Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2013 Edition
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Application of Artificial Neural Network to Predict Squall-Thunderstorms Using RAWIND Data[Full-Text ] H.Chakrabarty, Sonia Bhattacharya, A. Das GuptaSevere thunderstorm is a mesoscale weather phenomenon which occurs seasonally. It affects people in a devastating manner. It happens in many subtropical places of the world. Different scientific researches are going on to the forcasting of this severe weather feature in advance to reduce damages. Nowadays, machine learning techniques are applied in meteorological field. The present study is performed by the application of artificial neural network Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) model to predict seasonal severe thunderstorms associated with squall occurring in Kolkata, India. It is trained and tested with rawindsonde data recorded in the early morning at 00:00UTC (06:00 Local Time). In this paper, it has been found how much correct prediction of the 'occurrence'/ 'no occurrence' of severe storms can be done using vertical wind shears at different geo-potential heights of the atmosphere having the nowcasting time of around 12 hours. Multi layer Perceptron is found to yield very promising result. The result indicates that forecasting can be done correctly above 98% both for 'squall-storm days' and 'no storm days'.
Status of blood ammonia and urea with reference to hepatic glutamate dehydrogenase activity in freshwater airbreathing teleost, Heteropneustes fossilis kept in a water-restricted condition.[Full-Text ] Dr. Shuvasish Roy Choudhury and Dr. Rita MahantaThe airbreathing teleost, Heteropneustes fossilis was kept in an aquarium and the possible role of ureogenesis for their survival in a water-restricted condition was studied. The blood ammonia level showed a steady increase till 5th day of the experimental period. However, after that it maintained a more or less steady state, which supports the presence of glutamate dehydrogenase activity in the hepatic tissue. As considerably high blood urea level was found in the experimental fish, so it may be assumed that ureogenesis was used as a survival strategy by H. fossilis in a water-restricted condition.
Single Phase Pv Cell Fed H- Bridge Multilevel Inverter Using Boost Converter[Full-Text ] M. Kavitha, A. Arunkumar, N. Gokulnath, S. Arun and A. RagavendiranThis paper presents a single-phase five-level photovoltaic (PV) inverter topology for grid-connected PV systems with a Sinusoidal Pulse Width-Modulated (SPWM) control scheme. The photo-voltaic arrays are connected to five-level multilevel inverter through the DC-DC boost converter. By implementing maximum power point tracking algorithm are producing more power from PV array. The DC power from the PV array is boosted by using the DC-DC boost converter. The boosted DC supply is applied to PWM inverter which is controlled by PI controller. MATLAB/SIMULINK platform are used to simulate the circuit operation and control signal. The results show that cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with pv cell.
Efficient Foreground Object Detection using Background Subtraction[Full-Text ] K.Suganya Devi, N.Malmurugan, G.SelvasanthiBackground subtraction is a computational vision process of extracting foreground objects in a video sequence. There are many algorithms that had been developed to perform background subtraction. In this paper, a cone shaped hierarchical background model (CSHBM) is proposed to extract the moving objects from the video sequence by incorporating more features from different previous background subtraction methods. A mean-shift algorithm is first applied to segment the background images into set of regions. Then CSHBM model is constructed which consists of two different models namely, region model and pixel model. Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is used to build the region models. This GMM is also used to fix a threshold values for cone shaped illumination model (CSIM). The CSIM is used to build the pixel models. Because of background image segmentation, different parameters can be set to different regions. Experimental results are presented which show that compared to existing techniques, the proposed method provides more robust segmentation in the presence of illumination changes.
Driver Alcohol Detection System[Full-Text ] Ayush MathurNowadays every country is concerned about the accidents caused by the drunken driving. But still in many places the rules are being violated, hence to avoid these situations we need a more efficient system. In order to overcome this problem in a more economical way, an intelligent system has been imbedded, one in the key of the vehicle and the other in the steering wheel of the four wheeler or accelerator of the two wheeler which will constantly check the BAC of the driver while he/she is driving the vehicle. Furthermore, on national highways most of the accidents occur at the junction between the lanes or at the accident prone sites, to overcome this problem a RF receiver is introduced in the system which will receive the signals from the transmitters placed on the national highway junctions and the accident prone sites across the country which will alert the driver when he/she is approaching them.
