long durations in rural areas. So there is a need to ensure that water is distributed to field whenever normal conditions exist. So a remote monitoring is required. Due to the drastic reduction in call and messaging rates makes cellular networks best choice for this. Moreover, simple cell phones having just messaging facility are available at throwaway prices due to migration of population towards higher end models. Such simple models can be easily adapted for remote control applications. The system isbased on ARM controller and includes GSM Modem ,Water level Sensor, Humidity Sensor ,Real time clock.
SOx Control during Combustion of Coal by Adding LimeStone[Full-Text ] Sudam Padhan, Ritesh KumarIf we are using higher sulfur content fuel, i.e. Coal then we requires to mix the higher amount of Lime Stone to reduce the SOx. It depends upon the requirement for desulfurization. If we are mixing higher amount of Limestone then we get high amount of Calcium Oxides (CaO). It will help to desulfurize higher Sulfur or Sulfur dioxides (SO2). So it is most important to know the amount of Calcium Oxides (CaO) present in the lime stone that we are using. Lower the Calcium Oxides (CaO) will increases the Lime stone consumption.
An Effect of Process Variation on 3T-1D DRAM[Full-Text ] Yogesh N. Thakre, Shubhada S. Thakare, Devendra S. ChaudhariThis paper deals with the design and analysis of 3T-1D DRAM cell to develop process variation architecture using Tanner EDA Tool. In this paper power dissipation analysis for DRAM design have been carried out for different nanotechnology with different voltages. The major contribution of power dissipation in DRAM is off -state leakage current. Thus improving the power efficiency of DRAM is critical to the overall system power dissipation. Generally process variation will greatly impact the stability, leakage power consumption and performance of future microprocessor. The absence of the capacitor is advantageous in terms of scalability, process and fabrication complexity, compatibility with the logic processing steps, device density, yield and cost. In this paper, 3T-1D DRAM cell are designed with schematic design technique of Tanner EDA Tool for the comparison of power dissipation.
Trigonometric Abstraction Based Variable Harmonic Sampling and Dual Encryption Steganography[Full-Text ] Rajib Biswas, Gaurav Dutta Chowdhury, Samir Kumar BandhyopadhyayIn this paper, we have explored a new realm in image steganography centered around trigonometric analysis , multi-level varied encryption and differential embedding. To allow better harmonics in the stego - image sinusoidal referential curves have been intricately associated with pixel selection , optimization of sampling , and two - way varied embedding. Fragmentation of the secret data into sine and cosine curves have been deftly realized as variable functions of the steg - key and the secret data. The keen association of the image, secret data and steg - key, varied with a pixel dependant embedding results in a highly secure, reliable L.S.B.substitution. Meticulous statistical analysis have been provided to emphasize the strong immunity of the algorithm to the various steganalysis methods in the later sections of the paper.
Ensuring Food Security through transforming Targeted Public Distribution System into demand driven system by re-engineering the experiences at the moment of truth[Full-Text ] Dipankar MaitraThe paper describes an experimental model for demand driven operation of PDS in Indian scenario. The moment of truth will be epicenter for supply chain management and thus invites dynamism in current modus-operandi which otherwise is very rigid and based on socio-political scenario of 19th century British era. The paper highlights the common problems faced by beneficiary while lifting of food grains and suggest ways for mitigating those challenges.
Mitigation of Response of Asymmetric Building using Passive Tuned Mass Damper[Full-Text ] S.N. Khante, B.P.NirwanIn present scenario, most of the buildings are often constructed with irregularities such as soft storey, torsional irregularity, vertical and plan irregularity. Past earthquake studies shows that the most of the RC buildings having such irregularities were severely damaged under the seismic ground motion. Torsional effects may significantly modify the seismic response of buildings and cause collapse of structures. These effects occur due to different reasons, such as non uniform distribution of the mass, stiffness and strength and torsional components of the ground movement. The concept of structural control is now widely accepted and has been frequently implemented in construction. Among the numerous passive control methods available, tuned mass damper (TMD) is one of the simplest and most reliable system for reducing dynamic response of structure. The mechanism involved in mitigating the vibration consists in the transfer of the vibration energy to the TMD, which dissipates it by damping. In order to increase the efficiency of a TMD, it is necessary to define its optimum parameters. The response of asymmetric building with tuned mass damper to the selected ground motion is investigated with respect to the following parameters; eccentricity ratio of the superstructure (ex/d), ratio of uncoupled torsional to lateral frequencies of the superstructure (??/?x), uncoupled time period of the superstructure (Tx) and mass ratio (md/ms). G+8 storey RCC asymmetric building is considered for analysis. Nonlinear time history analysis is carried out in SAP2000 software using El Centro earthquake record. The numerical results of the parametric study help in understanding the torsional behaviour of the building using passive tuned mass damper.
