ICICE 2013 Conference
IJSER, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition
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Removal of Cr (VI) in aqueous solution using iron oxide coated sand (IOCS)[Full-Text ] Aditya Dhagat, Bhushan Goyal, Lalsangzela SailoIn the present study, Iron Oxide Coated Sand (IOCS) was applied to treat water contaminated with chromium. The effect of adsorbent dosage and pH on the removal of chromium (Cr) from aqueous solution using IOCS has been investigated. Batch mode experiment was carried out to assess the adsorption kinetics and equilibrium studies. The kinetics study was best described by pseudo second order. Moderate fitting of Elovich model and intraparticle diffusion model suggested complex adsorption i.e. surface sorption and intra-particle diffusion as rate controlling steps. The adsorption isotherm data fitted well to Freundlich isotherm.
Prediction of PM, SO2 & NOX - GLC'S from Point Source Emissions Using Air Modeling[Full-Text ] M.S.Priyanka Yadav, Ravi Kumar Gaurav, Jahnavi.B, Dr.G.Dasartha RamAir quality assessment by integrating measurement techniques and modeling tools is a crucial element in pollution mitigation. The air modeling tools are routinely used in the environmental impact assessments, risk analysis, emergency planning, and source apportionment studies. Recent strategies for air pollution control in industries have largely neglected the emission reduction measures which are the prime polluting sources. To accomplish this, various air dispersion models have been developed and used worldwide so far for different applications under different scenarios. The Gaussian plume model is a standard approach for studying the transport of pollutants due to turbulent diffusion and advection by the wind. Applications of such models have been made mandatory. It has therefore assumed greater importance for the academicians, consultants and regulatory authorities.
Heavy Metal Removal from Water using Moringa oleifera Seed Coagulant and Double Filtration[Full-Text ] Ravikumar K, Prof.Sheeja A KThe quality and accessibility of drinking water are of paramount importance to human health. Drinking water may contain disease-causing agents and toxic chemicals and to control the risks to public health, systematic water quality monitoring and surveillance are required. Thousands of chemicals have been identified in drinking water supplies around the world and are considered potentially hazardous to human health at relatively high concentrations. Heavy metals are the most harmful of the chemical pollutants and are of particular concern due to their toxicities to humans. Moringa oleifera seed acts as a natural coagulant, adsorbent and antimicrobial agent. It is believed that the seed is an organic natural polymer. The coagulation mechanism of the Moringa oleifera coagulant protein has been described as adsorption, charge neutralization and interparticle bridging. It is mainly characteristic of high molecular weight polyelectrolyte. Analysis of the heavy metals cadmium, copper, chromium, and lead were performed before and after treatment of water with Moringa oleifera seed coagulant. The results showed that Moringa seeds were capable of adsorbing the heavy metals tested in some water samples. The percentage removal by Moringa seeds were 95 % for copper, 93 % for lead, 76 % for admium and 70 % for chromium. In this study the advantage of proposing a sequential process using coagulation with Moringa oleifera seed and double filtration (Up-flow roughing filtration followed by rapid filtration) for the removal of heavy metals from water is analysed.
An Experimental Study On Duckweed For Improving Pond Water Quality[Full-Text ] S.Vanitha, NVN.Nampoothiri, C.Sivapragasam, Anitha Menon.MThis paper deals with the laboratory experiments on the case studies prepared using pond water, 'Duckweed' and a toxic herbicide 'Glyphosate'. The water used in this study was collected from 'Mariyan Oorini' pond, 'Sattur', 'Virudhunagar' district of Tamilnadu. The experiments were performed on five cases for 10 days and the various physiochemical parameters such as DO (dissolved oxygen), temperature, Nitrate, Ammonia, Phosphate, Turbidity, pH were analysed. These results were very much useful in understanding the removal efficiency of pollutants from the water sample by Duckweed. This study is also helpful to understand the effect of Glyphosate dosage on Duckweed growth.
Reduction of COD of Pulp and paper mill effluent using Sequencing batch reactor[Full-Text ] Afzal Husain Khan, Iqbal Khan, Nadeem Ahmad khan, Misbahul Islam, Arshad HusainPaper mills generate varieties of pollutants depending upon the type of the pulping process. The wastewaters discharged from these mills have high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and colour, which indicating high concentrations of recalcitrant organics. This study was conducted using a Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor of 3.3 L working volume, operated in an aerobic condition and packed with .For the two months, they can be set at 24 hours and later it was adjusted to 12 hours in order to evaluate the performance of the system. The treated wastewater samples for these studies were taken from a recycled pulp and paper mill factory in Moradabad, India with different batch characteristics. The results also indicated that the Biofilm attached can substantially remove these ecalcitrant organics in the wastewater, within the range of 10 - 100% COD removal. COD reduction can see easily and the use combination with SBR is one of the best methods for the COD reduction. Thus, COD reduction can observed about 60-80%.
Suitability of Sludge as a Building Material[Full-Text ] Krishna Priya Nair, Vivek J M, Prof.Shibu KDifferent industries produce sludge of different quality and in different quantities. Common method adopted for disposing the sludge is land filling. Landfill disposal of the sludge has drawbacks like high cost of transportation, difficulty in getting suitable sites for land filling, heavy metal contamination of the land, emission of foul gases etc. Thus the disposal of sludge has become a major issue.The objective of this study is to identify the possibilities of using the sludge obtained from effluent treatment plant in Hindustan Latex Limited,Trivandrum as a brick material. The different engineering properties were also studied by conducting tests on brick specimens of various mix proportions prepared.It was seen that when percentage of sludge was increased beyond 60%, water requirement as well as water absorption of the bricks increased by 18%. But at the same time, compressive strength of the brick deccreased by 10.85% . But on addition of cement, flyash and sisal fibres, the compressive strength increased by 30% and thre properties of the bricks improved.Further it can be added that other alternatives like coir fibres,charcoal husk ,lime whose addition shall enhance the properties which can be considered as the scope for future research.
Cyclic Response of Stone Columns[Full-Text ] K.V.S.B. Raju, L.Govinda raju, Chandrashekhar A.SStone column is a proven ground improvement technique to improve the stiffness of ground in weak soils. It is found from the literature that lot of studies was confined on static behavior of stone columns but studies were limited on the cyclic behavior of stone columns. The necessity of cyclic behavior arises when the improved ground is to resist dynamic loads such as machine loads, seismic loads and cyclic loads. In this paper an attempt is made to study the behavior of stone columns subjected to cyclic loading to improve the characteristics of black cotton soil. The cyclic behavior was investigated by conducting a number of cyclic plate load tests on end bearing and floating stone columns. Also studies were also extended to encased stone columns with geosynthetic material. From the cyclic plate load tests a parameter known as coefficient of elastic uniform compression was found which is used in the design of machine foundations. It is found that as compared to untreated black cotton soil alone, the coefficient of elastic uniform compression (Cu) increases with inclusion of stone columns and further when compared to floating stone columns the parameter (Cu) increases for end bearing stone columns. Also when compared to single stone columns the parameter (Cu) increases for group of stone columns, and further it more in case of encased stone columns due to increased lateral stiffness due to encasement.
Capacity evaluation of Lead cell foundation[Full-Text ] K. Subhashini, C. Harikumar, C. Sivathanu PillaiShielding of radiations emitted by radioactive specimens is usually done using lead wall as lead is considered to be the best radiation shielding metal. Impact toughness of irradiated samples made out of stainless steel, from the PFBR main vessel and safety vessel, is to be found out for design requirements. For this a shielded impact test facility is needed due to the high gamma emission from the irradiated specimen. Lead is well known among the heavy metals for its shielding properties. The present work is based on the evaluation of capacity of the existing foundation for static load due to the placement of lead bricks as shielding arrangement in both strength and serviceability.