A brief study on the energy condition of Germany and their future prospect in the energy sector [Full-Text ] Shuva Paul, Md. Rashed Azad,Shaikh Sifat Hossain,Arafat RahmanGermany is one of the powerful countries in the world. With many respect Germany is holding their position with dignity. They are rich in almost every sector of power and energy sector. This paper aims at analyzing the power and energy scenario of this country and their future probable prospect in the energy world.
Wireless Sensor Networks for Water Management that supports Differentiated Services[Full-Text ] Wael Hosny Fouad AlyThe goal of this paper is to make an architecture framework for wireless sensor networks that is used for water management application. The proposed framework focuses on offering differentiated services for sensor nodes. Differentiated services are supported based on the information passed from the sensor node to differentiated service motes. Three differentiated services are offered gold, silver and bronze which are the three types of services that are supported in the model. The architecture also addresses practical considerations in the operation phase, such as monitoring the network during water availability. The proposed architecture is composed of (1) gathering /sensing modules, (2) differentiated service mote modules, and (3) home depot modules. The architecture offers differentiated services, re-configurability, and reliability. Three types of mote modules are supported in this architecture gold, silver and bronze based on the information transferred to the home depot.
An Image High Capacity Steganographic Methods By Modified OPA Algorithm And Haar Wavelet Transform.[Full-Text ] A.Antony Judice, Dhivya Shamini.P, Divya Sree.D.J, Lekshmi Sree.H.A. Steganography is the art and science of hidingcommunication; a steganographic system thus embeds hidden content in unremarkable cover media so as not to arouse an eavesdropper's suspicion. In the past, people used hidden tattoos or invisible ink to convey steganographic content. Using steganography, information can be hidden in different embedding mediums, known as carriers. These carriers can be images, audio files, video files, and text files. The focus in this paper is on the use of an image file as a carrier, and hence, the taxonomy of current steganographic techniques for image files has been presented. Today, computer and network technologies provide easy-to-use communication channels for steganography.In most algorithm used to secure information both steganography and cryptography are used together to secure a part of information. Steganography has many technical challenges such as high hiding capacity and imperceptibility. In this paper,we try to optimize these two main requriments by proposing a novel technique for hiding data in digital images by combining the use of adaptive hiding capacity function that hides secret data in the integer wavelet coefficients of the cover image with the optimum pixel adjustment (OPA) algorithm. The proposed system showed high hiding rates with reasonable imperceptibility compared to other steganographic system
Pattern-Based Knowledge Documentation and Sharing Approach for IT Project Management[Full-Text ] Md. Shafiul Alam Chowdhury, Md. Emrul Hasan, Md. Shahadot HossainThe need for lessons learnt sharing is evident in project management profession, yet it is rarely defined what the best approach to fulfil the need is. Literature and surveys are used to show such need exists. The software design patterns are known in IT industry (Gang of Four) and in this research work we try to adapt patterns idea and evaluate patterns based approach effectiveness for capturing and sharing of best practices in IT Project Management. Literature, similar research and surveys are used to elaborate prioritized features list for the pattern based knowledge sharing tool. A case study is conducted to test this tool in the organization and resulting feedback is discussed at the conclusion. Suggestions for further research and tool implementation details are added at the end.