Tuning of PID-PSS and TCSC in a Multi-machine System for Damping of Power System Oscillations Using Genetic Algorithms[Full-Text ] Hitesh Rameshchandra Jariwala, Anandita ChowdhuryLow frequency electromechanical oscillations are common in large interconnected power systems. These oscillations create problems in the system operation. Such oscillations are damped with the help of conventional (lead-lag type) Power System Stabilizers (PSS). PSSs suffer a drawback of being liable to cause great variations in the voltage profile and they may even result in leading power factor operation and losing system stability under severe condition. Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC), one of the FACTS device can be used to damp power system oscillations. This paper presents robust tuning of proposed Proportional Integral Derivative Power System Stabilizer (PID-PSS) and TCSC based controller using Genetic Algorithm in multi machine power systems. The proposed tuning technique ensures that the designed controllers fulfill various practical requirements of the oscillation damping problem in power systems. The performance of the controllers has been checked using both eigenvalue analysis and time domain simulation on 4-machine, 10 bus, two area system. The proposed controllers are also compared with conventional Power System Stabilizer.
Study of thermal conductivity of light concrete based on rice husks[Full-Text ] V. K. DOKO, A. C. HOUGAN, E. C. ADJOVI, D. Y.AYITE, K. BEDJARice production generates waste after decortications. These rice husks which, if they are not used for energy, they provide a space for the environment and therefore can be used in the manufacture of composite materials. This study deals with the determination of the thermal conductivity of composite cement-rice husk, rice husk-sand-cement and sand-cement method ‘’ comparison’’ based on the principle of guarded hot plate. Composites studied exhibit the following physical characteristics: composite 1, rice husk cement, has a density of 901.17 ± 30.11kg/m3, a porosity of 31.22 ±0.25% and a thermal conductivity of 0.638 ± 0.061 W / m K, while the composite 2, sand-cement has a density of 2220.00± 73.33kg/m3, a porosity of 8.61 ± 0.22% and a conductivity Thermal 1.30± 0.27 W / m K. In view of the results, rice husk composites have better thermal performance because we have a reduction of the thermal conductivity of about 50% compared to the sand-cement composite.
Threads and Necessary Actions for Bosnian Small and Medium Enterprises[Full-Text ] Muhammed Kürsad �zlen, Armin ZundaThe importance of Small and Medium Enterprises for the national economy is clear in that they contributes gross domestic product by reducing the poverty and unemployment rate. On the other hand, the identification of their specific threads worldwide and in its marketplace is important. This study aims to identify the agreement levels of the employees working in Bosnian SMEs about their external threads (global barriers and market related factors) and therefore the necessary actions to be taken by the government and themselves. The results suggested high level of agreement in general with the proposed items. The findings of the study are helpful for the SMEs and government in order to enhance their operations and therefore the overall welfare of Bosnian.
Removal of Salt & Pepper Impulse Noise from Digital Images Using Modified Linear Prediction Based Switching Median Filter[Full-Text ] Vinayakumar S Lonimath, Prakash Biswagar, Chetan AivalliThis paper proposes the switching based median filter for preserving the image details while reducing the streaking problem in gray scale images corrupted by salt and pepper noise at high noise ratios. It effectively suppresses the noise in two stages. First, the noisy pixels are detected by using the signal dependent rank-ordered mean (SD-ROM) filter. In the second stage, the noisy pixels are first substituted by the first order 1D causal linear prediction technique and subsequently replaced by the median value. The algorithm is further modified compared to the existing algorithm by choosing a larger window size and following an iterative procedure to enhance the performance of noise removal capability. Extensive simulations are carried out to validate the claim. Experimental results show improvements both visually and quantitatively compared to that of the state-of-the art switching based median filters at high noise ratios.