Effect Of Fly Ash On The Properties Of Expansive Soil[Full-Text ] Mahesh G. Kalyanshetti, Satish Basavaraj ThalangeExpansive soil is highly problematic because of the susceptibility of this soil to undergo large change in volume due to fluctuation in moisture content. Various stabilizers' are used such as lime, cement and calcium chloride. In the present scenario fly ash has emerged as an one of the potential admixture to stabilize the soil. In the present work an attempt is made to understand the effect of fly ash on various properties of expansive soil. For this study locally available soil is used which is highly expansive. Fly ash is mixed in various proportions in a parent soil. For these various proportions of fly ash different properties of soil are determined in laboratory and compared with the parent expansive soil properties. The study is carried out on various properties i.e. compaction properties, Atterberges limits, free swell index, swelling pressure, C.B.R (Soaked and Unsoaked).The study reveals that there is an appreciable reduction in the swelling characteristics of soils. This is upto extent of 40% to 50%. CBR value is improved by 70% to 75% with addition of fly ash. It is also observed that addition of fly ash beyond 20% is not significant on many of above properties.
Analysis of Geotextile Reinforced Embankment on Difficult Subsoil Condition[Full-Text ] Jigisha M. Vashi, Atul K. Desai, Chandresh H. SolankiThe behavior of geotextile reinforced embankment (GRE) on difficult subsoil condition was analyzed in this study. The embankment were backfilled with flyash(80%) & clay(20%) soil and the safety factors obtained from general limit equilibrium and finite element analysis. To compare with the analysis results from the GRE, variable geotextile stiffness of 50 to 2000 kN/m were taken as reinforcement and series of finite element method (FEM) analyses were carried out with GEO5-FEM software. The FEM analysis results showed that failure plane of stress counter for different model with variable stiffness was more or less consistent with each other. Modeling results such as the maximum horizontal and vertical displacements in GRE have a good agreement with the measured data by other researchers. In addition, maximum horizontal displacements and vertical settlement have not noteworthy influence while decreasing vertical spacing of 0.5m to 0.4 m for geotextile. Based on this study, it could be concluded that beyond 500 kN/m strength of geotextile reinforcement is not effective to reduce the displacement of the embankment face and/or the deformation of the backfill soil even if the mobilized tensile stress after construction is very small.
Design of Amended Soil Liner[Full-Text ] Emy Poulose, Prof. Ajitha A. R., Dr. Sheela Evangeline Y.Landfills are highly engineered waste containment systems, designed to minimize the impact of solid waste on the environment and human health. In modern landfills, the waste is contained by liner and cover system. The greatest threat to ground water posed by modern landfills is leachate. Leachate consists of water and water soluble compounds in the refuse that accumulate as water moves through the landfill. Barrier layer in liner system are used to prevent the flow of leachate out of landfill. These are normally constructed with very low permeability clay. When low permeability clay is not available locally, in- situ soils may be mixed with medium to high plasticity imported clay, or commercial clays such as bentonite to achieve the required low hydraulic conductivity. Such liners are called amended soil liners. In this work, two amended soil liners are designed one clay soil from Kuttanad region, fine sand and bentonite and the other with Kaolinite, fine sand and bentonite.
Role of Moulding Water Content on the Strength Properties of Red Earth treated with Mine tailings[Full-Text ] Dr. H.N.Ramesh, Mr. A.J.Krishnaiah, Mrs.M.D. SupriyaThe role of moulding water content from the dry of optimum to wet of optimum condition, in the strengt properties of Red earth (RE) in presence of mine tailings (MT) was investigated and presented in this paper. During compaction the structure of clay particles can change from flocculated to dispersed states when water content increased from dry of optimum to wet of optimum conditions. Water content plays an important role in soil-mine tailings mixtures and it increases from dry of optimum to wet of optimum conditions due to formation of pozzolanic compounds. In the present investigation an attempt has been made to improve the strength of red earth treated with mine tailings and to examine the possibility of using mine tailings as stabilizing agent for ground improvement at different moulding water content for various curing periods. The test results clearly lndicate that the strength ratio of red earth treated with mine tailings is higher on wet of optimum condition than optimum and dry of optimum conditions at different moulding water content for various curing period. The strength ratio increased by 2.5, 1.75and 3.56 folds respectively for dry of optimum, optimum and wet of optimum conditions respectively. However, the strength ratio is increased by 3.56 folds on wet of optimum condition which is advantages for constructions.
Effect of Fly Ash on CBR and DCPT Results of Granular Sub Base Subjected to Heavy Compaction[Full-Text ] Ratna Prasad, R., Darga Kumar, N., and Janardhana, M.The granular subbase compacted at 5% of fly ash is showed higher dry density compared to all other proportions of fly ash. As the percentage of fly ash increases from 0 to 25%, the CBR values are decreasing. Up to 5 to 10% of fly ash addition to granular subbase has not shown any large decrease in CBR values, but addition of fly ash content beyond 15% to the granular subbase showed about 50 to 60% reduction in CBR. The CBR values obtained from empirical formulae showed lower values than the laboratory CBR values.
Strength Behaviour Of Randomly Distributed Fibre Reinforced Natural Sand[Full-Text ] Dr.T.SambaiahThe need for improvement of ground is ever increasing due to rapid growth in infrastructure development. The randomly distributed fibre reinforced sand is one of the popular ground improvement techniques. The need for selection of a suitable fibre material is an important aspect. A constitutive model for prediction of sand reinforced with any fibre will help in proper selection of the fibre material. Efforts were made in this study to conduct a series of triaxial compression tests and based on the test results, efforts were made to constitute a statistical model. To achieve the objective, a series of tri-axial tests were conducted on Aleru River Sand in its Natural grain size form reinforced with four different fibre materials viz., Nylon, Steel, Plastic coated copper wire and coir. These fibres are mixed in 1%, 3%, 4% and 5% duly varying the Aspect Ratios at 25 and 85. The results indicated an improvement in strength behaviour of Sand Reinforced with fibre in randomly distributed form. The investigations showed an improvement in Strength Ratio upto 4.06 and Bearing Capacity Ratio upto 5.58 when 5% of steel fibre with Aspect ratio 25 is used. Based on the results, a statistical constitutive model was developed to predict the primary variable viz., the Deviatoric Stress at failure. The regression equations obtained showed R2 values in the range of 0.947 indicating good agreement. To sum up, this provided a tool to predict the BCR for Natural sand reinforced with fibres, based on fibre characteristics.
Factors Influencing The Prediction Of Resistance In A Meandering Channel[Full-Text ] Saine S. Dash, Kishanjit K. Khatua, Prabir K. MohantyFlow in a meandering channel is a complex mechanism which is very crucial for its analysis for different investigators in the field of river hydraulics. Accurate scientific analysis helps to predict different flow variables of a meandering channel. In a meandering channel the flow properties are found to be affected by different geometric, surface and flow parameters. In the present work, an experimental investigation has been done to analyse the important parameters affecting the flow behavior in a meandering channel. Emphasis has been made to analyse the dependency of flow resistance in term of Manning' n of a meandering channel. The factors influencing for predicting the roughness coefficient of a meandering channel are non-dimensionlised and its dependency with different parameters are presented.
Effect of reinforcement Spacing on the Performance of Embedded Circular Footing in Reinforced FlyAsh[Full-Text ] S. Gangadara, H.C. MuddarajuFly ash, having certain desirable characteristics is now recognized as a valuable substance in many applications. A study is under-taken to expand the knowledge concerning reinforced earth by investigating the potential benefits of using reinforced earth to improve the bearing capacity and to reduce the settlement of Fly ash beds, a waste material replacing the soil under repeated loading. The stress-strain behavior and strength properties of fly ash are improved with the inclusion of geosynthetic materials. The use of reinforced earth concept has been widely accepted in many areas of construction but the utilization of flyash in place of back fill soil has not gained much attention of researchers. The present work aims at conducting experiments on embedded circular footing in unreinforced and reinforced fly ash beds subjected to repeated loading in order to investigate the effect of reinforcement spacing on their performance. The experimental results clearly demonstrated that the spacing of reinforcement is an important parameter to be considered and the optuimum spacing of the reinforcement is 0.3B, where B is the diameter of the circular footing.
