Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition
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Blackhole Attack Implementation in AODV Routing Protocol [Full-Text ] Monika Roopak, Prof. BVR ReddyMobile Ad-hoc networks are a collection of mobile hosts that communicate with each other without any infrastructure. Because of security vulnerabilities of the routing protocols, wireless ad hoc networks may be unprotected against attacks by the malicious nodes. One of the attacks is the Black Hole Attack against network integrity in this all data packets are absorbed by malicious nodes. Since the data packets do not reach the destination node on account of this attack, data loss will occur. In this paper we see how to implement black hole attack in Ad hoc On demand Distance Vector protocol using network simulator 2.34
Analysis of planning diagrams of underground railroads in large cities of the World[Full-Text ] Mr. Oleksandr GalychynIn project were chosen the most suitable development model of Kharkov subway network (Ukraine). In order to archive this goal in the first place were established topological morphology on the level of configuration complexity and quantitative evaluation of quality of subway networks spatial composition. Secondly, were assumed four rational, provisional long-term subway development models in accordance with current and perspective subway network of Kharkov and urban development forecast. Result of analyzing subway lines maps of major cities in 20 countries of the world confirmed that it is possible to classify by type of schemes: linear, circular, X-shaped, rectangular, radiated, radiated and circular, radiated and chorded, combined. Results of this classification are present radiation type and economic indicators were helpful to devise 4 models of general plans of subway lines development. In the result by comparing models by feasibility indicators were chosen "combined model" as a long-term development model of Kharkov subway. Data derived in the present study and practical study of innovation at the time of pre-project analysis& planning of proposed model will attract interest in the following major cases: Firstly, elaborated types of schemes will be useful for all cities of the world at any stage of development to determined future schemes of subway lines development. Secondly, research development long-term provisional plan of Kharkov subway and usefulness as a result of the analysis for other cities. Project implementation remains as question due to Kharkiv City Subway have a debt of record-breaking of eighty million U.S. dollars.
New Structural Design and Simulation of Slotted Patch Antenna for Broadband Application[Full-Text ] Karim A .HamadThis design propose a new printed rectangular patch antenna for broadband applications.abroad-band design of a probe- fed patch antenna with two of a square and rectangular wide slots in the right and left of proposed patch respectively,also U-shaped slot located in the left of the radiating edge.the proposed antenna with an overall size of 25.6 x 36.8 mm,leading to broad bandwidths 1428.7MHZ covering 4.6951GHZ to 6.1238GHZ,these properties make the antenna suitable for 5.2 / 5.8 / 5.5 GHZ WLAN and WiMAX application.the results are simulated using ( CST STudIo SUITE-2010) software package.
Android Based Roomba: A Prototype For Home And Office Automation[Full-Text ] Harshad Kadam, Vikas Vishwakarma, Janhavi Sawant, Saish Belnekar, Ravi NetkeThis document provides information about the Roomba which has mechanism that allows to change its direction before it bumps into any obstacle and detect dirty spots on the floor and clean them. This paper provides practical approach towards building such robot which will work automatically.We have used Android technology and camera interface for manual control which is an extra feature not available in original Roomba. The following robot is first of its kind as we are adding extra features which will reduce the tedious process of floor cleaning .It uses IR-sensors to detect obstacles Sensors detect obstacles like walls and edges and prevent the vacuum cleaner robot from hitting the objects in front. It's compact enough to clean the tightest corners, and it has an easy-to-empty reusable dustbin. No bags are required. An application in Android in association with camera is used for manual control of Roomba.
Guidelines for Embracing Green Building Technology for Sustainable Development in Developing Countries [Full-Text ] Pragyan Bhattarai, A.V.A Bharat Kumar, Rajendra Chaudhary, Dr. Shashi Kumar GuptaOf late construction industry is undergoing a lot of change and eco-friendly materials are slowly replacing the conventional construction materials in an attempt to protecting the environment and human health. This change in attitude has mainly come through because of overuse and abuse of different components of environment which has resulted in global warming, heat island effect and other hazardous effect causing negative impact on the current trend is also widely understood as Green Building concept. However due to lack of awareness and misconception about the green building, the use green building technology has remained mainly within the domain of developed countries and has not been very widely received in the developing world. It is imperative that the concept is spread in developing countries too because in these the rate of development is currently going on at a fast rate. To make this happen Governments in developing countries should take the lead in educating the masses, and should make basic grounds rules so people can start embracing the technology. It is important that government defines rules and protocols for certification/registration of buildings at a basic level. Some of these basic levels could be as simple as Sustainable site development, Water saving, Energy efficiency, use of locally available material, Indoor Environmental quality and eco-friendly designs, etc. This paper forwards the concept of green buildings and basic categories which can be promoted by governments of developing countries to start the Green building concept in a bid to save the environment.
Diurnal Variation of Background Radiation at 5 Meter Above Earth's Surface Measured Using G-M Counter and NaI(Tl) Crystal Detector.[Full-Text ] S. T. Mane, T. B. Mane, A. K.SharmaNatural radioactivity of primordial radioactive nuclei present in the earth crust in soil, water, atmosphere and secondary cosmic radiations with radiation from cosmoganic radioactive nuclei forms the natural background radiation. In the present study the natural background activity were measured with G-M counter and NaI(Tl) crystal scintillation detector. Observed average activity at 5 meter height measures to be 1673 Bq/m2 with G-M counter and 1509 Bq/m2 with NaI(Tl) crystal detector and is found to be 23% less than that measured at the surface at the place of observation. The average dose rate is measured to be 0.8092 mSv/year and is well within prescribed limits recommended by ICRP. There observes small diurnal variation in activity with peak at early three-four morning hours and in the evening two-three hours after sunset with a standard deviation of 4.5%. The small increase in activity during early morning hours and in the evening hours is due to vertical and horizontal temperature inversion condition arising during this time due to it radon accumulation take place.
A Performance Appraisal Model using Fuzzy Multi Criteria Group Decision Making[Full-Text ] A.Uma Maheswari , P.Kumari The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the application of fuzzy numbers in HR management. The performance appraisal process has become the integral part of the Human Resource Management System in the organizations. Performance appraisal defines and measures the performance of the employees and the organization as a whole. It is a tool for assessing the performance of the employees and in turn the Organization. The evaluation of employees is based on multiple criteria evaluations. In this paper an efficient Fuzzy Multi Criteria Group Decision Making FMCGDM model is deviced to rank the employees in an organization based on the performance appraisal. Performance appraisal is influenced by several parameters which are linguistic. Therefore to quantify the linguistic variables fuzzy Trapezoidal numbers are used and are represented graphically using Matlab software. The ranking of the employees is made using Schwartz Beat Path Method. Finally to clarify the proposed procedure, a case study is discussed.