A Real Time Human Computer Interface Based on Gesture Recognition for Modification of Images[Full-Text ] Chetan Aivalli, Prakash Biswagar, Vinaykumar S LonimathThis paper designs a simple, natural and real time system for gestural interaction between the user and computer for providing a dynamic user interface. This technique may also called as gesture recognition, Human computer interaction (HCI).The basis of our approach is a real-time tracking process to obtain the moving hand from the whole image, which is able to deal with a large number of hand gestures, and a recognition process that identifies the hand posture/gesture . The use of a visual memory (Stored database) allows the system to handle variations within a gesture and speed up the recognition process through the storage of different variables related to each gesture. The gesture recognition system uses image processing techniques for detection, tracking, and recognition on the basis of detection of some useful shape based features like orientation, area, centroid, extrema, location. In this paper we adopted Histogram based tracker for tracking which is based on CamShift algorithm and converting hand gestures in to a meaningful command. CamShift algorithm mainly used for tracking the objects but here we have used it for tracking and gesture recognition and we got high recognition rate compared to previous proposed methods in real time in a given environment condition. These image based features are extremely variant to different light conditions and other influences. So we have assumed that the background is static and has different color compared to hand for better results. To implement this approach we will use a simple web cam. The overall algorithm implemented in Matlab Tool. And results are observed in Picasa.
The Effect of Knowledge of Formal Grievance Policy on the Outcome and Satisfaction Level in an Academic Environment: A Case Study of IMSciences[Full-Text ] Noman AliIndividuals that share a certain environment, always get involved in conflicts with others as result of difference of opinions. These conflicts when tried to suppress or not addressed, turn into a grievance. Likewise, an educational environment where it is encouraged to think freely so as to have better understanding of the subject matter, it is very common for such grievances to develop over grading and/or bullying etc. Therefore, a Higher Education Institution, a one like IMSciences, also serves as a platform where these grievances prevail. This research is conducted with the aim to found out that though there exist some on campus grievance protocols, yet we see that there tends to develop a bottle neck in the office of the Director or Program Coordinator, regardless of the grievance matter. This research will help analyze, why there is lack of knowledge regarding the on campus grievance protocols, how is it affecting the overall academic environment of the institute and in particular, the aggrieved party and what possible measures can be taken to make the environment at IMSciences, more productive and more prosperous with lesser number of grievances, if any.
Behavioral study of diverse workforce towards various Health, safety & environment engagement strategies in upstream Oil & gas industries[Full-Text ] Ashok Garlapati, Dr Nihal siddiqui, Dr Fatema Al-ShattiThe petroleum industry is an essential element of the economy and it is vital importance for the health and welfare of the mankind. By considering the hazardous nature of oil & gas projects / plants, various legislations / standards have promulgated for health, safety & environment protection. Oil & gas companies conduct its operations engaging multi-cultural diverse workforce due to its nature of operations & requirement of huge workforce. The workforce are highly diverse in nature and comes with different background, different languages, different skill set. Oil & Gas companies have established the HSE Management System and procedures based on the international regulations with a focus on the health, safety of workers and environment protection. It is altogether, a big challenge for upstream Oil & Gas Companies to achieve HSE (Health Safety & Environment) targets under diverse workforce. A study is conducted on the factors that are influencing the behavior of the diverse workforce and how Behavior Based Safety (BBS) programs will be effective under diverse workforce in enhancing HSE performance in upstream Oil & Gas industry. The paper will provide a comprehensive outcome on the behavioral study of engagement strategies of Diverse workforce in upstream oil & gas industries for enhancement of HSE performance.