Classification of Glaucoma Images using Wavelet based Energy Features and PCA[Full-Text ] N.Annu, Judith Justin Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. As glaucoma progresses, more optic nerve tissue is lost and the optic cup grows which leads to vision loss. This paper compiles a system that could be used by non-experts to filtrate cases of patients not affected by the disease. This project proposes glaucomatous image classification using texture features within images and it will be classified effectively based on Probabilistic neural network (PNN).Texture features within images are actively pursued for accurate and efficient glaucoma classification. Energy distribution over wavelet sub bands and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were applied to find these important texture features. Features were obtained from daubechies (db3), biorthogonal (bio3.3, bio3.5, and bio3.7) and symlets (sym3) wavelet filters. It uses a technique to extract energy signatures obtained using 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform and the energy obtained from the detailed coefficients can be used to distinguish between normal and glaucomatous images. A classification with a success of 90% and 95% has been obtained by PCA-PNN and DWT-PNN, respectively. This demonstrates the effectiveness of wavelet as feature extractor and PNN as classifier compared with other recent work.
Investigation on Anti-Jamming Techniques for a robust and reliable Communication Electronic Warfare System[Full-Text ] M.L.S.N. SWARAJYA LAKSHMI, D.S RAM KIRAN, NIRANJAN PRASAD AND M.S.G.PRASADJamming-resistant communication is crucial for safety-critical applications such as emergency alert broadcasts or the dissemination of navigation signals in adversarial conditions. Interference due to intentional/unintentional jamming, co-channel and adjacent channel users can cause severe performance degradation to the communication receivers. Several studies on Electronic Attacks (EAs) to the communication network carried out worldwide reveal that the modern communication can have catastrophe effect wherein a wireless security threats can be effectively disrupted using jammers causing the loss of communication signal or unreliable RF communication under wireless network. By emitting noise-like signals arbitrarily on the shared wireless medium, a jammer can easily disturb the network. Existing Anti-Jam (AJ) and interference mitigation techniques can be applied to reduce the impact of the jammer or interferer to a receiver by determining the characteristics of the interference, then jointly optimizing signal processing to mitigate the characterized jammer or interferer. Depending on the time-frequency nature of the strong interference signal, it may be possible to achieve relatively good anti-jam performance by applying certain signal processing techniques. In this paper, work has been carried out on the application of anti-jamming techniques to QPSK signals.
A Novel Approach to Area Based Image Registration in Medical Imaging[Full-Text ] Nishant Nath, Anisha DasImage registration is the process of overlaying two or more images of the same scene taken at different times, by different sensors and/or from different viewpoints and geometrically aligning them. Image Registration finds extensive use in medical imaging where information from multiple types of scans is registered to obtain more complete information. In this paper we propose a novel approach to Area Based Medical Image Registration. We also present a brief review of recent as well as classical area based image registration methods. The main contributions, advantages, and drawbacks of the methods are reviewed. Issues and outlook for the future research are discussed too.
A Unique visual cryptographic mechanism for hiding secret message in an Image[Full-Text ] Pankaj Rakheja, Sneha Bhatia, Aditi LakraSecurity of the information following in a network vulnerable to numerous attacks is a matter of great concern in todays world. Cryptography is a branch of science which deals with making the information non readable to avoid unauthorized access only the one who know about encoding process and key can decrypt it. Visual cryptography is a technique where visual information in form of text, image etc is encrypted in such a way that decryption does not need computer as it is just a mechanical operation. Here in this paper we have tried to modify the existing visual cryptographic schemes to make it more effective. More the degree of uncertainity in a cipher mechanism better it is , our designed mechanism hides the secret message in Image by LSB insertion method in a random fashion which makes it highly effective and results show that cover image and watermarked image are almost identical.
Effectuation of Blowfish Algorithm using Java Cryptography[Full-Text ] Prachi Jain, Prof.Shubhangi KharcheThe cognitive content of the paper delineates some key features like importing the data in Java using MySQL database, creating the text file and a pdf file for storing the output and importing the .csv (dot csv) file as raw data input. The paper is coaxing in a way that it clearly hashes out the procedure to efficiently execute the Blowfish Algorithm for securely transferring the data within the system. In the initial encryption phase, the blowfish algorithm generates the encrypted output which is written in text file addressed to any drive. The algorithm can be effectively implemented in Eclipse software as it helps to debug the code. In this paper algorithm is applied in voucher management .The application is coaxing in a way that it exemplifies the need to make Pre-paid Recharge system and other applied systems by providing security in intermediate path. Lineament of procedure is an extremely efficient method for securing the network that ends at card generator as the end terminal .The method finds its applications in a wide range of bailiwicks. The Blowfish algorithm is chosen for many benefits. If the world is to have a secure, unpatented, and freely- available encryption algorithm, we need to develop many implementations. These algorithms can then be subjected to years of public scrutiny and cryptanalysis. The paper serves its purpose and can be skeptically evaluated.