IAS- Intelligent Attendance System based on Windows Image Acquisition(WIA) ,Optical Character Recognition(OCR) and Windows Communication Foundation(WCF) Service[Full-Text ] Chirag Patel, Maitri Chokshi, Dr. Atul PatelTaking student attendance in the class and then posting it in online attendance system is a quite time consuming process for the teachers. In this paper, we have presented a novel approach for posting the attendance in the online attendance system without user intervention. In the proposed work after taking the attendance manually in the attendance sheet, a teacher needs to put attendance sheet in front of camera. Then the camera can capture the image of attendance sheet. After capturing the image of attendance sheet by the Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) technique, the proposed work does the optical character recognition (OCR) of it to find out the lecture/ laboratory details and absent numbers. These details are sent to WCF service to store it in the online attendance system database. We used Tesseract OCR engine which is provided by Google to do OCR. The accuracy of OCR is not 100% so we have applied algorithm to auto correct the data after OCR.
Implementation of Textile Image Segmentation Using RotationalGabor Filter and Echo State Neural Network[Full-Text ] Shoba Rani, Dr. S. PurushothamanThis paper presents the segmentation analysis on Textile images. In this work, a systematic approach has been developed to extract the Textile textures from the given texture images. The features of the textile images are extracted and it is used for segmenting those images using Wavelet Gabor Filter and Echo State Neural Network. The proposed methods combine to improve the segmentation accuracies and to analyze the effects of parameters of the proposed algorithms in segmentation of textures.
An efficient multiple pass pixel connectivity labeling method for object detection[Full-Text ] Faisel G. MohammedIn this paper object detection (OD) model within the image was introduced. The simultaneously labels connected components (to be referred to merely as components in the recent research work) and their contours in binary images was presented. The main step of this method is to use a contour tracing technique to detect the external contour and possible internal contours of each component, and also to identify and label the interior area of each component. Labeling is done in a single pass over the image, while contour points are revisited more than once, but no more than a constant number of times. Moreover, no re-labeling is required throughout the entire process, as it is required by other algorithms. Experimentation on various types of images (characters, half-tone pictures, photographs, newspaper, etc.) shows that suggested method outperforms methods that use the equivalence technique. Current algorithm not only labels components but also extracts component contours and sequential orders of contour points, which can be useful for many applications.
A novel intelligent approach to enhance the performance of wind tunnel systems involving a delay[Full-Text ] Hatim Ghazi Zaini , Mohamed T. Faheem SaidahmedRecently, a large amount of researches have been focused on the developments and improvements of the security transportation through tunnels specially in the mountain regions. This paper is concerned with improving the security and performance of wind tunnel systems involving a delay in their dynamical process based on a novel intelligent technique to enhance their. A new alternative representation is first developed, which transfers the infinite dimensional nonlinear neural networks (NN) with time-delay in the states to a unique and exact alternative finite dimensional nonlinear generalized state space model with no delays in the states nor in the control input. This model is capable of generalizing results previously restricted to the non-delayed systems. This alternative model is divided into two subsystems, namely, a slow and a high subsystems as defined in [ 24]. The slow mode is then used in the stabilization process where the transient response is improved by using only one feedback control law, which can be easily implemented in a manner analogous in many respect to those obtained for conventional state space systems. The results obtained are much more direct and the presence of time delay in the dynamics of the wind tunnel system due to the Mach number does not result in any problem in designing its controller compared with those given by other methods, mainly because the present design procedure has allowed possible updating of the controller's parameters online with the change of the operating point without using any kind of numerical approximation. A grid computing through a computer network is also presented and used to control and enhance the performance of the tunnels based on an inelegant adaptive controller with minimal execution time as well as the minimal cost budget. A new optimal back propagation neural network (OBPNN) algorithm based on this grid computer network is developed. The usefulness and validity of the presented approach have been obtained and examined by numerical examples using GridSim Toolkit based on the derived adaptive intelligent model and the simulation process of wind tunnel systems involving a delay that are connected through a unified grid computing network is introduced.
Maintenance of File System And Improving Efficiency Of Hadoop By Using Clustering[Full-Text ] Samandeep Kaur, Kewal KrishanIn the existing work, Hadoop distributed file system is defined as the large cluster set in which number of servers is collected for direct storage of data. The file system is defined as architecture for large dataset. In this present work we are basically maintaining the file system in form of clusters along with respective mount table definition. The mount table is attached with each cluster and the optimization of user query is been performed based on same mount table. The work is extended in two main phases, in very first phase the Hadoop architecture is defined in clusters. The cluster formation is an intelligent formation on keyword based feature analysis on files. The related files are kept in one cluster. Along with this, the mount table is defined that stores the keyword information as well as other metadata related to each file over the system. Once the architecture is defined, in the second phase the user query is filtered and the keyword is extracted from it. Based on the keyword analysis, the related cluster is selected and the query is performed on the selected cluster. The proposed work will improve the efficiency of the system.
Analyzing the Effect of Modulation Order and Sub-bands on PTS and SLM PAPR Reduction Technique in Various 802.11 Standards Using Different Modulator[Full-Text ] Gaurav Chandra, D.K.Saxena, Gaurav Bhandari, Anuj SaxenaIn the modern era of communication Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) technique is the most widely used in wireless technology. With some advantage come few issues such as Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) that leads High Power Amplifiers (HPA) to be worked in nonlinear region which causes inter-modulation distortion and out of band radiation. To overcome with this problem, several techniques were used. Whereas, this paper uses most efficient signal scrambling technique, Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS) and Selected Mapping (SLM) to be worked with various modulators such as Orthogonal Quadrature Phase Shift Key (OQPSK) and Quadrature Amplitude Modulator (QAM) and Binary Phase Shift Key (BPSK) . Under different modulator and different parameters like Sub-Band, Modulation factor, these techniques were analyzed and compared.
A Review Research of Mathematical Models of Quality Cost for Manufacturing Industry.[Full-Text ] Vinod G. Surange , S.N.Teli , Ankur M. Halankar , Dinesh S. Saroj , Siddhesh S. Rane , Datta D. AdakPresent techno-economic scenario is marked by increasing competition in almost every sector of economy. The expectations of the customers are on the rise and manufactures have to design and produce goods in as much variety as possible to cater to the demands of the customers. Thus, there is a challenge before industries to manufacture goods of right quality and quantity and at right time and at minimum cost for their survival and growth. This demands an increase in productive efficiency of the organizations. In addition to this, the industry was also weakened by the increase in the fuel prices. The car manufacturers are relying on the creative marketing strategies for overcoming this situation. Even the companies are offering high discount rates to boost up the market. Better designs are introduced into the market too. Even the flagship models of the major manufacturers are offered in the market with heavy discounts. However, the automobile manufacturers are keeping their fingers crossed as they expect the crisis to end in the near future. As organizations strive to increase their bottom line performance in this highly competitive environment they often forget to integrate two important planning activities, strategic and quality planning. This is likely due to a lack of understanding of the cause and effect relationship between strategy, quality, productivity, profitability and competitiveness. To maximize the profits of an organization it is necessary to align the objectives and priorities of the business. The cost of poor Quality would help in analyzing the operating costs for effective and profitable business management. Paper examines the market-oriented aspects of Cost of quality using study of the relationship between unit cost and economies of scale, experience curve effects, and imputed cost of quality in a specific context. This paper proposes a new model for the COQ, which captures the value of continuous process improvement in achieving economic operation. The model given is based on Activity-Based Costing (ABC) Method. The application of computer is widely carried out in many companies. Firstly, COQ system structure is built in Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS) environment. Secondly, the function structure of the COQ accounting system is suggested. In the function structure the Input and Output relationship of information is shown between many sub-systems. Thirdly, the allocation method which uses two-stage procedure to assign quality resource costs is adopted when calculating COQ. Next, a model for computing the COQ of a supply chain is provided. The proposed model aims to serve as a decision making tool for engineering managers by helping with the design and quality planning of logistic routes for manufacturing plants in the design phase. Our model computes COQ in terms of internal operational decisions such as the error rate at inspection and fraction defective at manufacturing. The model can be used to design a logistic route that achieves a minimum total cost while maintaining an overall quality level and to evaluate the impact of investment in quality to increase overall profits.