Effect of Heat Treatment on Wear Resistance of a Grinding Plate[Full-Text ] J.K. Odusote, Owolabi O.B and S. BalogunThe effects of heat treatment on the hardness and by extension the wear resistance of locally produced grinding plate of known composition were investigated. Specimens were prepared from the grinding plate and were heat treated at 840°C, 860°C and 880°C and quenched at different rate. Some of the specimens were quenched in water and palm oil, while some of the quenched specimens were tempered at 200°C. The results obtained were corroborated with the microstructure of the specimens examined under an optical microscope. The hardness values of the grinding plate specimens quenched in various media increased with increased heat treatment temperatures, and are higher than that of the as-cast specimen. Water quenched tempered specimens (WT) displayed higher hardness values than the as-cast, whereas oil quenched tempered specimens (OT) possessed lower hardness values. The presence of carbide was evident on the micrographs of the water quenched specimens at all the exposure temperatures, which corroborated the observed increased in the hardness values with increased heat treatment temperatures. However, there was significant reduction in the hardness value of the water quenched tempered specimens compared with the quenched specimens, which indicates a significant improvement in toughness. Thus, water quenched and tempered specimen with relatively high hardness value and improved toughness, will be suitable for use as grinding plate because of its relatively better wear resistance. The hardness of the specimens was found to depend on the formation of carbide precipitates within the matrix structure. There is also possibility of production of structure consisting of graphite embedded in a martensitic matrix through the heat treatment.
The Enterprises Web-Portal PECS Product Data Management and Applications[Full-Text ] X.Charles, Dr.Parta Sarathi ChakraborthyToday, a manufacturing engineer’s biggest task is to make products within a short span of time while maintaining quality and also with reduced cost. Latest technologies like Product Data Management (PDM) and Product Life Cycle Management (PLM)in web-portal contribute towards the above said task. Product Data Management is a software system that manages the product data and the product development process involved in a particular process. PECS PDM allows the company to securely store, share, modify and tracks their most valuable assert-product content, while stream lining their product development processes. PECS PDM should maximize the time to market benefit of concurrent engineering while maintaining the control of data. It should also distribute data automatically to the people who need it, and whenever they need it. In PECS PDM system, master data is stored in a secured “vault” where its integrity can be assured. They help in instant delivery of information, speeding up tasks. A PECS PDM system allows creation and maintenance of multiple revision and versions of any design in the database.
A Mining Algorithm for Authentication of Data[Full-Text ] Mr.Ashwin kumar H.N, Dr. Manjunath Rao.LTRUTH FINDER is an approach that utilizes the interdependency between web site trustworthiness and fact confidence to find trustable web sites and true facts. The input of Truth Finder is a large number of facts about properties of a certain type of objects. The facts are provided by many web sites. The aim of Truth Finder is to identify the true fact among them. The world-wide web has become the most important information source for most of us. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee for the correctness of information on the web. Moreover, different web sites often provide conflicting information on a subject, such as different specifications for the same product. In this application we propose a solution to a new problem called Veracity, i.e., “conformity to truth”, which studies how to find true facts from a large amount of conflicting information on many subjects that is provided by various web sites. We design a general framework for the Veracity problem, and invent an algorithm called Truth Finder, which utilizes the relationships between web sites and their information, i.e., a web site is trustworthy if it provides many pieces of true information, and a piece of information is likely to be true if it is provided by many trustworthy web sites.
Role of substituent on benzene ring and their importants on thermodynamic properties[Full-Text ] L.Venkatramana, K.Sreenivasulu, K.Sivakumar, K. Dayananda ReddyDensities (?) of pure liquids and their mixtures have been measured at 298.15 K to 313.15 K and atmospheric pressure over the entire composition range for the binary mixtures of benzyl alcohol with benzene, toluene, chlorobenzene, bromobenzene and nitrobenzene by using Rudolph Research Analytical Digital densitometer (DDH-2911 model). Further, the ultrasonic sound velocities for the above said mixtures were also measured at 303.15 K and 313.15 K. The measured density data were used to compute excess molar volumes (VE) and these were compared with Hwang equations. Isentropic compressibility (ks) and excess isentropic compressibilities were evaluated from experimental sound velocity and density data. Moreover, the experimental sound velocities were analyzed in terms of theoretical models namely collision factor theory (CFT) and free length theory (FLT). The experimental results were discussed in terms of intermolecular interactions between component molecules.
Collaborative Tsunami Detection System with Data Assimilation Using Lab-VIEW[Full-Text ] S.Vandana, K.TulasiRamThe objective of tsunami modelling is to develop model for faster and more reliable forecasts of tsunamis propagating through the ocean and striking coastal communities. This current attempt is to provide assistance to the Tsunami Warning Centers (TWC) in the form of forecast modelling software specifically designed to support the Tsunami Warning Center’s forecasting operations.Tsunami may be primarily caused due to the quake in the sea bed or due to the landslides. There are many tsunami detecting systems present around the globe. The set up consists of the ultrasonic sensor at the sea bed and a buoy which are communicated through the satellite system and then the warning station. Whenever the ultrasonic sensor detects a change in the height of the wave on the sea bed, it transmits its output to the buoy and then it is reached to the warning station via the satellite communication.