ECG Denoising Using MATLAB[Full-Text ] Prakruti J. Joshi, Vivek P. Patkar, Akshay B. Pawar, Prasad B. Patil, Prof. Bagal U. R., Prof. Bipin D. MokalAt present many of the ECG recording instruments are based on analog recording circuitry. Due to this, noises from various sources are inherently added to the signal. Sometimes power of noise becomes even larger than the signal. In this study various sources of noise that usually corrupt the ECG signal are identified and attempt is made to get rid of such noises. Various filtration techniques such as low pass filter, high pass filter, band pass filter and notch filter are used to filter the signal from noises. One more filter called as moving averaging filter is also implemented which has shown very good efficiency in smoothing out the waveform and suppressing 50 Hz Power line noise.
Quasi-ideals and Bi-ideals of a Right Ternary Near-ring. [Full-Text ] A. Uma Maheswari, C. MeeraRight ternary near-rings (RTNR) are generalization of their binary counterpart. The authors in their earlier papers have defined right ternary near-rings, zero-symmetric right ternary near-rings and prime ideals. In this paper N- subgroups, quasi-ideals and bi-ideals of an RTNR are defined and their basic characteristics are studied. It is established that in a zero-symmetric RTNR every quasi-ideal is a bi-ideal and in a regular zero-symmetric RTNR, a bi-ideal is a right ternary subnear-ring. A characterization theorem for left regular zero-symmetric RTNR in terms of completely semi-prime left N-subgroups is given.
Implementation of AES and RSA Using Chaos System[Full-Text ] Bhavana Agrawal, Himani AgrawalIn this paper we propose two cryptographic algorithm AES and RSA Using Chaos. Chaos has attracted much attention in the field of cryptography. It describes a system which is sensitive to initial condition. It generates apparently random behavior but at the same time is completely deterministic Chaos function is used to increase the complexity and Security of the System.AES and RSA are the two cryptographic algorithms. In AES we apply the Chaos on S-box where as in RSA we mix the plaintext with Chaos sequence First then apply for encryption and decryption. After Implementing AES and RSA we compare both the technique on the basis of speed.
Detection and Identification of Caries in Human Tooth at GHz Frequencies[Full-Text ] Md. Faruk Ali, Sudhabindu RayIn this study, numerical investigation has been carried out to determine the usefulness of electromagnetic wave for detection and identification of caries in a human tooth model at GHz frequencies. To carry out the investigation, a realistic three dimensional electrical model of human tooth has been developed and placed between a pair of dipole antennas designed at GHz frequencies. The model is simulated using Finite Integration Technique (FIT) based commercially available software CST Microwave Studio. Results obtained from the simulations show that significant electromagnetic energy absorption occurs due to the presence of caries within the tooth at GHz frequencies. The results obtained by this study suggest that it is possible to identify the caries composition. This data provided a powerful tool to differentiate between normal and abnormal or affected teeth.
Path Loss Measurement and Estimation Using Different Empirical Models For WiMax In Urban Area[Full-Text ] Gupreet Singh Bola, Gurpreet Singh SainiWiMAX is a wireless access system that offers fixed, nomadic, portable and mobile wireless broadband services. The problem of dimensioning large scale broadband wireless systems is a vital confront in radio network planning. A perfect knowledge of path loss performance is a essential requirement for primary deployment of wireless network and cell planning. In this paper we compare and analyze the path loss by using various propagation models (e.g Cost 231 hata, SUI ,Cost 231 W-I,ECC and Ericsson model) we compared the results by taking different receiver antenna heights in urban area. we also compare and analyze the results by taking different frequencies in urban area in NLOS condition.