Effect Of Elevated Temperatures On Physical And Residual Strength Properties Of Hpc[Full-Text ] Kishor S. Kulkarni, K S Babu Narayan and Subhash C. YaragalThis paper reports a study of the effect of elevated temperatures on physical and residual strength properties of High Performance Concrete (HPC) produced on of with incorporat pozzolanic materials, such as Ground Granulated Blast Slag (GGBS) and/or Silica Fume (SF) etc. To evaluate the residual mechanical properties of thermally damaged High Performance Concrete (HPC), 100 mm cube specimen were exposed to elevated temperatures of 1500C to 9000C and retained for 2 hours. After being cooled to room temperature in the furnace, colour change was observed and sorptivity test was carried out on exposed HPC specimen. The compressive strength and split tensile strengths were determined by destructive testing. The result show that HPC containg GGBS performs better than that of HPC containing SF.
Fracture Properties of Fibre Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete[Full-Text ] Deepa Raj S., Ruby Abraham, N. Ganesan, Divya SasiThe global demand of concrete for construction of infrastructures is continuously increasing in order to maintain the ongoing growth and to accommodate the needs of the increasing population. The production of cement is highly energy intensive and it emits a lot of CO2 into the air which adds to global warming. One of the efforts to produce more environment friendly concrete is to reduce the use of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Geopolymer concrete (GPC) is a 'new' concrete that does not need cement for its production. This is usually based on fly ash as a source material. The behaviour of GPC has to be studied in detail to check its suitability in construction industry.In the present study, the influence of the volumetric fraction of steel fibers on the fracture behaviour of geopolymer concrete was investigated. Three-point bending test on notched prisms with a/W (notch depth/beam depth) ratio equal to 0.4 was used. The values of ultimate load, fracture toughness, fracture energy, ductility and critical crack mouth opening displacement were measured. A total of 24 specimens were prepared using M30 grade geopolymer concrete and conventional concrete (PCC) of same grade and the fibre content was varied from 0 to 0.75% with an increment of 0.25%. According to the experimental results, geopolymer concrete exhibited enhanced fracture properties compared to conventional concrete of the same grade.
Experimental Study on Combined Effect of Fly Ash and Pond Ash on Strength and Durability of Concrete[Full-Text ] S.A. Haldive, Dr. A. R. KambekarEnergy generation is increasing day by day due to rapid industrialization. Energy generation through thermal power plants is very typical now days. Fly ash (FA) from these thermal plants is available in large quantities in fine and coarse form. Fine fly ash is used in construction industry in some amount and coarse fly ash is subsequently disposed over land in slurry forms. In India around 160 MT fly is produced and only 40% of that is being utilized in different sectors. Balance fly ash is being disposed over land. Currently around 65000 acres of land is occupied by fly ash. It needs one acre of land for ash disposal to produce 1MW electricity from coal. The worldwide requirement of construction aggregate is estimated to be more than 40 billion MT and more than 3 billion MT of raw materials is required for cement production. Fly ash and pond ash utilization helps to reduce the consumption of natural resources. This paper presents laboratory investigation of concrete produced using fly ash, pond ash (PA) and OPC53 grade. An attempt has been made to investigate characteristics of OPC concrete and combined fly ash- pond ash mixed concrete for various parameters like compressive strength, water permeability and rapid chloride penetration test (RCPT). Results of the laboratory investigation conclude that the performance of concrete made up of combination of fly ash and pond ash is superior to that of Ordinary Portland Cement concrete.
Feasibility Study of Fly Ash as a Replacement for Fine Aggregate in Concrete and its Behaviour under Sustained Elevated Temperature[Full-Text ] Parvati V. K, Prakash K.B.Increasing shortage of natural fine aggregates in concrete at present leads to search for alternate sources for its replacement. In the present investigation of feasibility of using fly ash which is an industrial by product as a replacement of fine aggregate is studied. This paper presents the results of experimental investigation carried out to evaluate the strength performance of concrete by replacing natural sand by fly ash in various percentages when subjected to elevated temperature. The replacement of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70% and 80% of fine aggregate with fly ash is considered and the concrete is exposed to elevated temperature of 200°C, 400°C, 600°C and 800°C. The various strength parameters studied are compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength and shear strength as per the relevant IS standards. The experimental results indicate significant improvement in strength properties of plane concrete with replacement of fine aggregate by fly ash when it is subjected to elevated temperature. Therefore it is feasible to adopt fly ash as a partial replacement of fine aggregate when it is exposed to elevated temperature and can be effectively used for structural concrete.
Effect of Wollastonite micro fiber addition in mortar and concrete mixes[Full-Text ] Shashi Kant Sharma, G.D.Ransinchung R.N., Praveen KumarConcrete and mortar though are same units, made of same kind of material, but still there is a lot of difference in their properties. We can say that a lot of properties depend upon mortar paste, for example: strength, flow, workability; but addition of aggregates play an important role due to the formation of a transition layer between them and mortar. The strength of concrete in that case, may be more, equal or less than the mortar, depending upon the strength of interface. If another material, like a microfiber is introduced above that, then the property of concrete changes significantly. The microfiber acts at the interface of cement-sand and mortar-aggregate and reinforces the frontal process zone present, there itself. This reduces the shrinkage of composites thus making them quasi brittle. In this study experimental results show that, flexural strength which is an indicator of shrinkage resistance of cement composites, improves with the addition of wollastonite micro fiber. It is beneficial to take wollastonite microfiber and silica fume in ratios between 2:1 to 3:1. About 27.5% cement replacement can be achieved by wollastonite micro fiber addition. Also it was found that, in concrete, the rate gain of flexural tensile strength and compression strength with age was lower by about 60% and 30% as compared to the same rate gain in mortar.
Use of Blast Furnace Slag Aggregate in Concrete[Full-Text ] K.G. Hiraskar and Chetan PatilThe Iron industries produce a huge quantity of blast furnace slag as by-product, which is a non-biodegradable waste material from that only a small percentage of it is used by cement industries to manufacture cement. In the present investigation Blast Furnace Slag from local industries has been utilised to find its suitability as a coarse aggregate in concrete making. Replacing all or some portion of natural aggregates with slag would lead to considerable environmental benefits. The results indicate that the unit weight of Blast Furnace Slag aggregate concrete is lower than that of the conventional concrete with stone chips. The experimental result show that replacing some percentage of natural aggregates by slag aggregates causes negligible degradation in strength. The compressive strength of Blast Furnace Slag aggregate concrete is found to be higher than that of conventional concrete at the age of 90 days. It has also reduced water absorption and porosity beyond 28 days in comparison to that of conventional concrete with stone chips used as coarse aggregate.
Soil-structure interaction analysis of RC frame shear wall buildings over raft foundations underseismic loading[Full-Text ] H.K Chinmayi, B.R JayalekshmiStructural failures during earthquakes in the past demonstrated the importance of soil-structure interaction (SSI) effects and its consideration to avoid failure and ensure safety. The present study focuses on SSI analysis of RC frame shear wall building over raft foundation subjected to seismic loading. Multi story buildings symmetric in plan of height below 45m, located in seismic zone V according to IS1893:2002 are considered. The stress resultants in the structure and raft foundation considering SSI are compared with stress resultants obtained by the conventional method of analysis assuming rigidity at the base of the structure. The results show the significance of SSI effect
Challenges in design and construction of building housing 100 T shake table[Full-Text ] C. Harikumar, R. preetha, Davy Herbert, C. Sivathanu PillaiA shake table of 100 MT, largest in India was established at Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Kalpakam for conducting seismic qualification experiments of large size components of Fast Breeder Reactor. The table is placed on massive block foundation. The site is collocated with major safety structures. Attenuation relations were evaluated for rock blasting to avoid blasting related damage to the structures and personal. This paper presents the details of design and construction methodology adopted for this structure.