An Experimental Investigation for Effecting of Cold Drawing on Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Copper Cables.[Full-Text ] Nofal Al- araji, Odai H. RaheemThe aim of this paper is to evolut the effect of drawing process on the electrical and mechanical properties of copper wire. Electrical high tension network required cables to conduct electrical flow from one location to the next. The specific electrical and mechanical properties of the cable are affected by the forming that takes place during the drawing processes. The effects of cold drawing on electrical and mechanical properties of (99.9% Cu) copper wire are examined as a function of drawing ratio. Electrical conductivity increases by cold drawing up to (RA%=22) at five pass number. The conductivity shows a maximum value of 38% IACS at RA22% this is due to the formation of fine net - like deformed microstructure parallel to drawing direction which enhanced the electrical conductivity through drawing process. Moreover, the microhcrduses (Hv) increased from the core of the wire with the increases in reduction area percent. The strength be explained by the effect of work hardening and the refinement of microstructure. The coefficient of fraction and the wire surface temperature was effected by the number of draws under lubraction condution, water soluble oil is more effective in drawing process.
Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Spatial and Spectral Features[Full-Text ] Dr.T.Arumuga Maria Devi, Mrs.N.RekhaClassification of hyperspectral remote sensing data with support vector machines (SVMs) is investigated. Hyper spectral image classification techniques that use both spectral and spatial information are more suitable, effective, and robust than those that use only spectral information. The Features employed in this include Morphological profiles, Grey level cooccurence matrix, Discrete Wavelet Transform.To classify the image Support vector machine(SVM) is used. To reduce the noise in the classification map, a Post Regularization (PR) step is employed. Experimental results show that it achieves good classification performance on Hyperspectral images.
New Generating Relations for Two Dimensional Hermite Polynomials[Full-Text ] Rehana KhanIn this paper, we derive generating relations involving two dimensional Hermite polynomials by using Lie-algebraic method. Some new and known generating relations related to are also obtained.
DROPPING THE TRUSTED COMPUTING BASE FOR APPLICATIONS ON PRODUCT SYSTEMS[Full-Text ] AnudeepToday we have powerful, feature-rich computer systems plagued by muscular, feature-rich malware. Flow malware work the vulnerabilities that are endemically to the huge computing that needs to be trusty to steady our semiprivate substance. This thesis presents a structure called Flicker that alleviates security-conscious developers from the headache of making significance out of this codification fund, allowing them to ore on the precaution of their own encipher. Since today's inheritance operating systems give credible be misused for the foreseeable future, we figure Flicker to coexist with these systems. Flicker allows code to execute in isolation from new software while trusting as few as 250 lines of more cipher orders of ratio smaller than symmetrical minimalist virtual tool monitors. Flicker also enables many significant attestation of the codification executed and its inputs and outputs than preceding proposals, since exclusive measurements of the security-sensitive portions of an application to be included. Flicker leverages hardware support provided by artifact processors from AMD and Intel that are widely open today, and does not order a new OS or a VMM. Flicker's properties support equal if the BIOS, OS and DMA-enabled devices are all leering. We also perform a detailed case study of Flicker on an AMD method and distribute Quiver to foursome server-side applications.
Synthesis of Reversible Multiplexers[Full-Text ] Sumit Gugnani, Arvind KumarThe advantages of reversible logic espically power reduction have drawn up a significant interest in this field and it finds its application in various fields including quantum computing, optical computing, nanotechnology, computer graphic, cryptography, digital signal processing and many more. In this paper 2:1 and 4:1 conventional and reversible multiplexer have been compared in terms of power dissipation. The circuit has been simulated using Xilinx 8.2i. Transistor implementation and power dissipation is measured using design architect. The results of reversible logic have been shown and compared with irreversible mux.