A Study on Resource Allocation with Optimized Quality Class Interfaces and Challenges in OFDMA-Femtocell Networks[Full-Text ] Siddharth Rastogi, B.Arun KumarInterference control and quality-of-service (QoS) awareness are the major challenges for resource management in orthogonal frequency-division multiple access femtocell networks now a days. Allocation of PRBs is of utmost importance for better utilization of network resources. Many techniques have been there which deals with it. This study investigates a self-organization strategy for physical resource block (PRB) allocation with QoS constraints to avoid the co-channel and co-tiered interference in the femtocell network. Femtocell self-organization including self-configuration and self-optimization is proposed to manage the network. We explain the optimization problems for PRBs assignments where multiple QoS classes for different services can be supported and interference between femtocells can be avoided. The proposed study pursues the maximization of PRB efficiency with avoiding interference in the network.
Smoke Dispersion Modelling Based on a GPU Computation[Full-Text ] Sugeng Rianto, Arinto Y.P.Wardoyo, Soemarno, M, NurhudaA computation of a 3D fluid flow simulation for virtual environment with user interaction can be a non-trivial issue. This is especially how to reach good performances and balancing between visualization, user feedback interaction, and computations. In this paper, we describe our approach of computation methods based on parallel programming on a GPU. The 3D fluid flow solvers have been developed for smoke dispersion simulation by using combinations of the cubic interpolated propagation (CIP) based fluid flow solvers and the advantages of the parallelism and programmability of the GPU. The fluid flow solver is generated in the GPU-CPU message passing scheme to get rapid development of user feedback modes for fluid dynamic data. A rapid solution in fluid flow solvers is developed by applying cubic interpolated propagation (CIP) fluid flow solvers. From this scheme, multiphase fluid flow equations can be solved simultaneously. To get more acceleration in the computation, the Navier-Stoke Equations (NSEs) is packed into channels of texel, where computation models are performed on pixels that can be considered to be a grid of cells. Therefore, despite of the complexity of the obstacle geometry, processing on multiple vertices and pixels can be done simultaneously in parallel. The data are also shared in global memory for CPU to control the haptic in providing kinaesthetic interaction and felling. The results show that GPU based parallel computation approaches provide effective simulation of compressible fluid flow model for real-time interaction in 3D computer graphic for PC platform. This report has shown the feasibility of a new approach of solving the fluid flow equations on the GPU. The experimental tests proved that smoke dispersion on various obstacles with user interactions on few model obstacles can be effectively and efficiently simulated on the reasonable frame rate with a realistic visualization. These results confirm that good performances and balancing between visualization, user feedback interaction, and computations can be applied successfully.
Emotion Recognition through Speech Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Support Vector Machine[Full-Text ] Akshay S. Utane, Dr. S. L. NalbalwarIn human machine interaction automatic speech emotion recognition is yet challenging but important task which paid close attention in current research area. As the role of speech is an increase in human computer interface. Speech is attractive and effective medium due to its several features expressing attitude and emotions through speech is possible. here study is carried out using Gaussian mixture model and support vector machine classifiers used for identification of five basic emotional states of speaker's as angry ,happy , sad, surprise and neutral. In this paper to recognize emotions through speech various features such as prosodic features like pitch , energy and spectral features such as Mel frequency cepstrum coefficient were extracted and based on this features emotional classification and performance of classification using Gaussian mixture model and support vector machine is discussed.
