Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2013 Edition
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Adsorption of Carbofuran on Granulated Activated Carbon from Canaruim Schweinfurthii Seed Shell[Full-Text ] Yilleng Moses Titus, Ochigbo Victor, Nwankwere Emeka Thompson, Sunday Moses, Nwadiogbu Onyebuchi Joseph, Kagbu James A. Gimba Casimire EmmanuelSeries of activated carbon have been prepared from Canaruim Schweinfurthii Seed Shell (CSSS) with Zinc Chloride (ZnCl2) and Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) as chemical activation agent. The activated carbon samples were prepared by carbonization at 300 °C, 350 °C, 400 °C, 450 °C and 500 °C for 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 minutes with the chemical agents. The quality of the samples has been evaluated in terms of carbofuran adsorption. The optimum conditions for activated carbon production were evaluated based on the determination of the adsorption capacity of carbofuran. The maximum unit capacity for carbofuran adsorption was 719.6 mg/g at activation temperature of 500°C and activation time of 20 minutes with zinc chloride as the activating agent. Using Phosphoric acid as activating agent it was found that the optimum unit capacity for carbofuran was 675.6mg/g at activation temperature of 450°C and activation time of 20 minutes. This study showed that activated carbons produced with the activating agent can be utilized as effective matrices for Carbofuran removal from aqueous medium.
The feedback Management of health and safety at work as a tool for decision making[Full-Text ] Adnane ESSEHMOUDI, Mohammed EL HAMMOUMI , Karim HAMOUMIToday, safety management is part of global management system of the enterprise. This management presents itself as a set of methods and practices that help an enterprise to understand its risk to lead the safety management to a high level of performance.In this context, companies must develop as a tool for corporate knowledge to put the item on practices to generalize and which to avoid. The feedback appears, therefore, as a necessary tool for businesses. However, the practice of feedback and its approach to implementation remain an issue specific to the company.As part of this work, we propose a model management system for health and safety, and as part of improving the performance of this system, an approach that we are part of the improvement of feedback. While relying on the analysis of actors technical, human and organizational efforts in this practice.
Anthropometry as an Ergonomic Design Factor in an Open Plan Selected Computer Operator Work Station: Cyber Cafés Perspectives[Full-Text ] C.O. Anyaeche, A. O. Adeodu, I. A. DaniyanThe aim of this research is to study selected cyber cafe workstations to establish the current practices with reference to the use of anthropometry. Also to re-design the work station, if necessary, in order to improve productivity, health safety and comfort of the operators in the work station. Optimising the anthropometric data for computer work station design can be a complex task because of the number of design parameters that must be put into consideration. This problem has recently been made much easier to solve as a result of the development of some design principles like design for extreme, design for average sizes and design for adjustable range. Because of the nature of the selected workstations, design for adjustable range principle is used. Anthropometric dimensions of the operators were used to design chair and table which can accommodate 5% - 95% of the operators.
Radionuclide contents in raw minerals and soil samples and the associated radiological risk from some mining sites in Benue State North-Central Nigeria[Full-Text ] N.N Jibiri and S.T TemaugeeA total of fifty eight (58) samples in which nine (9) minerals and forty nine (49) soil samples were collected from five mining sites of Clay, Kaolin, Limestone and Baryte in Benue State, North Central, Nigeria. Radioactivity concentration was measured using NaI(Tl) ?-ray spectroscopy with an accumulating time for about 36000secs. From the measured ?-ray spectra, activity concentration of the primordial radionuclides 40K, 226Ra (238U), and 232Th for the mineral samples ranged from 74.31-441.24 Bq kg-1, 15.28-111.67 Bq kg-1, and 8.99-51.39 Bq kg-1 respectively. The mean value of the measured activity concentration of the radionuclides in the soil samples at the mining sites were 425.92±216.06, 40.34±12.58, 33.69±4.73 Bq kg-1 for 40K, 226Ra (238U), and 232Th respectively. The total Absorbed dose rate in air at the mining sites ranged from 52.25-64.00 nGy h-1 with mean of 57.32±4.44 nGy h-1 resulting to a corresponding annual effective dose equivalent of 63.2µSv?yr?^(-1) to 78.7µSv?yr?^(-1) and mean 71±6 µSv?yr?^(-1). The radium equivalent activity (Raeq), external hazard index (Hex), internal hazard index (Hin) and the gamma activity index (I_?r) were also estimated and compared with the international recommendation for radiological safety. Results of the study indicate that the minerals and soil samples from the sites will pose no health risk to the populace if used for building and construction, ceramics and pottery production in the area.
Assessment of Soil, Water and Plant Pollution by Heavy Metals from Petroleum and Petrochemical Companies in Nigeria[Full-Text ] Adeodu A. O, Daniyan I. A, Yusuff A. SThe intense consumption of refine petroleum products in Nigeria has put pressure on petroleum depots and companies thus becoming major sources of hazardous and air, water and soil pollution. Geo- accumulation (Igeo) Index approach was employed to predict the environmental impact on the contributions of petroleum depots and companies to soil, water and plant pollution. The results of the study are important to know the areas of the country that fall under the comparatively higher concentration of environmental pollution through petroleum companies. This is expected to assist researchers carry out measurement campaigns around the areas because of the inherent impact of the pollution upon living beings, crops production and environmental condition.