Analysis of Modified Energy Recovery Flip Flops With Clock Gating[Full-Text ] Amit Kumar, Vrinda GuptaPower dissipation has become a important factor while designing the circuits these days. Flip flops are the basic elements in various circuits such as frequency divider circuits, storing devices. So energy recovery flip flops are used nowadays to reduce power dissipation. Certain energy recovery flip flops with clock gating have already been proposed. In this paper certain modifications have been done in these circuits. The circuits have been implemented on design architect. These circuits have been implemented in 180 nanometer technology. The power dissipation has been compared at various clock frequency. The results show considerable reduction in power.
A Secure Lossless Transmission Scheme for Medical Images[Full-Text ] Namitha P., Manoj Ray D.Nowadays security becomes an inseparable issue as information technology is ruling the world. The recent advances in information and communication system have provided new means for transferring valuable health information of patients in order for supporting emerging applications like telemedicine. For the better diagnosis purposes, most of the cases it is necessary to to transfer medical images from one place to another or need to store such datas in particular places in secure manner, and has become a challenge. To achieve high security as well as to get good image quality this paper has framed new efficient Bit level based secret sharing algorithms for medical images. The main advantage of this proposed method is to provide good quality of the image along with security and without any post or pre processing. Similarly for the efficient utilization of available transmission bandwidth and storage space, here framed a better compression scheme in lossless manner, which can provide a compression rate more than that of RLE image compression scheme.
Enhancing the Performance of Iris Recognition System using Matching Score Fusion Technique[Full-Text ] Dr.S.R.Ganorkar, A.P.LigadeAs biometrics, iris always a preferred trait because of its uniqueness of pattern contain by each eye and lifetime stability. The random distribution of features in an iris image texture allows performing iris based person authentication with high confidence. But use of single iris image indicator often has to contend with noisy sensor data, physiological defects, and unacceptable error rates. So this paper proposed an iris recognition algorithm in which an image of left iris and right iris are use as an input. DCT can be employed to extract unique iris pattern and encode it into binary template. Then allows comparison between current and stored template using hamming distance. This process is applied on left iris and right iris separately and corresponding distance scores are generated for each eye. This score are then combined using weighted average fusion rule to generate final score. This score is compared with threshold to decide the person is genuine or imposter. Simulation studies are made to test the validity of the proposed algorithm. The results obtained ensure the superior performance of this algorithm. This ensures the presence only alive person and increases recognition rate by eliminating the possible spoofing attacks.
SOFT GRANULAR COMPUTING MODEL FOR IDENTIFYING PROTEIN SEQUENCE MOTIF BASED ON SVD-ENTROPY METHOD[Full-Text ] M Chitralegha and Dr K ThangavelBioinformatics is a field devoted to the interpretation and analysis of biological data using computational techniques. In recent years the study of bioinformatics has grown tremendously due to huge amount of biological information generated by scientific community. Proteins are made up of chain of amino acids. Protein sequence motifs are small fragments of conserved amino acids often associated with specific function. These sequence motifs are identified from protein sequence segments generated from large number of protein sequences. All generated sequence segments may not yield potential motif patterns. Selecting subset of segments can improve clustering and lead to better understanding of the motif patterns. Protein sequence segments have no classes or labels, so one has to apply unsupervised segment selection method. Hence, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) segment selection technique combined with Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) granular computing model has been proposed for the first time. Computational results demonstrate the efficiency and beneficial outcome of the proposed method. This approach shows the better performance at finding significant motif patterns that transcend different protein families.
Enhancement of the Performance of the Medium Access Control (MAC) Protocol by using Modified New Approach[Full-Text ] Shefali Soni, Sandeep SahuWireless networks are the widely used networks for communication now days. Hence it is very necessary to improve the performance of the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer by preventing the communication from collisions. In this work a new scheme is explained, for efficient channel access, which is based on the sequencing. The proposed method minimizes the number of collisions as well as the delays that occur during the backoff periods. When collision occurs in a MAC layer in the network, it may result in decreased throughput in the data transfer. In this way the bandwidth is wasted. Here an analytical study on MAC-layer issues is presented, which are very important when accessing a channel over wireless networks. The main function of Medium Access Control (MAC) is to share the channel efficiently between all nodes. The new approch is used in order to prevent collisions during multiple channel access in MAC Layer. This scheme uses fair distributed mechanisms for channel access. In this method, a counter is introduced at each node to maintain the discipline of the nodes. It is based on the concept of sequencing technique. As the routing protocol, AODV is used in this method and NS-2 is used for simulation environment. The proposed method minimizes the number of collisions in data transfer and increases the throughput along the network. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated under various conditions, and the obtained results are very promising. Also the proposed scheme shows that the energy requirements are minimum due to the limitation on the number of transmissions while reducing collisions in the MAC layer.