Impart Of Wall Geometry On Thermal Distribution Behind A Diffracted Shock Wave[Full-Text ] Muritala A.O, Popoola,O.T. and Adio, S.A The effect of wall geometry on thermal distribution behind a diffracted shock wave is investigated using experimentally validated numerical code. Initial experiments examined the flow interaction at a range of incident shock Mach numbers 1.5 on 90o corner wall. The results of the flow interactions were used to validate the numerical code that is used in the present analysis. The temperature of the flow behind the original incident shock wave was very high until the start of the diffraction process. The diffraction of the incident shock wave at the curved/corner region motivated the formation of weak shock waves and a shear layer which combined to produce a complex flow structure. The flow temperature dropped significantly within the complex flow domain attaining its minimum at the corner/curvature due to sudden expansion of the flow. For curved walls, temperature decreases from the start of the wall curvature sweeps downstream with the movement of the complex flow region. The reflection of the incident shock interacted with the flow and triggered sudden increase of temperature at a region along the wall. This local rise and fall in temperature creates thermal stress on the wall. This occurrence requires special attention in the design of thermal devices for high speed flows.
Reduction of PAPR in OFDM System using A-law Companding Technique[Full-Text ] Vishwajit N. Sonawane, Prof. Sanjay V. KhobragadeThis paper proposes the use of A-law companding technique to reduce the PAPR of OFDM system which comes under the category of Signal distortion techniques. In the time domain, OFDM signal is having variation in peaks because at some time instant, sum is different & at other time instant, sum is different one which leads to high PAPR. So, it has been one of the main challenging point of the OFDM system. Several techniques have been proposed in the literature of PAPR reduction in OFDM systems. Here companding technique is proposed to minimize the PAPR and effects of value ''A" are discussed.
Dependable Data Loading And Sharing In The Distributed Circumstances[Full-Text ] Suganya N, Aruna AThe Cloud computing is an evolving prototype which is on-going research area due to its ability to reduce the costs associated with computing. The service provided by cloud to its users on demand over the internet. The data and other resources utilized by the user are stored in the open environment ''Cloud" which issues more for data security and user dread of losing limit on their data. To ensure security many techniques such as encryption, compression of files in cloud are implemented. The changes made on the data in the cloud are unnoticeable. To overcome security file is allowed to encrypt before uploading and at the same time the data usage in cloud is accountable through JAR programmable authentication technique.
Denoising Digital Images using Order Statistic Filtering Technique [Full-Text ] R.Pushpavalli, G.SivarajdeA new filtering technique is proposed to denoising process on digital images. This filter is a combination of statistics and average. It is very useful for denoising if image is corrupted with impulse noise and gaussian noise. This filtering scheme offers edge and fine detail preservation performance while, at the same time, effectively denoising digital images. Extensive simulation results were realized for the proposed filter and different filters are compared. Results show that the proposed filter is superior performance in terms of image denoising and edges and fine details preservation properties.
Resource Discovery in Grid Computing[Full-Text ] Ch E V T V Laxmi, K.Somasundaram,ProfessorThis paper identifies the issues in resource management and scheduling in the emerging grid computing context and briefly discusses techniques for scheduling using computational economy concept. In the context of Grid scheduling, it involves four main stages: resource discovery, resource selection, schedule generation and job execution. This article provides a brief overview on working of scheduling in the grid computing and its resource management, important factors considered in resource management, comparison of different resource discovery mechanisms and future outlook of resource discovery in the grid environment.
Préparation of Iron Powders by Reduction Rolling Mill Scale[Full-Text ] S. MECHACHTI, O. BENCHIHEUB , S. SERRAI AND M.E.H.SHALABIThe objective of this work is to recycling the waste products in metal rolling complex Mittal-Arcelor rich in iron and steel formed during the hot rolling of steels, with a reducing gas (carbon monoxide) in order to produce iron powder having characteristics required by powder metallurgy. The reduction was carried out at various temperatures (750-1050°C) during different times ranging between 40 and 180 min in an atmosphere of pure CO. The produced iron powder was characterized by chemical analysis, x-rays diffraction, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. These methods of investigation confirm the presence of iron, graphite and iron carbide (Fe3C) as the products of reactions. The maximum iron content (98.40% Fe) in the iron powder was obtained by reduction of mill scale at 1050°C for 180 min. A reduction annealing under hydrogen makes it possible to decrease carbon and oxygen content of the reduced iron powder up to acceptable values.