ParametricInvestigations on Behaviour of Square CFST Columns[Full-Text ] Ziyad A. Khaudhair, P.K. Gupta,A.K. AhujaA three-dimensional non-linear finite element model using ANSYS code has been used to conduct a parametric study presented in this paper. Theaim of this parametric study is to study the load carrying capacity and post-yield characteristics of axially loaded Concrete Filled Steel Tube (CFST) columns with square cross section. The verified computational model has beenused for predicting the ultimate axial load carrying capacity of CFST columnshaving different sizes filled with normal compressive strength concrete. The specimens were selected to simulate the cross-section sizes in actual construction practice. All specimens hadlength equal to three times the cross-sectionwidth to behave as short columns and neglect the effect of slenderness.The parameters of this study were cross-section width and thickness of steel tube. Effects of these parameters on enhancement the properties of concrete core, load carrying capacity and post-yield behaviour have been numerically investigated.
Effect of Corrosion on Load Deflection Behaviour of OPC concrete in NBS Beam[Full-Text ] Akshatha Shetty, Katta Venkataramana, Babu Narayan K. SProblems of corrosion have always been a matter of serious concern for structural engineers. The problems of corrosion are widespread all over the globe. Expansive corrosion products provoke cracks along the reinforcement, and subsequently, spalling of the concrete cover occurs. loss of bond-strength may lead to reduction in load bearing capacity.This paper aims to quantify the experimental investigation on load carrying capacity and center deflection behavior under different degree of corrosion levels on Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) in NBS beam specimen.
Assessment of First Order Computational Model for Free Vibration Analysis of FGM Plates[Full-Text ] K. Swaminathan, D. T. NaveenkumarThis paper presents the complete theoretical formulation and the analytical solutions for the free vibration analysis of functionally graded material (FGM) plates using First-order Shear Deformation Theory (FSDT). The material properties are assumed to be isotropic along the plane of the plate and vary through the thickness according to the power law function. The equations of motion are obtained using Hamilton's principle. The analytical solutions are obtained in closed-form using Navier's solution technique and by solving the eigenvalue equation.
Higher order computational model for the thermoelastic analysis of cross-ply laminated composite plates[Full-Text ] K. Swaminathan, Reginald FernandesAnalytical formulations and solutions for the stress analysis of simply supported cross-ply laminated composite plates subjected to thermal load based on higher order refined theory are presented. In addition, another higher order theory and the first-order theory developed by other investigators and already available in the literature are also considered for the evaluation. The equation of equilibrium is obtained using Principal of Minimum Potential Energy (PMPE). Solutions are obtained in closed form using Navier's technique by solving the boundary value problem. The transverse stresses are obtained by integrating equilibrium equations. Plates with different aspect ratio are studied. Numerical results are presented for the displacments and the stresses.
Ductility Behavior of reinforced high volume flyash concrete beams[Full-Text ] R.Preetha, Joanna.P.S, Jessy Rooby,C.Sivathanu PillaiDuctility behavior of reinforced high volume flyash beams in comparison with reinforced ordinary Portland cement beams were studied experimentally. The ductility factors obtained experimentally are also compared with theoretical values .
Investigations on Elastic Behaviour of Corrugated Plates[Full-Text ] Lathi Karthi, C.G.NandakumarThe high inherent stiffness of corrugated profile along with high, strength to weight ratio, makes the corrugated plates a versatile construction material in marine structures, girders, decking, sheet piling, roofing, wall cladding and even as blast walls on offshore installations. Corrugated plates undergo bending due to transverse loading and buckling due to inplane compressive loads. Very few research publications are available in the strength prediction of corrugated plates under different load combinations and various boundary conditions. In many of the studies, the corrugated plates are approximated as orthotropic plates of uniform thickness but differ in the elastic properties along the two perpendicular directions. A parametric study on the strength of corrugated plates with varyinyg parameters viz., thickness, angle of corrugation and aspect ratio for various boundary conditions have been carried out using linear elastic analyses. Equations for maximum principal stress and maximum deflection for corrugated sheets subjected to various loadings with simply supported boundary condition are made available in non dimensional parameters based on the multivariable regression method.
Strength Parameters of Self Compacting Concrete With Partial Replacement of Cement by Rice Husk Ash and Natural Sand by Filtered Sand[Full-Text ] Praveen.G.Suryavanshi, Dr. B. P. Annapurna, Dr. K Chethan, Manjunath N.K, Chandrashekar H.SThis paper presents an experimental study on the strength parameters of SCC with Rice Husk Ash (RHA) and filtered sand (FS) as a partial replacement for cement and sand respectively in SCC of M70 grade, termed as RHA-FS SCC. The cement has been replaced by RHA in four different levels of 5%, 10%, 15% & 20%, and FS in four different levels of 25%, 50%, 75% & 100%. Strength parameters of Compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strengths of RHA-FS SCC are tested for 28 days & 56 days curing periods. Strength parameters of RHAFS SCC are compared with Conventional SCC; it is found that SCC with Filtered Sand (FS) for the replacement of sand in proportion of 50:50 along with Rice Husk Ash (5%, 10%, 15% & 20%) had more strength than the other proportions of FS & RHA.
Response of a 3-Dimensional 2 X 3 Bays Ten Storey RC Frame with Steel Bracings as Lateral Load Resisting Systems Subjected To Seismic Load[Full-Text ] Venkatesh S.V., Sharada Bai H., Divya S.P.A natural hazard like Earthquake causes damage to or collapse of buildings if not designed for lateral loads resulting due to Earthquake. Hence for seismic resistance for high rise structures it is important to provide exclusive Lateral Load Resisting System (LLRS) which will supplement the behavior of moment resisting frames in resisting the lateral load. Some of the LLRS commonly used are shear walls, infill frames and steel bracings. In the present study, an attempt is made to study the difference in structural behavior of 3-dimensional (3D) two-bays - three-bays, 10 storey basic moment resisting RC frames when provided with steel bracings as LLRS. The detailed investigations are carried out for zone V of Seismic zone of India, considering primary loads and their combinations. Three models are analyzed consisting of one basic moment resisting RC frame and other two include basic moment resisting RC frame with external and internal steel bracings. The results obtained from the linear dynamic analysis are thoroughly investigated for maximum values of joint displacements, support reactions, beam forces and forces in steel bracings. The results indicate better resistance to lateral load of the frames in the presence of steel bracings.
Review of Particle Packing Theories Used For Concrete Mix Proportioning[Full-Text ] Mangulkar M. N., Dr. Jamkar S.S.High performance concrete (HPC) has became more popular in recent years. The various performance attributes of HPC such as strength, workability, dimensional stability and durability against adverse environmental conditions, can be achieved by rationally proportioning the ingredients. Various methods have been in use for proportioning HPC mixes. Particle packing theories proposed by various researchers is an advanced step in this direction. This paper presents a review of these theories.
Influence of Horizontal Reinforcement on Ultra High Performance Concrete Wall Panels under Two way in plane action[Full-Text ] N Ganesan , Ruby Abraham , Beena P.R , Anil RThis paper presents the results of an experimental investigation carried out to determine the influence of horizontal reinforcement on the strength and behavior of Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) wall panels under two way in plane action. The percentage of horizontal reinforcement adopted was 0.25, 0.45 and 0.65. Two wall panels were cast corresponding to each percentage of horizontal reinforcement and were tested under two way in plane loading. The test results show that the increase in ultimate strength is about 14.6% for a increase in horizontal reinforcement from 0.25 to 0.45% and beyond 0.45% of horizontal reinforcement the increase in strength was negligible. The increase in energy absorption capacity was about 48% for an increase in the percentage of horizontal reinforcement from 0.25 to 0.65%.
Forensic Investigation For Sustainability Issues In Structure[Full-Text ] Prof. D.S.BhosaleIt is well said that, ''Every contact leaves a trace". Technological innovation and advances in engineering have always been attended by failure of one type or another, including collapse of structures such as bridges and dams, multistoriey buildings,underground construction involves a number of uncertainties and risks, Construction failures which may carry a considerable price tag for developers, consultants and contractor in terms of structural rehabilitation and loss of business or life and could well lead to dispute and litigation process. Infrastructure plays a major role in the economy of a country and the failure of such structure will affect the economy of country. Investigation details of such failure will provide many lessons to construction professionals from past failures so that recurrence of such failures could be eliminated or minimized. Forensic Engineering is the investigation of materials, products, structures or components that fail or do not operate or function as intended, causing personal injury or damage to property. Forensic engineering is useful to develop practices and procedures to reduce the number of failures, to disseminate information on failures, and to provide guidelines for conducting failure investigation.