The Suitability of Using Laterite as Sole Fine Aggregate in Structural Concrete [Full-Text ] L. O. Ettu, O. M. Ibearugbulem, J. C. Ezeh, and U. C. AnyaSand has traditionally been used as fine aggregate in structural concrete. It is usually imported from relatively distant places at high costs, and this increases the overall cost of making concrete and of providing housing in various Nigerian communities. This study investigates the suitability of laterite as sole fine aggregate in place of sand, and specifically seeks to determine whether laterized concrete would satisfy the minimum compressive strength requirement of BS 8110 (1997) for use in reinforced concrete works, which is 25 N/mm2. Potable water was used for this work and Ibeto brand of Ordinary Portland Cement was used as binder. Laterite was used as fine aggregate, while granite of 20 mm nominal size was used as coarse aggregate. Compressive cube strength and saturated surface dry (SSD) bulk density tests were conducted. Batching was by weight. Forty mix ratios of water: cement: laterite: granite were used. A total of 120 standard 150 mm concrete cubes were cast and cured for 28 days, then weighed and crushed. The results show that the average SSD density of the laterized concrete is approximately 22.81 KN/m3, a value lower than the average value of 24KN/m3 for traditional concrete. Also, a good number of the mix ratios had compressive cube strengths higher than the 25 N/mm2 bench mark of BS 8110 (1997). Therefore, laterite could be used as sole fine aggregate for making structural concrete. Moreover, since laterized concrete has a lower unit weight than traditional concrete, it would be more suitable for use in communities with problematic soils that have poor bearing capacities.
Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Transition Metal complexes of substituted benzoinsemicarbazone[Full-Text ] P.M. Dahikar, R.M. KedarThe synthesized complexes were screened for antimicrobial activity at a concentration of 1000µgm/ml witch was serially diluted to determine their MIC values of P-Dimethylaminobezoinsemicarbazone.
Skid Resistance evaluation of Aggregates from Pakistan and Afghanistan[Full-Text ] Kamran Muzaffar Khan, Faizan Ali, Shiraz Ahmed, Ghufran Ahmed Pasha, Imran MehmoodMineral aggregates are the basic material of highway pavement construction as they are not only required to resist the internal stresses induced in the pavement due to traffic load, but also the wear due to abrasion by the traffic and adverse weather conditions. The pavement throughout its life should have some friction to facilitate the car wheels on pavement surface. In Pakistan there are large number of quarries/sources of aggregates for highways construction and this research is intended to study the skid resistance and polishing value of aggregates from various quarries of Pakistan and compared with the quarries of Afghanistan using the standard test procedure BS 812: Part 114: 1989. The results show that the aggregate from the Margalla source has more resistance to Polishing and high skid resistance. Marshall Samples were also prepared at different Bitumen Content and gradations and their surface skid resistance is tested using British Pendulum Skid Resistance tester, and it was found that Skid resistance values of National Highway Authority NHA class B gradation (Coarser) is more as compared to class A (Finer).
Performance Evaluation of Various Energy Efficient Routing Based on Localization using CMDS, NN & GA in Wireless Sensor Networks[Full-Text ] Urvashi Singh, Manish Kumar JhaLocalization and location aware energy efficient routing are two aspects of wireless sensor networks that have gained tremendous importance among researchers due to its wide application. Sensor nodes are deployed randomly and they self organize themselves to form a network to perform assigned duties. Most of the work treats localization as one aspect of WSN. Researchers working on location aware routing assume that the position of nodes is known by some algorithm. In this work the determination of position of nodes (Localization) and location aware energy efficient routing are done to understand the effect of good localization on energy efficient routing. The results of Compass Routing & Greedy Distance Algorithm based on localization using CMDS, NN & GA is compared for energy efficiency in the network.
Case Study of Grid Connected PV System at Northern Part of Bangladesh[Full-Text ] Subarto Kumar Ghosh, Hasanuzzaman Shaown, Md. Ashifur Rahman, Mahzuba IslamA case study of grid connected PV system analysis is done for 500 kW grid connected solar photovoltaic (PV) system at a northern location of Bangladesh. HOMER and MATLAB Programming tools and monthly average solar radiation data from NASA is used for this study. In this paper a grid connected PV power plant is designed and simulated using HOMER software, the power plant is sized to supply Rajshahi load, the simulation results showed that a high capital cost is needed and the cost of energy is 0.27 $/kWh which is still high but with incentives and decrease of the PV panels price the system will reach a feasible cost.
Study on Strategic Alignment of Business Logics, Business Processes & Sub-Processes: In Effective Strategic Decision Making Mechanism for Decision Makers with Business Performance Analyst[Full-Text ] Dr. Sharad RaghuvanshEffective Strategic planning is the key to success in today's dynamic competitive business world. The key business entities, processes and drivers need to be tactically and strategically frequently revised to strengthen any business plan for action. Study in this article emphasized on to bring in pioneering changes or alignment for effective decision making mechanism and innovate or select best fitted-in technologies according to voyage from business plan to business process management. This article first briefly discusses each entity involved from business plan/rule (BR) for creating business logics advances through support of business performance analyst to formulate business processes which bifurcates into sub-processes for business process management (BPM) for this various available options of suitable technologies accordingly to implement these sub-processes. All such activities from creation, monitoring and feedback from each business entity are performed by business performance analyst (BPA). For this article presents a flowchart, tree structure and comprehensive pictorial representation of all the integrated entities at one place to bring in awareness among entrepreneurs to realize the alignment mechanism and role between the five entities. Through this depiction of practical implementation within business organization effectively assist entrepreneurs for their effective decision making in enhancing, establishing and stabilizing their business.