The Impact Of Various Cultural Centers In The Process Of Artistic Creativity Among Albanian Painters In Macedonia And Kosovo[Full-Text ] Jeldz AsaniThere are mutual connecting elements in certain works, created in different periods. Similarities are treated in relation to the topics and problem sets. It is about art that operates and develops according to the own internal rules, the artistic tradition and world's artistic trends. There is awareness of the needs, but also there are unavoidable risks to connect the diachronic and synchronic connections of a single lively and open process. That what was created in Western art, as style or direction, in Albanian painters appears only individually impact and that delay in comparison with the general artistic trends.
A Study On Mutual Funds In India[Full-Text ] Ms. Dauly BansalThis paper focus on the entire journey of mutual fund industry in India. Its origin, its fall and rise through out all these years and tried to predict what the future may hold for the Mutual Fund Investors in the long run. A mutual fund, also called an investment company, is an investment vehicle which pools the money of many investors. The fund's manager uses the money collected to purchase securities such as stocks and bonds. The securities purchased are referred to as the fund's portfolio. Restrictions on competing products may have acted as a catalyst for the development of money market and (short-term) bond funds. This study was conducted to analyze and compare the performance of different types of mutual funds in India and concluded that equity funds outperform income funds. This study further concludes that equity fund managers possess significant market timing ability and institutions funds managers are able to time their investments, but brokers operated funds did not show market timing ability. Further, it has been found empirically that fund managers are able to time their investments with the conditions in the market, and possesses significant timing ability.
Mitigation of Impulsive Frequency-Selective Interference in OFDM Based Systems[Full-Text ] Thirumalaichelvam D, Helina Esther S, Jarja M, Krishnaveni TIn this paper, an algorithm for mitigating impulsive interference in OFDM based systems is presented. It improves the conventional blanking nonlinearity approach for interference mitigation, which typically distorts the entire received signal, by combining the blanked and the original signal. The algorithm uses a Neyman-Pearson like testing procedure to detect interference at individual sub-carriers. Provided interference is detected, the blanked and the original received signals are then optimally combined such as to maximize the signal-tointerference- and-noise ratio. The algorithm does not require any prior knowledge about the impulsive interference and only marginally increases computational complexity as compared to the conventional blanking nonlinearity approach. Numerical results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed scheme
Mystery of Shaking Minarets[Full-Text ] Prasham Jayeshbhai VoraShaking minarets (also called ''Jhulta Minar") are located in the city of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. They are so built that one can shake them by giving a gentle push on their upper part. Minarets are almost three stories high. They have been constructed completely using sand stone - a very rigid material. No steel or any other flexible materials are used. Even then, minarets are so flexible that they can be shook easily. I did my research to find reason behind their flexibility and thereby, give my theory on it.
Biochemical And Immunological Studies In Cardiovascular Disease Patients With Helicobacter Pylori Infection[Full-Text ] Vipin Viswanath, Sunil Rao Padmaraj, Dinesh Roy D, Jayapal V and T VijayakumarThis study was conducted to evaluate the biochemical and the immunological changes in Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD) patients with H. Pylori infection. Fifty H. pylori patients with CVD and fifty H.pylori patients without CVD were included in the study. For comparison of the result fifty normal, healthy age and sex matched controls were also included. The blood pressure, BMI and waist circumference of H. Pylori patients were higher than that of the controls. There was no statistically difference between the test subjects. The renal function of the test and control subjects were with in the normal limit whereas Aspartate amino transferase, blood sugar and high sensitive CRP were statistically higher in H.pylori subjects than the controls. The increase in the above parameters was higher in patients with CVD. The lipid profiles of H.pylori patients with and without CVD were statically different from that of the controls. It was concluded that H.pylori contribute to the pathogenesis and progression of CVD and hence the treatment for H.pylori should be initiated in all patients who are positive to H.pylori so that the progression to CVD can be prevented.