Fibre Reinforced Light Weight Aggregate (Natural Pumice Stone) Concrete[Full-Text ] N. Sivalinga Rao, Y.Radha Ratna Kumari, V. Bhaskar Desai, B.L.P. SwamiSteel fibre reinforced concrete (S F R C) is a composite material developed to reduce the brittleness of concrete and dramatically increases its ductility. Steel fibre reinforced concrete (S F R C) is used extensively to line the tunnels and other underground structures, to increase the thickness of pavements, and to repair and strengthen various structures. Increasing utilization of lightweight materials in structural applications is making pumice stone a very popular raw material. More than the target means strength of M 20 concrete is achieved with 20 percent replacement of natural coarse aggregate by pumice aggregate and with 1.5 percent of fibber. Also with 40% pumice and with 0.5% of fibbers average target mean strength of M 20 concrete is achieved. The compressive strength of pumice concrete is seen to increase with the fiber content and reaches an optimum value at 1.5% of fiber content and afterwards it gets decreased for various contents of pumice.
Dynamic Buckling of Composite Cylindrical Shells subjected to Axial Impulse[Full-Text ] Chitra V., Priyadarsini R.SAdvanced lightweight laminated composite shells are increasingly being used in modern aerospace structures, for enhancing their structural efficiency and performance. Due to the thin walled construction used, they are susceptible to buckling when subjected to significant static and dynamic or time dependent loadings. While numerous studies are available on the buckling and postbuckling behaviour of isotropic shells, relatively few investigations have been undertaken on the performance of laminated composite shells under dynamic loading conditions. The attempt to design shells to withstand time -dependent dynamic loads, sometimes quite severe, and thus may be susceptible to dynamic buckling is relatively new in aerospace structures. Landing impact of an aircraft is categorized as a dynamic loading condition where instability arises in very short time duration. This paper presents the results of a numerical study on the behaviour of laminated composite circular cylindrical shells under dynamic axial impact loads. Layup sequences, [0°/90°/0°/90°/90°/0°/90°/0°] and [0°/0°/60°/-60°/-60°/60°/0°/0°] were used for the current study and their behaviour were compared under impact loading for different time durations.
Spline Finite Strip Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Plate using Power-law Function[Full-Text ] Parvathy U, Beena K.P.Functionally Graded Materials (FGMs) are widely used in many structural applications because of their high performance of heat resistant and also due to the superior properties they posseess compared to homogeneous material composed of similar constituents. Closed form solutions are already available for the analysis of plated FGM structures for simple loading and boundary conditions. Hence here the authors have developed an approximate solution for FGM plates using Spline Finite Strip Method (SFSM) which can be extended to complicated boundary conditions and loading. Power law idealization is used to show the variation of Young's moduli along the thickness direction. The deflections are obtained using Classical Plate Theory.
Numerical Modeling of Rectangular Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Short Columns[Full-Text ] Heaven Singh, P.K. GuptaThis paper presents a numerical investigation into the behavior of rectangular concrete filled steel tubular (CFT) short columns loaded in axial compression. Nonlinear finite-element analysis is performed for the compression process using commercial software ABAQUS 6.9 [1]. A total of 16 specimens of different steel tube sizes, wall thickness, length and filled with normal as well as high strength concrete are chosen for modeling from the available literature. The proposed model is validated by comparing its results with those of the corresponding experimental specimens. It is observed that the computational model is able to map the deformed shapes and the load deformation pattern of the CFT columns across different column sizes and filled with different grades of concrete. A good agreement is also observed between the experimental and predicted peak axial load capacities
Performance Assessment of Sandwich Structures with Debonds and Dents[Full-Text ] Anju Mohanan, K.R. Pradeep , K.P. NarayananA sandwich construction is a special form of the laminated composite consisting of light weight core, sandwiched between two stiff thin face sheets. Due to high stiffness to weight ratio, sandwich construction is widely adopted in aerospace industries. As a process dependent bonded structure, the most severe defects associated with sandwich construction are debond (skin core bond failure) and dent (locally deformed skin associated with core crushing). Reasons for debond may be attributed to initial manufacturing flaws or in service loads and dent can be caused by tool drops or impacts by foreign objects. This paper presents an evaluation on the performance of honeycomb sandwich cantilever beam with the presence of debond or dent, using layered finite element models. Dent is idealized by accounting core crushing in the core thickness along with the eccentricity of the skin. Debond is idealized using multilaminate modeling at debond location with contact element between the laminates. Vibration and buckling behavior of metallic honeycomb sandwich beam with and without damage are carried out. Buckling load factor, natural frequency, mode shape and modal strain energy are evaluated using finite element package ANSYS 13.0. Study shows that debond affect the performance of the structure more severely than dent. Reduction in the fundamental frequencies due to the presence of dent or debond is not significant for the case considered. But the debond reduces the buckling load factor significantly. Dent of size 8-20% of core thickness shows 13% reduction in buckling load capacity of the sandwich column. But debond of the same size reduced the buckling load capacity by about 90%. This underscores the importance of detecting these damages in the initiation level itself to avoid catastrophic failures. Influence of the damages on fundamental frequencies, mode shape and modal strain energy are examined. Effectiveness of these parameters as a damage detection tool for sandwich structure is also assessed.
Seismic Fracture Analysis In Concrete Gravity Dams[Full-Text ] Deeja Alora, Indrani GogoiModelling of crack propagation in solids has been a major area of focus both in industry and research communities. The formulation and numerical implementation of an embedded finite element technique which incorporates the cohesive frictional law is presented here. This technique is also termed as embedded cohesive element method. The solution of dynamical system is obtained using the classical Newmark's Method. The crack is restricted to propagate from edge of one element to the other, only if the crack propagation criterion is fulfilled. A set of MATLAB codes, called MAT-DAM for convenience, have been developed particularly for the purpose of crack propagation in concrete gravity dams under static and dynamic loadings. A comparative study on dynamic analysis result is carried out between the dam with and without fracture. The problem definition arises through a cohesive frictional crack model using an EFEM approach.
Seismic Soil-Structure Interaction Studies on Tall Chimneys[Full-Text ] Ansu Thomas, B. R. Jayalekshmi, R. ShivashankarA detailed estimation of seismic soil-structure interaction (SSI) effect on tall reinforced concrete chimneys resting on raft foundation is presented in this paper. The transient analysis of chimney-raft-soil system is carried out using LS-DYNA software. Bhuj (2001) earthquake motion in time domain is used to excite the finite element model of soil-structure system. For incorporating the significance of soil-structure interaction (SSI), four types of soils are used based on shear wave velocity. Responses in terms of radial and tangential moments of raft foundation that are obtained from the analysis of the model are compared with that obtained from conventional method according to the Indian standard code of practice, IS 11089:1984. The results show that the seismic SSI effects are significant in the variation of natural frequency and radial and tangential moment especially if the structure is founded on very soft soil. The analysis results show that the natural frequency decreases and tangential and radial moment increases with increase in soil flexibility. There is a considerable decrease in the variation of both moments with increase in the ratios of outer diameter to thickness of raft.
Coupled Layerwise Theories for Hybrid and Sandwich Piezoelectric Beams[Full-Text ] Akil AhmedThis paper presents review of the available one dimensional (1D) models of hybrid and sandwich beams and highlights the need of computationally efficient and accurate electromechanical coupled 1D beam models. The paper covers the discussion of uncoupled equivalent single layer theories, coupled equivalent single layer theories, layerwise theories, efficeint layerwise theories, 3D theories, efficient coupled zigzag theories, finite element models, exact piezoelasticity solution and coupled third order smeared beam models.