Vulnerability Discovery and Mitigation in OLSR of Mobile Ad-hoc networks [Full-Text ] Sd Salman Ali, Dr. G Manoj SomeswarMobile ad hoc networks (MANET) are formed by a group of mobile nodes connected by using wireless networks without the need of a ?xed infrastructure. They can communicate to each other by direct peer-to-peer wireless communication when they are close to each other or otherwise they user multi-hop paths. Due to its, node mobility support, decentralized architecture and dynamic routing capabilities MANETs are envisioned to become a stand-alone network for a group of mobile users. Although several routing protocols have been introduced in MANET's for efficient routing and scalable performance, Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) received particular attention recently. In order to reduce the traffic messages flood in MANET's, OLSR uses Multipoint Relays (MPRs) as an internal mechanism. A lot of research on OLSR reveals various vulnerabilities and security issues. In this paper we are introducing some secure and robust methodologies to mitigate security attacks on OLSR and its MPR's. To overcome control traf?c attacks and to reduce the overhead generated by redundant control messages we implemented k-robust-MPR selection process. Experimental simulation shows that our methodologies are useful and approach is very secure, robust and scalable for routing in mobile ad hoc networks.
Time Series Forecast of New HIV Cases in the Ashanti Region of Ghana[Full-Text ] F. T. Oduro, G. A. Okyere, P. Aboagye-SarfoThis paper seek to predict new HIV cases in the Ashanti region of Ghana using Holt's exponential smoothing and the Box-Jenkins ARIMA model of time series analysis. The Holts exponential smoothing predicted 2580 new HIV cases per year in Ashanti region whereas the Box-Jenkins ARIMA model predicted a constant number of 2556 new HIV cases per year, suggesting that the epidemic in the Ashanti region will relatively be in stable equilibrium for the next three years.
Fundus Images Acquisition Techniques with Data base in Diabetic Retinopathy[Full-Text ] Kade Mahesh KThe purpose of this paper is to Provide the information regarding Diabetic retinopathy, its various imaging methods and data base in systematic manner . In this paper we Introduce the terms related to Diabetic Retinopathy along with the characteristic and features of appearance in the images .In this paper we also discuss the various image acquisition techniques of retina from fundus photography to 3D OCT Imaging. lastly we also provide the list of the current public data base available with the ground truth . In Diabetic retinopathy the blood vessel becomes weak and due to this vessel leaks blood and fluid of lipoproteins ,this creates abnormalaties in retina. Abnormal retinal images form four different classes namely non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR), Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), Choroidal neovascularisation membrane (CNVM) and central serous retinopathy (CSR) .There may exist different kinds of abnormal lesions caused by diabetic retinopathy in a diabetic's eye. The lesion types are Microaneurysm, Hard Exudate, Soft Exudate, Hemorrhage, and Neovascularization.
Temperature Dependent Dielectric Relaxation Study of Arvindasava and Pipplyasava ( Ayurvedic Medicines ) in Ethanol[Full-Text ] Dr. Uddhav Ram Lahane, Mr. Prashant Uddhav LahaneTemperature dependent Dielectric relaxation study of Ayurvedic medicines, Arvindasava and Pippalyasava in Ethanol has been carried out at sampling frequency 12.4 GHz and at temperatures 100C, 200C, 300C & 400C. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) in reflection mode has been used as a technique. In TDR a fast rising step pulse of 25 ps is incident on the asava kept in the cell. The reflected pulse from the cell is sampled with incident pulse in sampling oscilloscope. The sampled pulses are digitized. The time dependent data were processed to obtain complex reflection coefficient spectra ?*(?) using Fourier transformation. The static dielectric constant (e0), dielectric relaxation time (t), Bruggeman factor (fB) and thermodynamic parameters of Ayurvedic medicines, " asava" were evaluated from complex reflection spectra.
Location Based Augmented Reality [Full-Text ] Prof. P. B. Alappanavar, Bhushan Kurvey, Monali Karad , Sunil Bhagwatkar The computational ability of mobile devices have been rapidly increasing day by day. Augmented reality has become feasible on cell phones. We are giving an approach for pose estimation to support augmented reality view on Global Positioning System(GPS) which is commonly available feature on a mobile phone platforms like Android. Using the embedded camera of the phone, the application uses the device in a common environment and determines its orientation. The dimensions , longitude and altitude are determined from GPS ,matching the co-ordinates of the current position ,3D virtual objects from a database can be projected into the image and displayed on mobile screen. The application enables the user both to visualize virtual objects in the camera image and to localize the user in a familiar environment. We describe in detail the process of building the database and the pose estimation algorithm used on the mobile phone .In addition, Auto-profiling is new feature which is introduced. Getting longitude and altitude, the application selects and sets mobile profile as previously defined by user.
Experimental study of H-21 punching dies on wire-cut electric discharge machine using Taguchi's method[Full-Text ] Gaurav Sachdeva, Ravinder Khanna, Parveen Yadav, Amit Nara, Narender SinghThis experimental study of metal cutting focuses on the features of tools, input work materials and machine parameter settings influencing process efficiency and output quality characteristics. A major factor for selection of optimal machining condition is to achieve the goal of higher machining process efficiency. To design and implement an effective process control for metal cutting operation by parameter optimization, there is a need to balance the quality and cost of every operation resulting in improved and reduced failure of a product under consideration. Present investigation is to optimize the process parameters for single response optimization using Taguchi's L18 orthogonal array. Experiments were carried out on H-21 die tool steel as work piece electrode and zinc coated brass wire as a tool electrode. Response parameters are cutting speed, surface roughness and die width. The feature which makes optimization most powerful in comparison to other methods is its ability to handle multiple performance parameters in the form of constraints. The experimental results are then transformed into a signal to noise ratio(S/N) ratio. The S/N ratio can be used to measure the deviation of the performance characteristics from the desired value. The optimal level of the process parameter is the level with the highest S/N ratio. A statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) is performed to identify the process parameters that are statistically significant.
Scientific article on super scientist of climate control[Full-Text ] M.Arulmani, V.R.Hema LathaA research oriented scientific article on global warming and climate change issue is herewith enclosed for kind perusal and publish for further research for the benefit of global population.
Risk-Aware Mechanism to Mitigate Routing Attacks in MANET by Distributed Node Control Method[Full-Text ] A.Jaganraj (M.E), A.Yogaraj M.Tech, K.Aishwarya M.EThe topological nature of MANET(Mobile Ad-hoc Network) itself demands high security due to its mobility movement, but designing a risk aware routing path for MANET is a complex task because of its Dynamic nature of Infrastructure. In this proposal, designing an Dynamic routing path decider to find less risk aware routing path for effective communication. The efficiency of the throughput and Routing failures can be further reduced by making Nodes of MANET to be more Knowledgeable, that is with more Metadata parameters. This paper introduce a class of metrics to measure the effective security offered in a wireless network as a function of the routing topology and the link security provided by the key assignment protocol. This joint protocol analysis allows a network analyst or an adversary to evaluate the vulnerability of network traffic and isolate weakly secured connections. Its show how an intelligent adversary can mount a node capture attack using vulnerability evaluation to focus the attack on the nodes which contribute maximally to the compromise of network traffic.