Analysis of UPFC Impact on Transmission Line Performance[Full-Text ] Deepak Makkar, Manvir KaurThis paper presents an analysis of the dynamic operation of unified power flow controller (UPFC). A two machine-double line power system model is considered for the study. The main objective is to achieve effective independent control of real and reactive power flows with zero dynamic interactions. Towards achieving the objective, PI controller with abc-dqo transformation and space vector pulse width modulation (SV-PWM) technique based scheme is carried to design UPFC controller. The proposed scheme is fully validated through digital simulation. The simulated results show that the shunt converter provides good voltage regulation and series converter influences power flow over the transmission line together with power oscillations damping. Further the results illustrate how the UPFC contributes dynamically to a faster recovery of the system to the pre-fault conditions.
K-mean clustering based Video Encryption Technique[Full-Text ] Yogita Negi, Ravindra PurwarThere are various encryption techniques purposed for encrypting videos and used for obtaining highly encrypted videos. This paper consists of brief description about existing methods for video techniques, which focuses on the full or selective encryption techniques.In this paper, a k-mean clustering video encryption has been purposed which uses colour-based segmentation for generation of key images. Each key image is xor-ed with the frame to produce an encrypted frame, finally encrypted frame will be clubbed together to form encrypted video.
Modelling and Characterization of CNTFET using Hspice[Full-Text ] Y.Maheswar, Dr.B.L.Raju, Dr.K.Soundara RajanCarbon nanotubes are becoming more and more popular due to its mechanical and electrical properties. Currently CNTFETs have been used for various applications in building VLSI circuits. However, there is very little literature discussing the procedures to use CNTFET for developing VLSI circuits. In this paper we present a novel approach that uses CNTFET models from Stanford University and analysis the electrical properties of CNTFETs using Spice as well as Matlab. The procedure developed in this paper can be used to develop complex VLSI circuits using CNTFETs. The VI characteristics of CNTFET obtained are cross verified with both Spice as well as Matlab models.
Magnetic field and radiation effects on a double diffusive free convective flow bounded by two infinite impermeable plates in the presence of chemical reaction[Full-Text ] V. RAVIKUMAR, M.C.RAJU, G.S.S.RAJUThis article deals with a two dimensional double diffusive steady free convective Poiseuille flow of an electrically conducting, viscous fluid through a porous medium bounded by two stationary infinite vertical porous plates in presence of thermal radiation and chemical reaction of first order. A uniform magnetic field is assumed to be applied transversely in the direction of the flow. The plates are subjected to a constant normal suction/injection velocity. Analytical solutions of the governing equations are found by using a regular perturbation technique. The expressions for the velocity, temperature, and concentration are obtained and their numerical values are demonstrated with the help of the graphs. With the aid of the above expressions of the flow quantities, the expressions for skin friction and the coefficient of heat transfer in terms of Nusselt number, and the coefficient of mass transfer in the form of Sherwood number at the walls are also calculated and the effect of various physical parameters on these quantities are discussed.
Reconfigurable cache Implementation on FPGA[Full-Text ] K.A.Naveen Kumar, M.Bharathi, S.A.HariprasadCache memory is a common structure in computer system and has an important role in microprocessor performance. The design of a cache is an optimization problem that is mainly related with the maximization of the hit ratio and the minimization of the access time. Some aspects related with the cache performance are the cache size, associativity, number of words per block and latency. In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable cache design with two cache organizations direct mapped and 2-way Set Associative each with four modes each. The designed instruction cache is of size 64 lines and each line can store a word of 18 bit wide. The designed cache is integrated with an 8 bit Pico Blaze Processor. Hit ratio analysis is done for all the modes with different algorithms. Reconfiguration can be done at any point in the assembly program by just changing the cache configuration port. The hit ratio analysis for the algorithms is reported.