Prediction of elastic modulus of high strength concrete by Gaussian Process Regression[Full-Text ] Ishan Saini, Pranav ChandramouliElastic moduli play a vital role in determining the deformation characteristics of concrete structures. This paper suggests a novel approach to predict the elastic modulus of high- strength concrete (HSC) using Gaussian Process Regression (GPR). GPR model is used to establish a relation between the modulus of elasticity and the compressive strength of HSC. GPR model is a non-parametric black-box model which searches for the relationship among measured data and estimates distributions over functions. GPR models are constructed and tested using available test data attained through existing literature studies. The first dataset used in this study is derived from experimental results. Out of a total of 87 cases of data, 79 are used for training and the rest are used to test the created model. The data are normalized between 0 and 1 prior to being used in the model. A subsequent parametric analysis is carried out to evaluate the sensitive variations of the elastic modulus corresponding to variations in the compressive strength. The GPR model accurately predicts the elastic modulus of concrete blocks considered. The output of the GP model is a normal distribution, expressed as mean and variance - the former represents the most likely output and the latter is a measure of its confidence. The results predicted are compared to those obtained from empirical results from buildings codes and various models - accurate results portray the strong potential of GPR, as a feasible and reliable tool, to predict elastic moduli of concrete.
Vibration of laminated composite cylindrical shells with cutouts using higher order theory[Full-Text ] Ajay Kumar, Anupam Chakrabarti , Pradeep BhargavaFree vibration of laminated composite shells with cutouts are presented by a nine noded curved C0 finite element (FE) formulation developed by authors based on higher order shear deformation theory (HSDT) using Sander's approximations. The proposed model satisfies parabolic distribution of transverse shear strains through the shell thickness and zero transverse shear stress conditions at shell top and bottom. The 2D finite element implementation of the higher order shear deformation theory is done to solve the problem of free vibration problem of laminated composite shells with cutouts. Validations of numerical results show that the present 2D model is fairly good in predicting the different modes of vibration of shells with cutouts. Free vibration of laminated composite shells with cutouts has been done for first five modes by varying boundary conditions and geometry of composite shells. New results are presented which should be useful for future research.
Reactive Powder Concrete Properties with Cement Replacement Using Waste Material[Full-Text ] Mr.Anjan kumar M U, Dr. Asha Udaya Rao, Dr. Narayana SabhahitReactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is composed of very fine powders (cement, sand, quartz powder and silica fume), steel fibres (optional) and superplasticizer. A very dense matrix is achieved, and this compactness gives RPC ultra-high strength and durability properties. In the present study, performance of reactive powder concrete without quartz powder and containing fly ash and GGBS as a replacement for cement at the percentage of 5% (RPC1), 10% (RPC2) and 15% (RPC3) by each is investigated. To compare the results of cement replaced mixture, specimen without cement replacement (RPC)are also casted. Performance of the various mixes is tested by the compressive strength, flexure strength and modulus of elasticity. The results show improvement in compressive strength, flexural strength and modulus of elasticity in cement replaced mixes.
Catalytic Use Of Laterite Iron For Degradation Of 2-aminopyridine Using Advanced Oxidation Processes[Full-Text ] Rahul Karale, Basavaraju Manu and S.ShrihariPyridine derivatives like 2-aminopyridine (2-AP) can be toxic to certain life forms and are rated as priority pollutants by United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In the present study, degradation of 2-AP is carried out by Advanced oxidation employing Fenton and Photo-Fenton processes using iron extracted from laterite soil. Effect of pH, Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration and Lateritic iron concentration (Fe3+) was investigated under different doses of synthetic 2-AP solutions varying from 10-80mg/L. At [H2O2] : [Laterite iron] :: [40-65] : 1 for Fenton process and [40-47]:1 for Photo-Fenton process , maximum 2-AP removal was obtained. 2-AP removal of 88% and 100% respectively for Fenton and Photo-Fenton was obtained at pH= 3 corresponding to 10 mg/L initial concentration. Studies showed that Advanced oxidation processes undergoing Fenton and Photo-Fenton treatments using low cost iron, extracted from laterite soil, can be a suitable alternative to the traditional ferrous salts.Catalytic use of laterite iron with H2O2 is effective and can be used to treat polluted water bodies containing 2- Aminopyridine.
Strengthening of Existing Building Column Using FRP Wrap& GI Wire Mesh[Full-Text ] Engr. Azam Amir, Dr. AmjadNaseer, Engr. Orooj AzamIn this paper strengthening of deficientbuilding columns with FRP wrap and comparison of its effectiveness with wire mesh has been studied. Three full scale building columns have been tested under cyclic loading in Earthquake Engineering Center, University of Engineering & Technology, Peshawar.The size of columns were 12"x12" with 10' in height, representing the most common size in practice.Same quality concrete and reinforcement details were used in all columns. The research was divided into four main phases: testing of cylinders for the achievement of desired strength; fabricationof columns; application of FRP wrap and wire mesh at the critical section; assemblage of testing plan for columns; and quasi-static testing of columns.
Fatigue life estimation of ship structure[Full-Text ] Emil Mathews, C G NandakumarThis paper deals with the estimation of fatigue life of a ship structure based on International Association of Classification Society's(IACS) recommendations. The structural analysis of ship structure is carried out using ANSYS software and the fatigue life has been estimated.
Reliability analysis of response surface based damage identification method[Full-Text ] Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay, Rajib Chowdhury, Anupam ChakrabartiNon-destructive structural damage identification (SDI) and quantification of damage is an important issue for Civil, Mechanical and Aerospace engineering structures.Recently,response surface based damage identification methods have been successfully applied for this purpose.In this paper,the reliability of response surface based damage identification methodology has been studied.
Seismic Reliability Assessment Of Typical Soft-storey Rc Building In Manipur Region[Full-Text ] Monalisa Priyadarshini, Robin Davis P, Haran Pragalath D C and Pradip SarkarSignificantly low stiffness and strength in any storeys compared to adjacent storeys is commonly referred to as soft-storied buildings. When car parking space is provided in the ground storey like in an open ground storey building (OGS), the building invariably becomes a soft-ground storey. These types of buildings are found to be the most affected in an earthquake as seen from the past Indian earthquakes. The ground storey columns of this type of buildings are the weakest element that may experience failure due large inter-storey drifts. For such ground storey columns, magnification factors (MF) are suggested by the design codes. The present study is focus on the seismic reliability of typical OGS building configurations in Manipur region (Ukhraul), which is one of the most vulnerable regions in India. Reliability indices for each building are estimated by combining fragility curves with the available hazard curve of the Manipur region. Building frames with different heights (6, 8 &10 stories) and MFs considered for the design. Fragility curves are developed for each type of buildings by conducting nonlinear dynamic analysis. Thirty natural time history data are selected, and modified to match with Indian response spectrum. Uncertainties in concrete and steel are included. Conclusions are drawn based on the reliability indices obtained.
A Numerical Model of Externally Prestressed Concrete Beam[Full-Text ] Jafar Sadak Ali, Soumendu Bagchi, Sumit GuptaIn an external prestressing system, there is no strain compatibility between the cable and the concrete at every cross-section, the increment of cable strain must be evaluated by taking into account the whole structure, rather than performing the calculation at each section, independently. In this study, a method for the calculation of cable strain, which is based on the deformation compatibility of beam and friction at the deviators, was proposed to predict entire response of externally prestressed concrete beams up to elastic limit. Application of the developed method in numerical analysis on a rectangular beam with different profiles of prestressing cable was then performed. An algorithm has been developed to determine the structural behaviour at the deviator points in an externally pre-stressed beam. The predicted results showed that the structural behavior of externally prestressed concrete beams could be satisfactorily predicted from zero loading stage up to the proportional limit loading stage for different cable profiles.The results obtained have been verified by subsequent modeling of the externally pre-stressed beam in ABAQUS 6.10 CAE platform. A comparative study has been carried out to justify the most effective cable profile for most effective prestressing.