Discussion on natural gas pipeline "ice blockage"[Full-Text ] Sun Lin, PanYi, Yang ShuangchunThe reason of "ice block" in the natural pipeline is analyzed in this article. The formation of "Ice blockage" is affected by some reasons that the water in the pipeline, natural gas hydrate and some environmental factors, and the environmental factors includes temperature, geography and pipeline pressure. The harm of ice blockage is correctly understood and the method of preventing ice blockage is worked out by analysis.
Load Distribution & Resource Scheduling for Mixed Workloads in Cloud Environment[Full-Text ] V. Sindhu Shri II ME, S. Priya Asst.ProfeesorCloud computing technology is used to share computational resources under the cloud resource providers. The cloud nodes use the shared resources. Cloud computing is Internet-based computing to share resources, software and information. Both transactional and long-running analytic computations are comprised into workloads. Scientific simulations to multi-tier transactional applications are referred as workloads. Resources are provided with reference to the category of the workload. Transactional workloads are managed using flow control, load balancing and application placement. Non-interactive workloads need scheduling and resource control. Common virtualization control mechanisms are used to manage mix of transactional and batch workloads. Relative Performance Functions (RPFs) are used to permit trade-offs between different workloads. Application placement controller (APC) provides the decision-making logic for placement of both web and non-interactive workloads. Placement optimizer is tuned to provide dynamic placement for web applications. Placement algorithm with placement control loop is used to place jobs in the server. Transactional and batch workload based resource allocation is provided in the autonomic workload management system. Placement algorithm with placement control loop is improved to manage low level and high level resources. Data retrieval rate is integrated with the placement process. Workload and web applications are placed with estimated and requested computation loads. Data distribution factor is integrated with the system.
Development of Oil Seal from Natural Rubber Using Coconut Shell and Rice Husk as Fillers[Full-Text ] Onukak, I.E, Mohammed-Dabo I.A., Fatima, M, Nuhu M, Bilal, S.The essence of this research is to determine the physicochemical properties of oil seal made from natural rubber using cocoanut shell and rice husk as fillers to determine their competitive strength with the standard carbon black. Alkaline fillers accelerate curing while acidic ones retard curing in the processing of natural rubber. Curing refer to a process that helps in the crosslinking of the different components added to the rubber after formulation and compounding. From the test result, Coconut shell and Rice husk filled seals had pH values of 7.5 and 7.1 respectively compared with the standard having a pH value of 6.5. The rate of sorption depends on the moisture content, nature of the filler and also loss on ignition of the filler.
Modeling and Controlling of Conical tank system using adaptive controllers and performance comparison with conventional PID[Full-Text ] T.Pushpaveni, S.Srinivasulu Raju, N.Archana, M.ChandanaThis paper is about comparison between adaptive PID control and model predictive control in the conical tank process. The level control becomes quite typical due to the nonlinear shape of tank. Many process industries use conical tanks because of its shape contributes to better drainage of solid mixtures, slurries and viscous liquids. So control of conical tank presents a challenging problem due to its non-linearity and constantly changing cross-section.A conventional PID controller is used to control the conical tank system based upon tuning rules available in A.O. Dwyer tuning rules [9]. A single run of the relay feedback experiments carried out to characterize the dynamics including the type of damping behaviour, the ultimate gain, and ultimate frequency. From the knowledge of ultimate gain and ultimate frequency, we can obtain the tuning parameters by using ZN-Closed loop method. Model predictive control (MPC) refers to a class of computer control algorithms that utilize an explicit process model to predict the future response of a plant. MPC designed for conical tank system for multi set point tracking to achieve the desired performance.
Enhancing the Performance Through Simulated N-LEACH Balance Cost Cluster Head Selection Algorithm[Full-Text ] Rachna Dasondhi, Deepak Kulhare, Megha SinghPotential use of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) can be seen in various fields like disaster management, battle field surveillance and border security surveillance since last few years. In such applications, a large number of sensor nodes are deployed, which are often unattended and work autonomously. Clustering is a key technique used to extend the lifetime of a sensor network by reducing energy consumption. It can also increase network scalability. Sensor nodes are considered to be homogeneous since the researches in the field of WSNs have been evolved, but some nodes may be of different energy to prolong the lifetime of a WSN and its reliability. In this paper, we study the impact of heterogeneity of nodes to the performance of WSNs. The simulation results show that the algorithm proposed by this paper behaviours better performance than LEACH in the following aspects, the numbers of life nodes, energy consumption and packet transmission.
Tree Ring Analysis of Tectona grandis L.f. in Gujarat[Full-Text ] Aparna Rathore and Yogesh T JasraiClimate of the earth is continuously changing due to natural and anthropogenic reasons. For predicting future climate it is imperative to know how climate changed in the past, especially during the past few centuries. High resolution long term climate data during the recent past about 1000 years are needed to understand natural climate variability and the magnitude of human impact on it. Terrestrial proxies available for climate reconstruction are ice cores, lake sediments, corals, speleothems and tree rings. Among these tree rings have specific advantages: they have a wide geographic distribution, are annually resolved, show a continuous record and are easily dated by ring-counting. With their high resolution and reliability, tree rings play an important role in global change studies. In the present study tree ring samples were collected using increment corer from different teak dominant areas of Gujarat and the tree ring widths were correlated with temperature and precipitation data and drought years. The results so obtained show a sharp correlation of the ring width development with the drought years. Hence, the drought condition has a prominent effect on the growth rate of the teak trees.
Integration of traffic management with service-oriented traffic classification with Intrusion Detection[Full-Text ] Balaji.S ,Vivek.A ,Dr.P.PandarinathIn a typical network, the traffic through the network is heterogeneous and consists of flows from multiple applications and utilities.Considering todays threats in network there is yet not a single solution to solve all the issues because the traditional methods of port-based and payload-based with machine learning algorithm suffers from dynamic ports and encrypted application.Many international network equipment manufactures like cisco, juniper also working to reduce these issues in the hardware side.Here this paper presents a new approach considering the idea of service-based.This method is, in some sense, orthogonal to current approaches and it can be used as an efficient complement to existing methods to reduce computation and memory requirements.Experimental results on real traffic confirm that this method is extremely effective and may improve considerably the accuracy of traffic classification, while it is suitable to a large number of applications.Finally, it is also possible to adopt a service database built offline, possibly provided by a third party and modeled after the signature database of antivirus programs,which in term reduce the work of training procedure and overfitting of parameters in case of parameteric classifier of supervised traffic classification.
Improved-Bidirectional Exact Pattern Matching[Full-Text ] Iftikhar HussainIn this research, we present an improved version of bidirectional [20] (BD) algorithm to solve the problem of exact pattern matching. Improved-Bidirectional (IBD) exact pattern matching algorithm introduced a new idea of scanning partial text window as well with the pattern to take decision of moving pattern to the right of partial text window. IBD algorithm compares the characters of pattern to selected text window from both sides simultaneously as BD. The time complexity of preprocessing phase of IBD algorithm is O(2m) and searching phase takes O(mn/2).