Design of low power CMOS inverter using forced nMOS approach[Full-Text ] Misbah Saad, Sangeeta MangeshThis paper introduces a new inverter technique known as reduce swing with forced 2n mos.The proposed (RSFM) reduce swing with forced 2n mos utilizes the property of both reduce swing as well as nmos inverters.Hence it provides a low power dissipation as compared to the other inverter techniques as mentioned below.It uses stack method to change the current through mos devices by altering W/L of mos devices.However the penalty for reduction in power is paid by increased delay and layout area.
Data Extraction and alignment for multiple web Databases[Full-Text ] Anuradha R. Kale, Prof V.T.Gaikwaid, Prof H.N.Datir.Web databases generate query result pages based on a user’s query. Automatically extracting the data from these query result pages is very important for many applications, such as data integration, which need to cooperate with multiple web databases. For this data extraction and alignment method are proposed. Data extraction from deep webs needs to be improved to achieve the efficiency and accuracy of automatic wrappers. For extraction CTVS that combines both tag and value similarity method are used to extract the data from multiple web databases. For Alignment re-ranking method are propose which employs semantic similarity to improve the quality of search results. Fetch the top N results returned by search engine, and use semantic similarities between the candidate and the query to re-rank the results. First convert the ranking position to an importance score for each candidate. Then combine the semantic similarity score with this initial importance score and ?nally get the new ranks.
Morphological and Voltammetric Characterization of Different Thicknesses of Spin Coated Nafion-Ru(bpy)32+ Thin Films[Full-Text ] Shirley Palisoc, Benjamin Simone Tuason, Michelle NatividadDifferent thicknesses of Ru(bpy)32+ were successfully deposited on ITO coated glass substrates by means of a straightforward method using a spin coater. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to study the surface morphology of the thin films. Cyclic voltammetry(CV) was used to determine the transport mechanism and the diffusion coefficient of the redox mediators within the films. Different film thicknesses were fabricated by varying the speeds with which the spin coater thinned out the films. SEM micrographs showed a trend of increasing smoothness with increasing thinning rate. CV results show successful incorporation of Ru(bpy)32+ within the films . The order of the magnitude of the diffusion coefficients confirmed that the redox mediators were immobilized within the Nafion thin film. The resulting thickness of redox mediator immobilized can be manipulated by simply varying the speed at which the deposited film is thinned out.
Multi-hop Fuzzy Routing for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink[Full-Text ] Abdolkarim Elahi, Ali Asghar Rahmani Hosseinabadi, Ali Shokouhi RostamiUsing clustering methods in sensor networks improves their efficiency and management.
Implementation of energy efficient and trust aware routing for WSNs - Energy Considera-tion[Full-Text ] Ms. Dipali Dikondwar, Prof. R. K. KrishnaWireless Sensor Networks are gaining popularity due to the fact that they offer low-cost solutions for a variety of application areas, but efficient defense against security attacks is a challenging task in the wireless sensor network environment. Although significant research effort has been spend on the design of trust models to detect malicious nodes based on direct and indirect evidence, this comes at the cost of additional energy con-sumption. In this paper we are implementing the energy module for wireless sensor network which will calculate the one transmission cost in terms of energy and accordingly find the route with least energy consumption.
Perameter Optimization For Tensile Strength Of Spot Weld For 316l Stainless Steel[Full-Text ] Arvinder Singh, Vanraj, Kant Suman, Suri N.MExperimental investigation on resistance spot welding has been carried out using L9Taguchi orthogonal array. 316L stainless steel material has been considered for experimental work. The spot welding input parameters, which are considered for this work are electrode force on plate, welding time and welding current, however tensile strength of nugget has been taken as output parameter. L-9 orthogonal array Results show that Welding current has significant impact on the tensile strength of nugget. The best suitable value of input parameters were found as follows Pressure (KN)3.1,Weldingtime(ms) 4,Welding current(kA)15.The output value maximum tensile strength is found to be 789.46( N/mm2 ).
Automation and Testing of Software Design Pattern for e-commerce Web Application Development using J2EE MVC Architecture[Full-Text ] Vedavyas J, Kumarswamy YThe Model-View-Controller design pattern is cited as the architectural basis for many J2EE web development frameworks. Here analysis of those changes, and proposes a separate Web-MVC pattern that more accurately describes how MVC is implemented in web frameworks. The MVC is very useful for constructing dynamic software systems. Partitioning decisions can be changed without modifying the application. The most important part of the design pattern is to build the reusable and well structured software. Thus it became worthy to detect which design patterns are present in the software system. Approaching this necessitate, techniques for automated design pattern detection have appeared in this paper. These applications using patterns help to reduce the maintenance costs and ease the creation of the new tests. Each pattern consists of definition and details highlighting its suitability for e-commerce test automation.
Aerodynamic Exterior Body Design of Bus[Full-Text ] A.Muthuvel, M.K.Murthi, Sachin.N.P, Vinay.M.Koshy, S.Sakthi, E.SelvakumarThe rising fuel price and strict government regulations makes the road transport uneconomical now a days. The exterior styling and aerodynamically efficient design for reduction of engine load which reflects in the reduction of fuel consumption are the two essential factors for a successful operation in the competitive world. The bus body building companies’ precedence’s are outer surface and structure of the bus and ignore the aerodynamic aspect. The present intercity buses have a poor aerodynamic exterior design. The overall aim of this project is to modify the outer surface and structure of the bus aerodynamically in order to reduce the effect of drag force of the vehicle which in turn results in reduction of fuel consumption of the vehicle. Experimental and numerical tests have been conducted in Wind Tunnel to prove the effectiveness of the new concept design. It is evident from the test result, that there has been a considerable reduction in drag force of about 30%-34% from the existing bus to the new concept and 6 to 7 litres of fuel is consumed for the every 100Km.