Design and Development of High Strength Heavyweight Concrete Using SBR[Full-Text ] S. P. Jadhao, M. G. ShaikhHeavyweight concrete is used in many applications such as bascule and lift bridges, radiation shielding structures in nuclear plants etc. In this study an industrial waste material produced by shot blasting of metallic chains is being used as heavy material in concrete due to its high density. The material is called as Sand Blast Residue (SBR). In this attempt some tests were carried to check the compability of SBR with cement and aggregate. The concrete mix as per IS-10262-(2009) is used for M20 grade of concrete and 50% sand is replaced with SBR. The workability obtained in this test is 25 mm slump and the strength is 23 MPa. These results were satisfactory as compared to control mix.
Effect of Soil Structure Interaction in Seismic Loads of Framed Structures[Full-Text ] Shiji P.V, Suresh S., Glory JosephSeismic response of structures is extremely complex because of the non-linear behaviour soils during earthquakes. Usually in the seismic design of buildings, soil structure interaction is neglected and the dynamic response of the structure is evaluated under the assumption of a fixed or a hinged base response. The code based method of seismic analysis is also seldom based on the soil structure interaction effect because of the complexity in the analysis procedures. In this paper, the interaction between the super-structure and sub-structure is investigated by modelling the soil as nonlinear spring and as elastic continuum. To illustrate the effects of soil-structure interaction on the seismic response of framed structures, frames with 5, 10, 20 and 40 storeys have been considered with base supported as fixed with and without considering the soil structure interaction. Influence of soil structure interaction by modeling soil as compression only spring and elastic continuum are presented in the form of fundamental period of vibration and base shear.
Sustainable Concrete using Waste Paper Ash as Partial Replacement for Cement[Full-Text ] Dr.P.B.Sakthivel, C.B.Yaamini, T.VidhyaThe manufacturing industries generate huge amount of wastes, which eventually leads to air, water and land pollution, due to improper treatment and disposal methods. Such industrial wastes can be used as an partial substitute material in concrete for building construction. This study has made an attempt to partially replace cement with waste paper ash generated from paper manufacturing industry, which will solve the land-fill and pollution problems to a great extent. This study has used waste paper ash from 5% to 40% (with 5% increment) to replace cement by weight in M 35 grade concrete and the results compared with controlled concrete. It was found that only replacement of 5% of waste paper ash has given the optimum results with increased strength, and for other ratios (10% to 40%), it has given a downward trend, when compared to control specimens. The present authors recommend the use of waste paper ash as partial replacement to cement in concrete and suggest that further studies be conducted on concrete with other mix ratios, and also experiment with cement mortar for various applications in brickwork and plastering works.
An Innovative Method of Replacing River Sand by Quarry Dust Waste in Concrete for Sustainability[Full-Text ] Dr. P.B.Sakthivel, C.Ramya, M.RajaIn the construction industry, there is a high demand for natural river sand, especially in the production of concrete, which creates major sustainablility issues. The best way to deal with these environmental concerns is to use waste or recycled material, as substitute for natural river sand. This paper deals with replacement of sand used in concrete as fine aggregates by the waste generated by the stone quarry industry. This study has made an attempt to partially replace quarry dust in place of sand in M35 grade concrete. On experimentation, it was found that the partial replacement of sand with 10% of quarry dust has given the optimum results. Therefore, this study recommends that if partial replacement of sand with quarry dust upto 10% in M35 grade of concrete is done, the effective waste management can contribute towards saving of our environment. Similar studies may be done with other concrete mix ratios and also cement mortar mixes which is used for ceiling and wall plastering and tile-laying purposes.
Analysis of Self-supported Steel Chimney with the Effects of Manhole and Geometrical Properties[Full-Text ] Kirtikanta Sahoo, Pradip Sarkar, Robin Davis PIndustrial chimneys are high rise structures as compared to surroundings. Material of construction and structural support plays a vital role for selecting which type of chimney is suitable for a particular purpose. Self-supporting steel chimneys are normally provided for lower height case. Wind load is a predominant force in such types of structures. Analysis and design of chimney depends on various factors such as wind force, environmental conditions, types of materials used and cross sectional area of the chimney. Manholes are provided at the bottom in the chimney for inspection purposes. The presence of manhole reduces the area and hence the stiffness of the chimney. In the present study investigates the stresses, deflection and mode shapes of the chimney due to the presence of an inspection manhole. Maximum Von Mises stress, top deflection and mode shapes were calculated using finite element software ANSYS. The results show that, the due to the presence of manhole, the stresses are increased by approximately 1.5 times and frequency is decreased by approximately 1.12 times.
Fracture Parameters of Steel Fibre Reinforced High Strength Concrete by Size Effect Method[Full-Text ] K.S. Prebhakumari, P. JayakumarThis paper presents an experimental investigation on the fracture behaviour of high strength concrete and steel fibre reinforced high strength concrete with particular emphasis on the size effect method. Fracture study was carried out by conducting three point bending tests on series of geometrically similar single edge notched beams. The influence of notch size on the fracture properties of steel fibre reinforced high strength concrete was also investigated. Various fracture parameters like the fracture energy, length of fracture process zone, critical crack tip opening displacement and the fracture toughness were determined as per RILEM procedure. The test results showed that the fracture parameters are sensitive to the fibre addition and the notch size. With the experimental parameters an attempt has been made to predict the nominal strength of steel fibre reinforced high strength concrete structures.
Mechanical and Durability properties of Self Compacting Concrete with recycled concrete aggregates[Full-Text ] C.Sumanth Reddy, K.V.Ratna Sai, Dr.P.Rathish KumarRapid industrialization and growing infrastructural demands have created an alarmingly high risk of exhaustion of natural resources for concrete production. The possibility of use of aggregates recovered from the disposed and demolished concrete wastes in production of new concrete serves both the purposes of sustainability and effective waste management, considering the current practice of landfill disposal. Self compacting concrete (SCC), with its unique ability to consolidate under its own weight, is the future of concrete industry with its added efficiency in terms of cost and time management. This work currently explores the possibility of using SCC produced using recycled concrete aggregates as new structural concrete. To accomplish that the mechanical and durability properties of the concrete are studied. Three concrete grades M20, M40 and M60 are prepared with recycled aggregate substitutions of 0%, 25%, 50% and 100% to test for compressive strength, acid resistance and water sorption. Results suggest that as much of 25% of aggregates can be replaced without any significant consequences on the concrete produced
Simplified Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures for Progressive Collapse[Full-Text ] Ayush Singhania, Vikas Khatuja, Vikram Singh Thakur, Dr. C.B.K. RaoSignificance of designing structures to resist progressive collapse has been recognised following the collapse of several structures, such as that at Ronan Point in 1968 and the collapse of World Trade Centre in 2001, where the consequences were deemed unacceptable relative to the initial damage. Progressive collapse requirements, however, must be incorporated into a structure without substantial increase in the cost of the structural system. This paper illustrates how progressive collapse analysis can be done and design criteria economically incorporated into typical structural systems. A variety of research efforts in the past decades have attempted to quantify aspects of robustness (such as redundancy) and identify design principles that can improve robustness. Only very few standards like British Standard, Eurocode and GSA incorporated clauses for the robustness (or integrity) of structure. In this paper, a six storey building is considered and simplified analysis is done by removing one column at a time as per GSA standard. Modifications to GSA clauses have been proposed by introducing dynamic increase factor for simplified analysis. Also, modification in factor of safety is suggested while analysing models with removed columns. Strain rate effect is also considered to make the progressive collapse resistance design economical. Also, this study illustrates the inherent ability of seismically designed RC beam column frames to resist progressive collapse.
Toughness of Ferrocement Confined Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete (FCRSCC) Under Axial Compression[Full-Text ] VikasKhatuja, Vikram Singh Thakur,Ayush Singhania,Dr.C.B.K. RaoIn this paper, stress-strain diagrams for self-compacting concrete confined with ferrocement shell in addition to lateral tie confinement is presented, based on the experimental results of 102 cylinders of diameter 150mm and height 300 mm. Increase in the toughness of concrete confined with ferrocement shell and lateral tie confinement is found to be linear and a constitutive relation is presented.