A New Algorithm to Find Longest Common Subsequence's[Full-Text ] Arindam Kotal, K.K.SenapatiIn the study of pattern matching, string matching is an important topic and also an important component in the application of computer science. The Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) problem is to find a subsequence which is common to at least two or more given sequences. The sub- sequence which has the largest length is the longest common subsequence. This paper describes a new algorithm to find the longest common subsequence between two strings. In this paper we introduce two pruning operations which improve the speed up of the algorithm. The proposed algorithm emphasizes on the optimization of the running time & improvement of time complexity against the existing well-known improved dynamic programming algorithm for LCS. The further significance of this algorithm is that this algorithm can also be applied in multiple sequences. The comparison between the performance of the proposed algorithm with pruning and without pruning operations has also been analysed.
Hard Authentication Using Dot Array Carrier Structure[Full-Text ] Anil Pise, Hrishikesh Chabukswar, Deepak JadhavThis paper describes an optical watermarking, for the authentication of original printed documents. An optical watermark is a two- dimensional binary image. It can be of any shape and can be printed on any part of a document. The hidden information is embedded using phase modulation. This hidden information becomes visible to the human eyes only when a right key is positioned on the top of the optical watermark with the right alignment. Here, keys play the similar role as keys in encryption that is to decode hidden information. Thus, with such a lock and key approach,it greatly improves the security level of optical watermark. Due to it's high security and tight link with electronic document systems, the optical watermarks are widely used for hard document or printed documents for there authentication.
User Specific Algorithm for Vertical Handoff in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks[Full-Text ] Suman, Parvinder Singh, R.B.PatelSelecting most optimal network to satisfy user requirements is very important for seamless mobility of users across heterogeneous wireless networks (HWNs). For overall network stability decision regarding when to perform vertical handoff and to which network is very crucial. In this paper we present an intelligent adaptive and user-centric network selection algorithm which uses Sugeno fuzzy inference system (FIS) to decide when to perform handoff. ANFIS is used to rank different wireless networks for VHO based on set of parameters along with user preferences on a mobile device. Our algorithm fulfills specific needs of users and simultaneously balance overall load of HWN. Simulation results demonstrate that our algorithm gives high network throughput and reduce packet drop rate and handoff latency.
Personal Information System[Full-Text ] Parul Mann, Nikita Parab, Madhuri Sankpal, Chaitrali MordePersonal Information System consists of the functionality of a human resource management system along with additional functionalities to help the organization and employees improve. It is a web based system that eases the administrator's work.
Real Time Detection and Recognition of Indian Traffic Signs using Matlab[Full-Text ] Huda Noor Dean, Jabir K.V.TTraffic Sign recognition system is a part of driving assistance system that automatically alerts and informs the driver of the traffic signs ahead. In this paper an efficient real time sign detection system is proposed for Indian traffic signs. Car cameras that capture video are integrated with an in-vehicle computing device. Image frames may be blurred and corrupted by Gaussian noise due to motion of vehicle and atmospheric turbulence. Hence Image enhancement is done using median filter and nonlinear Lucy-Richardson for de-convolution. Colour segmentation using YCbCr colour space along with shape filtering through template matching of colour detected candidates are used to detect sign from images as colour and shape easily distinguishes a sign from its background. The classification module determines the type of detected road signs using Multi-layer Perceptron neural networks.
Implementation of Socket Programming and RMI Using Simulating Environment[Full-Text ] Hemant Kumar Srivastava, Rounak Sinha, Sumita GuptaA network comprises of collection of nodes and the medium which connects them. These nodes are connected to each other for the reason of data transmission, which can be in any form i.e. messages, media, function invocation etc. The data transmission can be carried out in two modes: Synchronous transfer and Asynchronous transfer. In this expanded world where data transmission plays a vital role for communication in any firm, it becomes very necessary to use the network intelligently for effective transmission with less traffic overhead. This paper deals with two such techniques which can be selected according to the need of any organization. The two techniques are Socket Programming and Remote Method Invocation. Socket Interface is one of the fundamental technologies underlying the internet. If socket programming is implemented at hardware level, the communication between hosts will occur much faster than it is today. Socket programming can be implemented at both hardware and software. In this paper both Socket programming and RMI have been discussed in detail and comparative study is done between them on different parameters. Many papers and reviews have been published that deals with Socket programming and Remote Method Invocation (RMI). As to start off with the survey, this paper contains the history, background and detailed description of Socket Programming and Remote method Invocation (RMI), clearly mentioning what they are. This paper will also focuses on the comparative study of both Socket Programming and RMI , their advantages and disadvantages, their function, how they work and different scenarios where they can be used.
Cleaner Production of Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM)[Full-Text ] Jemish Dattani, Darshan Devani, Omprakash SahuCleaner production eliminates pollution throughout the entire production process. It is a way of reducing pollution damage to both the environment and the human population by increasing the efficiency of resource use - decreasing pollution discharge by improving management and technology. Cleaner production is implemented at the factory level. The factories get both economic and environmental benefits from implementing cleaner production. The implementation of cleaner production involves a combination of reorganization, improved technology in the factories, power saving and decreasing consumption, improved management and competent resource use. The eventual goal of clean production is to achieve a 'closed loop' operation in which all excess materials are recycled back into the process, which is utmost necessary in today's world. ..Here we have included a case study of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) production using cleaner production (CP), which includes Material Balance, Energy Balance, Cost Estimation and Simulation.
A Study of Advanced Switching Fabric Design of a "Router"[Full-Text ] Alok Sahu* Dr. Bharat Mishra* Gauri Shankar KushwahaRouters perform the "traffic directing" functions on the internet. The rapid growth of the Internet has created different challenges for routers in backbone, enterprise, and access networks. Future routers must not only at high speed, but also one is important non-trivial issue such as switching fabrics with a wide range of packet format and routing protocol. Head of Line Blocking (HoLB) is a problem that occurs in any system where congestion exists at the output port. HoLB occurs when multiple packets, destined for multiple destinations, all share one queue. Packets destined for a specific location must wait until all packets ahead of it are processed before being passed through the switch fabric. An example of this is when several multiple lane highways are merged into a one lane highway. In this paper we suggest for a different approach, with the non-trivial issue Advanced Switching Fabric Design(HoLB) of a router in order to enable them to focus solely on managing a computer network.