OLSRv2 Implementation and Performance Evaluation over OLSRv1 in MANET using QualNet 6.1[Full-Text ] Vikas Dahiya, Rohit Sangwan, Dr. Manoj Duhan, Kusum DalalMobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) consist of a collection of wireless mobile nodes which dynamically exchange data among themselves without the reliance on a fixed base station or a wired backbone network. All nodes are mobile and can be connected dynamically in an arbitrary manner. All the nodes of these networks behave as routers and take part in discovery and maintenance of routes to other nodes in the network. There are various protocols for handling the routing problem in the ad hoc wireless network environment. The OLSRv2 is being standardized in the IETF MANET working group. OLSR v2 uses the common packet format, which is also standardized in the MANET Working Group. In this paper, OLSR v2 and OLSR v1 details are introduced and then we have implemented the OLSR v2 protocol, which can run as a real-time protocol or in the QualNet 6.1 simulator. OLSR v2 performance is also compared with OLSR v1 for the same scenario. The performance is calculated in terms of metrics like throughput, packet delivery ratio, average jitter and average end to end delay.Don’t use all caps for research paper title.
Design of Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) based data acquisition system for avionic applications[Full-Text ] Parvathy M.Nair, Sabooj RayPresent data acquisition system for avionic applications uses microcontroller based architectures. Such systems may get affected in adverse conditions like high radiation environments and high temperature variations. To resolve this issue, an FPGA based data acquisition system for space applications is proposed. FPGA's can be used for reliable communication in high radiation environments and are available in military grades.The Flash-based ProASIC3E devices used for this work simplify total system design and reduce cost and design risk while increasing system reliability and improving system initialization time.The ProASIC3Efamily device architecture mitigates the need for ASIC migration at higher user volumes. This makes the ProASIC3E family a cost-effective ASIC replacement solution, especially for applications in the consumer, networking/ communications, computing, and avionics markets.This paper discusses the system concepts for implementing a wireless FPGA based data acquisition unit. The study involves the digitization of analog sensor channels, processing the digitized data, transfer of processed data between master and slave FPGA's. The simulation results are shown and the future course of action is identified.
Review and Comparison of BTC Based Feature Extraction Techniques in CBIR[Full-Text ] Aditi Mehta, Prof. Paulami shahIn fields such as medical, art galleries, museums, archaeology, medical imaging, trademark databases, criminal investigations, images especially the digital images grow in quantities of thousands and sometimes even lakhs every year. Content based image retrieval is required for such large databases. This paper compares various CBIR-BTC techniques based on difference in generating feature vectors in the non-transform domain. In this paper, Euclidean distance is used as the similarity measure. Two performance evaluation parameters are used; namely precision and recall.
Simple Model for Coding Geographic Location Coordinates[Full-Text ] Mohammed B. M. Albujeer, Loay E. GoergeIn the recent years, object location becomes a major part of mobile devices and a lot of device services depend on the current location of the device. Also, there are applications like health care applications, need historical location data. Dealing with the historical location data will issue two main points: the first is a large storage space is needed for these data and the second is the desired location accuracy requirement should be defined. Ignoring these two points and storing the location data as it is received from the GPS sensor will result in west of storage resource because of data redundancy and over accuracy. This simple model deals with both redundancy and desired accuracy of the location data. After determining the desired accuracy for the latitude/longitude coordinate parameters, the system starts to code this set of location data using simple predictive coding scheme. This simple proposed method gives in some cases 1:25 compression ratio.
Review of the Development in Process Capability Analysis[Full-Text ] Vidhika Tiwari, N.K.SinghThis review paper is devoted to the study for the analysis of the process capability of the manufacturing processes. The process capability indices Cp; Cpk Cpm, Cpmk, Cpy and Cpc are presented, related to process parameters and the practical applications of the conventional as well as some new indices in the manufacturing industries are provided.
Frequency Rate of Abnormal Morphologic Shapes of the Erythrocytes upon the Different Types of Anemia[Full-Text ] Jameela Ali Akrimi, Karim Al-Jashamy, Loay E. George, Azizah Suliman, Abdul Rahim AhmadAnaemia is one of the blood diseases that are different forms of blood cells. These shapes indicated the type of disease. It is through the study of 10,000 image from 19 types of anaemia has been drawn 40 different shapes of the natural shape of red blood cells. The interesting findings in this study are included Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is the most common cases disease; it could reach to 39.5% out of total cases. The most important frequency shapes in IDA are hypocromic microsite (54-62%), Ellipsoids (12-15%), Normocytes (9-11%) and (target, dear drop) (7-9%). Southeast Asian anaemia (SEA) is most common in Malaysia and might be second place after iron deficiency anaemia. The most common shapes of anaemic erythrocytes are stomatocytes (45-64%), kinzocyte (40-45%) and Basophilic (5-8%). Thalassemia showed about 93% of shape of total abnormal RBCs shaped. The majority of abnormal shapes were the hypocromic microsites (54-67%), target (17-21 %) and basophilic cells (8-15%). Megoblastic showed most common shapes of ovalocytosis (41-45%), spherocytosis (29-33%). Haemolytic anaemia is the fourth type of anaemia was shown the erythrocytes look hyporocromic macrosytis, which showed 39% of total abnormal cells. The majority of abnormal shape showed in the Spherocytis (29-35%), Polychromatophilia (13-16%) and Ovalocytosis (9-15%). Red distribution width (RWD) showed highest in IDA, which caused a wide variation in red cell size.