Inverse Heat Conduction Problem of an Elliptical Plate[Full-Text ] S. D. BagdeThis paper contains a heat conduction problem for an elliptical plate with heat transfer on the upper and lower surfaces, to determine the temperature with the help of Mathieu function and integral transform technique
Changes of Rooms Layout In Arab And Malay Ethnic Groups’ Houses Due To Chinese Ethnics Dominance In Makassar[Full-Text ] Rahmat Hidayat, Happy Ratna Santosa, Muhammad FaqihThe diversity of people in the city of Makassar seen since the early history of the arrival of the immigrant community is made up of Chinese, Arab, Malay, and the Netherlands that took place since the 16th century. At that time the Dutch role in control in the development of Makassar city with settlements based on racial grouping i.e. Chinatown, Arab villages, and Malay. Of a multi-racial settlements in Makassar, Chinatown still has a strong presence in comparison with Arab and Malay ethnics. Current Arab and Malay villages have entered in the Chinatown area of Makassar.
Comparative Analysis of Different Supervised Classification Techniques for Spatial Land Use/Land Cover Pattern Mapping Using RS and GIS[Full-Text ] Amol D.Vibhute, Ajay D.Nagne, Bharti W. Gawali, Suresh C.MehrotraThe present study highlights the advantages of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques for analyzing the land use/land cover mapping for Aurangabad region of Maharashtra, India. Single date, cloud free IRS-Resourcesat-1 LISS-III data was used for further classification on training set for supervised classification. Some image enhancement techniques were also performed to improve the satellite imagery for better visual interpretation. ENVI 4.4 image analysis tool and Arc GIS10 software were used for data processing and analysis. Maximum Likelihood, mahalanobis distance, minimum distance and parallelepiped classifiers were performed for LULC classification in this study. The main objective of this study is to develop land use/land cover map for Aurangabad region to predict the possible applications of LULC. Level-II of Anderson classification was also performed for LULC mapping analysis. It is observed that maximum area is covered by barren land, agricultural area (with crops and without crops), hilly area, built-up area and water bodies’ etc respectively. The result of the classifications suggests that, each used and covered type were best classified by the Maximum likelihood classification technique.
Comparative analysis of Signal Processing Techniques for Transmitter Detection for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio[Full-Text ] Shiv Krishan Joshi, Rita Mahajan, Deepak BagaiToday’s wireless communication systems follow fixed spectrum assignment policies that leads to overall inefficient spectrum use. Further the scarcity of spectrum is an issue for service providers with emerging mobile services and such a large number of consumer with even higher bandwidth requirement. Spectrum sensing enable secondary user to use frequency spectrum which is provided for primary user without affecting his data. In this paper, we are going to provide various spectrum sensing methods in cognitive radio (CR).
CAPACITY ENHANCEMENT OF MIMO SYSTEM UNDER DIFFERENT FADING CHANNELS[Full-Text ] Vikram Singh, Amita SoniAn efficient technique to maximize the channel capacity of MIMO system in case of practical fading channel has been designed for efficient data transmission. Beneath pragmatic fading environment, transmitted signal suffers phase and magnitude deterioration. Hence it becomes imperative to dodge the effect of fading in any communication channel and to make an efficient system. Rayleigh fading is studied and a comparison is being made among BPSK, QPSK and 16 QAM modulation technique in Rayleigh fading environment. An efficient model is created in which data transmission can take place with least fading effect. Moreover channel capacity of MIMO system depends upon number of half wave dipole antenna used in antenna array. At small SNR values capacity increases linearly and channel matrix coefficients are studied to further optimize the channel characteristics. There are many factors which pragmatically decide the channel capacity of MIMO system like number of antenna elements at transmitting and receiving side, power fed at antenna section, channel matrix coefficients etc. In the proposed system it is proved that as number of antenna elements increases there is significant increase in channel capacity.
Design of Component Oriented Metric to Measure Effort during Software Modules Development[Full-Text ] Sh. Ashok, Dr. Vijay Deep GaurIn the context of software effort estimation [1], system sizes the taken as a main driver of the system development effort. But other structure design properties, such as coupling, cohesion have been suggested as additional factor. In this paper, using effort data from component oriented development project [2,3], we empirical investigate the relationship between component size and effort for a component and with additional impact structural properties such as connectivity, component interfacing have an effort. This paper can be used as a practical analysis, repeatable and accurate analysis procedure to investigate relationship between component properties and development effort.