Colorimetric Detection Of Lead Ions Using Glutathione Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles[Full-Text ] I.V. Anambiga, V. Suganthan, N. Arunai Nambi Raj, G. Buvaneswari, T. S. Sampath KumarHeavy metal poisoning is one of the common problems that occurs due to changes in food chain, environmental conditions, etc., One of the most commonly occurring toxicities due to metal ions is lead poisoning. It causes many diseases like skin lesions, cancer, diabetes, heart and lung related problems etc., in human beings. It was widely reported that the elevated level of Pb (II) in drinking water is primarily related to human health effects such as damage of the brain and nervous system, behavioural and learning disabilities, blood pressure increase, kidney damage and anemia. Extremely low concentrations of lead in blood and urine causes reproductive disorders especially in children and high concentrations causes seizures, coma and sometimes leading to death. In this work, the silver nanoparticles is stabilized with glutathione - a tripeptide, are synthesized (GSH-AgNPs) using the modified Creighton's method and colorimetric assay of heavy metals with GSH-AgNPs was carried out. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by XRD, UV-Vis spectrophotometer, FTIR techniques. The sensitivity and selectivity of different metal ions such as chromium, lead, magnesium, manganese, copper, mercury, ferric and ferrous in water and blood samples were checked. Initially, the synthesized GSH-AgNPs were in pale yellow colour colloidal solution. When mixed with different concentrations of lead from 10-3 to 10-9M and pH from 3 to 7, it turns from pale yellow to deep orange and remaining metal ions didn't show any colour change. The optimisation was performed for various parameters such as concentration and pH. From the UV absorbance peak intensity, the concentration of lead ion can be obtained. This assay can be used to detect the lead ion even to the lowest concentration level of ~10-9M. The future work is to develop a lab-on-chip sensor using MEMS technique for more accurate detection of metal toxicities in various biological samples. This diagnostic study can be helpful in identifying lead poisoning at an early stage.
Brain Tumor Segmentation using Swarm Intelligence Approach[Full-Text ] Tinali Kamble, Prachi RaneSegmentation is an important step in medical imgae analysis which is used to extract the boundary of an area we are interested in.
Performance Based Comparison Study of RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography[Full-Text ] Rounak Sinha, Hemant Kumar Srivastava, Sumita GuptaNetwork is a collection of interconnected nodes which are spread over a large region. A node can be any device such as personal computer, mobile phone, tablet, WAP devices, pager, etc. Data is transmitted over channel of this network, which is prone to security threats such as loss of confidentiality, loss of integrity, fabrication attacks, etc. So, there is a need to secure this data transmission. It is achieved through Cryptography This paper introduces RSA algorithm and its concept in brief, and then proceeds to discuss Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). The future scope of ECC has been pondered upon. In the process, a brief overview of Cryptosystems and different Cryptographic algorithms has been given. We have touched upon Symmetric Algorithms, which were based on the concept of using a common key. Brief details about Public Key Cryptography, a brainchild of Diffie and Hellman, have also been given. .RSA is one of the effective public key cryptographic algorithms, which needs time and memory; on the other hand ECC provides a strong alternative with its subtle features. Many research papers have been submitted on this cryptographic algorithm. Each paper has different perspective.
Pre-distortion Based Linearisation Technique for Power Amplifiers of Wideband Communication Systems[Full-Text ] Sangeeta Bawa, Maninder Pal, Jyoti GuptaThe high power amplifiers (HPAs) for CDMA and OFDM telecommunication systems need to be highly linear. However in practise, the response of HPA is non-linear which introduces distortion in signals being amplified. This response can be made linear using various linearization techniques. In this paper, an adaptive pre-distortion based linearization technique is introduced. It is based on adding pre-distortions into signals, which will result in cancellation of non-linear distortions appearing in power amplifier. The characteristics of this non-linear adaptive linearizer are represented by an analogue polynomial. In this paper, the coefficients of this polynomial are adjusted automatically in a manner that the output of linearizer when fed to an amplifier, the final output becomes error free and the whole system behaves like a linear amplifier. This helps reducing the distortion in power amplifiers, resulting in a better linearised output.
Stress Based Forming Limit[Full-Text ] Krunal K. Rathod, Mehul D. Gohil, Prof. D. R. ShahMetal forming processes is finding increasing acceptance as a manufacturing process for various engineering components. In need of higher performance and due to economic and ecological reasons, lightweight construction is the key factor to success, mainly not only in the transportation sector, but also in general engineering, machine tools and architecture. This seminar is deals with the stress based forming limit diagram. With the use of forming limit diagram one can predict the ability of metal to form in various shapes. Here in this seminar comparison between strain and stress based diagram is done. And in addition with this, finding the advantage of stress based FLD to Strain based FLD. In processes like Hydroforming and flanging or multistage processes the stress based forming limit diagram is given better prediction of onset of necking compare to strain based forming limit diagram. In case of tube Hydroforming of the square cross section extended stress based forming limit diagram is introduced.
Letter Recognition Data Using Neural Network[Full-Text ] Hussein Salim QasimThe letters dataset from the UCI repository website form a relatively complex problem to classify distorted raster images of English alphabets. In contrast to rather complex networks, difference boosting algorithm, a computationally less intensive Bayesian classifier, is found to produce comparable or better classification efficiency on this problem. The character images were, originally, based on 20 different fonts and each letter within these 20 fonts was randomly distorted to produce a file of 20,000 unique stimuli. Each stimulus was converted into 16 primitive numerical attributes (statistical moments and edge counts) which were then scaled to fit into a range of integer values from 0 through 15. We typically chose, randomly, 1,000 unique stimuli for study. We made sure that the distribution remains the same after choosing the one thousand stimuli. In this study, a neural network tool was developed for the purpose of predicting to identify each of a large number of black and white rectangular pixel displays as one of the 26 capital letters in the English alphabet. The character images were based on 20 different fonts and each letter within these 20 fonts was randomly distorted to produce a file of 1,000.
Design of Fractional-Order Plα Controller For Integer-Order Systems[Full-Text ] Adil Zulfiqar, Nisar AhmedThe aim of this work is to design a fractional-Order Plα controller for Integer-order type systems so that to improve the performance and robustness of integer-order type systems. The design of FO-Plα controller in the sense that good set-point tracking and load disturbance rejection is minimized by increasing fractional-order element "α" putting constraint on peak sensitivity function. The method used in this paper is generalized method i.e. Fractional-Ms Constrained integral gain optimization (F-MIGO). In this method it is assumed that model of the plant is given to us. The method is very effective and simple to use. At the end comparison between fractional Plα and classical PI controllers is give.
Optimal Generation Scheduling of Cascaded Hydrothermal System Using Genetic Algorithm and Constriction Factor Based Particle Swarm Optimization Technique[Full-Text ] M.M. Salama, M.M. Elgazar, S.M. Abdelmaksoud, H.A. HenryIn this paper, a genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization with constriction factor (CFPSO) are proposed for solving the short term multi chain hydrothermal scheduling problem with non smooth fuel cost objective functions. The performance of the proposed techniques is demonstrated on hydrothermal test system comprising of three thermal units and four hydro power plants. A wide range of thermal and hydraulic constraints such as power balance constraint, minimum and maximum limits of hydro and thermal units, water discharge rate limits, reservoir volume limits, initial and end reservoir storage volume constraint and water dynamic balance constraint are taken into consideration. The simulation results obtained from the constriction factor based particle swarm optimization are compared with the outcomes obtained from the genetic algorithm to reveal the validity and verify the feasibility of the proposed methods. The test results show that the particle swarm optimization technique is better solution than genetic algorithm in terms of solution quality and computational time.