Introduction to Quad topological spaces(4-tuple topology)[Full-Text ] Dhanya V. MukundanIn this paper, we introduce a new concept Quad topological spaces (4-tuple topology). and de ned new types of closed sets q-closed, q-b closed and q-b closed sets on new topology.
Structural, Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of La-M Hexaferrite[Full-Text ] Mahadule R, Arjunwadkar P, Mahabole MThe series of samples with chemical composition CaxSryBa1-x-yFe12-zLazO19 have been prepared by standard ceramic route. The pellets of 13.18 mm diameter were prepared and sintered at 1430 K in air atmosphere for 72 hr and characterized by using XRD which shows predominant hexagonal magnetoplumbite (M) structure pertaining to space group P63/mmc (No. 194) . The determined mass density in present ferrite samples was found to vary linearly with sample’s volume, whereas the X-ray density depends on lattice constant and molecular weight of the sample. The computation of porosity has been done by considering bulk and X-ray density of the studied samples. The variations in the values of lattice parameter were recorded with increasing concentration of La and Ca. The dielectric properties of samples were studied in lower frequency range from 10Hz to 2MHz. The field-dependent magnetic properties of prepared samples were investigated at room temperature.
Production and optimization of Amylases Using Aspergillus niger[Full-Text ] Adharsh Rajasekar, RahulSribalaji Gandhiraj DhamodharanAspergillus niger (NCIM 820) was grown in rice bran since it’s a good carbon and starch source which has the ability to produce amylase. The optical growth of the isolate was found to be at 26 hours. Optimum amylase activity in rice bran was expressed on the fifth day of incubation as 334.51 µmol/lit min. The optimum pH was found to be 6 since the enzyme activity was higher and stable. This investigation suggests a means of production of amylase using rice bran for industrial purposes.
An Aggregated Utility Function for Negotiation to Model the Preference Ordering of Services in Cloud Computing[Full-Text ] Ariya T.K, Christopher Paul, Dr S.KarthikUtility function is generally used to represent an agent’s level of satisfaction in terms of price and time. The integration of negotiation with SLA gains much importance. Negotiation activities are needed for establishing contracts and resolving differences between providers and consumers in allocating cloud resources. Intelligent agents providing negotiation support. Controlling the negotiation flow is important for various businesses interested in the SLA. Cloud providers will need to consider and meet different QoS parameters of each individual consumer as negotiated in specific SLAs. This paper explains negotiation technique and simulation of cloud computing systems.
The evaluation of mass attenuation of charcoal[Full-Text ] Sabah Mahmood Amanullah AL-Jaff, Aahmed Mohammed Al-Bayati, Luma Saad Abdual Baqi, Hayder Saad AbdulbaqiIn this paper, the mass attenuation coefficient of the charcoal has been calculated by using a theoretical method depends on differential cross section, for following interactions (photoelectric which taken from Scofield 1973, Rayleigh which taken from Hubbell and Overbo 1979, Compton scattering which taken from Hubbell et al. 1975).The energy band ranged from (1keV - 1 MeV). The graph mass attenuation coefficient versus the energy shows that the maximum mass attenuation coefficients appear at the energy value (1 keV).
A proposed Semantic Description Framework for Semantic Grid Resources[Full-Text ] Tamer A. Farrag, Mohamed T. FaheemThe grid is the base of the modern trends in the field of computing systems. The grid systems suffer from the problem of weakness of the current data models which are used to define the gird resources. These models suffer from the lack of semantics which leads to resources wasting. The lack of semantics yields in misunderstanding of resources information and makes the process of inferring new relations among the grid resources almost not available. The use of the semantic data model makes the information about grid resources not only machine-readable (like the current grid systems) but also machine-understandable. The Semantic Grid refers to an approach used to grid computing in which information, computing resources and services are described using the semantic data model. The aim of this work is to use the semantic web technologies such as RDF , RDFS, OWL to obtain a new framework to redefine the different grid resources in a semantic manner.
A Simple Obstacle Counter Improved Upon to Work as an Intruder Detection System[Full-Text ] Agrata Kumar, Jaswant Mann, Monika Nehra, Nisha Jangra, Sharda VashsithThis paper presents an obstacle detector/counter which is further improved upon to work as an Intruder Detection System. The project is framed to count the number of obstacles as well as to provide security against any intruder either at home or at the workplace. The basic principle of this work is that whenever the light falling on the Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is obstructed then at that instant the count on the counter is incremented and this counts the number of obstacles which has passed the given check point. This task is accomplished by using a simple LDR, a BCD counter and a seven segment display. This portion of the circuit is further incorporated with a buzzer and a light (LED) which is used to indicate an intrusion by the intruder and the system is improved to work as an Intruder Detection System.