Experimental Analysis of Energy Dissipation in Small Diameter Nitinol wires[Full-Text ] Chandra Mouli Vemury, Scott RenfreyThis paper presents the methodology and findings of the experimental research carried out on small diameter Nitinol wires at Newcastle University. Among all compositions of Shape memory alloys (SMA), Nitinol is understood to be the most suited for use in the design of building and bridge structures subjected to earthquake loading conditions. The shape memory effect and superelasticity demonstrated by Nitinol lends to higher energy dissipation capability of this alloy and hence is suited for cyclic dynamic loading conditions. A series of static and cyclic dynamic tests were developed and conducted on Nitinol wires of 1mm, 0.5mm and 0.25mm diameters to assess their basic mechanical properties and energy dissipation capabilities. The results from these experiments agree with the trends suggested in the literature and show that smaller or thinner the diameter of a Nitinol wire greater is its energy dissipating capability.
A study on shear strength of sand reinforced with glass fibres[Full-Text ] Shivanand Mali and Baleshwar SinghScarcity of suitable land and unavailability of good quality construction soil lead to the implementation of various ground reinforcement techniques. Among the various reinforcement techniques, fibre reinforcement is achieving more attention in geotechnical engineering. This is beneficial due to the absence of predefined planes of weakness and strength isotropy over conventional reinforcement. In the present study, a series of direct shear tests have been carried out to investigate the shear strength behaviour of a fine sand reinforced with glass fibres. The influence of various parameters such as fibre contentand relative density on the strength behaviour of the sand-fibre mixes has been studied. The test results indicate that the initial stiffness, peak shear strength and dilatancycharactersticsof the sandare affected by the fibre reinforcement.
Improvement in Properties of Subgrade Soil by Using Moorum and RBI Grade 81[Full-Text ] B.M.Patil, K.A.PatilThe life of road depends on strength of the subgrade soil and traffic density. The subgrade soil is not uniform throughout the alignment of the road. Generally the poor subgrade soil having soaked California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value less than 2% is replaced by good quality subgrade material. This paper deals with the improvement in various properties of subgrade soil by using soil stabilizer and locally available poor materials. The additive like RBI Grade 81is used to improve the properties of subgrade soil. The cost of construction of road increases, if only RBI Grade 81 is used as a stabilizer. The CBR value of subgrade soil can be improved by using moorum with RBI Grade 81and cost of construction can be reduced to certain extent. From CBR test, it is found that the soaked CBR value of soil is improved by 476.56% i.e. 2.56% to 14.76% by stabilizing soil with 20% moorum and 4% RBI Grade 81. The various mixes of soil: moorum: RBI Grade 81 for the different proportions were tested for maximum dry density (MDD), optimum moisture content (OMC) and soaked CBR value.
OD Matrix Estimation from Link Counts Using Artificial Neural Network[Full-Text ] Remya K P, Samson MathewThe estimation of origin-destination (OD) matrix is the most important part of any transportation planning problem. The conventional estimation techniques based on surveys are soon becoming outdated as they are time consuming and are highly expensive. In the case of a developing country, such changes occur at a very fast rate, and constant updating of the OD matrix by the conventional methods becomes almost impossible. The easily available data which represents the travel pattern is the link counts. This can be used for the estimation of the OD matrix. Considering the highly dynamic, large scale, complex and uncertain nature of many transportation systems,Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are recently considered as an efficient tool in solving numerous transportation problems. Attempts are made here to make use of the potential of the ANN for OD matrix estimation. The link selection procedure used for the model is the K and L link selection method. A model is developed based on the certain assumptions and constrains of the estimation problem. The developed model is applied on two hypothetical networks and the resulting OD matrix is statistically compared to the target OD matrix. Based on the results obtained, the developed model fits fairly well.
Application of ASTER DEM in Watershed Management as Flood Zonation Mapping in Koyana River of the Western Ghats[Full-Text ] V. M.Shinde, P. K. Deshpande, M.B.KumthekarMost of the natural hazards result from the potential for extreme geophysical events, such as floods, to create an unexpected threat to human life and property. When severe floods occur in areas occupied by humans, they can create natural disasters that involve the loss of human life and property plus serious disruption to the ongoing activities of large urban and rural communities. Flood hazards results from a combination of physical exposure and human vulnerability reflected by key social-economic factors such as the number of people at risk in the floodplain or low-lying zone, the extent of flood, and the ability of the population to anticipate and cope with hazard. In the present study flood level mapping of Koyana river basin has been carried out along with the ASTER GDEM based layers derived in ILWIS software developed by ITC, Netherlands. Also, the present effort tries to co-relate the output from ASTER DEM analysis with the flood hazard related information generated from various other RS and GIS data sources.
Assessment of Surface Water Chemistry of Jakkur Lake, Bangalore, Karnataka, India[Full-Text ] M. Inayathulla and Jai M. PaulThe hydrochemical investigation in the present study is restricted to the major ions concentrations, distributions, their relative abundance and the pattern of the variability in water chemistry. On the basis of the water chemistry an evaluation of surface water for domestic and irrigation uses is established. Six water samples were collected from various locations of Jakkur Lake for a period of one year at 30 days intervals. The samples were analysed for various water quality parameters such as pH, Electric Conductivity, Total dissolved solids, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Bicarbonate, Carbonate, Sulphate, Nitrate and Chloride. It is inferred from Piper trilinear diagram that the water is mixed type. Besides, suitability of water for irrigation is evaluated based on sodium adsorption ratio, Residual Sodium Carbonate, Stiff diagram, sodium percent, salinity hazard and USSL diagram. The study points out that water from the study area are within the excellent irrigation water class with permissible salinity hazard and are suitable for irrigation purposes.
Desertification, the global environmental problem and impact on food & water resources[Full-Text ] Er. S. Venkateswara Rao, Dr. P.G. Sastry, Dr. Vaishali GhorpadeDesertification is a global environmental problem as critical as climate change and has a great impact on food and water resources in the world. If we do not rehabilitate the degraded lands and stop the march of the deserts, there will be a severe shortage of 'Water resources' in the world to an extent of 40 percent forecast by the year 2030. For India, the annual water demand is expected to increase to almost 1500 cubic kilo- meters by the year 2030, against a projected availability of 744 cubic kilo- meters, a deficit of 50 percent. The shortage of water will have an adverse effect on food production and the world may also experience unprecedented mass migrations. Aroud the World about 50 million people may be displaced within next 10 years as a result of desertification.
Concrete Composites With Nano Silica, Condensed Silica Fume And Fly Ash � Study of Strength Properties[Full-Text ] Abdul Wahab, B. Dean Kumar, M. Bhaskar, S. Vijaya Kumar, B.L.P. SwamiDue to the persistent and continuous demands made on concrete to meet the various difficult requirements, extensive and wide spread research work is being carried out in the area of concrete technology. Researchers have developed variants of concrete composites like Admixture Concrete, Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC), Polymer Impregnated Concrete (PIC), High Performance Concrete (HPC), Self Compacting Concrete (SCC), Geopolymer Concrete etc. Presently, Nano Technology being applied to concrete includes the use of nano materials like nano silica, nano fibers etc. By adding the nano materials smart concrete composites with superior properties can be produced. In the present experimental investigation, High Strength Concrete Mixes of M60 and M80 are studied for their mechanical properties. A combination of mineral admixtures like nano silica (nS) and condensed silica fume with OPC is used as replacement to cement in certain proportions and the strength properties are studied. Similarly a combination of nano silica and fly ash with OPC is studied for strength properties. It is found that in the triple blended mixes studied, there is a gradual increase in the strength upto 2 percent of nano silica with 10 percent CSF in the mix and above this there is a gradual decrease in the strengths. Similarly in the combination of fly ash with nano silica with 1.5 percent nS in the mix the strengths are found to be optimum.