Numerical Simulation of an Al2O3-H2O Nanofluid as a Heat Transfer Agent for a Flat-Plate Solar Collector[Full-Text ] Eman Abdel-Hakim Tora, Tarek MoustafaThis work introduces a model to numerically simulate the heat transfer performance of an Al2O3-water based nanofluid as the working fluid for flat-plate solar collectors. A numerical model is developed by considering the features and the performance of the collector using water as the reference system. Then, the model is modified to consider the thermophysical properties of the nanofluid ( ) and the potential consequent impact on the convective heat transfer inside the tubes in terms of the Nusselt number to compare the efficiency of the collector when using a nanofluid in the case when only water is used. An alumina-water nanofluid with variable volumetric concentrations of nanoparticles is simulated to demonstrate the applicability of the model. The calculated convective heat transfer coefficient, the enhanced efficiency, the altered mass flow rate, the collector heat removal factor and the heat loss coefficient are in good agreement with the trend of the available experimental data..
An Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Approach in Monitoring Urban Expansion in Benin-City, Nigeria.[Full-Text ] Dr. Ogunbodede, Emman Funmilayo, Balogun, Toju Francis The timely detection of trend in land use change and the quantification of such trends are of specific interest to planners. Accurate and up-to-date information on existing land use/land cover, and topographical map which are planning and monitoring tools are not adequate. The available ones are too old and out dated for an effective information base for planning. In an attempt to fill this gap, this study uses existing images for 1986, 2002 and 2007 to determine the spatial growth of Benin City at different times as well as determine the rate of growth, and direction of growth. On the basis of this finding, make a projection for the future growth, as well as, determine the effects of this growth on Benin urban environment. Satellite images of Benin City were obtained, processed and classified using supervised classification and minimum likelihood algorithm with ILWIS GIS software. It also uses questionnaire to elicit information on infrastructural provision, problems of growth on infrastructure as well as probable solution to problems identified. The result shows that Benin City in the last 16 years (1986 - 2002), has increased in area extent (built-up area) from 71.9426 sq km to 117.7559 sq km an increase of 45.8133sq km (38.91%) while in five years (2002 - 2007) it rose from 117.7559 sq km to 187.5211sq km (37.20 %). Absolute growth for the 21 years (1986-2007) was 115.5785 sq km while the annual rate of growth is 5.5sq km. The study observed that the location of educational establishment is a major driving force behind the growth of the city while residential expansion of low income earners at the periphery of the city account for the spatial expansion. The study observes that the Central Business District (CBD) and the core areas continued to be dilapidated while the decay in infrastructural facilities worsens. The new areas were also discovered to lack portable water supply, electricity, as well as motorable roads. The study recommends regular monitoring of urban expansion and its direction using integrated remote sensing and GIS approaches to determine the pattern of land use/cover as well as guide the provision of urban services and infrastructures.
Industrialization Water Pollution And Social Change: A Case Of Basin Based Village In Bangladesh [Full-Text ] Shahid MallickBangladesh is predominantly an agriculture based and host of a large and densely populated country in the world (average population is 965 in per sq.km) The absorption and employment of these huge population always been a big challenge to the country. Industrialization is an option other than agriculture. However, the disposal of untreated industrial waste into the open water body and rivers is a threat to traditional livelihoods and occupational groups and has long-term effect on local natural resources. The unsuitability of huge surface water pushes to pull more underground water and thus implicated in environmental and ecological imbalance in respected area and as whole. Peoples of Ghughudia and adjacent village around river Bangshi were exclusively dependent on Bangshi river water for their agriculture, domestic use and to take bath themselves and their cows and other pets too. Bangshi had also been fishing source for all and livelihood means for Raj Bongshi (traditional occupational fishing groups). The whole scenario has changed since from 1990s when a large export processing zone (EPZ) and so other local industry build-up at Banghsi river blank another area. Fishing in the river and work in a paddy filed irrigated with Banghsi river water causes irritation and skin disease. Bad smell from the river, pushes schools and houses near river to keep close their doors and windows. General and individual family income increases and new social structure developed but traditional culture and occupations are lost, social and physical environment and ecology of the area are degraded. This paper is based on work of Bangshi river conservation and continued research in the area. The findings and observation present in this paper are obtained through, methodology and research tools applied are focus group discussions (FGD), individual interviews, observations, in-depth interview and descriptive survey.
Natural Convection Heat Transfer from Symmetrical Triangular Fin Arrays on Vertical Surface[Full-Text ] N.G.Narve,N.K.Sane, R.T.JadhavThis paper deals with study of heat transfer characteristics of natural convection heat flow through vertical symmetrical triangular fin arrays. It was studied experimentally and its results were compared with equivalent rectangular fin arrays. In the experimental arrangement, spacing between fins was varied. Results were generated for S+ = 0.015, 0.03, 0.045 & 0.105 and GrH =2*107 to 5*107. Average, base Nusselt number and Grashof number were calculated. It was observed that with increase in Grashof number, average and base Nusselt number increases. Similarly average Nusselt number increases with spacing whereas base Nusselt number increases to maximum value with spacing and then decreases [11].
Oxidation of 1, 2-Propandiol by Tripropylammonium Fluorochromate: A Kinetic and Mechanistic Study[Full-Text ] Sayyed Hussain, Takale Surendra, Khadari Sanaulla and Kattapale RThe Kinetics of oxidation of 1, 2-propandiol by tripropylammonium fluorochromate [TPAFC] has been studied Spectrophotometrically catalyzed by sulphuric acid in aqueous acetic acid medium in the temperature range 292-318K.The reaction is first order with respect to both 1, 2-propandiol and TPAFC. The activation parameters for the slow step were computed and calculated. Effect of ionic strength and dielectric constant of medium has also been studied. A suitable mechanism has been proposed.
Cyber Law And Information Technology[Full-Text ] R. M. KambleInformation technology deals with information system, data storage, access, retrieval, analysis and intelligent decision making. Information technology refers to the creation, gathering, processing, storage, presentation and dissemination of information and also the processes and devices that enable all this to be done. The misuse of the technology has created the need of the enactment and implementation of the cyber laws. Today, computers play a major role in almost every crime that is committed. Citizens should not be under the impression that cyber crime is vanishing and they must realize that with each passing day, cyberspace becomes a more dangerous place to be in, where criminals roam freely to execute their criminals intentions encouraged by the so-called anonymity that internet provides. The Paper focuses on new legislation which can cover all the aspects of the Cyber Crimes should be passed so the grey areas of the law can be removed.
Cloud Based Apartment Management System[Full-Text ] Anurag Roy, Ajinkya Kulkarni, Anindya Gangakhedkar, Mayuresh AmdekarThis paper presents the possible approaches to manage an Apartment by a system deployed on cloud. Apartment Management system is a emerging trend in online computing applications. Increase in population coupled with high metropolitan migration has lead to a tremendous expansion in the number of housing complexes. The age old methods of managing these apartments are not able to meet the tremendous demand and sizes of the societies. It is necessary to facilitate the management of these societies on an online cloud based user friendly platform. Software coupled with reliable hardware allows developers to create multitenant applications with relative ease. These applications are able to support millions of users without any maintenance from the developer.