Modeling the Charge Transport through Graphene Nano Ribbon (GNR) Between Electrodes of Different Materials[Full-Text ] Ravinder Kumar, Gurkirpal Singh Dhami, DerickEnglesIn this paper, we analyzed the influence of changing the material of electrodes on the transport properties of single junction comprising GNR (Graphene Nano Ribbon) stringed to two semi-infinite electrodes using semi empirical model. The investigation of electron transport through GNR was accomplished by linking it to different metallic electrodes (Pt, Au and Ag) under different bias voltages within Keldysh's non- equilibrium Green Function formulism (NEGF) using Extended Huckel (EHT) semi empirical approach. The simulated results revealed that among different electrode, the metallic electrodes showed maximum conductance of the order of 10-5nS. By comparing the I-V curves obtained using different metallic electrodes , we perceived that platinum showed maximum conductance and silver showed transmission of current amidst strongest coupling and thus affirmed to be the most effective material for electrodes for nanometer scale molecular junctions, when compared with other metallic electrodes.
Simulation Modeling of Automatic Production Lines with Intermediate Buffers[Full-Text ] M. Heshmat, Mahmoud A. El-Sharief, M. G. El-SebaieA production line is an important class of manufacturing system when large quantities of identical or similar products are to be produced. The performance of a production line is highly influenced by machine failures. When a machine fails, it is then be unavailable during a certain amount of time required to repair it. Analysis of production lines divides into three types: analytical, approximation and simulation models. The analytical and approximation models have assumptions which make these models unrealistic such as reliable workstations, certain processing distribution, the first workstation cannot be starved and the last workstation cannot be blocked. The main problems in production lines treatment are the calculation of throughput and average levels of buffers because of the great size of state space. An analytical model is reviewed to clarify the limitations to use such treatment in real production lines. Simulation modeling of production lines is considered very important for designers interested in: Workload Allocation Problem (WAP), Server Allocation Problem (SAP), and Buffer Allocation Problem (BAP). This paper studies and analyzes the performance keys, which effect on production lines. A simulation model is developed by using ARENA software and used to analyze and test several bottlenecks that are causing severe congestions in different areas on the production line and could resolve all of these bottlenecks. In this paper, an actual cement production line is studied. After a simulation time of 13 days, a simulation results show the line bottlenecks, workstations utilization, buffer capacities and the line production rate. The outputs clarify redesign of allocation of buffers, which verify an optimum size could be made; it might be taken into consideration when designers implement such lines. Finally modified better workstations utilization, buffer capacities and the line production rate with an increase about 15% of the production rate and economizing of 37 % from buffer capacities.
Wireless Communication With LED[Full-Text ] Gurucharran.R.S , Vivek Reddy.TWhether you’re using wireless internet in a coffee shop, stealing it from the guy next door, or competing for bandwidth at a conference, you have probably gotten frustrated at the slow speeds you face when more than one device is tapped into the network. As more and more people and their many devices access wireless internet, clogged airwaves are going to make it. One germen phycist.Harald Haas has come up with a solution he calls “data through illumination” -taking the fibber out of fiber optic by sending data through an LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow. It’s the same idea band behind infrared remote controls but far more powerful. Haas says his invention, which he calls D-LIGHT, can produce data rates faster than 10 megabits persecond, which is speedier than your average broadband connection. He envisions a future where data for laptops, smart phones, and tablets is transmitted through the light in a room. And security would be snap - if you can’t see the light, you can’t access the data.
Simulated Design of Speedy and minimum Powered ADC for Serial link Receiver[Full-Text ] Disha S. Aherrao, S.W.VaradePower consumption is the key issue for implementing serial I/O receivers based on ADCs in high speed applications. This paper presents an ADC-based serial link receiver that uses 45nm technology. The receiver is based on a low power design of Analog to Digital converter, using 45nm technology thus lowering the power consumption of overall system. This paper proposes a low-gain mixed-mode or analog mode pre-filtering. The ADC- based receiver would pre-shape the signal and thus could reduce amount of Digital Signal Processing in it. Performance analysis has been done to show how performance and power efficiency can dramatically improved using non-uniform quantization levels. This paper is using Tanner tool 13.0 for the simulation of the proposed design. It can be seen that the modules used in the proposed ADC lowers the power consumption from the simulation results.
Spacetime Curvature And The Extra Dimension[Full-Text ] Aman MishraWith the advent of the space age, we have come across exotic objects like black holes, neutron stars etc. These objects have led us to understand space and its curvature around high gravitating objects. In this paper, I am trying to address that how black hole’s can be the source for us to see beyond the three physical dimensions of our universe and might give us a glimpse of another dimension. Any object in vacuum space which has physical mass has gravitating effects some objects have less gravitating effect while some have more, this gravitation can be understood in terms of space time curvature ,more the space time curvature more the gravitational attraction. If the space is not dominant by strong gravitating objects (means where the curvature is less) the time with respect to earth remains almost invariant but where the curvature is too high time dilates pretty quickly. So time is nothing but the property of space so one should look space and time as not different entities but the same i.e. space-time. Black holes have presumably the highest space time curvature and at the very centre of the black hole it is thought that space and time lose their meaning as we know it. In this paper we will see how the center which defies the laws of our universe might give us an outlook towards a different dimension
Design and Performance investigation of multiuser OCDMA network [Full-Text ] Parambir Singh, Manoj Kumar, Anurag SharmaOptical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) combines the large bandwidth of the fiber medium with the flexibility of the CDMA technique to achieve high speed connectivity. This paper presents the simulation module for OCDMA transmission and reception. The proposed network permits large number of users to communicate at high data rate. This paper describes a technology demonstrator for an incoherent optical code-division multiple-access scheme based on wavelength/time codes. The system supports 36 users operating at 10 Gsymbols/s/user while maintaining bit-error rate (BER) < 10-12 for the correctly decoded signal. Experiments support simulations which show that coherent beat noise, occurring between the signal and multiple access interference, ultimately limits system performance.
Impact of Non-Financial Rewards on Employee Attitude &Performance in the workplace - A case study of Business Institutes of Karachi[Full-Text ] Neelam Bari , Uzma Arif , Almas ShoaibThe purpose of the study is to find out the impact of non-financial rewards on employee attitude and to get information about the factors which affect their performance at workplace in the business institutes of Karachi. A survey was conducted from the different designation of employees and 9 Universities of Karachi were selected to find out whether the Non-Financial Rewards are offered to employees and if does, so itaffects employee attitude in the workplace and increases Employee Performance. Sample of 300 employees were taken, out of which 217 employees from nine Universities responded which were randomly selected. Data was gathered through Questionnaires containing 15 likert scale questions. The data obtained from the research are analyzed through SPSS 15.0. Correlation is used to analyze the data and the results showed thatfeedback to employees, freedom, career development plan, and valuation of employees, learning programs, open & comfortable work environment and good supervisory relations, all these factors positively impacts employee attitude and performance in the workplace. It would further be suggested that focusing the factors that positively impacts employee attitude and performance would enhance the performance of employee and create a positive work environment which will also help grow the Institute and its productivity. Their classroom performance will also be enhanced and students learning would also move upward.
THE ROLE OF STRUCTURING ELEMENT IN MORPHOLOGICAL IMAGE SEGMENTATION[Full-Text ] Pinaki Pratim Acharjya, Dibyendu Ghoshal Image segmentation is one of the most commonly used techniques in digital image processing. In image segmentation edge detection of an image reduces significantly the amount of data and filters out information that may be regarded as less relevant, preserving the important Structuring properties of an image. In recent days new edge detection algorithms are published each year and among these, watershed algorithm which is inherently based on mathematical morphology is an accepted one. In watershed algorithm, structuring elements plays a very unique role. The basic philosophy of using the structuring element in mathematical morphological operation lies in the fact that it serve as a seed or needle to collect the image information. In this paper a new approach of image segmentation and edge detection is presented with watershed algorithm using twelve new and proposed arbitrary structuring elements and morphological smoothing operation to reduce the over segmentation problem has been proposed and accordingly their performances are compared and discussed.
Edge Detection with Watershed Algorithm for Digital Image Using Fuzzy Logic[Full-Text ] Pinaki Pratim Acharjya, Dibyendu GhoshalImage segmentation and edge detection refers to the process of identifying and locating sharp discontinuities in an image. In this paper a method that integrates fuzzy logic and watershed segmentation algorithm using distance transform for digital image segmentation has been proposed. The proposed method has been applied to a digital image and better performance measure of contour detection has been achieved compared with conservative watershed method.
Segmentation of Medical Images Using Morphological Approach[Full-Text ] Pinaki Pratim Acharjya, Dibyendu GhoshalThe goal of image segmentation is to simplify and change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze. In recent days digital image segmentation plays a very important role in medical image analysis. In this paper a very effective image segmentation process for medical image segmentation has been presented. Objective of this paper is to segmenting the medical images using Laplacian of Gaussian (Log) operator with combination of watershed algorithm using distance transform for edge detecting human bones from X-Ray images.
A Study of the Factors Affecting Design and Choice of ERP Systems in Indian Organizations[Full-Text ] Uttkrishti Singh, Nirpesh VikramThis paper examines what are the factors that facilitate ERP better working and have impact on ERP system design and choice. It uses a case study methodology to study background of macro level organizations and implementation and use of ERP in them. Views of Engineers and managers business executives of various organizations are collected after doing personal interviews. Collected data is analyzed using binomial testing method to see impact of various factors taken in study. Among various factors studied only flexibility, cost of product minimization and centralized control of organization are found to be very effective on design and choice of ERP systems.
Spatial Analysis of Transportation Network for Town Planning of Aurangabad City by using Geographic Information System[Full-Text ] Ajay D. Nagne, Amol D. Vibhute, Bharti W.Gawali, Suresh C. MehrotraThe Spatial Analysis of Transportation Network for Town Planning task is performed for Aurangabad Municipal Corporation (AMC). The required data was collected from the NRSC, Hyderabad and AMC. The Arc GIS 10 is used to perform the extraction of region of Interest from primary data and for Road Generalization, like selection, merging, elimination, symbolization etc. Total Road length and total area is calculated using the ArcMap software, using these data and population data, a Population Density and Road Density is calculated. Network Dataset is created in Arc Catalog 10 which provides the number of Transport Lines and number of Junctions. It is used to calculate the Network Connectivity Indices. An Alpha Index, Beta Index, Gamma Index and Eta Index are calculated for Transportation Analysis. This provides the spatial relationship between the Transportation and Town planning of Aurangabad City. The experiment resulted in providing information regarding the highly burn and undeveloped Zones.
Analysis and Control of Harmonic Distortions on Electrical Distribution Systems in Benin - the Case of ABOMEY CALAVI NETWORKS[Full-Text ] HOUNDEDAKO Sossou, DAI TOMETIN Derrick, CHETANGNY K. Patrice, ESPANET ChristopheThe quality of electrical energy is characterized by stability of voltage, current, frequency, active and reactive power, power factor, peak factor and harmonic distortions of the sinusoidal wave forms. The consequences of harmonic distortions of transmitted electrical energy could be damage of condensers, untimely release of circuit breakers, resonance in the networks, warming of transformers and over-heating of electrical appliances. In this respect, the harmonics on the distribution networks of the Beninese Company of Electrical Energy (SBEE), at Abomey-Calavi were studied to develop techniques for analyzing and control of the system stability to meet international standards for power transmission. The electrical filter systems of the transmission networks were modeled, and simulated by MATLAB Simulink numerical tools to obtain data on levels of harmonic reduction. The harmonic disturbances caused by the nonlinear loads were reduced by 92.85 %. Also, reduction of the effective current by 18.20 % and apparent power by 18.04 % were achieved, while improvement of the power-factor by 12.65 %, a gain in energy (around 445 kWh), and increase in the capacity (by 18%) of the electrical distribution network of the SBEE were also obtained. Therefore, integration of the filters on the networks reduced the harmonics on the electrical energy distribution systems.
Anti-allodynic effects of a novel quinazolin-4(3H)-ones derivative: 2-(2-methyl-4-oxoquinazolin-3(4H)-yl)-N-p-tolylacetamide (P-TOL) in CCI and SNL induced neuropathic pain in rats[Full-Text ] Siddiqui Masood Ahmed, Upasani Chandrashekhar DevidasQuinazoline-4(3H)-ones and its derivatives are versatile nitrogen heterocyclic compounds and exhibit potent activities like analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Here we have investigated anti-allodynic potentials of some of the newly synthesized Quinazolines derivative. Pharmacological activity was evaluated in the rodent models of neuropathic pain (Chronic constriction injury and spinal nerve ligation). The compound T-02 (P-Tol) demonstrated good activity in neuropathic pain models. In Chronic constriction injury (CCI) the loose ligation of the sciatic nerve model, the compound T-02 (P-Tol) shows the significant effect at doses 3 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg when administered orally. The standard Gabapentin also shows the significant reduction in pain at dose 150 mg/kg after the oral administration. In spinal nerve ligation (SNL), the tight ligation to the L5 and L6 nerve, the compound T-02 (P-Tol) after oral administration we have not seen any significant reduction at low dose 1 mg/kg and 3 mg/kg. But at high dose 10 mg/kg compound shows the significant reduction in pain. The standard Gabapentin also shows the significant effect at dose 150 mg/kg. The results in present study demonstrate that the compound shows the remarkable effect on neuropathic pain. The effect of compound in CCI model shows more significant as compare to the SNL model of neuropathic pain. This may be due to the sensitivity produced by nerve damage.
A Morphological Approach of Image Segmentation Using Stochastic Gradients and Marker Controlled Watershed Transform[Full-Text ] Pinaki Pratim Acharjya, Dibyendu GhoshalIn this research paper a useful approach for digital color image segmentation is performed by combining stochastic gradient filter and marker controlled watershed transform. If only watershed algorithm be used for noisy image segmentation purpose, the over segmentation problem arise. This approach is based on the concept of stochastic gradient filter for generating gradient image from noisy images and marker controlled watershed transform for the reduction of over segmentation problem. The experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach to get the high accuracy image segmentation.
Design of Low Power Clock Gated Sense Amplifier Flip Flop With SVL Circuit[Full-Text ] P. Sathees Kumar, Prof. R. JagadeesanFlip-flops are critical timing elements in digital circuits which have a large impact on circuit speed and power consumption in VLSI circuits. In this paper, a dual-edge triggered flip-flop with high performance and clock gated sense amplifier flip-flop is designed. Moreover, the pulse generator can be shared among many flip-flops to reduce the power dissipation and chip area. By incorporating the Dual-Edge Triggering Mechanism in the new fast latch the DET-SAFF is able to achieve low-power consumption. But it has small delay. To further reduce the power consumption and delay at low switching activities, a Clock-Gated Sense-Ampli?er (CG-SAFF) is engaged. The proposed CG-SAFF demonstrates its advantage in terms of power reduction. Switching activity, CG-SAFF can realize maximum power saving. On the other hand, the speed remained almost constantly with a minimal overhead in terms of the switching the input signal by adding“Self-controllable Voltage Level (SVL)” Circuit. The result of the simulation demonstrates that this clock gated sense amplifier flip-flop with SVL Circuit is a viable means to improve design performance, operating speed and achieve the greater power efficiency.
Potential Antibacterial Activity of Marine Ascidian Aplidium multiplicatum From Vizhinjam Coast of India[Full-Text ] Divya t. Dharan & Dr. G PrasadAscidians are rich source of bioactive agent which could be used for novel antimicrobial drugs. In the present study a compound ascidia Aplidium multiplicatum, collected from Vizhinjam, south west coast of India was assayed for their antibacterial activity against six human bacterial pathogens. The antibacterial activity of crude extract of ascidians showed inhibitory activity against all six species. The crude methanol extract was more active exhibiting a broad spectrum antibacterial activity than the crude ethanol and acetone extract against each of the bacterial species tested. In antibacterial activity the gram negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa showed most sensitive against 12.0533± 0.010116 mm A.multiplicatum in crude methanol extract. And the minimum zone of 1.06± 0.121244 mm in K.pneumoniae in ethanol extract. One of the six species examined, gram negative were most susceptible after treatment with all fractions. The column purified 80%acetone extract of A.multiplicatum exhibited antibacterial activity against Proties mirabilis (12mm). In 100% acetone, 100%chloroform, and 40:60%M: C fractions showed higher activity against. P. aeruginosa these results indicated that the ascidian A.multiplicatum is found to have remarkable antimicrobial activities against isolated microbes. Further, studies will fulfill for purification and structural elucidation of antimicrobial drugs.
Islam for women, Role of her indivuality ?[Full-Text ] Reehana yaseenThe status of woman in Islam constitutes no problem. The attitude of the Qur'an and the early Muslims bear witness to the fact that woman is, at least, as vital to life as man himself, and that she is not inferior to him nor is she one of the lower species. Had it not been for the impact of foreign cultures and alien influences, this question would have never arisen among the Muslims. The status of woman was taken for granted to be equal to that of man. It was a matter of course, a matter of fact, and no one, then, considered it as a problem at all. In order to understand what Islam has established for woman, there is no need to deplore her plight in the pre-Islamic era or in the modern world of today. Islam has given woman rights and privileges which she has never enjoyed under other religious or constitutional systems. This can be understood when the matter is studied as a whole in a comparative manner, rather than partially.
Comparative Study on the Coagulating Properties of Alum and Moringa Oleifera[Full-Text ] A.M. Lawal, N. Tijjani, H. Hamisu, H. Dauda, Y. Ibrahim and A. A. MuhammadA comparative analysis was carried out on aluminum sulphate (alum) and Moringa oleifera seeds powder in respect of their coagulating effects in water purification. Various physico-chemical analyses were carried out in water samples treated with both alum and Moringa oleifera. These include turbidty, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), coagulated dirt, calcium ion, total hardness, magnesium ion, dissolved oxygen (DO) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). The samples treated with aluminium sulphate gave clearer water (turbidity ranged from 27.60NTU to 10.37NTU) with lower pH values (6.71 to 4.18) compared to samples treated with Moringa oleifera seeds powder (with turbidity values of 30.40NTU to 22.97NTU and pH ranged from 6.86 to 6.28). Samples treated with Moringa produced less number of flocs and total dissolved solids (TDS) in the samples than those treated with alum. Alum sample gives 56mg/l, 23.2mg/l, and 32.8mg/l of total hardness, calcium and magnesium respectively, while sample treated with Moringa shows lower values of total hardness, calcium and magnesium as 48mg/l, 18.4mg/l and 29.6mg. l respectively. Higher dissolved oxygen (DO) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) were observed in sample of Moringa (16.23mg/l and 10.70mg/l respectively), compared to that of alum with 13.33mg/l and 8.86mg/l of dissolved oxygen (DO) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) respectively.
EMPLOYMENT OF TRIBAL WOMEN IN INDIA’S INFORMAL SECTOR[Full-Text ] Dr. KUNTAL CHAKRABARTTYSome characteristics are essential to identify informal sector. These characteristics are mainly low level organization, casual labour relation; small owned accounting family, own enterprise or micro enterprise, ownership of fixed and other assets by self, involvement of family workers, easy entry and exit, free mobility, uses of indigenous resources and technology, absent of fixed working hours, unregistered and ported work, lack of employment social securities, use of labour intensive technology etc. As the employment opportunities in the formal/traditional sector of the economy is gradually shrinking due technological up gradation informal sector is the most growing up sector to offer employment opportunities for the unskilled labour force (rural & urban) in the developing economy like India.
Local sensitivity analysis of cardiovascular system parameters[Full-Text ] R. Gul and S. BernhardCardiovascular disease is one of the major problems in todays medicine and the number of patients increase worldwide. To treat these type of diseases, prior knowledge about function and dysfunction of the cardiovascular system is essential to identify the disease in an early stage. Mathematical modeling is a powerful tool for prediction and investigation of the cardiovascular system. It has been shown, that the Windkessel model, drawing an analogy between electrical circuits and fluid flow, is an effective method to model the human cardiovascular system. The aims of this work are the derivation of a computational cardiovascular model for the arm arteries, and to analyze the behavior of the vascular network structure by parameter sensitivity analysis.
Metric Space in Information Transmission[Full-Text ] Tsok Samuel Hwere, Kpanja Sunday Shammah and Okolo Patrick NoahIn this paper, we succinctly presented that information transmission satisfies the properties of metric space. The space of information source is infact a metric space to which a geometric picture can be ascribed. Much more in error-control codes, the measure of comparing two codes words of equal length is the hamming distance - is obviously a metric. To achieve this, we viewed the forgoing under information metric and hamming metric.
Soil pH & Electrical Conductivity of Unconformity related Uranium mineralization in Akkavaram area, in the part of Srisailam sub basin, Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh (India).[Full-Text ] Vishnu Bhoopathi, R.S.N. Sastry, B. Srinivas, M. Ramana Kumar, S. Niranjan KumarPedogeochemical sampling over an area of 24 Sq.Km taken up in the Akkavaram, which is in the part of Srisailam Formation NW of Cuddapah basin, to assess the soil pH and EC of the unconformity-related uranium mineralisation of the area . The area mainly consists of the basement granite, dolerite dikes, basal pebbly quartzite and intercalated shale. Pedogeochemical sampling is carried out on a grid of 1 Km x 1 Km out of 24 Sq.Km and 24 soil samples collected from - different geological -formations. It is observed that the pH is high along the unconformity where we also observe uranium mineralization, whereas EC is low. The low pH & high EC is observed in the soil samples away from the unconformity indicating mobile nature of uranium.